Nominal weapon at the cement plant. Personal Weapon at Cement Plant Passing SIGEROUS MOD 2.2 Vinteraza Goloboy

Parcel Markovich

Gives: Zaton, Petka Mind

Description: Everything is simple here: Go to Skadovsk and give the parcel to the savings.

Talk with Makovetsky

Issues: Skadovsk, Markovich

Condition: Delivered parcel

Description: Go under the stairs, speak with Makovetsky

Unknown artifact

Issues: Skadovsk, Makovetsky

Description: Getting to the sawmill and in the anomalies to pick up artifact from the backpack. Zombie dwells on the sawmill - a good chance to raise the rank and shake Khabar. Valle all, taking trophies. We return to Skadovsk, give Art Makovetsky and talk about helicopters. We learn that the surviving pilot went to Janov.

Tools for Kardana

Issues: Skadovsk, Mechanic Cardan

Description: Tools for tools can be bought from Owl. We bring tools to Kardan and carry out repair and modifications with a discount.

Journey to Jupiter

Issues: Skadovsk, Makovetsky, beard

Condition: Artifact brought

Description: We pay 3000 rubles Lotsmana and go to Janov. Speak with nitrogen.

Radio metal for nitrogen

Gives: Yanov, Nitrogen

Description: Go to the cement plant. The stairs are drawn up on the water tower, which is standing next to the building, then to the roof of the building, through the hatch penetrate the top floor. Now I will describe in order somewhat lies, since there are many materials there.

Top floor: Transistor box, copper wire motion,

Third floor: Textolite base 2pcs, Bank of rosin.

Second floor: packaging capacitors, copper wire motility.

First floor: Textolite base, Bank of rosin.

Reward: repair and modifications at cost

Tools for nitrogen

Issues: Yanov, Nitrogen Mechanic

Description: Tools on the tools can be bought from Owy on Skadovsk. We bring nitrogen tools and carry out repair and modifications with a discount


Description: Mitya Stalkers and the Bear have undergone gangsters, but they gave them a rebound and diverged in peaceful. Mitya decided that the incident was exhausted and by negligence got out with Yanov alone. In the ambush it was already waiting for the bandits. Now comrades Mitya, the Bear and Torba, break their heads over how to rescue a friend from captivity.

Quest issues: Janov, Bear

Award: 5000, 2 Toppers for Cains, Friendship with Bear and Tube + Bandits Bandits Shishac and Gnome (if you kill everyone). + Bear for the quest for the liberation of Mitya gives tactics on the SIG-550. Attention! Tactics are given if you choose the branches in the dialogue with the bear: you need to negotiate or a powerful solution, when choosing, I will deal with tactics scams!

Passage: come to the stalker in the exoskeleton (bear) at the station Yanov. He tells us about the grief that we involved with Mitya. The Bear himself believes that it is necessary to collect a squad of stalkers and rush to the gangsters base. In the opinion of the rustle, it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto Gopnikov ransom in the form of an artifact goldfish. Noble Degtyarev can also offer his help and go to deal with the bandits. Consider a peaceful option with recycling. The bear himself does not want to go, as it feels that Bandyuki break the price. Therefore, it invites us to go to marauders. Gives us an artifact and sends it down. We go to the dump of containers. At the entrance, the guard meets us. I explain to him that we need to pick up with the leader about the captive and get a skip. We find a leader and talk with him. There is a choice to give it an artifact or 15000. The goldfish of such money, of course, is not worth it, so it is better to give it away. The leader is pleased, Mitya is released. Together with him, you follow the labyrinth of containers and suddenly stumble upon the bandit. He, naturally, was dissatisfied with the money gave money, and we are Cukish? You can solve everything quietly and peacefully and pay with Gopnik. It takes only 2900. It can be loaded to him, but then not to avoid the beamy or the price fence. We go further and speak with Mitya. There is a choice: going with him to Janov, or to get yourself. Having render on Yanov, we approach the bear, which is now a friend, like Trub. That thanks us, gives the award and from now on respectfully by the master. Quest passed.

Tip: It is wiser to solve everything in peaceful way, since there are a lot of gangsters on the basis. To bear them, not enough of a single group of stalkers, and even alone them to crumble the task of difficulty. The quest must be performed at the first arrival on Janov, otherwise Mitya will kill and the quest will disappear.

The quest must be fulfilled at the first arrival on Janov, otherwise Mitya will kill and the quest will not necessarily disappear! The main thing is not to approach them and do not talk &

Survivorous pilot

Gives: Yanov, Nitrogen

Description: We go to the bunker to scientists and speak with the pilot. It gives a key card to helicopters. Immediately speak with Garica (sits in the same room with Sokolov pilot). We take His task to search for artifacts. After that, we return with Lotsmann to Skadovsk.

Artifacts for Garik

Giving: Scientists Bunker, Garik

Description: Find for Garik artifacts "Lump of meat" and "Kolobok". You can take in the anomalies to the hump (a hunk of meat) and on the top of the anomalies of the pineoduub (kolobok).

Meet connected

Issues: Stalker in the doors of Skadovsk

Condition: first transition from Yanov to Zaton

Description: Svyaznoy is waiting in the basement in the very edge of the map to the southwest, right near the anomalies of the Iron Forest. Svyaznoy gives a task to inspect the Cache of the SBU, where further instructions lie.

Skat 2 Explore the place of helicopter fall

Description: Explore the fall of the Skat-23 helicopter

Passage: In the most edge of the map on the southwest, right near the anomalies of the Iron Forest. Poltergeist flies near our goal, so we move slowly, as it reacts to the movements of the GG. Kill Poltergeist and we can search the helicopter. Another Screensaver on the engine in which Degtyarev (GG) discovers that the crew of this helicopter died in the air, but on the on-board computer it was possible to detect the map of the area between Zaton and Jupiter.

Tips: Search next to the lying corpses of the military, we collect cartridges, etc. If Poltergeist noticed you will throw it to objects, hide behind the corners and various shelters.

Areas cards: Find interested

Description: Find someone who will be interested in the maps found

Conditions for issuing: found and inspected Skat-23 helicopter

Reward: discount on the transition between locations

Passage: We go to the cargo ship Skadovsk, speak with the stalker named Lotsman, we suggest it to take cards. He copies them to PDA. Now we know that there is a short path between Yanov and Sladovsky station. The map of the area gave and got the possibility of a cheap transition between locations.

Cache SBU

Issues: connected in anomalies "Iron Forest"

Reward: mercenary jumpsuit, flash drive with data, etc.

Description: We go to the plateau, there is to fight with pseudohydrant, therefore, it is armed accordingly. From the cache taking things.

Tip: First do not rush to activate a flash drive, it is better to do this near the Jupiter plant on the appropriate location. And the second - do not sell mercenary jumpsuit, it is still useful for the task recorded on the USB flash drive and for joining mercenaries

Save Petrukhu

Description: After the inspection of the cache, we move to Skadovsk, near the anomaly we see two stalkers, one of which got into an anomaly, give him a first-aid kit and we receive an artifact and friendship as a reward.

He can still give a bear detector

Strange glow on earthy

Description: There was a particularly strange glow on earth farm. Beard asks to find its source.

Quest issues: Skadovsk, beard

Reward: 3000 + coordinates of the cache + flash drive with the cache of Vobl

Passage: We go to the exercise, inside of which, a pleasant blossom is visible. Salazim on the ship, carefully, so as not to get into the anomalies go on board in the stern, there is a staircase in the stairs inside, go to the office of the management, where the glowing artifact changed the edged steering wheel hangs instead of the usual steering wheel. After that, we go out, but the stalker meets us. He says that in order to cure his friend, you need a rare artifact. We can give a modified steering wheel stalker, and we can attribute the beard. It makes no sense to keep sense, since this artifact only gives an increase in radiation. If we give it away, then tracing for a deceiver, we will see that in fact he will go and simply sell an artifact beard. Therefore, we leave the artifact yourself, but this alignment is clearly not like it, so we will be waiting for three friends in the ambush. We kill everyone and go to the beard to take the quest.

In search of forty retribution

Description: Find a traitor

Award: 1000 + Achievement of the messenger for justice.

Passage: Stalker nicknamed Soroka substituted a group of gamns under the chimera attack. They are asked to find a scum. But even if you ask every came-out stalker, they will not give you the right answer. In order to find Soroki, you need to go to the location of Jupiter, namely the quarry, find a wounded stalker there, to offer him help, and when he dies, we automatically get a task to take revenge on the chips. We go to Yanov, and hearing a new bike from Flododov, this time about how he pulled out an artifact in his career. We are talking to him, from the conversation floats that it is stammer, and the shonds team. Now you need to go on Zaton to report the situation to the customer. But in front of this, come to Loki, in order to tell about Soroka. As a result, we get the achievement of the messenger for justice

Skat 5 explore the fall place

Description: Explore the Skat-53 helicopter fall

Passage: one of the story quests. Here everything is simple, we need to walk to the helicopter, which is located inside the anomaly of the Top and seize it. I think no special difficulties will arise. The passage to anomaly is free, the main thing is not to run into hungry dogs or someone else. After the searches of the helicopter, it is found that all the electronics inside burned out and now it is necessary to find the cause of turning electronics. The reason we will find performing another quest, so that we have been finished with it.

Dell and disappearance of stalkers

Description: The Ceremaker asked to help in search of the missing hunter. The hunter was supposed to find the lair of bloodsuckers. Judging by the information available, it is bloodshots that all recent disappearances of stalkers are involved.

Quest issues: Zaton, Skadovsk, Core

Reward: The title of Detective, 10,000 and the coordinates of the two caches, the flash drive with the secret of depth + medical preparations

Passage: Before performing, you can go talk to Tremor, who examined the bodies of the dead, he will tell you some details. You can find it on the second floor of Skadovsk. After the conversation, we go to the anomalies of the pineodub, where we need to find a stalker. On the site was only dead bloodsucker, and no traces of the Danil hunter, but the degrahae reports that he found something interesting and asks to join him.

We go to the Penz Circle. There we will be waiting for the woodcut and reports that I saw the blood zip in the building. The lair of bloodsucms is supposedly located there. We go behind the stalker, first beaten from two bloodsuckers in turn. After that, through the elevator shaft go down to the basement. There are three corpses with traces from the claws of monsters, but there are no Danils among them. Further, our companion reveals a closed door, followed by a whole flock of monsters. Here the main thing is not to make noise, move in a priority or slow step, and certainly not to hook sleeping beauties, because then, the fatal outcome is guaranteed.

Even if you are in the best equipment and with the best weapon, I'm not sure that you will safely choose from there. If you did not wake anyone, then on the tunnel will be on the surface near the fop. Danil we did not find it, but the muffuhar has one idea, and we still offer to tell the people about the founded lair of the bloodsucms. After about a day, the gang comes to the PDA will meet with a depth, but there is no it on Skadovsk, come to the beard, he says that the dehupic left a message and we must meet at the port cranes. We arrive at the place, in the house there are a corpse of Danil. We go to the room and find tremors that stands above the muffuhar's corpse.

Tremor admits that he killed all those stalkers. And here we can choose options:

1) We do not want to listen to him, he very beautifully shoots himself in his head, and we need to go to Skadovsk and tell you that Trevor is to blame, not bloodshots. We tell all the beard we get recognition for reversing the entire camp, 10,000 and the coordinates of the two caches. And to all, also the title of a detective in his pda. Sounds proudly, but let's see what gives us a second option.

2) And in the second case, the same thing, but we also learn interesting information about it and its strange disease. (It was possible not all the conditions were fulfilled, and the option was not fully disclosed)

Tips: Night Tremor's corpse and a safe in the room, he was a physician on Skadovsk, there is a whole week of medicine. From the corpse of the muchahar take the flash drive.

Blood Logs

Description: To deal with bloodsuckers, which, by rumors, are the cause of the last deaths of stalkers.

Quest issues: Zaton, Core, beard

Conditions for issuing: Detected Blood Logs

Reward: Anomalies Detector Veles, coordinates of the cache, 5000 rubles.

Passage: We found the lair of bloodsuckers, now we go to the beard on Skadovsk, outline the situation. He says that the lair can be destroyed by connecting the poisoning gas to the VNZ ventilation system.

Where the cylinders are lying with gas knows the owl, go to him. It is good that running far from needed to go to the second floor of the dry cargo. But information will only get 2,000 local money. So if not earned yet, the quest will wait, and if there is money, we get information about the location of the poisonous gas and go for him to the bridge. Preobrazhensky, where Military Autocolonna is located. On the bridge, we go carefully, around the anomaly, the Zalazim in the body of a truck, which stands between two bars and discover that two keys need to open the box. In the cockpit of the same truck we find the disposal number 4233, which says about the keys. Ahead of the truck the bridge is collapsed. We descend there, we find the key B. key in an inverted machine. And the second key A, is at the beginning of the bridge in the car trunk (it stands straight to the bridge).

After that, we go and get the cylinders from the box. After that, we return to the breakage of the circle, in order to find a ventilation shaft. Go to the mark, install a balloon. Now you need to turn the valve, but keep in mind that after you make it run away two bloodsuckers.

Tips: In the machines on the bridge there are many ammunition. Collect all the documents that you will find, then they will be able to sell the owl and compensate the money spent.

Case Leona

Description: Waving gas in machines on the bridge to find the wounded monolithica Leon. You need to immediately approach him and talk, otherwise it will die, and then work the script cleaner of the corpses and the quest will become not available. Speaking with Leon to choose a case on the bridge and attribute it to the pripage to give the leader of the monolith.

