Bastion Game. Bastion - review and interviews with developers. Pleasant features of the game

An unusual indie game, gameplay and the style of which makes it completely unlike everything I have ever seen before. You get into the disappearing, dying world, destroying and changing right in your eyes. Only a small hero without a name (it is called The Kid, the guy) can restore BastionTo protect this fancy world, affected by an unknown catastrophe, and sort out the details of what happened.

Release date: August 16, 2011.
Genre: Action, Arcade.

The game has a narrator, a certain old man who remains in the bastion, whose hoarse, courageous voice we hear all the time behind the scenes. He does not just tell me what has already happened, as is usually done. On the contrary, he still does not know what will happen next and only comments on any event, every one of your action. At times, it is very ironic and mocked, he jokes a lot and laughs. However, in full moments in his voice, fatigue and sadness are heard. This voice seems to be in this bizarre fairy tale, creates a big part of the atmosphere of the game.

Often, levels arise directly under your feet, you get used to it over time

What is this bastion? And this is a flying island, at which there were no time protective buildings and devices that could stop the trouble. There were supposed to save the surviving residents if necessary. It all begins, oddly enough ... From the awakening of the hero. Fostening the hammer and crossbow located nearby, you go on the way to the other side that you yourself will choose. The unusualness of this is that all locations are built right with you before your eyes, they arise from the air, and they often be destroyed for your back, so it's simply once.

Pictures opening around you are fascinating. Isometric projection is not at all inferior to the beauty of polygons and photorealistic. And besides, the graphics here are more inspired and author, more artistic. Everything is drawn in the most thorough way, every piece of location is rich in details, everything is very motley, bright and vividly depicted. Yes, and the constant feeling of flight over the precipice, the eternal run somewhere forward (the race over time) gives the gameplay a special shade. And the stunning, incredible music is not easy here for the background, it resonates with events, seriously strengthens the mood and completely immerses in the game world. Some incredible mixture of Eastern motives with the Wild West Music, lyrnaya and sad songs are replaced by tense and combat ones. And never want to unscrew the volume, include your music, play silence.

Your bastion will constantly change outwardly, reacting to what is happening in the game.

Although, probably, not to accurately call the game. This is something else or more. Literary, a good fairy tale with a stressed story, where there is also loyalty, and honor, and betrayal, and courage, feats, war, secrets, intrigue ... This is a movie, a cartoon. At first it seems that there is no special plot here, everything is inserted on the go, depending on your actions, however, the next game, the more interesting is the story, unexpected events occur. In addition to the oral narration of the old man, the plot is told to us in the form of very beautiful, bright drawings, which are shown from time to time.

Well, I got to the gameplay itself, although it is not necessary to think that he plays an auxiliary role here. Not at all, it is incredibly diverse and thoughtful. On the way you, as usual, kill monsters. However, what are these strange creatures! Like some kind of creating a sick imagination, outresses from sleep. They often take not by force, but by quantity, which, however, is not annoying, because The murder of each of them brings experience. And over time, more dangerous, even fatal varieties of enemies, requiring a special way of destruction, invulnerable to ordinary attacks. At first they appear as bosses, and then they are already found as ordinary monsters. The complexity increases, but you yourself rolling your abilities that are very much here.

Each territory has an individual design, its color gamut.

Enemies in the game very peculiar

There is a chic arsenal that is not in most role games. Almost every map you give some new weapons. First you go with a slow but murderous hammer and fast crossbow. Then the onions appear, the rapid machete, which is still possible to throw, using it as a long-range weapon, spear, allowing you to keep the opponent at the distance. Features of the attack and aiming in weapons are different (in particular, the arms of long-range combat). You can pick up arsenal for your own style, and you can still pump it in special buildings, for what, however, the material will need. So, the crossbow faster, but does not cause such a lot of damage like a big bow, for which you still need to stretch the tent for a long time.

