The passage of the tower of the Mages Dragon Age. Dragon Age: Origins: Additional tasks - game tactics and masters tips. Blood and magic

Quest starts after the battle at Ostagar. In our hands there are ancient guards agreements, one of the possible allies is a circle of magicians.

Arriving in place, we learn that the circle is captured by obsessions and demons, and the doors are closed. To have the opportunity to attract magicians to the battle with the sealing of darkness, you need to solve the problem. After a conversation with the knight-commander Gregor, we go inside the tower. Doors behind us are locked up, so there are no roads. After passing forward, we see as the elderly Maesse protect the students from the demon. It will meet us not very friendly, finding the messenger of the temples. After the conversation, it will join the detachment (Attention: Winn is a very valuable member of the detachment - it already has the specificity of the healer, so if the GG does not have this specialty, it is better to always have it in the detachment). Now we need to clean the tower from the demons.

In one of the rooms we will find on the body of one of the placed temples of the Temperachniki helmet, the bib will be found on the body of another temple on the fourth floor. This armor will greatly help the warrior in the first stages of the game, if there are no Kailan armor or similar.

On the second floor we are encountered Omein - the pacified magician, head of the storage room. He will say that Mag Nialle came to him, to pick up adrallas - spell capable of destroying blood magic spells. Now everything becomes clear: the demons leaked not themselves, but were caused by a blood magician. Bumping into one of the rooms on the fourth floor, we meet an obsessed, which is a daisy of idleness. He manages to stop the guard, sending it and his detachment into the shadow and isolating satellites. Begins the subquest "lost in dreams".

First, we need to escape from the associated illusion. A denuncan who died at Ostayar, and Weishaupt, the headquarters of the Guardians created us as the holding illusion of the demon. After we are scholars the illusion, pseudoduncan and two "guards" will attack us. Having understood with them, we go to the pedestal, and transferred to the first shadow. There we will meet Nialla, who will say that in order to make his way to the demon of the idleness, you need to defeat the demons smaller. Doors to them are closed or disguised, so you need to learn how to take other forms.

We will get the first forms, sailing the mouse from the Emooth Demon. So we can use mouse holes to move. There are three more forms:

  1. Spirit - allows you to see disguised doors.
  2. Fire creation - allows you to pass through the fire.
  3. Golem - allows you to beat heavy doors.

All these forms can be obtained from sleeping. The first one can be obtained from the Temmer hiding from the ghosts, the second - from the Temple, fighting with his anger, the third - in the magician in the field of "scattered magicians". In any case, having received all forms, you can take on demons, the latter should be visited by the "Night-night Sleep of the Temple", where all four forms will be useful. Having understood with the demons, you can go to free satellites or immediately go fight on the idleness.

By defeating the demon, we return to reality. Finding the body of Nialla, taking a lit alone from his body and go upstairs. Before the last staircase in the magic cage, the Temple Callen sits in the magic cell, which will say that the cage has created Uldred or someone from his magicians, and will suggest to kill everyone remaining upstairs. You can agree (this will not be approved by Winn and Leliana) or refuse (not approve of sheyla and walls).

Rising up, we see how Uldred and his magicians turn another magician in obsessed. After talking, he will attack. Litania is useful in battle, as it will turn the prisoners in obsessed.

Having understood with Uldred, we descend to the temples. Further, depending on our actions and partly from the decision, there will be three options.

  1. If the first magician did not survive the last battle, we recruit the temples, and the circle will be closed.
  2. If Irving is alive, you can convince the knight-commander that the circle is in order, then we recruit magicians.
  3. It can be said that the circle is better to close on quarantine, then we recruit the temples.


Starting this task, you get to the Lake Calenkhad, on the Pier. To get into the tower of the circle of magicians, you need to talk to Carrol (For more information, see the Notes section. Tower, a note "Such different Carrolol"),temple. "Why did this temple appointed a carrier?" - You ask and get into the apple. In the tower, terrible events began to occur, which you can ask the Knight-Commander of Gregor in detail. (If you win a magician, then he learns you and initially react not particularly friendly)

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

A conversation with Gregor can affect the outcome of this quest.

