Children's program Question on the backfill. Intelligent game for senior preschool children "Question on the backfill. In fairy tales ensures any needs of the owner ...

Play-quiz "Question on the backbone"

Objectives of the event: the development of cognitive activity and cognitive
interest in the subject, expansion of the mathematical outlook,
Development of personal qualities of students, their communicative
characteristics, development of logical thinking.
Method: game.
Composition: teacher, class students, two teams of five people.
Venue: School Cabinet.

Travel quiz.
1. Presenter: Hello, this is a game "Question on the backbone." My name is…. And I welcome everyone who is with us now. In the next 30-40 minutes you will witness a fascinating, intellectual struggle between two teams. The winner will get everything: Glory, a super prize, losing bitterness of defeat and this is not a joke, because you participate in the most interesting and informative game.
Today you are waiting for a lot of amazing surprises. To the right of me the command (name). Presentation of participants. Team motto.
Left team (name), performance, motto.

Our rules are very simple.
Hearing a question, discuss it.
30 seconds on thinking you
So that rightfully responding, please us.
The award will be chips - Figures,
Who need to collect the whole game
The more figures, the more success,
The higher your chance and victory is close.

Ready to fight?
I declare the first round "Merry Questions".
Fish sailed on the quiz and delivered merry questions with them. Questions are different - some are easier, others are harder. Therefore, each team will answer the question of the fish that he "caught." 15 seconds are given to thinking.
1. On two hands 10 fingers. How many fingers are ten hands?
Answer: 50.
2. Screwing egg must be cooking for 5 minutes. How much time do you need to boil 6 eggs screwed?
Answer: 5 minutes.
3. The Earth's satellite makes one turn in 100 minutes, and another turn in 1 hour 40 minutes. How to explain it?
Answer: 1 hour 40 min. \u003d 100 min.
4. Fish weighs 8 kg plus half of its own weight. How much fish weigh?
Answer: 16 kg.
5. Mamneda had ten sheep. All but nine, chalk. How many sheep remained at Mames?
Answer: 9 sheep.
6. Two came to the river. The shore has a boat that can only accommodate one, but both crossed. How could this happen?
Answer: They approached different shores.
7. Troika horses ran 30 km. What distance running every horse?
Answer: 30 km.
8. The doctor prescribed three injections. After half an hour to the injection. How many hours all the injections will be made?
Answer: after 1 hour.
9. Two fathers and two sons bought three oranges. Each of them got on an orange. How could this happen?
Answer: Grandfather-Son.
10. In the family of 7 brothers, everyone has one sister. How many children in the family?
Answer: 8 children.
11. The stick was sawed by 12 parts. How many cuts did?
Answer: 11.
12. The birds caught 5 cells into a cage, 9 student met on the way. Each presented through the blue, one bird remained in the cell. How could this happen?
Answer: Lastly Sinitsa gave together with the cell.
13. In the room four corners. In every corner sits a cat. Opposite each cat three cats. On the tail of each cat on one cat. How many cats in the room?
Answer: 4 cats.
14. Professor goes to bed at eight in the evening. The alarm clock makes nine. How much does a professor sleep?
Answer: 1 hour.

Second round "Mathematical relay"
Command participants in turn perform the task. The team gets so many points as tasks are correct.
The task of the commands is given on the leaves, all the same.
1. Solve equation: 5x - 7x + 2 \u003d 0
2. Solve equation: 2U + 8 \u003d 2
3. Calculate: 0, 75 + 3 + 21.5
4. Calculate: 3.8 ∙ 1.5
5. Simplify: 5 (3x - 8) - 15x
6. Simplify: 35x-28x + 12x
7. Calculate: 0.45 ∙ 3.4 - 0.53
Musical pause. Speech by team
Competition with fans.
Name Day Sitza, guests gathered
Corresponding to them rather, do not make mistakes.
Birds friendly family:
3 funny sparrow,
3 crows, 3 Soroki, black and white Beloboki
3 steps, and dyatlov 3
How many of them are called?
The last contest will reveal the winner. Round "Question on the backbone."
"Mathematical Square"
Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.
On this, our quiz game is completed. Congratulations to the team with the victory and reward them with memorable gifts.
But the winners were all participants of the quiz, because everyone learned something new.
Thanks to all participants!

