What to do if RESIDENT EVIL 7 passed. "Return to the main house"

A series from Capcom, like many other old franchises, is replete with various bosses. Almost everyone needs his approach, and not an exception.

Caution, spoilers! This article outlines the victory methods over all bosses in the game, and this knowledge may well spoil the impression of independent combat with them. It is recommended to resort to our help only if you do not at all in no way comes out to overcome difficulties.

Briefly about bosses Resident Evil 7

Before viewing each of the special opponents individually, it is worth a little talk about the overall concept of passing the game.

Resident Evil 7 can be divided into episodes, even in the game itself there are no clear boundaries between the stages. However, in each such conditional episode there is a final battle attached to a particular enemy.

In total, there are 6 special fights in the game, which stand out against the rest of its complexity. Next, they will all be disassembled in more detail. Once again, warn about spoilers!

How to defeat Miu in Resident Evil 7

The initial stage of the game takes place in the guest house, in the basement of which the main character finds his beloved - Miu Winters. However, after five to ten minutes, he pounces on it with a knife.

Having admired to grind Obsessed Mia, wait until she drops Itan to the wall. Then grab the lying on the right ax. Everything is quite simple: you need to block the blow of myi, and then immediately beat, and you can even without aiming.

After several blows on the head, the cat scene will again be launched, and the protagonist will bruise his Girl with an ax. She falls, but after a few moments it will disappear without a trace, and Itanu will only go to the attic to get out of the house.

Be sure to grab the gun and cartridges in one of the rooms, but do not waste them to break the boxes: there is nothing in them. Then start climbing the stairs, and then immediately let the rear, because you will start to get out of the Miya, armed with chainsaw.

The ax in this case will not help much, so it's best to use a gun. Try to shoot in the head, and after 7-8 hits, that will lose consciousness.

How to win the daddy jack in the garage

The head of the Baker family will be the second boss in Resident Evil 7, and it will be connected immediately three rather stressful battles with it, the first of which will be held in the garage. There the main character will go down to meet the sheriff's assistant.

Alas, but Jack will also decide to greet the guest, turning his head in the bloody messenger. After that, the battle begins.

Immediately grab the gun gun, he lies next to his body. You can then shoot a little in Jack to make sure that he is not a man at all. But do not pull: your task is to find the keys to the car. They lie near one of the walls.

Having got the cherished keys, carefully reply Jack somewhere away from the car, and then quickly run to her. Close to the cabin and enjoy the next cruel cat-scene.

Of course, Jack will revive again and go straight to you immediately after the cars will light up. Now the pistol is useful.

Discover and hold onto a safe distance from the opponent. After it fell, use the staircase to leave the garage.

How to win the daddy jack in the basement

The second battle with Jack Baker will be held in the basement, where the head of the family seized the corpses of those who could not turn to their side. The space here is quite strongly limited, so you need to act quickly, not cloging into the angle of fear (at first it will be difficult!).

Shoot the Jack from the gun or, if there are still cartridges, from a shotgun. If he approached too close, quickly run away into the opposite part of the "Arena" or, if possible, kick hanging bags with corpses.

After obtaining extensive poisoning with heavy metals, the daddy will suit the lighted corpse near the wall and will reach the threatening sekhech size. Immediately stop shooting: you will not need the cartridges, because now you can use the chainsaw near the same body at the wall.

After receiving a certain number of damage, Jack will squat on one knee, and the upper part of his body will begin to regenerate.

At these moments, it is necessary to attack it without any pause to apply as much damage as possible and do not give damaged parts of the body the opportunity to recover. After a while, the torso will burst and leave you with a nasty mucus, but you will not notice this: so much will win you over this gad!

How to defeat Margarita in a greenhouse

It seems that after Itan has already managed to divide with Jack twice, mommy should not make big problems. Partly the way it is, but only if you did not waste the cartridges and whenever possible, dangerous places.

Depending on the ammunition, the fight with Margarita will be either very easy or very difficult. One way or another, it will be divided into two phases.

First, Margarita will try to arrange for you traps, waiting in the holes upstairs. At this point, you may have a deceptive sense of security, because you can shoot it, keeping defense in one of the parts of the greenhouse.

In fact, this is a trap: after a while, Margarita will start to send a swarm of insects on you, to deal with which will not be so simple if you have little fuel in the burner.

Therefore, try to actually try to behave aggressively: if Margarita sat down in ambush, then shoot in the head to put her out, and at such moments, shoot a vile hive between her legs.

If you are quite assertive, then Margarita never take advantage of his little friends, and at a certain point it will turn out to be spoiled, and then mommy falls into fury and will chase you on all fours!

This is the second phase, and it is also quite complicated, because the boss will move faster and more often attack. You need to retool and make a taking shots in the head. When Margarita crashes too closely, shoot a shotgun - so you optimize the consumption of cartridges.

How to defeat the monster fat man in the barn

Of course, you probably waited for a battle with Lucas Baker, who by this moment is already terribly tired of her "jokes", but instead you will have to beat with a hefty fatty monster.

The boss is not very complicated, but can cause problems if you do not know tactics. After this black slippery carcass falls out of the improvised elevator, run to the stairs, there is a boss "meet" the most convenient.

Attack him when he begins to rise to you on the stairs. He can try to get you by burning blame, but in this case just move back, and then you will not be available for this attack.

When the fat man rose, deftly shock right in front of his nose and go down.

So you will again get tactical advantages, and nothing will remain fat, except let and follow you. Most likely, at this stage you finish it. If it comes out otherwise, just repeat the stairs and descend from it.

How to defeat Jack Baker at the pier

Did you miss the daddy? And he also missed you. Last time you were greatly injured, so much time was left for regeneration. Then now Jack Baker Well, just not know!

It became much more and stronger, and the Arena for the fight with him expanded and received an additional lower level.

The tactics of the battle with Monster Jack has also changed, and very reminds of the favorite Fun Capcom - "shooting through the pimples". To win, you need to shoot in the eyes, which are located in a variety of boss body parts.

Most of the eyes can be destroyed at the first level, just try to look at your feet to not fall. At the same time, you always follow the edge of the eye: when he begins to wade, immediately change the course and run away in the opposite direction, otherwise you have to spend the "first aid kits".

Some eyes are hidden in rather hard-to-reach places, and it is easier to reach them by shooting from the bottom up. Jump down and carefully follow the movements of the opponent. As soon as it appears to shoot in the eye, do it immediately.

When the monster does not have a spare eye, the cat-scene will begin, and then he will begin to twist the arena, and then reveals the last eye. It is necessary to shoot it, and then Ian Vsklet Jack one of two serum injections available at hand, and he will crumble into a lot of pieces. Jack is dead, now with the ends. Victory!

How to defeat Evelyna in Resident Evil 7

This is the last boss in the game, but despite this, to defeat it easier than the previous one. First you need to get to the girl. It will interfere with you, creating a hazardous sound waves. Block them as you block all the other attacks, and gradually pick up your goal.

When Itan turns out to be quite close, he grabbing Evelyna and feed her serum, and then the girl will show her true face. In fact, she has already come and accompanied the main character from the very beginning of the game in the image of the old grandmother.

But on this problems just begins, because Evelina is naturally "dubbanit" to immense sizes, and then you have to use the most killer weapons to defeat. I hope that you have a suitable for such a case, because to hide or dodge Evelina will be extremely difficult.

After you apply sufficient damage, the action goes to the courtyard, and there Evelina will discard itan on Earth. You will have to shoot out of the existing weapon, while the game will not allow you to move and hide the attack.

After a few moments, when you will definitely begin to recharge, a box with a gun falls next to you, and you will see from above, so that you take advantage of them. Do it!

Having made three shots from an extremely powerful pistol called in honor of the notorious Alberta Veszer, admire the death of Evelyn, and then exhale: Resident Evil 7 is passed.

Having the required key for the sinuses, you need to return to the central part of the estate, and then go to southwestern rooms, where and the door with the crow symbol. In this room, Trofeyev is a manual grenade launcher, which uses various ammunition. There you will find the cartridges for Schotgan and some other ingredients.

By the way, ammunition for a grenade launcher is cracked as follows: It is necessary to connect large epoxides and fuel to get a combustible charge; For neurosarya, you will need large epoxy and nutritional supplements.

Now go to the basement where Lucas myself ordered to go. In a sectional room, you will find the body of the corop in which the key is lying with the snake symbol. As soon as you select this item, you will start the chase - run to the site at the top where the door is located with the sign of the snake.

In the attic

On the left side of the upper floor you will find the door you want. Penetrating in the children's room of Lucas, you will see many prizes that he won for the various inventions. Near lying nineteenth out of 32 notewhere one of Lucas crimes described - he sharpened the child in the attic.

Here is located twentieth of 32 note. Drain the room and assemble all valuable resources like epoxide in the closet, additives by the window and the lays, which is in the vase. Finally, find the button that will open the ladder on the attic - interact with the lamp on the table.

Next to the staircase you will find the twelfth of the 20 figurine, to get, which is possible only with accurate getting from weapons.

In the attic itself, explore the chest of drawers where the cassette "Congratulations" is. The walls are the units of Schotgan and Kolun, which in the future can be replaced in the appropriate places to receive real weapons. Here you will find a large epoxide that can be used to create cartridges to a grenade launcher.

Having finished collecting, decide the familiar riddle to you, where you need to compare the shadow of figures with the silhouette of the woodcutter (or maniac). Success will open for you a toy house where the key is a blue key.

Having capturing a columan's lingerie, go to the yard of the manor. On the left side of the house on the wheels, you will find another riddle, where you need to combine the shadows. You need to get a number seven - turn the column in such a way that the shadow resembles the seven. In the reward you earn a stimulator.

From bedroom to workshop

Return to the hall on the second floor and find the sleeping, which is located near the door with the snake symbol. There you will meet a semi-shirt grandmother. By tradition, we look around and collect all the valuable ingredients like grass in the closet, laystering boxes, ammunition for the balloon under furniture and so on. Here is an old picture with Jack, from which we can conclude that he served Morpe.

In a small angular room, where any trash is stored, find the photo on which the cell and artificial head are depicted. There is also an instruction for collecting a grenade launcher, as well as its location. Capturing also a backpack that increases the capacity of luggage by four units, take the twenty-first of 32 note that the table.

It follows from it that you need to move the arrows of the local clocks (located right beside you) at the same time that other hours are shown. In the hall you can find those others whose arrows stopped at 10:15. By installing the dial in the right position, you run the mechanism: the bed will move, opening the way to the workshop. Go down to the hatch and pick up a red red key.

Cassette "Congratulations"

After inserting the record in the tape recorder, you activate the next flashback. You will play for the prisoner caught by Lucas. It will take you to a room with riddles, from where you have to get out. In the center of the room you will see a mechanical clown, in the hands of which the candle is lying - take it.

Together with the light you need to drag the candle to the room to the right and install it on the cake. On the road, you are an intense activating the fire alarm, which will launch the water and put out the candle. Now you have to turn off the water supply.

How to turn off the water supply

1. Restore the fire you can in the kitchen, using the gas stove. After that, set fire to the twine, hanging at the door on the contrary.

2. Indoors with festive balls you need to blow up the latter. Just sit down and steal to heat the balls under them. When the way is free, you will find the not used festive ball in the center of the room.

3. Compare into the middle room, the left wall of which hangs pipe. Interact with her by using a ball until he bloats and does not explode. As a result, the feather will fall out of the gum - pick it up.

4. Lay off the toilet. It is necessary to restore the water supply so that the garbage from the pipe pop up out. You can choose only one thing - the welded pylon pipe that you need.

5. By activating the object found in the restroom, minute the room with a shower, so that the water drops fall on it. So you clean the pipe.

5. Go to the middle room, from where you can see a TV with multiple screens. Look at it with the help of a clean pipe to see three pictures.

7. Now move to the room with a festive cake, where the box is locked on the password. To open the last, use the code you found: hanged, mountain eagle and not born baby. As a reward, you will get a straw doll.

8. Return to the dining room and use the gas stove. Burn a doll to get a finger of the mannequin.

9. Come to the container with wine and pull out the clockwork key out of it. After that, go back to the mechanical clown and activate the key found on it.

10. Insert the robot finger in the hand and the pen to write you the password.

11. Go to the room with festive balls and enter the password: Loser to get the valve.

12. The procedure for action is almost completed - go to the room with a cake where the pipe is located. On the last apply the valve and cross the fluid supply.

13. Finally, burn the candle and go to the cake. As soon as you activate the candle on sweets, it will explode, after which the chain reaction will begin - alcohol spilled out of the barrel. Try to submit water again, twisting the valve. Alas, you will not work out and you die on fire.

How to turn off the water supply

Previously, you collected the red and blue keys cards. Go forward and find the room with a TV. Sit on the chair to activate the cassette from Lucas. On the video, you will see that he got the head of the D series, so you have to get to it. And for this you need to play according to its rules.

Go to the corridor, the path in which has just opened. A little further you will find new open rooms that have barely noticeable stretch marks. You need to mow them using the squat button. Ultimately, you will get to the room with a cell on which the headlock is lying (you have already seen this picture in the photo).

Remove the uluage to pick up a box with tools (now you can restore the Scotgan, which lies in the hall, and also take it with you, leaving the time found before the milyan). In the stairs you will find a box that you do not need to smash, as it rests.

Go to the next room, protected by a password door. On the other side, behind bars, Lucas himself will appear, which will begin to dictate various options to you. Whatever you entered, a trap is activated, which will kill you if you do not let go on time.

With a pelted door, so far have to do. You have just appeared an alternative way - through a new corridor. It will have a room where there are several boxes, one of which contains explosives in itself, so do not break them.

At the end of the corridor you will find a new room, some of which fenced barely with noticeable fishing racks - three stretch marks, under which they will have to spit. The box is also styled by a surprise - bomb. Look into the closet to take steroids and increase the maximum HP level. In the table you will find thirteenth of 18 coins.

Go further until you reach the barn. The monsters will score inside on you, from which it is better to run away. In the way, select valuable resources like ammunition for Magnum and Schotgan, and also do not forget to capture thirteenth of 20 FigureWhat lies on the fence on the left. Close to the top floor and find a secret room there in which you can save progress.

By examining this floor, return back to the first. Find a place with speakers and find the panel in which the battery lacks. Take advantage of the staircase to get to the battery. Boxes do not touch, because in them explosives. Finally, go back to the speakers and insert the battery in the empty slot. After that, the "Party" will begin with loud music and bright colors - a gift from Lucas. At the same time, the monster will be pounce on you, who will have to overcome.

