Oblivion - Enchanting armor. TES IV: Oblivion, Magic, School of Mysticism (School of Mysticism) Oblivion Enchantion of items

Find Altars Enchantment (Altars of Enchantment) in TES 4: Oblivion without additions can be only at the University of Magic (Arcane University) in the Imperial City. Only full members of the magicians of the magicians can get into the temple of science.

In order to give the subject matter of the magic effect, you should not only learn, but also be able to use a spell with such an effect. Suppose you are a beginner of the school of destruction and know the SPARK spell (spark), then you will easily create a weapon, beating. If in your book spells only inaccessible while shock (shock), then you cannot use it to be enchanted. In addition to spells, you need a filled stone shower, an infidal object and, of course, money. The effect of the effect only depends on the quality of the soul stone and does not depend on any of your intelligence, nor on the degree of advance in a particular school of magic or from the quality of the item itself.

The list of magical effects that you can give the subject using the altar is given in the table. If there is no checkmark in the column with the letter "E" - this means that the effect is not available regardless of whether you know such a spell or not. So, for example, it is impossible to create armor constantly restoring health or magic.

The processes of weapon involvement and all other clothes, including the shield, differ significantly.

You can enchant armor, clothing, shields, rings and amulets only on one effect, acting "on yourself", but permanent. Weapons can be enchanted by several effects of different duration.

The process is happening like this: you approach the altar, activate it. Choose an item from your inventory, insert the battery, i.e. Stuffed stone shower, define the effect (s) and the name of the subject. Press the button and take greetings if you have enough money.

After enchanting, the subject always has a strength of 100%, no matter how worn it is not before. If the thing was stolen, then after the enchantment, it is released from the tag "rustled."

Let's give the table of the inclination of things to the constant effect. In the second line in brackets indicated the cost of creating a thing in septimes.

Constant Effect Engagement Power

Effect PETTY /
Leser /
Greater /
Grand /
Chameleon / Chameleon 8
Feather / Feather 14
Fire Shield / Fire Shield 6
Fortify Attribute / Attribute Enhance 6
FORTIFY FATIGUE / stock raising 9
FORTIFY HEALTH / Health Improve 6
Fortify Magica / Improving Magic 9
Fortify Skill / Raising Skill 6
Frost Shield / Frosty Shield 6
Light / Light 12
Night-Eye / Night Eye-
Resist Disease / Disease Resistance 10
Resist Fire / Fire Resistance 10
Resist Frost / Hodged Resistance 10
Resist Paralysis / Palsy Resistance 10
Resist Poison / Poison Resistance 14
Resist Shock / Resistance El-Wu 10
Shield / Shield 6
SHOCK SHIELD / Electric Shield 6
Water Breathing / Water Breath-
Water Walking / Water Walking-

The constant effects are unequivocal. There is no point in creating a thing with the effect of the "stick", since the increase in force will not only allow to transfer the same amount, but also give an increase to the damage. It is also unreasonable to enchant items to increase intelligence: Poster to make a maximum of 20, and you will not receive other effects.

Pay attention to the ability to give purely negative effects to converged things. So, by closing the weightless hood of the magician for a constant lowering of health and putting it to the enemy, you can play a joke with him.

I won the ring on the "destruction of" armor or weapons, you can spoil your own property and then repair it, improving the skill of the gunsmith.

All about editing.
In the world of Oblivion, the enchantion is of great importance. This article aims to explain the mechanism of action of the enchantment, as well as to disclose the possibilities for independent enchantment.

1. What is the enchantment.
Enchantment is a kind of spell prisoner in the subject. This spell acts automatically when applying the subject. 2. What are the enchantment.
Game mechanics involves four types of enchancies:
- Enchanting weapons
- Enchanting objects
- Enchanting staff
- Enchanting Svitkov

3. How to distinguish the enchanted items.
The enchanted items are very easy to distinguish from usual both on an inventory icon and by name. In the inventory in the lower left corner of the icons of any enchanted item you will see a bluish circle. This is a distinctive feature.
The names of conventional items usually consist of an adjective and noun, sometimes with auxiliary adjective (for example, a daederic sequir, a glass long sword), and the names of the enchanted items are usually consisting of a noun in the nominal and nouns in parental cases. Sometimes an auxiliary adjectives are also found (for example, the Kirase invincibility, the secreir of hellish fire). Only unique or quest items come out of this rule, you can easily learn from the original name.
Unfortunately, externally enchanted items from ordinary are not different. But you can always look at the name and find out what it is for the subject. Also, remember that persecutes are always enchanted.

