Interesting stories for fox in VK. "Dizzy" history. Truth is born in the dispute, or everyone is engaged in all

Recently, in the social network "VKontakte", an interesting quest appeared, if you can call it, called "Red Lis". To date, many users of this social network are interested in such a quest and people actively participate in it, performing all sorts of tasks. Today he is popular with the people, although in reality the important thing is not carrying anything.

Of course, many are interested in how to figure out the fox, for which he was invented and what the quest gives. In our current article, we do not consider it more in more detail what kind of red foxes, for which it was invented and how it is necessary to pass the quest that he actually represents himself.

"This is Challenge dizzying stories. Put the stories every day - so you will open new stickers and gather the whole set"

Red Fox is a kind of quest in which you need to perform tasks in the social network "Vkontakte", for which this fox will give up its artist with stickers with its image. To get a sticker, you must perform a task that comes in private messages. Often these tasks are not difficult to get the first three stickers, you just need to write a fox "yes." Next will have to do a certain task. The next 4 sticker is given if a person does Selfie and add it to the "History" section in this social network. After completing this task, the next day the next task comes and the fox may ask to write it any story. Copy from the Internet the texts should not be, since the robot determines their uniqueness and does not give stickers, you can write a simple set of words, if only it was unique, for which you can get another sticker.

History is a short video or photo above the news ribbon. It can only be done in the mobile application VKontakte. Find a blue circle at the top of the ribbon and click on the plus to create your own story. How to get additional stickers, Red Fox tells already in private messages. However, anything difficult, you fulfill tasks, get stickers.

Everyone can draw attention to that stickers and not very beautiful, not interesting, the mass of free stickers on the social network Vkontakte looks much more attractive, this fox. But excitement takes over and gambling will definitely be accepted that it would collect the whole set of absolutely not necessary in fact to them stickers.

Recently, this social network has been updated and has become very similar to Facebook, many functions have appeared, which are not needed. So the "History" function appeared. But the experienced users of the social network, did not really perceive the innovation and the use of this function refused. Usually the story appears in the news feed, and it would be a great feature for advertising that failed.

Now, to revive this feature, they came up with such a red fox. If you want to get stickers, then only through the feature in the History News Tape, you can get stickers. In addition, the Lis turns out to be very annoying and sends new messages every day with a content not for everyone that is visible in the next photo.

So, if you do not "naked" the system, what else is "haknesh", then she.

In general, you can only solve you, you need a red fox or no, but without that it is clear that this is a completely meaningless game or a quest, for which there are absolutely not beautiful stickers. Is that if you have an excitement and interest, what will happen next, then you can try and put yourself in history in the news tape, which looks somehow strange.

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Khakaton, CodeBest, Marathon Programming, Hack Day - No matter how naming, today it is one of the most popular formats of events in the IT-sphere.

This type of competition is similar to classic work on a full-fledged project, only the life cycle is reduced to 24 or 48 hours and conditions dictate the nomination from the organizers and partners.

Alexander Frolov, the author of the Dmpipeline project, wrote a column for RusBase, which was told about what was done for 48 hours on Ai Hackathon, organized by Science Guide together with Flint Capital, Haxus and Embria Ventures.

Victory or participation - what is more important on Khakaton?

History of one project, or Khakaton like Challenge

Alexander Frolov

Our project has received the second place and recognition of representatives of venture capital funds, which is laid in the application of artificial intelligence technologies, machine learning and working with large data in medicine and pharmaceutical.

The starting point of any success is desire

I try to follow interesting IT events, seminars and conferences in our city. Somewhere a month before the start of Hakaton, I saw information on the Internet and registered. Initially, I thought to join some kind of team whose idea would like, then I decided to participate with my project.

Modeling and development of molecules is something like a small hobby for me. There is a phrase: "Physics is something that physicists do in their free time in the evenings."

This phrase fully describes me, in his spare time on weekends it is interesting to read articles, understand the modern algorithms and approaches of chemoinformatics, Computational Biology and Drug Design. Therefore, I did not doubt what to go and participate in Ai Hackathon.

I wanted to hear the opinions about the project from the part, to see what questions will appear from experts to assess the attractiveness of the idea of \u200b\u200b"from the side", to understand where the problems lie and what the improvement points may be. Immediately I want to say that it was my first prototype, designed with the team, before that there were only ideas, articles, experiments. The experience of participation in such a large-scale hacaton is 270 people also for me to a novelty.

Progress occurs outside the comfort zone

In general, the development of drugs based on small molecules is a complex and resource-intensive task.

On average, pharmaceutical companies leave 7 to 15 years to develop a drug molecule, carrying out a variety of tests and clinical trials.

At one of the stages of development, molecules are collected from different fragments, synthesized. Various tests are carried out on these molecules - molecules must be soluble, have low cardiotoxicity, possess good permeability into the cage and so on. And also they must be active in relation to the oncological target.

