What is better to put on the tank. Pumping PT SAU (modules, crew, additional equipment). Filling tanks CO2.

Installing equipment on tanks

Equipment is various devices represented by systems, aggregates and nodes that allow you to upgrade technique, make it more profitable and adjust to your own game style. Properly selected equipment in the WORLD OF TANK will help minimize the shortcomings of the car and strengthen its advantages.

Types and description of the equipment

What equipment to put on tanks depends on the characteristics of the technique itself and on the goals that the player wants to achieve. All these devices are divided into removable and complex. The first moves from one machine to another without much restrictions. From complex equipment you can get rid of only for an additional fee.

Types and characteristics of removable equipment in tanks

As a rule, they enter inexpensive packets and have a convenient configuration that is selected at their discretion. Important condition - Slots under the additional equipment on the tank should not be empty.

Stereoscopic telescope

Adds 25% to the survey of the stationary machine. Sometimes the advantage of this device turns out to be decisive, as it gives tactical superiority on the battlefield. The minus is that the device works only in a fixed machine. Therefore, many players prefer an alternative option - enlightened optics. But when used by the use of stereotrubs, it is not bad to increase your chances of winning. Especially if the game is being done on the "blind" machines with a review no more than 330. On the melee tanks such equipment for WOT tanks is meaningless. It does not need it for both SAU.


Accelerate by 25% repairs. An indispensable additional equipment on tanks where you need to restore something. For example, on melee machines with a large margin of strength. They most often breaks the caterpillar or tool. Moreover, several times for the fight. The box is indispensable in those situations when the crew rolled the repair, but not yet reached the mark of 100%. Having reached the goal, this mark can be moved to another tank.

Masking Network

Adds imperceptibility to the machine that froze in standby mode. The best characteristics This option allows you to achieve in a bundle with the "masking" skill. Well function in bundles with stereo tube, as used for passive light. If you do not know what equipment to put on SAU and PT-SAU, then the grid can be one of the reasonable options.

Complex equipment

If it is on the technique, it is possible to return it only for gold - you have to give 10 units of this game currency.


Allows you to charge 10% faster. If you go to the goal and find what equipment is better to put on the tank, then this row will be among the leaders. One of the most useful acquisitions because it increases rapidity. It is used by almost all tanks and self-propellas, including the most specific models. If you do not know which additional equipment to put on the art, it will be the optimal solution. Perhaps the need for it is not only in those machines, where the booster is already not bad.

Reinforced sticking drives

Adds 10% to speed information. This equipment for tanks in World of Tanks is intended for technology, which is preferably shooting from a place - SAU, Soviet equipment. Perhaps the best equipment for art in WOT. For the rest of the equipment, it is more expedient to establish the following to the list of the aggregate.

Stabilizer vertical pressing

Reduces 20% scatter during movement and reversal. A row is used by not only when shooting in motion. This is a universal device and on average tanks shooting due to shelter. Because you have to join a lot of tower, switching to goal. With the stabilizer, the mixture will take less time and the shot will be more accurate. This is one of the most reasonable answers to the question of which advanced equipment to put on the tanks of any level.

Enlightened optics

Adds 10% to the review. The review in the game solves a lot, allowing you to detect the enemy's technique earlier than the enemy will detect us. This is not much as it can add a stereotrub, but optics work constantly, unlike stereotrub, which is turned on in three seconds after the stop. Many players, deciding what better to put equipment on the tank, stop your choice on it. Everything is mostly put optics on light and medium tanks, but some gamers put this equipment on PT SAU with high dpm.

Improved ventilation

All players are wondering - what equipment to put on the lightweight tank? What equipment to put on the average tank? Of course, the valve, as everyone is called ventilation. It adds + 5% to all crew skills. Together with the martial brotherhood and the oppuccie is capable of improving the characteristics of the machine. This equipment is perfect for hard tanks, especially in the middle levels.

Antioxcine Stern.

When players decide what equipment put on heavy tanks, owners of heavy and sedentary cars speak primarily about the side. It will allow you to absorb from 15 to 50% of damage from artillery and Taran Fugasas.

Wet wet wet, filling CO2 tanks

Often, one enemy shot can blow your car because of the explosion of the waggelading, or set fire to it. That this does not happen, players use these bums that increase the strength of the wake-up and fuel tanks by 50%. Filling CO2 tanks reduces the likelihood of damage to the tank and fire as a result of it. Install such a module makes sense, for example, in T-34-85, kV-1c and some other machines.

Enhanced suspension

Players put this equipment mainly on Stock Machines, preferring instead of a running opening more powerful gun. But the stock chassis will not allow to put a new tool due to low lifting capacity. Increased lifting capacity can be just an enhanced suspension that adds 10% to it.

Equipment - An important element of the picking equipment for improving some of its characteristics under certain needs of the player and the style of his game. Properly selected equipment will reduce the negative effect of the shortcomings of the combat vehicle and / or strengthen its advantages.

Description of equipment

All equipment in the game is divided into removable and complex. Removable equipment can be moved from one tank to another without special restrictions (the tank must be repaired). In turn, the complex equipment can be returned to the warehouse only by paying 10 gold. On 1 cu You can remove 25 units of complex equipment.

