Bounty Train Passage of the game. Bounty Train: Big Train Robbery Bounty Train game secrets

The entire economy of the game is built on the purchase of goods and the transportation of goods and passengers by rail.


The game has 12 categories of goods: cotton, steel, oil, food, fur, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, cloth, jewelry, tools and medicine. The prices of goods can be seen in the "Economy" window: this is a very convenient tool for planning transportation. Here, goods produced in the city are marked with a green arrow, and goods for which there is demand are marked with a red arrow. The table also displays the number of available products in each category and the price for it (white number). Sorting options are provided for convenience. You can make a selection by distance, city name, quantity of any kind of goods, as well as show sales and purchase prices.

Goods differ in weight, for example steel, oil and tools are very heavy - a low-powered locomotive may not pull even one carriage. But tobacco, cotton, medicine, food and fur are lightweight. Weapons and alcohol are considered illegal in some cities and are punishable by confiscation, payment of a fine, and the arrest of a team member for a month.

For smuggling smuggling, you will have to release one team member to "places not so distant" for a whole month

You can trade goods on the Bounty Train not only in cities. Sometimes on the way you may come across farmers or merchants, bandit and civilian camps, headquarters of the southerners or northerners. Their prices are often much more attractive than in cities. Keep in mind, however, that the military does not like smuggling, and the bandits will ask for a small fee for the opportunity to visit their camp if you have a strained relationship with them.

On the right, in a small window, the prices for buying and selling goods in different cities are presented. This is a compact analogue of the "Economy" window. Remember, to leave the camp and continue along the route, just press the button with the globe.

To purchase a product on the market, select it and by moving the slider, indicate the amount of the purchased cargo. In the window you will see how much the purchased product will weigh. If the amount of the purchased cargo exceeds the maximum weight that the locomotive will "pull", the inscription of the total weight will "turn red". By the way, pay attention to the properties of goods "flammability" and "fragility", you will remember them when a freight car starts to burn or the driver does not slow down on a turn.

By grabbing the cargo from the wagon and dragging it down, you thereby place the goods in the warehouse. It will be stored there for an unlimited time and you can always return for it to sell it here or take it. In the later stages of the game, when you buy real estate, lots of goods produced by your enterprises will be collected in warehouses.


In Bounty Train, you will start with almost the very first developments in this area. From the "antediluvian" locomotives John Bull or DeWitt Clinton to the beautiful high-speed Forney or General. Each type of locomotive or carriage has its own characteristics: hp, weight, armor, number of seats for the crew, reliability, fire resistance, power, carrying capacity, tender volume, coal consumption, booster operating time. And these are not just numbers: all the characteristics matter and change during the game. So, hp is taken away during attacks on the train, including from fires and explosions. The mass ultimately affects how many wagons and cargo a locomotive can carry with it. The power of the locomotive directly affects the carrying capacity and maximum speed, and the operating time of the booster in certain situations can save your life. In addition, you will see the condition, mileage and the likelihood of breakdown - the longer the train rides on American roads, the more likely it is to break. And when frequent breakdowns become your headache, the best solution will be to sell the car that has exhausted its resource and buy a new one.

The railway company can use several types of wagons: standard freight and passenger, as well as auxiliary cabuz, ambulance and car with mortar. Freight and passenger cars, in turn, differ in the number of seats and places for goods, and are presented in three types: small, medium and long. You can also find armored freight cars. Kaboos accommodate several team members: from 2 people in a small one to 4 people in a large kaboz. The ambulance car is a mini-hospital on wheels and allows you to heal team members during combat. Well, the mortar car actually turns your train into a fortress on wheels and allows you to fire at firing points or enemy clusters.

Press the arrows "Previous" - "Next" to see the entire range

Every car and locomotive in the Bounty Train is easy to upgrade. There are improvements common to all types: increased strength, increased armor, improved refractory materials. There are also special improvements. For example, additional places for cargo in a freight car or the application of camouflage to them in order to reduce the risk of detecting prohibited goods. In a locomotive, the tender can be modified to store more coal, the firebox can be improved to save fuel, and the engine can be improved and the accelerator can be improved.

