Board Ratings. "Testers" - Encyclopedia of Board Games Tester Board Games

We are pleased to present you interesting, and most importantly a very useful portal about board games and all that is connected with them - the tester. We are pleased to present you interesting, and most importantly a very useful portal about board games and all that is connected with them - the tester.

Do you like board games? You are not alone!

Testers - a unique Russian portal for all fans of the bench. Here you can find out who is the author of your favorite game, learn about the novelties of the game market, see photos and, of course, chat with like-minded people.

Main sections:

  • Games - a huge number of board games, interesting descriptions and photographs of the gameplay;
  • Persons - stories and photos, and, of course, the labor achievements of famous people of the game world;
  • Companies are large and small, manufacturers, shops and developers. Here for everyone found on the "pair of strings";
  • Clubs - in this section information about game clubs in different cities, indicating exactly addresses and work time;
  • Projects - features and links to blogs about board games, their video believe, links to Site sites and playing;
  • Events - exhibitions, fairs, conferences dedicated to board games worldwide;
  • Awards - premiums that receive games;
  • Welcome to the tester -

    rhunwolf. Tueli.

    The first is a professional seminar for those who plan to open their desktop games store. It met the owners of game clubs from all over Russia and the main domestic publishers \\ localizers of the velocity.

    The second is the annual desktop bonus "Tester", established by the eponymous game portal. It awards the best Russian and foreign games issued for the previous year. My report with the 2011 Testers can be seen. Well, in this post you will see a lot of photos, download texts of experts on desktop games and learn what alert is recognized as the best for 2011!

    Master class "" Store and Club of Board Games ""

    6 rapporteurs performed, you can open PDF

    In general, the seminar was generally the first-like training master class in my memory, when publishers and clubmakers met face to face. Many made something new for themselves. Even the multiple Ivan Popov, the founder of the company "Hobby Games" and Kki "Berserk", with surprise he learned that in regional clubs there are not enough large infooplacates about the stands. I finally found out why our localization goes out in such excessively large boxes. For the rest of the useful information, the current and future store owners more revealed. They will have hard work - to promote board games. Russia is not Germany, we have only a monopoly and mancin, and the wardrobe in my room, the fair-packed games still surprises people more than the neighboring cabinet with books.

    I am happy to want to introduce you from Akni.

    The Association of Board Games has appeared recently, in December 2011. There were already united 55 clubs throughout Russia, they managed to notice the championships in the beautiful game "7 miracles", the photo contest "Tsoltowers 2012", and plans for the future - the exit desktop Maevka and the opening of the Board Games Museum - Yes, this paragraph of text conquers in the nomination "The most frequent use of the word" table "in this post"!

    A few pictures:

    Results of the premium "" Tester-2012 ""

    The award took part 73 nominees (board games issued in Russian from January 1 to December 31, 2011), 26 experts, 7 nominations and 7 laureates.

    The expert jury spoke to publishers of games, bloggers and active readers of the portal testers. Alexander Bulgakov, Chief Novosnutnik Tester took into account the opinion of the whole jury on a complex scheme (see the link at the end of the post) and calculated the winners. Look!

    Best children's game (out of 7 applicants):

    1. "Jam" ("Right Games"; 75 points);
    2. "Zoo" ("Magellan"; 56 points);
    3. "Naughty checkers" ("Star"; 53 points).

    Best atmosphere (out of 12 applicants):

    1. "Metro 2033. 2nd Edition" ("The World of Hobbies"; 94 points),
    2. "Victorium" (Victorium; 85 points),
    3. "The Secret City" ("World Hobby"; 83 points).

    Best Game Book (out of 6 applicants):

    1. "Era Aquarius. 2nd edition "(" Gameology "; 63 points);
    2. "The faithful sword of the king. 3rd edition "(" Live Book "; 53 points);
    3. "The dungeons of the Black Castle. 3rd edition "(" Live Book "; 49 points).

    Best military game (out of 9 applicants):

    1. "Borodino battle 1812" ("Belli Status"; 84 points);
    2. "Brotherhood of nine. Hexo-strategy "(" Moscow Toy Combine "; 77 points);
    3. "Poltava Battle of 1709" ("Belli Status"; 66 points);
    4. "Kulikovskaya battle 1380" ("Status Belli"; 66 points).

