Logic train. Didactic game "Highway"

Ludmila Zhelnova
Synopsis of a lesson in logic in the preparatory group "Logic train"

Synopsis of a lesson in logic in the preparatory group "Logic train"


Continue to teach children how to build models of the relationship between concepts (dictation "from the bottom up", classification according to one or more criteria.

Exercise in the selection of quality adjectives in a simple degree of comparison.

Develop imaginative thinking, auditory perception.

Activate the words in speech: transport, tram, airship, fixed-route taxi, boat, passenger transport.


Parcel, D / I "Transport".

Course progress.

The postman Pechkin comes to the group and brings a package from the cat Matroskin.

It's me Postman Pechkin. Brought a parcel from the cat Matroskin. Only I will not give it to you until you answer all my questions. I will tell you sentences and you have to finish them. Yes, not just like that, but logically! For example: if the table is higher than the chair, then the chair. below the table. Clear? Well guess then:

If 2 is greater than 1, then (1 is less than 2).

If Sasha left the house before Serezha (then Serezha left later than Sasha).

If the river is deeper than the brook (then the brook is smaller than the river).

If the sister is older than the brother (then the brother is younger than the sister)

If the right hand is on the right (then the left hand is on the left).

Children, look: there are a lot of cards in this game. What is depicted on them?

Conversation with children: Children, look at what a wonderful game the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino sent us: What name can such a game (cars, transport) have. That's right. The most appropriate name is Transport. Let's list all those cars that are shown on the cards. (3- ground, water and air).

That's how many different cars we know. What do you think, how many main groups can all these machines be divided into (land transport can be divided into the following groups: passenger, construction vehicles, vehicles that help people). The teacher distributes with the help of children all the cards into 3 groups, indicated on the board with the corresponding symbols .

What do you guys think, can these groups be divided into some smaller subgroups?


And over the sea, we are with you!

Seagulls circling over the waves

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea, we are with you!

(Children flap their arms like wings)

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space.

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins.

(Children swimming movements with their hands)

Children, please note that the cards are in the form of puzzles. Each group of cards has a unique shape. This will help us to know if we sorted the cars into groups correctly. Now we will check it all together. Nastya will make up a logical train from the cards that we assigned to air transport, Kirill to water transport, Dima to passenger (etc. (Children complete the task - make up logical trains. After graduation, each child explains why each of these cars are referred to this type of transport.)

At the end of the story, the teacher helps each child to conclude: For example: all these vehicles are designed for air travel. Therefore, the airship, and the plane, and the rocket, and the helicopter belong to air transport.

D / I "The fourth extra"

The game that the cat Matroskin gave us can be played in different ways. I came up with this game:

out of 4 pictures, choose one extra.

For example: ambulance, police, tractor, fire engine. What is redundant here?

Tractor. Because he works at a construction site or in the field. And the rest of the listed machines are special, providing urgent assistance to people.


Taxi, tram, trolley bus, bus. (The tram is superfluous, because the only one of them rides on rails).

Crane, roller, milk carrier, tractor. (An extra milk truck, because he carries food, and the rest work at a construction site.

Boat, boat, boat, submarine. (The superfluous is a submarine, because it is the only one of these water modes of transport that floats under water.

Children, today at the lesson we worked hard, completed a lot of tasks. And in your free time, I invite you to think of other ways to play this wonderful game.

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The game "Logic train" is simply indispensable in the home collection of educational board games. With it, the child will learn to think, speak, think logically, find signs that unite objects, expand their understanding of the world around them. The game trains memory, fantasy, attention. Finally, just let you have fun with your child! After all, communication with parents is very important for a child, and believe me, he appreciates the happy moments spent together!

So, logic train.
The game consists of many cards with images of objects around us, natural phenomena, animals, food, and so on. You can buy it in stores, but it will be more interesting to make it with your child.
Print the cards, color them and stick them on thick cardboard - this way the game will last longer.

