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This article discovers the last hope of Microsoft - Protection AP 2.5 . Interesting facts and utility that are not bad to know all of us - users of stitched consoles! What surprises await us in the future and how this system works!? That's what we will try to tell ...

Antipiracy 2.5 (AP 2.5) - Xbox 360 game disc protection protection system. It is based on identifying the original structure of the license disk by comparing delays when switching from one sector to another (in the theory it looks like a measurement of the angle between sectors - is discussed in more detail below) with reference values \u200b\u200bdiscontinued with specific batch of disks at the factory.
The fact is that in the production of the original Xbox 360 disk on industrial equipment, the unique structure of the physical distribution of data on its surface is set. At the home "cutter", this structure of the carrier cannot be played exactly, since when recording, all sectors are recorded sequentially, one by one.
First of all, this protection system is aimed at recognizing the modified drive firmware in Xbox 360. Since only in the case of the identification of the game disk, but the failure of an AP 2.5 data can with confidence of 99.9% to state that a conventional chopped dwarf is used, and in Drive modified firmware.

If this event occurs (checks do not pass, the drive gives empty values), the Xbox 360 to the SECDATA.BIN file lies a label X-Value - Failed AP25 Challenge. That is, XBox becomes a candidate for "Ban" in XBL. But this does not mean an instant ban at the entrance to LIVE! Since November 2009, the prefixes that have not fallen "under the distribution" still work online!

Otherwise, if the drive firmware is factory and a self-written disk will be inserted, checking simply will not start.

Autumn 2010.
Officially Dashboard 2.0.12611 (unofficially with beta version 2.0.12416), published on November 1, first initiated the test Antipiracy 2.5 (AP2.5). Then, when starting, the inscription "Disk is not read" climbed on three games: Assassin 's Creed: Brotherhood, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Fable III.
The new Dashboard was initiated as the protection of AP 2.5 of the whole 13 (!) Additional disc checks before starting the game. If the checks do not pass (the drive gives empty values) - the modified firmware is guaranteed, the modified firmware and the console is marked on the Failed AP 2.5 CHALLENGE. Checks can be submitted in the form: "Question-answer", "Question-answer" ITD. All questions became known when studying the defense structure. But the answers can only be obtained from the original disk of the game itself. To complicate the analysis of protection, these "Question-Answers" are also cryptic using AES encryption. Naturally, the checks have never been conducted, then only service sectors and game data are "filmed".

At the end of November, C4EVA came up with how to circumvent the protection of AP 2.5 - there was a modified firmware of the LT + drive. The essence came down to the fact that the drive will expect "questions" AP 2.5. And if such appear, then "answers" "stitched drive" takes from certain, in advance known, sectors on the disk. If the "replies" does not find the drive, it will initiate a drive hanging in order to bypass the mark on the mark of the Failed AP 2.5 Challenge. Instead of the game, the black screen will come out if the console does not turn off, after 3 minutes it will still leave the Failed AP 2.5 Challenge note in SECDATA!

At the moment, C4EVA and K3RN3L are owned by the Recovery Process of the AP 2.5 responses. They "remove" these answers and write down in the very places from which they calmly take the modified LT + drive. Those the most patches for AP 2.5 disks and there is a set of the very answers that dashboard will be "feeding" to think that the license disk is inserted.
I note that AP 2.5 checks are removed by almost the "monopoly" narrow group of people. With this, most problems arise, namely, with the output of patches for localized versions and various regions. That is, first it comes out the patch on the most common, for example, English Region FREE image. In our case, the release date of the patch for the Russian PAL version, for example, Modern Warfare 2. or Black Ops. Decided for an indefinite period of time. The bottom line is that to remove the AP 2.5 responses K3RN3L'U and C4EV require an original licensed disk. That is, the whole paradox is that in order to play on the latest version of the Dashboard in AP 2.5-game you need to buy a license, send a disc to the authors and wait for the output of the patch, after using which it will be possible to play a self-written blank.
K3RN3L and C4EVA do not want to disclose an AP 2.5 response removal method, referring to the fact that if the method becomes massively known, Microsoft will try to close the vulnerability found by them. Accordingly, in the future you can stay at all without AP25-patches.
An attempt to apply damaged / incorrect patches that do not meet this Media ID can lead to the X-Value mark - Failed AP25 Challenge. The output of incorrect AP 2.5 responses is equivalent to the absence of AP25 responses. The game still does not start.
Support AP 2.5 drives:

Support checks: Liteon, BenQ, Hitachi 78/79

Do not support checks: Samsung, Hitachi up to 59 inclusive.

In each Xbox 360 (starting in 2007), the plant is prescribed information, with which drive it has been released. In the OSIG section, the actuator model is prescribed and its firmware version. Squealing is when it is set "non-standard" drive, which gives himself for "native".

For the successful passage of AP 2.5-checks on "non-vertical" (set, replaced) drives, several rules are valid.

Rule 1. You cannot use the drive without the support of AP 2.5 instead of the "native" drive that supports AP 2.5 (the prefix will send requests, the drive will not be able to respond to them).

Rule 2. Instead of Hitachi with support for AP 2.5, it is impossible to put Liteon (because of the features of LT + firmware)

Support for issuing AP 2.5 responses was implemented only from LT + version. All previously released drive firmware versions do not support the issuance of AP 2.5 responses, respectively an attempt to launch AP25 games on early versions is doomed to failure and a possible ban in subsequent.


Table DVDAuthex (DAE) appeared with 12416 beta versions of Kinect-Dasha. It is located in the NAND console in the Dae.bin file. It contains a list of media-ID of all versions of AP 2.5 games. For each regional instance, contains the necessary information for the passage of AP 2.5 checks. According to this table, and there is a reconciliation of the results of the recovery responses to the AP 2.5 check. Each regional instance of the game with its Media ID is unique and contains unique AP 2.5-answers. Each particular game accounts for about a dozen different regional media instances ID.

Example Challenge - Example of checking, PSN1 and PSN2 (PSN - PHYSICAL SECTOR NUMBER) sectors between which measurements are measured, target angle - the resulting corner value

At the time of this writing - the latest version of Dashboard 12625 contains 101 media ID, 40 of which are generally unknown and may be assigned to future games. At the moment, each media ID contains 13 checks. But the total number of possible checks is 50. Therefore, at any time "Microsoft" with the new version of the Dashboard can increase as the number of supported Media ID and the number of checks. Thus, even "patched" for LT + images currently working can already be irrelevant in the near future. Everything will depend on the aggressiveness of implementing AP 2.5 inspections by Microsoft.

