Samurai Warriors 2 Players. Additional Game Modes

Until recently, games from KOEI Corporation were a rare guest in our area. Ideological alien platformers militants bypassed the penates of the proud owners of mice and keyboards. But 2008 was a turning point, and projects from KOEI began to be carried over one by one. It's time to get acquainted with a unique type of militants: "How one hero won a million Chinese" ...

Japanese mythology

The campaign is interesting to take place at least because of the videos. They are surprisingly good.

Of course, about a million Chinese people is a slight exaggeration. The game takes place in ancient Japan during the Sengoku Jidai, or the Age of the Howling Provinces. The time period was chosen for a reason. At this difficult time for Japan, there was no strong centralized power in the state. The emperor had no real power, the country was shaken by constant wars between the feudal clans.

However, at the same time, there is a strong development of national culture. It was then that things appeared or became widespread that are now habitually associated with Japan: take at least rock gardens. Sengoku Jidai lasted almost a hundred years, and it is not surprising that as a result of long and bloody wars, many heroes and famous military leaders appeared in folklore and official chronicles.

Samurai Warriors 2 really shows real events and characters, but the developers present them in an entourage of myths and fairy tales. If a legendary warrior, then one can go against a thousandth army and win. In general, the game features characters and events that are more characteristic of contemporary Chinese art (primarily, we are talking about cinema). Characters run over their heads, scatter dozens of enemies with one blow of a huge hammer and periodically fly.

Gradually passing the game, you will unlock new characters.

Each character has a different fighting style. This one is fast and fights with a stupid fan.

Perhaps, due to the attempt to cover a huge time period and show all more or less significant characters in the game, there is no plot as such. You choose one of the available heroes and start the campaign. It consists of six missions, each of which is a historical battle.

By defeating all enemies and completing all missions, you gain eternal glory and unlock a new character. This is how the whole game proceeds. But do not think that Samurai Warriors 2 can be safely completed in a few evenings. Twenty-six characters with five missions each - that's an incredible amount of hours of play.

Each character is unique in both combat style and appearance, so unlocking new characters is an exciting experience. In addition, this is a kind of challenge to the player, because getting everyone is not at all easy. An additional incentive for passing are excellent cutscenes between missions. Of course, they cannot be compared to Blizzard's masterpieces, but for a game on a fairly modest budget, they are simply great.

Massacre of many thousands

However, all this is lyrics, but for such action movie, the gameplay itself is first of all important. Historical events and mythology are nice things, of course, but this is nothing more than an entourage. The main thing is a merciless battle. And with that, Samurai Warriors 2 is in complete order.

Many characters prefer weapons with a specific element. Ms. Tochibana is clearly hinting that she is partial to electricity.

Before each mission, a brief semi-historical background is given. However, this does not make it any easier, because it is clearly designed for a person who understands the history of Japan.

The game mechanics are reminiscent of Trevor Chan's project Wars & Warriors: Joan of Arc (just don't think that this is a source of inspiration, quite the opposite!). There is a huge battlefield. There is your hero, his officers and detachments of soldiers. There is an enemy army with generals. There are tasks that you need to complete in order to win the mission.

With joyful shouts you crash into the enemy squad, get to the general and kill him. It seems to be nothing tricky ... But the beauty is that the combat system is polished almost to the ideal. Against the detachments of ordinary soldiers, you need to use one battle tactics, against the generals - completely different techniques.

Fighting in Samurai Warriors 2 is really difficult. There are many enemies, and they are far from cannon fodder. Constantly pounding on the hit button, you will not be able to win. In addition, one skill to masterfully smite the enemy is not enough. Tasks are often limited in time, and you need to plan your actions - where and which enemy group to destroy, when to start the attack and from which side to attack ...

In addition to the strategic elements, the game has a simple role-playing system. The character grows in level, you can buy new skills, and also hire a bodyguard. Lovers of riding attacks will be pleased with the presence of a horse. True, her behavior is rather strange - the horse can instantly turn 90 degrees at a gallop - but battles on horseback do not cease to be less pleasant from this.

After killing many enemies and accumulating energy, you can perform an especially powerful technique that will kill even more enemies.

Many characters are fraught with surprises. Do you think he has a spear in his hands? No, it's a cannon in disguise. No kidding!

The list of entertainment doesn't end there. There is an analogue of the board game "Monopoly", only with a non-linear map and mini-games. But perhaps the most enjoyable additional mode is survival battles. Crowds of enemies will not be set on you, checking how much you can withstand. You will be offered challenging but interesting challenges. The element of "survival" lies not only in the complexity, but also in the severe limitation of the save. Only once - after five completed tasks.

Samurai Warriors 2 suffers from classic diseases for a game carried over from a console: lack of normal support for widescreen monitors and disgusting controls. It's impossible to play without a joystick. In battle, about a dozen keys are constantly involved. When playing the keyboard, you have to tap combinations of strokes with the perfect precision of a professional typist, trying to press several keys at the same time.

Take into account the fact that the keys will have to be pressed frequently, so after a few hours of intense play, inflammation of the fingertips cannot be avoided. If you don't want to use Samurai Warriors 2 as a kinky typing trainer, it's best to consider purchasing a joystick.

For all the merits of Samurai Warriors 2, it is unlikely to be very popular. Too unusual genre, completely atypical for PC players. Sticks in the wheels and disgusting carry. Tapping out combinations of blows on the keyboard is a terrible torment. Yes, it's a predictable and somewhat old-fashioned game, but the best in its genre. And this, you see, is worth a lot.

many characters, interesting battleshigh complexity, a lot of monotonous
pretty ...... but the picture is out of date
dynamic musicnasty voices and sounds
Game world
a mixture of real events and Japanese mythologyno normal plot, stupid pathos
no bugs, good optimizationplaying with the keyboard is a real torment


In the menu, you can look around the battlefield and even find out where which heroes are. However, this practically has no semantic meaning.

The first thing to know about Samurai Warriors 2 is that it is a really challenging game. In it, no one will explain the basics to you, gradually increasing the difficulty - the player is thrown into battle without further ado. Therefore, get ready that the victory will often have to be snatched from the hands of the enemy. Do you like complexity? Then this is the game for you.

The standard mission is as follows. The character appears on a large map, where the enemy troops are located (sometimes there are more than two enemies). On the map there can be fortresses, ships and other objects that can be captured. As you progress through the mission, you will receive tasks: kill an enemy general, prevent the enemy from leaving, capture a fortress, save a friendly general.

There are always big problems with the latter, especially if two friendly generals are pressed at once in different parts of the map, and you still have to fight your way through large detachments of enemies. And if several enemy commanders block the road at once, everything can end very sadly.

In addition to the initial recruitment of troops, you and the enemy receive reinforcements from special points - these are roads, fortresses, and so on. These points need to be captured and held in order to make up for losses and prevent a critical advantage in troops from enemies. Capturing points occurs by destroying special units that protect them. They are easily recognizable by their armor and the captain at the head of the unit.

To the left of the character is the captain, who is guarding the reinforcement point. If the enemy kills him, we will not see any help.

During battles, the fighting spirit of the soldiers plays an important role. The higher it is, the better comrades fight. What positively influences morale? Numerical advantage, the death of an enemy general, the arrival of help, the encirclement of the enemy's fortress. Actually, the same factors affect the decrease in morale, but only when they are on the side of the enemy.

How to behave in battle? In the battle with ordinary soldiers, just stay out of the crowd of enemies. With enemy generals, everything is much more complicated. First, remember to block on time. This is often neglected by inexperienced players. Secondly, carefully study the techniques of the character you are playing for (you can learn them right in the game). You must know his strengths and weaknesses. Thirdly, try to constantly run around the general, trying to attack from the back. Thus, you get rid of the need to punch the block.

Look for new weapons, they are usually hidden in chests. Many blades (or whatever the character fights with) have special properties - a natural element. The fiery sword strikes with fire, the icy one freezes the enemies, the demonic one just severely cripples. Many characters prefer a certain element, and if you choose the right weapon, they will start dealing maximum damage.

Role-playing system

Samurai Warriors 2 has a simple character development system. By killing opponents and collecting pluses, the hero gains experience points. After collecting a certain number of points, the character reaches the next level. The higher the level, the higher the characteristics: health, muusu (energy for special attacks), attack, defense, riding, speed, agility and luck.

Who is there in Samurai Warriors 2 ... Here, for example, a little girl who fights with a child's toy.

But besides the characteristics, there are five skill groups. They can be bought (look for the store in the mission selection menu) or learned during the battle when killing an enemy general. However, in the latter case, what kind of skills you can learn depends on the level of difficulty and the "Giftedness" skill. The higher it is, the more skills are available. Particularly strong skills can only be obtained by completing a specific mission in the survival mode.

Ability... They improve the characteristics of the character - attack, health, etc.

Growth... How quickly the characteristics of the character will increase depends on these skills. It is best to take them right at the beginning for fast growth.

Battle... Skills that help in battle in one way or another. For example, they increase the chance of getting a critical hit.

Special... All other skills that the developers did not think to place in any group. Basically, there are skills that involve healing and resurrection.

Self... This group contains unique skills for a specific character. In other groups, they are the same for all heroes.

Additional game modes

In Samurai Warriors 2, in addition to the main mode, there are two additional ones. The first is survival battles. The essence of this fun is quite simple. You enter the castle and start clearing floor by floor. Each floor has its own task - to save the assistant, in ten minutes to get a certain number of blows, to deal with the enemy generals, etc. For every five floors passed, you are given a prize, and for completed tasks you are often given a reward - unique bodyguards, a new character or weapon, skills.

The more locks are in a row, the higher their cost.

In addition to free lands, there are shrines on the map, by visiting which you can get a pleasant plus.

Wait for the character to reach the maximum level before going into battle. There is a certain fee to enter the castle, and if you lose, no one will return the money. And the tests are usually quite difficult, so you shouldn't even try before level 30. Every five floors, the result is automatically saved, you can also visit the store. True, if you start to go through the survival mode with a new character, the old save will disappear.

The second entertainment that awaits in Samurai Warriors 2 is the board game Sugoroku. This is a kind of interpretation of the immortal "Monopoly". There is a map divided into squares. You start the game in your castle. When it's turn time, you roll the dice and choose where to go. When you get to no man's land, you can buy it and establish a castle there.

When the enemy gets to your castle, he will have to pay a third of the cost of the land. The more lands are interconnected, the higher their cost. If you got to someone else's castle, you can challenge the enemy, then you have to win one of six mini-games. And in order not to be too simple, before the start of the duel, a certain effect is randomly applied to the characters. In case of victory, the enemy land goes to you.

The aim of the game is to accumulate a certain amount of money. In addition to exterminating enemies that fall on your castles, you can collect three flags and return them to your family estate. Depending on the amount of occupied lands, you will receive a monetary (and very serious) bonus. Sugoroku is a tricky game, so don't expect to win on the fly.

Dynasty warriors 6

I don’t know what happened to KOEI Corporation, but in 2008 four games of this company will be transferred to personal computers. This is an unusually large amount, especially considering the fact that before, with a terrible creak, they endured one game every four years. The Japanese PC version of Dynasty Warriors 6 has already hit store shelves, but nothing has been heard about the European release yet.

At first glance, Dynasty Warriors 6 only has one major difference from Samurai Warriors 2 - the new graphics engine. The second difference is revealed if you read the annotation for the game: now the action takes place in China and partially overlaps with the game Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11. Further it is much more difficult to find the differences, because it seems as if the same things happen in both games.

In fact, in principle, this is how it is. Differences, of course, exist, but you can only notice them by thoroughly playing some other Warriors. However, they do exist and affect the gameplay. If you liked Samurai Warriors 2, be sure to try Dynasty Warriors 6. At least because of the new graphics engine.

If Dynasty Warriors 6 is about Chinese history, and Samurai Warriors 2 is about Japanese civil war, then in Warriors Orochi the developers tell the following spooky story. One day, the snake king Orochi, before starting another invasion of Earth, decided to test his army for readiness. And for the sake of this, to his misfortune, he kidnapped the best warriors of Japan and China.

Actually, in the role of these seventy-seven warriors you have to prove to the viper that kidnapping the valiant warriors of Japan and China is very dangerous to health. Actually, that's all. Next, you have to do the same as in Dynasty Warriors 6 and Samurai Warriors 2: kill hundreds of soldiers, fight with generals, capture fortresses, etc.

Again, there are differences, but it is very difficult for an unprepared player to find them. For example, you can play as many as three characters in turn in a mission. Warriors Orochi was already released on personal computers at the end of March, so if you really like Samurai Warriors 2, you can immediately continue your acquaintance with the games from KOEI.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 is the only strategy game from KOEI Corporation to come to PC. Games from this series did not appear on the European market for a long time. Although in Asian countries, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 is very popular.

As with Dynasty Warriors 6, Warriors Orochi and Samurai Warriors 2, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 is, by and large, nothing to compare. Yes, this is a global turn-based strategy game, but apart from the genre, it has nothing in common with Western models. Japanese strategy games are unique, with many elements on the verge of mixing genres.

Like many games from KOEI, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 terribly difficult game... One gets the feeling that the developers are deliberately trying to give the player as many difficulties as possible. The enemy does not allow you to relax, the game mechanics are confusing and far from giving in immediately, and the interface builds malicious intrigues.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 does not even challenge the player, she tries to destroy him and drive away from herself forever. But at the same time, everyone who can get through the many obstacles will discover an amazingly deep game with many possibilities and dozens of strategy options.

The game comes out at the end of July - that is, it should already be on the shelves at the time the magazine goes on sale, so if you like complex and smart turn-based strategies, you can try your hand.

Characters (edit)

Yukimura sanada

Health: 115 (289), muusu: 92 (276), attack: 88 (181), protection: 91 (186), horse riding: 92 (181), speed: 110 (175), dexterity: 114 (179), luck: 93 (187).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. A samurai in red armor is armed with a spear, which allows you to attack the enemy from a safe distance. A fairly balanced character with good techniques: breaking through defenses, powerful single attacks and hitting the crowd - there is everything. Only special attacks are completely useless. Of the interesting abilities, it is worth noting the whistle that calls the horse. It is very convenient and time-saving.

Keiji maeda

Health: 128 (317), muusu: 82 (246), attack: 95 (198), protection: 95 (198), horse riding: 95 (185), speed: 94 (154), dexterity: 86 (146), luck: 93 (190).

A crazy looking samurai armed with a giant fork can be obtained by completing the Kanetsugu Naoe campaign. This is one of the best fighters, who has practically no flaws, except that some techniques are performed for a long time. The most useful trick of the character is the capture and throw of the enemy. With it, you can quickly break through the enemy's block and inflict good damage. This character also knows how to whistle a horse, but given his fighting style, you won't use this skill often.

Nobunaga oda

Health: 115 (289), muusu: 94 (282), attack: 91 (186), protection: 83 (183), horse riding: 97 (188), speed: 106 (171), dexterity: 106 (171), luck: 99 (196).

A grim samurai dressed in all black is obtained by completing the Magoichi Saika campaign. Its ability to increase strike range, attack speed and damage dealt is ideal for battling enemy generals. Just do not be greedy and accumulate strength to the maximum, you may not have time to hit. To prevent this from happening, use the second ability - a protective barrier. The character's attacks not only inflict damage, but also temporarily disorient the enemy.

Mitsuhide Akechi

Health: 118 (292), muusu: 90 (270), attack: 89 (183), protection: 91 (186), horse riding: 93 (183), speed: 106 (171), dexterity: 100 (165), luck: 87 (182).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. The first special move is quite good because of the decent damage and attack speed. But the second is much more pleasant - thanks to him, the character automatically strikes from the block for some time, interrupts the enemy's attack and inflicts damage on him. This is useful during battles with generals when there are not too many enemy soldiers around. Try to equip the character with weapons with additional electricity damage. This is his favorite element.

