Heroes 6 strength walkthrough. Heroes VI: General tactics and strategy of the game. Practical training in alchemy

Developer: Black hole entertainment

Publisher: Ubisoft

Publisher in Russia: Buka Entertainment

Release date: 13.10.2011

The game will be released on:

genre: step-by-step strategy


singleplayer, multiplayer

Rating: PEGI: 12+


The game takes place four hundred years before the events of the Heroes of Might and Magic V campaign in the world of Ashan. The main characters of the campaigns will be the children of the Duke of Glory from the Griffin clan, fighting against the general of the Archangels, who intends to regain power over Ashan, as well as against the invasion of demons. Five campaigns will be available immediately, and you can play them in any order.


Order of Order

Also known as: Knights of light.

Briefly: Feudal Sacred Empire, guarded by medieval knights and priests, with access to Light Magic and the elite armies of Angels.

Sources of inspiration: Medieval Western Europe (general atmosphere and design), Roman Empire (military organization and "Pax Romana" concept, ie the world within the empire is built in the image of the Roman Empire), Templars (personification of a religious mission), Victorian England (strict class division)

Colors: azure blue, white, gold.

Symbolism: the "solar cross", sun, falcon, sword.

Honored deities: Elrath, the Dragon of Light and his first servants - the Angels.

Basics of the worldview:
Law and Order are superior to Good and Justice.

Country / Kingdom: Holy Empire.

Capital: Falcon's Reach

Social organization: The system of government in the Holy Empire is the feudal theocracy. In theory, the Emperor has absolute power, but in reality the territory of the empire is divided into 6 duchies, dozens of smaller holdings, at least 9 so-called "independent states" and so on, so the Emperor has to spend a lot of time managing his numerous nobility. Often, some controlled territories organize riots and uprisings, however, this rarely ends in serious bloodshed.
Theocratic system of government has various prerequisites, but the main one is the presence of Angels, the chosen children of Elrath. Although many of them died in ancient wars, their energy and charisma motivated the people who lived in their ancestral territories to abandon the worship of Silat, the Dragon of Air, in favor of Elrath. Angels are rare in the Holy Empire, but they have played a large role in its history and culture.

Architecture:*Will be later*

Magic: The Order of Order exclusively relies on the Magic of Light, the "sacred" magic of Elrath and his ideals of Truth, Justice and Integrity.

Order Strategy:
"Not one step back"
The troops of the Order of Order are great on the defensive and are known for forcing their enemies to fight in whatever territory they deem more advantageous.
Generals of the Order of Order are guided by prolonged defensive battles, reducing the damage inflicted by the enemy as much as possible.
Hero of the Order of Order and special abilities of creatures act on weakening, absorbing and redirecting enemy attacks in order to reduce the damage done.

Strengths: massive positive spells (Mass buffs) and healing abilities, temporary and full immunity to damage (racial ability), survivability of units, high morale and high retaliatory damage.

Weaknesses: ranged combat, relatively low damage.

Racial Ability: Guardian Angel - a friendly unit becomes invulnerable to physical damage and various negative effects.

The best weapons of the Order of Order are healing and defense, so the strike must be focused on the most damaging enemy units in order to reach the point where the enemy can be "outhealed" (not sure exactly, but it seems to be about the moment when the recovery of hit points of their troops will begin to exceed the damage inflicted by the enemy).
Enemy creatures capable of neutralizing or causing great damage to the support troops of the Order of Order should also be among the priority targets.

Canon Hero of the Order of Order: Paladin (Hero of the Sword)
Knights of the Empire, whose faith in Elrath is not inferior to that of the Priests of Light. In exchange for their loyalty, they are able to inject “Miracles” into their melee-oriented abilities, thereby copying the power provided by Light Magic.


"We will burn the world to ash and dance upon its ruins!"
"We will burn the whole world to the ground and dance on its ruins!"

Also known as: Demons, Lords of Chaos.

Briefly: Demons are the personification of Chaos. They consider the only value to be personal freedom and independence and do not feel the need to justify their actions. They kill because they can or want to.
Therefore, they are viewed as "evil" and dangerous, which is why other factions of Ashan prefer to be imprisoned in their kingdom, Shio, created by Sar-Ilam.
However, even among these nations there are individuals seduced by the idea of ​​Free Will, and in the end they become demon worshipers.

Sources of inspiration: Greek Maenads / Bacchantes (companions and admirers of Dionysus), Rome during its decline (Nero, Caligula (aka Gaius Julius Caesar), Heliogabalus, etc.), Carthaginian and Aztec priests and priests.

Colors: black and red.

Symbolism: Ouroboros (snake eating its own tail), Unicursal hexagram, Spiral of Chaos.

Honored deities: the creator of all demons is Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos.

Basics of the worldview:"Truth is in power." The ability to commit a crime is sufficient justification to commit it. Capture, rob and kill the weak - or not, as you wish - do not deny yourself the most selfish desires, seduce fools who do not understand the true meaning of "freedom." The strong rule the weak.

Country / Kingdom: Shio, Fire Prison.

Capital: Ur-Hekal, "Gates of the Flaming Heart".

Social organization:
The demon society is organized according to the principles of absolute monarchy. All orders of each of the six Demon Lords are carried out. Even the smallest manifestations of disagreement or disobedience are punished quickly and severely. Their subjects are organized in a coarse and power-based hierarchy, with the stronger commanding the weak. The most powerful demons call themselves Lords and take some territory in hell for themselves as property. The strongest of them keep entire cities and other places at the court of their Master and zealously defend them.

Magic: Demonic magic is summoned from unbridled chaos and is destructive in nature. In general, demons demonstrate an unsurpassed ability to use the most negative aspects of all types of magic (direct damage, damage over time, curses).
Most of their spells are in fact twisted versions of regular elemental spells.

Inferno Strategy:"Divide, Summon and Capture"
Summon as many additional troops as possible, while spreading chaos and fire in the ranks of the enemy, and then order your shock troops to finish off the enemy.
Inferno generals are guided by swift and dangerous attacks, high offensive capabilities of their troops, as well as destroying enemy support and disrupting their tactical plans, calling for reinforcements.

Strengths: unsurpassed potential of attacking spells, high mobility, melee troops are tenacious and deadly, the ability to control Chaos (Fate / Luck, Space and Time) for their needs.

Weaknesses: no opportunities to support their own troops, low morale.

Racial Ability: Opening the Gate - Inferno troops can summon temporary reinforcements right on the battlefield.

The entire Demon nation is one large army. Everyone lives in order to prowl in search of prey and destroy, each has an exceptional ability to wreak havoc and destruction. Combined together in a disciplined army, the Demons are virtually unstoppable.
Fortunately for enemies, demons are harder to discipline than they seem, and small demons often need to be controlled by large, well-whipped masters.
And even the frightening presence of legions of demons on the battlefield is not all, demons will resort to various tricks such as devastating area spells, mind control, shape shifting, curses, etc.
And only when the enemy's defenses are properly processed, the demons will begin to attack. If discipline reigns in the ranks of demons, they usually pierce with lightning speed everything that is in their path. Otherwise, they turn into a disorganized, profit-hungry crowd.
Demons also have other advantages over their enemies:
Being able to alter the space-time continuum, they can teleport to the battlefield.
Also, the ability "Open the Gates" allows them to call in reinforcements directly from Shio.
The demons' weapons are covered in spikes, barbs, and hooks, all designed to inflict maximum damage, inflict terrible pain, and make healing any wound they inflict extremely difficult.
Chaotic in nature, Demons have a wild disposition and a correspondingly unpredictable manner of fighting.
Their unpredictable and large-area-hitting abilities are also notable for their ability to affect their own troops, so their goal on the battlefield is often to make their opponents simply suffer more than themselves.
It is usually better to sacrifice the summoned troops than the regular ones, so the initially passive game can be useful and continues, at least until the commander decides that enough troops are called in to incite them on the enemy.

Inferno Canon Hero: Hell Knight (Hero of the Sword)
This status is received by demon worshipers who have shown themselves well in serving their master.
The Knights of Hell are not real demons, but People (Elves, Dwarves ...) who received the "blessing" of Urgash and were "changed" by Chaos Magic.
Their vicious bodies are now hidden in armor capable of sensation, and it is no longer possible to remove it. They lead the legions of Demons in the lands of Ashan.
Unlike real demons, they are also not attached to Shio and can freely leave him, which makes them excellent agents of the Sovereign in the territory of Ashan.
The Knights of Hell are not great masters of Chaos Magic in themselves, but the ritual they sustained bestows upon them various "chaotic" abilities.


”Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty. ”
“Life is change, chaos, debauchery and suffering. Death is peace, order and endless beauty. "

Also known as: Necromancers, Living Dead.

Briefly: The Necromancers formed as a small sect of Mages and developed into a powerful nation. They worship Asha in the form of a spider, her darkest form. At the same time, the Necromancers interpret it in their own way, emphasizing death and exalting the state of the undead, to which all Necromancers belong. They study the magic of death that allows them to live forever, while on their way to immortality, they also study ways to control the souls of dead people (ghosts aka ghosts) and ways to raise the dead from their graves (skeletons aka skeletons).

Sources of inspiration: Ancient Egypt (Book of the Dead), Buddhism (asceticism and rejection of the world of flesh and blood, as illusory and fleeting), all kinds of sects (fanaticism, the cult of the leader, the desire for order, freedom from all generally accepted moral principles).

Colors: black, white, fluorescent (poisonous) green.

Symbolism: Death Spider, Number 8: vertically located (Asha - the lady of Time - hourglass) or horizontally (Asha - the lady of Space - infinity).

Honored deities: Necromancers worship Asha, the Primordial Dragon of Order in her twisted "dead" form.

Basics of the worldview:“Embrace emptiness. Enlightenment can only be found after being freed from the flesh. Time is our ally, for everything that lives and will someday perish ... ”Unhealthy charm of death and fanatical attachment to all causes of death.

Country / Kingdom: Silver cities.

Capital: absent during the events of Heroes VI.

Social organization:
Necromancers are exceptional ascetics. Carnal pleasures are frowned upon, as are all forms of entertainment and celebrations. The townspeople prefer to speak quietly or even in a whisper, no one is in a hurry and the streets are not very different during the day and night. Those who have any assignments calmly carry out them and then go home, where there are mainly childless social groups called "families", since no one has come up with a better term. Necromancers celebrate their birthdays in isolation and remorse. Procreation is generally discouraged as it is considered a distraction from more elevated pursuits.

Magic: The Lords of Death specialize in the destructive directions of Magic with a special fondness for the Primordial Magic of Order (discovered by Sar-Ilam, the Seventh Dragon) and the elemental spheres (?) Of Darkness and Earth.
They also created their own branch of magic, which they called Necromancy.
Most of their spells are to destroy, weaken the body, and control the spirit.

Necropolis strategy:"A dead enemy is a good ally."
The generals of Necropolis try to buy time, meanwhile weakening the enemy army and raising the fallen troops from the dead, thereby creating an unstoppable army.
In this regard, they can rely on several abilities to provide continuous mass curses and "damage over time" (meaning spells like "Plague"), cancel the healing of enemy troops, and resurrect fallen troops.

Strengths: massive curses and "damage over time", targeted cancellation of healing and resurrection (it seems that this is just about the spell "resurrection, and not about the racial ability of necromancers associated with raising the dead), tenacious troops, always neutral morale.

Weaknesses: low mobility, low damage, limited ability to support your troops.

Racial Ability: Necromancy - any living creature or living dead that falls on the battlefield "feeds" a special scale. The player can use it to increase the size of one of his units. A certain percentage of creatures raised in battle remains after the battle.
Necromancers, like Mages, are rarely found directly at the front. They prefer to stay in the rear as command personnel or support squads.
The armies of Necropolis are countless hordes of the living dead, absolutely obedient, immune to fear and pain, coming one wave after another.
However, the living dead are usually slow and clumsy, but their numbers make the enemy literally drown in bodies and the ranks of dead enemies rise to replace their own fallen troops.
Necromancers also engage ghosts in battles for swift and targeted strikes. In many ways, ghosts for the Lords of Death are analogous to Djinn for Mages.
As a rule, Necromancers delay attacks for long hours, knowing full well that this is one of their main advantages. After all, their troops never tire.
Unlike most factions, Necropolis, relying on its ability to "outlive" enemies, usually does not focus on support, but rather on dealing damage.
Your goal on the battlefield should be to suppress the enemy's ability to deal more damage than your army can handle.
Also, any support on the side of the enemy that can remove and undo your curses should become one of the primary targets for suppression.

Canonical Hero of Necropolis: Necromancer (Hero of Magic)
Most high-ranking Death Lords choose the path of Necromancers, masters of dark curses, earth-based enhancements (?), And, above all, focus on fundamental control over time.


"We Walk our own Path, Alone"

"We go our own way, alone"

Also known as: Barbarians, Orcs

Briefly: Wizards experiment with the blood of Demons, pouring it into humans - slaves and convicted criminals. As a result, Orcs appear.

Colors: brown, red

Religion: Although Orcs do not have any god, their Shamans pay tribute to the "Mother Earth" and "Father Heaven" they meet when they leave for their "Dream World".
By combining demon blood, human flesh, and other things, the wizards of the Seven Cities created a handful of "mutants": Orcs. Half-brothers of the Demons, Orcs were trained from birth to become the ultimate nemesis. They eventually defeated the Demons and brought them back to their Shio prison.
As a reward for their tremendous acts of bravery, the peoples of Ashen decided to make them ... slaves! During the Second Eclipse, the Orcs gained their freedom and divided themselves into three separate tribes: some fled northeast to the Ranaar Plains, others followed directly south into the Sahaar Desert, and the rest sailed southeast across the Jade Sea to settle in the islands Pao.

Country / kingdom: Ranaar, also the Eastern Islands, in particular Pao (archipelago in the Jade Sea)

Capital: Taumata-Kunyak

Recent events: It has been nearly a century since the Orcs broke their chains, led by Cunyac the Liberator. Yet their newfound freedom is still fragile, and the greatest danger may actually come from within. Since the death of Kunyak, the Orc country has lost its unity and is now divided into countless small tribes scattered across the Pao Islands.
Since the death of Cunyac, the Orc country has lost its unity and is now divided into countless small tribes scattered on the islands of Pao and others.

Stronghold strategy: "Drive faster, you will think later!"
The Orcs were created as shock troops to fight the Demons, and their tactics reflect this. Lightly armored and heavily armed, they charge straight at the enemy, counting on their numbers, speed, ferocity and power to break the lines of the opposing army without suffering too many casualties. Due to their origins, Orcs are naturally resistant to magic and especially magic wielded by Demons (fire, submission, illusion ...).

Military superiority:
Strong damage, high mobility, magic immunity.

Military weaknesses:
Poor support ability, tactically limited.


Order of Order


The Mighty Guardians are the Holy Empire's first line of defense. These are volunteers who have proven their loyalty to the Emperor and their faith in Elrat. They vowed to protect their brothers in arms with their shield, and if necessary, with their lives. For their personal protection, they rely solely on faith.


There are many stories of how Ronan Falcon, armed only with courage and honor, defeated the leaders of the human clans, which he united into the Empire that bears his name. But to be honest, the true reason for the victory was the squads of crossbowmen. And today, they are still feared in all corners of Ashan!


The priestesses of Elrath are devoted to the service of the Dragon of Light. Chosen for their spiritual talents, these women give their lives to bringing light and warmth to all the people around them.

The priestesses of Elrath are respected and loved by the people of the Empire, and in times of war they are always on the front lines to heal the wounded.


Elrath's domain in the Spirit World is overflowing with myriads of elementals of Light. Some of them received higher status from Elrat. Vessels of will of Elrath, sent as emissaries and advisers to his faithful followers, Glorias are shining creatures, blazing in all their glory and blinding enemies. The generals of the Empire have found use for these creatures of blinding light.


Griffins were created during the Age of Legends as a result of an accidental magical combination of lions and eagles. Then on the Face of Ashan flowed rivers of blood of the Primordial Dragons left after their fight. And the creatures who drank the unbridled rivers of dragon blood and magic were forever changed. In fact, this was the reason for the birth of these creatures.

Riders of the Sun

There are many knights in the Holy Empire, but only those who have been personally blessed by Elrat are accepted into the Order of the Holy Sun. Known as the Riders of the Sun, these champions of the Light sit astride enchanted steeds summoned from the abode of Elrath. These horses are able to pass along the thinnest ray of Light.


Physically striking with their superiority, the Angels of Light are the messengers of Elrat and his shock troops on the face of Ashan. Being taller and much more beautiful than ordinary people, they radiate an aura of strength and courage. Seraphim are lower than angels and more like people. They appeared after the creation of the Falcon Empire. Their true origins are hidden in mystery, but their faith in Elrath is absolute. In battle, they use the swords of Justice and Mercy.



Maniacs are the fiend of Ur-Vormokh, the Lord of Madness. These demons are spirits of the unbalanced, frenzied and unpredictable nature of Chaos.
True descendants of their creator, Maniacs excel at spreading panic and fear. The maniacs screech in pain when they attack, and laugh when they are hurt.


Some of Asha's children (People, Elves, Dwarves, etc.), gave themselves up to the service of Urgash and the Lords of the Underworld, and were resurrected after death as Incubi (men) and Succubi (women).

As reincarnations of powerful demon worshipers, they usually have a relatively high and highly specific rank in the demon hierarchy. However, many people think that they have the necessary intelligence, dedication and strength to achieve the desired status, but in reality many end up life as incubi / succubi * (servants, slaves, etc.).

Their "mortal" origins make them excellent spies, spies and diplomats. To fulfill these tasks, they acquire the ability to create illusions, charm and change shape, look beautiful, sweet and attractive like angels, but at the same time sensual, "carnal", which allows them to cloud their minds.
In particular, the emergence of sects of demon worshipers, it is almost inevitably the work of a succubus or incubus.


Cerberus are servants of the Lord of Gluttony. These two-headed fire-breathing dogs surpass even saber-toothed tigers and the worst dragons in size, speed and cruelty.


The queens were the result of Urgash's experiment to create a material form that translated some of his original power. In particular, the power of absorbing mana and the power to create creatures loyal to Chaos. Given to Ur-Mesfaroth, Lord of Reproduction, the Queens are fat, pulsating masses that constantly spawn imps. The imps they spawn are "spits" from various holes that appear on the body of the Uterus in random places.
Yet these demons are almost incapable of moving, they continually writhe and shrink in their insatiable lust to procreate. This force to generate constantly consumes them from the inside, and a lot of forces are required to control the mutations of the body. They sometimes devour the imps they create.
The queens use the energies of mana as food to fertilize themselves and control their own hideous mutations, which are necessary for the cycle of spawning.

The torturers

The Tormentors are servants of Ur-Traggal, the Lord of Pain. The Tormentors are consumed by the endless suffering of Urgash and inflict unimaginable horrors on their own bodies. They draw strength from their own agony and use deformations (?) To attack enemies. The tormentors' skeleton is their primary weapon, as it is able to rip off parts of its own body for use in battle. Its ribs are capable of piercing the opponent's chest; its bones are able to lengthen and protrude through the fingers, providing sharp, like razor claws.


Servants of the Lord of Destruction, Juggernauts are easily recognizable for their enormous horns and basalt-clad fists and hooves. During the battle, they fiercely (and sometimes blindly) crash into the ranks of the enemy, impaling enemies with their horns, and smashing them with swings of their huge fists, as well as trampling them into the bloody dust. They are also used as excellent battering rams when needed.

Cave Spawn

Punished and imprisoned in Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos is consumed by fierce hatred for Askha and her creations. Ur-Haazel, the Lord of Hatred, who is the spokesman for endless hostility, is the owner of cave spawn, surpassing many Archdemons in their cruel nature. The Cave Spawn are the most fearsome beasts in the Chaos Legions.



Skeletons are nothing more than dead rotted bodies raised by the will of the necromancer. Combining blind faithfulness, indifference to hunger and thirst, and lack of fear and doubt, they are destined to be ideal servants.


These are the voracious spirits of the dead, raised by magic from lifeless bodies. Ghouls are tortured creatures filled with hatred for all living things.
Powerful necromancers are able to control them, but in any case they are wild and destructive. Transformation into a ghoul is the most terrible punishment in Erish, and implies the eternal withdrawal of the soul from the circle of death and rebirth.
Ghouls feed on bodies and keep the infection in blood and saliva.