General principle of workAP 2.5

You insert disk drive. The Xbox 360 operating system conducts the initial identification of the disk. A discusive disk is performed, namely checking the disk files for compliance with the original one. In case of non-proliferation of the check, the prefix gives the inscription "Start the game", but the game logo is not shown. After passing the predeterpection, the name / logo of the game appears in the "Open-Close Tray" field. When starting, the authentication of the game disk is activated. At this point, if this Media ID is present in the DAE table, the corners between the specific sectors are performed. The values \u200b\u200bobtained from the drive are compared with the references in the table and when the values \u200b\u200bare matched - the game starts. In practice, all this takes a few seconds and is carried out unnoticed for the user.

In general, the principle of measuring angles for the unambiguous determination of the authenticity of the disk was used since the times of the diskette. The protection similar to the principles even patented the Russian developer called StarForce.

The spiral track of the laser disks is very similar to the gramist, it just starts not outside, and from the inside, that is, wounds from the center to the edge. The laser head held in the magnetic field (about the same way as the sound coil is kept in acoustic systems) moves on the sleds across the spiral track. The track itself consists of sectors with data and dodging channels. The sectors are located both in the headlines of the sectors themselves and in the canals of the subfront, "smeared" along the spiral track. For coarse tip to the desired sector, salazzas and canals of the subfront are used, and for accurate - deviations in the magnetic field and sectoral headlines.

Just take and measure the structure of the spiral track can not, but you can make this. Suppose the head reads the X sector, and after it is the sector of Y. If the xoy angle formed by the disk center (O) and X, Y sectors is ~ 15 degrees, and the sectors themselves are located in the adjacent turns of the spiral track, the drive will be enough Only a little to reject the head and after a moment the Sector Y himself will fall into his hands, like a shared apple - after all rotates!. If the angle is less than 15 degrees, then during the movement of the head, the Y sector already "pops up" and the drive will have to wait for a whole turnover of the laser disk!

When the angle between X and Y sectors is ~ 15 degrees. When switching to a nearby turn, the Y sector immediately "flies" to the optical head (drawing on the left), with a smaller corner value, the Y sector has time to float and the head is forced to wait for a whole round.

Thus, a measuring time reading various pairs of sectors, we can approximately define their mutual location on the spiral track. Each batch of disk it will be its own (after all, the density of sectors on 1mm and the steepness of the spiral of non-etinak and varies from the party to the party). In order to overcome the proactive reading (which "suffers" by many drives), the defense should read the sectors in descending order of their numbers. It should also measure the speed of rotation of the drive so that, firstly, determine the constancy of temporary measurements (they dance as drunken little men or not), and secondly correct the formula for calculating the angle, because it is easy to show - the faster the disk rotates, the sooner "Floats" sector.

There is an opinion that the AP 2.5 also includes more complete OSIG identification (Original Drive Signature). Apparently, this is due to the fact that different models of drives give out slightly different reports on commands. According to these data, apparently, you can track: driven drive into the console or not. But in practice, such checks can be carried out in XBL. Offline defines only the presence of AP 2.5 support.

Theories of hacking

Let us back to the fact that to remove the AP 2.5 responses K3RN3L'U and C4EV need the original licensed disk. That is, directly from Nand to remove AP 2.5 responses until it is possible. The data is encrypted by Maxim. What method is used by them - it is not clear to the end. But the requirement for removing the original disk speaks of any possible interception. On the other hand, the authors do not want to publish a way due to the fact that allegedly disclosure will result in the closure of "holes" used for interception.

1. Right of the Dashboard using any debugging applications signed by Microsoft for testing, analyzing logs, etc.

2. Theoretically, a certain device is used, something like SATA-sniffer, connected in series between the drive and the Xbox 360 motherboard.

3. There is a possibility of intercepting data from the RAM drive, but again all this is guesses.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following. If Microsoft starts toolfully implement AP 2.5 checks on all disks - K3RN3L and C4EVA will not be able to relevantly removing AP 2.5 checks with hundreds of disks. Accordingly, or we will get a removal method or the last stronghold on independence will remain Phat-Fribut. There are, of course, a space theory that someday hacks a digital signature Microsoft and then we will get full edge of protection of the Xbox 360.

In the preparation of the material used materials, statements, FAQs of chatting:

Commodore4eva., K3RNEL, Dofosho., from Russian Community I want to thank Homie7. and Richy, as well as Chris KasperskyaKA Mice.

Dashboard (Dashboard) is actually operating systemwhere the Xbox 360 is performed. It is capable of automatically or with the user to download updates that are necessary for the correct work of the prefix itself, as well as to run new games.

Dashboard is occupied about 16 MB in Nand. In addition, he can allocate under his needs up to 600 MB of system memory. Dashboard updates on xbox 360

Last update of the Dashboard on the Xbox 360 can be downloaded from the Xbox Live service and immediately install.

FreeBoot owners experienced users advise seek help from specialists Since this procedure requires increased attention and is carried out in a strict sequence to maintain the console performance. The new version is not always possible to install correctly and do not always have a need for it.

Often, people encountered with a similar situation for the first time, advise to update the system only if there is a real need for this, for example, to start a new game. You need to make sure that the upgrade will not entail unpleasant consequences.

Xbox 360 firmware

Ways to install updates

If the system is still asked for an Xbox 360 update, then its installation can be produced in several ways, including offline.

Loading from Xbox Live

The simplest and reliable way to update for consoles without FreeBoot is. All that needs to be done is described on the official Xbox website.

First you need to press the Guide button on the controller, go to "Settings" -\u003e "Network Settings". When you receive a request, you need to select "Wired Network" or Wireless Network Name. Next, you need to click "Checking the Xbox Live Service" and when you appear to update the system to click "Yes."

All that is needed - stable Internet connection.

Installation from a game disk

If the console has not been connected to the Internet for a long time, a disk with the game, which contains a later version, will offer to update dashboards. Need to confirm this action and the system will do everything herself.

Installation with flash drive

The site from Microsoft has a special section with the latest version update files. It can be download on your computer, After that, set to the prefix with a USB flash drive, however, for FreeBoot you will need a specific software, an illiterate appeal to which can turn the console into a useless "box".

What will happen if refresh xbox 360

As mentioned earlier, the latest Xbox 360 dashboard version allows you to run new games, and can also noticeably expand the console functionality. It is noteworthy that most software will require paid activation of the GOLD account In Xbox Live.

On the prefixes with FreeBoot The GOLD account will be useless, as access to Live disappears forever.

How to see the version of the dashboard xbox 360

Find out the version of dashboard on xbox 360 without freeboot very simple. You need to find information about the system that are here: "Settings" -\u003e "System" -\u003e "Console Settings".

If you are installed FreeBootYou need to go to "Settings" -\u003e "System Parameters". Next, you need to confirm the action in the dialog box, and then click on "Console Settings" and find there "System Information".

In our workshops produced Xbox 360 firmware. You can safely trust many years of experience of our specialists. Call and write down!

