Dragon Age 2 stamp killer passage. "Stamp killer." Full passage. Hunting grounds - West

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Passage of Dragon Age II

Messages in the subject: 25

Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

DLC: Killer Stamp

To start a task, find the golden lion statue in the house at Hawk and activate it. Take care of the equipment and the availability of a free place in the bag - to return to Kirkolly until the end of the adventure will be impossible.

Hawk meets the mysterious elf-killer tallis and joins her to steal an ancient relic from the well-protected estate of the Orceian Duke. You will find an exciting adventure, complete deceptions and intrigues, and a mystery hiding the killer. Go to the estate far beyond the limits of Kirkwall and fight new enemies with Tallis, the prototype of which is the actress Felicia Day.


Someone the blade appointed a hawka meeting in the upper city at night. In addition to the mandatory character (Varrica), you can take with you any other other than sister or brother. No role plays this, the difference will be only in some minor replicas. But it is better to pick up a party with the calculation of a fight, because no one is a meeting, but the most real ambush of armed criminal personalities. However, it will not be too different from other similar fools, the exception that the red-haired elf - Tallis will help you here.

After a spectacular appearance, it turns out that it was not accidental here. Elf wants someone who has an invitation to the castle to the Duke of the Castle of De Montor, and this someone is you. However, it will not be just a secular Rauta, but "half-fell" penetration into the holy castle of the castle of the Duke's Treasury, from where you need to steal a certain gem - the heart of many.

Arrange the corpses to collect money and find a letter on one of them, from which it becomes known that after the blade has kicked out the information about the meeting with Hawk, there is little from the poor gnomic. After you familiarize yourself with the content of the letter, go to the exit from the quarter, which has an elf. Since Tallis will be in this mission with a mandatory companion, except for it you can only take two more satellites. If the brother or sister is alive, they can also be taken to the team.


Tallis - Lazutchik, specializing in hand-to-hand combat with two daggers in hand. Her talents allow you to go to the shadow, beat out of the shadows, interrupt the spells of the magicians, stunning enemies and effectively twist holes in the bodies of opponents.

From the equipment from Tallis, there is own armor and two daggers - Tein and Katrin (two easter eggs, by the way) whose characteristics depend on your level. Rings, amulet and belt can give her from her pocket if you want to strengthen it. The main thing - do not forget then select them before the final battle.

EN Castle

Acquaintance with the master of the castle - Duke de Montfor - leaves a dual impression. There is a feeling that the mask of politeness and exquisite manner is hidden by some trick. However, to the Orelianians, the hero is just necessary to feed prejudice. So, everything starts with a hunt for Vivenna - after someone from the participants will return with the prey, all guests will be allowed to the castle, and Hawke will be able to do that, for what he, actually came here.

Talking from Tallus, explore the area. To the left of the castle's gates is a trader equipment. He can find good things and sell his junk. If you are in Sebastian batch, then next to the merchant chest is the first subject for his task: recipe.

Note: Additional tasks for satellites are becoming available, provided that you have taken this particular character - the rest will not appear, and the quest items will be inactive. Almost for all members of the Hawk team, there is a quest for a unique amulet or rings (with the exception of Merril and Tallis). For Alellin and Isabella also provided for another side task.

On the right side of the gate stands someone Gabrielle, talking to whom, you can take the task of "Balm Hengery" - a cure for poison Vfulnna.

Hunt for Vivenna

Hunting grounds consist of two locations: Western and East. The main task will come up with how to brow the visior, and find everything you need for this. However, you can also perform several additional tasks along the way to get experience, money and good things. The time of hunting and moving between locations is not limited - as long as you do not perform the main task, you can freely move from location to location, explore the area and admire picturesque views. Beware of a variety of holes and caves - they simply sish hostile ghouls that will attack you if you approach their dwelling too close.

Western Eastern Labels

Litting Vivenna

This is the main task, its completion will give you the opportunity to penetrate the castle along with the rest of the hunting participants. To make a bait worked, you need to find several of the possible components that can attract Vivem.

The following components are located in the western part:

  • Go along the path to the north to go on a cleaner with dragons. After you kill them all, take the corpse of the dragon.
  • On the path leading from the north to the south past the altar of Heaven, find the puddle of blood.
  • Go along the main path to the south and go to the first turn left to hear and remember Creek Vivenna.

In the eastern part of the hunting grounds will find two more baits:

  • Go to the south, where the glade with the ghouls, collect the remains of the galls that remained, apparently after the feast of the Vfulnna.
  • Go along the main path to the north until you see a big bunch of excrement. Pull the dice from it.

After at least two ingredients are collected, you can proceed, in fact, to linting is the minimum requirement sufficient to get the smallest visior. The more ingredients you collect and lay out - the greater the individual will come running in your call. If you decide to use everything that was possible to gather, then you will catch a vivere-leader, for which they will give a more valuable award and the achievement of the "chase".

Go to the north oriental land in order to go to the glade, which is most suitable for the implementation of the plan. Get ready for battle and use everything you have, or only part of the components. Immediately after you do it, Vivenn will appear right in the midst of the clearing.

At high levels, the creature is killed quite easily, but if your hero is not very well hammer, you will have to sweat. The monster is spying poison and can attack with overclocking, pulling those who fall on his way, on the ground. However, from Vivenna you can donate. Freezing and immobilization, as well as stunning on it, if pumped.

So, messenger is defeated, but as it turned out, the winner in this hunt traditionally became the one who paid more money. This year, the victory was bought by someone Baron Arlant, who will be very upset by the fact that he was bypassed and demands satisfaction - you will have to fight him and his servants. The battle will last until the very moment when you drive all his health glasses, so if you want, you can first kill all his security, and then Himself to get more experience. Or, on the contrary, you can focus on it one to finish it faster with this dirty business.

Anyway, the baron does not die, because the owner of the holiday interferes with the most responsible moment, then you mean the duke. He recognizes your right to win and offers a choice: let go of Barona or kill him for audacity. You can kill. In this case, Hawk will remove from the corpse baron Arlanta Sword (damage with electricity, bonus to the speed of attack and hazard provocation, enemies can not dodge) I. baron Arlanta shield (bonus for resistance to electricity, immunity to stunning and discarding). If you decide to let it go, the Baron will still meet you, and it will be possible to cut down a little more Luta and more experience.

Hunting is over - you can go to the castle. To do this, simply go through the output from the location, located right there, in the glade.

In addition to the hunt, you can also perform several optional tasks in this area. In addition, there are quest items for some of the Hawk satellites (their location is described at the end of the article).

Balsam Eger

Talk to Gabriel at the gate of the castle, he will tell you that the poison of Vivenna is very poisonous, and will give a drug recipe, which neutralizes his action. Difference ingredients will find in the following places:

  • Mante Andrast. Located on an inconspicuous path - the first turn left if you go along the main southern way;
  • Mushyane village. After you see two hunters, saying that they attacked the trail of Vivem, look for the ingredient on the right hand from the path, according to which they run away (the road to the southern glade of the Western region);
  • Holly. Located in the eastern part of the hunting grounds, on the shore of the lake, to the right of the entrance to the location.

After you collect all the components of Balzam, it turns out that it is not enough even for one person. Nevertheless, he will come in handy yet. Also as a reward for the execution of this task you will receive 300 xp.

The cult of heaven

In the northwestern part of Western hunting grounds you will find an ancient avian altar. If you activate it, then the protection of the sky hostess led by heavenly horror (witch horror with some modifications). Fight with them will be hard. Through each demolished third lives, heavenly horror is hiding behind the impassable barrier, and it is standing there until you drive all the guards. Then he returns with new servants and everything is repeated. However, you can postpone it for later.

To get the assignment, you need to find in the south of this location of the lost scientist who will tell about his search for an ancient altar dedicated to Avvarian goddess - Ms. Heaven. Having learned how you can get out of the forest to people in the castle, a man will give you his records about the cult of heaven and leaves his dear.

Go to the altar and find a treasure chest in it. If you have already fought with heavenly horror, the treasure can still be received by returning to the altar again, although the record of the quest in the magazine will not appear. If you have not yet activated the altar, then you will have two options:

  • Pick up all objects except the book of the hostess. In this case, you can complete the task without a battle.
  • Pick up everything with the book, then you will have to fight back from the protection, and an entry about the cult of heaven will additionally appear in the Code.

Anyway you get belt heaven (bonus to mana / endurance, to the speed of restoration of mana / endurance and to the resistance of magic) I. Sacrificial dagger (spiritual damage, chance to restore health, when attacks, the enemy's armor is ignored), as well as additional experience and trophies, if they decided to fight.

Lost Hounds

In the location of hunting grounds - the West, in the southwestern part of it, we will meet the hunter who lost its two mabari - Nicodemus and Sylvayna. He will ask Hawk to look for them.

Silvana will meet you in the location of hunting grounds - East on a path leading from the lake to the East. Proily follow him to find the second PSA - Nicodemus, who dies from poison Vfulnna. You can leave him to die, kill him, so as not to suffer, or cure, if you are assembled by Balsam Hengery on the same name (the latter will bring you 300 xP).

When you return to the place where the first dog met, the hunter meets you, and on this task will be completed. Depending on how you did, the results will be varied:

  • If you left PSA and did not help him, the hunter thanks you and go for help. For the execution of the task, get 150 xp.
  • If you killed PSA, you can lie the hunter that I was killed by Vivenn or what you did everything possible, but could not save him, and then the hunter just thanked you. Or you can tell him that they killed PSA from mercy, and then you will have to fight the hunter and surviving Mabari.
  • If you cured PSA, tell about this hunter to get as a reward Short onion Psary (damage from the forces of nature, the attack bonus and the likelihood of infecting the enemy with the help of a walking bomb), 1 gold and 900 xp.

Also during the hunt, you can find a recipe for Sebastian (at the castle gate) and the feather for Anders (hunting grounds - West).

Castle's courtyard

After a small scene, where Hawk will receive his deserved award - hunter belt (bonuses to the attack, to protection, to the likelihood of a critical impact and to the speed of attack) - You have to find a way to penetrate the castle itself. To do this, you need to find the key to the entrance for the servants, which is supposedly located at the guard.

At this stage, the Hawk team is divided into not attracting attention, and you will stay in the yard along with Tallis.

Find a way to get into the castle

To find the key from the door leading to the service entrance, talk with any guards in the yard. Whatever reason to get inside you did not choose - the guard will not be able to help and say that he gave the key to someone from the servants. Go to the servant-elmission at the fountain and invite it to a private conversation aside. After the Tallus succeeds with her about the difficult elf's fate, she will find out that the servant gave the key to the son of Duke Prosper - Lord Siril. Speak with Lord so that Tallis invited him to retire. After an unsuccessful attempt to find a common language with him, she will ask you to do it. You can pour a key with it and taper to pull the key, or turn off it with a fist (coarse option), and then chop. If you don't want to act any caress, you can simply talk, and Lord will ask to bring him a glass of wine. Tallis will say that she has a sleeping pill for this case, so take a glass of wine from the table near the forehead and serve his boyfriend - you have a key in your hands. Complete all your affairs in the yard and go to the side door.

Castle's courtyard

Before passing inside the castle, you can communicate with the guests of the Duke and perform one simple side task. Also you can sell extra things intente, which is worth the feather table.

Talk to guests

In the yard you can talk to several other participants in the secular Raut. Some of them will be familiar personally to Hawk (depending on which an act is being completed), some are only a player, on the passage of Dragon Age: Origins. There will be no practical benefit from these conversations, but will bring some atmospheric. The reaction of different people on the hero will depend on what acts and tasks have already been passed, and which are not yet.

Well desire

This is a side task that can be performed in a castle courtyard, having gathered all coins-whims and throwing them into a fountain. Five all coins, you will find them in the following places:

  • Near the cell with Leopold, on the barrel;
  • On a bench behind the son of Proster - Syril;
  • On a bench near Leliana;
  • Completed by the task of the Internalanta;
  • Get as a gift from Lord Sirila.

When you leave all five coins to the fountain, the quest will notice as complete, and the hero will receive 1 point of characteristics and 675 xp.

Find the path to the treasury

As soon as you go through the door, the hero will notice one of the guards. He will try to raise anxiety, but Tallis will quickly kill him and will suggest to make a little further secretly to avoid excessive bloodshed. You can refuse if you want to go easier and get more experience (in this case, you can simply go and kill everyone), or you can agree to sneak by secret if you wish to get a set of jewelry "uncertainty" and achieving a "quiet sapa".


  • Skepticism (amulet): Bonus to the likelihood of a critical strike, a bonus for opening locks, the enemies leave more money;
  • Anxiety (ring): Immunity to critical strikes, the likelihood to go to the state of uniability, being attacked;
  • Uncertainty (ring): The bonus for experience, the enemies leave better equipment, the enemies leave more money.

Bonus for the kit: +10 to tricks.

EN Castle

Walking in the shadow

If you decide to make a hidden, Hawk enters special stealth regime. In this mode, you will have three main reception: distraction (throw a stone so that the guard goes to the sound source), out of the system (sneaking at the back and knock the guard on the head, pulling it off) and hide in the shadows (when the hero is in the shade and not Too close to guard, it becomes invisible - at such moments it envelops something like a shadow aura). Guardians walk along corridors and sites, periodically looking at one, then in the other direction. Their overview angle is highlighted by a red cone on Earth. The Guardian who lost the consciousness after a while he wakes up, so it's not worth it for a long time next to his body. If you are noticeable, the game will boot from the last control point and you will have to undergo an unsuccessful area.

Take the attention of the first guard, throwing a stone so that it turns out face to the wall. Read a note on the floor to the right, which will add an entry in the Code, and return to the corridor to immediately hide in the shadows behind the column while the guarantion group patrolling it will pass by. Go to the kitchen and a cunning Send the cook away to get calmly in it - here you can perform a side task "Iron Cook", as well as take a recipe for Sebastian.

