Virtual Reality System PlayStation VR. How I went to test Sony PlayStation VR and almost seated. How PlayStation VR works

The Sony PlayStation VR device is designed specifically for the PS4 console. The Japanese manufacturer has developed a high-quality gadget corresponding to the reality of the stated characteristics. Below is a detailed review of the Sony helmet, the top 5 games for the device, and other models of virtual reality glasses are presented for PlayStation 4.

Sony PlayStation VR Technical Specification

The mass of the device is 610g, but, by virtue of a well-thought-out design, the head does not get tired of it. The device does not have a touch panel. Sony PlayStation VR helmet is able to work with the following versions:

  • PlayStation 4.
  • PlayStation 4 Slim.
  • PlayStation 4 Pro.

Technical specifications:

  • Built-in OLED display 5.7 "
  • Viewing angle at 100⁰
  • General resolution - 1920 × 1080M
  • Permission for each lens - 960 × 1080m
  • Update a frequency of 90-120 Hz
  • Sound quality - 3D

What you need to work

When using glasses complete with PlayStation 4, you need to get three components:

  • PlayStation Camera - Branded Camera with a resolution of 1280 × 800mp
  • DualShock 4 - Sony Gamepad Controller
  • PS MOVE - game controller tracking movement

The listed components are purchased separately. Sony released a limited edition of full-fledged sets, it is almost impossible to find them in stores. In future issues, the Japanese promised to equip the standard set with everything necessary.

See also:

Overview of the best virtual reality glasses for computer


In addition to the helmet, the following components include the standard set of devices:

  • Instruction - consists of pictures, making it accessible to understand
  • Power supply - used to charge the device
  • Cords - Power Wire and Connection Wire, HDMI Cable and USB
  • Processor module - for collecting wires and audio content
  • PlayStation VR Demo Disk - Demo version of the best games
  • White Brand Headphones Sony

Without the instruction, it is difficult to connect the wires correctly, stay preserved. Connect VR glasses for PS4 to previous PS versions are also possible. Let's talk about how to connect to the console.

How to connect to PlayStation

Connect the helmet to the console before starting work. To do this, we recommend using the instruction. The process involves performing three actions:

  1. Connect the cords according to the instructions instructions;
  2. Activate the operation of the game console;
  3. Press the BP console button.

Top 5 games for Sony PlayStation VR

The Japanese manufacturer has developed over 80 game options for Sony PlayStation VR. Each of them is distinguished by its features. Below is an overview of the top 5 games for PlayStation 4 using virtual glasses.

Full versions of games from Sony paid.

The kit is equipped with a demo-disk with the 18th examples. The subject is diverse, which makes it possible to choose the game in accordance with the individual taste. Also in the appendix the other demo version is downloaded. Full games are not installed for free.

See also:

SAMSUNG GEAR VR SM R323 virtual reality glasses

Rez Infinite.

This is the processing of the 2002 game. The main feature of traveling to virtuality is extremely psychedelic atmosphere and special quality of music.


Here is guaranteed quality work without "departures" and freezes. This is a recycled version of one of the first computer games.

The game causes nausea and dizziness. For people with a weak vestibular apparatus, it will not suit.

The main trick is to rotate the player.


Psychedelic topics, but not as rez infinite. The main chip is the lack of problems with the vestibular apparatus. This is a "rail" version of the game.

Driveclub Vr.

Popular sample racing. The only minus is an incompetent schedule. Functions without errors, the trip happens smoothly.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

It is a kind of interactive collage. The game is similar to the short films of 3D attractions.

Move controllers will be required. The surrounding environment will like horror lovers. The action takes place in the decorations of the "hellish" circus.

Virtual reality glasses for PlayStation 4

In addition to the Sony PlayStation VR helmet, other devices are used for the PS4 console. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Below are the best virtual reality glasses for PS4.

HTC Vive.

The main advantage is a review in 360⁰ and the update frequency of 90Hz. This contributes to the definition of the image, smoothness of movement and quality of work.

The device controller makes it possible:

  • Shooting arms
  • Move in space
  • Interaction with the heroes of the game

Oculus RIFT.

Distinctive feature of the device - high quality tracking. The device captures the slightest movements and reacts to them without delays and errors. The second advantage of glasses is a stereoscopic screen. As an inconvenience, we allocate special software requirements.

Sony Playstation VR Review | Introduction

The idea of \u200b\u200bvirtual reality is not new, but the era of consumer VR only passes the incubation stage. Over the past year, several consumer virtual reality devices arrived on sale, including the Samsung Gear VR mobile headset and two PC systems - Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE.

Gear VR has given access to the basic functions of virtual reality to millions of people (in Oculus report that for the month the number of active user exceeds a million people). At the same time, hundreds of thousands of pioneers chose RIFT and VIVE to test the premium VR at home.

Oculus, HTC and Samsung undoubtedly moved from the dead point. But the first real check of interest in VR by the mass consumer is the Sony corporation. The PlayStation VR (PSVR) system is cheaper than PC solutions, and it is more accessible due to compatibility with PS4. According to Sony, the company has managed to sell more than 40 million PS4 consoles, thus there are tens of millions of VR compatible platforms at its disposal.

System requirements PlayStation Vr. Very simple: you need PlayStation 4. Recently, Sony has released the PS4 Pro console, which supports HDR technology and 4K permission. But it is not necessary to buy a more expensive version of the console to fully experience PSVR capabilities.

To some extent, the future of the VR is now in the hands of Sony. Millions of gamers use consoles, not a PC, so many users will experience the first experience from virtual reality on PS4. In this regard, the Sony product is simply obliged to be exemplary. If PSVR likes for people, they will want to show her friends and acquaintances, and those, in turn, will want to buy themselves the same. But if the platform will have serious disadvantages, the VR spread will slow down.