Dashboard version - five numbers. That is, if the user sees the inscription "Panel: 2.0.17489.0"then it has a dashboard xbox 360 17489 . The remaining figures are not taken into account. Accordingly, search for all the necessary information, you can only use them.

Currently, the Xbox 360 is the next-generation console (NEXT-GEN), which can be called both game and entertaining. As far as many are known, one of the leaders of the Microsoft Gaming Industry was performed by its developer. According to the Corporation, each game for Xbox 360 will have high graphic features, as well as a special mode of working with widescreen TVs (16: 9). This feature will allow players to plunge into the game world "from head to head", as well as feel the main character of the upcoming journey.

Below is a specially prepared list of questions and answers, which will help anyone interested geimer learn a lot about the console.

1. What official name is the successor of the XBOX console?

Microsoft Xbox 360.

2. What company is engaged in the manufacture of the next generation console?

Microsoft Corporation is the official developer of the play and entertainment console Xbox 360.

3. What are the prices for the console will prevail in different parts of the world?

USA - $ 299.99
- Europe (part of countries) - € 299.99
- England - £ 209.99

4. What are the prices for Xbox 360 games to prevail on the game market?

Following the Microsoft statement, the standard price for the next generation toy will be $ 49.99. However, an option to distribute special versions of the game will be possible, the prices for which will be more expensive by $ 10 - $ 59.99.

5. What toys will come to free sale after the official release of the console (November 22)?

2. Call of Duty 2 (Activision Inc.)
4. FIFA Soccer 06 Road to 2006 FIFA World Cup (Electronic Arts Inc.)
5. Gun (Activision)
6. Kameo: Elements of Power (Microsoft Game Studios and Rare Ltd.)
7. Madden NFL 06 (Electronic Arts)
8. NBA 2K6 (2K Sports)
9. NBA Live 06 (Electronic Arts)
10. Need for Speed \u200b\u200bMost Wanted (Electronic Arts)
11. NHL 2K6 (2K Sports)
12. Perfect Dark Zero (Microsoft Game Studios and Rare Ltd.)
13. Peter Jackson "S King Kong: The Official Game of The Movie (Ubisoft)
14. Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft Game Studios and Bizarre Creations Ltd.)
15. QUAKE 4 (ID Software and Activision)
16. Ridge Racer 6 (Namco Ltd.)
17. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (Electronic Arts)
18. Tony Hawk "s American Wasteland (Activision)

6. What a typical hard disk will be posted?

Microsoft Xbox 360 will have a 20-gigabyte hard disk.
7. What disk formats will support the console DVD drive?
Xbox 360 console DVD drive will support the following disk formats: DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R / RW, DVD + R / RW, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD , MP3 CD, JPEG Photo CD.

8. Why is HD-DVDs, not modern Blu-ray, which are more convenient, and also have greater information, were selected to read the console drive.

The head of the Microsoft Corporation Bill Gatez (Bill Gates) reported that while this is the most optimal option for the console. However, at the moment, under the wing, Toshiba is under the development of the next next generation DVDs, which will be perfectly approached into the Xbox 360 system.

9. What is XBOX Live Marketplace?

Xbox Live Marketplace is a special online store that will allow all the happy console owners to acquire new game trailers, demo versions, additional levels in games, maps, weapons, vehicles, and much more. In order to get into the online store, you just need to install an Internet connection on your console. This option will allow players to open the gate to another world, each particle of which brings some pleasure.

10. What operating system uses xbox 360?

According to Corporate Vice President of the XBOX Product Group, Tody Holmadal (Todd Holmdahl), the console has a unique OS that carries an interesting name Xbox 1.0 OS. It must be emphasized that the operating system will constantly carry changes, so through a special Internet channel you can download its new version.

11. Why did the first Xbox 360 be called the "gaming" console, and was now renamed "Game and Entertaining"?

Earlier, the main goal of the platform was to establish on the market, as a good "game" console. After some time, having gained great fame, the foundation, as well as firmly established in the immense world of gamers, the developers of the Xbox 360 decided to come up with several other "entertainment" means, such as Ayido, video and game player. For example, anyone can use Xbox Live Camera to communicate with other people through video communication. You can also connect a console to a multimedia personal computer with Windows XP, after which it is possible to record various gears from the TV. And this is only a small part of those capabilities that can offer the next-generation platform an advanced gamer.

12. Why is the hard disk for the Xbox 360 worth ten times more than the usual for PC?

In fact, this is a very easy question. Hard drives for console use a special 2.5 "system that can be detected in some laptops, unlike computers from 3.5". It is worth noting that the details for laptops have always been much more expensive than ordinary computer because of a small form, complex structure and several other scientific terms.

13. If the Geima TV is supported only by the 4: 3 screen format, can it run games for the Xbox 360 in full resolution?

Yes, of course, can. The console supports both screen format.

14. What physical dimensions has xbox 360?

Xbox 360 Weighs 3.5 kg, its width is 309 mm, the height is 83 mm, and the length is 258 mm.

15. Xbox 360 Console is greater than or less in size than the usual Xbox?

Despite the great difference in productive power, it is much less than its predecessor.

No one is no longer a secret and not the news that the electronic entertainment market is growing primarily due to consoles - game filspresses, the main purpose of which is the electronic entertainment themselves. Over the past five years, the growth in the sales of PC games has almost ceased, and most of the latest market achievements are due to the success of a variety of specialized game systems - from "large" home "consoles" to pocket game computers.

Fixed, standardized gaming platforms are more adapted to survival in competition with universal - they have below the cost, it is easier for them, it is easier to make games for them, they easier to use them. Finally, their development is easier to control, send to the right direction, the introduction of serious changes does not require many years of coordination of the points of sight and positions of dozens of vague transnational corporations.

It is not surprising that the market of specialized gaming devices constantly becomes the object of close attention of companies that have successful in any area and trying to diversify their activities, find new profitable spheres and market niches. In the last decade of the last century, the Japanese Sony Corporation, which released the PlayStation Gaming Console. And at the beginning of the XXI century, try your hand in this market, Microsoft's omnipresent corporation decided.

Birth xbox

Going to the console market, Microsoft went on the path inherent in her: abundant financial injections, careful copying the main characteristics of the success of competitors' products, support on recognized technological leaders of the industry ... The XBOX project started, like most other corporation projects, and therefore no one especially It was not surprised when it became known that the project brings solid losses. Microsoft has impressive reserves that allow her to spend again and again, in essence, dumping campaigns - to penetrate the market by selling (or even distributions) of its product at low priced prices. And there is no longer so important quality of the product itself - even if they are usually comparable or exceeds the qualities of competing products.

From the moment of its appearance on sale in the autumn of 2001, Xbox brought his owner a tangible profit only once - in the pre-holiday December 2004, when the number of prefixes sold and output to the main chadliner of the platform, Halo's shooter poured for a company in a kind of New Year's gift. Quite soon, everything returned to the circles, and Xbox again became for Microsoft a unprofitable product.

