What can be sprite from iron. What can I make from iron in minecraft? Use in craft as an ingredient

Today we will not talk about how to do in minecraft or another tool of labor, weapons or some other device. But we will learn how to get the material, without which it is extremely difficult to imagine a normal life, be it reality or minecraft. Of course, we are talking about such a common inhabitant of the Mendeleevskaya table, like iron.

To understand each other better, let's understand that the concept of "iron" in Minecraft has three meanings:

  • Iron (g.) Ore (r.)
  • Iron ingot (p.)
  • Iron block (b.)

How to get ore and scream ingot

Let's start with the basics. It is logical to assume that in order to extract the ingot or iron unit, you need to first get the source material in minecraft - w. R. The main deposits of ores can be found under the ground. Iron iron height: 1-64 b. The concentration of this material from 2 to 61 b. It is about 0.72%. Each Chank in minecraft accounts for about 75 blocks p. That is, according to a rough attack, each 900th block in the game is iron. To remove the p., You need to use a stone, diamond or w. Kirk.

The next link in our logic chain is iron ingot. It is he who in the Farrum family is most often used in the production of various items in Minecraft. The main way to get it is to blade the already mined. R. How to pay it, you will see in the picture. In addition, the ingot can be found in abandoned mines, in natural temples (in the jungle and desert). You can get it in the form of a drop with zombies, as well as. Golets. There is another way of mining minecraft. Ingots, but consider it just below.

Your perspectives

What can be done with ingots in minecraft? Well, the list can be made long. It's not everyone can find time to master it, so we will call for the rescue of the sister of talent and will try to "pay" the main one.

  • Armor
  • a door
  • Trolley
  • Bucket
  • Lattice
  • Shovel
  • Scissors
  • Hoe
  • Ax
  • Pick
  • Anvil

Waff! We ourselves are tired, and how much else. Minecraft objects left behind! Well, okay, moving on.

How to scream block

As soon as you deigned to pay. s., You have the opportunity to make an iron block. It is used in minecraft, for example, when the kraft is anvil. It is also a variant of compact storage of ingots, nine pieces of which are transformed on a workbench in one object. Reverse process is possible. And this is the same "one more way" we mentioned above.

Let's summarize your actions. Need to:

  1. Find in Minecraft w. Ruda (get it easier to earth).
  2. Put the ingot, or rather several pieces.
  3. Make Block (this item is not required).
  4. Continue learning our website about minecraft.

The main material that is actively used by players in minecraft - iron bars. This ingredient is needed for many tools. For example, for an iron ax, a player needs three iron ingots and sticks (2 units), for iron rails, six iron bars and a stick (1 unit). And also, from this material in the workbench can be constructed iron pickup, push rails, trolleys, compasses, iron doors, buckets, scissors, shovels, sword boots and many other useful devices.

List of ingredients for iron bars

There is nothing complicated in the extraction of iron ore, which will later be the main ingredient for the crafting of iron bars.
It is deep enough underground. The player will be much easier to find the desired ingredient in an abandoned mine or canyon. The probability of finding iron in such places is enough, high. Noticing ore blocks, you need a stone kirk, with which the player can easily destroy the structure of the block. And in order for the player to have enough strength to finish the necessary - stocking of food (for example, apples), several stone kirms and a torch.

When the materials are collected, the player will need a stove. In her you put coal and ore. Then you get the right amount of iron blocks. If the manufacturing process is not interesting to you, you can go on iron ingots in a treasury or an abandoned desert temple, or in the shrine (temple) located far in the jungle.

"Minecraft" is a popular sandbox game. She won the hearts of many players. The basic principles that are used in the game are the creation of things and items. Or, as they say, "crafting". Today it is to find out how to make an iron ingot in "Mininfest". This procedure is the basis of which each player should know.

About Iron ingots

Iron in the game "Minecraft" - one of the most popular resources. It must be mined in a variety of places of cards. It serves to create many things and items.

In the game "Minecraft" can be made from the iron ingot of the Iron block. This is a kind of storage of the resource being studied. Also, such a reception contributes to the creation of anvil in the future. Therefore, you should not neglect iron and iron ingots. They will use each player.

Resource search

How to make an iron ingot in "minecraft"? We will have to understand that the immediate kraft has no place. In other words, it is impossible to create them. But get to get - easily. The main thing is to take care and perseverance.

