How to make your paper cards. How to make playing cards from paper. Tarot Card Production Process

In which it describes how to independently make high-quality, beautiful, durable and, importantly, inexpensive cards. This material is strongly recommended for familiarizing to everyone who makes toys with scissors and printer. Separately thanks - writing all this to the user under the nickname Pard.

From time to time, the real gameman has the need to make playing cards for some game. For example, you got a game in a foreign language, and our original cards are not going to play in any case. In order for this undone to print your own cards - you need to solve several tasks:

Convenient design,
- high-quality printing,
- protection against chairs
- Durability.

I found an experienced way - as it seems to me - optimal ways to solve these tasks. Consider them in order.

1. Convenient design
Maps must be comfortable in the game: a visual picture, smooth frame, readable text, beautiful shirt.

Although there are various sizes in different games, it is better to make their single size - 6x9 cm. At the same time, the map frame may vary in width from 3 to 5 mm (in Figure - 3 mm):

The map frame is best to do white, and in the corners of the shirts to printed the labels for cutting cards (see clause 3). In the picture of the shirt, it is advisable to make a rounding - this will also help in the cutting. It is impossible to printe the Card cutting line - when cutting cards, it will still remain its remnants, and all maps will be different, which is unacceptable (see clause 4).

By deciding, for example, to make a 3 mm card frame, make a card with a size of 5.4x8.4 mm, distribute all the necessary pictures and inscriptions in it, and then increase the size of the canvas to 6x9 cm - with you just the framework of the desired width.

2. High-quality printing
Printing maps follows two-way matte photographic paper, for example "Lomond, 200 G / M2, A4, MATT Double-Sided". Any normal inkjet photo printer, such as "Epson Styles R300", will give a sufficient print in the output.

To match the pictures of the face and shirts of the card, you should make several test prints on the 25x27 cm mesh sheet (such a grid is obtained when accommodating 9 cards on the sheet):

Moving the guide printer, find this position inserted to print a sheet, in which the picture is printed strictly in the center of the A4 sheet. In this case, turning the sheet with the pictures of the shirt, you will print the front pictures of the cards, and they will match. If the guides do not help, it is necessary to add a white border in the print sheet of the desired width, to the left or right - this will allow you to move the picture so that it coincides with the pattern printed on the reverse side.

3. Protection against chairs
So that the players could not remember the maps, their shirts should be absolutely the same (therefore, for example, it is impossible to print cards on paper with some continuous pattern on the back side - in this case, all the shirts of the cards will be different).

Printing the side of the sheet with the shirts of the cards, carefully consider them - if there are noticeable print defects on some maps, these cards will have to be reprinted.

Printing sheets on both sides, cut them through the angular margins of cards on the photo-dress - with scissors you will never get an equally smooth line as on it - first cut the paper on the outer marks, and then internal.

As a result, you will receive 9 rectangular cards that need to be rounded in which conventional scissors and skilled hands will help you. Try to round the shirt rounding parallel (if you, of course, took care of him at the stage of card design). If you have rounded some card clearly worse than the rest, it is better to reprint it so that it is not noticeable in the game.

4. Durability
It is not surprising, but home cards can be done more durable than imprinted by an industrial way, and the lamination will help you. There are many films for lamination on sale, but it is best to find a one that cannot be cut (since it is not possible to make it a qualitatively manually) - "Laminating Pouch Film, LKC., Ltd., Korea, Size 65 × 95, Thickness 125 MIC". These films are ideal for 6x9 cm cards:

Inserting the cards (everything is in one direction), treat them in a laminator at a temperature of 150 ° C, previously invested in a cent a4 of ordinary paper bent in half - so that the edges of the cards do not accidentally bent, or worse, they did not drain them into the laminator (in this case We have to disassemble, and half a day and a bunch of nerves you will lose in any way). I have not tried, but perhaps the same procedure can be carried out and the usual iron, trying to iron (through a tracker?) From the fold of the film and not allowing the formation of aircraft.

Laminated cards are obtained slightly thicker ordinary, it is very strong and not spoiled. If suddenly the card starts to smell the corner, skip it through the laminator (inside the sheet of paper!) And it is again bred.

The map printed inkjet printer can not be left in the sun - they will quickly fade - and this is their main drawback (compared to industrial cards).

Maps should be stored in some boxes. Successfully tested options are as follows:
- boxes from the sheets for lamination,
- Handbook made carton boxes from Lomond sheets,
- Plastic box from Ferrero Rocher candy.

5. Price
The approximate cost of cards manufactured by this technology consists of the following values:

Paper - 50 sheets (9 cards) - 200 rubles - 0.45 rubles / card,
- Print - 1 double-sided sheet (9 cards) - 10 rubles - 1,11 rubles / card,
- Sheets for lamination - 100 pieces - 120 rubles - 1,20 rubles / card.

By the new year, I want to give close attention, make a pleasant, useful (and beautiful!) Surprise, which will please friends or relatives for a very long time. As you know, the best gift is made with your own hands. Yes, this time I can admit that my task for finding a suitable gift was very facilitated, as my gods have been fond of pirated topics for more than a year. The answer to the question "What to give for the new year?" was found.

It is no secret that I lead your own tourist blog. In my work on the preparation of materials, I work a lot with cards and schemes, oriented across and easy I can explain others, or. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a full-fledged treasure map, "Pirate Card" I really liked me. At the same time, it was decided to capture the work process for people who are interested in handmade.

The basis of the A3 and A4 sheet was taken in the amount of several pieces (I took 4 each species). In creating a pirated treasure map, it is always necessary to dance from the texture of the paper, since it is exactly the card as a pirate or not a pirate. To give color and textures, tea and coffee were taken.

He took a small pile, 4 tablespoons of any soluble coffee and 5 tea bags of black tea, the bay all this is 250 ml of water (large glass). Carefully mixed and waited until everything is imagined. Then the bag extracts and postponed on a separate plate (they will also be needed). Pulled the contents of the pile into the baking sheet to withstand the paper there. Paper as much as possible to impregnation.

It is not necessary to wait for a long time, it is enough to heal with a solution with a solution from one and the other side, the saturation of the color on the amount of impregnation time does not depend - it is clarified by experimentally. Then everything was put on unsettled newspapers for drying. As soon as the sheets began to push, picked up the bags left at the previous operation, and squeezed from them on the sheets of a dense solution in a chaotic order. It is necessary for the emergence of additional random "stains" in order for the texture to become even more interesting.

Ready material for work.

Added sharpness in photoshop to the pattern be seen.

In general, the creation of a pirated card brings a very great pleasure, since even if I accidentally accumulate with glue or varnish on the surface of the paper, it will not worsen its appearance, but will improve - who knows how much the old pirate has had to go with her?

The final sheets were infidaked the iron, then cleaned the sandpaper to remove the brilliance from the iron and the root surface. The grain size took a little to not damage the paper.

After that, the question arose about what picture and how to apply. The choice fell on the gel pens of three colors: black, gold and silver. Black draw contour, gold and silver give a handsome shade that plays the light.

The first samples showed: moving in the right direction. Side of light on the map. How to draw: draw a circulation 2 concentric circles of different diameters, then we make crosses: the cross on the cross at an angle of 90 degrees, then the cross will increase under 45 degrees, then once again in half. The resulting markup is used to work out. We paint the "star" with gold and silver.

In general, the Internet is just shot by various images of the treasure cards and pirate drawings of various types: it all depends on what purpose you make a map and how much is ready to spend time and strength on it.

My goal was to make props for an exciting puzzle game for my nephew and niece for the new year. The essence of the game in the following: We take a map where four sectors are charged. Each must have a piece of map. To find a treasure, you need to find all 4 pieces, solving riddles and puzzles. It becomes clear from the following drawing:

Next, take the area of \u200b\u200bthe area where the game will pass. I painted in memory, focusing on the photos. We draw so that it was clear to the child (in which case, mom with dad will help. Place pieces on the map itself:

It turns out a kind of puzzle: children will not only need to find a piece of the card, but also to find the place allotted to him. To do this, I made a stroke. More photos:

I bet, even adults with topographic cretinism will be fascinated by this test. Very fascinating.

The game can be applied everywhere: on vacation, on corporate parties. Treasure map is the thing intuitive and everyone knows what to do with it. Compass can be bought at any fishing store. My will navigate the roof flue.

After creating the foundation and puzzle, she wanted more. How will the card be stored? How to wrap it and turn it? Fold four times? It will kill her. I remembered the idea of \u200b\u200ba scroll: a cylindrical subject is needed in size longer sheet A4, and something that will fix it. After the search for options, broken photoman from the A3 printer and the movie from there was selected. The map will be shuffled on the photo, the roller gives a pleasant weight.

In the movie it is customary that the scroll has a protective apron, limiting the folding card and allowing it to roll and roll off. After creative flour, the initial material was chosen: foam. After treatment with a hot knife over the stove, it acquired the following form:

My charming! Now you need to make the second same.

So that the limit disks are not turned, it was decided to treat their papier mache, which was soon done. Photos of this process did not work. After drying, the end surface of the tube and the discs were treated with black plasticine. Along the way, plasticine was prepared for the "searcant printing".

Then everything was glued on the tube and processed with varnish so that the plasticine does not bundle.

Please note: the distance between the disks is selected in such a way that the roller is inserted there. At the stage of processing, the grooves were done. After drying, close-up:

The design is such that the card freely rotates around the roller. You can (but not recommended) open the map under the weight of the roller itself: it will unwind.

Thinking the shelves of the sheets of PVA glue.

Checking performance.

How it looks in the deployed form:

A little corp is the compactness of the map itself and the abundance of "white spots". I agree, you can fill the entire surface with patterns and patterns. But for my task it is enough.

We make a wax seal: we smear the plasticine of the desired color (80% red and 20% black), we take the twine, wind by fit, the Surgachi itself is sculpted on a small piece of the same material as the card so that the main object does not spawn during the separation. Intisk us with the help of another piece of plasticine, where the drawing was made, and then frozen in the freezer. Covered lacquer for a wax shine. Ready!

I have a seal made in the form of "all-seeing eye". Who said Conspirology? Just the drawing is simple and beautiful. Once again close-up. Impaid, but for what will be broken and thrown out, just right.

Map with other attributes for the new year competition.

Ready! This text is not a strict instruction, it gives a large space for creativity and search for different paths, so they create, let your card become even more detailed and beautiful! Well, I'm all! Happy 2015!

You can make it yourself. We will use the most common things that are practically in every home. Tired of monotonous decks of cards and do you want something unusual?

I offer 2 simple and interesting options. To achieve an excellent result, you need to start in a great mood. And, of course, you need to connect a little imagination! So how to make playing cards with your own hands?

Method first: Making cardboard cards

The easiest and cheapest option. For cardboard games, you will need: dense cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, line, printer and photoshop program. To begin with, decide on the design of the deck.

Step 1. Best "draw" drawing in photoshop. In principle, if you do not have time or desire, you can use the ready-made template. On the Internet there are plenty of options. You need to choose the best. Next step: Print templates for colored paper. Carefully cut cards. A ruler will help you. Scissors best use special stationery.

Step 2. Cook the maps themselves. Once again clarify: the cardboard must be dense and preferably white. Although, of course, you can use cardboard from under the boxes. On ready-made cards, turn color prints. The glue can be used by the usual, type "pencil".
Step 3.. Send maps to "drying". That is, the finished deck must be left to be dried about an hour. During this time, the glue will dry well. Yes, and you can make a box for cards. To do this, you will also come in handy cardboard and glue. If you wish, you can use colored paper or ordinary markers.

Method Second: Scratch Card

This option is much better and more interesting. First, cards are obtained wear-resistant. Secondly, such a deck looks much more effectary. Before work, prepare: scratch card, office paper, double-sided tape, adhesive leaves (stickers), a marker of one or more colors, pencil glue and laminator.

Step 1. Glue to each scratch card in advance carved white paper. We postpone the workpiece from about 20-30 minutes.

Step 2. While cards dry, draw the cards on stickers. Excellent if you have 2 markers: black and red. If you draw pictures, you can draw images of classic cards. For example, a lady, king, ace. But the easiest way to print them and paste on stickers.

Step 3. Enclose sticker to the map using double-sided tape. Just in case, leave cards for another couple of hours. Do not rub the deck, trying to understand what the result turned out!

Step 4. Skip cards through the laminator. As a result, it turns out excellent with a unique design.

When making cards, remember that the deck should be not only beautiful, but also high quality. Well, if the cards will not pass the water, slide on the table. Also, cards should not be too fragile. In order for the result not only pleased, but also surprised, look at the various training rollers on the Internet. Video will help determine the size and type of cards.

Decamental cards are pictures for decoupage made on simple or rice paper with good typographic quality.

Such cards can be made at home completely independently if you have a computer and printer.

As usual I share my experience in steps.

We first select pictures on the Internet.

We go to Yandex to the tab: PicturesWe type keyword in the search bar and set two parameters in the left menu as shown by red arrows: size - Large, a type - Clipart..

We do it for two reasons.

We need a large size of pictures, because there is no direct conformity of the size of what we see on the monitor, and what will be displayed later on a sheet of paper. The picture that seems to us on the monitor as a suitable, on a sheet of paper may be completely tiny and unsuitable for our purposes.

For example, I can say that the A4 sheet is about 2500 pixels wide, and in length approximately 3,500 pixels. Yandex marks such pictures as big. From this calculation and should come.

It should be remembered that from large pictures we can always make small, if necessary, but from small to do large without loss of quality it is impossible.

The second parameter - Clipart defines the quality of the pictures. As a rule, these are pictures in PNG format with a transparent background that are most suitable for decorative work. Although PNG format with a transparent background, we can do and independently practically from any picture, but this is a completely different story.

The second parameter is not always needed. It depends on what picture we want to withdraw. For example, landscapes are usually saved in JPEG and not PNG format and are rarely among the cliparts.

So, we find and keep the pictures we need.

Then we create a file in Photoshop with a resolution of the A4 sheet and place the pictures we need on it. Save the file and display it to the printer for printing. Print the file on ordinary office paper.

The very first picture in this message is just a file that I created for a decoupage card for decorating a jar under cocoa.

