Dark Forces passage

Arrow Arsenal and equipment moved from the previous part of the game, but some changes still occurred. By default, the weapon is called digital keys on the main keyboard. The first in the arsenal is your strong fists, but why do they

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Your arsenal and equipment moved from the previous part of the game, but some changes still occurred. By default, the weapon is called digital keys on the main keyboard.

First in arsenal mean your strong fistsBut why are they needed - completely incomprehensible, since, unlike the first "Dark Forces", in Jedi Knight there are no stages where you will not have weapons.

Installation features

Install the game in the maximum volume (128 MB). In this case, the loading of each new level will take 5 ... 20 seconds. (Depending on the speeds of the CD drive and Winchester). When used only 33 MB on the hard drive, the level of level loading will increase by 10 ... 30 seconds.

It is imperative that the presence of a free space on the hard disk after installing the game. If there are no 20 mb free, the game may not start: "Jedi Knight", unlike the first "Dark Forces", loads the next level to the RAM not entirely, but creates another temporary file on the hard disk.

If the processor is below the Pentium 166 and the means like "3DFX" you do not use, do not exhibit the screen resolution more than 640x480. Otherwise, the game will brake hard.

The smoothness of scrolling graphics can be enhanced by the following ways. First, reduce the dimensions of the game screen. Secondly, do not turn on the outer chamber (F1), play "Jedi Knight" as in the usual 3D-Action. Thirdly, turn off the music. It can be done before, and during the game. If you have already started playing, press ESC. The main menu will appear. Select "SETUP", then "Sound", there is music and turns off. I do not advise sound effects, since they carry useful information: sometimes you will hear enemies first and only then see.

The game does not impose special requirements for sound equipment. The main thing is that your sound card supports Windows 95. If your sound card is 8-bit, then regardless of installations in "SETUP" the sound quality will be low. But the difference between high-quality and not very high-quality sound is truly noticeable only when you play headphones.

With improved breery pistol (Modified Bryar Pistol) You start the game. Fire power is quite decent. The main advantage is shooting accuracy. On a short and middle distance, the gun does not wock (of course, if you asslined it for sure). In addition, the gun is very economical: it spends only one unit of energy on the shot. Disadvantage - Small rapidity. Therefore, in the near battle, the gun is particularly often not worth it: the enemy will have time to make more holes in you than you are in it. Another lack of a pistol is inherent in all energy types of weapons: the further the enemy is, the weaker will be wounded. Boezapaz type - Energy Units (Energy Units). The maximum possible ammunition - 500.

Rifle blaster (Blaster Rifle) You can pick up the killed enemy during the first task itself. Although the rifle is a little inferior to the pistol, but it has much greasy rapidity. The main lack of a rifle is a small accuracy of hits. Therefore, it is better to use it in the near battle: you will be smelted less often, and the enemy finish off quickly. The inaccuracy of the shooting rifle depends not from you; It is laid by the creators of the game. So do not try to cope with it - it will not work anyway. Boezapaz type - energy units. The maximum possible ammunition - 500.

Heat detonator (Thermal Detonator) plays the role of garnet. For the first time you will find this weapon when performing a second task. In Jedi Knight, the detonator is not as strong as in "Dark Forces", but with accurate hit, it is capable of laying any opponent. You can apply a detonator in two ways. You can just throw it into the enemy by pressing the Fire Primary key - and the detonator will explode immediately when contacting an obstacle (wall, enemy, etc.). If you press the "Fire Secondary" key, the detonator will explode after 3 seconds. At the same time, if he falls to the floor, it will just roll in the direction of the throw. Throwing the detonator can also be in two ways. If you want to hit the enemy near, press the appropriate key and go quickly. When throwing, you need to press the shot key and release it after a while. The longer the key remained pressed, the detonator will fly to the larger distance. Since the aiming takes some time, and the accuracy of the throw is not ahti, use the detonator or when the enemy has not yet noticed you (it stands at a big distance, and you lay down next to the container), or if he cannot hit you with counterfeit fire (you are On the edge of the rock or mine of the elevator, and the opponent stands downstairs). In the latter case, I advise you to slowly throw detonators on the heads of enemies, using Fire Secondary.

The use of detonators indoors is quite dangerous. So, if the ceiling is low, then flying on Parabola detonator can hurt him, ba-bah! - And you are wounded. So keep care or install in the "NO Dangerous Weapons" option in "SETUP". The maximum number of detonators in your backpack is 30.

Energy Arbalet (Bowcaster) You will find during the task number three. Crossbow shoots or a powerful single shot killing with accurate hit of any opponent (Fire Primary key), or four weak shots flying away by fan in different directions (for this click "Fire Primary" and do not release another second). If you press the "Fire Secondary" key, then the shot in the wall or another obstacle will affect it (and it can be reflected twice in a row). The main disadvantage of the crossbow is meager rapidity. I advise you to use this weapon only at a great distance, aiming thoroughly. And best of all - do not use the crossbow at all. Bayware type - power unit (Power Units). The maximum possible ammunition - 500.

Imperial drum rifle (Imperial Repeater Rifle) - Perhaps the most cool weapon. You will pick it up by performing the fifth task. Her main dignity is great rapidity. In addition, this weapon is quite economical (only one unit of nutrition is spent on the shot), and the slaughter power is not bad. In Jedi Knight you will find enough ammunition to this weapon, since they are armed and your enemies (in the first "Dark Forces" there was a problem with it). It shoots a rifle or continuous shot of shots ("Fire Primary"), or short queues of three shots (Fire Secondary key). Boezaase type - power unit. The maximum possible ammunition - 500.

Rocket Installation (Rail Gun) - the most powerful weapon you will select during the execution of the eighth task. With an accurate rocket hit or immediately explodes (the "Fire Primary"), or "dug" sacrifice and smoke for some time before dancing (Fire Secondary key). Rockets are amazing not only people, attack aircraft (soldiers of the empire in white armor) and aliens, but also walking tanks. Get into the tank three or four times - and to him the end. Although it shoots this weapon faster than the crossbow, still low rapidity - its explicit drawback. The second "minus" - the rocket flies slowly and the enemy may have time to dodge. Boezapaz type - rockets (Rail Charges). The maximum possible ammunition - 30.

Controlled charges (Sequencer Charges), they are mines, you can pick up during the task number six. There are charges in the same way as anti-personnel mines from the first "Dark Forces". By clicking "Fire Primary", you put the charge on the floor, and in two seconds it explodes. If you press the "Fire Secondary" key, then also put a mine on the floor, but mine in this case will explode only with someone approaching it (including and at your approximation). Mines are practically useless when playing alone, but in a multiplayer game they have established themselves in the best possible way. The maximum possible number of charges in the backpack - 30.

Stokeer shock-wave rifle (Stouker Concussion Rifle) is a powerful weapon that shoots "bullets" from compressed ionized air and affecting an explosion shock wave. The rifle can shoot a charge of mass lesion ("Fire Primary"), which, when hit, throws a whitish cloud that kills all the enemies that are nearby. Do not use such a shot in closed rooms - just affect yourself. The second type of shot is a narrow-controlled wave (the "Fire Secondary" key) affecting only the enemy on which the rifle trunk is directed. This type of shot can be used without fears anywhere. The only lack of a shock-wave rifle: she is small in raininess. Boezaase type - power unit. The maximum possible ammunition - 500.

Jedi's light sword (Jedi Lightsaber) You will automatically receive upon completion of the third stage. According to George Lucas, this is the strongest weapon in the Star Wars Universe. The sword is capable of cutting materials that can not break through another weapon (dragon skin, some doors and grilles). The sword will definitely need you in the fights with dark Jedi. The disadvantages of the sword are that it is valid only in a short distance and requires an accurate aiming. There is a light sword and an additional feature - it is able to reflect the shots of enemies. To do this, simply turn on the sword and do not press any keys. (But keep in mind, the sword will not reflect all 100% of the shots. At least once will fall.) This feature of the light sword will be used after you will be available to the ability to "attract": turn on the sword, select this ability, press its key and come close With the enemy. Several of his first shots do not reach you, and when you approach the enemy and "attracting" will begin to act (the blue circles appear), disarm the enemy and immediately cling to the sword. Boezapaz is not required.


Equipment are those things that you can carry with you in a backpack and apply as needed.

Lamp (Head Light) with you from the very beginning of the game. It serves to illuminate dark places, consumes little batteries, but it gives your presence to enemies.

Infrared glasses (Infra-Red Goggles) allow you to see in darkness and look into dark corners. As soon as you find glasses, use them instead of a lantern: they will not shine and do not attract enemies. However, glasses consume a lot of energy.

Capacity with bakta (BACTA TANK) is a cylinder filled with a transparent biological solution, healing almost any wounds. Application of container with bakkoy restores health by 30 units. In the backpack you can have no more than five tanks with a buoy.

Spanners (Wenches) in some cases will be useful to move the valves. Wrench keys remain in your backpack until the end of the stage, after which they disappear.

Finally, I will say a little about the items that you can pick up and immediately apply.

Square container (Health Pack) restores your "life" by 20 units.

Backpacks (You will not confuse them with anything) There are different (for example, "StormTrooper Backpack" or "smuggler backpack") and restore your energy shield differently.

Bulfurgeele (Armour Vest) is a dusk-gray bib, restoring your power to 200 units.

"Revival" (Revive) Looks like a breastplate, but bright orange. Fully restores "life" and energy.

Bright red cylinder (Weapon Supercharge) is a charge, several times increasing the rapidity of all types of weapons (about 10 seconds. Real-time; at the same time, the numbers on the ammunition indicator on the right "HUD" will be painted in yellow). In a couple of seconds before the expiration of the supercharger action, the numbers will flash, and you will hear a beep.

