How to enter the depths of the subconscious, fulfill any desire and travel through parallel worlds? What is self-awareness and human awakening? Where to find awareness

The game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" was released in 2007 and immediately won the hearts of players, and not only in the CIS countries - the game became known beyond its borders. Uneven, with a lot of bugs, sagging in many ways, it still became a unique event for the gaming industry on the territory of the former USSR. The magnificent atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world, an interesting plot, non-standard gameplay - all this together created that unique world, to which some players are happy to return to this day.

"Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl"

The game was created by GSC Game World based in Ukraine. Development took five long years, during which the gameplay was changed several times beyond recognition. Only the concept remained unchanged: in an alternative reality at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 2006, a new explosion occurred, and an amazing Exclusion Zone was formed around it, guarded by the military.

Stalker is a first-person shooter with RPG elements built on survival. The local environment is very unfriendly to the player: various anomalies, when hitting which you can be injured or die, radiation, mutants, military, guarding the zone, bandits, various groups and much more. In the process, the player will have to confront the zone itself, finding strong weapons, good equipment, various artifacts from anomalies that enhance the player's characteristics.

The plot of the game

The plot revolves around an experienced stalker (researchers of the zone who illegally penetrate there for the sake of looting and hunting for rare artifacts) named Marked, who is found among the wreckage of a truck struck by lightning. He is badly wounded, does not remember anything, and the only entry in his PDA reads: "Kill the Strelka."

Throughout the game, Bullseye tries to remember his past, searches for the Gunslinger and reveals the terrible secrets of the zone. In the end, he learns that the Shooter is himself, and in the center of the zone there is a mysterious crystal - the Wishmaster, which is guarded by a group of fanatics called the "Monolith".

The ending of the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" depends on the actions of the Marked player. There are seven endings in the game: two true and five false.

True endings

The true endings of the "Shadows of Chernobyl" associated with the participation of "O-consciousness" are called true. To get them, you must fulfill a number of conditions. The Tagged One finds the installation that controls the Wishmaster. He destroys it, causing a malfunction in the system and a holographic projection of the representative of "O-consciousness".

He says that "O-consciousness" is a group of scientists who have conducted experiments with the noosphere. Their experiments failed, causing a breakdown in the noosphere, which triggered a burst of energy. This led to the formation of the zone. In order not to be detected, scientists, using psi installations, zombified all the stalkers who tried to penetrate the center of the Zone. They used the zombified for their own purposes, like the Strelka. Then he became dangerous to them and the scientists gave the order to destroy him. The coding program malfunctioned, and Labeled, among other agents, received an order for his murder.

As a result, the player will have to make a choice: join the "O-consciousness" and fight the Zone, or destroy them.

Development options for the true ending

The first ending of the game "Shadow of Chernobyl" is consent to join the ranks of "O-consciousness". The arrow is placed in a capsule with connected sensors and nothing more is known about him. At the end, you can see his friend, the Doctor, who walks through the swamps and tells his dog that he has not seen the Shooter for a long time, but he will get out of any trouble.

The second option is to refuse to join the ranks of "O-consciousness". The shooter comes to a meeting with the "O-consciousness" and sees there its participants, immersed in capsules. Marked shoots them, after which the picture changes. Instead of the Zone, the player sees a pleasant world covered with fragrant greenery. He hears birdsong, lies down in the thick grass and wonders if he made the right choice. This is a good ending of "Shadow of Chernobyl" and it is the game developers who recognize it as true.

False endings

Also in Stalker: "Shadow of Chernobyl" endings can be false. They can be opened if instead of looking for a secret door to the "O-consciousness" base, go to the Wishmaster. Here the stalker makes a wish and gets one of the endings:

How to earn true endings

In order to open the true endings of "Shadow of Chernobyl", you must:

  1. Find the corpse of the Ghost and listen to the audio recording found there.
  2. Meet with the Guide.
  3. Find Arrow's cache.
  4. Find a decoder in the Pripyat hotel.
  5. Unlock the door to the "O-consciousness" bunker with the decoder.
  6. Break the light bulbs in the poltergeist room.
  7. Talk to a representative of "O-consciousness".

Quite a long time has passed since the release of the film "The Matrix". It would seem an absurd idea, but it is increasingly cited as an example by scientists trying to explain the picture of the world. No, we are not talking about supercomputers and cryogenic chambers in which the physical shell of a person sleeps. Rather, we can talk about a big "game" in which everyone plays a role. And this role is not always suitable for the "actor". Awareness of your true essence allows you to break out of this vicious circle, start living for real. This means awakening - a way out of social suspended animation. We will talk about how you can initiate awareness and awakening later.