The ingot of iron ore is produced. It is necessary to process the corresponding blocks in the stove. To find them, it is recommended to explore the world around. The deposits of iron ore are located near the surface. You can walk around the world or look into the caves - there will probably have the corresponding blocks.

How to make an iron ingot in "minecraft"? This will require:

  1. Drop iron ore. It is recommended to do this with the help of stone picks. She, in turn, is created on the workbench with 2 sticks and 3 cobblestones.
  2. Create a stove. For this, 8 cobblestones are combined on the workshop. They are located around the perimeter.
  3. Collect any fuel. Suitable wood or coal.
  4. Place the iron ore unit in the oven. Next, to the appropriate cell to load fuel.
  5. Wait for a while.

During the actions, the player will receive an iron ingot. Nine such items combined on the workbench are formed in the iron block.

Search in the world

From now on, it is clear how to make an iron ingot in the "minecraft". But the actions described by the algorithm is not the only method of resource production. There are some more tricks that will help to get treated iron ore.

What exactly? The fact is that iron ingots in the game "Minecraft" are not so often. For example, you can get a resource:

  1. By fighting cripers. For example, with a zombie or iron golem. The chance of the drop is not too big, but it is.
  2. Processed iron can be detected in the temples. For example, in the deserts and jungle.
  3. Treasury and abandoned mines are another source of finished ingots. The main thing is to explore the card!

Now it is clear how to make an iron ingot in "Minecraft 1.5.2" or any other version of the game. In fact, everything is not so difficult. The main problem is to search for relevant ore. Some are asked how to create a workbench for resource processing. To do this, in the inventory it will be necessary to combine 4 units of treated wood.

How to make an iron ingot in "minecraft"? Either find, or get it with the help of iron ore processing - no more options. Every player should remember this.

A type - Ingredient Kraft

Where to looking for - blade iron ore, found as described below in the article

Filed - Yes, 64 pcs in the stack

Description and features

Very wide-used element in minecraft, so when you dig in the mine and find iron ore - do not pass by! Now let's figure it out into minecraft how to make an iron ingot - everything is simple, namely, we burn the ore and the furnace and get the purest ingots of iron. It looks like this:

The iron ore is mounted on top, from the bottom of the fuel - we are waiting for the end of the process and take the iron ingot!

It's quite simple, although you have to wait some time (per unit finished product it will be about 10 seconds). Now you know how to make an iron ingot in minecraft, and this is the main method of producing this material, but others also exist, so we go further!

They can fall out when murdering iron golem or zombies, however, such a drop has a low chance (especially in the case of zombies), therefore, this method of production should not be very expensive - it can be considered by side, i.e. The ingot fell and well, no - too normal.

Ingots can be found in the temples in the desert or temples in the jungle - for this we need to find a secret treasury with chests, where they can find different utility and, of course, to get them.

Also iron bars can be found in treasure chest chests and abandoned mines - in other words - want to find iron in this way - arrow kirk and forward, just remember that they are always full of various hostile mobs, which will certainly want to attack you, so arms the right way!

For more compact storage, the ingots can be combined into the iron blocks (as shown below in the article) - it will significantly save the place, especially since at any time this block can be "broken" back to ingots in the workbench or inventory. It looks like this:

One block of iron \u003d 9 ingots or vice versa

In the minecraft how to make an iron ingot and where to look for you now you know, it remains only to deal with the recipes in which this ingredient is involved. You will see below.

Use in craft as an ingredient

Exceptionally iron bars

Iron helmet

Iron Kirase

Iron Leggings

Iron boots

iron block

"Steel door

Iron grille


Weighted push plate

All the tools and weapons below are obtained by iron, so this word is omitted.

Iron bars and stick / sticks

Below in the table indicates all ingredients, except for the iron bars themselves, which you now know exactly!

Tension sensor


Quickly rapidly the popularity game "Minecraft" has long been occupied by its place on the computer of many players. Pretty simple control and banal design idea on the computer attract many users every day. In this article, we will look at the iron - material of the almost lowest level, superior in its characteristics only wood and stone.

How to get?

Kraft iron in the minecraft primarily implies the creation of ingots and blocks from the corresponding material. In order to get them, you need to find and dig the iron ore. You can detect it at a depth of 1 to 64 blocks. The main condition is the presence of stone tools.