After this test, you will open the path to the elevator, which will appear next to the staircase. So you will get to another level. Examine a new room and explore the body that lies twenty second memorization of 32.Pass a little further along the corridor until you find the shelves with all sorts of things and fourteenth of 18 coins. Fly fasten the stairs to lower it, and go down.

After that, you will again find yourself at the passer door - enter the code 1408. However, just so Lucas will not miss you - it will require you to drop all things. However, you should not spend valuable weapons and supplies - just return to the second floor of the barn and put your luggage into the safe room container.

In the barn

On the cassette "Congratulations", you passed a certain chain of events, which led you to death. Now you have to make partially the same, but with some differences not to die. Having needed passwords in the mind, you will quickly check the entire operation.

1. As before, grab the candle and go to the cake, waiting for it will fade because of the fire alarm.

2. In the dining room, use the gas from the slab, and then burn the twine that hangs from the door.

3. Then go to the final room where the balloons are located. You do not have to return back, since you know the code: Loser. Enter it.

4. The resulting valve is in the room with sweets, where apply it to the pipe to stop the flow of water.

5. Fit the candle and carry it to the cake.

As in the video, there will be an explosion here, however the fire will not be, since you did not break the box with wine. Ground Lucas makes dynamite in you - quickly grab the explosives and throw it into the slot on the wall.

The escape

The explosion forms a whole corridor who will lead you to a room with control panels. Here you can explore the area map, as well as pick up ammunition for Schotgan. The Case is the head of the D series, which Lucas took from you. After inspection, turn on the video recorder to view the message from the son of Bakers.

On the video, you will find connected zoe and miy that are somewhere at the boat repository. Save and take your stuff from the container before leaving.

Control Panel

Leave the room and go to the white door. On her you will see fourteenth of 20. Figurine - Take it. Collecting supplies in the area, use the handle on the mechanism to activate the bridge.

On the bridge, go to the house on the right side, in which you will find ammunition and other resources. Wall on the left capture fifteenth of 20 figurine,and then go to a dead end. The monster will be scored there - kill it and look at the grille, where the cartridges are for Magnum. Here, take advantage of the handle to raise the bridge.

Move along the path until you find the turn left. On the way, monsters will be attacked again - kill the crawling, and then hide in the sav-room. Explore it for values, without forgetting to look into the container and pick up two ingredients for the antidote - hand and head. Follow the most powerful weapons and first-aid kits, then go to the top.

There you will find Miu and Zoya - free them. In the award, you will receive two antidote from Zoe, but at the same second you are attacked by monster.

Storage boat

The monster will be an old good Jack, which you have been killed several times. When control returns to you, you will find yourself in the arena with two floors, where the entire battle unfolds. To defeat Jack, you will have to shoot all the eyes, which on his body a lot.

Get into the eye on my head, back, both hands, in groin and on the tail. To get an eye in Pakh, you will have to deceive Jack, lumbering it to the second floor. At that moment you must quickly jump down to see it from below, and only then attack.

After all the eyes of the monster flow, it is retiring and grows in water. However, this battle does not end. Soon the monster will return, but with a new eye on the head. Then you will have to shy away from his sudden attack by hand by shooting his eyes. You can use melee weapons if the cartridges are running out.

Finally, when you overpower the mandrel, the saving door will open. But Jack refuses just to let you go and grab. Then Zoe will throw you an antidote - across it into the monster to cure him and thereby kill.

After the battle, you will find yourself on the pier with the nippers. Alas, but the medicine remains only one thing, so you have to choose who to cure. Your choice will affect Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.

Keep in mind that, cursing mum, you will play the following task for it. On the other hand, if you give the antidote of the daughter of Bakers, it will still be killed it later, and the next task you will have to be played for the MIU (infected).

In our passage, we saved Miu. After you vumen antidote, together you have a way to boat to a huge half-mounted ship. Questions about how it was in the estate of Bakers, Mia will not answer anything possible, as I forgot. You can't get to the ship, because messengers will be sketched.

The boat will be inverted, and further gameplay will go for the MIU. You will start your way on the shore right in front of a huge ship. In the luggage you will find only a strange bottle, and nothing more. Now you need to find Itan - the minutes of the ruins, and then go to the River Vzhod. Itan will lie on the shore, however, you will not have time to get to him - it will take off his nasty alive.

Go to the ship and go inside. Go away a couple of corridors until you choose a spacious room. There will be a flashback, in which you will see the fate of the local workers.

You have to be saved - run to the hatch and jump down. Move under the underground, and on the turn, roll back until you reach the dead end. Here lies fifteenth of 18 coin - Take it and go down.

Once at the next level of the ship, look at the angular room, in which the corpse is in the closet. The whole room is enjoyed and written by strange sayings by the type "She is not my daughter" and so on.

Leave the room and find the cabin with a barred wall. Going further along the corridor until you come across the vision - a little girl will appear, which will pay one of the workers in the monster. Go up, and then descend to the flooded room. Here in the corner pick up sixteenth of 18 coins.

N Ohibesh ship

From here, go to the first floor where the girl appears from the vision. She will try to hide - chase it. Soon the ghost closes indoors, the door to which can be opened only with the help of the fuse. Find it.

At this level you will have to meet with a couple of monsters, but you simply have nothing to fight with them. One option remains - the legs that you will have to do as quickly as possible and more often until you reach the room in the southwest, where the GMM pistol lies, as well as the technique for preserving progress. By the way, the cartridges from the pistol are better not to spend simply, since all the monsters you still do not kill. Break better boxes in which the first-aid kits are.

Know that in the corner rooms of the monsters will not be able to go - they go only along the corridor and the central premises. Therefore, you should get to the rooms in the east as soon as possible. There, select the stimulator, as well as the twenty-third and twenty-fourth of 32 notes.

Go to the central room, where there is a washing technique. Take the acting fuse from the wall, and then run to the door in the north-west. Inside the room you will find the plan of the entire ship.

Then go to the third floor, since from the stairs to get to the second you can not, and the path to the fourth while blocked. Here you will find a girl who will sit at the TV. Take the cassette and start watching the video.

Office will go to the miy. Talk to Alan, and then collect all valuable things in the district. On the table lies the twenty-fifth note from 32. It turns out that a certain Alan and, in fact, Mia itself was engaged in transporting girls with strange abilities named Evelin. The path ran out of one laboratory to another, however, what we already know, their idea failed.

Go to the corridor, armed with the R19 machine. Using the movement sensor, try to find Evelyna. In the way, collect valuable supplies. To get into the dining room, use the hatch, which is behind the cabinet in the central room. Inside you stumble upon a black liquid, as well as see the runaway evelin. Visit the cabins in the East to take valuable ingredients.

Take advantage of the elevator to get to the lower floor. Here you have to fight with monsters - the machine can easily cope with this task. Soon you refer to a closed door, the lock of which can be melted.

In another room, break the grid behind which there are three corrosive substances - with their help you can burn the lock of the locked door, so come back.

In the next room you will finally find Evelyna, but it will start running away. Has her on the way back - on the way you will be stumbled on another locked door, opening the substance will help. In the room itself you will find a substance, as well as ammunition and explosives.

Come back and go on the third floor. Alan on the spot you will not be installed, so go to the rooms on the right. In the way, inspect all items and collect the supplies and cartridges. Lay the room with a hatch under the ceiling that will lead you to a previously closed section. Take advantage of the staircase to get on the fourth floor.

There are a room with a telly, where Alan is also located. Suddenly your partner turn into a monster, in contact with you. After that, you will turn off, and then get off in an unknown room. Inspect the laptop, which includes the same record that Itan looked at the beginning of the game. Then follows the destruction of the ship.

Episode from video tapes

The game for the mius is not finished yet. The girl will suggest you to merge with her together, but the heroine will refuse. Save the progress from the audio magnetophone, and then go to the next room where it lies twenty-sixth of 32 note. Explore the room, and then go to the broken elevator. It is necessary to open locked doors to get on the floor above the mine.

You will find yourself on the captain's bridge. Here you can explore the terrain around the ship using cameras. At one of them, you will find Itan, absorbed by black aliens. To rescue it, go to the bottom floor. Before leaving, do not forget to inspect the room and choose a bomb with a detonator.

In the captain's cabin you will find a plan of the vessel, as well as the key. The locked cabinet is located here, in which the explosive and automatic lie, but the knee will be needed for its opening.

Follow the corridor and assemble resources. Reaching the stairs, get used to the top and take sixteenth of 20 Figure. Open the next broken lift and use the shaft.

Next, apply the key on the key to get into the elevator. Inside is twenty-seventh of 32 note.To start the elevator, you will need to find the fuse and wire. Since the elevator is hung between the two floors, to start exit to the second.

Action continues

Once at the entrance, look around and find a universal blade. Featuring along the way, explosives from the box, look into the room in the West, where you previously met Alan. There you will find another substance of corrosion and document.

Go to the median rooms and collect all the values \u200b\u200bthere. In one of the premises, full of various paintings, find the safe. To open it, you must solve a puzzle with paintings. The right of rotations is indicated on the right. Go to the left corner of the room and start turning the pictures: yellow left, and after upstairs so that the purple paint is in the north; The next simply turn the green part to the top; The last picture should hang in so that the sky looks up. In the award, you will receive three substances of corrosion.

Go to the upper rooms on the right side of this level - there is a fire staircase in the side of the sidelines, which will lead you to Schronu with a launder, explosives and seventeenth of 20 figurine.

Below and on the right you will find another room, unlocking the substance of corrosion. There you will take the key from the cabinet of the captain's cabin, which you have already seen earlier. Now go to the elevator.

Once again on the third floor, go to the connected, where the closed box is. Open it with the launder to take seventeenth of 18 coins.

Purge the next door to get into the northern floor room. Get to the very end of the level and select the power cable - unscrew it, and then prepare for the battle with the monster.

Second floor

Taking advantage of the elevator, you will fall on the first floor. Before you were hiding here from opponents, without protection, but now you have a weapon. Taking over with the oncoming monsters, go to the rooms in the northeast. Open the closed door with corrosion fluid and assemble all the supplies: a briefcase that increases the capacity of baggage, one more liquid, ammunition for minigar and so on.

Finally, go to the door on top of the left, which you opened before using the fuse. Taking the last, go back to the elevator.

With the help of the found cable and the fuse, you will run the elevator that will lead you to the 4th floor, where the R19 car is lying. Inside the couch of all monsters, moving through the mechanical compartment. In the way, unlock the wall box in which lies eighteenth of 18 coin. In the second mechanical compartment, you will finally find Evelin, as well as the black weighing of Itan.

After the vision, you already in the role of Itana, see the miy, which will start pulling you out. Together with her you will reach the mechanical compartment, where the girl will give you a container with DNA Evelina. Mia decided to detain a small devil until you invent how you can kill Evelyna.

The final

Leave the ship and go on the bog until you reach a lonely house. Inside, find the staircase and go to the top floor, on the way, having eighteent-five out of 20 figures. At first you will not have any weapons, however, here, on the second floor, there is a container with a pistol. With the help of the last you can shoot in a statuette on the stairs, as you can not get it with your hands.

In the sav-room, read twenty seventh Of the 32 note, as well as turn on the radio in which you can hear the action plan of the special services. At the board you can look at the map of the laboratory, which is underground. Grab your inclusions from the container and use coins on cells with birds to get bonuses before leaving from here.

From the house with a sav-room, move forward on the quagger, killing monsters on the way. If you wish, you can look in the lateral dwellings, where everyone is love (ingredients, ammunition, etc.). Get to the elevator to get to the laboratory.

On swamps

Under the ground you are waiting for a bunch of monsters, as well as various traps like min. In parallel, collecting ammunition in the boxes, get to the intersection and take explosives.

Next, move along the tunnel, where they pass a railway track. On one of them there is a trolley that needs to push. In the end, she breaks a wooden barrier by opening you a further road. Passing the bridge, you reach a dead end, where ammunition is for minigar. There, not far from the boxes, is a nineteenth out of 20 figure. Having gathered the resources, step up, bypassing stretching on the stairs.

So you will fall into the laboratory. Use the computer and read the twenty-eighth of 32 note. Two baths pick up a steroid that increases the maximum stock HP. Go to another room, at the entrance of which hangs the description of the "E" virus (twenty-ninth of 32 note). Here, in the portfolio, there is a thirtieth note.

Now take the capacity from DNA Evelina and insert it into the device to create a toxin "E", which can destroy the virus. Before leaving, complete the collection of documents, pick up the thirty-first on the table, and on the other table, beside the entrance, thirty-second notes.

In the sav-room, save progress and take the most valuable things, as you will soon have a battle with the boss.

Go to the grotto, passing to the cave. At the cobblestone, pick up ammunition for Magnum, and then go to the shore. Here you will begin a vision in which Evelina appears. Then get ready to fight back from monsters, which will be pounce on you. Move above and above, parallel to the monsters.

Once from the outside, you will fall into the salt mine, which previously walked. Kill the next monsters, evading their spruits behind the designs. After the battle, go upstairs by passing the hole. Here you can preserve again.

In a cave

Break the door to get to the basement of the house for visitor. Here you pick up the twentieth of the 20 figure. Drain, then leave the storage.

Moving along the estate, Itan will remember his battle with an infected Mia. The vision will begin in which it will fall on you with a chainsaw, but the damage you will not receive.

Go to the attic where Evelyna awaits you. She will try to prevent you, blocking the path with energy flows. To pass them, you must jump over the visible waves in time and move forward.

The girl is silent, use neurotoxin "E" to it. Next, Evelina turn into a grandmother of the Baker family, since all this time the virus was precisely inside her. Malyavka was only a vision.

Housing for visitor

The environment will begin to be covered with mold, after which the giant head with awkles will be painted. For this battle, you had to capture the most powerful weapon like Shrove, shotgun or grenade launcher, as Evelyna has a huge supply of HP.

The face will approach you within a few seconds for which you must have time to kill him. Otherwise, if you do not have enough damage, it will just get to you and devour.

After that, you will find yourself on Earth, finding a turntable in the sky. However, the battle is not yet ends - now Evelina will become even more, pulling out the size of the whole house. As usual, shoot a monster in the head using the most powerful charges.

At some point, the boss grab you tentacles and hit the Earth. Once in a new place, you will find the Albert-01R gun, which causes colossal damage.

