Top games with an atmosphere. What are atmospheric games with a delightful plot? The Elder Scrolls Series

Video games are a big escape, a ticket first class from reality.

Starting with rainy streets in Blade Runner, snowy forests in The Long Dark and ending with the ruins of a nuclear lesion in Fallout with an underwater city from Bioshock. In some of them, you need to understand the combat system or fill more points, and in some, developers create a plausible world and send a player there.

The following games managed to stand out among others due to the competent combination of sounds, visual effects and a gaming environment, which in my opinion gives them the title of the most atmospheric games.

This brutal survival simulator can be hit by its beauty. You literally feel the cold, making your way through the slopes of snow. And the shelter near the crackling fire during the promotion blizzard is an incredible atmospheric scene.

This is not devoid of deficiencies, but the ambitious Point-and-Click of Advenchur from Westwood, in which the appearance is brilliantly recreated and the spirit of the same name scientific fiction film Ridley Scott is preserved. With rains of Los Angeles Streets 2019, 2019 looks very atmospheric.

Despite the stylized, almost cartoon visualization, the National Shoshoni National Reserve is an excellent atmospheric place for a virtual walk. This reserve is beautiful and frighteningly unlenized, which makes the game just great.

The same Los Angeles, but this time in the late 40s. Closer attention to the details of Rockstar and memorable knee comments from Andrew Hale, certainly contribute to greater immersion in the game, as if we are reviewing old detective films about Chinatown.

The game developers managed to create one of the most atmospheric gaming setages - zone. This is a gloomy postpocalyptic wasteland in the shade of the exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Realistic effects of bad weather are perfectly complemented by already unfriendly.

Technologies of the uncompromising 1970s and muted colors at the Space Station "Sevastopol" recreate the atmosphere of the original film "Alien" Ridley Scott. The perfect place of action for this intense, oppressive masterpiece among horror.


The Sleepy village of Yaton and the surrounding valley may seem like an ideal example of rural life in England, but something terrible happened here. This feeling of anxiety prevails over every scene of idyll.

The place of action of this, fruitless Hebrid Islands. The creators of this game, The Chinese Room, perfectly handed over the feeling of the gray, chosen by all winds of the Scottish Islands and used it to weigh the dark, mysterious plot.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

All games from the Assassin's Creed series of atmospheric, but Black Flag woke a feeling in me that I am in some other place. Ubisoft's caribbeans turned out simply great, it is especially noticeable when a tropical storm is approaching.


This psychological, science fantastic horror from the creators of Amnesia is a game with an incredibly detailed, sullen underwater nature. Consecration is especially impressive, carrying us into a rich underwater atmosphere.

A huge open world in the Witcher is full of such beautiful places like: Golden fields ordered and frozen Island Skeyig. These are those places where you can simply get lost from atmospheric, what to talk about local sunsets.

Underwater city in Bioshock is really impressive. AR-Deco skyscrapers that hang over us in muddy green water, have become a classic genre in computer games. Colombia from Bioshock Infinite is also good, but it still does not compare with atmosphericness with the original game.

Wherever you wandered in Lordrane, the trend of antiquity is felt everywhere. This place is filled with myths, very old and almost forgotten. As if we are exploring the ruins of the ancient, long-lasting civilization.

Trade and battles are fun, but sometimes you should get away from the ship in order to consider the city closer. The wonderful Milky Way from the FRONTER company is full of amazing species, and the exciting music simply complements the atmosphere.


Like the game Stalker, blackcuria in Dayz is a rather gloomy desert place in the post-Soviet space. Here it can be beautiful with the sunlight, but mostly blackcuria is a gray, polluted by the rain and the terrain filled with despair.

In video games, we used to see a nuclear devastation personally and experience it on yourself, but Defcon shows the other side: a terrible silence of war in rooms, where world leaders quietly organize full destruction of the planet.

Before you are the effects of atomic war. As in the original game, in Fallout 3 we are expected abandoned empty, exposed to nuclear weapons, only this time in 3D. The game has its own indescribable atmosphere, which contributes to the study of the gaming world. At least as long as gigantic ants want to finish it.

Improved light effects make night battles in Arma 3 incredibly atmospheric. And in the afternoon, the Greek Islands of Altis and Stratis look very beautiful. In the creation of the environment, the developers from Bohemia were at the height.

This is another proof towards the high level of skill with Fullbright developers, since the usual house turned out so atmospheric. A flickering TV in the living room, which signals about the approaching storm, just a great part.

Nobody expected that Valve will make a seat of Sicvel Half-Life in Eastern Europe. City 17 demonstrates us oppressive citizens, abandoned streets, dilapidated Soviet apartments and faded signs on Cyrillic.

Pleasant, unreal, impregnated with neon atmosphere Hotline Miami in combination with ruthless firearms, makes the game very attractive for the player. The rolling heavy synthesizer soundtrack only enhances the evil energy of the game with graphics in the style of 80s.

Interesting, an abstract adventure game, which is insanely obliged to with his stylistic films of David Lynch. This game is far from the perfect point-and-click game, but the mysterious story and atmospheric visualization compensates.

Snow mountains, ice fragments and raging hot springs Skyrim is very pleasant to explore, especially at sunset. The developers from Bethesda still need to work on the characters models, but the game world created by them is at the moment one of the best.

Everything in Portal 2 is very carefully worked out, including the Laboratory Aperture itself. Traveling in different epochs, you feel as if you unlocked some ancient time capsule, the integrity of which has never worth breaking.

The study of dark depths of the sea was an example of atmospheric environment in the game. The whole essence of history lies in eloquent lines, but the illustration in the green shade is also a very expressive detail.

If you have ever wondered how to be alone on the planet, it will only be able to convey it in more detail. You really feel as if in a different world, chasing on your mercier on a deserted red planet.

Why atmosphere?

For me in games the most important thing is the atmosphere.

The atmosphere in games is a combination of entourage, a supported color scheme and a sounder with a unique sound pattern in the context of the plot of the game.

I decided to make a selection of games that seemed to me the most atmospheric. Games go in order, ratings and comparisons will not be, for each game is good.

For the entire impressive set of advantages of the "Metro" shooter series, and first of all the unique atmosphere - such a thick, which is at least a spoon eat, - there is one greasy minus.

No matter how cool, but it is that shooters from these games turned out so-so. There are no normal ballistics, the opponents are stupid and not reacting to hitting, the weapon is unconvincing - a set of symptoms in general is typical for shooters made in the post-Soviet space, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. suffered from the same disease. Neither an interesting arsenal was not saved, nor the opportunity to fasten the butt and an optical sight to the usual revolver.

But a timid hope was still warm, especially considering that the developers, not modest, stated that, after the schedule, tighten into the updated version and the gameplay.

