Maps at the zone as what. As they come with card debtors in a Russian prison. Card games in prison and zone

Good day, my friends! Or maybe somewhere and morning or night! But still good!

Outfit peak on the table! - Words from the song beautiful ... just in the topic and for every taste-3 king of all stripes, but without "hearty", and "trash" bubes backward! May they bring us all luck and Fart! Although when playing 21 "Dwarf" and is considered the most "finished" card, the truth will say that it is so, for it is almost always, if the deck is not "charged", the card is not going as it should. You will not change anything in this, the specific number of numbers in the deck is ... But the "trash" is just ok, not what in life! On the "knock" the most "fire" will be !!! :-)))
But in order for the bearded to "bearded" 8 and 9, the STOS is necessary, and the game at all, to love very much and know, to be able to hold down and lay out and, of course, to make it! How ?? - Now we will tell, maybe someone will be inherently, and may come in handy when in our life, full bends and turns ...
The game in the camp is holy! Caste "Games" - special! Basically play 21, in the "sec", in the "Buru" Tet-A-Tet. Less as "Ters" forehead in the forehead. "Rams" is also present. Maps in the camp, if a tsek with them on you, wonders are creating in truth!
First of all, the main replenishment of the common with the game goes. The more pressing on the "O", the garbage of handles and life and lifestyle behind the barn more for prisoners.
Secondly, if you are a "gaming" lifestyle, then a comfortable life and family femalers will provide for the period all. Yes, plus for the fence eating the amount considerable for relatives and relatives.

Everything is played if the reservations have not been - the money is alive or transfer to the address, cigarettes, freezing, free and stroke, the clothes are high-quality through a baryguard on the barrack, the figures of the express contact cards for phones ... if the reservation was, then only what was laughed, for example, Only filter cigarettes, and everything ...
Each self-respecting "gaming" has a few deck of cards for different cases. For particularly responsible and felod singular. Where the film is taken as the basis from the surfaces and is tightened with a piece of paper. In short, the Werseners are abused, as in any case standing. But now is not about it ..

So how, after all, it is manufactured in the zone? Now I will explain in 2 words, namely:

Makes them "Guru" in his own, master Great! Who has the hands of the growth from where it is necessary and the gift over it is for this! Here it is worth adding that both the manufacture of styrene and the game in them, a very wicious disorder is considered to be the routine zone of them. Like the support of the stroke of thieves! Hence the consequences of real, at least there is already schizo, but it is possible to threaten for 9 months on the Sousse ... oh well that the Kumany zoom will catch us up!? When was Spa's garbage worried?! : -))) ...
So, we go further.
-The check tucer it is necessary. For this, the balls of bread black from 2-3rd packs need. Finding it into small pieces, put it in a slam and fill with water to the top. Let's breed for about 15 minutes. Then wipe it through a rag. The resulting mass is brought to a liquid state, diluting a little water. Kleister is ready.
Take 12 sheets of printer paper. Each sheet break across 3 equal parts.
Next, you will need a piece of smooth glass, the type of window, about 40 per 40 cm. It is necessary to take 1 sheet of already torn paper, put on the glass and rubbing the leaf. Put on it over 1 more sheet and rubbing. Then another leaflet. It turns out the 1 triple leaf. And so all 32 parts / as in the prison station 6-K, by definition / and + 4 more to spare.
Next, dry everything, laying out on a blanket of a free shone. Then you need to put them under the press. These are 2 smooth boards, pressed by a cabinet, or a table, or the same shone. Hold the clock 5-6. Then cut the glass on the equal parts. Camp Card Standard 5 to 7 cm ...
Billets are ready. "Master" takes over the heating of the corners and, in fact, for sharpening of all the pose. As he will do it, so it will enter with a stitch one card, right to another. And in no way! This is done at the beginning of a piece of sharp glass, then brought with a little skewer. So that the edges are not bent and do not succulent during the insertion, they are missing a couple of times gently and allowed. Gelatin is an empty capsule from any antibiotic. Put in a spoon, is diluted with a little water, and heats up on fire until complete dissolution.
Everything, the first part of the manufacture completed! In other words, Stos is ready. It remains to sign it now or put the seal. Depending on who will play and what. Many, especially the tricks, are constantly confused in such a sector. For relief for such a category of gaming, STOS is signed by free. "Old Arrestants", and this is understandable, respect the prison sector. It is important that the essence of the game does not change. Everything is my own, as they say! ...
Another person will be engaged in the signature of Stosa. Artist. The case is not easy and very laborious. But a big professional will cope with this! Ideally, it is suitable for gel color rods. No worse and ordinary balls.
First, the masters make the steps on the general, then for yourself and others. Each deck leaves a week of time! And how otherwise, good arts requires victims and time! And just amazing when it is not alone on the barrack, but several figures with this hard, but very necessary, necessary and respected profession !!! Health to you, men !!!

