History of game consoles. Types of gaming consoles The first console in the world

The game console is capable of giving a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions to anyone. Even the arc opponents of computer games, taking a gamepad, willingly and gambling playing shooters, strategies, racing. Choice console type Directly depends not only on your financial capabilities, but also from how the game genres you prefer. Want more sports, cars, alien monsters or a variety of simulators - your way in the ranks of the owners Xbox. Love all sorts of cuts, fights, battles, battles (and then on the list of epithets), search for treasures and overcoming hazards - orient to consoles Sony. Of course, this division is very conditional, so far and on the PlayStation you can run in FIFA 19, and on the Xbox One to shoot "Call of Duty". Some advantage of Microsoft consoles gives backward compatibility with games released for previous generations of Ixbox. Plus, in favor of Pleastechn, the choice of exclusion. Feel Beauty 4K will allow only a really big TV. Do not forget that he should be able to play an extended dynamic range (HDR10).

Finally, simple retro consoles Also quite capable of delivering a mass of positive emotions to the age of older and are a good option for the gaming console for children.

Good luck shopping!

The first game device in the house. The computer, of course, is better, but the prefix laid into the budget. The kit includes a console, peripherals and several cartridges. Connected to the TV, you could play a free alternative to play clubs. This meant a queue to TV, sleepless nights of Azart. The first understanding of the need for self-control.

The first household console was constructed back in 1972. From work on the firm of gaming consoles, Steve Jobs began his career. The industry broke into Russia during the period of restructuring.

The most running prefixes of the 90s

NES (Dendy) - Third Generation

The first on the market appeared prefix dendy. To be accurate, it is not the original. The prefix itself is copied with Thais with a similar NES model from the Japanese company Nintendo. Mark Dendy was one of the first franchises in Russia. The offer immediately gained unprecedented popularity and gave rise to a whole subculture. The first gamer has been dedicated to Dendy. Seller, Stepler has released a whole line of similar, in general compatible consoles, before sunk in the fly: Classic I and II, Junior I, II, IIP and IVP. Starting from the second model to the gamepads, a light gun was added.

Cartridges as well as the prefix itself were unofficial. The games were pirated, but it was little worried. Graphics left much to be desired, everything consisted of large pixels, but had peculiar beauty. Unforgettable "Tankers", "Super Mario", "Tetris", "Prince of Persia" and numerous fighters. The first aviation simulators, hunting. In fact, the entire main set of games without saving, in the modifications of which are played so far.

Competitors dendy. The most common prefix was dandy, but similar offers were: Kenga and Bitman. From the same class of consoles began the SEGA brand, this competitor went on Dendy.

Sega Fourth Generation

The SEGA brand appeared in America in the 80s. In Russia, players became acquainted with the company's products in the 90s on the Prefix Sega Mega Drive. In contrast to SNES (Super Nintendo), this console is known as more "adult and serious" due to the fact that when porting the blood and cruel elements on SNES.

SEGA did not differ in special characteristics, but it was (especially in Russia) much cheaper and more and more than SNES. For a long time, the company was a hedgehog Sonic, created as a game of playing, competing with a series about Mario. Also "Mortal Kombat" was an exclusive for this console. On the other hand, the mario and mass of Japanese RPG like "Final Fantasy" and "Chrono Trigger" did not go on the SHAA. Later models were produced, for example, Sega Saturn and failed Dreamcast, which led the firm to collapse at the end of the nineties.

Super Nintendo.

The flowering of SEGA continued not long. Soon Nintendo released Super Nintendo for a long time the cherished dream of schoolchildren. SNES had very high technical indicators - 8 sound channels, 64 kilobytes of sound memory, hardware alpha channel, more than thirty thousand colors with a simultaneous presence on the screen 256 of them, as well as MODE 7, allowed to draw a pseudotrech-dimensional image with a view from above.

At Super Nintendo, the RPG genre arrived at his flourishing, such diamonds appeared like "Final Fantasy", "EarthBound" and "Chrono Trigger". The company also released a number of less popular consoles.

Sony Playstation.

The popular compiler with a CD went on sale at the end of 90. The fifth generation spokesman with a worthy three-dimensional graphics, fans remembered games for PS1 and 2: Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy VII and VIII. At the base of popular and relatively inexpensive PlayStation, enterprising citizens opened a video clip.

In the 90s, the peak of the popularity of gaming consoles was coming, the sector went from advertising media, taking his place in a niche "on an amateur". The new generation of gamers partly moved for more affordable PCs.

History of consoles and their appearance in Russia

De Actu et Visu

TO that last time was thinking about how many consoles changed the image of the generation of the end of the 80x-90s. English began to learn only in order to understand the essence of the game. There was a time when the spent hours for the games broke their lives, some went crazy, others remained without work. And about this invention, as the computer was trying not to even think, since the cybernetic invention cost such money, which almost no one had.

FROMeightly has changed the world. In general, it is natural when everything around becomes new values, but the computer universe has changed to so much that we simply can not not tell readers how it all developed.


L.eTO 1972, New York. Ralph Bayer marked the beginning of the revolutionary industry. Home Video Games Industry.

