Follaut Sheller When a mysterious stranger appears. Fallout Shelter is a mysterious stranger: how to find. Fix some errors

The endless empty, burned by the radiation world, the music of the 80s, shooting cockroaches from flamethrough, muddle-beaged in a coat, exciting quizzes on raider bases, lunchboxes with people and other manifestations of charming insanity of scripts - that's what Fallout Shelter.

Also, the game is highlighted by the brand humor of developers, which often borders with Chernuha, and a huge number of refsion to other franchise games. What delivers, refer to the first two parts, published even before the start of zero, and to relatively recently released three subsequent parts.

But there are no secrets to Fallout Shelter, in any case, in a standard meaning value: their developers simply not delivered. Whatever you do, wherever nor and anyone be sent to the wasteland, additional references and the awards you will not get. Even if you cut the character to the notorious quiz, who is mentioned in it, he will not respond to any special replica. So it goes.

Follow the refuge - the task is not easy (suddenly, for example, the water chip will break), so below we will tell about several non-obvious mechanics and the intricacies of the game.

Not a feature, but bug

Few people know, but Fallout Shelter has been implemented to travel in time! It will be necessary, in fact, the time machine (in this case, the Android smartphone) and a bit of the ear, without which no valiant baagomizer is. Actually, all you need to do is go to the date and time settings on the phone and change the values \u200b\u200byou need. The game reads the time from the operating system, and decides that it has already really passed the day or how much you have come there. This is useful not to wait for 6 hours until a resident returns with prey from the wasteland to speed up the pregnancy of women and the growth of children, and to quickly pump the skills of characters in gym. However, beware, brave travelers in time! When you transfer time on your phone to normal, the timers of the production of resources in the rooms will go in minus to the corresponding number of hours. However, it is easily solved by successful acceleration: the task is considered to be completed and the timer is reset to standard few minutes.

The second bug is well just a bug, in the worst sense of the word, and to use it somehow conscientiously. However, as you know, money (and lunchboxes!) Do not smell. The essence lies in the fact that while you have two specific quests, the third will almost always be issued in the award of Lanchbox. To run this vicious circle, you need to have at the same time two of the three quests described below:

  • sell weapons or suit;
  • issue weapons to one resident;
  • move the suit to one resident.

These quests are one of the starts and simply cannot but not get caught. It is recommended to add it to "sell weapons" and "issue clothes" - then it will be possible to fight off from cockroaches and flying raiders with imbamuses that come across in lunchboxes.

Secrets in Fallout Shelter: non-obvious mechanics and just useful tips

  • One of the best sources of lid in the game is a mysterious stranger. So do not be lazy to harm on the figure in a raincoat with a raised gate and a wide-headed hat!
  • The "Luck" parameter affects the size of the awards received for the accelerated production and the coolness of the climb, which the characters can dock out of the wasteland. Since it is good things that make it possible to drive the characteristics of the characteristics of the characteristics, the luck becomes the primary parameter in the game.
  • If you connect the rooms in a checker order, you can play chess cockroaches, rats and fire will not go to neighboring rooms. Such tactics are especially good in the "survival" mode, which is quite hardcore, especially with unaccustomed.
  • If you activate acceleration immediately after collecting the resource in the room, all employees will receive an additional experience. Moreover, even if the acceleration fails and burning cockroaches will begin to run on the shelter.
  • Quests in the style of "putty 10 inhabitants" and "issue weapons to three inhabitants" can be performed, in turn putting on the same subject on different inhabitants. Just some mother's daughter.

Of course, there are still many subtleties in the game, it seems to be better to build rooms than to equip residents when hiking in the wasteland, etc. However, they are much more apparent and quite quickly become understandable in the process, because for the category of secrets in Fallout Shelter are not suitable. On this, everything will be dogmatized!

Fallout Shelter is a small, but tightening mobile strategy created in the Spirit of the Folaut Universe. The game will allow you to try on the role of the caretaker and immerse yourself in the management of his own shelter, take care of the well-being of its inhabitants and help them survive in full dangers and enemies of wasteland.
Download Fallout Shelter and check your shortcuts strategist you can on our website.

Gameplay features

Development in the game requires reasonable refuge planning. To do this, build and improve production and auxiliary rooms for gaming currency - covers. The resurrection of the died in the waste of researchers and residents of her silver, who could not withstand the attacks of radiotracas with crotoccers or attacks of raiders and terrifying claws of death, too, not free. Therefore, it will be reasonable to always have a steam of thousands of covers.

Game currency is earned in the study of the wasteland, performing tasks, successful acceleration of production in rooms and raising the level of residents. But there is another not always an obvious way: to use a fun Easter from developers - visits of a mysterious stranger.

How to find a mysterious stranger

This character may be already familiar from the previous games of the series. In Fallout Shelter, he cannot be a full-fledged asylum resident, but its appearance is capable of supporting the rest in a critical situation. If you have time to find a mysterious stranger and tap on it, you will receive a reward from hundreds to several thousand covers - their quantity is determined by randomly. When luck favors to you, and the award exceeds five hundred, you will see an animation in the form of avalanche of covers and a pleasant replenishment of the game account.

