Card game 300. Card games: Rules and varieties. Play cards online. Card game Thousand - Rules of the game

In "101", on the territory of our state they learned even at the beginning of the 20th century. This European game has gained widespread and popularity. Its original name sounds like "Mau-Mau", but we initially called it exclusively as "Czech fool".

Today there are many different variations of this game, each of which wears its name. This is "Pharaoh", "Mavr", "English Fool" and "Pentagon". Details of these games are somewhat different from each other, but not essentially. On how to play "101" in the cards and which nuances exist, it is necessary to figure out more details if only the first game is to be.

Beginning of the game

In order to play a card game "101", you will need a standard deck consisting of 36 cards. Playing can at least 2 people and maximum 4. Differences in how to play "101" to the cards - together or four times - does not exist. The sequence of actions is identical. The player making the first move determines the lot, then everyone goes in turn. A man telling a card, respectively and starts the game.

Every 5 cards are distributed, only the distributing gets 4 cards, and the latter turns over and becomes on the con. The deck is set aside without turning it over.

Stroke Game

Rules, how to play cards in "101", simple enough. This game is not associated with a high level of difficulty, but it develops very well attentiveness and memory. So, the person sitting on the left of the first player must make his move. On the card lying on the horse, you need to put the card with the same value or the same way as exactly. If the five cards issued to him are not suitable, then it pulls one card from the deck. In case of failure, an additional card remains with him, the move is skipped and passed to another player. In the rules, how to play "101" to the cards, there are features and nuances. This is written below.

So the game of the game continues until one of the players completely drops its cards, after that, all the cards available from the players open and count, points are recorded, and a new distribution should be written. The game lasts until the bill does not reach 101 points. If the player scored exactly 101 points, then his account is reset, but the one who "went over" automatically becomes the loser.


Before playing in the "101" in the card, it should be studied in detail all the features and nuances of this game. Namely, the maps of certain suites and values \u200b\u200ballow several diversion of the game.

So, for example, ace, laid in the suit or another ace, prohibits the next player. It is very profitable when two people play, that is, the right of the next progress remains at what he went and allows him to throw another card.

Ladies are advantageous cards in the distribution, so they can be put on the card with any meaning and on all suit, while the person who launched the lady still has the right to order a suit profitable for him. If the last map is a lady in the distribution, then the player putting it out, 20 points take away from the account. And if this lady also peak suits, then 40.

The peak king is also of particular importance. If it is laid out on the con, the next player is obliged to take 4 cards from the deck and skip its move.

If the player put on a nine, he should once again be like, covering a map or another nine or the same Master. Moreover, if such a card does not turn out to be in the hands, it must pull the cards from the deck until the nine will cover its nine.

The seven on the horse will also force the next player to skip his move and get two cards from the deck in the load.

With the sixth, the situation is the same, only one new card is taken from the deck.

Having learned and remembering the rules, how to play cards in "101", you can predict the course of the game and always remain the winner!

Counting points

Each time a new distribution is counting, more precisely, the points remained in the hands of players. The value of each card is such that the ace is gaining the maximum number of points - 11, a dozen, respectively, to its number 10 points. The same comes with eight, seven and six - the number of points directly depends on their number. 4 points are accrued for the king, the lady brings 3, and currency 2 points. The nine when calculating is not taken into account, its value is zero.

If the last map is on the Kona Lada, then the player who dropped it, takes 20 points, if it is a peak lady, then takes 2 times more.

With the modern development of computer technology, it is absolutely not necessary to look for the company in order to pass time by cards. You can now easily download the installation file and play "101" to cards with a computer, tablet or smartphone. The game can be conducted with both real people on the network and with virtual players.

The game of cards is not always perceived as a family. But perhaps this is not a completely loyal opinion. With all the simplicity and democracy, the card games are developing a smelter, logical thinking, well, about communicability and there is nothing to say, the main thing is not too led by Azart and play only in a good company ...

The beginning of the game cards are usually referred to the XV century. In general, the fame of the card games, according to the testimony of Jesuit Menstria, is attributed to the XIV century, when one little-known painter named Zhomin Gringoner invented cards for the entertainment of the king of France Karl VI (1380-1422).

However, this hypothesis is not confirmed by other data, and some chronicles of world history include the origin of the cards by the XIII century - during the reign of the Holy Louis in 1254, a decree was issued, which prohibited the card game in France under the penalty of the Knut. Italian manuscript of 1299 also talks about banning the game of cards. The Germans even founded a special shop of playing card manufacturers. The Order of Calatrava in 1331 banned the game of cards in Spain, and this prohibition was repeated in 1387 by John I, the King of Castile.

Well, judging by this data, the card game was strongly developed at the beginning of the XIII century. But this period, as it turns out, is not the surest. The Chinese and the Japanese even before the appearance of playing cards in Europe have already played signs, like cards, from ivory or wood with drawn figures. According to some German historians, playing cards, in all likelihood, were listed in Europe by Saracins, ancient Eastern people.

Be that as it may, at the end of the Middle Ages, a game of cards, especially in France and Germany, was everywhere spread and had exclusively gambling. Moreover, it was carried away by almost everything, without the difference in the estate. During the reign of Heinrich III and Henry IV, who were still passionate lovers of a card game, even special gambling houses in Paris were even a special gambling faces for the game of cards.