    "Belli's Status" could not come, so Ivan Tulovsky accepted the award, and promised to convey :)

    Best game for company (out of 12 applicants):

    1. "Swints 2.0" ("Gameology"; 101 score);
    2. "Zombies! Saw together who can! " ("Right games"; 83 points);
    3. "Walkers" ("Magellan"; 74 points).

    Timofey Bokarev shook his hand Timothy a loiter and happily accepted congratulations and prizes

    Finally, it remains to declare the laureates of two permanent, basic nominations of the award.

    1. "Agrikola" ("World Hobby"; 262 points);
    2. "Civilization of Meyer Cyda" ("Hobby World"; 229 points);
    3. "Dominion. Intrigue "(" World Hobby "; 200 points);
    4. "Flat World. Ank-Corpork "(" Star "; 190 points);
    5. "Forbidden Island" ("Lifestyle"; 141 points).

    Nikolay Pegasov, Director of Business Development of the World Hobby Business (They Localized the game)

    1. "Brotherhood of nine. Hexososthegia "(" Moscow Toy Combine "; 198 points);
    2. "The Secret City" ("World Hobby"; 197 points);
    3. "Swints 2.0" ("Gameology"; 194 points);
    4. "Jam" ("Right Games"; 179 points);
    5. "Metro 2033. 2nd Edition" ("World Hobby"; 177 points);
    6. "Walkers" ("Magellan"; 159 points);
    7. "Zombies! Saw together who can! " ("Right games"; 158 points);
    8. "Save the holiday!" (Zany Family; 127 points);
    9. Victorium (Victorium; 126 points);
    10. "Fighter" ("Gameology"; 122 points).

    Nominees with Testers-2011 and the best games of Russia for 2010 can be seen

    Prize Tester 2012., the presentation of which was held last week, March 16, 2012 as part of a seminar on the organization of the book-game club. The premium nominated the games issued during 2011 (from January 1 to December 31) - only 73 nominees. In the framework of the award there were 7 nominations. The winners determined the jury of 26 people.

    Jury Testers 2012. was formed from representatives of the desktop industry, blogosphere, as well as users Testers. Here is its composition:

    Professionals of the Russian Board Games Market:

    • Timofey Bokarev ("Gameology");
    • Dmitry Kibkalo (Mosigra);
    • Alexander Nevsky (Igames);
    • Sergey Machin ("Right Games");
    • Sergey Ovcharenko (Akney);
    • Dmitry Pavlov ("Star");
    • Ivan Popov ("World Hobby");
    • Alexander Reshetnikov (Skvirl).


    • Mikhail Balandin ("Notes of the Novosibirsk Toolr");
    • Alexander Potto (Gravicapa, "Two Chips");
    • Boris Thunder ("Board games without bills");
    • Vlad Popkov (Snowbody);
    • Alexey Skvortsov (Uncle Lesha);
    • Yuri Tapilin;
    • Alexey Tikhonov (Alt, "Blog of Yellow Mipla");
    • Maxim Trophimenko (Mazz_o);
    • Slava Yumin (zordok,;
    • Anna Yushina (NJUSE4KA, "Tombcoming").

    Representatives Testers:

    • Alexey Abramov (Kosulya);
    • Ilya Pulza (Zuzubun);
    • Stas residents (STEVE);
    • Alexey Zuykov (Aelkoa);
    • Ildus Izanbirdine (Molecul);
    • Alexey Pupyshev (Alxin);
    • Alexander Taranenko (Taran);
    • Vlad Choporov (Vladdrak).

    Before the start of the voting, a summary table was formed with all 7 nominations and a list of applicants' game for each nomination. This table was sent to the jury. Then each member of the jury compiled her rating of preferences in each category: Lined the game in order from the best to the worst (the table with the results of the voting is published on the network, but with preservation of anonymity - the names of the jury members are replaced by numbers).

    Moreover, under the terms of the voting of the game, it was necessary to run out, it was impossible to assign one and the same place to two applicants. The exception was the last place, i.e. It was possible to do, for example, a small list of 3-5 best games, putting them in ranks, and to all other applicants in the nomination to assign the last place.