Gives: Zaton, wounded Monolithic Leon on the bridge

Performance: Do not rush immediately in Pripyat ... Put it on the storage in your personal box until you collect the team for the campaign in Pripyat. In the consequence, you can transfer the case to Yanov and leave it to the pore. When we go to Pripyat, take a case with you. (Continue see in Part 2)

Three comrades

Description: Drunkard technician Kardan with sadness remembers two of his comrades, with whom she once quarreled. We are invited to find lost stalkers and apologize to them from the face of Kardan.

Quest issues: Skadovsk, Cardan

Conditions for issuing: to give a cardan 2 bottles of vodka (it is possible that the quest cannot be done after performing the plot task unknown weapon)

Reward: Cardana Discounts + Barge Flash

Passage: Drinking vodka, Kardan tells us about their lost companions joker and barge. We go to the anomalies of the pineoduub and from the southern part of it we find a skeleton. Near the pumped gas mask and pda, from which we learn that the skeleton belongs to the late joker. Then we go to the burnt khutor. Let's go down to the cave under it, which flies comets. In the cave we find the corpse of Stalker. It turns out that it is barge. Take it in Pda and run to Kardan. We give him both PDAs and listen to the crushing of the unfortunate technique. Quest passed.

Quest smart

Shouche takes orders for rare and expensive things. He can buy an exoskeleton for 60000 rubles. In addition, he can enjoy rare trunks, such as a sniper rifle lynx (upgraded version of SVD), automatic FT-200m, bump, SV2-A, surf (upgraded version of the screws of the screws), GP37, Carabiner (upgraded SPSA-14 shotgun version), Storm (upgraded version of the bullet-C14), the milling machine (upgraded version of the Vajuk-5 machine). After ordering, you need to wait one day, after which a message will appear that the order can be taken.

Description: Smart, who sits on the top deck of Skadovsk, gives quests for the search for weapons.

Quest issues: Skadovsk, smart

Conditions for issuing 4 quests: after performing the first three quests, in a few days


1) Discharge the trophy "Ingram Mak 10". Lies on the roof of refueling, you can get there on the side of the fault in the fence or on the roof of the forest.

2) Spack the trophy "AK-47". Lies in the room, next to the documents, the factory Jupiter.

3) Spack the trophy "Mossberg 590 mk.l". Lies in the warehouse of containers on Jupiter.

4) Spack the trophy "Steyr AUG SS190". Lies in Pripyat

Reward: After completing the 4 quest L96A1

Camp mercenaries

Description: The owl trader promised to pay well for any carrier of information found in the camp of mercenaries at the waste recycling station. He is interested in the plans of mercenaries.

Quest issues: Skyrovsk, owl

Passage: We go to the recycling station in the south of Zakona. I advise you to take more first-aid kits and cartridges.

Mercenaries are excellent opponents, especially with an improved AI, they turned into insidious killers, the enemies think, bypass, apply different attack tactics, use grenades and so on.

Therefore, I advise you to use the same tactics to move a lot and do not go on a break. It is better to get around the building from the rear entrance, and there already and sort out the enemies. After all mercenaries are dead, remove the PDA from two main mercenaries, as well as take a laptop on the second floor and carry it all good to Ochich.

Food mercenaries

Description: At the entrance to the shop, the Tessen substation is asking to bring food with hungry mercenaries.

Quest issues: Zaton, Mercenary Cleaver

Award: Unhindered Passage to the Territory

Passage: We bring the mercenaries 2 loaves of bread, 2 sticks of sausages and 2 canned banks.

Or 6 canned food

Skat 33 Explore Fall Place

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-3 helicopter

Reward: Flashleka Lieutenant Smolyak

Passage: to the third helicopter just so do not pass, so we will go to Stalker Noah, who lives in his ark, slightly south of port cranes. In his ship, he holds a tamed lesi dog. We speak with him, ask about helicopters and agree that he spent us on the plateau. I appear on the burnt farm, there are frying anomalies full, follow what kind of road goes, then follow him. Do not forget about the bolts! We reach the edge, repel and jump into teleport. (ATTENTION Well accelerate well, otherwise you have to jump again). Teleporting near the zirk anomaly, and go to the plateau. Next to the goal is the lair of the snarles, so first it is better to destroy them until they did it with us). In the cave from the corpse of the lieutenant of the cooler, we take a flash drive with its Khabar. After that, we go to inspect the Skat-3 helicopter. We receive information that both engines have been denied in flight, and in the on-board computer we will find a map with marks of the evacuation points B23, B283, B2053.

Evacuation Places: Check Dot B23

Description: Evacuation points were marked in one of the helicopters. Check whether the military did not appear there.

Conditions for issuing: Skat-3 is examined

Passage: We return to Skadovsk, speak with a beard, which refutes information about the emergence of the military here.


Inaccessible cache

Description: Stalker Koroga left a container with a Khabar in Zaporozhets, but during a recent landing, the car fell under the ground. Himself does not want to go, as there are afraid of snarks that live there, more than the controller

Quest issues: Skadovsk, Skoryag

Award: to choose

Passage: We go to the refueling, next to which is a rift in the ground. Take with you more cartridges and first-aid kits, as you have to fight off the monsters. We come to a different, according to speakers in the ground, carefully descend to the Zaporozhets and get what you need to customer. Now we get up. Here the main thing is not lost (we look at the card) and in time to repel the attacks of sharply popping snarks. If you want more adrenaline, go around the quest at night, although underground and so almost nothing can be visible, you need to use a flashlight.

We arrive at the stalker to give a steel box, and here we are waiting for the first nice surprise: he in fraternally invites us to choose from what is in the box. In stock Fora, medical set, improved AKM / 2U, artifact of the soul, army steel helmet. You can choose a few not very valuable things, but you can suffer and pick up your helmet. Well, here you want.

Take a box not to the square itself, but to go to Kardan and ask to hack a case, then all its contents will be at the GG and the quest will open


Description: After the order of any trunk at the chest and at the next visit to Skadovsk at the entrance, the table on the right to you will stick to you with the requirement to give the alleged rifle.

Reward: flash drive leader gangsters, returning his things, Flashley Koryagi (optional)

Passage: Go to the shustroma, he will say that the stalker drives, so they say to him and go down, go down and the mark has bothered. Beard will say that the desired left, the mark will appear on the map where he left, there will be award gangsters that will demand money or things. Better to kill everyone. We go to the Janov and we celebrate there, he tries to otmazhazh, it seems like he is not here. After a few overnight stays in Yanov, you will see that all that you kept in your chest disappeared, and although here I stick to St. John's wort around the clock, he will say that I have not seen anyone who stole things. I saw a local leakage, he will send to Zulus, Zulus will indicate a place where to look for a thief. In place we will find an aggressive gangster and a semi-in-law of our thief. Bandita shoot, with the corpse, we take a PDA, which then you can sell, sending a first-aid kit to try where our junk, he admits that he hid it here near the sewage. If you shoot a snag, you can pick up its USB flash drive with a habar.

Kill Chimera

Description: Kill the wounded chimera.

Quest issues: Skundovsk, shingle

Conditions for issuing: There was a contact with the Hyperobe

Passage: At three o'clock in the night, we meet with the drive in Skadovsk bar and put forward to the emerald. Here you need to come together and quickly fill it. After successfully completed, we approach the shingle, and then we hand over the task of the atrociety.

Sending Kanevsky

Description: Stalker Avenger, who asks to pass the parcel with fireworks to Sleep to Skladsk in Kubrick for sleeping.

Quest issues: Skadovsk, Avenger

Award: Flashka Kanevsky

Passage: We take the parcel (which is very similar to the explosive) and carry it on purpose. Giving the parcel immediately run away and hide behind the stones, and after the explosion, go back and take the USB flash drive and trophies

Quests Banditov

Introduction: For joining, I need a rank of GG at least 65, we go to the base of the gangsters of a forestry, we pay for the entrance of the 4500, approach Capay (in no case look into the box under the stellage, the bandits will become enemies), we take the quest-owner (bring the name of the barrel). We go to the substation shops. It is advisable after fulfilling the quest to bring meals to mercenaries because the passage to the substation shops will be free. We go to the base, pass to containers, there are 3 mercenaries. We put mine, go to the house with a jackal, tear the charge, Shakal and the bodyguard, we get up in the doorway shooting sailors that go to the frontal, then go to the rear and granatetolers. From the carcasses of Jackal, we take the trunk, collect a habar. We return to the chape, we give the weapon-voila, the GG is enrolled in grouping bandits. Lovers to stream on two chairs categorically I do not advise you to take money from Jackal. Tuck spoil the relationship not only with mercenaries, but also with bandits.

Reward: Flashka Tesaca

Quest on the search for binoculars: Chapai asks to bring his binoculars from Jupiter.

Performance: Go to the guiton conductor Gavru and go to Yanov with him. Going to the VCC Volkhov. (For one and check the point b2053)

Evacuation Places: Check Point B2053

Description: Evacuation points were marked in one of the helicopters. Check whether the military did not appear there.

Passage: Going to the VCC Volkhov on the location of the neighborhood of Jupiter. In the terrain, many zombied, so it is better to take a shotgun or other effective weapon. We go to the building, in one of the rooms we find a note on the table from Sokolov with a content: an old sheet with the schedule of posts; On the bottom it is visible four digits: "1421". On top of the old records marker it is written: "Lieutenant Sokolov V.I. In connection with the twisted helicopter proceeded to the point of evacuation B205. Within two days, evacuation did not take place, further stay at the point is associated with an unjustified risk. He decided to leave the point and proceed to the mobile laboratory of the scientific expedition. The laboratory is located north-east of the evacuation point. " Here on the table lies and binoculars Chapay. Take it and it. Code 1421 It is still useful to us, go down to the basement, to the closed door, enter the code. (Although in fact the code to enter us will not need). At the bottom there will be a pack of tubes, and the big room will fight with the Burren. Try to ride from the items that he throws, as well as hiding behind the big boxes. Next, ride on the stairs up and enter the room, closed from the inside with a small arsenal. The task is completed, it remains to be seized the point B28.

Bring a flashlight

Description: The bandits are needed by his flashlight, which he lost at the refueling.

Quest issues: Zaton, Forestry, Baseor on the basis of bandits

Passage: nothing complicated, go and bring

Quests sword

Description: Help to deal with grouping of bandits on the territory of the forest area.

Quest issues: Zaton, sword

Passage: The sword is standing near the merchant on the back and asks to help deal with grouping of bandits on the territory of the forest area. To do this, it is necessary to meet with the Elbrus group near the port cranes and together with them spend a stripper. We go to the port cranes, heading the group and lead it to the forestry, where we carry out stripping. The main task is to kill the leader of the gangsters of Capay, the stalkers of Elbrus will take the rest. After stripping, we approach Edubus - we say, then to Skadovsk, we rent a quest with a sword, we get a reward.

Before the task, put a chapay mine at the feet and you will be easier to pass the quest

If, during the shootout, Erubus will be killed, remove the flash drive from his corpse. If he stayed alive, the USB flash drive can be taken later. When activating the quest "Transaction", Elbrus with comrades goes towards the anomalies on the plateau (where there was a Cache of the SBU), you can find it there and shoot as a deserter, there will be no harm.

Hitting on stalkers

Description: A group of stalkers decided to become a gang, and rob their own, stalkers. It is necessary to decide how to: take part in the race, warn stalkers, or not interfere

Quest issues: Zaton, Sultan


Passage: We speak with the Sultan, we receive information, speak with a beard or not (see options) We speak with the Castet, waiting for midnight and go on Barz T. Messchenko.


1) Help the bandits: we get 2100, coordinates of the cache and recognition of the gang, a consequence of the quest deal from Sultan.

2) Help the stalkers: Antirad 5pcs, bandage 4pcs, vodka 4 pcs, first aid kit - 2 pcs, coin coordinates. Corollary Correction from beard and freedom entry or debt

Transaction on forestry

Description: Meet with stalkers near the forestry region, and help them stop the transaction between the gangsters and the seller of weapons.

Quest issues: Zaton, beard

Conditions for issuing: Predused Quest to help stalkers on Barge Shevchenko

Award: 2500, coordinates of cache, + 3500, + Morgan flash drive

Passage: We take a quest, go to the forestry, we meet with free stalkers. We breed quietly to a round building, we erupt the conversation between the gangsters and the debt of the delivery of weapons. We kill everyone, remove the PDA from the Longscover Morgana in the exoskeleton. We speak with the main, we get a reward, for the main award we go to the bartender.

If you do nothing in Quest, the owl will offer to go to the quest on the side of the mercenaries hired by Morgan. After, on Janova, he will once again meet (in case of successful reflection of the attack of stalkers and the liquidation of Bandyukov), there will be another quest that will end with its betrayal. More precisely, I can not describe,

Tips: PDAs can be sold to Sich, and it is better to attribute not Yanov and give the leader of the debt Schulge or the leader of Lockey's freedom (by choice).

You can after performing the quest of the sword to lay a mine in the middle of the hangar + a couple of barrels with a fuel and after the opposed conversation to undermine it all. Minus - nothing counts nothing to the rank.

Cardana's birthday

Description: Cardana has a birthday and you need to find a gift.

Quest issues: Zaton, beard, Zhulyabsky

Passage: speak with a beard, then we specify from the Zhulyab coordinates. Go to Janov from Lotsmanov, we go to the checkpoint, take the drink "Beilis", we return to Zaton and give it beard.