If a high-performance PC is required for virtual reality, as a console can cope with it?

Top virtual reality systems require more performance than capable of providing PS4, but Sony has found a solution.

Believe or not, Sony began working on PSVR long before creating the PlayStation Console 4. At the conference Immersed 2015 we talked with Dr. Richard Marx from Sony Interactive Entertainment About the development process Psvr.. Marx headed by the Sony Magic Lab experimental research laboratory in the PlayStation Research and Development Department. According to him, the MORPHEUS project (PSVR code name) was officially started at the end of 2010, but experiments with individual technologies used in PlayStation Vr., occurred throughout his 17-year-old career in Magic Lab. One thing is clear - Sony has spent a lot of time and effort to create its own virtual reality technology.

In addition, the company has developed every aspect of the headset PlayStation Vr. Alone. The team responsible for implementing PSVR used a wide arsenal of experts working in a huge transnational corporation. In addition, Sony is present in many branches of electronics, so when creating components PSVR, engineers and developers of lenses could work hand in hand.

Sony Playstation VR Review | PSVR virtual reality helmet

PlayStation Vr. It is noticeably different in appearance from VIVE and RIFT. In order to balance the weight of the helmet on the head, the last two headsets, as well as OSVR HDK 1 and 2, use three-point straps. These headsets are put on the face, and if it is incorrectly adjusted by the belts, it may be inconvenient. However, the Sony design transmits the forehead weight.

In the design of fastening PlayStation Vr. The mechanic is used, not belts, as in other headsets. From above there is a ring with extensive adjustment capabilities for different sizes of the head. Behind the ring there is a wheel of locks and a lock removal button. By clicking the button, you can adjust the ring for your head size. To fix the adjustment, it is enough to turn the wheel. It also allows you to compress the ring for a more accurate fitting.

Thanks to the features of the mechanism PlayStation Vr., part of the headset with the screen and lenses does not relieve on the face. Sony engineers placed the front block on the hard bracket, so it is not pressed, but hangs over the face. There is also a depth adjustment system that will especially enjoy the users wearing glasses. The entire front unit can be moved or pushed from the face by pressing one button. The adjustment range exceeds 2.5 cm, so the headset can be used even in thick glasses. Please note that there are no hinges in the depth adjustment mechanism, which can become a weak place of headset, because it is exposed to a large load (on stretching) if you keep the display during adjustment.

On the front of the ring there is a soft lining, so the headset is comfortably relied on the forehead. The lining is in the back of the attachment, where the ring snaps down. It is not possible to remove the cleaning lining or replacement, but Sony has protected it with rubberized, moistureproof material that is easily wiping.

Unlike most virtual reality headsets, in PlayStation Vr. The foam gasket is not used to protect against light along the edges, since the headset is easily adjacent to the face. Instead, Sony applied a soft rubber flap, which, if necessary, adjusted under the shape of your points. If the gum is too pressing, it can be removed at all, although as a result, the level of immersion in the virtual world will slightly decrease.

From the left side of the head fastener leaves a hard cable of a length of one and a half meters. The first 25 cm cables are protected by a thick rubber coating, which sets the direction of bending wires. Additional seal protects the cable from sneak and damage.

PlayStation Vr. - The only VR headset with the built-in meal button for at least those that we have seen. Approximately 45 cm Below the headset on the wire is the control panel, including the headphone enhancement / reduction buttons, disconnect the sound and power of the helmet. It is very convenient because you do not need to turn off the headset connector if you want to return to the game on the TV.

The end of the data cable PlayStation Vr. It is divided into two connectors: HDMI and corporate interface that transmits data from PlayStation to the headset. Sony also added a 3-meter extension that you can use the device while sitting on the sofa. Technically, there is no need for an extension, but 1.5 meters of the original cable is not always enough. If you sit close to the console, to reach the main cable, it may be difficult to position the tracking camera (about it a little later).

To track the PSVR movement, uses a system that is used to work with MOVE and DualShock controllers 4. PlayStation camera determines the position and orientation of the headset for nine blue LEDs installed in strategic points. LEDs are in every corner of the face of the device and one in the center. Also there are one LED on the sides and two from behind. In addition to the tracking system in the LEDs in the headset, a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer is used sensitive to the movement.

Special display

Rift and Vive VR headsets use two displays with a resolution of 1080x1200 points (one by one for each eye) and the update frequency of 90 Hz. The graphic subsystem must provide 90 frames per second or more. Sony developed PS4 for games in resolution 1080p (and below) and often at 30 FPS. Most believe that even 1080p permissions are not enough for virtual reality, so the option of using a lower permission for PSVR dropped. Sony wants to achieve a wide distribution of its VR platform. To achieve this, it is necessary that the system leaves the highest possible impressions of use. Therefore, the option of lower update frequency is also not suitable, since all studies Oculus and Valve talk about its direct impact on the level of comfort and perception.

The resolution of 2160x1200 points and the update frequency of 90 Hz requires a quick video card in a PC. Sony PS4 uses a powerful graphics processor, but in contrast to PS4 Pro, it cannot be compared with modern high-performance video cards. Instead of shifting on the shoulders of game developers, the task of providing 90 FPS on the middle class gland, Sony applied another approach.

The headset display can work at the update frequency of 90 or 120 Hz, and developers can navigate any of these values. If the game works at 90 fps, the display frequency of the display will be 90 Hz. Of course, the 1080p resolution at an update frequency of 90 Hz is a difficult task for the console, and this may adversely affect the quality of the content for PSVR. Sony solved the problem with the help of the "Reproduction" technology, allowing developers to optimize games under the frame rate of 60 FPS. The console redevelops each second frame, double the frame rate to 120 fps, and then the update frequency of the PSVR display reaches 120 Hz.