Do not get tired of surprising the number of weapons. Just get used to one, pump it - here a new one appears, replacing the old one, and you already run with him, pulls try. What was my surprise when, on the next "island", a shotgun hitting me, hitting with a big scattering and damage, but slowly and at close range. Yes, yes, there is a firearrow. Imagine that this is not all, a shotgun followed the shotgun (!), Clears at a great distance, and rapid revolvers, as in some western. Like to shoot "Macedonian"? You are welcome.

How cool to have two revolvers in arsenal!

Birds here - terribly annoying and dangerous opponents

On one button, a melee weapon is fixed, on the other - the long-distance, on the arrows-sticks (I played with the gamepad) - a shield that does not just reliably block the various attacks, but also beat off the shells back in the opponent, if you use it at the right angle in A certain point, which is often critical for passing. There is a car drive here, however, you can seek goals manually or switch between them. In addition, there is a rush, which, besides, breaks obstacles and objects. Everything is very conveniently thought out. After all, each battle requires a good reaction, dexterity, accuracy and some fraction of tactics (especially in relation to bosses and "enhanced" monsters). The enemies are many, for killing give experience and small blue crystals that attract to you. Collect them as much as possible - this is the main currency in the game. By the way, the world around almost all can be destroyed, knocking out the crystals from fragments, as if in some game LEGO..

In addition to the fact that there is never a lack of enemies (and if you do not have time to destroy some structures, they will continue to constantly appear at all), you can also fly down, in the abyss. In this case, you will immediately throw it back, you will not die, but life is taken away. It is useful to explore each level of level, you can find useful materials, weapons, new items, especially since some compartments are built in the air, only when you come to the very edge of the abyss.

Flew on! On this map you choose the next goal

Interesting visual design for each pumping system

At the levels you find bottles of different colors. Black color - make it possible to use super trial, whose choice here is also extensive: mines, bombs, a twice call, a fast shooting series. And there are very unusual (like a call for flying monsstric, "in love byuj" in you a large number of enemies, dragging them on your side for a while). Some of them are available only for a certain weapon. Green bottles fill life. It is better not to forget to drink them in time (however, you constantly remind of it), because You should die three times, and you have to go through the whole level first that sometimes very uncomfortable.

After passing each island, you return to the base, to the bastion. The purpose of your travel is to collect large crystals (or nucleus - core), the source of his strength. They allow you to build any of the available buildings. As a result of this construction, and during the development of the plot, the appearance of the bastion is constantly changing, new heroes appear with which you can talk (and conversations, by the way, also affect the type of your bastion). In the built-up buildings you can choose weapons at any time, the ability to buy materials for improvements before going back on the trip flight. But it is not only for you to pump out here, you will also allow you to strengthen your enemies (I have never seen another game, where it would be possible to do)! For this there is a separate building - a temple where you can activate special characters. As a result, you will get stronger, fast, dangerous monsters, but earn additional experience and crystals.

The main actors of this story

At times you can erect only one building, then - again on the map, in the flight, where you can choose the goal of the travel. You can simply pass only the "Islands", where the kernels are located, and you can also take tests for each weapon for which additional crystals and experience give. Interestingly, not all islands, it turns out, hide the nuclei. Sometimes, having passed the whole level, with disappointment and annoyance, you discover that the nuclei is there. And fought, it turns out, wasted. But nothing, but it was fun, experience earned.

The gameplay in the game does not have time to bother, constantly appears something new, interesting. Levels are very diverse, do not cease to rejoice and music, new opponents appear, the gameplay is changing, such as, for example, when you find yourself on a rapidly flying platform, on which you need to hold out, beating from bizarre devices producing fire and plasma, and attackers from all Parties to monsters catching you at other flying platforms. And at the other purpose, the hero suddenly falls asleep, twisted with some strange gas! And you already run through surreal, dark and unsubstantiated, changing levels from his sleep.

After you want to forget a bunch of RPG in which I beat. Nothing in common with this, nothing is as original, fresh, beautiful, atmospheric and magical. The game is amazing in every sense. There are no other awards that she could not give. Made lovingly, with soul, fantasy, with humor, lyrical and emotional, fascinating and diverse, stylish and memorable. Yes, and just this is an excellent fairy tale of the fading world, flights, fantasies and dreams and a little boy, who fights alone with any evil spirits, survives, saves others, builds the "wall to heaven" and takes complex, adult solutions that are reflected on the fate of the world . The story in the end turns out to be switched, as if it has no beginning, no end, and we themselves give the right to decide how to do in the end. Perhaps this is the story of every world, which sooner or later should disappear, and then reborn again.