Super charge Force Surge) Enhances Jedi's ability: now the "capture" is really sweeping the enemy, and "blinding" for a long time will lead it out of order. For bright Jedi, a breakhead is similar to two white rings (one in another), for dark - it is a dark red star. Light Jedi cannot apply a dark red star, and for dark there is no use from white rings.

Your enemies

You have a lot of enemies: it is imperial troops, and hostile aliens, and just monsters.

Imperial troops

Stormware(Stormtroopers) - soldiers in white armor. Unlike the first "Dark Forces" now there are attack aircraft of three varieties. The first type is the usual attack aircraft armed by a rifle blaster. The second type is the attack aircraft armed with a drum rifle. From ordinary attack aircraft, they are distinguished by a brown shoe on the right shoulder. The third type is the attack aircraft armed with rocket installations (with a bright yellow shoe). Try to destroy them first: a pair of accurate hits from a rocket installation - and you end. In general, all the attack aircraft shoot at inaccurately.

Officers (Officers) - People in brown form. Armed with guns, for wearing a heavier weapon to the officer is amused. They shoot very accurately, almost never wave.

Commandos.(Commandos) - People in gray (light black) form with open helmets on the head. They are gained from among the officers, but they are armed with rifles blasters. They shoot almost as bad as attack aircraft, but moving faster. Commando will meet you closer to the end of the game (the last 5-7 stages).

AT-ST- Two-foot walking tank of the Empire. Armed often by shooting gun, which will quickly destroy you if you do not hide in the shelter. Against the tank is useless weapons of almost all kinds: rays just bounce off the armor. You can destroy the tank only rockets. Fortunately, the tanks will fall in just a few tasks.

Imperial droid scout(Imperial Probe Droid) is an iron box with a plurality of extremities sticking from the bottom of the housing. (Actually, "droid" - a reduction from the word "android". Originally called mechanical dolls made in France XIX century Masters of Henri Dro. Since then, the word "android" has become nominative and in fantastic literature they are called human-like robots. However, The "Star Wars" Universe did not fit the word "robot". All smart cars prefer to call "droids.") The droid scout is armed with blasters, according to equal rifles of attack aircraft. It can suddenly fly away from the upper corner of the building, put you by surprise. With accurate hit, the droid scout explodes as a bomb, so try to destroy such machines at a distance.

You still will meet romanouot, robots mouseand automatic tool towers. The ball-romot ("Remote" - a robot with remote control) is armed with a variety of arresters causing pain. Very sophisticated and unpleasant enemy. However, his armor is nonsense, will split after the first accurate getage from the weapons of any kind. Robots mouse (Mouse Robots) - driving on the floor on the wheels. Not armed. But if you destroy such a "mouse", then among the fragments you can find a battery. Automatic gun towers (Gun Turrets) - the favorite defense tool of the Empire. May be located on the floor, on the ceiling or in niches. With your approximation, they begin to shoot very quickly.

Hostile aliens

Graars(Grams) - Humanoids with three eyes (one of them you will see in the introductory video device to the first stage of the game). Some of them are armed with rifles blasters, some are thermal detonators. There are such that they strive to get involved in a hand-to-hand fight (your powerful will not be able to protect you from the blows of their fists).

Transdoshans(Trandoshans) - Guyanoid Reptiles, armed with shock-wave rifles. They will meet in the middle of the game.

Rodini(Rodians) - Humanoids with green leather, armed with pistols, of which they are very accurate. They will meet only in the first two stages of the game.

Gamorrean Guardians(Gamorrean Guards) - Guys with swine Salves, armed with power axes, which your energy is noted. Fortunately, the axis are suitable only for the melee.

Tassena(Tuskens) - residents of the desert leading a nomadic lifestyle. They steal and rob weak. Armed with energy crossbows. The first time the drains will meet you on the third task.


Kelian Dragon(Kell Dragon) is a big nervous creature against which only the light sword acts. He will meet you only once. And then it is not necessary to fight him, you can simply call the elevator, escape. The area where the Kelian Dragon was hidden is absolutely not needed to pass the stage.

Maloki.(Mailoc) - a similar yellow dragonfly with a tail of scorpion. Not as dangerous as Kelian Dragon, but can fly and adores to sleep in the ambush. However, Milokov always gives the clapping sound of the wings - so carefully listen to the sounds produced by the game.

There are two more types of underwater creatures - octopus and something remotely resembling fish. These representatives of alien fauna attack you only when you swim very closely. In addition, they are not very noticeable and they are not difficult to destroy them.

Jedi-Knight's abilities

There are usual and special Jedi abilities. The usual abilities of light and dark jedies are the same, and special - different. The level of abilities (their strength and duration of action) is determined by the number of stars that you give each ability by clicking on its icon in the section "Jedi Powers". Stars are issued at the end of certain stages, while the game itself will send you in the Jedi Powers menu. You can only assign stars at the end of the task and only those abilities whose icons are highlighted. Please note that you can not transfer stars with one or another abilities immediately, leaving them "about the supply" for sharp abilities.

It must be said that the bright and dark Jedi has more "superconduct" for which the stars are not needed: it appears automatically at a certain point in the game.

Using abilities possible while there is a stock supply. The special value of the ability to acquire during fights with dark jadyami. True, a new limitation appears: repeatedly apply the same ability to be possible only after some time (and different abilities can be used in a row, automatic queue).

Standard abilities

Increase the speed of movement(Speed) will need to be needed in the game (even twice). Without this ability, the game does not pass, so you spend two stars on it.

Height of your jump(JUMP) grows with an increase in the number of stars transmitted by the appropriate ability. Two stars are quite enough, it does not need to jump above.

Thinking objects(Pull) acts like this: Hover over the cross on the subject, turn on this ability to the key and do not release it. Blue circles will appear around the subject: the goal is "captured". Release the key - and the subject will be flown to you. The stronger this ability, the more distinct it acts. You can attract only a weapon (including those in the hands of the enemy), equipment and ammunition. This ability makes sense to apply to a literal sword (see above). If you want to challenge, give this ability a couple of stars. But it's rather exotic, rather than something really necessary. Disarmament so dark Jedi will not work. So on this ability it is quite possible to save the stars.

The ability to see hidden(Seeing) is very important in fights with dark jadyami, because during the battle they often become invisible. Take two stars, no longer need.

Specials of light Jedies

Health recovery(Health), unfortunately, it is impossible to use in a duel with dark jaci. And in ordinary tasks you will be able to cure yourself. However, at the end of the game, the Dark Jedi will go cool. Then it is worth highlight a couple of stars on this ability.

Conviction(PERSUATION) makes the enemy for a while lose aggressiveness: Dark Jedi after applying this ability will be circling around you, but it will not be to attack.

Blindness(Blindness) is less effective. The enemy for a short time (much less than with "conviction") stop attacking.

Absorption(Absord) allows you to absorb the enemy weapon energy.

SUPERNALITY OF LIGHT JEDAV - protection(Protection). For a short time, you become absolutely invulnerable to all types of weapons (but not for special abilities of dark Jedi). What else can I say? Class!

Specials of dark Jedi.

Throw(Throw) acts similarly to "attracting objects". You guide the crossrest to the enemy, turn on this ability to the appropriate key and do not let it go. Red circles appear around the enemy. Release the key - and the ability will work. But I did not understand what harm causes the enemy this ability.

Capture(Grip) acts similarly. The enemy caught under the influence of this ability begins to lose health. The more stars you gave this ability, the greater the mind of the opponent's health she will apply.

Lightning(Lightning) will hit next to you when you click on the appropriate key. If you do not release the key, the lightning will beat until the power supply runs out.

Destruction(Destruction) acts like. From your palm, the cycle of energy is broken, soon exploding. But the enemy is quite difficult to catch the moment and torment the clock.

Superconductivity of Dark Jedi - death(DEADLY SIGHT). The enemy you look at, begins to lose life. The ability ceases to act if the enemy goes for some obstacle and you lose it out of sight.


Difficulty levels

Increasing the level of complexity is manifested in two ways. At the usual stages of enemies, more and more (but also ammunition too, because you can take them from those killed). And at special stages (where fights on light swords occur) Dark Jedi "steep" (they increase the number of "life" and they are more likely to use their abilities against you).

Light and dark sides of power

"Jedi Knight" is the first "3D-Action", where your moral and ethical appearance is taken into account. You start the game, a little bit to the light side of the strength. If the balance does not change, in the end you will become a light Jedi and you will be destined to save the Galaxy from Jerec. If the balance is broken in favor of the dark side, it will tempt you and the game will end differently: you will become a dark emperor.

So the choice of plot depends largely on you, and it does not immediately, but gradually, imperceptibly for you. The determining factor is your behavior in relation to the "neutrals" - unarmed people and robots, walking around the stages of the game. If you do not touch them, the balance will not break. You will kill (even by chance) - will move in favor of the dark side. At the same time, one of the steps will change in the game.

How to be: good or bad? The choice is definitely behind you, but I advise you to be good. First, good should always win evil, at least in computer games. Secondly, if you become bad, Kyle will inevitably kill Jen Ors. Is it possible to kill such a pretty girl who also saved you so many times? Thirdly, the special abilities of Dark Jedi, although they look more attractive, but in fact pretty stupid. But the abilities of bright Jedies are very practical.

Do not hurry. In time you are not limited, even if from the tasks as if it seems the opposite. For example, in the first task you need to catch a robot. With whatever speed you did not pass this stage, the robot still flies away anyway. True, closer to the end of the game, there is still one task (fifteenth), which "put" you "on the clock", but also there is enough time.