Removable equipment

Removable equipment is an "economy package": stereotrub + box with tools + camouflage network. This configuration is very convenient for those who experience the lack of loans or does not want to rearrange complex equipment for gold on the passing tanks. In any case, the hardware slots should never be left empty - they can always be closed with a pipe, drawer or network if you have. You never know how the fight goes. Perhaps a timely detection of the enemy or a second bonus to repair will save the life of your tank or help you to win in hard battle.

Stereoscopic telescope

Effect: + 25% to a radius of a review from a fixed tank.

Description: One of the most useful types of equipment. 25% Bonus for review is very impressive, and sometimes decisive. A tank or self-propeller, who noticed the enemy first, has a huge tactical advantage. As a rule, this is the right to the first shot or the opportunity for various maneuvers (a change of position, retreat, turn to the enemy armor). In addition, a good review is beneficial in the financial plan: if the tank sees further, he rarely shoots on someone else's light, on the contrary, it shines the allies, thereby earning loans - as a result, the piggy bank goes all income from his tune and part of income from a shot Allies.

Stereotrub works only in a stationary position, so active game lovers usually prefer an alternative - enlightened optics. However, in fact, even high-speed tanks can extract the tremendous benefit from the use of stereotrub. It can be a passive light for allies or careful progress from shelter to shelter: they got to the bush - they looked around if there were no danger, moving on.

Of course, the greatest benefit from stereotrubs will feel sowing PT-SAU, such as Ferdinand, ISU-152, Jagdpanther and others. The pipe will allow them to discover the enemy at the limit of visibility first, to shoot and leave the shelter to recharge.

For blind cars with 260-330 reviews (HETZER, SU-152, SAU-40 and others), stereotrub can become a real chopstick, especially at the end of the battle when you need to drag. With a stereo tube, even a weak tank is able to fight off several opponents traveling under the flame one by one, or to bring the fire of friendly artillery.

The pipe should not be used on the melee tanks, such as MAUS, E-100, IS-7, kV-5 and others. In addition, on the technique with a review 390+, the effect of the pipe will be excessive at a limit of visibility in its illumination of 445 meters. Of course, in this case, the tank receives a bonus to democating opponents, but still rational on such machines to use optics.

Verdict: The stereotrub is simply foley at the Gaubic Sau and on the Middle Fight Technique. For combat vehicles with a review 390 and more efficiently using enlightened optics. For all other, this type of equipment is recommended for use. For most ambideous snipers and lovers of passive light tactics, put surely.


Effect: + 25% to repair speed.

Description: This type of equipment is useful on that technique that something often criticized. First of all, these are caterpillars and an instrument. In this regard, the box will bring the greatest benefit on heavy melee tanks with a high margin of strength (E-100, E-75, T32, KV-5, IP-3 and others) - they often have to either become a rhombus or to dance the body, making it difficult to enemy aiming. In such cases, the projectile often flies into the caterpillar. American TT and PT-SAU, such as T29, T32, T30 usually play through the tower and often get the crit guns several times for the fight. In addition, superboraded machines, such as MAUS, often suffer from cristes of the gun - desperately piercing their armor enemies below the level like to go to the Fugas and spoil our life, breaking the main caliber. Acceleration of repair will be useful for PT-SAU - enemies are often deliberately knocking off the caterpillar to enter the flank and rear helpless self-propeller. Often, the caterpillar breaks down and broken by the Fugas artillery. Timely repair will allow to get away from subsequent shells that are broken "after".

It is important to remember that the effect of the box is folded with the "repair" skill, pumped from the crew. Moreover, without repair, the box will be practically useless. Another thing is when the repair swings, but has not yet reached 100% and this case is the most common reason for installing a drawer with tools. That is, when pumping repair at the crew on some TT or st, we put the box. When the repair is completely (or almost completely), it is pumped from all tankers, we change the box to some other useful equipment. It should be borne in mind that the time of repair of modules from different cars is different. For example, in German VK3601 (H) with 100% repair, a shot down caterpillar is repaired for 7 seconds. Setting the box helps reduce this time up to 5 seconds.

In general, the recommendations on the use of the box are the same as on the use of repair skills. Where repair goes first skill (and this is most of the equipment in the game), there and the box will be useful. And where we put a repair of 3-4 skills, there and the box will not be especially useful. Among such machines, it is possible to note LT and ST to 5 levels, as well as all the Gaubic Sau. The reason lies in the fact that for tanks with a small margin of strength stop under the fire due to the loss of the caterpillar, as a rule, leads to fast death. The caterpillar simply does not have time to be repaired (both with a box and without) and it is more expedient to use Remkomplekt.

Verdict: Box with tools Useful type of equipment. Recommended for TT, ST and PT-SAU from 5 level, whose carriages swing repairs. Most useful for heavy tanks with plenty of HP. It is removed for free, so it can be useful as a temporary measure for tanks, on which the necessary equipment has not yet been purchased.

Masking Network

Effect: Significantly reduces the visibility of the stationary machine.

Description: Unlike the "Masking" skill, the network is useful not only for unauthorized cars - the bonus for imperceptibility is fixed. Nevertheless, occupy the precious slot equipment to the camouflage network should be where it is really necessary in the bundle with the skill "masking".

The network in combination with stereo tube can be useful for passive light: a light tank with disguise, the network and stereotrub is driving in a bush near the path of movement of enemies and leads the fire of the Allies, remaining unnoticed. In addition, nothing prevents the use of similar tactics on PT-SAU: until a certain moment, we will shine allies, and when the enemy comes closely, open fire yourself.

