Games at home. Interesting entertainment and competitions for every taste or children's birthday contests at home: how to organize and hold Contests for children at home

Games and entertainment "on paper" are familiar to man since
school desks. They are distinguished by their simplicity and the fact that they are able to
captivate and interest from the first minutes. For such games
only a sheet of paper is useful (depending on each: in a cage, a line
or blank), as well as a writing pen or pencil.

Games "on paper":

  • Tic-tac-toe - classic game for which
    you need to draw a grid of 9 cells. Decide on
    partner who and what will draw (tic-tac-toe). Start the game
    each move you make is one sign. The winner is the one who managed to draw three
    the same sign horizontally, diagonally or vertically.

  • Sticks - For this game you will need a sheet of
    cell. On it you need to draw a geometric rhombus. Exercise
    each player - to draw sticks inside the rhombus, which would occupy one
    side of the cell. If someone manages to detect an open cell
    (that is, sticks on three sides), he immediately draws the fourth, and inside
    its sign - a cross or a zero. The one who draws in the playing field wins
    more characters.

  • Hand - you will need a piece of paper in a box (you can
    same use in line). Outline your hand, inside its outline you
    you should paint the numbers from 1 to 100 in different places (confusing). Same
    your partner does on his leaf. Then you exchange
    leaflets. The task is to take turns finding a number from 1 to 100 and circle
    him after finding. While you are looking for him, your partner is drawing
    around the contour of the hand zeros. Whoever draws the full sheet wins.
    zeros in the "free territory".

  • Sea battle - in order to start the game, you
    two battlefields should be drawn (for each player). Looks box in
    the form of a square 10 by 10 cells each (the top line is indicated
    letters: from a to i, and the left vertical from 1 to 10. Inside the field, each
    the player draws ships: 1 of 4 cells, 2 of 3, 3 of 2 and 1
    single). Your task is to shoot at the enemy field, calling
    coordinates, for example: "a-10" or "r-7". Whoever comes first wins
    "sink" all enemy ships.

  • The words - a long word is written on a piece of paper.
    The task of each player is to come up with as many small words as possible from
    long word. The one with the highest number wins.
    For example, the word "parallelogram" and from it the words: "pair", "gram",
    "lego", "goal", "frame" and so on.

  • Word Crossword - Write in the middle of the sheet
    long word. Your task is to add small or other words,
    which would consist of several letters of the original. The one who wins
    will make up a maximum of words (1 word - 1 point), a long word (more than one
    letters - 2 points).

What can you play cards with?

Many people like to play cards, because they allow you to completely forget about time and have fun.

Interesting card games:

  • Fool - This is an old and familiar game. There are two
    type: "Ordinary fool" and "Flip". The task of the game is to beat the card more
    senior of the same suit or any trump card. Each player receives 6 cards
    and replenishes its set as they are thrown off. The one who has
    running out of cards.

  • Queen of Spades - players must be equal
    number of cards. All of them must be in pairs. In turn, each
    the player draws a card from the partner without looking and, adding a pair to it, discards
    (for example: 9 cross and 9 diamonds). Among all the cards there is one -
    "The Queen of Spades". The one who will have this card (it is the only one
    which does not have a pair, since 1 queen is discarded from the deck immediately) and her
    the owner at the end of the game will be the losing side.

  • Trump card - put the deck face down
    in front of. Designate a trump card in advance (any suit) and alternately
    turn over one card at a time. The one who is lucky to put a trump card,
    takes the entire pile of flipped cards. Whoever has cards will lose

  • Drunkard - put the deck face down in front of
    yourself. Start turning over the cards one at a time. The one whose card will
    more, will have to pick up the entire flipped stack. At the loser
    At the end there will be more cards.

Mobile games for two at home without a computer: what to play?

An alternative to "harmful" computer games can be
mobile interesting games that can be played at home or outdoors


  • Edible or not edible objective of this game
    is simple: everyone should guess what object the partner will call him. AT
    depending on this, he either catches or hits a small ball.
    The one who beats off the "edible word" loses, or catches

  • Crocodile - this is a simple and very interesting game, in
    which everyone must show the word with gestures and movements. Pronounce
    words and sounds are not allowed. The one who doesn't guess the word loses.

  • Cold or hot - your task is to hide
    some object at home or on the street. A partner is looking for him, and you help him
    do this by saying "hot, warm or cold" as it
    approaching a hidden object.

  • A note - the game is simple and interesting: one participant
    writes words on the back of his partner with his fingers, and he guesses the letters and
    makes up a word. The one with the most words wins.

  • Broken phone - this game will require
    a large number of children. Everyone sits in a row. The first child invents
    word and communicates it to his neighbor, but quickly and quietly. He also transmits it
    exactly as heard. The latter speaks the heard word loudly. If a
    the word eventually turned out to be “corrupted”, everyone voices what they heard and
    thus the loser is revealed.

What games can adults play at home, in an apartment together, without a computer?

Adult games are characterized by more complex thought processes, as they are mainly designed for logic.


  • Backgammon - for this you need bones, checkers and
    a special field for the game. The winner is the one who first rolls the checkers over
    circle and return to its place.

  • Chess - logic game, the meaning of which is to capture foreign territory and destroy the "enemy army".

  • Checkers - the game is designed for white or black checkers to move to the opposite field and "destroy" the opponent's checkers.

  • Guess who I am (Tarantino) - the game is very simple and
    exciting at the same time. World names are written on pieces of paper.
    personalities (actors, singers, politicians). The leaves are mixed and each is not
    looking, he chooses one for himself, then fastens it to his forehead. Everyone's task is
    Guess what kind of personality fell to him by leading questions.