    Then each game inside each category was charged. Their amount was determined by the special formula R \u003d n + 1 - P, where:

    P. - the place exposed by the game by an expert;

    N. - the number of games valued in the category of expert;

    R. - Number of points received by the game.

    This formula allows us to take into account the qualification of the expert in a category or another. That is, the more he appreciates the games, the more points receive the game for the first place and the less - for the last one.

    Prizes were awarded in 7 nominations:

    • best children's game;
    • the best atmosphere;
    • the best game book;
    • best military game;
    • the best game for the company;
    • the best game of the foreign author;
    • the best game of the Russian author.

    Best Children's game (out of 7 applicants):

    1. Jam ("Right games"; 75 points);
    2. Zoomagia ("Magellan"; 56 points);
    3. Naughty checkers ("Star"; 53 points).

    In this nomination, my voice coincided with the voice of the majority. Although I voted on the residual principle, just besides Jam, with other children's games, I really do not know. Not even once played in the second-third place Zoomagia and Oh.

    The best atmosphere (out of 12 applicants):

    1. Metro 2033. 2nd edition ("Hobby World"; 94 points),
    2. Victorium (Victorium; 85 points),
    3. The secret city ("World Hobby"; 83 points).

    In this nomination I did not vote. For two reasons. First - I do not really understand how to evaluate the atmosphere. Probably because I almost do not feel it. This, because, mostly representatives of the america are praised by such dignity, and I am not very susceptible to such games. Well, the second, I am not familiar with the applicants.

    The best game book (out of 6 applicants):

    1. Era Aquarius. 2nd edition ("Gameology"; 63 points);
    2. The right sword of the king. 3rd edition ("Live Book"; 53 points);
    3. The dungeon of the Black Castle. 3rd edition ("Live Book"; 49 points).

    Standard nomination. In my opinion she is a little tied to the board games for the ears. No, it is clear that there are related entertainment, but nevertheless Era AquariusAs far as I understand it is role-playing games. A completely different hobby. And, for example, The right sword of the king (which, by the way, gave here first place), this is an even more different type of entertainment - the book game. And I am still not sure that book books can be compared with role-playing systems.

    Best military game (out of 9 applicants):

    1. Borodino battle 1812. ("Belli Status"; 84 points);
    2. Brotherhood of nine. Hexosurategia ("Moscow Toy Combine"; 77 points);
    3. Poltava battle 1709 ("Belli Status"; 66 points);
    4. Kulikovskaya battle 1380 ("Status Belli"; 66 points).

    What to say here, familiarity with games from Belli Status For me, limited Kursk. Therefore, in this nomination I gave first place Brotherhood nine. Maybe if I were familiar with a large number of applicants and could run them, my voice would be brought Brotherhood More points.

    The best game for the company (out of 12 applicants):

    1. Swints 2.0 ("Gameology"; 101 score);
    2. Zombie! Saw together who can! ("Right games"; 83 points);
    3. Walked ("Magellan"; 74 points).

    When voting, I gave Swintus 2.0 Only second place. Mainly for the reasons that the game is albeit good, but, to a greater extent, processing already existing Swintsa. IN 2.0 Of course, there are original innovations, but I didn't like most of them. And first place I gave Halley Galli.

    1. Agrikola. ("Hobby World"; 262 points);
    2. Civilization of Side Meyer ("World Hobby"; 229 points);
    3. Dominion. Intrigue ("World Hobby"; 200 points);
    4. Flat world. Ank-Corporok ("Star"; 190 points);
    5. Forbidden Island ("Lifestyle"; 141 points).

    It is necessary 🙂 the top of the best games just the same coincided with my vote. No comments.

    1. Brotherhood of nine. Hexosostrey ("Moscow Combine of Toys"; 198 points);
    2. Secret city ("World Hobby"; 197 points);
    3. Swints 2.0 ("Gameology"; 194 points);
    4. Jam ("Right games"; 179 points);
    5. Metro 2033. 2nd Edition ("World Hobby"; 177 points);
    6. Lie ("Magellan"; 159 points);
    7. Zombie! Saw together who can! ("Right games"; 158 points);
    8. Save the holiday! (Zany Family; 127 points);
    9. Victorium (Victorium; 126 points);
    10. Fighter ("Gameology"; 122 points).