In addition to the visual part, the developers led to the gameplay. Metro 2033 was a good shooter, but frequent stealth episodes in the absence of normal quiet killings. Now everything is as needed, that is, as in Last Light. We can sneak to the enemy from the back, kill it or stun - the karmic system, without it nowhere else. At the end, your solutions do not affect: We still do the final choice at the very end of the game. Comfortable throwing knives are still perfect in difficult situations when it is desirable to pass the levels quiet. There are no problems with warriors, but monsters could be weaker: even on the base ("normal) level of complexity, it is necessary to plant 3-4 automatic horns to fill down some reptiles.

The developers clearly wanted to emphasize the difficult life in the postpocalyptic world and even shared the game for two styles: "Spartan" and "survival". The latter speaks for himself: emphasis on a quiet passage, few cartridges, the enemies are valid and sensitive, it is strongly recommended to play only in Stelse mode. "Spartan" is more suitable for fans of noisy flips and explosions: the ammunition is enough, the first-aid kits also find a problem. Although situations where you remain almost without cartridges, very real. In addition, do not forget that one type of bullets is considered to be currency here, and it is better not to sift with money in the literal sense of the word. These cartridges in Metro 2033 REDUX are now incendiary, as implemented in Last Light.

If "survival" will seem a little, welcome to the level of the complexity of the "Ranger Hardcore": plus the devil complexity, minus interface. Over only the initial automaton, whose eye can determine the number of cartridges in the clip - the store enters the barrel as shooting.

The residue has a well-converted Metro 2033, which is still interesting, and a couple of changes in the Last Light purely for fans. Acquire both parts makes sense, only if before that was not played in Last Light.

The universe of the "Stalker" game is large and extensive, full of secrets and mysteries, which is complete every corner of the forbidden zone. The original source is, of course, the product of the Brothers Strugatsky "Picnic on the side of the road." The idea existed - it was loneliness, a feeling of deep longing, dull paints and a constant danger, because of which everywhere you need to be alert.

The first part of the saga about the labeled - Stalker-Single was published back in two thousand and seventh year. Then there is still few who the famous GSC Game World has released the game, the venue of which they refused the surroundings of Chernobyl and Pripyat. Attractions: the fourth power unit, Prometheus cinema, dump of abandoned equipment and much more. The player told the story of the stabuli's memory, the hunter to the wealth of the zone - artifacts. From the face of the hero, the game community has observed a new one, nothing to do with the other world after the apocalypse of the North-West of Ukraine.

Lifeless, it would seem, the landscape was diluted with millions of small details. Flora Noise, fauna ran through his business, both could harm! People were engaged in life - mostly sat in safety at the improvised bases, occasionally performing bars into dangerous parts of an infected area. The picture discussed the picture was delayed, there was a feeling of the reality of what is happening. The longing could pek up to the depths of the soul, it happens to the player to get under the acid rain in one of the buildings of the zone. The atmosphere of loneliness was transferred with rare skill. Despite this, the game did not want to throw. For the past eight years, the "shadows of Chernobyl" do not lose relevance, forcing lovers of the series to return to familiar places.

Two thousand eighth was marked by the output of the second part - the prehistory of the first part, in which we were explained how the zone became such as players a year ago. The developers managed to be impossible - on the old map, show a completely different performance, the development of the plot and the atmosphere of which everyone also fit into the world of the zone. Regarding the densely populated area, which is conducted by the field of influence, terrible thickets of forests, new secrets whose disclosure could lead to far from joyful consequences. The picture of the history of the infected area began to fold into the bizarre mosaic, the plot developed, and the players, passing the second part, with even greater hope was waiting for the appearance of the third. What to do if the scripts, responding to all the questions of the first part, accidentally dropped from a dozen, forcing loyal fans to scour around the zone in search of answers that could not be found.

Finishing, the third part, being a sequel first, came out in two thousand ninth year, immediately bypowing the development costs. The player was placed in the very center of the contaminated area - the neighborhood of the Ghost City Pripyat, again leaving alone with a uncomplicated mission. The third adventure lasted much longer than the first two - three huge locations allowed fans to turn into full force. Due to pay and developers. Few some third part boasts such a soon developing and such high quality content. New features, interesting tasks, old familiar and unique, but causing nostalgia in the heart of the "Stalker" spirit returned, allowing the game community to re-enjoy the game that smelled to many in the soul.

The Elder Scrolls series is unique in its own way - among the Western role-playing games of the old school, he hardly continues to live and develop. You can still name, except that the post-apocalyptic Fallout Sagu, but she did not sleep at a certain moment in the fly, and he saved her from this fate to Bethesda, the developer of The Elder Scrolls. The most amazing thing is that the series is also extremely in demand. The release of a new episode is a global event. Almost no other modern game is able to even get closer to what the Elder Scrolls offers. The player is provided with a huge fantasy world, where he is free to do everything that is pleased. Of course, there is a ultimate goal, you must certainly prevent any ancient evil to arrange another read accomplishment, but the emphasis is not done on this, but on a different kind of side classes. They are in abundance available in any Western RPG, and in The Elder Scrolls it is also put on the fore. Sometimes they are not turning them to call them side - it is rather alternative plot lines. They are less epic, but no less fascinating.

The effect of the fifth part unfolds in the northern province of the Empire Tamriel - Skyrim. This metterologically unfavorable region is predominantly Nordami - harsh blond warriors who are clearly written off from Vikings. The situation in the region is deplorable: there will be a war between nationalists and who arrived for their assimiosis by the Imperial Legion. Fighters for freedom believe that the empire is infrinning the rights of Nords on their land, and Tamriel's authorities decided that the law is one for everyone. Who considers otherwise that the criminal. The game begins when the hero along with the leader of the riskers leads to the execution. In the most responsible moment, it turns out that his name is not in the list of sentenced, but the imperial officers does not bother. To avoid bureaucratic red tapes, they decide to be decaying the stranger anyway. Life unfortunate saves suddenly attacking the Dragon settlement. In the turmoil, the hero is freed and runs away, after which the player turns out to be granted himself.

Having selected on Skyrim's expanses, you can go anywhere, even on the opposite edge of the virtual world. Sites for visiting Mass: Forts, castles, huts, ruins and caves. Initially, the map shows only cities, the remaining locations are displayed as visits. The game allows you to freely move between the baked places, which significantly saves time. An indispensable help in navigation serves as a compass. It shows which directions are nearby houses and decent hero sights. In addition, the compass is noted the destination points for active quests. Thus, despite the impressive size of the gaming world, it is difficult to dive in it.

Quests - both big, and small - wait literally at every step. In the next large village, Waitran, you will try to put in a detachment of the reverse-mercenaries. Their aged captain is concerned about the search for drugs from Likantropy: It is afraid that after the death of such a bloodthirsty beast, how he will not be allowed to paradise for Warriors. It is possible to go to the stronghold of separatists, Windhelm, and enter into the ranks of the rowers, the good of their leader's leader was a chance to get acquainted on Eshaf. In the capital of Skyrima is the headquarters of the Imperial Legion. Imperbs are hard, but pragmatic, and for the sake of promising cooperation are ready to forget the incident "misunderstanding". In the south-east, there is bad glory in the southeast - in its sewerage there is a thieves guild. Once she kept all Skyrim in his fist, but for several decades she had a series of failures. For an unknown reason, her patroness, goddess of shadows turned away from the guild. If a witchpad is attracted to you, your path lies north - in college, where the warlocks teach the Azam magic of everyone. Do not forget about the main plot associated with the return of dragons after a centuries-old sleep. After performing several instructions, it turns out that the hero is the reincarnation of the legendary dragon-coaming. Revelation unlocks a special type of magic fed by the shoes of the damned dragons.

