The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough - A beginner's guide or what to do first. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough for Legend of Zelda

After the introductory video, you will find yourself in the forest, near the village of Seles, which was attacked by unknown forces. Dart will hear horsemen galloping through the forest. Two of them will stop in front of the main character and ask who he is. A very unfriendly conversation will be unexpectedly interrupted by a green dragon. After a few hits from the monster, Dart will choose to run away. The dragon will follow him. When you are attacked again, a girl in blue clothes will appear, which will help you avoid certain death. After the dragon leaves, she will inform you that your home village has been destroyed. Dart will run to Seles.

Once in the village, jump over the fence. You will see how two soldiers are trying to kill the old man. Dart will join the battle with them. After defeating an enemy squad, you will receive two Healing Potions. The wounded old man will have time to tell you that the truce with the Sandora empire has ended and the war has begun ... Take Bum Out from the chest and save (first approaching the unusual glow). Head to the next part of the village. The Mayor of Seles will inform Darfy that his childhood friend Shana was taken prisoner by the Sandor "y troops, but he does not know where she might be. At the end of the conversation with the mayor, two Sandor" bi knights and their commander will appear, from whom you will learn that Shana is being held in Helena Prison. The battle will follow.

Boss # 1: Commander
When fighting, use the special blow of Dart, which is activated when attacking the enemy by pressing a button at a certain moment (in the future, you have to fully master all special attacks in order to fight enemies more effectively). If you are dealt a lot of damage, then use the Guard command (restore 10% of maximum health) or use Healing Potion (restore 50% of maximum health).

After winning the battle, you will receive two more Healing Potions and Bum Out, as well as a new special hit - Volcano. Run to the village cemetery. Two people are talking about him. One of them is Master Tasman, who will help you understand the combat system in the game. After a lot of practice and getting basic knowledge, go to one of the tombstones and take the first Stardust. Leave the village and head through the forest to Helena Prison (you can upgrade the hero a little along the way).


Once near the prison, run after the merchant's carriage. They will stop her at the gate. To avoid being detected, click on the button when the exclamation mark lights up above the hero. After making your way to the prison, jump off the cart and save. Go to the upper left room: inside it you can take a Bum Out from the chest. Come back. Approach the merchant who stands in the aisle on the left. As soon as he sees you, he will immediately call the guard. Having dealt with the guard, approach the merchant again. This time he will offer you his goods. Having bought everything you need, run into the left passage. Two soldiers are walking in this room. You can run past them unnoticed, but I advise you to attack them in order to gain additional experience points (in the future, you should also attack all the patrols encountered). After defeating all the enemies, go to the right and go up the stairs. Kill one more guard and go to the next room. Save.

Enter the room behind Savepoint "oM. You will find yourself in the barracks. Kill all the soldiers, then take all useful items from the chests. Exit the barracks. Get into the lift and go upstairs. Run to the prison tower. Inside it you will meet the Basil knights and their Commander Lavitfa fighting the guards Help Lavitz "y deal with the enemies. After the battle, he will join your squad. Go through all the chambers: inside them you can find a lot of useful things. Then find the room where the lift goes and go outside. A guard will attack you. Having defeated him, get into the lift and go upstairs. To your right there will be a tower, which you need to get into, but it is locked and you have to find the key.

Run to the left. Entering the room, which is simply packed with guards, go upstairs on the platform and take the key lying on the box. Return to the tower. Use the found key on the door. Once in the tower, search the rooms without security, you can find money in them. After collecting all the coins, go to the three overseers. After a little dialogue, they will attack you. Having dealt with the enemies, you can get into the cell, which contains Shana. Having freed her, deal with the guard who came running and head to the exit from the prison (along the way, you can purchase additional Healing Potions from a merchant friend). At the bottom of the stable you will encounter Fruegel "om - the warden.

Boss # 2: Fruegel
Despite its size, Fruegel is not a very strong opponent, and it will not be difficult to defeat him. First, get rid of the annoying bodyguards, and then get down to destroying the boss himself. In order not to suffer with him for a long time, use special blows Darfa and Lavitz "a, and let Shana attack with Burn Out" th.

Defeating Fruegel "a will leave Helena Prison. Go to Prairie.


Run straight down the road. Hiding from the soldiers in the bushes, wait until they leave, and then go down to the left. Go to a small forest house, Shana will give Lavitz first aid. After Dart tells a sad story about his childhood, leave the house (if your heroes are badly battered, you can sit on a chair and rest). You will come out to the waterfall, next to which there is a felled tree. Return back to the house and take the ax. Use the ax to cut the tree. Now go to the place where you were hiding from the soldiers. Move up the left path. You will find yourself at the foot waterfall and you will see the same log that was cut down by the unfortunate lumberjack Dart. Cross it to the other side of the river and exit this screen. Open the chest: it contains Angel "s Prayer. Talk to the civilians and get out of the prairie. Move to Limestone Cave.


Take Detonate Rock from the chest and run downstairs. Use the water slopes to get to the chests. One of them contains money, and the other Bastard Sword. After picking up all the items, continue to move deeper into the cave. Climb over bumps across the underground lake (on both sides of which there are chests). On the next screen, go right and take 100 coins from the chest. Approaching the yellow glow and pressing the (x) button, you can restore the health of the entire squad (by the way, this is a pretty convenient place for pumping heroes). Open two more chests: one on the right, and the second at the top (you can reach it by the cliffs). After collecting all the good, head to the next part of the cave. After rising upstairs, go straight. At this point, you need to catch a frog. After you do this, she leaves behind a Poison Guard. Return to the previous cave and go to the right passage, opening another chest on the way. After reaching Savepoint "a, save and head towards the glowing passage.

Boss # 3: Urubolus
A very unpleasant-looking snake that lives in caves. Killing it, in principle, is not difficult, the same tactics will do as when fighting Fruegel. The main thing is not to forget to restore health. After killing the snake and watching a short video clip, get out to the surface. Follow the Indels Castie Capital Bale.


Arriving in the hometown of Lavitz "a, go to the very first house. Go to the girl-artist - she will draw a portrait of Lavitz" a and give it to you. Take 50 coins from the box and go outside. Go down the stairs. In the passage under the fountain, there is a drunk who wants to drink. Remember this place, later you will come back here again. Visit the hotel (building marked with yellow cursor). Save and go to the bar.

Buy a drink from the bartender and leave the hotel. Cross the bridge on the left to the next part of the city. Go to the gun store. Walk up to the peaks and take the Stardust. If you want, you can buy yourself new weapons and armor. Now head towards the castle (passage to the left of the gun store). After entering the castle, take the Sparkle Arrow from the chest in the stable. Here, on the first floor, in the fireplace, you can find another Stardust. Go up to the second floor. There will be a staircase on the left, going down which you will find yourself in the basement. Turn the steering wheel on the wall to open the passage to the boat. Climb back to the second floor. In the leftmost room in the chest, take 50 coins. Go up to the third floor. In the room on the right, pocket 100 coins. At the top left (where the woman walks), take the Stardust by the window. After going outside through the room on the left, go to the room on the right. Go down the stairs. After searching the box, you will find an Active Ring in it.

Return to the room where you found the last Stardust and climb the arched staircase to King Alberta's reception room. After talking with the king, follow Shan "oft. After a long conversation, return to the reception room and go through the door to the right of the king. Entering the adjacent tower, slide down the chute. Exit the castle and head to the Lavitz" house (passage to the right of the hotel ). Before entering the house, take the Stardust from the well first. Once at Lavitz's home, you will meet his very hospitable mother. After a long conversation, go to LavitzV and ask him to show you the house (Show me around your house). Go up to the second floor and go to the library. Lavitz will move the stairs away from the closet and will move it to the window. After a little sitting on the roof, you will go downstairs and find yourself in the kitchen. Behind Lavitz's mother, there is Stardust in the closet. Taking it, go to the library and climb out the window.

After walking along the roof, jump into the stable. Walk forward along the beam, maintaining balance with the button At the end of the path, you can take the Healing Breeze. Jump down and run to the drunkard who is under the fountain. Give him the bottle you bought earlier at the hotel, after which you can go through. Go up the spiral staircase. Run straight. After running to the underground river, go up the stairs and take 20 coins from the box. Then go downstairs and board the boat. After circling the city a little on it, you will sail to one of the houses, inside which you will find Stardust. Now you can leave this city and, by order of King Alberta, go to Fort Hoax.