There is a small nuance. If you go beyond the bottle before performing the quest from Vano, I will not fall inside the building, the gangster will not let. First distribute debts, and then by the bottle

Wave mutants

Description: Noah sent a message and asks for help.

Quest issues: Zaton, beard

Passage: I recommend to immediately have a sniper rifle with myself, there was a cant: I come to Noah, there is a squad of stalkers, and what does it ask for a sniper? - Without her, the quest does not continue. It was necessary to return to Skundovsk, buy a rifle, and on the return I discovered that stalkers are squatting in the barge, blocking the aisles on the deck, and they do not allow to take a firing position to continue the quest. In addition to sniper, I recommend to stock large number of cartridges because It will have to shoot a lot and explosives. It does not hurt a pair of remedy for repairing armor and weapons. Also before performing the quest if you play with the included mines, you need to shoot a mine that is on the left side of the barge, otherwise it can be born to any of the stalkers or their commander David, which automatically leads to the failure of the quest. Completely clean the perimeter from the port cranes, Shevchenko to the container platform from the gangsters. Stalkers can be distracted by them, which will lead to the failure of the quest.

After graduation from the fire position on the deck on the nose of the barge, the first wave of mutants consisting of blind pieces, rafts and boars. If the door to Noah is closed, then it is necessary to protect the stalkers that are located at breakdowns that closer to the nose on the left side, the nose of mutants will not fall, and David can kill. A shooting of all mutants comes a message that the controller is seen from the port cranes. Remove it from sniper or go to hand-to-hand with a knife. Kill, all the first wave is repulsed. If there are repair kits, filmed weapons and armor, put an explosive so that she did not hurt her by chance, somewhere before barge in an open place and we wait for the second wave of mutants, which consists of blind pieces, rapes, boars, pseudo-free, Snarks and one chimera. Stop david again and see the door to Noah closed. By interrupting all the creatures, a message is received about the controller in the Shevchenko area (until you kill the controller of the next wave), we will not go there, the controller's second wave rollery. Recharge, repair, explosives, the third wave is again all mutants plus bloodsuckers, two chimeras. Malim all. The message about the controller from the containers, by the way, there can immediately install explosives if there are no bures, all the quests, all the quests. Do you get the reward

taming business Three detector

Description: The owl trader suggested participating in one profitable case. To do this, you need to find three detectors "Veles", attribute them to the bunker of scientists and give it to Novikov.

Quest issues: Zaton, owl

Conditions for issuing: Cheats of Sultan or Beard

Reward: Detector Svarog + Optional

Passage: One Velez is given to us for the quest of the lair of bloodsuckers, the remaining two can be bought from the owl or remove from the corpses in Pripyat. After we have got three detectors, we refer their novikov to the scholars camp on the location of Jupiter and wait until he gives new spikes through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that the beard does not pay his share, and sends to talk to him. Barman gives us a prototype detector Svarog, which is necessary for the passage of the quest for scientists. And it proposes to demand his share of owl. As you know, they do not get together among themselves, so the information merchant offers to contact Sultan to deal with the beard. Here you need to make a choice to demand your share now or go to Sultan. If we take the money now we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the gangsters, we get a Dark Business Quest, with the ability to break the wards

Dark business

Description: Work on the Sultan, make the beard pay interest.

Quest issues: Sultan

Conditions for issuing: a tempting business passed, with the choice of the desired option.

Reward: 10,000, coordinates of the cache + percentage of beard (800 per day) + 2 detector Svarog

Passage: learn for Sultan about the latest beard matters. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact compass. You need to go to Noah and learn about the artifact in order to intercept it. In that roof, I completely went on the flood and he gives the artifact just like that. Now they rush to Sultan, he informs that you need to start working on the beard and get detectors that he distributes to his stalkers. We take a beard a task for the extraction of artifact, we wait until other stalkers also start looking for him. Next, we go to the marks, taking improved detectors (in which way, it is already to solve you), after which we go to Sultan and inform about the successful task. It remains only to make the beard work to Sultan.


Description: For a rare artifact customers always grabs. It should be found it.

Quest issues: beard

Conditions for issuing: The task is a tempting business

Reward: 10,000, coordinates of the cache + Achieve your boyfriend

Passage: "Compass": learn from Noah, where you can get an artifact. We go on the ark to psycho and his dog. He gives us an artifact, even no money asks. Take a compass beard and get a reward.

Tips: If after receiving the first "compass" to go out and move away after closing the door to turn to Noah again - you can get a second art (also for free).

And you can shoot Noah, pick up its PDA, artifacts and a USB flash drive.

Skat 1.

Description: Explore the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter

Passage: location of Jupiter's neighborhood. We go to the helicopter platform. The passage is closed with a mine-field. But the helicopter can be reached along the fence and look at the screen, there if there is a detector min in a backpack they will be displayed. We approach, inspect, take a black box and carry it to the nitrogen on Yanov. He says that the decryption can go about three hours, and the amount of decent will be released for money. So, we are waiting for three hours, approach nitrogen. We give it three thousand and listen to the resulting audio recording, which states that in the event of an accident, everyone follows to the point of evacuation B28.

Vano debts

Description: Vano asks to give his debt into size 5000 rubles. Group of bandits.

Quest gives: Yanov, Vano

Reward: 5000 and friendship with Vano with him go to Prip

Passage: come to Vano at Yanov Station, take the quest. We go to the gangsters. Speaking with the guard of their leader, come together with him (leader). Head is the name of the Valet. We start the conversation. This entity brazenly requires with 5,000 issued to us Vano, another 2000 (alleged interest). Depending on the steepness of our weapon, we can treat this bandit. He will hastily say that, they say, he was shattered and ready to take without percent. We give money, go to Vano, talk and here, he is our friend.

If you do not have too inspiring armor and weapons, give up with interest, and go again to Vano.

But if you shan down toad and you feel the terminator, you can choose an answer option cheaper to shoot you. Immediately the bowl on the gangster, and get ready to leave the camp with the battle. If Fortuna smile to you and you get to Vano, you will get in addition to friendship with him also five thousand, which he will allow you not to give him.

There is a fourth version of the answer (except cheaper you will shoot you, there were no interest in the percentage of the persuasion, and here you keep) - If you are a group of bandits, a response option appears: I don't like it, for what the curl is answered, brother! What we, two boys, do not figure it out? Say Vano I wrote a debt.

Tips: Beware of the grenade. Also, on the way to Yanov look at the parking lot. There you can find the artifact Moonlight. You can sell it or boot on the belt. But next to the artifact is full of electrical, careful!

Name Vintar

Description: Find the nominal weapon of Stalker Goloboy

Quest issues: Yanov, Water Tower (right from the entrance),

Passage: Stalker Slobes lost his name "Vintar" and asks him to find in Kopachah. We go with the uncle Yar in Kopach. Eliminate mercenaries and in the attic we take from the corpse of the PDA, which we carry it out. After studying the PDA, the speech asks for its weapon on the territory of the cement plant. We go to the plant, inspect 5 possible spawn points tools:

On the tower where the transition to the building is where parts for nitrogen. At the very top, where there is an original cache with a helmet.

In the basement right at the exit without stairs (on average building, type of garage)

On the ramp over the railway tracks, the entrance from the second floor of the station.

On the street next to the tank on the broken ventilation box.

On looking tower

Uncle Yar.

Description: Help Uncle Yar deal with mercenaries

Quest issues: Janov, Uncle Yar

Award: 6000 + coordinates of the cache

Passage: Uncle Yar leads us to the place, you only need to kill mercenaries.

In the cabin cache with detector Veles

In this mission, the zombies will not touch you, so you do not touch them so that there are no problems.


Quest issues: Janov, Uncle Yar

Passage: Uncle Yar asks to find the lost camera not far from the ventilation complex.

Tips: Two bloodsuckers and pseudogigant are hanging around the lost cameras, army, respectively.

Blood Logs

Description: Destroy marshed bloodsuckers

Quest issues: St.

Award: 3000 + Coordinates of Three Cakes

Passage: We go to the swamp (near the cement plant), we kill three bloodsuckers and object to the beast

Tip: Shake on the viewing area and put them out of sniper

Jupiter 2 Burera

Description: Destroy the mutants north of the factory Jupiter

Quest issues: St.

Conditions for issuing: killed blood circulators

Award: 5000 + Coordinates of Three Cakes

Passage: We go to the specified location, through the side entrance make your way to the hangar, kill two burers and return to the beast.

Night hunting for chimera

Description: Destroy the chimera that killed fox

Quest issues: St.

Conditions for issuing: previous 2 quest

Reward: 10,000 + unique shotgun predator + achievement hunter for mutants

Passage: We are waiting for the night, we take more cartridges and weapons more powerful, and go to the ventilation complex. Chimera is one of the most dangerous mutants of the zone, so get ready better.

Tips: It's much easier to hunt the chimeura with PNV. You can install a mine on the hatch, and then climb on top of how the chimer will appear - undermine and go beyond the award.

Night snipers

Description: Destroy the gangsters that stalkers rob at night

Quest issues: Yanov, Neon Trader

Conditions for issuing: after 22.00 hours

Passage: After 22.00, come to Neon and get the task to destroy the gangsters on the exercise. We go to the place and the valves of all. The latter cannot be killed immediately, approach him closer and he begins to run away. Quickly behind him, he runs to the train tunnel (you can move and overtake), if it did not work out to catch up with Ralm him and the accomplice in the tunnel. We go and take a reward

Warehouse of freedom

Quest issues: Yanov, Loki

Conditions for issuing: to bring Morgan's CCP leader of freedom

Passage: When reading the data on the CCP Morgan, Loki gives a team to capture the warehouse near the Dzatránarya. You can go and help shoot a debt and pick up everything that is in warehouse yourself, but will become an enemy of debt.

What do I go to do anything and leave yourself to understand

Loose hostage

Quest issues: USB flash drive from the SBU cache on the back

Reward: bag with money

Passage: Activate the USB flash drive, wear a mercenary costume (it is better to pre-pump it at the maximum) and go to the plant Jupiter. The hostage is in the trailer (between the central entrance to the territory of the plant and anomaly.

Option 1. You can come in a suit and shoot all mercenaries.

Option 2. Close to the concrete base of the Tunnel and from there from sniper kill everyone

Option 3. Climb the administrative building and kill all of the sniper.

Option 4. In Cache, the SBU lies a min. Use it to put it in front of the entrance to the trailer and the fuse in the canned or bandage to choose to come to the black it shoot him in the head and at the same time explode Mo will remain one mercenary in the trailer and this is no longer a problem

How to work out the territory, search for mercenaries, with the head of black, remove the PDA (do not try to sell it, like a suit: come in handy when joining mercenaries). After that, approach the hostage, we say and lead it to Janov. On Janova, he gives coordinates to meet with a connected SBU.

Meeting with a connected SBU

Quest issues: liberated agent

Condition: Quest passed to "free hostage"

Passage: after 20.00 we go to the helicopter platform, go around the mines (you can use the GPS conductor). We speak with the coherent and get a task to find a professor of pullibe into Pripyat.

Skat 4.

Description: Explore the wreck of the Skat-4 helicopter

Passage: We go into the building of the plant through the southern gate, on underground corridors we get into the hall, with a destroyed roof. Fallen helicopter will not notice will be difficult. We inspect, but we will not know anything particularly valuable.

Path in Pripyat

Description: The military should have been gathering at the Evacuation Point "B28", in Pripyat. We'll have to look for the opportunity to get there to talk about it with the conductor.

Quest issues: Lotsman

Conditions for issuing: found and deciphered black box of the Skat-4 helicopter

Passage: The conductor does not know the road to Pripyat, and sends us for documents to the Jupiter plant. In an administrative building in the room on the third floor we find the folder with the order. In the documents found in the administrative workshop, the documents say about the evacuation of the production complex from the territory of the plant. Information about this should be sought in the laboratory building. There, on the third floor there is a corridor transition to another building, after it turns to the left and find a notebook sheet on the shelf, which consists of a certain product number 62. Judging by the record from the laboratory workshop, the evacuation was to carry out the delivery department. You need to check this place. We leave the housing and moving on from the entrance. In the next case on the first floor there will be a sheet with the supply of this product itself. Now we go to the repair shop. We go around the main building and go through the southern gate, go down to small underground corridors and go out to the main building. There will be two Chernobyl PSA. On the table we find another document, which says that you need to go to the first department, where we find evidence that the underground path in the pripe exists. In the chemical compounds workshop, there must be information on the conservation of an underground overpass "Pripyat-1" with some gas. Therefore, we return the same way as we walked into the repair shop. The entrance to the underground overpass is behind the transport gateway. You need to check this place. We collected all the documents, go to the nitrogen on Janov, where he will tell us about the underground transition to Pripyat.

Tips: Go to the third floor of the administrative building, in order to take another documents. They bear purely administrative information, but they are guarded by mercenaries, the leader of which is on PDA, there is some interesting information. .

Anomalous plant

Description: Ozersky offers in return for a sample of anomalous plant with a closed breathing system

Conditions: You must start a quest way to Prip

Award: Suit with a closed breathing system

Passage: the elementary quest. Take the task, track it on the map and go to an anomalous grove. We approach the founding of the tree and looking for this very sample. We return to the bunker, speak with Ozersky, then with the pilot. Everything!

