Minecraft where it is necessary to craft. Minecraft: crafting recipes. Make an army from the snowy golems

Look for how to do in minecraft? Well, you got to the address! What do you need:

  • The game Minecraft.
  • Free time

1. Blast everything in a row with dynamite

It doesn't matter whether you play in free mode or in the plot - to blow up things with dynamite always fun!

2. Build a boat and go swimming

It doesn't matter if you want to play a pirate or you just need to get to the neighboring island - do it with the help of a boat that you built yourself is always funny. You never know what you can find on the bottom of the sea!

3. Build a cobblestone and stone generator

If you need a huge number of stones, it is the best way to get them.

4. Build the city

Build a city - not so fast, especially if you want to make it well equipped, but no one else invented the way to kill time!

5. Build buildings from real life

It is always great to recreate something that exists in fact: monuments, buildings and other nonsense. This is a really great way to show all what you stand, because building a building from the real world requires non-odd skills and skills.

6. Collect a complete collection of crystals (64 pieces)

Crystals will always be useful in the farm, and it is better to have surplus than a shortage.

7. Kill every creature at least once

Perhaps it is not very useful, but the task is still - to find every creature and kill him!

8. Open all achievements!

Wherever you play - Xbox, PC, PlayStation, on a tablet or even on a smartphone, no matter, there are always many goals that can be achieved!

9. Build a tower tall to heaven.

There are not many reasons why you would like to build a skyscraper, but they should be enough: you can look at your world from a bird's eye view, to evaluate how much more places you have at your disposal, or even build a heavenly city!

10. Build the animal farm

The animal farms are very helpful - you can breed animals and collect animal products, thanks to which you will have a lot of wool and other steep pieces.

11. Kill the edge dragon

If you want to feel that I have achieved at Minecraft at least something, then try to kill the edge dragon. By killing him once, you can say with full confidence that you made one of the most difficult things in Minecraft!

12. Create all possible wooden devices

It's all that only you can have a great way to save resources, because in this way you will have a constant flow of wood - you will grow old trees almost without stopping, but you will not use it.

13. Create all possible stone fixtures.

The same thing - and do not forget that if you have a cobblestone generator and stone, then the mining of the stone will become even easier.

14. Create all possible iron devices

All that can be created from iron that is very useful, because Iron tools are famous for their service life, and they can dig the mines!

15. Create all possible gold devices

Gold appliances are useful if you want to rapid resources faster, but they need to save until time before, because they wear out very quickly.

16. Create all possible devices from diamonds

Diamond implements are the best that you can generally create in Minecraft. They serve for a long time and get resources very quickly!

17. Build the crusher of creatures

It is always very cool to have a crusher of creatures, because it brings great benefits when it comes to resources. For example, if you build a crusher of skeletons, you can get infinite bone extraction, from which you can grind bone flour, and, in turn, you can use as a fertilizer for trees.

You can also use bones to train wolves :)

18. Build a US slide

Building a US slide is always fun, because you and you have no idea about what you can find while you are engaged in it. Well, and when the slide is ready, you can paint in front of friends who do not have it!

19. Build a house on a tree

Houses on the tree are cool, because when they are helpful, you can easily follow your enemies!

20. Find the village of non-Gear Characters

Searches for non-game villages always bring pleasure and favor, after all, finding one one day, you can easily steal all their resources or make a foundation for a huge city out of the villages!

21. Go fishing

Fishing is always useful, because food needs you for resources and for elementary replenishment of health! And in general it is fun, so you combine pleasant with useful.

22. Build a house in different ways using the same blocks.

Perhaps this idea is not so useful, but you will surely hang out if you still catch from boredom!

23. Build the house of your dreams

If you have an exemplary idea of \u200b\u200bhow your dream house should look, first build it in Minecraft! In this case, you can change the details and various building elements up to the moment when you will not be your perfect home.

24. Build your own subway

The system of underground trains is an excellent way to quickly move. For example, if you have several cities, and you need to get from one to another, the subway will help you!

25. Plant a tree in the Lower World

One tree is now 100 - then. Sooner or later, the lower world will look much brighter :)

26. Play on the Adventure / Puzzle map

It can give you pleasure, because the tasks require a certain skill, besides, it's not always easier to cope with them!