Entering the city, the first thing to do is visit the hotel. There you can rest and find Angel "s Prayer. Exit the hotel. Climb the small stairs (on the right) upstairs and enter the house. Go down to the basement: there, in the fireplace, lies Stardust. Get out on the roof and run to the rightmost house ( it can only be accessed through the attic.) Take 20 coins from the inconspicuous box on the right. After talking with the old man on the rocking chair, go outside. Go down the stairs and go into the room under the palisade. Open the chest: it contains the Healing Potion. all useful items, head to the building to the right of the hotel (there are two soldiers next to it). Go to Kaiser and talk to him. After the conversation, take the Stardust from the box, and then go out into the street. After a little walk around the city, return to Kaiser "and answer his question with the phrase:" We are fine now. "Once on the street, climb the stairs and go to the sentinel. Change him. At night, after talking with Lavitz" oh, go downstairs. The city will be attacked by Sandor's troops, and you have to defend it. Having dealt with the first unit of the enemy, run upstairs to fight Sandora Bite.

Boss # 4: Sandora Elite
Unlike previous bosses, Sandora Elite is really dangerous. He owns the techniques of hand-to-hand combat, as well as a fairly strong offensive magic. In addition, at the end of the fight, Sandora Elite will begin using a spell that creates two of its counterparts. Attack him with special attacks and do not forget to heal the heroes in time - that's the whole tactic.

Killing Sandora Elite will reward you with the Healing Breeze. Not having time to move away from the last battle, your squad again gets involved in the battle.

Boss # 5: Kongol
Kongol is an unremarkable overgrowth. He is practically not dangerous in the first half of the battle, when wielding his ax. But as soon as he removes it (rather strange), he immediately turns into a very formidable opponent who can intercept your attacks and attack two heroes at once. For fighting the boss, things like Bum Out, which hit from a distance, are best.

Having dealt with the giant, you will see a cutscene where Dart turns into a Dragoon for the first time. After a long conversation with Rose (a stranger in blue clothes who saved Dart's life at the beginning of the game) and the rest of the squad, head out of the city.If you want, ask Rose to teach you how to fight in the form of a Dragoon, and then follow to Marshland.


Run straight. On the next screen, follow the rocks across the stream. You will see a small forest fort and the battling knights Basil and Sandora. Attack Sandor's soldiers (always use an exclamation mark when attacking private units). After defeating Sandor's troops, take Sun Rhapsody from the chest by the tree. Go to the fort. Approach the wounded soldier. Before dying, he will give you Wargorfs Amulet. Collect all the useful items from the chests and remove the Stardust from the furnace. Head back to where you entered Marettand. Go left along the roots of the trees. When you reach the river, get on the boat. Use the control commands to swim to the boxes. After collecting all the treasures, return to the shore. Run forward. Shan "e will get sick and Daft will put her on his shoulders. Go to Volcano Wude.


Move forward. A volcanic eruption will begin and Firebird will appear. After hiding from the fiery bird in the cave, take Spear Frost from the chest and head to the next screen. Pick up the Mind Purifier and head right. Once you've refilled your Panic Guard inventory, return to the previous screen and run left. Jump over the chasm and save. Follow along. After crossing the lava with the help of the islets, run after Shan "oops.

Boss # 6: Virage
A very serious boss. This is the first enemy in the game that can be hit in different areas: Body (body), Head (head), Arm (hand). First you need to reincarnate Darfa and Rose into dragoons. Then, using magic, attack the head of the monster (do not waste your strength on your hand: while it is gone, Virage will use magic that takes away a lot of energy). When the heroes turn back into people, use special techniques.

After sending Virage into the bowels of the volcano, run to the right. Help the merchant hanging on the cliff to climb up. The merchant's name is Dabas, he will thank you for saving and give you a Sapphire Pine. After soaking a few gags, Dabas will run away. Follow him into the passage.

Boss # 7: Firebird
The boss is the same bird that you met at the entrance to the volcano. Not a very strong opponent, but hardy. Darta magic practically does not work on Firebird, so you will have to use only Rose. Spear Frost, which you found before, can cause significant damage to the bird.

After completing a hot (literally) battle, exit the cave. On the way out, open the chest and take 50 coins. Go to Dabas, from whom you can buy some items. After making the necessary purchases, stomp into the Nest of Dragon.


Run straight. On the next screen, when the squad stops, Shana confesses that she is poisoned ... After the conversation, go right. Find a place near the giant cobweb where you can cross the river on stones to go back and take the Chain Mail lying in the box. Return to the web and step on it. The heroes will fall into the ground. You will find yourself at an underground lake, which has healing properties (it is very good to earn experience here). Having treated your heroes, if necessary, go upstairs. Further, it will be rather difficult to explain how to get out of the underground labyrinth (it is not difficult to do this), so I will give you some tips. The maze is divided into two parts: lower and upper. In the upper part, the passages to the next tunnels are blocked by plants. To get rid of them, you need to go to other plants (like an umbrella) and press the (x) button. Then the plants will disappear, and you can safely walk to the exit. Save at the exit - a difficult battle awaits you ahead.

Boss # 8: Greham & Feyrbrand
Yes, a truly sweet couple: the dragon and its master. Both are good at magic, and therefore, to cope with them, you will need to make every effort. For starters, reincarnate as dragoons. Use Explosion (Dart) and Death Dimension (Rose) to attack Greham "a and Feyrtrand" a at the same time. Then turn back into humans, completely switch your attention to the dragon. When he is defeated, deal with his master.

After the death of Greham "a Lavitz will be able to transform into a dragoon. Climb up and head to the city of Lohan.

Upon arrival at Lohan, Dart will take Shan "y to the doctor, who will say that only Dragoni Plant can save her. Leaving Shan" y in the clinic, go outside. If you need to rest, go to the hotel (the topmost door, marked with a yellow cursor). Run through the green door to the left of the hotel. Go up the stairs. Go to the bookshelf and click on the button (x). The shelf will slide open and you can go into a secret niche. Go down to the room where the man in green clothes is standing and take the Stardust from the furnace. Exit the building and go to the next screen. At the top left is the gun store. It sells the best helmet in the game, Legend Casque, which costs 10,000 coins. If you decide to buy it, then go outside the city and start killing monsters. Don't forget to also visit your old friend Dabas "a shop (purple door on the right). Inside you can find another Stardust, which is in knight's armor. After talking with Dabas" oM, go to the market at the entrance to the city. A street vendor will become attached to you, who will offer you to buy a bottle from him for 100,000,000 coins ... What a businessman wants to slip us a bottle for that kind of money, which actually costs 100 coins! Therefore, we bargain until the merchant sells you the product for its real value.

After purchasing a bottle, follow the right from the merchant. Once at the building with a large sign, take the Stardust from the basket and head towards the exit from the city. At the exit, after searching a small pot, you will find the last one in this city, Stardust. Go back to the Nest of Dragon.


Go down to the underground source and collect water from it into a bottle. Go upstairs. Jump over the river and run to the next screen. Turn right. You will see a tree that looks like a cocoon. Walk up to him and use the Life Water from the ezer. The plant will wither and you can exit the Nest of Dragon. Follow to Shrine of Shirley.


Run straight all the time until you hit a room with rails. You go into the left passage. Go to the wheel on the wall and turn it. A secret door will open (behind it there is a clue to one of the puzzles). Return to the previous room and head up the stairs. Stopping in front of the puzzle, dial the code: 352. Climb into the opened passage. There will be another puzzle next. You need to block the ladder to prevent it from folding. To do this, go to the statues. Select Forward from the golden statue menu and Left from the silver one. Now calmly go upstairs.

Boss # 9: Drake
The keeper of the shrine was not very happy about your arrival, and therefore will have to fight with him. Drake, although not very strong in magic, is a pretty good warrior. Darta and Rose magic should be used against him, and Lavitz should be used only as a warrior.

When Drake is defeated, Shirley herself will appear.