In total, you can shoot nine times, however, four accurate hits for the murder of Evelyna. Shoot the monster's face only at the moment when he reveals it and remove the tentacles. Finally, the monster will be defeated and turn into ashes.

After the battle, special services B.S.A. led by some Redfield. They will fill you in the car and take away from this damned place.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Passage

Begins the passage of the game quite standard - from viewing the screensaver. Watch the video transmission from your missing girl: at first he will greet and invite to come after her, but during the next video message, she will discourage the main character to come for her.

Mia Winters (the girl of the main character) disappeared 3 years ago. Now it came from her a rather strange message. You, in the role of Itan Winters, are going by car to your girlfriend MIA at the stopped address - in the abandoned town of Dalvi, which is located in the state of Louisiana, straight to the farm of Bikers.

Location: "Guest House"

How to go through Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

"The neighborhood of the house"

Soon the main character gets to a dense forest. The roots of the trees in this forest are not allowed to drive on the car further, so Itanu has to get out of the car and move on on foot. At this time, the control finally moves to you, so moving forward to the abandoned mansion in the forest. Having tried to open the gate, it turns out that they are locked. Open the map using the key - "M" and inventory key - "I". On the map it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the territory, but in the inventory to watch video communication from Mia.

In any case, these are all the details - little things. So turn to the left side and move forward along the fence. Near another part of the fence it will be on the way to find the left white van with a variety of video equipment - this is the equipment of those most people for which you could play in the demo version of the game. Soon, Itan stumble upon a break in the fence, which will still be written "Accept her gift." Moving zero obstacle, go on. Suddenly, in front of the hero, the strange type will take place a little further - move the way in which he went.

Turning the farmer after the farmer, on the left side you will find the corpse of the cow on which ravens will sit. On the right side - a strange and terrible sign from the hoofs of animals. In general, it is under these hooves in the shape of the Sun and you need to crawl to go further. At a certain point, jump off with a ledge and find yourself in the backyard of the bikers mansion. Do not miss the path of the handbag of brown, inside which you can take «» . Otherwise, there is nothing more to do here, except how to push the swing, so find the door of white and go through, despite the fact that it will be terribly dark.

"Inside the house"

In the hallway will stand the closet, which is locked on the chain. But now move to the kitchen, because here it will be possible to raise with many objects, so inspect: sink, refrigerator, pan on the table, newspaper on the table and microwave. On the right side in the kitchen headset there is one of the drawers - it opens. Inside it will be possible to find a burnt photo. The second box will be locked.

Further closer to the second floor. A button will be located on the column to open the attic, but it turns out that it does not work. On the right side around the corner on the table will lie «» . If you ask the question "How to save in the game?", Then on the left side will lie. «» - With the help of it you can save the game.

It's time to return to the first floor. Go along the corridor. The first thing here is entering the door on the right side to get into the living room, where there will be tv and piano. On a small table will be a photo of someone's pajamas and female legs, and on the floor - a photo of an unknown girl. Persons are not visible. In the chair on the right - the photo of the open lattice, which leads to the basement. Over the fireplace is a photo of the whole family of bikers. In any case, you need to approach the TV with a video recorder to insert the video tape previously found in it.


Turning on the video cassette, see the entry from the face of the video operator. In addition to the video operator, there will be two more people here - the leading and producer of a low-grade show about horrors. You can still look into the inventory in which you can find a plan for the next series of this show.

Nevertheless, you are still interested in the other - objects, things and other useful / informative details. Therefore, at the very beginning, turn back and, thus, you will find the first wash. Together with your colleagues, please pierced inside the house of bikers. On the way from producer Andre Listen to the story of the Baker family. In the kitchen, using the foundation found, you can open the retractable box on the right side, and the first one will lie inside "" (1/18). However, this coin will appear only when it will play again for Itan.

Andre will disappear at a certain point, so you have to go on his search. Enter the living room, where the presenter will find the lever in the fireplace. After clicking, a secret move in the wall (LAZ) will open. In the secret room, descend to the basement, where you can find Andre. A man will be killed and at the same time the father of the Baker family will come to you, on what the entry will turn around.

"Basement at home"

It's time to repeat all the same actions that were demonstrated on the video - pull the lever in the fireplace and sneak into the secret room. Through a secret room to the basement, but at the same time the staircase breaks, so it will not be possible to return to the same way.

Move forward on the half-tunted tunnel, and soon the dead body will pop up on the way before the hero. On the other side, Itan will stumble on the room inside which there will be many different ads, each of which concerns the missing people. A little further you will see the drawings of the men of red and sun on the boards. A further further locked camera will be located, inside which a man will sleep. Near the table will lie a list of people. In the list, half of people will have the status of "facing", and the other half of the "dead". The last dead in the list will be listed Andre. But after him, Clansi with a strange note "l". In the next room, the first tool will lie on the workshop - «» . So do not miss it and be sure to take it. And in the last room there will be an operating table and a locked corridor.

Return now back to the lit camera and use the borer to open the doors. So, now it turns out that Mia sits on the bed. So now together with it try to leave this strange place. Go through the operating room. In the tunnel, it will be necessary to sink by the rack.

After that, you will enter the room with a sofa, and then it will be a dead end, but Mia remembers that there was a door in this place. Go to the next room, where you need to examine the blue doll on the shelf. In addition, another doll will lie on the floor. Nearby will immediately lie and the photo on which the mother of the Baker's family is depicted on the rocking chair. And while the hero turned away, during this time someone had already managed to drag the mum from the sofa. So quickly run back and soon notice that a secret door opened in the wall. Through the doors you can get out of the basement.

"Ground floor"

On the bedside table near the entrance to the basement will lie «» . So it will be possible to know that you are in the southern corridor house. There will be nothing in the boxes and on the bedside tables, and short beeps will go on the phone. The side door will lead to the bathroom, and in the bathroom will lie «» in the form of green jars. The following doors in the corridor will be locked, so come back.

Go back to the basement, on the stairs of which Itan will suddenly meet an obsessed mind with a distorted face. She will pour out the hero back back, after which it will attack with a knife in his hands. It will be necessary to fight back and without wounds can not do. Yes, and not to avoid the fact that she will pass the hand in the main hero. So after numerous injuries, Mia soon comes to itself and becomes normal. She will begin to speak strange things that clearly indicate obsession, after which it begins to beat against the wall and falls to the floor.

Immediately after this screensaver, use the first-aid kit and lift the miy. At the same time, she becomes again obsessed and throws the main character through the wall in the book room. When the Office proceeds to you after this cat-scene, take the ax rather. The girl will have to bruit the ax, so do not consider it for a long time and do not listen to the hero - nothing will help. As soon as you manage to kill Obsessive Miya, the phone will call, so go to answer.

An unfamiliar voice will belong to Zoe. Zoya advises to escape from here to the attic. But do not forget to go back to the room where the miy was lit to pick up «» . And by the way, the girl will not be. At the same time, the doors will open in the corridor, as a result of which the entire first floor will be available.

"The path to the attic"

On the second floor can now be preserved. Go to the initial corridor in which the wardrobe is. Since you have a borer, then the chain with the lock can be removed. Inside the cabinet you will find «» So, I hope that the question "How to find a fuse?" No more disturb you. Return to the living room with this item and insert it into the distribution panel on the wall on the right side. When the shield earns, the button at the top will work with it.

Go to the stairs, which leads to the second floor. However, on the way, the Miya obsessed on you completely unexpectedly. She did not like what she was thrown, so she nail her hand of Itana to the wall with a screwdriver, after which during the cat scene scolds his left hand with chainsaws. But when you free around Do not forget to choose your hand. In any case, after that, it's easily upstairs, click on the button on the post and rise even above the lowered stairs.

"Attic at home"

Once in the attic, enter the first door on the side (on the right side) and detect on the table «» , «» And one «» . A little further ahead in a big room on the left side of the bed will be lying «» . In the side of the room there are drawers, and on the table there will be another «» .

Upon withdrawal stairs, climb the Upper window of the attic, but unexpectedly, on the other hand, it will begin to drink all the Mia with his chainsaw. Falling down, go away rather away from the girl and from afar several times shoot her head. Note that it will not be possible to run away from the attic, but you can always retreat in the corridor and after running in a circle. After a few shots, Observing Miya will be once again killed. And this is not the end, because immediately after that the protagonist will receive a blow from the head of the Baker family. Screensaver will begin.


« Detailed passage of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard»

Location: "Main House"

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Passage


So, the main character was now attributed to the main house. Earlier, the scaled hand literally attached back with a large stapler. When Itan comes to himself, he sees that firmly chained to the chair at the dining table with bakeries. They eat someone's insides and soon offer to enjoy the chief hero. Of course, the main character can not eat this, so the head of the family begins hard to cut the main character. However, all this bloody business interrupts the call of the police, so the family quickly disperse.

When the hero remains in complete loneliness, the chair shaves the chair and falls, thereby choosing from durable shackles. While no one will be better to hide. On the right side there is a room for recreation with a TV and there in the drawn in the drawer there «» . Right in front of the TV is the newspaper about 3 missing video blocks, so inspect necessarily - "" (4/32). In the kitchen on the right side of the countertops, read the check with purchases: Saw, Rope, Collar - This will be new "" (5/32). Now it's time to go carefully to the refrigerator and find a garbage bucket in which another one will lie «» . On the right side there is a room in which the hatch is in the floor, but it will be locked. But pay your attention to the right wall, because there will be a booth in which "Evelina" will be written.


It's time to go out into the corridor. Ahead will be another sign with the inscription "Garage", on the right side of this sign will be necessary to destroy the box. At the moment, he has nothing to break. By the corridor go to the right side. At the corner it will be possible to notice Jack right by the window, so hitch from it more in the room on the side. There wait for the moment when he leaves, or let him notice you to destroy one of the walls. Nevertheless, after that it will be necessary to act quietly, try not to run. The bottom line is that Jack can hear you and continue the harassment, periodically attacking and attacking the shovel. And a couple of blows can be survived, which means run away and hide again.

As soon as Jack goes away, go to the corridor again, in the corner in the closet it will be possible to find «» . But at the very end, in a dead end, you can still inspect the photo with the covered eyes and locked doors with two locks in the form of disks. In any case, again, it is imperceptibly now you need to get into the room on the right side of the kitchen (right at the table top). It is better to navigate to create as little noise as possible. So, in this small room, open the hatch in the floor and jump down.

It is necessary to move on the floor under the floor, while once again try not to noise. In addition, it will be very good from here (thanks to the screenship of the Havings), where Jack is now. So carefully crawl forward, after which it will be able to find another one on the text of the red "" (2/18).


Passing a little further, you can already get up. Upstairs will be «» To save. If there are some extra items, then fold them into the container. Next will be still lying «» . In the closet it will be possible to find the useful ingredients and immediately fold them: «» + «» = «». At the exit from this room (laundry) a casket will lie. Carefully inspect the box, then discover and get it «» .

In any case, open the door, at the same time the phone will call, so go back to it and answer. Again, it will be Zoya, which will advise to get out of the house through the central hall. In addition, she will also tell about the device on the hand of the main character, which shows the level of health. Health will be divided into three standard colors: green, yellow and red.

A locker will stand in the corridor, which will be able to open with the help of the kneader. Inside the locker will lie next «» . You can also go to the right side of the corridor and in full tranquility to inspect all photos. The whole family Baker will be depicted in the photos: Jack's husband, Margarita's wife, Lucas Son.

In the corridor on the left side, you will soon hear a knock, so approach the window. The Black Cope will stand outside the window. Speaking with him, he will give the main hero «» for protection. After that, go to the garage. With the help of a knife on the way, break the box within which you find «» . At the bottom, do not forget to cut it with the tape from the shield to press the button.

"Fight in the garage - boss: Jack"

After the police enters the garage, he begins to interrogate Itan. However, at a certain point, a completely unexpected head of the Jack Baker's family, the back of the back kills the corop. You, in turn, try to get together with the forces and at this moment, while the enemy will be busy with the corpse, run past and pick up the fallen «» . On the right side, right behind the machine in the closet can still be taken «» . Near the workbench will lie «» And it is necessary to take it.

Now Itan remains one on one with Jack in the locked garage. It will not work out, and not need. You need to get into the car as quickly as possible. And it is also important to take into account the fact that if Jack has time to sit in the car first, then he will begin to put pressure on the hero and will be saved will be much more complicated - you have to try to shoot him in the head while he is tashing so that he is in the end crashed into the wall and crashed . However, if the main character in the car sits first, then use the key to start the car and as soon as it happens, press the gas and give Jack.

As soon as you manage to drive through Jack three times, it will disappear, and then suddenly get to Itan in the car's salon. The enemy will try to direct the car straight on scrap metal ahead to kill the hero, but in the end it will turn out that only he will suffer. Therefore, choose from the car, after which Jack will try to crawl to you, but in the end burns from the explosion of the car. Now go to the stairs that sank before the workbench. At the same time, unexpectedly, the busiest Jack again sticks to the hero and publicly demonstrate his immortality, shooting himself in his mouth.

In any case, climb the stairs above. Upstairs do not miss «» . On the rack will be lying engraving with a bull - inspect it carefully. On the back it will be possible to unscrew the screw and eventually pick up «» , separating it from the background. Now move the rack and jump into the room next door.

You can also go and preserve in the laundry and there on the table will find the first "" (1/20). But in any case, it will be necessary to go along the corridor flesh to a dead end in the north, where there will still be a label from furniture, destroy "" (2/20). Follow the corridor to the doors with two circles of bronze and take advantage of the bull statuette previously found on them - it will come up in the drawing and in the end the doors will open.

« How to kill Jack in the garage? Where to find the key?»

"Central Hall"

On the left side will stand a semicircular cost, and it will be on it «» and "" (3/20). In the open cabinet will lie «» . In a long table inside the drawer lies "" (3/18). Now you need to find the door on which the three-headed cerber is depicted. However, to open these doors, you need to find three heads. On the right side there will be a door with a scorpion. On the table a new newspaper article about 20 missing people - "" (6/32). From the wall clock hero will be able to pick up «» . The side will be located inside which «» The picture "Hunter in Heaven" with a wolf and the silhouette of an eagle.

But in any case, now you need to go back to the first floor in the kitchen, where you can find the first head. So, in the kitchen in the next room, apply the previously found pendulum on the wall clock, after which the engraving «» . Now go back to the hall.