Tip: the only problem that may arise around the sample chemical infection so better with you have a suit with a good chemical protection, and then there will be no problems

Anomalous activity

Description: Scientific scanners registered anomalous activity north of the bunker. It is necessary to explore the locality with the help of a perfect detector.

Quest issues: Herman

Reward: Thunder-C14, cartridges, charges for a grenade launcher, 4000

Passage: In order to fulfill this task, a welsh detector will be required (see Quest is a tempting business). When you have an improved detector, you can go to the cooling towers, north of Yanova. If you passed there before, you could hear scraps of calls for help on the radio. But the input or some hook was impossible to find. We go to the specified mark, get the detector and an anomaly of the spatial bubble appears in front of us. A few seconds, a dead debt detachment crashes out of it. We find their commander of General Tkachenko, we take PDA, listen to the recording. Now you need to transfer information about the founder of debt, Shchulge on Yanov or give Loki and freedom will tease the debt and laugh at it.

Survive monolith

Description: The detachment of "Monolytsev", before the fanatical fighters, came out from under an obsessive suggestion. Now these people are looking for shelters from emissions and monsters. It is necessary to agree with the inhabitants of the station "Yanov" so that "Monolytsers" could cover there

Quest issues: tramp

Reward: freedom costume

Passage: In order to take a task, you need to find a squad of monolithpers. It is a little south of the Wolch Sprink, closer to the container's warehouse. We approach the leader by tramp, agree to talk to the stalkers. To successfully complete the quest, you must have a good relationship with one of the groupings. So, we go to the leader of Loky's cubs (he was transferred to the CCP Morgan, the CCP of the founder of the debt, the traitor Flint-Fall) and in the dialogue he sends you to bring the monolith to freedom. If you have done everything right, then he must agree to shelter monolithpers. We take a detachment of freedom and come back to fanatics. Further, look at an interesting picture, as a monolith is taken into liberty.

Tip: If the monolithic is starting to shoot in fighters of freedom / debt (which is not so rarely found) boot from early conservation, inspect all the soldiers of the tramp, perhaps one of them is injured or killed, give a first-aid kit, and only then say with vagraize

A detachment for the campaign

Quest issues: Nitrogen, Zulus

Condition: Quest passed "Path in Pripyat"

Passage: Zulus says that for a trip you need, at least three people. There were 5 people in the amount: Vano, Tramp, Lieutenant Sokolov, Zulus, Nitrogen. In the dialogue with Zulus there is another branch, where he speaks about Noah, but if you come to him on Zaton, it will not have a dialogue associated with a campaign in Pripyat. Let's start collecting the team. Each stalker will need a suit with a closed respiratory system. First let's go to Vano, although there is no difference, who to take first. It is necessary to lend 5,000 per suit.

There are no problems with a suit with a suit, since he has an old monolith costume.

But the lieutenant Sokolov is no costume and have to ask for Ozersky. But as always, just so you will not get anything. You need to task and bring the scientist sample an abnormal plant on the edge of the career.

All we assign to Zulus.

Variable Psi Radiation

Description: Investigate the tunnel in search of some abnormal education. Scientists believe that an alternating psi field has a source and predict that it is possible an artifact.

Quest issues: scholars bunker, Herman

Conditions for issuing: the presence of a psi-resistance helmet. (Can be found on the roof of the cement plant)

Award: 6000 + coordinates of the cache

Passage: We meet with a poplar group, then put forward to the tunnel, west of the cooling tunnel. We go inside, take artifact.

In order to pick up the artifact and save the stalkers, walk around the room with an anomaly, and go out only when hear the root of the controller. And here is the case of technology. After you kill him, talk to the stalkers, they will thank you and go to the bunker of scientists.

Tips: As an option, you can lay a minute near the tunnel carriage and when you hear the root of the controller - undermine.

Ozranian scientists

Description: Find a new guard for the camp of scientists

Quest issues: Herman

Conditions for issuing: provided that administrative documents were found at the Jupiter plant, mercenaries were killed, which were in the same building, documents and PDAs were delivered to Herman.

Reward: 4000 + medicines

Passage: You can find a Spartak detachment on the raise, but closer to go to the leader of freedom on Yanov and agree with him about the protection of scientists. After that, you need to return to Herman.


Description: Prove the existence of an oasis local legend among stalkers. Ozersky, scientist from the bunker, asked to try find the legendary oasis. If you believe rumors, there must be a water with healing water. However, no one knows exactly whether this place really exists.

Quest issues: Ozersky

Award: 7000.

Passage: as well as the quest with a growing quest for an independent search. But then the situation is even more complicated. So, we go to the ventilation complex. But the entrance itself is slightly northwest, immediately near the railway.

We go into the room, go underground. On the way there will be several zombies and tubes, we are heading towards the ventilation complex (focusing on the map). After you choose to the corridor with a red lamp and the most interesting part begins. In the next hall, teleport is installed. (The principle of its action simply throws us down to the entrance to the hall) to go further, you need to run so few times, for the time being, there will be three arches between the columns. There are four rows of columns. In the first, third and fourth, glowing arches should appear, similar to the effect on the burning down. After all the arches appeared, we need to turn off teleport. For this, we pass between those columns where there are arches, and in that row, where there are no arches, we must guess, between which pillars need to go. (Poles each time is chosen randomly). After disconnecting the teleport, we get into the ventilating room, where the artifact of the heart of the oasis hangs. We take it, fight off the pseudo-free, and carry the artifact to the camp to scientists, we leave on the stairs up.

Scanners for scientists

Description: Herman wants to collect statistics on the appearance of artifacts.

Quest issues: Herman

Conditions for issuing: The task of the Psi-radiation variable

Award: 5000.

Passage: Go to Novikov, take three scanners of abnormal activity. Next, in turn, set the scanners in the three indicated anomalies. I think there should be no difficulty. After that, we return to the scientist for remuneration. Now we can recognize the artifacts in these anomalies, as well as to establish such scanners and other anomalies.

Measures for scientists

Description: help stalkers make measurements.

Quest issues: Herman

Conditions for issuing: Previous scientific quests

Reward: 7000 + detector Veles + title Researcher

Passage: The setting of abnormal fields is divided into 2 parts. Anomalies of floating and anomaly ashiste. Although you go, take as much cartridges as possible. There will have to shoot on the plaels from large flocks of boars and pops, therefore it is advisable to take a bump or any other shotgun. And it is better to take sniper weapons on the ashes, since the attack will be mostly zombies, which are from the corps that are just a distance of a sniper shot. After all the measurements were held, return to Herman, we get a reward and the title of a researcher.

Tips: Try not to let the animals to the stalkers at the time when they stand with detectors, they like dolls die from one touch. If the stalkers still threw off the hooves, do not be discouraged to work to work to the scientist the Santa Shot team.


Description: Ozersky has another interesting hypothesis

Quest issues: Ozersky

Conditions for issuing: Previous scientific tasks are passed.

Passage: To check the hypothesis of the Owar, it is necessary to install the scanner approximately in the center of the collapse. After you install the scanner, mutants, the wave will attack this place you go out to a safe place and watch how the snarles are burning the discoverer

Distribute scientists

Quest issues: a scientist near the bunker

Passage: everything is simple - we go and spend stripping on the way. First zombie, flow controller on the bridge, at the end of the zombies on the territory of the ventilation complex

Tools for Novikov

Quest issues: scholars bunker, novikov

Passage: the same simple - we go to the plant, we find the tools and bring Novikov.

Award: Improving existing detectors.

Documents of the Arrow Group

You can search for the groups of grouping an arrow when you meet it, and give these records it can well repay. You can also get the achievement of the secret.

Toppers for cache can be obtained if you decipher the black box from the drone, which lies above the anomalies "ashiste" in the ravine. Related to decipher better Novikov in the bunker. If you attribute nitrogen, then the boy who sleeps near Nitrogen - Senka, will go to look for the caches and bend (although he does not affect the plot)

1) document note arrow ghost

Location: Tunnel under the cement plant, in the box

2) note arrow

Location: Drill car in the career, in the cockpit. You can crawl through the tree

3) note of the fang arrow

Location: Yupiter plant, the back side, where there are huge cup-shaped buildings, in the pipe. Also there you can find SGI

Join Dawn.

Description: We approach the Tunnel Tunnel, where they performed the quest scientists at the search for artifact. Coming message "To assist in the reflection of the attack of monsters"

Execution: Again a little ahead, but not further the platform (can you get from the grenade launcher) and begin to pump mutants, and there are many (dogs, snarling, boars, pseudo-docks and one pseudogan). The main thing is to kill pseudogigant. When you kill all mutants, a message comes: "Talk to the leader." We go, speak. Nazar proposes to join their grouping. Our deal agree or not.

Tip: Go to the ledge from the concrete and on top of all kill pseudogyginta from grenade launcher

Clean the mutant

Description: Dawywaves need a territory for expanding the grouping. It is necessary to free it from mutants.

Issues: Jupiter, the leader of the Tsvetovtsev Nazar

Description: We put forward on the label on the map (on the firewall) and shoot snarks. Returning for the award.

Clean the territory near Nor

Issues: Jupiter, the leader of the Tsvetovtsev Nazar

Description: We put forward on the labels on the map and shoot mutants:

1. At the cement plant (snarles, chimer)

2. At the factory, Jupiter (dogs, pseudoops)

3. In the south (between the warehouse of containers and the helicopter platform) boars, flesh, controller

4. Near the railway (tushkany, burer, 3 pseudogigant)

5. Near the Snok Volkhov, pseudogigant

Returning for the award.

Pripyen 1 Check the point b 28

Description: You need to get into the pripe

Quest issues: Lotsman, Zulus, Nitrogen

Conditions for issuing: Predused Quest Path in Pripyat

Passage: When you give everyone to Zulus, you will be waiting for another achievement leader. When everything is assembled, nitrogen opens the door to the subway of Jupiter. Further, most importantly, it is necessary to ensure that no one died from your team. This passage underground will be remembered for a long time. All the way to the Big Hall, will attack snarks. Use the bait and use both slots for weapons. Next, you will need to turn on the power of the door. Select the ladder transformer, turn on the power. From the side of the containers will land monolithic. Power included, but the door is still blocked. You need to go to the dispatching.

When we go on the opposite sides of the hall two sniper appear, and a few of the monolithpers go from the other side where we came from. We click on the lever, and go to the opened door. Further we go on the corridor, shooting tushkanov, zombies and snarles. It is impossible to get lost. We reach the staircase, which leads to the ventilation hatch upstairs, and here we are in Pripyat. After loading the location, we look at a small roller on the engine, after which I appear before Koval.

Tips: In the Big Hall on one of the containers there is a SGM cache in which L96A1 is located

Unknown weapons

Description: Find a weapon with which monolithpets shot down a helicopter with the military.

Quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky.

Reward: Gauss-Cannon, Yellow key card

Passage: along with the captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We occupy places in the building and we are waiting for three monolithmets to go to the center of the courtyard. Quickly remove them, go to search the bodies. At this moment, the rest of the monolithic, who arranged an ambush on us, begin to attack. Our goal is to kill monolithica, on the edge of the roof of the five-story building, which stands with a Gauss-gun. After all fanatics are dead, taking secret weapons and return to Kovalsky.

Tip: When three monolithpers are budded before entering the street. shoot a grenade launcher

Quickly inspect three corpses and another 5 people pray in the next room, they clean them on the staircase on the 2nd floor there is a sniper clean it, at the exit one more, the fence on the left and on the left of the entrance to the room you kill the next, two on the roof of the transition, on the stairs up There is the last monolithic. Do not go to the roof and remove the chief from the sniper

Do not forget Gus gun.

Tools for military

Issues: Pripyat, technician in the laundry

Execution: Do not quiet and buy a tip for two sets to the owl of the owl.

Award: carrying out full modernization of weapons and armor (plus those that do not make cardan and nitrogen)

Case Leon in Prometheus

Description: Before the campaign in Pripyat, we take Case Leon from a personal box, to give the leader of the monolith.

Gives: Zaton, wounded Monolithic Leon on the bridge

Execution: We go to the Cinema Prometheus, at the entrance from the side of the CCW, the head of the monolith's guard is worth it and he does not allow us to leader Cyborg, talking to him and give him a Case. For a reward we go to the monolith merchant.

Condition Performance: The presence of the anti-zone marked three times to survive the release of an open area using an anabiotic.

Tip: If you enter the cinema from the central entrance and go to the hall, there will be three monolithica, hostile to the GG, you can shoot them, just carefully, that would not touch the rest & the detachment will not notice the loss of the fighter

Zulus and Svarka

Description: We return from the cinema of the Prometheus past the school, there are meeting Zulus, who shoots from the snarles

Issues: Pripyat, Zulus

Performance: Help Stalokar Zulus fight off the snarles. After completing the task, go to the laundry room. In the laundry room, talk to Zulus, we get for the help of its steep RPK.

Serum for bloodsucker

Description: Climb on the fourth floor of the building near Laundry (later the quest "One shot" will be held from this room, but if you come after it, this quest will be unavailable in connection with the death of the kestodel from the military bullet)

Issues: Pripyat, blood

Performance: Going to the room is stunned, having come to themselves on the "strange note" on the bedside table, in which the bloodstream asks to bring him a vaccine. The vaccine can be taken in the scientists bunker. We bring the bloodstream, we read the second note, take a reward from the box

Tip: Take this quest before going to Zaton with a faulty Gauss.

Product 62.

Description: The sample of Gauss-gun is spoiled, you need to find a mechanic that would fix it.