Card games spread around the world and lived to this day. And therefore, describe the standard deck of cards in this book, probably no need - each of you probably saw it more than once ...

Family card games, as a rule, differ from gambling. They have simple rules that give the opportunity to play the whole family, regardless of age. These games are interesting both adults and children. But about the rules often disagreements often happen! Take as a basis the rules of the game below - it is better to spend time on the game than for useless disputes!

General rules

Whatever the card game, there are well-known rules that must be observed.

The delivery is the right to distribute cards to players; The delivery is made by lot. There are two ways to determine the lot. Each player removes a deck, and one that will enhance the oldest card, has the right to pass. Or each of the players is given on the map, and the eldest card drops.

A player who is entrusted to hand over the cards first looks through whether they are in the deck. Then he diligently mixes them, allowing himself to see only their Krap, gives his neighbor again on the left side, which divides the deck into two parts; The one that was downstairs should be topped up.

Then the cards are distributed to everyone. You need to keep cards in such a way that during their delivery it is impossible to see. If by chance one of them will turn over, then all players must determine whether the surrender again or the card must be put under the coupon.

Couplings are called cards that remain after passing the players.

It is necessary to pick up your cards according to the degree of their dignity and in touch; Failure for this precaution entails important errors in the future game.

Bribes are laid in front of them, which is allowed to look to know which cards have already come out. But the right does not need to be abused, so as not to force the game to wait for their partners. You should not also look into your neighbor's cards, even if he left you the opportunity to see them, in this case you need to warn it about it.

In addition, card players have a lot of customs that are very difficult to list,


The game in "fool" is the most popular and common game. Popularity is more ahead of even popular gambling - poker and preference.

A card game in "Fool" has two main varieties: pododynny and transferable.

Podkin "fool"

One of the most common family games, and at the same time - purely Slavic origin. The deck used in the game in the "fool" - 36 cards, to participate in the game can from two to six people.

The advantages of the cards: the most senant is the ace, the youngest - six.

After passing to all those involved in the game, the trump card is revealed in the game. The first move belongs to the infirous survey (sitting on the left hand from the passing) or more of the one who has a smaller trump card. The rule of the first move is usually negotiated before the game began to play in the "fool".

Having received six cards from passing on six cards, each of the players in a fool should consider their cards and build in order of increasing their dignity, that is, the least dignity cards will be on the left, and the right - the largest and trumps.

Walking in this card game is allowed by any card, but at the beginning of the game it is recommended to get rid of the smallest and unnecessary cards. You can walk with both one card and with pairs, for example, from two or three six. The enemy sitting on the left hand from the leading game must "beat" the nominal maps. Maps are fighting in the suit, the map of older dignity either the trump card. The trump card can only beat the trump card, older in dignity.

If you play 4 or more people, only the mining cards are allowed to throw up (the card with which the approach has begun). If a player cannot "beat" the cards offered to him, he must pick them up. Players who have less than six cards in their hands take away from the deck. At the same time, the move goes to the next player clockwise.

If the player "broke" all the proposed maps, then these cards go to the back (come out of the game). All players in "fool" make cards from the deck up to six.

The game ends when all the players in the "fool", except for one, remained without maps (while the cards should also remain in the deck).

The same is the only one who stayed with the maps on hand, and there is a fool.

Pair "fool"

Doubles. The number of players in this card game is 4.

Players are divided into couples and sit apart opposite each other, i.e. the couple should sit face to face. This type of game in the "fool" is a command game. All rules from the classic "fool" are valid, with the reservation that they do not raise the cards to their partners. If one of the partners could not beat off the cards offered to him and took them, then the right move remains at the enemy, and the next course makes the second player.

Transferable "Fool"

The rules for this type of card game are very similar to the podkin "fool". The main distinguishing feature is that a chopping player can "translate" cards on another player: In order to translate the card, the player must be put next to the card, which he was offered to the battle, a map of the same dignity. For example, if a seven TRF seven is a coastery, it is enough to put a seven of the tambourine (peak or worm) and cards are translated on the next player. The player who was transferred, is obliged to "beat" both of these cards or translate further.

It is forbidden to translate maps only in one case - when the player who is translated, the number of cards is less than translated.


Placed by an ordinary deck of cards, only without six. The deck is divided into two halves. For the first time for fifteen cards. Top card deck serves as a trump card for two games. Trump belongs to someone who gives cards.

The game is played by the four-way. The seniority of the cards has the following rating: Ace has 11 points, king 4, lady 3, currency 2, tens 10; The rest have no value and are considered empty.

At the end of each game, the score of the points taken by the cards, and who will be 61-62 points, he won the party. Each of the players writes 12 points. The one that has made more than 60 points is written off in his favor from each player for two points, from the serve - one point. If someone from playing will take away from someone twelve, he wins the goat, or Kon. After the first half of the deck of cards will be played, rent a second half. The visor remains the same map that was in the first half. The process and result of the game are the same.

A feature in this game is the valve. Trephic currencies older than all cards and beats without exception all trumps. Peak currencies crown currency currency and tambourine, as well as all trumps. Chervoy currency croot and trump cards. Bubnic currencies only trumps.

The playing must be demolished with his infirous younger or empty maps, without even pranks, which are not particularly valuable. If they and save them, then only when there is no trumps. Town and dozens should be kept, as these are the most important cards for calculating.


