World Game Day. International Game Day: Global in Local. Free game "Play with us"

On April 29, 2018, the Hobby World Table Game Publishing Game will give residents of more than 40 cities. Large game "Play with us." Fans of the velocities from different regions will officially celebrate their holiday - International Tabletop Day.

For the first time International Board Games Day or Tabletop Day. It took place on March 30, 2013, proclaimed by Wilute Whiton and named after his desktop network show Tabletop.

On this day, the fans of the desktop hobby will be able to play the most popular games from all over the world, which became the classics of the game industry - "", " Colonizers"," "And Ticket to Ride., as well as tested new items that recently appeared in Russia - " The rage of Dracula», « », « Noria.», « Leaf fall", " " and many others. And beginners, and experienced players of all ages will help you find entertainment to taste and mood. A team of professional gamers will help to deal with the rules of desktop battles. In addition, guests will have the opportunity to acquire a favorite game with a discount.

10 facts about board games

The first board games appeared about 5,000 years ago! They played the inhabitants of the Middle East, it was a favorite pastry of the pharaohs. And of course, since ancient times, board games have evolved significantly. Let's see how.

* Now a year is not just available hundreds, but thousands of new board games, and all of them are different. In addition to creating new games, many planes are localized, that is, they are published in other countries in their language.

* You can choose games by the number of participants, in the age category, on the principle of impact (for example, for the development of small motility in children). There are also games for companies for parties, family, strategic, economic, there are even games for lovers and games for one.

* Popularity is also gaining cooperative games, for example, " Horror Arkham», « Zombie" The essence of the game is that the company of friends plays against the box. Against the box, Karl! Many are very shocking the fact that the cardboard box can win. Box. Can. Win. It was difficult to use these three words in one sentence, but it is.

* The desktop games have its own Oscar - Spiel Des Jahres is the annual prestigious German bonus bonus. Only the nomination for the award is able to raise sales at 5-10 times, and the victory ... In addition to the German prize, there are many others, for example, International Gamers Awards, Deutscher Spiele Preis.

* In the games there were different types of mechanic, in addition to casts of cubes and card games - the BoardGamegeek website highlights the 51 view of the desktop mechanic, for example, take and deliver, construction of chains / networks, secret goals, selection of cards, trade. The game can combine several types of mechanic at once.

* Recently, board games are often used as a tool for developing eruditions, creative skills, spatial thinking, abstract thinking in both adults and children. There are games for the development of certain skills in children - with the help of the vendors you can train memory, the ability to distinguish colors, call items and much more. In various medical institutions, games are used even in order to stop the development of dementia in the elderly.

* In the world, various championships on desktop games are held. Games for which championships are held very popular around the world. For example, " Carcassonne», « Colonizers», « Macchin" At first, the player can participate in the local, district or city championship, and if he wins, he is waiting for the next level - so you can become a world champion.

* Also around the world, international festivals and desktop exhibits are held every year, for example, in the German city of Essen, the world's largest exhibition - International Spieltage Spiel. And in Russia there is a grand festival of board games and home entertainment - "player".

* One of the most famous board games invented a dentist. And one banker released more than 500 games! Yes, yes, board games come up with ordinary people. You too can come up with a desktop game, the truth is not the fact that it will become popular, but we believe in you!

* Many games are so popular that add-ons are being issued, expanding the capabilities of players and make the game more exciting and playable. In a series of games " Carcassonne"About 20 games and additions have already happened, and the series" Macchin"There are about 50 different specials, games, boosters.

So funny after some time to remove from what happened. Edak to fry a little, thief, maybe quite a little. When you are immersed in the bunch of what is happening, it is not possible to soberly to appreciate it, even after time. The third day of this month and the year, too, in the Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library. ON THE. Dobrolyubova took place a big game, dedicated to the International Day of Games - the World Action, which grew up from the Day of Games, held annually in the United States since 2008. The thing, no doubt, cool and interesting, allowing you to attract more visitors to the library that can have fun and interesting time, gain emotions, and at the same time relax in your deserved weekend.