The grid can be useful and on SAU, if enemy light broke through it. If the lase is not going directly at you, but is engaged in search at a certain distance, it will be more useful to get lost, hiding the network, and not try to destroy the enemy yourself, thereby revealing its position. Even if the help is to wait for now, good disguise gives the chance to let the enemies closer and make a more prepared shot.

Verdict: Useful type of equipment. Recommended for light tanks, PT-SAU and SAU, whose carriages are swinging camouflage. The greatest benefit will bring to lovers of a cautious game and sniper tactics well-dismantled in the mechanic masking and detection in the game.

Complex equipment

All the following equipment can be dismantled with equipment only for 10.


Effect: -10% by charging time.

Description: It will not be an exaggeration to call this type of equipment most useful in the game. On the one hand, it improves the most important combat characteristics of the tank - rapidity. On the other hand, a gain of 10% is very significant. It is thanks to these two factors, the rate has gained tremendous popularity among the players. It is used almost on all tanks and self-propellas, where it is possible to install it and is turned on in everything, even the most specific assemblies.

The rate is very important for SAU and tanks with a long reloading, as the longer the time of charging, the notice of the benefits of this type of equipment. It should be remembered that the rate is not installed on technique with a drum or cassette mechanism for charging.

Tanks with a very high recharge rate, such as, for example, Cherchil III can do without an order. Their rapidity of the already very high. Moreover, shooting speed in such tanks exceeds the speed of the instrument. That is, when shooting on medium and distant distances, the rate of fire is excessive and has to either artificially slow down the shooting pace, clicking on the gay less often, or shoot without complete information, watering the enemy with hurricane, but not accurate fire. At the same time, in the near distance, when accuracy has little value, the extra shares of the second between the shots can solve the outcome of the confrontation.

Verdict: Very useful type of equipment. Recommended for installation on all combat vehicles. An exception can be machines with very high rapidity, where the mixing of the sight does not have time for recharging.

Reinforced sticking drives

Effect: + 10% to speed information.

Description: This type of equipment is best suitable for cars shooting from place. In other cases, it is preferable to put a stabilizer vertical tip, which will be discussed a little later. Acceleration information is important for those who have long, and this is, first of all, all SAU - for them, the use of a ligament rate + drives is an axiom. Significant benefit from reinforced actuators, owners of Soviet equipment: On most Soviet guns, minimize and accuracy leave to desire the best and the actuators will be very useful. The Germans, Americans and British will be more suitable for the stabilizer, since they have the speed of information, the guns are high and the actuators will not give a tangible effect.

The actuators will be fully appropriate on the drum and cassette tanks, as they are not raised by the rate.

Verdict: Useful type of equipment. The second most popular after the rate. Masthev for artillery, tanks and PT-SAU with long information.

Stabilizer vertical pressing

Effect: -20% to scatter when moving and turning the tower.

Description: Contrary to popular belief, this useful type of equipment is important not only for those who like to shoot in motion. Even an appearance sniper can feel the positive effect of the stabilizer, because when choosing a goal and switching from one purpose to another, you have to constantly turn the tower. The smaller the initial spread will be, the minor circle will begin with reduction, which means it will take less time. In addition, an unprepared shot (shot without information) will be more accurate.

The same applies to the shooting in motion. Of course, a tank shooting on the go will get a bonus. But do not forget that the bonus from the stabilizer will also receive the tank that he stopped for a shot. That is, with a sharp stop, the mixing of the sight will begin from a smaller circle.

As already mentioned above, the stabilizer is best suitable for tanks with high speed information. However, it will also be useful for other machines. In most builds a bunch of chest + stabilizer or rate + reinforced actuators are the main. Spores flashed only around the third slot for equipment.

Verdict: Very useful type of equipment. Recommended for installation on all combat vehicles. A vertical vertex stabilizer provides a faster mixing in the absolute majority of cases rather than reinforced vending drives.

Enlightened optics

Effect: + 10% to the radius of the review.

Description: On the importance of such a parameter as a review, it was said in the section about the stereotrub. Optics gives a smaller bonus, but it acts constantly, and not only after stopping. In connection with this, optics are needed for those who actively act on the battlefield. First of all, it is medium and lung tanks. The latter will not hurt to install both optics and stereotrube. This allows you to combine the tactics of active light with passive. Optics are also an excellent choice for combat vehicles with a review from 390 meters. We see far and constantly.

Verdict: Useful type of equipment. Important for lung tanks. Otherwise, an excellent choice for most combat vehicles on a par with a rate and stabilizer.

Improved ventilation

Effect: + 5% to all skills of the entire crew.

Description: Around the ventilation (or "valve", as the players are abbreviated), as well as the similar skill of the crew "Combat fraternity", there is a lot of disputes. Who sets the valve to all their combat vehicles (except for self-propeller with open cuts, where there are no problems with circulation air), someone applies selectively, someone does not use at all.