- If, when talking to choose a replica about the arrangement to help the guards, Gregor promises to come, as soon as the problems of the circle are allowed. In this case, the option is possible when temples will join your army and the wineps will add to your detachment (although you can later change the solution and choose Help Mages)

- If you do not choose this replica when conversing this replica, then the only way to attract the temples in your army will be the decision to kill all the magicians before the final battle (but in this case the winery will attack you and you will have to kill it)

Whatever your choice, look at the target of the Tower, for after you step up the threshold in the students' rooms, the output will be available only after the quest "torn Circle" is completed. He has a most valuable subject in Tedas - Backpack, as well as a book with a spell for the magician, Parish and other useful things in the farm, a gift for one of your satellites

Come on, do not worry: the door for you is kindly driving. Feel like at home (of course, if your house is raised obsessed). Arrange more comfortable: you have to solve the numerous problems as always helpless needy.

If you agree to help Winn, then she will go with you. Morrigan does not approve (-3).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Close to the second floor - in the rooms of senior magicians.

Rooms of senior magicians
Here you will find a grated Oveyne, when there is a talk with which Sheila (if it is in the group) will be outraged, they say, people say, it's not very lively.

Next to Oveyin on the corpse can be found a gift - "Promotional Portrait"

Pass further, meet a group of malehers. After the fight, one of them will pray for mercy. To spare it or not, your business, or rather your conscience, your choice. It will not affect satellites.

If you play a magician, then surely recognize the room in which Duncan was accompanied in the background. Behind the wall in the chest is a letter required by quest "Secret Correspondence".

Pay attention to the closet in the next room.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

It hides from obsessed magician named Godwin. He will need it in Quest "Precious metals" (Smuggard Lirima Roghek) (Read more appropriate quests, see the corresponding section)However, you can pass by when you get the quest will find it in the same place.

If you play a magician, then remember the room, where Jaovan introduced you with his beloved. Here you can find one of the six glass phylacteria. With a rhenvenant, large balms can be mined.

Name Cabinet Irving. It will give you entries in the Code and the subject quest "Friends of Red Jenny".

Passage of this floor is not difficult. Get rid of obsessed as it arrives. All of interest noted in the screenshot:

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

We move to the third floor - a large hall.

Big hall
In a room marked with a white cross on a map, like a "rest room", there is an increased survivability of the dead. When approaching the next door will appear Wizard horror. However, the dead will be revived 2 times. With repeated revitalization of the witchcraft, the horror will appear in any case, so be prepared.

In the same room you will find an entry of the "guard of the limit" and the statues necessary for its activation (For details, see the appropriate section). You will have an entry in the Code after you find the latest Ganta note.

In the penultimate room there is a demon desire and fascinated by 5 temples. From the body of one of them you can remove a small gold ingot - a gift you know for whom.

In the central room you will be boss-obsessed. This guy draws in the obsessed unfortunately grated, standing around the statue. With obsessed, you can remove a gift for one of your satellites.


DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

This statue is the latter for the progress of the quest "Guard of the limit." Activate it immediatelyso as not to run again across the entire tower for this quest. You will have a new entry in the Code.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).
Chramovnik rooms
Before being broken heads to run into the center, right in the paws of the Demon of the idleness, look around.

An unpleasant conversation will take place in one of the rooms (the developers promised us the choice - here, please). Demon desire captured the temple. Kill or let go to solve again just you and your conscience. Be prepared for the fact that in case of a battle for the aid of the Demonds, it will call 4 dead men.

If there is Lelian in the group, then it will approve (+1) your decision to let the daemon together with the temple.

If there is Sheila in the group, then you will hear her opinion regarding this situation.

In the same room in the dressing table you will find a gift

You can not take this bottle for our red breath. Vintage wine wine will rate (+5) more than the neck (+1).

Now you can go to cake with a feast demon.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Unfortunately, the conversation will not be charged and you will fall into the shadow.

(For more information, see Shadow and Notes. Sen.)


(after return)

Chramovnik rooms
After you return to the houses of the temples, take the candidate adralle from the body of Nialla. Follow the location further, passing the tower from excessive things.

Attention! In one of the rooms (second after the central), the young dragon will attack you (the blood of Andrasta! What wind they brought them here?!)

In the room before the transition to the last floor - the Hall of Strongs - the Temple of Cullen sits in the magic cage (if you play a magician, you probably remember it according to the prehistory; do not worry, he will also know you too).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

This is where careful. You have to make a decision regarding the fate of the circle.

- If you have a conversation with Cullen, you decide to kill the magicians, the winery will attack you, and the alistine will not approve (-5)

- If you decide to take the side of the magicians (at least just do not kill innocent), wine will approve it

- An option is possible when you take the temples in the army, but also save the wine record (remember, at the beginning, we agreed with Gregor about helping in the fight against the sea?) To do this, you need to choose the option when you can not make a decision without seeing everything ourselves. Then in the final conversation with Gregor and Irving, tell me that it is impossible to leave a single obsessed.