Here, however, it is necessary to remember what we talked to a little higher: Microsoft never misses financial influsions into a new market for himself. And therefore, it is very likely that Microsoft did not count on receipt of profit from the first version of Xbox - it was supposed to "grab the bridgehead", to serve as a loud, but unprofitable advertising campaign for itself.

In part, it is probably true, but a number of indirect signs (the unwillingness of Microsoft lower the price for the sake of sales growth, litigation with suppliers of components, as well as some characteristics of the heating console, Xbox 360) makes it imply that even in Microsoft did not count on such a unprofitability Project.

Therefore, when creating the second version of the Xbox, the corporation has completely changed the list of companies - component suppliers, relationship schemes with them and significantly revised the background philosophy of the platform.

The very most obvious victim of the new marketing philosophy was the name - in order to avoid unpleasant numerical comparison of Xbox 2 with the main competitor in the face of PlayStation 3, the second version of Xbox was decided to call Xbox 360, which, according to the company's marketers, it should mean something like a "circular Xbox circle".

The new console was first represented by the public in the Fundament of the exhibition E3 in May 2005. Microsoft has chosen a very aggressive pace of promoting the second version of Xbox to the market: after the May announcement, an active campaign was followed in the summer and the beginning of sales of the new console simultaneously in the three "main" regions (North America, Europe and Japan) in the fall, in November 2005. (Details The reader can learn in Xbox 360.) So active withdrawal to the new version of Xbox was mainly due to the desire of Microsoft to overtake its competitors and first present the new generation gaming console.

And, yes, the appearance of Xbox 360 stores on the shelves led to the death of the first Xbox - both in the sense of sales of the console itself, and in the sense of development for it any new games.

Comparison of the characteristics of Xbox and Xbox 360

First, let's see how the basic technical characteristics of Xbox and Xbox 360 relate:

Xbox Xbox 360.
CPU One kernel of Intel Coppermine architecture, frequency 733 MHz, 128 Kb Cache L2 3 kernels modified for Xbox 360 IBM PowerPC architecture, frequency 3.2 GHz, 1 MB Cache L2
Video chip Modified for the XBOX version of the NV2X architecture (GeForce 3/4, functionality corresponds to API DirectX 8.0), frequency 233 MHz Created specifically for Xbox 360 ATI C1 / XenOS video chip (functionality corresponds to API DirectX 9 with a number of additional features), frequency 500 MHz
Audio system Version NVIDIA Soundstorm Sound processing by CPU
HDD Standard, 8 GB Optional, 20 GB (replacement for more capacious models)
Basic media information DVD-ROM DVD-ROM

We have already mentioned that when creating Xbox 360 Microsoft resolutely broke the relationship with two main technological partners involved in the development of the first Xbox, intel and NVIDIA companies. And, apparently, in both cases, such a gap became the result of the consistent movement of Microsoft to reduce the unprofitability of the entire XBOX project as a whole.


Intel processors are quite expensive, because there are many excessive functionality for the game console - functionality designed to simplify the work of programmers and accelerate the execution of a plurality of versions of the X86 code created in two decades of the existence of this architecture. And since programs created specifically for this console will be predominantly launched on the console, then there was no particular sense to "drag over" the whole heritage of X86-architecture, and Microsoft turned to IBM with a proposal to create a processor, specially "sharpened" under the game console.

Create a processor from zero in IBM, of course, did not become, and instead, it was embodied in silicon a new variation of the PowerPC architecture long ago (until recently, the processors of this architecture were used in Apple computers). This variation differed from the previous "incarnations" of architecture with its simplicity, due to which it was possible to "squeeze" into a rather modest number of transistors of the whole three processor kernels (the complexity of the Xbox 360 three-core crystal crystal is comparable to the complexity of the single-core Pentium 4 crystal on the PRESCOTT-2M kernel) and significantly raise their clock frequency.

The victims of simplification were, in particular, blocks that carry out the dynamic optimization of the execution of the code - programmed for the Xbox 360 processor it became more difficult for the processor, however, with the right approach, this processor should issue impressive performance at its relatively low cost. What, as we said, Microsoft was needed.

At the same time, comparing the Xbox 360 processor with modern X86 processors, it should be remembered that the second, despite its relatively less peak performance, is often approaching it than the Xbox 360 processor. Thus, it can be assumed that this code, being Compiled under modern dual-core x86 CPU (Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 x2) as a whole will show no less productivity than on a three-core Xbox 360 CPU.

Video System

With the video system of the Xbox 360, the situation is more complicated: it is clear to the end how much the decision to abandon NVIDIA services was dictated by the economic and technological feasibility, and how much is undercover political battles. The fact is that, on the one hand, at the time of the development of the Xbox 360, NVIDIA was in a sufficiently unpleasant technological state - the NV3X architecture with difficulty withstanding the Natisk from the ATI R3x0 competing architecture. On the other hand, today's confrontation of 3D-technologies of ATI and NVIDIA companies occurs, rather, in the superiority of the video chips, and it is difficult to judge how technologically lost Xbox 360, if the video chip from the California company once again stood.

Economically, the choice between NVIDIA and ATI is also pretty foggy: both companies are developing video chips in North America, i.e., the costs of R & D are comparable; Both companies then place orders for the production of video chips on external independent semiconductor factories (TSMC, UMC, NEC, etc.), i.e. production costs are also comparable; Both companies are located on one stage of the development of 3D technology, and none of them is significantly ahead of the other.

That is why we tend to the version of the "political" choice in favor of ATI. The fact is that at one time Microsoft and Nvidia were suused with each other on the cost of components supplied by NVIDIA for the Xbox console. The court won NVIDIA than Microsoft Recovery to Further Unprofitability of the XBOX project as a whole. It is quite natural that Microsoft did not want to continue cooperation with NVIDIA after this incident. Especially since the scheme of work with developers has changed, and Microsoft no longer buys the components themselves, it buys the technologies created by partners that allow it to independently order the production of components on independent semiconductor factories. ATI (more precisely, now AMD) agreed to a similar work scheme, and therefore her video chip found a path in Xbox 360.

As for the directly video chip of ATI Xenos (or C1) itself, he is the first representative of new unified shader architectures. In such architectures, the same conveyors are engaged in the treatment of vertices and pixels.

According to our unofficial information, this video chip was initially developed for computer video cards, but the complexity of creating a unified architecture, as well as its excessive API of the API DirectX 9, the flexibility led to the fact that the chip was first released as part of the console from Microsoft. The appearance of computer video cards based on an improved Heir to Xenos - Video chip R600 with DX10 support - is expected in the first quarter of 2007.