I also suggest you free download soundtrack from the game.

Bastion is the debut RPG game of the popular American Supergiant Games company available on the Xbox, Microsoft Windows, IOS and PlayStation platforms. At the time of creation of Bastion, only seven people worked in the company who managed to create a high-quality and unusual game with an advanced design, confusing plot and worked gameplay. After the successful release of Bastion Supergiant Games released two more games of the same high quality - Transistor and Pyre, where fictional worlds were also depicted with fantastic creatures. Bastion is also also musical accompaniment, ideally suitable for scenes of battles and plot characters dialogs. The game became one of the best in 2011 and still occupies a leading position in many ratings.

Overview to the story Bastion

Bastion Review shows that the setting of the game is a postpocalyptic fantasy world, almost completely destroyed by an unknown cataclysm. Many locations are drawn in detail: from flying locks to icy labyrinths and impassable marshes. The main character - Malts (The Kid), one of the few survivors, wakes up in the ruins of his Ceelondia (Caelondia) and goes to the only surviving and protected place - Bastion. When the Malts with the battle breaks there, he finds only the ruins and another surviving - Arms (Rucks).

Rux is a very colorful character voiced by professional actor Logan Canningen. Kojus's voice is constantly followed by the main character, as a voiceover, and sorely comments on any of his incorrect action, from buying bad weapons to a stupid movement during the battle. Rux and Malts decide to restore the bastion, and the male goes in search of materials for repair, and the most important of them is the so-called kernel.

During the search, he meets two more heroes: Zulf (Zulf) and singer Ziu (ZIA), representatives of the nation of the bang, which to the cataclysm fought with Zeyldonia. Together, they continue their journey, and when the Malts find all the necessary parts for the restoration of bastion, recognize the true attack of the cataclysm. This leads to a break in the team, but in the end, the heroes reconstruct the bastion and find themselves in a safe place to begin to revive the whole world.

Bastion gameplay review

After the review on Bastion, we can say that there are elements of the role-playing game and saturated action scenes, moving from one picturesque location to another. The hero is improving from the level to the level, becomes new skills and new weapons, during battles with monsters it earns fragments - local currency. Fragments are spent on the Arsenal update and the purchase of building materials to restore bastion.

During the battle, you can only use two types of weapons and one special skill, weapons are combined with the help of the skills acquired in the arsenal. In a review on Bastion, it is clear that he highlights it among other action games of recent years: the application of different types of weapons strongly changes the course of combat. In addition, the skills of owning them can be trained on specially equipped locations.

The bow of gossips is different from the hammer or throwing knives not only by appearance, but also by the damage, they should be used against various enemies under different conditions. As a result, the view on Bastion is a well-thought-out game with a lot of complex levels and magical graphics, in which neither avid lovers of plotting, neither those who want to just shoot the undead, nor music lovers who love high-quality musical accompaniment will be disappointed.

Bastion Overview

Bastion reviews notes a variety of elements of the gameplay and the depth of the postpocalyptic plot, in something resembling popular anti-nightopias. The game has the brightness and dynamism of good action and strong heroes with worked stories, characteristic of all RPG.

The developers from Supergiant Games wanted to transfer the atmosphere of tragedy after the World Cataclysm: if you step in Bastion to one of the human skulls scattered everywhere, then hear the brief history of his life. Despite the similarity with a series of Diablo games, Bastion is characterized by arsenal of weapons and a confusing ending. BASTION attracts the attention of playmans around the world the uniqueness of the gameplay and the unusual characteristics of the characters.

Trailer launch

Bastion - Flying island-fortress, soaring over the fragments of the country, known before the catastrophe like Selondia. The source of its energy is the monument whose kernels scattered from distant corners. This place should have become a collection point for residents in the event of an irreparable misfortune, but only one parenchy came.


