French for beginners. French games for kids

Everyone in the class is well aware that the proposal is “Now let's play a little!” - our children react immediately and with delight. Moreover, they are ready to accept even competitions “in rows” as a game - who will give the answer to the teacher's question faster.

In any person there is a need for play, but for a child it is their daily bread. The game is always voluntary, free, indefinite (otherwise it will be a performance, not a game) and disinterested. It is these signs of her in the aggregate that create a developing personality (it makes independent decisions, interacts with partners, etc.) and is truly creative.

As an example of the use of games in educational activities in the lower grades when learning French, I will give a few.

“Je connais cinq prénoms des garcons…” - the idea of ​​this “pocket” (that is, the teacher always has it with him, which does not require special preparation) exercise game was inspired by the entertainment of girls with a ball that was very famous once in the yards: “I know five boys names…”, “I know five colors…”. I use this game to form elementary linguistic representations of children on the basis of accessible language material. The students in a chain name 5 words on various topics. The game contributes to the development of memory, attention, activity, speed of reaction, orients students to the purposeful use of information.

“Se taire - parler” (“Silence - speak”) - I use this game when conducting phonetic classes. The students, on command and under the guidance of the teacher, begin to pronounce some text: a phonetic exercise, rhyming, a poem, a counting rhyme, then the teacher, with his clap, translates this text from audible into the inner voice of each student, after a while, with a second clap, makes it audible again - as if “Turns the radio on and off without interrupting the transmission.” The students continue the utterance in unison, no matter how unexpectedly they are interrupted. This game teaches to keep the general rhythm of action with your inner ear, focuses on consistency with classmates, an excellent way to form pronunciation skills, ensuring that students simultaneously master the phonetic and intonational features of the French language in an undivided form.

“Vole - ne vole pas” (“Flies - does not fly”) - (a variant of the well-known children's game). The teacher names the words, the knowledge of which he needs to check, interspersed with others, and raises his hand with each word. If the named word belongs to the desired group (“Vole”), the children also raise their hand, if not, they just sit. Raising a hand can be replaced by clapping, stomping, coughing - the children themselves can offer a reaction method, then it will be more pleasant for them to work. This visible form of control can be used to improve phonetic skills (for the difference in sounds), lexical material.

“La phrase magique” (“Wonderful phrase”) - the game is aimed at restoring a given whole from separate parts. Example. On a cut poster, the teacher writes down remarks from various dialogues, modal phrases on various topics. The poster is placed in the center of the blackboard. Members of different teams, for example, representatives of three rows, run up to the board, pick up “their” words, phrases, replicas corresponding to the topics given to them, place them on their playing field (wall, board), complete the missing elements with chalk, details on their topic and present work. In a similar way, you can “twist” and “untwist” the studied educational material.

“Contact” (“Contact”). The students are divided into two teams. The first one thinks of some expression or word (for example, “in lapin”), then one student from the second team is selected and the word is given to him. The task of this student is to explain to his team the intention of the rivals without words, only with gestures, facial expressions, some conventional signs. If the “demonstrator” failed to complete the task and the team did not give the correct answer, then the opponents demonstrate their version of the presentation and explain it. After the game is over, you can discuss how easy it was to clothe this word (expression) in non-verbal forms and why, whether the “demonstrator” managed to highlight the essential features that would quickly lead the team to the correct answer.

“Machine à écrire” (“Typewriter”). First, the teacher distributes the letters of the alphabet - each student receives his letter. Then the teacher calls a word from the topic being studied. Children should, at a fast, clear pace, “type it on a typewriter: the owners of the suitable letters that make up the word clap their hands one after another. The exercise contributes to teaching writing skills, the ability to adequately build a speech unit in writing.

An exercise from the arsenal of theatrical pedagogy “La feuille intelligente”.

("Smart leaf"). In three rows from the last desk, a sheet of paper is passed forward, on which each student must write one word on a given topic. The team that copes faster and more accurately than the rest wins. It's a quick and fun way to check your vocabulary.