When meeting with the enemies, the injury to face can be avoided by two ways: all the time shifting a lobby or squeezing. But if you decide to sit down, keep in mind that the enemies will miss no more than two times. Then the computer will take into account the change in the position of your body - and you will have to look for the first-aid kit.

With the passage of the stage, always do not one, but two "save". And between them should be some time break. The fact is that if you "save" the game (through the main menu, or using "QuickSave") immediately after performing the last part of the job, sometimes the computer displays an error message. If this happens, exit "Jedi Knight" completely, then start the game again and download the "saving" preceding the one on which you stumbled.

In the above description of the stages, the tasks are applied in greater, and secrets are selected in italics.

First stage. Betrayal in Nar Saddaa (Double-Cross On Nar Shaddaa)

Hurry up to catch up 8T88 (so calling a robot traitor) before he sees into the space "shuttle" and leave the city.

Kyle again visited Nar Shaddaa, vertical city, refuge smugglers, hired hunters and organized crime. If you played in the first "Dark Forces", then, undoubtedly, remember that the "light" life, which was arranged by Kylu-blessed blessed memory of the Zabba Hutta. And now all this is repeated again ...

In principle, this is the simplest level designed to introduce you to the case. Move all the time forward, entering all the doors that you will see. Do not forget to twist your heads around and be sure to look at the boxes: there will be some things.

The main thing is not to fall into the abyss between Nar Shadda's skyscrapers.

Some enemies can be noticed in time if you do not be lazy to look up. This is especially true of Hammorean guards (thick humanoids with cabania head).

1. Passing the first fan (it is located on the ceiling), go down the corridor. On the right there will be a platform on which the Gran is standing. Go to this platform - and see the inclined track. Jump on this track, climb upstairs. Fall into the hole. Choose all objects there and go on, bypassing the fan. Soon you can climb the inclined track to the elevator, which will return you to the main way.

2. When you come to the next fan on the ceiling, you will be the door. There are three containers behind this door. Looking at the bridge, look right down. There - the visor, on which the Gran stands is two charges for the shield. If you are fine with health, get rid and jump on this visor (do not worry especially: there is a first-aid kit).

3. Soon you will find yourself in front of the elevator riding the plane tilted at 45 degrees. Take up the elevator and, when it starts to move up, have time to jump into the hole in the wall on the right.

4. After a large cargo elevator raises you to the top floor, you will have to descend along the corridor leading to the bridge. If you go ahead, you will see "Tie Bomber" (Empire Space Bomber). Do not shoot on it: it is meaningless. Return to the bridge and look right. You will see four failures. You can approach and jump over them in turn or just run on the other side.

5. Above the hall in which there are plenty of huge containers, stand up so that the track is to the left of you, and the hall itself is from below. You will see the protrusion formed by containers. Relieve and jump on it. Jump up and keep moving to the hole in the containers.

6. One of the hall of the hall described in paragraph 5 leads to the end of the stage. Before opening it, turn it out and go to the left containers. Climb the inclined wall. In the dark you will find the passage that leads to two fans.

Second phase. Missing Disk (The Lost Disk)

Find a shot 8T88 (in which the disk with the message of the Kyle Father) is clamped.

Get to the top platform to meet with Jen Ors.

First you need to get a disk. Go on a round landing area, from where I recently flew down "Shuttle". Turn face to the door from which they came. Go to the right to the edge of the landing site and jump down and right. You will find yourself on the ledge. Go along the wall along the wall. In the end, you will again have to jump down, and you will find yourself on the site next to the opening of the city air intake system. Jump into the hole. Soon you will come across the desired disk.

Now you have to wander in mines and corridors for a long time. Do not forget: you need to top. But it's not so easy to get there. In the end, you will find yourself in a room, like an inverted letter "G" (see the scheme on the right). In our figure, the number 4 is the passage for which you will fall into this room. At points 1 and 2, the passages are covered with a power field (transparent red screen). It is impossible to overcome it. It is necessary to wait until the container goes out of point 1 and does not pass by you. Now run to point 3 (this is a niche in the wall). Hide there and wait until the next container does not pass. Thump out the niche and pick up the inclined plane forming the roof of the niche. Wait for the next container and jump on it. It will move to point 2, so do not lose time: jump - and you will find yourself on the protrusion 5. It also represents the inclined plane in which you need to rise. Wait for the next container, jump on it and, quickly running around, jump onto the protrusion 6, located on the opposite wall. Then you have to repeat everything again (climb by the inclined plane, wait for the container out of 1, run on it and jump over the next protrusion on the opposite wall). So you get to the roof and meet with Jen.

1. Minute all ventilation mines. In the end, you will find yourself in the area where Rodin will be (Humanoid greenish color). Next, go down the corridor to the hall (more precisely, a corridor with a very high ceiling), where you will see two grants. Go a little forward - you will see the "window" to the right, in which there are four nozzles of a large spacecraft. Look down. See a narrow ledge right under you? Slowly take a step forward and fall on this protrusion, and then give the reverse.

2. Having received a red key, you will find the area with a track leading to the Red Room. Go where there are two containers and marriage. Climb on the track and jump into a container with red stripes. Turning on the flashlight, you will see the protrusion in the back corner. Jump on this protrusion.

3. Having reached the hall with two wid-like cranes (you do not miss them), do not hurry to move them. Instead, pick up the faucet on the right. We run to the end and jump onto the bottom level (in the jump "Knee" into the triangle in the corner. Just before the jump take care of your health: if there is little left, restore it with a container with a barn. Return back to the cranes, leaning back to the wall, and by To the left crane will get to the room in which there is an aliens.

4. Does the door to the hall with containers opened? Then climb the mountain of the containers on the left. Then get rid and jump into the containers on the right.

5. Soon you will reach the elevator, which will raise you to the cargo conveyor and the second elevator. Standing on the first elevator, try to jump onto the window protrusion to the right - get into the zone under the conveyor. Before this place can be reached, while having taken from the second elevator.

6. From the second elevator, jump onto the container, then in-jump into the area located above the Red Room.

7. Lifting on the second elevator, look carefully on the sides. I almost do not reach the top, you will notice left the ledge. Go through this performance to another protrusion on the far side of the hall.

8. Rising on the last slave track, turn and get to the back of the wall on the left. Turning to the right, you can jump into a small room.


Peel into the house of Father Kyle.

Stroll around the house, go to the backyard, then get to the "natural electric generator". Be careful with the acid that is filled with the generator.

Find the father's workshop, and in her - the old robot, so that he deciphered the disk with the message of Father Kyle.

Through the front door to the house you will not fall: it is proud. Go home on the left (if you face it). Behind you will see the window closed by shutters. Shoot the shutters from the gun - and you can jump into your native home. Find access to the backyard. In other rooms you need to find two wrench (Wrench): blue and yellow. They lie in a prominent place.

Continue to wander until you come across the lake. You will see two low walls in water - this is a divorced dam. There is also an entrance to which you can not log in (it is located for the dam - black square in the rock). Dive underwater. See the well? Through it, you will get into a room with two switches, which can be rotated only with wrench keys. Two pieces of dam connect. Half of the lake behind the dam will be drained, and the passage to which you still could not take advantage of. Purchase through the dam (in one place it is low) and go to this pass.

A little time you will meet a structure similar to the reservoir, only together water it is filled with some unpleasant fluid. This is a "natural generator", with which your father produced electricity. Liquid filling it harm you. Therefore, overcoming the generator must be jumping. Your task is to jump onto the protrusions of the rocky walls of the generator. Close - and you will see them.

Moving the generator, you will find yourself in the workshop of the Father. Look for a robot (it lies in a prominent place).

Upon completion of this task, Kyle will receive a light sword and starts climbing the title of the Jedi-Knight.

1. Standing in front of the door to the house of Father Kyle, turn around. You will see Tasque, and behind it - a dark spot on a rocky wall. Shoot in this dark spot.

2. Lift to the hill to the left of the house. In the back corner you will again see a dark spot. Shot into it.

3. Jump into the room over which the wooden beam is laid (if you get up on the beam, it will collapse). Open the door. Go ahead, then right. Shoot drains. On the right on the wall you will see the crack. Shot into the wall.

4. Exit the backyard (green hall, where there is a door that can be opened only with a red key). Turn around and walk along the corridor until you are tupic. Skate into a crack on the wall on the left.

5. Climb the stairs and open the door to the hall with two drains. In the second small room where you can get from this hall, one wall is dark. Shot into it.

6. Enter the tunnel to the right of the waterfall. Approximately halfway when climbing on the inclined track, turn on the lantern - and to the right you will see the room.

7. When you reach a "natural electric generator" (a lake of a nasty-looking fluid, over which zipper sparkles from time to time), restore health. Go ahead in "Water", then turn 180 degrees - and you will see a room in the corner. Just do not delay there: die.

8. Entering the passage in the rock on the other side of the electric generator, time from time to time, turn on the lantern - to the right you will see a small room.

Fourth stage. Jedi's sword (Jedi's Lightsaber)

Using the aqueducts and irrigation canals, get to the water purifier. Raise the water level in the water purifier. Find the pass to the dam. Behind the dam is located a meeting place with Jen Ors.

Water is your guide thread at this stage. Where it flows, there and move. In one place you will have to jump from the aqueduct hanging in the air. Before doing this, look down. There is another aqueduct. Try to fall right into it: the water will soften the blow and you will not lose health.

Another unpleasant area is a design of iron beams. There will have to jump several times, and from a very inconvenient position. And if there is a trough - die. Act carefully and do not forget to "persist."

