How to pump artifacts in WoW. Hyde by artifacts in Wow Legion. Reset and redistribution of traits

Only the most experienced heroes of Azeroth under the power of the invasion of the flaming legion, armed with the legendary artifacts. The power of this magnificent weapon grows along with yours. You yourself determine its properties, appearance, sounds and behavior in battle. Turn your artifact in the perfect weapon of war and lead your fraction in these difficult times!

Becoming one of the greatest warriors of Azeroth, you deserve the right to have a weapon that is endowed not only by power, but also own name.

Fearless fighters

Warriors can choose one of three specializations: "Weapons", "Fury" and "Protection". The uniqueness of each of them is reflected in the choice of artifact weapons.

  • Warriors of the "Weapon" specialization are calculating fighters, ready to apply a fatal blow only when the right moment comes. It is not surprising that they are attracted Strombar, PeacemakerOne of the best two-handed swords in the world.
  • Those who have chosen the specialization of "fury" are applied in unrestrained bloody battles. Battle swords of Valaryarov How can not be suitable for cruel bloodshed.
  • The best protection of the warriors specialization "Protection" will provide Pancar of the keeper of the Earth. With this shield, the hero will be literally impenetrable wall.

Each artifact is the embodiment of the power of the warrior. In the names of hidden power - remember them, because this legendary weapon will become your faithful assistant in the battle with the enemy, whose more dangerous you have not met.

Weapons - Strombar, peacemaker

This sword belonged to the leader of the barbarians, which for the first time combined the scattered tribes under one banner, founding the state of the Arator. A talented strategist and tactic, the King of Toradine was further famous for putting the end of the war trolls. Later, his sword was disappeared when he was trying to subordinate the monster to "Truck in the tomb near the Tirisfalem. Lost, but not forgotten, stromar millennia absorbed dark energy.

Fury - Battle swords of Valaria

Having long ago, the keeper one betrayed the wizard helium, killed her and turned it into a ghostly Val "Kiru. He rinsed a couple of swords for the strongest of the thunderstorm fighters-Valorov, but Helia stole the swords and endowed them with his fury. She handed the artifact to his knight that killed the Great Heroes and crossed their souls to eternal ministry in Helheim. Warring swords of Valariars are fascinated by the owner into a thick combat, and their powerful blows easily pierce protection, without leaving the enemy chance to reply.

Protection - Earth keeper shell

The impenetrable shield created from the scales aspect of the Black Dragons of Neulturion, the keeper of the Earth, before he succumbed to the souls of the ancient gods. The shield served to the outstanding king of the Vurekulov Magnar, giving him one victory over the other way of any circumstances. The king fell in battle only thanks to the betrayal of the shaders of the Val "Kira Helia. Now the custodian shell is resting along with the body of Magnar under the royal path in Stormheim.

Artifacts are one of the most important innovations of the Legion. They will be the most strong items in the game, and other weapons will be simply not competitive. However, the artifacts suitable for your class are not so simple. In this article we will tell you how to do it.

So, let's start with your first artifact. The first time you will be given the opportunity to choose the artifact at the beginning of the main chain of the Legion tasks. In it, you will get access to class optotics, without which you will not be able to get tasks in the future. Therefore, it is not very difficult to find the first artifact, and you should not have difficulties with getting any difficulties.

To obtain the second artifact (and third, and fourth), you need to get 102 levels. NPS, which gives a quest to obtain an artifact, will be in your malt and highlighted with an orange exclamation mark. It can be noted that the value chain of the second artifact is shorter than for the first one.

Tasks for each artifact differ significantly. To obtain the artifacts of the drug, you will need to heal the group of the Allies, for the artifact of tanks you need to make something ... by the way, you can make a task on the arifact of the priest of light, being in the specialization of Darkness, for example. Although these scenarios are adjusted for a specific specialization.

But receiving all artifacts - only the beginning.

The power of artifacts.

The main feature of the artifacts are talents built into it. Some talents simply increase the damage abilities or the likelihood of a critical strike, while others add new effects to the abilities. Some talents have levels (for example, the talent of the warlock of witchcraft "unstable witchcraft" increases the chance of Crete an unstable witchcraft by 2%, 4%, 6% depending on the level of pumping).

