Gori, Gori clearly - a moving game. Russian folk game "Burners Russian folk games Gori clearly

Galina Pruzova
Russian folk game "burners"

Most of the old children's games are collective. This is due to the fact that the traditional russian The family was large. Children in the community were brought up together, spent a lot of time with the peers. Each the game He had his deep hidden meaning, being a ritual and symbolizing the forces of nature.

« Burners» - one of the popular, but unfortunately forgotten russian vintage fun. In the 19th century, the youth of 16-18 years participated in it. During the game, young people looked after each other, showed sympathy, provided signs of attention. Later the game I became exclusively childish fun. She is fascinating for children 5 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: rally collective; Develop the ability to concentrate attention, speed and dexterity; To form communication skills.

Stroke Game

There is an odd number of participants, optimally 7-13 people. The more children, the more fun.

Everyone of the Choir utters any county, the last word is pronounced on whom - that and drive « Burner» (In the old days, the word of led was still called the word to start).

The rest form pairs and take hands. In ancient times, when young people participated in the game, the guy got up a couple with a girl. Now this rule is not respected.

Couples get up each other in a row-column. « Burner» turns away from other children. Now you need to read the line. It should be located 5-10 meters from the lead. The less age playing children, the shorter the distance from the lead « burners» Before the feature.

All participants, holding in pairs of arms, sing together song:

"Gori, Gori clearly,

So that it does not fade.


Look on the field

Drubacchi go there

Yes eating Kalachi.

Look at the sky:

Stars are burning

Cranes shout.

Once, two, not the focus,

And run like fire! ".

The last line of songs is a signal to the active action of children from the extreme pair. They disconnect their hands and rapidly run to the cherished feature. The presenter must catch the hand of one of the pair. If he succeeds, he gets in a couple with those who did not catch up. Caught baby becomes « burner» . If no one can catch up, the presenter does not change. Couple "Furious" The players are combined behind the line, then rises to the beginning of the overall column. If a « burner» Not fast and not deft, it remains for a long time in the role of the lead, and the rest is encouraged. But it will be worthwhile, if there is a leading to change through three not caught pairs, re-calculated on the count.

IN « burner» Children can play enough long. Collective the game - It is not only fun and funny, but instructive. Such games bring a huge benefit of both the health of children and their emotional confusion.

Publications on the topic:

Project "Russian People's Toy" The project "Russian People's Toy" The relevance of the project: A modern child is focused on toys of Western countries and does not speak sufficient.

Useful hobbies for any child is theatrical activity. It contributes to the overall development; manifestation of curiosity,.

Objective: Formation of ideas about the culture and the life of the Russian people through the history of the folk doll, acquaintance with the Russian folk toy.

Abstract Node "Russian folk fairy tale" Masha and the Bear " We are fulfilled with a reasonable technological technologies: playing. Purpose: the study of the study of the "Male and Bear" scan. If necessary: \u200b\u200bto rebel.

Master class Russian folk mobile game "Golden Gate" Purpose: intensify and develop the motor activity of children with a close relationship with their cognitive and mental activities,.

Node Russian folk game "Mirror" Abstract directly - educational activities in 1 youngest group. Topic: Russian folk game "Mirror" deserted Larisa Sergeevna.

Purpose: Continuing the acquaintance of children with folk traditions and customs, with the people's decorative and applied arts of the Russian people. Expansion.

P / and "Mousetrap"

Purpose of the game : Improve the coordination of movement and dexterity.

Game traffic: Playing are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children, holding hands, forms a circle. They depict a mousetrap. The rest of the children (mice) are outside the circle. Mousetrap depicting begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how mouse is tired,

They slept everything, everyone filed,

Beware, cheerful,

We get to you.

Here we put the mousetrap,

Frall everyone now!

Children stop, raise the lifted hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into a mousetrap and run away from it. At the signal of the teacher "Claw" standing in a circle, children lowered hands, squatted - Mousetrap slams. Mice, did not have time to run out of the circle (mousetrap), are considered caught. Caught become in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, children change roles, and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

m / n "Who has a ball?"