As with the search for any other materials, it is better to start without entering the cave, and starting to dig a ladder. This will allow you to protect yourself from falling into underground cavities with lava or mobs. Having reached a point at a depth of 16 blocks, you can safely start expanding the room, digging to the sides.

Getting started

To make it easier for you to understand the design of the crafting of items, let's decide on the name of the cells and so where to take materials from. How to overpay iron in minecraft? For mirroring in bars you need a furnace and coal. To work with the ingots will have to make a workbench. To get it, click the "E" button and in the simple crafting mode (2x2) in each cell put the boards. After that, the workbench must be placed on the map. So, we got a workbench, it has 9 cells. Number them just like the numbers on the phone (see the table).

Numbering cells in the workbench
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


So, what other options offers the game "minecraft"? What can be made of iron and carry with you using against the environment? The first on our list will go protective devices:

  1. Helmet. We have 5 ingots in the form of a small letter "P". Cells number 7, 4, 5, 6, 9.
  2. Armor. 8 ingots are needed (№1, 3, 4-9).
  3. Leggings. 7 ingots are located a large letter "P" (№1-4, 6, 7, 9).
  4. Boots. There are only four ingots: two along the edges (№4, 7 and 6, 9).

Working instruments are the things you need to study the surrounding world. To create them, other materials may be needed to be needed:

  1. Scissors. Created from two ingots placed in cells No. 7 and 5.
  2. Sword. Created from two glands (in cells No. 2, 5) and sticks (№8).
  3. Shovel. On the contrary, two sticks in №5, 8 and iron in # 2.
  4. Pick. Made from 3 units of the material under consideration (No. 1-3) and two sticks (No. 5, 8).
  5. Hoe. Iron in №1, 2 and sticks in №5, 8.
  6. Ax. Place in №1, 2, 4 and sticks in №5, 8.
  7. Fire can be obtained by connecting iron (№4) with silicon (No. 8).
  8. The compass is created from four ingots of iron (No. 2, 4, 6, 8) and red dust (No. 5).

Elements of the environment

In addition to the items that can be used by hand, you can create some items to arrange the environment. What can be done in the "minecraft" from iron, intended for reflecting the territory?

  1. Doors. Durable and reliable enough. Created from six ingots (№1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8).
  2. To create a bucket you will need only 3 units of iron (№4, 6, 8).
  3. The trolley required to move along the rails requires 5 ingots of iron located in the form of an inverted letter "P" (No. 4, 6-9).
  4. You can create 16 iron lattices of 6 ingots (№4-9).
  5. For the manufacture of the boiler you will need 7 iron blanks in the form of a latched larger letter "P" (№1, 3, 4, 6-9).

As you understand, iron is not the only raw material in the game. What can be done in the "minecraft" from iron in aggregate with other materials?

  1. Rails. Device for moving trolley. Created from a stick (№5) and 6 units of iron (№1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9).
  2. Purpose rails. If ordinary rails have a stick to replace the pressure plate, and add red dust to the cell 8, then you will receive a desired subject.
  3. In addition, iron is used when creating a piston.
  4. Using a stick (№5), boards (№8) and ingot, you can create a tension sensor used for traps.
  5. Also from a pair of ingots, you can make a weighted pressure plate.
  6. Another necessary subject is a boot funnel. To create it, place 5 units of iron in cells No. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, and Central (No. 5) - in the chest.
  7. Similar to pressure rails are created by rails with a sensor. On the sides, we build iron, and in cells number 2 and №8 we put sticks. In the central one put a red torch.
  8. And in conclusion, you can call the core of the reactor of the lower world. However, it can be reproduced solely in the pocket edition.


The latter, which is worth mentioning when considering what can be done in the "minecraft" from iron is an iron unit. To create it, you will need nine iron ingots, fully closing cells in the workbench. How can it be applied? From it you can create an anvil used to fix items. Location scheme Next: Three blocks are put in cells No. 1-3, and four ingots in No. 5, 7-9.

That's all that can be done in the "minecraft" from iron. We hope this article will help you in the development of the cubic world and create real architectural and design masterpieces. Play, Build, develop your world in the image and similarity of the present. Good luck to you!

"Minecraft" is a popular sandbox game. She won the hearts of many players. The basic principles that are used in the game are the creation of things and items. Or, as they say, "crafting". Today it is to find out how to make an iron ingot in "Mininfest". This procedure is the basis of which each player should know.