If there is Sheila in the group, then with active attempts to defend the right of magicians to life, she will offer to kill all the magicians. It can be convinced, in case of luck, you will get +2 to the effect on Sheil, if you are not lucky, you will get -5.

Whatever you decide, go to the floor above.

General information on the rooms of the temples:

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).
Room Striking
In the introductory video, you will be introduced with the process of turning the magician in obsessed and with the main villain, which we started it all.

Meet Uldred!

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Only Uldred is no longer Uldred. He himself fell into the paws of the demon and became obsessed.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

In any case, you will have to fight with him. Kill him - Polbie. Use the litory every time when Uldred begins to growl "Do you accept the gift from me?" And the "whirlwind" will appear over one of the surviving magicians. Otherwise, the boss will also be added obsessed.

If you allow Uldredda to turn all the magicians in the room for the torture, even Irving will die, then in the final video you will meet Callen. Then the temples will come to the rescue. Wine does not particularly approve this situation (+2).

Steaming with a sacrup, grab Irving under the elbow and go down to Gregor.

The first magician Irving

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).This is a final conversation. Here you will decide who will join your army: Tempers or magicians?

- If you immediately chose the option to help the magicians, when conversing with Cullen, also took the side of the magicians and in the last conversation support Irving, then magicians will join you, and the wine is very approved (+7).

- If you first chose the option to help the temples, when there was a call with Cullen, also took the side of the temples (Winn attacked you, you had to kill her, the Alistair did not approve it -5) and in the last conversation they supported Gregor, the temples will join you.

"If you first asked for help of the temples, when conversation with Cullen chose a neutral version and in the last conversation, support Gregor (more precisely Cullen), the temples will join you. Magages will stay alive, but will be isolated, so Winn will ask Gregor to go with you, but approve your actions less (+2).

According to the plot, the quest "Torn Circle" is completed with this conversation.

Notes. Tower.
Such a different Carrolol.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

What is so interesting in the third-rate NPC? And nothing, and that's it! He is the same part of the world of Dragon Age, like Morrigan or Alistair. But for some reason, we do not pay attention to such details. And they are very interesting.

Wrong by the question "And what will we be, if? ..", the author spent some experiments: depending on the initial composition of the group, Carrolol behaves differently.

If you do not rush to push the guy, and offer "To come up together", he raises some satellites for a funny dialogue.

"If there is Leliana in the group, he hys up to privacy with her." The girl, of course, refuses and promises a slate-slave to tell the story until he transport you to the tower

"If there is a Morrigan in the group, he will try to take her, but Milan Morri does not slip. She will "be reaping a new victim," that it will be frightened by Carrol and he will transport you

- If there is Leliana in the group, and Morrigan, he will choose Morrigan

- If there is Stan in the group, Carroll will complain that he was hungry, it will force Stan to give her cookies (by the way, selected from the child!)

- If there is Leliana, Morrigan and Stan in the group, then Carrolla will always be "hungry" \u003d)

- If there is neither Leliana, nor Morrigan, nor Stan, and even if your female GG, Carroll will ask for transporting money.

As you can see the world's world that loved us, even at the level of the characters unavailable in the plot.


DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Attention! There is a lot of essences in the shade, giving constant gain to the characteristics of your hero. Try to find them all. From the shadow you will leave much stronger (the location of the essences, see screenshots).

Total I have received:

Willpower +4

Dexterity +4

Force +4

Cunning +5

Endurance +2

Magic +2

Meet with Duncan. Of course he is not real, but you will be an illusion. To get out from here you need to expose it. After the battle, the shadow pedestal will appear. You still have only one location - pristine shadow. Go there.
Pristine shadow.
Here you will meet Nialle (Ovein mentioned his name). Talking to him, go to the first shadow portal. It will take you to the island, where the first form is acquired - mouse (For more information about forms, see the Shadow Notes section).

Go from the portal to the portal - you will be returned to Nialle. He will notice that something is wrong with you. Boast the acquired form and go to the little ...

1) "The invasion of the trees of darkness"

2) "Burning Tower"

3) "Scattered Mages"

In this order, the forms necessary for the passage of the next location are observed.

"The nightmare of the temple" Leave for later - for his passage you will need all forms.

In order to avoid informational overload, it will not be described in detail in detail. But some recommendations for passage are described in the section "Notes. Shadow".

Also, summary information is provided in the screenshots:


DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Pristine shadow

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

The invasion of the species of darkness

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Burning Tower

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Scattered magicians

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Nice sleep of the temple

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).
Notes. Shadow.