Kenshin uesugi

Health: 125 (314), muusu: 84 (252), attack: 95 (198), protection: 92 (193), horse riding: 89 (176), speed: 90 (150), dexterity: 86 (146), luck: 93 (187).

This character is obtained by completing the Kanetsugu Naoe campaign. The samurai has a variety of hits that deal area damage, which means it is best suited for attacks against groups of opponents. I was unpleasantly upset by the technique that penetrates the enemy's block: it inflicts too little damage. His special blow - an explosion of energy - not only deals damage, but also disorientates the enemy. Try to use it to immobilize an enemy general before attacking.


Health: 103 (261), muusu: 106 (318), attack: 84 (169), protection: 85 (171), horse riding: 90 (178), speed: 124 (194), dexterity: 126 (196), luck: 105 (200).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. A funny heroine who is armed with a Japanese national children's toy. Despite her fragile physique, the Japanese mistress is incredibly fast. Her blows are not very strong, but due to the speed of the attack, the enemy often simply does not have time to respond. She also knows how to summon allies and temporarily improve their characteristics.


Health: 117 (291), muusu: 89 (267), attack: 90 (184), protection: 91 (185), horse riding: 86 (172), speed: 96 (158), dexterity: 94 (154), luck: 105 (200).

You will get this character if you win in Sugoroku in single player mode. If the previous heroine fought with a child's toy, then this lady uses an umbrella as a weapon. However, apart from exotic weapons, the character cannot boast of anything else. Attacks are frankly weak, especially difficult to fight against a large group of enemies. Even the ability to reduce the enemy's defense by half due to the same increase in his attack does not save.

Magoichi saika

Health: 113 (286), muusu: 92 (276), attack: 88 (181), protection: 89 (183), horse riding: 87 (173), speed: 102 (167), dexterity: 106 (171), luck: 93 (189).

This character will become available after completing the campaign as Mitsuhide Akechi. Another character with exotic weapons. He uses a huge musket and bayonet to exterminate enemies. The musketeer shows himself best when it comes to fighting an enemy general, but it is advisable that other opponents do not get into the fight too actively. Many of the character's techniques are in one way or another related to shooting, so it is not recommended to get into close combat.

Shingen takeda

Health: 128 (317), muusu: 80 (240), attack: 93 (195), protection: 95 (198), horse riding: 83 (167), speed: 88 (148), dexterity: 82 (142), luck: 97 (181).

This character will become available after completing the campaign as Kenshin Uesugi. When playing this hero, we must not forget that he has a low attack and movement speed, so fast opponents are a great danger. The special techniques are of particular interest. Capture followed by a throw not only incapacitates the victim, but also cripples enemies who are nearby. You can also randomly improve one of the characteristics for ten seconds.

Masamune date

Health: 105 (264), muusu: 102 (306), attack: 85 (171), protection: 88 (176), horse riding: 104 (199), speed: 124 (194), dexterity: 126 (196), luck: 99 (192).

This character will become available when you complete the Magoichi Saika campaign. The second hero in the game who fights with a firearm. Of course, he still has a saber, but his main weapon is precisely pistols. With their help, you can hit several opponents at once from a long distance. Enemies are not saved even by a block, so enemy generals who like to stand in defense will be unpleasantly surprised. Be sure to find and then upgrade your weapon with additional cold damage. With its help, the character will become truly terrifying.


Health: 115 (289), muusu: 96 (288), attack: 88 (181), protection: 88 (181), horse riding: 87 (173), speed: 106 (171), dexterity: 100 (165), luck: 93 (189).

This character will become available when you play the Nobunaga Oda campaign. One of the few characters with almost normal melee weapons. A fairly fast fighter with good techniques, but her explosive handling skill is much more useful. You can plant bombs to lure the enemy into a trap later. The explosion of the bomb not only cripples, but also deafens enemies. Use bombs as an auxiliary weapon to weaken the enemy before hand-to-hand combat.

Hanzo hattori

Health: 103 (261), muusu: 100 (300), attack: 87 (174), protection: 84 (169), horse riding: 101 (194), speed: 130 (200), dexterity: 150 (200), luck: 93 (187).

This character will become available when you play the Kotaro Fuma campaign. The frail ninja relies on speed, because the force of the blow, unfortunately, let us down. Get ready to constantly attack and run. Although he is armed with a sickle with a flail, the ninja have practically no ranged attacks (throwing shuriken does not really change the alignment). The most interesting feature is the ability to create up to three clones that will help in the battle.

Ranmaru Mori

Health: 108 (267), muusu: 102 (306), attack: 87 (174), protection: 85 (171), horse riding: 96 (187), speed: 124 (194), dexterity: 122 (192), luck: 87 (180).

This character will become available when you complete certain tasks in the survival battle mode. A Japanese warrior girl can keep almost any enemy at a distance, since with such a huge long sword this is not a problem. However, she has a slow attack speed, so you need to start hitting early. The heroine's techniques are strictly specialized - one against single opponents, the other is effective only against the crowd - so carefully study the combinations of blows.

Tadakatsu Honda

Health: 128 (317), muusu: 82 (246), attack: 96 (200), protection: 96 (200), horse riding: 94 (184), speed: 90 (150), dexterity: 90 (150), luck: 93 (189).

This character will become available when you complete the campaign as Ieyasu Tokugawa. The Japanese military leader is armed with a spear, which allows him to keep the enemy at a distance. Almost all techniques are quite slow, but they do a lot of damage. He can also restore muesa using a special technique. True, it takes a long time, so the ability is difficult to use directly in battle.

Hideyoshi toyotomi

Health: 110 (270), muusu: 102 (306), attack: 85 (171), protection: 87 (174), horse riding: 105 (200), speed: 120 (190), dexterity: 128 (198), luck: 105 (198).

This character will become available when you complete the Mitsunari Ishida campaign. The Japanese commander, despite his impressive armor, moves and attacks quickly enough. In addition, the staff allows you to beat the enemy from a safe distance. The first special move makes the enemy leave gold after death. This is the best way to raise money quickly. With the second special technique, he lowers the enemy's defense, but increases his attack. Sometimes useful in battles against enemy generals, but nothing more.


Health: 113 (286), muusu: 92 (276), attack: 88 (181), protection: 88 (181), horse riding: 98 (190), speed: 110 (175), dexterity: 118 (183), luck: 93 (189).

This character will become available when you play the Tadakatsu Honda campaign. Another shooter, but this time a girl, armed with a monstrous bow. You can also fight hand-to-hand with a bow, since two sharp blades on the sides dispose to this. But the main purpose of the heroine is to hit the enemy from afar. Try to find weapons with cold damage. So you will inflict maximum damage and freeze the enemy. The last one to not run away anywhere.

Ieyasu Tokugawa

Health: 125 (314), muusu: 84 (252), attack: 93 (195), protection: 95 (198), horse riding: 84 (169), speed: 86 (146), dexterity: 82 (142), luck: 99 (194).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. The Japanese general has a surprise weapon. At first glance, it is an ordinary spear, in fact, it is a disguised cannon that shoots huge cannonballs painfully. The main drawback of the character is strong, but slow attacks. In addition, the spear does not have such a large attack radius. But cannon shots are great for killing enemy generals.

Mitsunari ishida

Health: 115 (289), muusu: 92 (276), attack: 89 (183), protection: 89 (183), horse riding: 92 (181), speed: 106 (171), dexterity: 100 (165), luck: 87 (183).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. In addition to the girl with a children's toy, Samurai Warriors 2 has a boy with a battle fan. The main drawback of the character is the attack radius and the slow execution of some techniques. He has only one special technique, but it is divided into two parts: first you place mines, and then you detonate them. Bombs are an excellent trap that will not only cripple the enemy, but also temporarily shock him. And then it's time to attack ...

Nagamasa Azai

Health: 115 (289), muusu: 90 (270), attack: 91 (186), protection: 88 (181), horse riding: 99 (191), speed: 106 (171), dexterity: 100 (165), luck: 87 (180).

This character will become available when you play the Oichi campaign. The long spear allows you to attack most enemies from a decent distance, and this should be used constantly. Try to get demonic weapons faster or in extreme cases with cold damage. His special move adds special weapon properties (demonic, ice, etc.) to normal attacks, making attacks truly deadly.

Sakon shima

Health: 118 (292), muusu: 92 (276), attack: 91 (186), protection: 91 (186), horse riding: 91 (179), speed: 102 (167), dexterity: 100 (165), luck: 92 (190).

This character will become available when you complete the Mitsunari Ishida campaign. A samurai with a huge cleaver is pleasant primarily because he has practically no useless techniques. Moreover, in order to successfully fight, it is not at all necessary to memorize all the techniques, it is enough to memorize two or three blows. His special technique - the area attack - not only concussion the enemy, but can penetrate the block. Therefore, you can use this technique in battles against enemy generals.

Yoshihiro shimazu

Health: 130 (320), muusu: 80 (240), attack: 93 (195), protection: 93 (195), horse riding: 85 (170), speed: 90 (150), dexterity: 86 (146), luck: 87 (182).

This character will become available when you complete the Ginchiyo Tachibana campaign. A mustachioed samurai with a large hammer mainly specializes in area-based attacks. The best tactic is to keep the enemy at a distance, since the attack radius allows you to constantly push back with blows. True, this requires skill - the hero is rather slow. His ability to increase attack by decreasing defense is relatively useful, but you need to make sure that the enemy cannot break through your defenses.

Ginchiyo tachibana

Health: 108 (267), muusu: 102 (306), attack: 84 (169), protection: 87 (174), horse riding: 90 (178), speed: 124 (194), dexterity: 126 (196), luck: 93 (189).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. Lady Tachibana is an unusually balanced character. She has decent punching power and attack speed. True, some of the techniques are useless, but the rest are more than enough. With the help of a special ability, you can increase the attack speed, which is very helpful in large battles. Be sure to look for weapons with electricity damage, with its help, Lady Tachibana will begin to inflict maximum damage.

Kanetsugu naoe

Health: 115 (289), muusu: 94 (282), attack: 89 (183), protection: 89 (183), horse riding: 92 (181), speed: 102 (167), dexterity: 106 (171), luck: 99 (194).

This character will become available when you complete the Yukimura Sanada campaign. The graceful-looking young man relies on speed. His attacks are swift, so a sharp attack followed by a retreat is a good tactic. The first special move is to create a force field that protects the character. The second special move is to slow enemies in a certain radius. This is useful when a crowd of enemies begins to surround you.


Health: 100 (358), muusu: 104 (312), attack: 84 (169), protection: 84 (169), horseback riding: 96 (187), speed: 126 (196), dexterity: 150 (200), luck: 99 (192).

This character will become available when you complete the Hideyoshi Toyotomi campaign. Fast character with short attack range. The first special move is to create up to three copies of the heroine. Do not expect too much help from the clones, but in any case, they will at least distract the enemy. The second special technique - transforming into another character (he must be nearby) - is rather strange. Yes, you get the abilities of the character you turned into, but you still need to remember how to use them.

Kotaro fuma

Health: 108 (267), muusu: 100 (300), attack: 88 (176), protection: 85 (171), horse riding: 100 (193), speed: 126 (196), dexterity: 150 (200), luck: 87 (183).

This character is available from the very beginning of the game. The evil ninja bugai fights with the help of combat gauntlets, so most of the techniques do not have a special strike range. But all ranged attacks happen by miraculous stretching of hands. The ninja compensates for his shortcomings with the speed of attack and the power of blows. Special moves are not very useful, except that the throw can be used to break a block from an enemy general.

Musashi Miyamoto

Health: 120 (295), muusu: 92 (276), attack: 92 (188), protection: 88 (181), horseback riding: 93 (182), speed: 106 (171), dexterity: 106 (171), luck: 93 (189).

This character becomes available when you unlock all characters except Okuni and Ranmaru Mori. As you can see, getting this warrior is very difficult. However, a samurai with two swords cannot boast of any unique talents. The only thing he does really well is breaking blocks of enemies. The first special move allows you to automatically counterattack the enemy. The second technique is a wild cry that instantly replenishes the muesa.


Any decent ancient Japanese hero is simply obliged to have a personal bodyguard who will protect the overlord until his last breath. The defender, like the character, can grow in level and improve characteristics. You can also help in this if you take the "Teacher" skill, which additionally increases the characteristics of the bodyguard upon reaching a new level.

There are many defenders, but they can be divided into eleven types. You can see more detailed information about bodyguards, as well as their starting and maximum characteristics in the table.