For a start, let's see what exactly the ventilation is influenced by: the review, the speed of the instrument and turning the tower, the accuracy of the gun, the speed of recharging, overclocking, the rotation speed, the range, and all additional skills, such as repair and disguise. It looks good - almost all the characteristics of the tank are improved. Next question: How do they improve? And here it lies the main catch: 5% to the main skirm of the crew is about 2-2.5% to the real TTX machines. In essence, this is a meager additive, not noticeable in battle. Experiments were conducted: the difference in charging the drum at AMX 13-90 with a valve and without a second second, Type 59 - 0.15 seconds! This difference is invisible for human perception and is also eaten by such technical factors as ping and response time.

Such experiments were carried out repeatedly, their results can be found on the forum. Thus, people claiming that they put ventilation and "improved everything!", As well as describing in detail how their tanks began to quickly ride, accurately and quickly shoot, are under the placebo effect, that is, self-sustaining.

However, the effect of ventilation can be strengthened by pumping the skill "Combat fraternity" and using premium consumables (improved diet, chocolate, etc.). In this case, you can achieve a really noticeable improvement in the indicators.

Ventilation can serve its service on low-level tanks: there are often no other useful types of equipment, such as the rate. In addition, for light tanks, ventilation is cheap.

In addition, ventilation can be used to reduce the negative effect of a non-grain crew. For example, a new 75% or retrained 90% crew will cope with its duties better if fresh air will flow into the interior of the combat vehicle. When tankers reach 100% of the main specialty ventilation can be replaced with other equipment.

Verdict: The benefits of using improved ventilation controversial. On the one hand, almost all the parameters of the machine are improved; On the other hand, the gain itself is insignificant. Ventilation makes sense to use only in a bundle with the "combat brotherhood" from the crew and gold consumables, as well as when there is no other alternative.

Antioxcine Stern.

Effect: From 15% to 50% to absorption of damage from explosions and taran, as well as the protection of the crew from injuries.

Description: To begin with, we understand the first indicator. Absorption is absorption, that is, in a simple language, the podbo reduces the damage from collisions and the gets of fragant-burglar shells. The additive is serious enough, there is a reason to think about installing this module for some machines. Logic suggests that the reduction of damage from fugas and collisions will be useful for those who often tall opponents and for whom who are often shooting in fugas. Under these conditions, heavy tanks are falling, such as E-100, MAUS, IP-7, KV-5, KV-4 and some others. All these are cars with a large mass and an excellent ram, and the gain from the very beginning of them for them is the maximum (50% for super-suite podbo). Speaking of Taran, you can also remember E-50 and E-50 AUSF. M is a great benefit on them, although this layout is an extraordinary, rather fan. Excellent effect can be obtained when the "Master of Taran" is combined and pumping "Master of Taran".

As for the protection of crew members, then this is a very serious argument in favor of installing the approach. Personal experience has shown that on tanks with a well-protected crew, such as E-100, the installation of the beam gives almost 100% protection against injuries. In addition to the obvious benefit, it also allows you to replace the first-aid kit to another consumator.

It is also important to note that the podbo itself has a large mass: from 250 kg to 1.5 tons, depending on the class. He weights the car, but the ram from this becomes more powerful.

Verdict: Pigeon is useful on heavy tanks with strong armor and a powerful taran.

Reinforced springs

Effect: + 10% for lifting capacity and increased strength running.

Description: Reinforced spring / torsions / suspension / Balancars / Springs / Washers Belville - All this is essentially one type of equipment for different types of equipment. Immediately need a reservation: This type of equipment does not improve the driving quality of the combat vehicle, only the lifting capacity and strength of the tracks. If everything is clear with the strength of the caterpillars (the less often they fly, the better), then the increase in the lifting capacity is worth saying separately.

This type of equipment is mainly used on stock machines. On most tanks, the top tower or tools cannot be installed without prior replacement. Sometimes the desired powerful tool is already open, but the stock chassis does not allow it to be installed, but there is no new running experience. In order not to suffer on the stock tank several dozen battles before opening the chassis, the springs can be installed (or their analogue). They will allow you to install the necessary modules and equipment without a new chassis. This, in turn, will increase the combat effectiveness of the tank and fill the experience in the running will be easier. After the study and installation of the chassis, the springs can be replaced by something more useful.

Verdict: The use of this type of equipment is limited to stock equipment that lacks lifting capacity, as well as light tanks playing on tactics "Active Light".

Wet smoking

Effect: + 50% of the strength of the wake.

Description: All that you need to know here is that the wet wet can only be needed on those machines where she often detonates. It is detonates, and not damaged, although it is often interrelated. Like the skill "non-contact beaged", this equipment will not save from damage to the BC (before the yellow state).

When your absolutely whole tank is undermined by one shock, you are experiencing a storm of negative emotions, so well remember such moments. However, if you think about, such situations happen quite rarely. Is it worth spending a slot for the equipment for them - everyone does the choice itself.

Verdict: This type of equipment will be useful on tanks whose BC is detonated most often. These include: IS-3, Type 59, T-44, less often T110E5 and IS-7. For the rest of the techniques of the explosion of the BC are single.

Filling tanks CO2.

Effect: + 50% to fuel tank strength.

Description: Damage to the tanks before the yellow state does not carry negative effects. Damage to the red state leads to a fire. Thus, this type of equipment can be useful on machines susceptible to frequent fires due to hits in the tanks (but not in the engine or transmission).

The usefulness of this type of equipment is in doubt. From one fire usually saves a fire extinguisher. Two fires for the battle is a rarity. In addition, reliable 100% tank protection equipment does not give. If the enemy is aiming for tanks, no carbonate gas will save the car, only gives odds in 1-2 hit.