These problems will appear when you find yourself in a water purifier (a huge hall, up to half filled with water). Your task is to raise the water level even higher. In the center of the hall there are two vertical cylinders placed one in another. They can be accessed through the holes located under water (see the scheme). Dive underwater and swim into the hole 3. Climb up the air, global air. Pour and swim into the hole 2. You will find yourself inside the "pipe". Flash up and look around. On the wall you will see a button 1, allowing you to raise the water level (press). Now dive, swim through the hole 2, then through the opening 3 and flash. You will be in short with aisle 4. He is needed to continue travel.

At the very end, you will need to open the gate, followed by the next lake. Go to concrete shore - and June will arrive at you.

Upon completion of this task, Kyle will receive the first standard Jedi ability - accelerated running. Do not forget to assign this star's ability.

1. Get to the area flooded with water. Jump into the water and go to the lattice. Cut it with a light sword.

2. Go down the waterfall, cut the sword with a grid. Quickly get out of the water on the platform. There are a few lattices there, but with them you will handle no problem. Go on the platform to the right. Looking up, you will see a hole in the ceiling. If you fell from a waterfall through this hole, it would be crashing to death. Take advantage of the "Acceleration of Movement" ability to disperse and jump on the protrusion on the other side. Turning, you will see a slight elevation that you can climb if the "Acceleration of Movement" works.

3. Going along the waterproofs, see more often to be confident that under you - concrete. If you fall into the water in the last pond, then we will give the secret area. Before the main pond, time to jump out of the drain.

4. From the zone of the previous secret, come back to the ledge below. Go through it. If you find yourself at the lowest level, you can use the elevator and climb back to the protrusion. If you find yourself in the last pond, where the water is merged, then go on the drain and stand on the left - you will find yourself in the area you need.

5. You got to another waterproof water. This means the fulfillment of the first task set before you. As soon as you can, get out of the drain and eliminate the ladies. Go along the left edge of the drain - and you will see the inclined path leading down. Go down on it.

6. In the end, you will find yourself in the area, filled with water (it looks like a huge corridor with niches on the walls). At the end of this area, on the inclined wall you will leave almost to the very end of the stage - to the lake. Underwater, in the center of this corridor you will see the passage leading to the secret room.

Fifth stage. Barons Head, Fallen City (Barons Hed - The Fallen City)

On the irrigation canal, be awarded in the deposited Baerx HDD. The Gerec Palace is carefully guarded, and the approaches to it blocks a high wall. Find a way to overcome these obstacles.

To get to the city, go across the bridge stretched along the edge of the channel. Wander in the city. Your task is to acquire a multi-power machine gun. Look at the walls of pale yellow in buildings. See the place cut off by cracks? Throw there a thermal detonator - and the passage will open.

Having received a machine gun, do the main task. To overcome the wall, you must first climb the roof of buildings. To do this, wander around the city until you find the army-bridge, next to which the roof is the protrusion. You need to get up on the curb arc-bridge and jump from there to the protrusion of the roof. Go ahead, then climb the window.

1. At the very beginning of the stage, go to the center of the pond and from there - right down the tunnel.

2. Getting to the city, enter the first building on the left. Climb the stairs and turn left. In the rear corner of the room you will see cracks. Throw in this place the thermal detonator.

3. Go through the bridge and go on the way to right, go through the tunnel, go to the right and climb on the small path. Below you will see the courtyard. Jump there and go ahead so that the wall is to the right of you. Ahead of you will be a building with a canopy above the door. Sign in there and put two grants. Pay attention to the cracked in the wall in the left corner. Bring this wall by a thermal detonator.

4. On the main round area, you will see a black board leaning at an angle to the wall. Come to her and move it by pressing the space.

5. Go through the main building on the square, climb upstairs and go to a canopy in front of the roof that is squeezed. Climb the inclined track to the bar. In the left corner of the scene you will notice familiar cracks. Prepare a thermal detonator.

6. Jumping onto the roof, sliding round area, go on the other side of the wall separating the city from the Palace area. Go down and look around. You will see two stone blocks forming an inclined track. Take advantage of the ability to "accelerate movement" and jump into the room from above.

Sixth stage. In the Dark Palace (INTO THE DARK PALACE)

Find the road to the Palace Tower. Get to the tower using a mounted path. Lay the doors of the main entrance. Summate to penetrate the control room over the inner door. When the inner door opens, launch through the protection in the hallway and climb the top floor.

Do not pay attention to the two-legged walking tanks "AT-ST". You do not have a rocket installation yet, and all other types of weapons against tanks are useless. Just do not climb under the shots.

In Figure 1 - the place where you start; 6 - Palace; 8 - the main entrance to it; 7 - Hitting track around the courtyard, on which "AT-ST" go. You need to go to 2. There are two rooms marked with numbers 3 and 4. The lever in 3 opens the passage in 5 (the bridge is put forward). Run there and go to a small room. The bridge will soon return to the previous position, cutting off the way back. But in a small room there is a lever, again pulling the bridge and opening the passage. Return to point 2. Now you need to act very quickly, use "Increasing the speed of movement". In the room 3, jerk behind the lever and carry 4. There are also kept behind the lever, pop up the window and carry in 5, and from there - to the room (the bridge put forward by the lever out of 3 has already started moving). Take the lever, run on the bridge and jump forward. If everything went well, you will find yourself on the track 7. From it you can jump into the corner niches of the palace. Once in the palace, go to 8 (front door).

At points 1 and 2 (see the scheme) there are buttons omitting an outer door 3. Your task is to press one of these buttons, then press the lever 5 or 6 (depending on which side you are standing), run on the lowered door 3 as The bridge on the opposite direction and there to pull one of the levers 5 or 6, which you have not yet used. Save the door 4. Jump up on it. Soon she will start climbing. At the ceiling itself you will see a hidden passage. You need to have time to jump into it - not the door 4 gives you away. Then you can open the door to the room 7, where there is a lever, which opens the last door below. You will stay to the elevator, having interrupted several enemies.

When you get to the area where inclined tracks lead into the water, turn on the lantern. Undermining the hidden charged charge with the help of a thermal detonator, then descend on the inclined track. Turn left, go down the path under the water. Go not straight, and wrap left. You will see another track down. Go down on it - and you will find yourself in a room with two first-aid kits and charge for the shield. Look at the upper corners. See the hole? Start up - and get a rocket installation.

Seventh stage. Dark Jedi Yang (Yun - The Dark Youth)

Taking advantage of the power, defeat Yana. This is a test for the present Jedi.

Against the Dark Jedies you can use only the light sword and your Jedi's abilities. Another harm weapons will not cause them, even if you release all the wip in them.

The tactic of the fight at Jan is: he jumps all the time, flying through you, lands behind and attacks in the back. In addition, it uses "blinding" from time to time (although nominally Yang is a dark Jedi, this ability still has it, because he did not completely lose touch with the bright side).

Sometimes (on the difficulty "Easy" it happens very rarely) Yang becomes invisible. You have no ability to "see hidden", so in such cases, look carefully on the sides. Shimmering blue lights - this is the hiding Yang.

Hold "Fire Primary" and run around the hall, trying to encounter Yan. To get on it with a sword, you need to get up near and combine the sight with the body of Yana. The only external manifestation of your hits is Yana's moans.

In no case will not stand in the place, exchanging with blows. Your opponent has more "life", do not let him hurt you. If you still have not escaped injured, treated with tanks with bakkoy.

Third Page

Eighth stage. Escape from the Palace (Palace Escape)

Lift from the hall to the roof of the palace. On the roof the slightest negligence will bring death on you. Take advantage of the ventilation system to get to the palace again and find 8T88.

Find the "shuttle" 8T88 - for this you will have to penetrate the far tower through the ventilation system of the palace.

When you go to the elevator, look at the walls. In one of them you will see a niche with the device behind the bars. Cut the lattice with a light sword, then turn on the device. Now the elevator will rise above, to the roof itself.

On the roof, be extremely careful: the imperial bomber "TIE-BOMBER" periodically occurs in the air. Do not try to knock him down, it is impossible. Simply, using the ability of "jump", jump onto the protrusion next to the elevator. Destroy automatic guns shooting in you. Bombs "Tie-Bomber" will not get you on the ledge. Go for ahead, then jump right and look around. You will see huge "windows" (openings inside the building). You need a small passage located on the inside of these openings. Jump into it (this is quite thin work).

Further you have a long wander in search of the air balancing pipe. Periodically, the air emitted from there can transfer you through the abyss between the palace buildings directly into another air balancing pipe (you must jump at the same time with the gust of the wind). Near another pipe, too, blows, and you can reset in the abyss - do not yaw. You need to jump on top of this second pipe. Go along the pipe forward, then carefully jump down.

The last danger is next to the space "shuttle", which surprises "8T88". The roof of the hangar, for which you go, will start opening. You risk falling and crashing. Run on the fixed part of the roof. It is where Jen arrives.

1. Go down on the elevator and finish off two attack aircraft. Go to the long wall of the room and turn left. In the corner you will see a small passage in a secret room.

2. When you find yourself in the "green" area (you do not miss it), enter the ventilation shaft through one of two holes. See the mine inside the mine. It is required to shoot in one place in the floor (when you find yourself there, then you will understand, I mean).

3. Continue to descend on the ventilation mine. Before you get to the metal gate, you will see on the left rusty wall. Cut it with a light sword.

4. Having reached the air balancing pipe, use "Acceleration of Movement" to get to the end of this tunnel. Drain. You will see a small hole in the outgoing side of the passage. Wait when the air flow from below will increase somewhat, and jump into it with a digester. It is possible to jump out from it when the air flow reaches the highest strength.