Image examples:
Ball, umbrella, bell, scissors, sun, rain, snowflakes, skates, skis, car, traffic light, flower, watering can, snowman, ax, firewood, chair, table, rubber boots, cup, kettle, cake, nails, cotton wool, clothes and shoes, hats, refrigerator, TV, telephone, wood, etc. And one card with the image of a steam locomotive, with which the game begins.

Cards can be supplemented by cutting out beautiful images from magazines, postcards, brochures, product packaging.

Game progress:
A locomotive card is placed on the table. Then all the players take turns hitching trailers to the train, making it longer and longer. Trailers are cards with images. But since this is an unusual train, but a logical one, you need to find and explain the connection between the pictures-wagons. For example: the first picture is raining, the second is rubber boots (we wear them in the rain), the third is a rubber ball (it is also made of rubber, like boots), a watermelon (it is round like a ball) and so on. Each move is explained by the child, a generalizing feature is invented - it can be a shape, color, purpose, size, material ...

Children love this game very much, they begin to reason, think, speech becomes more competent, coherent.

This game has other options:

Option 2 - logical train in reverse

The engine is assembled so that the cards are placed face down.
Next, the players take turns turning over the cards and trying to come up with a connection with the previous one. If it was not possible to come up with anything, then the player takes the card for himself and the move passes to the next player. And so on, until the whole engine is explained. The winner is the one who has accumulated fewer penalty unexplained cards.

Option 3 - compose a story

Divide the cards equally among the players. The first player puts the card on the table and comes up with the first sentence that mentions the word - the object depicted on the card. The second player lays out any of his cards, composing the next sentence so that it forms a coherent story with the previous one. And so on until all the cards run out. For older children, you can complicate the task and set the theme of the story or fairy tale.

Option 4 - Snowball

The first player puts a card on the table, calls it and turns it over, the second repeats the word of the first player and calls his own, the third already says two words and adds his own. Etc. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who can remember the most words wins.

Variants of this game:
“The lady checked in luggage ...” - the names of various containers or clothes, household items are listed.
“We walked around the garden and collected in a basket ...” - the names of berries, fruits, vegetables, flowers are listed.
“We walked through the forest and met animals ...” - the names of animals, birds, insects are listed.

Option 5 - Train your memory

Lay out a few cards, let the child look at them carefully and remember. Then ask him to turn away and change something. You can swap cards. Remove or add a card, or replace one. The child must determine what has changed. You can complicate tasks by increasing the number of cards or the number of changes.

Option 6 - The game "The fourth extra"

You lay out four cards, one of which is somewhat different from the other three. The child must say which one and explain his choice. For example, three cards with dishes and one with food. More complex options are possible when there are two solutions. For example, a hedgehog, an elephant, a fox and a bolt. An extra card with a bolt, because the rest of the cards depict animals, and the color of the extra card with a fox is a red fox, and the images on the other cards are gray.

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This game is very good

LOGIC TRAINdevelops speech, logical thinking and

Game for children from 5 years old and for adults fantasy.

Option 1

Distribute the pictures to the participants. Dogo-
steal who will go after whom. Tell de-
tyam, that from the wagons you need to assemble a train. Wa-
riders must hold tightly to each other.
But since this is not an ordinary train, but a logical one,
then you need to find and explain the relationship between

wagon pictures. For example, the first

trailer -BOOTS, which means you can follow it

put a CLOUD (boots are put on in a rainy

weather), or BALL (rubber boots and ball), or

KITA (and boots, and a blue whale). Each

should explain how he fastens the wagons.:

If a child cannot tell why

put this picture, help him

find a logical connection. When playing together

one who cannot pick up a logical chain,

skips a move.