I spend 1-2 times a month. Change classes, team composition. All the most importantly, all children are involved, and any triple can cope with the role of the captain.

"Question on snowpad" - a fun holiday

for small erudites!
Purpose: Improving the skills of constructive interaction in the group.


enhancement of cognitive activity: search and selection of necessary information, building a logical chain of reasoning, the establishment of causal relationships;

development of ways of interaction:the ability to listen, join the dialogue, participate in a collective discussion when choosing an answer;

expansion of the horizons of students.

Equipment: Mugs - scores, markers, task for "Question of snowpad" Watman's sheets with a drawing lamb, toys and cubes, caterpillar (toy or image), diplomas, prizes, audio recording of the game, the sound of a gong, a magic bag.

Rules of the game: Two teams (consisting of five children and one adult mentor expert) respond to merry defense issues. Themes of questions are a variety of: nature, man, art, geography, physical education and much more.

In the process of the game, children not only expand their horizons, but also show creative abilities. First of all, the participants get the opportunity to better know themselves, friends and rivals, get a chance to prove that they are the smartest and smart. Participants are immersed in the conditions of competition, they understand how to become winners, and, most importantly, learn to "work" in a team. The winner team receives a valuable prize and a quiz diploma.

The game consists of several tours, each is accompanied by a slide. In every round a few topics. There are 20 seconds to think about issues. After the gong (sound signal), the command command is needed to raise the hand. Who will make it faster, he answers. If the command gave the wrong answer, the second command can take advantage of the answer. For each correct answer, the team receives a circle that is equated with 10 seconds. The more the team earns the circles, the more time it will be for the final "question on the backbone."

Travel quiz:
Leading: Hello! This is a quiz "Question on the backbone." My name is Svetlana Vasilyevna, and I welcome everyone who is in this room. The next 45 minutes you will witness a fascinating intellectual struggle between the two strongest teams. The winners will get everything: Glory and prizes, losers - bitterness of defeats. And this is not a joke, because now the smallest and informative quiz will be held. Begin. Get acquainted with teams. To the right of me 2 "B" class "both - on".

Blind Arthur, said Arthur and Morozov Sergey love to play computer games. Glory is fond of the game in this, and Knutarev Vladislav loves to run (most often on school corridors).

Leading: We are ready to hear your motto.

The team calls his motto.

Leading: Excellent motto. Now let's get acquainted with the second team: the team "Freckles" from 1 "b" class.

Nastya, Oksana and Vitaly Morozov love to draw.

Schmakova Oksana prefers the game of basketball, and Bondarenko Arthur is interested in football.

Leading: So your motto.

Children: Team "Freckles".

The team calls his motto.

Leading: Well done!

Leading: I see that both teams are ready to fight. The guys are confident in their abilities and count on victory in our quiz. It's time to learn the rules of the game.

Our rules are very simple:

Hearing a question, discuss it.

20 seconds on thinking you

So that rightfully responding, please us.

Award will be mugs for you.

The more circles you have,

Therefore, more and above your chance.

The question of the backfill you will offer you.

As soon as the time will end,

We will find out who is the best connoisseur.

Leading: The struggle between the teams begins. I declare the first test.

Round: "Live World"

Leading: This first circle will receive the team that correctly answers the question. I want to say that the circle is equal to 10 seconds. The more circles you earn for the game, the more time you will have to solve the last, the most difficult question is "a question on the backbone." Be careful:

1. Which of the birds listed by me is the biggest in the world?

Penguin, ostrich , Peacock?

Leading: Time.

(commands are discussed and responded after the audio signal)

Leading: The team "..." was faster.

Leading: Indeed, it is an ostrich. And the team "..." gets the first circle in our today's game. The next question is.

2. How long is the little waiting time left with the mother in the lair?

8 days , 8 weeks , 8 months.