This is an old Russian game, which is played by usually four-way deck in thirty-six cards.

Since in this game, the delivery of cards plays an important role, it is solved by the seniority of the cards reserved from the deck.

Passing to all nine cards, the survey, open the trump card, takes it on his hands. The first exit belongs to the one who is at hand to hand, which must be extinguished from the trump card, but if there is no such, then with a simple card that all players should demolish one card with which the player came out, and the one who Put the older card, takes this bribe and goes again, and certainly from the trump card. Then the following moves can be with simple, non-trump cards.

As soon as players come down their nine cards of first surrender, they immediately begin to consider each bribe scored, they record their number and proceed to the second hand. The newly made bribes are attributed to the same, and the game continues until someone from the players are formed in the record of ten bribes. Having taken ten bribes remaining his cards puts to the side and announces that he is the king. The whole game became the king stops. Only three others continue the game, and which of them earlier will take nine bribes, he becomes a prince. Then two, and that of them, who will collect eight bribes, becomes a soldier, and the last one is a peasant or a peasant.

Only every player will receive some kind of name as the game takes a new look. From that moment on, the delivery of the card belongs to the man, until he wins some other title. A man, staining the deck of cards, gives her to remove the soldier, in that case, the king first give up, then the prince, for him the soldier and then a peasant.

By delivery of the cards, the king takes the most eldest trump card, giving him any other map in return. Then the prince takes another trump card from a man and instead gives a peasant another, which he wants, a card. Then players begin to play again, with the only difference that all exits belong to the king, despite the fact that he will get a bribe or someone else. After the king, he brings the map of the prince, behind him the soldiers, and then a man, and each of them tries to score nine bribes. Who will rather get nine bribes, he becomes king.

When the king comes out, the prince will take it the place and uses the first outputs. When the king is released, the prince takes first, then the soldier and then a man.

When the prince takes the place of the king, then you need to trump the first twice. At the exit of the king, the man does not give anyone a trump card and enjoys a shouting trump card, which he replaces any of his card.


In the Card game "Givenays" play together, in two decks of cards.

To find out who to start the game, two cards are put on the table. Each player is located on the deck of cards.

The one who should start, thoroughly holds a deck with him and then comes from the top card, which another playing puts his card, not paying attention to what will go after her. Thus, the demolition of the cards continues until the ace will not fall out or the king of some suit. The one who put the ace stops to demolish; The other player at this time brings three cards on a bunch, after which the end of the ace takes all the bunch and puts it under the bottom of his cards.

In this order, the game continues until one of the players do not leave all the cards, and both decks will not go to another.

On an open one ace, the other put three cards, and on the open king - two.


The origin of this game is unknown, and its name is not particularly beautiful, but the game, however, is very interesting.

When playing four times and more use a deck in fifty-two cards, when playing together, play thirty-two cards.

Playing, collecting in a bunch of hand-held cards, do not consider them and do not give special meanings. The whole deck of cards is distributed to all playing on an equal number.

I am granted the right to go to the first one, and he, removing the top cargu from the bunch, puts it on the table. Others come in the same way, and whose card will be older, he takes a bribe and puts her down a bunch. Thus, everyone continues the game, and one that will have time to sell rather, or pull all his cards - wins. During the game, when controversial maps come out: 2-3 the same value, i.e. two six or two kings, then playing new cards to a pile, and who will be the eldest, he takes. If the aces will be controversial cards, then the senior is considered to be the one that was previously laid. In general, with controversial maps, one of the players who had previously laid the card enjoys the advantage and the second time from the card deck does not take place. Players are obliged to strictly hold the queue and must put the cards of the sequential order.


The number of partners is not limited, so with a large number of players should use a full deck in 52 sheets.

All partners take turns take off from the decks on the same map and put them each in front of them, this card depicts the "store" of each player: the six (or twice when playing 52 sheets), lying in the middle of the table, depicts a "pig" to which Maps are put in the upward order.

On maps depicting "stores", put cards in a downward order, without disassembled byas. Since the aces do not go anywhere, they put kings on them. If the ace lies at the store, it can not be removed even on the "pig". "Pig" ends with a king and postponed. The next "pig" begins with the first dukey or six coupon.

Kona winnings belongs to someone who has time to tease all the cards, with the exception of aces, and the rule of the game requires that the cards can be launched only two their neighbors, the right and left.

The map that goes in order on the "Pig" card can no longer go to the partner store and should be laid only on the "pig".


In the "butterfly" less than three and more than four people can not play.

The deck is used in fifty-two cards. The right to handle the cards is solved by the highest card.

Three cards give up each playing. After passing when the game, the threes are revealed by seven, and when playing four cards, the four cards operate.

A box is put in the center of the table, in which each of the players puts on one chip (match, a penny, buttice, etc.). His girlfriend surrender, having considered his cards, takes one of the open on the table, corresponding to the cards in his hands. He can take two, and three cards, if only the score of their points will be equal to the account of those cards that it has. Who in his hands will not be such a card, which he could take the other from the table, should put his cards to lying on the table and put into a box as many tokens as cards. Who will take others from the table with all the three cards, he wins the party and takes a bet. If this does not come out in the delivery, then putting a box on the thrown cards, pass again, and thus the rate increases until anyone takes it, winning the party.


The number of partners is from two to ten. Each player is surrendered by three cards, and one card is revealed as a trump card.