I must say that relations arkhangelsk Desktop Club "Phoenix" And the regional library has developed yesterday and not the day before yesterday, but already have some story. Biblius and free game are on weekends - these are the events that, in particular, allowed to speed up the work of the srangian radio, let it work on those frequencies that people hurt for living. Attract, so to speak, new adepts. Show what is this - desktop. Give to try it on a cardboard taste and understand that this taste is unforgettable.

Of course, that day, not only those who wanted to play a board game found their refuge in the reading halls and Halls of Dobroobrovka. In the program of this day there were any bibli-relay and bibli-floders, exhibitions and even the language game "Polyglot". Intrun, who joined it, took part in some master classes, put fairy tales in the "Theater of Shadows". There was a chess club, and Vakhovtsy, held a tournament on the CCM and "his own game." In general, everyone entertained as he could. And among the "every" there were a lot of kids ... There was a rumor that somewhere there was Mahjong.

I remember on Friday, on the eve of the day, it was a little over midnight when Yu left the club and sent his wheels towards the bed with Pukhovo Pouche. We remained. Those hedgehogs that broke, compared to us weaklings. They cried, and we did not think to surrender until the beginning of the fifth was shouted. Meanwhile, blurred with a cardboard slightly cleared, and the awareness came with him that after seven hours we need to stand on the threshold of the library and be ready to bear good, kind, eternal in the masses. And most importantly, that we forgot to shook the cooked bunch of Games of Yu in the car, so they had to push them under the ceiling in my club, which henceforth and forever gained a new nickname - BoardGameBeep (for an audually authorship).

We dreamed a lot - many tables in the big reading room on the fourth floor, Olga left us with Masha for the elders, and herself went down to spread games for sale. Mashka looked a little bit, there were no people yet, and after a sleepless night I really wanted that this library silence would not disappear in the reading room, which seemed to have entered even in the roots of books. And generally wanted to play Card City, which we have mastered the day before. Yu, foreseeing what this event can turn into, forbade me to take Suburbia and generally games from our collection. I only took Fillers: Lemonade Tycoon, confetti, and still Card City, which by the way came in handy. These little boxes still lay on the bottom of the Vizhik still with a game of the club.

We looked around empty tables, painted beautiful leaky games on them: Ticket2Ride: Nordic, sheep life, marrakech, block, clico. In general, it was clear that the club regulars would come little if they would come at all. True, Olya requested the valiant Polisman of Vasilyeva to honor the presence and help us as they strengthened, and all the same came on our two girls. We assumed that there would be a lot of children with parents, because the stereotype "Games is for children" is still firmly recorded on a philistine subcorter. Yes, and I myself woke up half a day, if not a big game, for several hours turned the library into a real gaming house.

In general, we had to rest very much and very long, but everything that happened was very cool. During these six o'clock I have never really sat down, only once descended to Olga, and then I ate the tasteful pie in a tasteful cafe. To six o'clock I was turned off not only the language, but also my feet. For six o'clock I did not play any game !!! All this time, I constantly told the rules, arranged those who wish for the tables, offered him the stands, looking for some company and free chairs. Around me all the time stood the turn of those who asked me to open the world of board games. Should I miss at least one chance to do it? Not! I too manicly wanted to make as many people you left here with awareness of what such a world is, he is full of different interests, it is multifaceted and amazing. It's hard for me to judge whether it was, but I did everything that could.

Simultaneously played a 40-50 person. The digit on us two with Masha is impressive, especially if you consider that about four Masha had to go home, collect suitcases and go to St. Petersburg in the evening. Kostya played in Voraies, and I remained alone.

I have a lot crashed into my memory.

First, there were a lot of children. They were not just a lot, there were quite a lot of them. Among them were those who scattered T2R trailers throughout the table while I taught them the moms of turtle run. There were those who cheekily shouting at me, arguing about the rules in the wild jungle. There were girls-beech, which I offered to help and tell the rules of some Filler, and they went out, turned away from me, muttered "no need, we don't want ...".