Iron cook

Read the cooks to find out how you can spoil food for Vfulnna Leopold. Three types of ingredients will be laid on the tables: Turnips, Lutefis and Cheese. To achieve the desired effect, you need to gain them in certain proportions and mix in the jug. Here is one of the options: 4 piece of lutefe (2 clicks), 3 pieces of cheese (1 click) and 5 pieces of tour (5 clicks). Take the mixture out of the jug and squeeze it into the basket with the feed for Leopold. It will make him move much slower in the final battle. You also get for the successful execution of the 2000 xp task.

Open the lock on the door opposite the kitchen to take a medallion for Isabella and a drawing for Bethany from this room. Now you need to paint the captain of the Guardians from behind to cut it out and chop in search of the key, which is needed to go to the next part of the castle. While the guard did not wake up, take a book next to Book for Warric and Medallion for Fenris. Raising the stairs, grab the flag on the path for the carver and go to the door.

Now you need to go through a small outdoor courtyard. Having hiding in the shadows under the stairs, wait until the nearest guard does not go around the platform. Go behind him, following the distance, hiding at the overgrown fences, and, praying for the chest, take the amulet skepticism from the set of jewelry "uncertainty."

In the same way, making his way behind the guard, get to the stairs down and go down to the door. Behind the door is a balcony, it just needs to go. Below the servants communicate, but they won't notice you. In the next room, do not forget to take love poems for Avelin and a drawing for Bethany. Further you need to right, but to find the key from the door, you should wrap in the left corridor. The guardian who goes there, you can cut out, but you can go slowly. The fork will be the door to the room with two chests. At the same time in the room it will be possible to relax - the door is closed and no one will notice the hero. In the chest smaller lies the key from the balcony, and in the one that is more, the second object from the jewelry set is alarm ring.

It follows from the room with caution: first Open the door and hide in the room behind the wall to wait for two guards by passing by, and then start the back behind them. If you go straight, on the balcony of the guard room, then the left can be reputed with a cheap nonsense. Follow the balcony, grabbing the flag on the path for the carver, to the desired door, which will bring you to the balconies of the courtyard. Then, passing through several doors, you will fall into the library to the bottom floor. Do not forget to take a book for Varrica. Close to the second room of the library where you can see several orleysic care and get new entries to the code.

From the library, go to the open courtyard with several guards. Hiding in the shadows, sneak into the guard by the stairs and output it. While he did not wake up, throw the pebble to the fence over the courtyard to distract the second guard, and run to the chest left (however, nothing particularly valuable in it will be found). Before the locked door, which leads to the repository, patrol two guards, by which you can run on, waiting when they turn away, but first you need to find the key. Therefore, having imagined the moment, run past the door and hide in the shadows on the other side. Take the guard, throwing the pebble to him behind his back, sneak up to the captain of the Guardians, output it and select the key (ATTENTION: If the guard does not distract, but simply deal with the captain, he will notice us). As soon as the "conclusion" rolls back, sneak up to the guards sitting back and disconnect it. Job behind the column to cover the chest in search of the third and last part of the set of jewelry - the rings "uncertainty". If during this time the guard will find, then again output it. Anyway, run into the shadow to the right of the cherished door and wait for a convenient point to turn past two patrolling guards.

Finish straight. Our hero is almost in place. Take the left hand - there is a chest with any nonsense.

In a trap!

At the entrance to the room will worklane: the output is cut off by a massive grid, and the door is not open ahead. To open it, you need to get up at the same time on two stoves at the chests, but they also cut off all the approaches.

Stand on both plates at the carpet - To do this, give the team to do not move from the place and move the Hawk and Tallis turns on each of the plates - it will open the lattices in the stairs. Next, in parallel, lead Hawk and Tallis on the stoves until you reach the statues - tilter them to fix the plates in the pressed position. It should also go out, overcoming one span for one time so that the character does not be locked between the lattices.

Again stand on the plates in front of the carpet - now the lattices will open under the balconies. At this stage, you need to open the passages to the chests, promoting the characters in parallel at the bottom and according to the upper parties corresponding to it. In the chests lies garbage and some money. In addition, on the lids you can find quest items for satellites: a medallion for Isabella, a feather for Anders, a medallion for Fenris and verses for Avelin. If one of the chests became inactive, do not be afraid: it will be available when the lattices are raised in front of the door. To raise them, you need to get up at the same time on both plates in front of the chests.

When you finally get to the treasury, you will learn what is an ambush. It turns out that Tallis with the Duke has some kind of their affairs, and she also has its own little secret. Regardless of your replicas, the duke will stubbind you from Tallis to your dungeon, where you can chat with elf souls while your other two satellites in a panic are looking for their unlucky leader.

When you, not without the help of elf, you will get out of the cell and meet with the other companions, you will get back all your little things (if you made your way to the treasury secretly), and you can choose two ways out: through the castle basements or through the caves. If you want to earn more experience, money and assemble a set of equipment in Orelian style, you should still wait with the caves.


If you decide to wade through the cellars, you will have to go through a few simple puzzles. In the first room you will see two devices (white and black), stirrer and three locked doors: two white and one yellow. When you click on the device above the character's head, the symbol of the corresponding color appears, and you can open the doors with the same colors. In the agitator you can mix two different colors to get the third one.

So, take a white symbol and open the two doors on the left hand. Return to the machine and take the black color - go through the right white door and open the black. Take the blue symbol and return to the main room to put a symbol in the agitator (it does not disappear from your head). Now run through the left white door and open blue. Kill the Rune Golem - this is not too strong monster, cope with it is easy. Immediately after the violence over it will open a strange type of picture on the wall: people in masks and without, located in three rows. If Isabella is with you, look back and pick up the damned emerald - it will be useful for the task. In the apparatus at the door, take the yellow symbol and return to the main room. Open the yellow door to put a symbol in the agitator, and take what happened as a result of the mixing of yellow and blue colors - green. Immediately behind the yellow door, the left hand will be a green door, followed by treasure chests: money and medium in the parameters of the thing. In addition, if in the party of Isabella, the quest item will lie on the floor - the damned diamond.

Go to the transition to a large room, in the middle of which in three impassable barriers there is a chest. Plates located on the floor opposite the exit from the passed part of the basement, turn over so that the plates with the pattern correspond to people in masks, and clean people without them. The first barrier is open.

Note: In order to remove barriers, it is not necessary to pass the puzzles - it is enough to simply set the desired stoves in the right order if it is known to you.

In the eastern room you need to solve a puzzle of another type. Its essence is that all the plates need to turn over so that it is completely folded up the portrait shown on their reverse side. When you press on the stove, it turns over, and also turn over the plates common with it - that is, adjacent to it horizontally and vertically. If something went wrong, you can reset the troubled, engaging the lever under the picture.

After the puzzle is collapsed, lay out the plates at the exit to the same scheme as the face in the second drawing. The second barrier is overcome.

In the western side you are waiting for wonderful doors. Take a black symbol and unlock both black doors right at the rate. Change the symbol on the white and open the white door behind the left black door. From the machine in the room, take the blue symbol and add it to the agitator. Go through the right black door and open blue - again golem! Observe him and get a third picture of people in masks. If Isabella in the party, do not forget to choose the damned ruby. Take the symbol from the red apparatus and take it to the stirrer. Having received a purple symbol, unlock the door to the treasury. In the chests lie money, every garbage and a little medium things. Do not forget to look back in search of damned sapphire for Isabella. Waving at the outlet of the tile, as in the third picture, remove the last barrier - congratulations, you got the achievement of "mining".

In addition to the mortar and all sorts of trinkets in the chest and in the pile of treasure, you will find a set of things for Hawk. The type of dialing depends on the class, and the increases that it gives is from the level of the hero. In addition, here you can find a rusty dagger - the last subject in Quest Isabella.

There is nothing more here, run south on the stairs. If there is avelin in the party, then in front of the door to the next room there will be a battered book - an item that starts a personal task for her - "Print Du Laca". After talking to her, go through the door to get into the ambush again. The duke will decide not to give you to leave and will on the hero of his Hasinda with two jesters and sophisticated ordinary soldiers. Hasind will immediately run away, so there will be less than one strong enemy - already well. The battle will be simple, the main thing is to quickly take the jesters. These are pretty thick robbers who painfully fight, but they are only two and they pop up.

After the Hawk discern from the local ship, Tallis will offer to leave the caves in the dungeon. To get there, you do not need to return (however, it is impossible) - just go into the passage in the dungeon leading from this room.

Bruption sets

  • Sorceress Illana (Mage). Items give bonuses to health, protection, mana / endurance recovery rates, and have 1 slot for the rune in each. Bonus for the kit: + 10% to physical, fiery, cold, electrical, natural and spiritual damage.
  • Orlesian spear (warrior). Items give bonuses to attack, attack speed, bonus to the treatment obtained by treatment, and have 1 slot for the rune in each. Bonus for the kit: health recovery speed +50, resistance to damage + 10%.
  • Racing (robber). Items give bonuses to health recovery speed, mana / endurance recovery speed, to resistance to damage, to resistance, and have 1 slot for the rune in each. Bonus for the kit: Stunning resistance 100%.


If you decide first to pass by the dungeon, then guards will come across: the first battle will be held in a large hall in the northwestern part of the map, and the second is in the hall in the southeastern part. If the battle with the protection of de Montfor took place, it will be quiet and calm.

Selecting from the caasemate with Tallis, you will find yourself in the northern part of the dungeon. Nearby is a passage to the cellar, and directly - a corridor with cameras. Cameras are only four, in two of them locked prisoners, which can be released, hacking the locks.

In the southern part of the dungeon there are two exits: to the cellar (in the room with an ambide) and in the shelter.

Note: Going through the crack to the cave, you can no longer go back.

Before leaving, you should fierce in the chambers. Of the quest items here is a stagging brick on Queen Alelin "Print Du Laca." In the southwest corridor there are three stone statues in the quest "Pirates and Curses", in the Great Hall in the West Location Lies the Book by Quest for Warric. In other cameras, you can choose objects for other satellites: the banner of the chevalier for the carver, the picture for the betany and the amulet for Fenris.

After you collect all the necessary items and complete other affairs in this location, you can go through the passage to the old shelter of gray guards.


Print du Laka

This task becomes available only if you took Avelin with you. Read the book at the door in the southern corridors of the cellars. Alelin will say that in the book there are records of some arrested, who was twisted the seal of the genus of her father - du Laca.

Research the cache in the southwestern chamber of the northern wing of the caasemates, Avelin will find a strange vessel with smoke inside. A scroll and ring will be discovered in the vessel, as well as the spirit of the rebel from the dead. Monster is not new, how to deal with him, everyone knows. Who does not know, let me mean that it is better to beat it from the distance: a powerful Aura around the dead man shall damage to everyone who is next to him. In addition, he can attract the goal to himself, knocking down from his feet.

After the murder of the monster, the conversation will continue, and Avelin will tell you that she does not know how this is all connected with her father, but going to ask someone. This task will be completed, Hawk will receive 200 xp (plus an additional 230 xp per battle with a monster), and our iron lady will acquire a useful trunk - ring Print red (100% damage from the basic attack against enemies in the near battle).

Pirates and curses

If you are in the party of Isabella, collect four gems and rusty dagger in the cellars:

  • Damned emerald - in the room with the first picture, the northern wing;
  • Damned diamond - room behind the green door, north wing;
  • Damned Ruby - Room behind the Blue Door, West Wing;
  • Damned sapphire - a room behind a purple door, a western wing;
  • Rusty dagger - in the central hall at the chest.

In the corridor in the southwestern part of the dungeons, there are three stone statues - pirates, which struck the curse. If you approach them with Isabella, they will call her and tell about how they stole a dagger from their captain-Maleherik, who was cursed. Only another captain can remove the curse if this dagger finds and will show generosity, giving it to them. We are talking about the dagger itself, the parts of which you were collected in different places of the basement. If you have not had time to do this - you have to go to the basement. If the dagger is already ready, then it is necessary to decide: relieve pirates from a curse or not.

  • If you provide the choice of Isabelle itself, she will decide to leave the dagger himself. In a reward, get dagger four winds (damage with electricity, 4 rune slots) and 150 xp.
  • Or you can persuade her to make a good deed - the pirates will be liberated from the stone captivity, Izabelle will be fond of loyalty and run away. Subsequently, they will help you in a fight in the caves. In the award, get 300 xp.


This location is quite linear, with the exception of some moments. Conditionally can be divided into two ring parts and three corridors. In the first tunnele you will find a magical feather for Anders. In the ring cave you can find a cache for Sebastian, a cache for betany or carver and a medallion for Isabella. In addition, you will come across the gay tribe led by Velgastrian.

A more serious fight awaits you on the bridge - with the most Hasind, who pursues Hawk from the very beginning of the adventure. With him there will be several soldiers and a handful of magicians. At the very beginning of the battle, Tallis will be cut off from the team, and if you want to restore it to quickly, then Bates Hasinda and quickly. When he remains about a third of life, Tallis will join the team again. After the battle, go around the corpses: Kahir will "share" the grid and two-handed combat ax Dragon breath (damage from fire, bonus for damage from fire), and with the magician, take a staff The sting (damage from the Forces of Nature, 1 Rune Slot, Bonus for Damage from the Forces of Nature, enemies can not dodge the attack, the likelihood of health recovery). If Isabellas with you and freed three losers from curses, they will help you in this battle. In addition, from the bridge you can admire the view of the lake at the viewing point.

On the second ring you will find verses for Avelin, a cache for Warric and another flock of the scap. After the hero will deal with the savages, Tallis will tell you that you are already at the exit, and will be convinced to follow with her to help her.


