WORLD OF TANK who play. Famous players in World of Tanks: from showmen to diplomats. Why look like someone plays online game

We once again continue to destroy myths and cut the skin from potatoes. So, last time, we stopped at that, unlike glory and murazizu, we were fine with you that the potato slowly continues to go to the bottom. No, they probably also know about it, and almost quite exactly, know more of us, but they again, unlike us, are obliged to pretend that everything is good at least until Monday. This work.

I love the WOT-NEWS website. For detailed and very interesting statistics. It would seem there not and there can be nothing new, but sometimes, a little thought, you can come to very interesting conclusions. For example, you can find out what number of players actually shovels in World of Tanks? There is nothing easier. In this, for us again and will help this site.

Most recently, in the summer, the game event "The Birth of Titans" was held. This kind of clan activity occurs regularly, and enjoy a large, possibly well-deserved popularity among top clans, and zadrotov a little bedding, and even regularly marked in a variety of scandals and scandals, about fake battles.

By the terms of the event:

Players will be presented to choose from three tanks of the VIII level, choose from which will be only one, not located in the player's hangar at the end of the event:

Soviet heavy tank KV-4 Cresansky.
British middle tank ChiefTain / T95.
Soviet heavy tank is-5 ("Object 730").

Since the end of the event, exactly two weeks passed. Tanks are obtained and distributed. We look.

The final number of tank issued in the region of 7 thousand units. Is there a lot or a little? Who played in similar events, knows. This is nothing. For those who have not played, will give the estimates of the planned gaming activity, the potatoes itself " The main prizes of the game event "Birth of Titans" will be 15,000 premium tanks VIII levels".

That is, according to the calculations of potato marketers in the summer clan, Ivenhe should have taken at least twice as many players. And if you compare with what was literally two years ago, it is generally Akhtung and Adash. When the IS-5 was first given, it was given almost 20 thousand units, and at the first clan tanks of the M60, Superlely and Ombrelide 907 were given more than 30 thousand.

That is, the average number of clan potato zadrotov, in two years, by the most modest estimates decreased from 3 to 5 times. What actually speaking the best marketing, along with gamedizayn, in the world and congratulations.

Did it affect the general on-line and the income of potatoes? I do not know. I think yes.

We once again continue to destroy myths and cut the skin from potatoes. So, last time, we stopped at that, unlike glory and murazizu, we were fine with you that the potato slowly continues to go to the bottom. No, they probably also know about it, and almost quite exactly, know more of us, but they again, unlike us, are obliged to pretend that everything is good at least until Monday. This work.

I love the WOT-NEWS website. For detailed and very interesting statistics. It would seem there not and there can be nothing new, but sometimes, a little thought, you can come to very interesting conclusions. For example, you can find out what number of players actually shovels in World of Tanks? There is nothing easier. In this, for us again and will help this site.

Most recently, in the summer, the game event "The Birth of Titans" was held. This kind of clan activity occurs regularly, and enjoy a large, possibly well-deserved popularity among top clans, and zadrotov a little bedding, and even regularly marked in a variety of scandals and scandals, about fake battles.

By the terms of the event:

Players will be presented to choose from three tanks of the VIII level, choose from which will be only one, not located in the player's hangar at the end of the event:

Soviet heavy tank KV-4 Cresansky.
British middle tank ChiefTain / T95.
Soviet heavy tank is-5 ("Object 730").

Since the end of the event, exactly two weeks passed. Tanks are obtained and distributed. We look.

The final number of tank issued in the region of 7 thousand units. Is there a lot or a little? Who played in similar events, knows. This is nothing. For those who have not played, will give the estimates of the planned gaming activity, the potatoes itself " The main prizes of the game event "Birth of Titans" will be 15,000 premium tanks VIII levels".

That is, according to the calculations of potato marketers in the summer clan, Ivenhe should have taken at least twice as many players. And if you compare with what was literally two years ago, it is generally Akhtung and Adash. When the IS-5 was first given, it was given almost 20 thousand units, and at the first clan tanks of the M60, Superlely and Ombrelide 907 were given more than 30 thousand.

That is, the average number of clan potato zadrotov, in two years, by the most modest estimates decreased from 3 to 5 times. What actually speaking the best marketing, along with gamedizayn, in the world and congratulations.