Having received all forms, do not forget to return to Weishaupt. There remains the essence of the power of the will, affordable only in one of the forms (spirit).

Upon receipt of each form, a shadow pedestal appears next to. Go to the next location, until all forms take all forms.

Attention! Special attention deserves the battle with the feast demon itself. Freeing satellites (should be released to the final battle, because otherwise you will have to fight one per one), go to the sanctuary. The idleness holds in 5 forms, presenting health every time. Having adopted the latest form, the "Love" habit, wake up the total freezing of the detachment!

Forms in the shade.


DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Your first embodiment. Inaccessible places - her horse. In the mode of invisibility, it can sneak up to enemies from behind and bite them for heels. After use, do not forget to wash your hands.

Fire creation.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

As it follows from the name, the fire radiates. In large quantities. Fire resistant. Owns spells of mass lesion ("Fireball", "Flame Flash"). Let his appearance instig on the horror, in the soul, the fire creation is a fermented and eager for a response. Any coldness in relation to it will be perceived very painfully.


DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Spirit is very serious. Not wonder: Magic requires concentration. The withered body in rags, soaring over the floor, confuses. But the Spirit is not so weak as it seems. He is not only resistant to magic, but also with emerging conflicts will not help themselves. Spells of the "crushing dungeon" and "ice grip" - a weighty argument in each dispute. And the "restoration" allows you to remove the tension that has accumulated during the tedious for the fragile spirit of travel and the vested.


DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Golem. And that's it. Moti. Stretching. Thunderstorm and all. Except magicians. "A mighty blow" deprives the opponent's ability to think by knocking out of his brain head. Literally. The "concussion" will not leave anyone indifferent, actually, as well as standing on the legs. And the branded "throwing" opens interesting features (and doors). Instructions for use are not attached. Use at your own risk!

Nightmare satellites
1) Alisheke

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

2) Winn.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

3) Sheila

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

4) Leliana

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

5) Stan.DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

The record in the Code will change again. If there is a desire, you can immediately return to the students' rooms and complete this quest. I recommend not to spend time and go further. After the "torn Circle" is completed, you will still find yourself at the starting point. Where they talked to Gregor.

After the liberation of the circle (or his destruction), go to the room where you met Winn. You need a door leading down.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

Touch it. A boss appears. Demon Gruk Shah Vird. Attacks are welcome. After the battle you can pick up

beautiful two-cell Sword Usaris-Dragon (the level of complexity is not lower than the average).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).
Summary science.
You get this quest immediately in the rooms of students. The second is the last entry in the Code and the activation of the quest occur before the transition to the room of the senior magicians.

Activate the items in the order recorded in the Code. The names in the Code and the game are different. In brackets are given other names.

If you do not want to run in the sectors, arrange your satellites there. Activation in turns of different characters also works.

Font call

Calling first

Calling first

Font call

Call of Second

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

Call of Second

Font call

The call of the third

"Spiritarum ETERALIS"

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

"Amylet Novka"

The call of the third

Attentive noticed the appeal of the fourth. But there is no instructions for its activation. After completing all three exercises, you need to activate these three sequences without accessing sources (only at the end), i.e.:

Font call

"The Book of Persons of the Spirits" (Handbook of Spiritual Workers)

"Unusual Call" Roderkoms (Unusual Profession Rodercoma)

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

"Great Bestiary" Elvaorn ("Big Bestiary")

Sign of the first section of the first section (carving on the table, place for threading tables)

"Spiritarum ETERALIS"

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

"Amylet Novka"

Call of the fourth

At the Earl Farceedow that appears, use the "stealing" skill, it will give a new entry to the code.

Precious metals.
Quest is acquired by Roghek in a dusty city, in Ozammar. In the tower you need to deliver it to Godwin in the rooms of the senior magicians. The location of the magician is indicated on the appropriate screenshot.
Power places.
If you talk to the representative of the community of magicians near the "spoiled princess" community, you can get the quest "Power Places". One of them is in the rooms of students, where the call of the fourth appears before the transition to the room of older magicians.

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).

DAO passage. Quest "Torn Circle" (Mages Tower + Shadow).
Secret correspondence.
(Quest is acquired in deserim, the tavern "Frontalist nobleman")

Collect letters, even if until the quest got. Talking in Dencherime with an interpreter "bustled nobleman", you will receive an entry in the Code. The love letter is in the rooms of senior magicians.

Friends of red Jenny.
The quest is acquired after a meeting with Zevran on one of the robbers.