System requirements

Core 2 Duo / Athlon 64 x2 1.7 GHz

2 GB of memory

video card with 512 MB of memory

1 GB on Winchester

Recommended requirements

Core 2 Duo / Athlon 64 x2 2.5 GHz

2 GB of memory

video card with 512 MB of memory

1 GB on Winchester

So it was called - a parenchy. Waking up once, he saw that there was no former world, only pieces that pop up from the abyss right under their feet. The young man took the faithful hammer, shouted his homemade Musket over his shoulder and ran to the Bastion, distributing kicks with fancy monsters and collecting the wreckage of the former greatness.

He then did not know that he became a hero of history. Each of his act, meaningful and not very, accompanies the hoarse voice of the narrator - the only living soul living on the bastion. Few people currently uses such a technique, yes so skillful that colorful, masterfully voiced texts unite a series of levels into a fascinating story about injustice, betrayal and repentance.

As soon as the voice baritone takes a breather, his work continues to work. Exquisite alloy of electronics, acoustic guitars, banjo, exotic samples and Arabic tools Composer Darren Korb. Names "Acoustic Frontier Trip-Hop". Once it said, it means that it is. The best words do not care anyway. The burning oriental wind comes the melody of the Wild West and, like the game, the tile behind the tile of recreation of Selondia, creates emotions from the air.

But turn off the columns - and the atmosphere will not disappear anywhere, for it will remain bright, colorful, live paint piece. It seems as if someone had listed over Japanese RPG 1990s - waved a digital brush and turned 16-bit pixels in stunning HD-canvas. The love of artists to detail is comparable unless with their desire to entertain the audience. Drawn swamps and labyrinths of abandoned mines, fragments of cities, ice waste, tropical island - for 10 hours of eyes do not close to boredom. Who needs polygons if there is such an isometry?

Build That Wall.

And what is the bastion, especially when the guy, finding the nucleus, will build all six of its buildings! And the focus is not only in appearance - they bring fresh elements in the gameplay, heated interest. Arsenal allows you to take any two types of weapons, securing them with the left and right mouse buttons, plus one slaughter super triment. Good choose from what - Bastion. Throwing up new items until the last race, from a combat machete and onions to a couple of cowboy revolvers. Blue fragments embroidered from monsters and rhowades are actually a currency for buying goods in a bench forgotten things. We spend the same "money" in the forge for improving blades and guns, if, of course, rare resources are unique for each "trunk", at hand.

The memorial offers tasks like "without mischievous to quickly attach 12 bullets to the goal", the replenishment wallets of stubborn fighters. Writing stores magic drugs. One lengthens the health strip, the other increases the likelihood of a critical damage, the third saves from the fatal blow ... There are many bubbles, and cells are only 10. They will be unlocked as "pumping", so do not be lazy to look at the psychedelic levels of WHO-KNOWS-WHERE and exterminate For experience.

Finally, the altar will delight those who consider the battles too easy. Jump in one or several local gods, giving enemies dangerous properties, and even the teeth will shift. Covert-ka with creatures that are crawling the usual, affect durable skin and explode after death! However, the generous increase to the "Exp" and the crystals worth it.

If you create difficulty reluctance, try good luck in mini-arcades to possession of weapons. It is as soon as possible with a hammer of 100 items, knock the target from Luke, reflect the shield of attacks of opponents, not missing attacks ... The third prize is easy to conquer, but for "silver" and "gold" will have to sweat (buy at least a couple of relevant upgrades will not prevent .

The Sole Regret.

The team of developers, consisting, by the way, from the seven people, and does not think about the DLC - everything was planned to the release. The authors slowly latter small cutters and fasten the convenience of type of support for non-standard screen permissions.

Bastion. rich in surprises and without additions. One element of gaming mechanics, who would have done a different studio from the very beginning, pops up only under the curtain. The script whose epilogue would seem predetermined, suddenly gives us the right to vote. A dreamy lyrical song reveals his warlike subtext along the plot, and later turns the final track into breasts.