  • Mafia - A challenging turn-based game in the detective genre.
    The game should use ordinary or special cards, you can not do
    without the help of a leader.

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a husband and wife?

  • Lotto - classic game with which time is literally
    "Flies unnoticed." To do this, you will need a special set of tickets and
    barrel bag. The first person to fill out their ticket wins.

  • is a logic game in which you have to
    remove the blocks from the built tower, taking them out of the middle. Task -
    do not break the tower, the one whose tower crumbles will lose.

  • Truth or lie - each player tells
    two stories, one of which is fiction, and the second is true. The task of the second
    player to find out what is what. Who knows best wins

  • Associations - your task is to guess a word
    and name all associations with him to your partner so that he
    guessed. Whoever guesses the most words wins.

  • "What movie?" — To do this, players must be
    real movie buffs. Describe the story of the main character without naming him
    name, and your opponent will guess the movie. The more correct
    answers, the more points.

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a guy and a girl?


  • Townships- the task of each player to name the city on
    the letter that was the last in the already named word. Can also be changed
    the theme of the game, for example, not the names of cities, but the names of flowers or dishes.

  • Strip cards - for a young couple, even the usual "Fool" will be much more interesting if everyone takes off their clothing items in turn.

  • Puzzles - buy a big picture from puzzles and
    try to spend time together, picking it up piece by piece. At that time
    you can discuss many life issues and tell interesting

Collecting puzzles is an interesting pastime

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with a friend?


  • Divination for the betrothed - interesting pastime
    for two young girls, especially since the options for divination on
    today there are many: on cards, wax, coffee
    thicker, by phone call and so on.

  • I believe, I don't believe your friend asks you a question
    which you must answer correctly and incorrectly, and her task is
    choose the correct answer. The winner of the game will be the one who has
    more correct answers.

  • "Weak" in any game (be it cards, loto or
    palms) can be "weak". This is the punishment that follows
    do. As a rule, this is a funny or shameful activity that
    is not easy to implement.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your brother?


  • Domino - An interesting and exciting game of folding bones.

  • Mosaic - you can put a lot of interesting pictures together.

  • Constructor - build castles, houses or entire cities together.

  • active game with a special playground.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your sister?

  • Monopoly - interesting, exciting logic game with many tasks and elements.

  • Modeling from plasticine or plasticine dough - modern modeling dough or plasticine will allow you to create interesting figures and have fun.

  • Puppet show - funny stories with toy characters will certainly amuse you and help you have an interesting time.

What can two boys and girls aged 10-14 play together without a computer if they are bored?

  • paper dolls - for the game, you should draw and cut out the dolls, as well as come up with paper clothes for them.

  • I am a designer - girls like this game very much
    how it makes you feel like a real designer, creating
    fashion collections and giving a show to your girlfriend.

  • In rubber band is a fun and moving outdoor game.

  • At the hairdresser creating hairstyles and style for your girl friends is very interesting.

What can you play in the hospital together?

  • Guess the melody - you need to sing a familiar song with your voice, and your partner in the game must guess it.

  • Coloring and drawing - a fun and relaxing pastime that everyone will enjoy.

  • In the questionnaires compiling interesting questions about hobbies and answering them.

  • Poems- each of the players writes one line, which continues the previous one in rhyme.

It's nice to spend time in a cheerful company of friends, arranging an unusual championship. Games are important not only for kids, but also for adults, because they can unite us even more. In addition, this is a great way to help new friends join the team, and not stand alone all evening at the wall. We have selected 10 popular games that will allow you to have a good time. In our article you will find a variety of entertainment that trains the mind and develops the flexibility of the body.

When it comes to games for a large company, many first of all remember the "Mafia", which conquered the whole world and won a lot of fans. To play intelligent detective, you will need a deck of special cards that you can purchase online or draw yourself. You can also create your own card templates and order their printing in any edition. Well, if the above options are not suitable, take the most common cards and agree with your friends what roles you will give them. For example: Spades - Mafia, Ace of Spades - Mafia Boss, Jack of Hearts - Doctor, King of Hearts - Commissioner and so on. To prevent players from peeping at each other, it is advisable to wear masks or bandages as soon as the city falls asleep.

The essence of the game
There are conditionally three sides in the game: Mafia, Civilians and Maniac. The goal of the mafia is to kill players at night and execute during the day, posing as goodies. The goal of the Citizens is to find and execute the Mafia. A maniac is a self-willed person who kills everyone indiscriminately.
The classic version has active and passive characters. The host is a passive character, does not affect the course of the game, but coordinates the actions of all its participants.
Evil characters: Mafia (consists of the Boss and his henchmen), Maniac.
Good characters: Commissar, Doctor, Civilians.
Peaceful Citizens are passive players: they sleep at night, but they can vote during the day, sending objectionable people to death.
The mafia wakes up at night.
The Mafia boss chooses a victim to be stabbed. In the event of the death of the Boss, his post is taken by another mafia.
Maniac strikes any player at night.
The commissioner can check any player at night. If that player has been visited by the Mafia or the Maniac, the Commissar's check scares away criminals, saving the player's life.
The Doctor also makes his move at night and can heal anyone (one player) by canceling the killing move of the Mafia or Maniac.