5. Use the wind stream from the air intake to jump over the opposite direction. Carefully (so that the wind does not blow) close to the edge and look to the left. You will see a protrusion. By going through this protrusion, all the building, you will stumble upon the ventilation shaft. Loose the passage by a light sword. On the way back, do not forget to include "Acceleration of Movement" (otherwise you can not go against the wind).

Ninth stage. Take off from the gas station (Fuel Station Launch)

Cargo ship with 8t88 on board is preparing to go to the Jedi Valley. Go off the roof and get to the filling station. At the gas station, empty the main fuel tank and go through it. The shortest road to filling farms passes through fuel pipes. Stop the fuel pumping to empty the pipes. Sense through the pipes in the tank under the cargo ship.

Wander around the city, find the key. With it, open the door and go to the complex of the gas station. There are five switches located on the sites one under another. Manipulating them, you need to pump fuel from one tank to another. You can control the process by looking at the screens that are sitting immediately with the pictures of the tanks. Fuel marked yellow. You need to completely fill the tank on the left (similar to a simple rectangle) and empty the tank on the right.

Next, find the yellow wrench (just look at all the corners) and go down (below the last fifth chipboard). Discover the tank. Clear inside, close the damper. Now open the damper on the contrary and start the journey through the fuel line. Remember that the following doors will open only when you close the previous ones. The last logical task is waiting for you when they fall into a huge hall with a preserving of your movement in the center of the floor. The only gauge on this plug is a light sword. Cutting it, you fall down and you can continue the hard way to victory. Almost at the very last moment you have to jump, so "save".

1. Move forward, you will soon stumble upon the area where there will be a big pipe. Write under it. Look to the right - and see the protrusion that leads to the angle. And then you will see a walkway, at the end of which the secret room is located.

2. Having received a yellow key, open the locked door and go along the left track to the small bunker. Jump up on it.

3. Enter the bunker and on the elevator, which will be there, go down. Coming from the elevator, look upstairs and left. You will notice a small hole. Jump out there.

4. Behind the fuel tank, find the elevator that delivers you to the control room. The door will lead to the area with a low ceiling (will have to crawl), in which the yugot is located ("ugnaught" is a small naked creature with a wrench in hand). First we will print right. Turn on the lantern there and look up. See the room? Jump into it.

5. By passing the fuel tank (after the fuel is thrown out from it), go down on the elevator in the room with a tradoshan. Liquid it and stand up again on the elevator. He will raise you to the fuel tank. Do not go from the elevator - and soon it will rise to a new level.

6. Next to the secret room from clause 4 there is another room full of fuel tanks. Rabby on these tanks on the uppermost - and find a small hole in the wall.

7. Remove the coutine road from the road (push it or just shoot). Bring the fuel tanks (but so that you do not hurt the explosive wave). In the wall you will see a hole.

8. After performing the second of the tasks, you will find yourself near the two huge pipes leading to the six fracting automatic guns. Jump on the pipe on the left and go to the gun. When we drink into the wall, turn left - and see a small hole.

9. Destroy six guns. The wall, located opposite and slightly left the door, can be blown up.

10. Performing the fourth task, turn on the lantern at the end of the tunnels. The room is hidden in the dark. Take a look there before entering the last fuel tank, since immediately after that you will have to jump.

Tenth stage. Award for 8T88 (8T88's Reward)

Open the upper cargo doors and penetrate the ship. Stop the fan and get through the passage behind it in the heart of the reactor. Will interrupt the operation of the reactor and at the bottom removals, go to the hangar for space "shuttles". 8T88 should be nearby.

Open the top doors simply, but when you jump down, you will be another doors for which you will have to hit the light sword. Next you need to turn off several power fields. Note: It is impossible to get into one of the rooms. The power field, blocking input, until you cannot turn off. You will get into this room later, on the elevator.

To the fan (a large red circle on the walls of the wall at the lower level) stopped rotating, shoot two red square lights on the sides of the protrusion. Then we get through the red strength field behind it - and you will find yourself in the heart of the reactor. On the track, go to the door and raise the same room on the elevator, where you could not get. Take the lever there and go back to the reactor. It is now turned off, so you can jump down. There in one of the niche sword cut the lattice. On the passage you will get to the hangar for "shuttles". Open the only serviceable door - and prepare for new tests.

1. By entering the first building on the right, you will see the staircase leading to the second floor. Look at the staircase.

2. Once in a room with two elevators, descend on one of them. You will find yourself in a room with containers. In the ceiling above one of the containers (it stands on the right, if you turn to the elevator with the back) there is a hole. Jump onto the container, and from it - into the hole.

3. Go on the performance around the fan (it looks like a red circle). You will find yourself near the room hidden in the darkness.

4. When you turn off the fan and you can go to a plot flooded with a red light, use "acceleration of motion" and run forward to the end (without applying "acceleration", you will slip into the side passages).

5. Reaching the end of the tunnel (clause 4), turn and slide into the first tunnel on the left.

6. At the bottom of the reactor, find the grille and cut it with a light sword. Take advantage of the "acceleration of the movement" and run into the tunnel to the left.

Eleventh stage. Sith Brothers (Brothers of the Sith)

Win a hill and peak. Take the head "8T88". Inside it - a map of the Jedi Valley.

Very curious fight. Do you have two opponents. Large hard, but often uses "Capture". Therefore, kill him as soon as possible. After the death of the companion, a small opponent will attack you more actively. Like Yang, he tries to jump and attack the rear, but is pre-done invisible. Use the ability to "see hidden."

Having finished with the second opponent, go back to the place where the battle began. Choose your head 8T88 and the container with the bundle (they stand on the shelf nearby).

The twelfth stage. Escape with the map (Escape with the map)

Enter the main hold. Inside you can climb containers and jump out to the control room. Switching the ladders around the exhaust gases, arouse upstairs. Return to the main deck and wait for the "crow" ("Crow" - the so-called ship Kyle).

Broodize in the hold until you find the room with containers. Drinking from the container to the container, you can get to the small track (see up), and from there - in the control room. Your further task is to find all the keys (if I'm not mistaken, there are three). With their help, open the door around the channel to remove the exhaust gases and slowly rise higher and higher.

1. Going down on the elevator to the area with a conveyor belt, you will see two large containers on the right (they are near the elevator itself). Go for these containers - and you will see the room in the wall.

2. Enter a huge darkened room with large gray containers. Shooting the gun on the ceiling, turn left. To see better, turn on the lantern. Look to the right. See the passage leading to the elevator? Climb the elevator and look at the container in front of you. It has a rusty plot that can be cut by a sword. Do it and enter the inside of the container.

3. Rising on the elevator (see paragraph 2), go straight forward to gray containers. Apply "acceleration of motion" to run forward through containers in the secret area. You can get to it and below: with the help of the ability of "jump".

4. Reaching the top of the gray containers, jump out from there to the control room (where the blue key lies). Get out of the room and go on the hand until you find yourself in the middle of the hall. The next secret area is right in front of you. Before it can be buried from the protrusion. Or, standing below, apply the ability of "jump". This secret area is located on the side of the cache described in paragraph 2.

Thirteenth stage. Lost Planet Jedi (The Lost Planet Of The Jedi)

Find the first bunker that blocks the approach to the magnetic field power system. Find and destroy all the power systems of the first magnetic shield. Come up with the way to get through the second magnetic shield and find the main cargo elevator,

1 2 3 All

Dark Forces. IS A First-Person Shooter Developed by Lucasarts in 1995 for Dos and The Macintosh. You Play The Role of Kyle Katarn, A Mercenary Hired by The Rebel Alliance to Find Out and Stop The Empire's Dark Trooper Project. The Game Features Fun and Engaging Levels with plenty of Atmosphere. IT's Still and Enjoyable Game to Play Even by Today's Standards.

The LEGENDS FROM THE FIRST STAR WAR SERIES. You'll Hear About Princess Leia, Jabba and Others As You Progress with the Story.

Dark Forces Added New Abilities to the Doom-Style of Play. You can Jump, Crouch and Run. There's a Variety of Weapons to Pick Up Along The Way with Some of Them Having Two Firing Methods, Such As Single Fire or Burst. In The Case of Explosives You Can Have Them Detonate After A FEW Seconds or Have Them Trigger WHEN Someone Walks Close.

Star Wars: Dark Forces Walkthrough

Dark Forces IS A FPS (First Person Shooter) Set in the Star Wars Universe. It Was Developed by LucasArts in 1995 And IS Part of the Star Wars: Jedi Knight Series.

Dark Forces Use The Jedi Game Engine Which Allows for some Nice Atmospheric Effects Such As The Red Haze in the Mining Facility. I Found The Level Design in Dark Forces Was Very Good and Enjoyed The Variety The Designers Added Into Each Level.

There IS A Very Strong Following with the Dark Force Games and Even Today Fans Continue to Compete Against Each Other in Speed \u200b\u200bRuns. There Was Also A Strong MOD Community with Many Maps and Customizations for This Game.

In this document, I will help newcomers to better navigate in this game, giving them a description of weapons, Jedi's enemies and told about secret zones and objects.


In this game, against the background of the moved from the last version of the weapon, the light sword will appear and damage is balanced. Now Read more:
Hand-to-hand combat (fists).
Useless weapons. The only plus is an endless ammunition, but there are no places in the game, with an acute lack of ammunition. It is very difficult to approach the armed enemy, so the hand-to-hand fight should be used only in extreme cases.

Briar Pisol.
Give us from the very beginning of the game. The advantages include high accuracy, to minuses - low rapidity. The enemy will have time to threaten you before you kill it with this pistol. It should be noted that the damage caused by the enemy depends on the shooting range.

Storm rifle (automatic).
The most common weapon, similar to Brian, damage depends on the distance. It has higher rapidity, but eats more ammunition, and has a smaller accuracy. The rifle is effective on medium and close distances.