Leading: Go ahead.

3. What did the knight fish come for?

For scaly , Behind the tail, behind the helmet.


The body of the fish-knight is covered with a solid sheath, consisting of very strong large scraps, each of which has a comb with a spike.

Leading: And we go to the next round


Leading: Let's talk about your hobbies. Guys, name your favorite hobbies.

(children's responses).

Leading: Listen carefully my question:

    How many participants in the day of the backgammon.

6, 4, 2 ?

Leading: Time.

Children answer.

Leading: In fact, 2 people are usually playing in the backgammon. And now answer:

    What is the name of aimed transfer of the ball from a soccer player of one team to another player of the same command:

Intercept pass, fAS?

Leading: Time.

Children answer.

    What does the expression "like Mamay passed":

Full order, full confusion , trip to the store?

Leading: Of course, the complete mess.

It was the last question of the Round "Hobbies". So, it's time to start a change.


Leading: Let's be in front of and having fun. I invite everyone to the "change". Let's be distracted from complex intellectual issues. I ask the participants of the Quiz to go to the playing field. Stop right and left from me.

Well done. Before you on the board, two sheets with the image of a lamb, and on the tables lies glue and cotton. With small wool lumps, create a lamb thick wool in one minute. The team, which, after the expiration, will be the most curly lamb, will win in this competition and get a circle. A task is understandable? Time went.

Leading: Work boils and the team of "freckles" and the team "both - on".

Let's see who wins the "change"?

Leading: There is still time and everything can change.

Leading: Time to perform the task ended. I apologize to get up on the right and to the left of me. Let's start checking. According to the jury estimates, the task of the guys from 1b took carefully. And this means that the "Freckles" team won in the "change".

Leading: While the bill ... But I want to say that the final round is still far away, and both teams have a chance to defeat the chance. And I declare the following test. Ahead of the round "Cultiport".

 Round "Cultiport"

Leading: Guys, what Russian folk tales do you know?

Leading: Go to questions. This circle I'm handing the one who says:

    How many feather febris remained in the hands of Ivan-Tsarevich in the Russian folk tale "On Ivan Tsarevich, a fire-bird and a gray wolf"?

3, 2, 1 ?

Leading: Time.

    What was the name of the Chipollino girlfriend in the fabulous story of Jani Rodari "Chipollino Adventure"?

Strawberry, Medulka, Radish .

Leading: Well, of course, this is radish.

    Finish the famous proverb "In Tenship, yes, not in ...":

On the bus, in trolleybus, in disadvantage.

Leading: Quite right.

Leading: Go to the next round a location map.

V Round "Geographic"

Leading: Guys, name the capital of our country.

    Now name the capital of France:

New York, Paris , St. Petersburg.

    Ishim - is it?

River, Lake, Mount .

Leading: Quite right. Score…

    Which of the listed cities is located in Kazakhstan?

Riga, Taraz, Mound.

Leading: Guys, something you dressed. Let's break a little. I declare a round of Physical Council!

V Round "Fizkult - Hi!"

Leading: I ask all the participants of the Quiz to go to the playing field. Guys, get up in 2 columns led by the captain. Every team player I give a cube. Opposite the teams, there are 5 toys on the table. After the gong signal, standing ahead should reach the table, put a cube, in return to take a toy and return to his team putting on the end of the column. The next player repeats the actions of the first. At the same time, the pyramid from two columns and the vertices should be obtained from cubes. The relay continues until the captain will not be ahead of his team again. A team will win, which earlier will finish the relay. The winner will receive a circle. A task is understandable? Started.

Leading: So far, with a score ... the team leads ... But, behind the lagging there is still time to catch up. I declare the following test.

Let's start with the most magical round of our quizzes.

VI round "Magic Pouch".

Leading: This is the most mysterious round of our game. ATTENTION: In the magic bag hid the image of the insect larva, which turns into a butterfly. What lies in the magic bag? (Discussion).

Leading: The team "..." was faster. And what does the team think "..."? Let's see if you guessed correctly. (Shows what lies in the bag). Indeed in the magic bag liescaterpillar.

