Cheat codes for saints row 3 immortality. Cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third. Complete list of commands. Codes for cars

Action from the back of Saints Row: The Third from the company Volition, Inc. almost everyone has already dubbed it a crazy parody of the GTA game series. In this video game, you will find everything that is the same as in the video games from Rockstar Games, but seasoned with a huge part of the craziness! Below we have collected for you all the codes for Saints Row: The Third, which will give you absolute freedom of decision and even more crazy ideas for implementation in the game!

Activating cheat codes Saints Row: The Third

Activation of Saints Row: The Third codes occurs through the in-game mobile smartphone. To do this, open your phone (by default, the TAB key), then follow the menu "Extras -> Cheats -> Add cheat" and boldly enter the codes.

Attention! When using codes, the game will stop automatically saving and you will not receive achievements (achievements).

Gameplay Affecting Cheats

pissoffpigs - Add a police wanted level (notoriety).
lolz - Add a wanted level for gangs.
cheese - Gives $100,000 money.
fryhole - All the dead fly to the sky (literally).
goodygoody - Removes all police wanted levels.
oops - Removes all levels wanted by gangs.
whatitmeanstome - Gives you 100000 authority.
runfast - Endless sprint.
dlc_never_die - Immortality (DLC).
dlc_player_pratfalls - Enables falls like in the Insurance Fraud (DLC) side job.
dlc_unlimited_ammo - Infinite ammo (DLC).
dlc_unlimited_clip - Infinite clips, no need to reload (DLC).

Codes affecting transport

dlc_car_mass - Your car gets infinite mass and pushes everything in its path (DLC).
repaircar - Repairs all damage to the current car.
vroom - Vehicle does not take damage.
isquishyou - The car destroys all vehicles it crashes into.

Air transport codes

givecondor - Condor (transport VTOL Boar).
giveeagle - Eagle (armored transport helicopter).
givespecter - Specter (VTOL scooter Boar).
givetornado - Tornado (attack helicopter).
givevtol - F-69 VTOL (VTOL fighter).
givevulture - Vulture (attack helicopter, similar to the Mi-24).
givewoodpecker - Woodpecker (maize-type aircraft).

Codes for motorcycles (bikes)

giveestrada - Estrada (classic bike).
givekaneda - Kaneda (cool sports bike).
givekenshin - Kenshin (sports bike).
givesandstorm - Sandstorm (motocross bike).
givewidowmaker - Widowmaker (moped).

Codes for boats

givecommander - Commander (combat patrol boat).
givemiami - Miami (speedboat).
giveshark - Shark (water bike).

Codes for cars

giveambulance - Ambulance (ambulance).
giveanchor - Anchor (TV minibus).
giveattrazione - Attrazione (racing car).
givebootlegger - Bootlegger (cool muscle car).
givejustice - Justice (major machine).
givenforcer - N-Forcer (BRDM Boar).
givepeacemaker - Peacemaker (police car).
givephoenix - Phoenix (fast car).
givequasar - Quasar (off-road vehicle).
givemunicipal - Stilwater Municipal (garbage truck).
givetaxi - Taxi (taxi).
givetitan - Titan (collector armored car).
givevortex - Vortex (racing car).

Codes for special vehicles

givechallenger - Challenger (Steelport National Guard tank).
givegatmobile - Gat Mobile
giveknoxville - Knoxville (small electric car).
givereaper - Reaper (hearse).
givesphere - Ball (healthy ball).
givestatusquo - Status Quo (limousine).
givetoad - Toad (ATV, as in the "Leaving Traces" side job).