Remember that from the very beginning of the game you will not be able to ride with the breeze on the most powerful locomotive. New, more advanced models will appear in city depots gradually. This will give you the opportunity to consistently develop, accumulating money and acquiring more and more powerful locomotives and roomy wagons.

No matter how skillful a manager you are, you must always be able to get along with representatives of all factions.


There are several factions in the Bounty Train. The Confederate army opposes the army of the Northmen, and the bandits and Indians defend their own interests. And only you can decide how relations with all groups will be built. You can turn someone against yourself and "finish badly" to complete hostility. Or you can try to balance on a neutral attitude or even gain complete trust.

It is clear that completing faction assignments improves your reputation, and frequent failures or constant skirmishes and attacks will worsen the attitude towards you. The reputation can always be viewed in the corresponding window.

A bad reputation among the bandits will not allow you to receive tasks in saloons, and when you meet a gang on the road, it will put the question squarely: pay tribute or defend yourself. The elimination of wanted criminals also worsens the attitude of the bandits. With a good reputation, you can enter a roadside camp and trade. In the camps of bandits, there are always a lot of cheap weapons and jewelry, and tobacco and food are in demand.

Indians often behave in the same way as bandits, attacking and demanding money for travel. But since they, unlike the bandits, do not have permanent bases in cities, it is best to remain neutral in order to be able to trade and, on rare occasions, hire Indian warriors to join the team. They sell fur and tobacco, buy weapons and alcohol at a high price.

The northerners offer tools, jewelry and cotton in their camps, and buy medicines and cloth at a bargain price.

The Confederates treat smugglers badly. If you are carrying alcohol or weapons and see that the southerners are standing by the road, rearrange your route so as to avoid them. Otherwise, a collision is very likely and your train will be smashed by a mortar! The Confederates sell oil and all kinds of weapons, including turrets, and are always in need of medicine and steel.

Also, civil camps are often set up along the road. These can be farmers, traders and manufacturers offering their goods.

Chasing stocks

The protagonist of the Bounty Train, Walter Reed, needs to develop his company, make money, improve the rolling stock and, whenever possible, buy up shares in his father's company in order to get a controlling stake of 51%. He is opposed by a certain Cornelius Timbeldnar, who also wants to improve his influence. Of course, at first the main thing that you will be doing is transportation and again transportation. All active tasks can be seen in the corresponding window, where the due date and sub-items are indicated.

Another panel displays events taking place in cities. These can be alerts about fires or epidemics, as a result of which the demand for goods in the affected cities increases or the number of passengers who want to leave increases. Here you will also learn about auctions. Arriving before the specified time in the city where the auction is taking place, you can try to buy a few percent of the company's shares. If this is a real estate auction, then if you win, you will receive an enterprise (hotel, factory, bakery, plantation, etc.) that produces a certain product, which will then be regularly collected in a warehouse. At the auction, all participants offer their bid, they gradually drop out and in the end the one who offered the highest amount wins.

All player ownership in the Bounty Train is displayed in the Assets window. Here, the table shows all cities and the distance to them, special buildings in the cities, attitudes towards you, wagons bought and left on siding at the depot, team members, cargo in the warehouse and purchased real estate.

The event log will show all active and completed tasks, received emails, monthly reports and event descriptions. History buffs, by the way, will be able to refresh their knowledge, as the list often contains a description of the key events of the Civil War and their impact on the economy of the game.

Finally, the time in the game can be "rewound" a little. Rewinding occurs until one of the following conditions occurs: day or night begins, treatment or repairs end, tasks change, an event starts, an hour, 8 hours or a day passes. And the necessary conditions can be customized.

The industrial revolution of the 19th century was repeatedly touched in games, sometimes turning into steam-punk and other derivatives. Developers Bounty Train has chosen a historically correct path for itself. And they did not lose.