Option 2

You can put next to any trailers, so-

Putting a logical chain not only according to

signs of an object, but for any connection between

them (the names of objects begin with one

letter, or these words have the same sounds,

or they rhyme with each other, or: "both that and

..,.: ■

Option 3

puts the top card on the table, and then

Option 4

Play the same way as in the first option, but

Make wagons, looking not for common, but

opposites. For example: next to KOLYU-

CHIM hedgehog can stand fluffy cat;

: next to a COLD snowflake - HOT

tea, CUBE - next to BALL, LARGE

whale - next to a LITTLE mouse, etc.


family game

Divide the cards equally among


The first player places a card on

Turn cards white side up

And distribute to the participants of the game. The train is being collected, not

Looking at pictures. The player flips and

Puts the top card on the table, and then

Trying to find a connection between this picture and the previous one.


A game with an almost infinite number of options! With the trailers of this amazing train, you can expand your understanding of the world around you.
Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, fantasy. This game will never get boring. Because every time you can play it in a new way!
87 cards - 9 fun games.

Option 1

Distribute the pictures to the participants. Decide who will follow who. Tell the children that they need to assemble a train from the wagons. The wagons must hold tightly to each other. But since this is not an ordinary train, but a logical one, you need to find and explain the connection between the pictures-wagons. For example, the first trailer is BOOTS, which means you can put a CLOUD behind it (boots are worn in rainy weather), or a BALL (rubber boots and a ball), or a WHALE (both boots and a blue whale). Everyone must explain how he fastens the wagons. If the child cannot tell why he put this particular picture, help him find a logical connection. In a collective game, the one who cannot pick up a logical chain skips a turn.

Option 2
You can put any trailers side by side, making up a logical chain not only according to the characteristics of the object, but according to any connection between them (the names of objects begin with the same letter, or these words have the same sounds; or they rhyme with each other, or: "both one and the other we have at the dacha). This game develops speech, logical thinking and fantasy very well.

Option 3
Turn the cards over with the white side up and distribute to the participants in the game. The train is assembled without looking at the pictures. The player turns over and puts the top card on the table, and then tries to find a connection between this picture and the previous one.

Option 4
Play in the same way as in the first option, but make trailers, looking not for common, but for opposites. For example: a FLUFFY cat can stand next to a SPIKED hedgehog; next to a COLD snowflake - HOT tea, a CUBE - next to a BALL, a BIG whale - next to a LITTLE mouse, etc.

Long story. Family game.
Divide the cards equally among the players. The first player puts a card on the table and comes up with a sentence that mentions the object depicted on the card. The second player lays out any of his cards, also making up a sentence so that it forms a coherent story with the previous one.

What does it look like.
This version of the game can be used for classes with children from 1.5-2.5 years old. Select 4-8 such pictures for the game that would have something in common. You show the baby any picture, naming and describing it (for example: "This is a ball. It is round"), and ask what else is round. Help the child find a round object: a watermelon, a ball, the sun - everything is round. Make a set of pictures by color, by material (all red or all iron). This game will help the kid get acquainted with the main features of objects.

Paired pictures.
Choose 4-8 paired pictures for the game (two with round objects, two with animals, two with dishes, etc.). Show your child any of them and ask them to find a pair. The game teaches the child to group and classify the surrounding objects.

The lady was checking in...
A game for the development of auditory memory and speech.

The cards are divided among the players. The first one puts one card down on the field with the image down and says: “The lady handed over the baggage ... baby elephant” (names the item on the card). The second player also lays out a card after the first, saying: “The lady checked in the baby elephant, kitten ...” Each player first repeats the names of all the previous items, and then adds his own to the chain. Who will build the longest chain? And whether the players list the luggage correctly can be checked by turning the cards over.

Who will go to Altai (on vacation to grandma, to France, etc.)
Speech development game Place the train card in the middle of the table. Distribute the rest of the cards to the players. Players do not show each other their cards. Determine the order of moves. The one who goes first chooses any card from his own and says: "He will go to Altai ... big, with a long nose ..." He must list the signs of the object, describe it without naming it. All other players guess who the first player will send to Altai. When someone guesses and shouts: "Elephant!", the player lays out the card on the Field, and the right to move passes to the guesser. The winner is the one who first sends all his cards to Altai.