Heat detonator (grenade).
It is an analogue of ordinary grenades from the real world. Used to destroy enemies and weakened goals. It is better to use a detonator on open spaces, as in the closed room you have a chance to swaw yourself.

Arbelt of Vuki (Bow).
Amazes enemies with green arrows. Effective indoors. If you hold the fire button for a long time, instead of one, a lot of arrows will fly out. Despite the high damage caused by the enemy, the bow is better not to use at all, since its shooting speed is very small, and the enemies will hurt you strongly, before the polyut themselves.

Imperial drum rifle (machine gun).
In my opinion, the most effective anti-empty weapon. Inability, accuracy, big damage is all its qualities. Effectively used both on open spaces (long queues) and in closed rooms (secondary fire with short queues). The enemies use the machine gun very ineptly, so the ammunition is easily replenished with trophies.

In a single game, absolutely useless weapons, they do not lure heavy equipment on them, and they don't stand at one enemy, although in a multiplayer game, they may be useful.

Rocket installation (mortar).
The most powerful weapon in the game, shoots the enemy with rockets, which cause very big damage, and can put several enemies at once. Weapons will be consolidated and for the destruction of imperial chickens, reflecting almost all types of shells. Unfortunately, there are no problems with this weapon with this weapon, the infantry of the enemy from it is very taller, and your character will not stand more than three rockets, so try to shoot such supports from afar.

Stroker rifle (armor-pier gun).
Unlike mortar causes less damage, but has a large area of \u200b\u200blesion, which is detrimental to the infantry of the enemy. Also, the ammunition to it is much easier to find than to a mortar, and the shooting speed of it is higher.

Light sword (laser sword).
So we reached the main weapons of the game. It is possible to attack a light sword of the enemy only on a close distance, but the damage is very large, and the ability to reflect shells makes it indispensable against the enemy's infantry. In addition, you can only fight with enemy jamii with the help of it.


The game has several things that simplify the lives of our chief hero, consider them in more detail:

Lights a small area around your ward, useful in dark rooms, but gives you enemies. Consumes battery energy.

Night vision glasses.
The goals are the same as the lantern, but in contrast to it, they will illuminate everything that is within your visibility and does not give you enemies. However, batteries energy eats much faster.

Capacity with miraculous liquid restoring 30% health. With you, you can take 5 such treatment.

Also in the game there are various keys, but I think they do not need a description.


The first picture is Yang, Sarris, side. Second - Kyle, Mau. Third - Kyle, Jerek.

This is the first game in which there are fights on light swords, although opponents of only 7, and now I will give you advice on battle with them.

It is found at the seventh level. In general, to defeat him is easy, he is a kind of training before the subsequent battles, but he has a couple of unpleasant abilities, such as blinding and invisibility, if he used them against you, then try to stay away from it until the term of their action will end.

Gork and peak.
We are found at the eleventh level. The humpback is big and smooth, but very often uses the ability to suffocation, so it should be killed as early as possible. Peak on the contrary, small and clever, has the ability of invisibility, though this time we will have the ability of feeling, and therefore, we can easily find it.

It is found at the fourteenth level. The battle takes place on a very narrow bridge, and we have a chance to fall into the abyss, while our opponent flies around us, inflicting a blow to a sword, and using stroke. At this stage, you need to competently use your abilities. If you are a bright Jedi - use invisibility, if dark - throw (all mobile items fly to the specified goal, applying damage).

Very dangerous opponent. It has the ability called a suicide look, which burns everything that falls into the field of view using. However, now, we have the ability of protection, and using it you just need to work correctly with a light sword.

A fight with him is already on the penultimate (twentieth) level. He is armed with two swords, the block of which is difficult to break through, but protection, it is almost impossible to break through, and using it with ease of ease of the sides.
Tip: Try to save Bakat, they will use us during the last battle.

The very last enemy in the game, and, therefore, kill him more difficult. However, using the experience of past battles, and most importantly all its abilities, you can easily destroy it, but not so simple. When Jereka remains a little strength, he runs to a well of light, in the center of the map, and begins to restore the strength there, becoming invulnerable. There are two outputs. The first - you need to press two buttons on the edge of the card, then the invulnerability of Jerek will fall, and it will be possible to run, and finish it. The second is to lure the boss to the very edge of the card, and when he runs to restore, run behind him, and beat him with a laser sword.


In general, I would not pay attention to them if the number of stars issued to the improvement of the Jedi abilities did not depend on them. Now I use my own, and some friendly information for describing their location.

First stage. Betrayal in Nar Shada (Double-Cross on Nar Shaddaa)
1. Passing the first fan (it is located on the ceiling), go down the corridor. On the right there will be a platform on which the Gran is standing. Go to this platform - and see the inclined track. Jump on this track, climb upstairs. Fall into the hole. Choose all objects there and go on, bypassing the fan. Soon you can climb the inclined track to the elevator, which will return you to the main way.

2. When you come to the next fan on the ceiling, you will be the door. There are three containers behind this door. Looking at the bridge, look right down. There - the visor, on which the Gran stands is two charges for the shield. If you are fine with health, get rid and jump on this visor (do not worry especially: there is a first-aid kit).

3. Soon you will find yourself in front of the elevator riding the plane tilted at 45 degrees. Take up the elevator and, when it starts to move up, have time to jump into the hole in the wall on the right.
4. After a large cargo elevator raises you to the top floor, you will have to descend along the corridor leading to the bridge. If you go ahead, you will see "Tie Bomber" (Empire Space Bomber). Do not shoot on it: it is meaningless. Return to the bridge and look right. You will see four failures. You can approach and jump over them in turn or just run on the other side.

5. Above the hall in which there are plenty of huge containers, stand up so that the track is to the left of you, and the hall itself is from below. You will see the protrusion formed by containers. Relieve and jump on it. Jump up and keep moving to the hole in the containers.

6. One of the hall of the hall described in paragraph 5 leads to the end of the stage. Before opening it, turn it out and go to the left containers. Climb the inclined wall. In the dark you will find the passage that leads to two fans.

Second phase. Missing Disk (The Lost Disk)
1. Minute all ventilation mines. In the end, you will find yourself in the area where Rodin will be (Humanoid greenish color). Next, go down the corridor to the hall (more precisely, a corridor with a very high ceiling), where you will see two grants. Go a little forward - you will see the "window" to the right, in which there are four nozzles of a large spacecraft. Look down. See a narrow ledge right under you? Slowly take a step forward and fall on this protrusion, and then give the reverse.

2. Having received a red key, you will find the area with a track leading to the Red Room. Go where there are two containers and marriage. Climb the path and jump onto the container with red stripes. Turning on the flashlight, you will see the protrusion in the back corner. Jump on this protrusion.

3. Having reached the hall with two wid-like cranes (you do not miss them), do not hurry to move them. Instead, pick up the faucet on the right. We run to the end and jump onto the bottom level (in the "Lay" jump in the triangle in the corner). Just before the jump take care of your health: if there is little left, restore it with a container with a bundle. Return back to the cranes, leaning towards the wall, and will achieve the room in which the alien stands.

4. Does the door to the hall with containers opened? Then climb the mountain of the containers on the left. Then get rid and jump into the containers on the right.

5. Soon you will reach the elevator, which will raise you to the cargo conveyor and the second elevator. Standing on the first elevator, try to jump onto the window protrusion to the right - get into the zone under the conveyor. Before this place can be reached, while having taken from the second elevator.

6. From the second elevator, jump into the container, then jump into the area located above the red room.

7. Lifting on the second elevator, look carefully on the sides. I almost do not reach the top, you will notice left the ledge. Go through this performance to another protrusion on the far side of the hall.

8. Rising on the last slave track, turn and get to the back of the wall on the left. Turning to the right, you can jump into a small room.

1. Standing in front of the door to the house of Father Kyle, turn around. You will see Tasque, and behind it - a dark spot on a rocky wall. Shoot in this dark spot.

2. Lift to the hill to the left of the house. In the back corner you will again see a dark spot. Shot into it.

3. Jump into the room over which the wooden beam is laid (if you get up on the beam, it will collapse). Open the door. Go ahead, then right. Shoot drains. On the right on the wall you will see the crack. Shot into the wall.

4. Exit the backyard (green hall, where there is a door that can be opened only with a red key). Turn around and walk along the corridor until you are tupic. Skate into a crack on the wall on the left.

5. Climb the stairs and open the door to the hall with two drains. In the second small room where you can get from this hall, one wall is dark. Shot into it.

6. Enter the tunnel to the right of the waterfall. Approximately halfway when climbing on the inclined track, turn on the lantern - and to the right you will see the room.

7. When you reach a "natural electric generator" (a lake of a nasty-looking fluid, over which zipper sparkles from time to time), restore health. Go ahead in "Water", then turn 180 degrees - and you will see a room in the corner. Just do not delay there: die.

8. Entering the passage in the rock on the other side of the electric generator, time from time to time, turn on the lantern - to the right you will see a small room.

Fourth stage. Jedi Sword (Jedi "S Lightsaber)
1. Get to the area flooded with water. Jump into the water and go to the lattice. Cut it with a light sword.

2. Go down the waterfall, cut the sword with a grid. Quickly get out of the water on the platform. There are a few lattices there, but with them you will handle no problem. Go on the platform to the right. Looking up, you will see a hole in the ceiling. If you fell from a waterfall through this hole, it would be crashing to death. Take advantage of the "Acceleration of Movement" ability to disperse and jump on the protrusion on the other side. Turning, you will see a slight elevation that you can climb if the "Acceleration of Movement" works.

