Secret world legends walkthrough. Secret World Legends: The Legend of Free Cheese. System requirements for the game Secret World Legends

What classes are there in Secret World Legends and what do they affect?

Once you choose a starting class for your new character, no one “locks” you into the game within that class.

In general, the classes in are not similar to those found in or. They're more like "core Hearthstone decks." Your starting class will unlock two weapons for you and allow you to use them at first level. It is possible to spend in-game currency to unlock additional weapons. There is nothing stopping you from using all the weapons in any combination later. Your class affects ONLY for starting weapons!

However, please note that unlocking additional weapons is a rather time-consuming process, so try to immediately choose a character class with the right combination of weapons. There's nothing wrong with re-creating a new character early on if you feel like you've made the wrong weapon-related choice (to save time later on unlocking the right one). Also note that absolutely all weapon combinations are viable. For example, if there is no weapon combination “blades and shotgun”, this does not mean that you cannot create it yourself!

What in-game currency is used in Secret World Legends and why?

There are three different types of game currency in Secret World Legends- Marks of Favor, Aurum and Anima Shards. But there are also bonus currencies, such as Marks of Third Age.

Marks of Favor look like a black and white polygon with a lion inside and are earned daily. If you click on the icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select Daily Challenges, you can receive “Insignia” every day for completing them. You are limited in the number of Marks of Favor that you can earn in one day, since challenges reset once a day.

There are additional ways to earn Insignia later in the game (e.g. raids, etc.), but not all of them are confirmed.

Of course, in this case we are talking about the most valuable game currency (and the rarest), since it is used to buy inventory space, new weapons, unlock upgrades, etc. By the way, “Insignia” can be gained or lost when selling or buying items at an auction house.

Anima Shards (or “shards” as they are called in the game) are what you earn by completing quests and killing mobs. You use them to upgrade and merge weapons and talismans (more on this later). They replaced the previous rewards for quests and loot. At the early stage you will have a lot of fragments, but at later stages, believe me, there will not be as many of them as it seems initially.

Aurum looks like gold bars - it is a premium currency that can be purchased exclusively with in-game money (donation). It can also be purchased from other players on the exchange (more on this later). You use aurum for different things - keys, pets, clothes, power-ups, buying items in the store, unlocking different items, etc.

What are the missions in Secret World Legends?

IN The Secret World Legends There are six types of missions - Main Story, Dungeon, Investigation, Action, Sabotage and Side Mission.

Basic story missions (Main Story) show various story videos and guide you through the whole story up to level 50, after which they provide additional content. This is what will allow you to visit different zones using one overarching quest. You cannot refuse it, and you will always have some goals associated with it.

Dungey are active only when you are directly in the dungeon. All you have to do is go through the dungeon and kill the final boss. Nothing special. The dungeon icon is a "purple icon depicting a group of players."

Missions investigations require you to think outside the box. They do not ask, for example, to kill five wild boars or deliver an object somewhere. As a rule, this is some kind of riddle and certain clues to its solution. After this, you will literally be left alone. Solving such a mission is difficult - there is no need to panic, since some tasks really take a lot of time to complete.

Search everywhere, explore everything you see, use the available clues. Sometimes you will have to look for information outside the game - no, we are not talking about passing, but about searching, for example, the year of death of a particular ruler, or the translation of a phrase from Latin. Such tasks are marked with a green icon depicting an open laptop.

Missions from the section " Sabotage"require you to infiltrate an object and essentially remain invisible the entire time. Sabotage missions do not involve direct confrontations, and often trying to get through them leads to you finding yourself alone against dangerous mobs. Therefore, plan your actions and look for solutions. If there is a door guarded by a robot, you may be able to turn off the power somewhere nearby. Or maybe you can find a pass that you can show to the robot and move on... An icon with TNT on a yellow background.

Missions Action- This is the “bread and butter” of MMO quests. There is everything you are used to seeing in such games - kill 20 zombies, collect some brochures, hack the terminal, etc. Run, shoot, kill - all this is what the mission implies. Marked with a red icon depicting a running man.