Here you are free or refused, or agree. Only that which expensive you will go and what enemies you will meet there. Also, you can collect awards on the tasks of those satellites, who have not yet acquired personal baubles: Anders, Fenris, Alellin and Isabella.

Without tallis

If you refused to help, you will go shorter, and only guards and Vivenn with ... Vfulnn will come from enemies. The exit to the ruins will lead you to the meeting place of the prison with the kunari.

With Tallis

If you still decided to go from Tallis, then there will be more to run. Almost immediately at the exit from the caves of Hawk, the Baron Arlant will wave if our hero has not killed him yet, of course. There will be archers, soldiers and jester. As a reward for a fight, you will be created by a good sword and a shield, and all the junk, on trifles. In addition, all the little things do it seems to be the scapions and Vivenov - they should not have big problems with them.

But the following enemies will be more powerful - Tal Vathote. At first there will be a small group led by an officer, then the detachment is a lamp, but led by the leader of Tal-Veta, which will make you farther and farther after it is thoroughly bought. Crawing, finally, with the leader, Tallis will find out where a meeting with Prosper will take place - come back and pass to the ruins.

Final battle

After a small roller in which the duke will receive some scroll from Tal Vathota, regardless of whether you agreed to help Elven or refused, she will join the party, and Prosper will order your soldiers to attack you.

Conditionally, the battle can be divided into three stages: Prosper, Leopold and Provider on Leopold.

During the first stage, the Duke will fight at thenime, and Vivenn spoil poison from above. Do not stand under the jet! Bates Orselsian and go away from the spruits of the creature. When the duke will lose almost all of his lives, it will jump up, and Leopold will enter a more contact battle.

If you put a poison in the food Vivenna, it will move rather slowly at this stage. Prospere will throw on someone from the characters the label (usually on the one who controls the player), and Leopold will be purposefully pursuing this character until the label disappears. Tactics Simple: Beat Vfulnna, the one who is tagged - steam locomotive.

When Leopold will be thoroughly pintage, the duke will call him to him and place on the field exploding along the trap chain. Try to get up in the free area - then almost no one will fall. After that, de Montfor on the wit will go down to the battlefield, and the last stage of the battle will begin. Just as in the second stage, the duke will throw a label. But Leo is already waving and religious, therefore it will not work out. But it can be thrown off from the cliff: when Vivenn is already rushing to the "labeled", standing at the edge of the abyss, run away in the direction - the creature will put on the inertia for the site, and he will hold on for a while, clinging and being no longer able to do anything.

To seek the duke, look a beautiful video and get ready to say goodbye to Tallis. If you refused to her, then will require an award from it. In any case, she will give Hawk what was planned to put under the guise of stone - The heart of many, quite a good amulet, giving an increase to strength, dexterity and magic, depending on the level. In addition, if there is no passion with a hero, and you flirted with elf, you can get a romantic kiss from it, but you will not wait for it.

At this adventure will end, and Hawk will transfer back to his house in Kirkolla.

Amulets for satellites

Suspicious flags (Carver)

  • On the stairs for the kitchen of the castle;
  • On the balcony of servants room;
  • Camera in the southern part of the dungeon;
  • Cache: asylum caves.

Reward: Amulet enthusiast. Bonus to the likelihood of a critical strike, a bonus for critical damage, a bonus to the recovery rate of health and resistance to damage.

Symbols (Bethany)

  • In the chamber in the southern part of the dungeon;
  • Cache: in asylum caves.

Reward: Miniature family portrait. Bonus to the damage from the fire and the damage from the cold, the bonus to the speed of mana / endurance.

Card? ... (Isabella)

  • In the room opposite the kitchen in the castle;
  • On the right chest before the treasury of the duke;
  • In asylum caves;

Reward: Fortune Armada icon. Bonus for protection, a bonus to critical damage, the probability of going into the state of invisibility, being attacked.

Secret composition (Sebastian)

  • In the courtyard of the castle before the hunt, in the trunk of the intennate;
  • In the kitchen of the castle;
  • Cache: in asylum caves.

Reward: Gift epicurea. Bonus for protection, bonus for critical damage and resistance to damage.

Plagiat (Warrick)

  • In the hall for the kitchen in the castle;
  • In the lock library;
  • In the northwestern dungeon hall;
  • Cache: asylum caves.

Magic feathers (Anders)

  • On the trail of hunters, Western hunting grounds;
  • On the left chest before the treasury;
  • In asylum caves;
  • Cache: path on the mountainside.

Reward: Birds of one flight. Bonus to health, bonus to mana / endurance, bonus for health recovery speed.

Heritage Warrior (Fenris)

  • In the hall for the kitchen in the castle;
  • On the right chest before the treasury;
  • In asylum caves;
  • Cache: path on the mountainside.

Reward: The gift of the warrior fog. Bonus for protection, bonus for damage from the magic of the Spirit, a bonus to resistance to damage.

Romantic Gift (Avelin)

  • Indoors in front of the guard room in the castle;
  • On the left chest before the treasury of the duke;
  • In asylum caves;
  • Cache: path on the mountainside.

Reward: The path of true love. Bonus for health, bonus for protection, bonus to the speed of mana / endurance.

  • Kay ovald like it

Profile of play:

Full title: Dragon Age 2: Killer Stamp

Developer: BioWare.

Publisher: Electronic Arts.

Genre:RPG / Action.

Our resume

Idea:Another large plot DLC + Tallis Felice Day

Graphics: After the gloomy and monotonous streets of Kirkvol, green forest cleaners and an elegant castle - very happy.

Sound:As always - good

The game: After a number of not the most successful attempts, BioWare was clearly naked on the production of high-quality loaded additions.

Verdict GameWay!

4 / 5 (good)

They needed to do the series - the right word. And now I am not at all about Dragon Age: Redemption - now weekly the fan semi-professional web series with Felicia Day in the lead role. I'm about BioWare and Dragon Age 2.

As a relatively short development cycle, which wrapped with endless repetitions of locations and play situations, artificially tightening the gameplay through the same type of battles and extremely survivic bosses. In short, the content, which by the standards of Dragon Age: Origins had enough hours at 15, diligently stretched at 45-50 hours of the game.

Not that this did Dragon Age 2 bad game, but for BioWare and Dragon Age as a series it was a tangible downgrade. Separate lumens, like an improved, more dynamic combat part (balance, however, the quests and a lot of others brought to mind only by the last megapatch) - they did not save.

Why it happened, it is not necessary to guess for a long time - the first Dragon Age went from the "idea" stage to the stage "one of the best RPG decades" more than five years (for the first time the game was submitted to the public in 2004, published in late 2009). If the development of the following parts of the planned pentalogia would take the same time, we would see the final part of the saga somewhere in the 2030th. And this would be deprived of any meaning and from the point of view of the business strategy, and from the point of view of the rapid development of fine funds, affordable industry. It is enough to remember how the PC hits looked 20 years ago, and the fact that none of the popular RPG series did not live to this day.

Realizing this, EA and BioWare decided to highlight the development time and ... a few overreed. Time to bring Dragon Age 2 to the best modern RPG, not enough. And so I say that they had to do the series.

Imagine: The game comes out episodes, each for several hours of gameplay. Each heroes put in a new interesting situation, reveals their characters from the new side, moves a few forward a global plot, or develops one of his branches. "Series" overlook both small, such as an additional task from the satellite, and serious, for many hours of gameplay and with complex plot collisions.

With the modern development of the Internet and operational development, this approach can provide interesting solutions and very original findings in the structure of the story, and will also allow you to instantly respond to players' comments. And if the multipleer is screwed ... However, I noticed something.

This is me the last two plot DLCs for such fantasies pushed. Because in their case, Dragon Age 2 and behaves with us as a prototype of such a series. There is a big and not the most outstanding basic game. And there are a couple of relatively small ("just" hours of five) excellent and worked out "series" -tles, in which you can drag your favorite heroes to the next reckless event, admire their reaction to new adventures, and help them save a little later if not The world (although, why not?), At least their skin.

What's new - "Miglette Killer"(Mark of the Assassin) are made an order of magnitude better than the original game. The contrast with the passage of the "clean" Dragon Age 2, where Anders has now sent my hero in Cloaca (as always in this location, we have already been ten times) - to collect Selitra, sadly run from one why the lyrics protected by smugglers (probably they are just evil We - after all, we killed under the thousand of their twin brothers), a bunch of this very, to the other - radical.

It meets us a big and interesting hunt for Vivenn (absolutely new enemy and enemy is chic), smoothly turning into a magnificent reception in the castle, where you can meet some of the old friends. Then the program indicates stealth elements, excellent puzzles, good side tasks associated with those whose companions you took with you. Well, at the end of complex, and at times, very difficult and interesting contractions with completely new, unprecedented enemies before, and each fight is deeply individual.

Starts "Miglette Killer" Just like the "legacy" - after installing the addition in the Hawk mansion, a new statue will appear, the click on which runs a large-scale adventure. Somewhere in the other time and the space of Cassandra will require from Warric to tell her another chapter of the truthful story about the incredible adventures of the defender, and the one, again, dull, in the end, will lay out everything as in spirit.

The plot drives Hawk and his team with Tallis, the main heroine all the same web series Dragon Age: Redemption. Elf want to get to a certain reception in the castle of Orlesian Velmazby, and Hawk has an invitation. The acute and witty spy is pretty easily lifting the defender in a new adventure. However, everything will go wrong, and it will ensure that it will provide a plot of a lot of fairly curious turns.

The story allows you to learn a little new about Kunari and Orlesians. New and interesting notes for the code, as well as demonstrative scenes in addition, quite a lot. Characters, especially, the eccentric owner of the castle of the Duke of Prospere and, actually, Tallis itself.

IN Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin She is a permanent member of Hawk's squad. The battle of the elf's battle is very flexible - it can like to sink enemies with throwing knives from the distance, and it's very good to teach opponents in the near battle. This in a compartment with excellent special skills makes Tallis one of the most dangerous fighters in the game. It is even pity that it is impossible to leave a red-haired team at the end of the adventure.

It looks like the Tallis here, by the way, much more prettier than in the series. Not externally - here, unfortunately, there are misses. So, with some angles, the skin of the Virtual Double Felice Day will look much older than it would be. Internally.

Tallis from the game is much more delicate and humane, although its wit and somewhat unleashed manner do not go anywhere. Perhaps this contrast is associated with the inner evolution of the character, because the events of the series occur to the history of the "Killer Stimple" and reached the Redemption so far only to the third series.

Locations presented in Dragon Age 2: "Killer Stamp"It is pleasant to differ from the gloomy Kirkvolsky lanes and no less gloomy Kirkvol surroundings. You can hunt and fight in a completely festive green forest (it is very reminiscent of the first part), and in no festive, but very well-worked castle dungeons.

Below Dragon Age 2: "Killer Stamp" It is possible for the relative weakness of stealth elements. This innovation is represented by a small night walk along the castle of full guards. Stealth turned out to be quite simple and primitive, however, in the end, this is RPG, and not a stealth-action, but to hide in the shadows and turn past the working out guards at all is not tedious and even quite interesting.

Also a little spoils the impression not very high variability of events. The ending is always alone ... But you can come to her in different ways. And how your hak will go - not an empty choice at all.

Our adventure begins with such a statue in the house at Hawk.

As a prologue, we show the scene: a meeting in the upper city with a kind of blade. In addition to the mandatory character (Varrica), we can take with them any other other than sister or brother. No role plays this, the difference will be only in some minor replicas. But it is better to pick up a batch with the calculation of a fight.

So, having come to the meeting, we suddenly find out that this is no meeting, but the most real ambush. Well, yes, we do not get used to us. And here is the main heroine of our adventure: Tallis.

After her spectacular appearance, it turns out that it was not accidental here. Elf is needed by someone who has an invitation to the castle to the Duke of the Castle de Montfor - we have them. However, it will not be just a secular Rauta, but "half-fell" penetration into the holy castle of En - the treasury of the duke, from where you need to steal a certain gem - Multi Merce .

We shake the corpses, on one of which we find a letter.

We go to the exit from the quarter, which has an elf.

Since Tallis is a mandatory companion, then besides it, we can only take two more companions. If the brother or sister is alive, they can also be taken to the team.

Acquaintance with the owner of the castle leaves a dual impression. There is a feeling that the mask of politeness and exquisite manner is hidden by some trick. However, it is necessary to feed prejudice to the Orelianians. So, everything starts with a hunt for Vivenna.

Talking from Tallis, you can look around. To the left of the castle's gates is a trader equipment. He can find good things and sell his junk. If you are in Sebastian batch, then next to the merchant chest is the first subject for his task: recipe.

On the right side stands someone Gabrielle, talking with whom you can take a task "Balm Eger" - Medicine from poison Vfulnna.

Hunting grounds - West.
We run down the steps right. On the clearing on us attacks a handful of a dragon, and then two imaging mothers. We kill dragons - nothing particularly valuable with them falls. But one carcass of the cub is a quest item: Talking from Tallis, we take her with you as bait for Vfulnna. We go to another trail and go on. On my right hand, we come across a glade with an ancient altar. You can activate the altar now, but while you can go past - you still have to come back later. If you activate it, the guards of the altar will be attacked - the Avarian goddess of the sky led by heavenly horror. The battle will be hard. Through each demolished third lives, heavenly horror is hiding behind the impassable barrier, and it is standing there until we bring all the guards. Then returns with new ones and everything is repeated. After the trail, I'm buying a blood puddle. Talking from Tallus, take a note that Vivenni will be better lured if there is also a blood dragon to the dragon.

At the bottom of the clearing the hunter wanders, who lost his faithful dogs: Nicodemus and Sylvayna. Agree to search them and get a task "Lost Hounds". Turn over the bushes and run along the trail further.

We again on that glade, where were, but now we run southeast. On the way there are parking hunters in which you can dial several potions. On the left hand there is an inconspicuous trail, going on which we will find three interesting things at once: Andrathera mantle, a cry of Vfulnna and a skeleton of a man, who, apparently, killed the circle of cheese.