What is awareness?

Awareness is a complete understanding and acceptance of everything that happens in life, including your actions, thoughts, desires. Why is this needed? In order to live your life consciously, to fulfill your true. Open your eyes and see your real life path. What will it give? Feeling of harmony, happiness, fullness of your life. Indeed, in fact, it does not matter how much money a person has, what house he lives in or what car he drives to work.

The main thing is that he is happy in his life, that he has enough of what he has. Awareness of yourself, your desires and needs, allows you to understand the direction in which to move without being sprayed with unnecessary things. Awareness and awakening is the key to yourself truly and whole.

And if with awareness everything is more or less clear, then what is awakening? Why is there so much emphasis on the need to do it? Awakening is the moment of transition from ignorance to awareness. It's like opening your eyes after a long sleep, or rather suspended animation. "Social suspended animation" dictated to us by society, its collective mind or traditions. But before we talk about awareness and awakening, let's touch on the issues of this "dream" and its "dreams".

Why does the person "sleep"?

Many thinkers reproached society for violence against the individual, in the suppression of its true essence. Is everything really so unambiguous? Probably not. The point is that there are objective laws of social nature. What is good for one can hurt others. How do you keep this balance? Society did not come up with anything other than rules, orders or traditions.

From time to time, traditions change, then we talk about fashion. Awareness and awakening certainly useful for a particular person, but can be detrimental to society, since it becomes more difficult for him to control a free personality. In any case, when it comes to a technocratic society.

Awareness is rather spiritual term, but in this publication we will look at its psychological and social significance. Before birth, each person is assigned a specific role. This is called a life mission or purpose. Regardless of who he becomes: a creator or destroyer, a revolutionary or an official. A certain role is inherent in his genes, pervades his spirit and aura.

But do free-thinking people need society as a single mechanism? He needs teachers, doctors, policemen, and the military. Society needs professions, not individuals. On the one hand, it is not bad if the social role coincides at least a little with the purpose. But what happens if someone falls into the wrong "dish?" - Depression, stress, loss of energy, continuous negativity, these are just the first signs of self-destruction. Awakening becomes the only way to protect yourself. But how to understand that a person is "asleep?"

How do you know when it's time to "wake up?"

Signs that a person has gone astray are eloquent enough to go unnoticed.

  • Lack of understanding of the life purpose;
  • Comparing yourself to other people regularly;
  • Live in the past, not the present day;
  • Lack of development and progress;
  • Passivity in decision making;
  • Failure at work or in personal life;
  • Chronic fatigue, depression.

If all this can be said about a person, then he needs to start his awakening as soon as possible, otherwise he will never wake up from his daily routine. So that this process does not drag on for many years, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main ways of awakening and awareness.

Effective awakening techniques.

Since awareness of oneself comes only in the process of cognition, the awakening is of a research nature. Here you cannot do without introspection, work with your subconscious. We will not describe overly exotic practices, but here are those that you can do on your own, without the help of a spiritual mentor.

  • Ask yourself the right questions;
  • Observe your body, emotions, mind;
  • Accept yourself for the present;
  • To live an active lifestyle;
  • Get rid of fears and complexes;
  • Practice meditation;
  • Stop chasing material goods.

These simple guidelines will help you reach a state of awareness and awakening faster. Perhaps, to someone they will seem very simple, but you should not create unnecessary difficulties for yourself. Sometimes the obvious things are right under our very noses.

1. The right questions.

For starters, it doesn't hurt to ask yourself a few leading questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What am I doing?
  • Why am I doing this?
  • How do I do it?

Answers to them will help you to realize your life, turn off the effect of automatism, start comprehension. It may not be possible to answer them right away, but the desire to do so will be the first step on the path to awakening.

2. Observation of the body, emotions, mind.

Physical, intellectual and emotional activity are interconnected. Observing his breathing, thoughts, feelings, experiences, a person begins to realize the peculiarities of his physiology and psyche. Probably, you will not be able to learn how to manage them right away. But this will no longer be a meaningless existence.

3. Acceptance of the present yourself.

It's worth trying to be honest with yourself. If we feel anger, then do not dissemble by calling it something else. If we are afraid, we must have the courage to admit it. Self-awareness is possible only through sincerity. Deception leads a person to the side, preventing him from understanding who he really is.