Issues: Pripyat, Colonel Koval

Execution: Go to Kardan to Zaton. When we tell him about the product number 62, he will cut down and go to bed for a day he has already come to himself.

During the dialogue, we find out that Cardan used to work at the Yupiter factory, it is with this product. For repair, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the anomaly of the Iron Forest, in the building there will be a coded door. The key card is coming in handy. We go down to the test shop, there will be about 5 zombie stalkers in the corridor, go down even lower, we fall into the hall with a huge shield installed on the rails. Fuely to armor-piercing, shotgun and charges for a grenade launcher. But it is better if you take something squeezing. And the machine gun of Zulus using the DUM-DUM charge

We climb the stairs, then on the top pipe of the Zalazim through the hole in the ventilation mine and climb into the second hall. The desired documents will be on the table, and next to the sample of the product number 62. We get a yellow key card from the x8 laboratory. Now you need to get out and return to Kardan to Skadovsk. We give documents, we wait until he discern, and at the same time he repairs Gaussk. At this time you can sleep. We get up, we take weapons and documentation and go to the lieutenant colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.

Tips: In the test workshop on the shelves will find cartridges for AK.

Missing interlock

Description: The interlock sent by Kovalsky disappeared after a strange session

SGM V. 2.2.

1. Start. Cordon / swamp

Never shoot from Aksu! At the first opportunity, take AK-74, good machine for melee.

First opponents carry grenades, for even the high-class arrows / veteran of the counter from the regular weapon will not pay anywhere. Hands here, with something, mouse - too. Weapons are ... Beats weakly. And, mostly, by.

In the second hand at the start, take the edge - for the melee the most. Hadzhotite is wonderful.

Together with you, the village (first Quest) storms 1 ... 2 stalker with L85. The trunk, undoubtedly, not the best, and the cartridges for it are not so much, but there are built-in optics ... What is not sniper on the first hours?

Tamerlan, in addition to two flash drives, can have another random object. I suspect that this is only a "drink", but there were other precedents ...
This item is generated at the time of the Avtovo Quest, that is, at the time of the murder of the last "fugitive". If not lazy to play with random, we begin to do it before the murder of the last of the fugitives.

All stalkers wear a "weapon" with them, only here some do not have time to use it ...
In other words, the "useful" trunk can be thrown away - someone will pick it up. Then, if this "someone" takes the trunk in the hands and dies, then we will be selected already "renovated" to the default state of the trunk.
To use this technique, of course, Gimorno, but in the first quest - on the capture of the village and the subsequent protection from mutants, it is quite possible.
That is, "reset" the stamped trunk "necessary" stalker, "I fogging" by his cables given to the village, we endure the boars, Lunt a carcass - oppa ... The trunk "receded."

1.7. Stalkers are better than Banganganov watching their weapons: the state of the trophy weapons of the gangsters ~ 80%. Stalkers - 95%.

Up to 22-00 ATP on Cordon is empty. After - Bandygans will be spawned. But, to conversation with Magomet (senior assault. ATP Groups), they are all immortal ...

Stalker Magomed, (heading the assault group on ATP), has a USB flash drive and ak-74 m1. Something tells me that it is not to survive him in this battle ...

Immediately read as many "points" as possible, there will be all sorts of benefits in boxes. For the passage of quests ("Pilot of the Military", for example), pre-stripping does not affect. Military carcasses will be in their places.
Critical only ATP, but it has "built-in protection from a fool."

Against the "quest" monsters, use anomalies and grenades. Cartridges will still be useful.

Stripping monsters can also be carried out from alternative weapons, such as trophy pistols, methodical shooting from afar. And cheap cheap cartridges, and AK-74 does not wear out.

In the very north there is a block post with bandits. So the main thing - AK-74 M1 (in rapidity). Take away at the first opportunity. His DPS is noticeably higher than the standard, and Upgrading this trunk at Ermak makes sense the most immediate. Long stay long.

Upgrade on Cordon with Ermak technique - on the first "line", all three types.
+30 accuracy in Tir-3 is, and if the grades of AK-74 m2 (+50 exactly), then 1 upgrade "crashes in a whistle" (duplicated), and the rapidity does not even raise rapidness yet.

In the hard-to-reach places hide the chicken-carrying gold eggs (500 per bug). Unfortunately, the birds are disposable. And mortals ...

In the tunnel under the mound of the railway, the lung renouncement of mercenaries. Take, you still will not be anything better. On the bulletproof properties is not inferior to "North" from the landfill. And "Seva" can be sold for 12k ...

On a vegetable base, in the very end of the left building, the boxes are lying (always!) Kevlar plates-1 (+ 5%). The thing is heavy (1 kg) and practically useless. On the swamps / cordone, the weight is uncritical (the trunks do not collect), but hereby ... Total: you can safely sell for 6.4k ...

If antiradiatic arts (jellyfish) on cordon / swamps are not supersed, then nothing terrible. These locations (with a minimum gimorrow) are held at all without artifacts, on the "blue" bandages, vodka and antiradines.

So far, do not surrender the 2nd Quest of Medvedev (on the stripping of monsters) and do not take the quest from the Covers' merchant to "Shapoklyak", art will not. That is, there will not be at all.

The village with the water tower in the swamps is rich in the caches: on the roof of the tower lies RPG-7 + 2 charges, and on the roof of the barn - L85. True, both of them are absolutely not needed ... But some medicine in the cellar is quite in the topic.

Do not take a trophy weapon, on cordon and swamps this is devoid of any meaning. Well, except that MF, and then ... discharge and shove into the corpses. Remove the ...

Alternative opinion: Collect everything, tremble and neat. Take off to the exit from the marshes to the center of the zone, where and pass into the analysis of the Kardan.
You can try "FO FO" - to make sure the meaninglessness of similar personal time spent. At first too small, the carrying weight is 50 "useful" kg; Then, when the weight comes to 150 "useful" kg - all this is not necessary for anyone.

Cordon and swamps do not require gas formation weighing 4 kg. Boldly you can leave it in the box. Why carry extra severity?
By the way, on the back and Jupiter, this "rule" of the beginning of the game is also valid.

At first, do not use "default" storage boxes for storage of equipment (only on the southern cordon there are two): all the benefits are spawned. Install the bag ...

2. Zaton and Next ...

The caches of the original zp have undergone insignificant changes in the content, but the SGM-Caika has become less than almost 2 times. The most difficult to access the greatest benefit.

At the entrance to Zaton, under the Christmas tree on the left, the road itself - the tutu 7.62? 53. Previously, there was still SVD ...

Cache with AK-74, cartridges and the bait - under the other Christmas tree, to the right of the road and further to the sawmill - as in the original.

Granatomets - the device of dubious utility not only at the start. For - heavy. There are no situations in which it cannot do without it. Plus, the explosion hurts the resulting weapon. Belly you can sell.

Instead of the screw in the original (on the wall of the house in the burnt farmer), in fashion is a new abakan.
For sale.
And sorry ... The starting version with a sniper under meeting on the takon is much more often 9? 39 The cartridge would have the right to exist ... on the first day.
Then - "Lynx", definitely. Although first is the cartridges to the edge. And in order to use the "lynx" effectively, not only a hard hand, but also you need to know the places.

The first really good weapon will have to buy. It will be a unique sniper rifle "Lynx". It is ordered for 4,000 numbers in the 3rd floor of Skadovsk. First of all, as we get there and get 4,000 on my pocket, - Bad Order. Waiting for delivery will have about a day.

The appearance of "customized" barrels from Custvor Randomno, and the trunk is generated at the time of order.
- Seafa to order;
- We make an order;
- Seven in another slot;
- We sleep 24 hours.
We check that they will bring us smart.
We are loaded from the latter, if it is "lynx", and continue the game.

It takes only a "lynx", the remaining two options (unique light and vintacesis "surf") so poorly wishes without grades of the TIR-3, which can be used exclusively for the start of the qualest line of Koryagi. For the effective shooting are not suitable.

By the way. Do not forget before ordering the trunk to take the quest for the search for MAS-10 (this is in the location of Zaton, the rest - on Jupiter), otherwise the shuschik will run away for a day. Without taking a quest, the trunk will not generate.

While do not buy the trunk (any) at the chest and do not descend with him "beyond the shoulder" in the bar (trunk - in the active slot, and not in the inventory), the Koryaga line will not start.

Hiring with RPG-7 ("Monkey with a grenade") in the emerald, chosented by Hadzhota not on a default position, does not have time to devour his shaten, in this case it can be seized. The substation will not work so ...

Kemper on the arrows of the landforn (Vobly friend; in the quest "steering wheel"), armed An-94 M1, time to eat his gun ... that is, in SGM 2.2. His machine will not work in any way: neither on the arrow, nor "abandoning" him to the ground.

Delicious abundance of the Torch of the VNZ "Circle" is completely deserted to a conversation with dedication on Skadovsk. After taking his quest both bloodsuckers in place, and the wooder is not yet.
But do not forget to be filled into the PNZ 20 rounds to the "Rysi" (top of the rack), 10 to Gaussk (right in the left "Electroker" over the Khabar Mairon). And also a hundred 9? 39 (under the stairs).

Understand all 4 corpses in the Bedroom basement before the "bedroom". The Ceremaker is a little waiting for you.
At the first corpse (behind bars, far away, opposite the elevator) there is always a night star. It is not particularly relevant on the "two-time" costume (for the "three-step" with an unscrewing, MF has some meaning), but you can sell.

Unique bullets, with a piece of carousel artifact, aka dum-dum (although it's completely different ... :-)) We care for "lynx" and alpha.

If the sump will be a hump cache on the roof (where to jump from the pipe), then there will be a couple of arts, including grave.

The artifact "Acid Infusorius" by Quest of the scientist is now not hidden in the "backpack".
To detect it, like the "Shapoklyak", the detector is not required. When approaching the anomaly in the forest area, 150 m art rolls off the slide right on the road. Scooter ...

If the passage line "allows", then a can of gas for bloodsuckers (10 kg) can be taken on the bridge and attributed to the place in advance (without taking any quests), where to reset to Earth. He will not disappear.

Go to Yanov for the first time better as soon as possible, but it is advisable to execute a gentleman's minimum: get a "detective" (let the medicines drip), overlook the bloodsuckers and the chimera (for forty).

Being in the "gangs", on Janov, the first time you can get free, in Quest Chapany.

For the exposure of the Trevor and receiving a "detective", it is not necessary to destroy the nest of bloodsuckers on the PNZ. It is enough to explore it. Then, after a pair of hours of sleep, the body of the muchahar will be in place. I even managed to get there a living and healthy muffuhar, for the still locked door ...

Below "helm" on the landfill (in the second visit - for a habar from the flash drive) is a jumpsuit "Seva". For failure ...

At the first exit from Skadovsk, look at Banjunas in the forestry, pay "for the entrance". And then devour the dogs "on duty on the checkpoint", and have to be replayed. At the same time, several calibers can be checked (AK-74, Chaser). For sale.

I recommend to take the squiga container right at the start. With AK-74 M1, this will not be difficult: if you enter the caves from the "black entrance", from the anomaly "Claw" (although it is possible and jump from refueling, with some CS experience and excellent spinal reflexes - no problem).
The first sweet couple of snarles is taken out of the "gap", with an inaccessible height, as in the dash. There will be 2 more in the cave and the last, fifth, at the exit. Bates by the Knives - short to mind.
Note that "Chumadan" from the "Zaporozhets" weighs for example 12 kg ...

Case Keyaga is completely reflarely not to give away at all (we found the container before, what did you find out about the court, Dya?): Kardan will open it for 500 rubles. The benefits from the Koryagina Khabar are a bit: we will get two objects in the priest (if you give in Quest), it remains a helmet, a gun and aksu. The last slightly MF. In a word - noncritical.

At the substation to mercenaries and Tesaku, it is better to come with six rations to the first time: the quest took - the quest passed. And then there have been cases when the game is a little cliniced when taken, but not fulfilled by this quest.

3. How not to be poor? As well as about technicians and upgrades

First of all, you need to reduce regular expenses (for repair not only equipment, but also "in general"). To do this, get the highest possible discount on the repair / upgrade from the cardan and nitrogen.

The task is to give a large number of weapons to "disassembly" - looks primitive. Test and hand over. But...

It is more profitable to pass 1 barrel in a state of\u003e 90% than 2 of the same 45%. So, starting from a certain stage, we obtain the cheapest trunks (PM and Fort) to 100%. And only after that we refer them to disassembly.

It is more profitable to pass "into the disassembly" 2 PM (price 100 + 100 \u003d 200) than 1 rifle (at the price of 1000), there will be more from the pair of PM parts.

Having reached the minimum payment for the repair, we repair all the trunks before selling / submissive.
"There is something like a chip and embarrassed ...": From one alpha can be "strut" to 50k bablos.

At the beginning of the game, armor, devices, gas masks and helmets are more profitable to sell a merchant than Sich. Some cartridges are also, but it's a penny. But on the armor, the sights, detectors ("response", not "bear"), the difference is noticeable to kevlar plates and contractors.

In general, check the price of the buying of the device for merchants, before selling Sichie / Hawaiitz.

The larger the spare parts technique, the lower the price of repair and upgrade. Therefore, I first hand over broken trunks on disassembly, and then.

Maximum "freebies" - 0 rubles. - It is achieved in the region of 90 pieces of "spare parts". Then prices ... grow. Little... :-)

Do not sell the weapons of Sich and Hawaiitz after each "walker". Keep it until the moment when you need to upgrade / purchases. The later sell, the more help me. Maybe the weapon will already be profitable to repair before selling, and these are completely different grandchers.