In the south side there is a separate room within which the statue of a soldier stands. The soldier will keep a real shotgun, so get it is not so simple. The bottom line is that if you take a weapon, then the doors will close and the hero will be locked up in the room until he returns a shotgun back into the hands of the statue (such a puzzle was in the first part of the series). So, in order to get a shotgun, you will need to put in the hands of the statue put the union of the same shotgun, which is not yet, so moving on. Here will have to come back a little later.

"Second floor"

Well, go up the stairs above. In this place you will meet a live grandmother Baker in the chair. A photo will lie in the bedside table. On the right side is a locked door with a lock, which is depicted in the form of a wave. On the left side you can go on a long balcony. In the impasse of this balcony will stand a box, destroying which you can get «» . And there will be a locked box with tools - inside will lie «» .

But now you need to go through another corridor. Do not miss the nightstand in which it will lie «» . When you get to the bathroom, lower the water in the bathroom, where it will lie at the bottom itself «» But so far it's better not to take it. In the drawer (in the same bathroom), the washbasin is still alone «» . Right near the toilet will lie "" (4/18)So try not to miss it.

Come in the room for relaxation and the first thing to inspect the basket of baseball player. In the corner on a wooden cabinet can be found another "" (5/18) and "" (4/20). Nearby will be labeled Jack - this is also "" (7/32). In the garbage bucket in the same room you can take «» . But now it is most important to inspect the book and open it, because the engraving will be inside «» . In the servant, you can still read a record of how the Bikers family after the storm came across a strange ship - this will "" (8/32). In this room, there is also a locked door that leads to the grandmother's room - you can see another other shotgun during this door. In the table in the center there is a new «» called "Miya". Found video recording will immediately be inserted into the VCR, which stands near and view.

"Video: Mia"

"Return of Jack"

Go to the nearest container and put all the extra items, like cartridges and ingredients. At the end you will need to be preserved. Did you do everything? Then on the second floor, enter the bathroom and take the wooden figure now from there, which I previously said not to take. The essence is that immediately after you take this statuette, the burnt, nevertheless, nevertheless, live Jack Baker. From him will have to run away for the first floor and to hide there. If it happened, then try not to make noise so that he left and did not dismil the hero.

The next step is a puzzle with a shadow. How to solve a puzzle with shadow? In the main hall in the room, use the wooden statuette on the video projector in such a way that the shade of this figure coincides with the silhouette of an eagle in the picture. If you do everything right, then the secret door opens.

« How to go through Resident Evil 7: Biohazard?»

"Eastern Rooms"

Enter the room with trophies. On the table in the center will lie «» - Use them on the main hero. Thanks to this substance, Itan will begin to notice useful items from afar and even through the walls. On the right side in the Fifteer with a flower will lie another «» . In the refrigerator will lie «» . Lay out the doors with a confusion on it - on the right side of these doors will stand "" (5/20). Break also a box inside which will find valuable «» . Under the hoof the stuffed in the form of a deer will be some more «» . Walls right behind the panel will lie «» So I recommend to take them.

In the next room on the table will be a barked tool box, inside which lie «» . Immediately nearby in the ashtray will be another one "" (6/18). A very interesting leaflet will be lying here, which will be described which people have been addressed, and which killed. On the rack where the pallets still lie, lies «» . A casket will lie on the usual rack, and live wild worms inside this box.

After everyone inspect and collect items, enter the room with black mucus on the walls. Moreover, it will be necessary to extremely quickly inspect the items and run out, as the black monster will come out of the wall - Plendune. The monster will pursue Itan. It can be killed, but for this you have to shoot in the head about three times.

Right near the descent from the basement there is an angular room. Inside this room, you can find scraps of notes from an unknown facing person - this "" (9 and 10/32). And be sure to read the note on both sides. The bedside table will be a locked box. In addition, in the same room there is a container for things and more «» To save.

"Processing zone (basement)"

Well, it's time to take with you as much cartridges as possible and go down at the bottom of the basement. The essence is that black monsters and large quantities will come across this location in this location and in large quantities, so they will have to shoot them. Try not to break forward and go slowly. When you recharge, better back back.

"Cremation Premises"

In this place, all furnaces can be opened, except first. In addition, on the wall it will be possible to find a note - this is a new "" (11/32). And this note will tell you exactly how to open the first furnace. The solution looks like this: 1 - Open the longest furnace, where the name "Tamara" will be written; 2 - open the main furnace on which a bloody hand imprint will be depicted.

As a result, the oven will open, from which a dangerous black monster will come out with a thicket with a no less dangerous strengthened hand. Cartridges are better not to spend. Enough to grab immediately from an open furnace «» And run out of the room, dumping somewhere away. Then, when you return back to the crematorium, the monsters will no longer be, so do not worry.

"Central basement room"

The next room in the corridor will be the workshop, but the fact is that this room will be locked. Therefore, moving on, a little further ahead move the shutters of the green color, then enter the center. Unlock doors to the original corridor. Ahead will be a little further on the rack «» and in two wooden boxes will lie «» . On the left side of the card look at the floor and, thus, find a new one "" (7/18). And a little further, ahead on the table (right on a piece of meat) will lie «» , Try not to miss it. There will be on the next rack «» . In the refrigerator, in the box will lie «» .

There will be a staircase to the second basement floor, but only she will lead to a locked door that has a snake symbol. And yet it is not important now, but the fact that in front of this door can be found another «» and "" (6/20), and on the table in the corner (or an angular table - as more convenient) «» .

"Opening doors upstairs"

Return now back top. Use the scorpion key to open the rapid path to the central hall. Using the knee, you can open the box in a safe room, inside which will lie «» .

In addition, there is still a photo, so carefully inspect it: it shows a fireplace from the room with trophies, and the back of an interesting signature "there is a hidden interesting thing here." Go to the fireplace, inspect the upper part of the fireplace and click on a large flat stone tile (stone). So for the fireplace you can find «» . Steroids can take advantage of either immediately or at a critical moment. The bottom line is that in addition to the fact that they will increase the maximum health supply forever, so also fill the health of health.

By the way, after use, the key with the scorpion did not disappear, because for him there is another door. Therefore, go up to the second floor and open the doors to the grandmother Baker's room. Inside in the dresser (in the same room) can be found "" (12/32) and "" (13/32) - This is all part of the collectible documents. In addition, there will be more in the dresser «» and «» on the bed. Is there some more «» and «» . And pay attention to the weapon - it can be inserted into the hands of the statue and in return to get a normal «» (will take this shotgun two cells inventory, consider).

"Boiler room"

It's time to go back to the basement. In the basement on the map, head to the southern room. The first room will have several baths. So, in the nearby bathroom lie «» , and in the longer - «» . But this is not all: in this place on both sides there will be still monsters who will try to surround the hero. When it happens, go back to the corridor and shoot them from there, it will be easier and easier. After the fight, go to the transition between rooms - here "Grass".

The following room will work the generator. Around the generator will appear two monsters. It is impossible to kill monsters, because they will be constantly reborn, but they will not go beyond the limits of the room. You need to make the following: lure mandes to the near doors, at this time they run to the longest locked door themselves, quickly open it with a keyboard from the sectional and passing inside.

"Sectional, Morg"

First, look at the locker on the right side - here «» . Last engraving will lie in front of the shelf «» But when you try to take an item, it quickly takes Jack from the opposite side of the room. And with this subject he goes, without noticing the main character.

In the next room there will be many lattices. Now you need to climb the site above and with a hooked hook you need to try to take the engraving, but during the attempt it turns out that this is all the trap of Jack for the main character: he throws it out to locked up from all sides of the arena.

The enemy will try to kill the hero with a big kisen. You, in turn, to escape, have to run in a circle and kick the hanging bodies, thereby temporarily stunned enemy. The shooting on the enemy will not help, so it will only reduce the battle time and that's it.

However, after a certain period of time, Jack is all bored - he will get a huge homemade scissor scissors because of the lattice. So wait for the moment when he deceased, from there you take «» . After that, hitch soon for the post and wait for Jack to get tired and comes to breathe - at this moment you will need to attack. Soon, Jack breaks the central column. At that moment, Itanu will have to shy away from his blows, so either squat or put a chainsaw.

Jack's head will have to be powered about three times, after which it is to do a red tumor, with which it is restored. The tumor is also needed to cut the saw. For the third time, the jack will have to penetrate the body. To get out of this place, saw the Iron Cool on the doors. After that, the action of the saw, of course, breaks, but for the hero will be able to get out. So, the last engraving now you have, so come back to the hall and use it on the doors with the image of the head of Cerber. As soon as you do this, you can enter the courtyard.

« Detailed passage of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard»

Location: "Old House"

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. All secrets


Inspect the first thing a small high jug on the right fencing of the stairs - inside lies "Lock". On the right side of the same staircase in the grass will be a pot of earth, and inside will be "an ancient coin" (8/18). The ingredient will be held at the bottom of the house at the bottom of the house - "Separator". On the left again, the ladder in another pot will lie "therapeutic grass". A little further on the right side in the basin will be "powder". In a left-sided impasse, the porch is "powder" and another "therapeutic grass". Far from the porch do not move: Near the porch between the two staircase, carefully inspect the wall, then move the metal sheet and break under the porch, where you can already find the "repair kit". The left wall will be located the door with a color garland, so to open these doors, you will need to get a red and blue key card. Therefore, we will go looking for these things, but before this we will examine a couple of places + from the left side of these doors will be "nutritional supplements", and the trailer is located another locked door leading to the pond.


Come to the trailer. On the right side in the basket will be "epoxide". The next "statuette" (7/20) will be hidden between the stairs at the entrance. Inside the trailer is a secure room + audio player and container. On the bed will be a "broken gun M19". It will be possible to restore the gun with the help of a repair kit and it will be a good solution, since this broken gun will be the best police pistol G17. In addition, it is possible to restore the "broken shotgun M21" instead of a gun, which is in the lobby - it will, in turn, more powerful than the shotgun M37, but not 4 charges will be placed in it, but only 2, so keep in mind this moment. On the wall there is a "Zoe" message (14/32). Bird cells will stand on the table, and inside interesting bonuses, which can be obtained only with the help of vintage coins: 3 coins can be obtained steroids (to increase the maximum stock of health); For 5 coins, you can get a stabilizer (to accelerate the recharging of the weapon); For 9 coins it will be possible to obtain a revolver "Magnum 44". Before one of the three cells will be a "ancient coin" (9/18), so try not to miss it. After careful inspection of the trailer, go out and answer the call from Zoe. The girl will tell that the whole family Baker is infected, therefore, to cure myii and it, it is necessary to find unique serum.

"An old house"

On the path on the right side, go to the bridge to enter the house later. Inside, pay attention to the large moth sitting on the wall - they are best to knock / kill with a knife. Make it quickly, because very soon they will attack the hero. On some lockers will sit still spiders, but it is close to them not to fit and generally better than the other insects have yet to avoid.

Further go to the left side, straight into the hall with a large fault in the floor. From this place, go to the guest room. Do not miss near the doors in the pit "Cartridge for Magnum". In addition, in this place there will be hive and extremely aggressive bees, so it is better not to spend anything from the equipment on them, quickly running to the next doors. The cabinet will lie "hard fuel". In the northern part of the corridor, you can find the "card of the old house".

So, now on the line of the gallery. Go to the room with a light puzzle. Go to the balcony and on the right side in a dead end you will find a "big first aid kit and epoxide." On the left side in the tank, take the "handle of burners". Through the bridge, go to a safe room and inside will be able to find a new "backpack" (and this backpack will increase the inventory for as many as 4 cells, so I recommend not missing). But do not go far, because in the same place the "statuette" (8/20) is hidden.

Return back to the house and go to the eastern rooms. In the dining room there will be a wardrobe under a sensitive protection of spiders, and under the washbasin there will be a locked box, but if you spend the lock on it, then you can get a "first aid kit" inside. On this in the dining room, so far everything is, therefore, from this room, go out on the bridges above the water. On the left side is "powder", and on the right side of the impasse will be a "psychostimulator" and another "latter" (with this latter, if anything, you can return to the locked drawer under the washbasin). Go further forward - in this place will now need a lever. It's time to draw your eyes on the right side, where you can go to a separate house. This house will be the "point of water", inside of which lie "herbs" and "spore burner". Since another burner detail was found, you can combine the spout and the handle, resulting in a full "burner" + it will be 150 fuel units. With the help of the burner now it will be possible to burn the flocks of huge bees and spiders.

« Detailed passage of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard»

"With a burner"

Finally, it's time to return back to the dining room. Upon arrival, the first thing burned spiders that laid the cabinet. Inside the cabinet will be "epoxide" and strong epoxide. All took? Now go now in the living room, burn the hive there, which hangs over the fireplace so that it is no longer it.

Thus, after the sleeping is the beehive, it will be possible to climb inside the peeled fireplace. At the exit right at the stairs, on the left side of the wooden pallet, do not miss the "statuette" (9/20). Following again on the left side, but already on the table will be a "ancient coin" (10/18). After that, enter the room where you will meet Miu behind the grille. Speaking with her, soon her son Baker - Lucas family will take off. However, do not hurry to go further and take the "stone statuette".

Return back to the house and go through the doors on the left side, which will be margarita. The girl will plant on the doors of spiders, because of what they can not be opened. After that, go to the northern rooms, for which again will wander Margarita, while attacking and naughty on the main character of the flock of vile insects, but by any flock you can safely run past. So rather try to get to the gallery and use the statuette in the center, adjust the shadow of spider and pass through the doors.

"Western Half of the House"

So, now the hero was in the western half of the house. First of all, collect "grass" and "fuel". In the corridor, there will be a locked door with a crow, where there will be a "note from Margarita to Zoe" (15/32). But on the right side in the table will lie another "epoxide".

In a dead end in the north, go down to the subfield, on the way in which you will find another "psychostimulator". On the left side on the upper shelf you can find a "statuette" (10/20). On the right side of the frame from the tree will be hidden "epoxy", so do not miss. At the end of the suburb, there is a necessary mechanism for further passing, from which it will be possible to remove the handle.

Now, through the whole house, return to the eastern bridges, where you need to take advantage of the extracted handle to raise the bridge to the northern part of the house. Inside the house there will be a box, and in it "key with a crow". On the right side, the toilet bowl is "ancient coin" (11/18) and one more "fuel for the burner".