4. An active lifestyle.

Proactivity encourages action, development, introspection. Even a morning run, elevated to the category of a daily ritual, can awaken our hidden potential. Awareness is an active process. For it to happen, you need to overcome your inertia or passivity.

5. Getting rid of fears and complexes.

Fears and complexes, most often, are alien to the human psyche. They arise in response to pressure from the people around them: family, campaign, society. Fear of not living up to other people's expectations, worries about their own insolvency instantly disappear on a desert island. This means that the reason for them is not in ourselves, but in our reaction to others. Awareness will come much faster if you stop chasing social trends, start living the way you really want.

6. Meditation.

By its nature, meditation is relaxation, immersion in your subconscious mind. It is not at all necessary to take intricate poses, to shudder the surrounding space with monotonous sounds. It is enough just to come to the place where you can calm down in order to escape from the daily routine at least for a while. For some it is fishing, for others - a secluded bench in the nearest park, and for the third - a favorite hammock in the village. When a person is free from extraneous thoughts, then awareness of his true nature is possible.

7. Ending the pursuit of material goods.

This is not about the hermit life. No, a person is a product of society, so it is advisable not to fall out of it. It's just that in the pursuit of money, people very often deviate from the correct course, eventually realizing that they could have lived differently. If you do what you love, then there is every chance of becoming a real professional. In this case, a person will always be able to earn money, he will not be in poverty. And the wrong choice of profession, under the pressure of social trends, in the end will only lead to depression or disappointment. You have to work in order to live, and not vice versa.

Today we have sorted out such important concepts as awareness and awakening. Without them, you can never find your way of life, as a result, working not where you would like, communicating not with those with whom it is pleasant, living in someone else's house. Self-awareness opens up a completely different reality, full of bright colors and joy. Since most people "sleep" soundly under the domination of society, they need to go through an awakening, due to which their eyes will literally open to the world around them. The next stage will be awareness, which will bring with it a sense of integrity and harmony, will help you become yourself.

"O-Consciousness" is a group of scientists who, according to the scenarios of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series games, are responsible for the emergence of the Exclusion Zone. The history of "O-Consciousness" is most fully described in the first game of the series.

“We are O-Consciousness, a group of researchers who have set themselves the goal of changing the world. It is known that the Earth is surrounded by a special information field - the noosphere. She is closely connected with all intelligent beings on the planet and stores all their mental images. We decided to connect to the noosphere and make changes to it: removing all the dark that gave rise to humanity, to make the world perfect. Not a single human mind possesses sufficient power to interact with the noosphere, so we united our consciousnesses "...