“Trouve la paire” (“Find a pair”). This game exercise can be used to form children's readiness for communication. The teacher prepares a set of cards in advance, with replicas of the heroes of various dialogues that could make a couple. To complete the task, players need freedom of movement: they walk around the classroom, compare cards and look for their pair. At the end, you can ask several couples to tell their dialogues. The exercise is a great way to learn to understand an utterance in French, to express the student himself in accordance with a specific communication situation.

Devinez! (“Guess!”). The host (one of the most prepared students) offers students the first letter of the hidden word and a hint - other words related to it in some way (similar plot, stable phrase, association, etc.) For example, with (cadeau) - Bonne annee, une poupee, des patins a roulettes, etc. The difficulty lies not only in unraveling the given connection, but also in choosing such combinations of words that would be perceived as an undoubted pair by the majority of the players (otherwise the game would not take place) and at the same time would not be too obvious. No less productive will be a discussion after the game - about the correctness of tasks, methods of solutions, on what grounds the connection of words is established, etc. Another variation of the above game: “La boîte noire” (“Black Box”), in which the word was hidden. The teacher talks about this word without naming it. The task of the students is to guess.

“Je me rappele – je sais” (“I remember – I know”) - competition for the best mnemonic device. A special game exercise makes it possible to simultaneously test the strength of the knowledge that children have and help them remember what they have learned even better (or supplement what they have forgotten and remember it exactly this time). Teams receive a certain amount of time and the necessary equipment for work (drawing paper, felt-tip pens of different colors, scissors), and then present the result - a poster with funny drawings, rhymes, model phrases, verbal formulas with abbreviations and arrows, a diagram - any technique in which information is encoded given topic.

Teams receive a task, for example,

French computer games

Just Dance, Rayman Origins, Dishonored are just some of the French games that have captured the hearts of millions of gamers around the world. Successful work and an innovative approach have allowed France to become a leader in the video game market.

This branch of the cultural industry ranks first in terms of profitability in France and Europe. In 2012, the computer game market reached three billion euros in sales, while French film rentals made up 1.3 billion euros. Currently, France ranks second in the world in the production of computer games, only slightly behind the United States.

A market that constantly attracts new customers

Since the 1990s There are more and more fans of video games, called "gamers", today there are already about a billion of them. Increased demand has led to the emergence in France of new companies, studios and entire clusters, including several enterprises. In total, more than 5,000 people work in this area. 300 French companies produce a wide variety of video games: some specialize in the traditional format, others have switched to games without a console, which came into vogue in the 2000s. and allowing you to test your strength, having at hand only a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Talent Country

French companies annually spend more than 500 million euros to create high-quality games. The sector is actively developing, new enterprises are constantly appearing, 32% of all companies on the market were founded less than two years ago. The representative of the National Syndicate of Computer Games, Julien Villedieu, explains the reasons for the rapid growth: “Since the 1980s. France is considered around the world as a country of talent and an example of a creative approach to work.” In addition to its reputation, France stands out for its high quality educational programs for engineers and graphic designers. Many French companies are recognized leaders in the global market. Thus, the Activision-Blizzard group of companies (a subsidiary of Vivendi et Ubisoft) is one of the five largest world manufacturers of computer games. This giant released famous war game Call of Duty, the latest installment of which, Black Ops, has been number one in sales in France and the US since early 2013.

You don't have to be a teacher to teach kids how to speak French! The only requirement is to be able to pronounce French words and sentences correctly.

Translation of the article: "Best games to teach children how to speak French"

Simple games with words and pictures make learning French easy and efficient.

  • First you need to find games that will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the sounds. In these games, children need to "listen and do" in order to take an active part, but they are not asked to make sounds.
  • Once the children are familiar with the sounds, you can choose games that require children to "listen and speak".
  • Finally, you will introduce new games in which children will build sentences and ask questions.

You can start teaching kids from 2 years old with the following games!

Card with a picture

Let the children hear each word by showing one picture at a time. Ask the child to show all the picture cards in the whole room. Then name each card in French. See if the children can find the card you asked for. The player who has collected the most cards wins.