But there was a three-year-old girl who came with a dope and the principle of the drums understood. There was a boy who came with his grandmother and looked long for a long time, that there is no UNO. And then I taught them to play a novelty from friends from Latvia - Air King, and he quickly understood what. There was a boy who played with an adult girl such a beautiful party in Rosenkonig, which I stood near and for all the time I could not tear off the eye field. The party was extremely exciting and interesting. But this is just a simple abstraction! At the end, counting points, as well as the monitor of them along the go, the boy either memorized, or multiplied in the mind of two-digit numbers, shocking adults in a small shock. And came out the winner, typing twice as much as the most stupid rival. Led also children with disabilities. With them, we played the crowd to Klikado, forming a large hedgehog. I tried to be delicate, and their caregivers were hot thanked me for attention and help. Our ChGK-Shnicam girls when they dropped out of the competition, which was held in the same hall, I showed Card City. Still, not in vain grabbed it from the car.

In general, in general, Olga picked up perfect games. For such events, all sorts of a party, mustache, fillers and perhaps a light euro are suitable. For this watch, I have not once explained the rules of the drums, wild jungle, Klikado, Marrakesh, potions, a challenge, lost cities, a king of air, Strathopolis, Card City, Roses War, Toothes, Confetti, Unwitty, Inneenius, Tsuro, Divinare. Machine karma Game Masters from her home collection was sheep's life (charming thing), and more Witch's Brew (in the commoner "Wichita"). In the euro, they were mainly played by those who were already familiar with desktop games; For sure there were T2R, Ank-Corporok and Thorishi.

Yu arrived under the closure to help gather and collect boxes. He promptly did it until the people got the last parties there. And I sat on the windowsill, satisfied, but sluggishly hanging on the leg, and recalculated the box, checking whether all the values \u200b\u200bare in place. After all, another day, our friend brought already from the first floor of a coin on two rubles, turned into constructions for guillotine, but, apparently, somehow sleeped. And then the high-oral spirit of the library worked, who did not give them to be out of the building :). I really remember this day.

* Photo taken from Dobrolyubovka albums in Facebook and Club "Phoenix" VKontakte. I was so immersed in the Bay of Game Mastery, which was not able to photograph.

A young and interesting holiday appearedMarch 30, 2013International Board Games Day. International Tabletop Day took place thanks to the leading show about Will Whiton's desk games, which became the founder of the holiday.

Today, this day is mostly celebrated29 either April 30. Fans of board games worldwide are combined and playing. It is safe to note that every year Tabletop Day geography expands. After all, in recent years, the desktop games industry is experiencing significant growth. So, in 2012 Edition The Guardian announced the current time"Golden Eroy Board Games". Since the growth in sales of the tank increased to 40%, and this is one of the most sponsored categories on Kickstarter.

History of board games. For the first time, such fun began to apply among the elite of the Roman Empire. These were not only games on the table, but on the floor. Thanks to the Roman legions, such games later began to apply to all other European countries.

Dutch philosopher Joseph Haisenga The theory about the occurrence of board games was much deepened. In his opinion, such fun existed even more than the emergence of the Roman Empire.

The most ancient game was called the name "sENET.". There was another 4000 years before our era in Egypt. The game something resembled modern checkers.

3 thousand rubles BC appeareddiceAnd then the game of backgammon. Her homeland is rightfully considered the Arab East.

2000 years ago appeared desktopgame GO. Go and go-Moku are at the base of checkers, but the figures do not move, but are displayed and removed from the board. Until now, this game is very popular among China's residents.

11 interesting facts about board games.