About Iron ingots

Iron in the game "Minecraft" - one of the most popular resources. It must be mined in a variety of places of cards. It serves to create many things and items.

In the game "Minecraft" can be made from the iron ingot of the Iron block. This is a kind of storage of the resource being studied. Also, such a reception contributes to the creation of anvil in the future. Therefore, you should not neglect iron and iron ingots. They will use each player.

Resource search

How to make an iron ingot in "minecraft"? We will have to understand that the immediate kraft has no place. In other words, it is impossible to create them. But get to get - easily. The main thing is to take care and perseverance.

The ingot of iron ore is produced. It is necessary to process the corresponding blocks in the stove. To find them, it is recommended to explore the world around. The deposits of iron ore are located near the surface. You can walk around the world or look into the caves - there will probably have the corresponding blocks.

How to make an iron ingot in "minecraft"? This will require:

  1. Drop iron ore. It is recommended to do this with the help of stone picks. She, in turn, is created on the workbench with 2 sticks and 3 cobblestones.
  2. Create a stove. For this, 8 cobblestones are combined on the workshop. They are located around the perimeter.
  3. Collect any fuel. Suitable wood or coal.
  4. Place the iron ore unit in the oven. Next, to the appropriate cell to load fuel.
  5. Wait for a while.

During the actions, the player will receive an iron ingot. Nine such items combined on the workbench are formed in the iron block.

Search in the world

From now on, it is clear how to make an iron ingot in the "minecraft". But the actions described by the algorithm is not the only method of resource production. There are some more tricks that will help to get treated iron ore.

What exactly? The fact is that iron ingots in the game "Minecraft" are not so often. For example, you can get a resource:

  1. By fighting cripers. For example, with a zombie or iron golem. The chance of the drop is not too big, but it is.
  2. Processed iron can be detected in the temples. For example, in the deserts and jungle.
  3. Treasury and abandoned mines are another source of finished ingots. The main thing is to explore the card!

Now it is clear how to make an iron ingot in "Minecraft 1.5.2" or any other version of the game. In fact, everything is not so difficult. The main problem is to search for relevant ore. Some are asked how to create a workbench for resource processing. To do this, in the inventory it will be necessary to combine 4 units of treated wood.

How to make an iron ingot in "minecraft"? Either find, or get it with the help of iron ore processing - no more options. Every player should remember this.

Iron ore is mainly found under the ground, that is, below the height in 64 block. You can get it any picka, except wooden.

The easiest way to find the veins of iron ore in large caves. In one housing can be from four to ten blocks. Sometimes you can find dual veins. Often, iron ore is generated next to the coal, so, having digging the reservoir of one mineral, look nearby. Research Caves is a sufficiently dangerous process. To make a guarantee to return to the dwelling, you need to prepare well.

Try not to leave far from home during the study of the cave.

What is needed for a safe expedition?

First, you need to take a few more conversations with you. Especially if there is no iron at your disposal. Stone pickles are rapidly wearing. But it is better to take a workbench and sticks with you, of which you can make as many thanks, as the cobblestone (the second component for the creation of stone instruments) in the caves is abuse.

Secondly, you need to take torches with you. If you are just starting to play, do at least thirty-forty torches. Coal in the caves is looking for very simple, so there will be no lack of lighting after the first found housings. The main thing is to take more sticks with you, they will be useful to create new torches.

Thirdly, take care of a weapon. In the dark caves there are zombies, cries, and. All of them are sufficiently dangerous, but the least pleasant cries that can almost silently die and explode. Listen to the surrounding space if you hear a quiet hiss, run away in the opposite direction. Player without armor can kill.

Fourth, take with you enough food. Hunger can kill you over time. Roasted meat or bread should be in inventory in sufficient quantities.

Fifth, moving around the cave, make labels on the walls with the help of torches or different from stone blocks. It will help you return home after you are accumulating enough iron.

Sixth, mining any resources, do not dig a block where you are standing. Under it can be a lava, then you and all the treasures found most likely burn. In this case, you have to start from the very beginning.

The accumulation of enough resources, come back home. Create a stove (place eight cobblestone blocks with a ring on the workbench), load iron ore into the upper slot, and in the bottom - coal.

To speed up the melting process, make several stoves.

