Klondike New Location Cool Map

The Klondiyak map consists of 10 parts, each of which has its own name and open up gradually. Each of the parts are locations for expeditions. In honor of the holidays and different events on the map of Klondjaka, temporary locations are opened, which, after time, disappear from the card.

Quests and tasks of expeditions

With the opening of expeditions, new tasks have become available, the list of which can be viewed on the quest page. In the plot, all quests are divided on the line. Some of the quest lines with time limit on their passage.

Locations and villages on the map Klondjayka

Each of the locations has its own unique landscape, resources, vegetation, scenery and collections. Basically, to get to the far settlements, you will have to go through through the nearest settlements, as the harms can not carry Sani too far without stopping or you can use the aircraft.

Buildings on expedition locations

All buildings on locations were not initially completed, only the foundation. So that they began to function, it is necessary to complete them, bringing all the necessary materials from the home station on a sleigh or airplane. In almost all buildings there are craft and its own local warehouse, where you can store the mined materials and treasures.

Transport for expeditions

You can go to the expedition on a sleigh or sled with horses. Also in the desired village you can get by plane (the aircraft transports Sani). The further the destination point is and the more cargo in the sleigh, the more kerosene it is necessary. Strips differ from each other speed of movement, lifting capacity, number of days in the way without stopping and voraciousness.

Expeditionary inventory

Inventory that you need in expeditions. Without these items, do not survive in the desert, the tundra and the dense forests of Klondike. The expeditionary inventory can be obtained as a gift for quests or create in buildings, it is reusable. It can also be bought for emeralds. Inventory you need to carry with you in the sleigh and it takes place.

Materials that can be mined in expeditions

After restoring buildings on locations, you can create materials there. To create or exchange some material in an expedition building, first you need to send to a sleigh or airplane materials involved in its creation. Also these buildings can be used as a local warehouse.

Enhancers for Sani.

With these devices, you can improve your sleigh by increasing them speed, load capacity, distance on the way. Before buying enhancers, read their description carefully, some of them have wear, after which they disappear. Improvers do not act on airplanes.


Gemstones come across treasures and resources that you bring from expeditions. Do not sell them from a warehouse. They are used to improve the sleigh, exchange for fish and other things. Soon they will be wider use.


These figurines of gold and platinum are very valuable and cannot be given to friends. You can find an antiquarian in resources and treasures that you bring from expeditions. Try all the resources in the new villages to smash the first time (combo), thus you can collect a maximum treasure. Figurines can be profitably exchanged for other values.

Brave team of gold kits go deep into the mainland. On the way to the treasures of heroes are waiting ... misadventures. What actually happened is unknown. But you have a chance to find answers, open all the secrets. And it will help you in this Klondike: the missing expedition. Your adventures will begin with the Valley of Snow Toppers. Give the name to your hero and welcome to the world of an unforgettable adventure, where good is always stronger than evil.

Gameplay: dangerous, not easy, but exciting

We offer you to play online for free in the game Klondike: Missing Expedition is on our website. And if you have already started passing, it means that they found the treasure left to you by your missing father. This is only the beginning. And you are waiting for kilometers of exciting adventures, and hard work.

Under each bush, stone or tree of severe landscapes, resources or finds are hidden. First use for construction, and the second - as an auxiliary inventory. After all, your task is to find the treasures, and leave behind the thriving city.

Features: Construction, Farm, Cakes and Mutual

Browser game Klondike is rich in opportunities:

  1. Stroke. At the initial level, you are waiting for a tiny area of \u200b\u200bland with rich vegetation. Clear it using fir-handed tools. When you collect the necessary materials, you can build bakery on this place, greenhouse, sawmill and get a surprise as a reward - a music box. And there is still with which you can sell or buy anything;
  2. Farm. Speak the garden and plant the seeds. Wait for the first harvest, assemble and send to the warehouse. For him, you can rescue the ringing coin and expand the farm;
  3. Explore. Complete tasks and quests Klondike online by traveling through landscapes, full secrets and dangers;
  4. Collect. You have a warehouse where you can store a variety of products that come in handy in your journey;
  5. Open the caches. After each completed task, you will find a pleasant and useful bonus. Be sure to take all the gold coins, pebbles, asterisks, etc. and also use;
  6. Invite friends and go to visit. Liquor comrades will help, and worship.