Taking a scream of Vfulnna to a note, running on until we meet two hunters who squeeze that it seems like a trace found. But do not rush to flee immediately for them - on the right hand in front of the path, where they ran, lies the second ingredient of Balzam - Mushying resident. Now you can go to see what is there for a trail .O-PA. Rule Orselians fell victims of little wild freaks - the glory. These guys are pretty chilly, but take quantities. By interrupting everyone, we go south to find a poor man. He will say that he got lost while looking awesome altar. Hearing about our find, he will give his records in which they say how to find a treasure cache in the altar, which activates the task "The cult of heaven". We return to the altar and find an article in the code, sacrificial dagger and the belt of heaven. If I have not killed the security of the sanctuary, now it's time.
Hunting grounds - east.
At the entrance to the location, they immediately stumble upon the trail (the main thing is not to join!). In the very first clearing, the lakes find a little potion and the third ingredient for Balzam - Holly. Yes, the drugs turned out not enough, even one person is not enough. In addition, you can admire the view of the lake and the mountains and discuss the features of the inheritance of property in Orleai. We are south. There, by and large there is nothing interesting, except for some remains (an quest for linting) and, again, the grooves of the scaries. True, this time with them will be the science sorcerer - Velgastrial. He will beat magic and hide behind the barrier that can be destroyed by attacks.

Running to the east, we meet one of the hunter's dogs - Silway. Looks like he wants us to go with him. We run behind the dog before the development and right, and there through the glade. Let the holes of the soaps do not scare you yet - so far we run for the pupil, they sit quietly. Yeah, but the second dog is Nicodemus. He seems to be poisoned by a poison of Vfulnna, but we just have balm. If you cure PSA, the hunter will meet us in the glade and will give a good bow in gratitude. However, the dog can be left or put to sleep. But in this case you will not receive awards. Before running to the clearing of dogs, you can strangle the gate sockets and shoot noone.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

Following the dog, we turned on the right path, now let's go left. Almost immediately come back on the last of the ingredients necessary for the bait: rummaged in a heap (I would even say "the puchis") of excrement, we find the dice. And why not try to lure Vfulnna scream Naga? We go straight - we have nowhere to turn something - and go to the "Vfulnova" Polyana. No, Vivennas are not growing there like mushrooms, but this is a great place to put the bait. You can not pull out everything that is, because in order to lure at least some of the two components. But if you are all collected, you can felt your pride and try to attach a particularly large copy - Vfulnna-leader. In any case, it will not affect the plot, but we will get a reward better and achieving the "chase of the game." The older levels the creature is killed quite easily, but if your hero is still small, you have to sweat. The monster is spying poison and can attack with overclocking, pulling those who fall on his way, on the ground. However, from Vivenna you can donate. Freezing and immobilization, as well as stunning on it, if pumped.

So, messengers are defeated, but vultures flew on the feast. It turns out that this is not just a hunt, but hunting for bribes. This year for the right to become the winner paid someone Baron Arlantzh is a person prone to hysterics, and also calls. It is determined to negotiate with him, even if I want to - you have to fight. The fight lasts until the very moment when the baron is demolished, so you can first kill him, and then it myself, or beat him with all the characters to finish faster.

Anyway, he does not die, because at the most responsible moment the owner of the holiday intervenes, then you mean the duke. He recognizes our right to win and offers a choice: let go of Barona or kill him for audacity. You can kill. In this case, Hawk will remove a good sword from the corpse and shield. But I recommend letting go let out - it is still annoying, and it will be possible to cut down a little more lute and more experience.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

Hunting is completed - you can go to the castle. And here is the way out: right in front of us.

Castle's courtyard
It all starts with the winner award ceremony. Duke represents Hawk to the rest of the guests and presents a valuable prize - a belt with very good characteristics. We immediately get acquainted with the "manual" vivid prompe - Leopold.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

Next, there is a small roller in which Tallis says that the doors leading to the castle are locked, and the key is probably in guard. Here you will have to say goodbye to other two satellites, so as not to rush in the eyes of a large company.

You can wander around the courtyard and chat with guests, collect coins to throw in a fountain, or sell junk in the tables.

To drive up to the guards, it is enough to use any of the reasons: from visiting a dressing up to the scandal with a cook about the bad treat. From the first guard, we learn that he gave the key to the maid. The elf the fountain with the tray is owned by us. After a small dialogue, Tallis will retire with her and find out that the maid also does not have a key: she gave him to Lord Siril - the son of the duke.

We start with Lord a secular conversation, we take a coin-caprication as a gift and we send it from the Tallis to be sprinkled. But it seems that Lord does not like Elf, Tallis has a complete failure, and she asks Hawk to talk with Syril. You can pour with it and taper to pull the key, and you can cut it out and choke. If you do not want to act any caress, you can just talk, and he will ask to bring him a glass of wine. Tallis will say that she has a sleeping pill for this case, so we take a glass of wine from the table near the forehead and give him Lord - the key with us. On the way we throw coins to the fountain and go to the door to the castle.

make a wish

It is necessary to collect all coins-whims and throw them into the fountain. There are five of them five:

  • Near the cage with Leopold, on the barrel.
  • On a bench behind the son of Proster - Syril
  • On a bench near Leliana
  • Bought task for the internal
  • We get as a gift from Lord Sirila.

Throw all coins to the fountain, completing the quest, and we get 1 point in the award of the characteristics.

In addition, you can communicate with the guests of the holiday:

  • Countess Dulssi de Spex
  • Lady Eleganta
  • Banne Tegan and Lady Isolde
  • Leliana
  • Seneshil Bran
EN Castle
As soon as we went through the door, one of the guards notes us. It seems that he has Wahter Syndrome, and he does not agree to get out and pretend that we have not seen. Tallis kills him and suggests to get further secretly to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. From whether we will agree or decide to break through with the battle, further passage of the game depends.

It is easier, of course, just pass and chop all in the cabbage. Enemies will be larger, and good things are smaller, but it is going on faster.

It is hidden so much more complicated, but also the catch of all sorts of trinkets will be weighty. So, we have three main techniques: distraction (throw a stone so that the guard goes to the sound source), out of order (sneaking at the back and knock the guard on the head, having stitched it) and hide in the shadows (when the hero is in the shade and not too close To guard, he becomes invisible - at such moments it envelops something like a shadow aura).

The first guard of the pebble we send to stand the nose to the wall, are stuck in the corridor and hiding in the shadows behind the column until the Guardian group passes by. We pass to the kitchen and send the cunning to the cook away. We select quest tasks for satellites and read the Cook magazine. To make the necessary mixture, we take 4 pieces of lutephiste (2 clicks), 3 pieces of cheese (1 click) and 5 pieces of tours (5 clicks), we take the mixture from the jug and we sweep it into the basket with the feed for Leopold. It will make him move much slower in the final battle.

We open the lock on the door opposite the kitchen and in the room we take a medallion for Isabella and a drawing for Bethany.

Touch the captain of the Guardians from behind, cutting it out and stipulate in search of the key. While he did not wake up, pick up a book for Warric and a medallion for Fenris. We ride on the stairs, grabbing the flag on the path for the carver, go through the doors.

Let's go into the courtyard. Hiding in the shadows under the stairs, we wait until the nearest guard does not go around the platform. We go behind him (at a distance, of course), hiding behind the overgrown fences, and we get closer to the chest to get an amulet from a set of jewelry.

In the same way, making your way behind the guard, we get to the stairs down and go down to the door. Behind the door is a balcony, it is just passing. Below the servants communicate at the bottom, but they won't notice us. In the next room, select love poems for Avelin and go on. Then we need to right, but to find the key from the door, you should wrap in the left corridor. The guardian who goes there, you can cut out, but you can go slowly. The fork will be the door to the room with two chests. At the same time in the room it will be possible to relax - the door is closed and no one will notice us. In the chest smaller lies the key from the balcony, and in the one that is more, the second object from the jewelry set is alarm ring.

It follows from the room with caution: open the door, hiding in the room behind the wall and we are waiting for two guards by passing by, and only then we are stuck behind them. If you go straight, on the balcony of the guard room, then the left can be reputed with a cheap nonsense. We run along the balcony to the door we need and pass through it on the balconies in the courtyard. From there, without adventures, go through several doors and get into the library to the bottom floor. We grab the book for Warric and rising the second room of the library, where you can see several orleyski cloths.

From the library we go to an open courtyard with several guards. Hiding in the shadows, we get to the guard by the stairs and bring it out of order. While he did not wake up, throw pebbles to the fence over the courtyard so that the second guard goes there, and run to the chest left. However, you can and do not run, there is nothing valuable. But you can hide in the shadows and evaluate the situation. Two guards patrol the door, which can be trapped by, waiting when they turn away, but the door is locked. Therefore, having imagined the moment, run by the door and hiding with the shadows on the other hand. Guarders are distracted by throwing pebbles behind his back, sneaking to the captain of the Guardians, we bring it out of order and select the key (attention: if the guard does not distract, but simply deal with the captain, he will notice us). As soon as the "concluding basis" rolls back, sneak into the guide sitting back and beat it. We run over the column and shake the chest in search of the third and last part of the set of jewelry - the rings "uncertainty". If during this time our valiant guard will find, then again we take it out of order. Anyway, we run into the shadow to the right of the door we need and wait for a convenient moment to start past two patroling guards.

Finish straight. We're almost there. Take the left hand - there is a chest with any nonsense.

Last jerk

At the entrance to the room, the West is triggered: the outlet is cut off by a massive grid, and the door is not open ahead. To open it, we need to become two plates at the chests at the same time, but all the approaches are cut off to the chests.

We get on two plates at the carpet and open the lattice in the stairs. Next, in parallel, we drive Hawk and Tallis on the plates until we do before the statues - tilting them. Also at the same time we go out, otherwise the lattices will be descended.

Again we get up on the plates in front of the carpet - lattices open under balconies. Now we need to open aisles in the chests, promoting in parallel at the bottom and according to its respective to the upper parties. In the chests lies garbage and a little money. In addition, the lids are quest items for satellites: a medallion for Isabella, a feather for Anders, a medallion for Fenris, a recipe for Sebastian and verses for Avelin. If one of the chests became inactive, do not be afraid: it will be available when the lattices are raised in front of the door. To raise them, you need to get up at the same time on both plates in front of the chests.


We successfully passed all the tests to get into the ambush. We are welcomed by the duke de Montfor himself with the security and sends to the local ullation, where the hero is waiting for a misconception with Tallis. But what to lose time? Our other comrades run somewhere, and we are still selected from the chamber. Having met with companions and receiving back their little things, we must take an important decision: to go through basements or through the caves in prison. If we sneak into the lock is hidden, the achievement of the "quiet sap will" is unlocked.

In the first room we see two devices (white and black), a stirrer and three locked doors: two white and one yellow. When you click on the device, the character of the appropriate color appears above the character's head, and we can open the doors with the same colors. In the agitator you can mix two different colors to get the third one.

So, we take a white symbol and open two doors on the left hand. We return and take the black color, pass through the right white and open the black door. We take a blue symbol, come back to the main room and put the symbol in the agitator (it does not disappear). We run now through the left white door and open blue. Killing a rune golem - not too strong monster, it's easy to cope with it. Immediately after the violence, there is a strange type of painting: people in masks and without, are located in three rows. If Isabella is with you, look back and pick up the damned emerald - it will be useful for the task. We take a yellow symbol in the apparatus and go back to the main room. We open the yellow door, put the symbol into the stirrer, and take it a mixture of blue and yellow - green. Immediately behind the yellow door, the left hand will be a green door, followed by treasure chests: money and medium in the parameters of the thing. In addition, if in the party of Isabella, the quest item will lie on the floor - the damned diamond.

We run on the transition and get into the large room, in the middle of which is a large chest for three impassable barriers. Immediately before us is the rotating plates. Noticing that the plates here are exactly the same as many people in the picture, turn them out so that the plates with the pattern correspond to people in masks, and clean people without them. The first barrier is open. Note: In order to remove the barriers, it is not necessary to pass the puzzles - it is enough to simply set the desired stoves in the desired order if it is known to you.

In the eastern room, too, you need to solve a puzzle with plates. Its essence is that all the plates need to turn over so that it is completely folded up the portrait shown on their reverse side. When you click on the stove, it turns over and roll over the plates common with it. That is, adjacent to her horizontally and vertically. If something went wrong, you can reset the troubled, engaging the lever under the picture. The general algorithm of solutions is contained in the picture. This algorithm is not the only one, but the easiest. If there is a desire, you can try to fold the mosaic yourself.

I remember the location of people in masks and lay out the appropriate scheme from the outlet stoves. The second barrier is overcome.

In the western side, wonderful doors are waiting for us. We take a black symbol and unscrew both black doors straight. We change the symbol on white and open the white door behind the left black door. From the apparatus in the room we take a blue symbol and put it into the stirrer. We run through the right black door and open blue - again golem! Kill the poor golem and get the third picture of people in masks. If Isabella in the party, pick up the damned ruby. We grab a symbol with a red apparatus and running to a stirrer. Having received a purple symbol, unscrew the door to the treasury. In the chests lie money, every garbage and a little medium things. Do not forget to look back in search of damned sapphire for Isabella. I exhibit at the outlet of the tile, as in the third picture - and the last barrier is removed. We get the achievement of "mining."