Wait until the ore is integral to iron ingots.

The main material that is actively used by players in minecraft - iron bars. This ingredient is needed for many tools. For example, for an iron ax, a player needs three iron ingots and sticks (2 units), for iron rails, six iron bars and a stick (1 unit). And also, from this material in the workbench can be constructed iron pickup, push rails, trolleys, compasses, iron doors, buckets, scissors, shovels, sword boots and many other useful devices.

List of ingredients for iron bars

There is nothing complicated in the extraction of iron ore, which will later be the main ingredient for the crafting of iron bars.
It is deep enough underground. The player will be much easier to find the desired ingredient in an abandoned mine or canyon. The probability of finding iron in such places is enough, high. Noticing ore blocks, you need a stone kirk, with which the player can easily destroy the structure of the block. And in order for the player to have enough strength to finish the necessary - stocking of food (for example, apples), several stone kirms and a torch.

When the materials are collected, the player will need a stove. In her you put coal and ore. Then you get the right amount of iron blocks. If the manufacturing process is not interesting to you, you can go on iron ingots in a treasury or an abandoned desert temple, or in the shrine (temple) located far in the jungle.

If you are planning to become an expert in the world of Minecraft, then you simply must know all the crafting recipes that are the main component in the game. We have collected absolutely all Minecraft recipes that only exist in the game. Thanks to this, you can always find out how to make a map or portal in Minecraft, as well as many other useful blocks. Kraft (or crafting) in Minecraft is the main way to get and create new blocks that exists in the game. For the crafting of items, an craft grid is used in inventory or workbench, with which most of the game items are created. So how to make a workbench in Minecraft? To do this, we will need 4 blocks of boards and an craft window available in inventory. The workbench in Minecraft is created according to the following scheme:

By the way, the workbench can be created from any type of boards. In order to make colored boards in Minecraft, we need a different type of wood.

From the boards you can create sticks that will use us for the crafting of torches, tools, tablets, stairs and a number of other items.

In order for the nights in the game, it seems too dark, we will need a torch. How to make a torch in Minecraft See below.

The longer you play Minecraft, the more items you will find. In order not to wear all items with you, we need to learn how to make a chest in Minecraft, where we will fold all our game objects. By the way, the chests are better to make more in advance and group the contents in them. To create a chest, you can use any type of boards.

Some blocks and items need to be used to blame in the furnace. For example, the furnace is used for the crafting of food and interference of various ores and minerals. The recipe for the furnace crafting is presented below.

In Minecraft, there is another chest, which is called the title of the edge of the edge (or Ender Chest). His difference from the ordinary chest is that, having two such chests, you can leave items in one place, and pick them up in another. For the crafting of the edge, we will need obsidian, and Enderman's eyes.

Not so long ago, Minecraft was added magic, with which you can improve objects and inventory. To do this, create a table for spells. The recipe for creating the tables for spells can be found on the following image:

Minecraft blocks

Precious metals, emeralds and diamonds can be connected to blocks for their more convenient storage. In order to create a block of diamonds or emerald, it is necessary to place items throughout the grid in the workbench. As an example, take a look at our images.

To illuminate the surrounding space in Minecraft, not only the torch can be used, but also a glowing unit that is created from the SPEA. The SPEIL, in turn, can only be found in hell, to access which you want to create a portal from Obsidian and activate it.

Minecraft also has wool that is needed to create a bed or paintings. Wool can be collected from sheep with scissors, or scream wool from threads.

To destroy the terrain and creating cunning traps, in Minecraft you can use dynamite, for the crafting of which the gunpowder and sand will be required. How to make dynamite in Minecraft you can see below.

For decorating buildings and more convenient movements in Minecraft there are various plates. Plates can be created from wood, stone, brick and row of other blocks. How to create plates in Minecraft you can see in our examples.

For quick movement vertically and lifting in their buildings, you can use steps that are created in Minecraft in a very simple way. In addition, the steps can be crafted from various blocks, so that you can enfive them beautifully in the style of your construction.

To build beautiful buildings in Minecraft, you can create such various blocks such as brick, clay or snow blocks and many other items.

To create a brick unit, we will need clay that needs to be overpacing in the furnace in brick ingots, and already a brick unit can be screaming from brick ingots.