The character Health Musu Attack Protection Horseback riding Speed Agility Luck Price
Takanobu ryuzoji 136 (256) 125 (233) 90 (167) 90 (167) 90 (167) 85 (156) 85 (156) 85 (156) 900
Kosuke Anayama 140 (260) 129 (237) 93 (170) 93 (170) 93 (170) 88 (159) 88 (159) 88 (159) 1600
Shikanosuke Yamanaka 144 (264) 133 (241) 95 (172) 95 (172) 95 (172) 90 (161) 90 (161) 90 (161) 2500
Masatoshi hoshina 145 (265) 134 (242) 96 (173) 96 (173) 96 (173) 91 (162) 91 (162) 91 (162) 2500
Moriyasu tozawa 148 (268) 136 (244) 98 (175) 98 (175) 98 (175) 93 (164) 93 (164) 93 (164) 3600
Sekishusai Yagyu 150 (270) 138 (246) 100 (177) 100 (177) 100 (177) 95 (166) 95 (166) 95 (166) 3600
Nobutsuna kamiizumi 152 (272) 140 (248) 101 (178) 101 (178) 101 (178) 96 (167) 96 (167) 96 (167) 4900
Lady samurai
Koma 132 (248) 129 (241) 90 (167) 88 (162) 88 (162) 88 (162) 88 (162) 88 (162) 900
Nana 136 (252) 132 (244) 93 (170) 90 (164) 90 (164) 90 (164) 90 (164) 90 (164) 1600
Inu oura 140 (256) 136 (148) 96 (173) 93 (167) 93 (167) 93 (167) 93 (167) 93 (167) 2500
Matsu maeda 144 (260) 140 (252) 98 (175) 95 (169) 95 (169) 95 (169) 95 (169) 95 (169) 3600
Kai 148 (264) 144 (256) 100 (178) 98 (172) 98 (172) 98 (172) 98 (172) 98 (172) 4900
Nagato fujibayashi 132 (248) 136 (256) 88 (162) 85 (156) 90 (167) 90 (167) 90 (167) 90 (167) 900
Isuke ninokuruwa 136 (252) 140 (260) 90 (164) 88 (159) 93 (170) 93 (170) 93 (170) 88 (159) 1600
Tamba momochi 140 (256) 144 (264) 93 (167) 90 (161) 96 (173) 96 (173) 96 (173) 90 (161) 2500
Sasuke Sarutobi 144 (260) 148 (268) 95 (169) 93 (164) 98 (175) 98 (175) 98 (175) 93 (164) 3600
Koji kashin 148 (264) 152 (272) 98 (172) 95 (166) 101 (178) 101 (178) 101 (178) 95 (166) 4900
Maria Konishi 129 (241) 132 (248) 88 (162) 85 (156) 88 (162) 93 (173) 93 (173) 93 (162) 900
Tiger gamo 132 (244) 136 (252) 90 (164) 88 (159) 90 (164) 96 (176) 96 (176) 90 (174) 1600
Usui 136 (248) 140 (256) 93 (167) 90 (161) 93 (167) 98 (178) 98 (178) 93 (167) 2500
Tsune kato 140 (252) 144 (260) 95 (169) 93 (164) 95 (169) 101 (181) 101 (181) 95 (169) 3600
Chiyojo mochizuki 144 (256) 148 (264) 98 (172) 95 (166) 98 (172) 104 (184) 104 (184) 98 (172) 4900
Sukenao inadome 129 (241) 129 (241) 85 (156) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (156) 900
Hisatoki tanegashima 132 (244) 132 (244) 88 (159) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 88 (159) 1600
Zenjubo Sugitani 136 (248) 136 (248) 90 (161) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 90 (161) 2500
Dojun Igasaki 140 (252) 140 (252) 93 (164) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 93 (164) 3600
Juzo kakei 144 (256) 144 (256) 95 (166) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 95 (166) 4900
Koshosho 125 (233) 132 (248) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 85 (156) 85 (156) 85 (162) 900
Tatsuko Kyogoku 129 (237) 136 (252) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 88 (159) 88 (159) 90 (164) 1600
Myorinni yoshioka 133 (241) 140 (256) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 90 (161) 90 (161) 93 (167) 2500
Chiyo Yamanouchi 136 (244) 144 (260) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 93 (164) 93 (164) 95 (169) 3600
Tsuru 140 (248) 148 (264) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 95 (166) 95 (166) 95 (172) 4900
Sansa honinbo 125 (233) 136 (256) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 90 (167) 900
Shoki kaisen 129 (237) 140 (260) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 93 (170) 1600
Suden ishin 133 (241) 144 (264) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 96 (173) 2500
Soho takuan 136 (244) 146 (268) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 98 (175) 3600
Tenkai nankobo 140 (248) 152 (272) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 101 (178) 4900
Holy maiden
Itoko Ikeda 122 (226) 139 (263) 80 (145) 80 (145) 80 (145) 82 (150) 82 (150) 93 (173) 900
Sayuri 125 (229) 143 (267) 82 (147) 82 (147) 82 (147) 85 (153) 85 (153) 96 (176) 1600
Is 129 (233) 148 (272) 84 (149) 84 (149) 84 (149) 87 (155) 87 (155) 98 (176) 2500
Aya 132 (236) 152 (276) 87 (152) 87 (152) 87 (152) 90 (158) 90 (158) 101 (181) 3600
Otsu Ono 136 (240) 156 (280) 89 (154) 89 (154) 89 (154) 92 (160) 92 (160) 104 (184) 4900
Sumo wrestler
Mataichiro namasue 139 (263) 122 (226) 93 (173) 88 (162) 80 (145) 80 (145) 80 (145) 82 (150) 900
Yoemon aochi 143 (267) 125 (229) 96 (176) 90 (164) 82 (147) 82 (147) 82 (147) 85 (153) 1600
Isa miyoshi 148 (272) 129 (233) 98 (178) 93 (167) 84 (149) 84 (149) 84 (149) 87 (149) 2500
Kumawaka 152 (276) 132 (236) 101 (181) 95 (169) 87 (152) 87 (152) 87 (152) 90 (158) 3600
Seikai Miyoshi 156 (280) 136 (240) 104 (184) 98 (172) 89 (154) 89 (154) 89 (154) 92 (160) 4900
Fire Ninja
Rokuro Mochizuki 129 (241) 125 (233) 85 (156) 82 (150) 80 (145) 82 (150) 82 (150) 82 (150) 900
Ginpachiro ono 132 (244) 129 (137) 88 (159) 85 (153) 82 (147) 85 (153) 85 (153) 85 (153) 1600
Danzo Kato 136 (248) 133 (241) 90 (161) 87 (155) 84 (149) 87 (155) 87 (155) 87 (155) 2500
Saizo kirigakure 140 (252) 136 (244) 93 (264) 90 (158) 87 (152) 90 (158) 90 (158) 90 (158) 3600
Hisahide matsunaga 144 (256) 140 (248) 95 (166) 92 (160) 89 (154) 92 (160) 92 (160) 92 (160) 4900
Special bodyguards
Kojiro sasaki 158 (274) 158 (278) 105 (179) 98 (169) 107 (184) 104 (181) 104 (181) 102 (173) 6400
Katsuie shibata 160 (280) 147 (255) 106 (183) 106 (183) 106 (183) 100 (171) 100 (171) 106 (183) 6400

* The maximum value of the characteristic is indicated in parentheses.

Samurai... Strong but unhurried warriors. They run slower than the same ninjas, but they hit hard and have good protection. Well-fed samurai have a decent amount of health, but suffer from a lack of muusu.

Some blows are designed to kill a bunch of people at once.

Lady samurai... The complete opposite of the male samurai, and not only in terms of gender. Mistress samurai runs faster, hits weaker, has less health, but has more muusa. In the pluses, you can write down good looks. Although during the battle, I think you will have no time to look at the ancient Japanese ladies.

Ninja... Ninjas in Samurai Warriors 2 adhere to the classic image carefully. This is a fast fighter who is significantly inferior to the samurai in attack power, but takes his own speed of attack. Seen for an addiction to attack from above while jumping. Ninja possess a lot of muusu.

Kunoshiz... Ninja in a skirt with all the ensuing consequences. The attack is even weaker, but the speed of movement and attack is higher. In addition to high agility and muusu, they have high luck. They also love to jump from above and cut with a sword.

Musketeer... A fighter with a musket who prefers not to get into hand-to-hand combat, but to shoot opponents from afar. After each shot, the musketeer is forced to reload the weapon, which sometimes leads to sad consequences. The Musketeer Bodyguard is mediocre, so use it as support during the fight.

Archer... Women are not allowed firearms, so they use bows. Arrows do less damage than a musket shot, but "reload" is faster. Archers have less health, but more muusu. However, the most serious drawback is that an arrow, unlike a bullet, does not penetrate enemies who have stood in a block.

The game is seriously annoying conversations during battles. Not only are they constantly distracting, but they also forcefully change the scale on the map.

Monk... This bodyguard cannot boast of health and muusu, his attacks and defense also leave much to be desired. But they don't need it, the monk specializes in supporting the character. If the main character is severely injured (however, this can happen just like that, but there is less chance), the monks will grant him double damage and protection, increased movement speed, instant recovery of muesa and health regeneration.

Holy maiden... Almost complete analogue of a monk. As befits a girl, she has a high movement speed and muusu, as well as less health, weak attack and poor defense. They can in the same way double the damage and defense, restore muusa, bestow health regeneration, and so on.

Sumo wrestlers... The most powerful bodyguards in the game. They are so ferocious that they pose a danger even to enemy generals. But for excellent attack performance, defense and a large amount of mues, they have to pay with a slow movement speed.

Fire Ninja... This ninja prefers to use bombs instead of a sword. A skillfully thrown bomb at the enemy's squad will help break the formation and cripple enemies. In terms of other characteristics - health, attack, defense, muusu, and so on - they practically do not differ from ordinary ninjas.

Special bodyguards... In addition to the usual defenders, which can be bought in the store for cash, the game has two special bodyguards - Kojiro Sasaki and Katsuie Shibata. They can be obtained by completing a specific mission in the survival mode. They differ from ordinary defenders in their high characteristics and aggressive behavior on the battlefield.

Happy wanderings in ancient Japan! And remember that ten thousand defeated fighters for Samurai Warriors 2 is not an indicator at all, but only an easy warm-up. If you get tired of battles, and the desire to watch videos does not disappear, look for them in the ... \ SAMURAI WARRIORS 2 \ data \ Movie folder.

Kimse tutamaz beni artık ©

Yes, in Samurai warriors 2 there is Naoe Nobutsuna, Kagetora and Kagekatsu, but they are there as typical friendly or enemy officers. Playable - Kenshin, Kotaro Fuma, Ranmaru Mori, Nobunaga Oda, Shingen Takeda... Why am I suffering ?! Read the description below! (I did the description for gamers and did not change anything there, so as it is)
By the way, there is also Oichi and Nagamasa, however, they are all in a soft pink color in the game ...

Good videos, and the game itself is very interesting. There are a lot of funny moments right in the game, at least the dialogues that often fall into what is called "the topic". For instance:
"Komaki-Nagakute. Nene burst into the Tokugawa Bastion and swooped down on Inu.
- Oh, you're smart as a piece of cake!
- Insults have no place on the battlefield! - Ina was offended.
- O! The filling is sour! What a pity! "(Everything according to the text, no ad-libbing, but in the game and more abruptly moments come across)

A bit of irony to my own address and to my fellow gamers:
"Gamers are going to go through Samurai Warriors 2 and other Dynasties in chaos.
- Well, let's go to dishonor the names of great heroes ?! "
So the Persians!
The description will contain anecdotes of gamers. A little laugh won't hurt, right?

Yukimura Sanada

so-called Yuki
combat type - strength (ahead)
Health: 115 (289), musou: 92 (276), attack: 88 (181), armor: 91 (186), riding: 92 (181), speed: 110 (175), agility: 114 (179), luck: 93 (187).
Yuki is available from the start of the game. A very efficient Persian. Especially considering the "volatile" combo, which removes protection from enemies. There is also a special feature - the call of the horse, so as not to run and not look for a horse. And even more so, do not steal. The second special feature is reminiscent of Zhao Yun's corkscrew from Dynasty of Warriors 4, only with a hellish roast in the form of a flame. You can greatly surprise, for example, Tadakatsu Honda, meeting him with this cute feature. He is really surprised and gracefully settles to the ground.
"Rescuing Mitsunari. Yukimura hurries to Mitsunari.
"In the name of honor, justice, law and all that ..." Kanetsugu said modestly. - Here, it turns out, an ambush ...
- Kane, what can I tell you ... Infection! It's not enough for me Mitsunari, so you decided to throw problems? !!!
- Friends, help! - Sakon Shima shouted from the north side.
“It seems that the local climate is bad for my fragile health,” Keiji said from the south, who was surrounded. In Honnoji, at this tense moment, the gates closed abruptly behind Yukimura and a satisfied Kiyomasa Kato appeared.
- Are you all kidding me here ?! - howled Yukimura "
Cons: no massive attacks. Of course, it depends on what to take as a unit of mass ... But if you compare, say, Yuki and Nene ... Yuki is far from a cute kunoichi Well, the rider from Yuki ... Hmm ...

Keiji Maeda

so-called Playful, Pitchfork or named horse - Matsukaze
combat type - strength
Health: 128 (317), musou: 82 (246), attack: 95 (198), armor: 95 (198), riding: 95 (185), speed: 94 (154), agility: 86 (146), luck: 93 (190).
After completing the story of Naoe Kanetsugu, you will get this miracle, however, without Matsukaze (to get Matsukaze, see Survival 71st floor, if my memory serves). A very combat-ready Persian. He's all right with the massiveness. Unless a special attack is lame (the K key, if anyone does not know, is also called a charge attack). Keiji's special attack is a bit ridiculous, but it is beautiful for her to finish off the officers of the enemy, the final blow ... Eh ... Special tricks are the call of the conic and the throw of the captured enemy (if you can capture it) By the way, Keiji is one of the best mounted fighters. He even manages to remove the protection of enemies with a blow from his horse. Plus - the ability to counterattack if you manage to hit the special attack at the moment of receiving a blow from the enemy.
"Nagashino. A hefty guy on a giant horse got into the ranks of the enemies.
- Who are you? Shingen asked.
- I AM? Keiji Maeda. I have nowhere to return, from the lands of Nobunaga, as it is more appropriate to say, I was expelled with the assignment of the next military rank persona non grata ... "
On the downside: Keiji has problems with speed ... But this is not fatal. Considering that the third weapon knocks out decently, you can use it by purchasing the "speed" parameter.

Nobunaga Oda

so-called Miracle in Feathers or Figwamer (by the name of the sphere)
combat type - special (technique)
Health: 115 (289), musou: 94 (282), attack: 91 (186), armor: 83 (183), riding: 97 (188), speed: 106 (171), agility: 106 (171), luck: 99 (196).
After completing the story for Magoichi Saikou, get Nobunaga for personal use. Fast and active, with a handy special attack. Fly higher and hit the reptiles. If anyone rolls away, they will run into it anyway, if you descend from a height in a beautiful jump kick. A special counter can reload your weapon, then some combos have an addition that is quite unexpected for enemies. The second special piece surrounds Nobunaga with a Figwamer sphere, in other words, it gives you increased armor, and the blows of enemies are for you mosquito bites. Nobunaga is a good equestrian fighter, massive damage from a horse is ensured even in hard and chaos, I personally checked it, almost a "Tatar attack".
"A black ball rolls along the road. Figwamer's sphere.
- What is this? - Tadakatsu was taken aback.
- Ay um NOBUNAGA! - Proudly answered the ball and hung Tadakatsu with a hook.
- Mutated, apparently, - muttered the hung Tadakatsu ... "
Combat efficiency is good.
In cons: no significant cons.

Mitsuhide Akechi

Mitsuhide Akechi

so-called Mitsu
combat type - normal
Health: 118 (292), musou: 90 (270), attack: 89 (183), armor: 91 (186), riding: 93 (183), speed: 106 (171), agility: 100 (165), luck: 87 (182).
Mitsu is there immediately, you do not need to open it. He has a lot of combos, different and all kinds. The special features are not bad. Surprise and block attacks.
Combat efficiency is average.
"- Mitsuhide! Stop it now!" Keiji ordered sternly.
- Stop what? Mitsuhide asked innocently, continuing to poke Tadakatsu with his sword.
- This! Get off your horse and fight like a human! There is nothing to scoff at people! "
On the downside: mass passing out, a fig special attack, and sometimes it can be fatal (Survival, see floor 71 of the "Great Competition", there is nothing to do there without an effective special attack, however, the spielmaster contrives ... - this is me about myself, delusions of grandeur , probably ...) Well, the path to Mitsu's cavalry has been ordered ...