P. S. The deck of good cards with a free signature is under the block of malboro. With zone printing- more. The film excellent work is approximately block 3 and above ... But, believe me the old arrestant, in the "good hands", where "Stos sings and spins as it should", he brings to the game to the game, much more enormous dividends, answer! :-))) Yes, and believing this among us has played "beautifully" on excellent, make a deck! She did his job! Order or give a new one! So here ...
Good luck to everyone and always in a plus! And about "O" Do not forget, pay attention to the opportunity sincerely and with soul! Cash is a voluntary ...
Purely personally I-Vestic.

Bets can always be done, everywhere and all ... If you put, it means, playing "interests", and "interest" is different. Money, services (various characters), sports exercises, things, food and even life! Everything can be on the horse - it depends on the excitement and, it seems to me the mental development of players ...

Casino "SIZO"

In the SIZO we played as they could. In each chamber there was only what the Zeks brought with them, and they most often did not bring anything, and therefore had to make board games themselves, the main thing is that there were bread and salt!

Cubes, chips for the backgammon, chess pieces - all this was made of bread mixed with salt, which, frozen, became solid, like plastic. By the way, the rosary in the SIZO were also from bread. If you wish, the prisoners could make cards, is not a difficult, but rather long process. Usually limited to cubes, chess, backlash and "... in-house" (a fascinating game with a rather rough name, from which I could only leave the second part). Cubes played poker and thousand. In general, if you wish, spending time and strength, it was possible to entertain yourself.

True, not always the zeks wanted to strain, because all homemade games guards were torn, motivating the fact that it is consumer goods. Often after the zekov once again took the game, they lost all the desire to do something - they still useless - and have fun with noliki and sea battle. They can also play "for interest", which makes these children's fun interesting and gambling.

Quite often, the zekov had nothing for bets, or they were simply afraid to lose material values \u200b\u200bhtizable with such labor, and therefore played on sports interest. It looked very simple: stipulated the exercises to which they would play, clarified how much time they need to perform, and began to bet. It turned out to be the fact that the loser during the day was to be squeezed from the floor 1500 times (Zeks are excite, and it is often difficult for them to stop).

Despite, it would seem that there would be no serious bets, it is necessary to give them to be sure, otherwise you can enjoy a "fuofer".

"Fuffer" for gentleman

"Fuffer", or "Fuffer", and "Shlepp" - two very strong insults in prison and zone.

"Fucked" is a person who does not give a loss. And "slapped" - the one who "splits" by the language and is absolutely not responsible for his words. Both of them actually denote weak, dishonest people who should not be taken seriously and to which you should not listen.

The gaming debts tried to give it always, because the "Fuffer" is a rather serious jamb. With the right approach to the case, a well-suspended language and the desire of a person who did not give a gaming debt, it was possible to make a "horse" (servant).

That is, simple push-ups or squats made in time could pour into the problem. It is unlikely that they would somehow be punished for them, but they could put pressure on the psyche. Or, with a bad situation, the fame of a person as a "fufile" could go after him in life, and it would be a corresponding attitude.

Although there were very serious cases. I was told about such when I still traveled in stages. He occurred in one of the SIZO, in the "conviction" for stroging (the chamber in which the axes are sitting with two or more walkers, which have already received the time and waiting for sending to the zone). The transmission was taken out about this incident, it was so wild.

Three zeks were sitting in the chamber. Two with big terms (more than ten years), received for the murder, for which the third was sitting - I do not remember. In the chamber, there is especially nothing to do, especially people who do not love to read. They almost did not receive letters: herself, in contrast to the prinkers (the zekov who came to prison for the first time), they write very little - relatives and acquaintances are gradually disappointed in the "jamatic sufferers" and each new term is maintained. One mother remains among men who often fall into the zone, already at the age, which is trying to feed himself to her little pension to feed himself and his unavailable son.

So, these three from nothing to do all day played backgammon. Then more interest and excitement began to bet.

Always someone plays better, and someone worse, and a good player gradually wins everything. And bad, in the hope of recouping and especially without thinking, puts the latter. Especially since in the zone they like to use the classic scheme for the suckers, which Kidals use: to lose a little - increase the bets - win everything. Everyone knows this scheme by heart, but many are still underway.

As a result, the third did not have anything left, besides his own life, which he set - and lost.

For which the winner needed this life, I do not know, but he began to demand the debt to be given. The loser was supposed to write a suicide note: allegedly he committed suicide - so that the suspicion does not fell on the neighbors. Naturally, he did not hurry with the note. The men were sitting in a closed chamber, so the loser was constantly prescribed on the psyche and, in principle, he was doomed.

I do not remember whether he wrote a suicide note, but one night he strangled his sheet at night. The winned stifled, the second held. Then they tried to imitate suicide, attaching one of the ends of the sheet to the top of the Nara.

Murder revealed. The winner who stifled, sentenced to the death penalty, his neighbor, helped "pick up the debt," - to life imprisonment, and the third of the players who lost their lives was killed.