Last option - side missions. These are actions that you perform in parallel with others. Usually no major work or effort is required. You are simply asked to do something while you are in the current zone. For example, while hunting a werewolf, you may find a phone that belonged to one of the victims, and a side quest involves delivering this device to the victim's family. The icon is a box on a green (or blue) background.

There are also PvP missions, but they are only active in the appropriate zones.

Since there are a decent number of changes compared to the original, both beginners and veterans may have a considerable number of questions related to game mechanics, etc.

Unlocking weapons, active and passive perks and skills in Secret World Legends

Before you can use any weapons, they will have to be unlocked. You start the game, as described above, with two unlocked guns (which is associated with the choice of class), and to open an additional one you will have to spend your Marks of Favor.

When you decide to do this, you will have to purchase his passive and active skills - there are two separate costs for them. Unlocking your first weapon will cost you a total of 40,000 “Insignia” (20,000 each for passive and active pages), but the cost will increase each time.

The active weapon page is a list of abilities that you must unlock in order to use a given weapon. These abilities can only be activated with the current weapon. For example, they could be “Double Shot”, “Anima Explosion”, etc. These are both skills and attacks. You unlock them using AP points.

The weapon's passive page is a list of passive abilities that affect the weapon they belong to. In addition, on such pages there are special icons on individual skills, which indicate that the skill will have a passive effect on you even if this weapon is not equipped!

You can have a total of six passive and five active skills at the same time - you always need one basic ability (no energy required, low DPS). It is also recommended that you always have one custom ability (consumes energy, but has higher DPS compared to the base one). Other slots can be filled with any additional passive or active (on cooldown) perks or one elite ability (long cooldown, but huge DPS). You gain AP and SP by gaining experience, or you can get them by completely filling out zones (complete all quests in a location, fully explore it, etc.). They can also be purchased from the game store.

NOTE. All veterans The Secret World will only have weapons that are associated with the selected class, unless two accounts have been merged.

Weapons and combat system in Secret World Legends

Weapons placed in the left slot on your character screen are your primary, and those placed in the right slot are your secondary. The only difference between a primary and secondary weapon is that the secondary regenerates energy twice as fast as the primary.

You are also allowed to use a basic ability from your primary weapon rather than your secondary weapon. Therefore, take the following as a basic “rule” (if you don’t know what to do) - you should always try and have as many skills as possible for your primary weapon than for your secondary weapon.

Each weapon has two “resources”: energy and type-specific. For example, the shotgun has energy shells and shotgun shells. Energy projectiles regenerate over time and are used to create "custom" abilities - they consume energy but do more damage than basic attacks.

If you run out of energy for a weapon, you can either use the basic attack of that weapon or change to a secondary weapon, since the energy for both is separate.

For example, your main attack consumes zero energy and deals 10 damage, and your secondary attack consumes three energy and deals 15 damage. For this reason, many recommend using the secondary attacks of your secondary weapon, as they will always have higher DPS than your primary.

Each weapon has a unique ability: shotguns have explosive rounds, pistols have rotating clips, elementalism has a temperature scale, etc. These unique tricks affect how the weapon operates and change the way you play. These are usually covered in detail on the weapon's pages by clicking on the "question mark" icon.

Secret World Legends Mastery Level

Once you have learned all the active abilities for a weapon, you can invest AP into something called Mastery. There are nine overall levels for each weapon, but to unlock the higher ones you must unlock the lower ones for the other. Basically, the maximum Mastery level you can reach can never be higher than the total number of level 1 and higher skills for the entire arsenal.

So you can immediately level up the skill "1" of fist fighting, but to learn the second level you will have to unlock the first one for something else (for example, for a shotgun). To learn Level 3 Fisticuffs, you'll again have to unlock something else. Etc.

Expertise level in Secret World Legends

At the top of your weapon pages you can see your Expertise level. You gain expertise when you gain experience associated with using a given weapon - from any source (for example, from quests, killing mobs, etc.).

Both of your weapons gain the same experience, even if you use only your primary (or only your secondary). Expertise levels increase your critical attack chance and damage by certain percentages, but this bonus will not appear in your character stats window. At the same time, it will still act, even if it is not visible.

Dependence of Expertise and weapon characteristics in Secret World Legends

Some characteristics have permanent effects, while others are only applicable under certain conditions. A weapon's stats are its strength and any glyphs (special effects) attached to it.