But this is not enough. I also want to "New Game Plus" with a complete set of Godheads and potions are unable to quench thirst. Eh, there would be a random card generator, the Lute system, the memory of the role-playing parameters for the character, the car and the cart of quests ... True, as a result, it would be a completely different game. Bastion. First-in-speed is a beautiful story with string, climax and finals. "A PROPER STORY", as the gray-haired narrator would be expressed.

We often do not even think about what role the narrator playing in each project. If, let's say, in desktop roles, the game master for all the king and God, then in computer games a voice sounding for the scene of all hostilities is usually needed only to give the next task on time and specify the direction before the next boss. But in Bastion everything is different.

Imagine the world after a global catastrophe. And you can immediately forget, because the world that is described in Bastion looks completely different. Moreover, in the usual understanding, he can even say, does not exist at the beginning of our adventure, and as the levels studies will be built from bricks right under the legs of our hero. And the character we will manage, and is completely deprived of the name and responds to a laconic "guy." With it, we will not only explore the world around, we explore various game locations, destroy the bosses and collect our bastion, the location in which we can build buildings and buy upgrades.

The game from the very beginning bribes quality picture. Yes, this is not a new-fashioned 3D in 3D, but each gaming location is drawn with style and from the heart, the animation smooth and pleasant to the eye, and the world itself is just perfectly worked out. All actions of the player there is not only a logical explanation, but also comment from the rapid voice. At the same time, our storyteller is not a boring voice, which brings himself under the nose something about salvation of the world, but comments every our step. Rose from the bed - get a pathos comment. Died from the hands of Monster once - get one more. Began to die once again? Listen to comments about the cruellence of the main character!

It is worth saying that with all this we play in the humor filled with humor, but not at all the parody game. The developers moved away from gaming canons Rogue-RPG, which were installed a long time ago and polished in Diablo. The collection of a million new clothes for the sake of a pair of gold is not here, selected very functionally, and the sweeps of the dungeons levels are not more than 20-30 minutes. Bosses for the most part are killed at all from the first time that it is unthinkable for many games in the genre. It would still be where it is possible that the game is at the same time and did not adjust to the player for the sake of relief of the gameplay, but at the same time did not become unthinkable difficult during the battle with the next boss?

It's amazing that with a small number of hours required for passage, and the general ease of the game, we are dealing with a nonlinear project that is not a joke to passibly. The fact is that the bastion at the time of our arrival is completely destroyed, so his recovery lies entirely and completely on our shoulders. Therefore, get ready to search for fragments and with the help of them to connect new elements for bastion, whether it is a weapon or a forge. And the buildings will have to build - without them to receive an upgrade for weapons or for the very trivial selection of weapons for the next world will have to run around the worlds in search of the necessary buildings. In each of the presented "measurements", there are several ways to pass, some of them will lead us to the fragments we need, and some will help to collect things to improve the abilities or the next pinger-cutting subject. So bored, believe me, do not have to.

The graphic style is so interesting that even the usual landfill wants to consider in detail that we can talk about any picturesque squares or soaring fragments in the emptiness. Heroes themselves, with whom will have to face, our protagonist and each little dangerous monster is drawn with real love and knowledge. Therefore, the picture and bribes the quality and quantity of effort attached to each frame.

Sound accompaniment perfectly complements what is happening on the screen, the weapon shoots with juicy sounds, and the voice of the storyteller allows you to dive into history more and deeper.

So, if you summarize, it is immediately worth saying - Bastion is a real pearl among indie games. It looks great, played perfectly, and in disadvantages you can write out that it is quite a modest time that you spend on the passage of the game. But no one bothers to run it once again and go over again, the good of the re-study of the world will allow you to look at the game from the new side.

We also suggest you watch gameplay video from the game:

We also managed to interview Greg Casavine, the author of the plot and one of those who fully and completely answered the game at all stages of its creation.

website: What idea was behind the Bastion himself? Where did the game creation begins?