To study these talents, a new currency is necessary - the strength of artifacts (CA). It can be obtained for performing various actions: passage of dungeons, killing rare opponents, performing certain tasks, etc. Each subsequent study or improvement of talents requires greater than CA.

It is important to know that sa is tied to the artifact that is equipped at the moment! Breeding almost always falls in the form of an item that can be used at any time.


Initially, you get an artifact of 750 objects. At the moment, this is more than hardened mining from Epochimonda, but in Legion, naturally, this will be not enough. To increase the level of the artifact, you will use relics - objects that give additional characteristics to your artifact and, accordingly, increasing its power!

Each relic has its own element (light, darkness, fire, bad, etc.). And in your artifact there are three cells, also having an element. It is easy to guess that in a cell with light can only be inserted by the relic of light.

You can get relics in different ways - mining from bosses of dungeons, raids, tasks, etc.

The relics themselves also have levels of objects. The best will fall out from the raid bosses.

Knowledge artifacts

At the moment, the progress of artifacts is very slow. Sa is very small and it is tied to one artifact, so it is very ineffectively to play in parallel for two specializations to pour several characters. To make a little easy life to fans to play immediately for all there is a system of knowledge of artifacts. This feature increases the amount of CA. To get it, you need to pump the character to 110 levels. And getting sa on it to increase the multiplier.

But all the same, the more optimal option will determine the specialization at once.

What you need to know about artifacts in wow

Basic information:

  • For each specialization of each class, there is an artifact - thus, in total in the Legion of 36 artifacts. This is an exceptional weapon.
  • To obtain an artifact, you must complete the task chain for your specialization. Through quests, you will learn a lot of information about famous game characters.
  • Artifact - the main weapon of the character in the Legion. No weapons more powerful.
  • Features / Artifact Talents (Traits) are passive abilities that improve your class's abilities.
  • Relic (Relic) are subjects that can be inserted into the artifact to strengthen certain features of the weapons and increase the level of the item.
  • The power of the artifact is growing as the force of the artifact is recruited. This opens up new available features and relics.
  • The knowledge of the artifact is a system that allows players to rapidly receive artifacts for secondary specializations. All artifacts for your class can be obtained through a campaign in class malic.
  • Artifacts have different styles and colors that can be unlocked through the execution of certain actions. The artifact can be transformed into another weapon, but it is impossible to give arms with weapons.

Artifact Hunter on Demons (Glefs):

Artifact Features (Talents)

The full list of features is available (so far only in English).

Features / Talents are passive skills that strengthen the ability of a particular specialization. When you first get your artifact, the first feature is active (and quite powerful - for example, the flame of the Phoenix for magicians).

  • To choose new features, just click on your artifact.
  • Most features have 3 grade improvements. You need to spend the power of the artifact to increase the rank of features - and from this they will become more powerful.
  • Around some talents there is a frame in the form of a gold dragon. Such talents have a more noticeable effect on the game and usually have separate visual effects.
  • The number of improvement grades also increases the staminaire of the character.

An example of talents for a federator:

Relic artifact

The full list of the relics of the artifact can be viewed on Movesoves.

Relics can be inserted into your artifact to increase the level of the subject. Each relic also allows you to raise the rank of one feature of the artifact.

  • Maximum rank for features - 6/6.
  • There are different types of relics, and only certain types can be inserted into each artifact. For example, the priests of darkness can insert 2 relics of darkness and 1 relic, and frost magicians - 2 ice relics and 1 relic of magic magic.
  • The relic improves a certain feature of the artifact. Wherein not all specializations of the same class can get a bonus from a certain relic..
  • Relics can not be removed from the artifact: when replacing the old relic is destroyed. Unused relics can be sold a merchant or spray.
  • Relics are of different quality - unusual, rare and epic.
  • You can get relics as a reward for tasks, with bosses in dungeons and raids, as well as with the help of professions. The quality of the relics as a reward for the quest can randomically improved from unusual to rare / with rare before the epic.

Video with some artifacts of the Legion:

How to get an artifact in wow

All classes receive their artifact through the execution of the operation chain of the tasks. It will be necessary to use the unique abilities of your specialization.