After death, the children of the Dragon Gods ascend in the form of spirits to the moon to spend eternity under the hand of Asha. However, accidents (?) Can lead to the birth of ghosts, whose spiritual connection with the material world is very strong.
With the help of a special rite, necromancers can turn ghosts into loyal servants under their absolute control.


When the Lychees become stronger, they acquire the right to give their life to the Spider-Goddess and to be reborn as Ahkharus, in other words, “Vampire”. They undergo a ritual that gives them a youthful body, devoid of any flaws. Vampires no longer need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe so their organs are "petrified", and in the veins - not blood, but spider venom.
However, they need to drink human blood in order to reduce the amount of poison, preventing the destruction of their bodies from the inside.


High-ranking necromancers (Priests of the Spider Goddess) accept a life-prolonging elixir made from sacred spider venom. They mix this elixir with food.
This “treatment” turns them into Asakkus, in other words, “Lich”, draining their bodies, but freeing them from carnal passions. However, they continue to age until they look like withered mummies ... This poisonous mixture also makes their eyes green


Lamasu is an unsuccessful experiment of magicians to create a higher breed of beast-men with the help of an unnatural combination of man (mainly slaves and criminals) and magical creatures (in this case, manticore).

The resulting creature turned out to be too weak (?) And short-lived, but still useful for necromancers. The necromancers raised their dead bodies and infected them with any infection. The function of carriers of infection, combined with enormous physical strength, makes them excellent warriors of the vanguard of the armies of necromancers.

Spinners of Fates

The Spinners of Fate are avatars of the Spider Goddess, a true reflection of the Asha aspect of Death. They represent the will of the Goddess on the face of Ashan. The Spinners of Fate are often gifted to the Necropolis, strengthening their ranks and keeping them growing.

Like the queen of the hive, she ensures the growth of the necropolis. Under her protection, the undead scour the territory in search of lost souls to join their ranks. The Fate Spinners are also capable of taking the form of a female / spider hybrid with six arms and a pair of legs.


Digital deluxe edition

Digital Delux Edition has the following composition (everything that is included by default in the standard edition emphatically):

  • Edge of Chaos - the mighty blade
  • Akasha is a unique playable character
  • Heart of Nightmares - Additional Card
  • Yume, Kraal, Svetlanna, Aguirre - four unique heroes
  • Staff of Asha - Arcane Staff
  • Staff of Cleansing - Unique Weapon
  • Artbook 164 pages (PDF)
  • In-game soundtrack by Rob King and Paul Romero (MP3 format)
  • Poster size A2 (PDF)


A type: On shoulders

Bone Spaulders.+2 physical protection. Part of the Leader's Pack.

A type: Necklaces

Vitality necklace.+2 health to friendly creatures.

A type: Books

Grimoire of the Master.+60 to mana, +6 to mana regeneration.

A type: Shields

Lion shield.+3 to leadership, +3 to physical defense. Part of the Guardian set.
Banner shield.+2 to physical defense, +10 to magical defense against fire magic.

A type: Armor

Shantiri Armor.+4 physical defense, + 6 magical defense against Primary spells.
Legendary Hero Armor... +2 to all primary characteristics of the hero.

Type: Gloves

Brawler's Gloves.+2 to physical strength (might power, I do not know how to translate it more accurately).

Pickpocket gloves. Grants the Pathfinder ability at level 1. Part of the Drifter's Set.

A type: Helmet

Helm of the lord of the naga.+7 to leadership in battles at sea, +2 to reconnaissance radius
Thunderblade helm.+4 to leadership, grants lightning strike spell

Ashan Map


School of Fire

Fire shield
Ability level: 1
The target's magical defense is increased by 4 turns. Enemies attacking the target melee take 1 damage per creature.

Summon Fire Elemental
Ability level: 3
Several fire elementals are summoned to the battlefield.

Fire Magic
Ability level: 1
Fire magic becomes more effective
Passive ability

Battle Frenzy
Ability level: 3
The selected friendly or enemy unit immediately attacks the nearby unit, dealing increased damage.
Does not spend the target's action on the current turn.

Ability level: 1
Deals fire damage to an enemy target unit

Ability level: 2
Deals fire damage to all units in an area of ​​3x3 cells.

Meteor storm
Ability level: 3
Deals damage in a 5x5 area.

Ability Level: Inferno Unique Ability
Deals damage to all objects that do not belong to Inferno.

Ability level: 1
The morale of the selected friendly creature is increased, and cannot be reduced by spells and abilities for two rounds (turns).
All morale negative effects disappear.

Inner fire
Ability level: 1
Increases the impact power and initiative of the selected friendly unit.

School of Force

Shooting skill
Increases the damage done by friendly units from shooting.
Passive ability
Level: 1

Counterstrike II
All units of the hero receive an additional retaliatory strike.
Passive ability
Level: 2

As soon as the hero's squad has been attacked three times, his physical protection and health are increased until the end of the battle.
Passive ability
Level: 3

Heroic attack
Increases the movement range of the selected friendly unit and increases the damage for each passed cell.
Activated ability
Level: 3

Not one step back
The target unit receives one additional retaliation strike and its physical defense is increased. Lasts 3 turns.
An activated ability.
Level: 1

Commander's order
The selected unit, which in this turn he did not take any action, immediately gets the right to move, without waiting for his turn.
Activated ability
Level: 2

Dodging and Covering
Defending walls and obstacles is more effective for friendly creatures.
Passive skill
Level: 1

Gain II
One friendly core or elite stack can be boosted once per battle. Bonus creatures disappear after the battle.
Active skill
Level: 2

Tactic III
After the deployment phase, when an enemy formation is visible, the two stacks can be swapped. If both sides have this skill, both can use it, but they will not see each other's rearrangements.
Passive skill
Level: 3

Architect III
Once a day, the hero can visit the city and build the second building in that day.
Passive skill
Level: 3

Sabotaging the mine
At the cost of all of his remaining turn points, the hero can sabotage an enemy mine. Production at the mine is halted for 7 days. The enemy hero can repair the mine at the cost of all available turn points.
Active skill
Level: 2

The chance to recruit a hostile squad of creatures is increased, and the cost of gold for this is reduced.
Passive ability
Level: 2

Shows the skills of the enemy hero on the adventure map and the exact size of the units of his army.
Active skill
Level: 1

The hero does not spend movement points on collecting resources, visiting buildings and other similar actions.
Passive ability.
Level: 1

When a hero meets another friendly hero, the second gets 50% of the experience of the first.
Passive ability.
Level: 2



Biography: Born a free orc in the Eastern Barrens of Ranaar, Mokka was a great hunter worthy of respect among the orcs and centaurs.
One day, a group of refugees from the Pao Islands arrived in her village, they told the story that they were attacked and their children were sold into slavery. Mokka was outraged by this shame and swore to Father Heaven that no orc would be in chains while she breathed.
With a small army, she immediately went south in search of her destiny. As soon as the courageous hordes of Mokka crossed the mountains, they were ambushed by the Duchy of the Wolf, and everyone was either captured or killed.
Sent to work in the mines, Mokka planned an escape in an extravagant way: she killed seven guards with a pickaxe and rode away on the back of a centaur.
She is now a permanent resident of the Pao Islands. In rebel sentiment, she became the inspiration for the orcs' dreams of freedom.
Specialization: Warcry Master (Increase the effectiveness of Warcries)


Biography: Trusted, if not religiously revered among the warriors of his tribe, Mateva was small for years, but wise as the ancients.
This orc shaman said that he heard the angry voices of his ancestors in his first childhood dreams.
Mateva completed his dream catcher initiation at the age of six and bears no twisted or mutated traces of experience; except for the lightning-shaped scar that crosses his entire chest.
An excellent orator and clever joker, Mateva draws on the wisdom of thousands of orc warriors and hundreds of shamans-storytellers.
He often jokes that when he gets rid of their complaints the day will come when the orcs will rule over all Askhan.
Specialization: Master of Dreamcatchers (growth of Dreamcatchers and Thief of Dreams +3 per week)


Biography: Born into a family of pirates and given a ship under her command at a young age, Quan amassed many trophies by plundering the merchant ships of the Seven Cities en route to the Jade Ocean.
Her fate turned abruptly when her ship was devoured by a giant sea monster, and she awoke 100 leagues below the surface of the ocean in a huge daimyo naga palace.
Quan was happy to be alive, but quickly realized she was being held captive. After 5 years of captivity, during which she learned more about the vast and rich culture of the underwater naga than any person before her, she was awarded the daimyo freedom and an island that she can dispose of as she pleases.
Specialization: Explorer (+2 to movement on land and at sea)


Biography: Yugen trained as a dancer with Naria's imperial troupe, Silk Waves. This fully human troop of more than a hundred men and women sets out twice a year, when the Eternal Empress leaves her immense palace under the ocean to visit the island provinces above.
The prestigious troupe was destroyed by the Assassins for reasons that remain unknown.
Yugen was one of the three survivors and became a servant of Shalassa in gratitude to the Dragon Goddess for the miraculous salvation.
The Eternal Empress nonetheless asks the surviving trinity to perform once a year, and this is the only time Yugen has danced in public.
He says his dance is so sad that the eel dragons cry as he dances.
Specialization: Stream Spirit Master (Production of Stream Spirit and Mizugami increased by 3 per week).


Biography: Once a nursery master at the court of Emperor Connor himself, Lorish is now hard at work at a Cerberus nursery in the heart of Shio. A man of principles, he betrayed his devotion, if not vocation, when he refused, on the orders of the emperor, to hunt down the young orcs who stole apples from the orchard. Fired from his post in the face of grim prospects, Lorish bathed his grief with ale until the mysterious beauty promised him a new lease on life for a bit of information on the royal hunt planned for the end of the month during a visit to the Greyhound principality. Lorish accepted her offer, and as a result of the attack, half of the imperial retinue was killed. Tortured for conspiracy, Lorish died of his wounds, but did not reveal the lady's identity - this was taken into account when he was revived under her command in Shio.
Specialization: Cerberus Master (Hellhound and Cerberus production increases by 6 per week)


Biography: Do not confuse Deleb, servant of the lord of pain, Ur-Traggal, with a succubus, it is not.
And to prove this, we are pleased to invite you to test her new mechanical structure - a machine for stripping, cauterizing and burning skin in ways unknown until now. Not without a smile, of course.
As a master of fire magic, she could happily spend hours talking to you about the difference between burning and scorching, or between branding and scalding, but she will demonstrate it to you much faster.
Specialization: Fire Master (Fire spell efficiency increased)

Sir Jaywoods

Biography: Sir Jaywoods, formerly a knight of the Duchy of the Unicorn, will tell you that he decided to become a vampire because half a dozen ghosts have more life than a hundred living, breathing townspeople, and things are not far off.
Sir Jaywoods is obsessed with the future, whose fascination is illuminated by his father's passion for history. He wants to know who will rule Ashan in five hundred years, what regular discoveries of arcane magic can lead to and whether there will be a place for such gallant people like him.
There was only one way to find out - to become an immortal vampire. He is willing to bet that life will remain cruel and bloody regardless of age, but while he waits for the opportunity to find out if this is so, he happily hunts demons.
Specialization: Enlightened (The hero starts with the Enlightenment ability and an effective bonus to it)


Biography: Skata left the kingdom of Tuidana at the age of 24, going to study the path of the sword in the Seven Cities at the invitation of the blade mage Deras Bana, one of Ashan's greatest weapons masters. She was a brilliant student and studied until her queen was attacked by the Holy Falcon Empire. Deras Ban, who immensely adored his invaluable student, sent her underground to his hometown of Al-Betil, fearing that the elite of the Mages of the Seven Cities would be on the side of Emperor Liam and could throw her into dungeon simply as a gesture of goodwill. While Scatha was hiding in the luxurious dungeons of Al-Betyl, she became acquainted with the cult of the Spider-Goddess. Her appeal is covered with a veil of secrecy, but she is devout and enjoys the confidence of Mother Namtaru and the necromancer Svetlana.
Specialization: Master of Agony (Hero starts with Agony ability and an effective bonus to it)

Lord Haart

Biography: A protege of House of the Stag, Lord Haart showed character at a young age, participating in the Elven Wars as Lord Cyrene's squire at the age of thirteen.
After the mystical disappearance of Lord Kien, Lord Haart devoted himself entirely to the path of the sword, becoming the youngest knight in the history of the duchy, not to mention the fact that he became also the bravest of knights. Gossip goes that when the grumpy innkeeper Bardon Fleece mocked the famous knight for his reticence in discussing his experiences in the Elven Wars, Lord Haart exported his dress with the tip of a blade from three steps.
Specialization: born leader (hero starts at +4 to leadership)


Biography: For the first time, Lady Eileen became famous for giving birth to identical triplets. Elrato's amazing blessing was overshadowed by the fact that her three sons were kidnapped by mercenaries greedy for ransom and held captive for seven years.
At a time when Emperor Liam himself was offering a huge reward for the return of the children, Eileen returned to Elrath and became an extremely devout priestess. After the return of the children and the execution of their captors, her sons were far from the gentle angels she once knew, and were sent to the school of inquisitors for re-education.
Eileen continues to see them regularly, but she relies more on Elrat's prayers and church education to educate them than her personal attention.
The secret of Eileen's rage lies in the twist of fate in her life, which gave her a very pragmatic, if not expedient sense of justice.
Specialization: Master of Sisters (production of sisters and vestals increases by 6 per week)

main characters

At the origins of the dynasty is Duke Paul Griffin who was a fanatical servant of the Light and a loyal lieutenant of the Falcon Emperor. He met his death defending his Duchy from a host of demons summoned by the dying wish of the enemy army.
Paul's last support was his son Glory, who was still a boy at that time.

Paul's sister Sveltana, who left her native lands to study Necromancy in the 7 Cities, returned to her homeland to act as regent for Glory and teach him the way of the Griffin family. 15 years have passed since those events, and now Duke Glory Griffin father of five children. They will be the main characters of Heroes 6 and will lead the armies of various factions into battle.

1st child: Anton - Empire

  • The eldest son of the Duke of the Griffin. The main heir to the dukedom.
  • Since childhood, he has heard the voices of angels.
  • They tell him about fame and integrity, as well as venality and betrayal.
  • Frustrated and embarrassed, he is obliged to expose the lies and take their side.

2nd child: Anastasia - Necropolis

  • Parricide.
  • Executed by her beloved brother Anton.
  • She returned to life as a Necromancer, an undead.
  • Did she really kill her father? For what?
  • She must restore her memories to find out the truth!

  • I found a friend and mentor in the person of my father's gunsmith ... Orc Kraal.
  • Exiled from the Holy Empire for standing up for his family during a feud with his father's neighbor, the Duke of the Wolf.
  • Under the direction of Kraal, he traveled to the wild islands of Pao, Orc territory in the Emerald Sea.
  • Returns home with an army of Orcs to become a conqueror ... or a savior.
  • Bosses

    Hai Ro

    Parameters :

    • Health Points (HP): 75004
    • Attack: 4650 (Magic-Water)
    • Initiative: 50
    • Physical Defense (DF): 43%
    • Magic Defense (ЗМ): 43% Oda gave birth to the world and then spawned six Elemental Dragons to rule it.
      She controls the fate of all mortals, starts the wheel of fate at the moment of their birth, controls throughout life and stops their clock at the moment of death.
      Asha is very careful to maintain neutrality. They never side with good or bad, gnomes, elves or orcs. The entire universe is her creation.
      Be that as it may, she is diametrically opposed to the principles of chaos of her insane twin brother Urgash and his abnormal children - demons.
      After the Wars of the Creators, Asha went to her guarded refuge in the depths of the moon to sleep, heal and dream.
      In fact, the moon is a cocoon woven around it. This is a reflection of the World Egg, time itself, the last place where dragons can rest, the gateway to the afterlife (from which all souls come to Ashan and where they return after death).
      Nobody worships the true Askha. She is above this, but she is served by White Spinners, Blind Brothers and Silent Sisters who help with childbirth, interpret omens (I don’t remember exactly how fairies at Sleeping Beauty), perform funeral rites (performing the roles of midwives, seers, oracles, embalmers, funeral organizers) around the world.
      Note: Necromancers (Necropolis) have chosen Ashu as their divine patron. However, their strength and vision of Asha's strength and characteristics are incorrect, perverted by their pernicious nature.

      Three Faces of Ashi:

      Saint: Fate - Justice - Future - Waxing Moon
      The Holy Blind Mother is a harbinger of fate, spinning here and there, invisible, watching so that all living things fulfill their role. She is the "Hand" that can catch anyone to save him or kill him.

      Mother: Life - Creation - Present - Full Moon
      (Forever pregnant) Mother sees everything, just like her creatures and her children. Giving life, it gives chaos a form, gives meaning to potential. This was the first thing that Asha sent from the Void, which created the universe and allows it to evolve. She is the "Heart", unconditional love, compassionate for all - good and bad.

      Witch: Death - Destruction - Past - Waning Moon
      The witch is the image of death. Old and wrinkled, she cuts off the thread of life with a sickle, holding it in her knobby fingers. She is the "Head", intelligent and imperturbable, endowed with infinite wisdom and absolute knowledge.

      Symbolic images:
      Moon. Number 3 (in its three aspects). Number 8 (in the shape of an hourglass and lying 8 - the symbol of infinity).

      Figurative description:
      Asha is a huge winged dragon, noble in appearance and full of grace, as befits the Empress and Mother of Elemental Dragons. Its appearance is dominated by angles rather than roundness, completely symmetrical, seemingly complex, but absolutely ordered. Her scales are deep black in color, like interstellar space, but myriads of lights constantly flash on her skin, usually in a certain way, like micro-constellations. Her eyes emit soft, silvery light, but they can explode in a blinding flash, like a supernova.

      Its wingspan is so enormous that for a common man they seem infinite.


      The Chaos Dragon is an indomitable and wild force, primordial chaos with limitless energy and an infinite variety of forms.
      He is gluttonous and insatiable, he is "a serpent that devours its own tail."
      He is the father of senseless destruction, violent distortion and creeping madness.
      He is the ancestor of demons.
      Urgash is completely unpredictable. His "logic" defies the comprehension of mortals. One time he can save, and the other - kill, in a second, from laughing to crying, he will switch from cruelty to tranquility.
      Long ago, he was banished to Shio, the heart of Ashan, but demons live in this prison of the world and help him achieve his desires.

      Symbolic images:
      Number 0 / circle (initial emptiness, Ouroboros, wheel of Fortune, completion of the cycle, stagnation in movement, etc.)

      Figurative description:
      Urgash is a colossal dragon, with distorted forms, constantly changing. His abilities are monstrous, scary to think about. Its thick black scales are never in one position and appear to be made of hot molten metal.
      Bone outgrowths (horns, thorns) constantly crawl out of his body and are immediately pulled back. The blood from his wounds is constantly being transformed into an aggressive and toxic slurry that eats away at everything that comes in contact with it.
      Urgash is constantly shrouded in a kind of haze that distorts the real world around him.
      Urgash's mouth is filled with rows of serrated teeth, and he can swing it open to an incredible width. He is truly an insatiable eater of worlds.
      After centuries in the burning heart of Ashan, only pain, madness, hunger and hatred are reflected in his eyes.


      Silanne is loved by the elves, the silent rulers of her forests.
      The Earth Dragon is the most phlegmatic, unhurried and balanced among the Elemental Dragons.
      Peaceful and careful, the Earth acts only after much thought and study.
      She often acts as a peacemaker among her brothers and sisters.
      She is the guardian of nature, loves plants, animals and living stones that grow from her "back", and the only way to awaken her anger is to destroy or desecrate her sacred groves and stone circles.
      Silanne is worshiped by druids, rangers, hunters, farmers and shepherds, as well as stone and wood carvers.
      She is the patron goddess of the elves (Forest Union).

      Figurative description:

      Silanna is the toughest of dragons. Her appearance is imbued with resilience and calm determination. Its dense emerald scales are as hard as diamond and covered with moss, plants, trees, etc.
      Silanna is wingless, legs are massive and short (so that she almost touches the ground). In anger, with the stomp of her feet, she causes earthquakes.
      The breath of the goddess is a cloud of stone fragments, tearing the target to shreds, or "turning into stone", covering them entirely, like waste rock.