When Zeusman attacks you, inspect the corpses. One of them will be a note about Red Jenny. In the Tower of Circle, in the Cabinet of Irving (Senior Mages) Take the painted box from the table (take it, even if you have not met Zevran, you will find a note when meeting). Take it to Denomem, to the house near the "Tedas Walkings".


So it came to the end. Review of the passage of the quest "Torn Circle"

By making your choice by collecting the army, do not forget to look around and enjoy the interesting world created by BioWare.

I hope, when reading newcomers will receive valuable information, and experienced players will remember many pleasant moments.

Scene Quests

Not too highly intelective Temple Carroll, guarding at the pier, at first will not agree to transport you to the tower, but it is quite easy to convince or intimidate (if you can not do you, your companions will help you).

Depending on how you ended your conversation with Weylon in Denerime, you can talk to the innkeeper about Brother Jenivi.

Navalny Quests

In the tavern "spoiled princess" you will find one of the widows, Larana, who needs to give the funeral notice across the quest of Mercenaries Blackstone.

Near the tavern you will find one of the deserters that you need to find Blackstone in Quest.

In the locked in the tavern you will find a love letter.

Tower Made

Scene Quests

The Knight-Commander Gregor will greet you at the entrance to the tower of magicians and will make the message that the tower is currently experiencing the strongest crisis, because of what neither magicians nor the temples can answer your call to join the battle with the disassemblies of Darkness. For unknown reasons, the tower was filtered demons, and temples, unable to cope with them, sealed the doors and sent the messenger to Denenim with a request to allow them to take advantage of the right of destruction. Briefly speaking, not being confident, whether magicians remained alive (and if they remained if they are now obsessed and dangerous for society), they requested permission simply to kill them all. Gregor will allow you to go to find out what is the matter, but it will be warned that the doors will close you and you will not be written back until the situation in the tower is permitted. He does not joke, so it makes sense to visit the apartment trader - you will not have any such opportunity until the end of the quest.

Go through the door and pretty soon you will see a group of surviving magicians headed by Winn (remember it on Ostabaru?). A conversation with wine can go in two ways - either you promise to help the magicians and then she joins your group, or you refuse, and then you will have to fight with it. Winn is a wonderful healer who can be very useful to your squad, but she needs it or not - to solve you.

The magic tower consists of several floors, and you need to break through the fourth. On the second floor you will meet with a grated Oveyne, from which it will be possible to know that the magician named Nialle left to save the circle, capturing the Litania of Andrala - powerful protection against blood magic. Through the indifferent number of obsessed (the latter have a habit of explode after death, applying around the damage to fire), demons, blood magicians and the walking dead, when you finally reach the fourth floor, you will welcome the daisy of idleness. Regardless of which options in the dialogue you choose, the result will be one - you will get into the shadow and now you have to get out of it back to the real world. By oneself.

After a conversation with the "Duncan", we deal with it and two guards and activate the eyed podium. At the moment you can visit only one location - go there. Nialle welcomes you and tell you that the demon is guarded by some protective spells, to remove which is not possible: to destroy them, you need to fight with strong demons - it is first, and, secondly, it is simply impossible to go to them. Go to the shadow portal and fight the rage demon, after which the mouse will teach you your form. You can experience it immediately, cheaming into the mink nearby, but now you will not find anything interesting there - walking through a couple of portals and passing off from several demons, you will find yourself back at the location of Nialla. Impressed by your progress, he advises to look for other sleeping and try to get other forms from them.

If you activate the shadow pedestal, you will see that now you are open to many previously unavailable locations. The demons you need to win in order to open the way to the daema of the idleness, are in: a clean shadow, a burning tower, a nightmare of the temple, the invasions of the disassemble of darkness and the magician separation. The territories marked just like a "nightmare" - places where you will find your companions, but you will not be able to get to them until you deal with bosses in the adjacent points of the triangle.

I would advise you to go first either in the burning tower, or in the invasion of the Darkness of Darkness - to get the following form there, it is enough to have only the mouse form. The nightmare of the temple is better to leave at last - you need to have all 4 forms to fully clean it.

In the burning tower, we go to the second floor - to the stairs you can walk both through minks, and just through the doors. On the second floor we go to the north and east, the fire lines do not cross (there is no need), and rather soon climbed on a mouse mink, passing through which, by the progress of burning temple and a demon of the rage. When you defeat the temple, you will get the shape of a burning person from it. Now you can run through the fire without the slightest damage to health.

Massive doors and ghostly doors are still left alone. For them require other forms.