Purpose of the game:develop attentiveness; Fasten the ability to perform game action in accordance with the rules.

Game traffic:

Playing form a circle, the leading drive is selected. It becomes in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children are tightly navigating each other, the hands of everyone behind their backs.

The educator gives someone a ball (with a diameter of 6-8 cm.), And the children behind their back pass it in a circle. Drinking tries to guess, who has a ball. He says: "Hands!" - And one to whom they turn, should set both hands with palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If you guess guess, he takes the ball and becomes a circle, and the player who has found the ball begins to drive. The game is repeated.

p / and "Catching" (with ribbons)

purpose: Develop dexterity in children, intelligence. Exercise in running with confidence, in fishing and in the construction in the circle.

Game traffic:Playing are built in a circle, everyone gets a ribbon, which he lays out behind the belt or behind the gate. In the center of the circle - catcher. At the signal "Once, two, three - catch", children are running out, and the fishing seeks to pull out a ribbon from someone. Lying ribbons departs aside. According to the signal "Once, two, three - in the circle of speeds of speed!", Children are built into the circle. The educator proposes to raise the hands to those who lost the ribbons, that is, lost, and counts them. Catching Returns ribbons to children. The game begins with new leading.

Rules:The fishing should only take a ribbon without holding the playing. Playing, deprived of the ribbon, moves away.

p / and "Figures"

Purpose: Bring up creative abilities.

Game traffic: At the tutor signal, all children are running around at the site (hall). On the next signal, all players stop in place, where they found them, and take some position. The teacher celebrates those whose figures turned out to be the most successful.

m / n "Find and silent"

Purpose: Develop child attention.

Game traffic: The educator hides in advance what is the subject and offers children to find it. The one who saw the subject comes to the educator and quietly announces the find. The teacher notes the guys who were the most attentive.

p / and "We are funny guys"

purpose: .

Game traffic: Children stand on one side of the site below. On the opposite side of the site, the second feature is performed. In the center of the site is a fishing. The fishing is prescribed or chosen by children. Children choir pronounce:

We, funny guys

Love to run and ride.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Once, two, three - catch!

After the word "catching", children move on the other side of the site, and the fishing catch up with the runners, catches them. He, to whom the fishing will be able to touch, before the runaway crosses the line, is considered caught. He moves away. After 2 -3 runs, another catcher is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Instructions. If after 2 - 3 days the fishing does not catch anyone, still chosen a new catcher

n / and "rod"

Purpose: Improve coordination abilities, strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Game traffic: Playing stand in a circle, withstand the center of the circle tutor. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which the bag with sand is tied. The tutor rotates the rope with a bag in a circle over the most floor (earth), and the children join the two legs up, trying to the bag not to hide the legs. After describing the bag of 2-3 circles, the teacher pauses the pause, counts the amount of tested bag and gives instructions to perform jumps.

n / and "quickly"

target: Improve the speed of the reaction to the signal.

Game traffic:Children form a circle and on the tutor signal perform walking or run around items (cubes, cones, pebbles), which should be one or two less than children. On the signal: "Right take!" - Each player must take the item and raise it above the head. One who did not have time to raise the subject is considered to be a loser.

n / and "empty place"

Purpose: Develop the ability to navigate in space and speed


Game traffic:Playing becomes in a circle, putting hands on the belt - windows are obtained. Choose leading. He walks behind the circle and says: I go around the house

And in the windows I look,

To one I come

And quietly.

After the word "default", the leading stops, looks into the window, against which he stopped, and says: "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk." Standing ahead asks: "Who came?". Driving calls its name. Standing in a circle asks: "Why did you come?". The leading responds: "We run on distillation," and both run around playing in different directions. In the circle it turns out an empty place. The one who will be the first to him remains in a circle; The late becomes leading, and the game continues.

m / n "Classes"

Purpose:Teach children jump in length.