How to find out about his appearance and not miss the opportunity to earn?

  1. What does he look like. The secret stranger is a man in a brown hat and a beige raincoat. He hides his face for a highly raised collar. Such an appearance helps a mysterious stranger to disguise well, it is especially difficult to notice it in rooms with walls of similar colors: residential and storage houses.
  2. How to find out about the visit of a secret stranger. About the occurrence of this game event notifies a special beep. When the mysterious stranger appears, you need to remove the camera as soon as possible and carefully examine all the shelter rooms. The visit lasts only a few seconds, and if you do not have time to detect it, it will disappear with the appropriate disappointing sound, and you will be left without award. This gaming event occurs with a periodicity of 5 minutes of real time.
  3. Places of appearance of a mysterious stranger. It can appear anywhere asylum: industrial premises, residential and training rooms, pantry and elevators. Often, the equipment or furniture close it almost completely, so, if possible, the mysterious stranger should be carefully considering, to then learn even on the sticking edge of the hat.

To suggest which way it is better to watch, the volume and direction of gaming music will be able.

The appearance of a mysterious stranger will be able to bring you not only additional covers, but also more significant awards from Lanchbox, if you wait for the task on his "capture". The reward received is taken into account in the frequently found tasks to collect a certain number of covers, so that this secret will help to cope with them much faster.

And the main thing - "hunting" behind the secret stranger distracts well from the monotonous collection of resources, behind which it is not long and falling down, pays attention, the reaction rate and fills with a gambling anticipation.

Fallout: Shelle is an excellent mobile strategy created based on the Fallout Universe. Here you have to try yourself as a caretaker. You will need to apply all your strategic skills so that the inhabitants of your community can survive in the conditions of a nuclear catastrophe. In this small guide you will learn about the Fallout: Shelter character. Mysterious stranger - who is he? What will bring a meeting with him and how to find it will tell this review.

Features of the game

In order to develop in the game, you will need to think about refuge layout. After all, the improvement of the settlement is impossible without the construction of industrial and residential premises. And to create rooms you will need a gaming currency - covers. In addition, money is needed for the resurrection of research detachments or residents who died from raiders attacks or Radtarakanov. So several thousand covers in the reserve will never be superfluous. You can earn a game currency in different ways, but in this review we will tell about the easiest and fast. We are talking about one unique character, which instantly brings a large number of covers in the game Fallout: Shelter. The mysterious stranger, and we are talking about him, is a fun eastercale from developers, which greatly facilitates life in the shelter.

How to catch a mysterious stranger in Fallout: Shelter

This game character is familiar to everyone who at least once played in previous games of the series. This man looks like a classic spy - he is dressed in a brown hat and a gray cloak. Hides his face for a highly raised collar, and such a technique helps him remain invisible in the crowd. In Fallout: Shelle, the mysterious stranger is not a resident of asylum, but his visits can significantly affect the situation with gaming currency.
If you click on it, you can get a reward from hundreds to several thousand covers. So his catch will become one of the priority tasks. It will be easy to find it, if you follow the situation and watch out signs speaking about his approximation. In general, be careful when the game Fallout: Shelter passages.

A mysterious stranger. When does a character appear and how to find it?

A special melody warns about the soon visit of this hero. If the sound was filed, you need to quickly search all shelter rooms. To make it easier to do, remove the camera at the maximum distance and inspect all the corners of the game Fallout: Shelter. The mysterious stranger appears only for a few moments. If you do not have time to find it in the allotted period, the game will notify you about failure of the disappointing signal. This means that you will stay without award. But do not be upset, because the character comes to the game every 5 minutes, so be attentive next time.

The mysterious stranger may appear in any location. In addition, his search is complicated by the fact that quite often this character is hidden behind furniture or equipment. So you need to be extremely attentive and see if there is a rap of hats looking out due to obstacles. But but the capture of the character will bring you a large number of covers or more weighty awards, in the case of a special quest. To the visits of a mysterious stranger, it is worth the approach very seriously, and as soon as hear the cherished signal, throw your business and go to the search.

Fix some errors

Sometimes when you pass the game, you may encounter some bugs. For example, you see a mysterious stranger and try to catch it, but it does not work. In addition, you may encounter such a problem: your game after each update will begin with the beginning. To avoid disorder from such errors, you need to learn about the ways to fix them. As in any other mobile strategy, in Fallout: Shelter save play a big role. It is especially important to know how to find Savers to the owners of Android platforms. After all, the asylum disappears on such mobile phones after the update, and the game offers to create a new one.

Root Explorer will help correct this error, after installing which you can redo the Fallout: Shelter system files. Save that you gain using the program must be transferred to your computer and roll back to the previous version there, then return the file to the initial folder. It will help to fix most of the game errors.

In the game called "Fallout Shelter a mysterious stranger" mankind managed to find the planet, on which people will soon be able to live. Scientists decided that no one would live on it, but they were mistaken. Soon, they made sure that many different creatures were living here with which you have to fight. They will attack you with huge flocks and your task to keep defense. You are ready to challenge alien monsters, and we are confident that you will win the planet, then you should prove it in practice.