Do not graduate armor (and weapons) in the takon.
Firstly, it is obligated (on Yanov Nitrogen will make cheaper), secondly, it is simply deprived of meaning: a sense of the Greed of armor from Tir-1 is very dubious (there is interest, and + 50% to 10 - only 15 ...) , but expenses at first noticeable. Only, perhaps, prestive armor for 3 + k - in weight - it makes sense to do. And that's it. If the tools are successfully lying ("coarse" x2 on the back) ...

The tools fall out very "randomly", but there are a couple of sets on the location of the zP. The likelihood is great that the nearest set for "fine works" can be found only on Jupiter. Therefore, the kardan is supplied by the residual principle, priority - nitrogen.

This applies, first of all, a set for "coarse works", the duplicate of which can "take" already in pripyat ... While (one way or another) will not be determined with the presence of a duplicate, you do not give the tool to the cardan. And the services of Kardan in the upgrade do not use. So, I do not solder it with vodka.

The location of the tools can be found in the owl, 10 - 20 - 30 kilubles. When rebooting - free ...

So desired in the original Grade of Exoskeleton on Running, performed exclusively by cardan, is no longer relevant.

A unique upgrade of the helmet "Sphere" in nitrogen does not benefit special benefit. But, choosing a helmet to "Ecze", you can stop at 60% protection + grade from nitrogen (IR scanner).
The difference in protective properties between the sphere and the sphere M, in essence, is minimal (60% VS 65%). But the utility of "IR scanner" is quite dubious ...

Some armor beauties will be available only in Pripyat, in military equipment. Not earlier. True, they are not relevant.

No advantages on the upgrades of the technician of scientists before nitrogen / cardan no longer has.

Never erupt mushrooms ... oh ... do not upgrade SVD "Lynx" to install PNV! Mortitate in the afternoon ... :-)

4. Optimal weapons in SGM 2.2: choice, upgrades, finding. Recommendations.

The choice of optimal weapons is determined, out of doubt preferred by the tactics of the bore.
Since "Stels-missions" in the SGM is not provided, then the available tactical constructions can be conditionally divided into 2 "poles":

- pure "campaign", with shooting enemies from an ambush from the maximum range;
- Assault actions - nearby battle on the spinal.
Accordingly, 2 types of weapons are used:
- sniper (high-precision, with optics) for shooting with a large distance;
- assault (with high DPS (Daged Pen Second, damaged damage)).

The optimal tactics, as a rule, "lies at around the middle":
- first to make everything affordable from afar, preferably - hasty,
- Then half a carcass,
- Save,
- After that, storm the remaining opponents.
This order is determined by the features of the game, and, in particular, the work of the cleaner of the corpses. To obtain the entire Lute, he "calls" players to fight "in one breath", without rebooting.

In accordance with the elected tactic, weapons selection at each stage of the game are selected.

A few words about the basics of the species shot in the game.
Each trunk has its own characteristic of "accuracy". But the total "accuracy" of a single shot is made up of three parameters: "Subjective" ("convenience" - "Pressing the cross" of the trash) and "objective" - \u200b\u200bactually a breeding "accuracy" + the effect of weapon wear.
The type of ammunition seems to affect only the transfer point of aiming when a long-distance shooting.

The following trunks are available at the start:
1. AK-74.
2. L85.
3. An-94 "Abakan".
4. L-300 (there is a guards of the Northern Block-post on Cordon, you can "achieve" his death from monsters, and, in principle, to receive).
5. Shotguns.
6. Double bonds, trims.
7. Pistols - machine guns (MP-5 and, similar to him, AKSU).
8. Pistols.

A single trunk is not suitable for the role of sniper weapons at the very beginning of the game ... Only Tula Bluebins, bullets provide decent accuracy. But the shot range is absolutely insufficient.

Pistols - machine guns (to them, despite, relative and the AKSU) do not have any advantages compared to other types of weapons. Some shortcomings ... ;-)

The fractional weapon (tones, chaser) is not bad against monsters, quite comparable from AK-74. Cancer Cancelled Hadzhotite single gangsters in super-borne battle in the premises and "from behind the corner"

Pistols at the start should be used only as an alternative to monsters, for shooting quests with a large distance, for example. Cartridges for them are a lot, and the accuracy of some models is quite satisfactory.

At the very beginning, you can, perhaps, use L85 - due to built-in optics, shooting solitary. Against the "blind" bandits on Cordon, this turns out to be quite enough. And then the result will have to achieve a large number of shots, and NATO 5.56 × 45 is still very small.
When obtaining PSO-1 for AK-74, if not earlier, L85 weighing 5 kg with pleasure throws out in the garbage.

With all the "wealth of choice", an alternative to AK-74 is still no:
1. Before the possibility of repairing the Replacement AK-74 to the "new" least problematic.
2. Cartridge 5.45 × 39 - the most affordable and common.
3. High DPS.

Yes, before the appearance of SVD "Lynx" AK-74 will be "and a shvets, and a reaper, and on the Dudge."

An-94 "Abakan" in SGM 2.2. It turns out to be unclaimed perfectly.
An-94 m2 (+ 50% accuracy) becomes too late (on the takon, already "lynx" on the approach or backpack), and a simple "abakan" is noticeably inferior as accuracy of AK-74 M1 + MF to accuracy from the first lines from Ermak.
The fact is that the databases of modernization in AK-74 and An-94 are different, and with all the desire to modify the An-94 to accuracy from Ermak will not work.
Ermak can still modify L85 to accuracy by Tir-3, but the result will eventually be much worse than for AK-74.

Thus, on cordon and swamps, use AK-74 (M1 in "rapidity"), a profiled Yermak, and as a sniper, and as assault weapons.

An optical sight to the VS machines can be found with a sufficiently large share of the likelihood when checking the "renewing chests" on the cordon, and 100% in the drawer on the tower at the fishing farm (swamps).

On the first day, on the back, we get "Lynx", but it should be used only in particularly important cases, since the cartridges are a bit. They only have Alpha-3 (X15 remuneration for the head of Mayorv), a maximum of 20 pieces per group.
It is not bad to deal with cartridges 7.62 × 53 for SVDs can be on the cordon, when checking chests in search of optics. Some quantity (30 pcs.) There are on the back, in the caches.

So in the "ordinary" battles as a "sniper" anyway still have to use AK-74.

Another conversation that, with the correct construction of the passage of the "sniper" battle on the first day, there will be almost nothing to do.
Before receiving a "lynx" from serious battles, it is assumed:
- the removal of zombaks on the sawmill (performed in the house, "from behind the corner");
- removal of hires on the SPO (Waste Processing Station) in Quest Owy, also - in the room, "from behind the corner";
- removal of hires at the substation in Quest Chapaya - in the house, "from behind the corner."
In all these cases, I do not advise Testaka: he, he, noticeably slows down, adding unnecessary bustle with the transitions of Skadovsk - Yanov, but for me it also "breaks" the song :-)) Exceptional "assault" characteristics AK-74 (due to the highest in SGM 2.2. Rapidity) will be fully in demand.

And only on Jupiter to replace the AK-74 will come from-5k arrow.
The best "honest" trunk in SGM 2.2.

Dry residue.

I recommend the next "honest" model range of weapons:
- AK-74 (Cordon).
- AK-74 M1 ("rapidness"), trophy, from the Northern Block post or from Mahomet (head of the ATP Sturm Group) Solar Ermacom (Cordon).
- AK-74 M1 ("rapidness"), modified in the first line of Ermacom (Cordon).
- AK-74 M1 ("rapidness") MF Ermak + PSO-1 (cordon - swamps - Zaton (1st day)).
- AK-74 M1 ("rapidness") MF Ermak with PSO-1, possibly with the UPGED TIR-1 in Kardan + SVD "Lynx" (Zaton). *
- SGI-5K arrow with optics x4 + SVD "Lynx" (Jupiter).
- SGI-5K arrow (MF) + SVD "Lynx", MF "Full" (until the end of the game).

* - If you do not buy the Ihanbalaned Gan "Storm" at the shouter.

You can solve almost all your problems for further passage by weapons, you can still at Skadovsk, if you immediately buy a SC-14M "Storm" at Shuschik, just the best show in the game.
But this, in my opinion, "Cheaterism" and a bang of balance. "Storm" is too good to "be true."

I would also like to see an alternative "line" sniper - under 9 × 39 cartridge (in other materials I disassembled this option).
Unfortunately, the ruler turns out unbalanced: the vintage vintage is too small - only 55, (if you do not use alternative ammunition "DUM-DUM", and with them at the start - trouble ...).

Yes, 9 × 39 SP Cartridges will be quite a lot - if the places know.
But there are several nuances:

1. Damage with standard ammunition ammunitions for sniper (only 55, i.e., the venzott is not always possible when it does not always work), and even the high speedflow of the "screwing" of this shortage does not compensate.
For the "snapsy" is required primarily against the good "armored" alpha whose fighters even "lynx" with its damage 130 stacked in the head in the head not 100% of cases.
And with more "soft" targets, it is quite possible to figure out, camper from assault weapon (AK-74, SGI-5K - with optics). Let me remind you that even AK-74 with tactics (we get on the back for the first quest) inflicts damage 51 ... 52, although with less armoring of a standard ammunition.
Try to work out a "vintacesis" on a mined hiring carcass in the exoskeleton and the "Sphere" helmet, and you will understand what I ...
And "Lynx" ... a popular scoregirl promotion: "One Shot - One Kill, Not Luck - Just Skill", you can add another line. "My Gun - My Fun!". ;-)

2. Shooting on a moving target, compared to "Lynx" / SVD turns into a burning torment: the flight speed of the "Vintorise" bullets is small, a dosual "by definition":
- for "WCS Vintorza" ...... ~ 290/350 m / s (in real / in the game);
- against SVD "Lynx" .......... 830/900 m / s
It is necessary for the "WCC Vintorza" to take great control, which requires a "successful" forecast of the trajectory of the movement of the goal and accounting for additional parameters when shooting. This firing performance does not contribute.

3. Three times "ha ha", but the basic accuracy of "screwing" without upgrade and AK-74 with upgrades to the accuracy of Ermak, quite comparable.

4. As follows from the name, "Vintorzais" - "Sniper Special Rifle", i.e. it is designed to solve special tasks, namely the silent elimination of the enemy on short and medium-sized distances.
Above mentioned above: "Stels-missions" in the game is not (and as I would like ...).

5. "Honest" way of obtaining "WCS Vintorza" (it is lying on the ground, opposite the passage between the wagons to the transition point to the center of the zone) will bring you a rifle killed in the trash, the repair of which will fly into a penny: about 20 thousand ...
And in the cache on the Zatonovsky burnt farm "Vintorza" no more ...

Summing up: This special (even narrowly specialized) rifle is not intended to solve those tasks with which the Major will encounter.
It's a pity...

For other reasons rejected quest Vintar Goloboya. Yes, the trunk is amazingly good, but ...
The first reason is unique ammunition that do not collect more than three dozen on start. The cartridges for the trunk at this stage are only in the SGM - cache, and in 2.2. Noticeably dressed. In a free sale, ammunition appear late and anyway in extremely limited quantities.
It means that the vintar raininess will be unclaimed. We will only beat single.
The second reason is the weight (9+ kg), then we will "be lost" at the start of 3 trunk for each walker.
The trunk is definitely good - but at the end of the game. At the beginning - it is practically useless.
The trunk is so so comparable to SVD "Lynx" ... :-)
Yes, there are situations where it will be better "lynx" (pseudohygants and, to some extent, chimeras), but carry such a severity (and disappear with him) ...

Alternative to SGI-5K arrow can serve as a "storm" or "Fn 2K".

OTS14 "Thunderstorm" is not considered even, since it is a show-"workhorse" it is low-rotation: High damage does not compensate for too small store. Yes, plus there is still enough "rare" ammunition.
About the imba - ots14m "Storm" I already mentioned, I will say about Fn F2000 now.

FN F2000 has two pleasant features: very good battle (high basic accuracy) and a bulk store, but it is fully fitted in the balance of weapons balance. And this is all with good rapidity + higher rates of bullets than SGI-550.
With a slightly lower power than the SGA-2K arrow equal to the power of the standard SGI, the FN F2000 will be preferable, perhaps only in those situations where it is necessary to work out on particularly alien or especially numerous goals. That is, in situations requiring a long continuous fire, when one, albeit an enlarged, the sector of the 5K arrow (or "storm") is not enough, and to destroy the target requires a recharge (which dramatically reduces the final DPS).
These cases occur in the game extremely rarely (by the poles of the semihylic bullet ... or carry out the "meat" quest on the barge of Noah ").
In all other situations, FN F2000 has no particular advantages over the same "standard" SGI-550, and the SGI-5K arrow, as a result, is somewhat inferior.
Another "disadvantage" Fn F2000 is an infavailable "tactic". Unlike the "tactics" for the SGI, an already available Jara's uncle, "tactics" for FN F2000 will have to wait until the pripyat itself.

And the last about the "model range".
As already mentioned in other materials, the use of a bait grenade launcher is not too rational. Therefore, the presence of a built-in bait only reduces the total "utility" of weapons: "Belt" \u003d excess weight.
But, if you have a "multi-member" mouse with the possibility of binning keyboard macros to certain buttons, and you are quite sure that the fragments of the grenade do not offer friendly NPS, then why not? .. ..
In the general form ... Games with the bait do not cost a candle, in my opinion. To solve "tasks for the property" in 99% of cases there will be quite ordinary grenades.