3. Going along the waterproofs, see more often to be confident that under you - concrete. If you fall into the water in the last pond, then we will give the secret area. Before the main pond, time to jump out of the drain.

4. From the zone of the previous secret, come back to the ledge below. Go through it. If you find yourself at the lowest level, you can use the elevator and climb back to the protrusion. If you find yourself in the last pond, where the water is merged, then go on the drain and stand on the left - you will find yourself in the area you need.

5. You got to another waterproof water. This means the fulfillment of the first task set before you. As soon as you can, get out of the drain and eliminate the ladies. Go along the left edge of the drain - and you will see the inclined path leading down. Go down on it.

6. In the end, you will find yourself in the area, filled with water (it looks like a huge corridor with niches on the walls). At the end of this area, on the inclined wall you will leave almost to the very end of the stage - to the lake. Underwater, in the center of this corridor you will see the passage leading to the secret room.

Fifth stage. Barons Head, Fallen City (Barons Hed - The Fallen City)
1. At the very beginning of the stage, go to the center of the pond and from there - right down the tunnel.

2. Getting to the city, enter the first building on the left. Climb the stairs and turn left. In the rear corner of the room you will see cracks. Throw in this place the thermal detonator.

3. Go through the bridge and go on the way to right, go through the tunnel, go to the right and climb on the small path. Below you will see the courtyard. Jump there and go ahead so that the wall is to the right of you. Ahead of you will be a building with a canopy above the door. Sign in there and put two grants. Pay attention to the cracked in the wall in the left corner. Bring this wall by a thermal detonator.

4. On the main round area, you will see a black board leaning at an angle to the wall. Come to her and move it by pressing the space.

5. Go through the main building on the square, climb upstairs and go to a canopy in front of the roof that is squeezed. Climb the inclined track to the bar. In the left corner of the scene you will notice familiar cracks. Prepare a thermal detonator.

6. Jumping onto the roof, sliding round area, go on the other side of the wall separating the city from the Palace area. Go down and look around. You will see two stone blocks forming an inclined track. Take advantage of the ability to "accelerate movement" and jump into the room from above.

Sixth stage. In the Dark Palace (INTO THE DARK PALACE)
1. When you come to the area where the inclined tracks lead into the water, turn on the lantern. Undermining the hidden charged charge with the help of a thermal detonator, then descend on the inclined track. Turn left, go down the path under the water. Go not straight, and wrap left. You will see another track down. Go down on it - and you will find yourself in a room with two first-aid kits and charge for the shield. Look at the upper corners. See the hole? Start up - and get a rocket installation.

Seventh stage. Dark Jedi Yang (Yun - The Dark Youth)
There are no secrets.

Eighth stage. Escape from the Palace (Palace Escape)
1. Go down on the elevator and finish off two attack aircraft. Go to the long wall of the room and turn left. In the corner you will see a small passage in a secret room.

2. When you find yourself in the "green" area (you do not miss it), enter the ventilation shaft through one of two holes. See the mine inside the mine. It is required to shoot in one place in the floor (when you find yourself there, then you will understand, I mean).

3. Continue to descend on the ventilation mine. Before you get to the metal gate, you will see on the left rusty wall. Cut it with a light sword.

4. Having reached the air balancing pipe, use "Acceleration of Movement" to get to the end of this tunnel. Drain. You will see a small hole in the outgoing side of the passage. Wait when the air flow from below will increase somewhat, and jump into it with a digester. It is possible to jump out from it when the air flow reaches the highest strength.

5. Use the wind stream from the air intake to jump over the opposite direction. Carefully (so that the wind does not blow) close to the edge and look to the left. You will see a protrusion. By going through this protrusion, all the building, you will stumble upon the ventilation shaft. Loose the passage by a light sword. On the way back, do not forget to include "Acceleration of Movement" (otherwise you can not go against the wind).

Ninth stage. Take off from the gas station (Fuel Station Launch)
1. Move forward, you will soon stumble upon the area where there will be a big pipe. Write under it. Look to the right - and see the protrusion that leads to the angle. And then you will see a walkway, at the end of which the secret room is located.

2. Having received a yellow key, open the locked door and go along the left track to the small bunker. Jump up on it.

3. Enter the bunker and on the elevator, which will be there, go down. Coming from the elevator, look upstairs and left. You will notice a small hole. Jump out there.

4. Behind the fuel tank, find the elevator that delivers you to the control room. The door will lead to the area with a low ceiling (will have to crawl), in which the yugot is located ("ugnaught" is a small naked creature with a wrench in hand). First we will print right. Turn on the lantern there and look up. See the room? Jump into it.

5. By passing the fuel tank (after the fuel is thrown out from it), go down on the elevator in the room with a tradoshan. Liquid it and stand up again on the elevator. He will raise you to the fuel tank. Do not go from the elevator - and soon it will rise to a new level.

6. Next to the secret room from clause 4 there is another room full of fuel tanks. Rabby on these tanks on the uppermost - and find a small hole in the wall.

7. Remove the coutine road from the road (push it or just shoot). Bring the fuel tanks (but so that you do not hurt the explosive wave). In the wall you will see a hole.

8. After performing the second of the tasks, you will find yourself near the two huge pipes leading to the six fracting automatic guns. Jump on the pipe on the left and go to the gun. When we drink into the wall, turn left - and see a small hole.

9. Destroy six guns. The wall, located opposite and slightly left the door, can be blown up.

10. Performing the fourth task, turn on the lantern at the end of the tunnels. The room is hidden in the dark. Take a look there before entering the last fuel tank, since immediately after that you will have to jump.

Tenth stage. Award for 8T88 (8T88 "s reward)
1. By entering the first building on the right, you will see the staircase leading to the second floor. Look at the staircase.

2. Once in a room with two elevators, descend on one of them. You will find yourself in a room with containers. In the ceiling above one of the containers (it stands on the right, if you turn to the elevator with the back) there is a hole. Jump onto the container, and from it - into the hole.

3. Go on the performance around the fan (it looks like a red circle). You will find yourself near the room hidden in the darkness.

4. When you turn off the fan and you can go to a plot flooded with a red light, use "acceleration of motion" and run forward to the end (without applying "acceleration", you will slip into the side passages).

5. Reaching the end of the tunnel (clause 4), turn and slide into the first tunnel on the left.

6. At the bottom of the reactor, find the grille and cut it with a light sword. Take advantage of the "acceleration of the movement" and run into the tunnel to the left.

Eleventh stage. Sith Brothers (Brothers of the Sith)
There are no secrets.

The twelfth stage. Escape with the map (Escape with the map)
1. Going down on the elevator to the area with a conveyor belt, you will see two large containers on the right (they are near the elevator itself). Go for these containers - and you will see the room in the wall.

2. Enter a huge darkened room with large gray containers. Shooting the gun on the ceiling, turn left. To see better, turn on the lantern. Look to the right. See the passage leading to the elevator? Climb the elevator and look at the container in front of you. It has a rusty plot that can be cut by a sword. Do it and enter the inside of the container.

3. Rising on the elevator (see paragraph 2), go straight forward to gray containers. Apply "acceleration of motion" to run forward through containers in the secret area. You can get to it and below: with the help of the ability of "jump".

4. Reaching the top of the gray containers, jump out from there to the control room (where the blue key lies). Get out of the room and go on the hand until you find yourself in the middle of the hall. The next secret area is right in front of you. Before it can be buried from the protrusion. Or, standing below, apply the ability of "jump". This secret area is located on the side of the cache described in paragraph 2.

Thirteenth stage. Lost Planet Jedi (The Lost Planet Of The Jedi)
1. If you enter the river and swim downstream, then over time you will see the top of the bridge. Take a look at the bridge - and find a hole in which you can jump and, thus, to achieve a small protrusion.

2. On the inclined stony track you will reach the place with two niches in the rock (they have automatic guns). In the dark behind the left cannon (if you stand to them face) - a secret room.

3. In the main part of the base (where you need to cut the grid to find the last power shield of the magnetic field), you will see the floor on the floor. Pass in the hole in this grid (you will fall). Go ahead - and see the elevator. Do not rush to climb it, first go right in the side room. There are fuel tanks, blow them down - and you will see a hole in the grid on the floor. Jump there.

4. Moving the first magnetic barrier, you will reach the pond. Dangle into the water, go down the deeper, swim in the first tunnel to the right, then float. Go along the path - and you will find yourself in the area with a big inclined track on the left. Go there, slightly climb on the track and take advantage of the "jump" ability to climb on the left.

5. Continue to go until you find a large area filled with water. Swim left. Having reached the waterfall, turn on and plunge under water. Look to the left and find the cave in the wall: it will lead you to a secret room.

6. At the other end of the river, dive to get into another cave located in the rock on the right (there will be several automatic cannons). The inclined track leads to the elevator, which will raise you to the second magnetic barrier. Pay attention to the cave on the right, slightly above the water level. Take advantage of the "jump" and jump there.

7. Go down on the elevator to the bridge on which the "AT-ST" walking tank is walking. The second magnetic barrier will appear before you. See two containers next to the elevator? Rabby on them - and you will see a little room on the side.

Fourteenth stage. Mau - Revenge (MAW - THE REVENGE)
There are no secrets.

Fifteenth stage. Falling Ship
For the dark Jedi, this stage is called differently: "Into the Dark Side).
1. In the very beginning of the stage, go to the door. Look up and a little left - and you will see a small hole leading to the tunnel. Use "Acceleration of Movement" to jump into this hole.

Sixteenth stage for bright Jedi. Sarissa - Boy Jedi (Sariss - Jedi Battleground)
Sixteenth stage for Dark Jedi. Yang - Battle to death (Yun - Battle to Death)
There are no secrets.