Greg Kasavin: Initially, we had a simple idea to make an action-role, in which you would build a world around. We wanted the player to appear the positive feeling that you experience, entering the city in any action-RPG, but we wanted to bind players to this place to be even stronger. Well, we knew that our game should not only play fun, but it would be possible to hope for the strong emotional response of the player, and we also tried to make players could easily start playing, and the gameplay would not be interrupted as follows Plot. Finally, we decided to make a 2D game, because we are very lacking those feelings that cause classic 2D games - 3D projects still hardly try to convey similar sensations. In general, we had a lot of good ideas and all of them fit into the project, becoming his gameplay basis.

website: Usually in the game the narrator is just a voice voice, but in the bastion it is almost the second main character. Who owns a brilliant idea to make a narrator just like this?

Greg Kasavin: When we just started working on the game, we did not think that everything would turn exactly so sideways and the narrator commetes all actions. This idea appeared during the 9-month phase of creating a prototype game, along with many other solutions. Amir Rao, director and lead designer of our studio, already worked with our director for the sound of Darren "" Ohm Korb "" Ohm, and Darren once lived in one room with their common friend Logan "" Om Cunningham "" Ohm, actor from New York. And once, Amir decided to impose a voice Logan "" and on the gameplay, and the resulting result was very encouraged. It's all perfectly combined with those plot ideas that I thought from the very beginning of the project, so we all seemed to us what exactly the narrator had to sound. This decision added to the game depth and weight, because the players get the impression that such a story will have a real reason for the recovery of this particular story, that is, it will not be another option of ordinary game comments.

So, answering your question, it was a joint process. Of course, Logan added a lot for his character through the acting game, so it would be difficult to imagine a more ideal actor to this role. Darren coped with the whole process of voice acting and recording, and we recorded a lot of material during this process. I wrote text and history, and Amir was my editor. Also, I and AMIR integrated all recorded audio content in game levels, and it took us quite a lot of time until we felt that everything was done correctly.

website: Can we wait for new adventures in the world of bastion? Sicvel or DLC?
Greg Kasavin:
We have developed a game of holistic and plans for its continuation or expansion with DLC we have no. We did not slip anything and did not hold to give players a fully complete game with a completely emotionally satisfactory final, which is not required to continue. Partially this is done because we are a small studio and we understood that the bastion can be our only chance to make a similar game, but thanks to the warm reception of the players we will continue our work. Well, in addition, we created the design of the world so that it can potentially support other storylines, so if we want to ever return to this world, we can do it. But now it is very early to talk about it. All that we know is what we want to make interesting, refreshing, amazing games that will be very interested in playing from time to time, well, they will have the desired depth thanks to serve.

website: There are many different things in the bastion. In future patches, will the new weapon be added, and the like is heard?

Greg Kasavin: It is very unlikely that we will make global changes in content with patches, because we made bastion completed. We do not think that the project has a lot of space for additional types of weapons, for example, because we wanted every type of weapon to be separated from others. We spent a lot of time, creating different types of weapons and spirits, and only the best in the final version. We do not want to add things that are worse than what has already been added to the game, especially since you yourself noticed - there are already many items in the game. We added new achievements for Steam and did not do so that it was impossible to add anything in the future, but I will not promise anything like this.

website: Maybe you should wait for some kind of cooperative addition to the game?

Greg Kasavin: There is no cooperative in our plans. We thought about it in the development process and decided not to do this, because such a regime did not fit into what we wanted to create. In some Action-RPG, it's very fun to play a cooperative, but we decided that for our game it will be wrong, because the gameplay of bastion focuses around a single story and interaction between the player and the storyteller.

website: Does there have a chance to see cartoons or comics for bastion?

Greg Kasavin: There is always a chance, but in our plans to increase the universe of bastion there was no such path. We are a team of just 7 people, so we must be very careful in everything related to the distribution of working resources. Now, when the bastion is over, we can or create something for bastion or explore new opportunities, well, or try to somehow combine it all. We have never really seen yourself a studio that will work only above the bastions, and I don't think that the fans of our project are waiting for this, so we gently weigh our choice and try to move forward. Also, since the bastion is our original IP, we better react *** msya and will not unnecessarily load it.

website: We practically don't know anything about your company - please tell us how you created the Supergiant Games, you can tell some interesting facts about people who worked on the bastion.