Verdict: A highly specialized type of equipment. From cars where tanks are often burning can be remembered by kV-1, kV-1c, kV-3 and T-62a. Yes, and then in most cases cuts out the fire extinguisher.

Filter cycllo

Effect: + 50% to engine strength.

Description: The cyclone filter is installed only on Soviet tanks. In most cases, the best protection of the engine is not to turn to the enemy by the feed. In general, the situation is the same as with a wet wet, and filling in CO2 tanks. It seems to be useful, but there is always something more useful.

There is one only reservation. Some players use the "Cyclone + filter + twisted engine revolve", assuming that the filter will help drive longer on high speed. However, in fact it is not. The reason lies in the fact that the regulator removes non-separate glasses from the engine, but percentages of strength.

Verdict: Specialized type of equipment. In most cases, it is inferior to other more necessary equipment.

Additional primrates

Effect: + 10% of the passability of weak soils, + 5% of medium soils.

Description: Specialized type of equipment, is available only for some, not the most common German machines.

Most of the soils in the game are average, so the increase for passability is relevant. That's just the bonus itself is 5% not very big and it is unlikely to be noticeable. However, it can be strengthened by pumping me the skill of the "king of off-road". However, even in this case, the tank will not ride the swamps as on asphalt. One way or another, difficult areas are better to avoid.

Verdict: Specialized type of equipment. It is installed on a small amount of tanks. Given the utility to other types of equipment. As a result, it does not find widespread use among players.

Build equipment

This section lists the most common types of equipment assemblies, are given general recommendations for their use. More detailed equipment guidelines for each tank can be found in the articles on the technique of wiki.

"Wasry Universal"

The most common assembly. The focus is on the increase in combat characteristics and review. This assembly is ideal for almost all heavy and especially medium level 8-10 tanks.

"Alternative Universal"

This assembly is suitable for experienced crews with 3-4 additional specialties. Bunch Ventilation + Martial Brotherhood + Radio Hand + Eagle eye gives an increase to the review, equal to optics. At the same time, the ventilation bonus and combat fraternity slightly increases other tank characteristics.


This assembly is recommended for installation on tanks with a charging machine. If the crew does not have a combat fraternity, then ventilation is more expedient to replace with reinforced vending actuators, since the effect of the valve in this case will be practically not noticeable.


Universal assembly for most PT-SAU and lovers of a cautious game on tanks with an insufficient review, long information and recharge, such as T34, kV-1c, Arl44 and others.


This assembly is suitable for tanks and PT-SAU with a high overview and rapid information. For example, Tortoise, Jagdtiger 8.8, COMET and others.


Standard assembly for SAU. For large high-level SAU, the network should be replaced with optics (sometimes it helps at the end of the battle) or a piping (a little saves from the ross and the taran of inexperienced fireflies).


Standard assembly for a lightweight, alternating active light with passive. For a larger way to passive light, ventilation can be replaced by a camouflage network.

"Sand King"

Selection for tanks and PT-SAU 1-5 levels.

  • Newbie: Equipment is expensive and at the beginning of the game loans not enough for him. This is a normal situation. For several nights games you can reach 5 levels. Tanks and PT-SAU at this level have a high profitability, so it makes sense to stay on them and pofarmit loans. Acquisition of a standard set (stereotrub + camping network + toolbox) will facilitate your further game.
  • The game regularly holds shares, including 50% discount on all equipment. During the stock, procure the equipment of the future, it allows you to save huge funds.
  • Do not forget to shoot equipment before selling technology.
  • Please note that the stabilizer and wet wet can be two types, podbo and ventilation - three, cheerful - four, and springs - twenty! When buying equipment through the store, be careful: Make sure you buy what you need.
  • Remove the equipment from those machines that do not play. This will cost cheaper than to acquire a new one.
  • The use of ventilation without a combat fraternity from the crew is not recommended. The gain is too small.
  • Reinforced springs and their analogues do not affect the running quality of the combat vehicle.

Due to its characteristics, Type 4 Heavy is considered the most terrible and mighty among classmates. In addition, in a slot, the awesome aggregate, which brings the horror waves on enemies in Random at the slot. Therefore, the predecessor must fully comply with his older fellow. In addition, in the last update of Japanese hots, wept well, improving booking and weapons. Consider the updated Type 4 Heavy in more detail.

Type 4 Heavy Hyde

Let's start with the fact that the ninth Japanene has a record in the level of safety margin in 2,050 units. It deserves attention and quite acceptable radius of view of 390 meters: the value is not a reference, but can be improved by the expense of the crew perfect and perfumes. A significant disadvantage that reduces the survival rate of the machine is a bulky silhouette and low maximum speed. Getting along the tank is quite simple, and low speed does not allow you to quickly remove the car from the fire of artillery.


Separately, it is worth considering the armament of the Japanese. Players for the choice are offered two guns that have simply phenomenal for the ninth level of damage. It is worth noting that both guns are installed on the next 10th level tank, which gives a certain charm and a highlight.
Let's start with the basics. Basic weapons are represented by a gun 14 cm / 50 3rd Year Type, caliber 139.7 mm. This tool is installed on heavy long, so many players know its mediocre rainfame, but surprisingly good alpha. As a result, DPM is 1,800 damage per minute, which is definitely not the best indicator at the level.