The course of the game can be divided into two stages.

1. The left neighbor of the passing makes the move towards his handicraft from some card, and the latter must reset the card on it of the same top or lowest dignity. Hung the highest card takes a bribe. Demolished from the hands of the card again replenished from the coupon.

If the bribe goes to what happened, then the subsequent outputs belong to him until his reservoir arrives or does not cover the map similar to it. Only one can take the card, who has no suitable suit and he does not want to be a trump card. In the same way, the player continues and between the second and third players and so on until all the cards come from the hands of the players and their coupons. After that, the playback gained bribes gained by partners.

2. Anyone who had previously managed to play the card to his share of the card, enjoys the right of the first way out with what the cards do it. Sitting near him should block this card or accept: In the first case, it will give these two cards to the third, which should be the second player card, kill or accept. This third card of the last player must be killed or accept the fourth, etc., which continues until so many cards will be in the increasing thing in this way as all the players, with the exception of one; In this latter case, the one who will get to play a bunch, making a proper tire, postpones all these cards to the side. They are no longer part of the playful game. The whole heap that revealed this way comes on the other, which whales, cards, and his girlfriend comes in exactly the same order as he arrived at the existence of the first heap.

Regarding the reception, the following rules are followed: if anyone accepts the first output card, then its healthy must go from any other.

If someone can not or does not want to cover someone's overlaps, then he takes one only suitable tire to him, after that, sitting near it, you should cover the top card left then in a pile.

Never go out in this game with the highest and faithful cards. No need to go out with the trump card, until you know that your girlfriend has trumps, but only younger.

On the suitable cards you need to always demolish the youngest cards. If you go with a small card, then it must be not covered, but take it. When they go with a strong card, and moreover with such a suit you do not have, you need to beat the goatre. If there are three cards of one suit on the hands, then you need to walk with the older. When there are two or three trumps, then you need to walk with the average so that you can subsequently return it to the remaining senior trump card.

When the output of your card will be accepted, then in the next move it is necessary to demand it back. It is more profitable to always drop the younger map, giving a bribe to a partner to you. If you go with a card, which is unprofitable to leave for the draw, and you have a lot of trumps on your hands, it is better to take such a card. Doing more profitable with long suit. For discovers, you should not regret the last trump card, but it is more profitable to hold the trumpsray if you are not in the last hand.

Fuck out

The number of partners is three or four, although you can play and together, but it is not particularly fun.

For the game uses a deck in thirty-two cards. Who fell to pass, he, having shuffling the card, gives them to their handicraft. After passing each nine cards, the trump card is revealed.

Each player after passing the cards considers how many cards he has the same dignity, i.e. two or three six, four or three aces and so on.

The first exit is provided by a prudent surrender. Everyone goes to one only sitting under it; You can go out with any card, and more than two, three and four identity cards: 2-3 six, 2-3 -4 kings, etc. If anyone came out only with one or two six, then other players And one to whom they go, if they have the third and fourth six, should also attach them to six. Any card can be pounded or a senior map of the same suit, or a trump card. Who does not want or not able to do this, he can take cards to him; After that, it's already his healthy. If someone reveals all the running, flewing to him from other cards, then he comes out.

Who will lower all the cards from hand when they have other players, he comes out, or, as they say, is right. If someone has one or more cards left, while other players have no one, then he loses, or, as they say, stayed ...

The punishment of the loser is ordinary - he must take cards for the next game.

All opened cards are postponed to the side and before the new delivery do not come to the game.

Rules of the game:

1. You should walk first from the smallest cards.

2. Hold and without the need to walk from the trump card.

3. We must try not to shake the cards of one value.

4. If you have two cards of the same value in different masters (two six, two aces), which must be accepted, then you need to deal with senior dignity cards.

5. When there are several trump cards in your hands at two or more maps of the same value with them, Bates go to you by trumps, despite the fact that they could beat them to the Mashy, and then go with that suit that hit the trump card.

6. If you have one or two small trump cards on your hands, and someone goes to your handicraft with them, then throwing it off, at least he was and eldest, because in this case you can count on the best outcome of the game at one remaining Visor.


When playing four hundreds, they use a deck in thirty-six cards, when the game is in fusion and more - fifty-two cards.

In this game, the role of gypsy performs, naturally, the lady of peak. She does not cover anything and no one can cover this card.

At whose share will drop the cards, the full deck of cards lay out around and in the middle of this improvised ring puts the trump card.

The first exit makes the serve, taking some card from the formed circle of cards. The subwoofer comes in the same way, and if he will have to pull out the eldest card from the circle of the same suit, he covers it and takes his bribe. When the youngest map or another suit will be hindered, the bribe takes the player who walked. Thus, continue to take from the circle and cover until all the cards are sought. Playing, having spent some trump card from the circle, is obliged to put it in his handheld and pull out another card to walk from it. Similarly, it is necessary to act with Gypsy (peak lady), with which, as we said, it is not allowed to walk, and therefore it needs to be saved until the end of the card draw. After that, the gypsy is played: the player, collecting the card and turning the wrong one, deploats them with a semicircle and gives a subwoof, which, having reserved the card, the front side puts on the table and, by referring to its cards, it takes it or takes it. The game continues in such a way, until all the cards are dispelled, and the gypsy in the face of the peak lady after dramatic transitions from one player does not "get stuck" from someone from the players.