Greg Kasavin: Bastion was our first game, which we created as a studio, so it's not surprising that you didn't hear about us before that moment! We are a team of 7 people who work in the same room of a residential building. I and two studio co-valuables used to work on Electronic Arts in Los Angeles above the Command & Conquer franchise, and we were inspired by the factory developers teams, so they decided to try their own. So Amir and Gavin threw everything and moved to a separate house where they began to work on Bastion in September 2009. They successfully collected the entire team, including Darren "" A and Logan "" A, Jan Zee (our art director, who made the entire 2D art for the game), Andrew Wang "" A (Our Chief Technology Director) and me . Our task was to create games that would be lit in the players of the spark, as in childhood they made their favorite games, so the bastion can be called the embodiment of this task.

website: What are your plans for your studio for the future? Maybe new original projects?

Greg Kasavin: Now it's too early to talk about our plans for the future, but we have many ideas and we decide what we will do next. We want to stay a small independent studio and try to make games that will produce the same impressions on players that produce bastion.

website: Yes, the bastion turned out to be just a great game. What are you feeling after the success of your project?

Greg Kasavin: We are very pleased with the response that we got. We have invested everything that could be in Bastion, knowing that our first game will determine our ability to create games in the future. It was completely sponsored by our forces project, so that we could do it on our own terms, in the deadline we needed and in the style we need, because we were important to remain as independent and now, and in the future. So we are grateful to everyone who tried their strength in the game, and grateful for all those warm words we have been honored from players from around the world. When we worked on the bastion, we hoped that the game would leave a long positive impression, and from many players we hear what happened.

Site: Can you ever translate the bastion or the next your game into Russian? It would be great!
Greg Kasavin: We would like our games to translated into all possible languages! At the personal level, I myself come from Moscow, so I think it would be great if our games were translated into Russian. What is good in the bastion, so it's the fact that many players from our community are ready to translate the game to a variety of languages. There is already a full version of the game in Polish, although we are not even supported this language. This is possible because we made the game very friendly for the modests, so that the theories are very easy to take the necessary files and replace the text on the translated one. Therefore, with some share of good luck and the support of the players, and the Russian-language version may appear very soon. If it is interesting, you can pass on this in the branch on the Steam forums.

Greg Kasavin: Thank you!

What can be created on the ashes of the destroyed world? New world? Perfect civilization? Or you can add your head in an attempt to revive everything that existed earlier? Answers to these questions can be found by plunging into the game Studios Supergiant Games.which is called name Bastion.. It is in this project that the players will have the opportunity to feel how it may be hard and lonely to a person who is trying to breathe life into the concerned world, and how difficult it is to fight for a new future on the remnants of all things. This crazy and deadly campaign has one goal - to restore the bastion - the only place that can help humanity return to the old life or step into the unknown of something completely new ...

The universe guy looked at the kid guy (C English. Kid - a clear hint for the word "baby" or simply "child"), it is he, as a child of now the fallen world, must collect those small grains of the heart of bastion, which are scattered in different ways Corners of the broken universe. In this, it would seem impossible to help him who were lucky enough to help him, as well as Kida, miraculously stay alive. And he will come to the rescue, the weapons of the ancients, those who once knew how to use deadly devices not only for their own protection, but also to maintain a shaky order.

IN Bastion. Players will have to fight a lot, because this project is the most real Action RPG. Moving along the levels, Kid meets various monsters and militant enemies, which can be calmed with a dozen of various weapons, both near and long-range combat. Each of them

Unique in its properties and each has its own special improvements that can be opened with money and special items. And although Bastion. In general, it is not focused on the farm, pumping weapons still plays a very important role here. The same applies to and pumping the hero itself, which is made in a fairly interesting form.