However, authenticity is not the main distinguishing feature of this game. Most of all, it will appeal to lovers of railways. There are not very many of these among gamers, but if a fan considers himself to be such, then everyone can envy his odiousness. His apartment is most likely cluttered with various models of the railroad, and his computer is bursting with driver simulators (if there are more than five of them at all). Bounty Train is simply created for them, as well as for those who want to have a good time playing a comfortable game that is quite challenging and enjoyable.

The backstory is simple and sets a banal but important goal for the player - to win the legacy of the character's father from the villain. To win back in an honest way, periodically buying up shares. Only 4 percent was inherited, a little more is in the hands of the enemy. It is necessary to take possession of half of the railway corporation as soon as possible, which is building a track from the east coast to the west. It connects almost all cities in the central part of the United States, so you will have to visit each of them.

Occasionally, the plot throws up specific goals, but more often you have to save money. This is done simply. You have the first standard train, which means you need to make money with it. Transportation of people and goods. At the station of each city, tasks are issued for the transportation, and in the mayor's office every now and then they ask to overtake something, sometimes especially valuable. The benefits are visible immediately, so saving money is not difficult, besides, the flexible level of difficulty will allow you to change the game beyond recognition.

But assignments are not the only way to make money. You can act as in any similar strategy, buying up goods in one place and selling where they are not available, or where they are more expensive. This is already much more difficult, and it will be possible to normally profit from such activities only in the later stages. And there the stakes are already much higher. First, there are new types of locomotives, fast and voracious. Secondly, wagons also need to be bought, and the more powerful the locomotive, the more wagons you need to attach. They range from single crew boxes to spacious passenger compartments.

It is quite interesting and easy to "pump" in this way. Each part of your train makes its own contribution to the general atmosphere, as if you are collecting a large puzzle with a picture of a sunset in an endless field. It would be just some idiotic interface to spoil it, but Corbie Games I did everything like a textbook, every button is in its place, every element is easily explained, and this convenience is almost the main reason why Bounty Train is so enjoyable.

Despite all the positive aspects, the concept of the game is very limited. The world map is modest, and the cities are only a couple of buildings around the station. Some characters are scattered around, but no one is voiced, and their faces are drawn art. From a bird's eye view, the only one available in the Bounty Train, everything looks schematic. Convenient, pleasant, but schematic and cheap. Bearing in mind the high price - 649 rubles - this is not very happy. It is possible that Bounty Train will get fat in terms of content by the full release, but so far it is only a perfectly working, but modest game.

The main wealth is still the combat system. You see, during the trips, bandits and other Indians do not sleep, and can attack at any moment. The combat system is nothing interesting, just a strange variation on the "tower defense" theme. You just need to select the section you want to protect. The character will shoot, and you can even buy weapons, the team will help, but in essence it is boring. Each time you expect the battle to end as soon as possible, and the game continues to be yourself.

Having exhaled after the defense, you can return to your daily business and enjoy the gameplay again. Corbie Games did too much right to deny themselves the pleasure of spending another hour on the Bounty Train. However, do not be surprised - Daedalic Entertainment has always chosen similar projects for itself, so it will not be superfluous to go to the publisher's list of games.

Bounty Train is another indie game at the intersection of genres, inspired by the notorious Faster than Light. Only instead of space, we have America of the times of the wild west, and instead of a spaceship - a train. And then - a simple uncomplicated multi-genre gameplay. There is also an economic strategy, there is also a steam locomotive simulator, RPG elements are present and you can probably find something else if you wish. However, all this is in its infancy - an arcade economic simulator, an arcade steam locomotive simulator, an arcade strategy ...

It all starts with the fact that the main character of the game learns about the death of his father. He inherited a weak steam locomotive with two carriages and a task - to convince the board of directors of his father's company to build a railway without prejudice to the Indian aborigines. And for this you need to find your brothers and sister, and for this you need to travel all over America. And the plot, in fact, is the locomotive of the gameplay. Now I will explain to what extent.