Game progress

The game is divided into intervals - day and night. On the first day, the Host distributes cards to the players, after which the first night begins. On the first night (at the command of the Leader), the players wake up in turn, letting him know who has what role. The mafia get to know each other and find out who got the role of Boss. All players wake up during the day. The host briefly describes the events of the previous night. For example: “The mafia struck, but the visit of the Commissar frightened off the bandits. The maniac brutally mocked another victim all night, but the Doctor managed to save the poor fellow. These hints allow players to identify the opponent. This is followed by a vote, during which each player can propose a candidate for execution. By carefully examining the arguments and the suspects, one can spot the mafiosi, as they tend to be unanimous in daytime voting. However, dexterous players know how to splurge, blaming each other during the day (but only if the execution of the ally is clearly not in danger). After the execution, the dead man's card is revealed and everyone sees his role. Then night falls on the city and the active players make their move again. The game ends with the victory of the Peaceful, if all the Mafs and the Maniac are killed. The mafia wins when it remains in the majority. With a successful combination of circumstances, the Maniac can win, left alone with a passive player.

In addition to the classic plot, there are many different options for the game. We advise you to choose the most creative friend with an excellent sense of humor for the role of the Lead. You can use references to various books and films in your competitions. So, for example, the plot about vampires and werewolves has become popular, where the role of the Boss is played by Count Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein heals from ailments, and the Commissioner turns into Helsing or Buffy. The more friends you have, the more characters you can bring into the game, making it even more fun!

The exciting game "Twister" will give you a reason to laugh at the awkward poses of your friends, and at the same time - go in for sports, because during the game you will have to bend, stretch your arms and legs to colorful circles and try to keep your balance.

Game progress

The facilitator spins a special arrow, giving each player a certain pose (for example, the left hand on the green circle, the right foot on the yellow one, etc.). The winner is the player who manages to stand on the field, following all the orders of the host. If a player touches the surface of the field in the wrong place, he is automatically out of the game.

One of the most popular youth entertainments abroad is the question or wish game. To determine the queue of players, you can use pointers (for example, a bottle) or pass the turn clockwise.

Game progress

Player A offers Player B one of two options: a question or a wish. If player B chooses a question, then player A can ask him anything. If player B chooses a wish, then player A can order anything. It is better for married couples not to play, because the questions may turn out to be too personal and tricky. Best of all, this fun is suitable for single guys and girls.

A detective quiz that develops ingenuity and fantasy is a variation of the popular Danetki game.

Game progress

The host describes a situation (most often it is a robbery or murder), and you, using logic and imagination, try to figure out what happened. The key to the solution is always in the problem itself.

Riddles Examples

1) The body of a man was found in the middle of the desert, next to which lay a backpack. The man was absolutely healthy, neither hunger nor dehydration caused death. What did he die from?
The answer: the key to the solution is the backpack in which the parachute was located, and the poor fellow died because the parachute did not open.

2) The body of a security guard is found in the middle of the supermarket. The man was not attacked, he did not die from an illness. There was only a sign next to it. What happened?
Guess: You've probably seen signs in stores that say "Wet Floor". Obviously, the guard slipped on the wet floor and hit himself as he fell.

3) A man was found near the sports ground, who died under mysterious circumstances. There are no visible wounds on his body. Detectives spotted a ball nearby. What happened?
Answer: a heavy basketball, having flown out of bounds, hit the poor fellow in the head.

This game has many names and you are probably familiar with it. She gained particular popularity after the release of the film Inglourious Basterds.

Game progress

Each participant writes a name (literary character, movie character or real person) on the sticker. The sheets are distributed to the players (the player should not see the words on his sheet) and are attached to the forehead. Asking questions to other participants, the player must guess his character. Questions can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.

Riddle Example
Player 1: Am I human?
Player 2: No.
Player 1: Am I the hero of the movie?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: Am I spitting fire?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: Am I the dragon Drogon?
Player 2: Yes.

The round is won by the player who gives the correct answer by asking the least number of questions.

"Black Box" is a variation of the game "What? Where? When? ”, where a black box is used instead of the classic black box. The peculiarity of the game is that all questions and answers are somewhat frivolous: they are related to sex, drinking, etc. In the television version, you would not hear such questions.

Game progress

The facilitator asks a question related to the item in the black box. After a minute, the players must answer the question. By the way, it is not at all necessary to use a black box, it can be conditional.

Sample question for "CHS"
The actors of the popular musical "Cats" attach microphones under their tights. Artists often dance and (to protect against sweat) they put THIS on the microphones. Attention to the question: what lies in the black box?
Answer: condoms.

This quiz will allow you to test your erudition and compete in the speed of thinking.

Game progress

One of the players (missing this round) suggests to the host a well-known catch phrase, proverb or saying. The host reports the number of words in a given sentence. Players must guess the phrase by asking the host as many questions as there are words in the phrase. Questions and answers can be absolutely anything. However, each answer can consist of only one sentence and must contain 1 word of the hidden phrase.

Riddle Example
Host: The phrase contains 3 words. The player can ask 3 questions.
Player: What time is it?
Host: Look at the wall where the clock is hanging.
Player: Is there life on Mars?
Moderator: Scholars disagree on this issue.
Player: Who's to blame?
Host: The root of the problem is hidden from our eyes.
Answer: the aphorism of Kozma Prutkov “Look at the root” was made.

Surely you are all familiar with the Crocodile game, during which one participant silently shows the hidden word to a group of guessing players. In the fake Crocodile, the rules are somewhat different.

Fascinating quests in the style of "Find a way out of the room" have become one of the most fashionable entertainment. In almost every city there are quest rooms where (for a moderate and not very moderate fee) they will put on a whole performance for you.

Game progress

The team is closed in an unfamiliar room, from which it must get out in a certain period of time. Players are looking for riddles and clues to various secret boxes with new keys. Having solved all the problems, the team finds the master key that unlocks the door to freedom. If you have a spacious room and an inexhaustible imagination, you yourself can come up with a scenario for the quest. Call your friends, leave tips for them and see how they cope with the task.