And ahead of the round a specialization.

VI Round "Specialization"

Leading: Dear mentors, you have a chance to improve the result of your teams and earn another bag with magic sand for them. You just need to answer the question correctly. Let's get acquainted:

Today, Mom Vitaly and Oksana - Morozova, Irina Valeryevna, playing the team "Freckles" - Morozova Irina, and Obania Anastasia Nikolaevna, Mama, washing Arthur, helps the team.

Dear adults, now I will ask you a question. Raise your hand after the gang signal, if you know the correct answer. That of you who will make it faster will receive the right of the first answer.

1. What was the name of the cow from the famous cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino"?

Burenka Murka , Murienka

Leading: Quite right. And you bring your team another score.

(Musical screensaver).

Leading: The time of the final round came. I announce the long-awaited question, "a question on the backbone."

Final round "Question on the backbone"

Teams tremble. The climax of our game comes. Now we will calculate how many seconds each team has earned.(Counting, declaring results). This time is enough to solve the task.

Leading: Before each Watman Sheet Team. Under the white sheet hidden "Question on Filing". I will ask the captains to take me markers and tasks. The remaining players will be able to help their captains, but only after my team.

Attention, the victory in this round will bring victory in the whole game "Question on the backbone." You can task exactly so much time as it earned throughout the game.

Captains Open tasks.

The task. Write in a row first all the letters on the yellow flags, then on the green, then on the red and, finally, on the blue. And you will learn what proverb should have been posted.

A task is understandable?

( Commands perform tasks)

Leading: Attention. Check the correctness of the task."Seven one is not waiting !!!"

Won (Lee) team (DY). Take your prizes, memorable diplomas.

Winners eat.

Travel with us byPlanet of Knowledge.

Music sounds. Children are dancing.

"Question on the backbone" - the game is not for stupid,

And those who explore the world through a magnifying glass.

Who reads books who knows a lot

That accurately gets like this game.

Two teams of 5 people take part in the "backup question", one of which is brave captain. In his duties, it is the first to raise your hand,
Answer loudly and clearly on the questions. And responsibly lead their team to victory.

You have to answer questions from the field of literature, as well as fight in physical attachment, having fun on a change, solve the treasure of the magic ball.

But do not think that only welderkinds participate in the game, attentiveness and intelligence - these are decisive factors in our game.

The game consists of 10 rounds. The rules of the game are built in poetic form:

The most important thing is to solve the final question on the backfill.

That team that can cope with him will become the winner.

Both teams will receive prizes and wonderful diplomas!

Game process

Representation of commands. Team word3 "A"


Team word3 "b" Class. Title, motto, hobbies.

Our team:"Erudite". Our motto: "The book is our best friend, without her, as without hands"

rules Our very simple.
Hearing a question, discuss it.
Thirty seconds on you think
To respond correctly, please us.
There will be sand bags
Which need to fall asleep later
Here in this watch, and the more sand,
The higher your chance and victory is close.
Question on the backfill you will be suggested
Hours I lightly turn over
And as soon as this sand is over,
We learn who is here the best connoisseur!

1 Round "Proverbs"

The rounds are asked about proverbs. There are three questions in the round. Questions have three answers. As soon as the master announces the question, it is given 30 seconds of time to think. After the time expires, the team captains should raise his hand faster than their opponent to give the first to answer. For the right answer, the team gets a bag with magic sand. If the participant of the same command gives an incorrect answer, the answer right will belong to another team.

    Finish the proverb:Without difficult to pull and fish Of what?

Response options: a) pocket, b)pond , c) portfolio.

    There is patience, there will be what?

Options: a) bunch of money, b)skill , c) good weather.

    Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred what?

Options: a) candies, b) rubles, c)friends .

2 round "Fairy Tales"

This round is asked questions about fabulous characters.