Boss # 10: Shirley

There is no need to fight Shirley (use the Guard command), you just need to correctly answer her questions. Then she will give you the Dragon Spirit herself to save Shan "s. She will ask Darfy (as Shan" s) and Lavitz "at (as Alberta). First Darf" a. First: That pursue the Black Monster, second: Of course, get revenge, third: Shana, fourth: No matter what, I will go. Now Lavitz answers "a. First: That" s not like you, second: Shana needs me, third: Mother.

After receiving the Dragon Spirit, go to the temple and collect all the treasures there, and then return back to Lohan.

Head to the clinic. Give Shan "e Dragon Spirit. After she wakes up, run to the local entertainment center (large building to the right of the market). Once inside, go right. Approach the person sitting at the counter and register in the tournament (I" ll participate ). Go down the stairs. Dart will meet his old friend Haschel "a. Who is also participating in the tournament. After all the fighters have dispersed, go to the person standing in the aisle and tell her that you are ready to fight. Five fights will follow. The first four you will win without problems, and in the fifth you will lose (according to the plot) to a fighter named Lloyd, who is much faster and stronger than Dart "a. After taking the honorable second place, leave the arena and find your friends. After talking with them and getting three tickets for the attractions, you can play mini-games with Shan "oh. After playing enough, sit down with Lavitz". After talking with him, go with the whole squad to the exit from the city. On the way out, you will meet the wounded knight Basil, who will report that King Albert has been kidnapped and placed in Helena Prison. Lavitz will lose his temper and rush to save the king, but Haschel will stop him in time with a good slap in the face. After Lavitz wakes up in the clinic, the heroes decide to head to Helena Prison, and Haschel agrees to join your squad.


Having penetrated into the prison, run to the left. Get on the lift and ride all the way to the top. Take the Healing Potion from the chest and go to the next screen. The prison guards will take you prisoner. In the dungeon, go to Shan "e. She will say that there is a gap in the wall. Press the (x) button near the wall. Dart will find a passage, but you will not have time to use it ...

Boss # 11: Jiango
Use the magic of all the heroes, and you can easily fill this image.

Go forward, destroying the guards along the way. Having reached the room in which you were captured, interrupt the guards and go into the left door. After running a little further (do not forget to save along the way), you will find yourself in the place where Albeit and Fruegel guarding him are located ...

Boss # 12: Fruegel
Yes, it seems that Fruegel "y seemed a little of our last meeting, and he wants to take revenge. For this one, not some poor guards, but two monsters act as his bodyguards. I propose to deal with them first, and only then take on himself If all the heroes transform into dragoons, then Fruegel's assistants can be killed in two turns. Having lost the bodyguards, the enemy will be significantly weakened, and it will not be difficult to finish him off.

At the end of the battle, Lloyd will appear, who will take the Moon Gem from the King and kill Lavttz "a ... After Albert is released, he will join your squad and will have the same stats and special attacks as Lavitz" a.

Returning to Seles and considering a plan for further actions, go to Black Castle.


Enter the building on the right. Talk to the fat man and answer his question with "Yeah." Get 100 coins from the soldier and go up to the second floor. Find Stardust in the rubbish heap and take the Attack Ball from the chest. Go outside. Go to the left door. Stardust is in the barrels to the right. After taking it, head to the hotel. After resting, run up the street. Visit the gun store (a blue cursor is lit above it). Inside, you will meet a mysterious adventurer who seems to have already found them on his head. After the poor fellow is taken somewhere by Sandor's soldiers, buy all the equipment you need and take Stardust to the left of the counter. Follow north to a small settlement near the castle. Go to the very first house and take Stardust from the bookshelf. Next, go to the store. (house with yellow cursor): there, in the barrels, you can find two Stardust "a.

After leaving the store, follow the hut on the left. Answer the boy's questions in the following order: 3, 3, 2. If you did everything right, he will say that his name is Roro and will lead you to his house. There he will tell you that there is a secret passage to the castle. When your new friend runs away, save and follow him. Jump into the passage. Climbing a little along the underground passage, you will find yourself behind the castle gates. Go forward, killing the guards along the way. After getting out of the dungeon, kill the guards and run to the gate. Enter the castle.

Head into the only open door. You will meet two scientists who, after talking, will give you Magic Oil. Light the purple lamp (this must be done to start the lifting mechanism) and get into the elevator. After arriving on the next floor, go to another elevator. After exiting the elevator, go down the stairs and take the items from the boxes. Cross the bridge, on which boulders fall (you need to do this so that the scavenger does not notice you). Take the Red Stone from the chest. Go back and go upstairs (to the room to the scientists who gave you the oil). Upon arrival, go to the left door. Light the lamp and go upstairs. Kill the soldier with the dog and go to the next room. Go down to the scientist, who after a while will turn himself into an adorable dog. Take the Blue Gem from the chest. Exit the laboratory.

Deal with the two guards and ride the elevator they were guarding. Run to the right. If you need Healing PoBon "s or other items, buy them from the merchant. Go into the small room and get the Beast Fang out of the chest. On the next screen, go upstairs. Kill the guards and get into the elevator. Upstairs you will meet the Great Commander" a from the opening screen. ... After talking, he will give you a Yellow Stone. Climb down and follow to the right. Attack the guard who is guarding the stairs. After killing him, climb up the stairs and run straight all the time until you reach a stone lift. After driving on it, collect all the items. Now return to the place where you fought with the three guards. Take the left elevator and go upstairs. Talk to the priest and save the game. Approach the stone with a triangle and three holes embossed on it. Insert the three stones that you found before. The door in the statue will open and you can go inside. Climb up and run straight.

Boss # 13: Kongol
An old acquaintance of ours who led the attack on the city of Hoax. The bastard has matured. Now you can't defeat him so easily. Kongol uses a protective barrier against magic. Therefore, it is useless to beat him with magic. It is better to use the special blows of the dragoons (he will intercept the usual ones) and heal in time.

After being seriously injured, Kongol will surrender. Run through the next door.

Boss # 14: Emperor Doel
This time the Emperor Doel himself will act as the boss, who will appear in front of you in two characters. The first Doel "a is quite easy to kill, but the second will have to tinker with, and pretty much. It is difficult to give any advice on its destruction, we can only say one thing: use everything you can !!!

After death, Doel will leave Dragon Spirit, which will go to Haschel. This is the end of the first chapter of the game. Save and Insert Disk 2.



Once in the beautiful town of Retz "e, run across the small bridge and climb the stairs. Take the Stardust from the crate at the end of the aisle and go out into the street. To the right of the stairs is the hotel where you can recuperate. After resting, cross back across the bridge. there is a small house with a river. On its roof you can find a second Stardust. Visit the local gun store. Inside it, in a crate on the left, there is another Stardust. After purchasing equipment, exit the store and head north. Enter the first house on the left. You will be taken to Jewelry Store Dig into the pile of gems in the lower left corner to get the Stardust Go forward a little outside for a scene with Princess Emille.

Follow to the second store on the left. Looking through a wooden telescope, you will find the last one in the city, Stardust. Having bought some items from the seller, go to the bar (the building behind the bridge, where you climbed the stairs). There you will meet a person named Kaffi who will share information (for this you need to talk to him several times). When you finish the conversation, evening will come and patrols will appear on the street, which will never let you out of the city. Knock on the house to the left of the hotel. The door will be opened by Fester, who will let you in and tell the story of the Black Monster. Having finished his story, Fester will leave. Run into the house to the left of the city entrance. Having met the hospitable hostess Nello, the heroes will go to bed. In the morning, before leaving the city, go to the bar. After talking with Magier, you will receive an item. Get out of town and head to Barrens. First go right and grab the Warrior Dress from the chest. Then head north. In the gorge you will be attacked by Mappi and two thieves.

Boss # 15: Mappi & two Crafty Thief "s
These are not bosses, but a real free experience. The gang of thieves is so weak that you don't even have to use magic to deal with them.

After the battle, a very unpleasant surprise will await you. Mappi, having contrived, will steal the Dragon Crystal from Darfa ... Unfortunately, the thief cannot be caught, and Dart will be deprived of the ability to transform into a dragoon. Head to the city of Donau, having previously collected all the things that are in the chests.