Did it affect the general on-line and the income of potatoes? I do not know. I think yes.

Previously never played tanks. A few years ago, at the Wave of Heip, he spent with a dozen battles in World of Tanks Blitz on iOS, but in a week deleted the application.

Full World of Tanks. I decided to establish because of a special football regime, which was released at the time of the World Cup 2018. For several weeks, football Chelldi performed, and at the end of June wanted to completely remove the game from the computer.

They stopped several million coins earned and tens of thousands of glasses of free experience. A good baggage for a novice tanker, I decided to try ordinary battles.

He began to view the statistics of the players and was a little surprised. Colounds are often found with 60-70 thousand spent battles. Just think: 70 thousand fights for 8 years existence of tanks is about 25 battles per day! Every day without weekends for eight years!

I did not delay me so much, literally for the month I felt all the problems of the game in the current form. Here are the four main claims of players to WOT today:

1. Famous random

So-called VBR (great Belarusian random) Not notice only new inexperienced players. Everyone understands that the game should have an element of surprise and first take a lot of what is happening for a clean accident.

With experience you understand that the role of random can be too big in some battles, and, after several thousand battle, you begin to suspect him in bias.

Almost all game indicators when calculating the server are calculated using random variables, but the pattern of falling out of certain values \u200b\u200bis difficult to call random. In such games, a simple "equalization" of the players has long been applied, so that even the most ineptly might win.

I gave out some good fights - get rickests and impures, quickly merged into several rounds in a row - here you are hitting any shot.

The rand is manifested in everything: exactly, in the probability of breakdown or ricochet and in the damage caused. Readings can deviate by 25% From normal importance both in large and in a smaller side. So two games to a row can vaguely differ in gaming interest and the successfulness of the player. It is so noticeable that you need to do something.

In one party, the enemy is searched, you are looking for vulnerable points, wait full information and hear the annoying "did not break", and in another you shoot almost at random when the circle is several times more enemy tank, regularly earning frags.

Idea for wargaming: In life, it does not happen. Turn out even more variation of parameters for VBR. Make defective shells that do not explode, spontaneous vehicle breakdown in a flat place and sabotizing orders commander crew.

I am not against chances in the game, but in WOT they are too much. See how often one tank can pull out the fight against the three-four rivals, as regular opponent remains 5-10 units of strength after a shot, how many hits happens on the last second before the tank hides into the shelter or come out of light.

Visually illustrates the situation the general statistics of players. Most tankers have from 40 to 60% of victories. The most inexperienced managed to win in four battles out of ten, and the players for several years cannot accomplish less than four defeats in ten battles.

Output: Those who play for pleasure, sooner or later throw the game due to the great influence of random.

2. Too frequent changes

Eight years for a similar project - a very long time. The developers are greatly well done that they did not allow the project to get into and regularly heated the interest of users to tanks.

Unfortunately, sometimes the methods of influence are too radical.

The innovations in the game is great, but why touch what has been working for a long time.

Concepts "Apredul" and "Powerfil" So firmly entered the vocabulary of WOT players, that no conversation of tank trucks do without them. Almost every month the game is updated, bringing new and new edits.

New cards appear - this is good, new tanks will be delivered - also excellent. But when begin to revise the technique parametersthat exists in the game for several years - it strongly upsets.

The player several months passed a certain branch, endured all the difficulties of uncomfortable tanks, copied the precious experience and coins. As a result, I bought a cherished car, and her "ponerphil" (reduced the indicators) in the next patch.

What to do? Several months game cat under the tail? Sell \u200b\u200ba tank for half acend, having spoiled on time, experience and money?

The game developers offer just wait. Perhaps in a few months (or years), the tank is recognized as too weak and its "appurate" (increase parameters).

In other words, the player should have in his hangar not one, and 5, 7 or 10 top tanks to play not on the one that I want, but on the fact that at the moment "bends".

Idea for wargaming: It's time to make a tank horoscope. Jupiter is in the constellation Orion - the breakdown of German tanks worsened by 8% to the next full moon.

There is also a test server, where a new technique is running around, actively invite the players to try out different modifications of tanks before the conclusion of them to the universal review. Why can not be successfully seen new models in an existing system without balancing old tanks?