Kenshin Uesugi

so-called Dragon Echigo, God of War, and even Bishamonten
combat type - normal
Health: 125 (314), musou: 84 (252), attack: 95 (198), armor: 92 (193), riding: 89 (176), speed: 90 (150), agility: 86 (146), luck: 93 (187).
If you've completed the story of Kanetsugu Naoe, you already have Kenshin. To describe this Persian, I will give a gamer anecdote.
"A lesson in the art of war.
- For example, Tadakatsu Honda and Kenshin met in an open field ... - Keiji Maeda said thoughtfully.
- And Tadakatsu is a cap! Kanetsugu replied instantly.
- Why is it a cover for him? - Keiji was surprised.
“Because everyone knows how Tadakatsu's blows end. But for Kenshin, guess how the combo will end ... - Kanetsugu said sadly. - Either the roll is off topic, or the defense is out ... "
Special counters - Bishamonten's blessing call. When you summon a deity, you do increased damage, ha ha! And the second trick is to present your enemies with the image of your god - a toy with a surprise. It explodes cutely and concussion enemies.
Fighting capacity is quite, quite ...
On the downside: an equestrian warrior from Kenshin ... Eh ... God does not put everything in one basket ...

so-called Pinball on legs, Chick
combat type - normal
Health: 103 (261), musou: 106 (318), attack: 84 (169), armor: 85 (171), riding: 90 (178), speed: 124 (194), agility: 126 (196), luck: 105 (200).
Available immediately, by default. Her strong point is speed. And the special attack is not bad. Survival for it can be passed, it is checked. In principle, from the ladies' Persians, it can be put in third place. Special counters - summoning allies and improving the parameters of friendly units that are nearby. A couple of times I did it funny: once the monks were allies and once a squad of fire ninjas. It was fun. Poor enemies fluttered in the air like butterflies ...
Combat efficiency is above average.
On the downside: there are no special complaints, but I would like at least 180 armor or 180 attack ... It's not harmful to dream, I know ... Yes, and it's also quite sad with massive proportions ... Here is a joke of gamers on this topic, they do not like they are Oichi ...
"Sekigahara. The Story of Asai Nagamasa.
- Let's throw into the fight all the combat and not quite combat ... which means - creative - resources, - decided Nagamasa Asai.
- Not quite fighting, which means creative ... Do you mean Oichi? - specified for every fireman Nobunaga Oda ".

so-called Beggar or Lyalya-chan
combat type - strength
Health: 117 (291), musou: 89 (267), attack: 90 (184), armor: 91 (185), riding: 86 (172), speed: 96 (158), agility: 94 (154), luck: 105 (200).
Start playing Sugoroku. If you win in Solo mode, get Okuni, the founder of the Kabuki theater. It is fully combat-ready. If you use the first two combos, the third, in my opinion, is more for a laugh. Well, or when you are fighting one-on-one with an officer. The special attack is quite successful, it is not easy for the enemies even to roll away. By the way, this lady has the biggest attack and defense of the female Persians.
"Yes! One more thing ... I found out where the gold is," Okuni added after Survival mode.
- Yah?! Keiji exclaimed excitedly.
- I found out, I found out ... Tokugawa resisted for a long time, but then split.
- Terrible death! - could not resist Keiji's comment "
On the downside: Okuni is the first brake of the ladies' Persians, speed ... Eh ... But this is not fatal, as in the case of Keiji

Magoichi Saika

so-called Bunny or stutter
combat type - strength
Health: 113 (286), musou: 92 (276), attack: 88 (181), armor: 89 (183), riding: 87 (173), speed: 102 (167), agility: 106 (171), luck: 93 (189).
Completed Mitsuhide Akechi's story? Then you have your own personal Bunny! This shot is using a musket. But, contrary to logic, there is more sense from him in close combat than in long-range. A special feature is the intense fire from the musket. Choose a more even area, step aside a little and start firing. If anyone is lucky enough to get to you, go to melee.
- Are you looting again? Hideyoshi chuckled when he saw Magoichi chopping boxes.
“I don’t want to upset you, but our financial situation resembles that of a dead man: a penny in the mouth and a penny in each eye. Another day or two, and the army will begin to scatter, fortunately, there is someone to hire. And without the army, our status goes down, you know where ... "
The fighting capacity is average.
On the downside: the equestrian warrior is a fig, the special attack is also not so hot, but you can live. Massiveness passed out. If you find yourself in a bunch on hard or chaos, do your feet and quickly.

Shingen Takeda

so-called Tiger Kai or Ginger, or Rastaman
combat type - special
Health: 128 (317), musou: 80 (240), attack: 93 (195), armor: 95 (198), riding: 83 (167), speed: 88 (148), agility: 82 (142), luck: 97 (181).
Play the story of Kenshin Uesugi to get this "Happiness". Special features are a massive throw (in the sense, you throw one, but you will hit a bunch on the way) and random improvement of your own parameters. The combos are not bad, the first is especially successful. Massive availability is available, but slowly ...
"Conquest of Kyushu. Legend of Kenshin.
- Shingen has a hard time ... - remarked Kenshin.
- What is he itching to do? His camp is on fire and he himself is in Tsuruga in the city of ... not ... - Kanetsugu commented.
- It is necessary to save, - summed up Kenshin.
- I'm not talking about that! - snorted Kanetsugu. - In my opinion, Shingen, I do not know, in honor of what, there was a shift in tangent. Skull nicht, complete obscuration.
- Prostration, - corrected Kenshin.
- Yes, there’s something about an owl about a stump, that we’ll kick about an owl. He already has wawa all over his head ... "
Combat efficiency is average.
On the downside: he can't cut it on the bunks, the speed is passed out ...

Masamune Date

so-called Screwy
combat type - strength
Health: 105 (264), musou: 102 (306), attack: 85 (171), armor: 88 (176), riding: 104 (199), speed: 124 (194), agility: 126 (196), luck: 99 (192).
After completing the story of Magoichi Saiki, you will receive a Poddate in a gift box. A special feature is intense fire from pistols and even without reloading, the feature is good up to the difficulty of hard and chaos. The combo is a little kosovat, you need to get used to it. A special attack is good at a distance, provided that you use its very first part, in fact, a pistol shot. And the afterlife is good (what musou is - the cherished L key, when you press it many, many, many times)
"Odawara. Masamune Date shot Kotaro Fuma and said gravely:
"Never send a person where you can send a bullet."
Combat efficiency is very average.
On the downside: sucks with massiveness, oblique combos. And he will not be a mounted warrior ...

so-called Noo-hime, Viper, Madame, Lady Oda
combat type - special
Health: 115 (289), musou: 96 (288), attack: 88 (181), armor: 88 (181), riding: 87 (173), speed: 106 (171), agility: 100 (165), luck: 93 (189).
Nobunaga Oda's story cleared - get Princess Noo! From the ladies' Persians - the second place. Great combos! Special counters - plant and detonate mines. True, on hard and chaos you will not be up to it. But even without special features, Noo-hime shines very well.
"Tedorigawa. Chaos.
- Knock him out! - shouted Nobunaga, running away from the hyper-Kanetsugu. - Knock him out soon!
- You go ... - phlegmatic Noo responded, wallowing in the passed out. - In the chaos, huh? To make it more fun, right? So have fun now ... You will knock out this nutcase at the rate of figs, and you want me to knock him out in the chaos ?! Also fast ?! "
Combat efficiency is good.
On the downside: only one - a clumsy special attack.

Hanzo Hattori

so-called Yoke
combat type - special
Health: 103 (261), musou: 100 (300), attack: 87 (174), armor: 84 (169), riding: 101 (194), speed: 130 (200), agility: 150 (200), luck: 93 (187).
To unlock Iga, complete the story of Kotaro Fuma. This is probably the worst ninja in the game in my opinion. A special feature is the creation of doppelgangers.
"Komaki-Nagakute. Tokugawa vs. Toyotomi. At the end, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Nene, and Sakon Shima are in the Toyotomi camp.
"Well, Hanzo," Ieyasu began enthusiastically. - Forward!
- You go, chief, do you know where ?! - the ninja was indignant. - I'm not such a cretin to climb into this hell! I alone would not want to meet any of these four on a narrow path! "
Combat efficiency is mediocre.
On the downside: the massiveness of passed out, indigestible combos and a too slow special attack at its speed ...

Ranmaru Mori

so-called Oblomingo, Uke, Page
combat type - strength
Health: 108 (267), musou: 102 (306), attack: 87 (174), armor: 85 (171), riding: 96 (187), speed: 124 (194), agility: 122 (192), luck: 87 (180).
To get it, complete a series of tasks in Survival (requests from Ranmaru and Mitsuhide). For fun ... In many magazines the poor boy is called a girl ... But this is a boy! By the way, historically - the page of Nobunaga Oda, who died together with Nobunaga in Honnoji at the age of 17-18. Well, why they call him Uke ... Guess yourself Strong combos. A special feature is a lightning strike with a sword, a good feature, with its help you can fill Tadakatsu in an easy one even on hard, checked!
"Survival. The Grand Tournament. 71.
- Ranmaru Mori just tore the opponents in the tournament! We are delighted! Bullshit, that there are 21 seconds before the end of the tournament, and it's time for Ranmaru to go to the intensive care unit! Run, Ranmaru, run! "
Combat efficiency - not bad, not bad, very good!
On the downside: it takes a long time to cook a good special attack, and the boy will definitely not be taken into the cavalry ...

Tadakatsu Honda

so-called Tadakatsa, Honda, Harley
combat type - strength
Health: 128 (317), musou: 82 (246), attack: 96 (200), armor: 96 (200), riding: 94 (184), speed: 90 (150), agility: 90 (150), luck: 93 (189).
Want Tadakatsu? Go for it, play through the story of Ieyasu Tokugawa ...
"Ieyasu Tokugawa scratched his bald head for the twenty-sixth time.
- Crap! But I somehow won the battle of Sekigahara historically!
"Remember," Mitsunari chuckled, finishing off Tokugawa once again. "Almost all of Tadakatsu's combos remove the enemy's defense, on horseback - almost the same as that of Keiji. Strange, the speed, it would seem, Tadakatsu and Keiji are the same, but Keiji is for some reason faster ... In principle, there is a mass presence, but still, in mass proportion, Honda is again inferior to Keiji.A strong fighter, but ... Not as scary as he is painted, especially if you know his techniques ...
"- Listen, it seemed to me that tonbogiri flashed before my eyes ...
`` Tadakatsu is behind you, if that's what you mean ...
- Mom, take me out of here ...
"A little late, I'm afraid ..."

On the downside: minus one, but fatal - speed, speed, and more speed!

Hideyoshi toyotomi

Hideyoshi Toyotomi

so-called Zashiba (before he had the surname Khashiba, but if one letter is replaced ...) or Hedgehog
combat type - normal
Health: 110 (270), musou: 102 (306), attack: 85 (171), armor: 87 (174), riding: 105 (200), speed: 120 (190), agility: 128 (198), luck: 105 (198).
Play through the story of Ishida Mitsunari and voila! This is the fastest character in the game. Perhaps because, historically, speed has been his greatest strength. Mobile and versatile person, very convenient. Its special feature is additional profit from killed enemies. Not a bad way to make money. Stupidity, however ...
- Mitsunari! Save me! - yelled Hideyoshi, running around the castle. Kotaro rushed after him with a joyful whoop.
- Come on, you have everything in a bunch, - Mitsunari grunted. - This is Kane and Yuki again in the next fifth point ... And they are silent, bastards! "
Fighting efficiency is on the level.
On the downside: he is also unlucky with bunks, it is better to fight with infantry ...

Ina Honda-Sanada

so-called Moped, Honda-chan
combat type - special
Health: 113 (286), musou: 92 (276), attack: 88 (181), armor: 88 (181), riding: 98 (190), speed: 110 (175), agility: 118 (183), luck: 93 (189).
After completing the story of Tadakatsu, get his daughter. Historically, this lady was the wife of Yukimura Sanada's brother, not only did she betray Sanada, but also her brother lured him away, a reptile ... Well, me ... This is my opinion, so ...
She fights with a bow ... With all the ensuing consequences ... There are good combos. The pluses have a special feature - all the attacks of the elements.
"Sekigahara. Hard.
- It's time to make legs ... - muttered Ina, pretty much flying through the air, smacking against the gate and clattering to the ground. Hattori Hanzo is stretched out next to her.
- Agree. Only I have one, but a constructive question ... WHERE ?! ".
Combat efficiency is slightly above average.
On the downside: not the best special attack, slow and you need to calculate the distance, equestrian warrior - no ...

Ieyasu Tokugawa

so-called Howitzer
combat type - normal
Health: 125 (314), musou: 84 (252), attack: 93 (195), armor: 95 (198), riding: 84 (169), speed: 86 (146), agility: 82 (142), luck: 99 (194).
Available immediately. It shoots not with some bullets, but with nuclei. There is a special feature - intense cannon fire. Given its parameters, sometimes this is the only way to go through the tracks. Find a place with a flat landscape, move away and shoot the enemies with cannonballs.
"Ieyasu Tokugawa put out an enemy officer, but immediately received a powerful kick from an infantryman and sprawled out on the ground.
"You never cease to amaze me, my lord," Tadakatsu Honda said thoughtfully. "
Combat efficiency is average.
On the downside: speed and speed again, and agility ... oh ... let's not talk about sad things ...

Mitsunari ishida

Mitsunari Ishida

so-called Lis-san, Mitsunari-dono
combat type - special
Health: 115 (289), musou: 92 (276), attack: 89 (183), armor: 89 (183), riding: 92 (181), speed: 106 (171), agility: 100 (165), luck: 87 (183).
You can play for him right away. One of my favorite Persians. And, as it turned out, not only mine, many love him. Armed with a tesseng - a battle fan, please do not confuse it with an ordinary fan, although ... Mitsunari, according to legend, laid the famous Musashi Miyamoto down with a simple paper fan at a time. Noo-hime, we put mines and detonate the enemies. But Mitsunari, in principle, is not particularly needed this technique. He already has great combos and even special attacks. What his special attack is good for is speed. First you start up a poisonous fog, stunning the enemy and removing the protection, and then ... Yeah, then it will be scary. Incidentally, Mitsunari is one of the best cavalry in the game. And he has one of the most effective aftermaths (of course, we are talking about the fact that you have Awakening 3, at least). Posthumous Mitsunari - third place! And the mass character is on top!
"Briefing at the council of war.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi:
- What should you do when you meet Tadakatsu Honda?
Yoshihiro Shimazu:
- Attack?
Masamune Date:
- Run away?
- Say, say what you need ?!
- Your lace is untied ...
Tadakatsu and everyone else (looking at their boots):
- What?!
Explosion ... "If anyone did not understand, a hint of one Mitsunari combo

Cons: no special cons.

Nagamasa Asai

so-called Romeo
combat type - normal
Health: 115 (289), musou: 90 (270), attack: 91 (186), armor: 88 (181), riding: 99 (191), speed: 106 (171), agility: 100 (165), luck: 87 (180).
Go through history as Oichi - and get one of the strongest Persians - Nagamasu.
Excellent combos. This Persian is the most gifted of all Persians with the "normal" attack type. And massiveness! Wonderful! A special feature, like that of Ina, is the attacks of all elements. And after death! This is something! Personally, I put Nagamasa's afterlife in second place! Of all the Persians - the second!
"Battle for Mount Usa.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Oichi, Nobunaga died unexpectedly somehow ..." Nagamasa said apologetically.
- Well, you know ... If you sweep everyone like that ... "
Combat efficiency - no complaints.
On the downside: the cavalry doesn't shine for him either ... It's a pity ...

Sakon Shima

so-called Sensei
combat type - special
Health: 118 (292), musou: 92 (276), attack: 91 (186), armor: 91 (186), riding: 91 (179), speed: 102 (167), agility: 100 (165), luck: 92 (190).
Go through the history of Mitsunari brilliantly and get his main advisor - Shima. It's true, by the way, Shima was Mitsunari's main advisor. Shima is doing well and there are practically no weak points. Good combos and special attacks. Not bad, not bad at all, dammit!
"Mikatagahara. The Legend of Sakon.
“Tadakatsu Honda, if I'm not mistaken, has comparatively weak spots behind the ears,” Shingen said uncertainly.
- What does it mean "relatively vulnerable"? Sakon Shima asked sarcastically.
- God knows! So you will find out ... "
Combat efficiency - no complaints.
On the downside: I would like Shima to be quicker, but this is fixable, buy him a "speed" for a weapon

Yoshihiro shimazu

Yoshihiro Shimazu

so-called Berry
combat type - normal
Health: 130 (320), musou: 80 (240), attack: 93 (195), armor: 93 (195), riding: 85 (170), speed: 90 (150), agility: 86 (146), luck: 87 (182).
Opening this Berry is easy, just go through the story of Ginchiyo Tachibana. He takes more force and sweeping blows. A special feature is something like electronic armor, the most useful thing in his arsenal.
"Hey, Yoshihiro! Drop that boy and come to me!" Tokugawa called out.
- What are you, that Mitsunari ... I don't like both of you. But Mitsunari is cooler than you, so I will serve him!
- Sakon, did you hear that? Mitsunari sighed.
“It's just that Yoshihiro is hiding his true feelings,” consoled Mr. Sakon Shima. "
Combat efficiency is rather average.
On the downside: horses don't shine for him, speed in flight, special attack - even slower ...