"Litrball" is an adult game in the style of "who outdrinks whom." Historians argue that its various analogues have existed for centuries in all corners of the planet. Those who want to measure their ability to outdrink an opponent appeared as soon as mankind invented alcoholic beverages. They say that the ancient Greeks and Peter I especially liked such games. In the CIS countries, the so-called. "Drunk checkers", in which instead of white and black checkers they use glasses with vodka and cognac or glasses with light and dark beer. As soon as you "eat" the opponent's checker, you need to drink the contents of this glass and remove it from the board. More advanced players prefer Drunken Chess. For a game, silhouettes of chess pieces are drawn on the glasses with a marker.

However, Drunken Checkers and Drunken Chess can only be played by 2 people, so we will consider the option for a more crowded company. It's about student fun called "Beer Ping-Pong" (or "Beer Pong").

Game progress

You will need plastic cups, a table, a ping pong ball and beer. Lots of beer. Participants are divided into 2 teams. The judge pours beer into glasses and places them equally on both sides of the table, lining up the glasses in a triangle shape. Competitors take turns throwing the ball into the opponent's glass. If the ball lands in a glass, the hit player drinks beer from this glass, removes the empty bowl from the table and gets the right to re-throw. The team with the most accurate wins, having devastated all the opponent's glasses.

Attention: students' favorite pastime can lead to alcohol poisoning. We advise you to take smaller glasses, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly killed liver.

To make the children's holiday fun, you need to come up with games and entertainment for kids. An adult acts as a host, other adult guests of the holiday can also participate in games or help with their conduct. If the holiday is held in an apartment, then you can choose games that are easy to organize in a limited space. For a holiday on the street, we offer outdoor collective games.

We hold games and competitions at home

If we call some kind of entertainment the word "competition", then we mean that we use this concept conditionally. After all, in a real competition there are winners and losers, but we don’t need such a competition at our holiday. Our goal is to have a fun and joyful time. Therefore, all our participants are great, everyone gets applause and praise. Well, the one who fell behind or made a mistake can perform some kind of comic task.

Riddles in verse

Children love to solve riddles. We offer you several thematic series of riddles in verse. The facilitator reads the riddle, and the kids should add the last guess word in unison.

Riddles in verses about parts of the human body. (Children answer in chorus, pointing to the hidden part of the body.)

I won't get sick in winter

I will tie a scarf ... (neck)

Mom gave me a hat

So as not to freeze ... (head)

For a long time we walked along the road,

And we are tired ... (legs).

Let's have breakfast with you!

I'll take a spoon ... (with my hand).

I don’t want compote now -

Full of semolina ... (mouth).

I brought a flower to my face.

To sniff, you need ... (nose).

They are used to talking

After all, it lives in the mouth ... (language).

They are hidden from everyone by lips.

You smile - you can see ... (teeth).

Riddles in poems about animals.(Children finish the lines of poetry in unison.)

Jumping through the forest clearing

Long-eared gray ... (bunny).

The most cunning in the forest

They call everything ... (fox).

Among the trees, among the cones

A clubfoot is wandering ... (bear).

Terribly he clicked his teeth.

Everyone in the forest is afraid ... (wolf).

Early in the morning at the window

Licks our paws ... (cat).

New Year's riddles in verses.(Children in chorus add words to rhyme.)

The winter holiday is upon us!

We celebrate ... (New Year)

green needles

At the elegant ... (Christmas trees) \

Bright on New Year's Eve

Hidden under the tree ... (gifts)

Who brought gifts to everyone?

Kind Grandfather... (Frost)

Competitions for small artists

You can organize competitions for young artists, after which they immediately make an exhibition of works.

draw. For this task, you will need drawing sheets, felt-tip pens or colored pencils. On all sheets, you need to draw the beginning of the drawing in advance. It can be a simple geometric figure, a tree trunk, or a flower stalk. Participants of the competition are given the task to complete the drawing in 5 minutes. For example, you give the children sheets of paper, on each of which a circle is drawn. Kids draw what their fantasy tells them: a flower, the sun, a car or a little man.

Decorate the Christmas tree. If you are celebrating a New Year's holiday, then as a task, you can give out sheets with a Christmas tree pattern. Children will have to draw holiday decorations on it.

colorize. For the smallest participants, you can give the task to color the finished drawings.

Tests for the dexterous

Among children, you can conduct tests for dexterous. Such competitions are held if children express a desire to participate in them. You can exclude the competitive element if the children perform the task in turn. But adult guests can compete by participating in the same competitions. We offer you several tasks.

Right on target. To conduct the competition, you will need a ball of any size and some object that will be the goal. You need to roll the ball so that it hits the target. The younger the children, the larger the ball should be and the shorter the distance to the target.

Don't spill. For the competition you will need wide bowls of water, tablespoons and identical glass jars, on which a line is marked at the same height, for example, at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Participants need to use a spoon to pour water into the jar to the designated level.

Breeze. To hold the competition, you need to make a small ball out of cotton. Competitors must blow on the balloon, thus advancing it on a flat surface from the start to the designated finish.

Games for attention

Ear - nose. The facilitator explains to the children that he will name the parts of the body, and they should point to them. He himself will also point to a part of the body, but perhaps not to the one he named, that is, the children should follow the words of the leader, and not his gestures. Whoever makes a mistake performs some task: tells a rhyme, dances, depicts some animal.

sun - rain. The game is played like the previous one, only two moves are selected. If the facilitator pronounces the word "sun", then everyone shows their palms up with their fingers up. If the leader pronounces the word “rain”, then everyone lowers their palms with their fingers down and wiggles them. The leader confuses the players with his gestures.