Display Sony PlayStation Vr. It has a resolution of 960x1080 points for each eye. To eliminate any disadvantages as a perceived image, the company uses OLED technology with RGB subpixels. If Rift and Vive need three pixels to create a color, then Sony can play any color on one pixel. Compared to the traditional subpixel display, this technology gives more clear colors and after her color on Rift and Vive seem almost blurred.


SONY special lenses for the Sony VR headset manufactured the same experts that develop optics for its mirror cameras. We are not sure what type of lenses is used in PlayStation Vr.But we did not notice the visible segments, that is, it is not Fresnel lenses. Even in RIFT with Fresnel hybrid lenses there are visible lines, if you look at the lens, and not through it. PSVR lenses seem to have no effect of "fishing eyes". This respect Sony offered a crystal clear solution.

Specifications PlayStation VR
Display Type OLED display with low afterglow (subpixels RGB)
Display size 5.7-inch
Resolution 1920x1080 Points (960x1080 for each eye)
Update frequency 90 Hz, 120 Hz
Field of visibility ~ 100 degrees
Type of lenses Not known
Adjustments lenses IPD digital adjustment, distance from eyes to lens
Sensors Three-axis accelerometer, three-axis gyroscope
Tracking technology Tracking the camera in LEDs, six degrees of freedom
Integrated camera Not
Audio Microphone built-in 3.5 mm audio
Ports Hmd. Corporate headset connection connector (HDMI / branded connector connector)
Hmd cable length Validated headset cable 1.5 m, extension cable 3 m
Materials manufacturing Plastic, glass, foam rubber, rubber
VR headset size (shXXXD) Approx. 187x185x277 mm (with the minimum length of the head mount)
Dimensions of the processor block (shXXXD) Approximately 143x36x143 mm
Weight 610 (without cable)

Sony Playstation VR Review | Equipment

The PlayStation VR headset is available in two versions. First option - PlayStation Vr. Separately for $ 399 - the perfect solution for those who already have Move controllers and the PlayStation camera. The PSVR basic package includes the headset itself and everything you need to connect to PlayStation 4. The PlayStation camera goes separately and cost $ 60.

If you do not have a camera, and you want to get Move controllers, Sony offers a package for $ 499, which includes everything to enjoy the full range of features PlayStation Vr. .

Processor block

The third step is very simple: Connect the processor block to the power outlet.

After the video connection of the switching unit with PS4, you can connect the extension cord in front of the switching block. To expose two facial connectors, slide the cover back. Install the cable and return the lid to the place - it protects the cables.

Before running PlayStation Vr. You must configure the PlayStation chamber so that PS4 can track the position of the headset and the Move controllers, if you have them. The installation program allows you to put the camera where it is convenient, but by our observations, tracking works best when the camera is raised. You can first try to put it on the shelf for the TV, but for a better result we installed it above the screen.

Now you can enable PSVR virtual reality helmet for calibration.

Free place for virtual reality

Game Zone PlayStation Vr. less than the space required for VIVE applications on the room scale, but more than the minimum space required by RIFT.

Sony recommends that the area free from the items was larger than the tracking zone, which is approximately 2 meters wide and 3 meters in depth. The camera cannot read the position of the headset or controllers at a distance closer to 60 cm, so the useful space is 2 to 2.20 m. When approaching the camera, the game area becomes already. For example, at a distance of 60 cm, the width of the gaming zone is 70 cm.

Most VR games for PlayStation Vr. Designed for a sedentary player, so it's not necessary to fully release the game zone. It is better to remove the coffee tables and fragile subjects within the reach of the hands. The sofa or chair, of course, need to be left. You should also take care of the free space in front of you when you get up.

Simple installation program

The installation procedure of the PSVR software looks elementary. Just turn on the PS4 with a connected VR headset. After download, turn on the power PlayStation Vr. . PS4 will automatically detect it and download the necessary drivers.

During the installation process, the system will reboot. You can only relax and wait a few minutes.

For calibration you need a hard hand

In fact, the calibration is quite simple, but may cause irritation. It is necessary to firmly hold the headset in your hands at different angles. The program will prompt which LEDs should see the camera, and you need to hold the necessary position for five seconds. The camera reads the front LEDs, on the sides and rear.

Digital distance adjustment between eyepieces (IPD)

Instead of mechanical adjustment of the distance between the eyepieces (IPD), in the headset PlayStation Vr. Implemented digital adjustment system.

This option is hidden deep in the PS4 settings menu. In the Devices menu, open the PlayStation VR item. Here you will find the option "Measurement of the distance between the eyes" (Measure Eye-to-Eye Distance). Sony uses a stereoscopic PlayStation chamber to measure the distance between your eyes, and then uses this information to calibrate the stereoscopic image in PlayStation Vr. .

To calibrate the distance between eyes, you need to sit or stand in front of the PlayStation camera at a distance of approximately 60 cm. Align your head according to two fields on the screen (one by one lens) and take a picture of the face with the camera. Then you will be asked to accurately determine the center of your eyes on each image.

The program uses your data to calculate the correct distance. Sony warns that this value is suitable only for PSVR. A more accurate IPD value can be obtained from optics.

Sony Playstation VR Review | Health, Security and Service

Warnings regarding health and security Sony for PlayStation Vr. Slightly different from HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, although the age recommendation is similar. The instructions state say that "VR-headset is not recommended for children under 12 years old", but the reason for this restriction is not disclosed.