The only question that torches me to this day: Why did three fools broke their lives? Because of what principles?

My game, my game ...

In the summer of LAN (the territory allotted for each sector, fenced by the fence) was filled with the ace, playing backgammon, chess and domino. Some whole days were situated for the game. Many played not "in interest", but solely for pleasure from the game.

Bets loved to do sports. In our detachment there was a whole tote to all kinds of competitions, but hockey, football and biathlon used extremely popular. They usually put cigarettes and money. As it tried to do it imperceptibly, but without a zekovsky force could not (I really wanted to show my belonging to some closed community), then discussed our rates as if secret, but so that you could guess what we were talking about. Many knew about the tote.

Much less people knew that some had homemade maps. For some reason, it is precisely this kind of game strokes to be prohibited throughout the MLS system as a gambling. Although some managed to make bets even in "stone, scissors, paper" and, believe me, Azart was not less there than in poker.

In the zone periodically held tournaments on chess, checkers and nardam. A couple of times the winners even awarded something. Basically, prisoners participated in competitions to prove to themselves and the rest that they are the best in these games.

It seems to me that the Zeks generally perceive life as a game. Almost all partists (I'm talking about tattoos-collages that most often beat on your shoulder or chest) There are cards, cubes or dominoes. Congratulating each other, they necessarily wish the Farmet (not just good luck, namely, what happens in the game). One of the favorite phrases of the prisoners: "I would know the bite, I would live in Sochi." And the most important thing is force, without which you can not win, and Fortuna will turn away from you. Force, because of which many fell behind the bars, because they made a mistake without thinking. And Fors, hoping for which, many Zeks did not have learned to include their heads before they commit another stupidity. On this game force, many flies all life, after which there is nothing at all. Even children, if someone got them, do not remember their fathers. Only a wish: "Happiness, Fantu and Azart!", Repeated, like a spell, at every day of birth, does not give the awards to forget that our whole life is just a game. And you need to live, although empty, but "beautiful."

In the cards never play just like that. And never say: We will play "just so", for this expression means the game that below the back. They say: play "without interest" or "in interest." It is usually played one on one. Time - by agreement, before the removal, for example ... or - while there is an answer in a monetary or broadcast expression. The debt (at a show) is played once. Lost - pay, no - it means you put a fuflo

Gambling in prison and in the zone are all without exception - chess, checkers, domino.

Play and backgammon. This is a practically permitted game in the zone. But the losses are equivalent to cards, and passions are no less cruel.


Usually play two. It is distributed on the hands of three cards, the rest of the deck is put up with a shirt up and one card is highlighted by a trump card. Each player needs to score thirty one (no less) with bribes. Ace - eleven eyes (glasses abbreviated and intelligently called - eyes) .Tey - ten glasses. The king is four, the lady - three, the currencies are two points. The remaining cards are not brought. Begins to walk the one who distributed. He can go from two cards if he has two cards of one suit. The partner must either beat these cards (according to the seniority of a suit or a trump card), or take a bribe, i.e. Any two cards reset the crap up, without opening. The missing cards players take from the deck, and the game continues. Who took a bribe, he goes again. Cards from decks are taken on one. One card takes one player, after him takes one card another ... so far everyone has three cards in their hands again. If suddenly the player has three trump cards at once, then he announces: "Bura!". The game ends with his victory. He collects and turns out again. Ended as if one con.

Players can agree and every con appreciating in the money. Playing twenty horses, they can make interchange and pay apart with each other. If there are no trumps all three cards of one suit come on the hands, then the player announces: "youth" and comes out regardless of the priority in the middle of the game every player has the right to declare: "The game is made." Thus, he interrupts the game and counts the glasses, which he scored bribes (and taking into account the demolition of the partner).

If at the same time he is recruited thirty-one and more points - he won this con. If not - Kon wins the partner. With a simultaneous set of the same text, one who took a bribe before that. If both partners came a bora (three visor masta cards), then the winning of that, who has more and stronger map. The above rules of the borants are considered classic and well-established, but some discrepancies may occur in different regions.

Play thirty-six sheets. The value of the cards: Ace - Eleven eyes, dozen - ten and so on. Valts - two points, lady - three, king - four.


A lot of people can participate in the game. At the very beginning of the game, the first can be determined - the one who will hand over the cards and expose the initial amount of money to the bank. Usually everyone will raise the challenge cards "on the elder", that is, "blindly" take some part of the cards from the deck and turn over. Who had the most eldest card (Ace, for example), is he who begins to ban. If someone else has the same card on his arms, then reveal the cards further ... while one will not be older than the partner. At the beginning of the game, the minimum amount of the bank is determined and the minimum "battle", that is, part of the bank, which can be "beat". "Knock" is an announcement of a bank that this con and distribution of cards is the latter. It is usually announced when a money amount is going to a bank, ten times greater than the original. Before the "knock" can not stop passing cards, unless someone from the players "hit" around the bank and benefit.