You need to be careful when mixing and shouting cards. By dismissing a fan-like a bunch of cards, you should keep them so that there is no possibility to look at the location of the cards or the location of the peak lady.


This game has a great similarity with the game in the "fool" and is played by a deck in 36 cards.

Partners are distributed on six cards, and the visor opens, the rest are postponed to the ticket, which serves to replenish the partner cards published,

Go to this game for several cards of one suit, if any, otherwise, one.

You can close a look and trumps. If there is nothing to cover, then they take all the unscrewd cards in the hands. In general, the disclosure and reception of maps depends on the calculation of the playing, and sometimes, even if possible, it is more profitable to cause damage to the undergraduate player.

The peak lady, according to the rules, can not be covered with any card and should always be accepted, what is the feature of the game. This card is called "Dame".

Having a peak lady should, but the opportunity to excavate it until the end of the game, to take advantage of it with a convenient case and make a way out of the "ladies" to the neighbor, which can delay his move.


The number of partners is from two to six people, the deck must be in 36 cards. To make the game more interesting, it is best to play threesome or four of us.

In this game, there is one trump suit, which is determined as follows: Having gone, stucking the card, gives them to her undergraduate, who, removing and looking at the last map, announces her trump card.

The game is two species: open and closed.

This game is closed when it only gives up five cards, the rest make up the coupon and understand the hands during the course of the game, as well as when playing in the "fool".

In the open dump, all the cards are distributed, and if not a single trump card, he who declared this should wait for a new delivery.

The course of the game in the closed dump.

Going out of the card and the crumbling takes it from the deck of so many cards as it is spent on the output and dump. If the next one has nothing to cover, then he takes the whole heap.

Let us give an example.

Four players: A, B, C, D. Passing all five cards, and puts the rest on the table. In comes with some card to C and replenishes the demolished cards from the deck. C, covering a running map from B and making a dump to D, takes from the deck then the number of cards that it happened. D also covers and pours, as well as his first comrades. Thus, it goes until no map remains in the deck.

In the doll, do not take on the hands of the whole heap, and they take only one top card; The rest are moved to the side and do not come more in the game. There is a rule not to produce your girlfriend, try to make him dumps and dismissed by trumps. If it is noticed that the girlfriend does not have any suit, then they certainly go or pour out from it. It is necessary to use all the means to focus in your hands one any suit or senior cards, which can serve as dumps in the dump.

You can only cover trumps only when there are many of them. If the driver remains one or two little trumps at several other maps, of which one he intends to make Roskrysh, and another to block the next approach, in this case it is necessary to knock them out, but not trumps, but that is not the one.

When it is known that there is only one or two cards, including the trump card, to pour a trump card should never be, at least there were a lot of them. Each player must understand, to what extent, he should attack his healthy. If he notices that sitting at hand comes out only because others go to suit, he must try to delay him, making him dump.


This card game "Chukhny" is rather children than for adults. You can play it and together, but the best big company can play until fifteen people.

Anyone from the players, staining the deck of cards, puts it in the middle of the table and reveals the top card, to which the other player should put a senior card, for example: if I gave the seven revealed, then another player should put the eight on it, the third nine, the fourth ten etc. Thus, to the one who should be overlated, takes the decks on the table on the table on the same map until he succeeds in taking the right seven to cover the six, unnecessary cards remain in his hands, they may need him for the next roof . Exactly so do all other players.

All covered cards are put in one pile, face up. If anyone does not have the required card and nothing remains in the deck, then he must be the top card lying on a heap, take, and stop the rest of the cards in a heap to the side, they should not enter the game more.

As soon as someone decides in this way, then the healthy adopted comes from his card and the game continues in the same time as long as the players will not have a single card. The same, whom one or more cards remained, loses and gets the name of Chukhna.


This card game can also be attributed to children's games.

The trumps in the game is not, just a suit. The number of partners from two to 10 people.

The start of delivery is determined by the consent of the players. Each player gives up three cards.

The course of the game: every partner, taking some of his three cards and turning over the front side down, screames her on the table and then change it to another card with another player. Continuing this way, each of the partners tries to score three cards of one suit and, having achieved such an outcome, comes out of the game.

The emerging gives its cards for consideration by partners, after which they continue the party until all players come out, except for one, which is considered to be the loser and gets the nickname "Eroska".


This game can play from two to five people a deck of thirty-six cards.

The surveyover to the whole player gives seven cards, then reveals the trump card, which expresses a trump back belonging to the passing. The first goes to the girlfriend. Each player must recruit seven bribes and then wait for the start of a new game. Drawing ends with the fact that I did not win the game that I did not win the game. On the card from which the older card should be put on, and if there is no need for the required, then beat the trump card. You can walk with any card.

Three leafies

This game is very simple, but at the same time entertaining. In most cases, they only play a delay of thirty-six cards.

One of the plays, staining the deck of cards, hesitates and his opponent for three cards, throwing them on one. Each of the players puts on the dog. After passing two players of six cards, the seventh revealed and means a trump card. The opened trump card goes to surrender, instead he demoloses any card.

The opponent of the surrender comes first from any card to which the other player must demolish the same masta card, which will make a bribe of whether the card will be older.

For the absence of the required suit, you need to cover the trump card, having no older suit, nor a trump card, put some card. Who will take two or three bribes, he wins.