Ginchiyo tachibana

Ginchiyo Tachibana

so-called Flashlight
combat type - normal
Health: 108 (267), musou: 102 (306), attack: 84 (169), armor: 87 (174), riding: 90 (178), speed: 124 (194), agility: 126 (196), luck: 93 (189).
Available immediately. Take it and play. Lots of combos and everything is electricity driven. Special attack - and that electro. The speed is decent. Plus - a special attack in a jump, it's very good, I don't like it for this special attack in a jump, it happens that I catch it in Survival ...
"Conquest of Kyushu.
- Atas! Now the Western Army will gather here with the aim of a little bachelor party! - shouted Tachibana, storming Tsuruga Castle. Yoshihiro Shimadzu's face showed a slight bewilderment, turning into a heavy brain stopper. "
Fighting efficiency is on the level.
On the downside: the cavalry does not, and so ... quite good.

Kanetsugu Naoe

so-called Magician and Shibnik, Sorcerer or simply Kane (Japanese fans call him Ika, something like an octopus or a squid, they are evil ...)
combat type - special
Health: 115 (289), musou: 94 (282), attack: 89 (183), armor: 89 (183), riding: 92 (181), speed: 102 (167), agility: 106 (171), luck: 99 (194).
Play Yukimura's story to unlock Kane. Successful Persian. Excellent combo with surprises, triples. Massiveness, oh-yeah! And a great special attack! It is quite difficult to get away from her only if you run away from Kane. By the way, Kane's death is first place! If you use it skillfully, no rolls will help, and even more so - protection! And Kane is good on horseback, the same mass character! A special feature is the protective amulets that revolve around Kane and protect against ordinary enemy attacks. The second chip is a slowing amulet. All enemies within the amulet's area of ​​effect turn into sleep flies.
- Well, we'll show them now! - Kane said gloomily.
- Who is "them"? - Yuki was surprised.
- Anyone who gets on the road. So as not to come across! Are we samurai or are we not samurai?
“Yes, samurai,” Keiji sighed. - Yuki, you'd better keep quiet, Kane is wild, Kenshin raised him ... you understand ... "
Fighting ability - Animal.
In cons: no cons!

so-called Marten, Nene-chan
combat type - special
Health: 100 (358), musou: 104 (312), attack: 84 (169), armor: 84 (169), riding: 96 (187), speed: 126 (196), agility: 150 (200), luck: 99 (192).
To open Nene, you need to go through Hideyoshi's story. Massiveness, speed and murderousness. Honestly, this is the scariest Persian in the game, believe it or not. One special attack is worth a lot. For this Persian, gamers managed to reach the 700th floor of Survival. And until 700, not because there’s nothing further, but because it’s boring ... Perhaps we have gone further, I don’t have fresh data yet ... Nene’s posthumous state is so-so, but playing for her, practically there is no need. For example, on Survival in the "Great Contest" Nene can never use the afterlife, kill all enemies and meet the allotted time sometimes with a decent margin. Special chips are doppels, but this is so, to warm up, the second chip is to turn into someone who is nearby, if it's Keiji or Kane ... oh, what will happen then ...
"Council of War at Hideyoshi.
- Where can I find a hero who would kidnap Nene-chan? - Hideyoshi was murdered. - Mitsunari, do you want such a thing? I'll give it back and I'll pay!
- Nope ... But I know who needs it. He will also pay himself, just to give it away.
- Who is this bastard ?!
- Kotaro!
- Did you call?
Fighting ability - Animal.
In the minuses: there are no minuses, and if there is, then with the general efficiency and lethality of the Persian, these minuses really do not matter

Kotaro Fuma

so-called Voiced, Kawai
combat type - strength
Health: 108 (267), musou: 100 (300), attack: 88 (176), armor: 85 (171), riding: 100 (193), speed: 126 (196), agility: 150 (200), luck: 87 (183).
Available immediately. Not bad. The special attack is especially good. Dashingly rush through the enemies, scattering them in all directions and removing protection, if someone has time to put it up. The second combo also removes the defense, then you need to get used to letting the ball of energy right on target, this can be problematic. A special feature is to throw a fireball into a bunch of enemies. The second feature is the enemy throw.
"- Lord, - whispered his evening prayer Kotaro Fuma before the defense of Odawara (difficulty is the norm), - I hope that you have nothing against me personally. Give Hojo the opportunity to wake up tomorrow as alive, healthy and free as he falls asleep today And Thy will be done. As a last resort, let me shout in time. Amen. "
(Syavk - from a distorted English save, i.e. saving, respectively "syavknutsya" - to be saved)
Combat efficiency is good.
On the downside: he shouldn't cut it on horseback, it's a little confusing ...

Musashi Miyamoto

Musashi Miyamoto

so-called Akuma
combat type - strength
Health: 120 (295), musou: 92 (276), attack: 92 (188), armor: 88 (181), riding: 93 (182), speed: 106 (171), agility: 106 (171), luck: 93 (189).
Get it when you have unlocked all the characters with stories. Musashi has the largest number of techniques that remove the enemy's defense. If you run into it, do not use the block, it is useless, it is better to roll from it, rolls By the way, in fact, it is also not as scary as it was exposed. It is not difficult to catch him at the beginning of a special attack. Plus he has one more - a counterattack, if you manage to press the special attack key at the moment the enemy hits.
"Edo Campaign. Hard. Musashi Miyamoto escorts Hideyori Toyotomi to his escape."
- One - Kotaro ... Two - Kotaro ... Triiiiiii ... uffff ... Kotarooo ... Four ... Kotaro! Beast! Zadolbal already doubles! Crap...
Musashi scrubbed himself off and scratched the back of his head.
- So, this real ... Nope, well, fig! Come on doubles back! "
Combat efficiency - combat capable, but it can be better ...
On the downside: there are no particular complaints, although the rider is so-so ...

Samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends
Year: 2007
Developer: Omega Force, Koei
Publisher: Koei
Genre: slasher (addon for Samurai Warriors 2)
Platform: PS2(DVD9), Xbox 360

A game about internecine strife during the Sengoku period a la Dynasty Warriors without the Chinese. This item is an add-on to Samurai Warriors 2, in which six new characters are added. (Forges KOEI forge.) Fortunately, it supports all the trophies and pumping of Samurai Warriors 2, every last horse and coins. (True, to do this, change disks every time you start.) SW2 has passed to the end, now, you can frolic with this add-on.

If you have a save file and a disc with the previous game, you can load it, everything is the same + new. If there is no disc, then only new characters are in the story mode, and the rest of the crowd is in the Free Battle section.
The gameplay is as usual - the field, the enemies, ours, the beast. Only now there is still a mode "for a beginner", it's even easier than easy, and an "expert" mode, which comes after the "chaos" mode (I can't imagine what is there). There are 6 difficulty modes in total. (Reasonably, everyone knows SW2 is hard.)

What changed:
1) new characters with storymods
2) two new battles - Battle of Okehazama and Battle of Shikoku
3) a new mode - "To the mercenaries!"
4) pumping characters up to level 70. (increasing the parameters, however, does not give any)
5) customization of weapons using spheres (figs you will find)
6) you can buy special personal skills (for "OGO!" And two "OGO!") And change as you like
7) each character gets an additional combo (usually buttons like SSSST)

The old regimes remained, in total we have:
Story Mode - character story mode walkthrough with beautiful cutscenes
Free Battle - different battles to choose from
Mercenary is quite. You can pump up your character great. Something like a servival, only now in the wild. Sometimes they give money, but the internal currency is valid, which cannot be saved after passing this mod. There are two options for its completion - either to collect 10 magic swords (this is a very long time), or to take the service of some lord and complete the conquest of the country with him. It's a shame that you can only play 1 character at a time.
Survival - many identical floors of an endless castle.
Sugoku is a kind of monopoly nightmare. (Okuni by default in free-mode, by the way, even if it was not opened in the previous game. You don't have to play.)

And now I'll tell you about the new heroes!
New heroes: Maeda Toshie, Chosokabe Mototika, Grazia, Imagawa Yoshimoto, Sasuke Kojiro and Shibata Katsue.

Maeda Toshie

A very nervous and ambitious young man. Probably very young. By his behavior, he is ten years old. Sometimes he switches to ultrasound when it comes to service and loyalty. In such impulses, it hurts the eyes, throwing it across the screen.
A very annoying character. Historically (well, who remembers Basara) he was Keiji Maeda's uncle. But there is not a word about this in the storymode. It is logical to assume, because somehow next to the tribe (which himself will be any UNCLE) he looks impudent, frankly. (Breathes into the navel, if quite straight.) He is incredibly loyal and devoted. Most of all - to his Sensei Shibata Katsuie. The tragedy of history makes us cry. Actually, Tosie goes out of his way to make Shibata proud of him. It seems to us that he is so ambitious, but no .. And at a certain moment their paths diverged. Well, you feel the tragedy already, right? However, he has a very boring story mode and an overly loud manner of communicating his thoughts and feelings to the world. The only good thing about this Tosie is that he colorfully stuffed Hideyoshi's face.

A character assembled from all the others. He really has nothing of his own. He waves his sword like Mitsuhide, the second blow - breaking through the block like Oichi's, specials - one from Mori Ranmaru (energizer), the other - summoning a horse like Yuki. Somehow like this. The weapon is a sword. There are two short spears, but he only listens to them in combo. Not interested. Just a dude with a sword. A kind of your own generated character with average efficiency. On the cover of the game undeservedly.

Historically: Hosokawa Grazia (Tama), nee Aketi Tama

In the game, Grace is just Grace, without belonging to any clan. By birth, he is Mitsuhide's daughter, but she never had a close relationship with her father. (In response to Ina's next praise of her father ("My father is an ideal man, therefore, I am an ideal woman!") He asks - "What was my father like?" Mitsuhide never mentioned her, as if she did not exist. ) (Mitsuhida is officially 25 years old, don "t ask ...)

According to the story, she ran away from home to explore the world. Magoichi happened to save her from evil men, so she stuck to him. Explore the world. Like all children, she is massively annoying people around with questions. And Magoichi in the first place, so he, you see, is not happy himself. Of all the young ladies of the game, I personally like it the most (to be honest, the only one), because it is completely unclouded. No love, no worries about husbands, no burden of family honor. A clean girl with no jumps. It's charming.
According to the story, her travels with Saika end in a battle in the Saikov village. Then Magoichi disappeared. (He simply ran away.) After that, she was returned home and married to some old man. Several years later, after the betrayal of Mitsuhide, Grazia is trying to kill the military on the orders of her husband. But Saika appears and saves them, because they are friends. After that, Grace is finally free (from her father and husband), but she returns to the world of politics and power. She is not in Samurai Warriors 3. Apparently, KOEI consider Grace, on a par with Kojiro as a passing character. It's a shame, these two are much more interesting than all the other newcomers, who, for some reason, took root in the sequel. (Is Grace really worse than Yoshitomo's misunderstanding ?!)

Imagine: a gothic lolita who fights hand-to-hand. Funny? And that's how it is. According to her style, she has bajiquan in general. Although, of course, she has strong hurry-attacks, but nevertheless, a kawaii special forces is something ... In this regard, she has the smallest range with simple combos and, well, a completely useless muso attack. (I don't know if they use it at all? With the same success, you can throw matches at enemies.) In general, fighting with Grace means solid magic at a distance. She has muso in abundance - then they give a special skill, in which muso grows by itself, without any body movements. (Unfortunately, this special skill does not allow you to put any other skills, since you cannot live without muso regeneration.) Plus, her second (triangle) hit restores muso powerfully. Hurry up the third level a.k.a. plasma-ball takes out enemy generals, nabunag and hond from one kick. You just need to take good aim, since the plasma-ball goes in a straight line. However, the rush of the first level is very happy - it's a slender firewall. You go and FLOW! FLASH! FLASH! Grace is the character with the most massive styling. A couple of times I had almost a thousand KOs without any stress. But with the massiveness at close range, as is clear, her trouble is even poorer than that of Saika. In general, this is such an elf-like magic ranged character. With non-childish ranged attacks and no combos. Very nice variety among the crowd with swords.

Imagawa Yoshimoto (Was already in the first addon - in Samurai Warriors Extreme Legends)

An aristocrat who was dropped into a manhole as a child. Well, or not into the hatch, but definitely head off. Yoshimoto considers himself fabulously gifted, is very proud of his ancestors and that he is an aristocrat, but his aristocratic taste is very specific. Yes, he is very sophisticated, old-fashioned and well-mannered, but he did not come out with a mug. Loves to play balls. (Ancient aristocratic fun kemari... Like modern socks, only bigger balls. It was very popular in the Heian era, but then lost its fan base.) Since the game is no longer popular, Yoritomo suffers from a lack of partners. Simply put, he has no one to play with and is lonely. And he goes on a hike to find friends. Idiotic justify, but, in general, against the background of justifying the rest, it does not look so awful. Other combatants perceive Yoshimoto as seriously ill or underdeveloped. And for some reason no one wants to play with him. Even a strange, absurdly dressed fat man, imagining himself who knows what and thinking only about playing with spillikins ... What a cruel joke on the part of KOEI!

This is the most disgusting character in the entire fandom. The passage of the story mod can be described in one word. This word is HELL. He's slow, weak, with absolutely useless rushes. One was in a hurry - to fall dead. How can this help in battle ??? I do not know. They say that muso prolongs when combined with muso-activity. The second is slightly less ridiculous, but just as effective: Yoshitomo picks up a lying enemy and carries him. I have no words.
Armed with a sword. If he threw all the balls - I understand that, but another one with a sword ... However, he also has a ball, he complements the combo with it. (Most often it is also ridiculous - he plays with them, instead of fighting!) However, he has one plus - funny dialogues with other characters during battles. Because other characters from him are just as fucking as I am.
(Commander: Nabunaga's ode is nowhere to be seen ... This could mean that he ...
Yoshimoto: Playing hide and seek? So funny!
Commander: What is this for me ?! T_T)

Sasaki Kojiro

But Kojiro came out with a mug. (And growth too. 194 cm. Plus a heel - Kojiro and Tadakatsu can take kittens from trees together.)
Sasaki Kojiro was historically the main rival of Miyamoto Musashi (if Miyamoto Musashi really existed in one person, and not in the form of twenty separate Musaseis) in pipiski measure. I mean, in the way of a samurai.
If you look at the historical materials, you can see that Sasaki Kojiro really was a somewhat ... artsy type, so his depiction of him here in the form of a freak has a historical basis. (I would like to believe.)
All in all, Kojiro is a psychopath. He keeps moving about beauty and promises to give everyone a beautiful death. Everyone is asleep and sees how he will come and give it to them. No, he is not bad, he helped the poor peasants - he saved them from the bandits. The bandits could not wait to see how he would give them a beautiful measure. Then he met Musashi and began to stalk him in a black way. (He even continued in Warriors Orochi 2, however, Musashi did not understand anything and decided that Kojiro was "a normal dude, not at all as creepy as he looks.") In general, since he is a free war, not particularly burdened by anyone, the whole story mod based on how Kojiro pestered Musashi and they argued about swords.

Kojiro is good. Though also with a sword. But he knows how to make crazy combos. Thanks to the second sword from the hyperspace. Of all those with a sword, I like him the most. He knows how, for example, to jump beautifully and throw weapons. True, the point is not in beauty, but in the fact that this way he breaks the block / unbalances. The specials somehow let us down - they are not very effective and are of little interest. (What is this invisible hat, eh ???) So they have to go hand-to-hand all the time. In general, well done. Didn't disappoint.

Shibata Katsuie

The most loyal vassal of Nabunaga. Well, after Aketi, of course. (Historically, Oichi's second husband, by the way.) This uncle is very old school. And he constantly pushes on the topic "the old age has come to an end, and so do I." After the death of Nabunaga, he remained faithful to him and did not join Hideyoshi, like Toshiye. So they had a discord. And no matter how much Toshiie knocked his head on the gate and yelled, Katsuie did not make peace with him and decided to burn down the castle and kill himself. This is the second character in the game to die in his own story mode. Actually, that's all that can be said about him.