What happens at the time of the "knock"? The game goes the same, but when the last (on the right hand from the bank) hit the player (won or lost) and money remained in the bank - then they all go to the banker. After that, the right to bann goes to another player. And it all starts first. Distribution of cards. The banker must carefully shook the cards, last hand (someone who sits on the right) give to cut off the deck. Then, with the top of the deck, the rope distributes on one map to all players. He will render to himself as a map. Next, the bottom card "kills" the deck (that is, it separates its card, which he puts across the deck).

Now all the cards are pulled out from the bottom of the deck. Players are commander, whether to give them more cards, or enough. The meaning is to dial twenty one point. With each new card obtained from the deck, the likelihood and "busting" increase, that is, when all the cards in the hands give more than twenty one point. Bruep-loss. The player must immediately show all the cards open and report the amount to the bank he "beat" (played). If there is a bust in the robe, the player wins and takes the amount he "beat" (played). All the wedging maps of the robe lays on top of the deck (as well as their own).

He asks each new player: "For how much you go (beat)?". Usually players beat some part of the bank: the third part, half or the entire bank. Conditions, of course, simple. If you won the player, he takes this part of the bank to himself. In the case of his loss - he delivers this bid to the bank. It is very important to the rover to ask a player about what part of the bank he intends to "beat" before he ordered the next card.

If the player and the robe will have the same as a set of glasses, the winnings are considered in any case for the banner. If the player immediately fell a set of twenty one point, in this case he announces his set and the robe has no right to make a set for himself.

There is such an option in the game. The player has already scored several cards and is afraid to take another card "in the open" for himself. He may ask the robe to give him one card "in the dark" and play yourself. Banding begins to hand over their maps. There are several options here. If the banknie did a bust, then the winning remains behind the player (there was a player for this!). When the banknish "stopped", he asks the player to open cards. If there is a bust, the player lost. If it came out with such a game the same number of points - then won the banner. If a player and the robe fell twenty one point, then the player wins, for it is believed that his point "in the dark" came earlier.

There are still different minor options in this game. Some players agree to assume that any five pictures in a row mean twenty one point. Some over the usual point are trying to install a "supercaster" (for example, two aces). And others - two aces mean just a bust (by the way, two aces are called for some reason "Red Moskva"). Sometimes the banker is trying to impose kakieto prohibitions. For example, if he scored already fifteen points - then it is obliged to drag another card, allegedly he can not stop at fifteen. And for seventeen glasses, he, on the contrary, does not have the right to pull out another card anymore, that is, it is obliged to "stand." Some players are forbidden to make a deck after each conka. He simply turns her, she gives the players, herself, shares and begins to drag cards on the new horse. Of course, these tricks install those players who look closely, in what order the cards of the previous horse were scored, they are folded by the bans, and they will already be able to build all the order of cards. There may be any additional rules and impose fines on the robe.


Before the start of the game, it is determined by the rating, which gives five cards and opens a trump card, in addition, five cards postponed in the "Bakeup". In this game, it is important not to pass the cards, as the partner in case of bad cards can replace them with a "bonus", and dredging to the deck. If a trumping ace came, then it is necessary to go with it, otherwise the player receives five penalty points. If the ace lies on the "burst", that is, denotes the suit, then go king. If there are trump cards and the king (marketing, it is obligatory to go from one of these cards. Violation This rules are also fine with five points. The purpose of the game is to write off 15 points, which are written to each player before the start of the game, each bribe is assessed in one point. If two currencies come in one color, then five points are written off. If one color currencies are gathered from both partners, then he wrote off the points that there is a trump bank. By agreement in such cases, there may be glasses to write down both partners before the game. If one From partners came 5 cards of one table ("Rams"), he writes off 5, and the partner records 5 penalty points. If the "Rams" trump card, then these glasses doubled. If in the process of the game the partner did not take a single bribe, then he Five penalty points are accrued, and besides this, he must pay a predetermined amount ("Rental"). Wins the one who wrote down exactly 15 points. If he wrote off more, for example, 17, then he recorded 17 fine Points


Both partners have on a deck of cards. In order to determine who will throw a card, partners negotiate which card mosques. If, for example, pronounced phrase: "youth mosques", then throwing the cards will be the one who fell out the younger map. If the "eldest is molded", then throwing the card will be the one who fell out the senior card. The value of the cards comes from the seven to the ace. After the Rastasovka, the deck partner is by its card "Crubbles", i.e. Shares the deck of the enemy. After trimming, he also chooses any card from his deck and puts it separately, but does not show the enemy. The task of players: catch the chosen card, for which the sinking card opens the lower card from his deck ("Uncle"). If she did not coincide with the deferred, it opens a map for a partner also from his deck ("even"). Card catching can be color, half color and simple. If a map of one suit and one value with a deferred, the winnings are 100% of the bet ("color"), if the map of one color dropped, then the winnings - 2/3 of the bet ("half-color"), if only one value dropped, then Winning is 1/3 bets. Wins the one on whose side the corresponding card fell.