This is all expensive and long. As a rule, even large pharmaceuticals have no opportunity to synthesize and explore all possible chemical structures. Khakaton became for me a way out of what is called, the comfort zones, and Pipeline was designed to automate part of the above processes.

We can on the computer to overdo the huge chemical space of molecules, which will never be able to do in a real laboratory, evaluate their physicochemical properties and get structures most attractive to become a medicine from a particular disease!

Take and do

We have implemented a project in the form of a SaaS application and called Dmpipeline (Druggable Molecules Pipeline). The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of medicinal molecules and reduce the cost of R & D.

To bring the project to the prototype was a challenging task, as the temptation was constantly attended to immerse themselves in the study of articles on ML algorithms and experiments with different libraries. We even managed to understand the grid on Shakespeare, as, probably, everyone once did :)

In the Dmpipeline final consisted of three blocks:

  1. The generation of the molecules of the pre-commissioned RNN based on the prototype (drug molecule). We trained a recurrent network (LSTM) on a sample of 17 million Drug Like molecules.
  2. Prediction of physicochemical properties (solubility, blood permeability) with XgBoost. The training selection includes 1,800 molecules with known solubility and 700 structures with permeability data through blood.
  3. Ranking and choice of the closest in the properties of molecules to the prototype. A process is carried out by analyzing the pharmaceutical molecule (prototype), as a result of which the service provides a set of similar molecules with acceptable pharmacological properties and activity with respect to the disease.

In the future, we plan to implement the fourth block: prediction of the synthesis scheme.

The stack of technology is quite trivial:

  • beckend - Python, Flask, Gunicorn as WSGI and all starts supervisor,
  • working with molecules - RDKit, Autodock.

Of course, we understand that in the form of a SaaS platform, our service will not be in demand. For one of the main values, this is the data, and they are not ready to go to the side, that is, to upload in third-party applications. Pipeline is more likely to be made as a DaAs application. But we have several ideas and on how to make the download to our service safe, from the point of view, and we plan to implement them.

In addition, we want to improve UI / UX, expand the functionality and spectrum of solved tasks, as well as add the possibility of integration with existing platforms used in pharmaceutical companies.

Truth is born in the dispute, or everyone is engaged in all

We met the team only on the first day of Hakaton, before that they were familiar only virtually. It is especially important that among us there are no professional professionals. And for us it was very interesting to dive into the area, a kind of Challenge! The whole team is four people.

  • Misha - a very cool developer,
  • Tanya - Bioinformatic, graduated from academic university, worked in pharmaceutical companies,
  • Light - finished the Physifak St. Petersburg State University (Fizfak Champion!), Now works by a programmer,
  • I also finished the physical (molecular biophysics), Drug Design was engaged in the "Ohm, now I work in one cool startup.

I can say that everyone engaged in everything. And preparation of data for learning, and stack, and the presentation - we all discussed and prepared together. Everyone shared his knowledge, expressed an opinion, which is why at the exit we got a product that believes each of us.

All work took place on the site. The houses were traveled for several hours to sleep a little and read a little about the ML algorithms.

Molecule that is in the active center of the oncological target

If you ignore the preparation - you are preparing to fail

The question is how to use 48 hours we did not stand. On the very first day, we found the sample of molecules, cleaned it, and launched the network. By the end of the hacaton, the network was so fully and did not doubt, so I had to generate molecules on an unauthorized network. But, to admit, the quality of the structures turned out to be very acceptable. I expected a worst result.

On the first day, we quickly sketched the proteotype of Bekenda, then on the last day it was already altered it, more precisely, Misha was finished with an urgent order while they prepared a presentation. In fact, in the first day, we dealt with the generation of molecules, and the second day devoted filtration on physico-chemical properties and activity. We found several datasets, have tried different models.

I would like to note that the model for assessing solubility showed itself very well! Molecules that ended up in the final sample had tails with ionized nitrogen or sulfamide, which really provide solubility!

Already on the last day, we all collected in a single Pipeline, they debug our application and prepared a performance. And a day after Hakaton, they noticed that our mesh realized that oxygen and nitrogen could be ionized, but it does not always put the charge correctly.

So a new task appeared for us - to come up with how to improve our network so that with a given pH, it selected the correct structures.

Follow the vision, and not for money, and then the money will come

We did not expect victory, so it turned out to be pleasantly surprised. In addition to the prize of 200,000 rubles, we still provided the opportunity for three months to leave a server with GPU!

I really like the phrase: "The more you do, the more you can do." If there is an idea, you need to try! Khakaton is an excellent event to try your strength and in programming, and as an organizer or creative, check your excerpt, courage, ability to make presentations and communicate with people.

"Being the richest person in the cemetery does not have any meaning for me. To go to bed with the thought that we did something beautiful - that's what is important to me. "I think everyone knows whose words.

Therefore, the key factor in any story or business is the opportunity to engage in love and interesting things. Only such a way is the right and successful! And if your project also helps others, saves people's lives, he will find his niche.