Seventeenth stage. Climbing the Tower of the Jedi Valley (The Valley Tower Ascent)
1. Enter the main building and climb the elevator. In the room ahead on the top floor you will see two fuel tanks. Shot them and enter the room located behind them.

2. Once on the top floor, enter the area filled with yellow light, where the conveyor belt will deliver you. This reduces the strength of gravity: you can bounce higher than usual, and you do not break down when falling. Take advantage of the "jump" and jump into the ledge on top to the right of the tunnel. Turn around and jump on the next protrusion (on the opposite side). And you can just try to jump on the containers in time and climb them to the protrusions. To do this, you need to turn on the movement of containers.

3. When you get to the air intake, where the winds are broken from, apply the ability to "accelerate movement" and run to another end of this pipe.

4. Moving the air intake, you will pass through the elevator and enter the large canyon. On the left there is a room with fuel tanks. Bring them away - and you will see the hole in the floor. Jump there.

5. When you get to the air jet (next to the control room), which will begin to raise you to the last lattice (the end of this stage is behind it), try simultaneously with the lift to move forward. Having reached the ceiling, look around. Enter the small cave nearby.

6. In the region of the previous secret on the edge, go around the upper room, avoiding the air jet, and get to the other side (there is a cave).

The eighteenth stage. Descent Into Valley
1. Go down on the first small elevator and jump into the area under a huge cargo container, where the switch is located. Turn the face to the switch, then turn right, then climb the elevator. With the hole on the other side of the wall you will see a body armor. Take care to it.

2. From the region of the previous secret, descend on the tunnel to the area with an inclined track (left) and the door (right). If you enter the room and look upstairs, you will see a triangular protrusion. Apply the ability of "jump" and pick up this area.

3. In the end, you will pass along the inclined track and find yourself in the hall, where on the site, bounded by black and yellow stripes, cut the floor. When you come to the end of the inclined track, turn left and go ahead. Look up and take the ability to "jump" to get there.

4. Under the inclined track, on which you just saved, there are two sets of rockets, and there is a crack on the wall next to the wall. Remove the detonator and undermine the wall.

5. When you find yourself at the bottom of this stage, you will have to go through several tunnels and you will see three green switches. Go down, use the elevator, pass another room again. When you get to the stony plot, look around - and you will see cracks in the wall on the left. Click the wall by a detonator.

6. Moving a rocky hall, you will find yourself in the area where you have to jump on the inclined track. Run along the path through the room - and on the left you will see another inclined track leading up. Take advantage of not a smooth track, but the other, uneven. In the room you will see cracks in the wall. Remove the detonator and undermine the wall.

7. Having reached iron protrusion with black and yellow stripes, go to the end and reach the hidden room.

Nineteenth stage. Jedi Valley (The Valley of the Jedi)
1. Going to one level, use the first elevator. Liquid the attack aircraft and jump from the container to the protrusion in the dark.

2. Having reached the lower floor, jump into a large container in the center of the room. Next, go through the only protrusion to the window and jump out from it to grab items standing on the fence.

3. Standing on the ledge (see Previous Secret), look up and right - on the protrusion among the rocks. Jump on it, taking advantage of the ability to "jump."

4. When you descend on the elevator, pay attention to the charge for the shield lying on the window protrusion. The best way to get to it is to get out and use the "jump".

5. Go down on the elevator located inside the large "box". Press the button to raise the elevator upstairs, and look down. Some little things are planted under the elevator.

6. Having reached the bottom where the drill works, go down and right. When you get to the place where you need to go left, turn right and look at the wall with cracks. Click the wall by a detonator.

7. Continue to go down. In the end you will get to the gray inclined track. On the wall on the left - cracks. So again prepare a detonator.

8. You are blocking the path "Rope". Do not cut the first "rope" by the sword, but go to the next area. Turn the right and turn on the flashlight. On the side of the side you will see cracks. Two this wall and go inside.

The twentieth stage. Rough side (Boc - The Cen)
There are no secrets.

Twenty-first stage. Jerek, power with him (Jerec - The Force Within)
There are no secrets.
On this, my tips are completed.

A long time ago,
in a distant distant galaxy

Dark Forces II Knight Jedi
There were troubled times for officials
Coruscant. Galactic conflicts and shifts
The authorities hit the document flow strongly.
But now has one small department
The characteristics appeared a chance for existence.
And the existence of the department began to depend on
Characteristics for the last incidents with
Kite kaitar. If they manage to write it
That department will exist further.
This feature could not be loosen ...

Exposure from the imperial report on dark infantrymen
The project of dark attack aircraft, under the leadership of General Mokhka, perfectly showed himself when attacking [...], the activities of an unknown diversant deserves the most close attention [...] involvement of this subject to the stealing of the drawings of the planetary station is undoubted, recommended [...] and us It was possible to find out that the sabotean of some Kyle Qatar, who received imperial military education, saved a traitor to Cricke [...] His activity led to the complete destruction of the production chain of the project and he interrupted as many attack aircraft and officers at the facilities that it does not fit into any framework [. ..] The highest qualification in handling a large arsenal of weapons, special purpose equipment and explosives give out a particularly dangerous entity in it, he, the power of the product, escaped from jabby, furnishing Fetta [...] This failure: Mochk - dead, hammer arc - Destroyed, the project went after the death star. Lord Vader mentioned that the power was felt in the saboteur, which is only this and it is possible to explain his phenomenal luck. The "Search, detection, destruction" protocol is recommended, the detention is not recommended due to the special danger of Kayl Katarna. [...] Personal Supplement: I hope the empire no longer have to hear about this damn Grudarka.

From the protocols of interrogation of witnesses in Nar Saddaa
"He swept the lightning through my bar. One moment - he comes with some kind of droid, and after a couple of minutes he sounds shots. He will run away the whole disheveled and with an insane look. A pair of grants rush to him, but he quickly snags his blaster and laid them from a pair of shots. He shot exactly - it means he knew well a well and shoot - it was clearly in this practice. " "This psycho clearly knew how to handle with the most diverse weapon - I myself saw how he changed his blaster to the standard imperial model and continued to fill out as if nothing had happened, and then the thermal detonator was rejected with striking accuracy. I am absolutely sure that you give in his hands at least the arbelt of the WOOL, even though he would act with the same deadly efficiency "" When he broke into my secret camork, I was just shocked - because I was sure that no one could reveal my Secret shelter. Fortunately, he needed only a few of my surplus filled from a warehouse. Although I was unpleasant surprised, the code, this villain pulled a couple of Bakti-cylinders "" The arrogance and ease of this younger were unparalleled - he moved a quick step through the streets and went everywhere where he could only get - launched the mechanisms and devices as if he was his property " "Glory to the force that this person who came out of some kind of clocks of the world finally disappeared from our world"

Analysis of available audiovisual entries
Unfortunately, we failed to get enough visual information on incidents related to the activities of Kail Katarna. It's very sorry, after all, even the very scant records available to us demonstrate the quality level worthy of some famines: before our eyes are not attenuated documentary low-quality records, and entire rollers, where real participants are acting as a real action. It remains to regret that a police officer who mounted records went to the industry's industry and we can hardly have to see such a pleasant eye record of reports. The larger part of the audio information is hopelessly corrupted by the sounds of the environment, as if surrounding the listener and well all familiar sounds of shooting and work of light swords. However, despite such "sound support" by our specialists managed to disassemble all the speech information that we needed.

Psychological portrait of Kayl Qatar
Kyle Qatar is a very subside man. However, and in his head sometimes there are cockroaches that are able to close the entire ability to rational thinking. True, the last achievements of popular psychology are able to turn problems into easy malaise. The structure of thinking and architecture of Katarna's brain activity is quite typical for all people of its generation: sketchiness and imagery giving exposure for personal interpretations adjacent to almost schizophrenic sites that can sometimes put in a dead end of the most attentive researcher. Also in Kyle's thoughts you can find hidden impactings, often hidden in the most unexpected detacities. However, the pleasant modelity and image thinking are guaranteed, the fact that the study of his head will bring a lot of pleasure to the trained specialist. And, in general, it can be recommended to continue the service.

Kyle's spiritual side (from Skywalker's survey)
You must understand that up to these most regrettable events Kyle did not have a close acquaintance with the strength and its capabilities. Of course there is no doubt that the power has always been present in it and helped to be released from the most desperate plain. However, finding a light sword and starting comprehending the routes of strength Kyle immediately encountered her dual nature. So if completely neutral use of power abilities for high jumps, accelerate reactions, manipulations with objects and sharp feelings did not affect anything, then other ways to use the force led it to two ways. After all, pain, anger, hatred and aggression led him to the dark side, which attracted many of their capabilities - the same lightning of strength and power seizure, as well as other little-known abilities like a deadly view or exploding spheres look for many linked people of clearly preferred abilities given by the light side. But the treatment, blinding and protective abilities are noticeably useful in most situations. Fortunately, Kyle was able to make a true choice: taking the weaknesses of others, gentle of innocent and random passers-by and droids, he was able to rise over Jerek and crush him with the power of the fact that Jerek himself wished to apply as a weapon. I am sincerely glad about it is clear that he would not stop the katar on the dark side, until the new emperor was all the galaxies - and it could and would succeed.

Summing up
In fact, it is difficult to write a characteristic on Kayl Qatar now, because he did so much for the Alliance and the New Republic, that any criticism in his address will be useless. And this is true - it is already included in the parade art gallery of the great leaders of the uprising. And although his small portrait hangs downstairs, half a closed statue of Lando and Khan, it should not be underestimated. After all, one way or another, he became one of the first heroes of the shooters, and went along the path of Skayupler, starting to learn power and starting his own light sword. In the end, he simply cool.