27. Recall the scene from the favorite movie and download it on YouTube!

It is possible to do it will not be so easy, but when you still succeed, you can download the video on YouTube and flushing in front of the whole world!

28. Try night. Without weapons

It is very fun ... and dangerous. Yes, for this you need skills: Think ourselves, how to protect against cries and skeletons without weapons - they have onions and arrows, and you have bare hands!

29. Ride on the pig - who knows where she will lead you?

Pigs are fussing their curious nose in every corner, so if you need to get somewhere or find something interesting, well, or just get into the uncharted place, sit on a pig and download at least half an hour - take a look at wherever she is you Through! Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

30. Copy directly

Dig straightforwardly - this is the first action that cannot be done, because everything can end with your fall into the abyss or in Lava - how lucky is lucky. However, sometimes it is good, because you may be lucky to find some cave or dig something else, even more special!

31. Open the mine!

Mine is a great way of mining resources - iron, gold and diamonds.

32. Open the food farm

The discovery of the food farm will bring much benefit: you will have an unlimited amount of melons, carrots and other products.

33. Take the wolf

Wolves are great to keep as pets, because they help you scare creatures - zombies and skeletons!

34. Collect a whole army of wolves!

What could be better than one wolf? Hundreds of wolves! When you have so many predators, whoever approaches your city, will face the worst day in your life!

35. Build underground headquarters

This is a cool idea, because if you are on the multiplayer server, other players will be much more difficult to find you, unless they see a label with your name, so hitch very, very deep underground!

36. Build a boat dock

Where else to keep boats, how not in the docks? Whenever you wanted to float for the sea, you can easily sit on ready-made transport. It is much better than building a new one every time.

37. Arrange a forest fire

Forest fire is a great way to quickly clean the terrain or just have fun!

38. Build an underground farm for the cultivation of trees

You do not infuriate when you need a bed, and you go out to get a little tree, and in the end you cause harm or kill at all? Well, if you decide to grow trees underground, you will not risk your own life ... If, of course, arrange good lighting!

39. Arrange the game in glance with some character

Yes, it is fun, but also difficult at the same time, so be careful!

40. Build a water slide

Just like with the American, building a water slide - fun, because you never know what they will come across during its creation. When it is finished, you will have something to paint before friends!

41. Build a pixel art object

This is another way to show everyone what you are capable and just create something funny and funny!

42. Build a secret room

In secret rooms well what you can hide valuable things for you.

43. Write down the music

To write music is always fun - no matter how you create a full-fledged song or just a melody for the doorbell. Yes, perhaps it is hard, but very useful!

44. Make a snowy golem

Snow Golemas - great bodyguards, because they throw in your enemies in the snow!

45. Make an army from the snowy golems!

By gathering a whole army of these giants, you will be invulnerable, and you can turn any animal into a snowy animal!

46. \u200b\u200bPaint sheep

Painting sheep can be very useful, for example, if you need a pixel art, and you need some unusual color.

47. Engagement something

Enchanted weapons are much more efficient than the usual, especially if this is a weapon from diamonds!

48. Load and install some mod

Fashion is really fun, because they add many diverse studies in Minecraft that can be useful.

49. Play Hungry Games

The hungry games are one of the best modes, because they wins the most sleeper!

50. Build volcano

Volcanoes look perfectly in the background of any of your villages. You can even arrange a whole volcanic island!

51. Build underwater headquarters

The underwater headquarters is also perfect for those who play in a multiplayer and wants to hide from other players.

52. Build a spacecraft

If you have nothing more to build, think about the construction of the spacecraft! You can even compete with your friends and see who will build the fastest ship!

53. Use the texture package

Textures packets are another way to decorate your game.

54. Build headquarters in the sky

If the multiplayer players with whom you come across, will not look up, they will never find your heavenly headquarters in life!

55. Arrange Mass Mass

Mass massacre is a great way to earn experience!

It is quite easy, because everything you need to do is to find a creature, bring them to your headquarters and close them in the Western.

57. Grab at least 10 zombies, jump to them and try to survive!

Yes, it is a hard task, but there is nothing impossible, right? If you tried it, and you turned out, please lay out the video on YouTube and leave the link in the comments!