This game also has the second name - "SEC". From a deck in 36 cards, simple maps are selected with the aces (without pictures). If you leave pictures, it will be "s". There are 24 cards in the deck in this way, and the maximum number of players is eight people. Before the start of the game is determined by the rating. Usually they are made to the "senior". Players raise each group of cards, and then turn over. Which is the greatest value, he will be the first to pass the cards. And then gives one who wins con.

If two or three players had the largest cards, for example, aces, then each moves out (removes) this card, and the following cards are compared. And so as long as someone has a senior map regarding the enemy. KGGD players a lot, then it is determined usually as follows. One of the players pulls out the cards, and then begins to highlight the value of the cards, saying: "Table, owner, you, he, that", etc. Under the "table" is understood as the very first shot map. Under the "owner" - the person who is at the moment. Each following card is a value for each subsequent player. Cards are removed until the first Ace falls. There is a kind of reader. To whom the ace falls, he can start to hang and take cards.

When all the players reacted in the first round and made their moves, then only then they can look into their cards and the one who "darkened", and the one who "overhememil". Now they decide what to do. Or "fall" (throw away the cards), or continue to play, betting. Rates can only increase and there is no less "darkened" or "overhemeted" amount. Players who "darkened" ("overhemes") will fall out only one advantage. They have the right to "hide" to the player under their right hand for the "darkened" ("overhemethmore") amount, and the remaining players are "hidden" only for the twice the sum of these values. Points are considered to be masters. If you have on one table, for example, ace, a dozen, nine, then it means that you came to you the biggest "trink" (three suit) amount in thirty points. Ace, as in many games, is accepted for eleven glasses. The largest "trink" can only kill two combinations of cards. These are three six, and in turn beat three aces. No more combination of cards are not considered "trinks": "Three nines", "three eights", etc. Exception is three dozen. But at the same time, a combination of a player can "open up" at any time and require only the relief of cards on this con. That is, his cards do not mean anything but ten points of one of the top ten, but it may require relief. At the same time, it is impossible to take money from the bank that everyone "passed" in this drawing. If the player with three dozen on his hands in the "dark", without revealing the cards, managed to spend the game on this cone and won all, then about H takes the bank and does not necessarily need to relocate. And this may be if he threw a large bet, the rest were frightened - "fell", and it thus remained alone, and it is possible to disclose the value of cards.


As a rule, two people participate in this game. Upon seniority or minority, the sinking card is determined, which gives 9 cards and opens a trump card. In the next game, he gives the one who took the last bribe.

The goal of the game is to gain more than 530 points. The combination of three cards of one suit in a row is called Trests (7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10, lady, king, ace, etc.).

If a partner in his arms is also a TERS, then the winnings are determined by the seniority of the cards. If 4 maps fell in a row of one suit ("Quart"), T0 40 points are written (two "Tears") and 7 points are added, i.e. Quart gives 90 winning glasses. If 5 cards came ("PITAIK") - then 260 points are written; At 6 cards ("Hamsterik") - 530. If the trumps king and the lady came ("Mariazh"), the party stops, and 20 points are written to their owner.

If one of the partners turned out to be 4 kings, or 4 ladies, or 4 aces, then it is written 100 points; If 4 rolls, then - 200 points. If the player hit the trump seven, then he replaces her the trump card lying on the "cerebral". For nonsense - 100 penalty points. This seven gets to the one who picks up the cards from the deck last. If even for forgetfulness, the player will play with eight cards instead of nine, then it is 100 points (respectively, if the family is 200). In case the player took more than 9 cards from the deck, he is declared losers. The most senior card with the game in the "TERS" is a trump bank. If he came at the end of the game, then gives a gain of 30 points, and if at the beginning or in the middle - then 20 points and the right to pass the cards in the next game. The second on seniority is considered a trump nine. It gives 13 points. After the drawing of the decks, the glasses are counted in the scored cards: the currency (not trump card) - 1 point, lady - 2 points, king - 3 points, dozen - 10, ace -11, nine trumps - 13, currency currency - 30 (20). The remaining cards when counting glasses are not evaluated. In total, when calculating two partners accounts for 150 points if the currency came at the end of the game.