Comic entertainment for children

At the children's party, you can hold comic entertainment, in which both adults and children will take part. We offer several joke contests, and you can come up with others.

make-up artists. Theatrical make-up is required for the performance. Children paint their parents' faces. Let them use makeup to create images of animals.

Unusual outfit. For the competition, you will need to collect different things from the wardrobe, it is best to find clothes in large sizes and accessories for it. It is necessary to break the company into pairs: a child and one of the parents. Clothes are put into boxes according to the number of couples participating. The child becomes a fashion stylist and dresses up an adult using the contents of the box. Then all the adults show off their outfits. Don't forget to take photos as a keepsake.

Simulation games for kids

Children will enjoy participating in role-playing games. We present some of them.

What? Who it? The most artistic adult is appointed as the leader in this game. With the help of movements and sounds, he shows children animate and inanimate objects. Who guessed, he raises his hand. After the shown is guessed, the facilitator invites the children to depict the action associated with the shown object. For example, the host showed a wolf. The children guessed, and the host asks them: “How does the wolf click its teeth?” Everyone is doing this at the same time. It is better for very young children to show animals that they know. Older children can also be shown inanimate objects or phenomena that are familiar to them, for example: wind, mobile phone, faucet, car. Older preschoolers will already guess people involved in different sports, and people of different professions. While watching an adult presenter, some children may wish to act as entertainers themselves.

Zoo. Each child is secretly given a picture with an animal. The host announces that each participant in the game must draw an animal from the picture that he got. The rest of the children guess the animals. All performances are supported by loud applause and praise.

animal voices. The roles of animals are distributed between children. These should be animals that can be portrayed with a voice. After the distribution of roles, the host asks everyone in turn to voice their beast. The game is played in this way: the host calls the animal, it must immediately respond. The game is played at an accelerating pace. Possible animals: cat, dog, cow, goat, mouse, bear, lion, etc.

Theatrical games for children

To play such a game, you need to write a small script for several characters (animals, fairy-tale characters, plants, etc.). Here are some small plots for theatrical games.

curious ducklings. One of the adults is assigned as Mother Duck. The host calls Mother Duck to the center of the room and asks to show duck movements: hands on the belt, flapping the wings-hands and quacking. All children become ducklings and repeat the movements of mother Duck. The children are told that they will have to hide from Duck's mother and come out when she says the word "round dance".

Leading. Mother Duck took the ducklings for a walk.

All the children line up in a column behind their mother Duck and walk in single file.

Leading. But the curious ducklings fled in different directions.

Children run and hide.

Mother Duck. Quack quack! Where are you, ducklings? Where are you guys?

He calls several times, but the ducklings do not come out.

Mama Duck. I know how to collect them. My ducklings love to dance!

All ducklings should gather near Mother Duck.

Leading. Let's start the duck dance! All are taken under the arms and go in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone flaps their wings and quacks loudly.

The host suddenly turns the music on and off several times.

Jumping Bunnies. The host lines up the children in a line and says that now they are bunnies. You can give everyone a bunny mask or ears. For convenience, each bunny keeps its own name.

Leading. What are the best things bunnies do? Of course, jump. But each bunny jumps in its own way. Each of you will need to remember your jumps.

The host calls the children one at a time, announcing how his bunny is jumping.

Leading. Bunny Sasha is the best jumper on one leg! Show us all! Are you so good at it?

Everyone jumps like Sasha.

Further, the methods of jumping are distributed to everyone: one jumps back, the other jumps on each leg alternately, the third jumps holding the ball between the knees, the fourth jumps with a turn around itself, etc. Then the bunnies jump to the music. As soon as the music stops, all bunnies should sit down and not move. The host suddenly turns the music on and off several times.

Win-win lottery

We propose to include a win-win lottery for guests in the holiday program.

There are many ways to run the lottery. You can make lottery tickets in different colors and pack the prizes in the corresponding color boxes. You can make cards with images of prizes that guests will pull out of the bag. You can hang prizes with numbers on a rope and invite the participants of the holiday to blindly pull out pieces of paper with numbers from the bag.

Children's disco

Be sure to organize a children's disco at the holiday. To do this, you need to make a selection of children's songs in advance, under which you can dance. Of course, children can dance on their own, but not for long. Therefore, we offer several collective dance fun.

Dancer in a hat. In the hands of the host is a hat (any children's headdress will do). The host announces the rules: only the one on whom he puts on a hat dances, and everyone else clap their hands. So alternately the host puts a hat on one or the other child. And can wear it on adults.

Mirror reflection. For this entertainment, the leader must come up with a sequence of dance movements in advance. Everyone stands in a circle and repeats the movements of the leader to the music. You can include some funny movements, even not quite dance ones.

round dance. The most popular round dance at the New Year's holiday is “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, during which the participants in the round dance make movements according to the text of the song. For a round dance, music is not required, but a song is needed. If you are not holding a New Year's disco, then any rhyme that can be sung and staged is suitable for a round dance. Here is an example of such a round dance.

Round dance "Sun". The song is sung to any suitable motive, repeated several times.

Sunshine, sunshine

Warm all around!

(Children raise their hands up, turning around themselves.)

Sunshine, sunshine!

(Children, holding hands, walk in a circle.)

Gather in a circle!

(Everyone, holding hands, walk to the center of the circle.)

Incendiary dances. The host invites the participants to dance in a special way, changing the task after a short time. He suggests dancing like bunnies, like bears, like mosquitoes, like horses, like butterflies, like frogs, like aliens, etc.