      Young and impulsive, the Dragon of Air is a seeker of dangerous knowledge, crafts that are passed from father to son, countless data about the world that he sees from above.
      Like the wind, it wanders everywhere, gathers everything that it sees and hears on its way.
      Curious and intuitive, he quickly gets to the core of things, but still he is too restless and frivolous.
      Ilat never sought his own worship. His only commandments are that followers should seek, study and enjoy life to the fullest, but most importantly, they can do whatever they want, as long as they respect and honor the world created by the Dragons (this is the crucial distinction between Ilat and Urgash).
      He is the patron god of people (the youngest people, since Ilat is the youngest Dragon God), but was supplanted in the Holy Empire by his brother Elrat.
      However, he is still revered by the nomadic barbarian tribes that roam vast territories outside the Sacred Empire, as well as the alliance of the southern Free Cities.
      He is also revered by travelers, bards and spies, jesters and actors, flatterers, rakes and thieves, and even by some wizards (for his vast secret knowledge, and also for his desire to simplify knowledge that seems "hermetic").

      Figurative description:
      Ilat is the smallest of the Elemental Dragons. Its appearance speaks of speed and agility. Its delicate scales are silvery white. Its wings appear fragile, but powerful enough to spawn a whirlwind.
      Ilat's breath is a bolt of lightning that strikes with absolute precision.


      Under Arkath's wing gathered the gnomes, stern masters of blacksmithing and fire.
      The Fire Dragon is reckless, hot-tempered and irritable. Selfish and hot, ferocious in battle, he is subject to passions and impulses.
      He is revered by thrill seekers, those who perceive life as a constant struggle and recklessly expend energy on it, but also by blacksmiths who shed their sweat and blood as a symbol of sacrifice to fire.
      Arkat is the patron god of the gnomes (Northern clans).

      Figurative description:
      Arkat is the largest of the Elemental Dragons. His appearance is full of physical strength, ferocity and passion. Its thick red-gold scales are like lava - scorching hot and incandescent.
      His breath is a stream of fire that burns everything that it embraces.
      Arkat is wingless and prefers to walk on two legs (standing on his hind legs, he rises above the enemy).


      Shalassa has inhabited its domain with serpentine Nagas, which can move freely both in water and on land.
      The Water Dragon is humble, quiet and secretive. She is an imperturbable mystic, the wisest of dragons and the depth of her knowledge is only slightly inferior to that of her sister Malassa, for her water kingdom is filled with forgotten knowledge and treasures.
      Of all things, she most values ​​diplomacy, flexibility and adaptability. However, if she chooses to act, she will be swift and indomitable. When fighting the waves, don't expect to win.
      Chalassa is revered by sailors, fishermen and pirates, as well as prophets, hermits and sages.
      She is the patron goddess of the Nagas (Sanctuary, Water Peoples).

      Figurative description:
      Shalassa is the most graceful of the Elemental Dragons. Her appearance is full of calmness and wisdom. Its scales harmoniously combine jade green and turquoise colors.
      Chalassa has no wings, but fins instead of legs. It looks like a sea serpent or an Asian dragon.
      Chalassa's breath can be a tidal wave, a scorching geyser, or a blizzard freezing to the bone.


      Malassa rules over the dark and mysterious Faceless.
      Dragon of Darkness, Faceless Enemy, Crawling Shadow with a hundred faces and a thousand whispers. Darkness is a volatile and dangerous mistress.
      Darkness seems meaningless and formless, but it is knowledgeable. She is here and there at the same time, watching from near and far, absorbing your words and cries.
      In its depths lie all forgotten memories, buried secrets of the past.
      Malassa is mainly worshiped by madmen and heralds of doom, fearless spies and assassins.
      She was once the patron god of the faceless, but almost all of them were exterminated during the Ancient Wars.
      Apparently she made a sinister pact with the Dark Elves (League of Shadows)

      Figurative description:
      Malassa is the most elusive of the Elemental Dragons. It is impossible to determine exactly its type. Its body and wings are covered with dark scales with a purple tint, but it is almost ethereal, like dense smoke or a play of light and shadow.
      Its wings are dotted with dozens of "eyes", peering into the invisible world and restoring forgotten secrets.
      Malassa never speaks, only whispers. Her words are always mysterious, so only true believers can hope to understand her.
      The breath of Malassa is a cloud of Darkness that dulls the senses and fills the mind with terrible visions.


      Elrath leads the shining and immortal angels.
      The Dragon of Light is revered as the sun god and patron (true) of power, truth, honor and justice.
      His servants strive to dispel darkness, overcome evil and glorify personal courage and heroism.
      It was once revered by angels, but almost all of them died during the Ancient Wars.
      In modern times, Elrath became the patron god of the Holy Empire (Alliance of Light).

      Figurative description:
      Elrath is the most magnificent of the Elemental Dragons. He is nobility and power personified. Its exquisite scales of the purest gold, but does not reflect light, but itself glows from within. His wings are covered not with scales, but with feathers, like those of his children.
      Elrath does not possess the "breath of a dragon", but in his righteous anger, he emits rays of blinding light from his eyes.

    Good day to all!

    The other day I was reproached for doing nothing and preventing others from doing "at least something." I will not bring that topic up completely, but I will simply do "something" and, I hope, not just "at least something." ;)

    So, I want to talk about how to play six heroes in general. Not tied to factions or specializations of heroes. I'll start, perhaps, with the skills that are a must have almost always and for all GGs. This (the names may differ from the official ones, as I write from memory):

    • Tactics- without it, you simply cannot place the troops in front of the battle in such a way as to reduce losses. You can, of course, try to do this already in battle, but in practice this is far from always possible. Therefore - must have. With only one limitation - it is hardly worth taking tactics with the first skill, because until the second level is reached, there are usually opponents who do not need tactics to defeat them. However, it will be very useful to you already at 2-3 levels of the hero, when you need to fight with more difficult mobs.
    • Logistics- a very useful skill that allows you not only to run faster across the map, but also, accordingly, to catch up with enemy heroes, run away from them, and also carry out more battles with mobs in the same time (simply, you will have time to run to large ones). The first to take is possible, but not necessary. In principle, you can play without it at all, but then you risk being in a losing position. For example, you met with an enemy hero who has an army of equal strength. We met not far from the castle (no matter whose) on the sixth or seventh day. The enemy has logistics and plus some kind of artifact like boots that speed up movement on land. And you have no logistics, no luck with boots. The enemy quickly dives into the castle (it is especially unpleasant if this is your castle and it is now without protection due to the fact that the hero (s) have all the troops) and, voila, the forces are no longer equal, but there is an advantage in his favor. The situation is similar with forts, as you understand. So, I recommend that you still take the logistics and do it at the first levels of the hero (you will pump faster due to a longer path and a greater number of battles per week).
    • Education- just an excellent skill that increases the experience gained by the hero by 25%. This means that you will be pumping 25% faster than those who did not take this skill. Naturally, if you really take it, it is better at the first levels or even right at the start. In the campaign, by the way, the skill is of little use - you will reach the maximum level even before the completion of the mission begins to sparkle on the horizon. You can take it in the campaign to speed up the gaining experience, but more often than not there are other more useful skills. But when playing on ordinary cards against computers or friends on the network, I recommend taking it first - it will greatly simplify life, if you are not afraid to wait a little before new skill points appear. By the way, you can educate the hero even before playing when creating it - this is even more effective. But here it must be borne in mind that when creating, you have access to such features of heroes that you can no longer take in the game. For example, an increase in the growth of creatures (+1 selected creatures or the same +2 lichs from necroes). The presence of a quickly pumping hero is also beneficial for reaching strong supporting characters, which we will talk about below.
    • Mentoring- the same skill that allows you to quickly "pump" minor heroes to a level comparable to the level of the GG. The main character can take it on the fifth level, if it is on, but it makes sense to wait until the sixth level - then during training, the secondary character will immediately receive the fifth level and, accordingly, will be able to take skills from the second line. This is especially beneficial for heroes-builders, since at the fifth level they will unlock a skill that allows them to save 20% of resources during construction. Although this is useful for "cockroaches" - at the fifth level they will have a skill that gives an additional market.
    • Architect 1- without exception, all builders and "cockroaches" should take this skill. +1 basic creatures per week will not be superfluous. The only ones who do not need the skill are GG and the second (third?) Fighting hero.
    • Reinforcements, Regeneration, Treatment and Dehumidification should be taken by almost everyone, even people / nagas / nekram, who have healing units. Of course, all these skills at once will hardly help you, on the contrary - the hero will become weaker due to the lack of other useful skills, and you will not be able to apply all the healers right away (the cooldown is usually 3 turns, so you usually don't need more than three spells / abilities - 1-2 massive and a couple of single ones are quite enough). Do not forget that the units summoned as support cannot be healed and they will not stay with you after the battle. By the way, now the game has a bug in the work of this ability. The fact is that if you call for help after someone on the stack has died (and has not yet been resurrected), then at the end of the battle he will be considered dead. Perhaps this is not a bug, but it was intended - there is a certain logic, although it contradicts the description of the skill in the game.
    • Affinity with magic- this skill is worth taking if you lack mana and / or its recovery rate. Mages, of course, in general, everyone is obligatory, but warriors who occasionally use spells in battle will also need at least one level - you must admit, there is a difference whether you have 50-60 mana or 80-90. You can play without it at all, but then you should count on reducing losses primarily due to reinforcements and the resurrection of troops in the castle (people and spawn) and very rarely rely on the available 1-2 spells (literally after one serious battle with your warrior there will be no more mana left if he has to apply general heal once and single heal once). Therefore, in most cases, it is better to spend a point on the relationship with magic.
    That's all with skills that are useful to almost all types of heroes. Now I will briefly touch on the basics of tactics and strategy of the game. In short - because they strongly depend on the chosen faction, on the specialization of the hero, on the availability and amount of resources, on whether you play with or without dynasty bonuses.

    General principles of the strategy.

    1. Try not to drain troops in neutrals
    2. On the first day, if there is enough money, we build a tavern and hire a second hero. What for? It's simple - this way you get almost twice as many troops and, accordingly, neutrals become more easily passable. In addition, you also get someone who will run around the surrounding lands and collect resources and artifacts. Why shouldn't the main character do this? Again, everything is simple - a) the hero with the army moves slower than the lone hero; b) the main character's main task is to pump as quickly as possible, and also to recapture all mines / sawmills / dwellings / forts as soon as possible, to which he can reach. Therefore, everything that lies - collects your "cockroach", and the GG is not distracted by this. He can afford to enter the mine / dwelling, but only if the "cockroach" does not have time on the same turn, and you need blood from your nose so that the resource will be added on the next turn. Well, or if there is a battle ahead and units from dwelling, you need to go through it without losses. Well, or if there is a bunch of resources that are not enough to build another building on this turn, and the "cockroach" again does not have time (although with its speed you still have to manage not to catch up with the GG;)).
    3. Construction on every turn. There is only one exception to this rule - if you can build on the current turn only what you don’t need, but if you wait 1-2 turns, you can erect a useful structure. What and how useful is up to you. Personally, I prefer to go to the third level of the city in the first week. Otherwise, I simply run out of funds and I cannot build for too long. On the other hand, 2-3 creature buildings must be built exactly before the end of the first week. Otherwise, you will not have enough troops in the second week to continue the expansion.
    4. It makes sense to make a builder from the third hero, since by the end of the week you will hardly have the opportunity to bring him to the fifth level and take a reduction in the cost of construction. And the second hero will rarely get the opportunity to sit in the castle - he runs after the GG. Well, it's better to make a builder out of a warrior hero, in order to bring the architect to the third level on occasion and be able to build two buildings per turn.
    5. If you are not playing a campaign, then when relatively large armies and free funds appear (if played correctly, this happens at about the same time), it is worth buying a hero, designed to become the second combatant. If the GG knows how to teach, we quickly bring the second to the "graduation class", then we give him an army and go to farm. Or we run through the obelisks for additional experience. Well, or we just sit in the city and are afraid of those who might come (this is the worst option, since your hero does not swing at all; remember - the exp must be wiped out from the insides of neutrals and enemy troops).
    The tactics of playing for people, nagas and necrov.

    While there are few troops, vestals, priestesses or spirits move in one stack. With a set of about 20 pieces, you can usually already divide into two stacks, but it is better to do this when it is 25-30. Similarly, when the number of healing units reaches 45, we divide them into three stacks. By the way, it's a pity that there is no button for dividing the stack into three parts. :)

    Why share healers? After all, the fewer of them in the stack, the weaker they heal? The fact is that all healers have only two uses of the treatment. If you are sure that you don’t need more - of course you should not share the stack. But more than three stacks of healers are almost never required. No, I had this practice (forcedly), but not much pleasant. And not everyone will be able to join the squad in this case. In general, my advice is 3 stacks of healers while there is no need to free up a slot for another stack of other creatures. Likewise, then 2 stacks of healers until they need to be freed again. Personally, when playing on ordinary maps, I prefer not to take all seven types of creatures into a squad - not all units are equally useful. For example, I don’t take a lamas into the squad from nekrov (they are given to the second hero so that he doesn’t get bored and has a more or less strong stack).

    The tactics of playing for demons and orcs

    Here, excuse me, I can’t say anything good yet except what has already been said in the section on skills. The fact is that I have played little with these factions, and because so far I practically do not know their subtleties. When there is more knowledge and understanding, I will definitely write if no one is ahead of me before. ;)


    I don't think you need to explain to anyone that the shooters need to be hidden behind the backs of other units? If necessary, take the second level of tactics, although from experience I can say that covering the first rows can be done in almost any battle.

    Developer: Black hole entertainment

    Publisher: Ubisoft

    Publisher in Russia: Buka Entertainment

    Release date: 13.10.2011

    The game will be released on:

    genre: step-by-step strategy


    singleplayer, multiplayer

    Rating: PEGI: 12+


    The game takes place four hundred years before the events of the Heroes of Might and Magic V campaign in the world of Ashan. The main characters of the campaigns will be the children of the Duke of Glory from the Griffin clan, fighting against the general of the Archangels, who intends to regain power over Ashan, as well as against the invasion of demons. Five campaigns will be available immediately, and you can play them in any order.


    Order of Order

    Also known as: Knights of light.

    Briefly: Feudal Sacred Empire, guarded by medieval knights and priests, with access to Light Magic and the elite armies of Angels.

    Sources of inspiration: Medieval Western Europe (general atmosphere and design), Roman Empire (military organization and "Pax Romana" concept, ie the world within the empire is built in the image of the Roman Empire), Templars (personification of a religious mission), Victorian England (strict class division)

    Colors: azure blue, white, gold.

    Symbolism: the "solar cross", sun, falcon, sword.

    Honored deities: Elrath, the Dragon of Light and his first servants - the Angels.

    Basics of the worldview:
    Law and Order are superior to Good and Justice.

    Country / Kingdom: Holy Empire.

    Capital: Falcon's Reach

    Social organization: The system of government in the Holy Empire is the feudal theocracy. In theory, the Emperor has absolute power, but in reality the territory of the empire is divided into 6 duchies, dozens of smaller holdings, at least 9 so-called "independent states" and so on, so the Emperor has to spend a lot of time managing his numerous nobility. Often, some controlled territories organize riots and uprisings, however, this rarely ends in serious bloodshed.
    Theocratic system of government has various prerequisites, but the main one is the presence of Angels, the chosen children of Elrath. Although many of them died in ancient wars, their energy and charisma motivated the people who lived in their ancestral territories to abandon the worship of Silat, the Dragon of Air, in favor of Elrath. Angels are rare in the Holy Empire, but they have played a large role in its history and culture.

    Architecture:*Will be later*

    Magic: The Order of Order exclusively relies on the Magic of Light, the "sacred" magic of Elrath and his ideals of Truth, Justice and Integrity.

    Order Strategy:
    "Not one step back"
    The troops of the Order of Order are great on the defensive and are known for forcing their enemies to fight in whatever territory they deem more advantageous.
    Generals of the Order of Order are guided by prolonged defensive battles, reducing the damage inflicted by the enemy as much as possible.
    Hero of the Order of Order and special abilities of creatures act on weakening, absorbing and redirecting enemy attacks in order to reduce the damage done.

    Strengths: massive positive spells (Mass buffs) and healing abilities, temporary and full immunity to damage (racial ability), survivability of units, high morale and high retaliatory damage.

    Weaknesses: ranged combat, relatively low damage.

    Racial Ability: Guardian Angel - a friendly unit becomes invulnerable to physical damage and various negative effects.

    The best weapons of the Order of Order are healing and defense, so the strike must be focused on the most damaging enemy units in order to reach the point where the enemy can be "outhealed" (not sure exactly, but it seems to be about the moment when the recovery of hit points of their troops will begin to exceed the damage inflicted by the enemy).
    Enemy creatures capable of neutralizing or causing great damage to the support troops of the Order of Order should also be among the priority targets.

    Canon Hero of the Order of Order: Paladin (Hero of the Sword)
    Knights of the Empire, whose faith in Elrath is not inferior to that of the Priests of Light. In exchange for their loyalty, they are able to inject “Miracles” into their melee-oriented abilities, thereby copying the power provided by Light Magic.


    "We will burn the world to ash and dance upon its ruins!"
    "We will burn the whole world to the ground and dance on its ruins!"

    Also known as: Demons, Lords of Chaos.

    Briefly: Demons are the personification of Chaos. They consider the only value to be personal freedom and independence and do not feel the need to justify their actions. They kill because they can or want to.
    Therefore, they are viewed as "evil" and dangerous, which is why other factions of Ashan prefer to be imprisoned in their kingdom, Shio, created by Sar-Ilam.
    However, even among these nations there are individuals seduced by the idea of ​​Free Will, and in the end they become demon worshipers.

    Sources of inspiration: Greek Maenads / Bacchantes (companions and admirers of Dionysus), Rome during its decline (Nero, Caligula (aka Gaius Julius Caesar), Heliogabalus, etc.), Carthaginian and Aztec priests and priests.

    Colors: black and red.

    Symbolism: Ouroboros (snake eating its own tail), Unicursal hexagram, Spiral of Chaos.

    Honored deities: the creator of all demons is Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos.

    Basics of the worldview:"Truth is in power." The ability to commit a crime is sufficient justification to commit it. Capture, rob and kill the weak - or not, as you wish - do not deny yourself the most selfish desires, seduce fools who do not understand the true meaning of "freedom." The strong rule the weak.

    Country / Kingdom: Shio, Fire Prison.

    Capital: Ur-Hekal, "Gates of the Flaming Heart".

    Social organization:
    The demon society is organized according to the principles of absolute monarchy. All orders of each of the six Demon Lords are carried out. Even the smallest manifestations of disagreement or disobedience are punished quickly and severely. Their subjects are organized in a coarse and power-based hierarchy, with the stronger commanding the weak. The most powerful demons call themselves Lords and take some territory in hell for themselves as property. The strongest of them keep entire cities and other places at the court of their Master and zealously defend them.

    Magic: Demonic magic is summoned from unbridled chaos and is destructive in nature. In general, demons demonstrate an unsurpassed ability to use the most negative aspects of all types of magic (direct damage, damage over time, curses).
    Most of their spells are in fact twisted versions of regular elemental spells.

    Inferno Strategy:"Divide, Summon and Capture"
    Summon as many additional troops as possible, while spreading chaos and fire in the ranks of the enemy, and then order your shock troops to finish off the enemy.
    Inferno generals are guided by swift and dangerous attacks, high offensive capabilities of their troops, as well as destroying enemy support and disrupting their tactical plans, calling for reinforcements.

    Strengths: unsurpassed potential of attacking spells, high mobility, melee troops are tenacious and deadly, the ability to control Chaos (Fate / Luck, Space and Time) for their needs.

    Weaknesses: no opportunities to support their own troops, low morale.

    Racial Ability: Opening the Gate - Inferno troops can summon temporary reinforcements right on the battlefield.