Craps. Depending on the combination of the digits of the digits, the winnings or loss are determined. They are double or single. Double win - 6x6, 5x5. 3x3. Single win - 5x6. Double loss - 4x4, 2x2, 1x1. Single loss - 1x2. All other combinations are not valid, and the throw is repeated. Play money, things or desire.
Prison goat

A chamber game with a matchbox, which on the edge of the bed or a born is dropped by clicking up. If the box fell up the label, the player is charged two points, on the edge - 5, standing - 10 points, the back side - 0 points. You need to dial 50 points. Players with many years of experience are managed to throw away every time on the edge. Therefore, the battle between the sophisticated rivals is not interesting. The game can be done on money, things, food, click. Usually two participate in the game, but it happens that the entire camera is connected to the "prison goat". It is convenient because it requires a simple tool, such as matchboxes.
Sunny driver

A chamber game in which the newcomer tie his eyes and force the driver's actions in certain situations on the chair. Let's say someone shouts: "Red Light!", And "driver" is obliged to press the foot "Brake pedal". In the process of the game, he declares road signs, model various transport situations, offer a vehicle breakdown. Sounds sound: "Turn right", "entry is prohibited", "overtaking is prohibited", "old woman on the road" and the like. The "Legal Light Form" team should attach a palm to a temple, nicely smile and make an indecent gesture. If "Sly Chauffeur" allows a missing, attentive brother overturns it into the "cuvette", say, in a pelvis with water.
Schemem (ShmevdaMe)

Playing money on the amount of digital values \u200b\u200bon cash bills. Players agree, which digital combination is considered advantageous: for the total number of numbers, according to the number of even or odd, on the difference of numbers and the like. As a rule, the winner takes the bill of loser.

"Twelve paper"

Camp game common in VTK. This game involves an inexperienced novice, the surname of which is written on twelve paper. The first is written, where the second is hidden, on the second - the third, etc. A man whose surname is written on a piece of paper, becomes a "servant" found, that is, fulfills his desires. Methods of the game are different, the principle is one: the rigid sequence is preserved at which the chain of paper leads to a predetermined victim.

Three comrades

The game in which the newcomer is offered to pull one of the three matches sandwiched in the palm of palm. If he pulled the shortest, he should guess with the blindfolded eyes, who strikes him. In most cases, the "match shover" initially encourages a player for defeat. All matches turn out to be short.

Here is one of the game fragments in the detention center.

To the newly applied rise, with the caustic look at everyone and all, are suitable for two people:

- Do not be sad, lands. Let's play.

- I do not want to play.

- And I do not want, and he does not want. But we have to. You need to register.

And the scene of traditional gaming torture begins. It is impossible to guess the hitting zex, since experienced agencies have a treaty among themselves.

The novice is woven every time all the strongest. In the right huts, this game is not popular, as it almost necessarily implies cruelty. In a boundless chamber - another thing. According to the prison rules in the "three comrades" fight before the first blood, but in the heat of excitement, it is very easy to switch the permitted line. At the end of the game, the newcomer can hit the genitals or eyes. It all depends on the configuration of the "examiners". It happened that after such a registration, the novice zek came to Sanchast.

Eyesight check

Chamber game common among juvenile. The newcomer is offered to go head to the jacket and to guess various items through the sleeve. ZEC obediently pounces the jacket, one of the "oculists" persistently supports the sleeve so that the subject can observe through a narrow hole for the items that are alternately made to the sleeve. The jacket comes from the jacket: "The box of matches", "pencil", "dulle" and so on. One of the moments when the newcomer relaxes a bit and really takes everything that is happening for the game, someone pours water into the sleeve. It happens that before the sleeve remove the pants and show the "patient" penis.

That correctly calls this item and immediately gets in the eye a warm nursing stream.

A variety of this game may be such a situation called "Propash, a penny". Three zekov, among which both newcomers stretch the edges of the jacket. In the middle of the jacket throws a coin, and the leading playing role of a magician, promises to imperceptibly kidnap the coin. Whoever will first notice the loss of the coin, he won. "Focuscript" begins to loudly tackle: "Propash, a penny. Proposals, a penny ... "Newbie in all eyes is watching a penny, and at this time someone from the players, supporting the jacket only with one hand, unbutton his pants and urinates for a novice. He notices the catch when his pants were completely wet. He throws up a jacket, but the lightweight ZEC has already managed to fasten his pants. The camera is given with laughter, and the wet zack hurriedly and with disgusting pulls off his pants.

"Balls" and "Bridle"

The prison chamber begins the introduction of a newly angry Zeka to the Sado-Mazochist "Surgery", which specializes in the entry into the chickery of the so-called "balls". "Balls", by conviction of any au, contribute to the most complete satisfaction of the woman during physical proximity. The very "shadow" they probably deliver only moral satisfaction.

"Balls" are made from plexiglas (toothbrush); The chip is sharpened to sizes from 3 to 20 mm in diameter, polished with a thoroughly ...