First game console for TV Magnavox Odyssey. Designed as the first ray of hope for a virtual future in which everyone can find a place. At that time, all the games were absolutely unwashed spectacle. For example, a white wand chases the square on the screen. But then, such entertainment was actually unusual. The technical characteristics of the device were more than modest, the CPU at the console was not at all, the element base worked on the basis of 40 transistors and 40 diodes, the games were placed on special cards that served as a prototype to widely known cartridge.

FROMempting for three years, Scottish engineers have developed the first microprocessor for the game console. When information about the new CPU has become known to Bayer, he suggested his assistance in the development of a new console and ... The world's second game console fell on stores called Telstar.

Company Coleco.i released 15 modifications of the console and became a kind of pioneer in the development of an unpached market of the emerging generation of gamers. The main feature of the microprocessor AY-3-8500 was reflected in the ability to demonstrate both a black and white picture and color. Nevertheless, the company's policy in the field of game development was rather strange, it led to the dominance of strange applications, such as ping pong and their modifications. People wanted something more.

Palmost ten years rosary, sales of few consoles fell steadily and despite the fact that various companies tried to bring something their own, no one could surpass American Atari..

Developers of the company made several platforms, one of which in 1986 made another gigantic breakthrough - a prefix Atari 7800. It was equipped with digital joysticks and had backward compatibility with Atari 2600.which was sold on the market since 1977.

At the same time, the price of 7800 was only 144 US dollars. Attempt to conquer the market and the occupation of the dominant height over SEGA and Nintendo. Passed almost successful. For a while, Atari occupied a leading position in the console segment. But only for a while. American media technologies have encountered Japanese philosophy.


G.one earlier, in 1985, Japanese company Nintendo. introduced its development Nintendo Entertainment System - Prefix, which conquered the world for many years.

The main competitor of the platform, became the above-mentioned Atari 7800. However, the market made its choice in favor of Nintendo. The Nintendo platform was a microprocessor gaming console with a clock frequency of 1.789 773 MHz. The maximum resolution is 256 × 240, the palette of 52 colors, with a simultaneous output to the screen 26 colors. Until that the console spread over the US and Europe, Japanese children tested the prefix for two years. It so happened that Nintendo was able to eclipse atari almost immediately after the 7800 appeared in the American market. Paradox? But Japanese ideas about computer games are somewhat brighter reflect the desires of players ... Historically, Japan constantly switched the attention of Americans to its products, the most striking example of such a "circulation" can be considered a magnitude "disease" of the Americans by Japanese cars J. With the prefixes everything is similar script.

AND Here, nineties are near. Epoch Grunj Rock, Raiv and meaningless military conflicts. In 1988, Japanese Soft Giant, Company SEGA Releases a prefix based on a 16 bit microprocessor Motorola 68000. Working on a clock frequency of 7.6 MHz.

The graphic capabilities of the console hit the imagination of the emerging gamers - 512 colors, graphic layers, spray animation. The audio subsystem is implemented on the chip Yamaha YM2612.that allowed working with six sound channels. At the console, completely stunning games, which to this day, please the eyes of the experienced players.

N.intendo could not stay aside, in the 90th year, strictly under the "New Year" on sale entered the prefix Super Nintendo ( SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM),

in the first hours, sales reached 300 thousand pieces - you see that at that time it was a kind of record.

However, the distinctive feature of SNES was: high price consoles, high price for games. Thus, SEGA spread over Europe and the US is somewhat faster than SNES.. But those who were still going with financial strength and acquired a new prefix did not remain disappointed: SNES was a truly serious console. 16-bit-based Ricoh. processor CMD / GTE 65C816 , with direct access to 128kb of memory, with built-in audio controller Sony and displays up to 32768 colors, the prefix could not not become a hit among the gamers. However, SNES lost. Despite the fact that games under the prefix were enough, SEGA struck the abundance of interesting arcades and updating the model range (Sega Megadrive II).

Russia. That time.

IN "That time" the Russian market was in ruins, destroying the Soviet "shackles" the people did not immediately realize that now need to somehow live. Somehow lived almost everything. Who managed, he stole. Such sad time, into which some people decided to make money on consoles. It must be said that the development of the console market in our country deserves a separate recovery. Since now our market has become interesting for the development of intellectual business.

T.aK, Prefix Dendythere is a heightened course on copying Japanese NES.. There were two modifications DendyJunior and DendyClassic..

According to the technical characteristics, the model did not differ, but the difference in the price was noticeable. It was then that the concept of "Chinese" and "Japanese" technicians appeared. Various akaiwa, sany and other, other brands began to appear in different ends of Russia. SuperNintendo. appeared on the market approximately simultaneously with Megadrive 2..

In Russia, magazines began to appear, which wrote about computer games on consoles. The most famous was " Great Dragon", Whose admirer was the author. The market developed rapidly, whole stores open in Moscow, the topics of sales of which completely copies the game part of the Gorbushka.

So, the market of game consoles in Russia was formed firmly and approximately the second half of the 90s looked like this:

The bulk of populations was sitting without money, their children played in Nes aka dendy. Who is cooled, bought himself SEGAGenesis. Either Megadrive 2. And finally, the most secured citizens acquired SUPER Nintendo. The computer, as such, was generally in units, and consider it as a game platform was unrealistic.

Rapid development

In 1991, the company Fujitsu. Created the first 32bit console in the world FM Towns Marty 2 Based on processor AMD. With a clock frequency of 25 MHz.

We intentionally do not consider the first version of the console, because It existed it very not long. So Marty 2 was developed as the first prefix having the ability to connect to the Internet. You may ask the question as a prefix did not get to the Russian market? In fact, this is due to the fact that Fujitsu has created a console exclusively for the Japanese market. However, production facilities of companies were allocated to Russia Amiga CD32..

The first prefix in Russia, which worked on optical CDs. It so happened that 1993 became the most yield in terms of the appearance of 32-bit consoles. Panasonic 3DO

it was on sale in mid-1993, but the gigantic price of the console ($ 699) and high prices for games made their dark business - the console was sold poorly and soon disappeared from the market.

And here it happened the most important event of the gaming 90s. Sony drew attention to the game console market. In 1994, he created the first 32-bit console, which conquered the whole world, of course, we are talking about SonyPlaystation.One..

Weak attempts of competitors represented by SEGA and Nintendo companies, could not move the definite leader. What Sony conquered the consumer? Consider this phenomenon more.

Sony always approaches marketing and soil preparation issues for their developments. For example, the first SCS (SONY PlayStation) dated, as well as 1986. In addition, Nintendo actively prevented the monopolization of the game market with its Japanese partner, until the fact that in 1988 he broke out a partner contract with Sony and renewed it with Philips. After that, two years of litigation, as a result of which, the release of the first version of PlayStation was banned. Only by 1992, Sony and Nintendo finally allowed controversial issues. SPS has received the opportunity to still play ported games from Super Nintendo, however Nintendo became the owner of the rights and received a part of profits from games, and SNES still used Sony's sound chip.

In addition, the affordable price of $ 299, made a PlayStation a very attractive alternative to expensive Panasoinc 3.Do.rare SEGASaturn. and Amiga.CD32..

Giant number of great games, both arcades and strategies, quests, fights (fighting).

And at this time, in Russia, a boom of piracy, free geniuses from electronics and computers began, was invented various ways to circumvent disk protection against copying, regional restrictions of the console. The lexicon of playmen includes the terms "chip", "Chinese Memory Card", "Code Burglar", etc. The giant number of pirate cartridges for Sega, Dendy flooded trays of merchants on the above-mentioned "Gorbushka". Disks, books with passages - all this was sold at a huge speed and in a galactic scale. But the mass spread of PlayStation began only in the second half of 96 years. It was then that the turning points began to occur in the economic situation and the larger number of citizens began to appear money. So, PlayStation unambiguously won the Russian market.

And competitors? And what with competitors. Nintendo decided to lay the path towards the ported "computer" games, such as ... doom. And they were not stopped by the fact that on SPS this game was already already in two versions (Final Doom and Doom2). At the end of 1996, the first 64 discharge prefix appeared Nintendo 64..

The task of the console was only one - conquer the consumer and distract it from Sega and Sony. For these purposes, a number of "hit" games, such as Mario 64., Doom 64., Donkey.Kong 64..

The console's hardware console performed the NEC VR4300 processor operating on the clock frequency of 93.75 MHz. The graphics processing was performed by a 64-bit SGI development coprocessor having the name "Reality CO-Processor" (RCP). RCP is a chip operating at a frequency of 62.5 MHz, separated inside into two main components - "Reality Drawing Processor" (RDP) and "Reality Signal Processor" (RSP). To each other, the components exchange data through a 128-bit tire with a 1.0 GB / s bandwidth. If for a second to distract from the consoles and look in the side of personal computers, then you are not very surprised that the most serious "typewriter" at that time was a system unit on the basis IntelPentium 166.MMX.

Consumers looked at the prefix with surprise, not many ventured to buy a strange console, which instead of CDs uses outdated cartridges. It seems that Nintendo quickly understood, in which part of their marketing plan failed and soon the 64 discharge platform left the market forever. For the sake of justice, we note that by the end of 1998, Nintendo 64 ranked second in the world. As you understand, the first place belongs to SPS One.

So gradually the world approached the 2000th year. In those days, computers became more and more accessible, and through this, the appearance of new prefixes caused a storm of emotions from the fans of the home PC. Of course, in order to accrete stable sales ratings to clearly fasten one thought in consciousness to consumers - the console is always better. The first to solve this task approached the SEGA engineers, which by the end of 1999 released the prefix SEGADreamcast..

Unfortunately, this is the last product that the creators of Hedgehog Sonic could make. Dreamcast worked on the Motorola processor and contained a real hardware 3D accelerator 3DFX Voodoo 2. By the way, this is the first prefix that used the PC element base, so, the Dreamcast could be equipped with mouse, keyboard, microphone, etc.

Sony at that time diligently created the sixth generation console - PlayStation 2..

In March 2000, SPS2 entered the Japanese market, and in November he fell on the counters of European stores. Now we remember well that SPS2 was very difficult to buy, as the demand was gigantic, and plant production factories were insufficient to satisfy colossal consumer interest. An interesting fact, all games that worked on SPS work on SPS2, thereby no one will remain unhappy. Consumers will be able to play love-free games that will not be ported on SPS2. An interesting feature of the console was to use USB ports. Thus, computer peripheral developers could create their own line of goods for SPS2. Especially in this market, Logitech, ThrustMaster and Genius are noticeable. The hardware properties of the SPS2 were impressed only by the prepared person, for all other technical characteristics did not succeed in anything interesting. Would you like to get acquainted? CPU 128-bit "Emotion Engine" operating with a clock frequency of 294 MHz, Graphics SyntheSizer graphics processor operating with a clock frequency of 147 MHz and allowing the image to display the image with a resolution to 1280x1024 points. In addition, the prefix read DVD and CD discs, and with a small hardware upgrade "CLEAR" play mp3 and DivX files. Of course, competitors could not fall behind the leader. Nintendo began to develop Gamecube, and Sony has another headache, in the form of a company .. Microsoft.. The mega-corporation turned his eyes to the console at all in vain, a huge amount of money and the mass of smart people working in the software giant could do what they did not work from others. So the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating your own consoles was originated, which was named Microsoft.Xbox.

Fight for the consumer. Market leaders.

Xboxit appeared on sale somewhere at the end of 2001, at that time SPS2 was actively sold during the year and wonderfully bought up with numerous fans of virtual entertainment. It should be noted that the experience of creating consoles from Microsoft has already been, a few years earlier, the company worked with SEGA and developed for them a special version of Windows CE under the SEGA Dreamcast console. So, on the side of Sony - almost ten-year experience in creating games and consoles, and Microsoft has huge ties in the computer hardware market. Therefore, the fact that only the components of the well-known manufacturers will be applied in Xbox did not cause any doubts. So it turned out. The OS for Xbox has become a bit changeable Windows 2000 (the best OS from the company). Intel Pentium III 733 MHz Central Processor, the video adapter is specifically designed by NVIDIA, 64MB DDR SDRAM from MICRON. In other words, Microsoft has developed a home computer platform that works well with the Internet, and the TV is used as a monitor. In addition, constant competing with a home PC has already passed into the phase of active occurrence by consoles. Regular refusal of "Igostroy" to make ports from PC consoles, how it is impossible to reflect the state of the market. However, Microsoft achieves his ambitious plans, as a consequence, on Xbox, games like Doom 3, Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne and Starwars Series appear.

Gamecube from Nintendo in Russia was sold weakly and few people could interest, but the Xbox and PlayStation 2 were real military action to conquer the market. So, Sony settled its consoles in protected cabinets in large outlets, and Microsoft as in the case of Windows temporarily did not touch the pirates. Illegal copies of games for Xbox were sold almost everywhere.

The situation has not changed to about 2005 when Xbox was removed from the conveyor. This meant only one - Microsoft prepares a replacement of an outdated console. What exactly we learned fast enough - Xbox 360..

November 22, 2005 The new prefix began to be sold in the United States. On the first day of the trading, more than 20 thousand consoles were sold. And not wise, at that time such computing power was not available to any user of the home computer. The TTX consoles inspired respect for everyone and immediately, judge the processor on the IBM PowerPC database with Xenon code name, containing 3 symmetric kernels, with a clock frequency of 3.2 GHz each. 1 MB of cache L2, the operating system is still old, it is Windows 2000, only it has been rewritten from scratch. ATI graphics adapter with a capacity of up to 500 million polygons per second.

Sony urgently took up the development of its version of the "top console". The name was prepared in advance - PlayStation 3 and 11 November 2006, the prefix appeared in Japan. The release of the seventh generation console for the European market has been delayed for half a year. So, the official release of SPS 3 for Russia took place in March 2007. The technical capabilities of the console make it possible to play Blu Ray discs, connect it to Full HD TVs with a resolution of 1080p and use SPS3 to access the Internet. The backward compatibility of games from PS One and PS 2 has been preserved, which again allowed users to use the console to work with old applications. The only difficulty remained only one - the price. If the Xbox360 stands in the tails of 13 thousand rubles, then PlayStation 3 is worth not less than 20 thousand rubles. What is happening? And nothing interesting for those who still chooses between the computer and the prefix. We will talk about it a little later, after we recall another modern console. Nintendo, of course, could not disappear from the market after such a long-term survival. Therefore, a month later, after the release of SPS3, the prefixes showed Nintendo.Wii..

The console weakly competes with powerful models from Sony and Microsoft, but at the same time has a number of undeniable advantages. For example, the console is unique with its controller - "Wii Remote", which can determine its movement and orientation in three-dimensional space, as well as, there is vibration mechanism and the built-in speaker. And what would you think! Nintendo was able to bypass Microsoft by the number of world sales! Partly, this was associated with the exit to the console of typical "playlisthenevian ports", such as ResidentEvil..

Yes, and the cost of the console will pleasantly please everyone. Just over 300 US dollars. It's funny that with relatively weak technical characteristics, the console works fine with serious graphic arrays and externally does not show its rather weak heart, in the form of a POWER PC processor with a clock frequency of 729 MHz, and the ATI "Hollywood" GPU corresponds to the schedule 243 MHz; Memory for stands out dynamically from the total cache.

Pirates of the Russian Sea.

The main headache of the majority of submissive fans is the price of games. It was so necessary that the notorious "license" costs such money that the child really realizes its financial damage. Do you have a weak to buy heels of toys at a price of 80 dollars per box? For this reason, "pirates" spent not little time for consumers to buy hits completely for other money. So, the "Chipovka" method was used to the PlayStation, Xbox was successfully "reflashing" successfully, and the old benchmark cartridges were banally copied through the programmer. Different companies went different ways. So, Sony began to actively cooperate with the law enforcement authorities, and the deputies appeared VAIO laptops, immediately after that, buy a pirate disk or "chipped" console became almost impossible. Acquisition of these products strongly resembled the scene from the Gangster militant of the 30s. Two are hidden in the doorway, one opens the trunk and transmits the second black bag with a box and a pack of disks. Another gives him the "cutlet" of thousands of thousands and quickly goes into the darkness of the alleys.

Microsoft did not nothing.Buy a pirate console and games for it is no problem. Of course, Xbox will live in Russia for a very long time exclusively at the expense of this company loyalty. Apparently in the Russian office, this is also well understood and the pirates do not touch.

A, as for the new formats Blu Ray and HD DVD, then these technologies are safely hacked and lying in numerous "torrent trackers".

And the most interesting thing is competing with a computer.

You read up to this place, it means that it was not in vain to spend their time. Competition of consoles and computers has recently recently reached an unprecedented level and for what reason. In fact, the modern PC is not weaker than the leaders of the submool genre, but on the established fact, the person buying a home computer will never be absolutely sure that its "piece of iron" will unscrew new games without brakes. But the buyer's consoles are sure. For the next three or four years, it is guaranteed to be protected from any arbitrariness from the softellite giants and ironing vendors.

However, this is not all. Imagine for a second, what power is hidden in the computer system unit. Now appreciate the size of the console. Do not notice the difference? Similarly, with a production capacity. The adept console market claim that the consoles are more powerful modern iron, but it is not possible. The technical process, which make chips for consoles, is already unequivocally outdated (+). Graphic subsystems showing gigantic performance are also not an imitation model. Imagine a modern 8800ultra with its radiator and an unpretentious electric appetite. Remember how it heats up and how the modern 4-nuclear processor is heated, and the memory, and the hard disk? The entire system unit is filled with hot iron and its default performance cannot be below the submissive. Since any prefix is \u200b\u200bso heated. This indirectly confirms the fact that the element base of the "iron" submissive "iron" works far from the extensive frequencies, it is possible that the hardware is tritely defined. After all, programmers do not need to think about the fact that the user can touch the RAM memory of the consoles with superfluous applications, the task is one - to write the code in such a way that the console could process it with the highest speed. I must say that this experiment is completely successful. And there is no concept of "brakes" or "upgrades" in the suberchant market.

Of course, attempted attempted to change the situation for the worst (for the user) side recently. So the power binding of the console to the Internet will force the user to buy a keyboard, mouse ... Is it really convenient? Why do we need a computer when you can use the global network directly from the beautiful xbox or Wii interface?

Final word

So, regardless of what is happening on the market, the consoles occupy a solid position and do not intend to pass it. Personal computers will eventually become for what they were created - it will be a tool for high-level creativity and entertainment. And the consoles will not change, will increase the power, follow the change in consumer addictions and produce beautiful games.

Let's talk about gaming consoles or consoles. Unlike computer, the main priority is made on the game, and the TV is used as a base device. More recently, each console has a unique set of games distributed to exclusive rights. Now many multi-platform projects, which is just welcome.

In 2019, there are 8 generation of consoles with certain similar features and differences with their direct competitors - computers. It should be noted that online projects have been particularly popular at consoles due to optimization and improving the iron stations itself.

  • Nothing needs to be collected. Connected and play.
  • Portability. Compactness has always been considered a plus of consoles.
  • No WIND with the device configuration.
  • Easy when disassembling and cleaning.
  • High-quality factory thermal panel with service life of up to 5 years.
  • Subscription. Very often just to buy the game can not be subscribed.
  • The worst quality picture than on the computer. Frame rate at the lowest level of playability, usually 30 frames per second.
  • In the absence of maintenance of the thermalcase, it can accumulate.

We picked up for you the 10 best game consoles in the world.

Best Stationary Gaming Consoles

We start with the most familiar big circle of console players. These devices are used exclusively at home in a pair with a TV. Their dimensions are too large for transportation, but it allows you to install inside the most productive "iron" and a good cooling system for a consistently smooth and beautiful picture, which is famous for the console. In this category, we encountered two main rivals of the market - PlayStation and Xbox.

5 Sony Playstation 4 1 TB

The greatest number of discounts and bonuses when buying
Country: Japan
Average price: 24690 rub
Rating (2019): 4.5

We begin an overview of home game consoles with a very popular old old man in the world - the usual PlayStation 4. The model, at first glance, can not attract buyers. Performance in 1.82 Teraflops is enough for a comfortable game in FullHD resolution, but hopefully on the PS4 Pro level or a powerful game computer does not have. The design is more angular than new comrades that many will have to taste. Of the relative deficiencies, we note the lack of Wi-Fi of the last generation (802.11ac) and a fairly high average cost.

Why, despite these flaws, the model is included in the rating? Everything is simple, the basic PlayStation 4 is gradually retired, and therefore vendors often make big discounts. Also included with the prefix almost always go games, which are separately sold at least 2 thousand rubles, subscription PS PLUS and even additional gamepads DualShock 4. Finally, this version of the "CLOY" has already covered the large number of accessories that you can buy for a penny.

4 Sony Playstation 4 Slim 1 TB

The most compact stationary console on the market
Country: Japan
Average price: 22899 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The SLIM version has become a "lightweight" version of the classic PS4, differing slightly smaller dimensions, a more quiet work and a lesser price. I am glad that the HDMI cable now lies with default and it is not necessary to buy it separately. We did not forget about DualShock with pleasant tactile sensations, but a little worse ergonomics than xbox.

The console in appearance looks worthily. According to the dimensions, it turned out less than 3 generation. The graphic chip is although the average, but is based on modern architecture, while the 3 generation had a powerful graphic core, but obsolete morally. The processor operates at 1.6 GHz frequency, the RAM is only 8 GB of GDDR5 format. There are no ports for reading card cards, but fully present Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. I upset the fact that it would not work out the external sound peripherals to it. We will have to choose between the headphones connected to the gamepad or content with the sound of the HDMI channel.

3 Microsoft XBOX ONE S

The lowest cost
Country: USA
The average price: 22990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first representative of Microsoft gaming consoles hurts to competitors at once several features. First of all, pay attention to a significantly lower cost. Some stores offer a device for only 16-17 thousand rubles. True, it will be a version with a hard disk by 500 GB, which will be not enough to avid gamer. For 23-24 thousand you will find ONE S with a HDD capacity of 2 TB is the best indicator on the market.

The second feature is support for 4k. Blu-ray in this capacity works fine. With games more difficult. First, in the settings it is necessary to force the apscale to UltraHD. Secondly, you will not get a smooth and beautiful picture. But with FullHD everything is excellent - the picture quality is somewhat better than on PS4, PS4 Slim and the usual Xbox One. The update frequency can reach 60 FPS. There is support for HDR - high contrast mode, in which the picture looks much more contrast. Finally, let's not forget about the appearance - many observers and buyers converge in the opinion that the Xbox One S is a very beautiful device.

2 Sony PlayStation 4 Pro

Best price for 4k
Country: Japan
Average price: 29999 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Powerful and silent prefix. If the original model issues 1.8 teraflops, then this is immediately 4.2. The Wi-Fi module has been updated, which works steadily with 5 GHz networks. The power of the consoles is enough to display both Full HD and a full 4k. In general, it's all the same PS4, only under large screens. A matte monoblock of 3 components collects a minimum of dust and fingerprints. There are 2 USB 3.0 ports on the front panel and 1 on the rear, which allows you to connect PS VR not in front, and behind.

At the same time, energy consumption increased to 310 W. The device is supplied in a surround and heavy box medium presentable species. In the package, there is a mono-earphone with a microphone, whose feasibility is currently in question.

The prefix consists of the following components:

  • controllers or manipulators for navigation;
  • the main unit consisting of motherboard, processor, RAM and other elements;
  • media. Basically, optical discs play this role;
  • data cables, including high-frequency antenna cable to transfer the image to the TV.

1 Microsoft Xbox One X

The most powerful gaming console in the world
Country: USA
Average price: 36350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Xbox One X is the most powerful gaming console in the world. Her performance is 6 terafopsam! The closest competitor from Sony has on a third less power. All thanks to the new processor Scorpio Engine and 12 GB of RAM. Of course, there is support for 4K and HDR10. The picture is excellent. But if you have a simpler TV, do not be discouraged - ONE X will be relevant for you, because in FullHD or 2K resolution, the prefix simply gives a significantly more beautiful (due to different effects) and smooth picture with a frequency of upgrading up to 60 frames per second. The sound also does not have to worry about - supported DTS 5.1 standards, Dolby Digital 5.1 with ATMOS TrueHD technology.

On xbox, compared to PlayStation, not so much exclusive. At the same time, the purchased games will also be available on a PC with Windows on board, which makes them to some extent a more reasonable purchase.

The best game consoles Nintendo

Nintendo has always been a special company. They never seriously competed with the guys from Sony and Microsoft, while having a huge army of fans of various ages. At first glance, it may seem that their games are monotonous and boring, but shopping deeper, you understand - they all possess perfectly honed gameplay. What about consoles? They are also crazy and unusual, like their creators.

3 Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System

The most "nostalgic" prefix
Country: Japan
The average price: 9490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

We have already said that Nintendo has a huge army of fans. And this army was formed not one decade ago. In the late 90s, the company released Super Nintendo Entertainment System (in our country there is more accurate copy of - dendy), was one of the largest manufacturers. Contra, Donkey Kong, Super Mario World - these and many other games have won the hearts of young gamers.

The novelty released in 2016 allows you to plunge into childhood. Very compact box possesses retro design. A pair of wired joysticks also correspond to him. The design is the same, out of the 90s, which further immerses in the atmosphere of retro gemina. The box itself feeds on the usual USB - you can connect even in the TV connector. The picture is displayed via HDMI, it is not necessary to mess with adapters. 21 games are pre-installed on the console, but, of course, you can independently load the necessary images. From the key differences from the original SNES, we note the possibility of saving and "releasing" the gameplay for 40 seconds ago.

2 Nintendo New 2DS XL

Most convenient portable console
Country: Japan
Average price: 10750 rub
Rating (2019): 4.6

In the segment of portable consoles, officially presented in our country, Nintendo unconditionally dominates. We will consider a relatively simple model NEW 2DS XL. First of all, the form factor is interesting. This is a foldable model in the form of a book, inside which two displays fit immediately (the main one is 4.88 inches, the lower is optional - 4.18 ') and control buttons, cross and styc. Such dimensions allow you to wear a console constantly, playing at any convenient case. The case has a place for the stylus, which is much more convenient to be managed in some cases. Note that there is also Nintendo 2DS on sale - a slightly more compact awkward model, the value of which is on average per thousand rubles less. Otherwise, there are practically no differences.

Battery with a capacity of only 1300 mAh. Time of autonomous work varies very much. In modern demanding games, the console can only live 3.5 hours, in the classics - up to 10-12 hours. Games - Typical for Nintendo - Pokemon, Mario, etc.

If you want your console to serve for a long time, it also needs to be cleaned. For 4 years of moderate operation inside it without proper supervision, klobs of wool may form, and the smell may not be the most pleasant. It pleases that the console disassembly process is relatively simple and prophylactic cleaning can be carried out once a year.

1 Nintendo SWITCH

The best game console Nintendo. The only hybrid console in the world
Country: Japan
Average price: 19990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The leading position is expected to occupy a novelty, Nintendo SWITCH. This is the first hybrid gaming console in the world. What does it mean? There is a major part, in the form of a tablet with a screen of 6.2 'and HD resolution and "Dopa". Want to play on the way - connect the joycone to the "tablet" and ahead. A large TV opposite the sofa is a console in a special docking station, and the joycons on a special playground in the form of gamepad and play with comfort. You can play both alone and with a friend, giving him one of the JOY-CON. Games are really interesting and unique. In addition to the traditional series for Nintendo, there is a set of mini-games 1-2-Switch and full-fledged projects of third-party developers, like TES V: Skyrim, FIFA 18 and Wolfenstein. Battery life of about 6 hours.

You get a special pleasure from universality: I started the game at home in front of a huge TV, then disconnected the console and continued the game in the subway, and at the conclusion of the evening I sat down in friends in a cafe, putting a console to the built-in footboard. Do not part with games anywhere and never - isn't it a dream of a real gamer?

Best Retro Consoles

For many people, familiarity with gaming consoles began with 8 or 16-bit games. "Turn off, and then put a kinescope", "Don't Bay, I will try something", "I will be the first!" - These phrases sounded from enthusiastic children during the Mortal Games Combat, Ninja Turtles and other legendary projects. Return to childhood being adults, as it turned out, quite simple - you only need to spend some money for the modern version of the classic console. For example, such as in the ranking below.

2 Sega Megadrive Classic

Funny classic
Country: Japan (produced in China)
Average price: 1968 rub
Rating (2019): 4.6

The classic "Sega" is still available for purchase at a ridiculous price about 2000 rubles. This is the fourth generation of game consoles, but it is this model that has been remembered by many players with their graphics and unique games. The prefix has a 16-bit system and was a direct competitor to the legendary dandy. Compared to her, "Sega" was able to offer a better picture. The device is made in a minimalistic black case with a pair of joysticks with a rounded shape. There are 2 ports for the joysticks in the housing so that you can play both one and pair with a comrade.

It is worth highlighting cartridges. They simply look quite well and not very reliable, because of which the chips on their buildings were familiar. Often, the set-top box pack included a collection cartridge, where it was possible to find 62 or 131 game. Deluxe publication included such games as a "golden ax", "King Lion", "Aladdin", "Deadly Battle" and many others.

1 Sega Megadrive Gopher

The most compact retro console
Country: Japan
The average price: 3590 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Many retro-console manufacturers are trying to copy the original as much as possible. Appearance, controls, system interface. The creators of Sega Megadrive Gopher went on a different way - combined the achievements of modern technology and "lampiness" of old games. The device turned out no more than a modern smartphone. In addition to the 2.8 'screen, the resolution of 360x240 points in the front there was a poke and six buttons - the layout is used to the old joysticks of the original console. There are AV output and audio jacks for connecting a TV and headset, respectively. The battery is only 750 mAh, but it is enough for 10 hours of the game.

Inside everything is extremely simple. Motorola processor, operating at a frequency of 7.61 MHz, a memory card slot with a capacity of up to 4 GB. However, you will certainly have enough old flash drive for 512 MB, because the images of the games occupy only 1-4 MB. In addition to 20 pre-installed games you can always find other projects. There are a lot of their profile forums, and if necessary, you can port the PC version of the game yourself.

In the life of each amateur, a portable gaming console occupies a very important place. It is convenient, easy and profitable.

So what are the best? We chose the top 15 current consoles at the end of 2018 and early 2019.

Comparison of consoles

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NamePrice up to 10,000 p.Connection to TVAdditional functions

+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +

Exeq freestyle

+ +

Sega Genesis.

+ +


+ +


+ +

X-Game CH-22B

+ +

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The first place goes out the portable console from Nintendo.

What is it noteworthy? The fact that it can change game modes. It can be done literally in several movements with your fingers.

P the rhyder goes complete with the gamepad, which can literally divide for two.

The console can be connected to the TV, and you can use the screen that is located on the gamepad itself..

Two sides of the consoles are disconnected, and they can replace the joystick to two players and act as a kinect. That is, repeat the movements of the hands if they are correctly fixed.

Such an opportunity is ideal for games like "Just Dance", or when using virtual reality glasses, where it is required not to know the buttons on the gamepad, but the movements of your hands.