What happened to the cat in boots in the chall fairy tale?
a) became a notable one
lived with a cat long and happily
c) sold boots and bought videos

What made the sea crocodile in the k.i fairy tale Chukovsky "confusion"?

a) Pupies

b) Eclair Cupcakes

in) dried mushrooms

How did the fox having sought the crane in the Russian folk tale "Fox and Zhuravl"?

a) semolina

b) Changing

c) rassetnik

3 Round "Change"

Let's be in front of and having fun. I invite everyone to the "change". Let's be distracted from complex intellectual issues. I ask the participants of the Quiz to go to the playing field. Stop right and left from me.

"Sister Alenushka and Brantz Ivanushka."It is necessary to tie the ball with a handkerchief and draw a face. "Face" of Alyonushka (ball) in the captain. Children take turns run up and paint on it, nose, mouth, hair (cheek). After that, the captain teaches Alyonushka handkerchief and returns to the team.

4 round "Cartoons"

What did Cheburashka have been loved most?

a) Apples

b) Mandarins

c) Oranges

What kind of relative was waiting for the characters of the cartoon "38 parrots"?

What kind of fish can be created by spells?

a) pike

b) Bream

c) Karp

5 Round "Basni"

Which of the heroes of Bassen said such words: "Golubushka, as good! Well, what kind of neck, what kind of eyes! "?

but) crow


c) Monkey

Recall the name of the Bassni, in which there was such a morality:

"When there is no agreement in comrades,

On the way, their business will not go,

And it does not come out of it, only flour. "

but) "Quartet"

b)« Dragonfly and ant "

in)"Swan, pike and cancer"

Which of the heroes of Basen said such words: "Do not leave me, cum dear! Give me to gather with strength ... "?

but) "Cuckoo and Rooster"

b) "Crow and Fox"

in)"Dragonfly and ant"

6 Round "Fizkult'yvevet"

I ask all the participants of the Quiz to go to the playing field. Guys, get up in 2 columns led by the captain. Every team player I give a cube. Opposite the teams, there are 5 toys on the table. After the signal: "Marsh!", There should be ahead to come to the table, put a cube, in return to take a toy and return to his team, getting into the end of the column. The next player repeats the actions of the first. At the same time, the pyramid from two columns and the vertices should be obtained from cubes. The relay continues until the captain will not be ahead of his team again. A team will win, which earlier will finish the relay. The winner will receive a bag with sand. A task is understandable? Started.

So far, with a score ... the team leads ... But, behind the lagging there is still time to catch up. I declare the following test.

7 Round "Magic Box"

Before you a magic box. After my tip, describing this item, you will be given time for reflection, after which you will need to answer. And I remind you that you have a chance to earn another bag with sand.

"Do you think I am pleased to live with such a hostess?" My trouble is that I can not lie. I always tell her the whole truth, and because of this I get to me: she scribbles on me, it will throw. But when she is nice what I say, she strokes my handle, smiles at me ... "

(A.S. Pushkin "Fairy Tale of the Dead Tsarevna")

So, what is in the magic box? (mirror)

8 Round "Specialization"

Fans are involved in this round. The master voiced the question, and one of the fans should raise the first hand. A faithful answer will bring a bag with magic sand.

What street did Neyno lived, the hero of the fairy tale Nicholas Nosov "Adventures of Links and his friends"?

but) Romashkaya street

b)Street Bellolchikov

c) Leddy Street

9 round " Captain Competition »

I ask the captains to approach me. Do you know how to decipher the messages? Now I will read you encrypted lines from the songs known to all, your task is to guess what kind of song is, and the task of the team to manage the choir at least 4 lines from the song.

1. The old woman had a gray animal with horns.

( There was a grandmother's granny )

2. The grandmother was the owner of a couple of cheerful birds.(Two merry geese lived with granny)

3. In the thickets of low plants there is a green insect.

(In the grass Grasshopper sat)

4. From the fun expression of the face changed lighting(From a smile will be all light ...)

But the results of this contest: ____________________________

10 round "Question on the backbone" (Final)

Teams tremble! The climax of our game comes. Now we will calculate how many seconds each team has earned.(Counting, declaring results).This time is enough to solve the task.