The Elder Scrolls always differed from other role-playing games, so this is a practical approach to the development of the character. The distribution of points by parameters is not here, all qualities are improved by themselves as they use. The degree of possession of a certain type of weapon is growing in parallel how the hero of this weapon is enemies. To master any school, magic is required to regularly let the spells relating to this school. Dispiring the locks becomes slightly simpler with each broken mine. Unlike Oblivion, where the level of the hero has increased only when pumping the main skills, all skills are in Skyrim in the piggy bank without exception. With raising levels, you can improve health, endurance (spent when running and shuffles from a scope) or a margin of magic, and also choose one perk. So, when the rational art is brought to the value of "30", pep opens, allowing you to bribe the guards. The system is not fun: in most role-playing games, everything is much more difficult, if not saying "warmer." For The Elder Scrolls, it, however, is optimal, since the dominant place in the series has always occupied not figures, but a virtual world.

"I dreamed of money, cars, women, respect, freedom. I think that I got all this ... more or less "- these words of Vito Skallet, the main character Mafia 2, best express the essence of the game. Let's not so much (or rather, it is not at all) freedom, but women, money, good music, enemies and especially machines - at least loads of Georgia.

Machines in the game are made almost best of all the rest. Of the fact that the epoch itself has (be sure to look at our material with comparing game models and their real prototypes), so also to manage them - one pleasure. Riding on a slippery road on slow and heavy machines something resembles balancing on a rope: it's a little wrong - and an unmanaged suitcase has already been on the oncoming lane. Of course, in order not to deprive yourself of this pleasure, you must include in the settings of the game "simulatory" physics. Motor models This time is not so much - only 37, but each worked with maniacal attention to the details (there is not enough view from the cab) and it is also recognized by the sound. In a word, if we consider Mafia 2 as a simulator of the era of the 40-50s, then there is no equal to it.

As, however, and in attention to the details. Some for some reason put the game in the fault of the complete lack of activity and side tasks in the city, but who needs to be distinguished by the distressed machines and robbery stores, if every meal, each facade in Empire Bay is molded manually? During the missions, it's still looking around, hitting the details of the interiors, and going down the stairs, you can meet the cleaning ladder, which is immediately embarrassed from our appearance. It is clear that all these miceanssen are calculated in advance and occur almost exclusively on our path, but 2K Czech do not cease to be surprised even in the second and third time.

Obtains Czechs Only a typical Eastern European approach to polishing the game - in this plan, Mafia 2 differs from GTA 4 about how "Skoda" from Volkswagen. The camera indoors instead of the back of the hero often shows only a piece of ceiling, the chaspoints are placed so that the same mission has to pass several times due to a fool's design mistake, and they are killed in the game quickly and unexpectedly (enemies are often not visible due to shelters ). It is a pity that the huge budgets of Take-Two Interactive were spent only on creating a beautiful world, amazing machines and licensing of all the best musical compositions of the 50s.

The plot is performed perfectly, the heroes are good, and their animation is satisfactory. But there is no desire to lay Mafia 2 to the components, because its main advantage is the epoch and history. Which, however, tells about the boys on the blisters. If you drop the plot, and fashion scenery - you will have to admit that Mafia 2 does not fully correspond to expectations from the best game of the year and even more so decades. But no matter how cool, they waited for it so long that the estimates are hardly important.

CD Projekt Red For several years, we managed to make something that other developers' companies remain only to dream, - to create a gamer analogue of the Games of Thrones and achieve world recognition, expanding the target audience of The Witcher from the group of fans of the Championship of Andrzej Sapkovsky (Andrzej Sapkowski) gamer community. In addition to the peculiar world in the "Witcher" there is something that radically allocates it in the RPG space, is a terrific naturalism of everything that is happening. The developers do not adapt to the toothless norms of the artistic expression, prescribing to shyly hide nude bodies and puddles of blood, not to offend women and children and, of course, to include as many representatives of all kinds of races and minorities in the frame as possible, where they are inappropriate.

Both in a storyline, and in the sharpness of the raised questions, the authors remain the right spirit of the original. There is no good and evil here, ideals of justice are inferior to real social problems. Tiras, infringement of the rights of population groups, widespread cruelty and, of course, the struggle for power - politicized fantasy in mass culture today is very popular, but in the world of role-playing games - a rare bird. The "Witcher" is tightly inscribed on the art basis and confidently uses its resource. Did the developers managed to finally disclose the potential of the Universe at the final chapter of the history of Gerasta from Rivia?

As the degree of earnings of the plot, characters and voiced social problems, and the territorial world of "wild hunting" became large-scale and more than in previous parts. In this case, it will be quite correct in this case, not even with them, but with the standard of "large sizes" - The Elder Scrolls. However, in contrast to the latter, the scale in the "Witcher" is not a goal, but a condition for immersion in what "scrolls" is not enough, in the spiritual atmosphere of the Slavic epic.

Gallop on the horse overcoming dense forests and endless plains, walking along the streets of local villages, climbing the snowy mountain peaks of Skelliga Islands, not only get aesthetic satisfaction from the grand landscapes and incredibly beautiful graphics, but also feel the scale and significance of what is happening. Every Frame The Witcher 3 is filled with life: trees are swinging from the gusts of the wind, the village of Rustic Datvora comes up by the lake, there are gangsters and warriors on the roads. In Korchme, you can shut up to Gwint (this is a local card game) and drink beer. In Novigrad, you can listen to the preaching of the priest, and in the tavern - to get to the memories of the delightful song of pricked. Live world of the game, performed by the romance adventure, is beautiful.

Dark Souls is an action-RPG, which is based on a simple, but honest combat system, based on the focusing of the camera on the adversary, steam around it waiting for the right moment for attack, cargo, blocks and parry. The fame and popularity of Souls brought the complexity, never exceeding a reasonable framework, but always holding in voltage. Each enemy dies from dies, as well as the hero. Death threatens the loss of souls that are simultaneously both money, and experience for pumping: caution will not hurt, but at the same time no loss will be truly critical because everything can be fill.