With new tanks, the same thing regularly occurs. First, they are very good, so that players want to buy a novelty, and after a few months, when each second will acquire the machine, its characteristics deteriorate.

Sometimes sometimes happens "Hidden Nerge" Tanks. Developers leave all displayed indicators on site, but change several parameters "under the hood", which affect balance.

For example, they can change the coefficient of resistance to soils for the tank. The power in the parameters remains the same, but it will start accelerate or rotate otherwise.

Even premium tanks (which are bought for real money) over time worsen to motivate players buy new. If someone gives a couple of thousand rubles for an affluent technique, then six months later, its tank is a banal average machine.

Output: Most players have no desire to monitor each change in the game and after the next patch to revise their hangar.

3. Greedy economy in the game

The experienced players began to complain about the lack of silver. This is the easiest earned currency, but it is always small.

For the month of the game, almost pumped one of the most simple and most popular branches of Soviet heavy tanks. The hardest thing was to accumulate silver. Even the experience that you can not buy for any money, badly-poor drip in the piggy bank, but the coins did not want to be copied.

At the initial levels of the player generously gifted by silver, the repair of the technique of kopeck, the shells are inexpensive, there is always enough equipment on the gear. With each following level of technology, prices for tanks and components grow at times, the repair is becoming more expensive, and ammunition and become gold at all.

In theory, the damage applied by the player is increasing, which should pour out in more coins earned, but it was not there. Here and enters the game famous by Rand.

Even good players on suitable technique often face a series of annoying missions, ricochets and impures, and each released projectile is worth no less than 1000 coins. Five shots "in milk" and even in case of victory player can get down in minus.

If you still need to repair the technique, then three unsuccessful battle in a row beat the budget.

Idea for wargaming: Why have not yet introduced fuel and food for the crew? This is the guaranteed shocking coins after each battle!

Experienced marketers competently broke the targeted film shower on small micro transactions. Proudly flying 50K silver On the screen after the fight turn into 3-5 thousand After repairing technology, replenish the ammunition and purchase of equipment.

As a result, if you play without investments, it will be very difficult at the last levels. The money will not be enough for money, to buy the next tank to accumulate experience relatively quickly, but the coins will have to do two or three times longer.

Perhaps you will have to even sell the previous favorite tank to which you used. In return, you will get the stock billet, which will have to pump again, and the "consumables" are twice as expensive.

Output: Regular gifts do not solve the problem, awards for simple tasks and all sorts of stocks. Developers need to reconsider the economy of the game, it became too greedy for players. Without investments at high levels, it is very difficult to play.

4. "Zadrodnotia" at the last levels

In my own experience, I will say that the maximum interest and pleasure experienced 6-7 levels when playing on tanks. Tanks drive smartly and quickly, shoot in moderation exactly and often, money brings a lot and regularly.

The price of errors rises at times, the risk is almost never justified. It is easier to take a pre-famous position and try to shoot opponents than to lead the attack of your own team.

As a result, skirmishes on the tanks of the latter levels turn into dull "zadrodnost". Ten people go to the narrow passage in the middle of the card, hide behind the corners and try to quickly dry up for a shot.

At the same time, miniature hatches, towers and other vulnerable places of opponents also have to fill out. So pass eight out of ten battles on such a technique.

Pavel Sukhanov, more famous on the Internet as Amway921, for seven years now makes entertainment and training videos on one of the most popular online games World of Tanks

His audience is almost two million subscribers. Pavel Sukhanova They know everything who at least once installed on their own famous game dedicated to network battles between Grozny armored cars.

In an interview website Amway921. he told about why millions of people play in World of Tanks, shared the secrets of the blogger "video phones", commented on the main change in the game industry of recent years - the domination of online entertainment over all other projects - and explained why there are no soul in network games.

Why look, how does someone play online game?

"As a child, we went to visit each other and just watched someone playing on the console. Over time, it has grown into what we can now watch whose game via the Internet. And they look, mostly not on the game itself, but on how a person reacts to what is happening in the process. It turned to many people in a huge part of their evening leisure.

There is some care from natural media needs - before, when everyone watched TV, there was no choice for people (people showed only what they had to know). In my opinion, "Television on request" will soon be completely replaced by ordinary television. "

Why did World of Tanks become one of the most popular online games in the world?