In the invasion of the dissection of darkness you need to move in the northern direction. If you have already received the form of a burning person, then you will not be difficult to get to the room with the next sleeping. If your forms of a burning person have no mouse mouse, they will also bring you to the right place. After you get out of the proceedings, sleep will give you a new form - the Spirit. Now you are available and ghostly doors, it remains only to deal with massive.

In the magicians' separa, go in a circle (for through the massive door you can't pass) to the stairs to the second floor. You will not be able to get to it if you do not have a form of a burning person (in principle, you can drink the potion of fire resistance and try without it, but the likelihood of success is quite small - the fire causes too much damage). In accordance with the title, this territory, the silence of Kishi magicians of different caliber, which are not happy with your appearance at all. Do not forget to use the Lyrium to restore health and mana / endurance.

Going to the second floor, you will immediately have to fight several opponents (including two golems). When you figure it out with them, the damned sleep will reveal you the last form of the golem.

So, now you have all four forms necessary in order to get to the bosses demons. In order not to return later, you can immediately go to the stairs upstairs and, breaking through the magicians, priests, golems and other opponents, move to the southern room. There you will approach the Slavs - the boss of this territory. Disappear with him and if you have already completely cleaned the tower from enemies and bent all you can, activate the pedestal and go on.

Next to Nialle is a ghostly door. Enter it in the form of the Spirit and defeat the Demonse Javeru and the two of her daemons-assistants.

On the territory of the "invasion of the Darkness" pierce through the army of genes and garlocks to the north of the card, where you can now break the massive door to your head. It will be met by the boss of this area - the Utkin crusher, looking like a huge OGR (but the case is also a completely delicable cold cone, for example).

In the burning tower you need to go to the northernmost room to fight with Demo Ragos, picking up on the way from burning temples and walking dead. As you can easily assume, the cold damage is very good in this area.

Now only one boss remained. To achieve it, you have to go through four islands in the nightmare of the temple. On the island, where you appear, you need to get to mouse mink in the southeast corner. This mink will take you to the second island. Here go to the northwest corner of the card and pass through the ghostly door, which will deliver you to the third island. In the western wall of the mostst room (counting the first one where you appeared) pass through the portal of the shadow and you find yourself on the fourth island. Go through all the rooms, and you will be at the body of the Temple, where the boss of this area, Demonse Verveil, will turn into the mouse and run away from you through the mink. All you have left to do is take your mouse shape and follow it. As usual, your tactics in battle depends on who is VA GG and how exactly its spell or skill is developed. The only thing that I would advise - do not take the shape of the golem, since they are weak against magical attacks, and the Verveill is basically fighting magic.

Waning Vervil, you opened the way to the daema of the idleness. If you have not yet liberated your associates, it is better to do it before you go to meet him. (You can not do this, but in this case you have to fight with a daisy of the idleness one for one.) Free to free your associates easily - you only need to convince them that the world around them surrounding them, not a reality. Some of them (for example, Morrigan and Stan) will not even need your help to make this discovery.

Freeing (or not - your choice) of your allies, go to the daem of the idleness. This is quite a long battle, because the demon takes one after another four forms, each time completely restoring health, and in the last form it has a bad habit to throw the "blizzard" spell on you, which can immediately freeze all your group (although it is true, and Demon himself too). Do not mark the health mark too low - in some forms, the demon causes such damage that one blow can make you lose consciousness.

When you finally shake up with the demon, Nialle will advise you to remove the Litania Andrala from his body to protect against the blood magic, and you will be transferred back to the magician tower.

Take from the body of Nialla Litania Adrallas and go on the last floor to fight Uldred. Before the stairs you will see Callen Temple (if you play a magician, you can remember it in prologue). In a conversation with Cullen, you have to make a decision: to agree with his opinion to kill all the magicians, or to declare that you do not want to kill innocent and try to save those who else can be saved. (If you accept the first option, then wine - if it is in your group - will attack you.) You can also take a neutral version and say that you cannot decide how to do, while you do not familiarize yourself with the situation. In any case, go further and meet with the culprit of all misfortunes - Uldred. Avoid fighting with him there is no possibility, whatever the option in the conversation you did not choose. During the battle, Uldet will try to turn into obsessed outstanding magicians. You can prevent this using the adrallas Litania every time he starts to growl "Do you accept my gift?". If you are able to save at least one mage, then get help from magicians with your final battle, if not, then temples will come to your profile. Independence on whether there are lives alive or not, after the battle with Uldredd, go back to Gregor either with Irving or Cullen to get a promise from them to send help to battle with the archdoor.

Even if the magicians stayed alive, you can offer Gregorra to isolate them just in case and in this embodiment, temples will come to the rescue.