Defeat the teacher

Children win a point by jumping up each time the teacher shows a picture card and says the word correctly. If the teacher said a different word or mispronounced the word, the children should remain where they are. If they are wrong, the teacher wins a point!


Print out a bingo card for each child. All cards must be different. The facilitator should take out one picture and describe it without showing the picture. The children are then asked to put in a token or something similar to the picture they heard the name of, if it is on their card. Once the child completes their card, they will win the game!


What is missing

This educational game lets you test your kids' memory - how they memorize French words. Put some picture cards in front of them. Have them study them and name the objects depicted in French. Then ask them to close their eyes and remove one of the cards. See if they can answer which card is missing... in French, of course!


Shuffle the dominoes by turning the tiles face down on the table. Then decide who will go first. When all players have drawn their chips, the first player places his tile on the table and says what is drawn on it. The queue passes from player to player, if someone cannot make a move, he skips it. The game ends when the player runs out of chips.


The goal of the game is to collect as many matching pairs as possible. Cards can be with the same pictures or the same words.

Shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table. The first player chooses a card, flips it over and says what it is (“un chien” if it is a dog). Then he chooses another card, turns it over and also describes it aloud.

If two cards match (two dogs), then the player wins those two cards. And if the cards do not match, they are turned over and placed in the same place, and the turn passes to the next player.

When all cards have been won, the player with the most matching pairs is the winner.

3 . Games for building sentences and questions


Practice the verb “tre” (to be) with cards that describe adjectives or professions.

Print out the appropriate bingo card for each child.

The facilitator should take out one of the cards with an adjective or profession (for example: small / teacher) and ask the question: “Qui est petit?” (who is small?) or “Qui est professeur?” (who is the teacher?).

All players who have a picture describing the word "small" or "teacher" must say "Je suis petit" or "je suis professeur" to win a token and place it on their card.

When the child completes his card, he will win the game!

You can also practice any verb with matching pictures and bingo cards.

  • Qui chante? (Who sings?) Je chante (I sing).
  • Qui mange une banana? (Who eats a banana?) Je mange une banane (I eat a banana).
  • Qui dort? (Who is sleeping?) Je dors (I am sleeping).
  • Qui lit un livre? (Who is reading a book?) Je lis un livre (I am reading a book).

Game - guess who

The goal is to ask the other person yes or no questions to guess their Mystery Person faster than they can guess your Mystery Person. For example, you can first ask the question “C’est une fille?” (Is it a girl?). The other player answers "yes" or "no" and then asks you a question like "Il a un chapeau?" (Does he wear a hat?). With each move, eliminate the unsuitable options in accordance with the answers received until you can guess the mysterious person.

Today for some reason I remembered french entertainment, or rather games that are not popular or not known at all in Russia, but have tens of millions of fans in France.

Number one on my list is a peaceful game where every man is for himself and no one is hit (at least not immediately), petanque or balls. It is the essence of the French calm, measured, respectful and leisurely serene approach to sports.


Playing balls (or rolling balls) is a typical French sport, by the way, it even hosts the French championship. He comes from the south, more precisely from Provence, and therefore bears all the southern paraphernalia, style, manners and philosophy.

What is the point - it is not wise, but at the same time very philosophical - each player from three throws with three heavy metal balls must put them as close as possible to the mark from a certain distance. A beer cork can serve as a mark, and the distance is chosen arbitrarily, but not very short - otherwise it’s not interesting to play, but not very long either - this is how much you have to walk, and if in the heat? Players throw the balls in turn, while there should be from two to five - the more balls, the more pause and less sense. Pétanque is played on flat hard ground, bare earth or gravel is fine, but not sand, asphalt or grass.

So, how do you properly play petanque somewhere in the vicinity of Marseille? Naturally, after dinner, when the heat subsides a little. I’ll make a reservation right away, 90 percent of this is a male sport: the balls are quite heavy, and women can just ruin everything!

And in general, where can a respectable monsieur go from home so that his wife calmly lets go and does not suspect anything - just not to the bathhouse, it’s already so hot there, therefore - petanque.