Codes for weapons

letsrock - Gives all weapons.
giveapoca - Fist of the Apocalypse.
givebaseball - Baseball bat.
givechainsaw - Chainsaw.
givesword - Decker Sword Nocturne.
givedildo - dildo emitter.
givestungun - Taser.
dasheperd - Large caliber pistol 45 Shepherd (250 rounds).
givekobra - Police pistol KA-1 Cobra (250 rounds).
givekrukov - K-8 Kryukov assault rifle (500 rounds).
givear55 - AR-55 assault rifle (500 rounds).
gavelm8 - Viper Laser Rifle (500 rounds).
givedigger - Shotgun Gravedigger (100 rounds).
giveultimax - AS3 Ultimax Shotgun (100 rounds).
givehammer - S3X Laser Shotgun Hammer (100 rounds).
givecybersmg - SMG Cyberblaster (1000 charges).
givetek - PP TEK Z-10 (1000 rounds).
giveblossom - PP Death Flower (1000 rounds).
giveairstrike - SA-3 airstrike (2 charges).
givecyber - Cyber ​​gun (1000 rounds).
givedrone - Drone "Reaper" (8 missiles).
givercgun - Overlord RC-V (12 charges).
givesniper - McManus 2015 sniper rifle (40 rounds).
givesonic - Sonic boom.
giverpg - Grenade launcher (10 rockets).
givesatchel - Backpack charges (6 charges).
giveelectric - Electric grenades (4 pieces).
giveflashbang - Flashbang grenade (4 pieces).
givegrenade - Frag grenades (4 pieces).
givemolotov - Molotov cocktails (4 pieces).
giveflamethrower - Flamethrower (1000 Ammo).
givelauncher - G20 grenade launcher (90 Ammo).
giveminigun - Minigun (1200 rounds).
giveshield - Police shield.
giverocket - Impact Hammer (10 charges).

Codes affecting the world

dui - Drunken pedestrians.
brains - All pedestrians turn into zombies.
turkeyburgers - Another immortality.
goldengun - One-shot kills.
dlc_low_gravity - Low gravity (DLC).
mascot - All pedestrians become "mascots" (as in sports).
dlc_super_explosions - Explosions are four times stronger (DLC).
nohud - Removes the HUD (interface).
hohoho - All pedestrians become prostitutes and pimps.
notrated - All the dead explode.
dlc_super_saints - All Saints become stronger (DLC).

Weather codes

ticktock - Changes the time of day.
clearskies - Clears the sky.
heavyrain - Turns on heavy rain.
lightrain - Turns on light rain.
Overcast - Casts clouds.

Saints Row: The Third is a crazy open-world action game based on the same game mechanics as the Grand Theft Auto series, but with crazier gameplay. Despite the fact that it was released a few years ago, it still enjoys considerable popularity among the players.

Of course, the most fun to play this project, having an infinite amount of money, any vehicle at hand and endless ammo. Fortunately, the developers have taken care of this by adding cheats and codes to Saints Row 3, with which you can easily arrange a grand virtual party or a real hell. Below is a list of all console commands in the game.

How to enter cheats in Saints Row: The Third

Entering cheats in Saints Row 3, as in the last parts of GTA, is carried out using a gaming gadget. You must first get a smartphone by clicking on the "Tab" key, and then go to the "Extra" window. Then open the "Cheats" section and click on the "Add cheat" button. After that, just enter the necessary console command.

Note: After you use the cheats, the autosave system will stop working. In addition, access to obtaining trophies (achievements) on Steam will be blocked.

Basic cheat codes

  • pissoffpigs - increases the wanted level by law enforcement, i.e. increases notoriety
  • lolz - increases the wanted level of criminal gangs
  • cheese - increases the game score by 100 thousand dollars
  • fryhole - all the dead literally ascend to heaven
  • goodygoody - removes all wanted levels by law enforcement
  • oops - removes all wanted levels by criminal gangs
  • whatitmeanstome - increases prestige by 100 thousand units
  • runfast - allows you to run indefinitely
  • dlc_never_die - grants invulnerability (only works with all add-ons)
  • dlc_player_pratfalls - activates the fall system as in one of the sub-works (only works if all add-ons are present)
  • dlc_unlimited_ammo - Gives you unlimited ammo (only works if you have all add-ons)
  • dlc_unlimited_clip - no need to reload weapons (only works if you have all add-ons)
  • dlc_car_mass - gives the car a huge weight, because of which it starts to knock everything on the road (only works with all add-ons)
  • repaircar - completely repairs your car
  • vroom - makes the car immune to damage
  • isquishyou - gives the car the ability to destroy any vehicles on the road
  • dui - adds drunken pedestrians
  • brains - turns all people on the streets into the living dead
  • turkeyburgers - another invulnerability code
  • goldengun - allows you to kill with one hit (shot)
  • dlc_low_gravity - reduces gravity (only works with all add-ons)
  • mascot - turns all people on the streets into sports "mascots"
  • dlc_super_explosions - increases the power of explosions by 4 times (only works with all add-ons)
  • nohud - disappears user interface
  • hohoho - turns everyone on the street into pimps and girls with little social responsibility
  • notrated - explodes all killed characters
  • dlc_super_saints - Significantly boosts all Saints (only works with all add-ons)