Upon entering, after talking with the little girl, you will see how Uoyd will save a young woman from the robbers. Very strange ... Go to the hotel. Take a break and save your game. On the street, go to the fountain, and get the Stardust out of it. Climb up the stairs. Go down to the gun store and buy the Shan "e and Rose armor. If any hero suffers from poisoning, he can be healed in the hospital for 20 coins. Run to the house to the right of the entrance to the city. Inside, talk to the mayor's daughter Kate. She will give you a message and ask you to take it to your father. Go to the left of the main square of the city to the mayor's house. Go upstairs and go through the door. Approach the servant and give him the message. After reading it, he will take you to the mayor.

The mayor will ask you to save his son, and you naturally cannot refuse. Go to the sink in the upper left corner. Take Stardust out of it. Leaving the house, you will see a girl who beats up three suspicious types. Her name is Meru. After talking with you, she will join the squad. Leave the city and head to Twin Castle in Fletz.


Run to the castle gates. The guard will not let you inside, so you will have to look for a workaround. By the way, Fester once said that he was the princess's teacher. Perhaps he can help get into the castle. Fester "a can be found in a store that sells a giant telescope. After talking, he will leave the store. Follow him north and talk again. Fester will take you to his house. After a little chat, go to the castle. After visiting the king's reception room, You will receive a pass to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. Search the statue to the right of the turn - it contains Stardust. When you are about to leave the castle, you will be stopped by Princess Lisa's maid, who will inform you that the princess wants to see you. After a long conversation with the princess, leave the room. Find the maid and tell her that you are ready (Yes, we are ready) Once at dinner with the king and his family, get to know Princess Emille, then go to bed. When you wake up, leave the guest room and go down the spiral staircase Take the Stardust in the tower on the right and go to Valley of Corrupted Gravity.


Go to the guard and show him your pass. When the gate opens, run forward. On the next screen, after the scene with Meru, go downstairs and take the Speed ​​Up from the box. At the top left there is a yellow glow, which replenishes the health of the heroes indefinitely, so here it is recommended to pump up the heroes a little. Get the Sachet from the box at the top and go into the passage. Jumping over the cobblestones, cross the abyss and move forward. After overcoming a few more obstacles (no need to ask me how to do this !!!), you will find yourself at Savepoint "a. Save and go to the giant structure.

Boss # 16: Virage
Virage again. This time with legs and the size of a high-rise building ... The first step is to cut off the boss's hands, otherwise he will grab your hero and immediately take away all HP from him. First neutral
lick your left hand and then your right, then start attacking your head. Use all available spells.

After scoring Virage, talk to the heroes. Exit Valley of Corrupted Gravity and head towards Note of Giganto.


As soon as you get to the Home of Giganto, arrows will fly at you from all directions. Quickly run into the room to the left. Steal 20 coins from the chest and go to the glowing object at the top of the screen. Click on the plate, this will block the mechanism with arrows. Go outside and take the Fake Knight Shield from the box between the stones. Climb up the stairs. After going a little forward, you will be attacked by bandits. Dodge the robbers' shots until their leader appears. After a short conversation, the battle will begin. Having scattered a gang of rather frail thieves and having asked the gangster about his ability to fight, follow the opened gates. A small scene will follow. If necessary, heal using the yellow glow located in the building to the right. Take Angels Prayer from the box and run after Haschel. After reaching Savepoints, save and proceed inside the large structure.

Boss # 17: Gehrich & Mappi
Well, it's time to deal with the bandit leader (former student of Haschel "a) and his henchman Mappi, who kidnapped the Dragon Crystal from Darta. First, deal with Gehrich using special attacks and hero magic, and then get down to Mappi. Without his master, he will become practically helpless.

At the end of the battle, Haschel uses a special technique on Gehrich "e. And he will break the statue that held the roof of the building with his body ... Kongol will save the heroes from inevitable death ... After another plot insert, Gehrich will have time to inform his teacher before death that Princess Emille , which is in the castle, not real. Take from the candlestick on the right Stardust and go down into the opened passage. In the dungeon you will find Lynn. After freeing him, pick up the Red-Eyed Dragon Crystal in the lower left corner of the room. Now Dart can turn into a dragoon. Return to room with the throne Kongol will join your party Leave the city of giants and head to Donau.

Walk up to the people in the square and talk to them. When the bride and groom come out, press the button (X) for Shana to catch the bouquet of flowers and you will receive Kate's Bouquet. After speaking with the mayor, head to Lohan.

Remember the merchant who sold you the bottle? Go to him. He has a Dragon Crystal. First, he will want to sell it to you for 100 coins, and then, after seeing the crystal shine in Kongola's hands, he will raise the price to 1000. After purchasing the Dragon Crystal, go to Fletz.

Arriving in the city, you will hear the roar of the cannonade. This means that the coronation of Princess Emille will begin soon. Visit the bar and grab Martel Wargod's Sash (you must have 30 Stardust to do this). Exit the bar and run into the castle. This time it is not guarded and you can go inside without hindrance. Save and head to the throne room. Two guards will not let you into it. Go down the right spiral staircase. Now you need to sneak unnoticed into the right tower. Talk to Princess Lis "oh. After telling her that Emille is not real, go with her to the left tower (still hiding from the guards). Having penetrated into Emille's room, go to her portrait. You will be transported to the underground prison of the castle, which is engulfed in a magical field. You will have a talk with the heroes, then go to the magical bunch of energy and press the button (X). A bridge forms between the platform you are on and the platform where the real Emille sits. After passing through it, free the princess and run to the throne room (not forgetting to save on the way). Upon entering the room, you will see the king giving the Moon Dagger to the fake Emille. When she gets a dagger in her hands, she will turn into a monster.

Boss # 18: Lenus
In order to defeat her, your heroes must be at least level 20. It is better if Albert does not participate in this battle, since his attack magic is based on the water element, just like Lenus. I advise you to replace it with Haschel "a. Also you need to have enough Healing Breeze and Angel" s Prayer to heal and restore heroes. If you don't have all this, then start with Save "a and buy everything you need in the city. Attack Lenus with special dragoon strikes (preferably with Perfect"). That, in fact, is the whole tactic.

After losing the battle, Lenus will fly away with the moon dagger. After speaking with the king, go to the city of Donau.

Go to the port (north of the mayor's house). The ship "Queen Fury" of King Ziorb is moored there. Talk to Kayla, the mate, and board the ship.


After gaining control of Ban "oh, save and go down to the lower deck. Go to Kongol" y and ask him if he saw Dart "a. After talking, take the Stardust from the box below. Go upstairs and go into the cabin. Take it out of the chest. second Stardust and go to the door next to the stairs. Talk to Albert. Exit the cabin and head into the passage on the left. Wake up Meru and run upstairs to the captain's bridge. There you will finally find Dart "a" and start playing for him. Climb the mast and talk to Rose. After gaining control of her, go to Haschel "y. After seeing the next plot insert, go down to Kongol "y. Follow to Albert" y. Find Meru as him. Move to the captain's bridge. After talking with Dart, climb the mast. A ghost ship will collide with the Queen Fury ... The ship's engine will be damaged and your journey will be temporarily suspended. Haschel will come running and report that Shana is missing.


When the heroes get on the ship Mille Seseau, they will see Shan "y and the ghosts that protected her from the skeletons. Return to your ship and save. Having decided to examine the ghost ship, go to the captain's cabin, and then go down. You will see the ghost, which attacked Shan "y. Run after him. Open the chest. A ghost will fly out of it and set three skeletons on you. Leave the room and move to the next cabin. Open another chest. A ghost will fly out of him again, but this time he will attack himself. Return back to the corridor. Take 50 coins from the box and run to the next screen. Walk up to the shiny object. Four sailors will appear, who will tell you a certain combination of numbers. Remember it. Take 20 coins from one chest, and ghosts will again appear from the other, this time in the amount of three pieces. When you defeat the monsters, the spirit of the captain will appear, who will ask you to go to his cabin. Once in the cabin, talk to the captain and pick up the Key of Phantom Ship from the floor. Come out onto the deck. Run into the opened room and take the Bravery Amulet from the chest. Approach the door on the left. Five knights will attack you.