Go to the western part of the old house, come to the door with the image of the crow, but at that moment an unexpectedly the main character attacks Margarita and scares him straight into the pit. Mother will stand at the top and chat with his lamp, releasing large and aggressive insects on Itan. At this stage of passage, a gun is useful, or a shotgun, to shoot a straight line in the face of the old woman. If everything works out, then in the end it will fall to the hero in the pit and it will be possible to get out the stairs by opening the doors.

So, the altar. Open the chest that stands on the table, and inside detect the dried germ and the "instruction" (16/32), in which the text will be stupid about how to make serum from infection. After you look at all items, answer Zoe's phone call, which will tell that she has one ingredient, but it is useless, if not finding the second. So after the call near Piano, read the "note of the Margarita" (17/32). In the drawer, it will be possible to find "fuel for the burner".

Go to the northern room, where the table will stand in the center, and on it "Statuette" (11/20). In the longest nightstand, the "ancient coin" will lie (12/18). Ahead will be another locked door to which scales will also be attached. On one cup of weights will hang a lamp, but there will be nothing on the second cup, but it will be necessary to get a second lamp for it and it will be possible to get this item only at Margarita, so you will have to return back to the pit, in which the boiler has fallen.

Upon arrival on the eyes of the main character in the pit, a long hand will take off the lamp straight into the cave, so you have to go down and go through the cave after the mind. Passing the full way, on the other side, choose a well. The hero is now in the backyard of the autotrailer, so open the doors inside, enter and keep the first thing.

"Greenhouse - Boss: Margarita"

Go to the building that is behind the well, but soon you will find that the left entrance to the first floor will be locked, so you will have to go on the right stairs. However, at the very beginning of the staircase, you can find a "valuable photo" (the toilet will be depicted in this photo, "Cartridges for Magnum" will be hidden in this small selection). Come into the room on the second floor and there, in garden boxes, find "herbs" (in the amount of two pieces), and near the "separator", "two incendiary ammunition" and "fuel".

After that, jump in the break, where there will no longer be back roads, so you will not get out of the greenhouse until Mutoving Margarita is killed. Having met her on the stairs, she will immediately start attacking the hero with his long hands. So from now on it will pursue Itan constantly. At your disposal will be two floors, where you can find the following useful items: "Herbs", "epoxy", "cartridges" and "fuel for the burner". Therefore, I strongly recommend first to inspect everything carefully and be careful that Margarita does not kill the hero in the search process.

So how to kill Margarita? The most vulnerable place Margarita is a hive, which grew up between her legs. So this place must be attacked necessarily with fire, although on the other hand, a good damage is applied and shots from a shotgun. At the same time, try to constantly run away so as not to get into the flock of nasty insects, after which you again attack and run away. And try not hard to get involved. When a sufficient amount of damage is applied, Margarita will start crumbling, turning into ordinary ash. So it will be possible to calmly pick it up "lantern". When we occupy an important thing, go to the first floor to the lattice: the mold around it will begin to be white, after which it will crush and it will be possible to get out of this place.

"Second floor"

Western on the western house with a flashlight. In it hang mined lantern on the scales, which will allow you to open the long-awaited passage to the second floor of the house. Thus, you fall into children's rooms, where you can explore a couple of children's drawings. In the infected room everything will be in mold, but there will be no monsters here.

In a room of concluding in a toy house, you can find the secret card. Come to the center of the longest wall, sneeze and go to the secret LAZ. Inside there will be a strange creature with a lively hand - you can get the "hand of the D series". At the output it will be possible to notice a little girl, which will immediately run away. On the back of the way, three black monster will be waiting for you, so it's easier to run right away by them than to fight. Near the altar hero will call Zoya again.

After the dialogue, you will have to go back to the route and answer the phone call again. But this time Lucas will speak on the phone, since Zoe is now in captivity. At the request of Lucas, go to inspect the fridge, where you will find a head with a note "(18/32). Thanks to the note, you will find out that you need to watch the "section room" in the basement.

Location: "Test Zone" (Lukas)

Resident Evil 7. Passage

"Return to the main house"

With the new found key, you can return now to the main house to the door with the image of the crow (this is the southwestern part of the house or have to be more accurate - a room with trophies). You can find a completely new weapon for this door - "homemade grenade", which will shoot with different types of shells. In addition, in the same room there will be: "Cartridges for a shotgun", "powder", "strong epoxide" and "solid fuel". In order to create shells / ammunition for a grenade launcher, use the following ingredients: "Strong epoxide" + "fuel" \u003d "incendiary projectile"; "Strong epoxide" + "nutritional supplements" \u003d "Neuro Projectile".

After creating the first few shells, feel free to descend to the basement, where you will find a police officer's corpse on a couch inside which will be a "key-snake". But be attentive, because at the same time Monsters will be at the rear, so I recommend going over the top platform, after which it is quickly opening the doors with the sign of the snake.

"Children's, attic"

In the western part on the second floor, open another doors with the image of the snake. In the same place, the hero learns that Lucas had quite a lot of honorary awards for ingenuity. Further, carefully read the note as Lucas locked a familiar boy on my attic - this is a "document" (19/32). On the table there will be another useful "note about this" (20/32). Epoxide will lie next to the closet, and on the "Food Additives" window. In addition, a "lock" will lie on the shelf in the vase, so do not miss. After that, on the table, inspect the lamp carefully, the button will be located under the scatter (find it be sure), with which it will be possible to lower the ladder on the attic.

Near the stairs at the top there is a "statuette" (12/20), in which it can be used only with a shot. In the attic of the very entrance in the closet it will be possible to find a unique "video tape" happy birthday ". On the right on the floor will be a contract for reconstruction. On the shelves will be a "toy ax" and "Toy shotgun", which can be used as a duly instead of real weapons. On the shelves in front will be "strong epoxy". The puzzle can be solved, turns the statuette, while creating a shadow of a person with an ax. After the mystery is solved, a toy house will open, inside which will already lie down the "blue key card".

Why do you need a toy ax and what to do with it? Go to the courtyard, go to the bushes on the left side of the trailer and stumble upon a new riddle - a puzzle with light. Take advantage of the toy ax so that the shade is in the form of the number "7", for which you get as a reward "Stimulator".

"Home bedroom, workshop"

Now go to the hall to the second floor, where the main bedroom will be located outside the door with the snake sign. Inside the bedroom will sit grandma. First of all, find the casket, because inside lies "Mock". Next, inspect the chest, inside which lies "Grass". Now it's time to see a photo, thanks to which you learn that Old Jack Baker at his time was a marine marine. Under the chair will be "cartridges for a shotgun", and in the "Epoxide" cabinet. In the side warehouse part of the room lies the "valuable photo" (cage, and on it a mannequin head with a cap), a drawing of a homemade grenade launcher and where it can be found. At the bottom of the picture will be "neuro-paralytic ammunition", and next to the next "grass". On the upper shelf there will be a "second backpack" on four additional slots in the inventory.

Now pay your attention to the table where the hint will hang up with the following words: "The same time as on the other hours" - "Document" (21/32). Also nearby you can move the clock arrows. The most close working hours in the lobby will show 10:15, so at the same time turn the arrow. As a result, the bed is correctly shifted, and under blood can already be detected by the hatch, leading down straight into the workshop. At the bottom, at first, the hero will stumble into a table with the remains of animals, but in the same place it will be possible to find "cartridges" in the closet + "red key card" on the table.

"Video: Happy Birthday"

So, now you play the role of some prisoner. The patient on the whole head Lucas puts you into a room with a variety of puzzles. At the very beginning, the robot clown will sit - he needs to take a candle. After taking the candle, your task to convey a burning candle to the right room and put it there already on the cake, but the problem is that water is poured in the corridor and thereby cutting fire. Thus, it is necessary to overlap the water, and for this you will have to perform more than a dozen different actions, which I will tell in detail below.

(one). The first thing you need to know is: a candle can be lit with a gas stove again. So if the candle looked in the passage, burn it with the help of a gas stove. With the help of a burning candle, it is necessary to burn the drill on the doors ahead.

(2). After that, enter a room with a lot of black balloons. Sat and break all the balls with a candle fire. As soon as the passage becomes more or less clean, find on the floor near the bedside table "Aircuit" (it must be taken necessarily).

(3). In the central room, go to the wall on the left. In the left wall there is a pipe with air, so take advantage of the ball on it. As a result, the ball is inflated and burst, and from it almost immediately departs a new important thing - "Feather for writing."

(four). Now the most unpleasant thing is: go to the toilet bowl, which is filled with different disgusts, then shove your hand in search of content. Thus, Itan finds the next important thing - "dirty submissive tube."

(five). Do not rush to move immediately, it is better to turn on the pickup pipe and move on through the shower. What for? And why so that the picking tube becomes clean and without all this nastiness. After that, in the central room through the pylon tube, watch the TV, which consists of nine screens where you will see three unique symbols.

(6). After the detected characters, go to the room with a cake, where you need to enter seen symbols: 1 - "Man in the loop", 2 - "Bird on Mount", 3 - "GRIM". As a result, the box will open from which it will be possible to pick up a "straw doll".

(7). What to do with doll? No matter how strange it sounded, but the doll will need to burn over the gas stove. When you do it, then as a result, get a "mannequin finger".

(eight). Now it's time to take a barrel with wine: wind the "clockwork" (which is also an important subject). After that, take advantage of this key to the robot clown.

(nine). On the same robot, apply the hand of the robot finger, and after the pen. As a result, the robot will automatically write an important password from the hero on his hand.

(10). Passwords go back to the room with black balls and enter a password that consists of five letters and looks like this "Loser". In the opened room, take the next important thing - "valve".

(eleven). Return back to the room with a cake and with the help of the previously brought the valve, overcap the water into the shower to safely carry a burning candle.

(12). The final moment came. The first thing is back to the candle, after which you go with it to the cake. As a result of these actions, the cake is completely unexpectedly exploded, and the leaked wine from the barrel lights up. Attempts to open water valve no result will be given (although it is necessary to do it). Therefore, the hero in the end burns alive stamped in the locked room.

"Test zone"

With two found key cards, go to the building on the left side of the trailer. Pass the room and in the end sit down in a chair in front of the TV to watch a video from Lucas. It turns out that the head of the D series is in him, so it will have to go through his sick tests to, in the end, get to the right thing.

So, go to the opening corridor and take the "herbs" with the "fuel for the burner". Please note that the traps will go further: traps of stretching will be placed in the front rooms, so it's gently quiet and pass under them. In the last large room in the corner you will see a cage on which the head of a mannequin with a cap will be located - you could already see the secret to the photo. It will be necessary to move your head to find the "repair kit" (with the help of this repair kit, it will be possible to repair a shotgun in the lobby and pick up after that, leaving wooden uluage). In the box on the stairs will lie explosives, so it strongly recommended not to break it.

Get to the room that will need to open a password consisting of four digits. Lucas at the same time will stand under the door, throwing the "correct" password options. Of course, the guy is played with the main character, so introducing absolutely any password, immediately run away because the fatal trap-pendulum will work.


Doors so far will not open, but for the right side, the secret corridor will open, so go straight there. In the side of the room there will be a couple of boxes, among which will be a bomb trap, so more closely there. In any case, go around the corridor until the very end and enter the door right in front of yourself. Inside the next room, the hero is waiting for three stretch marks and the next bomb box. Open the locker and inside find "steroids", and then open the table of the table, where you will find an "ancient coin" (13/18).

Now enter the big two-storey shed, where they will hush into a large number of black monster. I recommend that they simply escape from them and at the same time collect the following items on the way: "dry fuel", "cartridges for a shotgun", "powder", "cartridges for Magnum". Everything worked out? Then pay your attention to the left peak of the fence - here is the "statuette" (13/20). On the second floor there is also a safe room with audio and video player + chest.

Upstairs in two deadlocks necessarily assemble "epoxide" and "strong epoxy". After that, jump on the first floor where there will be a lot of audio colors. In addition, pay attention to the panel, because there will not be enough of one battery. Close the stairs above, take the "battery" and "grass". A bomb will be hidden in the left box, so put the battery in the panel, after which the light music will turn on together with the sound. It turns out that Lucas arranged another test and this time it is a "barn fight." The first thing for the hero will attack a black fat monster who will spit in incomprehensible aliens. In addition to being more neat, you will need to try to make four exact shots in the head so that the monster died.

As soon as it turns out to kill the monster, enter the opened elevator on the side of the stairs and eventually get the next floor. Inside collect "epoxide" and "nutritional supplements". Inspect the burned corpse on a chair, then read the note "1408. You are on the queue "" (22/32). A little further in the corridor there are two shelves, and the "old coin" will lie on the lower shelf (14/18). Lower the stairs and turn right in front of the door to which the password is set, but now it is known for you. Enter the following numbers - "1408". Password, of course, is suitable, but Lucas Cherior and asks before Itan goes, lay out all things. So go back to the barn to the second floor and put all things in the chest. After that, the hero will be able to go further.

Escape Room

Since you already probably watched a video cassette "Happy Birthday", then know what to do. I will not immediately repeat everything, but you already know that the last sequence of actions leads to death. In addition, you already know passwords, which reduces a bunch of time.

(one). Take the "candle" and take it to the cake, although it will go out under water pressure. (2). Back to ignite the candle thanks to the gas stove and with the help of a candle burn the rope. (3). Go to the longest door in the room with balls and enter the password - "Loser". (four). In the room, take the "valve", return to the room with a cake and overlap water. (6). Again the candle, relate it back to the cake.

As a result, although the cake will explode, but the barrel will not cause a fire, because you did not open it. Because of these cunning actions, Lucas will try to kill the hero in another way - throw off the dynamite checker. At this point, you will have to take a bomb and throw it in a hole in the wall, which is in the room with a cake.

"Management Room"

After the explosion occurred, the passage to the next corridor will open, so go to the control room and look carefully. The first thing on the wall take the "test zone" card and next to "cartridges for a shotgun." In addition, the suitcase also takes a very important thing - "L Series D". Have taken? Now look at the video connection from Lucas. Zoya together with the Mia will be chained to the wall somewhere on the boat station. After viewing, be sure to preserve + take all your things from the chest. And do not forget to take the handle with you.

"Shed for boats - boss: Mutating Jack"

Get out of the control room and go to the doors of white (and from these doors turn back and you can, thus, see the "statuette" (14/20)). Outside there will be "cartridges", so do not miss, especially if you have deficit. The handle now needs to use on the mechanism to raise the bridge.