Air vehicles

  • givecondor - a transporter (Condor) appears next to the hero
  • giveeagle - a transport helicopter (Eagle) appears next to the hero
  • givespecter - a flying scooter Boar (Specter) appears next to the hero
  • givetornado - a combat helicopter (Tornado) appears next to the hero
  • givevtol - a fighter (F-69 VTOL) appears next to the hero
  • givevulture - a military helicopter appears next to the hero (Vulture)
  • givewoodpecker - a light aircraft spawns next to the hero


  • giveestrada - a classic motorcycle appears next to the hero
  • givekaneda - a futuristic motorcycle appears next to the hero
  • givekenshin - a sports bike appears next to the hero
  • givesandstorm - a mountain bike appears next to the hero
  • givewidowmaker - a scooter appears next to the hero

Boats and boats

  • givecommander - a patrol boat appears next to the hero
  • givemiami - a fast boat spawns next to the hero
  • giveshark - a jet ski appears next to the hero


  • giveambulance - an ambulance appears next to the hero
  • giveanchor - a TV minibus appears next to the hero
  • giveattrazione - a sports car (Attrazione) appears next to the hero
  • givebootlegger - a muscle car appears next to the hero
  • givejustice - a luxury car appears next to the hero (Justice)
  • givenforcer – BRDM Kabana appears next to the hero
  • givepeacemaker - a police car appears next to the hero
  • givephoenix - a sports car appears next to the hero (Phoenix)
  • givequasar - an SUV appears next to the hero
  • givemunicipal - a garbage truck spawns next to the hero
  • givetaxi - a taxi appears next to the hero
  • givetitan - a collection vehicle appears next to the hero
  • givevortex - a racing car (Vortex) appears next to the hero

Special transport

  • givechallenger - a tank appears next to the hero
  • givegatmobile - a minibus with a giant head appears next to the hero
  • giveknoxville - a small electric car appears next to the hero
  • givereaper - a hearse appears next to the hero
  • givesphere - a huge ball appears next to the hero
  • givestatusquo - a luxury limousine appears next to the hero
  • givetoad - an ATV of one of the part-time jobs appears next to the hero


  • letsrock - the hero gets all the weapons in the game
  • giveapoca - the hero receives the fist of the Apocalypse
  • givebaseball - the hero receives a baseball bat
  • givechainsaw - the hero receives a chainsaw
  • givesword - the hero receives the Dekker sword Nocturne
  • givedildo - the hero receives a dildo
  • givestungun - the hero receives a stun gun
  • gavesheperd - the hero receives the Shepherd pistol
  • givekobra - the hero receives a police pistol
  • givekrukov - the hero receives the K-8 Kryukov assault rifle
  • givear55 - the hero receives an AR-55 assault rifle
  • gavelm8 - the hero gets a laser rifle
  • givedigger - the hero receives the Gravedigger shotgun
  • giveultimax - the hero receives an AS3 Ultimax shotgun
  • givehammer - the hero receives a laser shotgun
  • givecybersmg - the hero receives a Cyberblaster submachine gun
  • givetek - the hero receives a TEK Z-10 submachine gun
  • giveblossom - the hero receives a submachine gun "Flower of Death"
  • giveairstrike - the hero receives an airstrike
  • givecyber - the hero receives a cybergun
  • givedrone - the hero receives an unmanned aerial vehicle
  • givercgun - the hero receives an RC-V overlord
  • givesniper - the hero receives a sniper rifle
  • givesonic - the hero receives a sonic boom
  • giverpg - the hero receives a grenade launcher
  • givesatchel - the hero receives backpack charges
  • giveelectric - the hero receives electric grenades
  • giveflashbang - the hero receives a stun grenade
  • givegrenade - the hero receives frag grenades
  • givemolotov - the hero receives Molotov cocktails
  • giveflamethrower - the hero receives a flamethrower
  • givelauncher - the hero receives a G20 grenade launcher
  • giveminigun - the hero receives a minigun
  • giveshield - the hero receives a policemen's shield
  • giverocket - the hero receives a shock hammer


  • ticktock - allows you to change day to night and vice versa
  • clearskies - makes the sky clear and the weather sunny
  • heavyrain - activates heavy rain
  • lightrain - activates normal rain
  • Overcast - creates cloudy weather

We hope that these cheats, codes and console commands for Saints Row 3 will help you make the gameplay even crazier and crazy.