5. Armor.

"Model range" Pre-A-Porte:
- Basic stalker;
- Light armor of mercenaries (in a tunnel under the embankment) - Cordon / Marsh / Zaton, gas mask - optional;
- SS-99 / SS-99M in the bunker at the trader of scientists for 50/125k - it will be necessary for an insulating combo for a hike in Pripyat (although you can go there at least naked: the gas is "heavy", and if you go astringent, then ordinary tablets / first-aid kidding Enough "for the eyes" ... but "not empty") - Jupiter;
- or "Seva" as "Simplified version of the SS-99" - if so I want, but in the CC-99m you can fight much more successful;
- Freedom exoskeleton at the merchant on Yanov for 250 + k and rating 560 + SFERE helmet at Hawaiitsa;
- Exoskeleton of monolith (optional).
Options are possible, of course. Some successfully find the exoskeleton of mercenaries, although it does not protectively protect against abnormal influences.

The more in the costumes of containers for artifacts, the better.
The rest is very secondary.

The optimal suit for the combustion and frying is an exoskeleton of monolith. With Vasilisk, we have a cap almost in almost all parameters of protection (including secondary damage: heat, psi, toxifer, etc.).

Maximum portable weight will provide Rawtsevsky.

Maximum protection against bullets - military.
But. T. K. Problems with modernization - no, dawnovsky and military exoskels are non-optimal: Military goes to overfall on armor too far (and situations in which there is a chance to devote it so much that, in a consequence of wear, it has become relevant, just not) and It has little containers.
Rawtsevsky ... Again, there are no such situations in which the "Eye" + Fish MF in a five-doller comber did not provide the desired load capacity. There under 350 kg goes out ...

To my taste, it is high enough to use the extension at an early stage, the price is high, the price (\u003d\u003e Upgrade of trunks / costumes "will move" for money), plus the exoskels do not give normal protection against abnormal impacts (with "goldfish" MF, you can carry two sets of projectiles : For anomalies and for shootout).

The priority of upgrade armor is the installation of additional containers for artifacts.
Then - Physical Protection (Pookerness, Harvesting Blow), then everything else in a situation.

6. On the use of artifacts in the zone

"Shapoklyak" to sell the quests is not the slightest meaning. Celebrate a penny will pay, and the artifact is very useful: and heals (+2), and the weight gives (+8). At the beginning, for two-sheet suits, and even on the takon / Jupiter, it will be very relevant. It is a pity that it is not upgrades.

Similarly, the "heart of an oasis". Very useful for three-tier costumes, complete with "unscrewing" and "Shapoklyak". And for the "eternal satiety" will be used to the very end. By the way, with the "undressing" of Major in Fryriplee - does not disappear.

In general, a set of artifacts is preferably preferred for each situation. But there are general rules. Moreover, on the cordon / swamp, they are alone (high radiation), and on the basic locations of the SP - others.

"Meduse" on Cordon a lot. And in the caches will find, and from the corpses in the middle. Wear in containers two at once: radiation is strong. In battle or after it, one "Medusa" is better replaced by "Shapoklyak". We will take it more. We do not forget that for some time you can run "lighting" (with incomplete neutralization of radiation), and drink "antiordin".

On Jupiter: We take 1 bubble, "select", ugh you, MF to "-9" to radiation (according to the first type).
This will give us 4 windows under the "payload". Before the appearance of 5 slots (i.e., full of MF costume), the "bubble" is not particularly relevant, enough of 2 revits with MF in different types.

By drawing up a "bouquet" we consider that it is not always possible to believe what I wrote: "-9" radiation, for example, it turns out rounded, and, having stamped into the cells exactly on "+9", we will glow a little bit. Trifle, but you will not be allowed to fall asleep.

For conventional survival conditions in the zone, we use a set of MF into recovery (type 3) of the Kolobok artifacts (they are more profitable than "Svetliki": with almost equal regeneration, we have +2 radiation (instead of +3)) + "heart of an oasis" + " Shapoklyak. " Or "Vasilisk" MF into restoration (3rd type) in Fryriplee.
"Svetlyk" comes out practically uncomfortable and subject to sale.

In case of clashes, it is possible to replace part of the "Kolobkov" on the "kevlar plates" or "Monolith" (if you received it), to bring the pool resistance to a maximum of not enough well-protected costumes.

Collecting Lout, we replace as the need for "Kolobkov" on "Golden Fish" or "Grave". "Weight" artifacts, of course, modify the weight (+10 kg), if possible.

"Dragon's eye" MF on the first type, in "radiation". For the rest gives a penny to the time of obtaining the artifact increase, and +6 radioactivity is tin. But by the time of receiving the "eye" he is already somewhat irrelevant.

All artifacts have their own "type of abnormality." Types of only three, as well as "selection specialists."
That is, each "scientist" modifies only its type:
- at Skadovsk - type 1 (only "unscrew" is interesting);
- on Yanov - Type 2 ("Grave")
- In the bunker - type 3 ("Fish", "Kolobok").
Quest arts (both in the main game and in Fripple) are not subject to "breeding".

For penetration into acidic or thermal anomalies we carry 1 ... 3 artifacts (2 enough, in fact) with protection against chemical or thermal influences ("piece of meat", "fireball").

Protection against electricity sense is deprived: in 99.9% of situations there is an opportunity not to fall under electrical impact. Exceptions are a bit: to get a teleporter at the exit of the pipeline in the takon from "Skadovsk", pick up the whip of the gnome in the tunnel (there is no clean in principle). But these cases are solved without add. protection against artifacts.

Psi-Protection is also almost irrelevant. A serious PSI exposure is found in only two ... three situations ("Rubet", the first quest of scientists, the quest Quest on Jupiter), which is solved either using the "stone flower", or without it - through a psychic blocker. And in Pripyat, you can already use BRAIN. Although against "new controllers" and it helps relatively.

Radiation protection is accomplished by temporary release of part of containers from artifacts. There is no "Vasilisk" with its +100 to protection against radiation.

Before finding the "bubble", you can use "revolutions": in three-tone overalls, but in five-dollar "revits" are non-optimal.
A good solution: 2 "unscrews", applied in different types: one - in weight, the other - into radiation.

One "unscrewing" now 100% lies with Cases.

"Medusa" from the cave when refueling (in the wall over the anomaly, jump from the runway, from the dome) in the easy defense "in the forehead" not to get - not to go through the "meat grinder", since there is no place in front of it and it will have to overcome with the jump . However, the cave with "jellyfish" has a "u"-shaped and jump in the right entrance. Then art takes without difficulty.

The caves under the farm - also the option, "unscrewing" there is almost certainly, but with the initial detector (without at least "bear"), it's better not to climb there (if you don't master the caves in previous passages), "unscrew" the simplest detector is simple "does not see". In addition, art is detected at an inaccessible height, but you can shoot it - go down.

Out of doubt, it is possible to form ultra-pointed combinations of artifacts for each specific case, only there is at least some meaning ... "Standard Schemes" described above, simple, available and easily-free.

Immediately at the appearance on Yanov, do not forget to take the quest to save the hostage - and get a "goldfish". The quest can be accomplished and much later - and the "fish" will already work with might and main.

7. "Tactics"

The feature of SGM is the presence of the T.N. "Tactic", which, after reading, increase damage from a certain type of weapon. Get them can be exclusively for the performance of quests. Sell \u200b\u200b- it is impossible, only "use".

"Tactics", together with other awards, are issued for quests on locations:
- simplest (pistols, PP, AK-74, AKSU, AN-94, L85, L-300) - Zaton;
- Advanced (SIG-550, OTS-14, NK G36, SVU, Bulldog, avalanche, Vintorz, etc.) - Jupiter;
- the most delicious (SVD, FN-2000, RP-74, etc.) - Pripyat.

"Tactics" makes sense to "knock out" through F9 only on assault weapon (SC, machine guns and automata). And the more sense, the higher the rapidity.
Tactics for sniper weapons with it and so solid damage and low rapidity practically (by 99%) are deprived of any meaning.

The first tactic (+10 to the damage) to 12.03 (and the fix from this number) were obtained from the beard for the quest "steering wheel".
The train went: now the beard for the "steering wheel" gives only Bablos ...

"Tactics" on weapons from Tir-1 (the simplest: pistols, PP, primitive sewn) will be available upon delivery of the quest Spartak on Shevchenko. Through F9.i propose to take on AK-74, the choice is not high.
Another "tactics" can be obtained from Owy, for the radio of Leon.
Next - for the quest for the undermining of Kanevsky.
Gives a quest Avenger (rank after marshes / cordon is more than sufficient), and the piece of paper is Kanevsky himself before death.

"Tactics" for decent trunks of the Tir-2 (Sig, OTS-14, etc.) can be obtained from uncle Yar, through F9.. Not earlier.

"Tactics" from TIR-3 (SVD, RPK, F2000, etc.) can be obtained in pripyat, when examining an antenna in the store "Books", before the roller with a report of P-Kovalsky. And in front of the roller, this fact is not always prescribed (getting "tactics" "from nowhere"). Just documents are in the Inventory.
Another option is for the passage of Case Leon, along with the remuneration from the monolith merchant.

"Tactics" "work" and on unique trunks:
- For Sig 5K, the arrow needs "tactics" to Sig 550;
- for "lynx" - on SVD;
- for Vintar Goloboy - on the WCC "Vintorza";
- for the "storm" - on the OTS-14;

Guide for modifying Sigerous MOD COP 2.2. This article discusses all aspects of the passage of this modification on the location: Jupiter, as well as the cards of the location data caches. (Passage author: STALKER77Alex)

Quests on Jupiter are divided into blocks:
1 Original quests + quests of original characters on Yanov, not affecting the chains of other quests
2 quests of scientists
3 quests dawn
4 Quests of mercenaries and SBU

Original quests. Quests of original characters on Yanov, not affecting the chains of other quests.

1. The first three bars
After arrival at Yanov, it is necessary to perform three bars.
First - This is a catch-up associated with Morgan PDA, where you need to beat off / protect the debt warehouse. Choose the side that we will sympathize (on our discretion, it will be useful to us) and perform an easy quest. We sell a habar from Cain in Hawaiitz.
Second - Sharger with Uncle Yar in Kopach. Be sure to take the quest before the quale from Ghouts (which is sitting under the Zulus Tower) Quest on the vintacesis. There I will wash with hires, we collect a habar with them, take the CCP of Monolithica.


Khabar: In the village of Kopach, you can find a lot of caches.
First, it is a cache in the excavator (there is a valuable veins for us)
Secondly, this is a cache under the iron sheet. We are looking for an iron sheet in the west of the village. There is the AS shaft. Along the fence on the western border of location, near there, you can try to find a GPS conductor.
Third, the cache in the attic of one of the houses where the thunderstorm lies.

Third- Night balancing in Quest Neon (Freedom Trader) in Quest "Night Snipers"
Know - one gangster-fugitive is immortal until you reach the eastern tunnel. When you return back to search for all snipers, jump through the tree immediately to the excavator and take from the bag in the room a cache arrow №1 - medicines. Also in close proximity to the excavator lies the stalker pinch. It is he who will help us to reveal the betrayal of Sorooks / Flint.

An interesting fact - Three Tycheake Arrow on Jupiter have a random hubar. No matter which of the caches take the first, there will be medicines in it, in the second - ammunition, but in the third - automatic machine SIG 550 arrow

2. The first walker (part 1)

Walker will be very saturated, so I advise you to take the best gear, make an upgrade of weapons if possible. Take quests:
At Stalker Bear Quest on Mitya (choose a peaceful decision of the conflict, take artifact)

  • At the Zverkoy, we take a quest for bloodsuckers
  • Nitrogen take a quest for radio materials
  • Goloboi continues the quest for the vintraza.
  • At the uncle Yar Quest on the camera

So, proceed. First we move towards the ambulance anomaly. We are looking for art. Then we go a little east, there are blood circulation in Quest of the Zverkoy. We endure. We go under the cement plant, from the place where the bloodsucks were filled with water, we climb the tunnel for the cache of the arrow. Next we rise to the cement itself. We climb the stairs outside to the roof of the northern body, we take a cache with a helmet and PSO on the roof (also there is a point of spawn of Goloboi vomorus), descend below. Here can be an artifact, as well as two radio materials for nitrogen. Then even lower (I do not remove the detector) - three more material. Below two more material. On the lowest floor two more. In the amount should be 9 materials

Next - you can proceed to the search of the southern corps. On the floor (metal floor in the form of a grid) can be GPS, also at the bottom under the pipe you can find a monolith cache with cassettes for Gauss. It's time to proceed with the search for the name Vintar, if not yet found. Spawn points will find below.

Now we move on a quarry. On the path on the diesel locomotive lie and the cartridges for it. Career can be GPS. If you did not take a cache arrow and did not talk with a sinner - dare. Do not forget about art. After you can go to the eastern tunnel. On the ledge (right above the gate, above them) you can find GPS. Use binoculars. Buards in the tunnel can be immediately killed (you need to go to the tunnel through the entrance to the left of the paths. If you look south). The quest is still countable. After killing dwarves, we go on the bitumen, looking for art.
Plant Jupiter
Speak the Jupiter plant - the task is complex. But performing. We use to enter the goal on the right (North-West part of the plant). Turn the left on the way. On the left side - the basement. There is a cache. Next, you need to play the housings adjacent to the air bridge. There are two documents - a folder with an order and a notebook sheet. Further, through the passage of the plant you can get an administrative building. We climb the stairs, and in one of the rooms we find documents. But do not hurry to take them. Get ready. Take a pinch with a bump in the table. After the capture of documents will appear hires led by black. Take it

PDA, flash drives, the leader has G36. Under the northern staircase there is a cache with a thunderstorm.