Not risks only one who does nothing

Now we try different ideas that did not have time to try in the framework of Hakaton.

Over the past few years, many startups appeared in the Healthcare area. Most of them are associated with personalized medicine or genetics. In the area of \u200b\u200bsmall molecules, we have it for now, there is probably no competition - only two companies come to remember: AtomWise and Insilo Medicine (our compatriots guys are greatly well done, they have interesting developments).

  • On the one hand, we have a clear understanding of how the product should look like, who are potential users and what they have need for today.
  • On the other hand, we know how difficult this subject area is (we can say that it is only at the stage of becoming), and how little is done. But it is necessary to work, learn and try new, experiment!

As for promotion, among my acquaintances, many work in pharmaceuticals, laboratories, universities. We often communicate, share news and can say that at least the top 20 pharmaceutical companies cooperate with startups or have their own internal teams that work at AI junction, chemistry, biology. Establishment is, the possibilities are huge!

But after 2 or 4 months, wait for the finished prototype, the emergence of a new company and the conquest of the market is not worthwhile - early ☺

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to just wait

Of course, the hackatons today are no one to surprise, and not something is born something, even a conditionally similar to the product. However, if life prompts and throws you different options for the experiment, remove the maximum of them.

  1. At Ai Hackathon, I found myself the missing "minds." So, we also helped us with advice to the Specialists in the Data Science, which were attended by the playground.
  2. We asked experts technical issues, even learned about their experience of professional growth in their companies.
  3. A lot of useful delivered after the prototype appearance - here we have already been asked very useful questions that it is now worth considering and analyzing.
  4. Even on the idea of \u200b\u200bideas (and there were 57 with our), I noted several interesting projects for myself. Some of the algorithms are planning to apply in our Pipeline.

In general, new acquaintances are not unnecessary! And personally, we fell on Khakaton to such an atmosphere of coding, when so many people in one place give rise to projects that in itself motivates to achieve high planks.

Red fox - Bot of the social network "VKontakte", which offers users free stickers if they publish on their pages "history" - photos or videos disappearing in a day. The bot reminded many of the suicidal game "Blue Whale" and after a few days it was tired of users that he gave rise to many memes.


"VKontakte" launched a share on April 28. As part of this promotion, the social network created a bot known as Red fox . This character offered all users a free sticker package for the fact that they would publish "stories".

After the publication of "History" it was necessary to write a bot and get the first part of stickers. Then Lis offered to perform his tasks - continue to publish photos or video to open new types of stickers.

This game recalled the game "Blue Kit", in which teenagers played, performing the tasks of unknown moderators. The tasks were associated with the application of injury, and the latter was suicide.

After a couple of days, users began to notice that their friends flooded the tape with their "stories." And they were engaged in this even those who did not publish history. Why there is such a demand for stickers in the social network, remains a mystery. However, the popularity of virtual game was activated by popular publics. One after one began to appear memes associated with the red fox. The overwhelming majority of them were based on other memes.

In parallel with ridiculous pictures about the red fox began to appear and anxious reports that the game is not just similar to the "blue whale", but also connected with it. In particular, the bots were activated in the comments that sent the same text.

Have you heard about the "blue whale"? For those in a tank: this is a real quest in which you will be given various tasks every day at a certain time, the purpose of which will encourage you to suicide. All such tasks are 50, the latter is not difficult to guess, based on the goal. Tasks gives you to your "curator" in the VC, after you lay out on the wall post with Hashteg "Blue Kit", "Quiet House", etc. I did not hear about them, except that, the most deaf, because there is a lot on the expanses of both the TV and the Internet broadcast about the rise in the level of suicides among adolescents who have contacted this game. The most popular bloggers were alarming, in every news feed, you could read about any 13-year-old girl who jumped from the roof of a high-rise building, or as a 15-year-old girl athlete from Kuban drank a means for cleaning pipes, and much like. And if the similarity with the daily tasks received from the VC and the unauthorized desire to perform them is not enough, then here's another

Cool coincidence, do not find? It is especially interesting that all these "groups of death" worked through Vkontakte, and to whom, as not to them, to know what principle this game is built. And what is it then: a stupid randomness or the finest joke?

Walking and such an alarming text.

In fact, Fox is nothing more than the game "Blue Whale", which is distributed in the social network VKontakte this winter. The fox is the surname of the instigator of the game itself and the creator of the F57 sect (he was convicted, it is a pity that not for life). At the very beginning of the Fox gives you stickers, as if opening the gates into the sacred world. To open them, you need to perform tasks every day and lay out them to review people. Today he commanded people to show his faces that you can connect with a terrible court, where all people will remove the masks (masks - filters for VKontakte photos) and show their essence. Every day, the tasks will be everything is disgusting, and at the end of the Fox will offer for an animated transfusion sticker - kill yourself! You will give it if you do not want your children to be tightened with a new deadly game that the Jewish company Mail sponsors. RU and personally Alisher Usmanman !!!