Boss # 19: Ghost Knight & Ghost Commander
These knights are not much different from ordinary enemies. The only difference is that they do pretty decent damage to heroes and are restored every time. First attack the commander using special attacks. As soon as his energy scale turns red, transform into dragoons and use magic that simultaneously deals damage to all opponents.

You go into the opened door. Take the Dancing Dagger from the chest and go to the crib. After talking with the ghost, the ship will start to sink. Run out of the room. All the heroes, except for Dart "a, safely jumped onto their ship, and he fell into the sea.


In the morning you will be woken up by the dog and his owner Pete. He will take you to his home. Pete will tell you that his mother is seriously ill and needs to get to the hospital in Fueno. After discussing the plan of further actions, leave the hut and get into the boat. Swim to the pier. Climb up the stairs to the roof of the large house and go down through the attic. Take Stardust and head outside. Run east. When you exit, you will be stopped by Pete, who will ask you to accompany his mother to the hospital. Together with two fellow travelers, follow the Undersea Cavern (there you can earn a couple of levels) to the city of Fueno.

Once you arrive in town, Pete and his mom will detach from the squad and head to the hospital. And you go north to the port to look for your friends. Go through the tower. You will meet Kayla. Having learned that the rest of the heroes are in the hotel, move to the city center. On the next screen, you will face Megi. Run after her to the hotel. After talking with everyone, go upstairs. Go to the lower room: inside you will find Shan "y. After spending the night at the hotel, distribute the heroes and take the Stardust from the barrels. Follow to the hospital. Approaching the painting by the stairs, you will find the last Stardust on this disk. Return to the port and talk to the captain Leave the city and go to Uderia.


Get into the boat and swim to the three men who are playing cards. Talk to the mayor, he will open the gate. Head towards Pete's house. Enter the cave. Collect all the useful items in the chests and turn the steering wheel. Follow to Undersea Cavern.


Move deeper into the cave, collecting valuable items from the chests along the way. After reaching Savepointa, save and go upstairs. After running a little forward, you will see Uoyd "a and Lenus, who gives him a moon dagger.

Boss # 20: Lenus & Regole
It's not very difficult to defeat Lenus this time, but here's her dragon ... So focus your attacks on Regole first. The magic Dart "a will be very useful, which takes away from the dragon over 1500 HP (of course, if you made a Special). A couple of attacks - and the dragon is gone. Now proceed to destroy Lenus. She will not have any problems at all."

After the fight, Dragoon Spirit from Lenus will go to Mega. Head to Fueno. Get on the ship and sail to Donau, and from there move to Fletz.

Run straight to the castle. In the square, you will see Princess Emille, who will speak to the people. After looking at the insert, go to the king. Further, there will be no battles and puzzles, there will be only plot conversations and funny inserts, so there is no need to write the passage of this section. Insert disk 3.

Official PlayStation Magazine: Russia, 2000.

The final part of the passage of the first disc. What awaits our heroes in this chapter?

  • Travel to a godforsaken tomb, inspired by the adventures of Indiana Jones.
  • Rescue the protagonist's fighting girlfriend from poison.
  • Participation in the tournament for the title of the strongest in the world.
  • Date with a girl in an amusement park.
  • Return to a place where you would not want to return.
  • The end of the war.

Commercial Town of Lohan

Stardust Amount: 4 (14/50)

Alas and ah, but the doctor was powerless, and only Dragon plant... Irony, of course, irony, but we still have to run around this bazaar city in search of this herb, and a couple more things that are more interesting to us. At the same doctor, you can fully restore HP at an appointment for 20 coins. To do this, go to the right room (absolutely empty such).

You remember how to navigate the city: the yellow cursor is the hotel (if you need to restore HP), and the blue cursor is the shops. Go through the green door opposite the doctor. Inside, immediately turn left into another room and take 200 coins from the box. Go back outside. Now you need to go through the green door to the left of the hotel. There you need to climb the stairs to the second floor and find a lever that opens the middle passage, somewhere in the central cabinet. As soon as the passage opens, go downstairs to the man in green clothes. Next to him is a stove in which lies star dust... Exit this part of the building the old way and run south to the next part of the city.

Already, in the weapons store (the one on the second floor), the best armor is being sold, in terms of magical protection, in the game - Legend Casque for 10,000 coins. Of course, you can go to the map of the world and start tormenting yourself and instilling an aversion to the game, earning this amount, but I'll tell you this: we will return to this place on disc 3, and by that time you have money, unless of course you you will spend them on all sorts of nonsense like healing potions, such a mountain will accumulate that will immediately be enough for the best armor. So swallow your saliva and leave the store, after selling the countless copies that the inhabitants of the Swamps have sketched for you.

Wait ... we visited a merchant, but did not go to an old friend who is also a merchant Dabasu? Correct this mistake: his door is blue, located in the very right corner of the southern part of the city (though not marked with a blue cursor). Take from the box at the store itself Angel Robe... Dabas cannot help us with anything (neither in the plot, nor in the range), but in his armor she was clearly lying around star dust(for this you really have to go to the store again and go up to the third floor). It's also a gift. Although no, the good merchant gave you information: in the north of the poisoned forest there is a place where the rarest herbs grow. Abandoned temple. So, well, to get to this temple, you need to bypass the mutant plant that blocked the road. In general, now you just need to find a bottle.

Try to get out of the city, and the barker will call out to you. He can sell what we need Water Bottle for an extortionate price. Bargain (second answer) until he drops the price to at least 100 Gold. If the feelings of the pixelated people mean something to you, then buy. If not, then bargain again and get a bottle for free. Now it's time to collect just a couple of things.

Run right to the square in front of the arena. Don't go to the arena yet. Take from the chest 100 coins and search the baskets in front of this box - in one of them there was star dust... Now to the exit from the city: search the area between the Basilian soldier and the bottles, for there is definitely a star dust... Having picked it up, you can return to the Dragon's Lair.

Nest of Dragoon

Go down to the underground source (down to the pit and south all the time) and fill the bottle Life Water... Climb up and go around the pit (for this you have to jump to the right). Run down and turn left at the first opportunity - to the place where Shana ran away when she felt signs of poisoning. See the vibrating cocoon? Pour some water on it and it will wither. The path is now clear.

P.S. Now that the whole trio have the Spirit of the Dragon, it has become possible to use the Special skill. (Spell). It can be activated only when the Dragoon scales are full for all three. Its essence lies in the fact that all three are transformed on command, however, it is to the one who carried out the transformation that all the goodies turn out to be: D-Attacks are performed automatically, they and his magic are stronger, etc. Convenient enough. Well and the battlefield is replaced accordingly.

P.P.S. Although this contradicts the rule that I wrote in the very first article of the walkthrough, forget about pumping Lavitz's series of attacks and enjoy all the new ones that you have: Typhoon and Gust of Wind Dance. If the last episode is not yet available to you, it will very soon become (upon reaching level 11).

Shrine of Shirley

A funny location where you should remember two rules:

  1. The person who leaves the chests here is a real joke - they are all empty, except for a mocking note.
  2. There may be traps in the chests that will send you to the beginning of the location, so do not waste time on them at all and walk by.

Run forward to the screen with the rails. Pay attention to the left, slightly luminous wall - resonance with it restores all HP to our heroes. Now to the left aisle slightly ahead. Turn the steering wheel. Do not pay attention to the chest below.

The door opened with the help of the steering wheel will deprive you of the pleasure of restoring HP for free, but a new passage will open. Behind it is a golden statue with the inscription "Forward". Now, from the room with the rails, take the right passage: there you need a silver statue with the inscription "Left". Let's remember.

Go back and head straight through the upper passage. Soon you will stumble upon an old number apparatus with rotating plates. Climb the only stairs available here up to the chest: yes, this is a trap, and if you do not want to do everything yourself, then see the solution in the next paragraph. And so open the chest and use the trolley to roll to the beginning of the tomb. On the way you will be told three numbers: 3, 5, 2. Let's remember.