HTC and Oculus give similar recommendations for your headsets. HTC does not indicate the age limit, but warns that Vive is not intended for children. Due to the range of adjustments, the IPD Oculus value does not recommend using headset for children up to 13 years or older. The distance between Oculus RIFT lenses can be adjusted to 58 mm, but it is too much for young children. Headset PlayStation Vr. It does not have mechanical adjustment of IPD at all, therefore it may not be suitable for users with a small distance between the eyes. Incorrect IPD calibration can lead to a brand, problems in the perception of depth, as well as potential problems with vision in children in the long run.

Digital "nanny" no - you yourself are responsible for security

Sony Developed PlayStation Vr. For use in the living room or in the game room, since it is in such premises people most often play consoles. The PSVR system is mainly designed for sitting position games. The components of the system support the VR-games in a standing position, but in Sony, it seems that this option is not approved. Most games, with rare exceptions, encourage playing sitting.

In connection with the foregoing, the company does not include a security system for PlayStation Vr. which limits the game space. HTC VIVE has a system called Chaperone, which allows you to follow the boundaries of the real world, when you move virtual space. When you approach the boundary of the installed area, a virtual grid that warns the danger appears in front of you. When Oculus introduced RIFT last year, there was no chaperone analogue, but the equivalent system called Guardian appeared with the output of Touch controllers.

Move controllers support six degrees of freedom, but the zone tracked by them is too narrow for VR-games on the room scale. The security system could encourage the user to move, but instead Sony recommends that developers do not create games for PSVR, which depend on the scale of the room.

In general, Sony does not refuse security systems. When turned on PlayStation Vr. A message is displayed about the need to check the game space on the absence of foreign objects. It is unlikely that you will be happy to break the glass coffee table, waving your hands, so it is better not to rush and once again to double-check.

How to support the headset clean?

Helmet virtual reality PlayStation Vr. Not as fragile or thin as Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE. RIFT has a tissue coating, so it is impossible to rub a cloth, and the VIVE surface is populated by infrared sensors sensitive to humidity, so they cannot be wetted with water. Sony manufactures PSVR from plastic obtained by pressure under pressure, and the LEDs are protected by plastic lenses, so the headset can be wiped off without feet.

Even the foam lining for the head can be washed, because it is protected by waterproof rubberized material. But, unlike PlayStation Vr. , The soft lining of the VIVE and RIFT headset absorb sweat.

The only external part of the headset, which cannot be wetted is lenses. Included with the headset there is a napkin for wiping lenses from fat spots and fingerprints. If you lose it, you can use cloth for wiping lenses and glasses. More coarse materials can scratch the lenses surface.

Sony Playstation VR Review | games and applications

First of all, headset PlayStation Vr. Designed to expand the gaming experience and impressions of the playStation games 4. The Sony Playstation platform is associated with video games for more than 20 years, and in the near future it is unlikely to change something.

PlayStation Vr. I went on sale in mid-October 2016, at that time only a few games were created for the system. But now the situation in the root changed. Sony's marketing machine bragged that during the New Year holidays there will be more than 50 games for PSVR and did not lie. By December 20, 50 games for virtual reality were available at the Sony PS Store.

The library of games includes several ports from VIVE and RIFT platforms, such as Job Simulator from Owlchemy Lab and EVE: ValkyRieot from CCP Games. Also available exclusive for PlayStation Vr. Content, for example Batman Arkham Vr. and RIGS MECHANIZED COMBAT LEAGUE.

Sony offers several VR games echoing with standard games, such as the VR game game Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-Wing or Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration With a new VR-compatible head of "blood bonds".

For PlayStation VR platform, several familiar franchises are also prepared. Polyphony Digital is working on the VR version of the racing series Gran Turismo.; Evolution Studios released a VR version Driveclub. for all platforms; upcoming Resident Evil 7: Biohazard From Capcom will be from the beginning to maintain virtual reality from the first person.

Social component

The game consoles most often "live" in the living rooms and in relaxation rooms and entertainment, so they can be used with friends and family members. The Sony VR system allows you to simultaneously display the image of the headset screen and the TV screen, opening the possibilities for joint pastime. Sony calls this feature "Social screen" and developers can freely use it at their discretion. Thus, the possibility of an asynchronous game appears when one person plays in virtual reality, and the other on the TV.

The Playroom Vr. offers several mini games on the main concept. One user can play VR, and up to four other users can control on-screen avatars using the DualShock controller 4. Another example of asynchronous gameplay - game . Ordinary players view the instructions on the TV and help the player in the VR deactivate the bomb. KEEP TALKING AND NOBODY EXPLODES Available for Rift and Vive, but in the PC version, you are viewing a PDF document using a scroll or you can print a paper copy.

Large TV is not needed?

By analogy with Oculus and HTC (Valve) Sony PlayStation Vr. It has a cinematic mode that allows you to enjoy 2D content through the headset. You can play any game for PlayStation or watch a movie on a huge virtual screen.

The most interesting thing is that for the cinematic regime does not even need PlayStation 4. Although PlayStation Vr. Designed for the PS4 console, it works with other devices - the main thing is to be the HDMI signal.

IN PlayStation Vr. You can play on Xbox One, Xbox 360 or Wii U or connect the headset to the DVD / Blu-Ray player to see the movie. Thus, PSVR acts as a non-standard alternative to a TV with a large screen. This is especially true for small rooms.

Is it possible to use PSVR on a PC?

With pc headset PlayStation Vr. It works in the same way as with other devices equipped with HDMI output, that is, in cinematographic mode. Sony did not plan to create a VR system under a PC, but it cannot prevent the development of third-party drivers for it. There are already advanced users who adapt PSVR under a computer.