Game traffic: Classics are drawn on the asphalt (5 - 6).
The child takes a flat pebble and throws it into the first class. Then jumps on two legs to the first class, raises pebbles and jumps back. Thinks pebbles into the second class, and he jumps first in the first class, and from it in the second. It also raises the pebbles and jumps through the first class. Then throws into the third class and so on until it comes to the class line. After that, the rest of the children begin to jump. When the queue is suitable again to the first child, he takes his peasus and throws into the class, which did not hit before. So in turn playing all children. That child wins with a group that will take all classes first.

n / and "not getting off"

Purpose: Develop dexterity and coordination of movement.

Game traffic: Playing are located around the cord laid out on the floor in the form of a circle. In the center of the circle two leading. At the tutor signal, children jump on two legs in a circle and back from the circle as catheurs approaches. The player who managed to "spot", gets a penalty point. After 50 seconds. The game stops, the losers are counted, the game is repeated with new watering.

p / and "Flight of birds"

Purpose:Fix climbing on a gymnastic stairs.

Game traffic: At one end of the hall there are children - "birds". At the other end of the hall - the benefits on which you can "take off" (gymnastic benches, cubes, etc.) - "Trees".

According to the tutor signal: "Birds fly away!" - Children waving their hands like wings, run throughout the hall; On the signal: "Storm!" - Run to the hills and hide there. When the educator says "the storm stopped!", Children descend from the hill and again run around the hall ("Birds continue their flight"). During the game, the educator necessarily carries out insurance of children, especially when descent from a gymnastic wall.

m / n "Do not stay on the floor"

Purpose: Develop the ability to act on a verbal signal, quickly navigate in the situation.

Game traffic:It is selected by the leading - a fishing, which runs along with children throughout the hall (platform). As soon as the educator said: "Catch!" - Everyone run away from the fishing and try to climb on any elevation (bench, cube, pencil, etc.). The fishing tries to ignite the runaway before they have time to stand up on the elevation. Children to whom the fishing touched, depart aside. At the end of the game, the number of caught players is calculated and choose the other leading. The game resumes.

p / and "Ball Looking"

Purpose: Develop the dexterity and speed of the reaction, the ability to play the collective.

Game traffic:Playing are distributed to 2-3 teams. Each team is built in a circle, in the center of each circle is located with the ball in the hands. Wasing throw the ball to players of their circle alternately and get it back. When the ball costs all the players, then the leading raises him above his head and says "ready!". Whose team is faster.

p / and "Geese - Swans"

Purpose:educating in children an exposure, the ability to perform movements on the signal. Exercise in Runwith confidence.

Game traffic: On one side of the hall (platforms) denotes the house in which the geese is located. On the opposite side of the hall there is a shepherd. On the side of the house of the lair (about the middle of the hall), in which the wolf lives, the rest is the meadow. Children are selected, performing the role of wolf and shepherd, the rest are depicting geese. The shepherd catches the geese on the meadow, they graze and fly.

Shepherd: geese, geese!

Geese: (stop and respond in chorus). Ha, ha, ha!

Shepherd: Do you want?

Gus: Yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd: Fly!

Gus: We can not:

Gray wolf under the mountain

Does not allow us home.

Shepherd: Fly, as you wish,

Only wings take care!

Geese, placing the wings (putting hands to the sides), fly through the meadow home, and wolf, ranging out of Logov, trying to catch them (stain). Caught geese go to the lair. After two runs, the number of causing geese caught by wolf is calculated. Then the new water-wolf and shepherd are selected.

m / n "flies - does not fly"

Purpose:Develop the ability to distribute attention, learn concentration.

Game traffic: Children stand in a circle, in the center of the teacher. He calls animated and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. For example, the educator says: "The plane flies, the chair flies, the sparrow flies", etc. Children should raise the hands up if the flying object is called.

p / and "Customers"

Purpose:Develop the motor activity of children.