If you won the surrender, all the chips put on the con, get to him; If the surrender loses, then the enemy.

When there is a small trump card on your hands, then go better with some other suit. With a large trump card and some other strong map you need to trump. If all the cards are on the hands of one suit, then you need to walk with the older. When there is no Trump, then you need to go with the older card. If two small trump cards and a third card of some other suit, then from it and need to go out.


Four than the deck in 52 sheets play.

The essence of the game is not to yawning; The slightest slip can be punished by the fact that one of the partners, taking advantage of the Rotosaism of his opponent, in one reception can take the opponent with the opponent.

In Zevaki, the cards are put without compliance with the masters to the shops of all players. The card called the bitter, is removed from above the deck. The action of the aces is equal to all cards. Playing, putting cards to his "store", says: "Houses" and then deprived of all right to remove it back, even if he was wrong. The partner who will remain cards is considered to be a loser.

His trumps

Playing a deck of 36 cards, the number of partners is no more than four, by the number of masters.

Every partner chooses a certain suit, which is his trumps; Each of the participating should be announced by passing before the first pass.

Cards are rented one or two. If the card opens, the deck is relocated again.

Each card can be covered or older than one with it, or the trump card, selected by the partner, who has to cover, so every partner, having received the cards handed to him, should pick them up with the masters and on the seniority of the cards in every suit.

The first move belongs to the subwoofer.

The course of the game: For example, playing in the worms-trumps goes to playing in the tambourines with six Tref, the class beats her seven treph and pours a dozen peak: the first interrupts the top ten rings and pumps the eight of the TREF; The latter, without having in his hands more than the trifany suit, beats the eight of Treph his trump card (tambourines) and pouring a lady peak; The first, without having a peak suit, beats a lady peak with his trump card (worms) and pumps out some card. Thus, the roof and the navalka continues until then, as long as the players do not turn out to be in the hands of a trump card, nor the required suit and it will be forced to take the whole bunch.

It is always always to go out and pour, which is a lot, or the one, which is very small, for example: one or two cards. Having a long suit on his hands, it can be assumed that the enemy does not have it and when it can only be covered by the trump card. Walking from those cards that are few, you can think that another has a lot of them, and the third is not at all and he must beat the trump card. The more trump cards and good suit, the better, the better for whom who will have to take a bunch.

After taking a heap of cards, they understand the masters and the game continues in the same order while one of the players will not come out all the cards - then the game ends.

Each player must try to store the older trumps of his opponent, so that he could do with the dump: when a big bunch of cards is formed, and the opponent has few of them, then covering an ideal one, the ace is put on her the ace of the king of his opponents, which he is not covered Maybe it is forced to take the whole bunch of cards.

The danglock is called the card that is placed over covered, for example: go with a tambourine currency, you, covering it with a lady, put a dozen worms on it, which is a dump.

A bunch - all the cards that accumulate on the table at all time games.

Accept a bunch - take all the cards on the table, because the card, which went, you have nothing to cover.


This game is well played by a large company - up to 15 people. The deck of cards is from 32 to 52 sheets, depending on the number of players.

Having dreamed of making cards, pulling them out of a deck any card at random and, without showing it to anyone from the players, puts under the napkin or under the bottom of the lamp.

Then the rest of the cards gives playing on an equal number. Players discard them with couples (two aces, two kings, etc.) in some side, holding the rest in your hands. After this operation, the surveyor takes over his hand to the front side of his face down and gives them to his imaginary, which, taking at random some of these cards, makes up a pair, folds down aside and then transmits cards to his neighbor in the same order .

The game continues until, as long as someone from the players will remain on the hands of the card, which will be a couple of the card that is hidden and called "Fofan".

Card game Thousand - Rules

The number of players in a thousand - from 2 to 4 people. The whole meaning of a thousand card game is to try to type such a number of points through bribes, so that it exceeds 1000. Whoever reaches the total amount of glasses equal to 1000 or more, that is the winner in the game.

How can you play this game:

Card game Thousand - Rules of the game

In the game 24 cards, 4 doasta, 6 cards in suit in ascending order of seniority: nine, currencies, lady, king, ten, ace.

When counting points in bribes, rates are used: nine - 0 points, currens - 2 points, lady - 3 points, king - 4 points, dozen - 10 points, ace - 11 glasses. The sum of the denominations of all maps participating in the game 120 points. The sum of the card denominations in one suit is 30 points. For one round (con) it is possible to take from 0 to 300 points.

Nominal margins (lady and king):

  • Worm - 100 points
  • Bubnov - 80 points
  • Cross - 60 points
  • Peak - 40 points

The first distributor is determined by the lot. At the beginning of each next round, the delivery passes to the one who sits on the left hand from the passing. After mixing the cards, the giving player is obliged to give to move the cards to the player sitting on the right hand from it. The rating player has the right to see the last map in the deck (when distributing it goes to him): If this is a nine, then having to have the right to ask "to translate" (in the case of a three-time falling out of the nine, shifting the player is recorded fine 120 points); If it is a currency, then it can put it in the middle of the deck - it is prohibited after that.

Distribution is carried out on one map. The first card gets the player sitting on the left hand from the passing. During the distribution, three cards are needed in a bunch. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards.