    The entire Demon nation is one large army. Everyone lives in order to prowl in search of prey and destroy, each has an exceptional ability to wreak havoc and destruction. Combined together in a disciplined army, the Demons are virtually unstoppable.
    Fortunately for enemies, demons are harder to discipline than they seem, and small demons often need to be controlled by large, well-whipped masters.
    And even the frightening presence of legions of demons on the battlefield is not all, demons will resort to various tricks such as devastating area spells, mind control, shape shifting, curses, etc.
    And only when the enemy's defenses are properly processed, the demons will begin to attack. If discipline reigns in the ranks of demons, they usually pierce with lightning speed everything that is in their path. Otherwise, they turn into a disorganized, profit-hungry crowd.
    Demons also have other advantages over their enemies:
    Being able to alter the space-time continuum, they can teleport to the battlefield.
    Also, the ability "Open the Gates" allows them to call in reinforcements directly from Shio.
    The demons' weapons are covered in spikes, barbs, and hooks, all designed to inflict maximum damage, inflict terrible pain, and make healing any wound they inflict extremely difficult.
    Chaotic in nature, Demons have a wild disposition and a correspondingly unpredictable manner of fighting.
    Their unpredictable and large-area-hitting abilities are also notable for their ability to affect their own troops, so their goal on the battlefield is often to make their opponents simply suffer more than themselves.
    It is usually better to sacrifice the summoned troops than the regular ones, so the initially passive game can be useful and continues, at least until the commander decides that enough troops are called in to incite them on the enemy.

    Inferno Canon Hero: Hell Knight (Hero of the Sword)
    This status is received by demon worshipers who have shown themselves well in serving their master.
    The Knights of Hell are not real demons, but People (Elves, Dwarves ...) who received the "blessing" of Urgash and were "changed" by Chaos Magic.
    Their vicious bodies are now hidden in armor capable of sensation, and it is no longer possible to remove it. They lead the legions of Demons in the lands of Ashan.
    Unlike real demons, they are also not attached to Shio and can freely leave him, which makes them excellent agents of the Sovereign in the territory of Ashan.
    The Knights of Hell are not great masters of Chaos Magic in themselves, but the ritual they sustained bestows upon them various "chaotic" abilities.


    ”Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty. ”
    “Life is change, chaos, debauchery and suffering. Death is peace, order and endless beauty. "

    Also known as: Necromancers, Living Dead.

    Briefly: The Necromancers formed as a small sect of Mages and developed into a powerful nation. They worship Asha in the form of a spider, her darkest form. At the same time, the Necromancers interpret it in their own way, emphasizing death and exalting the state of the undead, to which all Necromancers belong. They study the magic of death that allows them to live forever, while on their way to immortality, they also study ways to control the souls of dead people (ghosts aka ghosts) and ways to raise the dead from their graves (skeletons aka skeletons).

    Sources of inspiration: Ancient Egypt (Book of the Dead), Buddhism (asceticism and rejection of the world of flesh and blood, as illusory and fleeting), all kinds of sects (fanaticism, the cult of the leader, the desire for order, freedom from all generally accepted moral principles).

    Colors: black, white, fluorescent (poisonous) green.

    Symbolism: Death Spider, Number 8: vertically located (Asha - the lady of Time - hourglass) or horizontally (Asha - the lady of Space - infinity).

    Honored deities: Necromancers worship Asha, the Primordial Dragon of Order in her twisted "dead" form.

    Basics of the worldview:“Embrace emptiness. Enlightenment can only be found after being freed from the flesh. Time is our ally, for everything that lives and will someday perish ... ”Unhealthy charm of death and fanatical attachment to all causes of death.

    Country / Kingdom: Silver cities.

    Capital: absent during the events of Heroes VI.

    Social organization:
    Necromancers are exceptional ascetics. Carnal pleasures are frowned upon, as are all forms of entertainment and celebrations. The townspeople prefer to speak quietly or even in a whisper, no one is in a hurry and the streets are not very different during the day and night. Those who have any assignments calmly carry out them and then go home, where there are mainly childless social groups called "families", since no one has come up with a better term. Necromancers celebrate their birthdays in isolation and remorse. Procreation is generally discouraged as it is considered a distraction from more elevated pursuits.

    Magic: The Lords of Death specialize in the destructive directions of Magic with a special fondness for the Primordial Magic of Order (discovered by Sar-Ilam, the Seventh Dragon) and the elemental spheres (?) Of Darkness and Earth.
    They also created their own branch of magic, which they called Necromancy.
    Most of their spells are to destroy, weaken the body, and control the spirit.

    Necropolis strategy:"A dead enemy is a good ally."
    The generals of Necropolis try to buy time, meanwhile weakening the enemy army and raising the fallen troops from the dead, thereby creating an unstoppable army.
    In this regard, they can rely on several abilities to provide continuous mass curses and "damage over time" (meaning spells like "Plague"), cancel the healing of enemy troops, and resurrect fallen troops.

    Strengths: massive curses and "damage over time", targeted cancellation of healing and resurrection (it seems that this is just about the spell "resurrection, and not about the racial ability of necromancers associated with raising the dead), tenacious troops, always neutral morale.

    Weaknesses: low mobility, low damage, limited ability to support your troops.

    Racial Ability: Necromancy - any living creature or living dead that falls on the battlefield "feeds" a special scale. The player can use it to increase the size of one of his units. A certain percentage of creatures raised in battle remains after the battle.
    Necromancers, like Mages, are rarely found directly at the front. They prefer to stay in the rear as command personnel or support squads.
    The armies of Necropolis are countless hordes of the living dead, absolutely obedient, immune to fear and pain, coming one wave after another.
    However, the living dead are usually slow and clumsy, but their numbers make the enemy literally drown in bodies and the ranks of dead enemies rise to replace their own fallen troops.
    Necromancers also engage ghosts in battles for swift and targeted strikes. In many ways, ghosts for the Lords of Death are analogous to Djinn for Mages.
    As a rule, Necromancers delay attacks for long hours, knowing full well that this is one of their main advantages. After all, their troops never tire.
    Unlike most factions, Necropolis, relying on its ability to "outlive" enemies, usually does not focus on support, but rather on dealing damage.
    Your goal on the battlefield should be to suppress the enemy's ability to deal more damage than your army can handle.
    Also, any support on the side of the enemy that can remove and undo your curses should become one of the primary targets for suppression.

    Canonical Hero of Necropolis: Necromancer (Hero of Magic)
    Most high-ranking Death Lords choose the path of Necromancers, masters of dark curses, earth-based enhancements (?), And, above all, focus on fundamental control over time.


    "We Walk our own Path, Alone"

    "We go our own way, alone"

    Also known as: Barbarians, Orcs

    Briefly: Wizards experiment with the blood of Demons, pouring it into humans - slaves and convicted criminals. As a result, Orcs appear.

    Colors: brown, red

    Religion: Although Orcs do not have any god, their Shamans pay tribute to the "Mother Earth" and "Father Heaven" they meet when they leave for their "Dream World".
    By combining demon blood, human flesh, and other things, the wizards of the Seven Cities created a handful of "mutants": Orcs. Half-brothers of the Demons, Orcs were trained from birth to become the ultimate nemesis. They eventually defeated the Demons and brought them back to their Shio prison.
    As a reward for their tremendous acts of bravery, the peoples of Ashen decided to make them ... slaves! During the Second Eclipse, the Orcs gained their freedom and divided themselves into three separate tribes: some fled northeast to the Ranaar Plains, others followed directly south into the Sahaar Desert, and the rest sailed southeast across the Jade Sea to settle in the islands Pao.

    Country / kingdom: Ranaar, also the Eastern Islands, in particular Pao (archipelago in the Jade Sea)

    Capital: Taumata-Kunyak

    Recent events: It has been nearly a century since the Orcs broke their chains, led by Cunyac the Liberator. Yet their newfound freedom is still fragile, and the greatest danger may actually come from within. Since the death of Kunyak, the Orc country has lost its unity and is now divided into countless small tribes scattered across the Pao Islands.
    Since the death of Cunyac, the Orc country has lost its unity and is now divided into countless small tribes scattered on the islands of Pao and others.

    Stronghold strategy: "Drive faster, you will think later!"
    The Orcs were created as shock troops to fight the Demons, and their tactics reflect this. Lightly armored and heavily armed, they charge straight at the enemy, counting on their numbers, speed, ferocity and power to break the lines of the opposing army without suffering too many casualties. Due to their origins, Orcs are naturally resistant to magic and especially magic wielded by Demons (fire, submission, illusion ...).

    Military superiority:
    Strong damage, high mobility, magic immunity.

    Military weaknesses:
    Poor support ability, tactically limited.


    Order of Order


    The Mighty Guardians are the Holy Empire's first line of defense. These are volunteers who have proven their loyalty to the Emperor and their faith in Elrat. They vowed to protect their brothers in arms with their shield, and if necessary, with their lives. For their personal protection, they rely solely on faith.


    There are many stories of how Ronan Falcon, armed only with courage and honor, defeated the leaders of the human clans, which he united into the Empire that bears his name. But to be honest, the true reason for the victory was the squads of crossbowmen. And today, they are still feared in all corners of Ashan!


    The priestesses of Elrath are devoted to the service of the Dragon of Light. Chosen for their spiritual talents, these women give their lives to bringing light and warmth to all the people around them.

    The priestesses of Elrath are respected and loved by the people of the Empire, and in times of war they are always on the front lines to heal the wounded.


    Elrath's domain in the Spirit World is overflowing with myriads of elementals of Light. Some of them received higher status from Elrat. Vessels of will of Elrath, sent as emissaries and advisers to his faithful followers, Glorias are shining creatures, blazing in all their glory and blinding enemies. The generals of the Empire have found use for these creatures of blinding light.


    Griffins were created during the Age of Legends as a result of an accidental magical combination of lions and eagles. Then on the Face of Ashan flowed rivers of blood of the Primordial Dragons left after their fight. And the creatures who drank the unbridled rivers of dragon blood and magic were forever changed. In fact, this was the reason for the birth of these creatures.

    Riders of the Sun

    There are many knights in the Holy Empire, but only those who have been personally blessed by Elrat are accepted into the Order of the Holy Sun. Known as the Riders of the Sun, these champions of the Light sit astride enchanted steeds summoned from the abode of Elrath. These horses are able to pass along the thinnest ray of Light.


    Physically striking with their superiority, the Angels of Light are the messengers of Elrat and his shock troops on the face of Ashan. Being taller and much more beautiful than ordinary people, they radiate an aura of strength and courage. Seraphim are lower than angels and more like people. They appeared after the creation of the Falcon Empire. Their true origins are hidden in mystery, but their faith in Elrath is absolute. In battle, they use the swords of Justice and Mercy.



    Maniacs are the fiend of Ur-Vormokh, the Lord of Madness. These demons are spirits of the unbalanced, frenzied and unpredictable nature of Chaos.
    True descendants of their creator, Maniacs excel at spreading panic and fear. The maniacs screech in pain when they attack, and laugh when they are hurt.


    Some of Asha's children (People, Elves, Dwarves, etc.), gave themselves up to the service of Urgash and the Lords of the Underworld, and were resurrected after death as Incubi (men) and Succubi (women).

    As reincarnations of powerful demon worshipers, they usually have a relatively high and highly specific rank in the demon hierarchy. However, many people think that they have the necessary intelligence, dedication and strength to achieve the desired status, but in reality many end up life as incubi / succubi * (servants, slaves, etc.).

    Their "mortal" origins make them excellent spies, spies and diplomats. To fulfill these tasks, they acquire the ability to create illusions, charm and change shape, look beautiful, sweet and attractive like angels, but at the same time sensual, "carnal", which allows them to cloud their minds.
    In particular, the emergence of sects of demon worshipers, it is almost inevitably the work of a succubus or incubus.


    Cerberus are servants of the Lord of Gluttony. These two-headed fire-breathing dogs surpass even saber-toothed tigers and the worst dragons in size, speed and cruelty.


    The queens were the result of Urgash's experiment to create a material form that translated some of his original power. In particular, the power of absorbing mana and the power to create creatures loyal to Chaos. Given to Ur-Mesfaroth, Lord of Reproduction, the Queens are fat, pulsating masses that constantly spawn imps. The imps they spawn are "spits" from various holes that appear on the body of the Uterus in random places.
    Yet these demons are almost incapable of moving, they continually writhe and shrink in their insatiable lust to procreate. This force to generate constantly consumes them from the inside, and a lot of forces are required to control the mutations of the body. They sometimes devour the imps they create.
    The queens use the energies of mana as food to fertilize themselves and control their own hideous mutations, which are necessary for the cycle of spawning.

    The torturers

    The Tormentors are servants of Ur-Traggal, the Lord of Pain. The Tormentors are consumed by the endless suffering of Urgash and inflict unimaginable horrors on their own bodies. They draw strength from their own agony and use deformations (?) To attack enemies. The tormentors' skeleton is their primary weapon, as it is able to rip off parts of its own body for use in battle. Its ribs are capable of piercing the opponent's chest; its bones are able to lengthen and protrude through the fingers, providing sharp, like razor claws.


    Servants of the Lord of Destruction, Juggernauts are easily recognizable for their enormous horns and basalt-clad fists and hooves. During the battle, they fiercely (and sometimes blindly) crash into the ranks of the enemy, impaling enemies with their horns, and smashing them with swings of their huge fists, as well as trampling them into the bloody dust. They are also used as excellent battering rams when needed.

    Cave Spawn

    Punished and imprisoned in Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos is consumed by fierce hatred for Askha and her creations. Ur-Haazel, the Lord of Hatred, who is the spokesman for endless hostility, is the owner of cave spawn, surpassing many Archdemons in their cruel nature. The Cave Spawn are the most fearsome beasts in the Chaos Legions.



    Skeletons are nothing more than dead rotted bodies raised by the will of the necromancer. Combining blind faithfulness, indifference to hunger and thirst, and lack of fear and doubt, they are destined to be ideal servants.


    These are the voracious spirits of the dead, raised by magic from lifeless bodies. Ghouls are tortured creatures filled with hatred for all living things.
    Powerful necromancers are able to control them, but in any case they are wild and destructive. Transformation into a ghoul is the most terrible punishment in Erish, and implies the eternal withdrawal of the soul from the circle of death and rebirth.
    Ghouls feed on bodies and keep the infection in blood and saliva.


    After death, the children of the Dragon Gods ascend in the form of spirits to the moon to spend eternity under the hand of Asha. However, accidents (?) Can lead to the birth of ghosts, whose spiritual connection with the material world is very strong.
    With the help of a special rite, necromancers can turn ghosts into loyal servants under their absolute control.


    When the Lychees become stronger, they acquire the right to give their life to the Spider-Goddess and to be reborn as Ahkharus, in other words, “Vampire”. They undergo a ritual that gives them a youthful body, devoid of any flaws. Vampires no longer need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe so their organs are "petrified", and in the veins - not blood, but spider venom.
    However, they need to drink human blood in order to reduce the amount of poison, preventing the destruction of their bodies from the inside.


    High-ranking necromancers (Priests of the Spider Goddess) accept a life-prolonging elixir made from sacred spider venom. They mix this elixir with food.
    This “treatment” turns them into Asakkus, in other words, “Lich”, draining their bodies, but freeing them from carnal passions. However, they continue to age until they look like withered mummies ... This poisonous mixture also makes their eyes green


    Lamasu is an unsuccessful experiment of magicians to create a higher breed of beast-men with the help of an unnatural combination of man (mainly slaves and criminals) and magical creatures (in this case, manticore).

    The resulting creature turned out to be too weak (?) And short-lived, but still useful for necromancers. The necromancers raised their dead bodies and infected them with any infection. The function of carriers of infection, combined with enormous physical strength, makes them excellent warriors of the vanguard of the armies of necromancers.

    Spinners of Fates

    The Spinners of Fate are avatars of the Spider Goddess, a true reflection of the Asha aspect of Death. They represent the will of the Goddess on the face of Ashan. The Spinners of Fate are often gifted to the Necropolis, strengthening their ranks and keeping them growing.

    Like the queen of the hive, she ensures the growth of the necropolis. Under her protection, the undead scour the territory in search of lost souls to join their ranks. The Fate Spinners are also capable of taking the form of a female / spider hybrid with six arms and a pair of legs.


    Digital deluxe edition

    Digital Delux Edition has the following composition (everything that is included by default in the standard edition emphatically):

    • Edge of Chaos - the mighty blade
    • Akasha is a unique playable character
    • Heart of Nightmares - Additional Card
    • Yume, Kraal, Svetlanna, Aguirre - four unique heroes
    • Staff of Asha - Arcane Staff
    • Staff of Cleansing - Unique Weapon
    • Artbook 164 pages (PDF)
    • In-game soundtrack by Rob King and Paul Romero (MP3 format)
    • Poster size A2 (PDF)


    A type: On shoulders

    Bone Spaulders.+2 physical protection. Part of the Leader's Pack.

    A type: Necklaces

    Vitality necklace.+2 health to friendly creatures.

    A type: Books

    Grimoire of the Master.+60 to mana, +6 to mana regeneration.

    A type: Shields

    Lion shield.+3 to leadership, +3 to physical defense. Part of the Guardian set.
    Banner shield.+2 to physical defense, +10 to magical defense against fire magic.

    A type: Armor

    Shantiri Armor.+4 physical defense, + 6 magical defense against Primary spells.
    Legendary Hero Armor... +2 to all primary characteristics of the hero.

    Type: Gloves

    Brawler's Gloves.+2 to physical strength (might power, I do not know how to translate it more accurately).

    Pickpocket gloves. Grants the Pathfinder ability at level 1. Part of the Drifter's Set.

    A type: Helmet

    Helm of the lord of the naga.+7 to leadership in battles at sea, +2 to reconnaissance radius
    Thunderblade helm.+4 to leadership, grants lightning strike spell

    Ashan Map


    School of Fire

    Fire shield
    Ability level: 1
    The target's magical defense is increased by 4 turns. Enemies attacking the target melee take 1 damage per creature.

    Summon Fire Elemental
    Ability level: 3
    Several fire elementals are summoned to the battlefield.

    Fire Magic
    Ability level: 1
    Fire magic becomes more effective
    Passive ability

    Battle Frenzy
    Ability level: 3
    The selected friendly or enemy unit immediately attacks the nearby unit, dealing increased damage.
    Does not spend the target's action on the current turn.

    Ability level: 1
    Deals fire damage to an enemy target unit

    Ability level: 2
    Deals fire damage to all units in an area of ​​3x3 cells.

    Meteor storm
    Ability level: 3
    Deals damage in a 5x5 area.

    Ability Level: Inferno Unique Ability
    Deals damage to all objects that do not belong to Inferno.

    Ability level: 1
    The morale of the selected friendly creature is increased, and cannot be reduced by spells and abilities for two rounds (turns).
    All morale negative effects disappear.

    Inner fire
    Ability level: 1
    Increases the impact power and initiative of the selected friendly unit.