    In general, it is not surprising that the first place in this nomination got Brotherhood nine. But what Secret city Led Brotherhood Only 1 point - for me a surprise. I can't say anything about the "city" because I didn't find strength in this game to play. For almost a year, she lies on the shelf. Yes, and in the network, in general, there were no particularly enthusiastic reviews about it. And here - you look, almost first place.

    It is noteworthy that prizes are mainly divided among themselves World of Hobby and Gameology (They got 4 awards out of 7: 2 for each). More than one nomination received Belli Status, Right games and Moscow combine toys. Star I was able to conquer only 3rd place in the nomination "Children's game" with Naughty checkers and 4th in the nomination "The Best Game of the Foreign Author" (for Ank Corporok. Flat world). Nothing received a publisher Life style(by the way, representative Goroged This year, as in the past, there was no jury).

    Comparing the results of this year with, it is impossible not to note some changes.

    First, positive differences are traced in the composition of the jury. If last time it consisted mainly of publishers (because of which comments of the type "award themselves), now most of the members of the jury are ordinary players and bloggers. Publisher representatives are less than a third of the total.

    Secondly, the list of nominations has changed.

    Here is the list of 2011:

    • table game;
    • card game;
    • localization;
    • child Game;
    • game for the company;
    • military game;
    • the most beautiful game.

    This year, from this list, "Children's Game", "Game for the Company", "Military Game" remained. "Localization" has become the "best game of a foreign author", and the nomination "Board game" and "Card game" united into the "best Russian author's game." "The most beautiful game" is no longer, instead of her "the best atmosphere" appeared. And the nomination "The Best Game Book" originated.

    Thirdly, this year the nominees were more than in the past. And this is good. We left the situation of "unfortunate", in which the fish had to be forced to appoint crayfish and got the opportunity to choose the best games among really worthy applicants. Again, unlike last year, it was practically no obvious favorite in any of the nomination, everyone really solved the preferences of the jury. Although there is a manner that the organizers left the nomination "Best atmosphere" for themselves

    In general, changes are positive. Tester 2012. Already behind, another presentation - in a year. Now the move behind the authors, developers and publishers. Their task is to release as much good games as possible, able to compete for Tester 2013.!

    And a conclusion - photos from the event:

    Ivan Tulovsky with a diploma for the best children's game - Jam

    Another iconic event for the gaming industry risked remains unnoticed. I mean the presentation of the annual award in the area of \u200b\u200btable games of the tester.

    But it was not there. The journalists from the site not only have penetrated the presentation ceremony on March 17, but also waited when the competition will end and people will start reading other blogs again. And now we are ready to tell you what kind of games that came out in 2010 are recognized as the most.

    If you have not heard about this premium - know: it is given by the guys who made the website-encyclopedia on desktop games:

    They have a big and regularly updated base of games. If you did not find an overview of the games you are interested in this blog, there is exactly there. And since they know all this, the establishment of an annual prize has become a natural and logical event.

    Okay, I will not tire you more. But I will give Prufpicch that we were really there, and I will go to the description of the games that received a premium. At Piccch depicted Timofey Bocation, the producer of the project "Gameology", which tells journalists the history of board games.

    In fact, the photo is just one thing, because I died the battery in the camera, but you do not speak anyone, okay?

    BEST CARD GAME: Evolution

    Typically, board games come up with mathematics. This is a rare exception, it came up with a candidate of biological sciences.

    You manage the lizard population that live, evolve, fight for the frustration and place under the sun. What, with the word "evolve" you immediately thought about Pokemon? Yes, throw, what kind of pokemon evolution is a solid depth of science!

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    And here we have everything in the mind, you manage the development of signs that will help your lizards to extract food. All food is missing, and someone can be a meal itself, if you do not learn to defend against predators. Wins the one who by the end of the game will be the strongest population of creeping reptiles.

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    The universal development system does not exist, any creature will have weak points. Everything is like in life ...

    Best Children's game: Chattonies

    This is a variation of the game Memory. It consists of cards with pictures, and you need to memorize which of them have already met in this party.