For the operation, a well-sharpened nail-weaving or "paddle" is needed. Disinfected "tool" with boiling water (like the ball "ball"). The patient puts a member on a smooth surface (bench, for example) and pulls away to the right or left the extreme flesh. On the drawn site "Surgeon" hits the "instrument"; "Ball" is inserted into the bleeding hole. And it is interbated to the measure of a clean nose handkerchief. Well, if it is possible to reclaim the physician (loopila) to the camera that looked into the chamber: "Postoperative" period often proceeds in the form of sepsis (blood infection); The organ is thickened to the size of the leg. Sometimes during the "surgeon" itself, the "surgeon" misses (something under hand was told) and gets nail to Vienna. This is the "horror movie" ... they also put the "bridles": the hole is pierced at the bottom; through it stretches the fishing line; The hole does not overgrow: Now it can be suspended by anything, right up to the gold earrings ...

In the zone, these operations are almost safe, because it is much easier to get medicines and dressing. But in the zone, there is also a "unique" surgery under the skin under the skin of a vaseline mixture, increasing the thickness of the organ to incredible sizes. "Roseta" is made - the method of dissection of extreme flesh to four parts ...

There are zeks wearing pants literally "corncag": twenty, thirty, forty-balls - who is more? ..

And also, they say, fit fresh-cut rat ears into the member ... on the sides ...

The survey is dedicated to games, or rather rates, they can be divided into two categories: for money and for interest.

Games for money

The principle is simple, money is set - if you are lucky, then the amount increases, if you are not lucky, then on the contrary, the money wins someone else. It's not worth offended for it. Azart in this case is provided, so money, we know - a universal exchange tool than them are more, the higher the tone, and, accordingly, the opposite.
Playing where it fell will not work, although no one can ban a small intransigent when they are going to come or a friend and decide to ripped nerves a little. As a rule, card games are most common or visiting. Someone can make rates in checkers or chess. It is quite realistic to arrange something like the cockroach runs, for this not necessarily you need cockroaches, any able to move the creatures, even snails. Possible samples and inanimate objects, such as cell phones on vibrations.
Of course, you can bet on the Internet, for example,, a casino volcano. In this case, people do not need, you need to connect the Internet and desire. Despite the fact that a person plays alone, it does not mean that he may be sad (if only he is not blown away). As in the case of cigarettes or alcohol, we will remind, if you do not have brakes and do not know the feeling of measure, it is better not even sit down, but didn't these warnings ever stop anyone?

Game of interest

In this case, the rates may depend on the degree of development of fantasy. The most common is to undress, at a desire (sometimes the most ridiculous). Rates can serve the number of bream (joking shocks on the back of the back), rollbaries and even kicks for the loser ass. Azart may not be like when playing money, but fun will be provided. Sport rates in which the loser even wins the fact that he has to do exercise, it can be squatting, push, pull up and so on ...
The games for interest have one drawback - there are no sites specialized for this. You can, of course, to show ingenuity, and play watching the opponent on a webcam, fun, but a little bit wrong.
If the game goes to desire, then loss (winnings) can be literally on the edge of the foul, which only heats the fun. Although desires can be completely harmless, such as to contact loudly or something in this spirit.

Let's talk about such an interesting topic as games. Since in the prison of time more than enough, the games occupy a considerable place in the life of the arrestants. If you still consider that the overwhelming majority there are in the heavy arrangement of the Spirit, the games serve for them and distraction, and intense. To do this, there are a few well-known ways - conversations, reading, needlework - an ordinary person can not be happy with himself. But the games, of course, are in the first place.

There are two options for games - "without interest" and "for interest", i.e. The first suggests simply holding time, the second is the rates on the game.

Games are a very common means of breeding suckers. Specively playing on the feelings of importance and significance, the experienced threw for a long time to the victim for the game, often he often losing him, plant praise or praise, makes him lose their vigilance and put on the game everything that he has and even more and then causes a decisive blow.

If a person is nothing to pay, he can turn into a slave - "horse", can work as a ass, forever leaving Casta Petukhov, can be put before the need to perform any task, up to the murder. Card debt is the debt of honor, and refused to pay it can be uncapped or crumpled, raped.

In prisons and zones with the predominance of human concepts, the top scales are usually installed. For prisons, this is usually about $ 200 for zones - 1-2 thousand. Such measures are usually accepted by the secret agreement of the operas and thieves, the first of which solve their problems in someone else's hands.

A very common way to order to punish or just throw a person - Spiest lowers the victim for a certain amount, even a small but sufficient, so that he asked help from-out. Usually, a real period is given for payment, for which relatives or friends could bring the desired amount - all "according to the concepts". But the opera is already starting to work, either the letters do not reach, or for some reason who cannot get a pass because of some trivia, or the money is trampled ... the period of payment passes - and man in Margarine. The debt immediately increases several times, or the "legitimate" physical disgrace begins, or the opera will recruit a new agent, promising ...

Often there is a conceptual rule - you can't spit (play interest) with a person who stayed at the camp for less than 1 year. In prison (SIZO) - once there was three months, but now it is usually not respected. The game of interest, except for the other nuances, is economically beneficial to the elite - spheric (players in interest) pay in a publicity usually at least a quarter of winning.