    School of Force

    Shooting skill
    Increases the damage done by friendly units from shooting.
    Passive ability
    Level: 1

    Counterstrike II
    All units of the hero receive an additional retaliatory strike.
    Passive ability
    Level: 2

    As soon as the hero's squad has been attacked three times, his physical protection and health are increased until the end of the battle.
    Passive ability
    Level: 3

    Heroic attack
    Increases the movement range of the selected friendly unit and increases the damage for each passed cell.
    Activated ability
    Level: 3

    Not one step back
    The target unit receives one additional retaliation strike and its physical defense is increased. Lasts 3 turns.
    An activated ability.
    Level: 1

    Commander's order
    The selected unit, which in this turn he did not take any action, immediately gets the right to move, without waiting for his turn.
    Activated ability
    Level: 2

    Dodging and Covering
    Defending walls and obstacles is more effective for friendly creatures.
    Passive skill
    Level: 1

    Gain II
    One friendly core or elite stack can be boosted once per battle. Bonus creatures disappear after the battle.
    Active skill
    Level: 2

    Tactic III
    After the deployment phase, when an enemy formation is visible, the two stacks can be swapped. If both sides have this skill, both can use it, but they will not see each other's rearrangements.
    Passive skill
    Level: 3

    Architect III
    Once a day, the hero can visit the city and build the second building in that day.
    Passive skill
    Level: 3

    Sabotaging the mine
    At the cost of all of his remaining turn points, the hero can sabotage an enemy mine. Production at the mine is halted for 7 days. The enemy hero can repair the mine at the cost of all available turn points.
    Active skill
    Level: 2

    The chance to recruit a hostile squad of creatures is increased, and the cost of gold for this is reduced.
    Passive ability
    Level: 2

    Shows the skills of the enemy hero on the adventure map and the exact size of the units of his army.
    Active skill
    Level: 1

    The hero does not spend movement points on collecting resources, visiting buildings and other similar actions.
    Passive ability.
    Level: 1

    When a hero meets another friendly hero, the second gets 50% of the experience of the first.
    Passive ability.
    Level: 2



    Biography: Born a free orc in the Eastern Barrens of Ranaar, Mokka was a great hunter worthy of respect among the orcs and centaurs.
    One day, a group of refugees from the Pao Islands arrived in her village, they told the story that they were attacked and their children were sold into slavery. Mokka was outraged by this shame and swore to Father Heaven that no orc would be in chains while she breathed.
    With a small army, she immediately went south in search of her destiny. As soon as the courageous hordes of Mokka crossed the mountains, they were ambushed by the Duchy of the Wolf, and everyone was either captured or killed.
    Sent to work in the mines, Mokka planned an escape in an extravagant way: she killed seven guards with a pickaxe and rode away on the back of a centaur.
    She is now a permanent resident of the Pao Islands. In rebel sentiment, she became the inspiration for the orcs' dreams of freedom.
    Specialization: Warcry Master (Increase the effectiveness of Warcries)


    Biography: Trusted, if not religiously revered among the warriors of his tribe, Mateva was small for years, but wise as the ancients.
    This orc shaman said that he heard the angry voices of his ancestors in his first childhood dreams.
    Mateva completed his dream catcher initiation at the age of six and bears no twisted or mutated traces of experience; except for the lightning-shaped scar that crosses his entire chest.
    An excellent orator and clever joker, Mateva draws on the wisdom of thousands of orc warriors and hundreds of shamans-storytellers.
    He often jokes that when he gets rid of their complaints the day will come when the orcs will rule over all Askhan.
    Specialization: Master of Dreamcatchers (growth of Dreamcatchers and Thief of Dreams +3 per week)


    Biography: Born into a family of pirates and given a ship under her command at a young age, Quan amassed many trophies by plundering the merchant ships of the Seven Cities en route to the Jade Ocean.
    Her fate turned abruptly when her ship was devoured by a giant sea monster, and she awoke 100 leagues below the surface of the ocean in a huge daimyo naga palace.
    Quan was happy to be alive, but quickly realized she was being held captive. After 5 years of captivity, during which she learned more about the vast and rich culture of the underwater naga than any person before her, she was awarded the daimyo freedom and an island that she can dispose of as she pleases.
    Specialization: Explorer (+2 to movement on land and at sea)


    Biography: Yugen trained as a dancer with Naria's imperial troupe, Silk Waves. This fully human troop of more than a hundred men and women sets out twice a year, when the Eternal Empress leaves her immense palace under the ocean to visit the island provinces above.
    The prestigious troupe was destroyed by the Assassins for reasons that remain unknown.
    Yugen was one of the three survivors and became a servant of Shalassa in gratitude to the Dragon Goddess for the miraculous salvation.
    The Eternal Empress nonetheless asks the surviving trinity to perform once a year, and this is the only time Yugen has danced in public.
    He says his dance is so sad that the eel dragons cry as he dances.
    Specialization: Stream Spirit Master (Production of Stream Spirit and Mizugami increased by 3 per week).


    Biography: Once a nursery master at the court of Emperor Connor himself, Lorish is now hard at work at a Cerberus nursery in the heart of Shio. A man of principles, he betrayed his devotion, if not vocation, when he refused, on the orders of the emperor, to hunt down the young orcs who stole apples from the orchard. Fired from his post in the face of grim prospects, Lorish bathed his grief with ale until the mysterious beauty promised him a new lease on life for a bit of information on the royal hunt planned for the end of the month during a visit to the Greyhound principality. Lorish accepted her offer, and as a result of the attack, half of the imperial retinue was killed. Tortured for conspiracy, Lorish died of his wounds, but did not reveal the lady's identity - this was taken into account when he was revived under her command in Shio.
    Specialization: Cerberus Master (Hellhound and Cerberus production increases by 6 per week)


    Biography: Do not confuse Deleb, servant of the lord of pain, Ur-Traggal, with a succubus, it is not.
    And to prove this, we are pleased to invite you to test her new mechanical structure - a machine for stripping, cauterizing and burning skin in ways unknown until now. Not without a smile, of course.
    As a master of fire magic, she could happily spend hours talking to you about the difference between burning and scorching, or between branding and scalding, but she will demonstrate it to you much faster.
    Specialization: Fire Master (Fire spell efficiency increased)

    Sir Jaywoods

    Biography: Sir Jaywoods, formerly a knight of the Duchy of the Unicorn, will tell you that he decided to become a vampire because half a dozen ghosts have more life than a hundred living, breathing townspeople, and things are not far off.
    Sir Jaywoods is obsessed with the future, whose fascination is illuminated by his father's passion for history. He wants to know who will rule Ashan in five hundred years, what regular discoveries of arcane magic can lead to and whether there will be a place for such gallant people like him.
    There was only one way to find out - to become an immortal vampire. He is willing to bet that life will remain cruel and bloody regardless of age, but while he waits for the opportunity to find out if this is so, he happily hunts demons.
    Specialization: Enlightened (The hero starts with the Enlightenment ability and an effective bonus to it)


    Biography: Skata left the kingdom of Tuidana at the age of 24, going to study the path of the sword in the Seven Cities at the invitation of the blade mage Deras Bana, one of Ashan's greatest weapons masters. She was a brilliant student and studied until her queen was attacked by the Holy Falcon Empire. Deras Ban, who immensely adored his invaluable student, sent her underground to his hometown of Al-Betil, fearing that the elite of the Mages of the Seven Cities would be on the side of Emperor Liam and could throw her into dungeon simply as a gesture of goodwill. While Scatha was hiding in the luxurious dungeons of Al-Betyl, she became acquainted with the cult of the Spider-Goddess. Her appeal is covered with a veil of secrecy, but she is devout and enjoys the confidence of Mother Namtaru and the necromancer Svetlana.
    Specialization: Master of Agony (Hero starts with Agony ability and an effective bonus to it)

    Lord Haart

    Biography: A protege of House of the Stag, Lord Haart showed character at a young age, participating in the Elven Wars as Lord Cyrene's squire at the age of thirteen.
    After the mystical disappearance of Lord Kien, Lord Haart devoted himself entirely to the path of the sword, becoming the youngest knight in the history of the duchy, not to mention the fact that he became also the bravest of knights. Gossip goes that when the grumpy innkeeper Bardon Fleece mocked the famous knight for his reticence in discussing his experiences in the Elven Wars, Lord Haart exported his dress with the tip of a blade from three steps.
    Specialization: born leader (hero starts at +4 to leadership)


    Biography: For the first time, Lady Eileen became famous for giving birth to identical triplets. Elrato's amazing blessing was overshadowed by the fact that her three sons were kidnapped by mercenaries greedy for ransom and held captive for seven years.
    At a time when Emperor Liam himself was offering a huge reward for the return of the children, Eileen returned to Elrath and became an extremely devout priestess. After the return of the children and the execution of their captors, her sons were far from the gentle angels she once knew, and were sent to the school of inquisitors for re-education.
    Eileen continues to see them regularly, but she relies more on Elrat's prayers and church education to educate them than her personal attention.
    The secret of Eileen's rage lies in the twist of fate in her life, which gave her a very pragmatic, if not expedient sense of justice.
    Specialization: Master of Sisters (production of sisters and vestals increases by 6 per week)

    main characters

    At the origins of the dynasty is Duke Paul Griffin who was a fanatical servant of the Light and a loyal lieutenant of the Falcon Emperor. He met his death defending his Duchy from a host of demons summoned by the dying wish of the enemy army.
    Paul's last support was his son Glory, who was still a boy at that time.

    Paul's sister Sveltana, who left her native lands to study Necromancy in the 7 Cities, returned to her homeland to act as regent for Glory and teach him the way of the Griffin family. 15 years have passed since those events, and now Duke Glory Griffin father of five children. They will be the main characters of Heroes 6 and will lead the armies of various factions into battle.

    1st child: Anton - Empire

    • The eldest son of the Duke of the Griffin. The main heir to the dukedom.
    • Since childhood, he has heard the voices of angels.
    • They tell him about fame and integrity, as well as venality and betrayal.
    • Frustrated and embarrassed, he is obliged to expose the lies and take their side.

    2nd child: Anastasia - Necropolis

    • Parricide.
    • Executed by her beloved brother Anton.
    • She returned to life as a Necromancer, an undead.
    • Did she really kill her father? For what?
    • She must restore her memories to find out the truth!

  • I found a friend and mentor in the person of my father's gunsmith ... Orc Kraal.
  • Exiled from the Holy Empire for standing up for his family during a feud with his father's neighbor, the Duke of the Wolf.
  • Under the direction of Kraal, he traveled to the wild islands of Pao, Orc territory in the Emerald Sea.
  • Returns home with an army of Orcs to become a conqueror ... or a savior.
  • Bosses

    Hai Ro

    Parameters :

    • Health Points (HP): 75004
    • Attack: 4650 (Magic-Water)
    • Initiative: 50
    • Physical Defense (DF): 43%
    • Magic Defense (ЗМ): 43% Oda gave birth to the world and then spawned six Elemental Dragons to rule it.
      She controls the fate of all mortals, starts the wheel of fate at the moment of their birth, controls throughout life and stops their clock at the moment of death.
      Asha is very careful to maintain neutrality. They never side with good or bad, gnomes, elves or orcs. The entire universe is her creation.
      Be that as it may, she is diametrically opposed to the principles of chaos of her insane twin brother Urgash and his abnormal children - demons.
      After the Wars of the Creators, Asha went to her guarded refuge in the depths of the moon to sleep, heal and dream.
      In fact, the moon is a cocoon woven around it. This is a reflection of the World Egg, time itself, the last place where dragons can rest, the gateway to the afterlife (from which all souls come to Ashan and where they return after death).
      Nobody worships the true Askha. She is above this, but she is served by White Spinners, Blind Brothers and Silent Sisters who help with childbirth, interpret omens (I don’t remember exactly how fairies at Sleeping Beauty), perform funeral rites (performing the roles of midwives, seers, oracles, embalmers, funeral organizers) around the world.
      Note: Necromancers (Necropolis) have chosen Ashu as their divine patron. However, their strength and vision of Asha's strength and characteristics are incorrect, perverted by their pernicious nature.

      Three Faces of Ashi:

      Saint: Fate - Justice - Future - Waxing Moon
      The Holy Blind Mother is a harbinger of fate, spinning here and there, invisible, watching so that all living things fulfill their role. She is the "Hand" that can catch anyone to save him or kill him.

      Mother: Life - Creation - Present - Full Moon
      (Forever pregnant) Mother sees everything, just like her creatures and her children. Giving life, it gives chaos a form, gives meaning to potential. This was the first thing that Asha sent from the Void, which created the universe and allows it to evolve. She is the "Heart", unconditional love, compassionate for all - good and bad.

      Witch: Death - Destruction - Past - Waning Moon
      The witch is the image of death. Old and wrinkled, she cuts off the thread of life with a sickle, holding it in her knobby fingers. She is the "Head", intelligent and imperturbable, endowed with infinite wisdom and absolute knowledge.

      Symbolic images:
      Moon. Number 3 (in its three aspects). Number 8 (in the shape of an hourglass and lying 8 - the symbol of infinity).

      Figurative description:
      Asha is a huge winged dragon, noble in appearance and full of grace, as befits the Empress and Mother of Elemental Dragons. Its appearance is dominated by angles rather than roundness, completely symmetrical, seemingly complex, but absolutely ordered. Her scales are deep black in color, like interstellar space, but myriads of lights constantly flash on her skin, usually in a certain way, like micro-constellations. Her eyes emit soft, silvery light, but they can explode in a blinding flash, like a supernova.

      Its wingspan is so enormous that for a common man they seem infinite.


      The Chaos Dragon is an indomitable and wild force, primordial chaos with limitless energy and an infinite variety of forms.
      He is gluttonous and insatiable, he is "a serpent that devours its own tail."
      He is the father of senseless destruction, violent distortion and creeping madness.
      He is the ancestor of demons.
      Urgash is completely unpredictable. His "logic" defies the comprehension of mortals. One time he can save, and the other - kill, in a second, from laughing to crying, he will switch from cruelty to tranquility.
      Long ago, he was banished to Shio, the heart of Ashan, but demons live in this prison of the world and help him achieve his desires.

      Symbolic images:
      Number 0 / circle (initial emptiness, Ouroboros, wheel of Fortune, completion of the cycle, stagnation in movement, etc.)

      Figurative description:
      Urgash is a colossal dragon, with distorted forms, constantly changing. His abilities are monstrous, scary to think about. Its thick black scales are never in one position and appear to be made of hot molten metal.
      Bone outgrowths (horns, thorns) constantly crawl out of his body and are immediately pulled back. The blood from his wounds is constantly being transformed into an aggressive and toxic slurry that eats away at everything that comes in contact with it.
      Urgash is constantly shrouded in a kind of haze that distorts the real world around him.
      Urgash's mouth is filled with rows of serrated teeth, and he can swing it open to an incredible width. He is truly an insatiable eater of worlds.
      After centuries in the burning heart of Ashan, only pain, madness, hunger and hatred are reflected in his eyes.


      Silanne is loved by the elves, the silent rulers of her forests.
      The Earth Dragon is the most phlegmatic, unhurried and balanced among the Elemental Dragons.
      Peaceful and careful, the Earth acts only after much thought and study.
      She often acts as a peacemaker among her brothers and sisters.
      She is the guardian of nature, loves plants, animals and living stones that grow from her "back", and the only way to awaken her anger is to destroy or desecrate her sacred groves and stone circles.
      Silanne is worshiped by druids, rangers, hunters, farmers and shepherds, as well as stone and wood carvers.
      She is the patron goddess of the elves (Forest Union).

      Figurative description:

      Silanna is the toughest of dragons. Her appearance is imbued with resilience and calm determination. Its dense emerald scales are as hard as diamond and covered with moss, plants, trees, etc.
      Silanna is wingless, legs are massive and short (so that she almost touches the ground). In anger, with the stomp of her feet, she causes earthquakes.
      The breath of the goddess is a cloud of stone fragments, tearing the target to shreds, or "turning into stone", covering them entirely, like waste rock.


      Young and impulsive, the Dragon of Air is a seeker of dangerous knowledge, crafts that are passed from father to son, countless data about the world that he sees from above.
      Like the wind, it wanders everywhere, gathers everything that it sees and hears on its way.
      Curious and intuitive, he quickly gets to the core of things, but still he is too restless and frivolous.
      Ilat never sought his own worship. His only commandments are that followers should seek, study and enjoy life to the fullest, but most importantly, they can do whatever they want, as long as they respect and honor the world created by the Dragons (this is the crucial distinction between Ilat and Urgash).
      He is the patron god of people (the youngest people, since Ilat is the youngest Dragon God), but was supplanted in the Holy Empire by his brother Elrat.
      However, he is still revered by the nomadic barbarian tribes that roam vast territories outside the Sacred Empire, as well as the alliance of the southern Free Cities.
      He is also revered by travelers, bards and spies, jesters and actors, flatterers, rakes and thieves, and even by some wizards (for his vast secret knowledge, and also for his desire to simplify knowledge that seems "hermetic").

      Figurative description:
      Ilat is the smallest of the Elemental Dragons. Its appearance speaks of speed and agility. Its delicate scales are silvery white. Its wings appear fragile, but powerful enough to spawn a whirlwind.
      Ilat's breath is a bolt of lightning that strikes with absolute precision.


      Under Arkath's wing gathered the gnomes, stern masters of blacksmithing and fire.
      The Fire Dragon is reckless, hot-tempered and irritable. Selfish and hot, ferocious in battle, he is subject to passions and impulses.
      He is revered by thrill seekers, those who perceive life as a constant struggle and recklessly expend energy on it, but also by blacksmiths who shed their sweat and blood as a symbol of sacrifice to fire.
      Arkat is the patron god of the gnomes (Northern clans).

      Figurative description:
      Arkat is the largest of the Elemental Dragons. His appearance is full of physical strength, ferocity and passion. Its thick red-gold scales are like lava - scorching hot and incandescent.
      His breath is a stream of fire that burns everything that it embraces.
      Arkat is wingless and prefers to walk on two legs (standing on his hind legs, he rises above the enemy).


      Shalassa has inhabited its domain with serpentine Nagas, which can move freely both in water and on land.
      The Water Dragon is humble, quiet and secretive. She is an imperturbable mystic, the wisest of dragons and the depth of her knowledge is only slightly inferior to that of her sister Malassa, for her water kingdom is filled with forgotten knowledge and treasures.
      Of all things, she most values ​​diplomacy, flexibility and adaptability. However, if she chooses to act, she will be swift and indomitable. When fighting the waves, don't expect to win.
      Chalassa is revered by sailors, fishermen and pirates, as well as prophets, hermits and sages.
      She is the patron goddess of the Nagas (Sanctuary, Water Peoples).

      Figurative description:
      Shalassa is the most graceful of the Elemental Dragons. Her appearance is full of calmness and wisdom. Its scales harmoniously combine jade green and turquoise colors.
      Chalassa has no wings, but fins instead of legs. It looks like a sea serpent or an Asian dragon.
      Chalassa's breath can be a tidal wave, a scorching geyser, or a blizzard freezing to the bone.


      Malassa rules over the dark and mysterious Faceless.
      Dragon of Darkness, Faceless Enemy, Crawling Shadow with a hundred faces and a thousand whispers. Darkness is a volatile and dangerous mistress.
      Darkness seems meaningless and formless, but it is knowledgeable. She is here and there at the same time, watching from near and far, absorbing your words and cries.
      In its depths lie all forgotten memories, buried secrets of the past.
      Malassa is mainly worshiped by madmen and heralds of doom, fearless spies and assassins.
      She was once the patron god of the faceless, but almost all of them were exterminated during the Ancient Wars.
      Apparently she made a sinister pact with the Dark Elves (League of Shadows)

      Figurative description:
      Malassa is the most elusive of the Elemental Dragons. It is impossible to determine exactly its type. Its body and wings are covered with dark scales with a purple tint, but it is almost ethereal, like dense smoke or a play of light and shadow.
      Its wings are dotted with dozens of "eyes", peering into the invisible world and restoring forgotten secrets.
      Malassa never speaks, only whispers. Her words are always mysterious, so only true believers can hope to understand her.
      The breath of Malassa is a cloud of Darkness that dulls the senses and fills the mind with terrible visions.


      Elrath leads the shining and immortal angels.
      The Dragon of Light is revered as the sun god and patron (true) of power, truth, honor and justice.
      His servants strive to dispel darkness, overcome evil and glorify personal courage and heroism.
      It was once revered by angels, but almost all of them died during the Ancient Wars.
      In modern times, Elrath became the patron god of the Holy Empire (Alliance of Light).

      Figurative description:
      Elrath is the most magnificent of the Elemental Dragons. He is nobility and power personified. Its exquisite scales of the purest gold, but does not reflect light, but itself glows from within. His wings are covered not with scales, but with feathers, like those of his children.
      Elrath does not possess the "breath of a dragon", but in his righteous anger, he emits rays of blinding light from his eyes.

    Heroes 6 is the long-awaited sequel to the Might and Magic series, which will present us with a new rethinking of the plot, events in the world of Ashan and the relationship between the updated factions. The changes will affect not only the gameplay, which still remains the same exciting, and even not only the graphics, which has become even more realistic, but also the balance, which will be one of the highest quality in the series.

    Disadvantages of Heroes of Might and Magic 6:

    not optimized engine;

    you can't fire heroes;

    the mechanics of skills are not described;

    skills with zero characteristics (n., resistance with a duration of 0 turns).

    General tips for completing campaigns:

    How to download a hero? General

    Reinforcement (call in troops), education (+20 experience), training (75% for other heroes), logistics (+3 moves - in principle, not necessary, if not for theft), theft (collection of resources from neighboring cells).

    For the mage: Summon Elementals, Stop Time, Petrify.

    For war (rough branch): education, logistics, finding a way, ambush, economics1, training, theft, economics2, retaliation 1-2, pushing the enemy / tactics1, reinforcements1-2, tactics2 / killer of giants, 15: economics3, retaliation3 , Fortitude, Rampage, Cleave, Reinforcement3, Intimidation, Stamina / Luck 1-3, Archery / Siege Master 1-3.