Game traffic: It is chosen by the leading - a cub, which rises to the center of a circle formed by children. Holding hands, children go in a circle to the right and left, uttering:

Smooth circle for each other

We go to step step.

Stand on the spot! Together together

Let's do this ......... ..

Children stop, lowered hands; The intricant shows any movements, and all players must repeat it.

p / and "Firemen on the teaching"

Purpose: Fix the skills to climb the gymnastic wall, do not miss the rail.

Game traffic:Children are built into four columns face to the gymnastic wall - these are firefighters. On each span the gymnastic wall at the same altitude (on the rail) bells are suspended.

According to the tutor signal: "Marsh!" - Children standing first in the columns running to the gymnastic wall, climb on it, call to the bell, go down and return to the end of their columns. The teacher notes the child who fulfilled the task faster. Then the signal is again served and the next group of children is running, etc.

Purpose: Develop attentiveness, activity of sensory systems.

Hodge game: Players stood in a circle, in the center of the circle - driven with blindfolded eyes. One of the children leading to the touch should learn his comrade. The game lasts 5-6 times, each time the new leading is selected.

p / and "Frost Red Nose"

Purpose:Bring up speed and dexterity

Move: On the opposite side of the site, two houses are indicated, playing are located

In one of the houses. Driving - Frost Red nose becomes the middle of the platform face to playing and saying:

I frost red nose.

Who of you will decide

In the path - the road to empty?

Players answer chorus:

We are not afraid of threats,

And the frost is not worried.

After the word "frost", children move through the platform into another house, and the leading catching up and tries to touch them, "freeze." "Frozen" stop at the place where they touched them, and before the end of the fade is not moving. The educator together with the frost count the number of "frozen". After each run is chosen by the new frost. At the end of the game compare what frost frozen more playing.

n / and "hunters and hares"

Purpose : Relieve dexterity

Move: From among the players, the hunter is chosen, the rest of the children are hares. On one side of the hall (platforms) a place for the hunter is given to another - the house of the hare. The hunter walks around the hall, pretending to seek traces of the hare, and then returns to his house. Zaiters jump out of _ for bushes and jump (on 2 legs, on the right or left - who wants) in different directions. By signal: "Hunter!" - Hares run away into the house, and the hunter throws the balls in them (in his hands he has 2-2 balls). Hares in which he fell, are considered raised, and he takes them into his house. After each hunt for Zaitsev, the hunter changes, but it is not chosen from among the caught.

p / I. "Bold Practices"

Purpose :Bring up speed and dexterity

Move:Children are built in a circle, before each playing two snow. In the center of the circle is driven - the cat. Children depict a groove and the tutor signal jump into the circle through snowballs and jump back from the circle as the cat approaches. Sparrow, who touched the cat. Gets a penalty point, but it does not leave the game. After some time, the educator stops the game and, calculates the number of "outstanding"; Select a new leading.

p / and "Sanding Lisa"

Purpose:Bring up speed and dexterity

Move:Playing stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Aside, outside the circle is indicated by the house fox. According to the tutor's sign, the children closes their eyes, and the teacher bypasses them from the outside of the circle and adopted to one of the players, which becomes a leading - cunning fox. Then the children open their eyes, choir 3 times (with a small interval) asked (first quietly, then louder): "Sunshine fox, where are you?" After the third question, the fucking fox will quickly run on the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: "I'm here!". All players are running around on the site, and Fox will catch them (touching his hand). After Lisa caught 2-3 guys and take them into their home, the teacher says: "In the circle!". The game resumes.

m / n "School of the ball"

Purpose :defense development, fast reaction, attention

Purpose:For the game is given a small ball. Children play one by one, two and small bands. Playing performs the task of movement in order. Successfully coping with one, he proceeds to the next. If the child made a mistake, he transmits mex. another. When continuing the game, it begins with the movement in which it was wrong.

p / and "Bears and Bees"