  • Every year thousands of new board games are produced, all of them are completely different.
  • The selection criteria can be absolutely different, for example, by the number of participants, by age, including board games are classified and for other parameters - for companies, for parties, family, strategic, economic, games for lovers and games for one.
  • There is another interesting view of the board games - cooperative. The principle of the game is that the company plays against the "box". In this game and the box can get victory. This essence is laid in the game "Horror Arkham", "Zombie" and other similar.
  • There are prestigious awards for board games, for example, in Germany, this is Spiel Des Jahres. But besides her there are still awards from International Gamers Awards, Deutscher Spiele Preis. Victory in such nominations increase the cost of board games several times.
  • The BoardGameEk website you can get acquainted with 51 views of the Mechanic for Board Games, ranging from casting cubes and cards before the construction of networks and chains. At the same time, one game can combine several types of mechanic.
  • Board games are not only entertainment, but also training especially for children. In addition, recently, board games are used in medical facilities to maintain psychological health in the elderly.
  • Board games also have. The "Carcasson" competitions, "Colonizers", "Machcin" are popular with popularity. But in principle, on any desktop game, you can make your championship even at the urban level.
  • Review of the New Board Games offer special international exhibitions and festivals, such as the International Spieltage Spiel exhibition, which is held in Germany.
  • The most popular board games come up with ordinary people, for example, one banker has released more than 500 games.
  • In addition to release, the main game is usually issued additions and boosters that make the main game even more interesting. In the series of games "Carcasson" there were 20 games and additions, and the "Macchin" series includes about 50 different additions.
  • All board games can be classified across several criteria. For example, the most popular classifications for the type of objects that are used; by the number of players; by dynamics; by the nature of the game; in content; Over the field of use and other classifications.

What desktop game do you prefer?

For the first time, the International Day of Table Games or Tabletop Day took place on March 30, 2013, proclaimed by Will Whultan and named after his desktop network show Tabletop.

On April 29-30, 2018, Russia's largest Publishing House Hobby World will give residents of more than 50 cities Large game "Play with us." Fans of the stands from different regions will officially celebrate their favorite holiday - International Tabletop Day.

These days, fans of desk hobbies will be able to play the most popular games from all over the world, who became the classics of the game industry - "Carcasson", "Colonizers", "Munchkin" and Ticket to Ride, and also test new items that recently appeared in Russia - " The rage of Dracula "," Rising Sun "," Epic Fights-3 "and many others. And beginners, and experienced players of all ages will help you find entertainment to taste and mood. A team of professional gamers will help to deal with the rules of desktop battles. In addition, guests will have the opportunity to acquire a favorite game with a discount.

Set the date and city to select the game:

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How are our events:

On April 29 and 30, Tabletop Day was celebrated - World Desktop Day. On this day, people around the world are combined and playing board games. This holiday is quite young.The first World Board Games Day (International Tabletop Day) established in 2013 Wil Whiton, leading a web show about board games Tabletop. Since then, this initiative from year to year support publishers and ordinary players from different parts of the Earth, gathering together on the same day around the world and playing board games. Every year the geography of the holiday is significantly expanding.
Central library. A. S. Pushkin did not bypassed the world's event! But first things first. With the history of the board games, Yulia Novikov and Maria Pyshmintseva are acquainted.

It's no secret that in recent years the desktop games has experienced an explosive growth. In 2012, The Guardian edition called our time "Golden Era Board Games" in the story that the year after year, the growth of the board games market increased to 40%, becoming one of the most funded categories on Kickstarter ( anglo-language site aimed at developing and supporting creative initiatives of people from around the world. Every enterprising person can place a project (designer, musical, cinematic, etc.) and get financing).

But when did the first board games appear?The passion for the board games, in which, however, were played not only on the table, but also on Earth, and on the floor, originally arose as fun for the elite of the Roman Empire, and then spread throughout Europe thanks to Roman legions.
Dutch philosopher Josef Hyzenga deepened this theory. According to Hayzengi, people turn all the light into the game, and the person is just because a person knows how to play. According to this theory, it is quite clear, why the board games originated so long ago, which is already not to know where this fun comes from.

The most ancient desktop game is considered to be Senet. Entertainment It was more than 4,000 years before our era in ancient Egypt and their rules resembled checkers.
For three thousand years BC, playing bones were invented, and with them the famous backgammon. Backgammon is a gloomy type game that appeared in the Arab East and preserved so far, although in a modified form. Then, by the way, they played a little different rules in the backgammon.

At this time in India already played in Ochapar, also a game of a cheek type. It is known that at the same time the game likes like checkers in Spain and Russia.