If you positively feel about all kinds of modifications, love to dig in the settings and do not have anything against the unfinished and experimental software, there are already options that can be tested. User github under nickname gusmanb. Created a PSVrFramework driver, "allows you to manage the states of the PSVR system, turn on / off the headset, enter / exit from the VR mode, return to the original state, control the power supply of the block and read the data from the headset sensors." The company called Trinus was even able to force PSVR to work with Valve OpenVR and now sells appropriate software. Trinus PSVR. It also works with the Vireio Perception driver, so you can play computer non-VR games in virtual reality with the headset PSVR.

Sony Playstation VR Review | disadvantages


PlayStation Vr. - This is an excellent sample of high technologies, but the device is not devoid of flaws. As already mentioned, the design of the headset has several weak points, which over time can lead to problems.

The mechanical fastening system on the head is a fairly interesting solution, but we are worried that, ultimately, she will simply stop working. Whenever you wear headset on the head, rubber belts on the sides of the headset must be delayed. Nothing forever, especially when it is subjected to cyclic load. At some point, the belts will lose elasticity or break - this is just a matter of time.

The ability to raise the display is definitely pleased, but it can also become a potential weak point of the device. When you tighten the headset from your head, you can easily forget if you feel like the game, which is needed for the ring, and not for the block with the display. As a result, a large load applies to the point of attachment.

Tracking system

You may have already read the tracking complaints PlayStation Vr. . In our opinion, the problem is somewhat exaggerated. The tracking system is not as stable as the technology of Valve Lighthouse, but it is noticeably cheaper. We believe that for most of this enough.

Of course, Sony could implement a solution with a better movement tracking system that would not have to recaller. But it will clearly affect the deadlines PlayStation Vr. And most likely it would have affected the price of the device. In addition, Sony has already had Move controllers, and the company was much easier to adapt the finished tracking system for PSVR.

During operation, you will notice that the headset and the orientation of the controller are sometimes dried to the side, and we also noticed the incorrect orientation of the controller. Fortunately, re-calibration of the headset and controllers is performed very simply - just press the Options button on the DualShock 4 controller or the START button on the MOVE controller.

Most often, problems with orientation in space occurs during the day when there is a lot of sunlight in the room. The darker in the room, the better the tracking system works. It is logical, because the PlayStation chamber is easier to track the LEDs in the dark. To avoid calibration problems, you should not install the chamber next to the large window.

Dear Content

Compared to games and applications for VIVE and RIFT, most of the content for PlayStation Vr. costs more. You can find tens of free and cheap applications on Steam, but there is almost no free content in the Sony's Sony store. Several developers offer demonstration versions of games, but the total cost usually exceeds the average value of the average VR playing at Steam.

For example, Batman Arkham Vr. will cost $ 20, and Robinson Journey It is like a Console game class AAA. It turns out that the headset is relatively affordable, but the price of content for it is unlikely to attract new users into the virtual reality.

Sony Playstation VR Review | Conclusion

Does PSVR justify?

When Sony went to the VR market, she understood that the expectations of buyers would be high. Oculus and HTC / Valve by then they have already sold stunning Rift and VIVE headsets, which offer high resolution, low-delay displays and accurate tracking system and set a fairly high bar for consumer reality technologies. It was not worth expecting that PlayStation Vr. Will be able to take it, especially considering the lower price of the headset. Nevertheless, Sony was supposed to offer incredible sensations. Why does anyone spend $ 500 on the accessory to get mediocre impressions instead?

Fortunately, Sony succeeded. The company has created a wonderful device that perfectly complement its console. If you already have a PlayStation, and you are interested in virtual reality, then PlayStation Vr. Gives an excellent opportunity to get a new technology.

The Sony platform offers a convenient and easy-to-use head mechanism on the head. In addition, due to the display unit, which is not pressed against the face, headset PlayStation Vr. Better than others is suitable for users with glasses.

Display PlayStation Vr. Surprisingly clear. Thanks to RGB subpixels, it is difficult to note that the display resolution is lower than that of RIFT or VIVE. Sony proved that permission is not the main thing. The display technology itself plays an important role in the concept of clarity of the image of the headset.

Should I buy?

Unlikely you will be upset by buying PlayStation Vr. . If, of course you have money for this headset. But you should not count on a variety and affordable content in the first few years. Developers are still understandable in the possibilities of VR. In the meantime, they develop large projects, we will surely see many small games and applications for virtual reality.

Cost of PlayStation 4 and Package PlayStation Vr. It will be higher than the cost of Oculus Rift. And if you choose PS4 Pro, then the price will rise to the HTC VIVE level. However, for Oculus and HTC platforms, you need a rather high-performance and expensive computer.

The owners of the Console PS4 appeared the most affordable path to the virtual reality of the premium level. But even if you do not have PS4, PlayStation Vr. Anyway is the cheapest VR platform of the highest class. Of course, VIVE and RIFT stand at the level above, but PSVR looks much more profitable. In addition, most PC enthusiasts will hardly justify the purchase of VR systems if they do not have a quick playing computer.


  • Relative accessibility
  • Convenience
  • Best headset for use in glasses
  • Clear display


  • Fragile Mechanical Adjustment System
  • Frightening number of items included
  • Dear Content


Sony Playstation VR is an excellent opportunity to plunge into the world of virtual reality at a more affordable price, compared with competing PC devices.

Virtual Reality is one of the most interesting moments of 2016, and Sony decided to challenge HTC, Oculus and Samsung - running his own personalized headset for PlayStation, called PlayStation VR. It works both with the original PlayStation 4 and with a new, more powerful PlayStation 4 Pro.


Oculus Rift and HTC Vive require a powerful PC. Sony PlayStation VR only requires PlayStation 4. Sony made mandatory for all game developers so that all games worked with both PS4 / SLIM and PS4 Pro, so regardless of which console you have, you can enjoy VR.