In addition to the money and all sorts of robberies, we find in the chest and in the pile of treasure straight a whole set of things for our hero. The type of dialing depends on the class, and the increases that it gives is from the level of the hero. In addition, here you can find a rusty dagger - the last subject in Quest Isabella.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

There is nothing more here, we run south on the stairs. If there is avelin in the party, then in front of the door to the next room will lie the battered book - the subject that starts a personal task for it - "Print Du Laca". Alelin will say that in the book there are records of some arrested, who was twisted the seal of the genus of her father - du Laca. We go to the door. Again the ambush! The duke decided not to give us to leave and shed to the hero of his Hasinda with two jesters and sophisticated ordinary soldiers. Hasind immediately runs away, leaving the hills on the grievance of Hawk than he successfully uses. The battle is simple, the main thing is to quickly end the jesters. These are pretty thick robbers who painfully fight, but they are only two and they pop up.

After our hero discern from Spa, Tallis will propose to leave the caves in the dungeon.

If you decide to pass by the dungeon, then guards will come across: the first battle will be held in a large hall in the northwestern part of the card, and the second is in the hall in the south-eastern part. If the battle with the protection of de Montfor took place, it will be quiet and calm.

Selecting from the caasemate with Tallis, the hero is in the northern part of the dungeon. Nearby is a passage to the cellar, and directly - a corridor with cameras. Cameras are only four, in two of them locked prisoners, which can be released, hacking the locks.

In the southern part of the dungeon there are two exits: to the cellar (in the room with an ambide) and in the shelter.

Note: Going out through the crack to the cave, we can no longer go back.

Before leaving, you should fierce in the chambers. Of the quest items here is a stagging brick on Queen Alelin "Print Du Laca." Research Picky, Avelin will find a strange vessel with smoke inside. A scroll and ring will be discovered in the vessel, as well as the spirit of the rebel from the dead. Monster is not new, how to deal with him, everyone knows. Who does not know, let him mean that he is better to beat it from the distance: a powerful aura around the dead man beats everyone who is next to him. In addition, he can attract the goal to himself, knocking down from his feet.

After the murder of the monster, the conversation will continue, and Alellin will tell us that she does not know how this is all connected with her father, but going to ask someone. On this purpose, the task will be completed, and our iron lady will acquire a useful trinket.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passageThere are three stone statues in the corridor: pirates, which struck the curse. If you approach them with Isabella, they will call her and tell about how they stole a dagger from their captain-Maleherik, who was cursed. Only another captain can remove the curse if this dagger finds and will show generosity, giving it to them. All parts of the dagger scattered in different bases. If you have not yet collected - you have to go to the basement. If the dagger is already ready, then it is necessary to decide: relieve pirates from a curse or not. If you leave the choice of Isabelle itself, she will decide to leave the dagger to himself. The hero can persuade her to make a good deed - the pirates will be released from the stone captivity, Izabelle will be fond of loyalty and run away. Subsequently, they will help you in a fight in the caves.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

In the Big Hall lies the book on the quest for Warric. In other cameras, you can choose objects for other satellites: the banner of the chevalier for the carver, the picture for the betany and the amulet for Fenris.

On the first ring you can find a feather for Anders, a cache for Sebastian, a cache for betany or carver and a medallion for Isabella. In addition, we will face the gay tribe led by Velgastrian.

On the bridge, we are waiting for a more serious fight - with the most Hasinda, which is pursued from the very beginning of the adventure. With him there will be several soldiers and a handful of magicians. At the very beginning of the battle, Tallis will be cut off from the team, and if you want to restore it to quickly, then Bates Hasinda and quickly. When he remains about a third of life, Tallis will join the team again. After the battle, go around the corpses: Kahir will "share" the key from the lattice and a good two-handed, and with the magician we will remove a good staff again. If Isabellas with you and freed three losers from curses, they will help you in this battle. In addition, from the bridge, you can admire the view of the lake at the viewing point (Tab key to help you).

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

On the second ring we find verses for Alelin, a cache for Warric and another flock of the glory. After the hero will deal with the savages, Tallis will tell you that we are already at the exit, and will be convinced to follow with her to help her.

Here we are free or refused, or agree. Only the way, what expensive we will go and what enemies we will meet there.

If we refused to help, we will go shorter, and from the enemies we will only come across the guards and Vivenn with ... Vfulnom. "Do not believe our eyes." In addition, in this location there are caches for those satellites that have not yet taken their awards earlier: Fenris, Alelin, Anders and Isabella. The exit to the ruins will lead us to the place of meeting the prison with the kunari.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

On the mountain paths in the company with Tallis

The main enemies in location - Tal Vathota. At first, a small hand head led by an officer, then a detachment appears in bed, but led by the leader of Tal-Veta, which lures us farther and farther after it is thoroughly bought. Crawing, finally, with the leader, Tallis will find out where a meeting with Prosper will take place - we return and pass to the ruins.
Final battle

We look at a small roller, where the duke receives some scroll from Tal Vathota. Regardless of whether we agreed to help Elf or refused, it will join the party, and Prosper will order with their soldiers to attack you.

Conditionally, the battle can be divided into three stages: Prosper, Leopold and Provider on Leopold.

During the first stage, Prosper will fight downstairs, and Vivenn spoil poison from above. Do not stand under the jet! Beit the duke and go away from the spit. When the duke will lose almost all of his lives, he jumps up, and Leopold will stand on the watch.

If you put a poison in the food Vivenna, it will move rather slowly at this stage. Prospere will throw on someone from the characters the label (usually on the one who controls the player), and Leopold will be purposefully pursuing this character until the label disappears. Tactics Simple: beat Vfulnna, the one who is tagged - steam locomotive.

When Leopold will be thoroughly pintage, the duke calls him to himself, and the traps exploding exploding along the chain. Try to become a free area, then almost no one will fall. After that, de Montfor is riding on the Vivenna descends to the battlefield, and the last stage begins. Just as in the second stage, the duke will throw a label. But Leo is already waving and religious, therefore it will not work out. But it can be thrown off from the cliff: when Vivenn rushes to the "labeled", standing at the edge of the abyss, run away - Vfulnna will bring on the inertia for the site, and he will hold on for some time, clinging and nothing else is able to do.

We finish the duke, watch a beautiful movie and say goodbye to Tallis. If you refused to her, then will require an award from it. In any case, she will hand out Hawk what was planned to put under the guise of stone - a very good amulet. In addition, if there is no passion with a hero, and you flirted with elf, you can get a romantic kiss from it, but you will not wait for it. "Stamp killer." Full passage

Symbols (Bethany)

1. In the room opposite the kitchen in the castle

2. In the room in front of the guard room in the castle

3. In the chamber in the southern part of the dungeon

Cache: in asylum caves

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

Card? ... (Isabella)

1. In the room opposite the kitchen in the castle.

2. On the right chest before the treasury of the Duke

3. in asylum caves

Cache: path on the mountainside.

"Stamp killer." Full passage

"Stamp killer." Full passage

Secret composition (Sebastian)

1. In the courtyard of the castle before the hunt, in the trunk of the intente

Some loaded supplements contain as much material that they can qualify for the title of full continuation. Want to learn more about eagles, kuanari and enjoy the society of elven beauty named Tallis? We ask for mercy in the friendly world of the murderer.
"Killer Stamp" offers a lot. For 800 Bioware Points you can get to new enemies, equipment, riddles, bosses, meet with old friends Guardian and Hawk. And also to explore new locations many times mentioned in the games of the Orceian Empire, the local analogue of France.

You may be surprised, but all of the above for calibration will be just a cherry on a corona dish, the name of which is Tallis, a charming killer elf. She will join the Hawk, but, unfortunately, only at the time of the passage of this addition. She has a unique appearance - more smooth and beautiful animation than the rest of female characters.

In such a company, struggling with evil will not only easier, but also more pleasant. And after this struggle can be played in online games.

Supplement can be started on any chapter. Activate the statue of the lion in the house. But we would recommend to open a new adventure page after you become a kirkvolla defender. First, you will learn a lot of interesting things about Kunari, secondly, there will be additional responses to the dialogs.

The party is worth taking characters that have connections with Orlea or Kunari. Recommend Avelin or Isabella, because they will have very interesting mini-tasks. If you take Anders in the party. Let them provide a pleasant pastime and compensate for yourself - in addition, the magician surpassed himself in terms of jokes over the CO-Party. Bethany or carver can be taken in the event that they did not die on the depth trails.

By activating the statue, be sure to take in the party of Warric and go to the meeting in the Upper City with the Antivan Raven on the nicknamed blade. The meeting will end in the battle, and then we first meet the elf Tallis.

It is impossible to be friends or competed with it, but you can flirt, and for a successful flirting you will be rewarded with a kiss in the final.

Tallis will not waste time and ask the Hawk of help in returning from the castle of the Treasures The heart of many, which his owner has no right to possess.

Upon arrival in the castle of En, you will meet with its owner - the Duke of Proslem de Montfor - and his coarse bodyguard Kakhir. Duke will welcome you to the forest hunt for Vivenna. The merchant is at the walls of the castle, inspect its goods. It will only be in the first part of the supplement, and you can get a lot of useful items. So I recommend to free the inventory.

Bethany and Carver can be found here after the first chapter if they became gray guards, the bosses will order them to understand with the passion of Prosper with hazardous animals. If they arrive from the circle of magicians or the Order of the Temples. That will be interested in local velgastham - the Magic Magicians, with whom they will have to face and Hawk.

In the western part of the forest, explore the blood on the ground. Tallis will give a version that Vivenni fights among themselves. In the north-west, there is both living dragons, and the carcass of the dragon young - the last one will come in handy. There are also nest and the aforementioned velgastrals who love to hide behind the magical barrier. Be careful, in the group they are extremely dangerous, even the Orelian chevalle will not appear at the meeting.

In the south of the Big Polyana, you will meet other participants in hunting and get the opportunity to take the second ingredient for the task of the "Balsam Hengery", as well as learn the marriage call of Vivenna. The latter you need to put out the animal and fight him.

In the eastern part of the forest there is another glade; After it, turn left and find the carcass of galla for bait. In addition, you can find a litter of Vivennas and even move in it to pick it up. Tallis makes us up, but at the same time will noted that Vivenna loves Naga. Well, also bait.

Keep the way, in the meadow, use all the baits for Vivenn and start the battle.
If you found only one bait, a simple Vivenn will come to you: his death is enough to get into the castle. But if you apply all three, get a unique chance to overcome the Vfulnna leader, and this is an opponent's motley and serious. His death unlocks the achievement of "chase for a game."

But the bright finale of the hunt will continue at an equally colorful epylogue, the excretion of Orceles-Anets will declare its rights to prey. Duke Prospere caught him, and the dilemma will get up to you - let go of a rowdy or not if let go, he will return and attack again.

Hunting was successful? Well, time to get from the hands of the duke is an excellent belt leather visior. Tallis, meanwhile, will try to get inside the castle, but will not be able to open the lock on the door.

The most cheerful part begins - you need to find the key to penetrate the castle: for this you will have to do not break through the chevalé hordes, but to find out who has the same key, along the way enjoying funny dialogues at the Orceian party.

To begin with, talk with everyone: you will meet a lot of old friends - Countess Dulcsey de Spex, Banna Tagan with Isolde. Leliana and Lady Elegant. Which you bought potions in the lower city.

To advance through the plot. Tallis must be accepted with the guard, then with an elf-maid holding a tray with cheeses. Finally, with the son of Prosper - Lord Syril. Alas. But the girl's spells on the latter will not raise any action and then Hawk's help will have to be likewise. When Tallis tells about it, Hawk's face will be just indescribable. In his arsenal - three proven, ancients as the world's world, allowing to extract the key: seduction, stunning or soldering.

Once you have the key, go to open the door. You will have a choice - to break through the style of Bruce Willis or to sneak A la Garrett.

If you go through the mission quietly, you will unlock the achievement of the game in quiet "

If you decide to play in quiet, you will not be able to conjure and fight, but for a while you will get interesting skills - "distraction", "conclusion" and "hide in the shadows." If the guard caught you - not trouble, we are going to Tallis and start to rush again.

Distraction is working like this: Thrust the stone on the floor, the guard is incorporated by an extraneous noise, leaves the post and you can slip by. Use this useful skill on the first guard.

After that, it will be necessary to hide behind the column, so as not to face the nose to the nose with the whole detachment of the guard. Further in the kitchen, near the stairs, you can hide and fulfill the task "Iron Cook", but first you have to get rid of the cook. Stun it or send it to the courtyard. Near the staircase is the captain of the Guardians - use the ability to "conclude" and a well-ahead of his pockets, the prey will be the key required for further passage.

To cross the courtyard without unnecessary noise, use "distraction" and "hide". Take a look in the chest will dilute a very useful amulet.

The ring and a new key needed to go further, are ahead, in the room, surrounded by the corridor, for which two guards go. In the room itself, the Guardians will not be, and the second ring lies in the chest in the south-west.

Open the balconies and enjoy the type of castle at night before moving on. In the courtyard there will be another captain of guards with the key that opens the login to the library.

In the library, Hawk and Tallis will be trapped with grilles. To get out, put Tal Lis and Hawk on protruding slabs opposite each other, alternately promoting them to new plates. When you come to the last plates, put the statues on them and a hotel's low-level trunks - there is a lot of money.

Before you go to the chests, you will continue - unborn glitches may not let you open them.

After you decide a riddle with lattices and go on. We will immediately catch the Duke of Prosper. And here Hawk, suddenly finding the talents of Houdini in himself, will bring weapons from the air. However, they will not be allowed to fight with the duke, and you will find yourself in prison, and Tallis admits that she is not only a killer, but also kuanari. Take advantage of the opportunity and question it ... If you have already become a defender of Kirkvolla at this point. That will be drawn much more information.

Tallis will not wait for help from them and free to us. Satellites at the meeting will give Hawku Equipment, or he will continue to practice in focus if you came only with Tallis.

Ways to freedom two: through dungeons or basements. The first is pretty simple, but the second porceress with mossy riddles and raspberry treasures.