Fine! Five points and more +++. I didn't want to play them, I thought I was another heavyweight. But no. Enemies scatter like petals. Katsue is very fast, strong and with a wide range. He has two axes. Actually, very similar to the manner of Miyamoto. Only he also has an absolutely charming thing - napalm. Because when you turn on the napalm mod (this is one of the specials), everything around is on fire, the blocks break and in general it is beautiful.

Mototika Chsokabe

Zhrok atakue!

The dude is very hot. Pompously broadcasting some kind of nonsense, incomprehensible to the average mind. The only reasonable explanation for why the one who took over the whole of Shikoku became a redroker is that the developers had a lot of fun. So that's it. The guy has a small store. Hideyoshi invades Shikoku and Chosokaba, although he wins, but decides "for the good of his people" to bend under the monkey. In general, the darling. Then he barely survived the death of a comrade-in-arms and spoke for a long time about the ability to see the big picture and how bad it is to hate. Blah blah. Avoiding conflicts, of course. In general, the character is small, a tendency to pathos.

The characters in the game are divided into three groups. The first is those about which at the first level you say "Oh! Cool!" FOR NOW ?! ". Here is Chosokabe belongs to the third. Well, yes, Japanese rock is such a rock ... so it's not surprising that Mototika is not very good as a fighter. Well, think for yourself - the dude is waving a balalaika. You can't make a lot of balalaika, even if it's covered with cat skin. Of course, he is not as terrible as the fat man, but still not in the forefront. Falls to her knees in a rock pose and knows how to make glamorous pink bubbles. (I didn’t really understand how they affect the enemies, I am inclined that all the same, it’s for beauty.) Pink blouses - this was the second hurried. The first one was in a hurry, almost useful — a big wave. True, enemy generals very successfully block from it. As for the combos, they are not very convenient, since Mototiku shoots very much when performing them, and it is impossible to concentrate on one enemy. It is very uncomfortable. In general, the balalaika does not solve and Hattori Hanzo is not the deadliest dead person yet, it turns out.

Dragon "s Tail(Dragon tail)

  • Attack: 45
  • Elemental element: Fire
  • Effects: Health +19, Attack +35, Defense +38, Riding +18, Musou Attack +32

Osaka Campaign

Exercise: Complete the missions: Destroy all the guns, Prevent Ina from entering the main fortress, and Prevent Masamune Date from entering the main fortress.
  • Recommended level: 25+

Defeat Katsumoto Takagiri first and leave Osaka Castle from the south aisle. Defeat Naotaka Ii, Toshitsune Maeda, Tadanao Matsudaira, and Katsunari Mizuno (if there is time) outside the castle. Ieyasu will soon send his cannon to the wall of the fortress. Ignore Takator Todo and destroy the cannon AFTER you open this mission (should appear in the lower left corner). After destroying the weapon, finish off Todo and head northeast towards Ina. Prevent her from entering the main fortress of Osaka Castle (again, wait for the mission to appear). Take care of Tadateru Matsudaira and Nagamasa Kuroda. Finally, head to the northeast corner towards Masamune Date with his officers. Defeat Masamune when the mission appears, and a valuable item should appear on the second floor of the fortress (enter from the left entrance and the north staircase, there is a black box in the room, break it). Complete the battle as usual.

Chapter 2: Keiji Maeda's Story

God "s Mandible(Holy stump)

  • Attack: 50
  • Elemental element: Lightning
  • Effects: Health +18, Attack +53, Riding +19, Musou's Attack +49

Battle of Hasedo

Exercise: Defeat 1000 enemies.
  • Recommended level: 30+
Helpful Hint: Don't take a bodyguard, especially if he runs faster than you. Kill everyone and everything except the officers. Ignore Yoshiaki Mogami near the first gate, stand near the base and destroy enemies until you squeeze all the soldiers out of this base. Kill Yoshiaki. This will give you the number 100 on your meter in advance. Also break through the second gate (you can kill all officers except Minbu Satomi). If you are doing everything correctly, then by the third gate the K.O. will go over 400. At the third gate, where your mission is to stop the enemy, start the carnage. Do not kill all enemy officers in order not to exhaust the number of soldiers. Musou on horseback in the direction of a decent crowd of enemies is welcome. As soon as the counter goes over 1000 K.O., transport troops will appear only at the second gate. Catch them up and rush to the aid of Kanetsugu, who is attacked by Masamune.

Chapter 3: Nobunaga Oda's Story

Demon Regalia(Demon Regalia)

  • Attack: 46
  • Elemental element: Air
  • Effects: Musou +18, Attack +35, Defense +16, Speed ​​+18, Musou's Attack +35, Attack radius +19

Battle of Tetorigawa

Exercise: Complete the missions: Help Hideyoshi Toyotomi / Toshiie Maeda / Nagahide Niva / Katsuie Shibata / Kazumasa Takigawa escape.
  • Recommended level: 20+
Move north and defeat Shigeie Shibata immediately. Walk north across the bridge and destroy Kagetsugu Amakasu. The first ally we save is Hideyoshi in the north. Defeat Nagatika Kawada and Hideyoshi will begin to retreat south. Keep advancing and rescue Toshiie Maeda from Shigenaga Honzo. Katsuie Shibata fights against Takahiro Kitazo on a small island. Save him too. From Katsuie's location, head southwest and help Kazumasa Takigawa defeat Kagemochi Amakasu. There is only one left - Nagahide Niva in the south, fighting Nagahide Yasuda. Help him and guide him to his destination. Shibata Nagaatsu is probably bothering your allies in the west, so end him soon. As soon as the last ally reaches the escape point, the supply troops will appear near the enemy main camp. Go get your weapon, prevent Kanetsugu from entering Funaoka Castle, and finish off Kenshin to complete the chapter.

Chapter 4: Mitsuhide Akechi's Story

Gilden claw(Gilded nail)

  • Attack: 45
  • Elemental element: Lightning
  • Effects: Musou +36, Attack +34, Defense +35, Attack radius +37

Mitsuhide Unites Japan (Dream)

Exercise: When Kotaro Fuma appears, have at least 4 allied officers alive so that Akechi's army goes on the offensive.
  • Recommended level: 40+
Start by defeating Narimas Sass. Move south and save Sadaoki Ise by killing Katsuie Shibata, Toshiie Maeda, and Kazumasu Takigawa. Continue south towards Masamune Date. Defeat Date's entire army to save Yasuie Namikawa. Return to your main camp. Now destroy all approaching enemies (Keiji Maeda, Kazumasa Ishikawa, Tadayo Okubo, Okuni, Nagazane Irobe, Tadasuke Okubo, Shigenaga Honzo, Yukimura Sanada, and Kanetsugu Naoe) with the help of your allies. Once you have eliminated all the enemy officers, advance towards the main Tokugawa camp from the north. Defeat Mototada Torii and Tadatsugu Sakai guarding the first and second gates. You can now approach Tadakatsu Honda, and when you do, Kotaro Fuma will appear in the north. If you have at least 4 living officers, the message "Akechi's army is advancing" will appear on the screen, and transport troops will appear and begin to advance from the northern base to the northwest (near Yoyama Fortress). Now you can have some fun with Kotaro and Tadakatsu.

Chapter 5: The Story of Kenshin Uesugi

Frozen flame(Ice flame)

  • Attack: 46
  • Elemental element: Ice
  • Effects: Musou +19, Attack +50, Speed ​​+38, Attack radius +34

Conquest of Kyushu (Dream)

Exercise: Activate the geyser, complete Defeat Hashiba's Army, and defeat Ranmaru Mori and Mitsuhide Akechi in that order.
  • Recommended level: 40+

This is one of the hardest-to-get weapons in the game, so here are some tips to give you:

  1. Take Horse Matsukadze, Persian Mare, or Moon Child.
  2. Take a weapon of the third level, preferably with an Ice or Demonic element of the element with an increased attack.
  3. Get the skills: "Resilience", "Reach", "Awakening", "Equestrian", "True Strength" and "Elemental Attack". Level 3 or higher
You start from the south. Take the western route, head north past the geyser. Capture a base near you and the geyser will soon awaken. Now you need to take a long passage. Walk all the way north, turn east past Takeda's main camp, and head towards Tsuruga Castle, where Shingen Takeda is already fighting against Hashiba's army. When you approach Tsuruga Castle, make sure you kill all Toyotomi officers personally. Now wait for the western gate of Tsuruga Castle to open and run back to Uesugi's main camp. Save Kagei Kagizaka and Kanetsugu Naoe by defeating all enemies in the south. After that, hurry to Yukimura Sanada, who is holding back the attack in the north. Eliminate Nene and Toshiie Maeda and your allies are saved: bye. Go to Yoshihiro Shimazu in the northwest before your allies do. The gate will close behind you, and you will be ambushed by Yoshihiro Shimazu, Yoshihisa Shimazu, No and Nobutada Oda. Kill them as quickly as you can and leave the main camp.

First, go to Takeda's main camp and destroy the officers there. Ranmaru Mori is after you, but you don't have time for him. Instead, head towards Mitsuhide Akechi's location and attack both. Keep in mind that you MUST KILL MITSUHIDE AKETI FIRST, and then Ranmaru Mori. When both are dead, transport troops will appear at Uesugi's main camp. Get weapons, kill enemy officers, preparing to fight Yoshihiro Shimazu and his brother Yoshihisa.

Chapter 6: Oichi's Story

Cup and Gold(Bowl and gold)

  • Attack: 42
  • Elemental element: Lightning
  • Effects: Health +34, Attack +38, Defense +34, Musou Attack +32

The Shizugatake Incident (The Dream)

Exercise: Complete the mission "Save Azai Nagamasa", kill Nobunaga Oda and No. Destroy Ginchiyo Tachibana and Inu. Defeat Ranmaru Mori. Finally, finish off Okuni and Nene in that order before Noh appears a second time.
  • Recommended level: 40+

Knock out Narimasa Sass, Toshiie Maeda and Hidemasa Hori when the chapter starts. Move north and kill Yoshinari Mori. The enemies, most likely, already attacked Nagamasu Adzai from an ambush in the north. Go to him and complete the quest "Save Nagamasu Azai" by destroying the officers next to him. Now the hard part begins, you have to kill Nobunaga Oda, but not Nene. But if you defeat No first, Nobunaga will leave the battlefield and his death will not take place. So grab your horse and ride to Oda's main camp. Slash him quickly, as Noh is racing towards Nagamas and you cannot let him die. Since Nobunaga is dead, finish off No. Now Oda's army and Azai's army will retreat, except for Nene, Okuni and Nagamasa. Soon, Ginchiyo Tachibana and Ina will appear in the east and follow you. Show them who's in charge by IGNORING Nene.

Your next opponent will be Ranmaru Mori, appearing in the south. Like Nene, he is in hyper mode, but at least he is slower than you. Defeat him faster, yet you must avoid Nene's skirmishes. Now that all the enemies have been exterminated, Okuni decides that she is the most beautiful and deserts. However, YOU MUST KILL FIRST Perch, and then Nene. Finally, But will appear a second time and at the same time transport troops will appear near the base southwest of the central garrison. Destroy them and finish off Noh, earning the title of the most beautiful woman in all of Japan!

Chapter 7: Perch's Story

Raging Sun(Burning sun)

  • Attack: 44
  • Elemental element: Fire
  • Effects: Attack +19, Defense +37, Speed ​​+17, Agility +39, Attack radius +35

Survival Mode - Wanderer Dancer

Exercise: Complete the mission "Wanderer Dancer" on the 61st floor and above, kill Keiji Maeda.
  • Recommended level: 35+

Collect at least 3000 gold to start the mode not from the 1st, but from the 51st floor. Complete 2 missions (no matter what) and you will find yourself on the 61st floor. Save your game and exit. Continue survival mode and if you do not see the Wanderer Dancer mission on the mission selection screen, go back (start any mission and select Game Menu), open Settings, load the game and select Continue again. Keep doing this until the Wandering Dancer mission. The Wanderer Dancer's goal is to help Okuni raise funds for the Izumo Temple. If you let her die on floors 1-4 (of this task), the mission will automatically fail, take care of her. On the first floor, listen to what Okuni has to say to you and the door to the next floor will open. On the second, third and fourth floors, you have to get the wealthy warlords to donate money to Izumo. These generals are Shingen Takeda, Kenshin Uesugi, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Nobunaga Oda.

Succeed in all of these missions and receive donations. On the fifth floor, you will find Keiji. Help him defeat the Imposter Okuni. After that, Keiji will tell you that he has something for you: his lance! Beat him with your umbrella and take the weapon box left after he fell. Go upstairs and you are the lucky new owner of the final weapon for Lady Okuni of Izumo!

Chapter 8: The Story of Magoichi Saiki

Rifleman "s Proud(Shooter's pride)

  • Attack: 45
  • Elemental element: Fire
  • Effects: Health +35, Attack +38, Musou's Attack +20, Attack radius +39, Luck +12

Escape from Honnoji

Exercise: Destroy Nobunaga Oda in 10 minutes.
  • Recommended level: 30+
It's not a hard-to-get weapon at all, but getting it can be seriously unnerving. You only have 10 minutes, so I recommend that you don't stop to help the peasants (besides, you can get lost). If you look at the map, you won't see your location, but you start at the southeast corner. Walk towards the west of the map until you reach the base. Check the map again and you will see a pair of gates north of this base. Go to them. Once you arrive there, the gate will close and the Bandits will attack you. Before you dismount your horse, make sure it faces north so it knows where you need to go. Kill the Bandits and exit the center from the north. But Ranmaru Mori will appear in front of you. Kill them quickly and keep heading north until you see another base.

From here, head east until you come to the gate of another garrison. They are guarded by Shigemoto Akechi and Toshimitsu Saito. After killing one of them, enter the garrison. Now, make sure your horse is facing south and get off. Nobunaga is coming soon. Use all your might to defeat him as quickly as you can and save yourself immediately. Transport troops will appear somewhere in the west and go south. I'm not sure where exactly, but if you go to the place where you started the level (go all the way south), then turn west, then you will catch up with them somewhere near the burnt forest. When you get your weapon, head back to the garrison where Kotaro is sitting. Kill him to complete the chapter.

Chapter 9: Shingen Takeda's Story

Heavens "Sign(Sign of heaven)

  • Attack: 48
  • Elemental element: Air
  • Effects: Health +18, Attack +20, Defense +51, Riding +20, Speed ​​+19, Attack radius +19

Battle of Nagashino

Exercise: Complete the missions: "Capture Nagashino Fortress", "Protect the Tobigasu Garrison", "Prevent Tadakatsu Honda from entering the main camp", "Prevent Hideyoshi from entering the main camp." Wait for the rain.
  • Recommended level: 30+
Your first mission is to capture the Nagashino Fortress. Destroy Kagetada Matsudaira near the gate. Enter the fortress and kill the remaining Nobumasu Okudaira and Koretada Matsudaira to complete the mission. Go to the Tobigasu Garrison in the south. Destroy Nagatika Kanamori on your way there. When you enter Tobigasu, complete the mission by destroying Tadatsugu Sakai and head towards Mitsuhida. From Tobigasu, cross the bridge to fight Tadakatsu. Your next assignment is to prevent him from entering the main camp. He is strong, but with Shingen's skills and abilities, he will be dead very soon. After killing Tadakatsu, head north towards Hideyoshi. Your mission is also to prevent him from entering the main camp. Fortunately, he is not in hyper mode, so it shouldn't take long to destroy him. After Hideyoshi's death, it will rain. Shingen will order the army to resume the offensive, and transport troops will appear at the southernmost base. Take the weapon and kill Nobunaga.