PS VR uses a standard PS camera that has been available for PS4 for some time. Sony also reuses Move controllers that have been available for several years. On the one hand, it commemorated that Sony revives accessories compatible with a new device. On the other hand, it smells a little outdated. However, let's look closer.

It is easier to start working with PS VR than HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, but you still need to know about some things. First, PS VR is not supplied with the necessary camera or PS Move controller, so that you need to purchase an extensive kit or buy these things separately. You can use the usual DualShock controller, but if you want a little more freedom, you will need PS Move.

The total cost of PS4 Pro, PS VR, cameras and controllers is:

PS4 Pro: $ 400/400 euros

PS VR: $ 500/450 euros

Camera PS4: 50 US dollars / 50 euros

PS Move: 80 US dollars / 80 euros

Total (approximately): $ 1000/950 euros

For comparison: HTC VIVE requires a powerful computer that will easily cost you $ 1300-2000. Of course, PC is more universal, so it is not an honest comparison, but just an idea.

First impressions

In the PS VR box you will find demonstration discs that contain several games.

On the front panel, I noticed a group of blue diodes, which are used by the chamber to track the headset, and on the rear panel there are the same blue diodes so that the camera can accurately track your 360 degree movement. The cable that connects the mini headset is located on the left side along with the Mini-Jack connector to connect headphones. Since the belt takes a lot of space, it may not be possible to use all types of HiFi headphones, but you can use any type of audio devices in principle.

Despite the fact that plastic on the head belt and the headset seems strong enough, it is difficult not to worry. A part that keeps the headset and strap looks a little weak and harp. It seems that this did not cause problems from the first buyers, so perhaps nothing to worry about.


PS VR supports the standard PS4 DualShock controller and, if you decide to use it, the games synchronize the movement of the right and left hand in the virtual space, which looks not the best. I recommend you to consider MOVE controllers for games.

The way to track your movement in PS VR is a camera that tracks glowing blue diodes on the controller and headset. Move controllers will glow violet and red, which allows the camera to map them with the left and right hand. The PS4 DualShock controller has a field of blue light, which the camera can track, but, unfortunately, not very accurately.

From an ergonomic point of view, I have never been a big fan of the DUALSHOCK controller, because it is too small for my hands. Move controllers have the same four characteristic symbolic buttons as standard controllers, and the PS button in the center. In addition, the "Share" and "Option" buttons are hidden on the side of the joystick, which makes them very hard to reach. The "Option" button is often needed in VR, because it is used to reorient the image whenever the camera is confused - this happens often. Again, not the best designer solution from Sony.

A more blatant problem with the MOVE controller and its "old" technology is that it has never been designed to be accurate enough. Move the menu with the controller is unacceptable, because the accuracy is low. The camera also tends to lose controller tracking. The only correction is to go beyond the field of view of the camera.

The MOVE controller also existed in PlayStation 3 in a version that consisted of a separate navigation controller. With the current solution for PS VR, it is difficult to combine traffic tracking and hand tracking.

Permission, optics and image quality

None of the existing VR heads has high resolution screens. PS VR can lag behind both Oculus and VIVE with its full HD resolution, but there are several different factors that should be considered. First, Sony uses only one screen in the Full HD resolution, but it has more subpixels than Oculus and two HTC screen implementations that use the type of subpixels from pental diamonds. In most cases, it is obvious that permission is slightly understated. Objects and text look sometimes not in focus. I had a constant desire to polish lenses in the headset. Permission becomes a problem if the game developer failed to implement proper smoothing or if the developer tries to do what it requires a higher permission. Good smoothing can often compensate for the fact that there is too little pixels for an adequate display, for example, the horizon.

Smoothing helps well enough, but cannot fully correct the problem with fuzzy text.

The lenses in PS VR do not have the physical setup capabilities, but you can adjust the distance between the eyes through the automated process using the PS4 camera.

The Screendoor effect was not a PS VR problem.

The OLED display in PS VR can be updated with a frequency of up to 120 Hz, which provides a fully smooth video, and since the resolution is limited to Full HD, the hardware is supported and does not miss the rhythm. Sony declares that PS4 Pro will offer even the best VR pictures than the standard PS4. Nevertheless, for each game you need a software patch to be able to use additional power in PS4 Pro.

The OLED display in PS VR does not play HDR (or wide color gamut), so even if this feature is available on all PS4 consoles, you cannot use it in VR.


For the review there was a good game of games and demolism of various kinds.

You can buy games directly from the PlayStation Store and download them to your PS4, which is definitely one of the advantages of this system. The VR has great potential that the game studios will return to old good times when almost every name has a demo to try before buying.

Some of the VR games that were installed on my PS4 were: Rez Infinite, Headmaster, Before Dawn: Rush of Blood, Eve: Valkyrie, Battle Zone, Super Stardust Ultra, Driveclub, Hustle Kings, Playstation VR Worlds, The Playroom, Resident Evil Kitchen.

The game "London Robbery" is a first-person shooter, in the Gangster Wednesday, which resembles a film, including a bad guy who has similarities with Bricktop. In this game, you are using Move controllers to shoot other bad guys (you minion) to perform a diamond kidding task.

Danger Ball is a three-dimensional revival of the original pong, in which your head is in the paddle (children love it), and "Odyssey" Scavenger puts you in some strange space walk, where you jump from one asteroid fragment to another. "Luge" is a race on mountain boards on the roads.

"Rush of Blood", "Here Lie" and "Resident Evil" - all this is part of the horror genre, and there is no doubt that the VR gives the horror the extra fear sensations. I would like to try games like Batman, Tethered, How We We WE SOAR, Robinson: The Journey, Battlefront Star Wars, Eagle Sky.

In addition to the 3D VR, PlayStation VR can also play standard PS4 games in the so-called "synemic mode", which, in fact, proacts a giant screen into a virtual space (where the camera is located).


The main advantage of PS VR is a software platform that is built on Sony PlayStation.

The relatively low starting price ensures that everyone who has PS4 can start a game with VR about $ 500 (or about 750 US dollars, including PS4). PlayStation VR from Sony is not so technically developed as HTC Vive.

Third-party observer will surprise and think that we paid. But, unfortunately, it is not. At first glance this game is difficult to compete with such graphic giants like Resident Evil 7 or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There is a myth that the first version of this game was made in one week. Week, Karl! Later, the development team was engaged in refinement, the efforts of which led the game to the current popularity. The simplicity and grace of Gamelet, along with the dynamics and the game, and the uncomplicated plot were captivated players around the world.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: fps, indie;

Link to PlayStation Store.

2. REZ Infinite.

For simplicity, let's say that this game is in the rail shooter genre. It is a remake of a lamp rez for PlayStation 2. Please note that the virtual reality breathed a new life into a forgotten genre, where the main task of the player is the constant shooting and running. And if all this is wrapped in a fashionable label of beautiful computer graphics, sweeten the player's immersion in the VR world, you can get a bestseller.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: shooter, indie;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

3. Resident Evil 7. Biohazard

A game that does not need additional stories. Sony made a bet on his long love (the author of these lines played Ree on the very first PS). The decision to send a player deeper to feel that animal fear that appears on the 10th minute of the game in Resident Evil, in virtual reality, is absolutely justified. Open any review and you will see the most enthusiastic reviews. The only minus - the quality of graphics is noticeably lagging behind the declared in the trailer. But believe me, it does not interfere.

Genre: Horror;
Release date: January 2017;
Link to PlayStation Store.

4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

One of the most anticipated innovations of 2017. Skyrim is a continuation of the sensational part of Oblivion. The fans of the series, published in a beard of 1994, compiled on the linearity of the plot and some simplicity. Nevertheless, the history of the fight against dragons in the global world was captured by the players of the RPG genre. Of particular interest was heated with the ability to use a virtual reality helmet for maximum immersion. The first reviews suggest that developers have significantly recycled AI. Less "wooden" villains and rivals, more emotions from VR.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC, XBOX;
Genre: rpg;
Link to PlayStation Store.

5. Batman Arkham VR

The bet on big games with a loud name turned out to be winning for Sony. The brand game at the expense of his Bekgrand will always be a few points above the identical nounemy. But Batman runs its name in full. The quality of the graphics is the first thing that is striking even the experienced user. And now remember your children's delight from the Underground Cabinet Bruce Wayne, from Batmobile and all sorts of steep pieces. Artists know our love for this perfectly. Therefore, it was not bought to draw peace and details. To the game there is a claim - a rather short story. But for me personally, it's only a plus, otherwise I would not turn off the prefilment at all.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC, XBOX;
Genre: Adventure;
Release Date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

6. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Very good! Peopleful aesthetes immediately stated that the game used genre clichés - evil clowns, nurses, small children. And it is. The player needs to ride along the railway, which simply sistens with evil creatures. The plot is quite simple, but the feeling of such a drink will be remembered for you for a long time. Particularly juicy can be considered the moments when the player awaits danger from the right side, and it appears from above or left. Banality, tell me? And you play. Then take your words back.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: FPS;
Release Date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

7. Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing

The game was attached by an additional bonus when buying Star Wars Battlefront. But, unexpectedly, it turned out to be incredibly popular among gamers. Of course, every lovers of Star Wars has always dreamed of flying in space and see the death star. X-Wing is an independent game that is created for PSVR consoles. In the game there was an important chemistry, which many are trying to explain its success. The ability to be in space and fought on the "light side of power". If you know what I mean.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: Space Simulator;
Release date: December 2016;
Link to PlayStation Store.

8. Playroom Vr.

Playroom VR is the game that you need to have in the case of a home party. Even 6 mini-games. Tasks are the simplest, the picture and music is fun as much as possible. Small battles, racing, lightweight quest - a key to success when you make a game for the company. If your friends do not understand what virtual reality is, it makes sense to start with it.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: Party;
Release Date: October 2016;
Link to PlayStation Store.

9. Farpoint

For many, FarPoint has become a kind of business card PlayStation VR. The story is quite trivial - a spacecraft whose passenger you are, failed on the unfriendly planet. Next and should not be explained. It is important that Farpoint is an exclusive for PS4. And the creators tried to squeeze the maximum of the possibilities of the VR headset. Judging by the reviews, they turned out.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: action, adventure;
Release Date: May 2017;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

10. Statik.

None "shooting" is alive. You wake up in an unknown place, similar to the laboratory, in your hands you have an incomprehensible device, and a doctor is sitting nearby. And your task is to get out. The high rating of the game ensured the logicality, detective plot and deep immersion using the PSVR helmet. Important all parts are objects, their location, color, sounds. Tired of shooting and video 360, Statik VR is perfect for a long and thoughtful game.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Release date: April 2017;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

11. Tumble Vr.

Excellent option for playing with children. You have to solve puzzles based on the laws of physics using logical thinking. You can safely leave the child to play "for passage." To go through it does not work, then your help will need. But the adult person will have to be sought by brains. A separate mention deserves a multiplayer and competitive regime. The game found its audience and is mentioned in all ratings for PSVR

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: puzzles, logical;
Release Date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