Note: If your GG has a specialization of a blood magician and recognizes Winn, which is such, it will attack you along with the surviving magicians and temples. In this case, you will only stay to kill them all and they (by themselves) will not send support in your final battle. It is also possible to cause wine to fight if she learns that Morrigan is the so-called apostate and in conversation you take the side of Morrigan. If all your conversations with wine ended peacefully, then after resolving the quest, she will decide to join your group (you can refuse if you want).

Navalny Quests

In the library of the first floor you will find a book that describes the call of creatures from the shadow. If you wish, you can try to make a call for yourself. If with the activation of the next item hit you with zipper - you pressed not what you need. The activation procedure can be viewed in the corresponding record of the Code.

First call:

Font call

Spirit Personages

Calling first

Second call:

Font call

Unusual Profession Roodecorns Uncommon Calling

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

Call of Second

Third call:

Font call

Big Bestiary Elvorn

Table thread space

Spiritarum Eteriais

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

Amulet Novichka

The call of the third

The beast designed for the third time will attack you, so be prepared.

Fourth Call:

If you look carefully around, notice that the pedestal of the call is activating four flames, and not three. To encourage the fourth spirit, repeat the activation of objects in order. The first call is the second appeal. . The resulting spirit will disappear after a few seconds, but it can be stolen from his pocket, which will give you a new entry in the Code.

Font call

Handbook of spiritual figures

Unusual profession Roderkoma

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

Big Bestiary Elvorn

Table thread space

Spiritarum Eteriais

Statue of Maga Gorvisha

Amulet Novichka

Call of the fourth

On the desired Earl, use the "stealing" skill.

From the first to the third floor over the entire tower, the notes are scattered by students, from which it can be understood that there is some secret in the tower. Collect all the notes (is familiar that you have gathered them all, will update the magazine) and go to the third floor in a large hall. Activate three statues in order: left, right, average, then activate the statue with a shield in the stairs. (If the lightning hit you - it means that you are mistaken.) After that, go to the first floor in the room with the magicians - and head to the door to the basement. The guard will be sketched on you, which will drop a good two-handed sword of Yusaris after his death. The death of the guard will complete this quest.

Student's notes (all of them six):

Ground floor: Two in bedrooms, which are located between the door to the temples and the room with the magicians; One in the bedrooms, which are located on the door leading to the stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor you will find hiding in the closet of the magician by the name Godvin. It will be needed to you later if you agree to the Quest on the smuggling of Lirium in Orzamara.

In the cabin of Irving in the chest you will find the black grimar - "special" gift for Morrigan.

On the fourth floor you will meet the Demon of the desire and the fascinated temple. If you decide to kill the demon, the temple will be attached to you (plus several additional assistants caused by the demon), and to save him life will not be any opportunity. You can allow the demon and temper to leave and leave him happily live their days in the illusion democracy. Your decision will not affect the further course of the game - even if you release this pair, you will not hear about it anymore. Leliana will approve your decision to let go with the world.

The shadows scattered the pedestals that give your GG plus one to the characteristics if they are activated.

All of them can be obtained:

4 to agility

2 to magic

4 to the power of will

5 to tricks

2 to the physique

Note: Some pedestals can be activated, only being in the form of the Spirit.

The secondary task "Guard of the limit" in Dragon Age: Origins you can perform during the plot mission "torn Circle". The action of this quest will be held in the tower. And it will be able to execute it during and after the mission is completed.

Start of task

To activate the quest "Guard of the limit", go to the rooms of students. One of them got to ancient mystery and now everyone threatens the danger. To neutralize it, find six student records. Note that there are many obsessed and demons in location.

And let it be not the strongest opponents, they are still a lot of them. In addition, in this location will have to fight with a tearing shadow. And at the very end you will be waiting for a meeting with the boss Shah Vird. Note that as soon as you enter the room, then the door closes. And while you do not clear the terrain, there will be no output. Therefore, before you go to a dangerous adventure, stock all necessary for the Intendant.

Passage of Quest "Guard of the limit"

To begin with, you will need to find six apprentice notes. If you play a PC version, then make it easier, because the active items are highlighted by pressing the Tab key. In any case, quest notes are hidden in the following places.

  • First floor - rooms of students. You will find one note in the first room behind the door that the temples close. Before the place where you meet wine. The next lies in the next room. You will find the latest note on this floor if you dig in a pile of books filmed in the second section of the library.
  • The second floor is the rest of the senior magicians. One of the notes can be found in a room in which three wizards are fighting with obsessed. The second detect in the top room on the map.
  • The third floor is a big hall. The last desired note you will find indoors with three statues. The item lies next to the distant sculpture.