Chapter 10: The Story of Masamune Date

Man hunters(Human hunters)

  • Attack: 44
  • Elemental element: Ice
  • Effects: Attack +37, Riding +36, Musou Attack +38, Attack radius +35

Duel at Mikatagahara

Exercise: Destroy all enemy generals personally and protect all your allies
  • Recommended level: 35+
The requirements are extremely simple. However, save often if you don't want to start the mission all over again just because your ally accidentally finished off an officer you almost finished off. First, go to the northeastern garrison and kill Yoshinao Tokugawa and Ietsugu Sakai there. Before going to the western garrison, capture two bases near you. This is very important for protecting your allies. Move to the western garrison and defeat the Tokugawa Yorinobi. Also capture the base. Return to the central garrison and chop off the heads of Naotake Ii and Musashi Miyamoto. Now that the central garrison is the main camp of Date's army, go to the southwest corner and kill Tadachika Okubo and Masanoba Honda. Don't enter Hamamatsu Fortress just yet.

First take enemy-controlled bases. When you do, lure Tadamasa Honda out of the fortress and kill him. Save and enter the fortress. Defeat Hanzo immediately and head north to Ina. Destroy it and hurry back to the central garrison. There, your allies are most likely holding back Tadakatsu. It is difficult to defeat him, do they also help him? Try to deal with him as quickly as possible, because your allies are barely holding back the enemies in the west. Go there and destroy Hidetada Tokugawa. If all your allies are alive, and all enemies are dead by your hand, transport troops will appear near the northwest base. Finish them off and retake Japan from Ieyasu.

Chapter 11: No Story

Particular venom(Sweet poison)

  • Attack: 44
  • Elemental element: Air
  • Effects: Musou +38, Defense +36, Speed ​​+37, Musou's Attack +36

Honnoji incident

Exercise: Complete the mission "Save Nobutada Oda". Keep Nobutada alive before Ranmaru is killed without completing the Help Ranmaru Mori mission.
  • Recommended level: 35+

Exit Honnoji from the west gate and kill Nobunara Tsuda. Mitsuhide will soon use a fire attack. Move quickly north to Nijo Fortress and destroy Kaneaki Mimaki. Fight Hidemitsu Akechi in the north when the mission to rescue Nobutada Oda appears. Destroy it by completing the mission. To ensure Nobutada's safety, destroy Junkei Tsutsui and Shigetomo Akechi as well. However, keep Sadaoki Ise alive. He must distract Nobutada without defeating him. Save now. Return to Nobunaga and kill the officers next to him.

Finally Mitsuhide will appear with reinforcements, and Ranmaru will begin to advance towards him. Kill all advancing units and soldiers near Nobunaga. Before you go to Mitsuhide, save yourself. If you get too close to him and Ranmaru, the mission "Help Ranmaru Mori" will open. Move a distance from them and watch the battle. Ranmaru would die pretty quickly, and Mitsuhide would go on the offensive against Honnoji. Transport troops will appear at the western base southwest of Nijo Fortress. Deal with them and hurry to Nobunaga to save the day (keep Mitsuhide out of Nobunaga!).

Chapter 12: The Tale of Hanzo Hattori

Chained dragon(Bound Dragon)

  • Attack: +44
  • Elemental element: Demon
  • Effects: Attack +39, Speed ​​+36, Agility +34, Attack radius +38

Siege of Ueda Fortress (Dream)

Exercise: Destroy all of Kotaro Fuma and Yukimura Sanada's lookalikes before defeating Masayuki Sanada.
  • Recommended level: 40+

Take the hidden path to the west and head north. Destroy Tomonobu Saito and Chikanori Suibara. Capture Toishi Fortress by defeating Yataro Onikojima. Kotaro will appear in the south at the same time as the spy squads in the east. Stop them preparing for the water attack. Return to Kotaro and destroy him. When you approach Ueda Fortress, three shadowy counterparts of Kotaro will appear. Head south first and use the ninja path to reach the first Kotaro. Next, go southwest and save Ieyasu by destroying the enemies next to him. Return to the ninja path and go to the center. You will find another Kotaro fighting for Yukimura. Lure him away from Yukimura and destroy him. Now you can try to defeat Yukimura himself. He's in super hyper mode, and is really very healthy. If you are lucky enough to find the "Attack x2" bonus, you can overwhelm it with normal combos. Otherwise, exhaust him with your special position "Special position + normal attack" (you can also use the combo "Normal attack + ferocious attack x3" and "Special position + ferocious attack x3"). May Yukimura Sanada meet his death. Anyway, you will find the last clone of Kotaro inside the fortress. Go inside and destroy Nobuyuki Sanada. Follow the main underground passage to the north and fight the last Kotaro. After the victorious "Target Destroyed:" the valuable item will appear slightly north of Kotaro's corpse. Get your weapon and take over Ueda Fortress.

Chapter 13: Ranmaru Mori's Story

Iron vengeance(Iron Revenge)

  • Attack: 46
  • Elemental element: Ice
  • Effects: Health +37, Defense +38, Speed ​​+19, Musou's Attack +37, Attack radius +14

Survival Mode - Keiji's Real Request

Exercise: Defeat Keiji Maeda on Keiji's Real Request.
  • Recommended level: 35+

To open a mission, you must first complete the missions (if you have ever completed these 7 missions with anyone, then start from the 41st floor and complete any task):
"Ranmaru's Request" "on the 1st floor,
"Keiji's Request" on the 6th floor,
"Mitsuhide's Request" on the 11th floor,
"Mitsuhide's second request" on the 21st floor,
"Ranmaru's second request" on the 31st floor,
"Mitsuhide's third request" on the 41st floor,
"Keiji's second request" on the 31st floor,
and "Keiji's Real Request" will appear on the 46th floor.
You must complete all 4 floors of the mission "Keiji's Real Request" in order to fight him yourself. On the first four floors, you need to defeat some characters in order to find out who hired Hanzo and Kotaro to kill Nobunaga:

1st floor - Katsuie Shibata
2nd floor - No
3rd floor - Oichi
4th floor - Hideyoshi and Nene
5th floor - your first task is to kill as many enemies as possible. Defeat one hundred and Keiji will want to fight you. At first, it seems that he can be easily defeated, but when his health bar reaches a critical level, he will start to seriously fight. When this happens, his bar returns to its maximum value again, and hyper-mode is activated. It is now much harder to defeat him, since normal attacks do not affect him. When you do win, a box with a weapon will appear at the place of his fall. Take it and go up the stairs.

Chapter 14: Hideyoshi Toyotomi's Story

Simian sansetsu(Monkey sansetsu)

  • Attack: 42
  • Elemental element: Lightning
  • Effects: Speed ​​+60, Agility +40, Luck +60

Battle of Shizugatake

Exercise: Complete the mission "Defeat Keiji Maeda"
  • Recommended level: 25+

These weapons are very easy to obtain. Only one requirement is to complete the mission, but before that you need to take care of something else. Defeat Yasumasa Sakuma and move to the garrison in the north. Defeat Katsumitsu Fuwa. Ignore the other garrison with Toshiie Maeda for now. First, defeat Toshinaga Maeda in front of the gate. Enter the garrison and force Toshiye Maeda to retreat. As soon as Toshiie retreats, Keiji decides to attack, but don't bother with them for now. Morimasa Sakuma may already be attacking your main camp. Kill him and Sogen Yamadzi (who deserted). Before you fight Keiji, capture the remaining garrisons and save.

For starters, you will be advised to ignore Keiji, but attack him. When his life bar is half empty, the mission itself will open. Complete the mission and transport troops will appear in the garrison where Toshiie was. Kill them before they run away with your weapon and kill Katsuie Shibata.

Chapter 15: Tadakatsu Honda's Story


  • Attack: 50
  • Elemental element: Fire
  • Effects: Musou +15, Attack +37, Defense +53, Musou Attack +33

Contest of Champions (Dream)

Exercise: Complete the missions Prevent Keiji Maeda / Musashi Miyamoto / Kojiro Sasaki / Hanzo Hattori / Kotaro Fume / Nene / Hideyoshi Toyotomi / Ieyasu Tokugawa / Masamune Date from entering the central / western / eastern garrison.
  • Recommended level: 40+

Let's start with the good news: you play as Tadakatsu Honda - the strongest character in SW2. Now for the bad: in this dream you will have to run very, VERY fast (and it is better to jump) if you want to excel in the requirements. Luck is the most significant factor in obtaining this weapon. Therefore, a detailed walkthrough will be difficult to describe, but I will try.
Your main goal is to keep your enemies out of your garrisons. Garrisons are located in the center, in the northwest and southeast. The area from which the enemy attacks, as well as which garrison he is attacking, is chosen randomly. Therefore, you should always save as soon as a new squad of enemies appears. If they go to different garrisons, then your power will not be enough to stop them in time. If this suddenly happens, you need to exit the game and try to force them to go to the garrisons that you need. It is also important to WIN THE OFFICERS AFTER THE APPEARANCE OF MISSIONS! You will not receive weapons if you defeat them without missions. The entrances to the garrisons are guarded by your allied officers. Try to keep them alive for as long as possible and help them immediately as soon as they start holding back the enemy. I will say, if Hanzo goes to the northwest garrison, which is guarded by an ally, and Nene goes to the southeast unguarded garrison, of course, it would be wise to deal with Nene first. Anyway, I think I've said enough. Here is the method for going through the chapter ...

You are in the central garrison. First, enemies will appear randomly (in my case, Villains, Swordsmen and Ninjas, but it doesn't matter). Hope the Villains appear first, because the only one to be defeated is Keiji. Move towards him and kill. There are 4 enemy officers left, kill three of them. Lure the fourth to the southwest corner and save. The next will be Swordsmen or Ninjas. Exit the game and load until the Swordsmen appear. Now you need to prevent two of them - Musashi and Kojiro - from entering your garrisons. If Musashi goes to the eastern garrison, leave the game and load. Kill Kojiro and follow Musashi. Again, leave one officer alive. Lure him to the northwest gate of the central garrison and save. Destroy it and quickly move north to the north base from the north gate of this garrison and the Ninja will appear. Your goals are Kotaro, Hanzo, and Nene. If Nene goes to the southeast garrison, exit and return. Do the same if all three go to the central garrison. Kill Kotaro because he is closer. Follow Hanzo (not necessarily attacking the northwest garrison) and take care of Nene before she kills all your soldiers. You know what to do, lure the surviving officer to the northwest gate of the central garrison and save yourself. The last group - the commander's assistants - Ieyasu Tokugawa, Masamune Date, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Don't let them enter your garrisons. Exit and load if Hideyoshi goes to the eastern garrison and Ieyasu does not go west. These three are in hyper mode, so they will be a little harder to defeat. Defeat Masamune next to you and advance towards Ieyasu. Go to Hideyoshi and let him enter the garrison. Transport troops will appear at the base south of the south gate of the central garrison. The headache has receded, now you can complete the chapter by destroying the remaining enemies.

Chapter 16: Ina's Story

Winded viper(Coiled Viper)

  • Attack: 44
  • Elemental element: Ice
  • Effects: Attack +17, Defense +33, Dexterity +16, Musou's Attack +36, Attack radius +38

Siege of Odawara Fortress

Exercise: Destroy all enemy officers personally
  • Recommended level: Any
These weapons are very easy to obtain. If you want a thrill, play Chaos. Here, too, you need to save before the battle with each officer, so that he is not accidentally killed. Start by destroying all enemies around you. Hideyoshi will soon send a siege weapon. Protect it with the help of your allies. If it is destroyed, then you will only waste your precious time. When the cannon is placed, kill Naohide Matsuda immediately. Don't worry about the officers in the center. Go south first and defeat Naoshige Chiba, Yujinaga Narita, and Yoshitake Miba. Return to the center and deal with Yasusato Matsuda and Yujifusa Hojo there. Break through the bomb corridor and head towards the north gate. Masataka Kasahara, Yujinori Uesugi and Norisada Ueda are waiting for you there. Kotaro becomes bored and sends Masayo Ito, Tanenaga Haru, and Yujitaka Hojo to attack your main camp. Return there and finish them off. Now head southeast to the warehouse. You will be ambushed by Yujitada Hojo and Yasuhiro Ogasawara. Kill them and head north. All doors will close and ninja will attack you. Defeat 100 enemies and the gate will open.

Continue north and find Yujimitsu Hojo and Yujiteru Hojo fighting the Date army. Take care of them and head to Odawara Fortress. When you enter the fortress, head east to a room guarded by Hiroteru Minagawa and Naosada Hojo. Kill them and go upstairs. After a couple of steps, Kotaro Fuma sets up an ambush. Kill him and the transport troops will appear right next to Hideyoshi. They are far away, so hurry up and get your weapon. Complete the chapter by killing Yujinao and Yujimasa Hojo.

Chapter 17: The Story of Ieyasu Tokugawa

Quake maker(Earth shaker)

  • Attack: 48
  • Elemental element: Fire
  • Effects: Musou +17, Attack +35, Defense +38, Speed ​​+36, Luck +19

Battle of Sekigahara

Exercise: Kill all enemy officers personally.
  • Recommended level: 35+
The same requirements as for Ina are pretty simple. You also need to defend the main camp. Don't worry about your allies. First, go after the heads of Hiroie Kikkawa and Hidemoto Mori. If you defeat Ekei Ankokuji before then, they will defect and you will not have the opportunity to kill them. Your next target is Ekei Ankokuji in the south. Go to the center of the battlefield and destroy all the officers there (Hideie Ukitu, Teruzumi Akashi, Shigemasu Todu, Tamehiro Hiratsuku, Yoshitsugu Otani, Yukinaga Konishi, Satoie Gamo). Ginchiyo has already attacked your main camp, so head back there and kill her. Next on the list are Hideaki Kobayakawa and Magobei Fuse. It might take a little longer, but lure him out for Masai Natsuki and wait. When Magobei falls, Hideaki will leave his garrison. Mitsunari will order the Western Army to attack anyone who moves. Now you just have to destroy them all (it is advisable to regroup in the main camp and defend it), and transport troops will appear in the northwest base. Get the weapon and kill Mitsunari Ishida.

Chapter 18: Mitsunari Ishida's Story

Golden frill(Gold frill)

  • Attack: 45
  • Elemental element: Ice
  • Effects: Musou +36, Defense +38, Musou's Attack +33, Attack radius +37

Edo Campaign (Dream)

Exercise: Complete the missions "Save Hideie Ukita", "Open the eastern gate of Edo Fortress", "Eliminate the traitors as soon as possible", "Eliminate all enemies in the fortress", "Protect Ekei Ankokuji" and "Prevent Kotaro Fuma from entering the main camp." Finally, enter the main Edo fortress.
  • Recommended level: 40+
You start at the northeast corner. Go to the north gate of Edo Fortress and kill Naotaku Ii. Hideie Ukita will be lured out of the castle and ambushed by the shooters of Masamune Date. Wait until you take on a mission to save him and defeat Shigenaga Katakura. Go to the northwest corner of the fortress courtyard, capture the base and defeat Masanoba Honda. Exit the north gate and head towards the east gate of the fortress. Your next mission is to open the eastern gate guarded by Yoshiaki Mogami. When the gate opens, Kobayakawa, Mori and Kikkawa defect in favor of the Eastern Army, and you learn that Ekei Ankokuji has been captured by the enemies (you will need to rescue him later). Your task is to defeat three traitors before your allies lose hope. Defeat Kobayakawa in front of you, head south and kill Hidemoto Mori and Nagatika Kanamori. Only Hiroie Kikkawa remained with Terumasa Ikeda at the western gate. When you have executed all the traitors, head back to the east gate of Edo Fortress (because Ieyasu will close the rest of the gates) and when you enter the fort, make sure to capture all the bases outside.