The feeling of hopelessness and despair and before redeemed in consciousness with the series, but in Dark Souls 3 in each grain of history it is felt that this journey is the last. In such a deplorable state, this world has not yet been brought to us. But do not forget that the superficial study history in the series does not tolerate. It is revealed only before the most meticulous. You need to look very intently. For a long time, look into the abyss. Everything is not as it seems to you. The very chosen dead will go to the trails of the heroic predecessors, but see the familiar outlines in the new lands is not so simple. Time mercilessly - the impregnable fortresses have long turned into dust, on the site of majestic castles have grown new walls, once blooming gardens are drown in a poisonous albeit, and where the sun has once shone, ruins ruthless cold. Today, these lands and kingdoms are called quite differently, but we will remember their true names. Or is it just an illusion? An evil joke of the abyss, the centuries seeking to absorb the world? In Dark Souls you need to look at all eyes, but, as before, do not believe blindly everything you see.

Nothing and the opportunity for negligence "Slot" to yourself. For example, I passed the game with a magician, and the only NPC, taking new spells, after the murder I took the next boss with nothing with this and disappeared forever because I did not bring him a single scroll of those he was looking for. The wizard, armed only by the variations of the arrow of the soul, is truly a pathetic sight. And I could have left or start the game first, or to put up with the inferiority of the character. The future, as it may, among the Dark Souls, the third part is perhaps the best. She focuses on loyal things, she is studying on the experience of predecessors, it offers that many games are not forces. This is a long, tense and exciting journey through bright and memorable places. This is a wonderful, beautiful and truly three-dimensional world, to explore which is extremely interesting. These are all growing in the complexity of the battle, forcing them to act more carefully, more promptly, cunning.

On the other hand, in DS3 there is the main thing, what distinguishes the entire souls-series is mysteriousness. The developers of modern blockbusters are used to not just putting all the most interesting deposit, but straight to poke the player in this "the most interesting" face. Immediately, on the contrary, all the most delicious hidden from the inattentive eye; The game is packed by secrets, non-obvious moments and even entire plot branches that easily penetrate with a negligent passage. And for such a unique approach and technical roughness in which it is not very good to forgive in the game in the game, but the atmosphere does everything for it, and in general the game is not at all about it. With Darksouls, a funny paradox came out: the third part was exactly such Which one at one time wanted to see the second, but from the triumphant completion of the trilogy still wanted more. Repetition passed, even even more or less reasonable, remains repetition. The series turns on the spot, and this is not the best solution with such a number of roughness and elements that frankly need overhaul.

A selection of best atmospheric games for the computer. If you have any suggestions add some game to this top Write the name of the game and why you think that there is a cool atmosphere in it.

Blade Runner

Release date:1997

Three-dimensional adenchura with an action elements from a third party, telling about the confrontation of people with replicants (cloned semi-adroides, designed to work wherever no person will work) and based on the 1982 film of the same name. In the process of the game, we will have to look for evidence, communicate with various characters and fight against replicants.

An interesting feature of the project is that, firstly, before the start of the game, it is randomly generated, which of the characters found will be replicant, and secondly, our hero can choose topics for conversations and answers in dialogues. In general, the project turned out to be incredibly playable (which only stand 16 versions of the ending) and atmospheric. In terms of the gameplay, he was much ahead of his time, so if you are not frightened by the outdated graphics on modern standards, then it is extremely recommended to get acquainted with the game.

Silent Hill

Release date:1999-2012

A series of incredibly atmospheric games in the Survival Horror genre, various in the plot, however, often combined the venue. The plot of most games in the series develops in the non-existent town of Silent Hill, associated with a kind of mystical cult.

The features of the series include gloomy multidimensional plots and an incredibly frightening atmosphere, not the last role in creating the surrounding world, located in a permanent mist, as well as a variety of monsters drawn by the subconscious of the characters of the Games. Also traditionally for the series in games there are various puzzles, tied only on the search and use of quest items, but also on the solve of various mysteries and finding non-standard ways to solve them.

Gothic 1 and 2

Release date:The first - 2001, the second - 2002

Two parts of an excellent atmospheric fantasy RPG from a third party, whose action unfolds in the kingdom of Mirtan, where the bloody war is going with orcs. At one time, these two games were the most popular in the genre, and many developers were equal (and sometimes they tried and frankly copy) on some gaming mechanics. On our website Gothic enters.

The features of the dylogue should be attributed to the big game world, an excellent plot, a convenient battle system and magic. Also one of the "chips" of these two games is that the protagonist is pumped from teachers who need to be sought in the game world. The first part of "Gothic" received mainly positive feedback, and the second of many gaming publications was recognized as the best RPG of 2003.

Max Payne.

Release date:2001

Genre:Third party shooter,

The shooter from a third party impregnated with noar and atmosphere of hopelessness. In the game we manage Max Payne - an agent of anti-drug control agent, which lost his family, after which it was cruelly substituted. The game features of the project include the fair cinematicity of what is happening, as well as the presence of the Bullet Time mode, allowing to slow down the time so that the bullet flying in the main character can be seen.

In general, when playing in Max Payne, it is felt that the developers were inspired by films in the Gong Kong Fighter genre. To date, two more parts of the famous game have come out, which also hold a high bar specified by another first part, and even contribute some of their own gameplay elements.

Mafia 1 and 2

Release date:2002

Genre:Third party shooter, open world,

Two parts of an excellent adventure militant from a third party with an open world and autosimulator elements. Traditionally, for both parts, we are represented by the main hero of the game by traveling on a huge seamless location, we communicate with persons, we carry out the task, participate in the shootings and periodically chase on cars. Despite the open world, the big focus in the games is made on the plot, which tells the history of the formation of mafios. At the same time, the first and second part, albeit in the same universe, but are not connected with each other (with the exception of several references).

Both parts of the game were mostly positive players' reviews in many ways thanks to an incredibly atmospheric and fascinating plot. At the present moment, the third one was added to the two parts described above, which, however, received mixed assessments.

Series S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Release date:2007-2009

Excellent Survival Horror with a first-person view, the plot of which is based on the novel of Dmitry Glukhovsky. It is not surprising that the game turned out to be very atmospheric and quite interesting in terms of the plot. As for the gameplay, then everything is generally excellent here - the project is a vigorous post-apocalyptic shooter, who clearly scream inspiration not only in the book source, but also in the games of S.T.A.L.K.E.R series

The action of the game occurs in the Moscow metro, where people moved after a total apocalypse. Locations in the game are mostly corridor, but very sinister and often have many branches. Often the player has to move in the pitch darkness where dangerous monsters are often hidden. Output to the surface is also fraught with hazards, however, of a different nature (radiation radiation, poisoned air, etc.).

Alan Wake

Release date:2010

Genre:Action, Mystic, Horror

The atmospheric psychedelic thriller from a third party with elements of Horror, in which we play for the writer Alan Wayak, trying to find their wife and collided with a paranormal essence. Despite the fact that the game mechanics is based on the charter component, the project is characterized by very original solutions in terms of milk. For example, opponents are often vulnerable to light (and some can only kill the previously "highlighting" them).

The plot in the game is interesting, while he affects almost all people encountered a game. One of the features of the gameplay is the division into episodes (as if you are not played in the game, and watch mystical television series), while at the beginning of a new episode you will definitely remind you of the events of the last "series". The project received enthusiastic reviews, and the magazine "Game" called the console version of the game "The main game of the work in 2010".