In case the player has 4 nines (3 nines on the "hundred") or less than 14 points, the player may ask for partners about the relocation of maps. Also, the relief occurs if there is less than 5 points in the bonape.

Trade and running game

At the beginning of the round, each player is heard of 7 cards, three cards remain in the bona. Next begin trading for the bite.
A thousand, sitting on the left hand from passing always "obliged to gain 100 points in the party (" Sitting on a hundred "), if none of the opponents pouched this right. The bite taken "on the hundred" is not shown to the other players.

The first player has the first to "sit on the hundred", clockwise. The player can either raise the bid, or say "PAS", refusing further trade. A trading step must be a multiple of 5 points. The maximum possible rate of the player may not exceed the amount of all the points of the cards (120) and all the moores on his hand. The maximum possible value of the rates of 300 points. The player who appointed the maximum rate among all participants, wins the auction (the rest said Pip), receives the right of the first turn and takes the bunch.

  • If a player at this stage sees that it cannot dial the bid specified when trading, he can paint the game, having received a fine in the amount of the bet being made during the trading; Opponents get 60 points.

After evaluating 10 cards that are at the player in the hands, the player is obliged to give each opponent to him one unnecessary map. After transferring cards to opponents, the player who ordered the game has the right to raise the bid (often it makes sense, because after a successful draw, he will only receive an ordered number of points, and not recruited) and make the first move.

Announcement of Mareja is possible only at its progress, starting from the second, i.e. Mareja can be announced, having at least one bribe on the hands. At the same time, the reaches glasses in accordance with the Nominal Majaja and establishes the visor of the appropriate suit. The first move immediately with one of the MARJAGE cards forms, but the ads of Mareja and the Trump does not occur. Announcement of Mareja also does not happen if the player threw one of the Majaja cards before the announcement.

  • The priority of the moves of vasta players: in the suit, in the trump card, any card.

After 3 players laid the cards, a bribe takes the player who posted the most elder card, and the right move passes to him. After the round there is a counting points for each player. The glasses are made up of card denominations that the player took over the round, and the denominations declared by the Majazy player. The player who ordered the game receives the amount of points equal to the amount of the order: with a plus in case of its execution, with a minus in case of challenge. Vilatables are obtained by the actual number of points. The player who did not take a single bribe, receives a "bolt"; If the player scored three bolts, then it is fine for 120 points.

When the total amount of the player's glasses reaches 880 points, the accrual of subsequent glasses stops him, the player sits on the "barrel". The player located on the "barrel" is obliged to gain more than 120 points at once to exceed 1000. There are three attempts (three rounds). You can win the game only if ordering (winning a bargaining) and ordering for the amount of more than 120 points (in some varieties of rules, it is enough to dial 120 points). If all three attempts have not achieved a goal, the player flies from the "barrels", it receives a fine of 120 points and an entry of one unsigned barrel. Three unreacted barrels reset the glasses of this player.

If another player climbs on the "barrel", then sitting on the barrel is reset from her with a fine of 120 points. If several players simultaneously fall on a barrel, then all of them roll with a fine of 120 points.

Additional options for a thousand game rules

The game may act a Tougal Marezh (4th ace), a denomination of 200 points. The rules of ordinary Mareja are applied to this market, i.e. It can not be announced in the first progress.

There are options for the game when it is stipulated by the condition of trade in negative glasses from the player. In this case, if the player scored smoke glasses less than stipulated (for example, below -120), then automatically says the PAS during trade until it gets more than this limit.

When any player is reached after the next round of 555 points, his glasses are reset.

At the stage of trading, you can place the order in the square, without looking into your cards. The winning trade in the dark does not show a bonus partners. The result of this delivery is doubled.

The first three rounds of players must forcibly to make an order 120. At the same time, the entire account of these parties is multiplied by two, similar to the game in the dark.

Thousand together

When playing a thousand together two types of bake are created. The winning bargain chooses at random one of the bibs, and the second bite gets the player to pick up the last bribe in the draw.

The second feature of thousands on three is one of the discounted cards goes to the remaining bunch.

Thousands four

When playing in the four-time, the gaming player sits on a bonape and watches the game. In the total Round invoice, he records points for its account, equal to the amount of points in the bona (if there is a marketing. It also records its nominal value).

Two hundred (200)