On the bridge, go to the right side to the smashed house. Inside the house, the following useful items will be lying: "sleeves", "cartridges" and "epoxy". The left wall right under the fishing network will stand "Figurine" (15/20). Move to the deadlock on the contrary and simply wait for the monster, then kill. On the left side of the round lattices will be "cartridges for Magnum", and on the right side "ordinary cartridges". Collected? Screw now the mechanism and raise the next bridge.

Three black monster will catch up on the road on the left of the main character, so run to the left side, to kill one crawling monster first. After the murder, run into a safe room. In this safe room lies: "powder", "incendiary ammunition", "herbs", "psychostimulants" and "sleeves". From the chest, be sure to take all the necessary ingredients for serum (this is head and hand). In addition, I recommend to take a shotgun with me, a grenade launcher or a revolver (in general, you need to take some powerful weapon with you, because it will soon have to fight Jack again). Upstairs, free the zoya and miy from handcuffs. After the liberation of Zoya, two serum will create at once, but at the same time the huge sizes of the monster attack the heroes.

Now the fight begins with Mutoving Jack. So, Itan now falls into the two-storey semblance of the arena. In this location in every corner where there are boxes, lie "first aid kits". How to defeat Mutoving Jack? At the very beginning of the battle, you need to shoot our eyes all eyes on the body: first eye - on the head, the second eye - on the back, the third eye - on the left hand, the fourth eye - on the right hand, the fifth eye - on the tail, the sixth eye - on the groin. However, few people know, but there is another eye and it is very difficult to notice it. So, to see this eye, mutating Jack, it is necessary to lure on the top floor, while jumping down. Thus, you can take the last eye at thenime, so when you shoot it, the next stage of battle will begin.

After the destruction of all the eyes on the body of the mounds, Jack go down and go under the water. It will return back to the battle, he is already when he has a rest in his head. But do not hurry to shoot it. Now the first thing you need to evade several of his hands, after that, just start shooting in the last eye. The monster will stand that it can be even a knife to beat on the eye (this applies to the case if you suddenly ended ammunition).

After the victory over the mandes, go to the only opened doors. At this point, Jack unexpectedly caught Itana his paw, so Zoe's advice will have to take advantage of serum syringe in order to cure Jack and thereby kill.

After a tense scene, it will be possible to quickly calmly get out of the building and go to the girls. Due to the fact that serum will be left alone, it will have to decide in a difficult choice to decide who exactly to cure, and the ending of the passage will depend on this solution. If you decide to cure Miu, then the next level will play for the MIU. If you decide to cure a zoya, then as a result of Zoya will die all the same and play again for the Mius, but in the future, the girl will remain infected.

Location: "Dead Ship"

Resident Evil 7. Passage

The main character floats on a boat with Mia, but only if he gave her serum. On questions about how she got into this place, she cannot answer, because it doesn't remember anything trite. As soon as the heroes get to the crash site of a huge cargo ship, from the water to a small boat, the heroes attack the monster and turns them away.

The next part of the passage begins in the role of Mia. Girl in a glade in front of a huge freight ship. In the inventory, the girl has a "strange bottle". Go to search for Itan. Having passed through the dawns, and after the water, the girl finds the body of a man, but a strange black liquid takes place somewhere.

"Third Layout"

Come on the ship and move on on dark empty corridors. As soon as you get to the large room, you will see a kind of phenomenon from the past, as two engineers tried to be saved. In any case, jump into the opened hatch in the floor and climb under the floor, and on the fork, turn on the right side, where you can find the "ancient coin" in a dead end (15
/eighteen). Now it remains to do with the descent to the bottom floor.

"Second Layout"

In the first room, there is a closet, inside which is a sailor's corpse, and on the table "List of the crew". In addition, the wall will still be the inscription "she is not my daughter." In the following room, in addition to another corpse, there will be another new entry "she is in me. She is in all. "

After that, you can safely reach the cabin with a destroyed wall and a view of the wreckage of the LNG Tanker Annabelle. In the next corridor, a heroine will visit another memoil, but this time about how a little girl turned one of the sailors in a terrible black monster. After the vision, go up the stairs above and jump into the cabin, which is filled with water. In the water in the oldest left corner, there is another "ancient coin" (16/18).

"Ground floor"

When finished the first floor, the little girl starts to run away from the heroine. The doors for which she hid, it will be possible to open only with the help of a fuse, so you need to go on his search. On the same floor there will be a couple of monsters, but the problem is that there will be nothing to have a heroine, so we run to the southwestern room, where you can find "herbs" and "MPM gun" + audio magnetophone for what to preserve. Please note that the cartridges will be not enough, so they are better to spend not even on monsters, but on the boxes to destroy and get the "first aid kits". In addition, know what monsters will not enter the side rooms: they will appear exclusively either in the center or in the corridor. Therefore, you quickly overcome the rooms in the East, where it will be safe. In the eastern rooms it will be possible to find a note on the "note on the ship" (23/32) and the "psychostimulator" on the table. In the next room, be sure to inspect the life jacket, where you will find a note on the passenger on the tanker "(24/32).

Did you find all the notes? Go then further to the central room where the washing machines will stand. On the wall there will be a worker "fuse", so take it and go to the doors in the northwestern part of the location to insert the fuse and go further. In the next room you will finally see the ship map.

"Third floor"

On the staircase, the passage to the second floor will be closed, and on the fourth doors will be open, although blocked. Therefore, the only way out is the third floor. And then the girl will sit on the chair and offer to see one video. So take the "old video cassette" and insert it into the VCR.

"Old video cassette"

Play again to be in the role of myi. It is necessary to help a person named Alan. On the table Take "Cartridges" and "note" (25/32). I recommend note to read immediately, because thanks to her you will learn that Alan Drochi, together with Miai, Winters transported the girl named Evelyn on the tanker from one secret laboratory to another. In the bottle "E-001" there are samples of Evelin fabric. As a weapon, the girl will receive "Avtomat P19".

Well, go out into the corridor and look at the sensor on your hand to find Evelyn. In the central premises you can find: "Epoxide", "Food additives", "Grass" and "cartridges for a machine gun". The doors to the kitchen will be locked, but it will be possible to get inside the hatch, which is behind the cabinet. Having found traces of black mucus, Evelyn will run away for quite a long distance. In the rooms in the East, it will be possible to find a couple of useful items, so be attentive.

On the elevator, go down to the second floor and kill the couple of vile black mandes along the way. Reaching the locked doors, Alan will tell you that the lock can be melted. Go to the following doors and take "epoxide" from the box, then shifted the grids and take the "three corrosive substances". Returning back to the locked doors and burn the castle with an acid.

In the next room you make a small circle and soon see Evelyna at the exit. Run urgently to her through the opposite way. Somewhere in the middle of the floor will have to burn the lock on one more locked doors. Behind the doors will lie "herbs", "cartridges for a machine", "two bombs" and "corrosive substance".

As soon as you take all items, go up on the third floor. Returning back to the room Alan, where the girl man no longer finds. Go now through the eastern rooms, crack the lock of the locker on the wall and from there take the "two bombs". You can hack another cabinet with a lock in the corridor in the northeastern part (in the corner). In any case, go through the central doors, break through the hatch upstairs to the locked part of the corridor and then rise above the stairs.

On the fourth floor, find the room with a TV inside. In this room, Mia and will meet Alan. Soon, Evelyn turns on the eyes of Girl turns a man in a black monster, and then infects the girl. After the Mia wade, go to the room where you will see your video on the laptop, which was sent to Itan, after which the basic games of the game began. In the end, Evelyn destroys the entire cargo ship.

"Third floor"

Soon, Mia answers Evelyn, which will not be part of her family, after which it disappears. Do not rush to leave, because there is an audio player for saving. In the next room it will be possible to find a "suitcase with instructions" (26/32), but the problem is only that the content has already taken someone. In any case, then be sure to take the "powder", "epoxide", "grass" and "cartridges for a machine gun". A broken laptop will lie on the floor, and the farthest door will be locked, so approach the elevator, open the doors and the elevator shaft is climbing up.

"Third floor"

After hitting the captain's bridge, inspect the working monitor: on the fifth video camera, Mia will notice Itan, which will be shrouded in black mold. It is necessary to go down as soon as possible to save it, but before this inspect the fourth floor. In the cabinets on the left side, you can find "powder", and in the control panel in the right corner will find a "remote bomb".

Enter the cabin of the captain of the vessel, where you will find a "card of the ship" and "key under the nut with a protrusion." In the locked cabinet, the "automatic" and "bombs" will be stored, but the problem is only that the Mii will not be messenger. Therefore, go on.

Go to the corridor, where the closet will stand, and in it "Grass". In the western part of the corridor there is a staircase, leading down (by the way, the "bomb" will lie on the stairs, so do not miss). At the bottom of the tank blocked the door. However, now I recommend paying attention to the upper part of the stairs on the left - here the railing will stand "Figurine" (16/20). Come to the elevator, open the doors and jump down.

It's time to use the key under the nut to open the hatch inside the elevator cabin. In the cockpit, you can find a "note of the engineer" (27/32). Below you can see that the elevator does not have enough cable and the fuse, and since the elevator will stand between the floors, then first go to the second floor.

So what happened that the fans of Resident Evil were waiting for a long 4 year - came out the seventh license part, which is radically different from the previous parts of the series. In terms of the gameplay, it looks more like a demo version of Silent Hills. The main actions in it also occur from the 1st person, and there are not only zombies, but also terrible ghosts.

Before taking on the passage of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, we will tell about how to go through a demolity to it called Beginning Hour, as it is also part of the game and some points of the plot are explained in it.

Passage of Development Beginning Hour

Video (11:44, June 1, 2017)

The main character sits on a chair and can not move, as his hands are well connected. The room is a camcorder and several furniture items. Nearby is waking up another person who makes an attempt to cut the handcuffs of the protagonist with a knife. After that, the recording ends.

First bypass of the house

The hero comes into consciousness and sees that he was in the living room of some old abandoned mansion. We advise you to carefully look in this room:

  • take a look at the VCR, lying next to TV (there is no cassette in it);
  • piano;
  • energy distribution shield (it does not have a fuse).

Exit the corridor and turn right. Go through the dilapidated door. Getting to the toilet, take a look at the drain tank at the toilet bowl and check the valve on the pipeline on the left side. In the nightstand, you can find a package with bullets. In yet another cabinet hanging over the sink, also lie cartridges. Go back into the corridor and study the locker ahead. In it you can find a pure diary. On the other hand, the shelf is nailed with a pack of cartridges. The second tube will be empty, and at the end of the corridor you will connect to the lattice door, which leads to the zero floor. Come back.

Get along the corridor to the staircase. On the right side of the ladder in the dresser you can find your doll's finger. Now climb the next floor. Here directly on the beam is a red button, lowering the ladder leading to the attic. However, it will not be able to use it, since there is no electricity in the house. When you press the button, several mannequins are imperceptibly turned the heads into your direction, and another mannequin will appear behind (with unaccustomed can also be fed from fear).

Go down and go to the kitchen. It is worth studying the following items: a microwave (there is a crow), a refrigerator (here you find raw meat), saucepan (cockroach run in it), a crane, from which blood drips (it is worth close) and two drawers (one will be empty, and The second is closed).

Pass on the second corridor. In the corner you can find a wardrobe that will be closed on the chain. Go to the hallway, in which the carcasses of the broken animals are hanging. On one of the pieces of meat lies bologist. Take it. This second, a terrible doll will fall on you. Calm down and keep visiting the house. Ahead you can find the door that leads to the street. Unfortunately, it is closed on the key.

Return to the corridor and go to the closet closed on the chain. Use the circuit borer to open the closet. Inside you will find a video tape. Start in the initial location (living room) and insert the found item in "Vidk".

Video (10:23, June 1, 2017)

Start watching a video by driving at the same time by the Clancy Davis operator. Next to you will be Andre (producer) and Pete (leading telecast). They decide to relieve a second-rate transmission about the horrors, cutting into all houses forgotten. Wake up in an old mansion where you are at the moment. Producer will tell you that in this house no one lives at least 3 years. Earlier, Margarita and Jack Bakers lived here, as well as their son Lucas.

Being in the kitchen, it is worth viewing the place on the left side of the microwave foot - there, on the floor lies the latter (it only occurs during the video viewing, that is, in the standard mode it does not find it). Open the locked box with the lock. It will not be in it, but later an ax will arise.

After some time, we discover the loss of Andre. We go to his searches. You can go to the top level. Here the headphones are hidden in the bedside table, from which strange voices can be heard. In addition, in the video in some places, there is sometimes a casting belonging to a mysterious girl.

Go to the living room. Here Pete will find the lever located in the fireplace, and will be able to open a secret hatch located in the wall. Go through it and go down. Here you will find the corpse Andre, whom someone killed part of the pipe. Then the stranger will attack you and on this video will end.

After watching video

Come to the TV and find it unclear from where the note with the threat appeared. Now it is worth pressing the lever in the fireplace and get into the hatch again. The ladder in the basement will not turn out to be, but you will find near the pit of the key from the black entrance.

Go to the hallway and open the door leading to the backyard. However, you will not have time to go out, as the father of the family will grab you, which will lead to a bad end. In the video, you will show you how Pete is trying to free you from handcuffs, but his mother's mother kills him.

Start passing Resident Evil 7: Biohazard from the beginning. However, now you know about the secret pass. Therefore, you need to immediately pull the switch in the fireplace. Take into the hatch and find the fuse lying on the chair in the secret room (when visiting this place, after viewing the fuse's cassette, you will not find). There is no key here, but you will not need it. Return to the previous room and install the found element in the distribution shield.

A visit to the attic

Go to the second floor and click on the button to shut down the stairs (it works now). Getting on the attic, enter the first door on the right side. On the table you can see the phone. Raise the phone - there is no beeps. Nearby is a shot of a helicopter, on which the Logo "Ambrells" is drawn.

Head to the second room, where the mannequins are. Here on the table will lie the key from the basement. Inspect the bed, under it lies with a pistol for a gun. You can, with the help of an ax, break the tumba standing in the corner to get to a few more patroners. Near the wall there was a small dump from TVs. Behind them, you can find your hand from the mannequin. Combine it with a previously found finger. To the left of the trash is located a ladder, leading up, and closed window. On the right side there is a door painted in white, and an ominous entry of murders can be seen on the wall. The door located in the corridor will be barricaded.

Move the first floor in order to find the cassette. Review the recording and get the launder in it. Open the box and finish watching video. Now it is worth going to the kitchen and pick up an ax from the drawer.