Before each Watman Sheet Team. Under the white sheet hidden "Question on Filing". I will ask the captains to take me markers and tasks. The remaining players will be able to help their captains, but only after my team.

Attention, the victory in this round will bring victory in the whole game "Question on the backbone." You can task exactly so much time as it earned throughout the game.

Captains Open tasks.

The task. Write in a row first all the letters on the yellow flags, then on the green, then on the red and, finally, on the blue. And you will learn what proverb should have been posted.

A task is understandable?

The "..." team coped with the task and the team "..." also coped with the task. Let's start checking from the "..." command as they first completed the task. Let's see how the "..." team coped with this task. (Captains answer).

Perfectly! We look at the screen, that's how it should happen ...

Check the correctness of the task."Seven one is not waiting !!!"

And so defeated the team "..."! The presentation of quiz diplomas will take place on Monday, March 16. Winners eat. It was the most intense intellectual game - "Question on the backbone." Song sounds "Question on Filing".

Rules of the game

"Question on the backbone" - the game is not for stupid,

And those who explore the world through a magnifying glass.

Who reads books who knows a lot

That accurately gets like this game.

Two teams of 5 people take part in the "backup question", one of which is brave captain. In his duties, it enters click the first on the button,
Answer loudly and clearly on the questions. And responsibly lead their team to victory.

You have to answer funny-skimming questions from a wide variety of knowledge areas: nature, man, art, geography, literature, ...

And also to fight for a pizkult, having fun on a change, solve the treasure of the magic bowl.

But do not think that only welderkinds participate in the game, attentiveness and intelligence - these are decisive factors in our game.

The game participates two teams, in each team of five players. Mostly children up to 10 years old. The game consists of nine rounds. The rules of the game are built in poetic form:

Our rules are very simple.
Hearing a question, discuss it.
Thirty seconds on you think
To respond correctly, please us.
There will be sand bags
Which need to fall asleep later
Here in this watch, and the more sand,
The higher your chance and victory is close.
Question on the backfill you will be suggested
Hours I lightly turn over
And as soon as this sand is over,
We learn who is here the best connoisseur!

The most important thing is to solve the final question on the backfill.

That team that can cope with him will become the winner.

Both teams will receive prizes and wonderful diplomas!

Game process

1 Round "Live World"

This round is asked questions about animals and nature. There are three questions in the round. Questions have three answers. As soon as the master announces the question, it is given 30 seconds of time to think. After the time (gong signal), the captains of the teams must click on the red button to press the red button to give the first to give a response. For the right answer, the team gets a bag with magic sand (originally fiery crystal). If the participant of the same command gives an incorrect answer, the answer right will belong to another team. During the times of the crystals for the wrong answer, the team received a rogue crystal.

2 Round "Hobbies"

This round is asked questions about different human hobbies. There are three questions in the round.

3 Round "Change"

This round is not intelligent. The team needs to perform different tests, for example, try clothing, collect peas, etc.

4 round "Cultiport"

This round is asked questions in the field of literature and local history. There are three questions in the round.

5 round "Large Card"

This round is asked questions in the field of knowledge of the surrounding world. There are three questions in the round.

6 round "Fizkult Hi"

Round is not intelligent. The team needs to perform various sports tests.

7 Round "Magic Ball"

Leading describes the subject that lies in the magic ball. After the signal of the Hongue, the captains click on the button and give their own answer. Correctly answered team gets a bag with magic sand (initially fiery crystal).

8 Round "Specialization"

Adults are involved in this round. The master voiced the question, and one of the adults should raise the first hand. The correct answer will help the adult bring the team with magic sand bag (initially fiery crystal).

9 round "Question on snowpad" (final)

During the times of fiery crystals, the final was played as superpine. The team that has more fiery crystals won.

In the final round, the number of bags with magic sand, earned throughout the game (1 bag \u003d 10 seconds to solve the final question). Team you need to make up and find an answer to the most difficult question.

The winning team receives a super prize. Loser - incentive prizes. In addition, participants are awarded with diplomas. The winners in the game may not be at all, if both teams do not cope with the question of snowing, or two winners at once, if both teams are cope with the question of snowing. Sometimes it happens that both teams cope with the question of falling ahead of schedule (until the expiration of time). In this case, the team will win, which correctly fulfilled the task earlier, regardless of whether their opponents have completed or not.

A source

Tatyana Golzhatpov

ragm content: consolidate knowledge children under the sections of the program; develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness; Activate creative thinking, imagination, fantasy, develop logical thinking, attention;. show perseverance, the ability to accurately follow the instructions; dedication, mutual assistance, resourcefulness and smelting; form interest in games, competitive nature.

Equipment: Easels, Watmans, Feltolsters, cards with numbers.

Lead psychologist:

Hello, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you in our kindergarten on intellectual game« Tricky question»

Introducing the durable jury that will evaluate the tasks. For each correct answer, the team will get a chip.

So, we start our tournament! (Fanfare sounds)

There are three teams: "Wise men", "Raduga", "Ugadayki".

To start, I ask the teams to introduce yourself ... (Team motto sounds).

"Wise men":

"We are almost "wise men"

We read a lot,

Magniki and smartnitsa

We wish to know a lot. "


"If you want to know a lot,

It's time to surrender around

Do not resist us against us.

We are strong and brave,

Clever, skillful.

Our motto: "Do not be sad!

All go through and find out everything "!


"Guess, guess

All that comes

We are very capable

Now you will know everything. "

Well, on such an emotional note and start our intellectual game.

Task number 1.

Questions For the captains of the team

1. What time of year is it?

2. Call the spring months.

3. What signs of spring do you know?

4. Remember and tell the poem about the spring

Task number 2 logical questions.

1. Capacity for cooking soup? (pan)

2. String Russian Popular Tool? (balalaika)

3. Part of the day between day and night? (evening)

4. The season that comes after spring? (summer)

5. What can I hear, but never see? (echo)

6. Who has a hat without head, leg without boot? (at the mushroom)

7. What tree sits down the crow after the rain? (on wet)

8. Here is a cheerful mystery, who has a heel's nose? (at the boot)

9. What can be seen with closed eyes? (sleep)

10. How can I bring water in solid? (to freeze)

11. What kind of dishes do not eat? (from empty)

12. What is never coming back? (time)

Task number 3 Mathematical tasks.

Psychologist. You have cards with numbers on the tables, you should carefully listen to the task. Who knows the answer - quickly raises the figure.

Task number 1.

Three puppies - Balobovnik

Run, frolic

Two nurses to chalubs

With loud lem rush

Together will be cheerful

How many friends? (5)

Task number 2.

Six pencils from Misha

Pencil one in Grisha,

How many pencils

In both kids (7)

Task number 3.

Seven Friends in Football were playing

One home called

He looks out the window, believes

How many friends playing? (6)

Task number 4.

Seven tiny kittens

What they give them not eaten

And one sour cream asks

How many kittens? (8)

Task number 5.

Apples in the garden sucked

We have time to taste them

Three ruddy bulk,

Two with sourness.

how many of them? (5)

Task number 6.

Six raven on the roof of the village

And one flew to them,

Answer quickly, boldly

How many all they arrived? (7)

Task number 4. "Solid rebus"

Each team is given to the rebel to solve. Find hidden letters.

Which team will find all the hidden letters faster.

Psychologist: Well done guys, with this task you coped. Try to execute my next task.

Task number 5. Questions for erudition

1kone numbers can say about himself: "Turn me up or down your head

i'm different (6 and 9) .

2. At stool 4 legs.

How many legs have two chairs? (8)

3. When goat goes seven years old, what will happen next? (Go 8)

4. Think and decide:

Brought 2 banana monkey elephant.

Here delivered a gift giant:

Was 1 banana from him - Look!

And how much how much it became possible?

5. Three apples from the garden Hedgehog dragged,

The most ruddy squirrel presented.

Joy of gift received squirrel.

Dump apples at the hedgehog in a plate.