Next, without leaving the body, on the first floor, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elevators and the southern staircase, looking in the southern side there is a transition to another case. There is another document - delivery schedule. Now we go out on the street and move on the factory. Shoot dogs. On the left side is an excavator. We come to him from behind and take L85. Next, go down to the cache arrow, taking a random hubar. We get out, we go to the case south. There, on the second floor there is an essential document - an overpass scheme Pripyat-1. We go out, go to the largest housing in the area. How to enter - hold on to the right, go down to the basement. Then we go through the basement, ride the stairs, we go on the walking. Take the document "Paper with Records". Let's go down the stairs to the next room. There will meet us psi-dogs. Under racks there is a cache with AK74. On the table you can take another document. Survey the helicopter. Nearby you can find GPS (see screen below)

Let's leave the plant.

2. The first walker (part 2)

Coming out from the factory, our first goal is to search an anomalia concrete bath. To do without consequences, you need to exit the Jupiter from the factory to turn 180 degrees to the left side and go along the fence of the plant outside. Then it will be possible to get on the very darling where the artifact lies.
Opposite the anomaly there are "aggressive bandyuki". They need to simply eliminate them. Do not go to the base of hires, they will not miss us. During the garages and under the road, you can find two cache with Sig 550 and Winchester.

Next, we go to the helicopter platform - the place where the mine field does not allow and where Skat-1 landed. On the way, do not forget about the quest Uncle Yara. Go to the site is easy to right on the fence. Take a black box from a helicopter. At the other edge of the mine field, where the concrete wall may appear GPS. After the wave of mutants, blowing the lion's part, with the help of a bolt's click, check the presence of mines and take GPS.

The oasis is actually simple in passage. The entrance to it is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe platform from the railway. There is a building. We pass, Tuskhanov and Zombarey rolle. We destroy the boards, blocking passage. Do not go down down (although there is a point of sleep tools) and go straight.

Then until the stop and right through the pipes. On the pipes we go until they "do not run out." Then left. Around us will appear with columns.

To unlock the passage and turn off the teleport you need:
1.Free five times straight all five rows of columns as shown in the figure. You can start from left to right or right to left - the passage of the passage can be directly changed.

2. Categorize this room is strictly under snowflakes. Teleport is unlocked, taking the artifact.
On the instructions of friends, Mitya Tube and the Bear must be rescued from captivity of Mitya's gangsters. The best option is to take an artifact with friends of Mitya and kill the bandits. The fact is that this artifact is very useful. Catch the easiest of all from the inside - to go to the bug himself, and from there begin to endure the gangsters. Or outside - from sniper. On Janov with a Mitya, do not go.
We get two flash drives of gangsters. And also at the fence on the western tip of the subspace you can find a GPS conductor. On the way to the "Volkhov" SPK, we speak with the surviving monolith led by a vagabol.
Point b205.
We are approaching the "Volkhov" SPK. We end up zombied. In the tunnel, we still do not go down, go to the building. Take a note of Sokolov there. But now you can go down. Open the door, go further. Through holes in the wall, we go around the rag of racks, we endure tushkans and the bud. Climb upstairs and take a new weapon. RPG while you can postpone in the box. On the way to Janov we hand over the Ozersky quest for the oasis. Garica can be given a bit of meat and bun. Sokolov - his note. Herman - Quest to administrative documents. Now it's time to Yanov.

  • We rent a quest on Mitya.
  • Rent materials and black bin nitrogen
  • We rent quests by a beast
  • Renting Vintar Golobouyu
  • If they talked with a pinch on a career, we speak with Flint, then we pass it or Schulge or Loki, and subsequently - Gonz.
  • You can pass documents from Jupiter or Schulge or Loki. There is an option else - Ochich.
  • For sale unnecessary artifacts Hawaiitz. Leaving only the arts on the weight (gravi and goldfish)
  • We hand over the quest Uncle Yar.
  • We try to attach monolithpers to one of the groupings by talking with the leaders of the clans.

3. Diggers of the Zverboy
Perform the remaining quests from the Zverboy:
1.Best for 5 proven of bloodsuckers. Should have stayed from Zasta. We give, we get a reward. (In the assembly that Shkrek's quest was not issued, perhaps this is due to the fix from MAKDM)
2. Light on groups of snarles. I will not explain, they just need to be taken out.
3.Best on the chimera. We go to the ventilation complex at night and kill the chimera.

4. Quest with Corrugation
One day, things are disappeared from the box. I am interviewing the Hypericum, Kostoporva, then Zulus. I kill the gangster on the machine. You can kill a snag. You can leave alive. In any case, we get things back.
4.2 Quests of scientists
1. Variable PSI radiation
The first and very important task is the "Variable Psi-radiation from Herman" to perform it only having a sniper. With a poplar group we go to the tunnel. There we endure tushkanov and three zombies. Go ahead. In the room with anomalies you can find a GPS conductor.

Save before taking a "changed insulator". When leaving the room, where he lay in the tunnel will appear the controller. If you do not have time to remove it right away, then the poplar group will start to fill us. Therefore, we use lynx on full (if there is no sniper, then we go to the stopping to it and the gary of the shot). Return to the bunker.
2. Setting scanners
We take from German Kest to the arrangement of three scanners. We set up, two more will be available. You need to take them from Novikov. The arrangement of the scanners will display the artifacts available in the anomalies.

3. Measures with a poplar group.
Take a shotgun - this is important - and sniper. We go first to smoothies - it will be more difficult there. Our task. So that all members of the poplar group are alive. We are waiting for the approach of mutants and demolish them. Then we go to the ashes. There you need to shoot the zombies approaching from the sides. I think there is enough even a machine gun.
4. Ozersky hypothesis
We speak with Ozersky about the activity of mutants during measurements. We get a scanner from it, we go on bitumen. We set the scanner there, we see the activity of mutants (snarles appeared) - we take the scanner. We carry the lake scanner, we get a reward.
5. Long history
You can do even without picking a quest from German if there is a welsh detector. Svarog can give either a beard across the Quest of Owy, or a poplar after the fulfillment of all quests associated with the SS of his group. We go to the cooling edge, we climb up, get the detector. From the anomaly drop out "dead" debtings with weapons with excellent condition. One of them is a PDA. You can give it to the leader of debt or freedom.
6. Security for scientists
On the instructions of Herman, it is necessary to find security for scientists. Several options are debt, freedom or stalkers led by Spartacus from Zatka.
7. Quests Novikova on the modernization of detectors.
7.1 Anomalies scanners.
You just need to assemble scanners for Novikov on the back of all anomalies. Additional profits in the form of arts on the takon.
7.2 Special Information
It is necessary to find drawings for Novikov at the cement plant and the SPC. Screenshots to help.

7.3. Special tools.
At the request of Novikov, we find tools for the upgrade detectors.
8. Accompanying scientists

Take the quest from scientists that are close to the bunker. Accompany them to the Turkish complex. We get a reward.
4.3 Quests of Dawn
1. Protection of the base
Throughout the passage in all quests concerning dawn, mutants will be worried. In the first quest (it is issued automatically at the first approach to the dawn base) you need to beat off the attack of mutants. Take a shotgun - there will be a pseudogagant. After completing the quest, you can join the grouping "Dawn". We will do it.
Tip - Immediately order an "Exoskeleton of Dawn" at the dawn trader. It is he who will provide the maximum portable weight in the game.
2. Stripping the territory from mutants.
Description: Dawywaves need a territory for expanding the grouping. It is necessary to free it from mutants.
Issues: Jupiter, the leader of the Tsvetovtsev Nazar. We put forward on the label on the map (on the stationery) and shoot snarks. Returning for the award.
3. Stripping the territory near Nor.
Issues: Jupiter, the leader of the Tsvetovtsev Nazar
Description: We put forward on the labels on the map and shoot mutants:
1. At the cement plant (snarles, chimer)
2. At the factory, Jupiter (dogs, pseudoops)
3. In the south (between the warehouse of containers and the helicopter platform) - boars, flesh, controller
4. Near the railway (tushkany, burer, 3 pseudogigant)
5. Near the SPR "Volkhov" - Snarks, pseudogagant
Returning for the award.
4. Clan priorities
Gives the leader of the dawn Nazar. First, take the armored vessels on the basis of scientists Novikov.
There are several options for passing - the longer we are waiting for the less pay. Then take bronorons with the technique. Next is the most difficult - you need to fill out all five prepared scrolls
It is necessary to fill all five grouping schemes marked on the map, the following components on the list:
1) Weapons: An-94 "Abakan" or Chaser-
2) One store to the appropriate weapon.
3) Detector of the Anomalies class "Veles".
4) Branches of CN-3A.
5) Any first aid kit, any bandage.
6) to choose an anti-radiation drug or Psychantnel.
Start on the PD signal. Check the first point marked in the path of the patrol group, then the second and third. Sach Miguel to the base and let's notify Nazu on the results of the inspection.
5. Devil flowers.
It gives the quest that Miguel from the previous quest - scout. First, wander with scientists in the bunker. Then ask the Yanov leaders of the groups, Hypericum, Kostoprava. If Kostoprav said that it is necessary to look for in thermal anomalies, we are looking for a takon in An. Circus, in the burnt farm, as well as on Jupiter in the ash region. Then let the devil flowers Miguel.
4.4 Quests of mercenaries and SBU
1. Intercept
We use a flash drive sealing in a backpack from the SBU from the cache on the takon. We go on a label to the area of \u200b\u200bthe plant Jupiter. There we endure all the mercenaries. Accompany to Yanov agent. Now another agent is available at night, which will give us another task.
IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to choose the PDA from one of the hires with the password to enter the database of the mercenaries. You also need to remove from one of the mercenaries or an exoskeleton of the mercenary, or a mercenary costume.
2. Agent at the helicopter platform and professor Tañagnibok.
We go to a meeting with the agent. He will give us a task to find the professor of missing in Pripyaty, with his report.3
3. Entry into mercenaries.
Attention on the basis of the mercenaries is the dress-entrance code only in the commisse of hires, approach the goalkeeper (hiring evil), tell him the password - we go to the database. You need to buy a drug Psychedeline in advance with a physician or scientists, or save it when you collect a habar with corpses you need 5 cylinders.
Come to the leader of hires Molfar and take the quest - search for the missing squad.
The quest is held in two coming: with the first group we go to the Yupiter plant, far from the detachment we do not run off, because there will be a failure of the tasks. Clean the perimeter, rise to the second floor, there will be a surprise. The first approach of the controller does not roll because there will be no spawn snorkens. When the controller appears, we take your hands to your feet, and running his head into the street. We get a task to talk to the leader of the hires. We return, we take the task on the second round, Psychedeline is useful here, we give it to the participants of the assault. At the factory, clean the perimeter, about 10 zombies and three controllers. How to wind 3 controllers, there will be a spawn of snarks 3 pcs near the garage, and two at the exit from the factory. Relaying them, get an invitation to communicate with the leader who will offer the GH to enter into mercenaries.
4. Broken caravan.
On the way to the base, the caravan of mercenaries was lying around on a large pseudogigant. They are now near the ventilation complex. They need help. We kill the giant, take the cargo and give it to the Molofar.
5. Attempt on the valve: kill the currency
Molfar decided to blow up with his dusty enemy - currency. You need to shoot it.
(In the assembly, which was passed by Shkrek Quest was not issued, as the currency died earlier)
6. Weak lighthouse: find a cache in the plant
The mercenaries have long established a cache on the territory of the Jupiter plant. The one who installed - has long been killed. Where exactly hidden this cache nobody knows. GPS lighthouse signal on the cache is very weak. So that he worked should get closer to him. Task - Speak factory. There we find a cache - not to pick it up - we are trying to search - closed. We inform the Molofar, we welcome the detachment to the cache, we return to the base.

where can I get a nominal weapon at a cement plant in the game Stalker Call Pripyat? And got the best answer

Reply from GRIGORY? [Guru]
Description: Find the nominal weapon of Stalker Goloboy
Quest issues: Yanov, Water Tower (right from the entrance),
Passage: Stalker Slobes lost his name "Vintar" and asks him to find in Kopachah. We go with the uncle Yar in Kopach. Eliminate mercenaries and in the attic we take from the corpse of the PDA, which we carry it out. After studying the PDA, the speech asks for its weapon on the territory of the cement plant. We go to the plant, inspect 5 possible spawn points tools:
- Along the tower where the transition to the building, where the details for nitrogen. At the very top, where there is an original cache with a helmet.
- In the basement right at the exit without stairs (on average building, type of garage)
- On the ramp over the railway tracks - entrance from the second floor of the station.
- On the street next to the tank on the grid of the Broken ventilation box.
- on the observation tower

Answer from Ivan Lyuty[guru]
I can also copy and paste .... just on the task of climbing locations and at the end there should be its place position marked (approximate, so you have to search)

Answer from Vasily Yakovlev[newcomer]
Thank you brother Stalker !!!

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: where can I get a personal weapon at a cement plant in the game Stalker Call Pripyat?