Crazy passion. Mad Gamble Mad Gamble Season 1 Episode Ancord

1.The very idea of ​​anime about players is not too hackneyed yet. Something reminded me of the "Death Parade", but there we watched from the sidelines of the suffering of others, and here we almost take part ourselves together with the GG.

2. The anime has a style, this can be seen both in the opening and in the interesting inserts (to which we will return).

3. Some kind of drama.

4. Various enemies (the student council strongly reminded me of the same "Kill la Kill" - a kind of bunch of eccentric freaks).

And now, in fact, to the meat.

Gray under-protagonist. Next to Yumeko, a standard Japanese schoolboy, whom she saved from lifelong bondage, and who is now her friend / debtor, is constantly trailing. He explains to us, the audience, but sometimes at the same time to the heroine, in the form of a mental or ordinary dialogue, the features of the school, the rules of the game, and gives characteristics to enemies. The problem is that he essentially does nothing more, but we see him all the time.

♣ Anime is not so beautifully drawn. Apart from the inserts (to which we still have not returned), the style of this creation is very simple.

♦ The stakes are not very high. The viewer quickly ceases to be nervous about the main character, because we are almost immediately shown her a) as a genius and b) as a person who will not accept defeat. So no matter what happens on the screen, we know that Yumeko will either win or win back later.

♠ No humor. More precisely, it exists, but in the form of a kind of theater of absurdity, exaggeration ... Inserts (to which we are already returning).

😦KINS. To paraphrase: INSERTS. The peculiarity of this anime is a kind of "double" style. In tense moments, the characters' portrayal changes dramatically and we are shown their faces in a distorted hyperbolic manner. This is aimed at revealing their secret desires, fears, hidden essences. Roughly speaking, these are the strongest emotions, but only intensified beyond that.
It doesn't sound very scary, but believe me, given that "horror" or even light macabre does not appear in the genres of this anime, such cute inserts will very soon become more and more like scarecrow screamers, or maybe, if you are the same, chem, thin nature, then soon you will generally begin to strain in anticipation of the next face in full screen, which looks more like the face of one of the titans, and not human features.

I am ready for the fact that someone will disagree with me. Anime seems to be popular, in many places it stably hangs in the top. Well, I will only be glad to hear your opinion.

Good enough. 7/10. Maybe even 8/10 can be bet.
I will not talk about the plot.
Stylish characters and very beautiful eyes))
As well as facial expressions, which even in

After reading a very intriguing description, I was immediately eager to get acquainted with this title. The first episodes really quickly captured my interest, forcing me to watch episode after episode. However, closer to the denouement came the realization that not everything is so simple. On the one hand, they were attracted by the bright and unusual style of drawing, interesting themes, and the gambling itself. On the other hand, he was repelled by a very predictable and essentially linear plot

Which is a series of games and the general concept of the plot is easily guessed from the very first episodes. The main character will beat all the members of the student council during the series, and at the end she will fight with their president.

Alas, the ending turned out to be empty, even artless and did not really change anything.
The characters are revealed very superficially and do not change in any way during the series. The character's relationship lacks depth. Because of what, you should not count on "serious" drama. Of the outstanding characters, it is probably worth noting, and even a couple of minor heroes, who were somehow revealed through their short flashbacks. Separately, it is worth mentioning about, which seems to be one of the main characters, but really manifests itself only in the initial series and in a couple of episodes.

Actually, the main feature of the series - gambling, is implemented well. The games are different each time and are not repeated, and the rules are clearly and in great detail explained. However, there were some drawbacks here as well. Due to the predictable and formulaic scenario of the games, the intrigue about the outcome quickly disappears and closer to the final, the games no longer cause such strong emotions as in the first games.
An interesting feature of this title was the short close-up scenes showing the faces of the characters, twisted from an excess of emotion. Such scenes clearly contrast with the rather "soft" art of the rest of the series. There are no beautiful backgrounds here, the world is shown rather sparingly and is represented only by a small area of ​​the school.
The opening is made in a very interesting visual style and perfectly matches the theme of the series. But over the ending theme, as if they did not try at all. Looks boring, outspoken fan service.
The title is definitely overrated, but despite this, you may still be interested in the topic of gambling, pleasant drawing and certainly its crazy emotionality, as well as fan service. Actually, games and emotions are the best in the series and the lion's share of the time is devoted to them, to the detriment of other components. But to look at least once, it is worth at least because of the subject.

#10 Kayle 16.08.2019 04:20

So what's crazy about this anime? Opening? The behavior of the heroes? Panache? Everything is crazy here (excluding the ending theme, so it makes me think about something high in general, but it brought me a little) and this madness perfectly reveals the essence of gambling. Each "fight" was interesting to watch, because the opponents of the protagonist are very different from each other. Worth seeing.

#9 Utamaru 21.03.2019 09:46

Very addictive anime. Constantly keeps in tension and I want to know what kind of strategy the heroes will take. Yumeko is generally reckless and with each episode it progresses.

#8 Amuy 12.01.2018 12:46

Amazing anime. Such intensity of passions, such madness, which is very interesting. At first it seemed like it was "Future Diary".

#7 KOALJAKOO 29.10.2017 22:38

Wonderful drawing - I watched the anime in two days. But again, the end was leaked for me - before the continuation?
Hopefully there will be a second season.

#6 TasiKaB 22.10.2017 10:03

I didn't expect to get so much pleasure from watching this anime. Each battle was kept in suspense until the moment of victory. All the same, the feeling of excitement is great! I am delighted!