One of the unique features of Xenos (which, by the way, is unlikely to be inherited by his computer descendants) is its dual-core: the ROP block that works with the frame buffer (recording of values, the calculation of the anti-aliasing) is carried out in a separate chip, which also contains 10 MB of memory, connected to the ROP block with a wide inner bus. Due to the use of a special frame rendering algorithm in parts (tillers), Xenos chip is able to provide almost free anti-aliasing that does not load the system memory tire bandwidth, because it is entirely carried out inside the auxiliary "smart memory" auxiliary chip.

According to the estimated performance characteristics (to carry out normal testing, of course, it is not possible) the Xenos video chip is somewhere at the level of computer video cards built on NVIDIA G70 and G71 video chips (GeForce 7800 and 7900) and ATI R520 and R580 (RADEON X1800 and X1900) . Approximately comparable and functionality of all these video chips.


Another comparative surprise was the elimination of the hard disk standard present in the console - comparative, because from the point of view of reducing the cost of the console, it was the elimination of a hard disk as one of the main options. The main problem with the elimination of HDD from the second version of Xbox was the loss of the ability to provide backward compatibility with Xbox games - most of them were developed, taking into account the ability to access the hard disk available in each console.

Microsoft has found a way out of this situation, providing backward compatibility with Xbox only if there is a hard disk in the Xbox 360, and submitting two versions of the console - cheaper and more expensive, different, in fact, the absence and presence of a hard disk. At the same time, the owners of the cheap version of Xbox 360 (so-called Core System) can later buy a hard disk separately, after which their console also acquires the ability to provide backward compatibility with some XBOX games (the list of these games is constantly growing).

In general, we note that refusing the majority of the architectural solutions used in Xbox, Microsoft advocated itself to constant problems with backward compatibility. Full back compatibility could not be in principle, because the Xbox 360 CPU is not possible to execute the X86 code, and the executable Xbox-games files require recompilation. No less problems are true, more legal than technical - it has arisen and if you need to start the games created for NV2A on the video chip from ATI. But, apparently, Microsoft was considered that the decline in the cost of the console is more important than potential negative feedback on incomplete backward compatibility.

In the use of the software emulation of the old platform, there is, however, and some advantages inaccessible to the "hardware" backward compatibility, implemented, for example, in Sony PS2 and PS3. So, in particular, most Xbox games that can be launched on the Xbox 360, work in HDTV resolution (1280x720) and with anti-aliasing, which is a direct consequence of the Xbox video chip software emulation at a substantially more powerful Xenos video chip.

Basic media information

Another controversial aspect of Xbox 360 is the use of an already frankly outdated two-layer DVD-ROM with a maximum volume of 8.5 GB as the main media. It is likely that after some time the game for the Xbox 360 will go to two or more DVDs, which clearly does not add consoles of advantages in the eyes of ordinary consumers (the need to change the disk in the middle of the game is difficult to record in the advantages of the first console of the new generation). Moreover, one such game has already come out! While, however, only in Japan - JRPG Blue Dragon takes the whole 3 (!) DVD9 disk.

However, here Microsoft's decision was due to its desire to overtake competitors in the time of entering the market: in November 2005 Alternatives, DVD was not yet simply not, and the company had to go to a potentially erroneous step to achieve their main goal - to appear in stores significantly earlier than alternative game platforms. of the same generation.

The main promotions of the platform

But the main innovations of the Xbox 360 lies not so much in its hardware stuffing (it is still hidden from the eyes of a regular user who, by and large, anyway, what architecture the processor stands in the console purchased to them, if only she worked normally and did not break), How many in the new philosophy of the platform.

New design

The first in the eye, of course, a new design is rushed: instead of the "inflated" black box with salad inserts - "concave" snow-white matt case with silver and gray elements. In the design of Xbox 360, the effect of apple device design success is traced. Less than gloomy technogenic devices; More living, bright, organic forms, pleasant eye and touch.

In addition to its "neutrality" to the wildlife, the Xbox 360 design is highly thought out and functional: all buttons and connectors are in their places; There is an opportunity for both horizontal and vertical console installation; On the back and side walls there are attachments for some sold separately accessories (hard disk, Wi-Fi adapter).

Negative feedback causes only a DVD-ROM drive - a mechanism with a pulling third, familiar to everyone and each on computer optical drives, is not the best suitable for the gaming console. The SLOT-IN mechanism with a curtain that protects the internal drive from dirt and dust is more successful here (such a mechanism can be contemplated, for example, Nintendo Wii). However, this is not the worst of the options - used in the Sony PSTWO drive with a cover opening on top even less suitable for use in standard racks and cabinets for consumer electronics.

New gamepads

Another innovation that becomes apparent after a few seconds after connecting the console to power, the screen and speakers, new gamepads are. Microsoft was not afraid to recycle the design of gamepads for the Xbox 360, abandoning bulky, plump, angular predecessors in favor of tightened, matte-white, which are conveniently fallen in the hand of followers. At the same time, followers provided the possibility of wireless communication with the console, the benefit of which becomes more than obvious in an hour after the first game is launched.

We note, however, that wireless gamepads are another option that distinguishes a more expensive version of Xbox 360 from Xbox 360 Core System. In the cheap Core System, conventional wired gamepads are used, connected to USB ports on the console. But again, no one prevents the owner of the cheap version of Xbox 360 to buy a later wireless gamepads.

New XBox Live!

The last obvious innovation of the Xbox 360 is the recycled XBOX Live service! After the appearance on sale Xbox 360, LIVE! It was divided into two components - Silver and Gold. The first one is free and is available via the Internet to each Xbox 360 owner. It allows you to communicate with other players (text messages or voice), download updates and additions for the console operating system and play games, download demo version, videos and other promo -Materials. Also, this version allows you to carry out electronic purchases of small games (so-called xbox Live! Arcade), additions to the "big" games you have and in general, which can be sent via the Internet (in particular, in the autumn of 2006, a video file store was launched; And in the future, the appearance of an analogue of Apple iTunes).

Second part, Live! Gold, is a paid (subscription for a year) and allows in a plus to play multiplayer games listed above.

Xbox Live service! At the moment, it is perhaps a unique entertainment service similar scale and coverage. At the time of writing these lines, the XBox Live service! Significantly exceeded in its stability and ease of use, the similar PlayStation Network service, launched by Sony, along with its new Console PlayStation 3. What will happen next - will tell the time, but the consumer from competition, as a rule, wins ;-)

Accessories for XBOX 360

We decided to devote to the accessories that Microsoft offers to all the Xbox 360 owners. We will, however, we will not concentrate on insignificant things in our opinion, such as replaceable facial panels of the console itself, and tell me that it may be really useful to the owners of Xbox 360 . (A complete list of all accessories is shown in Xbox 360.)

The first purchase line includes accessories that distinguish the more expensive version of Xbox 360 from Xbox 360 Core System: wireless gamepads, hard disk and cables for connecting image display device.