"The success of this game, it seems to me, is related to the fact that we all have a memory of war. Almost every city has a pedestal on which there is a tank. People adore tank museums. The history of the Great Patriotic War for our country is a stronghold. Victory Day is celebrated every year with a big sweep. This game is just about it.

The developers were all very subtle organized - there are different nations in the game, and play it all over the world. Interesting not only to the Russians. However, in our country, all this tank history is most warmly adopted. This game was the first in such a setting (the environment in which the action of the game is unfolded - approx.), That is why she was able to collect anyone who had been waiting for a long time. "

How are themes for video and streams born?

Starmen Pavel Sukhanov (Amway921).

"Popularity can only be conquered if you do something different every day. This is the whole chip. You do not need to be somehow academician and constantly invent something. All ideas lie on the surface. They need to just alternate, from time to time returning to the past. At first glance it seems that there is nothing new in the game, but the news, in fact, quite a lot. No informational vacuum when I have nothing to say to my audience, no. I constantly analyze that it better "comes", which is more like people.

I experimented a lot - I went to the production of computer mice and then laid out the video record on the channel, I took the interviews from different interesting people. But still it is best to watch the video about the tanks. That is why lately I try to pay more attention to the game WORLD OF TANKS, from time to time diluting content by other games. I'm not waiting for inspiration, because I have more crazy employment. I do not have time to sleep well.

Recently returned from Cologne from the Gamescom conference. Was in Paris at the Rainbow Six game tournament. In parallel, I try to release some videos every day, and every evening you fight. I have no time to phlegmatically compile some schedule, assume something. "

Why do online games displace single games?

"This question is very painful and bitter. In our childhood, the most popular games, of course, were the games "for passage", single. You could always preserve, go out and continue from the same place another time. Over time, MMO came to our life (mass multiplayer online games - approx.). They do not start and end. Most often they are free. The authors of this kind of entertainment live at the expense of internal transactions, when players buy for real money any premium (differing in special characteristics - approx.) Tanks, for example.

In a short time, such games will earn more than any, even the coolest single game. In our time, the world of computer entertainment is arranged as follows: artists in order to create, no longer come to it. People earn money. On one hundred and do not help you out a lot. Only in-game trade in "multi-colored clothes", swords and other things that do not imagine any value, brings stable and large income. It is very sad. Good single games lately I almost remember. And in general, you can buy a game in the Steam service, play it a couple of hours and return back.

The current order of things kills the industry. In single games there are a soul, and online there is a huge amount of time you need to spend something to achieve something. But the final meaning in MMO-shock is simply not. "

About life expectancy online game

"I was in China several times and saw there an amazing picture - the online game market is just a huge market. The cycle of life of any gaming multiplayer entertainment is there a year or two. Developers provide users who embed a bunch of money, real advantages. And this is absolutely not a slosiest story. Such projects earn a lot of money, but do not live long - who will like to lose if you do not want to pay? The company closes, changes the sign, changes the game and starts everything from the beginning.

Amway921 peers in the future of single games.
Source: Personal archive of Pavel Suanov

And here are the games like World of Tanks or World of Warcraft, some incomprehensible way survived everyone and still collect a large number of online players, although the numbers, of course, are no longer as high as before. I do not know how many tanks are still destined to live - maybe fifteen years old they extected (recently the game turned eight years - approx.). "

Which way is the World of Tanks?

"In general, I like everything. In the game, of course, there is a bunch of minuses to this moment. Developers often do not enter into dialogues with players. Many people do not like it. But the thing is that they have their own commercial mystery. There are also a number of technical limitations that are not visible to a simple person.

Perform all the wishes of users is simply dangerous - constantly adding or removing "sticks from the designer", you can achieve what everything collapses. The developers on the one hand seem to be sluggish and inert, and on the other hand you understand everything perfectly when you communicate with them. There are constantly some news: I recently got the information in the network that a wheel armored vehicle appears in the game.

In general, the situation is eternal - "Swan, Cancer and Pike". It is impossible to make it all satisfied. You go to the game and artillery shoots you and you do not like it, but I like it on artillery. And this is probably normal. "

About artillery

Do you like artillery as I love my rabbit?
Source: Personal archive of Pavel Suanov

"In general, I will raise me on the forks if I start artillery to justify. But if seriously is a kind of diversity. The developers have always believed that this type of technology should force players to move. But all the players at all times noted - the evil artillery, the less movement. No one wants to get damage, so everyone is hiding and standing. After the rebalance (change in the characteristics of the game weapons - approx.) Everything became agreed.