4. How to find out what attractions are imposed on the subject.
In your inventory, move the cursor to the icon of the enchanting item and the right to appear on the enchantment.

5. How to enchant.
Enchanting imposed on weapons are usually applied by hitting any additional damage to the enemy, for example, damage to fire or pulling life. However, weapons involve no direct action. Additional damage can be applied only for a certain number of shocks, after which the weapon requires "recharging".
To find out how many times you can use the enchanted weapon you can visit it the cursor in the inventory. In the drop-down menu it will be indicated "You can use N", where n is the number of possible use of magic weapons to the need to "recharge". Enchanting weapons work only when you beat a living being. When blowing into the air or in interior items, the enchantion does not work and the charge of the weapon is not spent.
The weapon, which exhausted its magic charge and was not "recharged" turns, in fact, in a simple weapon. At any time you can "recharge" the weapon and turn it again into the magical.
Enchanting superimposed on armor, clothing or decorations (hereinafter - just clothes) have a permanent action, i.e. Enchanting is valid all the time while the enchanted thing is found on you. Enchanted clothes always acting only on your hero. If you see that the enchantment has a negative impact, it will still act on your hero. Typically, the negative effects of entries are compensated by powerful positive effects (for example, you can get protection against fire, but the vulnerability to cold). Enchanted clothing has an eternal magical charge, i.e. You can not be afraid that the thing is "discharged" and the enchantment will stop acting. Remember, you never have to "recharge" your enchanted clothing.
Enchanting the staff have the same mechanics as the weapon shocks, with the exception that the persecution does not apply independent damage. Remember, if your staff was discharged, he became useless until you "recharge it."
Scroll shocks are essentially disposable spells. You can read the scrolls regardless of your skill level in a specific magical school. Also to read the scrolls are not consumed by your magic energy (mana). Scrolls are displayed both in your inventory and in your spell book. You can put scrolls for hotkeys like ordinary spells. The reading of the scroll is accompanied by the same visual and sound effect as the creation of a similar conventional spell. After reading the scroll disappears and you will have to look for a new one. If you want to further conjure this spell from scrolls. So "Recharge" of the scrolls will never need you too.

6. How to "recharge" enchanted weapons and crops.
To recharge your enchanted items there are three ways:
- Use the stones of the shower (Soul Gem). The big soul enclosed in stone, the greater the percentage of the magic charge of your weapon can be restored. For a complete "recharge" of one unit of most of the enchanted weapon, one large soul is sufficient. Remember, if you use a soul to "recharge" with a charge, more than it is necessary to replenish the charge of the subject, you lose excess energy. Enchanted weapons and persecution do not necessarily "recharge" only when they are completely discharged. You can "recharge" them at any time, however, remember the loss of energy. When "reloading" of weapons, you see under its name the following entry: N / M, where n is the current charge of the item, and M is the maximum. Under each stone, the shower is shown his charge. Try to make the charge of the stone that you want to "recharge" was as close as possible to the M-N, then the loss of energy will be minimal.
"You can recharge your magic weapons and peas in special people you can find in any branch of the magician guild." This recharge is not free and notes.
- In Island Ruins, you can find large transparent stones of Varla (do not confuse with smaller blinkers). One such stone charges all the weapons to the maximum in your inventory. However, the stones of Varla, rare, so use them cautiously.