Excursion to the basement

Go to the basement. Use the key obtained in the attic to unlock the door. In the room you will see a few bodies suspended above the floor. From the table it is necessary to pick up the valve handle.

If you try to return to the first door, you will see how the head of the family closes it. At the same second, the monster will attack you right from the ceiling. It is able to infect the main character in just one blow, so blocking his attacks does not make sense - you need to shy. We advise you to kick one of the bodies to make it swing. If it comes a monster, then the following is a few seconds. It will be necessary to quickly run to the shelf with a doll and take the key from the top window. To deal with the monster with the help of the toporist will be extremely difficult, and therefore simply pill it to the floor, and then hit the front door a couple of times. So you can escape from the room.

When you run back, you will definitely select a launder lying on the boiler on the right side of the ladder (however, it can not be useful to you if you have already found the launder in the record). On the stairs lies a tutu with cartridges.

Go to the toilet and install the valve on the pipeline. Then shut the water in the toilet. At his day you will be able to find the gun M19. Now you should run to the attic and open the closed window. There may be two endings:

  • If the monster managed to hurt you at least once, then the main character will begin to cough high and fall into the floor, that is, he will have symptoms of infection. This is a bad ending.
  • If you are unharmed, you can get out of the house on the street. The protagonist will give testimony to the cops, but they will not believe him, because they will not find any evidence by him.

Again, we begin the passage of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, while collecting all the keys and useful things. However, this time you need not just get out of the house, but also to collect evidence that something strange is happening in it.

Previously, you could find out that in the mansion someone made 5 cold-blooded murders. All these crimes you can find evidence following various prompts. Here you will come in handy with a mannequin, connected to your finger. You will also need to get an empty diary. In the book you will be able to record useful notes (you can hear a nightmare laughter), and your hand is useful to the definition of accurate murders (in the columns they will sound the death voices of the victims, and on the door, painted in white, the palms' prints arise).

First murder

So, take the notebook and climb the attic. On the wall on the right of the ladder you can read the inscription about five guests. Inspect her so that the second tip appears in the book, which speaks about a certain Grace, I failed to wake up from the sound of alarm.

Start searching for wall clocks. They hang in a row with the entrance to the ladder leading to the top floor. Look to the left - there you will see a closet that lies on the side. Take a handle with your finger, and you will notice that it points directly to the furniture. You will be able to hear the sound of its fall. As a result, you will understand that the cabinet fell on Grace.

Second murder

Go to the barricated door located at the end of the 3rd floor corridor. Take a carefully at her (before doing it, you must look at the video on the cassette), so that a new tip appeared in the book. It speaks of fillet, which lay down on a cold bed.

This bed is the usual couch located in the basement. Go there. Note that if you have not previously finished off the mandeship, it may again attack you. Inspect the body wrapped in a bag and lying on the couch. Plastic hand on it. The sound of the shot, that is, Phil was killed from a pistol.

Third murder

Go to the ladder leading to the top floor. On its first landing site, you can see the portrait of a woman whose head is closed by a bag. Hit the picture with an ax or shoot in it (if you are already infected with a monster, then nothing happens) so that the book has a fourth tip about Stanley and a game of hide and seek.

The guy was closed somewhere. Go to the place under the stairs where the dolls hang. Show a doll finger on the closed door. You can look at the white door - there should be a new bloody trail on it.

Fourth murder

Return to the Lestenka - next to one of its sides stands stands with a mirror. Stand in front of him, and then quickly turn. As a result, you will have a new hint in the book. It refers to Marlene, who was irresistible in his white dress. Its image complemented a blue necklace.

You can find the combination of the above colors in the attic where 2 color wires hang under the ceiling. Direct your hand on them, and you will hear the sound characteristic of the hanging of people.

Fifth murder

Take a phone tube in which you can hear only ordinary beeps. Go down to the basement. Examine a doll lying on the floor. If you can not do it, then try at least once to attack the monster. You will receive a new Timmy Tip and Light 4 Suns.

Go to the kitchen and show your finger on the saucepan. You will hear bubble sounds.

What hides behind the door

Now on the door, which is in the attic, will be 5 fingerprints. You can open it. Inside, you can find a rocking chair, where there is a plate with a praise from developers and a dirty coin (it will be useful to you when passing the main plot). Exit home and enjoy a good ending.


So, now you can go to the direct passage of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. The game begins with the arrival of a young guy - Itan - to Louisin. He goes to such a long way to find his missing wife Miu. Get out of the car, and then go ahead along the track until you reach the gate of the old mansion. The gate will be closed, so unfold back and go to the other side along the next trail, which leads to the guest house. Having reached the backyard, you will find a small ashist, in which it is not fully burned by the red handbag of your spouse. Explore documents, and then enter the house through a black move.

Guest House

As a result, you will get into the room that will be well acquainted to you on previously traveled demoments. Your main goal is as follows: you need to go down to the basement, where, most likely, and keep your wife. Initially, you should climb the top floor, where the video tag is lying on the table - it can be lost in the living room. In the video, you should turn around and raise the launder with which you should open one of the boxes in the kitchen (when playing Itan you will find a coin in this box). After watching the video, go to the fireplace and pull in it by the handle hidden from the back. As a result, you will open the hidden input located directly in the wall. Go through it to get to the basement.

Then you need to go through a narrow and very long corridor. In the end, you will be able to find your wife, which will be locked in a cage. Retire it from the captivity, using a borer lying on the table on the left side, and then follow the girl. Soon it turns out that finding in the raw room with the lack of any rules of hygiene negatively affected the health of the young person, so Miya is declared after a while falls on the sofa.

Go to the next room to rate the setting, and then return back. You will notice that your wife disappeared again, and a strange hole appeared in the wall, which leads to the top. Go to the last corridor and go to the bathroom where you can find 2 first aid kits (along the way here in the bedside table you can also find a map of the mansion). Next, go to the end of the corridor to the door. You will see that it is closed. Now you need to return to the basement, where you will have to face your first enemy. First, we look at the cat-scene, and after starting to fight the opponent, getting a hatching on your ripening hands.

After the victory over the sacuost, you will hear how the phone is calling, located in the corridor. Talk to the mysterious woman and go back to the corpse of the enemy you killed. However, it will not be on the spot. Rear to the axis from the floor again and exit the opened door leading to the main corridor of the house.

Now you need to find a passage in the attic. In the demolity for this you needed a fuse - here this trick also works. It can be found in the locker standing next to the rear entrance. Insert the item into the shield in the living room, and hurry to the ladder. The opponent will be attached to you again, but the battle will happen in the form of a cat-scene.

Getting on the attic, go to the door on the right side and pick up a gun and ammunition to it from the table. Now it is worth going to the stairs that leads to the window. Here you again attack the enemy, however, now you can not finish the usual cat-scene. Kill the monster and follow the head of the Biker family.

Main House

As a result of an unexpected meeting with Jack, you will find yourself on a funny family dinner. When the Bikers family leaves the dining room, you can try to get out of your captivity, tilting the chairs, moving to the right and left. Get rid of the ropes, and then exit the room and turn right. Next, go along the corridor ahead. Through a couple of meters, a small window you will notice Jack, so it's standing right away and go into the room, passing by the kitchen. In the kitchen, you can find the hatch in the floor, which leads to the basement. A new goal will appear - find the key from the hatch. He lies on the bedside table standing near the window previously mentioned by us. Wait until the head of the family goes to the living room, and then go to the end and take the key. Then you need to run up to the hatch in the basement. It should be noted that the enemy examines the house in different ways, and therefore it may well look into your room. Then you should hide at the table and pallets.

After the victory over the enemy, climb up the forest and find the bull statuette in the frame. Pull out the holder in the back of the figure and get a bull. Next, you need to push the rack and jump down. Then insert the statue at the door having a strange view and in the opposite side of the corridor. As a result, you will get into the main part of the main house.

Now you have to find 3 bas-reliefs at once having a dog's head shape to open the front door mansion. Initially, it is worth up to the wall clock, located next to the door, on which scorpions are drawn, and remove the pendulum from them. Then you need to install it into similar hours, which are located in the living room (here your cheerful dinner took place). As a result, you will get the first dog's head. To get the second bas-relief, you need to go to the corridor located on the top floor. Once here, turn left, get to the first turn and go to the right door. The thing you need will lie in the book that you can find next to the table, where there is a TV.

With the last key, everything will be much more complicated. First of all, you have to find a certain statuette, which is located in the bathroom on the second tier. Reaching the right room, drain water in the bath and get the thing from there you need. Next, you need to install a statue on a pedestal located mainly (a projector can be used as a guide). To put this item is necessary in this way, in order to create the shadow of an eagle in flight. Deciding the puzzle, go through the secret course, leading to the second part of the mansion. Go through several rooms and corridors to exit in the end to the basement (nearby is another refuge).

Rotating to the basement, you first should get into a cremation room. It should open the last door of the furnace to the left to find a key that opens the door to sectional. Open the two door of the furnaces: edged right and with a bloody print. On the way to the right room, you must visit the neighboring room (go through the door performed in the form of a harmonica). Here you find the scorpion key.

an old house

By defeating the villain, take the dog's head and go to the main hall to get out of the house to the courtyard. Next, go to the trailer and go inside. Throw the phone there. As a result, you will receive the first mission - find serum in the old mansion. Get to the right structure and surprise the presence of a huge number of packs in it (Hi's arachnophobians!) That will constantly interfere with you to study the premises. Therefore, you want - do not want, and you will have to create at least some primitive bulk for them. It can be a burner, consisting of two parts: you can find the first to find along the path leading to the safe area of \u200b\u200bthe mansion (it lies in the garbage bucket), and the second in Sarah (there is a similar construction to it, to which the bridge should be put in the future) .

After receiving flamethrower in your hands, go to the room on the right side of the entrance doors. There you will find a secret passage located in the fireplace and blocked by the hives. Destroy insect house and arouse inside. Inspect the new room. Here you can find a statuette that is worth installing on a pedestal, which is not far from the safe asylum to solve a puzzle with the shadow.

After overcoming the emerging passage, you will fall into another part of the mansion. Go ahead, and then turn right. You will come across the hole in the floor (it is worth paying attention to the door with the raven, as you will soon have to return to it). Purchase inside and keep moving forward. Pick up the handle at the disassembled mechanism, and then go to the shed, about which we spoke slightly above, and laid the track to it.

As a result, you will be able to get the key with the raven, thanks to which you can open the door mentioned earlier. But not everything is so simple. As soon as you come to this door, Margarita will attack you and throw it right into the pit. It will be necessary to shove into the enemy several times so that he also fell down. Then climb the ladder up and open the door with the raven. After inspect the suitcase that lies ahead. As a result, you will learn that there is no finished vaccine, that is, it needs to be created by itself, using a unique component - the hand of the D series. This ingredient lies behind the closed door located at the far end of the corridor. To open it you need to find the oil lamp of Margarita. Therefore, you will have to go to the Monster's Lair.

Exit the room and descend to the pit from which you recently got out. Go through the tunnel to the ladder, which leads to another part of the mansion. Then climb the top floor and jump into another hole at the bottom. As a result, the battle with the boss will be launched. The battle with him was described in our special guide. When Margarita is killed, take the lamp and choose the outside through the grille next to the improvised entrance to the ceiling. Leave the location and go back to the door you need.

As a result, you will find yourself in a crazy network of dark corronders and premises, where you only have to go ahead, shooting from all sorts of bumps. In the end, you will reach the bedroom where the puppet house is located. Open it to get a prompt pointing to the location of the secret door. It is located right a survey of the frontal wall. Inside you find the owner of the right hand. Take the subject and exit location. Get to the room with a suitcase and talk again to the roy. She will tell you to wait for her in the trailer.

Lukas party

However, you will still do not happen meetings with a girl (let the eternal Frendzon live). Talking on the phone with a "crazy hat", you will learn that Mia and Zoya were abducted by Lucas. He will suggest you to visit his party and take part in the deadly game to rescue the girls from captivity. Initially, you have to find peculiar invitation cards, in the form of which the blue and red key card appear here. The first hint to their location is located in the fridge of the trailer. It says that you need to go to the sectional (room where Jack was able to pick up a dog's head right in front of your nose). Go to the right room and find the corpse of the policeman on the table. In his throat, you can find a key with a snake.

Then raise the top floor of the main house. Here, open the door with the sign of the snake and enter the grandmother's room. On the bedside table, standing near the bed, you can see the usual watch. Set them time 10:15. As a result, a secret entrance to the basement will be opened, where you can find one of the key cards. The next is located in a room owned by Lucas - it is on the other side of the second floor of the mansion. First you need to explore the desktop lamp and find a button, descending the ladder in the attic under its lashure. Climb upstairs and get another cassette. Next, you need to solve a new puzzle with the shadow and get the latest key card as a result. In addition, you can find a toy ax in the room.

We go to the courtyard and get to the door leading to the party (located near the car). Then climb the top floor and sit in front of the TV. Browse the video, and then go to the secret pass, leading to a long chain of linear corridors, destroyed stretch marks. Most traps can be circumvented, but some have to be deactivated with a pistol. By the way, some boxes with beneficial things are also mined, so we advise you to split boxes using firearms. In the end, you will reach the room with a special lock on the door. Talk to the guy and enter any code from four numbers on the control panel. After you need to move back so as not to turn into a cake because of the pendulum trap.

Now you will need to find a combination to the castle. Go to the corridor, passing through the open door, and get to the next level of the big barn. Jump onto the stalls site and raise up the ladder again. Lay the battery and insert it into the bottom panel. After a few seconds, the light music is activated and a huge plynev will arrive at your "party" on the elevator. Obschery yourself with an unborn guest and go to the elevator. It needs to go upstairs. There you will find a burnt corpse, which will give you a hint to the code to the door (no, we do not say it, as it is generated randomly). Return back, put all your little things in the box and go inside.

Here you will find a kind of gaming embodiment of the film "Saw". The goal is very simple: it is necessary to install a burning candle on a cake, passing through the sprinklers. Make it is quite difficult, but quite possible. We in the smallest details described the passage of this puzzle in a separate guide. We advise you to read it carefully.

After solving the puzzle, you will fall on your head a dynamite checker. You need to immediately take it in your hands, tear off the board from the wall and throw off the explosives in the gap, thereby destroying one of the walls. Get out of the room and arouse the lucas shelter. Then browse another video formation and take the desired ingredient for the vaccine. Now you can get out.