And this is where the lovely ladies make the mistake of thinking that this is a boring, uninteresting game. Provencals, they are like Italians, where there are two conversations, where there are three or more - passion, play, gestures, shouts, roses, cold beer or pastis.

But what about petanque and without pastis - this is disrespect for traditions, like a Russian bathhouse without beer and a broom. In short - a men's club in the fresh air, plus an exciting game, passions, envy, jokes, loud laughter. A sort of cross between a Russian bath for men and sunflower seeds for women.

So game. Several people slowly, aiming for a long time, throw the balls, then slowly and lazily go to check the accuracy of the throws, especially the correct players grab a tape measure from home for the accuracy of measurements. “Fans” gather nearby, they advise, empathize, help determine the winner, in short, “participate”. Then they do not stand up, run home for the balls and join, or form their own game group.

By evening, emotions are splashed out, passion is satisfied, all the news is discussed, new acquaintances are made - the southern temperament can calmly go home to watch on TV Sport number 1 of real men - rugby.


And since many women read my blog, I will explain specifically for them what kind of beast it is.

The game is played by two teams of 15 people. Not even a person, but brutal healthy tall downed muscular (the list goes on) men. They will come in with such a team - you can get a “cardiac crisis” - hello from the nineties. Looking at them, you won’t immediately understand what kind of sport their comrades practice - broken ears like wrestlers, broken teeth like martial artists, crooked broken noses like boxers, some are wearing funny hats, as if they had just been taken from water polo players.

There is something in common in the philosophy of this game from all of the listed sports: you need to be able to throw and avoid throws like in wrestling, have a reaction and dodge like in boxing, endure pain and overcome yourself like in martial arts, have a team spirit (and funny hats) as in water polo (not to be confused with equestrian).

The meaning of the game is to score as many goals as possible to each other by kicking an oblong ball with your foot towards the H-shaped goal, or by bringing the ball with your hands over the line of these, injuring each other along the way and wallowing in the mud with a whole crowd with a cheerful cackle.

A considerable contribution to the popularization of rugby through himself, and himself through rugby, was made by, my favourite).

Personally, it seems to me that this sport could take root well in Russia, we have everything for this: team spirit, will, ability to fight to the blood with an opponent, patience and lack of fear, as well as a complete inability to play ordinary football. But, apparently, on what we don’t have, but would really like to have (I’m talking about decent football), officials and other gray personalities make good money ...


Another super popular game is loto. Yes, yes, our usual lotto, only in France playing it is a mass phenomenon, exciting and gathering a large number of fans around it.

True, most adherents are a little over 60, some even very much (those who have). They no longer take them to play, since it is necessary to cover the numbers in the playing field of cards quickly and accurately, with agility.

As you can see, masters not only in terms of love and cuisine, but also know how to entertain themselves. And a beautiful spectacle a la gladiators in the arena, and a leisurely game in the air in the summer, and a gambling activity for a winter evening. "Savoir vivre" in everything...

French for beginners with a New Year theme. Today I will share with you the following materials: vocabulary cards on a winter theme, New Year's lacing pictures, a game for mastering New Year's words, cartoons. I am sure that your children will be delighted with this material, and most importantly, they will learn French words that are not used all year round.

Photo source: shutterstock

Greetings to all readers, on the blog. If you have started teaching French to your children, or maybe you are teaching it with your children, then you have definitely come to the right place. From my own experience, I can say that French for beginners is rather sparingly represented on the Internet. My son and I started studying this language last of all, when he was three and a half years old. We did this using the Little Reader French program and watched at the end of each lesson. Four months ago, the child went to the French Lyceum, where he spends five hours a day.

I found clear vocabulary cards in French on the site myfrench, download cards from them you can here. If you are just starting to learn French, I think you will need to translate words from flashcards. Before a lesson with a child, I always listen to the correct pronunciation of words on the Forvo website and, if necessary, write it down on the back of the card. The advantage of this site is that the pronunciation is given by native French speakers.