Release date:2010

Monochrome platformer telling us the story of a boy trying to find my sister in the extremely unfriendly world. On the way to its goal, the hero will often face gloomy creatures and all sorts of traps, and the slightest mistake will certainly entail the death of the character.

The gloomy and atmospheric game, the gameplay of which the developers themselves are called the method of "samples and deaths". And indeed, you will have to die here often, very often, even somehow incredibly often. And the thing here is that our hero does not have any other abilities, and the world around him is too aggressive. Be that as it may, quite quickly complex places in the game will be passable for you, after which they will not give you so much problems.

L.A. Noire

Release date:2011

Genre:Third party shooter, adventure, police,

An action from a third party with elements of the adventure, which is the most real detective simulator. In the game, we will have to unravel a number of crimes in the role of the police detective, for which they will have to inspect the crime sites, find and compare evidence and all sorts of hooks, and ultimately detect criminals. In addition to the plot tasks in the game there are a lot of additional missions that can be obtained by police racing.

The game has an excellent and incredibly atmospheric plot, as well as a fascinating gameplay, which really gives to feel like a real detective. It is not surprising that gamers highly appreciated this project, and the gaming publications gave him a pretty positive assessment.

Dear Esther.

Release date:2012


An experimental experiment from an independent developer, in which we ferment on a uninhabited island, listen to the voice-over voice of the story, read here and there are letters and move forward. The main goal of the game is to get to the radio tower, studying in parallel with this island and trying to understand what is happening here, who is Esther, and what the narrator talks about. On our site the game is included in.

Strange, nothing like, and an incredibly atmospheric game that is akin to meditation. Of course, she can not like everyone, because There are no opponents, nor even mysteries, but if she "will" go to you, then you will probably come back at it from time to time. What for? Yes, at least for what time to read "Dear Esther ...".


Release date:2012


I unlike anything that is deprived of any words, but filled with music, indescribable atmosphere and emotions. In the role of a strange creature, we will have a trip to the distant-distant mountain, while we can meet other players, but you can not communicate with them, and you can only know who in front of you can only be at the end of the game (the names of the participated players will be indicated in final titers).

In the process of travel, players will meet pieces of fabric, which will subsequently give the opportunity to fly a small segment of the path. Also in the process of passing the player will meet various magical objects and ruins, which are traces of ancient civilization. Such finds will help to understand the history of the gaming world.

Dark Souls Series

Release date:2011-2016

A series of games in the genre of action-RPG, each of which will literally make you cry. And this is not an exaggeration! The gameplay of all parts is built around battles with all sorts of monsters (including extremely giant sizes) using cold weapons. Also in the game there is an element of the study of the world consisting of several levels related to each other. What is this series so famous and why will you cry? The fact is that the games of the SOULS series are distinguished by the extremely high complexity of passing and an equally high threshold entry into the game for beginners.

Despite the ultimate difficulty, the games of the series became incredibly popular in the gamer environment. And indeed, what can best swee your own ego, how not to kill some incredibly complex boss in the same incredibly difficult game? Add incredible atmospheric here and get what the players like this series so much!

Kentucky Route Zero.

Release date:2013

Genre:Indie adventure

The atmospheric indie project is one of those who, with external simplicity, hides a powerful atmosphere and depth. At first glance, the game is little of a remarkable quest with vector graphics, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that the project was clearly inspired by the films of David Lynch. There are no puzzles and inventory with objects, and the main emphasis is on clicking on the desired points of the screen and the choice of replicas in the dialogues.

Excellent game in which the main emphasis is on history and entourage. The project, which for some can be a small revelation. The plot intrigues from the very beginning and often prevents players a lot of surprises.


Release date:2013

A worthy of Survival Horror from the first person in the universe of others, in which we are as Amanda Ripley (yes, this is the daughter of Ellen Ripley from the film) at the Space Station will have to be saved from xenomorphs. Most of the time we have to wander on locations, exploring them and finding it necessary for further plot promotion. At the same time, strangers will constantly complicate our life. "Fishka" is that xenomorphs here live in their laws and possess artificial intelligence, so you have a long time to hide from them.

The game turned out to be very atmospheric, largely due to the defenselessness of the main heroine. Those. We, of course, we can scare the creature with the help of a burner, but you will not be able to kill someone else's, so the output one is to hide!

This War of Mine

Release date:2014

Genre:Simulator, stealth

Saydskrolrol survival simulator telling about how a group of civilians is trying to survive in the city during the civil war. The project has an indescribable oppressive atmosphere and fully shows the real picture of the war.

In this War of Mine, the player manages several survivors at once who are trying to survive the war. Conditionally gaming process can be divided into two phases - day and night. During the daytime, the player needs to be equipped asylum and interact with the characters, and in the night - to make ripples in the city in search of food, medicines, etc. To the main problems of the player here include the lack of provisions and medicines, cold and armed marauders. Events in the game are randomly generated, which makes each of its passing unique.

Ori and The Blind Forest

Release date:2015

Genre:Platformer, Fantasy

Fascinating and very atmospheric 2D platformer. We manage the character named Ori, as well as protecting it in the Spirit Sein. Sein can attack enemies and make energy emissions. In turn, Ori is able to jump, climb on the walls, levitate in the air, swim under water, etc. Location is large and open all at once, but without some abilities (and their most opens in the process of passing) We will not be able to move into its defined Parts.

Players all over the world highly appreciated the visual style of the project, as well as its history and musical accompaniment. In addition, the game took second place in the category "Best Platformer", the rescue of the winner is only 1%.


Release date:2015

Genre:Survival Horror

The action of this horror unfolds at the underwater station, where the machines acquire human traits. The gameplay is traditional here for past developer games (Penumbra and Amnesia), which means that the main emphasis here is made to move on locations, search for quest items and solutions of puzzles. However, an equally important part of the game is the plot and constant oppressive atmosphere, which will not be concerned from the first minutes of the game.

Soma received positive assessments of players and critics, which first highly noted the plot, as well as a constant feeling of a rapid fear arising in the process of passing the game. All fans of horror meters with elements of the quest is recommended!

P athologic Classic HD

Release date:2015

Genre:Simulator, RPG, Artyus

HD-reprint of a "human behavior simulator in an epidemic" called "Utopia". Many critics called the game the most non-standard project, and it is not surprising, because "drive" her in the framework of any genre is very and very difficult. There are elements of RPGs, but very non-standard. There are elements of the Adventures, but also with their "oddities". There is in the game and combat element, but it is far from traditional "milk".

The game shows the fate of three people who found themselves in the city during a terrible epidemic. Each of the characters has its own goals, its motives and attitude to what is happening. Everyone has its own principle of effective survival. The game turned out to be very atmospheric and grotesque, and HD-reprint made it possible to slightly brighten up the wretches of the old engine. It's time to get acquainted with this project if you have missed it in your time.

Ghost of a Tale

Release date:2016

Genre:Action, rpg.