For example, you will meet a difficult puzzle: penetrate the colored doors. This can be done using coloring devices - touched them will get a color marker above the head, you can open the door of the color of the marker. Color your entire batch, and you can access new devices, and if you get a green color on the instrument at the entrance - Mix the yellow and blue tags. Open the green door and create chests.

How to open the doors: first white tags and two white doors, then a black door, behind it - a blue label, in the room with a golem there will be a yellow label and a picture, an orange door will continue to continue.

Taking an orange mark, you will not be able to go back, so do not hurry.

After that you will find yourself in a room with fire. Inside the chest in the fire is treasure, but to get them, you will have to go off the flame. About. How to do it is written slightly below.

Turn left to find another riddle with tags and devices.

Mark yourself in a black mark and open the black doors. Then open the whites and take the blue label. Behind the blue door will be a naked and another picture with masks. Take a red label and mix it with blue. After that, unlock the purple door and enjoy the treasures.

Turning to the right, you will find yourself a nose to the nose with the most difficult riddle turn the plates to collect a portrait. The last picture opens.

Now it's time to pay off the flame and get to the chest; To do this, you must arrange the plates on the floor in the same way as the location of people in masks in the paintings.

When you place the plates correctly, the fire will go out and you will receive a Khowka armor set and the achievement of Trophy.

After that, you will be met by Duke Prosper. This time he will no longer be so smug and run away. Throwing you alone with protection and clowns in masks. Carefully-hijacking villains can deliver a lot of trouble.
Chasing the duke and go down to the caves where the bodyguard of the Duke Kahir and Magi will meet you. After the battle, you can drive Tallis or complete the work started yourself.

If you go with her, wait for the attack of Tal Veta. If you drive the elf, meet with Vivenni. And the Tallis then comes to the rescue in the fight against the duke, with whom will have to fight in any case.

Duke of Prospere de Montor will call for help not only his guard, but also the pet Vfulnna Leopold, who has not yet entered into battle. And sits on the ruins and spits poison.

The duke of grooming, shoots exploding arrows, and when he remains half of health, Speakers Leopold and becomes an even more dangerous opponent - in addition to shooting, he will undermine the health of heroes with the help of traps, spreading them on the battlefield.

If you have completed the task "Iron Cook *. Get rid of Vivenna will be much easier.

There is a relatively simple way to overcome the pets of Proster: Leopold loves to go to rapid attacks immediately after the art preparation of a poisonous spit. He attacks the character who controls the player, and this is simply necessary to take advantage. Let the "messenger duck" stand near the cliff and the visior will fall there. While she will try to get out, beat with all his might.

Supplement passed. Tallis gives us a reward, and we return to Kirkoll.

Minor tasks

Balsam Eger
Takes near the castle before you go hunting. Huntsman Gabriel will advise us to balm that can protect from poison Vivenn. To create it, he needs herbs: Andrasthe Manty. Mushying vein and holly. The first two you will find in the west of the forest, and the latter will be in the meadow in his eastern part.

Lost Hounds
In the western part of the forest, you can find a person who has lost his dogs. The first dog comes run to you in the eastern part of the territory - follow her and will soon come to the second ps. He poisoned with poison Vfuln. And if you have balm from the previous task, you can save the animal. Take dogs to the servant and get your award.

Lost scientist
In the western part of hunting land, a scientist stands in the south of location. He will tell about the cult of heaven and the altar. The altar is close to the blood puddles, which is marked by the plot.

If you listened to the scientist and took everything, not a tonow book, there will be no battle. Otherwise, a meeting with the cultivists and their leader, heavenly horror, inevitable - and it will not be pleasant. The opponent is moving along the battlefield and is able to sweat the nerves by your team, besides, it periodically hides behind the barrier.

After the battle, spend the ritual specified by the scientist and take the reward from the altar.

Just throw five coins in a wish fountain. Two can be obtained from Tallis and the son of Prosper Sirila, one at the Intendant, the fourth lies on the barrel, located near the inner door to the courtyard, and the last, fifth, coin - on the bench at the fountain.

Iron cook
Facilitate the last fight and poison the food of the manual Wiver-on Leopold. The recipe is in the book of the chef.
Required ratio from more to a smaller - Turnip, Lutefix. cheese. For example, you can do this: 26 lutefix slices, 15 - mature cheese and 27 - tours. Put it in a jug, and then squeeze into food, and the last fight will be much easier.

Associated with satellites

Nerters need
Find the magic feathers and get an amulet for the healer. There are only three of them. and they are located in Western hunting grounds on the second glade; in the room with lattices; Next to the entrance to the cave. After that, you will be shown a cache on the descent from the mountain, where you will get an amulet.

Secret composition
Need Sebastian
The first scroll is located next to the Intendant. The second is in the kitchen of the castle. The third - in the catacombs, on the table in the guards. Next, go to the cache in the caves and take the suspension.

Need Warrick
Someone wrote a book without the permission of Gnoma. Find all of her parts for Warrick to get an amulet.
The first is not far from the entrance to the castle, the second is next to the kitchen, the third in the western part of the dungeon after being released from prison. Cache will be in the caves.

The legacy of the warrior
Need Fenris
In the castle, collect parts of the amulet: on the table, opposite the kitchen, in the room with lattices, and in the catacombs. The award will find a hero when you descend from the mountain.

Suspicious flags
Need Carver
Collect three flags cheval. The first is the top platform of the stairs in the castle, the second is the room with the key, and the third - in the basements. Selecting from the castle to the cave. You will find a place with a brother pendant.

Need by betami
We collect pictures. The first is opposite the kitchen. The second is in the room. Where you can get an entry in the code "Uncertainty". The third is a locked camera in the dungeon. The map will be marked the place of remuneration.

Romantic gift
Need Alelin
It is necessary to get three samples of poetry. To find the first, we have a visit in the castle (in front of the stairs), the second is the chest in the room with lattices, the third is in the basement.

Print du Laka
Need Alelin
After the room with fire on the stairs you will find a book. Alelin her horses and decides to return to the cameras. Opposite the camera where Hawk sat. There is a hurried brick. There is a phylacteria that Avelin activates, and you will have to fight with the rebel from the dead and skeletons.

I need Isabella
Collect three cabins in the castle. The first is the fireplace in the kitchen, the second is in the room with lattices and the last in the dungeon. Cache on the slope of the mountain.

Pirates and curses
I need Isabella
Find four damned gems in the basements and the knife. Emerald lies in the room with the first golem, ruby \u200b\u200b- behind the green door. Ruby - in the room with the second golem, and sapphire - behind the purple door. The knife is located behind the perimeter of the fiery trap: to get it, you need to solve puzzles. Then you will need to return to the basements, where damned pirates are called, causally pretending to be three statues.

They may be awaited by the refusal of Isabella from the dagger of four winds. Grateful sea wolves will come to your help in battle with Kakhir ... Or you will get a good dagger for Isabella.

In one of the interviews, the developers said that less additions will be released for Dragon Age 2 than for the original game that was awarded six volume DLC. Dragon Age 2 already has three large-scale loaded additions. Maybe the next announcement will be a long-awaited many-hour adventure. Finishing the Hawk history?

To start a task, find the golden lion statue in the house at Hawk and activate it. Take care of the equipment and the availability of a free place in the bag - to return to Kirkolly until the end of the adventure will be impossible.


Someone the blade appointed a hawka meeting in the upper city at night. In addition to the mandatory character (Varrica), you can take with you any other other than sister or brother. No role plays this, the difference will be only in some minor replicas. But it is better to pick up a party with the calculation of a fight, because no one is a meeting, but the most real ambush of armed criminal personalities. However, it will not be too different from other similar fools, the exception that the red-haired elf - Tallis will help you here.

After a spectacular appearance, it turns out that it was not accidental here. Elf wants someone who has an invitation to the castle to the Duke of the Castle of De Montor, and this someone is you. However, it will not be just a secular Rauta, but "half-fell" penetration into the holy castle of the castle of the Duke's Treasury, from where you need to steal a certain gem - the heart of many.

Arrange the corpses to collect money and find a letter on one of them, from which it becomes known that after the blade has kicked out the information about the meeting with Hawk, there is little from the poor gnomic. After you familiarize yourself with the content of the letter, go to the exit from the quarter, which has an elf. Since Tallis will be in this mission with a mandatory companion, except for it you can only take two more satellites. If the brother or sister is alive, they can also be taken to the team.


Tallis - Lazutchik, specializing in hand-to-hand combat with two daggers in hand. Her talents allow you to go to the shadow, beat out of the shadows, interrupt the spells of the magicians, stunning enemies and effectively twist holes in the bodies of opponents.

Pictogram Name skill Description Type of skill
Disguise Tallis disappears in the shade, immediately appears before the goal and plugs her mouth, not letting use spells and skills for a short time. At the same time, it remains invisible.
The probability of the effect of "silence": 100%
The probability of invisibility: 100%
Duration: 10 s.
Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery: 20 s.
Included ability
Hopping Required: masking
The "hopping" kills weak enemies in place, and the surviving enemies receive a significant critical damage.
Physical damage: 3,65X
Critical impact probability: 100%
Cost: 40 endurance
Recovery: 40 s.
Included ability
Collapse Required: Ur. fourteen
Required: hopping

Now the "hopping" causes a critical strike and those enemies that have been resistant to it before. It becomes even more dangerous for fragile purposes.
Physical damage: 400% against fragile purposes
Recovery: -10 p.
Magic touch Required: Ur. sixteen
Required: hopping
Points required for Lazutchik: 4

Now "hopping" is especially effective against enemies applying magic; It automatically stuns them and causes significantly more damage.
Physical damage: 200% against spellcasters and creatures from the shadow
The probability of stunning: 100% against spellcasters and creatures from the shadow
Cloak With the help of rare and inexplicable skills, Tallis envelops itself by a veil protecting against magical attacks.
Magic resistance: +100%
Duration: 10 s.
Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery: 20 s.
Included ability
Dagger Required: Cloak
Points required for Lazutchik: 3

While Tallis is protected by a "cloak", it automatically detects the enemy attacking its magic.
Physical damage: 2x against enemies, creating spells against Tallis.
Phone Required: Cloak
points required for Lazutchitsy: 2
Tallis is not worth a long time in one place. Many of the attacks of her enemies simply do not hit the target.
Probability of evasion: +20%
Passive ability
Equilibrium Required: Cloak
Points required for Lazutchitsy: 2

No one will respond to Tallis from her prey.
Slow resistance: 100%
Stun resistance: 100%
Passive ability

x. - rate of damage Tallis

From the equipment from Tallis, there is own armor and two daggers - Tein and Katrin (two easter eggs, by the way) whose characteristics depend on your level. Rings, amulet and belt can give her from her pocket if you want to strengthen it. The main thing - do not forget then select them before the final battle.

EN Castle

Acquaintance with the master of the castle - Duke de Montfor - leaves a dual impression. There is a feeling that the mask of politeness and exquisite manner is hidden by some trick. However, to the Orelianians, the hero is just necessary to feed prejudice. So, everything starts with a hunt for Vivenna - after someone from the participants will return with the prey, all guests will be allowed to the castle, and Hawke will be able to do that, for what he, actually came here.

Talking from Tallus, explore the area. To the left of the castle's gates is a trader equipment. He can find good things and sell his junk. If you are in Sebastian batch, then next to the merchant chest is the first subject for his task: recipe.

Note: Additional tasks for satellites are becoming available, provided that you have taken this particular character - the rest will not appear, and the quest items will be inactive. Almost for all members of the Hawk team, there is a quest for a unique amulet or rings (with the exception of Merril and Tallis). For Alellin and Isabella also provided for another side task.

On the right side of the gate stands someone Gabrielle, talking to whom, you can take the task of "Balm Hengery" - a cure for poison Vfulnna.

Neighborhood Castle

Hunt for Vivenna

Hunting grounds consist of two locations: Western and East. The main task will come up with how to brow the visior, and find everything you need for this. However, you can also perform several additional tasks along the way to get experience, money and good things. The time of hunting and moving between locations is not limited - as long as you do not perform the main task, you can freely move from location to location, explore the area and admire picturesque views. Beware of a variety of holes and caves - they simply sish hostile ghouls that will attack you if you approach their dwelling too close.

Western land

Eastern land

Litting Vivenna

This is the main task, its completion will give you the opportunity to penetrate the castle along with the rest of the hunting participants. To make a bait worked, you need to find several of the possible components that can attract Vivem.

The following components are located in the western part:

  • Go along the path to the north to go on a cleaner with dragons. After you kill them all, take the corpse of the dragon.
  • On the path leading from the north to the south past the altar of Heaven, find the puddle of blood.
  • Go along the main path to the south and go to the first turn left to hear and remember Creek Vivenna.

In the eastern part of the hunting grounds will find two more baits:

  • Go to the south, where the glade with the ghouls, collect the remains of the galls that remained, apparently after the feast of the Vfulnna.
  • Go along the main path to the north until you see a big bunch of excrement. Pull the dice from it.

After at least two ingredients are collected, you can proceed, in fact, to linting is the minimum requirement sufficient to get the smallest visior. The more ingredients you collect and lay out - the greater the individual will come running in your call. If you decide to use everything that was possible to gather, then you will catch a vivere-leader, for which they will give a more valuable award and the achievement of the "chase".

Go to the north oriental land in order to go to the glade, which is most suitable for the implementation of the plan. Get ready for battle and use everything you have, or only part of the components. Immediately after you do it, Vivenn will appear right in the midst of the clearing.

At high levels, the creature is killed quite easily, but if your hero is not very well hammer, you will have to sweat. The monster is spying poison and can attack with overclocking, pulling those who fall on his way, on the ground. However, from Vivenna you can donate. Freezing and immobilization, as well as stunning on it, if pumped.

So, messenger is defeated, but as it turned out, the winner in this hunt traditionally became the one who paid more money. This year, the victory was bought by someone Baron Arlant, who will be very upset by the fact that he was bypassed and demands satisfaction - you will have to fight him and his servants. The battle will last until the very moment when you drive all his health glasses, so if you want, you can first kill all his security, and then Himself to get more experience. Or, on the contrary, you can focus on it one to finish it faster with this dirty business.

Anyway, the baron does not die, because the owner of the holiday interferes with the most responsible moment, then you mean the duke. He recognizes your right to win and offers a choice: let go of Barona or kill him for audacity. You can kill. In this case, Hawk will remove from the corpse baron Arlanta Sword (damage with electricity, bonus to the speed of attack and hazard provocation, enemies can not dodge) I. baron Arlanta shield (bonus for resistance to electricity, immunity to stunning and discarding). If you decide to let it go, the Baron will still meet you, and it will be possible to cut down a little more Luta and more experience.

Hunting is over - you can go to the castle. To do this, simply go through the output from the location, located right there, in the glade.

In addition to the hunt, you can also perform several optional tasks in this area. In addition, there are quest items for some of the Hawk satellites (their location is described at the end of the article).

Balsam Eger

Talk to Gabriel at the gate of the castle, he will tell you that the poison of Vivenna is very poisonous, and will give a drug recipe, which neutralizes his action. Difference ingredients will find in the following places:

  • Mante Andrast. Located on an inconspicuous path - the first turn left if you go along the main southern way;
  • Mushyane village. After you see two hunters, saying that they attacked the trail of Vivem, look for the ingredient on the right hand from the path, according to which they run away (the road to the southern glade of the Western region);
  • Holly. Located in the eastern part of the hunting grounds, on the shore of the lake, to the right of the entrance to the location.

After you collect all the components of Balzam, it turns out that it is not enough even for one person. Nevertheless, he will come in handy yet. Also as a reward for the execution of this task you will receive 300 xp.

The cult of heaven

In the northwestern part of Western hunting grounds you will find an ancient avian altar. If you activate it, then the protection of the sky hostess led by heavenly horror (witch horror with some modifications). Fight with them will be hard. Through each demolished third lives, heavenly horror is hiding behind the impassable barrier, and it is standing there until you drive all the guards. Then he returns with new servants and everything is repeated. However, you can postpone it for later.

To get the assignment, you need to find in the south of this location of the lost scientist who will tell about his search for an ancient altar dedicated to Avvarian goddess - Ms. Heaven. Having learned how you can get out of the forest to people in the castle, a man will give you his records about the cult of heaven and leaves his dear.

Go to the altar and find a treasure chest in it. If you have already fought with heavenly horror, the treasure can still be received by returning to the altar again, although the record of the quest in the magazine will not appear. If you have not yet activated the altar, then you will have two options:

  • Pick up all objects except the book of the hostess. In this case, you can complete the task without a battle.
  • Pick up everything with the book, then you will have to fight back from the protection, and an entry about the cult of heaven will additionally appear in the Code.

Anyway you get belt heaven (bonus to mana / endurance, to the speed of restoration of mana / endurance and to the resistance of magic) I. Sacrificial dagger (spiritual damage, chance to restore health, when attacks, the enemy's armor is ignored), as well as additional experience and trophies, if they decided to fight.

Lost Hounds

In the location of hunting grounds - the West, in the southwestern part of it, we will meet the hunter who lost its two mabari - Nicodemus and Sylvayna. He will ask Hawk to look for them.

Silvana will meet you in the location of hunting grounds - East on a path leading from the lake to the East. Proily follow him to find the second PSA - Nicodemus, who dies from poison Vfulnna. You can leave him to die, kill him, so as not to suffer, or cure, if you are assembled by Balsam Hengery on the same name (the latter will bring you 300 xP).

When you return to the place where the first dog met, the hunter meets you, and on this task will be completed. Depending on how you did, the results will be varied:

  • If you left PSA and did not help him, the hunter thanks you and go for help. For the execution of the task, get 150 xp.
  • If you killed PSA, you can lie the hunter that I was killed by Vivenn or what you did everything possible, but could not save him, and then the hunter just thanked you. Or you can tell him that they killed PSA from mercy, and then you will have to fight the hunter and surviving Mabari.
  • If you cured PSA, tell about this hunter to get as a reward Short onion Psary (damage from the forces of nature, the attack bonus and the likelihood of infecting the enemy with the help of a walking bomb), 1 gold and 900 xp.

Also during the hunt, you can find a recipe for Sebastian (at the castle gate) and the feather for Anders (hunting grounds - West).

Castle's courtyard

After a small scene, where Hawk will receive his deserved award - hunter belt (bonuses to the attack, to protection, to the likelihood of a critical impact and to the speed of attack) - You have to find a way to penetrate the castle itself. To do this, you need to find the key to the entrance for the servants, which is supposedly located at the guard.

At this stage, the Hawk team is divided into not attracting attention, and you will stay in the yard along with Tallis.

Find a way to get into the castle

To find the key from the door leading to the service entrance, talk with any guards in the yard. Whatever reason to get inside you did not choose - the guard will not be able to help and say that he gave the key to someone from the servants. Go to the servant-elmission at the fountain and invite it to a private conversation aside. After the Tallus succeeds with her about the difficult elf's fate, she will find out that the servant gave the key to the son of Duke Prosper - Lord Siril. Speak with Lord so that Tallis invited him to retire. After an unsuccessful attempt to find a common language with him, she will ask you to do it. You can pour a key with it and taper to pull the key, or turn off it with a fist (coarse option), and then chop. If you don't want to act any caress, you can simply talk, and Lord will ask to bring him a glass of wine. Tallis will say that she has a sleeping pill for this case, so take a glass of wine from the table near the forehead and serve his boyfriend - you have a key in your hands. Complete all your affairs in the yard and go to the side door.

Castle's courtyard

Before passing inside the castle, you can communicate with the guests of the Duke and perform one simple side task. Also you can sell extra things intente, which is worth the feather table.

Talk to guests

In the yard you can talk to several other participants in the secular Raut. Some of them will be familiar personally to Hawk (depending on which an act is being completed), some are only a player, on the passage of Dragon Age: Origins. There will be no practical benefit from these conversations, but will bring some atmospheric. The reaction of different people on the hero will depend on what acts and tasks have already been passed, and which are not yet.

Well desire

This is a side task that can be performed in a castle courtyard, having gathered all coins-whims and throwing them into a fountain. Five all coins, you will find them in the following places:

  • Near the cell with Leopold, on the barrel;
  • On a bench behind the son of Proster - Syril;
  • On a bench near Leliana;
  • Completed by the task of the Internalanta;
  • Get as a gift from Lord Sirila.

When you leave all five coins to the fountain, the quest will notice as complete, and the hero will receive 1 point of characteristics and 675 xp.

Find the path to the treasury

As soon as you go through the door, the hero will notice one of the guards. He will try to raise anxiety, but Tallis will quickly kill him and will suggest to make a little further secretly to avoid excessive bloodshed. You can refuse if you want to go easier and get more experience (in this case, you can simply go and kill everyone), or you can agree to sneak by secret if you wish to get a set of jewelry "uncertainty" and achieving a "quiet sapa".

  • Skepticism (amulet): Bonus to the likelihood of a critical strike, a bonus for opening locks, the enemies leave more money;
  • Anxiety (ring): Immunity to critical strikes, the likelihood to go to the state of uniability, being attacked;
  • Uncertainty (ring): The bonus for experience, the enemies leave better equipment, the enemies leave more money.

Bonus for the kit: +10 to tricks.

EN Castle

Walking in the shadow

If you decide to make a hidden, Hawk enters special stealth regime. In this mode, you will have three main reception: distraction (throw a stone so that the guard goes to the sound source), out of the system (sneaking at the back and knock the guard on the head, pulling it off) and hide in the shadows (when the hero is in the shade and not Too close to guard, it becomes invisible - at such moments it envelops something like a shadow aura). Guardians walk along corridors and sites, periodically looking at one, then in the other direction. Their overview angle is highlighted by a red cone on Earth. The Guardian who lost the consciousness after a while he wakes up, so it's not worth it for a long time next to his body. If you are noticeable, the game will boot from the last control point and you will have to undergo an unsuccessful area.

Take the attention of the first guard, throwing a stone so that it turns out face to the wall. Read a note on the floor to the right, which will add an entry in the Code, and return to the corridor to immediately hide in the shadows behind the column while the guarantion group patrolling it will pass by. Go to the kitchen and a cunning Send the cook away to get calmly in it - here you can perform a side task "Iron Cook", as well as take a recipe for Sebastian.

Iron cook

Read the cooks to find out how you can spoil food for Vfulnna Leopold. Three types of ingredients will be laid on the tables: Turnips, Lutefis and Cheese. To achieve the desired effect, you need to gain them in certain proportions and mix in the jug. Here is one of the options: 4 piece of lutefe (2 clicks), 3 pieces of cheese (1 click) and 5 pieces of tour (5 clicks). Take the mixture out of the jug and squeeze it into the basket with the feed for Leopold. It will make him move much slower in the final battle. You also get for the successful execution of the 2000 xp task.

Open the lock on the door opposite the kitchen to take a medallion for Isabella and a drawing for Bethany from this room. Now you need to paint the captain of the Guardians from behind to cut it out and chop in search of the key, which is needed to go to the next part of the castle. While the guard did not wake up, take a book next to Book for Warric and Medallion for Fenris. Raising the stairs, grab the flag on the path for the carver and go to the door.

Now you need to go through a small outdoor courtyard. Having hiding in the shadows under the stairs, wait until the nearest guard does not go around the platform. Go behind him, following the distance, hiding at the overgrown fences, and, praying for the chest, take the amulet skepticism from the set of jewelry "uncertainty."

In the same way, making his way behind the guard, get to the stairs down and go down to the door. Behind the door is a balcony, it just needs to go. Below the servants communicate, but they won't notice you. In the next room, do not forget to take love poems for Avelin and a drawing for Bethany. Further you need to right, but to find the key from the door, you should wrap in the left corridor. The guardian who goes there, you can cut out, but you can go slowly. The fork will be the door to the room with two chests. At the same time in the room it will be possible to relax - the door is closed and no one will notice the hero. In the chest smaller lies the key from the balcony, and in the one that is more, the second object from the jewelry set is alarm ring.

It follows from the room with caution: first Open the door and hide in the room behind the wall to wait for two guards by passing by, and then start the back behind them. If you go straight, on the balcony of the guard room, then the left can be reputed with a cheap nonsense. Follow the balcony, grabbing the flag on the path for the carver, to the desired door, which will bring you to the balconies of the courtyard. Then, passing through several doors, you will fall into the library to the bottom floor. Do not forget to take a book for Varrica. Close to the second room of the library where you can see several orleysic care and get new entries to the code.

From the library, go to the open courtyard with several guards. Hiding in the shadows, sneak into the guard by the stairs and output it. While he did not wake up, throw the pebble to the fence over the courtyard to distract the second guard, and run to the chest left (however, nothing particularly valuable in it will be found). Before the locked door, which leads to the repository, patrol two guards, by which you can run on, waiting when they turn away, but first you need to find the key. Therefore, having imagined the moment, run past the door and hide in the shadows on the other side. Take the guard, throwing the pebble to him behind his back, sneak up to the captain of the Guardians, output it and select the key (ATTENTION: If the guard does not distract, but simply deal with the captain, he will notice us). As soon as the "conclusion" rolls back, sneak up to the guards sitting back and disconnect it. Job behind the column to cover the chest in search of the third and last part of the set of jewelry - the rings "uncertainty". If during this time the guard will find, then again output it. Anyway, run into the shadow to the right of the cherished door and wait for a convenient point to turn past two patrolling guards.

Finish straight. Our hero is almost in place. Take the left hand - there is a chest with any nonsense.

In a trap!

At the entrance to the room will worklane: the output is cut off by a massive grid, and the door is not open ahead. To open it, you need to get up at the same time on two stoves at the chests, but they also cut off all the approaches.

Stand on both plates at the carpet - To do this, give the team to do not move from the place and move the Hawk and Tallis turns on each of the plates - it will open the lattices in the stairs. Next, in parallel, lead Hawk and Tallis on the stoves until you reach the statues - tilter them to fix the plates in the pressed position. It should also go out, overcoming one span for one time so that the character does not be locked between the lattices.

Again stand on the plates in front of the carpet - now the lattices will open under the balconies. At this stage, you need to open the passages to the chests, promoting the characters in parallel at the bottom and according to the upper parties corresponding to it. In the chests lies garbage and some money. In addition, on the lids you can find quest items for satellites: a medallion for Isabella, a feather for Anders, a medallion for Fenris and verses for Avelin. If one of the chests became inactive, do not be afraid: it will be available when the lattices are raised in front of the door. To raise them, you need to get up at the same time on both plates in front of the chests.

When you finally get to the treasury, you will learn what is an ambush. It turns out that Tallis with the Duke has some kind of their affairs, and she also has its own little secret. Regardless of your replicas, the duke will stubbind you from Tallis to your dungeon, where you can chat with elf souls while your other two satellites in a panic are looking for their unlucky leader.

When you, not without the help of elf, you will get out of the cell and meet with the other companions, you will get back all your little things (if you made your way to the treasury secretly), and you can choose two ways out: through the castle basements or through the caves. If you want to earn more experience, money and assemble a set of equipment in Orelian style, you should still wait with the caves.


If you decide to wade through the cellars, you will have to go through a few simple puzzles. In the first room you will see two devices (white and black), stirrer and three locked doors: two white and one yellow. When you click on the device above the character's head, the symbol of the corresponding color appears, and you can open the doors with the same colors. In the agitator you can mix two different colors to get the third one.