Interrupted dance. In this dance fun there is a condition for the dancers: if the music is interrupted, then some action must be performed. For example, shout “Hurray!”, puff out your cheeks, sit on the floor, take a candy from a box, or plug your ears.

Fantasize, invent, and all the guests at your holiday will have fun!

Interesting birthday contests for children are an indispensable attribute of a modern holiday. Long gone are boring gatherings with eating cakes and not understanding what to do with your free time.

Many parents invite friends to the birthday party, strive to bring a touch of creativity to the children's holiday. To help moms and dads - tips on organizing a celebration, a description of birthday contests for boys and girls, for kids and older children.

What competitions can be arranged? How to get kids interested?

Professional animators give advice:

  • take into account the age of the guests, select tasks that the birthday boy and friends can easily cope with;
  • prepare more props: children love to dress up, change clothes, draw, turn into fairy-tale characters;
  • alternate calm activities with fun relay races;
  • learn more about the friends of your son or daughter, ask about their preferences;
  • win-win option - a theme party with original costumes;
  • refuse contests in which participants will feel uncomfortable (humiliated). Do not let the results of the competition lead to a division into stupid and smart, quiet and activists, clumsy and jacks of all trades. Entertainment should cause joy, laughter, not ridicule;
  • prepare prizes. The main thing: attention, not the price of a gift. The award must be age appropriate;
  • think over two or three competitions in which there are no winners: all children receive gifts for participation. A prerequisite for babies aged 3-4 years;
  • invite all young guests to participate;
  • prepare a script, write the name of the competition on the sheet, a brief description to easily navigate which task to offer;
  • think of entertainment, taking into account the size of the room. If there is not too much space, if possible, remove excess furniture, unnecessary things, and fragile decor on the day of the holiday. It is easier to hold sports competitions in a large room: use this advantage.

Advice! Be sure to consult with your child. Of course, the holiday should be a surprise, but many children are happy to participate in organizing the celebration, offer interesting solutions. Make props together, think over contests. Don't scoff if your child's suggestions seem naive or too simple. If the son or daughter is sure that his friends will be delighted, include the task in the list.

Calm contests

Immediately after a delicious treat, you should not run and jump. Offer guests quizzes, tasks for imagination, writing funny poems, original fairy tales. When choosing tasks, consider how old the birthday man and guests are. The host is mom or dad, it is better if both parents participate.


The competition is suitable for children of all ages. The task will allow guests to get comfortable, less shy, especially if the company is made up of children who do not know each other well. Often the child invites friends from the yard, preschoolers / classmates. A simple task will help you get to know each other.

The host asks the children who have blue in their clothes to stand up and tell a little about themselves. The loan gets guys with yellow, red, green and so on. Everyone should introduce themselves, say a couple of phrases.

Don't miss anyone especially if there are more than ten guests.

Learn the subject

For children from 4 years old. Put small presents in a large bag: sweets, apples, cars, dolls, oranges, balls. Anything that is easy to recognize by touch is suitable. The children take turns approaching the bag, lowering their hands, trying to figure out what object they got. The guessed item remains with the participant as a prize.

Cheerful artist #1

Competition for children 3-4 years old. Each guest receives a piece of paper, felt-tip pens, pencils. The task is to draw an animal familiar to everyone, for example, a bear cub or a hare. Everyone gets prizes. Prize categories: The most funny, The most accurate, The most original, I drew the fastest and so on.

Playing the artist #2

For children from 3 years old, the game is more suitable for toddlers. Attach the drawing paper to the board or wall. Give the kids finger paints. Each guest draws a birthday gift - a beautiful flower. Usually, kids willingly agree to participate in the competition, draw enthusiastically.

Are there many kids at the birthday party? Give each piece of paper, select a table for creativity. Sign the finished drawing, put a date, hand it to the birthday man to the applause of the guests.

Unseen Beast

For children from 6 - 7 years old. The competition develops imagination, originality of thinking. The facilitator's task is to prepare in advance a few questions about outlandish animals that do not exist in nature.

Children must describe the beast, if they want, draw, show what sounds it makes. Usually the guys have fun, willingly fantasize. The main thing is to come up with original animals.


  • What does a frying pan fish look like?
  • How much does a hippo fish weigh?
  • Where does the musician bird live?
  • What are the wings of a crocodile bird?
  • Who is Murmurenok?

word game

A popular game for children over 6 years old must have a festive twist:

  • first task. Name the dishes on the table with the letter K, then P, then B;
  • second task. Which of the guests' name begins with the letter A, C, L;
  • third task. What gift can you think of with the letter I, M, K and so on.

Broken phone

The competition is suitable for children from 5 years old. The game has been known for more than a dozen years, but basely cheers up the little guests. The more participants, the more unexpected the result, the more fun. Remember the essence: the leader quietly calls the word to the first of the children, he says the word in the ear to the second, then to the third, until he reaches the last participant. It is important to speak quickly, not to delay the queue, not to pronounce every syllable perfectly.

Most often, the word is modified beyond recognition. The funniest results are if the word of 2-4 syllables is not very “simple”, for example, Murzilka, Krokodilchik, Bead.

Funny contests

Funny birthday contests are suitable for toddlers and older children. Animators advise holding such games in the middle of the holiday, when the children got to know each other, got used to it, stopped being shy.

Fashion show

Suitable for children from 8 years old. Prepare a box of clothes and shoes in advance. Everything is suitable: from light dresses, thin scarves to a fur hat, gloves. Put in more stuff. Mandatory attributes for a cheerful mood are wigs made of different materials, horns, ears on a hoop, a fox or hare tail, belts, suspenders, flippers. If wearing high heels, choose a small size with a stable base to prevent falls.

Each of the blindfolded participants approaches the box, takes out 5-6 things, gets dressed, comes up with the name of their model or motto. When all the items are sorted, the fashion show begins. Girls are more willing to participate in the competition, but boys often do not lag behind them. The more active, more relaxed the children, the more vivid emotions.

Miracle Chamomile

Game for children from 7 years old. Make a big flower, write a funny task on each petal: portray your favorite singer (one of the animals), crow, sing a song with musical accompaniment (spoons, drums, rattles). Each participant receives a prize.

funny answers

Children's competition from 7 years. Prepare sheets with the inscriptions Desert Island, School, Shop, Stadium, Disco, Cinema, Bowling Club. Suitable for Spaceship, Swimming Pool, Cinema, Luna Park, Seaside, Zoo, Tall Tree and so on. The more cards, the better.

The host asks one participant to leave, sit on a chair back to the rest. An adult or one of the older children takes turns taking out a new sheet, shows the inscription to the guests, asks the participant: “What do you usually do in this place?”. The discrepancy in the answers amuses all the guests. Let a few people participate. The facilitator always feels when it's time to end the "survey", usually three or four participants are enough.

young talent

For children from 6 years old. You need a sheet of drawing paper, a bright felt-tip pen or a marker. Leading offers to draw someone. Children themselves choose a suitable character: a bear, a little man, a hare, a cat, a cartoon character. Don't impose your opinion.

Children close their eyes, you can not peep. The facilitator takes turns leading the children to the paper. The task is to draw one detail at a time with your eyes closed. The first participant draws the head, the second - the torso, the third - the legs, and so on.

The competition is not boring, it cheers you up. It often turns out that the head “lives” separately from the body, and the tail grows from the ear. It turns out an unprecedented beast or an alien. The competition always amuses children of any age (and adults too). Usually two or three animals are enough.

fun flight

Game for children from 6 years old. You will need a thick scarf and a balloon. The host puts a ball on an empty table, brings the participant, makes it possible to remember the location of the object, blindfolds, takes 2-3 steps back. The child turns a couple of times (not very much, so as not to get dizzy).

The task of the participant is to blow the ball off the table. Very often, after turning, the child becomes facing in the wrong direction, blowing into the void. The task is funny, but not offensive to the participant.

Guess the animal

The game is suitable for children aged 6-7. Children are divided into two teams, write the name of the animal on the sheet, pass it to the leader so that the rivals do not see. The first command shows what this beast (bird) does with gestures, gait, facial expressions, but does not utter a sound. The second team must guess the animal. Prizes for all participants. Those who could not recognize the animal are rewarded, for example, with a piece of candy, and the winning team receives a home-made medal "Member of the Club of Connoisseurs".

Porcupine or deer are not very suitable, there should be animals/birds that are easy to recognize.

Mobile and active games

Does the area allow for running around? Let the kids loosen up. Even in a medium-sized room with a small number of guests, fun competitions can be arranged.

At the address, read about how hematogen is useful for a child's body.

The biggest soap bubble

For children 5 - 6 years old. The essence is clear from the name. Buy soap bubbles according to the number of guests. Whoever has the most miracle ball gets a prize.

Accurate shooter

Suitable for children from 5 years old. You will need a plastic bucket, small balls, nuts, large Lego parts, balls of thread. Place the bucket at a distance of 3-6 steps from the children (consider age). The goal is to hit the target. Each successful roll is worth 1 point. The one who scored the most points won. The prize is obligatory, the medal "The most accurate".

catch the tail

Competition from 6 years. Play to music with enough space. The leader ties a rope with a bow at the end, a scarf with a “tail” to the belt of each participant. The task is to catch the opponent by the ponytail before the other. The winner gets a sweet prize.

extra chair

For kids from 5 years old. A familiar game always causes a storm of emotions. A prerequisite is a large room so that there is where to run.

The bottom line: guests - 7, chairs - 6. Place the chairs with their backs inward, form a circle. To the music, the children walk (run) around the chairs, the music is silent - it's time to take a seat, the late child is out. By the end of the competition, 1 chair remains, 2 participants. The winner will receive the “Most Agile” medal + a prize.

Unusual volleyball

Game from 7-8 years old. Place 4-5 chairs in a row, after 1 meter put a rope (scarf) on the floor, after another meter - the second row of chairs. It turned out a field for playing volleyball.

Essence: children are divided into 2 teams, take places. Instead of a ball - a balloon. It is necessary to throw the "ball" on the opponent's field without getting up from the chair. The team that won the ball less often flew over the field.

Children's bowling

Cheerful children's competition from 7 years. Arrange 6-8 objects on the floor. Suitable plastic pins, balls, cubes. Instead of a bowling ball - a plastic bottle (empty). The task is to knock down objects. The distance depends on the size of the room. Remove everything unnecessary from the floor so as not to break or break anything.

Parents often ask what competitions to hold for girls / boys. Most of the proposed tasks are suitable for all children, regardless of gender. Even at the “fashion show”, many boys demonstrate original outfits no worse than young fashion models. It is more important to “stir up” the children, create a pleasant atmosphere, then all the guests will be happy to participate in the competitions.

Have you decided to organize a children's party? Arm yourself with advice, pick up two or three contests on various topics from each section. Consider the age of young guests, hobbies, character (if there are only 4-5 children), level of knowledge.

A few more fun children's contests in the following video:

Consultation for kindergarten parents "Games for children at home"

One of the conditions for the normal development of the child and his successful further education at school is the correct formation of speech at preschool age. Any, even a minor violation is reflected in the behavior of the child, in his activities. It is necessary to work on the development of all aspects of speech, solving the problems of forming the correct pronunciation, developing grammatically correct, coherent speech.

Games on the way to kindergarten

"Who is the most attentive."

You can invite the child to compete for attentiveness. The object that met on the way is called, in parallel, the distinguishing feature of this object is highlighted. For example: “I saw a hill, it is high” or “I saw a car, it is big”, etc. You can also offer such a task: to compete with the child in the selection of signs for one subject. The one who says more words wins. Performing such exercises, children learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns.

"Happy Account"

Can be carried out on the street, while walking with a child. When conducting this game, not only the correct use of case forms of nouns is fixed, but also the ability to keep score. It is only necessary to name each number when counting objects: for example, one tree, two trees, three trees, etc., and follow the clear pronunciation of the case endings of numerals and nouns.

"Fish, bird, beast."

To the word of an adult “fish”, the child must list the types of fish and vice versa, if an adult lists and names, for example, perch, pike, carp, the child must quickly name a generalizing word.

"What (who) happens to be green (cheerful, sad, fast ...)?"

To a specific question like: “What happens to be green?” you need to get as many different answers as possible: grass, leaves, crocodile, ribbon, etc.

"Guess the object from a couple of others."

An adult names a couple of objects, actions, images, and the child guesses: dad, mom - this is a family, meat, onions are cutlets, cake, candles - this is a holiday, etc. The world of children's consciousness consists of questions alone. They are all interested. It is important to use such situations to improve the speech of children.

"I give you a word."

An adult and a child take turns giving each other a word, explaining its meaning, while the child can name a word he knows, and an adult can name a word unfamiliar to the child and not just explain the meaning of this word. But they make an offer with him. In the course of such exercises, the child's vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech develops.

"Live Proposal"

You can play with the whole family. A sentence of three or four words is jointly compiled, depending on the number of family members. Each player is assigned one word from the sentence. At the signal, everyone should stand in one line and read the sentence that turned out. The game can be played several times, while the important condition is that each time the players must stand in a different order, then the sentences will sound different. For example, the sentence “Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring” is conceived. During the game, the sentence may sound like this: "Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring" or "Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring." Each time a new sentence is received, the child should be given the opportunity to read it. Such a game contributes to the development of intonational expressiveness of speech, and also helps to form a child's memory and attention.


Adults and a child together tell the plot of a well-known fairy tale, a story, starting from the end.

"Intellectual Tennis".

The child calls the word and quickly passes (throws) a tennis ball to an adult so that he comes up with a definition for the word, for example: the sea is blue; the sun is bright; rain - mushroom.

Kitchen games

"Delicious words" (by analogy with the game "Cities").

Each subsequent word begins with the sound that ends the previous word.


The child is invited to remember tasty words for a certain sound: A - watermelon, pineapple, etc .; B - banana, sandwich, etc. The words are pronounced by the adult and the child in turn. It is important that the child says: “I treat you with pineapple”, “I treat you with orange”, etc. In parallel with this task, the child is practicing the correct use of case forms of nouns. To consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with an adjective, you can invite the child to add some sign to his word: “I treat you to an orange orange” or the numeral “I treat you to two bananas.”

"Confusion" is a game to reinforce the syllabic structure of a word.

Offer to compose a word from syllables, for example, sa-ko (spit), lo-we (soap). If the child knows letters and knows syllabic reading, this game can be played as follows: syllables are written randomly on a piece of paper, the child must connect the syllables with a line to make a word. The game promotes the development of hand motor skills.

"One two".

Invite the child to become a wizard, turn two words into one or vice versa, for example, big eyes - big-eyed, long tail - long-tailed, etc.
In order to introduce antonyms into the child’s speech, you can play the game “On the contrary”.
The question is asked: "Forest, what?". It is necessary to answer with a couple of antonyms: a large forest - a small forest, an old forest - a young forest, a winter forest - a spring forest or an adult calls the word, and the child selects an antonym for it.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands has a great influence on the speech of children, since it has been proven that if the development of finger movements corresponds to the age norm, then the development of speech is also within the normal range. Carrying out exercises at home for the development of hand motor skills, you can use a variety of materials at hand: clothespins, corks from plastic bottles, “dry pools” with peas, beans, rice.

"Games with clothespins."

Various geometric shapes from multi-colored cardboard are turned into objects, silhouettes of animals, birds, etc. with the help of clothespins. It all depends on the imagination of the players. For example, an oval can be turned into a fish by attaching fins from clothespins to it, it can be turned into a hedgehog, clothespins will play the role of needles. You can arrange a fun game-competition between family members. Who will quickly remove clothespins from their clothes.

"Dry pool".

At the bottom of a bowl with beans (rice, millet, etc.), hide toys from a kinder surprise. Who will get them faster.

"Dough molding".

When preparing pastries, give the child a piece of dough and invite him to mold any figure.

With the help of such games, the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex is stimulated, which has a positive effect on the speech of children.
The development of a child's speech is directly related to the development of general motor skills in children. Therefore, the motor activity of the child also needs to be given great attention, playing games with him to develop coordination of movements, spatial orientation. The range of games and game exercises that contribute to the solution of these problems is very large.

"Cunning Bunny".

Invite the child to jump on two legs moving forward.

"Knock down the skittle" (any object - a box, a bottle).

You need to knock down the pin by rolling the ball forward.

"Come on, don't back."

Walking on toes between objects placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other. The distance can be reduced or increased, depending on the capabilities of the child.

Every minute of communication with a child can be turned into an exciting game that will not only contribute to the development of children's speech, but also to the formation of the child's personality, his moral and volitional qualities, and will also become a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults.