Poltava province maps. Depository (archival extracts) of Poltava province Map of Poltava province before 1917

The map of the Poltava region, as a direct heir to the Poltava province, is fraught with many interesting and unique places that cannot be passed by either a historian or an archaeologist or, naturally, a treasure hunter.

The Poltava region, or rather the land where it is located, can boast of more than 10 thousand years of history. It is impossible not to mention that the village is small in size with. Belsk, which thanks to its history has become famous all over the world. It is hard to imagine that this place became for some time the capital of the Scythian-Sarmatian kingdom and had another name Gelon.

We can find the first references to the French scientist Guillaume de Beauplan, who left the greatest and one of the first meaningful works about Ukraine, visiting it in the Middle Ages, as an architect and engineer in the then Commonwealth. (The Boplan map is presented on our website in several versions and resolutions).

Few people know that the Belskoe settlement is today the largest settlement of the Scythians in the entire Eastern part of Europe, with a length of almost 40 kilometers, which for almost 100 years since the beginning of official excavations (1906) has provided rich and varied material for study.

1709 was a turning point and tragic year not only for Ukraine but also for most of Europe. It was in this year, on the slopes of the Vorskla River, that

the famous "Battle of Poltava" between the Swedish king Charles XII and the Moscow tsar Peter I. We will not go into a detailed description and commentary on the events taking place at that time, a lot has already been written and a lot has been said before us, but we just recall that this battle served as an even greater pretext for the enslavement of Ukraine by the then Moscow kingdom, which stole the name "Rus" from us and which later became known as the Russian Empire. Over time, a lot of things

was stolen, changed and twisted by the rulers, kings and already presidents of the "white stone".

On our site you will find quite extensive material on maps of different historical periods, which are first presented as maps of the Poltava province, and maps of the Ukrainian SSR of the Poltava region. Below is a list of the most popular cards:

- Maps of three layout of the Poltava province

- Schubert maps of the new edition of the Poltava province

- Maps of the General Staff of the Poltava region

- Maps of the Red Army in Poltava and regions (500 meters)

- Linked maps of Google satellite images of the entire Poltava region

- German military maps from World War II NS

You can download these and other maps for free on our website, many of which already come with a binding for GPS navigators and programs ozi explorer or androzik

In the List of nobles included in the noble genealogy book of the Poltava province "", published by the Poltava nobility deputy assembly in 1898, it appears:

Genbachev Joseph Andreevich, Collegiate Counselor;
his wife Emilia Fyodorovna;
their children: Vladimir, Joseph, Sergey, Elizabeth.

Introduced into the genealogy book: part 3, letter L, page 836. Decree
Heralds of approval in the nobility dated March 23, 1864, No. 1811. "

(State Archives of the Poltava region, f. 379, op. 3, d. 1,
p. 172)

In the "Case on the document of the collegiate registrar Genbachev", stored in the fund of the office of the Poltava civil governor, there is a petition of the collegiate assessor Elizabeth Osipova, daughter of Genbacheva, to the committee on the formation of Little Russian regiments dated December 2, 1855, which mentions her son, collegiate registrar Joseph Genbachev who, "" having no fortune, cannot live without service, and, moreover, has in his arms, besides his sick father, also me, two sisters and a brother. "" The applicant lived in the town of Pereyaslav, Poltava province. There is also information that the retired collegiate registrar Iosif Andreevich Genbachev asked to be assigned to the service of the assistant to the district postmaster in the city of Constantinograd.

(f.83, op.4, d.99)

Genbach Osip Andreevich, titular adviser, counting official of the Poltava Control Chamber.
(Collection of statistical information about the Poltava province, Poltava, 1869, p. 12).

Genbachev Osip Andreevich, court counselor, postmaster in the city of Khorol.

(Commemorative book for 1874, Poltava, 1875, p. 168)

Genbachev Nikolay - graduated from the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps in 1884,
Genbachev Vladimir - graduated from the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps in 1890.

(Historical sketch of the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps (1840 - 1890). According to official data, compiled by IF Pavlovsky. Poltava, 1890, p. 77.91 adj.).

11. Dolbin Alexey Ivanovich, clerk, assigned in Poltava, previously served in Romania at the automobile unit in Odessa, address: Poltava, Sretenskaya, 62;

An unresolved case from the fund of the Poltava Spiritual Consistory: "" About the issuance of his certificate to the nobleman Dmitry Genbachev about the birth of his certificate ", 06/09/1850.

(F.706, op.6, d.27, l.45ob.).

Genbach Dmitry Pavlovich,
Genbach Nikolai Dmitrievich, nobleman,
Genbach Pavel Dmitrievich,
jurors for Kobelyaksky district,
(Poltava Provincial Gazette, No. 5, January 27, 1918).


In memorable and reference books, address-calendars of Poltava
province 1900 - 1916 Dolbin Ivan Alexandrovich appears:

for 1900 - titular adviser, accountant of the Poltava branch of the Peasant Land Bank

(Address-calendar and reference book of the Poltava province for 1900. Poltava, 1900, p. 43)

in 1903 - collegiate assessor, accountant of the Poltava branch of the Peasant Land Bank, lived. Cossack lane, own house

(Address-calendar and reference book of the Poltava province for 1903. Poltava, 1903, p. 35)

for 1910 - court councilor, appraiser member of the Poltava branch of the State noble land bank

(Commemorative book of the Poltava province for 1910. Poltava, 1910,
page 48)

in 1916 - state councilor, appraiser member of the Poltava branch of the State noble land bank, lived. Cossack lane, own. House

(Commemorative book of the Poltava province for 1916. Poltava, 1916, p.23-24)

January 1, 1917 - took part in a mutual visit on New Year's Day and made a donation in favor of the Alexandrinsky orphanage.

Dolbin Dmitry Ivanovich appears in the list of persons removed from the special register of former whites on the basis of the intercourse of the Poltava City Department of the GPU dated August 19, 1924 under No. 8719, lieutenant, res. 2nd Kozachiy lane, 53.

(f.r-1864, op.5, d.13, l.437);

he is also on the list of former whites who were denied removal from special registration, lived. per. 2nd Kozachy, 35.

(ibid., sheet 146);

The list of employees of the office of the 1st Poltava territorial district, dated July 12, 1920, includes:

11. Dolbin Alexey Ivanovich, clerk, assigned in Poltava, previously served in Romania at the automobile unit and Odessa, address: Poltava, Sretenskaya, 62;
17.Genbacheva Irina Vladimirovna, census-taker, place of registration - in Petrograd, lived in Poltava, address: Babichevsky per., 28.

(F.r-1631, op. 2, d.8, ll.71ob.-72).


Clearing book of the Poltava diocese for 1902. Poltava, 1902:
Petrashevsky Maxim Maksimovich, priest of the Nativity of Christ Church in the village of Gozhuly, Poltava district, in the rank of priest in 1898 (p.23);
Petrashevsky Maxim Maksimovich, priest of the Intercession Church in the village of Obukhovka, Mirgorodsky district, in the rank of priest in 1877, kamilavka in 1898 (p. 421);
Petrashevsky Grigory Ioannovich, priest of the St. John the Theological Church, s. Novo-Ivanovka of the Khorolsky district, in the dignity of a priest in 1878, skufia in 1898 (p. 653);

Reference clergy book for the Poltava diocese for 1912. Poltava, 1912:

Petrashevsky Maxim Maksimovich, priest of the Intercession Church in the village of Obukhovka, Mirgorodsky district (p. 170);
Petrashevsky Alexander Maksimovich, regular psalmist of the Intercession Church in the village of Olefirovka, Mirgorodsky district (p. 171);
Petrashevsky Maxim Maksimovich, priest of the Christ-Nativity Church of the village of Gozhuly, Poltava district (p. 223);
Petrashevsky Grigory Ioannovich, priest of St. John the Theological Church with. Novo-Ivanovka of the Khorolsky district (p. 292).

Marriage search of the Mirgorod Assumption Cathedral Church in Mirgorod: a resident of the povet of the Mirgorod borough of Komyshnaya of the deceased archpriest and dean John Steblinsky, son Efimiy with the daughter of the povet town of Mirgorod cathedral and city dean Kondrat Butashevich Petrashevsky, were married on January 30, 1827 Butashevich-Petrashevich, on January 30, 1827.
(f.1011, op.1, file 174, l.24).

In the marriage searches of the Assumption Church of the village of Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district, 1804-1818. mentioned is Archpriest Yakov Butashevich-Petrashevsky.
(f. 1011, op. 1, d. 167,178).

In the list of officials and teachers of the Mirgorodsky district and subordinate parish schools of the Poltava province for 1836 there is a teacher of the law of the parish school of the village of Obukhovki Butashevich-Petrashevsky Evstafiy, from the nobility of the Poltava province, Mirgorodsky district, 53 years old, corrects his position since March 5, 1836, studied at the Poltava Theological Seminary, he receives a salary from the founder of 150 rubles.
(f.958, op.1, d.48, ll.10ob.-11).
In the formal list of the service of the law teacher of the Obukhov rural parish school Butashevich-Petrashevsky Evstafiy Iosifovich for 1853, there is the following information: 49 years old, from the nobility, has no real property, studied at the Poltava Seminary, middle department from September 1, 1800 to July 15 1807 to all sciences. Consecrated deacon to the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos s. Obukhovki of Mirgorodsky district on January 28, 1808. To the same church he was ordained a priest on October 1, 1809. By appointment of the school authorities, he was appointed as a teacher of the law of Mirgorodsky district, Obukhovka village, to the parish school on January 18, 1836. Widows, has sons: Maxim 25, Ivan 18, Nikita is 15 years old, of whom the first is a priest, and the last two are still studying.

(f 958, op. 1, d.17, pp. 9-10).

In the same lists for 1837, 1839. - the same information.

(f 958, op. 1, d.31, ll.24-25;
42, ll 12-13).

In the name list of officials of the Obukhov parish school for 1839, there is a teacher of the law, priest Evstafiy Iosifov, son of Butashevich-Petrashevsky, originally from the Poltava province of the Mirgorodsky district of the town of Komyshna, 52 years old, correcting his position since March 5, 1836, studied at the Poltava seminary, receives 150 salaries rub. from the founder of the landowner school, Mr. Kapnist, lives in his own house.

(f.958, op.1, d.48, ll.22-23).

In the formulary list about the service of the 2nd grade teacher and teacher of the Obukhov parish school of Petrashevsky Maxim Evstafievich for 1853 there is the following information: 41 years old, does not receive a salary, the son of a priest; family estate in Mirgorodsky district: arable, hay and forest land 25 1/2 dess. and a house in the village of Obukhovka; acquired - in Mirgorodsky district of forest and arable land 3 dess.; his wife's family - in Mirgorodsky uyezd of arable and forest land 7 dess. After completing the course of science at the Poltava Theological Seminary, he was ordained a priest to the Nativity of the Theotokos Church in the town of Komyshna, Mirgorodsky district, on January 21, 1836; legguard on August 15, 1842; from October 19, 1843 to October 20, 1848 - mentor at the Komyshnyansky rural school; transferred to the Intercession Church with. Obukhovki October 26, 1848 Determined as a teacher of the 2nd grade and a teacher of the law in the Obukhov parish school March 30, 1851 married to Feodosia Danilevskaya; children: Fedor, b. June 8, 1843; John, b. February 22, 1846; Maxim, b. January 20, 1851; Evdokia, b. August 4, 1848; Olga, b. June 12, 1853 All children are with their father.

(f 958, op. 1, d.92, sheets 25-26).

Outstanding cases (f. 706):

1800? - On the confiscation of the newly ordained town of Sorochinets of the Assumption Church of the Priest Iakov Petrashevsky to his Eminence for examination in the priesthood; at the request of the town of Sorochinets of the Assumption Church of the priest Jacob Petrashevsky for the issuance of a book to him for request in the Pereyaslavl diocese to repair the aforementioned church after two years of voluntary donation; at the request of the priest of the town of Sorochinets, Jacob Petrashevsky, for permission to wear a legguard during the priestly service.

(f.706, op.6, d.1, l.2.2v., 3).

1835? - At the request of the higher department of the seminary, pupil Maksim Petrashevsky, for the provision of the town of Komyshnaya at the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God with the 2nd priestly place; about dismissal from. Obukhovki of the Intercession Church of the priest Konstantin Butashevich-Petrashevsky zashtat.

(f.706, op.6, d.5, l.42).

Petrashevsky (Butashevich-Petrashevsky) Mikhail Vasilievich b. November 13, 1821 in the family of a noble military doctor who lived in the village of Lyutenka, Gadyach district.

(Ukrainian History Journal, 1971, # 11, p. 124).

Petrashevsky Mikhail - priest of the Nikolaev church in the village of Lyutenka of the Gadyach district, died in 1821.
(Granovsky A. Poltava diocese in its past (since opening in 1803) and the present: Historical and statistical essay. - Poltava, 1901. - p. 303).
(see below - Vasily - (PEV-1888, p. 297).

Petrashevsky Ivan Konstantinovich, court counselor, in 1865 was appointed a doctor at the Poltava gymnasium.

(Commemorative book of the Poltava province for 1865. Poltava, 1865, p.175).

Petrashevsky Grigory - teacher of the law of Dubrovsky (since 1885) and Shaforostovsky (since 1880) schools of Mirgorodsky district.
(Report of the Mirgorod district zemstvo council for 1895, Poltava, 1895, p. 122).
the same - and in 1894 (p. 122).

Butashevich-Petrashevsky Maxim Yevstafiev - priest of the Nativity of the Theotokos Church in the town of Komyshna, Mirgorodsky district, student of the Poltava Theological Seminary, was the first mentor of the Komyshan parish school since the opening of the latter, i.e. from November 21, 1843 to January 1, 1849, on the day of his transfer to the village of Obukhovka, Mirgorodsky district. He managed and managed to earn himself the love and respect not only of his parishioners, but also of the inhabitants of Komyshny in general.
Butashevich-Petrashevsky Maxim Maximov, the son of the first mentor, served from the beginning of October 1873 to the beginning of November 1875. He graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary. Awarded for diligent service and useful activity in the 1st year of his studies 80 rubles, in the 2nd - 50th.
(Belogrits-Kotlyarevsky Nikolay. Historical review of the Komyshansk (transformed into a two-year) rural public school during its fifty-year existence from 1843 to 1893 - Komyshna, 1893. pp. 12-13, 16-17,19,46-47).

Petrashevsky Maxim - teacher of the law of the Velikoobukhovsky school of the Savinsky volost of the Mirgorod district, in the service in the district since 1880.
(Report of the Mirgorod district zemstvo council for 1902, Poltava, 1902, p. 71);
he is - and for 1894, 1906.

Petrashevsky Alexey Grigorievich - teacher of the Gadyach Zemsky Trade School in 1910.
(Commemorative book of the Poltava province for 1910. Poltava, 1910, p.147).

The case of the service of Ivan Fedorovich Petrashevsky (f. 755, op. 3, d. 691):

On March 27, 1879, a son, John, was born to the priest of the Trinity Church of Yablonovka, Pyriatinsky district, Theodore Ioannov Petrashevsky and his wife Varvara Feodorova, and was christened Theodor Petrashevsky (l.6); graduated from Yuryev University, Faculty of Law; the parents had a family estate (a manor house with buildings) in the village of Degtyari, Priluksky district; mother lived there in 1909;
wife - Shtompel Antonina Nikitichna (since 1914); son Vladimir b. 04/09/1915, baptized in the Trinity Church in Lubny;
medal in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty - 1913;
address in 1908: Khorol, Novo-Ivanovka village, priest Fr. Grigory Petrashevsky;

Petrashevsky Fedor Ivanovich (his father) was born in the village. Obukhovka Mirgorodsky district on July 23, 1846; graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary;
January 1870-August 1871 - teacher at the elementary public school in the village of Sary, Gadyach district;
07/29/1872 - ordained a priest to the Nicholas Church with. Sarah;
05/21/1876 - approved as a mentor of the parish school in the village of Sary;
01/29/1876 - transferred to the village of Popovka, Pyriatinsky district;
02/14/1876 - transferred to the village of Yablonovka, Pyriatinsky district;
legguard 11/28/1879;
family: wife Varvara Fedorovna; children: Alexandra, born April 23, 1873); Nikolay (born 05/09/1876); John (born March 28, 1879).

The list of members of the community of the Intercession Church in the village of Velikaya Obukhovka, Velikosorochinsky District, Lubensky District, compiled in 1924, includes:
Petrashevsky Alexander Maksimovich, middle peasant, deacon, clergy;
Maryana Trofimovna, Cossack;
Justin Maksimovich, clergy;
have a homestead with buildings, a cow and a horse.

(f.r-2126, op.1, d.248, l.12ob.).

In the list of members of the community of St. John the Theological Church, s. Novoivanovka of the Khorolsky district of the Lubensky district, compiled in 1923, Petrashevsky Vasily Grigorievich, priest;

The list of clergymen of the same church, dated January 26, 1927, includes Vasily Grigorievich Petrashevsky, priest, 31 years old, studied until 1914, belongs to the clergy;

The list of members of the community of St. John the Theological Church in the village of Novoivanovka, dated January 26, 1927, includes
Petrashevskaya Elena Dav., 27 y.

In the same list, dated January 1, 1928, it appears
Petrashevsky Ivan Grigorievich, 34 y.,
Fevronia Andreevna, 37 p.

(f.r-2126, op. 1, d.151, ll.7ob., 62.81ob.).

The same list, dated June 19, 1924, reads:
Petrashevsky Vasily Grigorievich, priest, son of a priest;
Olga Petrashevskaya, housewife, daughter of a priest;

(f.r-2126, op. 1, d.152, l.44).

The list of those deprived of voting rights by the Velikoobukhovsky village council of the Velikosorochinsky district of the Lubensky district of the Poltava province, compiled on October 20, 1923, includes:

Petrashevsky Alex. Maximov., 32, deacon, fist;
Ustina Maksimovna, 35 y., Housewife, too);

The same list on the Novoivanovsky village council of the Khorolsky district, left on October 18, 1923, includes:

Petrashevsky Vasily Grigorievich, 25 years old, studied before the revolution, priest;
Petrashevsky Ivan Grigorievich, 28 years old, before the revolution, a priest, now a grain grower, land 2 dess.).

(f.r-3872, op. 1, d.1055, ll. 193,279).

In the newspaper "" Kolektivist Khorolshchini "" dated February 23, 1932, a statement was placed on the renunciation of the dignity of V. Petrashevsky, a priest from the village. Novoivanovka, Khorolsky district.