It is not known for certain who the people were, who later became members of the O-Consciousness project. The information extracted from design documents with the filling of the old plot differs from document to document. The game in this matter does not clarify.
According to one version, these were scientists who worked on the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant even before the 1986 disaster. They took part in experiments as part of the secret military programs of the USSR, including testing psychotropic weapons and studying the noosphere.
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not lead to the completion of research in secret laboratories. Their implementation has become even easier in the exclusion zone, abandoned by people. After the collapse of the USSR, laboratories began to work twice as actively, and the government of the weakened Ukraine, which had just gained independence, lost control over research.
According to another version, the members of O-Consciousness were a group of independent researchers who appeared on the territory of the exclusion zone after the first Chernobyl disaster. Financed externally or self-sufficient, it was not tied to the government.
The third version says that the members of "O-Consciousness" were experimental subjects in the experiment of the same name - former prisoners with erased memory.
Be that as it may, the group of scientists who have studied the noosphere have made tremendous progress and began research in the field of psi-effects at the global level through the noosphere. They were driven by good intentions, they believed that using one psi-effect, they would be able to stop wars, resolve conflicts peacefully and eliminate the injustice that was tearing the modern world apart (at least that was a pretext).
The second disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred in 2006. April 12 (in "Call of Pripyat" the date is named June 10) at 14:33 the experiment went out of control. There was a so-called "breakdown", anomalous energy of the noosphere rushed to the surface of the planet. Because of this, a certain area on Earth has undergone a change in physical laws, topography, strange phenomena have appeared that are inexplicable by modern science. Subsequently, the area became known as the Zone.
The scientists whose experiment led to the disaster did not die. The controversy regarding the elimination of the consequences of an uncontrolled experiment led to a split. Some of the scientists went to the Zone and organized the "Clear Sky" grouping. "Clear Sky" decided that it was possible to eliminate the breakdown, and the solution could be found by studying the Zone itself.
Another part of the scientists remained in the central laboratory, where they united into a common consciousness, later called "O-Consciousness". "O-Consciousness" saw the solution to the problem in the study of the noosphere and suppression of its energy, which was thrown down to the Earth. "O-Consciousness" learned to control the flow of energy coming from the noosphere, but this energy was so huge that it became necessary to dump its excess, which led to Ejections in the Zone. During the Ejection, circular waves of energy of the noosphere scatter from the center of the Zone to its outskirts, which leads to various physical and mental consequences.
Realizing that they need time to search for a solution, the participants in the experiment build a defense system in order to exclude the possibility of someone penetrating directly to the "O-Consciousness". Psi antennas became the main level of protection. The most famous of them was called "Brain Burner" by stalkers. The second level of protection was the illusory "Monolith", which, according to the legend of stalkers, could fulfill any desire.
In order to somehow control the current situation, "O-Consciousness" is trying to manipulate the information "flowing" from the zone, fabricating, instead of the true one, necessary, in order to prevent massive attacks using the army on the center of the Zone, which can lead to the destruction of generators , which still give a chance to return everything to square one. Plus, trying to use their own open information channel, they try to form an appropriate idea of ​​the course of affairs in the Zone from representatives of the authorities in every possible way to prevent people from entering the Zone (military stalkers, cordons, etc.). They have not yet succeeded in exercising more global control and management of the human masses.
The exception is made by people affected by the new radiation - zombified to one degree or another. From people whose zombie process has occurred only partially and well amenable to control, special detachments of zombie defenders are formed, sending the most hardy ones to eliminate unwanted people, both in the Zone and beyond. This zombie procedure is codenamed "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."
In addition, later another human resource appears at the disposal of "O-Consciousness": the "Monolith" group, designed to eliminate those who have overcome previous obstacles on the way to solving.
However, this was not enough: in 2012, the stalker Shooter managed to unravel the mystery of the Monolith and entered the central laboratory of O-Consciousness, destroying it. However, this did not lead to the disappearance (as well as to the increase) of the Zone.

As such, there is no direct mention of projects being developed on the territory of the Exclusion Zone. But, moving further along the plot of the game, you can get an idea of ​​the experiments carried out in secret laboratories:
research work in the field of magnetic and gravitational fields (Generators);
psychotropic technologies ("Brain Burner");
research in the field of parapsychology;
creation of bioweapons ("Universal soldier");
development of energy weapons (Product No. 62);
research of new types of energy.
Scientists had at their disposal a network of laboratories with the index "X", the Jupiter plant and other resources for conducting experiments and other research:
X-7 worked with the noosphere, was the headquarters of the organization after the Second Catastrophe;
X-8 in the central laboratory of Pripyat was engaged in the development of the Radar design and theoretical research, was the first headquarters of scientists;
X-10 in the Dead Forest directly served the Scorcher located there;
X-16 in the area of ​​Yantarnoye Lake carried out the final assembly and testing of the unit;
X-18, southeast of Radar, produced the main components of the device and experiments with the "Universal Soldier" project;
X-19 under Radar designed and tested the Scorcher;
The Monolith Control Bunker served the psi facility located inside the Shelter;
The plant "Jupiter" carried out the manufacture of Product No. 62;
The test shop at the Zaton substation tested Product No. 62.

The true goals are unknown. According to the Representative, their main goal is to study the noosphere and suppress its energy. Finding a solution to the problem of an experiment out of control.

There are no known members of "O-Consciousness", except for the nameless Representative. However, the names of the employees who worked in the Exclusion Zone before the second disaster are known. Some of them later became members of O-Consciousness:
Krivoshein - professor, founder of the project
Chubko Vadim Mikhailovich - professor, project manager;
Kaimanov - the creator of the emitter of the same name;
Strizh Pyotr Danilovich - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Research Institute "Agroprom";
Kalugin Pyotr Ilyich - head of the X-18 laboratory;
Burnov A. N - senior laboratory assistant of the X-18 laboratory;
Glebov G. R - security guard laboratory assistant of the X-18 laboratory;
Prikhodko Pavel Stepanovich - candidate of technical sciences, head of the X-16 laboratory;
Lebedev N. A - employee of the laboratory X-8, X-7;
Suslov V.I. - associate professor, employee of the laboratory X-8, X-7;
EF Kalancha - employee of the laboratory X-8, X-7. Category.