Locations in the game Klondike

Arm yourself with a map to find Miragegi, Hanbulat, diamond, pollast, claw, midnight cave, Sunrise, Song of the wind, forgotten the trail and other locations, villages Klondiyaka. At the moment, 34 temporal and 28 permanent locations are available. The first open for a certain period and are confined to some events or events, and the second are available for visiting all the time. We will list only some of them:

  • Golden autumn. Location will open in September and will last 14 days. During this time, you must clear the site and grow 26 fruit trees;
  • Eagle's Nest. Overcome the distance in 190 km on the sleigh light wind to complete the settlement and get a treasure award;
  • Go with the help of Panama to the Golden Canyon and find the beach. There you are waiting for exciting searches for 15 stone toads and a generous gift - a set of experience, water, herbs, emeralds, etc. of things;
  • 3 desires. Disassemble festive buildings and get a reward;
  • Scalp. Sit on modern sleigh to get to the village and to complete the building.

Good luck!


If winter is for you - this time to sit at home with heating at the maximum, then prepare for the "Dozen" battles on Klondike. On the new winter card will be truly hot when the teams come together in the general battle.

Let's deal with together where to damage and destroy the enemy on deceptively quiet expanses of North America!

Note: Map "Klondike" - a response of developers to the request of the players to add a new map in the format "30 to 30". Leave feedback on the innovations of general battles and help them improve them!

general information

  • A place: North America (somewhere on the border of Yukon and Alaska).
  • The size:1.4 1.4 km.
  • Type of combat: General Battle (Standard and Counter Fight: To participate in such battles, make sure that you have the options " General Battle ", « Standard fight " and " Meeting engagement").
  • Tasks: Capture the base (in the standard battle enemy, in the counter combat the battle is neutral) or destroy the whole technique of the enemy.

Welcome to Klondike

Inspired by the stories of Jack London, we present the "Klondike" card, which tolerates tank fights in North America, where the streets of diggers and mines are immersing in the dirt and dirt, they will tell the story of the gold fever.

However, let you not mislead the seeming calm of the North. Single buildings covered with snow, roads along the hills, or the river banks - all this will play with new paints in hot battle.

Connectors and positions

Teams start the battle on the southwestern and northeast edges of the card, three points of appearance on each side and three ways leading to the enemy territory. Go to the north to the view and attack the bridge over the river in the center or keep the path to the abandoned settlement on the island in the southern part of the map.

Whatever direction you protect or attacked, focus on key points located on the neutral area between the two sides. The battle for these zones will be hot: the capture of such points will provide a tactful advantage and allow you to move to the defensive positions of the enemy.


The forecast in the north is a variety of corridors, buildings and narrow travel, ideal for the "Bodani" of heavy tanks and other assault equipment.


The island in the north from the central bridge is an extensive open territory, covered by shafts with shacks. This zone is most suitable for fast equipment, which rarely stands in place and attacks the enemy from the distance.

Central Most

Most likely, in the central part of the card, everything will be quite calm until some moment. At the beginning of the battle, the main actions will occur on the northern and southern flanks, as the teams will try to take these directions under control to access the database. Having received control over flanks, the teams will send significant forces to protect the bridge or its capture, depending on who holds the flanks.

Strategies for specific types of technology

  • If you hit the brain on a hard tank, stay ahead and follow the bypass tracks. Otherwise you can get under the fire of the fallen opponent, who will begin to send you a projectile projectile abroad.
  • Fast middle and light tanks should pay attention to the bypass paths to catch the enemy by surprise and cover the allies.
  • Playing on light tanks, support the team, discovering the opponent's core.
  • Machines such as Grille 15 and StRV-103B can support the attack, causing a damage to an opponent with defensive positions located on the edge of the card. Taking a good place there, sniper PT-SAU and SAU can greatly affect the outcome of the battle, destroying the enemy's technique.

The "Klondike" card requires tactical command interaction: fight shoulder to the shoulder and use the advantages of each type of equipment to conquer the north! And do not forget to share with us impressions.