Kida has no skills glasses, there is no list of hundreds of characteristics, everything is much simpler: our hero, having received one of the ten possible levels, can use the power of one of the spirits. Accordingly, the higher the level, the more perfumes can be used at the same time. For the most purpose they give various useful bonuses. For example, drinking the "bullish brandy", the KID will increase resistance to the damage, while the lemonade "PEREAD" will help him restore health by damage to the enemy. Speaking easier - perfume perform a switchable version of the peaks that can be easily enabled or off while in the bastion itself. It's funny, but every spirit is presented as a drink, and the place where their activation occurs (or use?), Developers from Supergiant Games. Named not the sanctuary, which would be logical at the mention of spirits, but a distinguished plant. Is it really such a subtle hint that no one will worship the gods in the time of utopia and ruin, but will only look for forces, pouring into alcohol?

However, not only the perfume "under the degree" will help Kid, in his arsenal there will be special techniques, varying depending on the selected weapons. You can take two any means of destruction with you, and during some tasks they can be changed if you find arsenal. Out of battles, choose the weapon as well as perfume, can be in the bastion. It serves as a real base, and advancing him in the plot can be improved by rebuing some building. And although the process itself is linear to the brain of bones - we cannot be built simply, but on what buildings are the first, and what are the last, we are fully influenced. Therefore, a certain feeling of freedom is still present, also contribute to this test levels that can be passed in any sequence (or not to pass at all). On small polygons, the player is invited to test his weapon handling skills. Trying for the sake of three prizes, opening depending on the test result.

Though Bastion. And not too long the game, it found a place for such entertainment, as well as additional modes opened after the first passage. Another element that enhances the playability is a memorial storing a list of optional tasks for which you can get money. I am expressed by a simple language - additional quests that do not affect the plot. Why? Yes, because they are primitive! A special way to use weapons, improve all buildings in the bastion, pass a certain amount of tests with weapons, etc. But that's not all! IN Bastion. You can open a series of dreams, which are levels where Kidu needs to fight back from the waves of enemies - the same survival mode.

But, of course, the most interesting thing in this game is the main storyline, filled with a lot of interesting moments and things that are forced to think. If you closely monitor what is happening, you can enjoy not only from pleasant and interesting battles, but also from the plot, which is served not only with the help of visual inserts, but also thanks to the storytellor commenting on every move. Listening to him and perceive just as nice, as well as a narrator from Dragon`s Crown, and, although the manner of the feed is somewhat different, there is no question to the quality of implementation and can not be. While KID is trying to get out the winner of extremely dynamic and exciting fights, the narrator with the intriguing intonation tells about the world, about what is happening, about the experiences of the hero itself. And this, damn it, great.

The entourage, in which all this takes place, is extremely diverse, despite the fact that we fight on the backyards of the dead world, we have to visit not only in the ruins, scorched forests and ice empty. Somewhere the unstable universe began to try to revive yourself, so there are beautiful locations with vegetation and forests. Under the Kida feet, the details, various elements and roads literally gather themselves, which creates an incredible effect of the exclusivity of the hero itself. The world revolves around him, he is the epicenter of events, the main grain that can grow everything in a new way. For such an approach I want to sing the diminishers Supergiant Games., After all, no one has yet done.

Live, juicy picture with nice graphics and a unique design approach - this is Bastion.. The audition was not bad, but I want to listen not to music, and the narrator, it was his presence and his words much more clearly create an atmosphere and file history so unusual and specially. Is it really ideal? Well, almost. She has one terrible problem - a small duration. Alas, go Bastion. It is not even especially in a hurry in five to six hours. Of course, the situation is a little rescue "New Game +" and the mode with a set of glasses, the results of which are entered into the world table of records. But still, this is not enough, because the incredible atmosphere, created by the game, literally fascinates, besides, the battle in the game is absolutely intense and at the same time insanely interesting, which bribes doubly. Repeated passage is a little knocking effect.

We had a version on our hands Psvita., in which this review itself was written. In this version, it was a little longer loading than I would like, and the camera on the small screen of the console is far away, which spoils the impression of beautiful graphics. Power Psvita. It is clearly used at the maximum, because when the game is running, you cannot go out and see the list of trophies - it leads to the closure of the game. A trifle, of course, but for those who want to pick up a relatively simple platinum, this will also be a little unpleasant moment. But despite all these shortcomings, the fact of appearance Bastion. on the Psvita. Can not but rejoice, because what console do not need good games?