Return to the disc with platters. Rotate them in this order: 3-5-2. The ladder will fold back. Climb it to the next puzzle (it's the last one): the ladder does not want to be flexible, and therefore always folds, thereby throwing you down, at the very top. It's all about the statues: choose Forward for the Gold option, and Left for the Silver option. Go upstairs.

Save the game and run forward. The guardian of the tomb is not very happy with the guests, that is, you.

Boss 9

Drake the Bandit


1200 (Drake), 70 (Bomb), 150 (Wire)


Bandit Ring- random


The first half of the fight with Drake is best done in the form of people, because in the second half he will start throwing out some tricks, which can really give you huge inconveniences. Drake has not only the most HP of all opponents that you have met all this time, but also, perhaps, the most powerful physical attacks, so it is better to keep a couple of bottles of Healing Potion or even Breeze with you. As soon as Drake's lives fall into the yellow mark, he decides to start using certain tricks. The first of them is three bombs, which will roll towards you with each move, in order to then explode, causing truly terrible damage (4 moves roll). Immediately turn into Dragoons and use massive spells, because bombs have not so much HP. Exactly the same tactics will apply to Drake's wire (while he is behind it, he is invulnerable), but it is better to use all the same single magic.

Drake is defeated, but here will appear the real inhabitant and guardian of the tomb - Shirley. She knows a way to save Shana, but in order to do this she will have to defeat her first.

Boss 10




Silver Stone


First, forget about the "Attack" option for this fight and remember the "Defense" option. You still won't be able to beat Shirley (when her life reaches the yellow mark, they will recover to blue after the next dialogue window), but in response, she can beat it not only painfully, but unpleasantly. During the fight, Shirley decides to test the hearts of Darth and Lawitz by asking them questions about their lives. You need to answer as conscientiously as possible, namely:

Darth and Lawitz:

  • To protect our loved ones
  • I was chasing the Black Monster
  • Of course I will have my revenge!
  • This is not like you!
  • Shane needs me!

There is no correct answer to the last questions, so don't worry. In case you answer incorrectly at least once or bring the image of Shana or Albert to the red lives, they will turn back into Shirley and through the course of the course questions will be poured again from the very beginning.

The stone of the silver dragon, which will save Shane's life, is now with you, but do not rush to leave. Look into the temple, for there are all those treasures that Drake guarded. Here is a list of them:

  • 140 coins(20 pieces in 7 chests)
  • Healing breeze
  • Demon Stiletto- new weapon for Rose.

Well, riders, it's time to ride to Rohan ... that is, Lohan!

Commercial Town of Lohan

Stardust Amount: 0 (14/50)

Return to the doctor (if you forgot, this is the door with a yellow cursor on the second floor of the city) and return Shana to your ranks (besides, now in the form of the Silver Dragoon). The doctor will inform you that the tournament of the strongest will begin soon in the local entertainment center. Why not get involved?

However, you will have to do this even against your will. Head to where you found Stardust and 100 Coins and head inside. Talk to the cashier (opposite side from the entrance) and sign up Dart to participate. The battles will take place one on one. Here are a couple of rules to know.

  • You will not be able to use the Dragoon form so as not to scare anyone.
  • You will not receive experience points and money for any of the battles.
  • A series of attacks will still be pumping, so this is a great chance to pump Dart.
  • It is not necessary to win fights, since Dart, for one reason or another, will still reach the final. Only your pride will suffer. Although in case of defeat, you can not only find out what lucky chance brought our hero further up the tournament ladder, but also listen to the comments of Lavits, Shana and Rosa about the opponent.


There will be five fights in total. After each fight, Darth will be given a break to change their equipment or anything else in the Waiting Room. Whenever you want to enter the arena, just talk to your assistant and get ready for a fight.


Before the battle, put on the Guardian of Poison, since during the battle this berserker will definitely use a dastardly poisoning attack, which will take off HP much more than his own attacks. The rest is a simple fight.


The first half of the fight is extremely simple. In the second half of the battle, Serfius will use the favorite technique of the Sandor commanders - he will attack with two attacks, and the defense will be increased by 2 times. So he will also have to heal himself (for this, Defense will do just fine).


The fight is more defensive, since Danton spends most of the battle in a defensive stance. It can be recognized by his phrase "Let's float!". In it, he will stand 4-5 turns, so during this time restore the lost health with the help of "Protection". He will recover if he uses his special attack, which removes all your HP to 1. When he himself is standing up, don't even think about attacking. The Kongol principle, that is, counterattack, will work here.


But before this fight, you should put on the Amulet of Courage, because Atlow, like your first rival, will also cheat.


It is impossible to win this fight, because Lloyd will be stronger and faster than you. You won't even be able to hit it. You can only pull off the battle, standing in a deep defense. Sooner or later, the gray-haired man will get tired of it, and he will end the tournament with one blow.

After the tournament, Dart will introduce his friends to his old (in both senses) acquaintance, who took third place in the tournament (your place is second) - Hashel, the martial arts master of the Rouge school. Lavitz continues to play the role of Cupid and, having presented you and Shana with 3 tickets, will offer you to walk around the fair and take part in various attractions.

To get started, go to the ticket collector and look at the prizes that you will receive by exchanging for the required number of tickets.

  • Spirit Potion - 20 Tickets
  • Destruction - 40 tickets
  • Healing Rain - 60 Tickets

But the same tickets can be bought from the ticket collector:

  • 1 ticket - 15 coins
  • 5 tickets - 60 coins
  • 10 tickets - 100 coins

Now think about the Legendary helmet for 10,000 and think about whether it is worth spending your hard-earned money on such nonsense? Try playing a couple of rides with current tickets and you're fine. For winning the contests, you will still be given tickets (otherwise how else to collect them without money) and if you collect enough, you will exchange them for the prize you need. If not, then not destiny. At the end of the day, the prizes are not that important.

Well, now let's start describing the attractions themselves (clockwise from the entrance). The price for one attraction is 1 ticket.

Defeat the monster

Flayer game. You have to throw a ball (or balls, it all depends on how quickly you press the button) at creatures that look like monkeys. Monkeys are divided into two types: healthy (you need to hit about 10 times and for them you get 10 points) and small (1-2 times and only 1 point). Usually one healthy one walks on the field, and three small ones run. The task of the three small ones is to raise the local three decorations, behind which they can take cover and fire gray balls at you. One hit and you lose. However, there is nothing to win here (the owner of the attraction warned in advance), and the number of balls flying at you at the same time will increase with every hundred points (200 points - 2 balls, 300 points - 3 balls, etc.)

Obstacle course

Well, here the name speaks for itself. You need to have time in 40 seconds (displayed on the left timer) to run the entire obstacle course, where one of the blows with a swinging piece of wood on the head is tantamount to losing. You only have legs and patience. Remember - there is no need to rush, because the slightest mistake and the ticket is lost forever. Wait and only then walk / run (which will be more convenient in this circumstance). There is also a squat button (), but I don’t understand why it’s really needed, because it’s more profitable to wait, and wasting time on squats can be fraught. If you finish it earlier than 20 seconds, then you will be given 5 tickets, but if in 20 seconds and then up to 40 - 3 tickets.

All this is actually quite boring, so when you play enough, talk to Lavitz. After the conversation, try to leave the city, but here you will be interrupted. It turns out that King Albert is captured and is now imprisoned in the familiar prison of Helene. Hashel volunteered to accompany us. I guess it's clear where our path lies?

Now the situation is not very simple. You have a new warrior, so it is obvious that he needs to be replaced by Rose and start pumping his Double Punch. And by the way, you probably have some weapons in your inventory. Fang (Beast Fang)(dropped from one of the enemies in the Dragon's Lair), so replace Hashel's original weapon with this. But you also have a lagging behind in both physical and dragoon level, Shana, whose healing magic can help you in further battles. Take your pick, I bet on Hashel.

Dart has probably already studied to the maximum all the series available for him at this moment. I suggest not changing the Burning Reed streak and continuing to fight with it, since holding it brings the guy 102 SP, while the rest of the streak (not only him) are only 30-35 SP. Do you feel what I'm getting at? Using this streak further, Dart will be able to pump faster as a Dragoon. Much faster than your allies.