Purpose:Bring up speed and dexterity

Move:On one side of the hall is hive, and on the opposite side of the meadow. On the side is located Berlerg Bears. According to the conventional signal of the tutor, the bee is flying out of the hive (peeled off the hill (it can be a gymnastic bench, wall, etc.)) fly to the meadow behind honey and buzz. Bees fly away, and the bears run out of the beard and climb into the hive (whipped on the elevation) with honey. As soon as the tutor gives a signal: "Bears!", Bees fly to the hives, and bears run away in Berloga. The bees stranger did not have time to hide (touching her hand). The treated bears misses one game. The game resumes, and after her repetition, children change roles.

p / and "Sovka"

Purpose:To form a creative imagination

Move:On one side of the hall is denoted by the nest of the sumupist. In the nest placed the leading - summistry. The rest of the children depict birds, butterflies, beetles - scatter around the hall. After some time, the teacher says: "Night!" - And all the players stop in place in those poses in which the night caught. The sovuka flies out of his nest, waving the wings and looks at who moves. The one who moved, Owl takes into his nest. Educator says: "Day!" - And butterflies, bugs, birds come to life and again begin to fly, spin. After two departures of the owls, the number of caught and selected new leading is calculated to hunt.

n / and "paired run"

Purpose:Learn to run in pairs

Move:"Change the subject". Children (two children, each in the hands of a cube) at the pedagogue signal run to hoop (35 m), change the cube on the ball and return back to the team. Transfer the ball to the next players. The following children change the ball into the cube. Task for children: as soon as possible to change one subject to another.

m / n "Whoever will get to the check box"

Purpose:improve the ability to crawl on

fours and ability to navigate

in space

Move:all playing sit on chairs. At a distance of 5-6, the head of the edge of the site is drawn, behind which 4-5 children becomes. On the opposite side of the site at a distance of 18 - 20 steps, the feature against each put a chair on which the checkbox is placed. Chairs are on the same line. At the tutor signal, children run to flags, take them, raise up, then put back. The tutor notes who from the children earlier than others raised the checkbox. Then all the fizz are sitting on the chairs, and the next 4-5 people become behind their place. The game ends when all children run 1 time to check box.

p / and "Gori, Gori clear!"

Purpose:Develop speed and dexterity

Move:Players stand in the column of two, holding hands, ahead of the column - leading. Children choir say:

Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out.

Look at the sky: birds fly,

The bells are ringing!

Once, two, three - run!

At the end of words, the players of the last pair lowered their hands and run to the beginning of the column - one right, another to the left of it. The leading tries to stain one of the players before he time to take his hands with his pair. If the player has stained, he becomes with him in a couple ahead of the column.

m / and "get into the hoop"

Purpose:Develop Eyemer and Motor Action Accuracy

Move:3 teams are involved, building children into a column behind the line of the throw face to the wall (3-4 m. From the throw line). Opposite each team on the floor lies the hoop (1.5-2 m. From the cast line). The first players hold the ball in their hands. At the signal, the first players throw the ball about the wall so that, bounce, he got into the hoop, then to them in his hands. Catching the ball, children transmit it to the following, and themselves become the end of the column. For each exact throw team, one point is accrued. Wins a team that scores more points.

n / and "homeless hare"

Purpose:Improve the speed of the response to the beep

Move:From among the players, a hunter and homeless hare is chosen. The rest of the players - the hares draw yourself a circle (at home), and everyone gets into it.

"Homeless Hare" runs away, and "hunters" catch it up. "Hare" can be saved from the "Hunter", running in any circle; Then the "hare", which became in the circle, should now run away, because now he becomes a homeless and "hunter" will catch him. As soon as the "hunter" caught (osalil) a hare, he himself becomes a "hare", and the former "hare" - "hunter".

p / and "Carousel"

Purpose:develop the rhythm of movements and

Ability to coordinate them with words

Move:Children form a circle, holding the right cord with hand, go in a circle at first slowly, then faster and go to run. Movements are performed in accordance with the text, which pronounced out loud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

Split carousel,

And then Cro-Rom, Cro-Rom,

All run, run, run.