    For a side hero: pathfinding, the whole branch of the economy

    What not to build?

    At high levels: improvements to ordinary creatures; increase of upholstery operating inside / outside the territory of the castle; additional taverns; Inferno portals; Alliance of Light illuminators.

    Dynasties artifacts

    Yes, the heroes are launched with the / offline key - no cracks, but ... everything will end up with the fact that without a coach in the future, fair play will simply stall at some site. Dynasty artifacts that gain experience and grow in level (they can be actively changed between heroes during the game). Dynastic achievements (for example, “250 gold per day”). Deluxe edition with personal belongings. You never know what else the developers will come up with later. In addition - the cruel truth of life, once again - the heroes are less and less reminiscent of a strategy, because each card has its own subtleties of passage, according to which this guide was written.

    Campaigns are played in the following order:

    Heart of Nightmares (Collector's Edition only)

    Rebellious Tribes (1);

    Sanctuary (1);

    Alliance of Light (1);

    Inferno (1);

    Necropolis (1);

    Rebellious Tribes (2);

    Sanctuary (2);

    Alliance of Light (2);

    Necropolis (2);

    Sanctuary (3);

    Rebellious Tribes (3);

    Inferno (2);

    Necropolis (3);

    Inferno (3);

    Sanctuary (4);

    Rebellious Tribes (4);

    Alliance of Light (3);

    Necropolis (4);

    Alliance of Light (4);

    Inferno (4);

    But for the convenience of description, we will collect them as expected, so:


    Prologue- Introductory campaign for Duke Vyacheslav, father of the Griffin dynasty

    1 Death of the Griffin. There are clues.

    2 Will of the Emperor.

    Necropolis- Campaign of Anastasia, Vyacheslav's killer. The path of blood is a warrior (you will be given a mage and so, although playing for a mage pumped into tears with the skills of sacrifice, petrification, elementals of darkness and earth, stopping time - it will be much easier to play).

    1 Trouble does not come alone

    At the exit from the dungeon, we grab the 1st lock. Then a new dungeon and a new castle. We take the quest for the list of the Inquisition. Will fall out of the first scripted hero. The hardest part of this campaign is to hold the 2nd castle while you get the forts. For convenience, you can visit all the graves. After capturing all the castles, we go to the portal with Jorgen. Again, you need a decent army or dynasty bonuses.

    2 Forward and inward

    The most difficult mission of the second level. You will not be able to get troops at the beginning. Before talking with the spider, do not lose a single war (resurrection, desiccation). With minimal losses we defeat Irina, and then Anton. At the fork we open the diary and read the quests - they will help us to raise an army. We defeat Cyril and Iorgen takes us to the citadel - the last battle is the easiest one ...

    3 Dawn from all sides

    Without delay, we stomp into the dungeon, where we take away the castle and several forts from the orange one. In the same place, the lich will give a quest for the dynastic weapon, the staff of Sandro. Only then we go to the unguarded zone below, where from an ally we get a quest to destroy the orcs. We destroy the orcs, for which we get vampires from the allies. We deal with the ally Lyudmila, attacking the castle (if you leave her alive, then in the next mission she will be instead of Kaspar). We swim across the sea and at the very bottom we seize the base with an orc. The main character of the enemy will be waiting on the upper promontory of the lower island in his castle with a decent army. We swing both heroes to the maximum level (24) and attack.

    4 Spider Trick

    Top left is the rebuilt castle of Inferno, in the same week you can capture one from below in the West. Portals were highlighted for us - we go into them and begin to take out the enemy castle in each, after which the portal closes, but the enemy onslaught also subsides. Your last opponent is an archangel, it will not be a big problem with a well-accumulated army. Concentrate all your forces on it, and then defeat the remnants.

    Alliance of Light - Campaign of Anton, the direct heir. The path of tears is a warrior.

    1 Something is being started

    We capture the mines and the fort from below. Orcs are scripted. We go East to the cave for the Griffon eggs ( sounds wild). Vultures can now be built. We capture the castle in the East. Then the fort in the South. We clean the South-West, prepare the army for the South-fort and the E-castle. We capture the South-West castle. Computers are climbing. We immediately take away the castle from each of them. Remained the final castle of the ram Jerj.

    2 Everything is confused, true and false

    Fort, mine, on the way to the castle on the South-East, we take the crystals above the stable, as well as the sawmill and the dwarf pickaxe on the right. We take the castle a little to the west and there is a mine in the border of the possession. We go down into the ground, take the fort and the dwelling and immediately leave. We capture: South-West fort, castle on South-West, Sokol castle in the center, Castle on N-E, only then N-E fort, Castle in the west. We go into the cave. several battles and the final battle with necromancers. Before going to the cave, the map is notable for pumping dynastic weapons after 5 months.

    3 Do not tempt the desperate

    We examine the mines. It is possible to collect the debris of the lunar disk (in red), but blitz is preferable. We go to V. 2 forts, each of them has a mine. We take the C-B lock. We build a boat and take it on the shore opposite. We dive into 2 whirlpools - one more. Now it would be nice to collect the grail. Then capture the castle a little west of the center and the forts to the right and left of it. We go to Flamshtrain, we receive a quest (all 3 altars will be marked on the map). Capturing. Final battle with Mukao (the portal under the castle will be illuminated).

    4 Defeat and victory

    The maximum level is 30, very soon all the heroes of the computer will be at this level. But they have no relics or dynastic weapons. We seize the upper forts, we meet an ally (after capturing 2 villages, my aunt will rush to "help" and grab the computer's lock, however, with her army, she could well complete the campaign - not an ally, but stands still). A golden goose will hatch from an egg in your pocket - 2 thousand / day. After that, the villages can be surrendered by going down to the upper dungeon and taking care of the orange one, do not rush

    to the center of the dungeon, build archangels, pump, grab the villages back. Taking a breath - we kill the center of the dungeon - we get the grail - by the way it is convenient to build it in the dungeon, but not in the center, because the red will start to visit there. We clean the map around the edges, the quest with the healers can be skipped (for the last patches), but 4 villages must be captured. We carry out the aunt. We now have 11 cities. We are building up an army, getting to the center. We are saving up an army for the final battle for a month. The blow of the boss carries away from 10 thousand hp.

    Sanctuary- Campaign of Irina, young wife. Blood Path - Mage (Dynastic Water Staff).

    1 Fury in the Bog

    "Let's run." We take the ability to swim without a boat, if we only have aquatic creatures. Having received the first dynastic weapon for the magician. We go into the cave. After passing it we take the first castle and several forts. In the north is an island with mines. The computer fades. For he had a castle and nowhere to wait for help.

    2 Defeat and victory

    Here, tears will look more profitable. We have a week to detour the territory and capture 2 forts. Then we go down to the southwest, we get the second castle and next to the cave at the dragon Kirin we get the quest. We fight off the rogue who arrived (we get the oak quest for the fort). Kirin's quest is more interesting to us, because it gives the construction of all creatures. Now we grab one more castle in the south. Then we go into the cave from which the computer is already in full swing. There is one more castle at the exit and one more to the south. The last gate opens. After a modest battle, the tyrant will surrender. We will be given a second dynastic weapon - for a warrior.

    3 Bloody Surf

    4 sacred villages on the map, and 3 of them in a week or two come under the control of necromancers ...

    We are building our city, and the undead will periodically visit it through a one-sided (!) Whirlpool. And we go to the right - there is a castle-village. We agree to help the orcs and, having accumulated an army, we free the horde from the prisons (regardless of the development branch, we choose the path of tears) and get 2 villages as a gift (we do not rebuild them). We collect the parts of the lunar disk and in the capital we form the tear of Askha. All cities can now be rebuilt. The pumped orc will come. We capture the last village. We go to the very northwest of the map and destroy the remnants of the yellow army. And we sail further - capturing the last castle.

    4 Life-in-death and death-in-life

    Again, it's a stupid task - not to capture enemy cities - we do the opposite. We immediately capture the city in the North. Send the hero to N-B, through the maelstrom in the South. There, at the very edge of the map, is an island where all creatures will join - a good army for the GG, but we don't go into the portal - because it's too early (blitz-krieg on the map still won't work, wake up to work for wear and tear). Then another one in the East of the capital (the quest to the lighthouse can be skipped, because during the rebuilding of the city, you will still fill the path of tears). You can grab the city above us (in total, we have 4 cities). Deeper into the North, we capture the 5th. Nearby there is a cave, where after defeating the boss (davolno frail), we get a tear of Askha. 2 more cities and the Wolf gate will open.

    Inferno- younger son

    1 And the angels burning in the eyes

    Hardest first mission. First, we completely clean up the surroundings of the city. Then we go out and a purple demon attacks us (WE DO NOT TOUCH IT YET). We capture the castle at the bottom of the map and build an improved portal there. We run to the right and up (for a long time), capturing 2 orange castles. Now you can deal with purple by attacking the upper castle, and the one next to the portal is captured last. We will endure the brown attack. During the storming of the castle, a demonic battle awaits us: we curse the dogs, we teleport and armagedonim.

    2 Spooky symmetry

    We go up left and down (about a week locks: 2 alliances, 1 necropolis). We quickly rebuild them to take advantage of the hero's ability. We put it improved (+ 10% to the call), and in the former necropolis - an improved portal. We save up the army and go to the very bottom there are 2 castles. If you cannot capture both at once, take the left one. There is also a side quest for queens, which opens their building in all captured castles. When capturing any fort, demonnesa will tell you that a demon is imprisoned in one of them - free him (the fort is the first turn to the right of the former necropolis) and you can build destroyers. As soon as you completely cut out the necromancers, you will have 4 green drops, go down into the dungeon and fight one of the avatars of Asha.

    3 In the night forests

    Nothing remarkable. Additional tasks only for experience and help will not be given. We start cleaning from the bottom of the lock. Then we go and completely clean the right side from the orcs. We dive into the cave there is another orc castle. Now we develop and go to the left of the 2nd castle. There is a castle with 2 portals. We go in and clean both. Then the last orc fort under this castle. After that, you can collect Asha's tear. We carry out the story quest and we have the last castles and forts of the sanctuary (everything!). We stomp into the "hidden" cave, because a paved path leads from the last castle to it. There will be no battle.

    4 Marriage between heaven and hell

    So grabbing the lock from the archangel will not be difficult. We explore the dungeon and rebuild. When we exit, we will be attacked by a scripted immortal knight. On the surface of these lands, 7-8 heaps of shadow elementals, they provide him with this immortality. And many castles and exp. After capturing 3-4 castles, we cut off the knight from resources. And calmly kill the elementals (I repeat, they are all on the surface and islands). We defeat the knight, go down the subway to the east of the central castle with the shipyard. We defeat many elementals in the form of the final boss ... (slight disappointment). And an epic happy end.

    Defiant Tribes - Campaign Sandora, an unmarried son, and therefore does not feel much love for his relatives.

    1 Orcs don't belong here

    We capture the mines and the city from below, then the city to the right in the center, in the same place we clean the cave. Below is the "unfinished city", where they will give resources and soldiers. We capture the last city. The first gate will be opened - there is a quest fort. We capture the final city (which is optional) and simply float down on the boat.

    2 Good, bad, bloody

    We go without hurrying on the approach to the castle, they will puzzle us, they will give us a boat and we will find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. Rebuilding with limited resources. We sit down on a boat, take 2 forts and many mines. After that, it is no longer a problem to capture the castle, for which purple and yellow are fighting among themselves. And complete a side quest, taking care of the orange ones. As in the rest of the campaigns, you need to complete the side quests for the living creatures in order to get the corresponding extensions in your castle.

    3 Barbarian seven

    And so with us
    one castle and periodically visiting enemy. The task is to hold out
    4 months (!). At first, friendly troops will join us, and
    the quest task for upgrading units is not so difficult. Capture
    and hold all forts. Sandora's mother will give a quest to pacify
    dragon. He is just below the necromancer fort - the boss, the reward is the tear of Asha.

    4 About worms and demons

    Might & Magic is one of the oldest computer RPG series. The first game, called Might & Magic: Secret to the Inner Sanctum, was released back in the late 80s, and since then New World Computing has never ceased to delight fans of role-playing games (Swords of Xeen does not count, since it does not count). because it was created by another team).

    And now pleasant surprises await us, including:

    - fully three-dimensional game world with the ability to fly;

    - excellent sprite graphics that do not require hardware graphics accelerators and powerful computers;

    - a well-thought-out plot that gives the gamer almost complete freedom of action;

    - a variety of weapons, magic spells and much, much more.

    Of course, there are some minor flaws in the game. The graphics engine is a little slow, but RPG is not a 3D action for you. There are also some complaints about the "bugs" associated with the virtual world (some doors cannot be opened, some of the restrictions imposed by the rules of the game can be easily overcome). But all these shortcomings are not able to seriously "tarnish" the reputation of Might & Magic 6.

    In short, along with Fallout, Might & Magic 6 is the coolest RPG in recent memory. And that says it all.

    When it was, in which direction - it is difficult to say about it ...

    Once upon a time there were the Ancients. Who they were, where they came from and what called them on their way - no one now knows. Their spaceships plowed the endless expanses of space in search of inhabited worlds on which they could settle. And if there were no such worlds, the Ancients created them. How they created Xeen, the flat world in which the events of the previous Might & Magic games - Clouds of Xeen (part four) and Dark Side of Xeen (part five) took place.

    If you played World of Xeen (which is formed by the merging of the fourth and fifth parts), then remember how it ended - Xin became a normal spherical planet, ruled by Queen Kalindra and Prince Roland, rescued by you from the clutches of the cyborg sorcerer Sheltem and his Skeleton Assistant Lord Xin.

    But nothing lasts forever under the moon, especially under the moon of Xin. Several centuries passed, and again the war for the redistribution of power began. During this bloody conflict, Lord Ironfist seized power (the game Heroes of Might & Magic 1 tells about this war).

    The conqueror ruled happily for a long time. But the time came, and he died, leaving the throne to his sons, "good" Roland (not to be confused with the one from the game World of Xeen) and "bad" Archibald. The kids, as usual, could not get along with each other, and a new war and a new game began - Heroes of Might & Magic: Succession Wars. They won, of course, the good ones. The guild of necromancers was dispersed, and Archibald, who patronized them, completely disappeared somewhere.

    Roland was delighted and began to rule as a full-fledged king.

    But not for long, and he was destined to taste the fruits of a peaceful life. One sad day, a meteorite fell from the sky, bringing with it demons, which quickly began to impose their order in Enroth (Enroth, as the kingdom in which you have to conduct your noble activities) is called.

    Roland decided to deal with them, remembering his victory over Archibald. But this time you were not with him, and without a gambler, not a single hero in a computer game has ever won. So Roland went on a campaign and never returned. And in Enroth, disasters began - “now there is a lack of crops in the garden, now the cattle will fall, now the stove smokes from bad draft, and now it leads the cheek to the side,” in the words of V.S.Vysotsky.

    Rumors spread among law-abiding taxpayers that all this was the wrath of the gods, for the Ironfist dynasty had lost the favor of the celestials, called the Mandate of Heaven, and giving the right to rule. And then a new cult appeared - the cult of the Followers of the Baa, preaching peaceful coexistence with demons.

    But in reality, as you can imagine, this is not at all the case. "Meteorite" was nothing more than another spaceship, and the demons were evil aliens Kreegan, who had fought with the Ancients from time immemorial. And now they have arrived at a colony once founded by their enemies, whose descendants have long forgotten the wisdom of their ancestors. Easy prey ...

    But the one who laughs last laughs well. The demons missed something. Remember the little squad that ran away from them at the very beginning of the game (you will see this episode during the intro cartoon)? It is these simple people with a clear mind, a firm gaze and iron muscles who will have to interfere with the plans of alien invaders, reveal the secrets of the Ancients and, with their help, save or destroy their beautiful world.

    Well, they will be commanded by the greatest hero of the kingdom of Enroth - you.

    We need some nice guys ...

    A real gambling addict will never give over to the computer and His Majesty Chance such an important and responsible task as the creation of characters. Moreover, the very process of creating heroes in M ​​& M6 is not difficult, but at the same time very, very fruitful. If you know the little tricks ... Let's talk about them.

    There are six classes in total. See their brief characteristics below.

    Knight- a true warrior who despises all sorts of witchcraft "tricks". A knight who has refused to study spells is able to learn to all types of martial arts: wear any type of armor and fight with all kinds of weapons. The most viable character capable of withstanding a considerable number of enemy attacks.

    The last circumstance, as you understand, is a plus. And the minus is the inability to witchcraft.

    Paladin- is a cross between a knight and a cleric. From the first, he took a number of combat skills inaccessible to the priest, such as the skill in handling a sword and putting on board armor. In inheritance from the cleric, the paladin acquired deep knowledge of the magic of the Body, Mind and Spirit. The paladin's health is good, magic is more or less, and he fights well.

    Cleric- the holy father, who went on the warpath. In battles, he deftly wields a mace, does not shy away from chain mail. To be honest, the cleric is a mediocre fighter. This disadvantage is compensated for by his achievements in magical realms. The main purpose of the cleric is protective and reinforcing spells, although he will gradually replenish his assortment of offensive magic.

    Archer- a hybrid of a magician and a knight; a guy who spends most of his free time studying long-range weapons. He wears chain mail, does not like melee, since in melee it inflicts insignificant damage on the enemy. Health is not so much, but understands the magic of the Elements. It is especially effective in outdoor battles due to the necessary room for maneuvering. Quickly and accurately shoots the monsters that have strayed from the crowd.

    Magician- fragile physique, clear mind. As a result, it has the least number of "lives" and the largest supply of mana. In his free time from battles, he teaches the magic of the Elements. Can wear a leather breastplate, with the proper skill at the expert level, waves two daggers well. Like other classes, the mage is capable of using magic even with both hands engaged.

    Druid Is another hybrid. This time - a magician and a cleric, so he understands the areas of knowledge and skills of both of them. Advantage - can learn seventy-seven spells if he learns all available magic. It successfully combines the disadvantages of both "parents". He cannot wear armor more powerful than leather, he is very limited in the choice of weapons. In general, he is unlikely to achieve much success in magic because of his inherent "multi-station" nature: having the ability to improve in all seven areas, he is unlikely to become a master at least in three or four.

    The developers initially offer us the following class composition: paladin, archer, cleric and mage. Please note that all members of the presented party have certain magical abilities. Also note that the paladin and archer do not have access to light and dark magic. But don't worry too much: the magician and the cleric have it. In principle, this variant of the detachment seems to us the best.

    Of course, you can experiment with classes: for example, play with only four knights (no magic, but a lot of destructive power) or make a squad of only puny wizards and / or clerics, counting on their considerable knowledge of combat magic. Just listen to good advice, otherwise you will suffer with such parties! Knights chained in steel give in to a couple of Warlock's sorcerers, and after each misfortune you will have to run to nearby temples and pay a lot of money for a cure from all sorts of diseases, poisonings and curses.

    On the other hand, a lot of magicians will bring a lot of trouble: it is quite difficult for them to start, since they have a hard time with the initial spells. Do not forget that sooner or later you will face monsters with almost impenetrable magic defense. The latter can be both natural (minotaurs, dragons), and previously imposed by the enemy on himself (enemy magicians). However, there is not much difference, the only thing is that the natural protection will be a little stronger.

    Now let's talk about the individual characteristics and skills that you can set your heroes.

    So, reduce the intellect of the paladin to the minimum, while simultaneously increasing to the maximum (that is, up to 25) the values ​​of his dexterity and strength.

    We pass to the archer. Set intelligence and dexterity higher, and personality (Personality) - lower, all the way.

    Who is next? A high personality indicator of a cleric will allow him to accumulate a significant amount of mana, but this adventurer does not need intelligence at all, believe me. It is advisable to add a little dexterity to the priest so that he more often hits with his mace (club) on the faces (faces) of enemies.

    With the wizard, the situation is the opposite: add intelligence and subtract that very Personality. With a sensible distribution, fifty starting points should be enough. If not, then reduce the luck of each character by one or two points. But do not overdo it, fortune is not only good resistance to enemy spells, but also a certain luck in finding valuable items and large amounts of freely convertible gold. You don't want to be a failure, do you? Although, if you reduce your luck as much as possible when generating a character, then already in New Sorpigal it is possible to raise the level of luck by drinking water from one of the wells. A new portion of water, increasing luck, will be available in a week.