So, take a white symbol and open the two doors on the left hand. Return to the machine and take the black color - go through the right white door and open the black. Take the blue symbol and return to the main room to put a symbol in the agitator (it does not disappear from your head). Now run through the left white door and open blue. Kill the Rune Golem - this is not too strong monster, cope with it is easy. Immediately after the violence over it will open a strange type of picture on the wall: people in masks and without, located in three rows. If Isabella is with you, look back and pick up the damned emerald - it will be useful for the task. In the apparatus at the door, take the yellow symbol and return to the main room. Open the yellow door to put a symbol in the agitator, and take what happened as a result of the mixing of yellow and blue colors - green. Immediately behind the yellow door, the left hand will be a green door, followed by treasure chests: money and medium in the parameters of the thing. In addition, if in the party of Isabella, the quest item will lie on the floor - the damned diamond.

Go to the transition to a large room, in the middle of which in three impassable barriers there is a chest. Plates located on the floor opposite the exit from the passed part of the basement, turn over so that the plates with the pattern correspond to people in masks, and clean people without them. The first barrier is open.

Note: In order to remove barriers, it is not necessary to pass the puzzles - it is enough to simply set the desired stoves in the right order if it is known to you.

In the eastern room you need to solve a puzzle of another type. Its essence is that all the plates need to turn over so that it is completely folded up the portrait shown on their reverse side. When you press on the stove, it turns over, and also turn over the plates common with it - that is, adjacent to it horizontally and vertically. If something went wrong, you can reset the troubled, engaging the lever under the picture. The total algorithm of solutions is contained in the figure. This algorithm is not the only one, but the easiest. If there is a desire, you can try to fold the mosaic yourself.

After the puzzle is collapsed, lay out the plates at the exit to the same scheme as the face in the second drawing. The second barrier is overcome.

In the western side you are waiting for wonderful doors. Take a black symbol and unlock both black doors right at the rate. Change the symbol on the white and open the white door behind the left black door. From the machine in the room, take the blue symbol and add it to the agitator. Go through the right black door and open blue - again golem! Observe him and get a third picture of people in masks. If Isabella in the party, do not forget to choose the damned ruby. Take the symbol from the red apparatus and take it to the stirrer. Having received a purple symbol, unlock the door to the treasury. In the chests lie money, every garbage and a little medium things. Do not forget to look back in search of damned sapphire for Isabella. Waving at the outlet of the tile, as in the third picture, remove the last barrier - congratulations, you got the achievement of "mining".

In addition to the mortar and all sorts of trinkets in the chest and in the pile of treasure, you will find a set of things for Hawk. The type of dialing depends on the class, and the increases that it gives is from the level of the hero. In addition, here you can find a rusty dagger - the last subject in Quest Isabella.

There is nothing more here, run south on the stairs. If there is avelin in the party, then in front of the door to the next room there will be a battered book - an item that starts a personal task for her - "Print Du Laca". After talking to her, go through the door to get into the ambush again. The duke will decide not to give you to leave and will on the hero of his Hasinda with two jesters and sophisticated ordinary soldiers. Hasind will immediately run away, so there will be less than one strong enemy - already well. The battle will be simple, the main thing is to quickly take the jesters. These are pretty thick robbers who painfully fight, but they are only two and they pop up.

After the Hawk discern from the local ship, Tallis will offer to leave the caves in the dungeon. To get there, you do not need to return (however, it is impossible) - just go into the passage in the dungeon leading from this room.

Bruption sets
  • Sorceress Illana (Mage). Items give bonuses to health, protection, mana / endurance recovery rates, and have 1 slot for the rune in each. Bonus for the kit: + 10% to physical, fiery, cold, electrical, natural and spiritual damage.
  • Orlesian spear (warrior). Items give bonuses to attack, attack speed, bonus to the treatment obtained by treatment, and have 1 slot for the rune in each. Bonus for the kit: health recovery speed +50, resistance to damage + 10%.
  • Racing (robber). Items give bonuses to health recovery speed, mana / endurance recovery speed, to resistance to damage, to resistance, and have 1 slot for the rune in each. Bonus for the kit: Stunning resistance 100%.



If you decide first to pass by the dungeon, then guards will come across: the first battle will be held in a large hall in the northwestern part of the map, and the second is in the hall in the southeastern part. If the battle with the protection of de Montfor took place, it will be quiet and calm.

Selecting from the caasemate with Tallis, you will find yourself in the northern part of the dungeon. Nearby is a passage to the cellar, and directly - a corridor with cameras. Cameras are only four, in two of them locked prisoners, which can be released, hacking the locks.

In the southern part of the dungeon there are two exits: to the cellar (in the room with an ambide) and in the shelter.

Note: Going through the crack to the cave, you can no longer go back.

Before leaving, you should fierce in the chambers. Of the quest items here is a stagging brick on Queen Alelin "Print Du Laca." In the southwest corridor there are three stone statues in the quest "Pirates and Curses", in the Great Hall in the West Location Lies the Book by Quest for Warric. In other cameras, you can choose objects for other satellites: the banner of the chevalier for the carver, the picture for the betany and the amulet for Fenris.

After you collect all the necessary items and complete other affairs in this location, you can go through the passage to the old shelter of gray guards.


Print du Laka

This task becomes available only if you took Avelin with you. Read the book at the door in the southern corridors of the cellars. Alelin will say that in the book there are records of some arrested, who was twisted the seal of the genus of her father - du Laca.

Research the cache in the southwestern chamber of the northern wing of the caasemates, Avelin will find a strange vessel with smoke inside. A scroll and ring will be discovered in the vessel, as well as the spirit of the rebel from the dead. Monster is not new, how to deal with him, everyone knows. Who does not know, let me mean that it is better to beat it from the distance: a powerful Aura around the dead man shall damage to everyone who is next to him. In addition, he can attract the goal to himself, knocking down from his feet.

After the murder of the monster, the conversation will continue, and Avelin will tell you that she does not know how this is all connected with her father, but going to ask someone. This task will be completed, Hawk will receive 200 xp (plus an additional 230 xp per battle with a monster), and our iron lady will acquire a useful trunk - ring Print red (100% damage from the basic attack against enemies in the near battle).

Pirates and curses

If you are in the party of Isabella, collect four gems and rusty dagger in the cellars:

  • Damned emerald - in the room with the first picture, the northern wing;
  • Damned diamond - room behind the green door, north wing;
  • Damned Ruby - Room behind the Blue Door, West Wing;
  • Damned sapphire - a room behind a purple door, a western wing;
  • Rusty dagger - in the central hall at the chest.

In the corridor in the southwestern part of the dungeons, there are three stone statues - pirates, which struck the curse. If you approach them with Isabella, they will call her and tell about how they stole a dagger from their captain-Maleherik, who was cursed. Only another captain can remove the curse if this dagger finds and will show generosity, giving it to them. We are talking about the dagger itself, the parts of which you were collected in different places of the basement. If you have not had time to do this - you have to go to the basement. If the dagger is already ready, then it is necessary to decide: relieve pirates from a curse or not.

  • If you provide the choice of Isabelle itself, she will decide to leave the dagger himself. In a reward, get dagger four winds (damage with electricity, 4 rune slots) and 150 xp.
  • Or you can persuade her to make a good deed - the pirates will be liberated from the stone captivity, Izabelle will be fond of loyalty and run away. Subsequently, they will help you in a fight in the caves. In the award, get 300 xp.


This location is quite linear, with the exception of some moments. Conditionally can be divided into two ring parts and three corridors. In the first tunnele you will find a magical feather for Anders. In the ring cave you can find a cache for Sebastian, a cache for betany or carver and a medallion for Isabella. In addition, you will come across the gay tribe led by Velgastrian.

A more serious fight awaits you on the bridge - with the most Hasind, who pursues Hawk from the very beginning of the adventure. With him there will be several soldiers and a handful of magicians. At the very beginning of the battle, Tallis will be cut off from the team, and if you want to restore it to quickly, then Bates Hasinda and quickly. When he remains about a third of life, Tallis will join the team again. After the battle, go around the corpses: Kahir will "share" the grid and two-handed combat ax Dragon breath (damage from fire, bonus for damage from fire), and with the magician, take a staff The sting (damage from the Forces of Nature, 1 Rune Slot, Bonus for Damage from the Forces of Nature, enemies can not dodge the attack, the likelihood of health recovery). If Isabellas with you and freed three losers from curses, they will help you in this battle. In addition, from the bridge you can admire the view of the lake at the viewing point.

On the second ring you will find verses for Avelin, a cache for Warric and another flock of the scap. After the hero will deal with the savages, Tallis will tell you that you are already at the exit, and will be convinced to follow with her to help her.


Here you are free or refused, or agree. Only that which expensive you will go and what enemies you will meet there. Also, you can collect awards on the tasks of those satellites, who have not yet acquired personal baubles: Anders, Fenris, Alellin and Isabella.

Without tallis

If you refused to help, you will go shorter, and only guards and Vivenn with ... Vfulnn will come from enemies. The exit to the ruins will lead you to the meeting place of the prison with the kunari.

With Tallis

If you still decided to go from Tallis, then there will be more to run. Almost immediately at the exit from the caves of Hawk, the Baron Arlant will wave if our hero has not killed him yet, of course. There will be archers, soldiers and jester. As a reward for a fight, you will be created by a good sword and a shield, and all the junk, on trifles. In addition, all the little things do it seems to be the scapions and Vivenov - they should not have big problems with them.

But the following enemies will be more powerful - Tal Vathote. At first there will be a small group led by an officer, then the detachment is a lamp, but led by the leader of Tal-Veta, which will make you farther and farther after it is thoroughly bought. Crawing, finally, with the leader, Tallis will find out where a meeting with Prosper will take place - come back and pass to the ruins.

Final battle

After a small roller in which the duke will receive some scroll from Tal Vathota, regardless of whether you agreed to help Elven or refused, she will join the party, and Prosper will order your soldiers to attack you.

Conditionally, the battle can be divided into three stages: Prosper, Leopold and Provider on Leopold.

During the first stage, the Duke will fight at thenime, and Vivenn spoil poison from above. Do not stand under the jet! Bates Orselsian and go away from the spruits of the creature. When the duke will lose almost all of his lives, it will jump up, and Leopold will enter a more contact battle.

If you put a poison in the food Vivenna, it will move rather slowly at this stage. Prospere will throw on someone from the characters the label (usually on the one who controls the player), and Leopold will be purposefully pursuing this character until the label disappears. Tactics Simple: Beat Vfulnna, the one who is tagged - steam locomotive.

When Leopold will be thoroughly pintage, the duke will call him to him and place on the field exploding along the trap chain. Try to get up in the free area - then almost no one will fall. After that, de Montfor on the wit will go down to the battlefield, and the last stage of the battle will begin. Just as in the second stage, the duke will throw a label. But Leo is already waving and religious, therefore it will not work out. But it can be thrown off from the cliff: when Vivenn is already rushing to the "labeled", standing at the edge of the abyss, run away in the direction - the creature will put on the inertia for the site, and he will hold on for a while, clinging and being no longer able to do anything.

To seek the duke, look a beautiful video and get ready to say goodbye to Tallis. If you refused to her, then will require an award from it. In any case, she will give Hawk what was planned to put under the guise of stone - The heart of many, quite a good amulet, giving an increase to strength, dexterity and magic, depending on the level. In addition, if there is no passion with a hero, and you flirted with elf, you can get a romantic kiss from it, but you will not wait for it.

At this adventure will end, and Hawk will transfer back to his house in Kirkolla.

Amulets for satellites

Suspicious flags (Carver)
  • On the stairs for the kitchen of the castle;
  • On the balcony of servants room;
  • Camera in the southern part of the dungeon;
  • Cache: asylum caves.

Reward: Amulet enthusiast. Bonus to the likelihood of a critical strike, a bonus for critical damage, a bonus to the recovery rate of health and resistance to damage.

Symbols (Bethany)
  • In the chamber in the southern part of the dungeon;
  • Cache: in asylum caves.

Reward: Miniature family portrait. Bonus to the damage from the fire and the damage from the cold, the bonus to the speed of mana / endurance.

Card? ... (Isabella)
  • In the room opposite the kitchen in the castle;
  • On the right chest before the treasury of the duke;
  • In asylum caves;

Reward: Fortune Armada icon. Bonus for protection, a bonus to critical damage, the probability of going into the state of invisibility, being attacked.

Secret composition (Sebastian)
  • In the courtyard of the castle before the hunt, in the trunk of the intennate;
  • In the kitchen of the castle;
  • Cache: in asylum caves.

Reward: Gift epicurea. Bonus for protection, bonus for critical damage and resistance to damage.

Plagiat (Warrick)
  • In the hall for the kitchen in the castle;
  • In the lock library;
  • In the northwestern dungeon hall;
  • Cache: asylum caves.
Magic feathers (Anders)
  • On the trail of hunters, Western hunting grounds;
  • On the left chest before the treasury;
  • In asylum caves;
  • Cache: path on the mountainside.

Reward: Birds of one flight. Bonus to health, bonus to mana / endurance, bonus for health recovery speed.

Heritage Warrior (Fenris)
  • In the hall for the kitchen in the castle;
  • On the right chest before the treasury;
  • In asylum caves;
  • Cache: path on the mountainside.

Reward: The gift of the warrior fog. Bonus for protection, bonus for damage from the magic of the Spirit, a bonus to resistance to damage.

Romantic Gift (Avelin)
  • Indoors in front of the guard room in the castle;
  • On the left chest before the treasury of the duke;
  • In asylum caves;
  • Cache: path on the mountainside.

Reward: The path of true love. Bonus for health, bonus for protection, bonus to the speed of mana / endurance.


Name How to achieve Pictogram
New day Meet with Tallus in the Upper City
Chase chase Priminate and kill Vfulnna-leader near the castle en
Quiet sap Sense by guard in the cellar of the castle en
Prey Define fiery traps in the cellar of the castle en
Stamp killer You killed the duke of prison with Tallis or without her