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    The gameplay looks like this. Open the upper card from the deck and give her a name. For example, so: "Yes, it's a cat!"

    Best Localization: Dominion

    This you have not seen before. And the point is not at all in good localization. And in the fact that for the first time in the history of the veils in the boxing game used a mechanic of a bember. You do not just play cards available in the box, and gradually create your own unique deck of them.

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    True, they say that the plot is weak. Formally, you are a monarch that unites disparate independent territories under its banner. Really, the names of the cards have little in common with their effects. Like the fact that the Lesorb card gives 2 coins and 1 purchase is asked why?

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    But these are all the little things, because the playing process itself is insanely interesting, and there are many opportunities for growth in a cooling area. Yes, and do not look at the photo game in English. It happened.

    Best Military Game: Great Patriotic. Summer 1941.

    This game is difficult to describe in several paragraphs - there is so much that eyes are running out. But the first thing you need to do is collect miniatures. Yes, yes, they are going as toys from the old "Kinder surprises."

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Play always two. First, lay out the field from the tiles (and the tiles can even set the height using the backups), then the troops are repel and give orders.

    Orders are not performed in turn, but at the same time. And they do not have to be combat - you can go to intelligence, make a deceived maneuver or even chop forest.

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    The Great Patriotic War. Summer 1941 is a basic set, a lot of units add-ons have been released. Full rules can be read, but keep in mind, there is a lot!

    Best desktop and most beautiful game: Coronation

    This game refers to the genre of detective games and created according to the book "Coronation" of the notorious Boris Akunin, which describes the abduction of the four-year-old son of the Grand Duke directly before the coronation of Nicholas II. The kidnapper of the child, a certain Dr. Lindt, demanded from the Romanov as a ransom, no little as a diamond from the royal scepter. He opposes the criminal personally Eraste Fandorin!

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Actually, in the game only two roles - detectives and Dr. Lindt. Players who have chosen the role of detectives are necessary for 21 times to find the kidnapper among the streets of pre-revolutionary Moscow. The player who has chosen the role of Dr. Lindt, of course, the task is strictly the opposite - hiding from the chase for 21 strokes, or to pull some royal jewels hidden in 4 points of Moscow.

    Detectives can have various useful things: tickets for the cab driver, respirator, money, lays ... These things will be useful to them with such legal actions, like hacking, bribing, overcoming traps, and other ordinary problems of an honest detective.

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Dr. Lindt has various traps to help delay the surveillance or even withdraw the unlucky detective to the other end of the city. Dr. Lindt also has a carrier tickets, passing the stroke and the ability to quickly move through the secret underground travel from one point of the city to another.

    The capture of a cunning and a grazed fighter with royal jewels is a serious and difficult thing! In order to win, the detectives should be solved and pursue a doctor on a predetermined plan.

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    Top Board Games 2010 (Tester Prize)

    The design of the game field, cards, characters are simply great and accurately corresponds to the spirit of the era of Tsarist Russia!

    P.S. Thanks to Darrggon, for the description of the game "Coronation" :-)

    Views: 21834 times

    How to choose a desktop game?

    If you know exactly what you need, then everything is simple - you need to go to the site and type the name in the search bar. But if you want something new? How to understand what kind of game is really good, and what kind of time?

    Option One - Read (or View) Overview Blog and rely on the opinion of the author. A significant disadvantage of this method is that no author will simply physically be able to play all interesting games. A large number of potentially interesting games will inevitably stay for the scenes.

    Second option - see ratings On large portals dedicated to board games. The method is very informative, because if 10,000 people consider one or another game of one of the best, then it is likely to give her a chance and search for more detailed reviews about a specific game.

    The world's largest desktop portal - Board Game Geek. The portal is in English, but the ranking itself is simple enough, and we will analyze the following all the necessary values. For each of them you can sort the list by clicking on it.