After the children run 2-3 circles, the educator organizes them and gives a signal to a change in the direction of movement. Playing turn around the circle and, intercepting the cord with the other hand, continue to walk and run. Then the teacher with the children says:

Quieter, quieter, do not hurry!

Carousel Stop!

Once - two times - two,

That ended the game.

The movement "Carousel" gradually slows down. On the words "That ended the game!" Children stop.

m / n "Fire Sweat"

Purpose:Training accuracy, strengthening muscles

Move:Players stand in a rank behind the starting line of 6-8 people. At the signal, children change snowballs, trying to knock down the kegli (distance 4-5 m. From the starting line). There are players who managed to get on targets.

n / and "from a bump on a bump"

Purpose: develop the ability to jump on two legs with

promotion forward

Move:The educator lays out flat hoops in a checker order (6 pieces in two lines). Playing are built into two columns and on the team perform jumps on two legs from a hoop into the hoop. Distance between children in jumps in 2-3 hoops, in order to prevent injuries. Defeats the team that completed the task quickly and right

p / and "Counter Furnits"

Purpose:Consolidate the ability of children to run on distillation

Move:The group is divided in half. The players become on the opposite sides of the site behind the lines in the rank at a distance of no less than one step from each other. Each group of children in the hands of ribbons of their color is blue, yellow. According to the sign of the teacher "Blue", children with blue ribbons run on the opposite direction. Standing opposite the children stretch his palms and wait for the running to touch them. The one who touched, runs on the other side of the site, stops behind the line, turns and raises his hand up. Etc.

p / I. "SERSO"

Purpose:Develop attention, eye meter, coordination

movements, accuracy

Move:Two children become against each other at a short distance (2-3 m). Some of them throws toward another ring, and he catches them on stick.

With a large number of participants, children, divided into pairs, become friend on a friend at a distance of 3-4 m. At one of them (by agreement) in the hands of the stick, in the other - a stick and a few rings (at first 2, later 3-4) . The latter puts on the tip of the ring of the ring and lets them one towards her partner, who catches the rings on his stick. When all rings are thrown, the caught rings are calculated, after which children change roles. Wins the one who caught more than the number of rings.

n / and "k &

This game is especially interesting when the guests are no longer quite sober. To carry out this game, you need to prepare a piece of Watman in advance, to which the vertical scale is applied to the felt-tip pen. On the scale, the degrees - 40, 30, 20, 10, 10 are indicated on the scale - 40, 30, 20, 10. The task of participants is to burn and stretching the hand to the "alcoholometer" between the legs, mark the degrees on the marker scale. The distance between degrees on the scale should be made not too close to the participants pull the hand as high as possible. After all, everyone wants to show that he sober up the rest.


With the help of a hair gum, you can spend a "harem" contest. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men receives rubber bands of a certain color (one - red, the other is green and so on). In a few minutes, each of the participants must "incense" as many women as possible. Ring - a gum wear ladies on the wrist. Then the amount of rubber band is calculated and the most aggressive participant is determined.


Guests should crash over couples. In each of the couples - a woman and a man. On the back of the clothing partners are attached clothespins. The task of the partner is the teeth with tied eyes to move clothespins from the back of clothes on the clothes on the side of the partner. The couple wins, which performed the task first.

Carriages - mobile game for adults

Make a number - a game for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: Fire calendar
This game is held during the dance. Before the start of each dance, the lead calls any number from 35 to 55, and the players must be gathering into the pair so that the amount of numbers on their calendar leaves is equal to this number.
Suppose the number 37 is called. So a pair make up the players who have a calendar leaflets with numbers 30 plus 7, or 18 plus 19, or 25 plus 12, etc. In all cases, the one who fulfills the task before others is defeated.

Street - mobile game for adults

Number of players: 2 participants from each team
Optional: 2 roll of toilet paper
The presenter issues to the roll of toilet paper to players (preferably with a name of 100 meters, so that the title of the competition approached). The first participants unwind her on the lawn, the field or hall, and the second ware and pass again ready rolls leading.
Then these rolls can still be used for the "Mummy" contest, i.e. Complete someone with this paper.