With armor and armor, everything is quite good: 249 Millimeters provide distribution of damage even dozens, especially if you focus the vulnerable zones, and not just shoot in the silhouette of the tank. However, do not forget about gold, and upload at least 10-15 such shells, which will allow to find a sense of confidence in confrontation with hard opponents. What else attracts attention in this gunion is UVN: The trunk falls at 10 degrees down, which provides a comfortable game in the clinche. At this, the advantages of guns end, and players face long information, frankly low accuracy and weak stabilization.
For shooting from such an extraordinary gun I had to get used to a long time, but the last patch of updates changed the situation for the better. The tank "presented" additional weapons, represented by a gun 15 CM45 41ST Year Type, Kalibrom 152.4 mm. It is necessary to clarify that this is a Fugasnitsa, who issues just a crushing alpha in 1 000 Units of one-time damage.

The tool is charged only by fugasic shells: ordinary and gold, it is consistently has low armored records. However, even a shot on a silhouette tank removes 300-600 strength points. If you force the vulnerable zone or shoot on the "cardboard" french tank, the damage passes simply fatal. As in the previous case, the slaughter power is leveled by a long information, a huge scatter and specific accuracy.

The choice of guns remains at the discretion of the player, but it is better to try on both trunk in the game and decide which one is more suitable for your tactics of the game. Given the preferences of the majority, to continue the review of the tank, we will be calculated that the tank has a Fugasant.

Type 4 Heavy Publi Zones

Indicators of the survival of the car in battle look not so definitely. The frontal projection of the tank is pretty powerfully protected. In the basic version, the tower and the case had the values \u200b\u200bof the armored reservation in 250 mm, after the APA, the parameters increased significantly, increasing the thickness of the armoredists for a couple of tens of millimeters. Where to pierce Type 4 Heavy is shown in the image and highlighted the most thin zones.
It is quite natural that direct projection does not save from the powerful guns of the 10th level technique, however, the lungs of the housing, and even the top PT will have to be charged with gold to break through the formidable tight.

With onboard booking, a similar situation is formed: under the right angles, the tank makes their way enough, but if you substitute under a good angle, the rickety will be literally everything. In addition, we will not forget about the on-board screens that successfully quench the slaughter power of sub-caliber and cummulative shells.

What equipment to put on Type 4 Heavy

To improve the comfort of the game, the equipment must be selected in such a way as to shake the key disadvantages. In our case, most complaints cause the accuracy of the gun and high-speed indicators. Therefore, it is recommended that the installation is recommended to choose an anti-skip pad, cheerful and improved ventilation.
However, the option is the choice in favor of the anti-skyal approach, will give a slight advantage over artillery and other fragmentation fecal shells.

Perks for Type 4 Heavy

For the crew, it is better to pump out skills that can increase the survival rate of this cumbersome. Therefore, the recommended choice may be as follows:
If we consider the choice of equipment, you can download the tank with a large repair kit, a first-aid kit and an automatic fire extinguisher. If things with loans are no matter, you can carry with you small-sized analogs. By the way, litter is very bad, so you can replace the fire extinguisher with sushi set.

How to play on Type 4 Heavy

So, we go out in battle at the most severe and powerful level of the 9th level. However, when choosing incorrect tactics, the disadvantage of the machine will be ficked. The nervousness and bulkness of the car can play a keen joke, and the tank will go to the hangar in the first minutes of battle.

Let's start with the fact that Type 4 Heavy is a tank of one direction. Low speed will not allow you to return to another flank, so the route is very careful. Do not forget that a huge silhouette is a red rag for artillery, so the selected direction must have covers that will protect the tank from incident suitcases.
It is important to understand that excellent booking will help with the support of the allies to keep any flank. When squeezing the enemy on the selected area, wech the vulnerable zones and systematically reduce the population of enemy technician in a square, implementing all the potential of weapons.

It is quite natural that having received such a powerful fugasnitsa at the disposal, the tank simply cannot stand in one place. The car should play from Alpha: We leave, give SHOT, rolling back to the CD or move forward.

Otherwise, the tactics of the game is the same for any heavy. We try to avoid open spaces and not solid in proud loneliness. Remember that the shells are good and spectacularly enter the roof of the tank, and the shrinking lights and work will be easily spinning and disassembled the steel giant. Therefore, always follow the mini-card and react timely to any changes in the situation in battle.

Type 4 Heavy Reviews

We have already displayed common characteristics of the machine, it remains only to summarize the information. Therefore, withdraw the strengths and weaknesses of Type 4 Heavy in separate blocks.

Excellent indicators of the reduced armor.
Record storage stock.
Single damage.
Comfortable UVN.
The possibility of selection of weapons.
Bulky silhouette.
Low maneuercy.
Long rehabil to guns.
Weak accuracy.

There are also low armored rates, however, considering that the tool is charged with fugasic shells, it does not play a special role.

Type 4 Heavy Video

Equipment - systems, aggregates and nodes, allowing to improve the characteristics of the tank. It may be simple (removable) or complex (unknown).

Removable equipment can be moved from one machine to another, or to the warehouse for free. In order to dismort the complex equipment, it is necessary to pay 10 gold units.

Simple equipment

Effect: + 25% to a radius of a review from a fixed tank.