    It's time to deal with Skills (they are also skills). Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that each character will have its own specification.

    Give the archer the ability to disarm traps and be observant. Only this hero has the right to personally open all sorts of suspicious chests - and this must be constantly remembered in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of premature death. Then teach the paladin how to use a shield and wear chain mail. Have the cleric take on the skill of identification in addition to the shield. Make the magician learn the basics of water magic and give him the opportunity to fix things.

    At the same time, I strongly advise against remembering the existence of meaningless skills such as diplomacy or bodybuilding. Normal heroes don't need them. At the beginning of the game, I advise you to take care of acquiring a trading skill, but you should not develop it intensively. Despicable metal isn't worth spending the ever-needed points to increase your abilities.


    Controlling your wards is carried out using the keyboard and mouse.

    Use the cursor keys to navigate the terrain.

    Press to switch to run mode. Shift and a cursor key.

    To move sideways (Strafe), press Ctrl and a cursor key.

    Press to switch from real-time to step-by-step mode. Enter... Please note that in turn-based mode you cannot move, you can only turn in place and use weapons / magic / items from the backpack.

    To perform any actions (press the lever, knock on the door, search the corpse, take the object), click the mouse in the right place.

    To call up the Inventory screen, double-click on the character's portrait.

    To attack the nearest enemy with a weapon, press A... If the enemy is far away, the character will shoot at him with a bow / crossbow (if he has one), and will try to reach the nearby enemy with a sword / dagger / spear.

    To apply a spell to the nearest enemy, you need to either click on the button with the image of a five-pointed star to the right of the portraits of the squad members or press S... In the latter case, the character will apply a "quick" spell, which must first be installed. To do this, click on the button with a star, select the desired spell, then click on the image of the hand at the bottom of the page.

    To sleep, click on the tent button to the right of the magic button. Remember, characters can only sleep in a safe place (if there are no enemies around).

    To lean down / lift your head, use the keys Ins/Del.

    To go up / down (after casting the Fly spell), use Page Up/Page Down.

    You will figure out the rest of the intricacies of management yourself.

    A little about skill points and experience

    About Skill Points - There are two ways to get them relatively honestly. The first and easiest one is to go around the stables scattered around the country in order to acquire horse shoes. Then, with this accessory, click on the character (while in the Inventory screen) - the horseshoe will disappear (do they swallow it, or what?), Leaving behind two points. True, the above-described cause-and-effect relationship may not seem entirely obvious, well, fuck it, with logic. It is scientifically proven that in a couple of months the next harvest of horseshoes ripens along with the revival of monsters living nearby. I advise you to have in reserve three or two horseshoes in order to develop an unexpectedly needed skill.

    The second method is less exotic and more understandable ... With an increase in the level, the notorious points are automatically credited to the hero's account. Their number strongly depends on the general development of the character. At the very beginning of the game, the heroes receive five points; from the 10th level to the 19th - six; from the 20th to the 29th - already seven, and so on. The acquired level 100 will bring the hero fifteen points. By the way, you probably already know that levels increase not only through the initial accumulation of experience, but also by subsequent training in specially designated places.

    The experience itself is also accumulated in two ways: by completing quest tasks and by killing all creatures you meet (except for civilians). Completed quests not only give a significant amount of experience, but also increase or decrease your reputation.

    Another option is also not bad - you can get hold of gold and pick up a valuable item that sometimes falls out of the monster (unfortunately, there is always one). In general, the property of enemies is automatically picked up during a search of corpses, so sometimes it is difficult to understand what you have found.

    The secret of steel

    Before directly describing the advantages and disadvantages of certain types of weapons, let's define the concepts. Quite often you have to explain what a sword attack under "3d4" means. The fact is that M & M6 uses a standard for board games method of determining the result of your combat actions by "throwing" a dice by the computer.

    In this case, the program rolls a four-sided dice three times (dice 4 or d4 for short). In the worst case, the warrior will remove three lives from the enemy, and in the best case (each time the die shows a four) - 12 lives. In total, the damage ranges from three to twelve. The arithmetic mean is seven and a half, and this is the most likely result of the damage inflicted on the monster. More advanced varieties of the sword also have a non-zero indicator, a kind of "addition" to the attack and the chance to break through the enemy's defense. For example, a sword strike with "+ 10 3d4 + 2" increases the hit chance by 13 and the arithmetic mean of damage by two. However, the level of damage inflicted depends not only on the type and fighting qualities of the weapon, but also on the value of the warrior's strength and his ability to wield a sword. To see how effectively the squad members are fighting, click Z- the Damage column contains the required numbers.

    A couple of tips for choosing weapons. There is nothing complicated in this: a paladin waves a sword, a cleric - a club (or, as it was called in Russia, a mace), a magician squeezes a dagger (and then a couple of them), an archer, you guessed it, uses a remote weapon. We did not find any special use for tridents, staves, axes, etc. They are quite rare and for the most part do not have any particularly useful advantages, existing purely for a change, "so that it was." True, sometimes you may come across a powerful Titanic Trident, which should be given to a paladin or knight if they have one hand occupied by a shield that you do not want to part with (maybe it increases some characteristics of the character or gives a lot of protection). The fact is that the accuracy of a blow with a trident is higher than that of an average sword. True, your hero hits them more slowly than with a sword. In general, the sword is the most balanced and convenient weapon for close combat. By the way, this rule works not only in the M & M6 gaming world, but also in the vast majority of computer roleplayers.

    With bows and crossbows, everything is simple - they help out very cool when the enemy is far away, and when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, the archer stops shooting and fights with the weapon in his hands.

    Ranged weapons are great for dealing with non-shooting and non-magic enemies. If you fight in real time, while quickly backing away and writing out incredible zigzags (keep the enemy in sight), then the bow is what you need. It is very useful to have an archer and paladin with the shooting skill at the very beginning of the game for a quick and hassle-free passage of the Abandoned Temple of Baa, where enemies only fight in close combat.

    Blasters, also known as weapons of the Ancients, are found towards the end of the game in the Control Center. There is a lot of controversy about whether to use them, or to rely on practice-proven swords and bows. In our opinion, it makes sense to use a blaster gun, and in real time, in which it shoots in bursts of three shots. A big plus of blasters is their penetration of any armor and / or magic protection. An equally big minus is the relatively low level of damage.

    Mysteries of magic

    Apparently, most of the attention of the developers was devoted not to bringing to mind the various types of weapons, but to balancing the spells of all nine magical spheres. Their efforts were crowned with success: there is no one super-powerful (better to say, omnipotent) spell, after finding which there would be no need to use all other spells.

    Well, it's time to go through the magic sections in order to deal with the most important and interesting spells. Note that only the first three spheres are available to the paladin: Spirit, Body and Mind; the cleric, in addition to this set, will learn the magic of Light and the magic of Darkness. The archer, on the contrary, is able to comprehend the meaning of only four Basic Elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire; and the magician will add to this witchcraft repertoire the same magic of Light and Darkness.

    As you can see, the cleric will not let fireballs, and the wizard is unlikely to learn how to heal his comrades, therefore, to achieve the best results, try to combine the advantages and disadvantages of certain classes and the spheres open to them. Another good piece of advice is to evenly distribute the duties of the adventurers in learning spells. A magician trying to achieve perfection in the use of six orbs at once is doomed to failure in advance. It is better to let him first become a master of Water and Fire, and then “pump” the magic of Darkness to the maximum.

    True, there is another option - to make all members of the squad first experts in all areas of magic available to them, and only then "wind up" the magician and cleric. The meaning of this is as follows - the spell power of the expert is almost as much greater than the spell power of the uninitiated, as far as the spell power of the master is superior to the spell power of the expert. However, “making” an expert is much cheaper than a master. Draw your own conclusions.

    Another tip: do not make masters in the same area from two or more characters at the same time. As you know, you will chase two hares ...

    Also, try not to use long-range magic in settlements and in the Temple of Snake keep, so as not to hurt the loitering NPCs.

    It makes sense to duplicate only part of the spells for different characters. The paladin should be taught all healing spells and add two main attackers - Harm and Flying Fist, and let the archer master part of the set of the elements of Fire (Fireball, Inferno, etc.) and Water (for those creatures that have natural resistance to fire, for example , at the spirits of Fire).


    Initially, the magic of the Spirit under the control of the paladin specializes in spells that both increase the hero's performance (luck, damage done, accuracy of blows), and that heal and restore deceased comrades to life.

    Of particular note is the Shared Life spell, which works great in conjunction with the bodily Power Cure. "Divided Life" equally distributes the lives of all party members, and "Strong Heal" simultaneously increases their health. The tactic is most effective when one of the heroes is safe and sound, while the other is having a hard time.

    Sometimes it is useful to remember about the Turn Undead spell, which turns the undead into shameful flight.

    By the way, before meeting the kings of the skeletons, I strongly recommend getting the paladin Remove Curse: cursed adventurers often smear, plus they have serious problems with witchcraft.

    Unfortunately, there are no martial spells worthy of mention in the sphere of the Spirit, and there never will be.

    Healing Touch is primarily used by the paladin to heal an unconscious cleric. Having come to his senses, the latter heals himself and the rest of the characters himself.


    Clerics have some abilities in body magic, using it to heal diseases and weaknesses, neutralize poisons, and heal wounds.

    However, they also have two attacking spells available. Harm helps a lot in the middle of the game due to its relative cheapness and good destructive power, but Flying Fist often does not justify its magic cost. Unfortunately, a significant part of advanced monsters perfectly tolerate the effects of both "Fist" and "Harm" (for example, the same skeletons).

    Before going to Abandoned Temple, be sure to buy the Protection from Poison spell or (or better - and) Cure Poison - otherwise you will be tortured to run to the temple for treatment after a close acquaintance with local snakes. After studying all the spells of the Body, transfer the cleric to the study of the sphere of Light.


    In all fairness, the diametrically opposed views of M & M6 fans on Mind Magic can be confusing to anyone. In my humble opinion, only three spells will really come in handy from this area, and they will not just come in handy, but will turn out to be vital.

    I list: Cure Afraid (it is hardly possible to achieve miracles of heroism from frightened characters), Cure Paralysis (gargoyles love to indulge in paralysis) and Cure Insanity (a mad magician is almost a dead magician, because he does not restore the necessary mana during rest).

    Most likely, aesthetes will find Feeblemind useful (for a while, it "takes away" all the magic from the enemy), and maybe even Telekinesis, although it is unlikely - it is much easier to open a mined chest with your own hands using the Disarm Trap skill. The study of Mind magic falls entirely on the fragile shoulders of the paladin. You do not need to be a master in it, but it is desirable to get the skill of an expert.


    The low efficiency of Earth magic is obvious, but there is no need to talk about its uselessness. In my opinion, the set of her spells is somewhat unique.

    Stun, as the name implies, temporarily stuns the enemy and thereby suspends his aggression, Deadly Swarm is a good spell against the average power of monsters, and Stone Skin (familiar to gamers from HMM) increases defense.

    I would like to highlight two spells with opposite properties. Although you don't really need Stone to Flesh, since only rarely met Medusa can turn heroes to stone, with the help of Flesh to Stone you can turn almost any monster into stone.

    Rock Blast works in an original way: throw a pebble that will roll, bouncing off walls and other obstacles, almost like a grenade from Quake, and explode, hitting the enemy. Try using this spell in attacks from around a corner, or throw a stone into a small room, where he will certainly find his victim. However, it seems to me that the substitute for "Kamushka", "Fire Wall", is more convenient, more accurate and effective.

    And the last thing: the range of Death Blossom is more a minus than a plus. Moreover, this is one of the few spells that is unable to hit the target on its own, without preliminary guidance.


    The main task of the archer will be the development of the magic of Air, with a couple of pleasant examples of combat witchcraft and a good selection of useful spells in everyday life. Say what you like, but a professional without Wizard Eye is almost like no hands. The mentioned spell brings to life a kind of radar, which marks the movements of monsters and the location of various valuable gizmos.

    It is the "radar" that allows you to see the most serious AI "bug" in the game. It consists in the desire of the creatures to follow their offenders, choosing the shortest path. If the monster knows that the heroes are on the opposite side of the wall, then he will not try to go around the wall, but will stand in front of him and wait. Very often, this gap in the minds of monsters is expressed in their crush in the corners near the doorway, getting stuck behind some curbstone, or being forced to stop due to unwillingness to go around the corner. Receive with the help of Wizard Eye and take advantage of this kind of information about the strange behavior of your opponents.

    As for Feather Fall, it is practically not used due to another well-known "bug" in M ​​& M6. For a safe fall from high heights, press "Enter" in time. When you land safely, go back to real time. All ingenious is simple, isn't it, gentlemen?

    The next is Lightning, you don't need to talk a lot about it, lightning is lightning in Africa too. In his free time from shooting, the archer will undoubtedly torment the enemies of Implosion, since there are almost no monsters who are immune to this spell.

    One of the most powerful spells (but not suitable for indoor use), Flight, allows you to visit hard-to-reach locations, as well as fire from above and shower enemies with a meteor shower who had the misfortune of being under you.


    Magic of Water. Surprisingly, most of the Water Orb contains offensive magic. Ice Bolt is perhaps the only acceptable way to deal with the Fire spirits, although it has proven itself excellently in field trials against other monsters due to its excellent damage-to-mana ratio.

    This cannot be said about Ice Blast: it is unsuitable for active use due to its unpredictability and high price.

    Acidic Acid Burst is not bad by its nature, but it will not cause a stormy delight in any person who is in the slightest degree experienced in magical affairs.

    Of course, there are also purely peaceful spells in the sphere of Water. Awaken is the only way to wake up sleeping team members with your own hands. Otherwise, they will wake up from the loss of "life".

    Water Walk is easily replaced by Fly, although the latter is more expensive, but flying is much more interesting than just walking on water.

    Add to the list of non-combat spells a couple of ways to instantly move through space. These are the Town Portal (takes you to the city fountain) and Lloyd's Beacon (in essence, teleportation to a pre-marked place).

    There is a little trick: in theory, the Water Master can only create five Lloyd's Beacons, but in reality we created up to twenty teleport sites. The wizard fills all available slots, and then changes his position in the squad (select the sorcerer and, while holding Control, specify its new position) and gets access to the next five empty Beacons. With a strong desire, the process of changing adventurers is repeated twice more. A total of twenty sites - four positions, five sites each. This is how it is, the sphere of Water. Do your best to master it as quickly as possible.


    By far the best set of offensive spells is in Fire magic.

    Of the few peaceful spells inherent in this area, we single out Torch. Included in the required set of use after awakening in the next dungeon. You don't have to strain your eyes (ay, Unreal!) To see what kind of monster is coming towards you. In the dungeon, the torch burns constantly - this is an axiom. True, in nature, Torch does not bring any benefit, it disperses the darkness of the night rather weakly, so it is better to wait for the day.

    Haste is more useful than harmful. It does not give serious advantages, but the fact that the characters will become more cheerful and more active has been proven.

    And now about the sweet: about the spells that burn the enemy's flesh. Good old friend Fire Bolt - cheap in terms of costs and finances, but true against the average power of monsters.

    Use Fireball's services when you meet enemies crowding in the distance. Effective spell, you won’t say anything. For example, one well-aimed hit in a bunch of goblins should calm down the little rascals forever. Careful if it comes to melee: immediately switch to the aforementioned Fire Bolt.

    The next most important spell Ring of Fire is used in conjunction with Wizard Eye to destroy the enemies behind the walls and doors. In most cases, he also burns opponents above (!) And below (!) You (one floor above and below). It's also great to rush into the enemy camp at full speed and use Ring of Fire several times.

    However, if you have already found Meteor Storm, then there is almost no point in such tactics. In my opinion, this is the best spell used outdoors against all kinds of monsters: from goblins to hydras, titans and dragons. There is no point in praising Meteor Storm, its action must be seen.

    True, there are two "buts". First, the enemy must be on the ground or hover low enough to take damage from the meteor strike. And secondly, the Demon King knows this spell. Happy hunting to you guys - and to make it successful, try to fight in flight.

    Inferno - nothing interesting from itself, but due to its availability at the beginning of the game it will be useful when attacking one and a half hundred skeletons in the active temple of Baa.

    Incinerate is my choice, and not only mine, but the undoubted choice of any professional. Try it in action in dungeons - I'm sure you'll like it. It is equally suitable both in the middle of the game and towards the end. In order not to miss and waste such a valuable spell, use Incinerate in turn-based mode. By the way, the trees in the game are fire resistant, so you won't be able to set them on fire.


    Let's talk about the largest and brightest sphere.

    Create Food is great if you don't want to go to endless tavern trips for food. If you sleep on the grass (costs per unit of food), then even a complete layman in the magic of Light will be able to feed the squad. Note that while camping on the road, spend twice as much food (two food units). In general, to use Create Food effectively, train your character to at least an expert Light level.

    With the advent of Golden Touch, there will be no need for shuttle flights to the nearest city in order to sell things left after enemies. Perfectly replaces the trading skill, since the expert of Light will no longer need money.

    We did not find a justified use of Dispel Magic.

    Although Slow is almost twice as cheap as Paralyze, it is just as many times worse. Their duration is the same, but the paralyzed enemy is a more pleasant sight than his simply "inhibited" counterpart.

    There are two types of undead on which it is not a pity to spend Destroy Undead: these are Greater Lich and Power Lich, and as for skeletons and ghosts, they are too weak to justifiably use such a powerful spell.

    Prismatic Light is an analogue of Inferno, differs from it in doubled damage and mana costs.

    Sun Ray is almost never used (except against dragons), since it only works outdoors, where it can be easily replaced with Meteor Storm.

    The semi-secret Divine Intervention spell allows the cleric to call to heaven to fully heal the entire group, simultaneously removing all negative conditions. A curse on an amateur, in my opinion, it is preferable to just visit the temple than to lose a good ten years for one service from the gods.

    There will be a special conversation about Day of the Gods and Hour Power. For one hundred mana units, you will turn the group into a real death machine. The process of stacking enemies in piles will become an everyday and quite common thing.



    As there is no day without night, so the magic of Light cannot exist without its opposite - the magic of Darkness. A characteristic feature when using Dark Magic is the highest mana cost compared to other spheres, which is compensated by the highest power of spells and their non-standard nature.

    Reanimate comes first. Its purpose is not entirely clear, it is probably needed to revive NPCs killed by mistake. It is quite possible to revive the monster and then kill it in order to increase the experience of the group.

    The poisoner's best friend, Toxic Cloud, works well against demons and other creatures with increased resistance to most hostile spells.

    Shrapmetal deserves an excellent rating: it is the only spell that acts (attention!) On all known creatures. Try to use it, coming close to the enemy, so that at least three or four pieces of red-hot metal get into it. It is noticed that if the master of Darkness hits the dragon with all seven projectiles, then the creature is no longer a tenant.

    Unlike Shrapmetal, the Finger of Death spell will only try to destroy the enemy, with a very high probability that he will survive. It all boils down to "lucky - unlucky." The chance of luck for non-masters of Darkness is negligible.

    Moon Ray - "neither fish nor meat." And heals badly, and the damage to monsters is small. Moreover, normal people "like a thief in the night" do not fight, but prefer to solve their affairs during the day.

    Dragon Breath bears its name for its beautiful eyes: luckily, dragons don't use it. The winged beasts have difficulty breathing when you appear. This is the most powerful spell in M ​​& M6, and it also has a decent range of damage.

    Now Armageddon is its true purpose and the usefulness of this curiosity remained a mystery to me. When you are swimming in money, buy it - maybe it will do for something. If you want an instant Bad Guy reputation then apply it in the Free Haven region.

    What you don't need to spend money on is Mass Curse and Shrinking Ray, because the second semi-secret spell in the game, called Dark Containment, will not only curse and reduce the enemy, but also scare, paralyze, turn to stone, reduce the reaction, charm and deprive his magic for a "ridiculous" price of 200 (two hundred) units of mana. The only problem is that Dark Containtment will be found towards the end of the game, after solving the Obelisk puzzle.

    It is pertinent to note that from all sorts of sores and many other harmful effects of the heroes will be protected by Day of Protection, which fell into the top five spells necessary for the survival of your wards.