For example, the hunters of "survival" will actively apply traps, and the robbers of the branch "Liquidation" - navigate through the stormygrad in the mode of inconsistency.

At the end of the tasks you get access to class optotics, as well as trained to control the artifact and the command table for missions in the malt.

Performing mission in class malt, you can get quest items that open access to the artifacts of other specializations of your class.

Video chains for obtaining artifact can be viewed on YouTube..

Power of Artifact.

Artifact talents can be pumped by artifact power.

The strength of the artifact in the Legion can be obtained by different ways:

  • The execution of major quests;
  • Killing bosses in dungeons and raids;
  • Search for treasures;
  • Passage of random heroes.

To apply an object that gives the force of the artifact, right-click on this item, and then on the right weapon.

When you develop the artifact, the value of subsequent levels of each feature increases, and quite strongly. To pump the first talent, you need 100 power units, and then this number can reach 6000-8000.

Artifact Robber Branches "Security":

Knowledge of artifact

The knowledge of the artifact is necessary to increase the amount of the forces of the artifacts you receive from the items.

  • Level 110 players can return worldwide special books from the NPS-researcher in class strongholds.
  • To study Tom, it is necessary to spend the resources of the whole. When the study is completed, you will get more artifact knowledge points. Here is a list of volumes associated with an increase in the level of force of the artifact.
  • Such an increase applies to most of the items that give the force of the artifact, but not to all.
  • The knowledge of the artifact increases the speed of obtaining the forces of the artifact on the character and applies to all artifacts. It will be useful if you pump artifacts for different specializations.
  • The knowledge of the artifact will be obtained faster with the progress of supplement.

Exterior Artifacts

Each artifact has 6 appearance styles, and each style has 4 color options - that is, total 24 appearance.

Each color option opens with different paths. For example:

  • Obtaining 2, 5, 9, 13 of the prestige level;
  • Achievement of the keeper of the Wisdom of the Legion;
  • Achieving the ascent of the traitor (kill Gul'dana);
  • Achieving for killing 8 times bosses;
  • Achievement of hidden potential (something secret).

The artifact can be transformed into anything, but the appearance of the artifact of another weapon can not be given.

All options for the appearance of artifacts can be viewed in the calculator of artifacts on the Movesoves (in the "Appearance" tab).

Artifact Death Knight Branch "Unholysiness":

Hidden effects of artifacts

Artifacts in the Legion can have some hidden effects.

One of the developers said this as:

"When you deal with such powerful objects, like some of the artifacts that players will receive in the Legion, no one knows what mysterious things can happen"

There are several assumptions that can be hidden effects of artifacts in the Legion:

  • Natisk Hunter, Faer Druid: Claws Peploshroi are filled with blood beasts, providing 3% increase to speed. The effect is dissipated when the druid enters the battle.
  • Valkira's view, Fury Var: If for 8 seconds after the effect of the effect, the warrior kills the enemy, it restores 50% of health.
  • Agel, Retrie Paladin: There is a chance that the apener will instantly kill a small demon or undead near the character.
  • Call of Eagle, Hunter: When the health of the hunter falls below 40%, an eagle comes to the rescue for 10 seconds; It works no more than once every three minutes.

Video of the hidden effect Valkira view (Fury Var):

Cosmetic effects

Some cosmetic effects in the game are also associated with artifacts:

  • Paladines can see demons in Dalaran by exposing light.
  • Air elemental in the location Stormhames are friendly to the shamans of the "Element" branch.
  • Some classes have a special animation for the status "Departed" (Frost DK, Druids and Healing Shamans).
  • Some NPS react to the character with the artifact. For example, the Ehfi Kuznets in Dalaran admires Foil'Melor (artifact of fire magicians).

We tell about the artifacts of the Legion in this guide. All about the talents and relics of artifacts, their appearance, strength and knowledge of the artifact in World of Warcraft. Artifacts are a unique weapon for each specialization added in the Legion. The power of such a weapon is growing as the player moves along the plot of additions.

We touched on issues of mechanics and pumping this new type of weapons. In this part, let's talk about how to change the appearance of the World of Warcraft: Legion artifacts.