There are still a lot of options designed for Loch, who did not have time to get used in a person's prison. The most common one is new to play a novice to play anything. When he loses, he declares that the game went, for example, by 100 dollars. He says that he did not play anything, what he hears - "and I played an interest - I don't know anything," he doesn't hear anything - "Has anyone heard that he sat down to play without interest?". Nobody, of course, did not hear ...

Either - "What do you play?" - "Nothing." Loss - "Pay 200 bucks." "We played anything ..." - "And for me, 200 bucks is nothing." Despite the seemingly comic, everything is very serious. If we manage to get away from the board, then often with a seriously affected reputation.

Another option - "Play just like that." At the end - "And you know that in prison" just "this ass. You lost your point."

Therefore, if you sit down, in any case, you must declare - "Play without interest." This is a universal formula - and hear the consent of the partner. And the Council is not to sit in interest at all, but if you can't do without it, then at least in the first weeks of staying in the chamber.

There is another option - "Sports interest." Play on squats, push ups. It often turns out that the loser cannot do - for example, several hundred pushups in two hours, and then he declares the "replacement" loss to something material - money, products. This option is often considered implanient, but it works among young people.

Games, where the easiest to work simular - cards, all games with bones. Cards in prisons are prohibited, and the game in them is strictly punished. But, as you understand, it stops few. Probably, the ban on the cards is entered on the basis of the great opportunity to apply shouting techniques, for the impossibility of exchanging experiences, and maybe it's just an old ideological glitch.

Cards are usually done manually. By the way, very beautiful stos. (decks) made throughout the technology. Glues from the newspapers with bread hukes, long and grind, drawings (at the same time and secret labels are applied) - thus one deck can take up to 3 days of work.

By the way, we have opened a small shop of goods from Russian camps, where you can buy a real and much more.

By the way, in card games you can quickly play Domino knuckles - for example, in poker, which is often done.

If you are not a professional-thown, never sit down to play in prison for interest. And without interest there in the cards do not play - no sense to risk. And not a professional will never risk keeping cards - so if you were offered to play, you can be sure that you are under the sight.

All other desktop games are allowed - chess, checkers, Domino, Backgammon (Shyshbesh), bones (burials, dawn), like a bone :) But, of course, all of them with no less success can be used to play interest.

The most honest game in this respect is chess and checkers, where it is difficult to adjust anything. Games where three or four people participate - for example, dominoes are already more dangerous, as it is possible to communicate with secret signs and influence the outcome of the game.

At once another advice - if someone plays, in no case can not be suggesting, but even discuss the party next to playing. If, moreover, the game goes to interest - the loser can always demand that the tip will be paid, it does not matter which side he suggested or just dropped the word.

Games with bones, among which the most popular are backgammon ( shysbesh) These are quite dangerous in terms of chairs. First, there are several non-hard techniques of pickup chips, and in the second, most importantly, a specialist with a huge share of probability can throw the number it needs. To reduce such a probability, it is used either a cup in which the "shake" of the bone, or special methods of throwing stones - for example, from under the table, or with a blow to the barrier. Although it works, but not always reliably.

For the most part, still in prison playing in order to kill time. And the most popular game are precisely. In them, you can play a day long, until complete redemption, moving to full automatism, while getting a lot of pleasure.

With apparent simplicity, this is a very interesting and instructive game. Somehow realizing that it was easy to play, only for killing time and abstraction from pain, I do not like, I found in the backgammon inexhaustible storehouse for internal practice. Chess and checkers - games purely intelligent. Here who is smarter and has more experience, he won. You can train, analyze, grow, but goal? If you won - then only thanks to myself, the fact that you are smart, that you are the best ...

Purely probability games - poker with the help of playing bones, for example, deprived almost the intellectual component, and it all depends on the case - there is also little interest.

In the backgammon, these two components are harmoniously merged - you have to do everything you can - the best course, calculate the combination, and very quickly, at the level of intuition, and then surrender to the will of fate - how the stones are lying. Very good model for our life: "Do what I have to, and be, what will be"

Since I began to treat the game in this way, I began to get a lot of pleasure and benefit. In general, these two components are in any other game, but in the backgammon they are very well balanced. From such games, I would also noted the preference, but he is simply not available in prison.

To achieve skill in the backgammon, it is necessary to learn just two such components - to act the best for this situation in the way and at the same time be submissive fate. Discern what could be (and must) change and something that cannot be changed. Live full and at the same time be humble. Do not fall into despair with "undeserved" life difficulties, not to assign only the results of the victory, take their fate, to be able to lose in winning situations ... You can learn a lot with this approach. There is an opportunity in such a game model of the world to see himself and their reactions in situations, its weaknesses - their irritation, anger, despair, pride ... And see - this is half the way to liberate from them.

So learn to live, you can always learn to love and in everything it would be a desire ...

I now have now came to creating real and virtual projects in which I share my knowledge, understanding, helping others to gain freedom from fears and other destroying emotions and suggest the direction of life, what is mine