Number of deck: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 36, 40
Number of players: 2, 4 (couple per pair), 5 (2 pairs), 6 (3 pairs)
Heart seniority: 5, (6), 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: first dial 200 or more points.
Rules of the game. This game is popular in the province of New Brunswick on the Atlantic Coast of Canada and is a very old game, which is played by about three or four generations. The first mention of it comes from 1930, although they played it before. For the first time they began to play in the Midwest US, and later the game moved to Canada. This game is played by different number of players and with many variations. Let's describe the game four and with 36 cards. From the deck in the 52nd cards are removed 2, 3, 4, 6. The cost of cards in glasses: ace - 10 points, 10 - 10 points, 5 - 5 points, the remaining points of points do not have. If you count all the points for the cards, then 100 points will be. The first surveyor in the game is determined by lot, the subsequent survey is determined clockwise after each played game. The deck is thoroughly taped, removed and each player gives up 9 cards. After that, trade begins, which consists of ads. Each player team declares the number of points that it will be able to dial in the game. The first announces the player to the left of the serve, he can say "PAS" or declare a set of at least 50 points, each subsequent bet must be greater than the previous one. Player and his partner who will declare a larger set of points, declare a trump owner in the game. If the players have forgotten to declare a trump card and some of them looked like a card, then the suit of this card becomes a trump chassis in the game. The first move in the game belongs to the team that won the trade. A player of this command can be like any of his card to the next player clockwise. Each next player must put a map of the same suit, if there are no cards such a note, then it can put your own any card. Picks the cards (bribe) a player who will put the most eldest card in the master of the first move, if there were trump cards, then takes, the one who puts the senior trump card, and if there was one trump card, then the player who put the trump card. A player who takes a bribe, makes the first move in the card drawing. Thus, the game continues until all the cards are played. All maps taken are stored in a closed form before the player who took them. After drawing all the cards, the glasses are counted for them and recorded on a paper sheet. If players have taken an announced quantity or more points, then these points they are recorded in a plus. If the players did not take the declared points of the points, then the amount of declared points is written to them in minus. If the players team is first picking up 200 or more points, it becomes the winner. If both teams simultaneously reached 200 or more points, then the team won the announcement in the last game. If one of the teams dials 200 or more minus points, and the second team has a number of points 0 or more, then the team that is minus 200 points loses.

Game with a kitten. There is an option of the game when additional 4 cards (six) are added to the deck (six), which can be used by a player or a team that won the announcements. Standing six 0 points. At the beginning of the game, these cards are put in the center of the table in a closed form and when the team winning in trade is determined, then one of the players of this team has the right to take advantage of these cards. The player can exchange any of his cards on any of these four cards. The exchange is done so that none of the players cards do not see. Exchange cards from the table are removed and participating in the game do not accept.

100 per 200. There is an option of the game when the players make an ad 100 to 200, which means, in the event of a team gain, it takes not 100 points, and 200. In case of losing, the team is not charged 200, but only 100 minus points.

Disposable trade. There is such an option of the game when it is allowed to make an ad just once, the player can only say how many points he can dial.

Game of 300 or 500 points. In this option they play up to 300 or up to 500 points, and it is allowed to make ads in the game no more than 100 points. The minimum threshold of the first announcement is 60 points.

Play by the guy. Play 3 teams on 2 players in each, and each team plays alternately. That is, 2 teams start the game, after the first played game in place one of the teams the other team sits down. Next after the end of the game, the teams change in places again.
A game option is possible when 3 teams are played immediately, then they play a full number of deck cards (52 cards), where each player gives up 8 cards, and 4 cards are used as in a game with a kitten, are exchange cards for a team player who won trade.

200 with a bank. This version of the game is played only by the guide. At the beginning of the game, each player makes a certain bet to the bank, for example one or two dollars. The team winning the game, gaining 500 or more points, divides the bank equally with each other.

Player game. It is possible to play the game in the fisture using a deck of 40 cards, without a kitten. Each player gives up 8 cards. One of the players who plays without a partner is a "shadow partner" of the player (teams), which won the trade and helps them in the game. The shadow partner cannot be a surveillance and does not participate in trade.

200 without partners. You can play four times without partners, playing everyone for yourself.

The game is together. Play a deck of 36 cards, where each player gives 9 cards.

Note. This game is translated from English, the general rules of the game are described, but there are many nuances, for example, as in the game in the preference, which in view of the complexity of the translation was not translated into Russian.

Actually, purely theoretically, this game can last without end and edge. According to the prior arrangement between the players, after the next party, you can not put the deck, but simply move and start handing out. A bribe takes a player who put the most senior card. The meaning of the game is as follows: it is necessary to dial 1000 gaming glasses or more by bribes. Mozilla Firefox 3.6 UK ëå ÷ ÷òò üüü îäääîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîûîî Copying materials without written permission is prohibited. The reference link when copying materials is strictly required. Despite all the simplicity of use and ease of overclocking, this utility is not recommended to use beginners. SETFSB is a specialized utility for a simple and fast acceleration of your central processor. It is forbidden to lie down the first and last three cards. You can declare Marezh (trump card) only after the player will be taken first bribe. Majahi allow you to "praise" (otherwise expressing, prescribing) a trump one. Pyramid, Accordion, Monte Carlo, Scorpio ... Important: If you want to play any game without registration, go to the game section and log in through one of the popular social networks. Taking a bunch, the player builds his cards and gives two anyone (usually the most unnecessary) opponents. Kone must end only after someone from the players will drop 100 points. Work on the improvement of the resource boils in the format 24/7, and ahead of us is waiting for a series of very interesting innovations. Play 1000 against the computer directly in the browser in online mode, you do not need to download anything! If the trump card has not yet been declared or on the hands of the trump card, you can put a map of any suit.

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Its hundred points will be considered a compulsory rate, while on the basis of the following horses, another player will won it. Choose the most interesting for yourself: gambling card games, exciting quests, dangerous wars requiring attention and intelligence. You can play absolutely free to it through the Internet with live players - the most real, real people from around the world or with a computer. If during the distribution at least one card turned out to be opened (be it for negligence or specially), then the penalty in the amount of 120 points and the cards go to the next player for re-passing. PIMIX - COLLECTION ON THE COMPLETE WHERE OF THE PLASTING ON PERSONS EUPLIES. The player is fined for 120 points for each third typed stick. You will also get the right to technical support. To start playing, it is enough to choose this game in the game interface and join other players or invite friends.