However, there is no happiness from artillery - as she shot the technique of players with good statistics, and shoots. I can justify her presence - this class has fans, but I personally, since I play on other tanks, she infuriates and angry. Being a wolf, I can justify the existence of a sheep, but I will not be able to respect them anyway. "

Why did the World of Tanks game have not been kept in ebysport?

"Our favorite game passes according to the 15x15 scheme. If we talk about the cybersport in this key, then 30 people collect on stage - it is very difficult. And if there are 20 commands? They need to be treated in different countries, to settle in hotels ... There were experiments with the most different formats, and 5x5 and 7x7. In the eSport, the game World of Tanks could not exist in the form in which players loved her. That is why the audience did not watch the broadcast, since nothing could not be learned.

The second point that destroyed the entire idea is a completely disassemble job of the employees of the department of the cybersport, which was sometime. How much time and opportunities they missed! How many times the players asked them to do something ... But they always had a nose raised to heaven and ChSV (a sense of her own greatness - approx.) Mont Blanc Mountain level. They spoiled on all the wishes of the players and did the way they needed. Mostly everything crumbled, because they have irresponsiblely burning huge budgets.

WORLD OF TANKS Return is almost impossible to the cybersport. Now many top players collect their teams and arrange the "Sabantiki" clan on the clan. Recently Lebwa. (Former cyberportsman Dmitry Palachenko) I made a tournament with the participation of the strongest European clan. It was very cool! Watching the battle was wondering everything. But we cannot do it systematically and professionally, with a million cameras, with commentators, so that everyone has salary. We did all this on a voluntary basis. "

Want to do something good - do it yourself

During the Streakhov Paul does not always play tanks - recently lived in the literal air, he collected LEGO Bugatti Chiron.

Most often is replenished with products created by developers from the United States of America, major countries in Europe or Japan. But it is worth noting that even not too large states are capable of creating games, "firing" to the whole world. In our article, we will answer the question in which country the World of Tanks has created. Many people are asked by this issue, so today this game is known and popular. And the article will feature information about the interesting features of this online game.

A few words about the game

World of Tanks - online game. Her genre is defined as in historical setting. It was announced on August 12, 2010. The entire gameplay occurs in the imitation of the time period of 1941-1945.

The business model of this product is represented by the Free-to-Play form. This means that anyone can register, download the client and play the game itself without any compulsory costs. It provoked some unfair situations between those who buy additional weapons or equipment and those who play without donat.

However, in 2013, those who created the World of Tanks game declared the system change. From now on, the model will adhere to the type of free-to-win. This means a complete lack of difference in the advantages between those who buys something and those who play without spending real currency. Such a change led to the fact that the number of victories and lesions depends only on the level of player's skills.


  • immediately after launch, the player "throws out" in the overall battle, without workouts in solitary mode;
  • at the disposal of the Novice is located one copy of the tank from each game nation (USA, USSR, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and some other countries);
  • taking part in the battle, the player earns an intra-card currency, crews train, the accumulation of experience points, allow you to open access to new equipment.


So who invented the game World of Tanks? The authorship of this product belongs to a private company under the name It is listed as a publisher and developer of games, engaged in the development of near-block services on various platforms. And where did the World of Tanks create the game?

This developer company was organized in Belarus (Minsk). Headquarters is located in the Republic of Cyprus.

WORLD OF TANKS Creation History

Studio was founded back in 1998. At that time, she was not well-known enough, but quite promising. Then she was engaged in refinement of third-party clients, the releases of games and other similar works.

However, luck came from there, where did not wait. The engine of those who created the World of Tanks game, called Adrevolver, developed to demonstrate banner advertisements, was the interest of Bluelithium. She was engaged in advertising on the Internet.

It began on December 12, 2008. Before developers, the developers became a serious question: they had a large amount of money, the desire to create a standing game product, and most importantly - the work of online games in the fantasy genre. As a result, after a few hours of discussion, the developers decided: to leave the idea with fantastics and move to work on the product, the working name of which was a "tankodrome".