Petrashevsky Vasily Alexandrovich ?, born in 1915, resident of the village. Velikaya Obukhovka, Mirgorodsky region, shot by the Germans on November 12, 1941;
Petrashevsky Alexander Alexandrovich, born in 1924, taken to Germany on June 1, 1943
(f.r-5531, op.1, file 14, ll.2,4v., 12v.).
Petrashevskaya Maryana Trofimovna - a statement about the theft of Alexander's son to Germany, born in 1924, dated 04/05/44;
a letter from Alexander from Germany, Gerten, at the mine.
(f.r-3388, file 1, file 1626; f.r-4091, file 1, file 1082).

The Book of Memory of Ukraine (Poltava region) lists Andrey Petrashevsky, born in 1922, mobilized in 1941, private, died in 1942.
(Book of Memory of Ukraine. Poltava region. T.8. Mashivsky district, Mirgorod metro station, Mirgorodsky district. Poltava, 1998, p. 440).

Poltava Diocesan Gazette:

materials on the history of the Pereyaslavl-Poltava Seminary:

Vasily Petrashevsky, student of theology, on October 31, 1805, was recommended to be sent to the Medical-Surgical Academy (1888, p. 297);
Petrashevsky Konstantin, the son of a priest of the Khorolsky district, the Church of the Intercession, the village of Obukhovka, in 1804 left for a priestly position (1888, p. 300);
Petrashevsky Ivan, Mirgorodsky district of Obukhovka village of the Church of the Intercession of the deceased priest Joseph, son, in 1821 he graduated from the seminary with the 2nd grade (1888, p.851);
Petrashevsky Ivan, graduated from seminary in 1829 (1889, p. 119);
Petrashevsky Ivan, Mirgorodsky district, Obukhovki village, son of priest Eustathius, 21 years old, graduated from seminary in 1839 (1889, p. 638);
Petrashevsky Semyon, town of Horola of the deceased priest Vasily, 22 years old, graduated from seminary in 1839 (1889, p. 640);

Petrashevsky Fedor, a student of the 2nd lower department of the Poltava Theological Seminary, was transferred to the secondary department of the 2nd grade (office p.548).

To the widow of the priest Vasily Butashevich-Petrashevsky, who served
over 35 years old, Irina, issued 35 rubles. (office 21, p. 752).

Petrashevsky Maxim, graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary in 2
category (office 407);
Petrashevsky Gregory, transferred to the higher department of the seminary for
2nd category (office 410);

Petrashevskaya Alexandra, 9 years old, Pyriatinsky district of Yablunovka metro station [priest] Feodor Petrashevsky's daughter, entered the Ladinsky women's three-class diocesan school at the beginning of the 1883/84 academic year (22nd., Pp. 509-510).

Petrashevskaya Varvara Feodorova, the widow of a priest, for the death of her husband, priest of the Trinity Church of Yablonovka Monastery Fedor Petrashevsky, a one-time allowance was issued from the temporary capital of the society for the mutual assistance of the orphaned and the supernumerary clergy of the Poltava diocese for 1884 (5of., P. 140)
Petrashevskaya Varvara Feodorova, the widow of a priest of the Trinity Church of the Yablonovka municipality of the Pyriatinskoye district, with three children, was assigned an allowance from the diocesan guardianship for 1885 - 15 rubles. (12th., P. 376).

Petrashevsky Grigory Ivanovich, priest of the Intercession Church in the village of Shaforostovka, Mirgorodsky district, member of the Orthodox Missionary Society of the Poltava branch, fee 3 rubles. (13th., P. 608).
Petrashevsky Nikolay, a student of the 1st grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary, was transferred to the 2nd grade, 2nd grade (14th grade, p. 677).
Petrashevsky Maxim, graduated from the Lubensk theological school in 2 categories, was awarded the transfer to the 1st class of the theological seminary (14th., P. 682);

Petrashevsky Nikolay, 4th grade student of the Poltava Theological Seminary - overexposure on church history and philosophy;
Petrashevsky Maxim, student of grade 3, transferred to grade 4, grade 2;
Petrashevsky Ivan, 1st grade student, transferred to 2nd grade, 2nd grade;
Petrashevsky Alexey, student of grade 1, transferred to grade 2, grade 2 (14th grade, p. 562,563,572);
Petrashevskaya Alexandra, transferred to the 5th grade of the Poltava Diocesan Women's School (13th department, p. 453);

Petrashevsky Nikolay, student of the 4th grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary - transferred to the 5th grade, 2nd grade;
Petrashevsky Maxim, a student of grade 4, transferred to grade 5, grade 1;
Petrashevsky Ivan, student of grade 2, transferred to grade 3, grade 1;
Petrashevsky Alexey, a student of the 2nd grade of the 2nd department, holds an exam after a vacation in geometry (18 office, p. 547,548,551);
Petrashevskaya Alexandra, transferred to the 6th grade of the Poltava Diocesan Women's School (19-20th, p. 598);

Petrashevsky Nikolay, student of the 5th grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary, transferred to the 6th grade, 2nd grade;
Petrashevsky Maxim, student of grade 5, transferred to grade 6, grade 2;
Petrashevsky Ivan, student of grade 3, transferred to grade 4, grade 2 (office 465,466,468);
Petrashevskaya Varvara Feodorova, the widow of a priest of the Transfiguration Church in the village of Degtyarei, Priluksky district, was assigned an allowance from the Poltava diocesan guardianship for the poor clerical title, 20 rubles. for 1896 (office 655).

Petrashevsky Ivan, student of the 5th grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary, transferred to the 6th grade, 1 grade;
Petrashevsky Aleksey, student of grade 5, transferred to grade 6, grade 2;
Negeevich Ekaterina, a 5th grade student at the Poltava Diocesan Women's School, due to her illness, is given the right to hold annual exams in August (21of., P. 579).

Petrashevsky Ivan, graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary with a certificate and the title of a student of the Theological Seminary, 1 grade (21of., P. 457);
Petrashevsky Alexey, graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary with a certificate of completion of the full course, 2 grade (21ph., P. 458);
Negeevich Ekaterina, graduated from the Poltava Diocesan School for Women, was awarded a certificate with the right to the title of a home teacher (21of., P. 486).

Petrashevskaya Love,
Petrashevskaya Feodosia - transferred to the 2nd grade from the 1st parallel class of the Poltava Diocesan Women's School;
Petrashevskaya Olga - overexposure for August according to the Law of God (22ph., P.541);
Petrashevskaya Elizaveta is a full member of the Poltava sister brotherhood (p. 600).

Petrashevsky Alexander, a student of the 3rd grade of the Lubensky Theological School, did not take the Exam due to illness, remains on the second course at the request of his parents (20 / 21of., P. 437);
Petrashevskaya Feodosia - transferred to grade 3 from grade 2 of the Poltava Diocesan School for Women;
Petrashevskaya Olga,
Petrashevskaya Lyubov, pupils of the 2nd grade of the Poltava Diocesan Women's School, are expelled as unsuccessful, incapable and over-aged (office 22/23, p. 476-477);
Petrashevsky Maxim, priest of the Nativity of Christ Church in the village of Gozhuly, Poltava district, was dismissed according to a petition from the post of teacher of the local public school on October 10, 1903. (33of, p.887).

Petrashevsky Maxim, priest of the Nativity of Christ Church in the village of Gozhuly, Poltava district, was awarded a velvet purple skufia for excellent diligent service on May 12, 1908 (16th, p. 308);
Petrashevsky Ivan, student of the 4th grade of the Lubensky Theological School, re-examination in the Russian language, written (22 / 23of., P. 454);
Petrashevsky Vasily, 2nd grade student of the Lubensky Theological School, re-examination in geography and arithmetic (22 / 23of., P. 461);

Petrashevsky Alexander, the son of a priest, dismissed from the 3rd class of the Poltava Theological Seminary, on October 14, 1909, was appointed a psalmist to the Intercession Church with. Olefirovka Mirgorodsky district (31of., P.801);

Petrashevsky Maxim, priest of the Christ-Nativity Church of the village of Gozhuly, Poltava district; Petrashevsky Gregory, priest of the St. John the Theological Church with. Novo-Ivanovka of the Khorolsky district - approved by the members of the Deanery Council on May 25, 1912 (office 18, p. 1137);
Petrashevsky Gregory, priest of the St. John the Theological Church with. Novo-Ivanovka, Khorolsky district, awarded the Order of St. Anna, 3rd century. February 3, 1912 (office 31, p. 1965).

Petrashevsky Ivan, student of the 5th grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary, transferred to the 6th grade (office 973);
Petrashevsky Vasily, 2nd grade student, re-examination after summer holidays in mathematics and church singing (office 978);
Petrashsky (?) Maxim, a 4th grade student of the Poltava Theological School, re-examination in geography (office 988);
Petrashevsky Vladimir, transferred to the 1st grade of the Poltava Theological School from preparatory (office 995);
Petrashevsky Alexander, approved as the psalmist of the Intercession Church with. Obukhovka Mirgorodsky district on June 1, 1915 (office 1038);
Petrashevskaya Evgeniya, transferred to the 5th grade of the Poltava Diocesan Women's School (office 915);

Petrashevsky Alexander, deacon, approved by the teacher of the law of the Maloobukhovsky school of the Mirgorod district (office 4, p.284);
Petrashevsky Maxim, priest, on January 25, 1916, dismissed from the post of teacher of the Maloobukhovsky school of Mirgorodsky district (ibid.);
Petrashevsky Ivan, graduated from the Poltava Theological Seminary with the 2nd grade (10th degree, p. 742);
Petrashevsky Vasily, 3rd grade student, re-examination in mathematics (10th grade, p. 742);
Petrashevsky Maxim, student of the 1st grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary, re-examination in literature, civil history, algebra, Latin language and composition (10ph., P. 754);
Petrashevsky John, graduated from the course of the Poltava Theological Seminary, ordained a priest to the Intercession Church in the village of Koilov, Pereyaslavsky district (office 11, p. 818).

Petrashevsky Vasily, transferred to the 5th grade of the Poltava Theological Seminary, 2nd grade (office 767);
Petrashevsky Maxim, 1st grade student of the Poltava Theological Seminary, re-examination in composition and literature (office 776);
Petrashevsky Vladimir, transferred to the 3rd grade of the Poltava Theological School (office 1095);
Petrashevsky Boris, transferred to the 2nd grade of the Poltava Theological School (office 1097);
Petrashevskaya Evgeniya, a 6th grade student at the Poltava Diocesan School for Women, was awarded a certificate (office 1207);
Petrashevsky Maxim, priest of the church in the village of Gozhulov, Poltava district, awarded a pectoral cross on June 29, 1917 (office 1086);

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Poltava province - the province of the Russian Empire, formed in 1802 in connection with the liquidation of the Little Russian province.

From the south-west and west, the Poltava province was separated by the Dnieper from the Yekaterinoslav, Kherson and Kiev provinces, in the north it bordered on the provinces of Chernigov and Kursk, in the east - on the Kharkov province, in the south - on the Yekaterinoslav province.

At the end of the 19th century, the province included 15 counties:

Geography. Poltava province lies between 51 ° 8 "and 48 ° 41" n. NS. and between 31 ° 2 "and 36 ° 3" in. (from Greenwich). From the south-west and west, it is separated by the Dnieper from the Yekaterinoslav, Kherson and Kiev provinces, in the north it borders on the provinces of Chernigov and Kursk, in the east - on the Kharkov province, in the south - on the Yekaterinoslav province. The greatest extent of the Poltava province is in the direction from west to east: about 360 versts; its length from north to south does not exceed 260 versts. The most accurate measurement of the province's space should be considered made on the basis of topographic and geodetic works during land surveying from 1859 to 1886. According to the survey data, the total area of ​​the province is 43379.59 sq. versts, or 4518708 dessiatines. Adjacent to the Dnieper itself, the Poltava province is located at the foot of the southwestern slope of that common high ridge, which, as shown by Tillo's exact hypsometric data, occupies a significant part of Central Russia. Thus, the Poltava province, lying on the slope, reveals an extremely uniform drop to the Dnieper, which, in addition to hypsometric data, is quite intelligibly evidenced by the direction of all the large rivers of the province. The fall, on average, is equal to one fathom per 4 versts, so that the districts farthest from the Dnieper reach an absolute height of 80-95 fathoms; these are: Romensky, Gadyachsky, Zenkovsky and Konstantinogradsky; then, at an altitude of 70-80 fathoms, the following counties are located: Priluksky, Lokhvitsky, Mirgorodsky and Poltava; then there are the medium-high districts: Khorolsky and Pereyaslavsky with heights of 60-70 fathoms; even lower (50-60 fathoms) Lubyansky and Pyriatinsky and, finally, the Dnieper districts: Zolotonosha, Kremenchug and Kobelyaksky (no more than 40-50 fathoms rise above sea level). This depression goes in the direction of the rivers cutting the province from northeast to southwest. All interfluvial spaces are more or less flat elevations (plateaus)….

*** Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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Administrative division

Poltava province was divided into districts:


Poltava province lies between 51 ° 8 "and 48 ° 41" n. NS. and between 31 ° 2 "and 36 ° 3" in. (from Greenwich). From the south-west and west, it is separated by the Dnieper from the Yekaterinoslav, Kherson and Kiev provinces, in the north it borders on the provinces of Chernigov and Kursk, in the east - on the Kharkov province, in the south - on the Yekaterinoslav province. The greatest extent of the Poltava province is in the direction from west to east: about 360 versts; its length from north to south does not exceed 260 versts. The most accurate measurement of the province's space should be considered made on the basis of topographic and geodetic works during land surveying from 1859 to 1886. According to the survey data, the total area of ​​the province is 43379.59 sq. versts, or 4518708 dessiatines. Adjacent to the Dnieper itself, the Poltava province is located at the foot of the southwestern slope of that common high ridge, which, as shown by Tillo's exact hypsometric data, occupies a significant part of Central Russia. Thus, the Poltava province, lying on the slope, reveals an extremely uniform fall to the Dnieper, which, in addition to hypsometric data, is quite intelligibly evidenced by the direction of all the large rivers of the province. The fall, on average, is equal to one fathom per 4 versts, so that the districts farthest from the Dnieper reach an absolute height of 80-95 fathoms; these are: Romensky, Gadyachsky, Zenkovsky and Konstantinogradsky; then, at an altitude of 70-80 fathoms, the following counties are located: Priluksky, Lokhvitsky, Mirgorodsky and Poltava; then there are the medium-sized districts: Khorolsky and Pereyaslavsky with heights of 60-70 fathoms; even lower (50-60 sazhens) Lubyansky and Pyriatinsky and, finally, the Dnieper districts: Zolotonosha, Kremenchug and Kobelyaksky (no more than 40-50 fathoms rise above sea level). This depression goes in the direction of the rivers cutting the province from northeast to southwest. All interfluvial spaces are more or less flat elevations (plateaus).


Handicraft industries are not particularly developed. From the work of V. I. Vasilenko ("Handicraft trades of rural estates in the province of P.", Poltava, 1887), it is clear that there were 5437 all handicraft farms in the province; most of the handicraftsmen in the districts of Zenkovsky - 1556 and Mirgorodsky - 1006. Woodworking trades were engaged in 2112, processing of leather and products from it - 1203, processing of fiber - 787, pottery - 1064, weaving from marsh plants - 30, dressing of horn combs - 234 households ... The provincial zemstvo set up exemplary workshops: a tannery in the mst. Bravely. Romensky u., Pottery in mst. Oposhnya Zenkovsky u., Basket in the village. Gusintsy Pereyaslavsky u., Horny in mst. Khomutse Mirgorodsky u., Weaving in the village. Degtyarakh Priluksky u., Also the art and industrial school named after N.V. Gogol in the mountains. Mirgorod. The Constantinograd district zemstvo set up a blacksmith and locksmith workshop, Khorolsk — a workshop for teaching the crafts of blacksmith, locksmith, carpentry, wheel and cooper; both workshops receive a subsidy of 1,000 rubles from the provincial zemstvo. each one. The Poltava district zemstvo set up a basket workshop in a hut. Grabinovsky. The provincial zemstvo gives an allowance to a private weaving workshop in the mountains. Poltava. The population earns money by driving and working for the landowner. savings, factories and plant. They go to the lips to earn money. Tavricheskaya, Ekaterinoslavskaya, Kharkovskaya, region Kuban and others. According to the census of 1882-89. 8585 people were registered. engaged in carriage, 90672 mzhch. and 3082 women. - hiring laborers and 58287 people. - those leaving for long-distance earnings. In 1896, 32,351 men were issued all passports. and 40192 wives. On average, over 16 years (1877-92), 117,539 passports were issued per year. Most of all they were engaged in taxiing in uu. Zolotonoshsky, Pereyaslavsky and Romensky; farming was most developed in the districts of Kobelyaksky and Priluksky. 67% of Jews are engaged in trade. Of the artisans, most of all are tailors and blacksmiths. In 1896, 26221 trade documents were issued. The main shopping centers are Poltava, Kremenchug and Romny. The main fairs are in Poltava and Romny. All the fairs in the province 1185. Large factories and plants (with an annual production of over 1 thousand rubles) in 1896 was 841, with a production of 23615 thousand rubles, with 9211 workers. In terms of both the number of establishments and the turnover, the first place is occupied by flour mills (143, for 9290 thousand rubles), followed by 111 tobacco factories - for 2493 thousand rubles. (prepared about 400 thousand. r., 2 sugar factories - for 995 thousand rubles, 14 breweries, 10 mead breweries, 46 distilleries - for 672,500 rubles, 2 alcohol-cleaning plants - for 576 thousand rubles. Smoked 4403482 degrees. alcohol and 1,408317 buckets of wine. Wine warehouses 124, bucket shops 11, Renskoy cellars 163, cellars for the sale of grape wines 44, taverns and hotels 294, inns, shanks, worms, etc. 1128, buffets 52, wine shops 431, beer shops 73, temporary exhibitions 1. In 1896, the state sale of wine was introduced in the province. Alcohol rectification is carried out at 9 factories. 820 state wine shops were opened (69 in cities). Rural societies, on average, received 148894 rubles from taverns in 3 years before the monopoly was introduced. There were 4326 places for the fragmentation of tobacco sales. By 1859, the indebtedness of the landowners of the P. gubernia. different credit institutions was equal to 7496188 rubles. 1180 estates were laid, with 172466 serfs, which constituted 53% of the serf population of the province. In addition, on 45 uninhabited estates, from 18,225 dessiatines, there were 146,782 rubles in debt. By 1896, there were 7,536 of all mortgaged estates, with 1,139,700 dess. land. The mortgaged land is estimated at 105,841,747 rubles, and 62047356 rubles were issued for it. The average estimate is 1 dec. mortgaged land is equal to 95 rubles. 01 kopecks, and the loan is 55 rubles. 70 kopecks, that is, the loan is 58.5% of the assessment. % of land owed to the total area of ​​private land ownership in Pereyaslavsky district 44.9%, in Kobelyaksky - 78.8% in Konstantinogradsky - 79.6%. The highest average grade is 1 dec. land in ooo. Romny - 111 rubles. 90 kopecks. and Khorolsky - 110 rubles. 70 kopecks; the smallest in Pereyaslavsky district. - 81 rubles. 50 kopecks. and Constantinograd - 78 rubles. 20 kopecks Average selling price for 11 years (1883-93) for 1 dess. - 107 rubles. From 1888 to 1897, the number of pledged estates increased by 3,734, the amount of loans issued - by 19,338,214 rubles. The debts of the owners of city property by 1897 were equal to 5,830,900 rubles; over 7 years, these debts increased by 116.3%. In addition to the banks of the noble, peasant, Poltava and Kharkov land within the province, there were branches of the state bank in Poltava, Kremenchug and Romny; city ​​public banks in Kremenchug, Lubny, Pereyaslavl, Priluki and Romny, mutual credit societies in Poltava and Romny, rural banks in three villages of Priluki district, 16 savings and loan associations, 249 volosts. 4 city banks (there is no information about Pereyaslavsky) had fixed capital by 1896 535,752 rubles, spare - 29,021 rubles; banks received a net profit of 11,527 rubles. , from which 11,108 rubles were received in favor of the cities. The mutual credit society had 2,142 members, their turnover was 19,988,268 rubles, and the net profit was 6505 rubles. 3 rural banks had in 1895 fixed capital of 1,829 rubles, their operations were equal to 23,675 rubles, net profit was received 25,211 rubles. In 15 savings and loan partnerships, the share capital was 775,851 rubles. (shares 402 0), spare 35,834 rubles, deposits 56,968 rubles, loans 117,534 rubles, loans - 378,677 rubles; profit received 18,730 rubles. By January 1, 236 subsidiary and savings banks had capital of 4,577,164 rubles, borrowers 1,711,559, at 4,311,603 rubles. Commission and loan operations were also carried out by the Kharkov-Nikolaev railway. In 15 savings banks of the state. bank and 55 at post and telegraph offices by 1895, there were 4964329 rubles in 19017 books; 1 inhabitant accounts for 1.60 rubles. savings. By 1896 there were 566 c. Railways in the province. (Khar.-Nikolaevskaya, Libavo-Romenskaya, Kiev-Voronezhskaya). There are 30 railway stations. The only navigable river is the Dnieper. On its 374-verst stretch in the province of more significant marinas 10. Steamships go from Kremenchug to Kiev and Yekaterinoslav. For 1895, all grain cargoes sent by rail. road, it was 28,080 thousand pd. The first place in terms of shipment is occupied by Kremenchug - 5416 thousand pd. and Poltava - 2649 thousand pd. Outside the province, out of 25,482 thousand pd., The purpose of which is known, exported 21,214 thousand pd. In 1894, all cargo was transported by rail. 22207322 pd., Brought 1654522 pd. (building materials 513641 pd.). In 1895, 36941 pigs were transported along the lines of the Kharkiv-Nikolaevskaya railway alone, and the total of cattle was 45530 heads. 3087 thousand pd. Of goods were sent by water, 17311 thousand pd. Were brought in, of which 2369 thousand pd. Were sent for grain cargo. and arrived 881 thousand pd .; most of all, forest materials arrived - 13796 thousand pd. In 1896 there were 11 post and telegraph offices, 34 post offices, 2 telephone exchanges (in Poltava and Kremenchug). The telegraph line was 890 in., Wires - 2938 ¼ in. The value of the carry-over postal correspondence in 1895 was equal to 71212318 rubles. Telegrams sent 137125 and received 166140. Taxable land in 1896 numbered 4170944 dessiatins. One tithe of peasant allotment land payments (not counting insurance and food loans) accounts for 3 rubles. 5 K. In 1895, 610 6 37 rubles were spent on worldly compulsory duties, 151676 rubles on optional ones. (including the maintenance of schools 81,447 rubles. ). Provincial and district zemstvo fees received 2561067 rubles. There were 5518 peasants who finally redeemed their allotments (in the amount of 15186 dess.). About secondary educational institutions in the mountains. Poltava - see Poltava. There are also men's and women's gymnasiums in Priluki and Lubny, real schools and women's gymnasiums in Kremenchug and Romny. Spirit. learned. in Pereyaslavl, Romny and Lubny, female 3-grade taught. spiritual department in Lavda, women's gymnasiums in Kobelyaki, Zenkov, Pereyaslavl, Khorol and Zolotonosha. P. paramedic school (provincial zemstvo), degtyarevskoe handicraft taught. with 4 workshops (see Degtyari,) Lubenskaya agricultural school, P. school of gardening and horticulture of the 2nd category. According to the estimate of the provincial zemstvo, 147,138 rubles were assigned for public education in 1897. (in 1867 - 5471 rubles). The provincial zemstvo gives 20 thousand rubles for the maintenance of the degtyarevsky school, the Lubensky school and the art-industrial in the mountains. Mirgorod named after N.V. Gogol 10 thousand rubles each, a school of gardening 8368 rubles, a school at a correctional orphanage 2 thousand rubles, gymnasiums of Lubenskaya 8550 rubles. and Priluki 5 thousand rubles., real schools: P. 8740 ρ, Romny and Kremenchug 5 thousand rubles each. In 1897, the lips. The zemstvo allocated 1800 rubles for pedagogical courses, 5750 rubles for libraries, reading rooms, reading and publishing books, for public libraries and reading rooms in the mountains. Poltava and Lubny 560 rubles, for a paramedic school 25544 rubles. In 1861 there were 661 schools in the province, with 1 4 617 teachers; most schools eked out a miserable existence, many schools were listed only on paper. In 1895, the directorate of public schools was in charge of: city 3-class schools 4, with 537 students., 2-class 8, with 767 students. 2 Jewish state-owned schools, with 309 schools, 26 private schools with 721 teachers, 4 Talmud-tori, with 742 students, 418 heders, with 4567 students, 5 heterodox primary schools, with 235 students, 18 ministerial 2-class schools and one-class 14, urban parish and primary 39, social-zemstvo 650; total chief schools (not counting those of other religions) 721. Students in 1895 were 59396 (boys 52242, girls 7154); completed the course 5537 people. There were 683 teachers of the law, 528 teachers, 548 teachers. Of the teachers, from 200 to 300 rubles. and more than 427 people received a year, 322 of the teachers. 682 schools had their own premises. All school libraries had 422,690 volumes; in 1895, books were purchased for 13,507 rubles. For the maintenance of 650 public-zemstvo schools, 232791 rubles were received from the zemstvo in 1895. , from rural communities 74,920 rubles, tuition fees 6188 rubles, other amounts 11,736 rubles, total 325,735 rubles. Ministerial 2-class schools received 5950 rubles from the zemstvo, 7923 rubles from rural societies. and for one-class min. - from the zemstvo 3993 p. and rural communities 3174 p. There were 339 parochial schools, 466 literacy schools. 28479 people studied in them; graduated from the course 681. Their maintenance cost 84847 rubles. (including from the zemstvo 7431 rubles and rural societies 4945 rubles). In 1896, all educational institutions were in the provinces. 2142, students 87227 boys and 17959 maidens, total 105186 people. The provincial zemstvo in 1897 spent 69668 rubles on the provincial hospital and its institutions, 46177 rubles for the Kremenchug hospital, and 114795 rubles for the hospital and the colony of the mentally ill. At 2 hospitals lips. zemstvo and 1 psychiatric hospital consisted of 16 doctors. Lips. in 1895 it was divided into 86 medical sections; the zemstvo contained 70 urban and rural hospitals; there were 110 doctors in the zemstvo service, 400 lower medical personnel. In the hospitals of county zemstvos there were 733 beds (393 in county towns and 340 in villages); beds in lip hospitals. Zemstvo was: 400 in psychiatric, 200 in Poltava, 150 in Kremenchug. County zemstvos for medits. part was spent 495774 rubles, including 131903 rubles. for hospitals and 93,858 rubles. for medicines, etc. The total amount of zemstvo expenses for the medical unit is 693142 rubles. All doctors were (1895) in the lips. 232, of them 74 employees in cities, 84 district zemstvo workers, 74 freelance practitioners. 11 female doctors (10 in cities and 1 in u.). Paramedics 522, paramedics 26, midwives 105. Pharmacies normal 42, rural 19. On the veterinary part of the provinces. the zemstvo appointed 40 thousand rubles. From the poorhouse lips. zemstvo maintains Romny for 180 people. (15421 p.), With a colony in Poltava for 40 people. (2753 rubles) and 15 almshouses in each district, 10 people. in each (15 thousand rubles). In addition, 4100 rubles are given as an allowance to several charitable societies. Lip expenses. zemstvos for the development of the economic well-being of the region amount to 28,800 rubles; moreover, it gives out to P. agricultural. society 7200 rubles, Lokhvitsky - 1 thousand rubles, Kremenchug, Kobelyaksky and Romny 700 rubles each, to the meteorological station at the Lubensky gymnasium 260 rubles. and extracts of newspapers for correspondents. government bureau 1500 rub. In 1887 zemstvo warehouses of agriculture. there were 2 seeds and tools, their operations were no more than 20124 rubles; in 1895 there were already 12 warehouses, their turnover was 210,154 rubles. From 1890 to 1896 sold by warehouses of braids 118234, plows 13572, threshers 226, harvesters 284. In 1869 the number of buildings insured was 702,743, in 1895 - 1,606,596. The sum insured in 1869 was 13,631,865 rubles, in 1895 - 7,4851200 rubles. The amount of insurance payments in 1869 was 136333 rubles, in 1895 - 586190 rubles. In 1869 for 100 rubles. the sum insured had to be paid on average 1 p., in 1895 - 71 k. By the end of 1895 the insurance reserve capital was 3,016,962 rubles. According to the estimate of the provincial zemstvo, the following was assigned to road structures in 1897: 295,500 rubles for access roads, 89535 rubles for the repair and installation of various structures. All zemstvo expenses for the construction part are calculated at 481,943 rubles. There are more than 120 stone pavements in the province, there are 815 dams (180 in. Length). The provincial zemstvo published 70 works devoted to the study of the region. Prof. V.V.Dokuchaev and his assistants investigated the province on behalf of the lips. zemstvos in a natural-historical sense. The Statistical Bureau (budget for 1897 - 9000 rubles) investigated the province economically (15 volumes were published - all counties); then there are special studies of handicrafts, public education, land tenure, etc. Since 1895, Yearbooks of the Poltava Provincial Zemstvo have been published; since 1884, “Reviews of Agriculture in Poltava Gubernia.” have been published annually. All zemstvo expenditures in 1875 amounted to 275,064 rubles, of which 111221 rubles were for optional needs; after 20 years, the corresponding amounts are 1,171,229 rubles. and 640 554 p. The maintenance of the zemstvo administration in 1875 cost 25815 rubles, in 1895 - 63600 rubles. The zemstvo has a natural history museum (2 thousand rubles for its maintenance is provided by the provincial zemstvo). The gubernia is divided into 15 units: Poltava, Gadyachsky, Zolotonoshsky, Zenkovsky, Kobelyaksky, Konstantinogradsky, Kremenchugsky, Lokhvitsky, Lubensky, Mirgorodsky. Pereyaslavsky, Pyriatinsky, Priluksky, Romensky and Khorolsky. There are 15 county towns, 2 out of the ordinary - Gradizhsk and Glinsk, 1 posad - Kryukov. Orthodox parishes 1075. Monasteries 3 men. and 4 wives. Populated places in the lips. 14650; many of them have more than 1,000 inhabitants. There are libraries in Poltava, Kremenchug, Kobelyaki, Zenkovo, Lokhvitsa, Lubny, Mirgorod, Pereyaslavl, Pyryatin, Romny and Khorol. There were more than 20 rural libraries in 1896. Bookstores and shops in Poltava, Kremenchug, Zenkovo, Kobelyaki, Lubny and Priluki.

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