Initially, we have access to two starting cities and two carriages - a passenger and a freight one. To open a new city, you need to purchase a license to use the corresponding piece of the railway. And for this, accordingly, make money through trade. But, as I already mentioned, the economic strategy here is simple, bought in one city, sold in another, the same thing in the opposite direction, while there is enough goods. We saved up money, opened a new city, and we repeat the procedure. Until we reach the city in which we will meet the plot character, and then we save up again to open the next city in order to find a new round of the plot. And how would it be. Perhaps, in the future, the whole synopsis will change dramatically, but until then the simple monotonous gameplay becomes boring pretty quickly, and even additional elements do not save the day.

Trading is not the only thing we have to do in the game. When moving between cities, bandits or Indians may attack us. You can either buy off the raiders or fight back. Of course, the second option is more interesting. We are allowed directly onto the railroad track, where we can directly control the train and the characters on it. If the character is alone, he will have to be torn between a firefight and control of a steam locomotive. He either throws coal into the furnace, or shoots out the bandits attacking the train on horseback. He can also extinguish fires in cars, if such appear, and this is important, otherwise they will simply burn out. At such moments, it is important to monitor the speed of the train, so that it does not exceed the maximum permissible, to let off steam in the boiler, if it overheats, to target the attackers in time, otherwise they will get into the car and unhook it. It sounds like a challenge, but it's actually pretty easy and monotonous.

I mentioned the characters above. You can meet them in cities. Some of them will give a task, others are just passengers for transportation, but the main ones are heroes, they can be hired as a team. Your wards are pumped and earn perks according to their profile - a shooter, a mechanic, a gunner ... In addition to people, there are three "buildings" in cities: a city hall, where you can take cargo delivery tasks from the mayor; a market where goods and coal for a steam locomotive are bought and sold; a depot where you can repair your train, as well as buy additional wagons or even a new tractor. Actually, this is all there is in this game.

Bounty Train can captivate for a couple of hours / evenings, mainly due to the atmosphere of the wild west. Nevertheless, the monotonous and boring gameplay does not allow this game to somehow stand out from the many indie developments and, becoming something more, even though the publisher is the notorious Daedalic Entertainment.

P.S. Of course, there is a lot of time left before the final release of the game, and the developers argue that there will be a lot more to be added in the coming months, including more variety in currently boring characters and cities. And, in defense of Bounty Train, I must say that it started out feeling much more fulfilling than many other Early Access games. The game is a little raw, but it works and it will be able to keep you going for a while. I just hope that the coming months will be spent improving and expanding the game.

Bounty Train is quite a user-friendly product. Here you will learn how to navigate the first railways, receiving orders from your hometown for the transportation of goods and passengers. By developing the career ladder, the player can earn both personal experience and in-game currency. The setting of the game is shifted in favor of trade and economic relations in the (not so wild) west. You yourself will have to find markets for the sale and purchase of goods of a different nature. Peculiar quests can be offered both from "big houses" and from the City Hall. The simulator does not aim to make you a train driver (but coal for your locomotive will have to be included in expenses). It is also desirable at the first stage of the game to acquire normal shoes and a revolver.

Basic game mechanics

Initially, your protagonist from the rolling stock has a small locomotive and a freight car for it. You will have to choose the answer options offered by the game (the strategy of "telling the whole truth" - sometimes it can lead to a delay in the contract or a sudden loss of goods). So, in this game you have to seriously immerse yourself in trade and market relations. Each city has a City Hall and a kiosk with the latest press, and of course the market square. We transport goods, buy newspapers and subscribe to them to keep abreast of events, carry out delicate orders, as well as acquire licenses for the delivery of goods to other cities. Sometimes we carry "passing passengers".

Role component

In addition to ensuring their own safety, the player will have to recruit "party members" into his company, who sometimes need to be treated for wounds. Anything can happen along the way. To do this, you need to look for clinics in cities. If you managed to survive all this, then orders with more profitable profit will become available to you.

Trainer for Bounty Train

If the player's campaign has gone badly or suffered a complete fiasco, then in this case we recommend that you use a special archive, thanks to which you can radically change the state of affairs. Unpack the document into the game folder and run it before starting the main game. Next, we enter the codes specified in the previously launched file.

Game system requirements