Saints Row: The Third is an original and inimitable action game that most gamers called a crazy remake of the GTA series. This game has all the basic ideas of the Rockstar Games studio, but seasoned with an incredible amount of madness. The passage of this adventure can occasionally drive you into a dead end, but special cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third will help you get out of a difficult situation. They will be discussed in this review.

Activation of improvements

Of course, most gamers do not particularly welcome the use of codes, because thanks to them, part of the pleasure of passing is lost. And you can hardly be proud of your achievements or skills, because they were not obtained quite honestly. But at the same time, such teams can bring some zest to the game.

In order to enter cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third, you need to go to the menu of the gaming smartphone. To do this, press the TAB key, and then in the window that opens, go to the "Extra" column. Select the field "Cheats" and in it the line "Add cheat". In the next column, you need to write the necessary Saints Row: The Third codes. You can find the full list of cheats below. But remember that when using codes, the game will not be automatically saved, and you will not be able to receive achievements. So if you want to collect the entire collection of achievements, then forget about using any additional commands.

Gameplay codes

In this block, you will learn about the commands that affect the overall content of the game. Please note that some of them can only be applied after installing additional DLC. Cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third:

  • Earn notoriety with the police - pissoffpigs.
  • Become more wanted by bandits - lolz.
  • All the dead fly to heaven - fryhole.
  • Remove police wanted levels - goodygoody.
  • Become invisible to bandits - oops.
  • Get 100 thousand credibility points - whatitmeanstome.
  • Endless run - runfast.
  • Invulnerability (only available with DLC) - dlc_never_die.
  • Enable fall - dlc_player_pratfalls.
  • Infinite ammo - dlc_unlimited_ammo.
  • Cancel cooldown - dlc_unlimited_clip.

Cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third. Money, weapons, transport

In this block, we will talk about the commands that affect the content of the main character's inventory. There are a lot of funny and even fantastic weapons in the game, and if you want to get everything at once, then enter the command - letsrock. If you want a specific gun, then you need to write the word give followed by the name of the desired weapon. For example, if you want to get the "Fist of the Apocalypse", then enter the following command - giveapoca, cybergun - givecyber. So to get a weapon, it is enough to write its name in English after the word give. In the same way, you can get any type of transport. That is, if you want to acquire, for example, an ambulance, then write give embulance in the menu of your mobile phone. Names of some items:

  • Police pistol - kobra.
  • Baseball bat - baseball.
  • Taser - stungun.
  • Pistol "Shepherd" - sheperd.
  • Rifle "Kryukov" - krukov.
  • Assault rifle - ar55.
  • Laser weapons - slm8.
  • Laser shotgun - hammer.
  • UAV - drone.
  • grenade launcher - rpg.
  • Sniper rifle - sniper.

In addition, in the game you can change the performance of your transport. For example, in order for your car to destroy any vehicle in its path, write the following command - isquishyou.

If you want to repair all the damage, then use the code - repaircar. In order to make your transport invulnerable, enter this cheat - vroom. If you are experiencing an acute shortage of money, then enter the cheese command. This action will add one hundred thousand dollars to your wallet.

Commands that change the environment

Cheat codes on Saints Row: The Third can not only give you weapons or vehicles, but also significantly change the passage of the game, for example, make all passers-by drunk or change the weather. Teams that make a difference:

  • Turn all passers-by into zombies - brains.
  • Add immortality - turkeyburgers.
  • Get kills with one shot - goldengun.
  • Make all passers-by pimps or prostitutes - hohoho.
  • All corpses explode - notrated.
  • Enable low gravity mode - dlc_low_gravity.
  • Quadruple the force of an explosion - dlc_super_explosions.
  • Remove interface - nohud.
  • Add power to all "Saints" - dlc_super_saints.
  • Change time of day - ticktock.
  • Clear the sky - clearskies.
  • Call downpour - heavyrain.
  • Make cloudy weather - Overcast.
  • "Enable" light rain - lightrain.

In general, you can always diversify this already incredible game with the help of special commands that can add another drop of “crazy” to the passage. Whether or not to use these commands is up to you. We, in turn, wish you a pleasant and easy game and new incredible adventures.