Enter the depths of the subconscious! This will give you the opportunity to remove internal blocks and restrictions, fulfill any desires and travel across parallel worlds!

The practice of entering the depths of the subconscious

If at any stage of the practice described below you fall asleep, do not worry about this.

When you wake up and realize that you have fallen asleep, you can continue your journey into your inner Universe from where you left off ...

Your task at this level of practice is to go through all the stages of the inner journey in full awareness and not lose the chain of conscious events.

It may seem daunting at first, but as you practice it will get better and better.

So, we begin to master the inner trance and enter the depths of the subconscious

This method allows you to enter the deepest states of internal trance¹. At each level, various phenomena can manifest themselves in the form of clairvoyant visions, revelations, auditory effects, astral output and levitation2.

This state must be mastered, since on its basis many exercises can be built to realize superpowers, fulfill desires, and simply to gain extraordinary experience.

Stage one - preparatory

Work is carried out in a ventilated room in complete darkness or twilight, you can light a candle and sandalwood incense (optional).

1. Remove any distractions, turn off your cell phone, and ask family members not to disturb you during this time.

If the house is noisy, get earplugs from the pharmacy. If the room is light, you can use a dark fabric rest mask (available from pharmacies) that will close your eyes tightly from the light.

2. Lie on a flat, hard surface - best of all, lay a blanket or rug on the floor, the spine is straight, there is no pillow. If you feel cool, cover yourself with a blanket or blanket.

3. Take the position of "corpse pose": lying on your back, hands along the body, palms pressed to the floor.

4. Eyes open and look straight ahead with a motionless and indifferent gaze - 5 sec.

5. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, hold your breath for a short time.

6. Give yourself a mental attitude:

“Now, in a completely conscious state, I will go into a deep trance to the depths of my subconscious. In this deep state, I will carry out all the work I need to do. When all subconscious work is completed, I will come out of this state and will feel completely rested, joyful and energetic, and all my intentions will be fulfilled. "

Stage two - trance breathing

1. Start breathing slowly and with awareness, making sure that there are no gaps between inhalation and exhalation.

2. Inhalation smoothly turns into exhalation, and exhalation into inhalation, between them there is not a second of delay, as in a circular motion.

3. While inhaling, mentally pronounce a drawn-out O-O-O-M-M-M ..., while exhaling a drawn-out M-M-M-O-O-O….

4. Be extremely careful and make sure that there is not the slightest gap between inhalation and exhalation.

5. Continue breathing continuously for 10-15 minutes until you feel numbness in the limbs of the body and a state of extreme lightness.

6. When the feeling of complete immobility, peace, lightness and numbness has come, you can proceed to the next step.

Stage three - relaxation

1. Concentrate all your attention on the muscles and organs of your body.

2. Feel all your muscles and internal organs.

3. Now mentally, starting with the head and facial muscles and ending with the feet, say:

“My crown completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my neck completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. My forehead completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my eyelids completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My pupils are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my cheeks are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My nose completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. My chin completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. My tongue completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my jaw completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ... "

"My face is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my head is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed ..."

“My brain is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my neck is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My shoulders are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my chest is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed ... "

“My heart is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My lungs are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My stomach completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my liver completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ... "

“My pancreas is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my stomach is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My intestines are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my kidneys are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My spleen completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ... "

“My hands are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My palms completely relax, completely relax, relax. My fingers completely relax, completely relax, relax. My pelvis completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my hips completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My genitals are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my crotch is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My anus completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my buttocks completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My legs are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my knees are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My calf is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My feet are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My toes completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

"My whole body from head to toe completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ..."

"My body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my organs are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed."

"My etheric body completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my astral body completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ..."

“My mental body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my causal body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My mind is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. I am completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed ... "

4. Repeat these formulas until you lose the sensation of your physical body.

5. At this stage, you need to stop swallowing saliva for a further deeper immersion in trance.

Stage four - immersion

At this stage of internal trance, you will plunge into the depths of the subconscious, so that then, being in this state, you will carry out paranormal work.

1. Now imagine that you are in complete darkness, and a ray of light falls from above, illuminating the steps that go into the very depths of your inner darkness.

2. Start going down these steps, with each step mentally pronouncing OM-1, OM-2, OM-3, OM-4 ...

3. Descend deeper and deeper on the steps leading into your being. Count every rung. You should have 108 rungs. The main thing here is to maintain attention and awareness, going through each of the 108 steps.

4. Descend into the thickest darkness, walk boldly, this area of ​​your being is completely safe and comfortable.

5. Feel this coziness, warmth and comfort. There is only you and your inner world.

6. When you feel that external stimuli and sounds have gone very far from you, and you are in some semi-delirious state, you can move on to the next stage of trance. The main thing is to maintain the chain of awareness and maintain complete control over your consciousness.

A warning!

In the process of immersion in your inner world, going down the steps of an imaginary staircase, you can get various extraordinary experiences or disconnect. These are obstacles or hints.

Your task is to overcome all obstacles and go through all 108 steps of your inner ladder in full awareness, only then can you enter the colorful world of your subconscious.

Think of this journey as a multi-level computer game of your virtual inner world, aim to complete all the levels in full awareness.

Stage five - the gate of the subconscious

1. In the fifth stage of inner trance, you need to imagine that you have already descended very very deeply. The light almost completely disappeared and it became dark. Look ahead ...

2. There is a large door in front of you, and this door is closed.

This is a door from your subconscious and your personal inner Universe (each person may have their own image of the door).

3. Look to the right - the key from the door is hanging on the wall, take it and open the door. To open this door, insert the key and turn it counterclockwise. Now open the door slightly.

4. When the door is open, do not rush to enter it.

Feel the warm breeze and dim light streaming through the door slit.

5. Now slowly open the door and enter it.

The door behind you must be closed with a key. To close the door, insert the key into the keyhole and turn it clockwise. Take the key with you by hanging it around your neck.

6. You are in a very long and narrow greenish tunnel, at the end of which you see a blinding greenish light.

You can already fly in this tunnel ...

7. Fly slowly towards the end of this tunnel, being aware of how the oncoming warm breeze caresses your face.

Stage six - mystical mirror

1. You continue to enjoy the easy flight through the tunnel and are already approaching its end.

2. You see a dazzling greenish light that softens as you fly over the edge of the tunnel.

3. Now you find yourself in the area of ​​your inner space.

4. You see a mysterious forest in the form of a giant room.

The forest is immersed in a pleasant fog, in the center of the forest - right in the air - there is a beautiful mirror, and on the sides there are white candles.

5. Light these candles with the power of thought, just by looking at them: Concentrate on each of the 10 candles in turn. Look intently at the candle wick and send the energy of heat and fire to ignite the candle wick. Do this with each candle.

6. Now go to the mirror and look closely at the sun that you see in the mirror.

This sun is your guide and guardian of the mystical mirror of your being, you can communicate with him.

7. Look closely at the sun for 2-3 minutes.

Talk to the sun in your mind and ask him to activate the mystical mirror for your inner work.

9. After the mirror is activated, the sun will disappear and you will clearly see your reflection. Now take a close look at yourself in the mirror.

You are standing naked and completely relaxed.

10. This is your mystical mirror, and it can fulfill any of your wishes, which you will visualize in it.

Take a look in the mirror. You see yourself as you dream of seeing yourself in real life.

11. Visualize your new appearance, character, facial features, eye color, tan, facial expressions, figure, body complexion….

Mentally surprised say: "Oh, I am already like that ...".

12. Now look at yourself surrounded by those things, money, people, any benefits and superpowers that you want to have.

Mentally surprised say: "Oh, I already have all this ...".

13. Look and visualize in the mirror yourself or any situations that you want to make real in external reality. This will gradually come true.


You can do similar mirror experiences from time to time before.

Stage seven - inner room

1. Now imagine with confidence that in this mirror you see a beautiful, warm and very cozy room filled with lilac glow.

2. Pass mystically through the mirror and enter this room.

3. In a completely empty lilac room, you see many mirrors, which are reflected in one another, creating many tunnels.

Meet - this is your personal place for all subsequent mystical practices.

There is no one in this room except you. Here you can do whatever you want. You are free here.

4. Through this room you can get into any parallel world, in any dimension and at any time.

Just mentally say what you want to develop in yourself, and what you want to get rid of.

After going through all the steps in a conscious state, you will learn to control yourself and attract the desired events into your life.

But this is just the beginning!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Trance is a series of altered states of consciousness, as well as a functional state of the psyche that connects and mediates the conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person (Wikipedia). All about

² Levitation is a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support hovers in space, without touching a solid or liquid surface (