Two thousand years ago, the famous and to this day the board game goes. Go and go-Moku - Games of a checkered type, in which the chips are not moving on the board, but only exhibited and removed from it. Appeared in ancient China and preserved to this day, with minimal changes.

The rules of the ancient game were very similar to modern: the game board has already consisted of 64 cells, the checkers were, as well as now, white and black. True, they could walk, like the coming on the enemy, soldiers, only forward. If one of the checkers broke out in the rear of the enemy, received advantages, becoming a lady, and could not attack not in a straight trajectory. In 1973, English Shashist of Polish origin, who remained in history under a nickname Pole, proposed to increase the rigorous board up to 100 cells and a little change the rules of the game - the flowing (Polish) checkers appeared. Wide distribution and lack of discrepancies in the rules of the game made this version of checkers international.

1870 he became the year of the game Mahjong. Approximately this year in China there is a famous gambling, using playing bones. In 1934, Charles Darrow revealed the world famous monopoly. Then it was an economic board game, something like an economic strategy. Subsequently, thousands of varieties of this game appeared. It is believed that the Great Depression of the 1930s in the USA became the reason for creating this game.

In 1938. The world saw the famous game "Scrabble". In Russia, it is better known as "Erudite". However, the analogue of this game can be considered a Russian game called "Balda".

The game "Mafia" was invented in the spring of 1986 by a student of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University Dmitry Davydov, a native Kamensk-Uralsky. At first they played in the hostels, audiences and corridors of Moscow State University, but after some university students held a vacation in summer student camps, where students and other Soviet universities rested, the game along with new players began to extend to other educational institutions of the USSR.


In 1998, the game "Mafia" and its European prototype - the game "Killer" was used by the Kaliningrad High School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the "Visual Psychodiagnostic" course. The games have formed the basis of the educational and methodological manual, with the help of which cadet skills developed with respect to various techniques and methods for reading the television language.

In China, "Mafia" is used to treat gambling from gaming addiction, and in the USA - as a means of re-education "difficult" adolescents in summer Christian camps. And also, with the help of "Mafia" to the role of future jury, Japanese high school students are preparing.

Mafia is recognized as one of 50 most historically and culturally significant games that have emerged from 1800».

The last decades in the history of board games are marked by such games as: "Colonizers", "Citadel", "Carcasson", "Lion Heart", "Owners", etc.

Central library. A. S. Pushkin did not bypassed the world's event!The big game from our partners "We know play" is located in the new halls of Pushkin. Guests were waiting for board games for every taste, tournaments and, of course, book exhibitions, pleasant communication and gifts.

There were "Book Games", for example, on the work of George Martin - "Game of Thrones". Large tournaments were held immediately at two desktop games - "Imaginarium" and "Colonizers".

"Imaginarium" is a very simple and interesting game in which you need to invent associations to unusual pictures from the box. "Colonizers", also require not only fantasy, but also to survive the ability to survive on a desert island. Players acting in the role of the first settlers must quickly develop their colony by typing the cherished 12 victorious glasses.

The organizers picked up games as for beginners who came to the game for the first time on the game and for connoisseurs of board games and real professionals who are so easy to surprise. Satisfied were all! For four hours, cheerful voices have not cleaned, and all the tables filled playing.
Guests of the library performed excellent time, and in confirmation of this - a review of one of the visitors of the Day of Top Games: " Goteguka, designed by the desktop game "We Know Play" dipped me with my head in this bright and colorful "world of the tank". For almost four hours, I tirelessly threw the cubes, led to a decline of the race, laid out new gains and attacked enemy planets. At this time, I turned into a naive child who sincerely believes that now he is a malicious dictator in the Galactic War, and now the harmful hobbit, which leaves impregnable holes everywhere. Perhaps this is the magic of board games, they rejuvenate you, they develop your imagination, they bring together with a completely unfamiliar to you. During the time I spent on the game, I met a huge number of people, started new friends in interest, I learned to play completely unfamiliar games to me and all this thanks to the store ... No, the store is somehow small ... thanks Board Games Society "We know play"».