Transfer the header - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: 2 caps
All participants get up in two circles - internal and external. At one player on the head of the hat, it needs to be used in its circle, the condition is one thing - the cap to transmit from the head to the head, without touching her hands. The team wins the team in which the player at number one will turn out to be in the header.

Do not yawa - mobile game for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: Ball
Players get up in the circle back to the center and to the watering. In the hands of the ball. It starts counting from 1 to 5. After the number 5, he calls the name of one of the players and throws up the ball up. The task of whose name was called - to quickly turn around and catch the ball either on the fly or only after one strike of the Earth. To whom it failed three times - dropping out of the circle.

Playing are built into two columns, holding hands with couples. Ahead is leading. Guys choir pronounce:

Gori, Gori clearly,
So as not to go out.
Look at the sky:
Birds fly away
The bells are ringing!
Once or twice or three - run!

After the word "run! »Children standing in the last pair lower hands and run to the beginning of the column: one right, the other to the left of the column. The leading trying to catch one of the guys before he had time to take his hands again with his partner. If you find it possible to do this, it takes hands with the caught, and they get up ahead of the column. The remaining without a pair becomes leading. To increase the motor activity, you can divide children into two teams.

Torchwoman catches out running players only when they run past him. He has no right to look back and peep what a couple going to run past him. Otherwise, the preparing to escape the steam can change the queue with another pair or in some places with each other.
No one should begin run before the last word sounds.
The Torch can smear running only until they take hands.
Meters in fifteen-twenty ahead of the Torchka is noted in advance, before which the running pair should not join hands again.
Playing can agree that the Torch must chase any of the runners, but necessarily for the guy and, having gone, can stand in a couple with a girl, caught the same "burn" - or vice versa.

Anna Zhenyakova



Enrich the knowledge of children about Russian folk games, counters, form ideas about traditions, movable Games, national folklore of the Russian people, fasten skills in Russian national games "Stretchable", "Bear and hare", "Sun and moon", "Gori-Gori clear!"

To acquire children to folk creativity, Russian culture, develop a sense of humor, imagination, smelting.


Develop agility, speed, endurance; The ability to reincarnate, running in the run, the ability to act across the signal;

Develop the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing the rules of the game, the ability to be responsive and benevolent in communication;

Exercise in performing various types of movements through game tasks.

Contribute to preservation and health promotion.


Educate interest and love for Russian folk games, respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, attentive attitude towards others;

Consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of the people;

Bring up patriotism and love for their people;

Cause an emotional manifestation of joy;

Bring up an exposure, the ability to follow the rules of the game;

Forming friendly relationships

Promoting the introduction of physical culture into the life of the family.


suit of the scroll, a bag for a scaffolding, a small handkerchief, a hail of a bear, a carousel-umbrella with ribbons, a canvas-parachute, 2 arcs, a treat for children.

Educator: Guys, today I suggest playing Russian folk games in which adults and children played on fair Storage.

Do you like to play, have fun?

So, not against our carousel ride!

Carousel, Carousel

All rides all day:

Ladies, animals,

Matrius and parsley.

Stand in a circle to the carousel and take the edge of the ribbon with your right hand. Under fun music go for the winter fair.

Small game mobility"Carousel"

(Children run in a circle one way, then the whistle signal performs a turn to the other side by changing the hand with a ribbon).

Children meets a scrooch.

Skomorokh: Hello children!

I am no cheerful in the world!

I guys, crumpled!

I do not like Ohhi sighs!

The sun rises bright

Hurry to fair people.

Cut the gate,

Pass, gentlemen!

Look, do not yaw

RTY do not smear!

Do not want to play?

His delets show?

Now we will play the game "Stretchable".

Once or two, once or two, the game begins!