Wireless gamepads We described in detail higher in detail. Here we only note that these gamepads, of course, require their nutrition, which is available in two versions: Power Elements of the AA Standard (batteries or batteries) and Microsoft branded batteries. If the first is more or less clear, then branded batteries have a number of features that should be told separately.

First, you can charge the branded battery directly when playing, connecting the gamepad by a special cord (Play "N" Charge Kit) to a USB connector on the console. Ordinary "fingers" do not provide you with such an opportunity, but we admit that the price of 4 AA batteries will be below the price of one corporate battery and Play "N" Charge Kit for it. We also admit that someone will completely arrange the usual AA batteries.

Secondly, to charge branded batteries with the help of the original Quick Charge Kit, which allows you to quickly charge two batteries simultaneously, but for recharging they need to be removed from the gamepads and, as a result, it is impossible to play them.

HDD For Xbox 360, it is an ordinary 2.5 "Hard disk with the SATA interface (the same discs are used in laptops) with a volume of 20 GB, which is located in a beautiful metal-plastic case and through a special converter connects to Xbox 360. Despite the fact that the disc itself is quite Strange, replace it on the HDD of a larger volume, as far as we know, at the moment failed. Microsoft itself does not yet offer for Xbox 360 hard drives with a volume different from 20 GB.

The reader probably understands that 20 GB in our time - quite a bit (especially considering that about 6 GB on the hard disk take system files, and the owner of the Xbox 360 is available not more than 14 GB of disk space). Therefore, the owners of the Xbox 360 may well face a situation of lack of space on HDD and the need to delete something from it to download with Live! New files. Unfortunately, Microsoft did not provide for Xbox 360 even the ability to transfer files from HDD Xbox 360 to other network media - for example, the hard disks of the PC connected to the same local network.

Concerning video CabersThe Xbox 360 can be connected to image display devices by:

  • composite SDTV cable (ordinary RCA- "bells", the cable comes in the Xbox 360 Core System);
  • component HDTV cable (RGB or Y "PBPR, cable comes in a more expensive version of Xbox 360);
  • S-video cable;
  • VGA cable;
  • all sorts of local geographical options for component connections (SCART, D-Terminal).

Note that at present the Xbox 360 does not support the connection to the DVI / HDMI digital ports and is unknown, whether to maintain further.

Also from the accessories available to the HBOX 360 accessories should be noted:

HD DVD Player., connected to a USB connector console and allows you to play HD DVD video discs. Its main advantage is the price, which is at least twice the lower than that of full HD DVD players.

Memory cards by 64 MB. Necessary if you do not have money on HDD for xbox 360; Useless if HDD already has.

Wi-Fi Adapter To connect to networks Wi-Fi standard 802.11g. Installed on the rear console panel, over the LAN and USB connectors, connects to USB. Pretty useful thing if you do not have the desire to litter the room with superfluous wires. But we will tell about some features of his work below.

Headset and Wireless Headset For voice communication in games and outside games via XBox Live! The thing is completely indispensable for multiplayer cooperative games. The usual headset is connected to the geimpade connector. Wireless does not connect anywhere - and this is essentially its only difference from a wired headset connected to a wireless gamepad.

Universal transferWith which you can manage not only playback of films on Xbox 360, but also, for example, a computer running Windows XP MCE. The usefulness of this remote control is quite doubtful if there is a wireless gamepad, but white people can be another opinion ;-)

The latest decent mention of the accessory is video camera, connected to a USB-connector Xbox 360. The camcorder allows you to take photos that can then be used in Xbox 360 games. Also in the Live! Arcade Available Several games using this video camera on the likeness of the famous Eye-Ty for Sony PS2.

However, enough theory, let's move on to the practical study of the new game platform.

Experience using XBOX 360

So, in our hands, the expensive European version of the Xbox 360 is with hard disk, wireless gamepads and a silver lid DVD-tray.

In addition to the console itself, we have been purchased:

  • second wireless gamepad (for games together);
  • Play "N" Charge kit (battery for gamepad and cord for recharging it right during the game from the USB port on the console);
  • separate battery for second gamepad;
  • VGA cable to connect to a DSUB connector on the monitor;
  • Wi-Fi adapter for wireless connection to the home network and the Internet.

The console is supplied in a relatively small, but almost cubic box with a comfortable plastic handle - the handle allows you to transfer the box without particular difficulties and reflections over which bag will be able to get into which box.

Inside the box showed the expected set of standard PAL version of the Xbox 360:

  • console with a hard disk installed;
  • one wireless gamepad with two AA batteries for him;
  • wired headset (headset and microphone);
  • component HDTV cable and SCART adapter;
  • Ethernet cable to connect to the local network;
  • power supply with two cables (to the power grid and to the console).

Installation and Constation Console

Connecting the console of special difficulties does not cause: all cables and adapters can be stuck only in the correct connectors, each of which is marked with a graphics icon that does not require knowledge at all.

In our case, the gamepad after installing the battery and inclusion immediately found the Xbox 360 turned on, but if it did not happen, it would be necessary to press the round game of the gamepad search button on the front panel of the console (there are only two of them there, one of which is large The "On" icon), and then press the same button on the gamepad itself (from above, between left and right chipses). We had to do a similar procedure to connect to the second gamepad console.

Note that to one Xbox 360, up to 4 wireless gamepads can be connected, and the corresponding indication is available on the front side of the console itself (glowing green circle around the console button) and on the gamepades (glowing green circle around, um, gamepad switching buttons) . In the case of connecting several gamepads, several circle sectors (quarter, half, three quarters or the whole circle) light up on the console, and the sector next to the number under which this gamepad is registered in the console.

A separate mention deserves the connection of the console to the audio system. You have two options: either connect to the stereo input of the amplifier or speakers (standard RCA- "bells"); Or connect the optical cable to the Dolby Digital 5.1 digital flux decoder receiver. In the second case, the Xbox 360 provides a 5.1-channel sound, both in DVD films and in games. Note that the Toslink cable for connecting to the receiver must be purchased separately (but, as a rule, it comes complete with VGA or other HDTV cables, because the optical port is not on the Xbox 360 itself, but on these most cables).

After physically connected and turn on the console, you fall into the Console Initual Setup Wizard, which will consistently hold you through the basic settings - select the language of the interface, creating your profile, select the screen resolution, type of audio signal, etc. The process is very visual and special difficulties does not cause.

Is that with the choice of optimal permission for your screen will have to do it later - depending on how and to which the screen is connected to the console, different options provide different quality. For example, when connecting the Xbox 360 by means of a component cable to a widescreen HDTV monitor with a SDTV tuner from ViewSonic with a native 1280x720 matrix resolution, we unexpectedly found that 1080i resolution in the Xbox 360 settings leads to the removal of some scaling artifacts in the Saints Row game observed When setting "native" for the 920p resolution matrix.