Update patch 7.2. In the patch 7.2, new appears of artifacts were introduced. .

On release it is planned that the artifacts will have five different styles or species (the sixth will not be at the start of the addition, most likely it will be in some patch) and each style will have its own color gamut. There are several ways that will open up these species and variations of the type of artifact. Remember that you can change them in the blacksmith of artifact in class malic.

Several important comments. Remember that you can transmogrge the artifact using another weapon / a certain weapon style changes its type - say at VM-Hunters artifact can be both onions and a gun. The first five species that will be available at the start described below:

  • classic view: Quests associated with class stronghold;
  • superior view: achievements and quests associated with class stronghold, pumping artifact and archeology;
  • valiant view: PVE progress (5PL dungeons);
  • weathered view: PVP progress (prestige levels);
  • hidden view: the preparation path varies for each individual SPEC;
  • other types: were detected by datamyiners, but for which they can be obtained so far unknown.

In order to open variations of a certain style, you must first open it "Main View" (Main Tint). For example, in order to gain access to the "Improved" style branch, you need to perform a quest chain Balance of Power and only then you need to perform all other achievements necessary to obtain other variations of the style.

Style variations open for each individual character and do not apply to all account characters - you will need to repeat the achievements on each of them to access the style of artifact weapons. An exception to this rule is only the metaachol "Glory hero Legion", which is given for obtaining all achievements in 5PPL.

Now details on how to gain access to the form and its variations.

How to change the appearance of artifacts

Classic View (Classic)

Chief View (Mail Tint): It is given after the start quest chain associated with the artifact

Variation 2. (TINT # 2): Perform one of the quests associated with the pillars of creation. Quests list below:

  • agegis of Aggramar / Quest Securing The Aegi S / Location Stormheim
  • hammer of Khaz'Goroth / Quest The Hammer of Khaz'Goroth / Location Highmountain
  • tEAR OF ELUNE / Quest The Tears of Elune / Val'Sharah Location
  • subject TideStone of Golganneh / Quest The Tidestone of Golganneth / Location Azsuna
  • eye of AMAN'Thul / Location SURAMAR

Variation 3. (Tint # 3): Run the chain of quests associated with the heart of the light, returning it to the class stronghold. Need to perform the following quest chain:

Variation 4. (TINT # 4): It is required to perform the first part of the Class Ocloat Campaign

Fight stylish: classic look.

Superior View (Upgraded)

Chief View (Mail Tint): You need to fully close the campaign of the class unfathroom (and get the achievement hardened for the battle).

Variation 2. (TINT # 2): Open all artifact traits (34 points for which 5.216.130 units are required. Artifact forces), having achieved an embodied force.

Variation 3. (TINT # 3): Elimination to study the entire history of the artifact (achievement of part of the story), which are tied to the execution of orders in the class maltness associated with the voyage of artifact knowledge. Available only at 110 levels.

Variation 4. (TINT # 4): Perform the achievement of "this side up" produced eight rare archaeological subjects from the list. Available only at 110 levels.

Opening all variations of the style you get the achievement fight stylish: Improved view.

Valorous View (Valorous)

Chief View (Mail Tint): Complete a rather long quest chain "Balance of Forces", requiring 30 sargeras blood pieces, passing a few heroic dungeons and items falling in the raid Emerald nightmare.

Variation 2. (TINT # 2): It is required to perform the achievement of "liberated monsters" (it is necessary to fish 8 out of 10 global bosses of split islands).

Variation 3. (TINT # 3): You need to perform a dungeon of mythical difficulty for 15 or higher levels, while using your key or someone else's.

Variation 4. (TINT # 4): It is required to perform 26 achievements required to obtain a methachival "Glory Hero Legion" at the mythical level of the complexity of the dungeon.

Opening all the variations of the style you get the achievement Fight Stylish: Valorous View.


In addition, Legion introduces a new PVP rank system. Weapons of this species can be opened by receiving the appropriate levels of prestige.

Chief View (Mail Tint): Run the questor's Spoils quest, get the 1st prestige level and 50 rank.

Variation 2. (Tint # 2): Get the 5th level of prestige (perhaps only in the 2nd PVP season Legion).