#5 Baka_Usagi 15.07.2017 12:48

I don't seem to like gambling, it seems that there is nothing interesting in watching the kids play cards, but for the whole series it is simply impossible to look away from the screen. Yumeko is generally adorable! This school definitely lacked such a person.


#4 ApelsinKa 11.07.2017 09:15

Interesting anime. It was immediately clear that the "snake" had been warmed up. She looks cute, but reckless by nature. I really liked the main character. The drawing is wonderful, the expression of all emotions in the style of madness and reality: sparks from the eyes and snot in different directions. And these bright eyes - you can drown in them - are simply mesmerizing. And the theme of gambling is new. One-sidedness with the Devil's Story Riddle: I think there will be 12 episodes and the remaining 10 episodes, Gg will play with the entire school board. There were games for life, for the future, but never for money! The Japanese have outright surpassed themselves - promoting gambling and food in the opening. Yumeko herself, a kind of Mary Sue, I think everyone understands this perfectly. She will win, she has the perfect appearance, and most importantly - the ideal character for this, but I still wonder how it will end. There is no need to wait for a special plot. Anime is saturated with excitement and makes you smile with adrenaline, so I advise everyone to start watching. Under it you can relax and even laugh somewhere.
P.S .: I like their school system>: D

1.The very idea of ​​anime about players is not too hackneyed yet. Something reminded me of the "Death Parade", but there we watched from the sidelines of the suffering of others, and here we almost take part ourselves together with the GG.

2. The anime has a style, this can be seen both in the opening and in the interesting inserts (to which we will return).

3. Some kind of drama.

4. Various enemies (the student council strongly reminded me of the same "Kill la Kill" - a kind of bunch of eccentric freaks).

And now, in fact, to the meat.

Gray under-protagonist. Next to Yumeko, a standard Japanese schoolboy, whom she saved from lifelong bondage, and who is now her friend / debtor, is constantly trailing. He explains to us, the audience, but sometimes at the same time to the heroine, in the form of a mental or ordinary dialogue, the features of the school, the rules of the game, and gives characteristics to enemies. The problem is that he essentially does nothing more, but we see him all the time.

♣ Anime is not so beautifully drawn. Apart from the inserts (to which we still have not returned), the style of this creation is very simple.

♦ The stakes are not very high. The viewer quickly ceases to be nervous about the main character, because we are almost immediately shown her a) as a genius and b) as a person who will not accept defeat. So no matter what happens on the screen, we know that Yumeko will either win or win back later.

♠ No humor. More precisely, it exists, but in the form of a kind of theater of absurdity, exaggeration ... Inserts (to which we are already returning).

😦KINS. To paraphrase: INSERTS. The peculiarity of this anime is a kind of "double" style. In tense moments, the characters' portrayal changes dramatically and we are shown their faces in a distorted hyperbolic manner. This is aimed at revealing their secret desires, fears, hidden essences. Roughly speaking, these are the strongest emotions, but only intensified beyond that.
It doesn't sound very scary, but believe me, given that "horror" or even light macabre does not appear in the genres of this anime, such cute inserts will very soon become more and more like scarecrow screamers, or maybe, if you are the same, chem, thin nature, then soon you will generally begin to strain in anticipation of the next face in full screen, which looks more like the face of one of the titans, and not human features.

I am ready for the fact that someone will disagree with me. Anime seems to be popular, in many places it stably hangs in the top. Well, I will only be glad to hear your opinion.

Good enough. 7/10. Maybe even 8/10 can be bet.
I will not talk about the plot.
Stylish characters and very beautiful eyes))
As well as facial expressions, which even in

After reading a very intriguing description, I was immediately eager to get acquainted with this title. The first episodes really quickly captured my interest, forcing me to watch episode after episode. However, closer to the denouement came the realization that not everything is so simple. On the one hand, they were attracted by the bright and unusual style of drawing, interesting themes, and the gambling itself. On the other hand, he was repelled by a very predictable and essentially linear plot

Which is a series of games and the general concept of the plot is easily guessed from the very first episodes. The main character will beat all the members of the student council during the series, and at the end she will fight with their president.

Alas, the ending turned out to be empty, even artless and did not really change anything.
The characters are revealed very superficially and do not change in any way during the series. The character's relationship lacks depth. Because of what, you shouldn't count on "serious" drama. Of the outstanding characters, it is probably worth noting Yumeko and Ikishima, and even a couple of minor characters who were somehow revealed through their short flashbacks. Separately, it is worth mentioning Ryota, who seems to be one of the main characters, but really shows himself only in the initial series and in a couple of episodes.

Actually, the main feature of the series - gambling, is implemented well. The games are different each time and are not repeated, and the rules are clearly and in great detail explained. However, there were some drawbacks here as well. Due to the predictable and formulaic scenario of the games, the intrigue about the outcome quickly disappears and closer to the final, the games no longer cause such strong emotions as in the first games.
An interesting feature of this title was the short close-up scenes showing the faces of the characters, twisted from an excess of emotion. Such scenes clearly contrast with the rather "soft" art of the rest of the series. There are no beautiful backgrounds here, the world is shown rather sparingly and is represented only by a small area of ​​the school.
The opening is made in a very interesting visual style and perfectly matches the theme of the series. But over the ending theme, as if they did not try at all. Looks boring, outspoken fan service.
The title is definitely overrated, but despite this, you may still be interested in the topic of gambling, pleasant drawing and certainly its crazy emotionality, as well as fan service. Actually, games and emotions are the best in the series and the lion's share of the time is devoted to them, to the detriment of other components. But to look at least once, it is worth at least because of the subject.