The atmospheric game in the genre of Action-RPG with elements of the Adventor and Stels, the story of a brave mouse tile, which has been captured by the prisoners of the Imperial rats. In the process of his adventure, the mouse will have to overcome various obstacles, hide from the guards, to look for the keys to numerous doors and even change clothes, giving themselves for the imperial.

Each component of the game worked perfectly, but the stealth deserves separate attention. Our mouse can produce noise, for the power of which the character itself affects, its speed, the surface on which it is moving, etc., on the levels are scattered barrels and chests in which you can hide. Opponents can be distracted or stun. The RPG element here is also sufficiently strong. Mouse can find various outfits that affect its parameters, perform quests, raise your level and even learn new skills.

Darkest Dungeon.

Release date:2016

Genre:RPG, Ind, Fantasy, Roglia

The original role-playing game with an admixture of the Roguelike genre, in which we are in the company of several adventurers we are going to explore the catacombs under the ancient estate. Before each campaign, we can equip our "adventures", and after the hike - send them to restore their physical and mental health. At the latter, I would like to make an emphasis - the fact is that the game is quite atmospheric and dark, it is not surprising that there is such an emphasis on the moral condition of the characters. Our heroes as the emergence of opponents or unforeseen situations may be frightened, as a result of which they will come out from under the control of the player, or to acquire any unpleasant peppers.

The project was clearly inspired by the works of such writers like Howard Lovecraft. It is not surprising that the game to failure is filled with such themes as fear of unknown, loss of reason, insignificance of a person in front of unknown forces.

Layers of Fear.

Release date:2016

Genre:Survival Horror, Mystic

The atmospheric thriller in which you in the role of an insane artist should finish the work of your life and create a masterpiece. Do you find the roots of your own madness and can you get rid of them? Or maybe you will be thrown into the bog of fear and horror? You decide!

The gameplay here is very "rail." Step into the left, step into the right within the framework of this game is not what punishable, it is in principle impossible here. At the same time, the project takes the plot and atmosphere, which are very good here. At the same time, the story is applied not only through the rollers and the gameplay, but even through the scenery, in particular through the paintings. Ultimately, an understanding of the whole story comes, and what we seek in the face of the protagonist throughout the game, and then it becomes truly scary.


Release date:2016

Genre:Puzzle, Quest, Survival Horror

Atmospheric platformer with puzzle elements created by the developer of another similar game called Limbo. In principle, these two games are similar, as brothers, therefore, the gameplay is made here with a loan to the past project of the company - we are running in the face of the boy mainly in one direction and try to avoid traps in every way, as well as opponents. Our hero has extremely low vitality, as a result of which he will often die with taste. However, when an understanding of actions comes in a particularly difficult moment, it begins to be quite simple.

The project takes not so much a gameplay as its graphic component and atmosphere. There is no place of any plot here, so the players have to focus "along the course of the case", however, it does not prevent the project to enjoy the project in the game process.


Release date:2016

Genre:Scablagist simulator

Colorful scuba simulator, with a minimum required from the player's action, but at the same time with a maximum of positive impressions. All gameplay here comes down to the liberation of fish from traps, search for seashells and activation of various mechanisms, but at the same time the indescribable atmosphere of the underwater world makes playing in this project also.

One of the main advantages of the game is the ability to constantly admire the player. And indeed, as it moves further and the opening of new locations begins to literally capture the spirit. The underwater world is very diverse and they really admire, especially since their contribution to it is equally well introduced as Flora and fauna. Excellent meditation game with stunning atmosphere and pleasant music.


Release date:2016


A fascinating game with the type of "side", telling about life in an extremely totalitarian state. We work for the government and our challenge to monitor tenants, collecting information about them, making up a dossier and reporting the authorities of all violations. We also have a family, so the game competently pushes us to the realization of our own interests. In the end, we have to frankly make a choice, follow the instructions of the authorities, or disrupt them for their benefits. In this case, the violation may well be unnoticed.

The game is interesting for its atmosphere. Here the idea of \u200b\u200btotal surveillance is very well transmitted here, and any of your action will lead to certain consequences (and not always good). In any case, it is always interesting to observe, which will lead to a particular solution.


Release date:2017

Genre:Puzzle, Horror

Not bad Horror about two students stuck in high school during the weather somewhere in the mountains. Something squeezing on us hunting and now our heroes have to solve riddles and try to survive among the deliberations. Add here and the fact that the events of the game are unfolded in Taiwan in the 60s, when the country was in a difficult position, and get a truly interesting, complex and incredibly atmospheric history.

The game is a fairly specific visual series and soundtrack, which at first can push the players, but give the project a chance. If you get tightened, then a great pastime is guaranteed! A spectacular and very touching game, with which at least you should familiarize yourself.

Little Nightmares.

Release date:2017

Genre:Quest, puzzle

Advenchur with elements of the quest and arcade, in which we play for the girl named the sixth. Our heroine, constantly experiencing a feeling of hunger, was in a strange place, called the vigor, and now we have to get out from there, using all your dexterity and smelting.

Despite the fact that the game is three-dimensional, we run all the same in the two-dimensional plane. Our heroine can perform various actions - run, jump, climb, grab, apply objects, eat, hug gnomes. With such a scant arsenal of skills, we have to overcome various obstacles arising in the path of the sixth, as well as a variety of mandes, which in large quantities inhabit the womb. An excellent project, which in a rather peculiar style carries very deep thoughts.

The First Tree

Release date:2017

Genre:Quest from a third party

The atmospheric "walking simulator" overlooking the third person, with a big focus on the story, telling two fate - Fox, trying to find his family and a boy seeking his father. Throughout the game, we will be in two reality - spacious forest locations in the form of foxes and in the dark bedroom in the face of the child.

The gameplay is reduced mainly to the constant movement of beautiful locations and platiform, and the main driving force here is the story supplied by the voice-over voice. You can activate the plot dialogue in special places that we will get. A separate mention deserves the final of the game, which justifies places a boring gameplay and successfully "beats" by player's feelings.

Far: Lone Sails

Release date:2018


Adventure indie-game with an indescribable atmosphere and meditative gameplay, in which we on a unique land ship should travel through the dried sea bottom in search of remnants of dying civilization. As our ship passes, it will face various obstacles, among which hazardous weather conditions will become less evil.

An interesting setting should be attributed to the game features of the project, the possibility of modernizing the ship (improvements really help in passage) and incredibly atmospheric world around the world - a desert dried seabed, filled with all sorts of relics telling what happened here.


Release date:2018

Genre:Horror from first person, indie

Free Indi-Horror from the first person in the spirit of the "old school" with an admixture of arthow and psychedelica, as well as a well-transmitted atmosphere of fear and emptiness. According to the plot, the main character of 3 years is unsuccessful looking for his missing wife, but suddenly he receives advice to look for it in the city with the speaking name "hell" (Hell). From entering this city and the misadventures of our protagonist begin.