Description: One of the most useful types of equipment. 25% Bonus for review is very impressive, and sometimes decisive. A tank or self-propeller, who noticed the enemy first, has a huge tactical advantage. As a rule, this is the right to the first shot or the opportunity for various maneuvers (a change of position, retreat, turn to the enemy armor). In addition, a good review is beneficial in the financial plan: if the tank sees further, he rarely shoots on someone else's light, on the contrary, it shines the allies, thereby earning loans - as a result, the piggy bank goes all income from his tune and part of income from a shot Allies.

Stereotrub works only in a stationary position, so active game lovers usually prefer an alternative - enlightened optics. However, in fact, even high-speed tanks can extract the tremendous benefit from the use of stereotrub. It can be a passive light for allies or careful progress from shelter to shelter: they got to the bush - they looked around if there were no danger, moving on.

Of course, the greatest benefit from stereotrubs will feel sowing PT-SAU, such as Ferdinand, ISU-152, Jagdpanther and others. The pipe will allow them to discover the enemy at the limit of visibility first, to shoot and leave the shelter to recharge.

For blind cars with 260-330 reviews (HETZER, SU-152, SAU-40 and others), stereotrub can become a real chopstick, especially at the end of the battle when you need to drag. With a stereo tube, even a weak tank is able to fight off several opponents traveling under the flame one by one, or to bring the fire of friendly artillery.

The pipe should not be used on the melee tanks, such as MAUS, E-100, IS-7, kV-5 and others. In addition, on the technique with a review 390+, the effect of the pipe will be excessive at a limit of visibility in its illumination of 445 meters. Of course, in this case, the tank receives a bonus to democating opponents, but still rational on such machines to use optics.

Verdict: The stereotrub is simply combined on the Gaubic Sau and on the Middle Fight Technique. For combat vehicles with a review 390 and more efficiently using enlightened optics. For all other, this type of equipment is recommended for use. For most ambideous snipers and lovers of passive light tactics, put surely.

Masking network.

Effect: Significantly reduces the visibility of the fixed machine.

Description: Unlike the "masking" skill, the network is useful not only for low-cost cars - a bonus for imperceptibility is fixed. Nevertheless, occupy the precious slot equipment to the camouflage network should be where it is really necessary in the bundle with the skill "masking".

The network in combination with stereo tube can be useful for passive light: a light tank with disguise, the network and stereotrub is driving in a bush near the path of movement of enemies and leads the fire of the Allies, remaining unnoticed. In addition, nothing prevents the use of similar tactics on PT-SAU: until a certain moment, we will shine allies, and when the enemy comes closely, open fire yourself.

The grid can be useful and on SAU, if enemy light broke through it. If the lase is not going directly at you, but is engaged in search at a certain distance, it will be more useful to get lost, hiding the network, and not try to destroy the enemy yourself, thereby revealing its position. Even if the help is to wait for now, good disguise gives the chance to let the enemies closer and make a more prepared shot.

Verdict: Useful type of equipment. Recommended for light tanks, PT-SAU and SAU, whose carriages are swinging camouflage. The greatest benefit will bring to lovers of a cautious game and sniper tactics well-dismantled in the mechanic masking and detection in the game.


Effect: + 25% to repair speed.

Description: This type of equipment is useful on that technique that something often criticized. First of all, these are caterpillars and an instrument. In this regard, the box will bring the greatest benefit on heavy melee tanks with a high margin of strength (E-100, E-75, T32, KV-5, IP-3 and others) - they often have to either become a rhombus or to dance the body, making it difficult to enemy aiming. In such cases, the projectile often flies into the caterpillar. American TT and PT-SAU, such as T29, T32, T30 usually play through the tower and often get the crit guns several times for the fight. In addition, superboraded machines, such as MAUS, often suffer from cristes of the gun - desperately piercing their armor enemies below the level like to go to the Fugas and spoil our life, breaking the main caliber. Acceleration of repair will be useful for PT-SAU - enemies are often deliberately knocking off the caterpillar to enter the flank and rear helpless self-propeller. Often, the caterpillar breaks down and broken by the Fugas artillery. Timely repair will allow to get away from subsequent shells that are broken "after".

It is important to remember that the effect of the box is folded with the "repair" skill, pumped from the crew. Moreover, without repair, the box will be practically useless. Another thing is when the repair swings, but has not yet reached 100% and this case is the most common reason for installing a drawer with tools. That is, when pumping repair at the crew on some TT or st, we put the box. When the repair is completely (or almost completely), it is pumped from all tankers, we change the box to some other useful equipment. It should be borne in mind that the time of repair of modules from different cars is different. For example, in German VK3601 (H) with 100% repair, a shot down caterpillar is repaired for 7 seconds. Setting the box helps reduce this time up to 5 seconds.

In general, the recommendations on the use of the box are the same as on the use of repair skills. Where repair goes first skill (and this is most of the equipment in the game), there and the box will be useful. And where we put a repair of 3-4 skills, there and the box will not be especially useful. Among such machines, it is possible to note LT and ST to 5 levels, as well as all the Gaubic Sau. The reason lies in the fact that for tanks with a small margin of strength stop under the fire due to the loss of the caterpillar, as a rule, leads to fast death. The caterpillar simply does not have time to be repaired (both with a box and without) and it is more expedient to use Remkomplekt.