Sand in Minecraft can be used to create sandy blocks and steps. If you love Egyptian style, then you are just obliged to know how to create new sand blocks in Minecraft.

Another block that will help you decorate the inner space of your buildings is a bookcase. In order to create a bookcase in Minecraft, we need books and boards. A bookcase crafting recipe is presented below.

In Minecraft there is another block with which the locality can be covered. We have already shown you how to create a torch and a lightweight, and now we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe for the crafting of the glowing pumpkin.

Minecraft tools

In Minecraft there is a huge number of tools with which you can produce new ores or objects. At the beginning of the game you have to create your first wooden tool to which where the ax, shovel, Kirk, Moth (and even the sword) belong to. Below you can find the recipes of the craft of wooden inventory.

After some time, you will achieve the first resources, which will include a broken stone (cobblestone). From the cobblestone, you can create a stone inventory, which is characterized by a greater durability and number of use (only kirk), rather than wooden items. The recipes of the stone equipment crafting are presented below.

With the help of stone instruments, new ores can be mined, which included metal. Metal must be overpowed into the furnaces in metal bars, after which it will be possible to create a new iron inventory.

As soon as you accommodate your first gold blocks, you can use them for the crafting of the new gold inventory. For this, gold blocks must be overpowered into ingots, after which it will be possible to use them for crafting. Golden inventory has a greater rate to mining resources, but gold items are not very strong, because of which many prefer not to use them.

However, the best objects are traditionally made from diamonds. Such an inventory is characterized by a high speed of resource mining and is the most durable of all existing ones. The recipe for the crafting of the diamond inventory is identical to the previous recipes.

To activate the portal to hell, as well as for the ignition of the area in Minecraft, there is a lighter. How to create a lighter in Minecraft you can see below.

If you want to transfer water or lava from one place to another, you will need a bucket. The bucket craft recipe is not as complicated and is presented in the image below.

You can use coordinates to navigate the world of Minecraft, however, Minecraft's real fans create a compass and a map for these purposes. How to make a map or compass in Minecraft we have shown the crafting recipes.

If you spend a lot of time in the caves in search of resources, then you probably want to be aware of what time of day on the surface. For these purposes, you can make a clock.

Scissors have added scissors to collect the wool and receiving foliage blocks in Minecraft. Their crafty recipe is presented in this image.

To ensure that your gaming character always remains full, you need food. One kind of food is a fish that can be caught by making a fishing rod at Minecraft.

An analogue of the lighter can be a fireball, which is created from powder, coal and fiery powder. Fireball can light the area while pressing the right mouse button, or can be used as a cutter for a distributor.

From carrots and fishing rods, you can make a great tool for controlling pigs. To do this, it is necessary to scream a fishing rod with carrots, the recipe for which is simple to disgrace.

Anvil can be used to repair tools in Minecraft 1.4. It is noteworthy in that improving weapons on it are not reset, but, on the contrary, they are superimposed on each other. Also on the anvil you can rename any item. Scaffold anvil simply simply, even for this, it will be necessary enough iron.

Weapons in Minecraft.

Since Minecraft exists aggressive mobs, you will have to defend themselves from them. To do this, in Minecraft there is a weapon that can be applicable in melee or attacks at a distance. For melee, you need to create a sword, which can be wooden, stone, metal, gold or diamond. The better your sword, the more damage it will apply.

For attack on distant distances in Minecraft, a bow is used. You can find the recipe for an armor of a bow and arrows below.

Armor in Minecraft.

To protect your gaming character in Minecraft there are several different types of armor, each of which is created from various materials and has a different degree of protection. For example, diamond armor will provide you with the greatest protection, but for its creation it is necessary for quite a few diamonds. Kraft recipes helmet, bib, pants and boots from different materials you can find a little lower.

The following armor is metal armor.

Golden armor protects against damage better than metallic, but it is flawed faster.

The strongest armor in Minecraft is armor created from diamonds. Diamond armor craft recipes:

Do not forget that you can combine various types of armor. For example, you can use a diamond bib, leather helmet and metal pants and shoes. However, in this case, your defense will be summed up from the characteristics of each Elemental Element.

Trolley and Rails

For a faster move around the world of Minecraft, there are a number of objects with which you can create your own railway or subway. First you need to create rails that are divided into ordinary rails, electric rails and rails with pressure blocks.

Electric rails can be connected to redstone-torch, so that they will accelerate your trolley when driving.

Rails with a pressure unit allow you to transmit a reeston signal as soon as the trolley will pass on them.

Trolley in Minecraft are also divided into several types. The usual trolley allows you to move in it and is created as follows.

The trolley with the furnace allows you to move other trolleys if you put in the furnace coal.

A trite with a chest can transport things to long distances and is created using a box and a conventional trolley.

For maritime travel lovers in Minecraft, you can make a boat with which you can fight the ocean's expanses in search of new islands and biomes. How to make a boat in Minecraft See below.

Objects with redstone

Any building in Minecraft must have an input, and any input should have a door so as not to let inside the strangers. In Minecraft there are two types of doors - Village and metallic. How to make a wooden door or metal door can be found on the following images.

If you prefer dugouts or vertical inputs instead of standard doors, then you can make a hatch in Minecraft and use it as an entry into your construction. Luke can be made from the boards of any color.

The only mobile unit in Minecraft, which can also move other blocks is a piston. How to make a piston in Minecraft see below.

In addition to the usual piston, Minecraft can make a sticky piston, which can return blocks to its starting position. For the crafting of the sticky piston, it is necessary to connect the standard piston and mucus.

To activate pistons or other active blocks, we will need Redstone. From Redstone, you can also create various items with which you can control the schemes at a distance and so on.

As decor items, either to create interesting Redstone-schemes, traps and everything you have enough fantasy, in Minecraft there are many blocks that can also be activated using Redstone-schemes.

Another block with which you can cover the surrounding space - the lamp. To create a lamp, we need a glowing block and a little redstone.

To activate schemes with the Redstone or various blocks, you can use levers, buttons or pressure plates.

Not so long ago, the Minecraft has been added stretch marks. How to make a stretching in Minecraft you will learn from the pictures presented below.

Food in Minecraft.

The nutritional need has any living organism and the main character Minecraft is no exception and also has a feeling of hunger. But for this in Minecraft there is a huge number of recipes for the preparation of various foods that you can find out.

First you should know that any raw meat can be cooked in the oven, after which it can be eaten. But if you want to cook something more interesting in the game, our Minecraft recipes will help you!

In order to prepare baked potatoes, you need to put it in the oven and wait for the cooking process.

The recipe for the preparation of gold carrots is one carrot, covered on all sides with gold nuggets.

For the preparation of pumpkin pie will need a pumpkin sugar and an egg.

Various blocks and objects

Minecraft has the ability to create books for further creation of bookcases or records of its stories and notes right in the game. To do this, you need to make paper, and already from paper you can make a book in Minecraft.

To decorate your home, you can scaffle the pictures that can be hung on the walls. How to make a picture in Minecraft See below.

In order for the night in Minecraft going faster, you can make a bed on which you can sleep.

In Minecraft, you can create signs on which you can write your own text. How to make a sign in Minecraft shown below.

For vertical movement, you can create a staircase.

In Minecraft there is a wooden fence, as well as the gate to it. How to make a fence and wicket you will find in our crafting recipes.

In addition to the standard glass unit, which is created with the melting of sand in the furnace, in Minecraft you can make glass panels, which are also called as thin glass.

Ender's eye can be screaming as follows.

The recipe for the crafting of new paintings or frames for items in Minecraft 1.4 is very simple. We will need 8 sticks and 1 leather.

Flower pots are another decorative block with which you can decorate your buildings. In the pots for flowers, you can plant almost all kinds of plants, ranging from red or yellow colors, ending with the sprouts of the tree.

In order to scaffle a pot for flowers, we need 3 bricks. Kraft recipe itself Pob of colors is shown below.

In addition to ordinary fences, there are also stone. Kraft Kraft Kraft:

Dyes in Minecraft.

In Minecraft there is a huge number of dyes of a wide variety of colors, with which you can repaint wool blocks or leather armor. Bone flour is not only a white dye, but also allows you to instantly grow plants if you apply it to a seedling or seeds.

Painting wool

In Minecraft, you can paint wool with dyes. Color wool is used to create interesting and unusual buildings, as well as to create drawings in the style of pixel-art right in the game.

Magic and potions in Minecraft

Minecraft magic allows you to create various potions with which you can get new opportunities like an increase in movement speed and so on. To create potions, you will need a number of objects whose kraft we will show you now. The basis for the corruption of potions is the flasks. How to make a flask in Minecraft:

Any preparation of potions occur on a cooking stand, whose craft recipe is lower.