6. Four ripe berries

On the branch swore.

Two took away in the basket I.

And how much left?

7. On the gland at the river

Lived May beetles,

Daughter, Son, Father and Mother

8. Gave the hedgehog ducklings

Eight leather boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were all? (4)

9. Once to the bunny for lunch

Started friend - neighbor.

Seli rose on Penets

How much is carrots eaten? (4)

10. If today is Friday, then what day of the week was yesterday? Will be tomorrow? (Thursday, Saturday)

11. If chicken on one leg

it weighs 2 kg. How much does chicken weigh if you get on two legs? (2 kg)

12. The river flew birds: dove, pike, two tits, two steps, and five eels. How many birds will answer soon. (five, pike and acne - fish)

13. On the table lay 4 apples. One was cut in half. How many apples on the table? (4)

Psychologist: Well done boys. You are probably tired, it's time to relax!

Music warm-up with movements.

Task number 6.

Workout for mind "Say the opposite"

The task: Replace all the bad words with good, opposite by meaning.

1. Sad - funny, joyful

2. Rough - polite

3. Angry - kind

4. Lingerie - truthful

5. Cowardly - brave

6. Lazy - hardworking

7. Running - neat

Psychologist: There are many fairy tales, sad and funny in the world.

And we can not live in the world without them.

There, the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth.

There, good forever wins evil.

Task number 7.

"Polyana Fairy Tales". In this competition, you need to know the fairy tales and her heroes.

(Psychologist asks questions According to famous fairy tales. Answer to the question must be complete, deployed explaining any episode from a fairy tale)


1. In what fairy tale, the hero was made of tin, and why was he only one leg?

Answer: The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Because there was not enough tin

2. In what fairy tale, the hero sold his alphabet and why?

Answer: "Buratino and the Golden Key". To get to the Karabasa - Barabas theater

3. What is the dinner and his friends journey to the green city?

Answer: on the air balloon

4. In what fairy tale stepmother to step an old woman with a poisoned apple and why?

Answer: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The fairy tale of the dead princess and seven heroes"

5. On what account is Cinderella lost a shill?

Answer: on the second

6. What prize promised the parents of Uncle Fedor to those who would find the boy?

Answer: bicycle

7. In what fairy tale Pushkin, the hero turns into a mosquito and why?

Answer: The Tale of Tsar Saltan. In order to imperceptibly get to the ship and visit the Father.

8. Why Winnie the Pooh, going behind honey, took the blue ball, and not green?

Answer: Because he wanted to be like a tucca, and the blue ball is similar to the sky.

9. In what fairy tale, Masha banned the bear there are pies and why?

Answer: Masha and the Bear. To bear the bear did not find it in the box.

10 How was the cat in boots could defeat the cannibal from the castle?

Answer: I asked him to turn into a mouse.

11. Why did not the girl in the kingdom approached the Kingdom's shoe?

Answer: Because she had the smallest feet in the kingdom.

12. What word was to be folded kai their pieces of ice in a fairy tale "The Snow Queen"And what kind of gift for it was the snow queen?

Answer: Eternity. The whole world and new skates in addition.

13. What was the name of the pig that built the strongest house and why the wolf could not blur this house?

Answer: NAF - NAF. Because the house was built of brick.

14. In what fairy tale, the wolf showed the girl a longer path to his grandmother, and he himself went shorter and why?

Answer: Little Red Riding Hood. To quickly get to the grandmother.

15. What miracles tell the merchant Tsar Saltan?

Answer: City in the middle of the sea, Protein under the fir tree, 33 heroes, tsar-swan.

Task number 8 Dorisui picture.

On the easers are the watmans, on which geometric shapes are drawn.

Each team come up with and draw a picture. Come up with her name.

The final stage:

It's time to find out who among us was the smartest, the most erudite. The word is provided by a respected jury ....

Summarizing. The jury announces the results of the competition. Fanfare. Award.

Psychologist: Thanks to everyone who today was with us. To new meetings!

Pedagogian psychologist Mdau "CRR-kindergarten №2"