7. How to independently impose confirmation.
You can independently enchant weapons. Remember that once the impingement is impossible to remove or change, so be careful when connecting rare or unique items.
You can independently enchant weapons or clothes (remember that armor and decorations are also understood under clothing). You can not independently enchant the pea, scrolls, as well as arrows. There are two ways to independently enchant the subject: - in the course of performing a story quest, you will have to close at least 2-3 gates of the Oblivion. From these gates you can remove artifacts - Sigil stones. They carry the enchantment that you can apply to any item. To enchant with the help of a Sigil Stone, you do not need anything, except for the actual stone and the things you wish to impart. However, each Sigil Stone allows you to impose only some particular effect on weapon or clothing (each Sigil stone carries the effect for weapons and the effect for clothes, but you can use only one of them, on your choice). Those. You can not choose anything, as with a different way of shocking, which will be described below. However, if you survive immediately before taking the stone from the gate of the Oblivion, you, after a certain number of reboots, you can pull exactly the stone that the most suitable for you. This is due to the fact that the effect of the stone you receive is occasionally and is generated at the time of taking a stone. A little patience and you can get from the gate of the Oblivion, those enchantments that you need for your game style.
- The second way of enchanting will require you to have three things: a non-empty stone of a shower, the subject you want to enchant and access to the interior of the university of the sacraments of the imperial city. Having these three things, you must go to the University of the Sacraments, find the door there to the "Hironazium", inside the "Hironazium" you will see several formations similar to the pugitra, which are called "Conference Altars" (do not confuse with the "spell altars"). Click on one of these altars "use" and the enchantion process will begin. In the window that opens, you must first of all choose which item you want to enchant. Then select the shower stone from you. The stronger the charge of the selected stone is, the more powerful enchantment you can impose. Further. In the lower left part of the window, select the effect you want to impose on the subject. If you enchant weapons, you will be offered to choose the effect of effect. Here it is necessary to keep the balance between the effect of the effect and the amount of use (you can see it next to the candle icon). Remember, the stronger the stone of the shower you have chosen, the more use you get with an equal effect of the effect. If you enchant clothes, then you will only offer to agree with the choice of effect. And its strength will automatically be adjusted under the power of the block of the shower that you have chosen. In the weapon weapon, you can attach several effects as we consider it appropriate. Homemade clothing shocks always have only one effect. The selected (E) effect (s) will appear in the lower right part of the window indicating their strength. Next, you must enter the name of the new item in the top field (you can follow the rules described above the items names, and you can not follow) and click on "Create". The game will congratulate you on the creation of a new enchanted item, and the enchanted item will appear in your inventory. The subject that you turned into the enchanted and stone of the shower used when editing will disappear. A warning! You can invest in declaring the subject only the effect that you have already used at least once with a spell. Do not be surprised that some effects are not in the list available.
The author wishes you to good luck in the development of the difficult, but interesting phenomenon of the world of Oblivion - Concepts.

Shows all visible and invisible living beings at a distance M (value) of feet during D (duration) seconds, highlighting their purple light, and even through such obstacles both at home, doors or walls. With this effect, it is possible to detect the undead, the use of it facilitates the hero of life in battles with the magicians and creatures that use invisibility or chameleon (chameleon) spells.

  • Effect Type - Special
  • Base_Cost - 0.08
  • Purchased spells - there
  • Scrolls - is
  • Tom spells * -
  • Enchanted Things - Have
  • Sigil stones - there
  • Ready potions - there
  • Creating spells - on yourself
  • Conclusion - maybe
  • Creating potions - perhaps


Terminates the action on the purpose of magical effects. The effect only works when a normal spell is applied to the target, does not affect the abilities, diseases, curses, effects of potions and scrolls, as well as shocking weapons and clothes. This magic effect can be useful both for the hero itself and in battles with enemies - with it, you can get rid of the impact on the hero of long-term malicious effects, such as the reduction of health (Drain Health) and others; With enemies, you can remove the powerful protective effects, such as Fire Shield and others. The value of PTS (PKT) causes what maximum force the impact spell can be removed from the target. This force is equal to the value of a spell mana for the cracking, but not basic, and taking into account the level of his knowledge at school magic of this spell. Therefore, it is difficult to say which power of the dispersion can be canceled every specific spell, because the exact data on the level of knowledge in the schools of magic is usually known to the player only about their hero. As an example, the dispersion of 25 PKT removes spells worth up to 100 units. Mana. For multi-storey spells, dispersion acts on all effects at the same time, that is, or everything removes or none.

  • Effect Type - Protective or Offensive
  • Base_Cost - 3.60
  • Purchased spells - there
  • Scrolls - is
  • Tom spells * -
  • Enchanted weapon - there
  • Sigil stones - there
  • Ready potions - there
  • Enchantment - possible
  • Creating potions - perhaps

Reflect damage

Allows the object of exposure to absorb (avoid damage) and reflect M (value) of the percent of the physical damage back to the attacker during D (duration) of seconds. The effect works against attacks by conventional inappropriate weapons or hand-to-hand attacks of the NPS and creatures (does not act against the damage applied from the onions). If your enemies are armed with an inappropriate weapon or attack in hand, it turns out that trying to kill your hero they kill themselves. If the attackers are armed with an enchanted weapon, then the hero gets damage only from its enchantment (but not all shocks are direct damage). If you manage to collect things that give more than 100% reflection of the damage in the amount, the damage caused by the hero will be reflected in the value of the actual, excluding exceeding 100%.

  • Effect Type - Protective
  • Base_Cost - 2.50
  • Purchased spells - no
  • Scrolls - no
  • Tom spells * - no
  • Enchanted Things - Have
  • Sigil stones - no
  • Ready potions - no
  • Creating spells - on yourself
  • Creating potions - perhaps

Note: In the original, the effect is available only to those who have chosen the birth of the Tower, then with the help of the power of the Tower, you can independently create similar spells on the altar at the University of Magic. You can also get this effect. By installing the trembling islands, if during the passage of the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper) choose the part of the Guardian Heart - the Heart of Wound (Heart of Wound), then this will allow the hero to get the power "Heart - Heart Of RAS (Heart Of Wound Sharing) ", after which you can create spells with this effect. Enchantment for the effect is not available, then a list of several enchanted things that can be found and obtaining in the amount of more than 100% reflection of damage:

  • starting from the 20th level, randomly falls out enchanted by 33% reflection of damage - an iron fist ring (Ring of the Iron Fist), a necklace of swords (Necklace of Swords) and AMULET OF AXES,
  • level Quest Relief Corporal Shield (Escutcheon of Chorrol), a reward for fulfilling the sins of the Father's sins (Sins of the Father) - up to 35% of the reflection of damage,
  • the Raiment of The CRIMSON SCAR (The Vile Lair) level is available after the acquisition of the entire situation of deep contempt (DeepScorn Hollow) - up to 35% of the reflection of the damage.

Reflect Spell Reflection

Allows the object of impact with the probability of M (value) percent to reflect the spell back on the stripping and, thereby avoid damage from it. In case of achieving the magnitude of the effect of 100%, the hero will become invulnerable to magic and all spells aimed at it will be reflected back on their strips (at the same time it does not matter a friendly character or hostile), causing them harm depending on their having different abilities .

  • Effect Type - Protective
  • Base_Cost - 3.50
  • Purchased spells - there
  • Scrolls - is
  • Tom spells * -
  • Enchanted Things - Have
  • Sigil stones - no
  • Ready potions - there
  • Creating spells - on yourself, on touch, goal
  • Enchanting things - impossible
  • Creating potions - perhaps

Note: Enchanting for the effect is not available, then a list of several enchanted things that may be found and obtaining in the amount of more than 100% of the spell reflection:

  • random earth Ring (Mundane Ring) enchanted by 35% of the spell reflection, if the hero level 22 and above, then this ring can be guaranteed to take a komelan (Raven Camoran) from the body of a quest character (main quest),
  • level Quest Ring of Sunfire (Ring Of Sunfire), award for the fulfillment of the quest of a virtual blood order (Order of the Virtuous Blood) and Ayleid Crown of Nenalata (Ayleid Crown of Nenalata), award for the fulfillment of quests of the Umbacano Collector (Umbacano) - up to 25% of reflection spells
  • Spell Breaker - Shield with 30% Spell Reflection and Namira Ring (Ring Of Namira) from 10%, which hero gets in Quests respectively Periate (Peryite) and Namira (Namira).

Capture a shower (Soul Trap)

Captures and puts the soul of the selected creature or NPS into an empty stone of the soul after his death, while you need to have time to kill the sacrifice during D (duration) seconds while the spell is applied with this effect. If you fail to meet in the allotted time, then the soul will not be caught. Also for the successful seizure of the soul in the inventory, the hero should have an empty stone of the shower, suitable for the tank for this soul. All creatures and NPS in the game have souls of the following dimensions:

  • Effect Type - Offensive
  • Base_Cost - 30.00
  • Purchased spells - there
  • Scrolls - is
  • Tom spells * -
  • Enchanted weapon - there
  • Sigil stones - there
  • Finished poisons - no
  • Creating spells - on touch, target
  • Weapon Engagement - Perhaps
  • Creating potions - impossible

Spell absorption (Spell absorption)

Allows the probability of m (value) percent for D (duration) of seconds to absorb hostile spell and convert its energy into the magic of the impact object, and, thus, to avoid damage from it. The experiments show that for this effect, the percentages are equal to the points of absorbed magic, that is, 1 PTS (PKT) \u003d 1% of the probability of absorption of spell and replenish the magic of the hero per 1 point. Therefore, the magnitude of the effect of over 100% is useless, since it is impossible to have an absorption chance of more than 100%.

  • Effect Type - Protective
  • Base_Cost - 3.00
  • Purchased spells - there
  • Scrolls - is
  • Tom spells * -
  • Enchanted Things - Have
  • Sigil stones - there
  • Ready potions - there
  • Creating spells - on yourself, on touch, goal
  • Enchanting things - impossible
  • Creating potions - perhaps

Note: In the original, the effect is obtained by Atronach with the ability of the Atronach sign (Atronach Birthsign) in the form of a constant value of 50%, the remaining 50% can be reached by finding randomly drop-down and quest things or clinging the usual things with Sigil stones (Enchantment on the altar at the University of Magic for this effect it is impossible ):

  • level quest amulet - Spelldrinker Amulet (Spelldrinker Amulet), Reward for performing the quest Guild Mages Hidden motifs (Ulterior Motives) - up to 26 PTS spell absorption,
  • level Rob Mankar Komoran (Mankar Camoran "s robe) can be removed from its owner's body (main quest) - up to 20 PTS spell absorption,
  • random ring sorcerer (Sorcerer "s Ring) - 25 PTS absorption of spells; Helmet Magic (Helmet of the Mage), Magekiller Greaves Killer (Magekiller Greaves) - 14 PTS spell absorption.


Allows you to move an object of exposure, located at a distance to M (value) of feet for d (duration) of seconds. Using spells with this effect, we can get the Welkynd Stone installed in high pedestals (Welkynd Stone) and stones of Varla (Varla Stone), to neutralize or dump the enemies of the traps, also to carry out other people's items to the nearest dark corner - such a movement of someone else's property is not considered for theft But it is worth remembering that only movement, and not folding into the inventory. With this effect, it is impossible to open containers or collecting ingredients from afar. A little about how to use the spell - when you are aiming the object you want to move, then in the lower right corner of the screen, the information inscription about this object becomes red, if you spell in a target, the icon of this effect will appear in the upper right corner of the screen and You can pull the goal to yourself.

  • Effect Type - Special
  • Base_Cost - 0.49
  • Purchased spells - there
  • Scrolls - is
  • Tom spells * -
  • Enchanted weapon - there
  • Sigil stones - no
  • Ready potions - no
  • Creating spells - on target
  • Weapon Engagement - Impossible
  • Creating potions - impossible

* You need to install the official plugin "Spell Tomes).

** The size of the SFS souls is equal to the Great, but their souls can only be caught in special stones - black.

This mod adds the "Altar of Configuration Holding" to the University of Magic, Hironazium - upper level.

What is it needed for?
Just put the enchanted object in the altar and impose a "scattering" spell on it (in the same way you put the spell of the "shower trap" to activate the altar of the black stones of the shower). Further, from any items put in the altar, the declaring will be stretched and placed in a special "inverted Sigil", inside the altar you will find a stone and an old subject, but without shocking! Be careful when you create a spell, a painful discharge will be amazed. You can pull the enchantment of more than one item at a time, however, the rollback is also enhanced.

Why do you need it?
Let's say you downloaded mod with beautiful clothes or armor, but you really like the enchantment of your current armor. Just pull the shock from the old armor and place it in a new one! Or, for example, you found a wonderful artifact kirase with a striking entry, but a terrible defense rate, just pull the shock and place it in something better! With this technique you can even rename items. Just add the item to the object (select a new name), and then remove the enchantment using the altar. Features endless!

What can I not do?
- Configuration hood does not work on arrows (generally on any shells) and scrolls. Arrows and scrolls are designed for one-time use. In addition, you initially can't enchant arrows and scrolls.
- Expayment of the configuration does not work on the crops. In the original Oblivion there are no unchanged staff, and I do not want to break the balance.
- Configuration hood does not work on objects with "scripting effect." The reason is simple, the scripting effect is added only to a specific object and no other. It also concerns scripting on armor.

What works wrong? (famous problems)
- To work the mod, copies of items accumulating in your preservation. Unfortunately, it is inevitable, the creation of a fashion would be impossible without using the CLONEForm command. Each item from which you will detect the enchantment will create one or two copies. In fact, it is very small, ordinary daily lessons of alchemy create much more copies.

The archive presents two versions: "The usual version" and "anti-ht version".
- The usual version - you can work with any weapon, armor, etc.
- Antichit version - you can only work with objects you enjoyed yourself.

Also in the archive you will find the folder "Addon for Frost Strike", in the folder there are files that add the altar of the detention of configurations into the usual spire of the FRONSGEG and and its improved version Frostcrag: Reborn. Both versions require DLC Frostcrag Spire, both versions require the installed Basic Enchantment Splitter file, connect only one version or for a conventional spire, or for the improved.

Requirements: Oblivion Gold Edition,