Moreover, the console is equipped with the possibility of installing parental control., Comes complete with the game wheel and can be used both as an ordinary prefix, and as portable, and as a kinem. That is, the thing is incredibly multifunctional.

And this is not to mention the support of many games with delicious graphics, the highest settings and characteristics of the innovations of the last year.

All this in the amount makes the console of one of the best in your way.


Video: Nintendo Switch 2018 Overview

Overview Nintendo Switch 2018

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Honorary second place occupies a portable gaming console from Nintendo.

This time the company tried to release a stunning gadget that has a number of advantages over previous versions.

The prefix is \u200b\u200bquite compact, it is easy to throw it into a pocket and take with you to kill time on the road or on change, with such a console, it is convenient to even just play in bed.

She came out in two colors, white and blue, and has more convenient control than the previous version.

Makes work with the Console of the Quick Control Button and the imitation of the joystick, which is located on the panel. In an improved option, it is convenient to play together.

Supports console and amiibo system, Oh is, the ability to transfer the character from the real world to the virtual.

In other words, you can take a figure made from LEGO, or any game figure, and with the help of a special panel "scan it" to the world.

Not every game, however, but most of the Nintendo available in the market.

The figure must have a special stand, it can be purchased separately.

Well, finally, it pleases the effect of 3D, which manufacturers with love have invested in the console. This gives Nintendo 3DS XL place in the ranking.


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10 best games for Nintendo 3DS

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The console that came out a little earlier than 3DS, but which possesses some significant advantages.

This prefix is \u200b\u200bdesigned for children, and completely - starting from the size and design, and ending with the buttons and joysticks that are perfect for children's fingers.

But this does not mean that it is possible to use the console only to children, not at all.

It is designed for a number of religious games from NintendoAnd has pre-installed games, such as "Pokemon: Sun and Moon Edition" or "Mario Kart 7". There is also access to all games from Nintendo 3DS and 3DS XL, and this is a huge plus.

Together with the console, by the way, a special stylus comeswhich facilitates control in some games.

It also compensates for the absence of some very necessary joystick buttons, and replaces some of the available.

In addition, the prefix has an interesting design, support for drawing a stylus in the game and the ability to display 3D games in 2D mode, which happens very by the way if you do not have a special glasses.

So, in general, the console does not "grasp the rear" at all, but takes a worthy place, being another representative of the company in the ranking.


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Nintendo 2DS - My First Console

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Portable game console PSP Vita, although it gets some negative reviews, still remains very and quite good, and that is why.

The design of the gamepad itself does not differ from the design of the joysticks in versions of all the same PSPStarting from the first and ending the fourth.

That is, a person who is used to playing on Sony consoles will probably be even more than comfortable.

Yes, and in your hands it is quite convenient to keep it, the prefix does not take too much space, and let the size exceeds, for example, Sega Genesis, nevertheless, easily placed in his pocket. You can take it anywhere.

Equipped with a console and the possibility of entering YouTube, That is, when connecting to the Internet, you can view videos.

And all, with the same connection, you can connect to the TV, going to the full-format game mode. As a bonus, a free set of games in the Adventure genre is coming.


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Is PS Vita actual in 2018?

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And one more wonderful gaming console from Sony. This time it is distinguished by the fact that it has a nominating panel, as in the slider phones, if anyone else remembers such.

Management, as well as in all PSP versions, remains unchanged, incredibly convenient and familiar, well, and the ability to use a two-level gamepad significantly increases screen sizes and comfort.

Places This console takes no more than a mobile phone.And at the same time can accommodate up to 1000 different games simultaneously thanks to a large amount of memory.

Plus, the prefix has a connector, thanks to which it can be connected to the TV, and, even if not the latest version, but quite quick. And this greatly facilitates the use of the console.

And the design, of course, unlike other consoles, provides both the preservation of buttons and protection against accidentally pressing and the original appearance.


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A fairly cheap consoleCompared to the ranking presented in the ranking, but it has its own characteristics that are unlikely to leave someone indifferent.

Little prefix, presented in bright pink, red, blue, white, black and green colors, has a very comfortable design - it is easy to keep it even in one hand.

Buttons are located so that during the game it is not particularly naught by, well, and the games here, by the way, is a huge set.

The main advantage of this portable console is that it supports games familiar from childhood.

Games that were released for Dendy, Sega, Game Boy ... All of them are known to everyone who at least once in their lives kept the joystick in his hands.

To strengthen the sense of nostalgia, the developers have invested in the console of as much as 700 pre-installed games, which, with good quality of the sound of the console itself, are forced to plunge into the world of pixels and pleasant memories.

Sega Genesis Gopher 2

Back to the past. SEGA. Familiar name, right? Feels the taste of childhood?

And although we all remember the old good prefixes with a good slag block, this time the developers were pleased with the compact console.

First, the prefix came out even too compact, and it was simply uncomfortable to use it.

And from the screen of 2.8 "in the end I had to refuse, changing it to another, more, and installing the gamepad with the combined cross. So appeared "Sega Mega Drive", better known as Sega Genesis.

Despite the still enough small size, the Portable SEGA Gaming Console cannot but delight with its characteristics and a bonus in the form of 500 pre-installed games.

There is like retro games that can be found on the Nintendo Classic Mini retro console and more modern, and, of course, branded games for SEGA.

The prefix looks too pretty unusual, it is very stylish and comfortable if you need to take it with you.