Helena Prison

Stardust Amount: 0 (14/50)

Darth and Lavitz are irreplaceable explorers of this place. They offer to take the third. I took Shana, as her levels haunted me, but I don't advise the unprepared to do this - she is now very frail as a fighter and even as a healer she is no longer a cake.

The guards will still fight you not in random battles, but only if they notice you. Travel to the places of your former glory. You need to do this for exactly a couple of moments: beat all the guards on the way and increase the numbers you need, and also learn from one of the prisoners that Frugel's tame animal loves to sleep very much.

Having learned this, return to the prison entrance and use the western passage. On the first visit to Helena, this elevator was broken, and now it has been repaired. Go upstairs to the anthill floor, along which a heap of treasures is scattered. Exit the elevator and immediately go along the right aisle (you have to jump). Inside this passage lies the Hat (a really useless thing) and, at the very end, Therapy Ring Is a truly valuable item that restores some of your HP every turn.

From the elevator now you need to go to the left: through the central passage and the elevator standing there, go up to the chest with Lightning (Thunderbolt). Now use the small black rope on the right and go down to the chicken paw-like arch with the chest on it. In the chest lies Silver Outfit (Silver Embroidered Vest)... With the help of another rope just below, jump down again to the elevator. Well, the leftmost passage will lead you to a chest with Leather armor- another outdated thing.

Now take the elevator to the very top. Take from the chest Healing potion and go downstairs. The guards will cunningly throw you down. You will find yourself in some kind of underground cave, from which there is no exit. Take from the chest Package (Sachet) and then look at the wall near Shana. Do you hear the sound? Well, all guys, get ready to repeat Luke Skyoker's feat from Episode 6.

Boss 11

Django (Jiango)




The prisoner told you a trick with this little animal, but if he didn't, then Dart will tell you anyway. Use the found Package, and the beast will fall asleep in deep sleep for 5 moves. During this time, you need to act. Physical attacks against him are weak, so it is better to use your magical dragoons. As soon as he wakes up, immediately cast Lavica's Rose Storm on everyone in order to ease the damage from his attacks. Otherwise, continue to attack him with magical attacks and try to end this fight as soon as possible, before he starts spitting (in addition to damage, it imposes the Confusion status, which is expressed not only in disorderly actions, but also in attacks of your own allies).

Then there will be an ascent up the stairs, with the destruction of all the guards present on it. Don't miss out on the Healing Potion. Reaching the room where you were thrown down, defeat the guards and follow on. You will soon reach the top of the prison. Collect three chests from the save point with Broad sword, Spear(it seems to me or is this game mocking?) and 20 coins... Save the game, restore health and head on to save the king.

Boss 12

Fruegel, Guftas, Rodriguez


(Frugel), (Guftas),

1120 (Frugel), 560 (Guftas), 400 (Rodriguez)



First, we get rid of Frugel's animals, since these creatures, at his command, are capable of imposing very nasty status effects on you. Dart's Final Burst (3rd level magic) will help you with this. After that, take on the old foe, who clearly improved his skills and even empathetic, modernized them, but still remained the same not the strongest fat man.

A couple of dramatic scenes and King Albert is a new member of your team, to whom all Lavitz's skills and abilities have been transferred. So you can continue to pump the series of hits in the order you want.

Seles / Seles

Stardust Amount: 0 (14/50)

A couple of scenes after which the team decides to pay Emperor Doel a personal visit.

Black Castle at Kazas

Stardust Amount: 6 (20/50)

Welcome to the enemy's lair. To get here, you need to head back to Lohan, and there you will notice a path to a new location.

Go to the lower right door. There is a reception room where mercenaries are registered. Talk to what is being recorded and agree that you are recording. A scene will follow, after which Sandora's soldier will give you 100 coins... Take Attack Ball from the chest on the second floor, and also find Stardust, among the piles of rubbish in the same place. Go to the opposite house to the left: search the two barrels to the right of the entrance for an item Stardust... Go to the next house on the right and take a new spear from the chest for Albert - Sword of Evil (Twister Glaive)... Record the game at the hotel opposite. Now go to the gun store (blue cursor) to watch a funny scene. After that, update the assortment for the rest of the team. Be sure to look to the left of the counter: there is star dust.

Now to the north, to more remote areas (in the castle itself, of course, we cannot get there so easily). Go down to the first house: reclining star dust on the bookshelf below we need. Go down the left aisle. So, now look carefully: the right door leads to the store (although see for yourself, because the grandpa's assortment itself is not very large), and the left one leads to the boy.

In stores, you should be more interested in the local barrels: those that are below and those in front. And here and there lurked on a pebble Stardust... Well, now to the boy. This boy is the head of the secret movement of Serdio, who will ask you a couple of questions. Here are the answers:

  • I don't know (3)
  • Stay at home (3)
  • To protect (2)

The boy will say his name, Popo, and lead him to his hideout. According to him, there is one secret path to the castle. Where is he, Popo will show. Well, run through this nest, remembering to capture 20 coins from the chest. Climb the stairs up to the castle.

Black Castle

Stardust Amount: 0 (20/50)

As in the Helena prison, there are no random battles in this location. All guards will be visible in advance. Run along the wall to the chest with By the network... Get down, defeat two guards and go down to the bridge. Immediately head right and take from the chest Ball... Go upstairs and take from the distant chest Burning out.

Follow straight to the castle hallway. So, the elevators are not working yet. Go through the only open door on the right. There will be two scientists who will tell you about their work: their white flame can heal you (freebie, come!), And their dark flame can supply energy in the castle in the places you need. Especially for this purpose, they will give you Magic Oil... Activate the right elevator and go downstairs on it. Take the left lift there. Now your task is to get over to the other side of the bridge, from which garbage is thrown into the trash can. This must be done so that the garbage man does not notice (in general, hide behind the garbage bags when the button is pressed). On the back side you need to take from the chest Red Stone... But still it is worth hurrying, as the scavenger will not wait for you for a long time. But even if you do not fall into the trash can, then it is worth going down, since there are two things left in the chests: Dark Mist and Trance Light.

Return to the hallway and take the left elevator upstairs. From there, go to the room in which a scientist is blocking the path to the chest. After the scene, the path will be clear. Take from the chest Blue Stone... Return to the lobby and take the central elevator. Now it's time to explore the most intricate part of the castle.

Go to the right passage. Now explore the room just above the merchant - there is a chest with By the fang of the monster(weapon for Hashel if you didn't have one yet). Go to the next screen on the right and take the elevator upstairs. Three knights conduct training, but immediately decide to try their skills on you (three fights). Now go up the right elevator to the room of the Commander-in-Chief - the man who kidnapped Shanu. He will give you Yellow Stone... After going downstairs, follow all the time to the right (along the way you will have to deal with the guard and the elite ninja) to the lift that will take you to the wall. There are two chests with Spirit Ring and Freezing spear... Climb back up and take the elevator down to the chest with Hurricane (Spinning Gale).

Return to the place where the three knights trained and use the left elevator - you only need to go to the 4th floor. You will find yourself in a room with a statue of Lady Karin - the wife of Emperor Doel. Climb to the save point and use the panel with three holes: Dart will automatically insert the found stones in the correct order. Save the game and go through the opened door.

It's time for revenge from an old acquaintance.

Boss 13




Wargod Calling


Kongol's armor can protect him from magical attacks (though only since he casts "Barrier", until then he is still vulnerable) and strengthen his attacks + the giant has not lost his habit of intercepting your unsuccessful series of attacks. So I think the strategy is clear - try to do perfect streaks, and when transforming into a dragoon, use their attacks, not magic. Albert's attacks will be very good.

The giant is defeated. Now forever. Return to the white flame and restore HP (note that all enemies will return to their posts). Now replace Albert in the team with Rose, since her magical defense is much better than Albert's (he has a limp in both legs). Return to Kongol and follow the steps further to the emperor's room. Don't miss the chest with Material Shield- this thing will protect you from all physical attacks for 3 turns.

The audience with the emperor begins.

Boss 14

Emperor Doel




A very weak but fast opponent. Will walk after each turn of your warrior and often twice. In any case, all his attacks are single, and his defense is weak. So do not transform into Dragoons and just kill the military.