Verdict: Box with tools Useful type of equipment. Recommended for TT, ST and PT-SAU from 5 level, whose carriages swing repairs. Most useful for heavy tanks with plenty of HP. It is removed for free, so it can be useful as a temporary measure for tanks, on which the necessary equipment has not yet been purchased.

Complex equipment

Resistor - Reduces the time of charging (recharging) tools by 10%. Not available for tanks with a charging machine (drum), except 59-16.

Improved ventilation - adds 5% to the level of ownership of the main specialty and additional skills of all crew members (does not affect the skills). Not available for technique with open logging.

Strengthened entry drives - increases the speed of 10%.

The vertical vertical stabilizer - reduces the spread when driving and turning the tower by 20%.

Enlightened optics - adds 10% to the radius of the review, but not more than 500 m. Exceeding this value increases the quality of the review, that is, disguised opponents will be discovered earlier. When sharing with stereo tube, bonuses are not summed up, a larger is used (that is, the pipe works in a state of rest, optics in motion).

Antioxcine subboings - increases the absorption of damage from explosions and taran by 20, 25, 30 or 50%. The action applies to the explosion of the shells that did not break through the tank or the "covered" tank.

Springs - increases by 10% carrying capacity of the chassis and adds 30% to the strength of the chassis.

"Wet" wet-containing - increases the amount of HP alert by 50%. Thus, it becomes more difficult to damage it and, accordingly, blow up.

The filter "Cyclone" - increases the engine strength by 50%. It makes no sense to put this equipment for sharing with equipment twisted revolutions, since the latter removes not a fixed number of engine strength points, and percentages of strength. Installed only on Soviet tanks.

Filling the CO2 tanks - increases the strength of the tanks by 50%. Available only for tanks 6-10 levels.

Additional primrates - increases by 10% permeability on weak soils and 5% - by middle soils.


Body body kit in World of Tanks is a complex equipment that can be improved the properties of the tank, to upload its minuses and increase the pluses. I will not say that it is a lot, but for the maintenance of some tactics is enough.

All body kit in tanks can be divided into several groups:
strengthening "survivability" tank (Filter "Cyclone", "Wet" Boy-laying, filling CO2 tanks, large, medium and small anti-skid piping)
improving the operation of the gun. (reinforced vending drives, vertical vertical vertical stabilizer MK1-2, large, medium and small caliber instrument rate)
improving the range of review (stereo tube, enlightened optics)
rest (masking network, reinforced torsions, tools box, improved ventilation class 1-3, primer)

Filter "Cyclone" Need for tanks susceptible to frequent engine damage. For example, Lowe, a premium level 8 levels often gets Crete Method when shooting in a front-end tank projection.

"Wet" wet - For those players who have not yet learned not to substitute the alert under the shots. It is extremely necessary for T43 and T44, since it is these tanks that are often exploded due to damage to the wake.

Filling tanks CO2. - In my opinion, a precious feature. Never in the game, my tank has not frightened because of getting into the tank.

Big, medium and small anti-skid - Vital body kit for heavy tanks. Not only saves from the glower, fragments and small art, it also absorbs the damage from the Taran by 15% (absorption - absorption).

Reinforced sticking drives - It makes sense to put on SAU and PT and on tanks from which you like to shoot from afar.

Vertical vertical stabilizer MK1-2 - Body accessible from 8 levels and allowing 20 percent to reduce the spread of the gun when turning. We put on the tank and do not think.

Frame rate of large, medium and small caliber Improves 10% rapidity. Mandatory presence on tanks with speed-fire 2-5 shots per minute.

Stereoscopic telescope (horns) - improves a review range by 25%. But at the same time the tank should not be in motion. Optimal for PT and SAU. It makes no sense to carry with you light and middle tanks that constantly in motion.

Enlightened optics - The same as the stereo tube is only for Art and Lt. Increases a review range by 10%. For Lights, it is necessary to preserve this type of body kit.

Improved ventilation class 1-3 - Fan - a little (by 5%) increases the skills of the entire crew. It is worth putting at the beginning when the crew of the tank is not yet pumped.

Masking Network - reduces the noticeability of a fixed tank by 25%. Suitable for PT and SAU. True, the benefit will not be a major SAU (Su14) from this mesh.

Toolbox We take with you until you run the skill "Repair" in the entire crew. It often happens that due to a shot down caterpillar you get a portion of the Fugas and go to the hangar. The box is 25% accelerates the repair of a damaged module.

Reinforced torsion, pendant pendant - Improving the tank lifting capacity by 10%. It makes sense to put when you have a tower open, and the chassis has not yet been investigated. Installed body kit and you can put the tower.

Groundoshachentes - It makes sense to put on heavy tanks, as they have low patency on swampy and rough terrain.
You can of course try the Cheat Engine Tanki Online, but in the bundle client-server he will help himself.

In the game, 5 types of tanks are distinguished, each of which can choose a certain complex equipment.
Light tanks - enlightened optics, fan, box with tools
Middle tanks - rate, vertical vertical stabilizer, fan.
Heavy tanks are the rate, a stabilizer of vertical tip, an anti-slip pad.
PT-SAU - Mask.set, Resistor, Stereo Tube
SAU - rate, stereo tube, vendor drives.

Of course, some inkles depend on the individual preferences and features of tanks.