In this project, players will have to explore a terrible empty city, to look for keys for further promotion and solve puzzles of varying degrees of complexity. Graphics in the game is quite dark, monochrome with a constant effect of white noise. Often, as the player passes, the player will meet all sorts of letters and newspaper clippings that shed light on what is happening.

Believe in the reality of events is easy if we look at any drama about divorce or aimlessly passing life. Another thing is to convince the viewer, and in our case the player, that this elf with blue skin is actually experiencing about the missing father, which can manage the forces of nature. Today we choose games that are highlighted by an impeccable atmosphere, even if their world does not look like a real.


A series of shooters is not the first time in our selection, but it deserves it out of any doubt. The effect of BIOSHOCK 1 and 2 occurs in the underwater city of delight, which in the fifties of the last century inhabited prominent people. The best scientists, doctors, artists, musicians and thinkers are tired of the imperfection of the usual world and decided to retire at the bottom of the ocean.

The delight is a utopian city that his residents and destroyed. The substance capable of developing superpowers turned into a powerful drug, which led to a catastrophe and decline of the city. Rapchur connects the gloss and dirt: the expensive furniture is shred by blood, the floors of marble are covered with salted water, an european corpse is sitting behind a shiny piano.

The place and time of the Bioshock Infinite has changed: the new hero is sent to the Columbia's air city, and the events unfold in 1912. The city only seems prosperous: Skeletons in the closet at the locals even more than the inhabitants of delight. Both worlds Bioshock are worthy of study: this is one of the most atmospheric and worked series.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

A rare case when the game "Motibls" was standing. Howard Phillips Lovecraft is one of the most mysterious writers of the twentieth century. The author did not receive great recognition in life, but his work acquired a cult status after his death. Read these works - how to make the way through the forest through a thick fog. You hear nearby cracks branches and roots, but do not understand, Squirrel is, a drunk mushroom, a bear or who worse. The same sensations arise when Call of Cthulhu passing.

The developers were surprisingly accustomed to the atmosphere of the writer's associates. This is a leopard and a gloomy game, from which sometimes goosebumps on the body run. Horror scares not sudden shouts, but a quiet whisper from around the corner. Without a monster, but a killed by a girl who just costs everything in the blood and intently looks at you. The entourage develops due to the conversations of characters worked out by locations, terrible details of the events. Detective Jack Walters will not regret that it took to investigate the case in the quiet town of Innsmouth, but it will be too late.

Far Cry Primal

Far Cry occurred on the tropical islands, and in hot Africa, and in the Himalayan mountains. After the fourth part, the developers chose an unexpected setting - primitive. There are practically no games in such an entourage, you can only remember Zeno Clash with the go, but there is a fraction of fiction. It is still more or less detail here, although it is impossible to check the realism in any case.

We are given the role of a representative of an almost extinct tribe, which revives the settlement and is preparing to fight opponents. The gameplay is tied on the hunt, and this comes with time: after all, the animal tracking was only one of the elements of the gameplay in Far Cry 3-4, and not the main one. And here is a variety of little: then all the skins, then collect the leaves, then interruptions of the enemy squad.

But the atmosphere is excellent: nature is not yet touched by people, Mammoths walk around the fields, in the forests there are saber-toothed tigers and other long-lasting animals. You can wander clock and simply do screenshots for the desktop.

Red Dead Series

Cowboy action rules started not with Red Dead Redemption, but with Red Dead Revolver. But the games are practically not connected: different times of action and characters. In the original militant, the hero of Rede Mstuts bandits for the murder of parents, while John Marston from the new militant is trying to save the family, eliminating his former gang colleagues. In the fall, the Red Dead Redemption 2 should be released, there is no connection with the past parts of the information.

Games perfectly worked out the territory and characters, the locations are full of interesting trifles and random events. It would seem that can happen in almost a clean field? I will jump quietly on a horse, looking at the outgoing sun, and suddenly you get into the ambush, you get up on the hermit, then you see how the Indians are straightened with pale. Rockstar, GTA developer, is able to do saturated worlds: in Prairie Red Dead Redemption more than life than in the MaFia 3 metropolis.


The story of the Picnic on the side of the Brothers Strugatsky was based on the series. At the moment, the franchise has three games plus a ton of fan supplements. Ukrainian GSC Game World made "our Fallout", which played on its popularity.

The catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP spawned a new business - equally and dangerous, and profitable. The emission of radioactive substances provoked the appearance of artifacts that give bonuses to the characteristics and required for scientific purposes. So there were stalkers, which produce the search for valuable substances.

On a large territory, key areas of the zone are recreated: a giant radar, the town of Pripyat with the very wheel of the ferris, a dump of an abandoned technology that participated in the operation after the accident, and directly the nuclear power plant. On the dead lands, there is still life, which for many stalkers lasts at best, a couple of days. The atmosphere is oppressed, but in this place it is definitely want to visit.


This list can also be stacked by Dark Souls - a popular series of the same developers. Games are sometimes compared, but there are still differences. First of all, they have different combat systems - Dark Souls is slower. But that they have in common, so it is difficult. The developers made their "choke" very difficult conditions for the player: Tips are sometimes even more confused, sometimes it is not clear what they want from us and where you need to go, the enemies are killed by just a few blows, and the bosses reach the size of the house "in Troitsky".

The main character comes to the city of Yarm, where medicine has reached large heights: doctors learned the blood transfusion to cure diseases. But because of the epidemic, people began to turn into monsters. We have to clean the city and figure out what is actually happening. Locations are impressive with beauty, despite the common gloomy state of Yarnam. The game, like Bioshock, shows aesthetics mixed with mud in the literal and figurative sense.

Mass Effect.

The cosmic epic conques the scale of the events and the detailed study of the universe. Despite the abundance of races, planets and conflicts, everything looks very reasonable. Detailed descriptions of creatures and difficult relationships between the species, the reasons for the aggression of a particular side - in the course of the game almost there are almost no moments on which the scriptwriters can be reduced.

The BioWare Studio is to dust only for the same type of the structure of their games: what's in Mass Effect, that in Dragon Age, the hero needs to collect the squad of the fighters, fulfill (not necessarily) all their wishes and then go to the main reptile. Captain Shepard and his team will be on the set of planets - snow-covered, covered with greens, volcanic, covered with rays of the sun. Let many of them turn out to be corridor, but the chain plot, interesting dialogues and situations hold for a long time at the screens.


Nuclear war did not destroy humanity, but completely changed his behavior, lifestyle, priorities. From the pyramid of the needs for the oil actually, the foundation remains - basic needs, like satisfaction of hunger. Judging by the world Fallout, it will never be able to get to others in the third stage.

Video games are customary to evaluate according to certain, tangible, criteria - graphics, sound, gameplay, stories of plot and so on. But there are projects that can be failed in all respects, and at the same time adorable millions of gamers. Such games attract a thick, enveloping atmosphere, which contributes to the full immersion in the virtual world. We will tell about them in this selection.