As soon as you enter the courtyard, you will receive the task to destroy all the officers in the area. Mitsunari will also say that Ekei is being held somewhere inside the castle. But first, head north and find Yasumasu Sakakibara. Kill him and capture the base. Open the northern inner gate by eliminating the defense captain. Head back south and kill Ietsugu Sakai. Cross the bridge and you will find Takatoru Todo, destroy him. There is a defense captain next to you. You will find Ekei Ankokuji next to the gate behind this captain and he needs to be escorted to Toyotomi's main camp. The Eastern Army ninja officer, Toranosuke Aoyama, will appear. Kill him to protect Ekei. Open the southern gate of Edo Fortress, kill Shigezane Date, and then Ekei will be able to reach the main camp on his own. Go to the western side of the courtyard, open the western gate, capture the base and destroy Naomasu Ii. In the north, Kotaro will appear and go to Hideyori. Exit the western gate of Edo Fortress and when you reach Kotaro you will need to prevent him from attacking the main camp. Complete this final mission and it is finally time to enter Edo Fortress. Now attention: YOU MUST ENTER THE MAIN (NORTHERN) FORTRESS OF EDO and keep walking until a fence is in your way. Ekei will say, "If I remember correctly, the main tower is connected to another, smaller one."

After this phrase, you will receive a report on the location of the valuable item. It is on the bridge connecting the main and small fortresses. Kill Hideasa Yuki and Hidetada Tokugawa before entering the small fortress. Now all you need is to defeat the remaining officers (Hidemune and Masamune Date, Tadakatsu Honda) and get a weapon before killing Ieyasu Tokugawa.

Chapter 19: The Story of Nagamasa Azai

King "s Honor(Wang's honor)

  • Attack: 45
  • Elemental element: Lightning
  • Effects: Attack +35, Defense +17, Riding +35, Musou Attack +56

Defense of the Odani fortress

Exercise: Complete the missions "Destroy All Enemy Generals on Mount Jizo", "Prevent Hideyoshi from Entering the Courtyard" and "Protect Kingo's Courtyard". Save as many of your allies as possible and destroy all enemies except Nobutada Oda and No. Complete the requirements in 10 minutes and wait for Nagamasa's order for a full offensive.
  • Recommended level: 25+
This weapon is easy to obtain if your allies are not killed. Just focus on protecting your allies and completing missions. You start at the northeast corner. Go west and kill two officers, Saizo Kani and Hidemasu Hori. Continue west and climb Mount Jizo. Complete the first mission by killing Nagahide Niva and Nagatika Kanamori there. Exit the garrison from the south exit and meet with Ranmaru and Yujisato Gamo. Kill them with Mitsuhide, who will appear right in front of you. Hurry up Mount Yamada with Hideyoshi and prevent him from entering the courtyard. Kill Yukihiro Yujie, Ittetsu Inaba, and Morinari Ando, ​​who will attack you when you enter the garrison. Now go to Kingo's courtyard in the southeast and save Tsunachiku Kaiho from Katsuie Shibata. Walk through the western courtyards and defeat Kazumasa Takigawa and Narimasa Sassa. Head back north and find the remaining officers of Oda's army: Toshie Maedu and Tsuneoki Ikedu. If you do all this in 10 minutes, transport troops will appear at the western base south of Mount Jizo. Deal with them and kill Nobunaga in the name of Honor!

Chapter 20: Sakon Sima's Story

Demolition blade(Blade of destruction)

  • Attack: 46
  • Elemental element: Air
  • Effects: Health +18, Attack +36, Defense +37, Musou's Attack +34, Attack radius +12

Battle of Sekigahara

Exercise: Defeat all enemies personally, keeping all allies alive.
  • Recommended level: 35+
It is important to remember that you must not rescue or kill deserting units (Kikkawa, Mori, and Kobayakawa). However, it is recommended that you kill them when they defect. Start by killing the two closest officers, Nagamasa Kuroda and Sadatsugu Tsutsui. As soon as you defeat them, take away the guns from the eastern army. Once they are captured, your allies will have a better chance against the enemy. Before Magobei Fuse shows up, kill as many generals in the center as you can (Takador Todo, Yoshiaki Kato, Masanori Fukushima, and Yoshimasa Tanaka).

Tokugawa will send a second echelon, but you can ignore it for now. When Magobei Fuse appears, immediately jump to him (Kobayakawa is deserting, and this will greatly reduce your morale) and kill. Now head towards the northeastern garrison with Ankokuji, Kikkawa and Mori. It remains to defeat the generals: Yoshinaga Asano, Terumasa Ikeda, Kazutoyo Yamanouchi and Hanzo Hattori. However, before you go to Ekei, save yourself. If you get too close to the garrison, Mori and Kikkawa will defect. Try to kill them one by one so that they start to follow you, lure them out of the garrison. Kill all four and capture the base in the north to keep Ekei Ankokuji safe. Ekei will take care of himself now. Your next goal is to kill the remaining enemies in the center and stop Inu on the way to the main camp (but it doesn't matter if she gets there).

When Ina and the enemy officers in the center are defeated, go to Ginchiyo. You will find Tadaoki Hosokawa here. Kill him and you will be left with only Tadakatsu Honda. If Tadakatsu is surrounded by allies, save to load if he kills anyone and give him the final blow! Transport troops will appear if you have killed all enemies and if all allies are alive. Go get your weapon and destroy Ieyasu Tokugawa.

Chapter 21: The Story of Yoshihiro Shimazu

Monsters crusher(Beast Crusher)

  • Attack: +48
  • Elemental element: Wind
  • Effects: Attack +34, Defense +35, Speed ​​+54, Musou Attack +18

Battle of Sekigahara

Exercise: Complete the missions: "Save Mitsunari Ishida", "Prevent Hanzo Hattori from entering the main camp", "Save Sakon Shima", "Save Ginchiyo Tachibana", "Destroy the reinforcements of the eastern army." Kill all enemy generals personally.
  • Recommended level: 30+
You cannot lose a single ally, so the fast horse is very useful in this chapter. You also have to defeat all the enemy generals yourself, so I advise you to save. You start in the center and 5 enemies are fighting around you (Masanori Fukushima, Yoshinaga Asano, Tadayoshi Matsudaira, Sadatsugu Tsutsui, and Yoshiaki Kato). Kill everyone and head southwest towards Mitsunari. Save Mitsunari from Hideaki Kobayakawa, Takator Todo, and Yoshimasa Tanaka who surrounded him.

Go to Sakon. When Yoshihiro says Sakon is surrounded, the gates of the southern garrison will open and Hanzo will try to attack Mitsunari. Catch Hanzo before he reaches the main camp of the western army and kill him. Return to Sakon and kill Terumasa Ikeda, Hidemoto Mori, and Hiroie Kikkawa. Now Ieyasu will send Tadakatsu. Go north and fight him. He's a tough guy, so stay alert. The last ally you must rescue is Ginchiyo in the northwest garrison. Break through the enemy and defeat Naomasu Iya, Nagamasa Kuroda, and Tadaoka Hosokawa alongside her. However, Ina is still with the eastern army and will be sent to fetch Ginchiyo's head. Crush her and return to center with Ginchiyo. Hidetada Tokugawa will appear soon with reinforcements for the eastern army. Eliminate all eight officers (Tadamasu Mori, Yasumasu Sakakibara, Tadachika Okubo, Masanoba Honda, Tadamasu Honda, Tadatoshi Sengoku, Yasunaga Ishikawa, Hidetada Tokugawa) and if you did everything correctly, transport troops will appear at the northwest base. Exterminate them and kill Ieyasu.

Chapter 22: The Story of Ginchiyo Tachibana

Heaven "s Bite(Heaven bite)

  • Attack: 44
  • Elemental element: Lightning
  • Effects: Health +18, Musou +18, Attack +20, Defense +17, Speed ​​+18, Luck +19, Musou's Attack +20, Attack radius +17

Conquest of Kyushu

Exercise: First, destroy the three Shimazu brothers: Iehisa, Toshihisa and Yoshihiro. And when you enter the main camp of the Shimazu army, kill them in this order: Iehisa, Toshihisa and Yoshihiro.
  • Recommended level: Any
It is, without a doubt, a very easy-to-obtain weapon. Cross the Taiko Bridge and defeat Iehisa Shimazu immediately. Destroy Nobumitsu Sarawatari as well (and Tadamoto Niiro, if present). Go to the northeastern garrison, kill Arinoba Yamada and Tadanaga Shimazu. Go to the Tsuruga Fortress in the south and kill Yoshihiro. Exit the Tsuruga Fortress through the eastern gate and you will be ambushed by Toshihisa Shimazu, Hisator Eya, and Tadatsune Shimazu. Kill all three and attack the main camp of the Shimazu army. Yoshihiro, Iehisa and Toshihisa will ambush. Defeat Iehisa first, then Toshihisa, and finally Yoshihiro. If done correctly, transport troops will spawn north of Tsuruga Fortress. Get weapons, help your allies and destroy the last heir of the Shimazu clan, Yoshihisu.

Chapter 23: Kanetsugu Naoe's Story

Poison for Evil(Death of evil)

  • Attack: +45
  • Elemental element: Fire
  • Effects: Musou +56, Defense +38, Musou Attack +51

Last line of defense against Ieyasu (Dream)

Exercise: Kill Masamune Date, Hanzo Hattori, Inu, and Tadakatsu Honda in person without losing a single ally.
  • Recommended level: 40+
The dream chapter ... and not easy at all. Tier 3 weapons with maximum attack upgrades can help a lot. You start out in the northwest garrison and are surrounded by enemies. Kill Chikayoshi Hiraiva and Tadasuke Okubo from the east and Nobumasu Okudaira to the west. Ieyasu organizes a camp in Zenkoji, Kagekatsu Uesugi, along with Keiji, will appear in the northeast corner. Sadly, they will be ambushed by the officers of Date's army. Defeat Katakura Kozuro and Masakage Rusu near Kagekatsu. Go to Keiji and help him defeat Masanari Naito. Masamune himself appears and attacks Kagekatsu. Save him by killing Masamune and Shigezane Date. Return to Kaizu Fortress and defeat the remaining generals there. More reinforcements for the Tokugawa army will appear.

Walk southwest from Kaizu Fortress and enter the western garrison with Tadakatsu. Destroy him and Kazutoyo Yamanouchi. Now head towards the central garrison with Hanzo. Kill him as quickly as you can (ignore the other generals) and go to the southern garrison. Kill Inu, and if all your allies are still alive, transport troops will appear in the north, at the base just north of the central garrison. Grab your weapon quickly and complete the chapter.

Chapter 24: Nene's Story

Devil "s Feathers(Devil Feathers)

  • Attack: 42
  • Elemental element: Ice
  • Effects: Defense +37, Speed ​​+38, Luck +38, Attack radius +36

Battle of Komaki Nagakute

Exercise: Complete the missions: "Rescue the Detached Squad", "Destroy Yasumasu Sakakibara and Capture Iwasaki Fortress", "Prevent Hanzo Hattori from Entering the Main Camp", and "Protect Iwasaki Fortress from Tadakatsu Honda and Ina."
  • Recommended level: 25+
Start by killing Tadayo Okubo. Immediately go to the southeast, soon a separate squad will be ambushed in a split second. Rescue them from the Tokugawa officers and capture Iwasaki Fortress. Hanzo will appear in the north soon as Tadakatsu and Ina go to the Iwasaki Fortress. You must first go after Hanzo's head. Return to the center and follow the ninja path to overtake the assassin. Kill him quickly and return to Iwasaki. Tadakatsu and Ina are the perfect match, with the help of your allies, take care of them. Once you complete this mission, transport troops will appear at the western base on the central battlefield. Stop them from escaping and complete the chapter.

Chapter 25: The Story of Kotaro Fuma

Thorn of peril(Thorns of danger)

  • Attack: 45
  • Elemental element: Demon
  • Effects: Health +18, Attack +37, Speed ​​+38, Agility +17, Musou's Attack +33

Defense of Odawara Fortress (Dream)

Exercise: Complete the missions "Destroy the Siege Tower", "Protect the Entrance to the Odawara Fortress", "Protect Yasuhiro Ogasawaru", "Save Yujiteru Hojo", "Prevent the Destruction of the Main Camp", and "Save Yujimasa Hojo" (order does not matter)
  • Recommended level: 35+
Kotaro is a fast and strong character, so this weapon is not difficult to obtain at level 40. All you need is a strong level 3 weapon with attack bonuses, and possibly the "Awakening" skill of the third level. But let's get down to business. Jump over the wall, head north and defeat the first officer you meet - Yoshitaku Kuki. Wait for the siege tower to appear and destroy it when the mission appears on the screen. Go to the entrance to the Odawara Fortress and complete the mission by killing Tadaoka Hosokawa and Hidemasu Hori. Continue north and rescue Yujiteru Hojo from the three Toyotomi army officers. Walk all the way south, then west. Yasuhiro Ogasawara most likely needs your help in the southwest garrison. Destroy Hideie Ukita and Terumasu Ikeda, but try to avoid killing the soldiers. Your next mission is to escort Ogasawara back to the fortress, but don't complete that mission just yet. Just make sure it is occupied by enemy soldiers. You will, however, hurry back to Odawara, because no one can hold out against Nene for long. The main gate of the castle is still closed, so head back onto the ninja path. Ignore the officers of the Tokugawa army. You can deal with them later. Save before you enter the fortress.

The next thing you need to do is save the main camp from sabotage. However, the location of the explosive pots and fire ninjas is random. Find them quickly (exit and load if it takes too long) and save Yujimasa from Nene. Ieyasu and his army can still cause problems. So destroy them and complete the "Save Yujimasu Hojo" mission. Ogasawara may have already entered the southern garrison and is fighting against Sakon. Walk back to him (use the ninja path again), kill Sakon and escort Ogasawara back to the castle. If you successfully complete all missions, a valuable item will appear on the first floor of the fortress. Take your weapon and show Hideyoshi the chaos.

Chapter 26: The Story of Musashi Miyamoto

Mastery & Vision(Skill and vision)

  • Attack: 48
  • Elemental element: Demon
  • Effects: Attack +48, ​​Musou Attack +35, Attack Range +50

Chaos in Kyoto

Exercise: Complete the mission Prevent Tokugawa Ieyasu from Escaping.
  • Recommended level: 20+
I don't think you will spend a lot of time getting this weapon. The requirements are simple, especially when playing as Musashi, one of the strongest characters. You start in the center of the map, near the alley, and Ieyasu in the northwest corner will head east. He runs pretty fast, so follow him right away. Walk east and then north. When you catch up with Ieyasu, he should be about halfway to the exit point. He is accompanied by one officer, Yoshinao Tokugawa. Deal with it first. Even though you are surrounded by enemies and Ieyasu is in hyper mode, it is quite easy to defeat him. As soon as Ieyasu is defeated, transport troops will appear at the eastern base. Take your weapon and complete the chapter.

Unlocking characters:

  • Ranmaru Mori: you must successfully complete the "Survival Game" mode:
  1. 1st floor - "Ranmaru's Request",
  2. 6th floor - "Keiji's Request"
  3. 11th floor - "Mitsuhide's Request",
  4. 21st floor - "Mitsuhide's second request"
  5. 31st floor - "Ranmaru's second request"
  • Perch: Win in Sugoroku single player mode.

In order to open the last weapon, you need to play on the most difficult difficulty level.

Survival help:

  • "Mitsuhide's request":
Floor 1: West, East, North, West, South - This way you can get rid of the captains of the defense.