Complete a small path in the swamp and go to the facility next to the pier. At the second level you will find girls. Free them and give the zoe ingredients for serum. As a result, you will receive two portions. However, your meeting will interrupt the old familiar - Jack. This time he will be by a monster monster height of several meters. In a special leadership, we told how to kill it in the shortest possible time. After that, you will become before the choice - who from the girls to give the remaining serum? It is from him that will depend on the ending in the game. We advise you to give her MIR. Then leave the estate of bikers.

Deceased ship

Despite all your efforts, you can not get away from this nightmare. After a few minutes, the boat on which you gathered to leave the estate of mutants will turn over the next mandes. As a result, you will find yourself on the shore near the half-mounted tanker. Then the screen turns around, and you will start playing for the MIU. Go ahead on the chips of the vessel. In the next location, you will find Itan on Earth without consciousness. He will be fired to the tanker black tentacles. You do not throw your Savior to perfection? Therefore, see the inside of the ship.

Overcoming several vessel compartments, you will find yourself on his first deck, in which a girl named Evelyn will run into one of the premises. She blocked the door behind him, so you can not immediately go into this room. First you need to find the fuse and paste it into the control panel. The thing you need is hidden in the room behind the double doors on the right side of the ladder, for which you previously rose to the deck. It is worth walking here very carefully, since in the corridor you can meet four-legged molds. Although you can try to get rid of it, finding the weapon you need to be left left.

As a result, you will be able to get into the room and find a girl. She will immediately offer you to look a video in which the terrible truth will be shown. In this post, you will again play for a miu, which will again have to look for a runaway girl. Using the sensor tracking the distance to the object, find in the kitchen instead of the desired child pulsating mold. Then head to the elevator and descend into the machine compartment. Here you achieve the closed door and melt the lock using a corrosive substance lying nearby.

After a while, you again tighten Evelyn, but it will be able to escape again and significantly damage the ship. Now you should go up to the second level, and then walk to the third level along the ladder (to find the ladder you need to go to the dining room and turn around the narrow passage located in the top of the wall). Then you will find in one of the premises of the laptop, where you can send Itanu a video message that you have already had to see, playing for the guy. Next again catch up the girl.

After reviewing the entry, go out into the corridor and pick up the roof of the elevator, and then climb the top level on the ladder. Then you should jump onto the captain's bridge, in which the screen is located, where the records from the camcorders placed across the ship are displayed. At one of them, you will notice Itan - Evelin locked it in the machine compartment. To save the man, you will first find the key to the nut (it is in the cabin cabin at the same level) to open a hatch located on the elevator ceiling. We also advise you to remember the location of the box with a machine gun, which in the future you can unlock.

Go to the elevator. Once inward, you will notice that two items will be needed for its inclusion: power cable and fuse. The latter is quite simple, because you quite recently applied it in order to open the door on the first tier (you can quickly get through the hole that appeared in the elevator). The wire will find it harder. First choose from the elevator and go to the second level. There, look for a room passing through the dining room. It has a safe. To open it, you will need to solve a small puzzle with pictures. As a result, you will receive several cans with a corrosive substance. Apply one of them for hacking the door located on the left side of the elevator, and pick the key from the captain cabinet.

Now it is worth climbing the third level. In the room where you had previously sent an appeal, open the door and go along the corridor ahead. So you come to the room in which the wire you need is required. You will immediately attack a big Plendian, with whom you can deal with the help of remote bombs. Next, run the elevator and descend to the machine compartment on the same path you have done in the video. As a result, you will find yourself near the dead end.

Salt mine

Due to a number of events that occurred in cat-scenes, you will again take the control of Itan. Select from the vessel and go to a wooden shed in which you need to activate the radio. Next, go to the elevator on which it is worth descend into the mines. Complete a couple of hundred meters on a tunnel, destroying all the extinces to get to the secret laboratory complex. Here you will finally be able to learn about all the cruciations of the plot and find a weapon with which you can defeat the Monster girl.

Then you will have to fight the crowd of messengers again. Climb upstairs and exit the mine. You will again find yourself in a guest house where glitches are flooded with you. Initially, it will be necessary to chase the girl on the corridors, and then climb the attic.

Here you have to beat Evelina - the final boss of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. We considered the battle with it in detail in a separate guide. After the victory over this mandes, the game will end, and you can praise yourself for the fact that they did not succumb to fear and were able to twist to the end.

Having finished with the seaside of the greenhouse, go out and go back in trailer. Throwing off extra trash, go to Margaret's room and hang lamp . Indoors are dark, but the faithful flashlight cuts out the main character. On the setting, it can be understood that Itan got into children's roomwhich belongs Evelina. Get ready for terrible sounds and small paranormal activity. Go through infected room, after which the flashlight will go out and children's voice It will strongly advise. Next, Itan will reach a small room with a bed in the center.

In the room, the player can observe a reference to the Silent Hill series. Children's room Evelina reminds the Chamber of Alesse. For reference, Alesha Gillespi is one basic characters sh.

Behind the bed in the wall there is a secret move. Inside you can find the necessary ingredient For serum. At the exit from the cache indoors will begin to appear plesneviki. If the cartridges allow you to eliminate them all, but a very reasonable act will run by. On the way to the trailer, near the door with the coronary telephone. Zoe promises a personal meeting, she will wait for Itan in the trailer.

Reaching the trailer, you will find the room empty. Once again calls telephoneon the other end of the wire Lucas, Son Jack. He grabbed Miya and Zoe, also in the hands of Lucas got the head of the D-series. The main character will be able to free the girls if visited partywhich Lucas arranged specifically for Itan. However, to get to the "holiday" is not so simple, first you need to get two key card. The first tip is located in a refrigerator - The head of the Sheriff's assistant, who has already begun to mutate. A note is attached on the back of the back - "Legal is waiting for you in the sectional in the basement."

Take the serum ingredient from Lucas

Return to Central hall The main house, we turn into the door with the scorpion and go down. Mold It covers almost all the walls, there are also interruptions in lighting. Run as quickly as possible to the sectional, in the boiler room, get ready for a meeting with Evelyn in a catal. In sectional go down the stairs and meet the new kind Plendnevikov. Unusual creatures are moving on knees And they can quickly reduce the distance. However, representatives of this type of moldnevikov are not such alive; Some successful shot of a pistol in the head, and the enemy will cease to be a problem.

Evelina constantly monitors itan ...

Having broken down with plesneviks, go out in morgue And climb the stairs. It is necessary to get to the roomIn which Jack took the third head of Cerber. Inside is a decapitated sheriff assistant, it is necessary to get from the body key with Snake. Having got the key, go out of the door and immediately turn right, then down on the stairs And with the help of a snake key, choose from the basement. Do not forget to visit safe room And save the gameplay.

So, snake Key Received, you can open the remaining locked doors in the house. Go to Central hall And enter into battle with molds. As soon as the opponents will end, go upstairs and move to the main bedroom. In the premises of the main character again meets an elderly woman on the catal. In the nightstand lying grasshidden under the chair cartridges For a shotgun. In a metal box on the table you can take loafAnd in the closet there are cartridges for a pistol. After searching the room, go to the next room and raise the backpack.

Get out of the storage room and come by the clock On the bedside table near the bed. On the clock you need to set the time on 10.15 , bed will go to the side and will open a secret way. On this passage you will get to workshop in the basement, in the room there is a red key Map.. Search the room and choose to the central hall. Rise up again and turn left, further to the door in a nursery. Congratulations you got to rooms Lucasa.

On the table, read the record of Lucas about the poor Oliverwhich was locked in the attic. Also from the document you can learn about the prieu, which shines even at night. If you consider carefully lampthen the player will detect buttonHer activation will shut down the ladder from the attic. But do not rush to climb up, we recommend to search room. In a vase on the shelf there is a lock, on the table there are food additives, in a small locker near the bed, fuel is hidden for flamethrough. Contrary to expectations, Oliver in the attic will not be, but in the presence of toys.

Toy shotgun can be handed a statue on the first floor, and get a broken shotgun back; In turn, weapons are cleaned with the help of the repair kit. The ax is necessary in solving the riddles with shadows, the player will receive a stabilizer as a reward. The projector is located in the yard, not far from the trailer in the bushes.

In the attic in the closet lies cassette "Happy Birthday", also in stock the next mystery with shadows. Get a shadow in the silhouette and pick up blue from the cache key-card. Go down, change the toy shotgun on the broken, then respond to call telephone. Putting the phone, go to the courtyard and get ready for a meeting with molds, if you want to pick up stabilizer, I'll have to figure them away at first. After stripping the terrain, come in trailer and keep the gameplay, you can also see short Fuck Lukas. The player will take an entertainment show operator under its control, Clancy Jevis It will be forced to solve the Lucas puzzles and will die after the cake explosion. Viewing a cassette, leave the trailer and head to the highlighted doors, open the passage cards and climb the stairs.

Party in full swing!

Inside Itan is waiting for a comfortable armchair And TV show Lucas, watching a video ends with a TV explosion. Go forward along the opened corridor and go to the door. From now on, it is necessary to be even more careful, in the game appear stretch marks. Bring the box, take the cartridges and carefully sneak under the wire. Go out of the door and pass again through stretch marks. By the way, if you shoot in explosives, the trap will be eliminated, one cartridge for a saved first-aid kit - more than a fair price.

Behind the next door will begin to appear drawers trapsthey look like ordinary cartridge boxes, only inside explosivewhich detonates when contacting. Before entering the next room, pay attention to the stretch charge Located on the left. The room is the door with code Castle. As soon as Ian is suitable for her, Lucas will appear and start calling passwords (0814, 0621, 0514). After entering the password from the ceiling will arrive huge pendulum, so immediately run away from the door. After the pendulum passes, the secret will open on the right a door.

Passing forward along the corridor, go to the room on the right. Indoors two drawer, Shot into the right and, exploding, he will save the cartridge. Inside is epoxide, near the cartridges for a shotgun. Go out through the second door, before you another safe box. Now forward on the corridor, but be careful, at the end it costs stretching. Further, be prepared for the appearance of a shouter moldnevik in the opposite end of the corridor. After stripping the terrain, go to the door, in square Many explosives have been installed. In the locker, IAN will detect boxIt should not touch him, but steroids will be very helpful. In the table hidden coin. Having finished the search, go out of the room and turn right.

In the barn on the main character they will attack three plesnevika. If you have not previously destroyed stretch marks, you can return to the corridor and save some number of cartridges. Having understood with the enemies, go ahead and climb the stairs, the door opposite is a safe zone. Keep the gameplay, collect cartridges and fuel; If you have previously taken Magnum, It's time to get it.

Selecting the safe room, search the top floor and jump down. Left will be small panelwhich lacks one battery. Initially, move the right and, breaking the box on the table, take the cartridges for a shotgun. Next, go up to the second floor and select the missing battery From a barrel. Go down, install battery. In the free place on the panel. It will turn on the backlight and Lucas will be released from a thick lift plesnevika, setting up the real "barn fight."

The enemy will regularly release slimeSo we recommend to stay from the fat man on a decent distance, shooting it from any available weapon. After the victory, go to the elevator and press the button on the wall. Further, the main character falls into the room with a burntable corpse, on which the sign is hanging with the inscription " 1408 " Go down to the steps to the door with a digital lock and reset in the box Equipment, since Lucas will not miss itan further. After activating the door, Lucas brings the main character in the test room.

At this stage, the player has to go test roomcreated by Lucas. Take the robot candle, go a bit forward and turn right, in the doorway, followed by a festive cake. Candle to sleep water flow from pipes, indoors light lightsAnd you can act. Come back I. ignite Candle from gas stove. Next, go to the wall with monitors and ignite the rope On the door. In the next room are located balloons, in the code castle, enter the word " Loser."And pick up valve. In the room with a cake, use the valve and disconnect the water. Next to the cake, take off one of the boards, set up the candle and insert it into the cake. An explosion will occur, but since Itan did not use the clockwork key, there will be no fire. Lucas throws into the room dynamite, pick it up and put it in a hole. The explosion will open the way to control roomThe monitor can be seen related Miu and Zoe. According to girls, they are behind the pier. Also in the room is located head of D-series and the box from which you can pick up equipment; Be sure to take handle For rotary mechanisms.

Find Zoya and Miy in Saraj

Leave the room, come to the lifting mechanism and with the help of the handle activate bridge. Go through the long packers, turn right on the fork. In small stacked Collect cartridges and leave the wooden room. Next, move to the second mechanism And raise another bridge. On the way back, be prepared for the attack of several plesnevikov. Eliminating monsters, go through the raised bridge And enter into a skirmish with two enemies.

The following room is located safe zone, collect scattered supplies, throw off the unnecessary trash in the drawer, take grenomatome With all ammunition. Also grab your head and hand D-seriesYou will need to pass the ingredients Zoe. Keep the gameplay and go upstairs, for the next door, the player will detect the girls tied. Go to Zoe, cut the ropes and hand it everything you need for serum, then free the miy. Medicine is ready, take syringes And observe the scene of the appearance of Jack.

A huge monster pulls Itan on a peculiar arena And you will have to fight Baker again. The body of Jack is impregnuous to the damage, with the exception of numerous eye. It is for them that you need to focus fire. Very well proven grenomatome with incendiary grenades. It is also necessary to constantly move, in this battle movement is life.

When the last eye is destroyed, Jack will divender water and knocks Itana From the legs, the final phase of the battle will begin. Jack will stop moving around the room, it is necessary to shoot in the last eye On the head of the enemy. Call the most powerful weapon and shoot until Jack collapses to Earth. Places for combat is not enough, so you are difficult to dodge from the attacks of the boss. Behind will open a door, Zoe calls Itana. When the main character turns away, Jack will once again revive and grab the protagonist. You will have to use one of the syringesTo kill the head of the Bikers family.

Leave the arena and head to the boat. Since left last portion Serum, the player gets up in front of the choice. Zoya helped Itanov's advice throughout the game. Mia was the main hero, tried to kill Itan several times. The choice is obvious, make an injection of your favorite spouse. Sit down the saved wife into the boat and float away, leaving the roar on the pier.

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Keywords: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Resident Evil 7, Itan Winters, Farm Bikers, Mia Winters, Jack Baker, Zoe Baker, Coins, Documents, Evelina, Flamete, Serum, Hand, Sheriff's Assistant, Lucas Baker, Snake Key, Party, test room