You need to protect the place in which the base is located. To do this, you will use missile settings that can be placed in various places. Using the bottom panel, you can choose the weapon you need to battle. Over time, they must be fixed to avoid losing. Click on the desired guns Choose a button with tools. But remember that the repair will take some time, so correct the problems at the time when there are no enemies nearby. The longer you stay on the game field the hardest will defeat the onslaught of monsters. Remember that now depends on you if people can find a new home or not.

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The mysterious stranger is a male or female character, dressed in a leather jacket, which can come to the rescue from the shelter or elected during the battle at random meetings, provided that the main character of the Mysterious Stranger has the ability of the Main Hero.
Fallout 1:
The leaving of the shelter in random meetings will meet the mysterious stranger only male and from 100 oz. There will differ only on its weapon, depending on the terrain on which there was a meeting.
Fallout 2:
The satellite of the selected grows in the levels along with the player. And let him first be much weaker than his "grandfather", to the 27th level becomes one of the strongest characters, yielding except with patrol enclave and head hunters.
The chance of the appearance of a stranger depends on the success of the player and is equal: (30 + 2 x d)%;
If the mysterious stranger dies, then during the remaining game it will no longer appear.

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas

The main character receives a personal guardian angel ... Armed with a charged unique "magnum" of the 44th caliber appreciating 9,000 damage. The mysterious stranger carries a hat and coat. The mysterious stranger from time to time appears in v.a.t.s. mode, in order to make a high hero of the help of help.
If in V.A.t.s. mode It will be possible to reduce the health of the enemy to 150 lake and below, there is a 10% chance that a stranger will appear and will achieve the enemy from his high-precision weapons (his shots can get into the allies or in obstacles, and, of course, the enemy will not be killed), no matter , Is it possible to see him or the player's character still shoots the opponent. This ability can be considered as an additional chance of applying a critical strike in V.A.t.s mode.
The amount of its appearances is displayed in the general statistics of the character at the point of "Stranger's visits". General statistics can be viewed in PIP-Boy, opening the "Stat - General Statistics" tab.

Lonese Drifter

Mysterious Magnum

Miss luck

The courier receives a personal guardian angel in a striptear dress. Miss luck will be from time to time to appear in V.A.t.s. mode, in order to help the courier's hand very effectively. This ability is largely similar to the ability mysterious stranger, but Miss luck tries not to kill enemies, but stun them and injure them limbs. The stunned enemy falls to the ground and lies without movement; At this time, it can be finished or seized. When the enemy falls, the enemy can pick up their weapons.
Miss luck appears only in V.A.t.s mode. With a probability of 10%. So that it appears, the courier needs to make a few shots in this mode without killing the enemy.
The abilities "Miss Luck" and the "mysterious stranger" do not exclude each other, they can be owned at the same time, however, within one session V.A.T.S. It is impossible to see the appearance of both characters, because one trigger is responsible for their activation.

Source of misfortunes - Weapons Miss Good luck

"The source of nonsense" is a unique revolver "Magnum" Cal. 44, used only Miss luck, is identical in the appearance of the "mysterious magnum" and the revolver of the mysterious stranger. It differs from the standard "Magnum" Cal. 44 What causes very weak (or does not cause) damage to enemies at all, but instead the special effects are applied.
You can only get a weapon through the console: Player.additem 0013568B 1

In Fallout 4, the ability was transferred to the "Mysterious Stranger"
The ability to obtain a help hand in a difficult moment. Mysterious hand with a large pistol.
In Vats mode, sometimes not far from the survivor appears the character named "Mysterious Stranger", which makes the only shot from his special pistol, after which it disappears. Both of these events are accompanied by special music.
With its disappearance, this character generally disappears from the world of the game, so it is impossible to follow him.
The stranger shoots no one. He will shoot one of the selected survivors for the VATS series.
Shot of a stranger does not always kill the enemy, but damage in any case will be essential.
Some partners may comment on the appearance of a stranger.
Unlike previous games of the series, the face of a stranger is more shaded by a hat. It remains in the shade, even if it costs a sunny day.

Find out the identity of the mysterious stranger, Nick Valentine took. He made up the case of a mysterious stranger, in which he collected information regarding the stranger and its activities. At the same time, he does not exclude the possibility that the mysterious stranger is "Gul with minimal scars" or a group of persons. According to Valentine, for decades he was seen everywhere: from NKR to the Eastern Coast. Now he got to the Commonwealth.
And although any version of the origin of the mysterious stranger has the right to life, he is unlikely to Gul.
The mysterious stranger is probably the first time appeared in Northern California in the 2240s, helping the Favorites. It is further known that in 2253 in Montane, Lonemese Drifter was born - the alleged son of the stranger. As his mother told, his father was a very mysterious man who often traveled secretly. He threw the family when Drifter was still quite small. From this time until 2277, when it was seen on the metropolitan waste again, about 24 years passed, respectively, his age at that time was around 50-55 years. In 2281, he was seen in Mojave, and in 2287 in the Commonwealth, where in appearance he is over 60 years old, which corresponds to the time framework.