In Minecraft there is also a boiler, however, it does not yet bear any benefit.

Ingredients for potions:

Painting skin

Starting from Minecraft 1.4.2, we got the opportunity to paint leather armor. An interesting fact is that with painting you can mix any dyes.

In Minecraft 1.4 you can paint not only leather armor, but also the collar from your pet. To do this, take any dye into the hands and use it on your dog.

Salutes and Fireworks Minecraft

On the eve of the New Year celebration, Minecraft received an update, in which it became possible to create festive salutes and fireworks. We have already dedicated to this event in which you can find out how to create different types of salutes, and on this page we will show you the crafting recipes.

First you need to learn the recipe for an asterisk crafting, with which you can set the light of the salute.

As soon as the stark is ready, you need to scaffle a salute or fireworks, which after can be launched into the sky. Salute craft recipe:

In the update Minecraft 1.5: Redstone Update, a huge number of new blocks and items were added, which are somehow related to the Redstone. Just below, you can find all the crafting recipes from Minecraft 1.5 to be ready for creating new items and blocks.

In Minecraft 1.5 in the lower world, you can find new hellish blocks with white splashes. These are blocks of quartz and get them only in hell. From quartz you can create some useful objects, as well as decorative blocks, semi-blocks and steps. In order to get clean quartz, it is necessary to place the blocks with quartz in the oven and ignore them in the ore.

After you get quartz, you can scream new blocks and columns from it. Recipes crafting items from Kravtsy slightly below.

In Minecraft 1.5, a light sensor appeared, which is able to serve a signal to Redstone in the bright time of the day. Light sensor craft recipe:

A comparator that is useful to all lovers of Redstone schemes can be scapped as follows:

The trap chest, capable of transmitting a signal when opening it has the following crafting recipe:

New pressure plates made of gold and metal are capable of changing the power of the signal depending on the number and weight of items located on them.

The ejector is another new block that appeared in Minecraft 1.5 can be scapped as follows:

To collect items and distribute them in the chests, a funnel has been added to Minecraft, which has such a crafting recipe. With a funnel, you can scratch the trolley with a funnel that can distribute objects even in a moving condition.

Well, from the Redstone can now make a whole block that will be consistently given a strong redstone signal.

Minecraft 1.6.1 craft recipes

In the new version of Minecraft 1.6.1 under the code name " Horse Update.»The main bias of the game was made to add a new Moba - Lashadea, therefore the recipes of the Minecraft 1.6.1 craft recipes for the most part are associated with this. However, in the new version of the game it was not without new blocks, the recipes of which you can find a little lower.

So, in Minecraft 1.6.1, a block of coal was added, with which you can drown the oven to prepare food and blame ore. The coal block has the following crafting recipe:

A new decorative block that appeared in Minecraft 1.6.1 - a stack of hay. With the help of a haystack, you can decorate barns, farms or other buildings. A haystack can be screaming from 9 wheat units.

Clay in the new version of Minecraft 1.6.1 has the opportunity to be painted, as well as wool. You can apply any famous dye to get a new clay color. To do this, it is necessary to place a block with a crude clay into the furnace, thus the burned clay, which can be painted.

Another innovation Minecraft 1.6.1 is carpets. The recipe for carpet crafting is very simple: it is enough to use 2 blocks with wool (you can use colored wool) arranged horizontally to get 3 pieces of carpet. The color of the carpet will depend on the color of the wool that you use during the craft.

Let's go to the most interesting, to horses! Minecraft 1.6.1 has a huge number of new horses, donkeys and mules that can be tamed. And on the horses you can wear not only the saddle, but also armor! Many players ask how to scream armor for horses? The fact is that in the final version of Minecraft 1.6.1, the recipe for the armor for horses was carved, and the only way to get it is a study of caves and mines.

The tag is another new item that has no crafting recipe and can only be found in dungeons. The tag is used to rename mobs, and you can rename absolutely all mobs, except for the dragon and civilians! In order to rename the mob, it is necessary to give the name of the tag on the anvil, after which it can be applied.

With the help of Lasso, you can lead mobs or tied horses to wooden fences so that they do not move away from the parking place. Lasso can be screaming according to the following recipe: