What valves not found. The biggest treasures found lately. Top Most Famous Stores of World History

Each of us wants to find a treasure. Just imagine, just walking through the woods, you can stumble upon a bunch of money that the robbers once buried there. And at the bottom of the sea, you can find the treasures of great pirates. Vlasts are hidden everywhere and it remains only to find them.

10. Treasures of Forrest Fenna (Forrest Fenn)

Forrest Fenn pointed out in his testament that after death, all his treasures can find anyone who gave up a complex rebus left. When Fenna was only nine years old, he found the arrows tip near his house in Texas. And this event has become a fateful for the boy - he fell in love with the artifacts. After some time, Forrest became the pilot of the Air Force and in 1960 he went to search for Treasure Pompeii, many of which he had ever since time. After 20 years, he put a disappointing diagnosis of kidney cancer. Doctors met the fene just a few years of life. And already looking into the face of death, he decides to hide all his treasures, leaving the prompts for which they can be found. All forrest artifacts found from 1 to $ 3 million in the equivalent of gold and precious jewelry.

9. Treasure in Little Bighorn (Little Bighorn)

For many Americans at the end of the nineteenth century, the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting rich, finding gold in the western part of the continent was not absurd. Some of them reached their searches to the Pacific. Some managed to quickly get rich in Montana, successfully finding the golden coward. However, over time, only units managed to disrupt in the central part of the continent and many gold kits continued to go to the West.

However, they could solve the problem of enrichment, just being at the right time in the right place.

According to experts, there was a certain captain Grant Marsh (Grant Marsh), which was engaged in the transport of goods on the Bighorn River (Bighorn) on the steamer. In one of the flights, Grant Marsh was supposed to deliver a rather not bad amount of money to General George Castere to combat Indians. However, on the approach to the arrangement of the troops of General, the captain found out of the intelligence officers about the crushing defeat of the troops of George Castera. Instantly assessing the situation, the march makes the decision to drown $ 375,000 in the Bighorn River in order to take on board hundreds of wounded soldiers. Some argue that the march also drowned the gold of diggers who wanted to get faster from those places so as not to be the attacked tribe of the Soux Indians (Sioux).

8. Mojave Desert Treasures (Mojave)

This may seem madness that the ship, sanking a hundred and sixty kilometers from Sushi could be in the desert. However, if this is true, then millions of dollars rest at the bottom of Salton Salton Salt Lake. Experts believe that an abnormally strong tide and the strength of the Colorado River completely could drag the ship into the lake after the tide. If it were a simple ship, then everyone would have forgotten about him, but many did not give peace with a huge load of pearls on board allegedly Spanish vessel. In 1870, one of the newspapers Los Angeles reported a certain Charliclusk (Charley Cluske), who allegedly found the treasure and is about to understand it from the bottom. However, time was going, but the information did not receive information or a club or a treasure found to them.

In the days of the Civil War in the United States in the service of confederates, a Colonel John Singleton Mosby (John Singleton Mosby) was held, which was famous for his lightning raids on the enemy's territory. He and his people managed to escape the union's troops, simply mixed with the crowds of citizens, pooping at the time around the country. In fact, Colonel Mosby was the prototype of the melamibason hero in the film "Patriot". After numerous raids, which took place in 75 miles from the territory of the Confederates, Mosbi managed to capture the general of the Allied Edinastouuton allone troops (Edwin Stoughton) and a bag of $ 350,000. However, in its further hike, he captured another 42 person and with this "catch "I was going to return to the Stan Confederates. In order to protect the treasure, the Colonel instructed 7 trusted people to bury him between the noticeable pines, having previously done on the trees of scubons. But luck turned away from Mosby - he and his people were captured and hanged, and the fate of the treasure remained a mystery.

6. 63 million dollars hidden in Bedford County (Bedford County), Virginia

Thomas Beil probably was a rather strange person. The legend says that in 1816 he was hit and a few more men traveled with a huge amount (63,000,000 dollars in gold and silver bars) on the rocky mountains. Bil and his colleagues wanted to make sure that their relatives would get earned gold in the event of their death. And Thomas Beil took over the duties to create three ciphers. The first contained the location of the treasure, in the second its contents, and in the third list of people who should receive treasure. Then he instructed Robert Morris (Robert Morriss) to give a box with ciphers for storage in Lynchberg Tavern for a period of 10 years. However, after 10 years, neither beat nor any of his friends returned to ciphers. Morris, for many years, tried to solve ciphers, but he was only given to understand what was written in the second of them, namely the content of the treasure.

5. Treasure of Jean Lafitte (Jean Lafitte)

Jean Lafit and his brother Pierre were French pirates who attacked commercial vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. Apparently, the brothers were so lucky in robbery and smuggling that they could no longer carry with them all the looted and were forced to grieve their wealth. Lafit died in the interval between 1823 and 1830, and the legends of his treasure began to blurt out the minds of Louisiana. Several statements were launched that most of the treasure brothers burned in Lake Born, that off the coast of New Orleans, and the rest rests at 3 miles from the old Spanish path near the Sabine River (Sabine) in a rubber grove.

Buch Cassidy was one of the most dangerous criminals of the Wild West. He even organized his gang called Wild Bunch, which traveled travelers to the right and left. Before being seized by the authorities, Boch drove 20,000 dollars somewhere and the Irish canyon, which is located in the north-western part of Colorado.

Being a famous robber of banks, John Dillinger had a lot of money. And a few months before death, she hid around $ 200,000.

In April 1934, Dillinger hid in Mercer, Wisconsin with his accomplice. Together with his friend Nelson, named "Baby Face" he was surrounded by the Agents of the FBI. However, in a shootout, FBI employees shot 3 men who were simple citizens, and criminals managed to run through a black move. Later, the police managed to grab Nelson, and he told him, Sodelinger hid 200,000 dollars with small bills not far from the roadside diner.

After 2 months, John Dillinger was shot dead in Chicago and could not return to his store.

2. $ 200 million off the coast of Key West (Key West)

In 1622, Spanish Galeon Noustra De Atocha (Nuestra Senora de Atocha) returned to Spain with a very expensive cargo (about $ 700 million). But he was caught by hurricane off the coast of Key West and sank.

Most of the sunken treasures have already been found. In 1985, Mel Fisher Treasure Hunter (Mel Fisher) found $ 500 million from the treasure less than 160 kilometers (100 miles) from Ki-West coast.

According to experts under water there are still about 200,000,000 dollars (17 tons of silver bars, 128 thousand coins of different nominal nominal, 27 kilograms of emeralds and 35 gold boxes).

In 1712, Spain collected one of the richest fleets in the entire history of mankind. In 1715, he was 11 ships that were filled with silver, gold and precious stones. Approximate estimate of the goods ranges at 2,000,000,000 dollars.

The plan of the Flotilla captain was pretty simple, to go out into the sea from the banks of Cuba on the mainland in front of the season of hurricanes. Weather unsuitable for shipping was to serve an obstacle to pirates and caper. However, it turned out to be a mistake. There were no weeks as all 11 ships drowned, thousands of sailors died, and the ocean bottom was eliminated by indiscrect wealth.

Nowadays, 7 ships were restored, however, experts believe that the San Miguel ship, which suffered the main part of the treasure, is still resting at the bottom.

Where can he be? Most restored vessels were found off the coast of Florida, however hurricanes and underwater flows could attribute the rest of the ships far into the sea.

There are many mysterious secrets about treasures, especially about lost in the sea during shipwrecks. Many dream of finding a treasure, regardless of whether they believe in it, or not. Most legendary treasures are associated with pirates whose vessels tolerated crawling during battle, or strong storms. How much do you really have sunken vessels that are huge wealth? Imagination draws infinite paintings of incredible treasures, and many enthusiasts actually spend a lot of time in their search. Some argue that these are just fairy tales and legends, but others really believe that there are gold chests waiting at the ocean's day. Fortunately, there are enough willing people who want to help spread the biggest secrets on the planet. In this selection of a list of 10 legendary ocean treasures, which have not yet been discovered.

Treasures of black beard

In 1966, the archaeologists discovered the remains of shipwreck near the shores of North Carolina, tied it with the ship of the famous Pirate on the nicknamed black beard. But the snag is that a single ounce of treasure was found anywhere around the vessel. A black beard is the most famous of all pirates that accumulated a huge amount of gold and other wealth. Many suggest that the treasure is still resting somewhere around the coast of Carolina, but it is very difficult to determine its location. Even the beard himself somehow said that "Only I and the Devil know," where it is. By approximate estimates, the value of gold can be about $ 2.5 million.

Fortuna Jean Lafita

French pirate Jean Lafit received a fortune, attacking commercial vessels in the Gulf of Mexico and then selling stolen goods in one of the many ports he owned. An accomplice of Lafita was his brother Pierre. These two were so good in the theft and unchecking that they accumulated a lot of wealth and jewels. As a result, the brothers had to hide their treasures somewhere, which gave rise to a lot of secrets and legends. There were more than 50 ships under their command, which suggests how much the state was. After the death of Lafita in 1830, the legends of his treasures began to spread around the world. They said that part of his treasures was buried in Lake Born, on the coast of New Orleans. Other said that a possible place is approximately three miles east of the "Old Spanish Way", on the Sabin River. At the moment, no one has found wealth, estimated at about $ 2 million.

The wealth of Captain Kidda

Pirate of the late 17th century William "Captain" of Kid is the cause of many myths about lost treasures. KID began to rob in 1698, attacking the ships and hunting a huge wealth. But when he himself began to hunt, Kidd decided to protect his treasures and began to hide them in different North American Islands. Captain Kid was ultimately captured and hanged, and his treasures were still buried in an unknown place. To add some reality to this myth, in the 1920s, four treasure cards hidden by the "captain" kid, were found in furniture subjects, presumably belonging to him.

Monetary Pit Oek Island

"Monetary Yama", located in New Scotland, Canada, spawned one of the longest treasure hunting in the world. For hundreds of years, hunters came to New Scotland to try to find a treasure, but returned with anything. In 1795 Teen Daniel McGinnis found a strange place on the Oek Island, where all the trees were hardened. Interested, he began earthworks secret from other treasure seekers. He managed to find a message with an encrypted message that in this place, at a depth of 40 feet, are buried two million pounds. Unfortunately, due to many obstacles and strong streams of water, it was not possible to find any treasure. There are several popular theories that are associated with the "Monetary Pit": Pirates are treasured in the pit, or Mary Antoinette's missing jewels. There is also a version that English Professor Francis Bacon used a pit to hide the documents proving that he was the author of Pieces Shakespeare.

Treasures of Lima

During the rebellion of Peru against Spain in 1820, the captain of a large British vessel was supposed to deliver treasures belonging to the city of Lima. The cargo, as estimated, cost $ 60 million and included two statues of the Holy Virgin value, made in pure gold, and 273 decorated with precious stones of the sword and candlestick. Captain Thomas was rather greedy and killed all the passengers, after which he sailed to the island of Cocos and hid the treasures in the cave, hoping to keep it all for himself. On his mortal bed, he told a little about the location of his treasures, which was still not found and did not find it.

The treasures of John Unheondhex

In 1216, the king of John the landless, also known as "bad", headed in Lynn in Norfolk. On the way, he fell ill with dysentery and decided that he had to return to his Newarka castle. He decided to make the way to the route around Walsh, with his dangerous mud traps and swamps. King John and his soldiers made their way through the swamps with the carts full of his royal regalia, when they got into a deadly trap. Trucks, total treasures for an approximate amount of $ 70 million, including jewels, gold cups, swords and coins, were lost and never found.

Nourera Señora de Atkoma

In 1622, the Spanish Galeon Nourera Señora de Atkoma returned to Spain, full gold, precious stones and rare silver, when he was overtaken by hurricane. The impact of the storm was so serious that the galleon was thrown into a coral reef and he instantly sank under the weight of the treasure. Immediately an attempt was made to save the treasures, which included 17 tons of silver ingots, 27 kilograms of emeralds, 35 gold and 128,000 coins. To the place where Senior de Atkom went to the bottom of Nourera, other ships were picked up. Unfortunately, hit the second hurricane and destroyed any attempts to save the treasure. The crash site is so bigger and failed to find, until recently. In 1985, the treasure hunter Mel Fisher found a part of treasure $ 500 million in less than 100 miles from the coast of Ki-West. Nevertheless, experts believe that treasures are approximately $ 200 million still lying somewhere at the bottom.

Legend of the Golden Man

Long existed myth surrounding Lake Guatavit in Colombian Andes. He read about the gold of the Inca, hidden on the day. The most popular theory is that the Golden Man, known as "Eldorado", once dived into the sacred lake, and his followers brought gold and jewels here, demonstrating devotion. As a result, many visited the area in attempts to detect treasure. Starting from the arrival of the Spaniards in 1536, 100 kilograms of gold exhibits were mined from the bottom bottom of Lake Guatavita. In 1968, the goldst ingot was discovered in the cave, again resurrecting the legend about Eldorado, or the Golden Man.

San Miguel Treasures

In 1715, Spain collected the fleet of vessels filled to edges with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry worth about $ 2 billion. Courts were sent from Cuba just before the hurricane season to prevent attempted by pirates. It turned out to be a bad idea, since the entire fleet of 11 courts was surfed only six days after sailing. As a result, $ 2 billion still rest at the bottom of the sea. After this catastrophic case, 7 of the courts were discovered, but only a small amount of valuable treasures was restored. It is believed that the treasures of San Miguel can be close to the eastern shores of Florida.

Gold Flor de Mar

A 400-ton portuguese ship called Flor De Mar (Sea flower) was caught by a strong storm in 1511. It suffered shipwreck on the reefs Sumatra, split into two parts, and everything treasure was lost in the sea. The story states that Flor De Mar transported about 60 tons of gold, which is the greatest treasure from ever collected in the history of the Portuguese Navy. It is not surprising that Flor De Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.

Recently, more and more news about findings or the detection of huge treasures, having tried to collect all the most valuable, I propose to look at them and remember partly as it was.

In March of this year, in St. Petersburg during the restoration of the ancient mansion of Trubetskikh - the Naryshki workers stumbled upon a closed room filled with silver dishes. Most devices stood a family coat of arms of Naryshkina, and the products themselves were in perfect condition - since 1917 they were waiting for their own hours, wrapped with newspapers and linen fabric, impregnated with vinegar, which did not allow silver to oxidize.

Last year, one of the largest treasures in the history of mankind was discovered in the Indian Church. According to experts, treasures, stamped in the lower tiers of the Temple of Padmanabhasvami, make up 6% of the total Zolotovolnaya Foundation of India, that is, about $ 22 billion.
The keepers of the temple, built in the Indian state of Kerala, began to fill six underground repositors with donations since the XIV century, and in the XVIII century it was decided to carefully climb caches.

Two years ago, a large treasure of the coins of the Roman Empire was found in the UK weighing more than 160 kg. Bronze coins were kept in the clay jug, which was only under the 30-centimeter layer of the Earth and was detected by a lover treasure detector. According to experts, a jug with coins was sacrificed to the gods.

Gold and jewelry in Staffordshire, Anglo-Saxon treasure, 2009.

In 2009 in Staffordshire, Terry Herbert's amateur archaeologist has encoded the treasure relating to the Anglo-Saxon Epoch. In total, it consisted of five kilograms of gold, about three kilograms of silver and precious stones.
Among the found things were gold brooches, armor and swords, dishes and religious utensils. The treasure detector stumbled upon the treasure, examining the metal detector of the farm territory of his friend. Under the soil there were more than 1,500 diverse items that could belong to representatives of the Anglo-Saxon elite.

One of the largest in the history of the treasures was found this year on the island of Jersey in the Strait of La Mans. Amateur archaeologists discovered a cache, the total weight of the values \u200b\u200bin which was more than 700 kg. According to scientists, I put more than 2,000 years and can hide the Celts tribes that saved from Yulia Caesar's troops.
Metal products were so tightly closed in 2000, which turned into one huge ingot, the cost of which, according to various estimates, is from $ 5 million to $ 17 million.

A collection of unique coins, the total value of which can reach several million euros, was found among the books of the State Library in one of the towns of Lower Bavaria. The cleaner discovered a box in which there was a collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine coins, as well as French coins of the Napoleon Bonaparte.
According to one of the versions, the collection was hidden in 1803 from the authorities who kept coins and books kept in monasteries.

In 1981, in the Barents Sea, the largest deep-water surgery on the rise of gold from the sunken English cruiser Edinburgh. At the end of April 1942, the cruiser came out of Murmansk to England with 5.5 tons of gold on board, but, having received damage from the German warships, was flooded by order of the captain. Only in 1980, British specialists identified the exact location of the vessel, and in September 1981, most of the gold bars were raised to the surface. Find a few bars never succeeded.

17 silver tone at a depth of 2.5 km, 2011.

About 17 tons of silver was discovered on board the British vessel, sunken in the Atlantic Ocean. The MANTOLA ship crashed in 1917 as a result of the attack of the German submarine U-81. According to experts, the cost of treasure exceeds $ 19 million.

In 1985, after 15 years of searches, the legendary treasures of the Spanish Galleon "Atkha" were found, which was wreking in 1622 due to the storm off the coast of Florida. Raised wealth estimated more than $ 400 million, among them there were 200 gold and about a thousand silver bars, jewelry, gold chains and a whole arsenal of the XVII century weapon.

The treasure was found by one of the most famous treasures of Barry Clifford just a few hundred meters from Cape Code Beach on the Florida coast. He discovered the crash of the Wyda Pirate Galel, with which about five tons of various values \u200b\u200braised.
The total price of the found exceeded $ 15 million: before breaking about coastal reef pirates robbed more fifty ships.

Recently, about 48 tons of silver was raised from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean - this is the largest cargo of precious metal, ever discovered in the seafst depths. The treasure value of approximately $ 38 million was found on board the Guersoppe ship not far from the shores of Ireland. This military-transport ship sank in 1941 after the attack of German submarines.

The remains of the British cargo ship drought by the Nazis during the Second World War were discovered from the north-east coast of South America. The value of the find was that the ship transported a large cargo of gold, platinum and diamonds intended to replenish the treasury of the United States.
The name of the vessel was not disclosed, it was conditionally called BLUE BARON. The vessel was crashed in June 1942.

In May 2007, Odyssey Marine Exploration, which specializes in search of sea treasures, announced the finding of a sunken ship with 500,000 gold and silver coins on board. The treasures were raised and shipped to the United States, but the company did not report anyone who belonged to the sunken ship and where he was found.

Last year in the Caribbean Sea not far from the coast of the Dominican Republic, the American Organization of Treasure Deep Blue Marine has discovered treasures. In the XVI century, shipwreck occurred at this place. Divers found 700 vintage coins, the cost of which can reach millions of dollars, ancient figurines and an unusual mirror stone that could be used in shaman rituals.

In February 2012, the famous treasure seeker from the United States Greg Brooks discovered the sunken British ship Port Nicholson, which in 1942 did not take the platinum ingots from the USSR in New York. The vessel was surrounded by a German submarine. Its cargo was intended to calculate the Soviet Union with the US government for the supply of amnels of ammunition, military equipment and food.

Based on razvlekis.net

In the world found many treasures. The most interesting and valuable for collectors are those treasures in which there were vintage coins. Where else can you feel the real breath of history? It is worth noting that huge and valuable treasures were found by treasures and simply ordinary people and in Russia. It is found to be a certain percentage of the find, 25%, everything else is supposed to transfer in favor of the state as the cultural heritage of Russia. But those who have found the biggest treasies in Russia, the funds received will be enough for a hazardous life not only to themselves, but also grandchildren with great-grandchildren.

The biggest treasure in the world was discovered in India. It consisted of a huge set of coins of gold and large ingots, the weight in general of the whole found was about two tons.

Also there were several large tanks, the top filled with diamonds, all this magnificence completed the necklace from diamonds in half of the whole five and a half meters. But the most wonderful and most valuable find, scientists consider not this. Most of the founded wondered the beautiful statue of God, Vice, completely poured out of the purest gold. Its height is 1.2 meters.

Cute treasure was found in the UK. His total mass was 70 kg, it was discovered on the distant Island of Jersey. Nakhodka is noteworthy in that it is very ancient: historians appreciated its age in 2000.

The treasure consisted of gold and silver coins. These monetary signs were in circulation from one of the Celtic tribes of the corionce, which settled the territory in the north of the province, which is currently the name of Brittany. Experts believe that the mass of money that is not recommended even by the current standards turned out to be hidden by French Celts on this island immediately before Rome's attack itself, his legionnaires in the I c. BC e. They mastered these lands, while won the different Galov tribes.

Not long ago, 4 years ago, a happy accident occurred. The ship managed to raise an incredible treasure from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, its mass accounted for about 48 tons of pure silver. These are these days - the most huge load of precious metal, of all those in the depths of the ocean. Its cost is incredibly huge and amounts to about 38 million dollars! The ship that fell such a unique chance to stay in history was called "Gersoppe", it was almost near the shores of Ireland. The jewels were not on a pirate ship, as you first thought, but on a simple military-transport ship. This vessel left for the distance in the distance 1941 due to the irreparable strike of the torpedo troops of Germany.

The biggest treasures of Russia

Russia also boasts wonderful and really very valuable finds worth several million dollars. The biggest treasure in the history of Russia is the sensational treasure of Naryshkin. He found him in 2012 an ordinary worker who was then restored by an excellent mansion of this fabulously rich family.

This man simply fell into a secret room in which all sorts of bags and drawers were set. When describing the discovery, it became known that there were 2168 items there. This famous find included 5 practically entire sets of silver, where the front table service was particularly highlighted, which included more than 200 copies of the well-known company Sasikov. There were even objects from Faberge and Cabel in the jewels found. This incredible treasure is assessed by experts at $ 4 million, or 189 million rubles.

Very famous in the history and treasure found by the parishioners of the Church of Archangel Mikhail, which at that time was restoration. There is a temple in the village of Yusovo. Apparently, tsarist coins found by parishioners and three military medals were saving this church, consisted of Christian donations. Most likely they had to be hidden in 1914, but despite the prescription of the coin perfectly preserved, corrosion on found specimens is almost absent.

Among the coins the oldest dates back to 1736, and the most new ones belong to 1414 kopecks. The nominal coins is small, a copy of the largest advantage is one ruble.

Silver coins are not so much, only 716 pcs., The rest are paid from ordinary copper. The specimens are very loss, they are not even visible on others what kind of coin. Parishioners are going to spend remuneration for finding a further restoration of the church.

Known and another find in the church. This church treasure was found in Vologda and was considered the largest, was found in 1951. Treasures randomly discovered workers who broke the cellar of the Church George on the challenge. When the wall broke, the stream of silver coins of the XVII century literally hurt. Coins were kopecks, their total amount was 46 thousand copies at once.

How is the search for the treasure?

Search for treasures is impossible without one very important and necessary thing, metal detector. Now they are constantly improving and are already capable not only to feel the metal and serve a signal, but also to show the figure that indicates a certain type of metal. Also, the device is able to show the depth on which the metal object is located and even the estimated size of the future find! Some of them even know how to determine the gold nuggets and distinguish them from the rest.

In order to proceed with the search of the treasure, it is necessary to properly prepare. To begin with, it is worth entering a good, big library and carefully examine the vintage directories and cards. You can decide on the place where you can find treasures. After choice, it is necessary to find this place in Russia, and if you are lucky, to dig there a real treasure.

With found objects, there is still a long work at home. First, everything that can be cleaned, you need to put in order, only extremely careful not to damage. Then, according to special directories and reference books, it is necessary to determine what it was found, valuable is a thing or just a bauble.

While one only dreams of finding valuable artifacts, others, armed with instrumentaries, are sent to excavations. The find of ancient treasure is always an exciting event. How much today is found in Russia of treasures difficult to count, but it is worth highlighting the five most famous.

The biggest treasures in Russia

Gold Scythians

The extensive space between the Danube and Don is sleeping with many Kurgans remaining after the disappearance of the Scythian tribes. Raude on the mounds began with the time of the Middle Ages and the current collection of the Hermitage and other museums of Pottit with a huge amount of gold products from the burials of Scythians.

Casket Gold Scythians has become scandalous

Vladimir Golden Gate

According to the legends, the doors from oak were frown with copper sheets with a thick layer of gilding. Disappeared in 1238, during the offensive of the Tatar-Mongolian troops. The legend says that at the moment they rest at the bottom of the river. Klyazma.

Golden Gate in Vladimir on Legend still stored treasure

Gold Kolchak.

Over 1600 tons of gold. For some of the gold, Kolchak purchased the weapon. The second part was found by the Red Army after his detention. And about the third part of the golden reserve there are conflicting rumors, but all traces lead to Tyumen.

Kolchak hid one of the most legendary treasures in Russian history

Napoleonic treasure

The loose wealth of Moscow was placed on two hundred cart. With the onset of winter, Napoleon's troops returned to France, but the difficulties of movement were forced to get rid of a certain amount of production on the way. On the route from Moscow in the direction of Smolensk, it was possible to detect many values, but the fate of the main part is unknown to our time.

It is not known whether Napoleon's treasure will find in Russia

Clay hidden by Sonya Golden Handle

Fixed weakness for jewelry decorations, the plot was skillfully assigned them. It is believed that in the center of Moscow, she hid a huge diamond. The exact place is not known. According to the legend, the fraudulent shook him in a samovar, buried next to the cunning market.

In the center of Moscow, also stored secret treasures

Top Most Famous Stores of World History

But not only in Russia all over the world can find hidden treasures. Legends go about them, shoot movies, write books. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world are trying their happiness in search of sunken ships, pirate caches, caves, grotts, produce excavations in a wide variety of parts of the globe. Here is a list of only some of them:

Casket on the island of Java (Indonesia)

Most recently, an amazing find was discovered, consisting of 14,000 pearls, 4000 rubies, 400 dark red sapphires, and 2,200 grenades. They were discovered on the power of more than 1000 years ago. Also, the treasters found small flasks for perfumes, jars from burned clay, dishes, vases of the Fatimida dynasty, ruling in ancient Egypt. Such finds of the X-century from the sunken ships are extremely rare and this will allow you to fill a big space in knowledge of those times.

The treasure from the island of Java became one of the biggest

Tillage Treasures in Afghanistan

In Northern Afghanistan, next to Schibargan in 1979 (a year before the commissioning of Soviet troops), archaeological excavations under the leadership of V. Sarianidi were made. In six graves, a treasure was discovered, which is a set of approximately 20,000 decorations of gold. The find consisted of coins, belts, necklaces encrusted with precious stones, medallions and crowns.

Treasure found in Staffordshire

In 2009, the archaeologist Terry Herbert discovered a treasure dated by the Anglo Saxon Epoch. The weight of the treasure was 10 kg, and consisted of gold, precious stones, silver. Among the subjects were armor, swords, dishes, religious items.

Pirate Casket - Florida Beach

In 1984, the Treasure Finder Barry Clifford discovered the treasures belonging to once pirates on the coast of Florida. From the place of shipwreck, about five tons of diverse values \u200b\u200bwere raised. The treasure was estimated at $ 15,000.

At the seabed, pirated treasures are stored

Treasure of Tutankhamon (Egypt)

In 1922, Govard Carter in the tomb of Tutankhamon was discovered the Golden Coffin, made in an unsurpassed manner, as well as throne, masks and many other treasures. The tomb was the first that did not charge before. Nakhodka was perceived as a huge discovery.

Tutankhamon's treasure is recognized by the Grand Clad

Pereshchenskoe treasure (Bulgaria)

The treasure was discovered by chance in 1912 in p. Small Pereshchenino in Ukraine at 13 km from Poltava. The shepherd boy literally failed in the tomb of Coat, belonging to the founder of the Great Bulgaria, the father of Asparuha. More than 800 items, weight of gold products - 25 kg, silver - 50 kg. Amphoras, dishes, cups, 12 gold and 11 silver cups were found, strives, blade in gold sheath, saddle, etc.

The largest treasure

History keeps a lot of legends about treasures and lucky people who managed to find them. But there are treasies from the species of which breathe the spirit from the most deployed skeptics. In the dungeons located in the temple of Sri Padmanabhasvami (India), researchers managed to detect the inconspicuous treasures, struck the whole world.

In the temple of Sri Padmanabhasvami, the largest found in the Cathedral of Sri Padmanabhasvami, built in honor of the Cherry God, was opened five hidden storage facilities. According to experts, their price is $ 25 billion, and this gives reason to consider it the greatest treasure today. To date, research continues in 2 secret chambers and may be found new caches. The world's largest treasure in the world included gold coins, ingots, weighing about 2 tons, a diamond necklace with a length of 5.5 m, and several bags with diamonds. And the most outstanding find is considered the statue of God Vich, made of gold, a height of 1.2 m.

In Russia, the old treasures continue to find, problems with the right to possess the detected treasure. For example, the treasures found by the American company Odyssey nearby Portugal, from the drowned Spanish military frigate. 500,000 coins, decorations and jewels were raised on the surface. Until now, the fate of these artifacts is not defined. The Spanish government was put forward by the Spanish government, but the company defends its rights, as the treasure was detected at neutral territory. Frigate Nuestra Señora Las Mercedes transported in 1804 from the Spanish Colony to Peru a coin, and was flooded by the British nearby from Cape St. Mary. Died from the explosion about 200 seafarers of the frigate. In the treasures are often found not only decorations, but also money ..