Interface of the operating system

At this stage, the HBOX 360 owner is already well mastered in the interface of the console operating system. The interface is quite simple, and it is not difficult to navigate it.

In the horizontal axis of the interface (left), you have a choice of four main pages (each painted in your own background color to facilitate identification):

  • xbox Live.
  • games.
  • media.
  • system.

The vertical axis of the interface (up-down) is selected options and subparagraphs within the main page you have chosen.

On the Xbox Live page there is an entrance to Xbox Live services! - Here you can communicate with friends, from here you can download demo versions and videos, buy supplements for your games and games yourself in Xbox LIVE! Arcade.

On the Games page there are options associated with the games you have - here you can look at your achievements, what games do you most often play, run the game downloaded from Xbox Live! Arcade or Demo version of the "big" game.

On the Media page, you can run watch video or photos or music player, and as a source can act as a DVD, and a portable medium connected to the USB port of the console or the console hard disk or a computer hard disk connected to that The same local network that the console itself (the computer must work running Windows XP MCE, Windows XP with Windows Media Connect or Windows Vista). From the same page you can get to the XBox Live section! MarketPlace, which sells a variety of video files.

The console settings are concentrated on the System page. Most of them do not require frequent change, so you will look quite rare on this page.

It is worth noting that the interface and location of items on the basic pages, not to mention the subsections of these pages, for the year that has passed since the appearance of the Xbox 360 on sale, several times slightly modified - Microsoft is constantly improving the operating system of the console, and its updates affect the interface .

Ergonomics of gamepads

After familiarizing with the interface and the first hours carried out for the study of the games purchased by us, the console owner draws attention to the ergonomics of new gamepads.

The standard Xbox 360 wireless gamepad is very convenient lying in the hands (its wounded, rounded forms) are affected, the fingers do not have to fold the letter "sou" to reach the button to the button that is necessary at this moment.

The minijoysticks have round guides and smoothly in them are moving with a clear fixation in the center of their holders. Stayed somewhat contrived, but already traditional Xbox consoles looks like the transfer of the left minister in the upper part of the gamepad and the installation on its "traditional" place of crossmen, but they say, such a layout of mini casual is better suited for games of certain genres.

Unlike PlayStation 3 gamepads, the new Xbox 360 gamepads retained the function feedback function (force feedback) or, simply speaking, vibromotors. Judging by our feelings compared to the gamepads of other consoles (Sony PS2, Nintendo Wii), as well as with computer gamepads (Logitech Rumblepad 2), Xbox 360 wireless gamepads vibrate strongly - the hands are tangible, the bodybuilders will be satisfied ;-)

But the digital eight-position crossed disappoints - unlike the deaders of the four buttons on the gamepads of the Sony consoles, the Cross on the Xbox 360 gamepad is implemented as one large plastic circle-on-leg, pressing on the edges of which you click on the hidden under this circle button-contacts.

Plus, this implementation is that it is not necessary to press two buttons immediately if you need to get a diagonal movement. The minus is that pressing on the edges of the circle are far from being so obvious as pressing on ordinary buttons. The circle when pressed on its edge bends and shifts relative to the vertical axis, which is somewhat confused by pressing - press down, and for some reason moves to the side. In this case, the circle is often hit by its edge about the ring base of the cross, unexpectedly stopping and causing too pleasant sounds to life. In the amount, all this leads to the fact that pressing on the cross is not felt tactile - the contact button is clicked under the circle or not can be defined only on what is happening on the screen, which is not always convenient.

But there are Xbox 360 wireless gamepads and one significant and unique at the time of the appearance of the console on sale plus: they allow you to turn on and off the console, where the console itself is not - there is an advantage of radio contact and a special gamepad communication protocol and console.

True, if the gamepad does not touch for some time, then it is turned off for saving battery saving, and in order to connect it to the console again, it is necessary to press it on the "X" -Canoch in the middle, initiating relatively long (seconds 5-10) the search process for the gamepad of its base station . And when this process has to be observed in ten times per day (let's say, you have left dinner to drink coffee and finally just smoke, and the gamepad disabled every time), then at the end he already begins to annoy.

But in general, the new Xbox 360 gamepads should be recognized as practically references in their ergonomics and significantly superior to this indicator of their own predecessors from the previous Xbox generation. And the wired Xbox 360 gamepads differ from their wireless fellows only in the absence of a battery compartment "under the belly", as a result, slightly smaller weight and, of course, the presence of a long wire.

Noise and heat dissipation

Finally, the last characteristic, which is of interest to buyers, acts about the noise of the console and forever wandering somewhere next to noise the heat dissipation. And, unfortunately, it is especially necessary to boast of xbox 360 in this area: the console is heated and noise, and the cozy is very unpleasant "walking" ringing of a spinning small fan (or rather - two) on rolling bearings.

This ringing is particularly annoying, firstly, against the background of the almost absent jet of the "exhaust" of hot air. We are ready to forgive noise if it is caused by the fans effectively copier with cooling, but in the case of Xbox 360, noise is great, and for some reason, blowing the console by air is quite modest. Secondly, the Xbox 360 noise appears to be excessive against the background of a number of computer enclosures with more than ten low-speed fans, total providing a smaller level of noise under the load system with complex modern games than two Xbox 360 fans in full console downtime ...

Of course, if a DVD drive turns out in the console drive, then the noise of the fans immediately goes into the second plan, drowning the noise spinning in the drive drive, which in turn successfully overlaps the sound track of the game or the film. But the problem is that the XBOX Live service! It implies that the console will be quite often included and then when no one plays - downloading multi-money demo versions, video files and other additions The case is not fast, but ideal for this night requires silence that Xbox 360 seems to ensure not Capable.

Other features of operation

Among other surprises identified during the operation of the Xbox 360, some features can be noted in connecting the console to a computer monitor with the aspect ratio of 4: 3 and some unpleasant surprises in the work of a branded Wi-Fi adapter.

With the connection to the screen, the situation is as follows: All (literally) games for Xbox 360 are designed to work on a wide screen with a ratio of the sides of 16: 9 (standard HDTV resolutions - 1280x720 and 1920x1080). When connecting the console to the VGA connector (we note that this is true not only for computer monitors, since many HDTV have a VGA connector for connecting projectors and computers) You can specify the resolution in which the console will produce a signal. Among these permits, there are both traditional "computer" permissions (for example, 1280x1024) and "widescreen" HDTV permissions. Also, in the console settings, Aspect Ratio is 4: 3 or 16: 9, which affects the pixel format accordingly (in the picture with Aspect Ratio 16: 9 to 4: 3 screen, the interface elements are drawn by vertical).

The problem is that not all games can adequately perceive these settings. Some games (for example, Perfect Dark Zero) work in resolution of 1280x1024 with the aspect ratio of 4: 3 correctly. But there are games (for example, Project Gotham Racing 3), which ignore the settings specified in the console itself, and expose the incorrect format of pixels, as a result of which they look stretched vertically. Unfortunately, it is possible to correct this annoying feature only adjusting the monitor settings - that is, by compressing the image vertically by means of the monitor, if it allows it.

This feature should be remembered by those who plan to connect the Xbox 360 to the screen with the aspect ratio of 4: 3.

The second trouble detected by us concerns the work of the "branded" adapter to connect to Wi-Fi networks. The fact is that when connecting to the Internet through this adapter for incomprehensible, the reason for us is constantly tuned with the Xbox Live! - The connection itself is in order, the Internet works continuously (on the computer connected to the same network, with such disconnections, the download is not interrupted), it is loss of connections from Xbox Live! Moreover, this is observed only when connecting via Wi-Fi, when connecting a conventional network cable directly to the ruter, the connection is kept for many days.

It is difficult to say than caused by such behavior with Wi-Fi connection - the features of the Xbox 360 software, the features of the Wi-Fi adapter or problems in its operation with our access point (Zyxel Prestige 662HW), but those plans to connect Xbox 360 to the network Through a branded Wi-Fi adapter, it will be useful to know about this problem. Especially since there are already alternative and less expensive options for wireless connecting Xbox 360 to the home network.

At the same time, we want to express our "fi" programmers Microsoft, which did not provide for the Xbox 360 OS options for automatic connections to the Live! In case of his loss. Perhaps they should pay attention to this moment when developing the next update of the Console OS.


The new Microsoft Game Console undoubtedly turned out to be very successful. The combination of a special approach to the console "iron" and the right approach to marketing and positioning will undoubtedly allow the Xbox 360 to conquer more fans than it managed to make the first Xbox.

It is quite powerful and, which is important, a non-standard video chip will allow games for Xbox 360 to stand out graphically among the games for the rest of the platforms - and we are not talking about the quality as the stylist of the graphics of X360 games. However, we will tell you more about this in the reviews on the games themselves.

Advanced media capabilities (playback of DVD video, showing photos, music playback, interaction with personal computers and portable media devices type iPods) will surely come to taste those who like to use the game consoles not only by their direct intended purpose.

At the same time, the early release of the Xbox 360 to the market, although Microsoft gave the company for almost an annual ash, negatively affected its functionality. So far, it is not yet fully understood how Microsoft's attempt to supplement the console functionality by external devices (in particular, HD DVD drive) will help it in competition with young and innovative rivals (in particular, with PlayStation 3 and Wii).

However, at the moment Microsoft Xbox 360 is perhaps the best console of the new generation - for the year she managed to acquire a serious game, and the projects already announced for her in the future will be interesting to the overwhelming majority of gamers. What will be able to oppose Xbox 360 recently released Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation? We will talk about it another time.


  • The first Console of the new HDTV generation on the market
  • Several already released very good exclusive games (Gears of War, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Saints Row, Dead Rising, Project Gotham Racing 3, Dead O Alive 4)
  • Extremely useful, convenient and publicly available XBOX Live service! Silver - Global Profiles of Players, All-Plate Lists of Achievements, Voice Communication (as well as damn entertaining MiniGras Xbox Live! Arcade)
  • Thoughtful and unified XBox Live service for all games! Gold - Universal Wednesday for Multiplayer Games and All for Communication Players with each other
  • References on their ergonomics of gamepads
  • Very good console design
  • Simple and convenient operating system interface
  • Advanced media capabilities (video display, audio, photographs; network telephone; interaction with PC and mobile devices)
  • A large number of all sorts of accessories, significantly increasing the capabilities of the console
  • Two versions of the console, characterized by price and functionality


  • The absence of any serious innovation with the exception of XBOX Live network services! - Most of the changes compared to the first XBOX are purely quantitative
  • The relatively small number of exclusive games - most of the games for Xbox 360 are also available on other platforms (in particular, on Windows PC)
  • The extremely trimmed functionality of the cheap version of the console is the absence of backward compatibility, hard disk and wireless gamepads
  • High noise console
  • High percentage of damage in the first year of sales console

IBM processor
- Three symmetrical kernels of 3.2 GHz each
- 1 MB L2-Cash

ATI video card
- 10 MB built-in DRAM
- Single architecture of shaders

Game Performance (CPU)
- 9.6 billion vector operations per second

Polygonal performance
- 500 million triangles per second

Pixel productivity
- 16 gigases per second when using 4x MSAA

Shader performance
- 48 billion shader operations per second

Floating point operating system operation
- 1 Teraflop

- 512 MB GDDR3 RAM, built at a frequency of 700 MHz
- general memory building

Data storage
- Removable hard disk (20.60 or 120 GB)
- two-layer DVD-ROM (also exists separately purchased HDDVD-drive)
- Flash cards (from 64 MB)

Available ports
- Four wireless controllers
- Three slots under USB 2.0
- two slots for flash cards

Communication with Internet
- availability of the Ethernet port
- Wi-Fi: 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g
- the presence of a slot for the camcorder

Additional media capabilities
- Supports CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 CD, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R / RW, DVD + R / RW, CD-DA
- download option Music files on hard disk
- Playing files from other devices (portable players, computer, etc.)

Widescreen mode support
- Available resolution 16: 9, 720p, 1080i
- Built-in compatibility with Windows XP MEDIA CENTER EDITION 2005
- Interactive full-screen 3D effects

Sound options
- Affordable 3D Sound option (multichannel Surround Sound)
- 32-bit sound processing
- more than 256 audio channels
- Supports 48KHz, 16 bit
- 320 independent decoding channels

physical characteristics
- Height: 83 mm
- Length: 309 mm
- Width: 258 mm
- Weight: 3.5 kg
- It can be installed vertically or horizontally.

Three options of the console editions are available: Arcade, Premium and Elite (there was another version of Core, which is no longer produced, the Arcade replaced it).

Decoding "Three Lights of Death"
For most buyers of the first supplies of Xbox 360, at least once there was a problem overheating of the gaming system. However, this is not always true - the reasons may be several: memory overheating, error in GPU, problems with the power supply. To accurately determine what the error should learn the error code, similar to how it is done in the service centers. Necessary
Include your console and wait for "three deaths of death."
At the same time, click on the console two buttons: Opening a DVD drive and search for a wireless gamepad.

This procedure should be made four times. Each time a definite number of light bulbs on the front panel of the device will light up. Each position corresponds to a certain number. One fire corresponds to 1, two to 2, three - 3 and four - 0. Four numbers obtained are the error code.

Error code
0001 problems with power supply
0002 Power supply problems
0010 Overheating
0011 Overheating
0012 Overheating
0013 Overheating
0022 Error in GPU / Overheating GPU
0102 Unknown Error