    • Your Rating is your personal rating of this game.
    • Geek Rating is the main rating of the portal on which the "tops" of games are built. It is for him to navigate when choosing a game. It takes the average value of all user ratings and statistically processes them based on the Bayes Theorem. As a result, an average rating is obtained, but it eliminates the possibility that a new game with ten estimates 10 will be ahead of a well-known game with several thousand estimates and an average result of 8.5
    • Avg Rating is a medium user rating, averaged assessment of all players.
    • Num Voters - the number of votes. Also a very important parameter than it is higher - the more people shared their opinion about the game and the more expensive rating. Also this parameter can reflect the popularity of the game

    Numbers in practice

    So, we figured out what exactly the numbers in the column "rating" mean. It remains to understand what values \u200b\u200bshould be oriented. It would seem that everything is simple: the higher the figure, the better.

    However, in practice everything is a little more difficult. For different categories of games, different values \u200b\u200bwill be considered "good".

    As a rule, it is worth looking at the assessment of those games that have several thousand and more votes. A very well-known and recognized games can have tens of thousands of votes (for example, the "dominion" is more than 50,000.

    As for the rating - everything depends on the type of game (it is possible to learn more about this in the article "The Counseling Dictionary"). If it is a big and heavy board game, then the "excellent" rating can be considered 8 or more, "good" - 7-8, 6-7 - "Not bad". Evaluation 6 and below are either niche games or products with significant disadvantages.

    For a small filler game, gradation will be somewhat different: more than 7 is "excellent", 6-7 - "Good", 5-6 - "Not bad". Games with a rating below 5 is also either the game "on an amateur", or games with a lot of shortcomings.

    Bad ranking games can have for several reasons. This may be unsuccessful (according to the majority) design, subject or balance. Often, one of the components of a low estimate can be performed very well, and for someone even to outweigh the available disadvantages. However, such games before buying it is better to see and try "live".

    Russian-speaking portal "Tester"

    In the Russian-speaking Internet, the biggest encyclopedia of board games is the "testers".
    The rating is made somewhat simpler, because It does not use complex algorithms as Geek Rating. Accordingly, the assessment is based on the average evaluation of all users without taking into account the number of votes.

    Various estimates

    • Score "Testers" is the average value of all ratings. Geek Rating with BGG is also presented here, but the games are sorted by the "Testers" rating. (At the time of writing the article for some reason, it is not displayed, but is taken into account in the "Evaluation of Users". We hope that it will soon be repaired)
    • User rating is the average between the evaluation of "Testers" and the BGG rating.
    • The number of votes - since the Russian community is naturally less than the world, they voted here too less. It is worth navigating the rating of games with more than a hundred who voted.

    Other useful information

    • Rules in various languages; Even if the game itself has not been translated on them (on "Tester", respectively, you can find the rules in Russian)
    • Users of users
    • Detailed assessment of various aspects of the game (depth, gameplay, originality, complexity, etc.)
    • Recommendations for the number of players
    • Custom missions and useful additions
    • Examples of game layouts and other pictures
    • Useful advice
    • Opinions of users and comments
    • Photos and video
    • Many other curious information

    Many interesting information facilities are such as additional missions, rules and video reviews - we are trying to add also to our site so that you can easily decide on the choice of game and play exactly what you like!

    Rules for the action
    1. Promotion information
      1. This promotion under the name "Jokes to the side!" (hereinafter - the "action") is a stimulating event aimed at stimulating sales of goods implemented in the online store of the campaign organizer (hereinafter - "product"). The action is not a lottery and is carried out in accordance with the rules for holding a promotion (hereinafter referred to as "Rules").
      2. The organizer of the action is the Lavavka Wonderland LLC. Organizer Information:
        LLC "Lavka Miracles", Ogrn: 1117746617669, Address: 129626, Moscow, ul. Staroalexseevskaya, d. 8 ,. The action is held on the site (hereinafter - "site").
      3. The action is carried out on the Internet, platforms are involved: Social network VKontakte (hereinafter - "VKontakte") and the site.
      4. The term of the promotion: March 29 - April 2, 2018.
    2. The terms of participation

      Participation in stock automatically means complete adoption and familiarization of the participant with the rules. In order to take part in the promotion, it is necessary:

      1. On the site find comic, i.e. Non-existent product posted on the site as part of the action.
      2. On the page of this product, click the "Participation in Promotions" button and press the "Subscribe to our group to VK" in the pop-up window and subscribe to the group