– Joyeux Noël = Merry Christmas/Joyful Christmas
– Le Papa Noël/ Le père Noël = Santa Claus
– Rudolph le renne = Rudolph the reindeer
– Le sapin de Noël = Christmas tree
– Un bonhomme de neige = Snowman
– Un cadeau = Gift
– La bûche = Log Christmas Cake
– Les guirlandes = Garlands
– Les boules = Christmas balls
– Un elf = Elf
– Les chants de Noël = Christmas carols
– La neige = Snow
– La crèche = Nursery
– rouge = Red
– vert = Green

Pictures of lacing for children

If you are learning French with your child, then lacing pictures will be very useful to you. This is another great way to repeat the learned words during the game, and at the same time practice your hands. I found finished pictures on that website. Please note that the set of pictures is divided into two sets for download. I printed both on photo paper.

In general, lately I print a lot on it. Colors are brighter and printouts last longer. But this time it turned out that the photo paper did not help me, after printing and cutting out the pictures, I realized that I needed to laminate. Only in this way the lace will not tear the image, no matter how the child pulls it.

I laminated it in a specialized place, then cut everything out at home and got such charming laces. In our case, they are designed to repeat vocabulary in French. But I want to give an idea! they can be inserted into the pocket of the advent calendar and your child will develop handles during the game.

Sorry, I’ll digress a little from the New Year theme and answer several mothers who asked me the question: how did my son learn to lace up his shoes on his own?

We have lace-up shoes, with which Alexander learned to lace up shoes and tie bows. At the initial stage, the child repeated:

The road (the laces are parallel), the letter V, one car drives inside - it was he who tied the laces. Then: Bunny ear, second bunny ear, letter V, the ear is intertwined - a bow!

He obviously liked the process and I decided to time our lacing to the days of the week. So, we have six shoes in the set, on Saturday “daddy's day”, so there is no talk of classes. That's just six days of the week and remains. Alexander himself keeps track of the calendar and the pockets filled in it.

Here is a video of shoes that I also really like.

I bought our lacing shoes from Amazon.

Lacing work

Back to holiday lacing. I tied a knot at the end of the string from our shoes and decided to hand over the child without any instructions.

Then Alexander, now 4 years 2 months old, got up and put his laced penguin on the calendar, as if it were a slipper.

This calendar has been with us for two years now. From it we learned the days of the week, weather conditions, numbers, months in four languages. A worthwhile thing, excellent quality, I recommend it wholeheartedly.

French for beginners is perfectly absorbed in the game. Alexander was imbued with such games and I noticed that memorization in their process is very fast. The interest of the child is always there, he himself asks to play. The cards turned out to be quite small, they fit perfectly for our age, just everything fits on a coffee table.

How we play. First, I show the child all the cards, calling them in French. Then I put the cards face down and the first player turns over two cards, calling them in French. The player needs to find a pair to the card and in this case he puts them aside. Whoever has more pairs at the end of the game wins. Already at the end of the first round, we both learned words on the New Year theme.

Download cards you can here. You need to print them in duplicate to create pairs.

– un panneau = Border post
– une botte et cadeaux = Boot and present
– houx = Holly
– une couronne de Noël = Christmas wreath
– bonhomme de pain d’épice = Gingerbread man
– un hibou et cadeaux = Owl and gift
– une cloche = Bell
– une boule = Ball (there are two New Year's balls in the cards, they need to be matched by color in pairs)
– une guirlande lumineuse = Garland of light bulbs
– un sapin = Spruce
– un renne = Reindeer
– Père Noël = Santa Claus
– fille de pain d’épice = Gingerbread girl
- un ange - Angel
– canne à sucre = Sugar stick
– un flocon de neige = Snowflake
– un traîneau = Sleigh
– deux sonnettes = two bells
– un Lutin = brownie, little man
– un pingouin = penguin
– une étoile = star
– un bonhomme de neige = Snowman
– un pingouin et cadeaux = penguin and gift

Let me remind you once again that the list of games with cards is me.

New Year cartoons in French

French for beginners is unthinkable without cartoons. Cartoons are just the practice of understanding the learned words. The collection of New Year's cartoons is small. But even she will perfectly consolidate the vocabulary of New Year's words and expressions.