It is worth noting that those who have created the game World of Tanks have long been told enough to attract any serious investors to work on the game. Interestingly, working on the initial "fantastics", the search would be easier. This is explained by the fact that many knew and trusted the elves.

Yet continued to work on their idea. The results have become noticeable after a few months. In April 2009, the official announcement of the product was held. September was the month of launching alpha testing. At that time, the players were asked to try 5 different models of tanks on the unfavorant map.

Further update followed in 2010. In winter, the first closed test game came out. In the spring of the same year, the game appeared the opportunity to pump transport for experience points. And in the summer of the same year, open beta testing was announced.

Finally, on August 12, 2010, a release took place. It is worth noting that if at the very beginning of the development of those who created the World of Tanks, were subjected to ridicule from not only players, but also investors, now it is one of the most famous companies in the gaming world. It is worth noting that the launch of the project was not so easy as it could be. Unusual setting made more and more stakeholder players each time. This in turn led to the fact that the game servers often fell quite often, without holding the influx of players.

Updates game

In the first month of 2011, she "overcame" a bar in 1 million players in general, as well as a mark of 75,000 users in online, which at that time was a huge number. The game began to gain popularity in China, the USA and the UK, winning the same year a sufficient number of awards, including the prestigious "Runet Prize".

Such a dedication caused fruit. In December 2014, a plank was overcome in 1 million users simultaneously in online. And at the moment, more than 80 million users have been registered in the game.

Global update

On March 20, 2018, the developers presented the first large-scale update at number 1.0. Speaking in general, it brought a new audio system to the game and graphics. Talking in more detail, it is worth noting the following elements: a graphic engine, performance, music, system requirements.

Change graphic engine

In this update, the creators switched from the old BigWorld engine that limits the introduction of new technologies into the code to the improved Core. Its development was sharpened specifically for World of Tanks. The engine has the ability to make new technological settings.

It also makes it possible to use modern effects and technologies that improve the graphics of the game, making it more realistic. Many different parts of the environment have been added to the maps, which improves the level of immersion in the game.

Elements were changed as a change in weather conditions, depending on the time of year, when the player moves with a summer or autumn map to the winter. Improved quality and saturation of sunlight. Also undergoed changes and visualization of destruction.

Change performance parameters

The following improvements have appeared:

  • interface optimization occurred;
  • changing the calculation calculations;
  • improving the system of vegetation models;
  • increased level of detail;
  • optimization of the particle system.


The compositions were completely recycled. Among those who came up with the World of Tanks game, there were composers. They are written and added more than 60 new tracks. Each card is assigned its own unique soundtrack. Updated tunes of boot screens, now they correspond to the map of the map. For each action, their own sounds and tracks were also written.

Minimum system requirements

Initially, the game was not too demanding because of a sufficiently obsolete engine. But at the moment, after the release of a new update and improve the quality of not only pictures, but also the mechanics itself, it has become more demanding. In order to run the program, you will need:

  • have an operating system Microsoft Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7/8/10;
  • processor with 2 and more nuclei with SSE2 technology;
  • for stable operation of the game, you must have 1.5 GB of OP when starting on Windows XP SP3; For other versions, it is necessary to have 2 GB of OP;
  • the video adapter should be not the younger HD X2400 XT 256 MB RAM;
  • to install the game, it is worth it to have 36 GB of free space;
  • the connection speed with the server should not be below 256 kbps.

To start the game on such conditions, you need to possess:

  • the processor must be not the younger Intel Core i5;
  • for stable operation of the game, you must have 4 or more GB of OP;
  • the video adapter should be not the younger GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 (2 GB);
  • the system should be DirectX 9.0 or older version;
  • to make trouble-free installation, you need 36 GB of free space;

Requirements for ultra settings

If you have a fairly powerful computer or a games laptop, check out the following launch requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 to 10 64-bit OS;
  • the processor should be not the younger Intel Core i5 - 7400 or AMD Ryzen 5,500 x;
  • it is necessary to have 8 and more GB of OP;
  • the video adapter should be not the younger GeForce GTX1050Ti (4 GB) / Radeon RX 570 (24GB);
  • it requires 55 GB of free space to install the product;
  • the connection speed with the server should not be below 1024 kbps and above to ensure stable voice chat operation.