Now that all the notes are collected, you need to solve the riddle. To solve the puzzle, activate the statues in a specific order. The algorithm looks like this.

  1. Statue with bowl.
  2. Statue with a sword aimed up.
  3. Statue with a sword aimed down.
  4. Statue with shield. This sculpture is located in the central room, from which there are steps to the upper floor.

After activating the statues, a click will be heard. Now you need to return to the rooms of students.

Battle with boss

In the room where you met the wine, the repository door will open. Shah Wird will be released from it - demon anger. A long time ago, it was concluded in the lower floors of the Citadel. But now, when you activated all the statues, the magical shackles from the demon were removed. And Shah Wird broke out to destroy all the wizards on his way.

Bang with this opponent is difficult only with a not ledated hero. If the security skill is less than the fourth level, then do not even try to activate it. The tactics of the battle is similar to other demons of anger. He has a high level of attacks. To reduce damage, use warm balms. And of course, remember that such opponents are vulnerable to cold, and they have high immunity on fire.

In the fight you will be assisted by Peter, Kayley and Kinon. And this is quite by the way at high levels of the game. But if in a plot mission, you took the side of the temples, then when the limit of the limit is passed, these magicians will not be in place. Therefore, the battle you will behave alone.

If the magicians become allies in the battle, then do not give Shah Vurd to kill any of them. Otherwise, an incorrect record of the death of Winn appears in the code. After the victory over the Demon, the dance "Guard of the limit" in Dragon Age will be completed. And you can go in search of new adventures.


For the passage of the quest "Guard of the limit" you will get a unique big sword of Usaris. This artifact made of Sylveterite adds +20 fire resistance, and +10 damage dragons. In addition, it causes 16 and a half units of damage, and has a Crete chance of 2.25%. Therefore, it is impossible to call this award.

Another valuable thing you find during the passage of the quest is Malachite. This gem is rather rare, and it can be sold to a merchant for 60 coins. In addition, Malachite will take emissary Felhammer, in exchange for an increase in the troops of the gnomes for the final battle. The next reward is fluorite, relate immediately to the merchants, because this gem is not used in tasks or recipes. But for it you will help 50 coins.

An ordinary chain chamber will become a bonus of the previous award. This armor will be very useful acquisitions in the early stages of the game. In addition, it can always be exchanged for gold.

Territory of the limit in Dragon Age: Origins is a quest that you can start during the passage of the main campaign when you are in the circle tower during the task "torn Circle". To start on the first floor you need to find one of the notes of an unknown student. Complete you can you at any time of the game.

The first three notes can be found on the first floor in these places:
- the first room behind the door will close the temples;
- the next room behind the same door in which you passed before;
- The second library section - you need to search in a pile of books. It is highlighted so it will not be particularly difficult.

Big hall - Go to the room with statues and find a note in the far.

Now in the same room with statues, you need to take such actions in turn:
1) Click on a statue with a bowl;
2) Then the statue of the rising sword:
3) by her lowering sword;
4) And the last shield holding - you can find it in the central room of the floor.

After that you have to descend down to the place where you met with wine And try logging into the repository - at this moment anger will appear. It is worth knowing that if you accepted the side of the magicians, then you will help in the battle of three more people, but if there is no one to take a challenge.

A feature of this battle is that you will not be able to activate the invisibility of the robber - the enemy will appear from nowhere and beat from the back.

Ultimately, after the battle, you can get these items:
- Usaris - two-handed sword;
- Malachite;
- fluorite;
- quartz;
- Kolchugu.

Naturally, at the end of the quest, you will have another entry in the Code of the defeated daemon.

Sword Usaris Lent with the game as a unique and except for a good attack also gives protection from fire and a decent additional damage to dragons.

Kolchuga Normal and is not much value. Such worn temporary satellites of the guard in entry before initiation. It can be calmly selling if of course you have no worse.

Useful can be malachite Which, if you give to the emission of Fellammer, will increase the number of gnomes in the final battle.

Bugs in Quest

If the demon Shah Vird will kill all three magicians, then the Code will be displayed incorrect record of the death of wine.

At PS3 there is a bug when the player is trying to pass the quest a little later and does not have a chance to pass on the third floor through the rooms of senior magicians. To eliminate it, you need to come on the other side of the wall.

Also, if you are going to be add-ons, you will certainly be interested in articles in which it is described about all those who have left and also complete passage is one of the extensive DLC to the game.