Dragoon Doel




But this is already, without any fools, the strongest opponent on the first disc. All his attacks are massive and, moreover, are based on the lightning element (an element that has no weak points and has nothing to oppose). Doyle walks just as often. All his attacks, moreover, began to be magical in nature, so that for such warriors as Albert, the damage can be over 647 HP. In general, accumulate SP on the Dragoons' form as soon as possible (excellent protection against his magical attacks) and do not hesitate to attack him with all your magical and special attacks (especially good here will be Darth's magical attack of the 3rd level). Somewhere in the middle of the fight, Doyle will put on a shield that will block him from all attacks (he himself will continue to walk). Heal during this time (and stand in Defense), and after the shield falls off, continue at the old pace. He won't put it on again.

The Emperor showed you the way. He said the name of the main culprit. There are still many mysteries, although the war is over. Hashel received his dragon spirit, which means our adventures continue.

In Breath of the Wild, you can create an incredible amount of culinary masterpieces that will help you make life easier on your difficult journey. But it can take a lot of time and effort to create some of the healthiest recipes, as rare ingredients are not easy to find. However, do not be sad, because we have carefully studied the cuisine of Hyrule and prepared for you the top of the best and most useful recipes in the game.

10. Baked fruits are an easy way to heal

Probably one of the easiest ways to improve the medicinal properties of foods is to bake them. Fruits are very common during the game, and it is easy to bake them using a fire or on the ground in locations with very high temperatures, such as in the Eldin mountains, where is Gorongrad... When baked, their medicinal properties increase by 1.5 times. The advantage of this recipe is that one type of baked dish takes up one slot in the food section, which has a limit on the number of blanks you can carry.

9. Spicy juicy mushrooms - an easy way to stay warm

Spicy juicy mushrooms- a fairly simple mushroom dish called Firestone... Thanks to five such mushrooms cooked in a cauldron, you can not only replenish five hearts of health, but also protect yourself for 12 and a half minutes from a sufficiently severe frost, thanks to the effect of the second level of protection from the cold. These mushrooms are most commonly found in Eldin Gorge and Gerudo Highlands... After eating this dish, you will be able to run in your shorts in the coldest locations, but swimming in cold water is still not recommended.

8. Ice juicy mushrooms - an easy way to survive the sultry heat

Ice succulent mushrooms- the opposite dish to spicy juicy mushrooms. Unlike the previous one, the recipe perfectly protects from the heat for 12 and a half minutes, and also restores five units of health. For cooking you will need five mushrooms Podmorozovikov ... These mushrooms are most commonly found in cold lands such as Eberskie mountains and Mount Laneiro.

7. Fast Steam Fruits - Increase Speed

Thanks to the dish “ quick steamed fruits”You can increase your running and climbing speed by 3 levels for a full five minutes. The dish is prepared from two agility-lotus and three agility-violets , and together form a fairly healthy travel dish. As a bonus, it also restores two health points. The burrow-lotus can be found easily in swamps of Laneiro, and here agility-violet have to look in the cold Eber mountains or Gerudo highlands.

6. Steamed thief fish - quieter than water ...

If you can't sneak up on your victim because you make a lot of noise, then a dish will come to your aid. " steamed thief fish”. To prepare it, you will need two mushrooms Hidden gems, two flowers Princess of Silence and one fish Quiet trout ... Thanks to this dish, you will be able to move very quietly for 10 minutes (level 3 of stealth), and also restore 8 units of health. Quiet trout can be caught in the waters around the Korokov forest, Princess of Silence grows in Springs of the Big Fairies, but Hidden gems most often found at the source of Laneiro and in Western Neklude.

5. Wonderful juicy mushrooms - take your health to the limit

There are dishes in the game that not only completely heal you, but also add extra hearts to you. One of these recipes is “ Wonderful juicy mushrooms”, Which are prepared from supertruffles... Cook in a cauldron five supertruffles and you will receive not only full healing, but also an additional 20 hearts. However, there is some bad news. Super truffles very rare.

4. Protective steamed fish - armored body

On the way to rescue Hyrule, you will meet quite a few dangerous opponents who will take down the lion's share of your health with one blow. To prevent this, you should prepare “ Steamed protective fish”, Which provides protection against physical attacks of the third level for 250 seconds. To prepare this food useful in battles, you will need three flowers Latflower and two fish Plate Pagra ... The first ingredient you can collect in Akkal Upland and Khairul Ridge, and the fish can be caught at shores Laneiro sea and the Neklyud Sea.

3 Combat Fruit Mix - Offensive with Triple Strength

If you do not want to defend, but go on the offensive against the enemy, then the dish will help you with this “ Combat Fruit Mix”, Which will grant you three additional attack levels for 250 seconds. A dish is being prepared from five bladed bananas , most often found in Faron rainforest, as well as drops out when killing clan members Yoke.

2. Living succulent mushrooms - fast replenishment of stamina with minimal cost

If you climbed a mountain and you suddenly ran out of stamina, then a dish called “ Living succulent mushrooms”, Which not only instantly fully restores your stamina, but also adds a little extra stamina. The most amazing thing is that it can be made from everything one mushroom Zhivushka ... This makes it one of the easiest and most useful recipes in the game. These mushrooms are most often found on Hyrule Ridge and Plain.

1. Wonderful salad - fast replenishment of health with minimal cost

We decided to award the award for the best dish in the game Wonderful salad, which is prepared in a cauldron from everything one miracle radish ... The dish turned out to be very healthy, and not only completely heals Link, but also gives three additional hearts. Even shish kebabs made from a few raw rolls and rump are less useful than a single radish. Miracle radish most often found on Hyrule Hulk and in Eastern Neklude.

A massive Japanese RPG game that will be released very soon on the Nintendo Switch. Before its release, the company decided to release a small themed quest for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which will reward players with a new free armor set.

After downloading the latest patch for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch versions of Breath of the Wild, a new quest called Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will appear in the Quest Log. It consists of three parts. Your goal is to find three red stars that can trace the path in the sky to the coveted reward, new armor. The location of the stars can be discovered by completing three simple puzzle conditions.

  • Take a look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge;
  • Look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull;
  • Take a look at the sky to the southeast from the summit of the tallest snow mountain.

In addition to finding the correct location, you must also observe the time frame. You can only see red stars at night between 22:00 and 04:00 game time. If you are in the right place, you will hear a characteristic noise, and a red star will appear in the sky. She will have to fall nearby. The treasured chest will await you in the crater found, with a piece of armor from Xenoblade 2. A full set will give you a big bonus to swimming speed, which is extremely useful in some parts of Hyrule.

First red star: look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge

The simplest riddle. There is only one really huge bridge in the game that crosses Lake Hailia. It may be known to players by Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. In Breath of the Wild, the bridge you need is located south of Hyrule's Field. It's hard not to notice him given the nearby teleporter tower. Take a look at the location on the map:

Use the teleport to the Lake Tower or Ya Naga Temple, which are shown in the screenshot above. When you get to the middle of the bridge, you will be greeted by a bunch of enemies. After a little battle, wait for the right time and look south. When the star falls, you will only have to pick up the chest with the first piece of armor.

Second red star: look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull

The solution to the next puzzle should lead you to Skull Lake, located far in the northeastern region of Hyrule. Just take a look at the rights from the Death Caldera. The lake you need, as the name suggests, looks like a skull. Take a look at the location on the map:

Getting to this place is pretty easy. If you have already opened the Zuna-Kai shrine, then simply teleport to it. Stand at the entrance to the temple and look east. Again you hear the sound of a shooting star. Another piece of armor is yours.

Third Star: Look at the sky in the southeast from the summit of the tallest snow mountain

It's time to finish what we started. The final meeting place with the red star is the hardest to find. When you think of a snowy mountain, you are most likely thinking of Mount Girula in the east. But this is the wrong place! You will need Mount Gebra, in the northwest of Hyrule. Take a look at the map screenshot if you want to know the exact location. If you do not want to die of cold on the highest mountain of the game, then do not forget to bring warm clothes with you.

As seen on the map, the Shrine of Goma Asaah is the closest teleporter. However, after moving up the mountain, you still have to spend time climbing. Once you reach the top of the mountain, look at the main castle of Hyrule to the southeast.