12. Gran Turismo Sport VR

One of the most anticipated games for PS4 in 2017. The first reviews from the novelties are completely enthusiastic. Still, high-quality races have always brought a lot of emotions. Second - there are practically no competitors on PS. The general comment is that the game, acts as a bridgehead for GT 7. Be sure to look a trailer. After which your desire to feel behind the wheel of steep (and better - the most beloved) car, it will increase the minimum twice. Some players tell that sometimes they do not try to win. They are more important to "feel" the car. Agree, this immersion characteristic indicates a lot.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: Racing, autosimulants;
Release Date: November 2017;

You are a superhero. Well, how else? You have a tank, and you must save the planet from the evil corporation. "Izi", as is customary to speak. The game captures from the first minutes, for your tank turns out to be the most powerful on the planet, and the list of weapons is unusually wide. The developers have provided interesting variations in the use of weapons and ammunition, based on the tactics of fighting. Now imagine that you do not stall into the monitor, but you can turn your head in the midst of the battle. That is why Battlezone has so many idols.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: action;
Release Date: October 2016;
More information on our website;

Job simulator A peculiar trolling of the modern generation, which was perfectly perceived by the gamers (especially age). Robots replaced man and him, poor, only philosophical reflections remained, and contemplation of nature. The game transfers us at this time. But you, a curious man, and want to know what it is like going to work and do something. This will have to learn this. All professions in front of you. Choose any and forth.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: indie, simulators;
Release date: April 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

15. SuperHypercube.

A successful puzzle, which exclusively came out for PSVR. Your task (quite difficult in fact) in the process of studying the universe, get to the end. Observation and logic are your main helpers in it. And, of course, luck.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: logical, puzzles;
Release Date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to PlayStation Store.

You can find these and other games in our section. We hope that our article was useful for you.

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Helmet Virtual Reality PlayStation VR from Sony is gaining increasing popularity. Of course, it is not so faithful as HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. However, it is thanks to the simplicity and convenience of using PlayStation VR uses in great demand among consumers.

Due to Sony's helmets acquired such popularity? The following are several facts that will help answer this question.

1. Sony PlayStation VR: Device price

Sony's virtual reality helmet appeared on the market in October and cost about 26,000 rubles in ruble equivalent. Literally after three months, all helmets were bought. Now the price of the device is approximately 32,000 rubles. This is a fairly low price, if you compare it with the price of Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE helmets. However, keep in mind that the helmet works only with the PlayStation 4 game prefix.

2. What else do you need to Slow PlayStation VR?

PlayStation Vr. - this is an accessory for the game console PlayStation 4. In the box only a helmet and to use it, you will also need to be needed PlayStation Camera and a pair of PlayStation Move game controllers. Well, if you already have. However, otherwise, keep in mind these additional costs.

3. Playstation.VR does not work with PS 3

On the Internet often asked: "Does PlayStation VR work with PS 3?" No, it does not work. The computing power of this game console is not enough to normal operation of the PlayStation VR and creating a full-fledged 3D environment.

4. Sony sold almost two times more helmets than HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

By the end of 2016, Sony sold almost two times more virtual reality helmets than its main competitors. From the moment of entering the market, approximately 745,000 PlayStation VR helmets were sold. HTC sold approximately 420,000 helmets for the same period of time. Oculus Rift bought 355,000 people. Such high popularity is related to the fact that the Sony helmet is focused on a wide range of consumers. Oculus and HTC helmets are designed for enthusiasts.

5. For PlayStation VR there are quite a lot of games.

Sony's helmet is a game console accessory and there are many diverse games and entertainment applications for it. At the time of the exit of the helmet in the list there were about 50 games. There are new ones.

One of the latter was Resident Evil 7 from Capcom. There are games of various genres, both single-user and multiplayer. There is a whole Indie Developer community for the PlayStation VR helmet.

6. PlayStation VR helmet is very convenient.

The virtual reality helmet of PlayStation VR looks very cumbersome. Nevertheless, it is the most comfortable helmet today. The mass of the device is distributed in such a way that the helmet is convenient to use and does not greatly tire the neck muscles. Fastening belts are adjustable and the helmet is tightly sits on the head.

7. VR Sony helmet: many cables

To connect the virtual reality helmet to the Sony PS 4 console and console itself, you need to connect many different cables. This is not a very difficult process, given the fact that Sony cares about the convenience of users.

8. All cables and connectors are marked

The PlayStation 4 and VR helmet system is designed for a wide range of consumers. To connect all this to the TV you do not need to be a specialist. Included, there is a convenient and understandable instruction, all connectors and cables are thoroughly marked.

9. Included there is also a demonstration disk with games.

Sony took care of its consumers and included a demonstration disc with games for PlayStation VR. If you lost a disk or just you too lazy to insert it into the drive every time, demo games are available for free download on the PlayStation Store.

On the disk you will find:

  • Allumette
  • Battlezone
  • Driveclub Vr.
  • EVE: Valkyrie.
  • Harmonix Music Vr.
  • Headmaster
  • Here They Lie
  • Job simulator
  • PlayStation VR Worlds.
  • Resident Evil 7 Biohazard: Kitchen Teaser
  • Rez Infinite.
  • Rigs: Mechanized Combat League
  • Thumper
  • Tumble Vr.
  • Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
  • Wayward Sky.
  • Within.

10. For the PlayStation VR helmet, it is not necessary to have PS 4 Pro

Some users believe that the helmet will work better with PS 4 version Pro. This is not true. PlayStation VR works perfectly with conventional PS 4. PS 4 Pro will have an advantage if you have a large TV with a resolution of 4k. Some new games for PlayStation VR running on Pro Versions PS4 have a clearer and detailed schedule. This is especially noticeable in the game DriveClub VR.