58. Arrange the launch of the cannon ...

Use a person as a cannonball is a great way of movement, because you can achieve any height and distance if you have enough dynamite!

59. Collect the whole set of armor of leather, gold, chains, iron and diamonds

Each armor set has a different shelf life and protective properties, so it will be better to use a weaker armor on weaker beings - and vice versa.

60. Build a stadium for gladiator fighting

Build a gladiator stadium - a very cool idea, because you can arrange games on which your friends will fight with whole clouds of mobs!

61. Go down to the stadium yourself and take part

By the way, to facilitate this task there are special mods.

62. Record video

Write a video and lay it out on YouTube - the best way to show everyone you have achieved in Minecraft.

63. Build the Domino effect on the sand

Domino effect looks very cool! Make the perfect range of domino - a very difficult task that will require a lot of skills, but it is worth it!

64. Build Redstone working television and watch it.

Perhaps it will not look like a normal television, but just think about what you just can not build!

65. Construction Competitions with your friends

This is exactly what can be fun. One of your friends can be a judge, the other two are building the same building, and then the judge decides, who came better! The only thing you should remember: the judge should not know whose home in front of him.

66. Make a whole comic of pixel art

Never seen someone to do it, but the idea is good, right? Make comic yourself or reconcile anything from what you love yourself.

67. Create everything that is possible at least one time.

It is very helpful because you never know what you will come in handy in the future!

68. Create to Kryra very close, and then run away without losing a single piece of health.

It is much harder than you think, because the radius of the defeat of the Crypers of the CO-go!

69. Create a gaming card yourself

Yes, there will be a lot of time to create your own card, but there you can give your fantasy to get roaring, and then give friends the opportunity to play on this map and see - will they cure?

70. Play Flag Capture

"Flag Capture" is a game mode from Call of Duty, but why not play it in Minecraft?

71. Spend your own firework show and call all your friends!

Depending on how many fireworks need you, it will take a lot of time, but when you install everything you have, you can just sit down and enjoy!

72. Divide at least 50 wolves, and then hit one ...

Oh, it's a heavy tanning, good luck! Use anything other than dynamite.

73. Change the skin

Other skin will help you differ from the rest of the players.

74. Try to shoot onion, turning on the spot

In fact, it is very hard, because it is impossible to aim, and your goal is never in one place.

75. Find a mine barrel

In the stem of the mine you can find a lot of usefulness, starting with bread and ending with diamond guns.

76. Find the temple in the jungle

Temples in the jungle are an equally rich field as mines, and there are many diamonds and emeralds.

77. Find all biomes

When you do it, you will get a huge advantage, because in every biome there is something interesting that you have not met before. In Bioma, the jungle can be found temples, in ice - oaks, and in high hills there are emerald! As Wikipedia says, there are about 61 biomes of different types in the game.

78. Build Streletsky row

The shooting rows help you not only improve the skill, but also find a new way of battle with skeletons or an enemy player on a multiplayer.

79. Build 50 to 50 castle with three (at least) floors

Build locks are always fun, but what if you play a small role-playing game and play with the other? Why do you need three floors? Simply so that you can show fantasy!

80. Think of eggs in chickens

Why not? It's fun to look at how the chickens run away from their own eggs;)

81. Build an entertainment park

What to build in minecraft? Previously, I wrote that you can build several slides. Why not immediately a whole park?

82. Build a lighthouse (not using fashion)

Lighthouses are well indicated by the house when you are at the far distance, so I would advise to build one as soon as possible!

83. Fun around

Running is cool! I usually just run forward until then, until I find something interesting or place in which you can build a house.

84. Build Lift

Is there a way to get better to houses on trees and celestial headquarters than an elevator?

85. Join the server

When you are bored, it is always interesting to join some server, as this is a new atmosphere and environment that you can explore, well, and maybe play with others - it all depends on the server to which you will get.

86. Try to beat as many Minecraft Records on RecordSetter.com

On this site there are many world records that you are invited to beat. Good luck!

87. Build the museum and expose everything you find in the game

Above, I talked about creating everything that is possible in the game, so why not boast of this before the rest?

88. Build a board for the vaccine from indigenous materials, jump into the pit 2 to 2, the depth of which is at least 5 blocks, and try to survive!

It will be very hard, because during the fall you will constantly move.

89. Try to recreate a whole episode from your favorite TV series.

It will require a lot of dedication from you, because the episode needs to recreate seconds per second. Good luck!

90. Try to recreate the whole movie.

At the creation of the film, you will leave for 3-4 times more than on the episode of the series, because they usually last from one and a half to two hours, depending on the film. Good luck!

91. Get your own Minecraft server

When you get your own server, you can easily play with friends. And, by the way, there is nothing complicated.

92. Build a monument to yourself

Just to paint.

93. Build a monument to your idol

Is there a way to express my appreciation to someone better than to build their monument in Minecraft? :)

94. Play walls

Walls are another excellent game card!

95. Engagement

Of course, this is not the best occupation, but if you really are so bored, and you do not have anything against hatred, then forward - attack the first server and destroy everything that you see. Just do not touch friends and their villages!

96. Set the goals to achieve themselves

For example, select multiple items from this list and try to execute them as soon as possible.

97. Play Minecraft in hardcore mode

Hardcore regime is even harder than survival, because you have only one life - check how long you can stay alive. Good luck!

98. Play Minecraft in survival mode

Play at Minecraft so - the easiest way, because the main thing is to survive.

99. Play to the island of survival

Survival Island is another cool game card, so enjoy!

100. Play card Heavenly block

The latter, but not by meaning, the card is a heavenly block.

Kraft - This is a way to turn basic and simple materials (such as a cobblestone) in tools / weapons / etc. All players have in their inventory a crafting grid with a size of 2x2, which can be used at any time. To access 3x3 crafting grid, you need to use crafting tablewhich then allows you to create more complex and necessary items and materials. For crafting items in minecraft you need to position the materials in the correct order for the subject you want to create. Slots in which you place the materials do not matter if the template is correct.

Craft Mesh in Minecraft It is very important for the gameplay, since it allows you to use materials for building objects and creating objects, including weapons, armor, shelter, signs, resources, food, etc. When you first start playing, your character will have only four slots available, which limits the number of items that you can do. However, as soon as you create a craft table, you can use more slots and create additional items. To use the crafting grid, you just need to open the inventory and place items in various boxes (or slots). The placement of various combinations of materials in the crafting grid will result in different items. In Minecraft, a practically unlimited number of recipes is available, so create and customize objects to your liking! Below is a list of current items that can be manufactured, and recipes / templates used to create them.

How to craft 384 items in minecraft.

1 "\u003e ((Active_Recipe.Count))

((Active_Item.Recipe + 1)) / ((db.recipes.length))


  • ((Count)) x ((db.Name))


How to create a crafting workbench in Minecraft

Most craft recipes in Minecraft require that you have access to the crafting grille 3x3. To access it, you will need a crafting table.

Step 1
To create a craft table, you need to find 1 tree block (any type). This can be obtained by hitting the tree. When you have 1 tree block, press "E" to open the inventory, and place the tree into the 2x2 lattice, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2.
Wooden block will give you 4 wooden boards. Take wooden boards and place them in the crafting grid to make the crafting table.

Step 3.

Now take the craft table and place it at the bottom of the inventory. Select it and right-click anywhere on Earth.

Step 4.

To use the kraft table, just go closer to it and right-click on it. Now you have access to 3x3 crafting grille, and you can use all crafting recipes.

Created specifically for beginners of fashion Just Enough Items (JEI) is designed to quickly create things in minecraft and viewing craft recipe. It is a successor no less known with a slightly trimmed functionality. The key features of the JEI fashion is to be able to view and on one click to create all things from the game and explore the crafting recipes.

Modification has simple and convenient control using the keyboard buttons. Convenient search will help quickly find the right thing. Newbies will learn to crafting any blocks and items and will easily achieve missing parts, but before you need to download Just Enough Items (JEI) to Maincraft 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9 .4 or 1.8.9 and explore the instructions for using the Fashion.

How to use?


  • Show Kraft Recipe: Harvest on the subject and click on R..
  • Show use in minecraft: Hit for item and click on U..
  • Change the appearance of the list: Ctrl + O..

List of things in jei:

  • Show Recipe: Click on Things or Print R..
  • Use options: right-click or U..
  • Passing pages is carried out on the scrolling (mouse wheel).
  • Open the settings menu: Click on a walker at the bottom right.
  • Switch the cheats mode: Ctrl + click on a walker at the bottom right.

Video Review Just Enough Items


  1. Load the appropriate version of Minecraft Forge.
  2. Download mod JEI 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4 or 1.8.9 and place in% APPDATA% /. Minecraft / MODS.
  3. Open the launcher, select Fortj's profile and play!


What are Kraft Recipes Need?

If you are a newcomer game Minecraft, then you will most likely do not know how to scream any block, so this news has been created for you that shows all the items and blocks that can be created using the workbench. In addition, many players first getting familiar with the game minecraft asked " Where to start survival? ". To begin with, you need to get a tree, then open the initial inventory where there will be a mesh 2 at 2. Put in these cells of the board and get inventory. Next will be created by many items on the workbench on the grid that works already 3 to 3. Make Any items and blocks can be using this page.

In each new version of the game, new recipes of objects and blocks appear, the kraft of which is not so easy to remember. Therefore, we made a convenient search for recipes for you, it is enough to click on the desired subject and the recipe will appear on top. For example, here you will find recipes here: " How to make blocks in minecraft", "How to make armor", "How to make the door", "How to make saddle"And many others. In order to create something in minecraft, move the necessary items from the inventory to the crafting grid that can be obtained using a workbench.

How to view craft recipes right in the game?

If you want to view recipes right in the game, try installing supplements (

Here we have collected all the main kraft recipes in minecraft

Kraft in Minecraft.
Kraft is a method of mining objects or blocks that exist in the game. For the first time, Kraft appeared in IndeV.
For the crafting in the game uses a special grid. The resources required to obtain a particular item are inserted into the cells. They are filled in a certain sequence, depending on the thing that the player wants to get. Kraft of any subject requires certain resources.
In Minecraft, there are two types of grids used for crafting: 2 to 2, and 3 by 3. 2 to 2 - this is a standard grid, it is enough to work with it just to go into the inventory. To obtain a grid 3 to 3, you need to create, and then install a special item - workbench.
Craft Terms in Minecraft.

  • The presence of certain ingredients for each recipe.
  • Resources are usually exhibited in cells in a certain sequence, but there are also exceptions that do not require compliance with the procedure. Such kraft recipes in minecraft You can cook in inventory if the cells are enough there. These include: spider eye, dyes, colored wool and others.
  • The sequence can be performed in the mirror reflection.
  • Ingredients such as wool, stone bricks, boards and sandstone can be used in any form.
  • For painting only white wool is suitable.
  • For one click on the result button, one cell of the resource is used. When clapped the Shift key, all things are formed.

Kraft on mobile devices.
Minecraft for mobile devices is a pocket edition of the game. This version uses the type of crafting Mattis. The main difference is in the absence of grids 2 to 2 and 3 by 3. To get an item, you need to select a specific recipe from the list.
In Mattis there are 4 types of crafting:

  • Scenery.
  • Food / armor.
  • Blocks.
  • Weapons / Tools.

It is not necessary to have items in the correct order here, but the list of recipes is quite extensive. In the Komneris block, it is brought to brief most of the decorative plates and blocks.
How to do in minecraft Anvil.
Anvil in the game is used to rename things, or for their fixing. For Kraft, the player will need three iron blocks and four iron ingots. In the manufacture, a grid is used 3 to 3. The iron blocks have in the upper cells, in the second row we put one iron ingot in the middle cell, and the third row is completely fill in the ingots. This recipe refers to the main game recipes.
Kraft musical block.
This subject allows the player to create a musical composition while in the game. A music block is created in the grid 3 to 3. For its manufacture, we will need eight boards and one red dust. Boards insert around the perimeter, and dust into the middle cell. Refers to recipes of mechanisms.
Cooked spider eye.
Refers to the recipes of potion. A cooked spider eye is needed for the preparation of potions, which adds various negative properties. For Kraft, the player will need: a spider eye, brown mushroom and sugar (all 1 pcs.). We have ingredients in the described order vertically.