24. Heavy Rain.

A month ago, this game could not get into our top atmospheric games on the PC, but now, when the RS version is announced, we simply cannot but include it in the list. From the studio will tell you the story of completely different heroes, which unites one thing - on the serial killer, called the "Master Origami". The gloomy plot, which, through election performed, can be brought to one of several endings, complemented by a thick atmosphere of hopelessness from the feeling that a dangerous maniac is always one step in front.

23. Half-Life 2

22. Mafia 1-2.

21. Bioshock trilogy

Each game from the BIOSHOCK line in its own way brilliantly demonstrates the setting in which its events unfold. Whether it is an underwater delight or heavenly Colombia, in any case you will plunge into a thick atmosphere of the era, feel the mood of the decline and hopelessness hiding behind the width of idleness and luxury. This is facilitated by both visual style and plot and minor trifles - a random phrase, a closed NPC, discovered in the drawer an audio stage lying in the doorway corpse.

20. Dead Space.

19. Dilogy Tom Clancy's The Division

18. Sunless Sea.

The study of dark waters in the Universe, resembling Lovecraft horrors - what can be more exciting and frightening? Sunless SEA will offer you to take a ship management and go to an unforgettable trip across the ocean, hiding a lot of nightmarish monsters. If you like games focused on survival and research, then this project may become exactly what you lacked.

17. This War Of Mine

Survival in the city covered by the Civil War is a difficult occupation. Especially if you are never a fighter, shelter in a dilapidated home and constantly think how to feed a dozen hungry mouths under your guardian. This War of Mine is a game in which you will have to look at the war from another point of view. Not the one where it is so fun and fascinating along the enemies, but the one that makes you write down the buildings in search of canned food, risking to get under the bullet or run into marauders. Perhaps the most powerful anti-war statement in the gaming industry.

16. Alien: Isolation

Space station is an ideal place for good horror. Just add a few fucking androids and one deadly alien, which behaves so reasonable that you have almost no chance of survival. That was what the authors of Alien: Isolation, presenting one of the most frightening games of recent years. Everything is working on the atmosphere: the universe, recognizable surroundings, terrible enemies and even the name of the main character - yes, you have to play for the daughter of the ripple itself from classical quadraology.

15. Assassin's Creed Odyssey

14. Metro 2033 / Last Light / Exodus

Each game of the Metro series is an excursion to the world. Let this world are shown slightly, hypertrophy, but nevertheless he is felt relative to each heinee living in the countries of the former. Especially succeeded on this field of the third part of the line - Metro EXodus, the events of which go beyond and show how the fate of the existing east of the capital has developed.

13. Resident Evil 2


Stories that hide behind the plots of games from the Studio PlayDead, it is necessary to advise on their own. You will spend more than one day, trying to understand what exactly I wanted to say developers, what goals pursue the characters and what happens in these universes. But even if you can not solve all the secrets of Limbo and Inside, you will not be able to challenge the fact that these games leave behind the indelible impressions.

11. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

Last For 2019, the number part of the RESIDENT EVIL 7 lineup performs several other field than its predecessors. Here, the developers took the head of Horror about the house somewhere in the rural outback, the owners of which are not happy to be unreasonable guests. Each member of this crazy family will remember you for a long time, and the first-person appearance will make the boss-fighters as frightening and atmospheric.

10. Hellblade: Senua`s Sacrifice

Project from the British Studio Ninja Theory. The developers were set as unusual for the gaming industry the goal - to visually present the gamers mental disorders. And it was one hundred percent for them: thanks to an excellent graph with an abundance of special effects and a very high-quality sound, immersing into the drawings of the mind of the main character - the warrior named Senua, occurs very organically and frighteningly plausible. Together with the girl, the player comes a journey through Celtic myths, and the atmosphere of the charming world created by the authors is simply impossible not to penetrate.

9. Firewatch.


7. Dark Souls.

Everyone who has ever suffered in the dark worlds of Dark Souls, will definitely include them on the most atmospheric games on the PC. The mysterious universe, full of unknown secrets, at the same time attracts, and scares, and numerous, hiding in the shadows, are always ready to punish a careless traveler, which is so imprudently closed in their possessions. All issues are known for their high complexity, but the one who can overcome all the difficulties will discover the fascinating history of the fallen world.


One of the most atmospheric thrillers in the gaming industry, as if coming from the pages of Romanov Stephen King. American depth, writer, trying to find a missing wife, and develop darkness, crawling outside when night occurs - such adventures are remembered for a long time. Let Alan Wake scares not as much as other games in the horror genre, but on the part of the dive into the world invented by the world developers this project is able to give odds to many of their competitors.

5. L.A. Noire

Rockstar is able to create atmospheric projects, and Detective L.A. Noire, offering players to investigate crimes in the 40s, occupies a leading position among them.

The chief hero, the police detective, will have to endure murderers, rapists, fraudsters, arsonis, and a revolutionary facial animation system allows you to monitor the facial characters and determine whether they are honest with an investigator or custody, hiding important information. Each aspect of the game is Virtual Los Angeles, plot missions, is made with strict requirements for quality and attention to the smallest detail, which contributes to the most deep immersion in the game world.

4. Silent Hill

3. The Witcher

When drawing up the top of the most atmospheric games on the PC it is impossible not to include this role-playing series into a selection. Poles from CD Projekt RED managed to transfer the fictional universe for the authorship of Angeja Sapkovsky on the screens, while maintaining the unique Slavic flavor and the medieval atmosphere with admixture of fantasy.

A separate mention deserves the third part of the Saga The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - here Irrodeli jumped above the head, realizing a huge world filled with fascinating quests, dangerous monsters and charismatic characters. In this game, you can easily forget about the main goal and engage in your affairs - play "Gwin" in taverns, explore the swamps on the roach, twist intrigues in the brothels, look for hidden robbers, perform the witch contracts. It is not surprising that with all this many consider The Witcher 3 best RPG decades on PC and consoles.


If even those who do not play chorrows know about Silent Hill, then everything is familiar with everyone. The franchise created by the studio has become a real cultural phenomenon, which escaped far beyond the gaming industry. The secret of success is a high-quality gameplay with full of freedom of action, a detailed world-worked world with a parody of modern society, a carefully written scenario and a huge number of smallest things that make the universe live and plausible.

series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Yes, the game is abounding with bugs, the system of life simulation is far from the promised developers, and the plot places sails - but the atmosphere is good here!

Traveling around the zone, it is waved to leave all things and just enjoy the stay in this harsh, but very beautiful world: listen to the anecdotes of stalkers by the fire, go through the streets of the abandoned city, to help a slight traveler to fight off from the pack of pseudo-free. The franchise has already noted the decade anniversary and is now suitable for the weak PC, despite the fact that at the start, there was no democratic system requirements, but the players do not forget about it, releasing custom modifications with new locations, stories and characters - is it not an indicator of folk love?


It was very difficult to draw up this rating, because there were much more furnished projects than in it. Nevertheless, we managed to choose the best atmospheric games on the PC, well, you can supplement our selection or argue with us in the comments. After all, each list is subjective, and where one sees only a set of pixels, another looks out of the "soul".