    The good, the bad and the neutral

    By viewing the general statistics of the group ( Z) you will certainly notice the Reputation graph, which displays the ratio of the average inhabitant of Enroth to all members of the squad.

    Renome affects both your success in conversations with NPCs and many in-game events. So, especially malevolent characters will not be able to communicate with the lords living in the castles, since they will simply be imprisoned. However, both bad and good deeds tend to be forgotten over time, therefore, after being released a year later, you will find yourself with a neutral reputation.

    Negative reputation:

    Notorious - to be a notorious villain; necessary for obtaining mastery in Dark Magic;

    Monstrous - monstrous to quickly obtain this title, it is enough to kill the population of a small town;

    Despicable - despised

    Vile - evil, mean;

    Bad - acquired after several unsuccessful attempts at blackmail or other unseemly deeds, as well as after completing the quest related to the return of the candelabrum;

    Average - neutral reputation, does not change with the passage of time.

    Positive reputation:

    Respectable - this status will be assigned to you after several donations to the temple; unfortunately, your reputation will not rise above Respectable;

    Honorable - it's not difficult to gain respect, just don't do bad deeds and complete quests;

    Glorious - to get the title of "valiant", perform feats as often as possible, until the inhabitants of Enroth forget about them;

    Angelic - "like an angel"; is highly respected, and the treatment of many NPCs is simply awesome;

    Saintly - only a saint is given to become a master in the magic of Light; It is difficult to become saints, but it is possible if you regularly complete important quests (orders of the lords of the lands and the Oracle).

    In addition to the aforementioned ways to increase / decrease reputation, there are many others. It is not easy to become super-bad, but very simple, having destroyed two dozen civilians, but it is quite difficult to be good. So, let us allow ourselves a few tips on how to stay good and kind in human memory.

    Never threaten NPCs, but ask or bribe them. Don't mess with the human bone buyer at Free Haven. Do not heal in Baa temples. In the Supreme Temple of Baa (which is in Kriegspire), do not touch the giant stone image of this god - although each member of the group will receive 50 thousand experience points, your reputation will skyrocket downward. Please note that some of the characters accompanying the group also have a strong impact on the reputation. For example, a thief hired to increase the trading skill or a bard who glorifies heroes' valor at all angles. Another tip - to shorten the time interval between completing quests, use Lloyd's Beacon and Town Portal. If you do good deeds every few months, then Respectable will not go further.

    It is logical that the practice of Dark Magic will also gradually lower the reputation of the heroes.

    About states

    Almost all harmful states are characterized by the characteristic physiognomy of the hero - look at the faces of the wards, and you will understand what's what. The degree of danger of the disease is determined by the color of the corresponding inscription: green is the minimum threat to health, yellow is the disease of moderate severity, and red is serious or fatal. It is easy to see that some sores initially cannot carry something dangerous to life (for example, Drunk), and some are only fatal (Eradicated). All types of ailments are treated in the temple, for money, of course. Priests also do not mind restoring to the maximum life and mana of a completely healthy character for a small bribe.

    Sometimes the hero becomes the "happy" owner of several harmful states. The funny thing is that they overlap and you see only one illness. This is a very serious bug. For example, sleep and fear were sent to the adventurer. At the same time, he only looks frightened, but a frightened hero is able to fight off enemies, but a fallen asleep - no! Don't be happy, even right clicking on the portrait will not reveal its second state. Go to the characteristics of the character and click the rodent on the Conditions column, at the same time you will find out how long your ward sleeps and is afraid.

    Afraid... The frightened character loses half of his Intelligence, Personality, and Accuracy, gaining a slight advantage in speed and strength in return.

    Neutralization: Remove Fear (Mind)

    Asleep... There are two variants of this state. Either the group's sleep was interrupted by the attack of monsters, or this is the action of enemy magic. The sleeping hero does not interfere in the course of the battle, even if the comrades nearby are screaming in pain.

    Neutralization: Over time, from impact, Awaken (Water).

    Cursed... The damned hero is terribly unlucky, although luck is all right. The warrior cannot concentrate in any way for a well-aimed strike, and because of this he often misses. Mages are no better - only one spell out of three created works. I just want to say "Damn it!"

    Neutralization: Remove Curse (Spirit).

    Dead... Life, as you know, is given only once ... oh, once, and again, and many, many times ... After death, you will be teleported to New Sorpigal, the money will be taken away (unless you put all the cash in the bank in advance), but nothing else will change. All items from the inventory, all skills and statistics, as well as one item that you managed to grab with the mouse, but have not yet put in the "trunk" will remain. The number of deaths is recorded in the records of the heroes' achievements, which is why the only reason to avoid death is the desire not to have the shameful inscription “N deaths”, where N is the number of deaths.

    Neutralization: Raise Dead (Spirit).

    Diseased... A character infected with a disease suffers from a decrease in physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed, accuracy), and in the case of a more dangerous disease, mental abilities (personality, intellect). Luck doesn't change. After rest, only a certain part of life and magic units are restored. Moreover, the more dangerous the disease, the less health and mana the character will have after sleep (half - with a green degree, a third - with a yellow one).

    Neutralization: Cure Disease (Body).

    Drunk... It doubles the indicator of luck, the same amount decreases strength and endurance. All other stats are reduced even more, and agility is reduced to 90% of the original.

    Drunkenness is the only attack that cannot be neutralized by magic. Sleep, and everything will be removed as if by hand.

    Neutralization: rest.

    Eradicated... It is believed that this condition is worse than death, since the hero not only dies, but also loses his own body. This condition is most often organized by the Terminator Unit, and sometimes by yourself, unsuccessfully cheating with bubbles. All of the above about death also applies when talking about uprooting.

    Neutralization: Resurrection (Spirit).

    Good... The normal state in which the character is not under the influence of any ailments. Watch out for sores, and the squad will always be in perfect order.

    Insane... The half-witted user of magic, like other heroes, has a sharp drop in intelligence and personality, and after sleep he wakes up with zero amount of magical energy. However, insanity is beneficial for warriors (especially knights who are not harmed by magic), making them berserkers, endowing them with gigantic power and an unusual insensitivity to pain. Madness doubles the strength of the characters, one and a half times the endurance and speeds up a little.

    Neutralization: Cure Insanity (Mind).

    Paralyzed... Paralysis is actively sent by gargoyles. The hero constantly looks at one point, does not react to external stimuli and does not take any action. The sense of the paralyzed character tends to zero.

    Neutralization: Cure Paralysis (Mind).

    Poisoned... Poisoning is in many ways similar to disease in terms of its effect. The amount of mana and health after sleep also decreases, however, judging by the smaller change in the statistics of heroes, poison is a lesser evil, and the spell that cures poisoning spends half of mana.

    Neutralization: Cure Poison (Body).

    Stoned... Transformation of a single adventurer into a stone statue; applies only to Jellyfish. The effect is similar to paralysis, but the degree of danger is indicated not in yellow, but in red. The cost of healing in the temple is seven times higher.

    Neutralization: Stone to Flesh (Earth).

    Unconscious... Unconsciousness, into which a severely wounded hero falls. It takes an intermediate position between life and death: if the unconscious character begins to finish off enemies, he will die. In an unconscious state, the heroes (of course) do not take any action, but wait for urgent and proper treatment. If all the heroes lose consciousness, the group will die.

    Neutralization: rest, restoration of lost health.

    Weak... Weakness does not affect the main characteristics, but a tired hero has a slightly longer break between attacks, and the blow delivered is weaker than expected.

    Neutralization: Cure Weakness (Body).


    Before visiting the altars, be sure to go to the Seer in the Ironfist region for advice on a shrine appropriate for a given month. Initially, for praying near the altar, each character will receive 10 units of a certain characteristic, and with repeated visits in subsequent years - only three. The month affects not only the altars, but also the "Cards of Destiny".

    Bootleg Bay (northwest island) Intelligence Mist (slightly north of town) Silver Cove Personalities (Northwest Island) Stamina White Cap (next to the lord's castle) Agility Free Haven (west of town) Mire of the Damned speeds (east of town) Good luck New Sorpigal (island east of the pier) Fire Kriegspire (inside the volcano, next to the castle) Electricity Castle Ironfist (northwest) Colds Kriegspire (center of the map, next to the hut) Poison Eel Infested Waters (Southwest Island) Magic Blackshire (northwest corner)
    Month Altar type Region
    January Forces

    Destiny Cards

    Before using Decks of Fate on a character, understand their features. It was found that the effect of cards depends on the month and week during which they were spent. In the month of strength, they will increase strength, and in the month of luck, luck. Cards are capable of increasing one stat from one to four units. The minimum (+ 1) increase in luck will occur during the first week of the month of luck, the maximum (+ 4) - during the fourth week of the same month.

    Practical training in alchemy

    Each of the squad members can (and will) carry a certain number of bottles of alchemical potions. With the help of these potions, you can heal a character from a poison, restore his health or magical energy, and even permanently increase some of his characteristics.

    The preparation of the drug is simple - first, the juice of the plant is squeezed into a bottle, then this juice is mixed with juice from another bottle. At the same time, the number of possible options for mixing bubbles with each other is really great - according to the most modest estimates, it exceeds two hundred. However, do not be fooled by this figure, it is not at all a fact that the experiment will end happily and you will get something new from the combination of already known potions with interesting qualities and properties. Moreover, certain methods of mixing will cause a small explosion, the power of which depends on the strength of the bubbles used in the experiment.

    By the way, the necessary empty and already filled vials are in various chests or boxes and are freely sold in alchemical shops. Plants necessary for experiments are also bought there; they are also scattered throughout the territory of any region. Usually a walk along the river bank, where all kinds of herbs grow, will be enough to prepare a couple of black potions.

    Theoretically, according to the strength of impact and value, all potions are divided into four main groups, or levels. The description first talks about the color of the bubbles, then indicates their name in English (if there are other potions of a similar color), the components and the effect of the potion.

    Level 1 potions

    Prepared by exposing an empty vial to a magic plant. Cost ten gold.

    Red= red berries (Widoweep berries) + bottle.

    Effect: restoration of 10 units of health.

    Blue= blue root (Rhina Root) + bottle.

    Effect: restoration of 10 units of mana.

    Yellow= yellow flowers (Poppysnaps) + bottle.

    Effect: temporary increase of seven main characteristics by 10 points.

    Level 2 Potions

    Created from the combination of the above bubbles. Cost twenty-five gold.

    Green= yellow + blue.

    Effect: a temporary increase in all resistances by 10 units.

    Purple= red + blue.

    Effect: neutralization of the poison.

    Orange= red + yellow.

    Effect: a temporary increase in the level of protection by 10 units.

    Level 3 potions

    This group includes all white potions, which, in turn, are obtained from alchemical experiments with colored bubbles. Cost fifty gold.

    White(Super Resistance) = blue + green.

    White(Bless) = purple + blue.

    Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, it blesses the characters. Duration - 6 hours.

    White(Stone Skin) = orange + blue.

    Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, increases protection. Duration - 6 hours.

    White(Haste) = yellow + green.

    Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, speeds up the actions of the character. Duration - 6 hours.

    White(Extreme Energy) = orange + yellow.

    Effect: a temporary increase in seven main characteristics by 20 units.

    White(Heroism) = red + orange.

    Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, it increases the damage done by the character. Duration - 6 hours.

    White(Restoration) = purple + green.

    Effect: completely heals the character from harmful misfortunes, except for death and petrification.

    White(Extreme Protection) = green + orange.

    Effect: a temporary increase in the level of protection by 20 units.

    Level 4 potions

    This group includes black potions, which are by far the most powerful and difficult to make. Cost one hundred gold. Note that all seven Essense of ... bubbles are permanent.

    Black(Essence of Intellect) = blue + white (Stone Skin).

    Effect: increases intelligence by 15, decreases strength by 5.

    Black(Essence of Personality) = blue + white (Restoration).

    Effect: increases personality by 15, decreases speed by 5.

    Black(Essence of Luck) = purple + white (Super Resistance).

    Effect: increases luck by 15, decreases agility by 5.

    Black(Essence of Might) = red + white (Heroism).

    Effect: increases strength by 15, decreases intelligence by 5.

    Black(Essence of Speed) = red + white (Haste).

    Effect: increases speed by 15, reduces personality by 5.

    Black(Essence of Accuracy) = yellow + white (Bless).

    Effect: Increases Agility by 15, Decreases Luck by 5.

    Black(Essence of Endurance) = yellow + white (Supreme Protection).

    Effect: increases personality by 15, decreases strength by 5.

    Black(Divine Cure) = Orange + White (Restoration).

    Effect: restores 100 health units. The character ages one year.

    Black(Divine Magic) = green + white (Super Resistance).

    Effect: restores 100 units of mana. The character ages one year.

    Black(Divine Power) = purple + white (Extreme Energy).

    Effect: the character temporarily acquires 20 levels. The character ages one year.

    Black(Divine Cure) = Green + White (Extreme Energy).

    Effect: removes from the character all the effects of magical aging. All the main seven characteristics are reduced by one.

    When doing alchemical studies on your own, be extremely careful and collected. Never experiment with black potions as one of the two ingredients. However, if you came to visit your best friend (who also plays in M ​​& M6) and want to do him a little dirty trick or just joke, then offer him to mix something like:

    White Potion (Haste) + Black (Essence of Personality);

    Haste + Divine Cure.

    War is nonsense, the main thing is maneuver

    In Might & Magic 6, this postulate is undeniable. It is maneuvers that make it possible for a relatively weak squad to resist and defeat strong enemies. Here we will look at some of the possible maneuvers.

    Strategic retreat

    As soon as your mage becomes a master of Water and he has the Town Portal and Loyd's Beacon spells, you will be able to perform one of the simplest and at the same time most effective maneuvers in the game.

    Let's say you want to clear the Dragonsands area of ​​dragons. Get to this area so that there are no dragons around (to do this, enter the area along the road from the Blacshire area), and have the mage first put a beacon (Set Beacon). Cast all possible protective spells on the entire group. Take a look around. As soon as you spot the dragon, let the cheering crowd (your squadron) zig-zag forward (so that the dragon does not get hit by its fire), chanting the words of one of the characters of the Golden Calf with foam at the mouth: “Give me a million!”. Having approached the dragon, go to turn-based mode and quickly deal with it, after which the mage will immediately transfer the entire group using the Town Portal spell to the city of New Sorpigal. Now lead the group to the local temple. If all members of the squad are alive (enough so that they have at least one hit point) and are not exposed to harmful spells or poison, then the full restoration of their health and mana will cost only 10 gold per person (in all other temples the price is for treatment will be much higher). After leaving the temple, the mage will again use Loyd's Beacon (Recall Beacon) and return the group to the Dragonsands area. Since very little time has actually passed, all the previously imposed protective spells still work and there is no need to spend mana on them. Take on the next dragon again.

    This method allows you to very quickly go through dungeons and areas, thereby raising the reputation of your heroes, which is very important if you want to make one of them a master of the Light.

    Avoiding enemy shells

    The described tactics are suitable only for owners of the Fly spell. When you see an enemy, choose one of two behaviors. If he does not shoot or use magic, then he will not be able to respond to attacks directed from above. If the monster throws all kinds of nasty things in order to knock out the flying heroes, then get a little closer to him and go to turn-based mode. In this mode, the heroes cannot move, but they have the opportunity ( Pg Up and Pg Dn) rise and fall, thereby avoiding the "shells". For a sharp escape from the enemy spell, press Home... Another interesting point - in step-by-step mode, the chance of hitting the enemy with a spell is approximately 85% - 95%, since he stands still and does not try to dodge, even being able to fly.

    "Bug" with teleportation spells

    If, in real time, during a battle with enemies, you go to inspect the book with spells, then time, as you know, will stop. However, if the magician used Town Portal or Lloyd's Beacon, then time will pass again, and you will be attacked by enemies, even if the magician still chooses where to teleport the group, that is, he has not finished studying his magic book. At the same time, you do not see enemies and are unable to fight back. To avoid repeating this kind of situation, go to step by step mode.

    Move around in run mode all the time. Unfortunately, there is no Auto Run function in the game, so keep the key pressed. Shift... In open terrain, practice running diagonally, indoors - in movement backward with your back, so that, in an organized retreat, do not let the monsters out of sight. During such a retreat, periodically glance at the "radar" so that the unexpected appearance of opponents in the rear does not catch the heroes by surprise. Once in the fresh air, immediately cast a flight spell on the squad: it is more convenient to fight off enemies, visibility is farther, and the speed of movement on the map doubles. If you also "run" during the flight, you can bypass any region in three to four minutes.

    Search the corpses of enemies. So you will pick up a certain amount of gold or find a valuable thing. Moreover, it is known that four types of monsters (dragons, high titans, efreet and great wyrm) can carry an artifact or relic with them. These items are especially common among red dragons. Be sure to bring the skill of observation (Perception) to the level of an expert or master - this is necessary for opening doors in the Supreme Temple of Baa, and also useful when discovering secret doors, traps and switches. Information on them is displayed on the "radar" - an auto map. It was also noticed that the hero with the most developed observation has more chances to remove an expensive thing from the corpse of a defeated monster than his comrades.

    Some enemies are capable of breaking things in the characters' inventory, repair them after the battle. If you notice that the hero's weapons or armor are broken, then it is better to repair them immediately right during the battle. Remove from the character, give it to a friend with the repair skill, repair it with a click of the mouse and put it back on. Continue your military work.

    Do not "spray" the damage done to the enemy. Agree, it's better to kill one monster and not touch the rest, than to beat everyone a little. Please note that monsters have a habit of completely regenerating "life" if you leave the premises or move to the next area.

    Sitting more comfortably at your computer to “hang out” in the M & M6, prepare a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Such preparations will certainly come in handy for you, since a significant part of the information is not automatically noted in the travel notebook. In particular, you will have to write down or memorize all the interesting thoughts of the peasants about the things you are interested in, as well as especially important information on the plot tasks - the "Quests" section speaks rather dryly about your instructions.

    Heroes, like the mafia, are immortal. The characters, even brought up to the millennium for fun, remained alive and well. Of course, their martial art decreased, as well as a number of characteristics, but judging by their faces, the heroes remained young and carefree. Another fact: a large number of years spent on the way will significantly reduce the displayed statistics at the end of the game.

    Experiment with both turn-based and real-time modes.

    The former is great for surface battles, while the latter is more useful in dungeons. Usually turn-based brings tangible results when fighting one or more strong and fast monsters, real-time - in a battle with a crowd of middlings and clumsy lone strongmen.

    Magic Tips for Experienced Players. Once in the dungeon, immediately apply the following spells: Day of Gods, Day of Protection, Hour of Power, Torch and Wizard's Eye. Any sequence, but it is better to start with the "Eye of the Wizard" in order to immediately spot the enemies next to you. Strengthened and protected in this way, characters with the proper approach will defeat any creature without risking their lives.

    Take care of Create Food in advance - there should always be a supply of food, even if you are not going to sleep. In nature, ditch Torch in favor of Fly and only move while flying. Volatility is vital in the Dragonsands region and is especially relevant in turn-based mode.


    We play tricky

    Using errors and shortcomings of programmers ("bugs") in the game means not cheating, but showing ingenuity and ingenuity. For fans of this kind of game, we reveal some of the secrets of Might & Magic 6.

    Gaining access to skills prohibited for a class

    Take the magician as an example. Many gambling addicts have a great desire to pack the sorcerer in board armor and hand him a two-handed sword, but in theory the wizard is not able to learn the corresponding skill. Well, go to the nearest guild Berserker's Fury or Blade's End, where you will buy all the skills offered to the mage. Then continuously click the mouse on the inscription that says "Seek knowledge elsewhere ..." (the process will take about half a minute), and as soon as you hear the sound of money being counted, consider that the magician has acquired one new skill that is inaccessible to him. If you want to get other abilities, continue the process of knocking out the skills. Having visited both of the aforementioned guilds, it is quite possible to teach the wizard how to use a sword, spear and ax, as well as the ability to wear chain mail and board armor, and use a shield. This trick works for all party members, regardless of age, gender, or class background. Whatever one may say, the plank armor is the most durable, and in it all characters, without exception, are much less sensitive to enemy attacks, and a sword in the hands of a cleric will look much more beautiful than any maces. If you decide to use the above cheat, then get ready to tinker a little, vp

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