On the Internet you can meet many discussions as to which printer can be used for this purpose. Of course, if you have a laser printer, then this is the perfect option, but I have no such printer, so I used the inkjet printer and tell about the quality of decoupage cards obtained with it.

I had a transparent scotch, and it is badly visible in the photo, however, looking around, you can see it.

We glue the tape very tightly and smoothly and well climb it to the surface of the paper sheet.

Then carefully we ride the tape from paper first from one edge:

Then carefully and evenly continue to tear it from the sheet over the entire surface until it is disconnected from the paper completely. At the same time, we will protect the paper peelled with a hand so that it does not break:

Now we have a decoupharge card separated from the lower layer of paper, which remained on Scotch:

I will focus on whether paint flows from a decoupage card made on a jet printer.

I specifically consider this issue on the example of decoupage on the crane, which is more complicated in gluing the image.

As shown in the photo, I foole the image in the water literally for one second:

Then I put it on the surface and start the finger into the crane slice. Whether paint flows?

Yes, the finger is a little dirty in the paint, but, as you can see, it is practically not reflected on the image as an image.

1) Drive the cat and take a sheet of drawing paper (good when it is not just Watman, and paper with some kind of texture, such as watercolor).

2) To make it convenient to draw, and the pictures were smooth and did not breed, we stretch the paper on the tablet. To do this, we are so impregnate it with water, put on the tablet and smoothed so that there are no air bubbles.

3) bend the edges of the paper and glue them to the tablet PVE glue, a moment-crystal or titanium. First we glue one side, then - the opposite one (stretching slightly). Then take turns glue the two remaining parties.

4) Corners carefully bend and glue too.

5) The tablet is stretched and now it must be toned into a pleasant shade of an old parchment.

6) For this we go to the bathroom, so as not to breed the dirt on the desktop. Again, I drive a cat, which managed to move there and glue on a warm floor.

7) In any container we drag a concentrated solution of coffee. The cheaper coffee - the better (there is more dye)))

8) We can take a sponge and gently miss all the coffee paper, but we are real artists, so coffee just stretch on paper and smear it with your hands. Doctor, in this stain I see ...

9) Paper on the tablet will go in small waves, but do not worry about it - after drying, they will be smoothed. In these waves, our coffee can be caught, so it periodically needs to tilt the tablet in different directions, accelerating these puddles.

10) I was too lazy to do it, so coffee dried with flips. Sometimes they are even beautiful, but this time they do not need them and wet's wet slicer I smear them.

11) Haha! Further, we draw a tablet to rectangles (I chose the size of 85x125 mm) and draw cards (for example, you can take real cards and srink from them, you still will not work exactly and there will be your own author's interpretation!) First, the most difficult - pictures. We draw black stitches and pen, we paint with pencils (or paints, as you comfortable). White pencil can be a little flashing some areas (it looks very advantageous on toned paper). Draw free and calmly, feel free to you if you think that you draw some nonsense. Believe that carefully made, smooth cards will look good with any pictures, if only the king could be distinguished from the lady))) Although in this case there is an alphabetic designation in the corner of the card.

12) In order not to suffer with the second half of the cards - I photographed them and printed. Next, we translate them to the tablet in a well-known way: the opposite side of the picture is shaded by a soft pencil, and outline with a handle. From the pencil remains an imprint.

13) For considerable effect, we draw a gold stroke on the edge of the map (acrylic paint, marker or gel handle). Pencil drawing be sure to fix special aerosol varnishes.

14) After a complete drying of the varnish cut the paper from the tablet.

15) And the sheet is perfectly smooth!

16) We again stretch the tablet, we need to draw cards with numbers. I am sure that you have never paid attention to how do you set up the icons of the table in dozens of eights and other mines))) We study this issue, draw diagrams for memory.

17) We will create a certain modular grid to help. Here, by the way, all the peaks are drawn in one direction and this is a mistake. One half of the peak must be turned over in the opposite direction (cross and worms, too, but with the tambourines, they are symmetrical))).

18) Again, get black and (mmmmm!) - Warm-red carmine mascara and draw all digital cards.

19) Next, with the help of a knife and iron line, we share all the cards from each other. As if we did not die - they will not work perfectly, do not seek this.

20) For the card shirt, you can or draw a picture (then scan and propagate it) or choose the appropriate on the Internet. I found a suitable picture in the patterns on the wallpaper of my kitchen)))

21) Print it on the printer in the amount of 36 pieces (climbs four pieces on the sheet).

22) Shirt size Let it be a little more than the map itself - so we can smoke the edges. It is convenient to glue adhesive pencil. But it is better to take glue a more expensive company so that with time the glue does not dry and the shirts of your cards did not fly away like autumn leaves. Extra edges cut off with scissors, at the same time twisting the corners of the cards.

23) Be sure to put our cards under the press. Preferably all night.