Russian traditional low-live game"Stretchable"

Children go under merry Russian folk music. Swiss, hands on a belt. Music ships, all children try to stand in a couple (Troika, Four). The child remaining alone, goes into the center of the circle. Children speak: "Once, two, three stretchable - you!" The game is repeated.

Skomorokh: - Although my Sum is simple,

It seems like, empty.

(The scroll pulls out of the pouch).

Movable game"Gori-Gori clear!"

Come out, honest people, get into the dance!

(Children become in a circle, drivening with a handkerchief in a circle and runs in a circle. When the music stops playing, the driving stops between two children and believes:

"Gori-Gori is clear

So as not to go out.

Look at the sky

Birds fly away

The bells are ringing.

Once, two, three - run! "

A couple after these words runs along the edges forward, who will quickly take the scarf - gets up with leading. The remaining without a scarf becomes the next leading).

Skomorokh: Well, Sasha, come

In the bag hand to lower!

(The child pulls a happy with a suma)

Play continue

New game start.

The game is interesting

Frankly - omnimacy.

Bear choose

Game "Bear and hare" begin.

Before you start playing,

Everything: Behind the seas, around the corner,

Behind the iron poles

On the hill - teremok!

On the door hanging the castle.

You go for the key

And the lock is from!

Movable game"Bear and hare"

From the parachute you need to do "Berlogue"By sketching it on the chairs or other items with a height of 1meter. Child- "bear" sits and sleep in his "Berorog"(under parachute). Children- "Hares" jump around and tease his:

Bear Brown, Bear Brown,

Why are you so gloomy?

"Bear", crawling out "Berlogs", replies:

I did not treat a naked

Here at all and got angry.

One, two, three, four, five -

I start to drive everyone!

On the last word "bear" cattle "Zaitsev" and takes them in "Berlogue".

Skomorokh: Good was the game

And now it's time

On the fair People bought not only sweets, but also different decorations, clothes, home goods.

Massage "Ay Tari, Tari, Tari ...."

Ai, Tari, Tari, Tari,

Buy Masha Amber.

The money will remain -

Buy Masha earrings.

Pyataks will remain -

Buy Masha shoes.

Sturkets will remain -

Buy Masha spoons.

Leave half

Buy Masha pillows. (rubbing palms)

(Press each finger)

(Show "Cash")

(Press on the ears of the ears)

(Show "Cash")

(stroke for feet)

(Show "Cash")

(tapping cams)

(Show "Cash")

(Break hands in the air)

Skomorokh: Well, honest people, get into the dance!

Now we will play the game "Sun and moon".

One, two, three, four, five -

We gathered to play.

To us forty flew

And you told you.

I'll buy myself a dud

And I'll go down the street.

Louder, shoes, denses:

We play, you are.

Movable game"Sun and moon"

(Two players are chosen, who get together opposite each other, take hands and raise them up, forming "goal". The remaining players get up with a chain and go under the goal. Gate players sens:

Golden gates are not always missing.

For the first time says

The second is forbidden.

And for the third time you will not miss you!

At some point "goal" They are sharply lowered and a player who produced under them.

The player is discharged on the side and quietly asked, on whose side he would like to get up - "Sun" or "Moon". When he chose, he indicates the corresponding player and he gets up behind "Sun" or "Moon". Next, the game continues until all participants in the chain will not be caught and distributed by teams. "Sun" and "Moon".

Skomorokh: It is time for us!

Remember me always!

For laughter for fun

All of you treat.

(The crude distributes a treat).

Inza-Brynts, Balalaika,

Inza-Bryntsy, play-ka!

Inza-Brynts, I do not want

Inza-balls in a circle I will go!

Skomorokh: Our festive ended fairIt's time to go to the way home. And takes you back to kindergarten our magic carousel.

(Children "Sit on the carousel"holding a tape)

Educator: Once, two, picked up!

Three, four, unwind!

Five, six, seven, eight,

From the carousel, we ask you!

Well done with us guys!

Strong, skillful, friendly and brave!