The Expertise level bonus is related to the chance of a critical attack and the damage from it. Calculated as a percentage. Weapon parameters will be displayed on the character sheet whenever it is active.

For example, you have access to a pistol with a power of 100 and a sword with a power of 200. If you turn on the Damage Over Time pistol ability and attack an enemy with it, and then switch to the sword, then this ability will be applied to him, since he is now an active weapon.

Expertise Bonus WILL NOT DISPLAY in the character stats window, but will be applied to any abilities used by that weapon. Taking the same example as above: if you have a five percent Expertise bonus for pistols and one percent for swords, then if you cast Damage Over Time on an enemy and then switch to a sword, they will receive the same bonus of five percent from Expertise.

How an upgrade occurs in Secret World Legends, increasing the rarity and quality of things

All equipment has three “properties”, namely rarity, quality and level. Equipment level is a numeric value in the lower corner, indicating, pardon the tautology, the level of the item. For example, you can have a level 13 sword. The rarity of equipment is the color of the item. It can be white (common, common), green (uncommon), blue (rare), purple (epic), yellow (legendary) and red (art or "artifact").

The quality of equipment differs for armor (talismans) and weapons. For talismans, quality is indicated by small "dots" at the bottom (from Faded, Luminous to Radiant). You may also see these words in the name of an item (for example, Radiant Lucky Dice). For weapons, quality is indicated by its modification - the usual Mk I, Mk II and Mk III.

The items you receive will almost always be level 1, and you will have to level them up using the upgrade mechanic. This mechanic will be explained to you by the game's tutorial system early on.

  • Open the update window (not the merge window!).
  • Place the item you want to upgrade in the right-left corner.
  • Place the items you want to destroy to provide experience for leveling up what you need in the cells below.
  • Click on the Upgrade button.

In this process, you destroy other equipment to modify a single one. Please note that you can improve talismans using talismans, and weapons - using weapons. To upgrade, you can use any talismans and weapons (that is, you can improve pistols by destroying shotguns), but you get a bonus in experience if you destroy objects of the same type (upgrading a pistol, recycling other pistols, etc.).

When upgrading, you gain x2.5 experience in the following cases:

  • Weapons of the same type are disposed of.
  • A talisman of the same type is scrapped (upgrading the necklace will scrap the necklace).
  • Same glyphs are recycled (will be unlocked later in the game). For example, a penetration glyph with a penetration glyph.

In addition to the corresponding bonus, there is a chance to receive a crit bonus. This is a completely random process that you have no control over other than hoping for luck. It is important to note that item level DOES NOT AFFECT on how much experience it will give for an upgrade if it is disposed of. For example, a level 20 pistol will provide you with the same amount of experience points for an upgrade as if it were a level 1 pistol. Therefore, it is not recommended to sacrifice items of higher levels.

All items have a “level cap”, which is dictated by their rarity. Thus, green items can be upgraded to a maximum of level 20, while blue and purple items can be upgraded to levels 25 and 30, respectively. It hasn’t been confirmed by me yet, but for sure legendary and artifact items can be upgraded to levels 35 and 40, respectively.

Upgrading items will cost you a certain number of shards (Anima Shards). Their required number increases depending on the rarity of the equipment you want to upgrade. Here are some numbers from the closed beta that may be changing now:

  • Green items - 200 fragments.
  • Blue - 400.
  • Purple - 600.
  • Yellow - 800.
  • Red - 1000.

Some activities in the game (such as dungeons) can also reward you with Distillate. Distillate is something you can use instead of recycling items to upgrade. That is, you will sacrifice the distillate as if it were a sword to upgrade the sword. Additionally, Distillate does not require shards when used to upgrade items.

All values ​​listed below can be changed:

  • Unmatched green - 100 experience points.
  • Matched green - 250.
  • Major green - 250.
  • Potent green - 400.
  • Unmatched blue - 400.
  • Minor blue - 500.
  • Matched blue - 1000.
  • Major blue - 1000.
  • Potent blue - 1600.
  • Unmatched purple - 1600.
  • Matched purple - 4000.
  • Unmatched yellow - 5600.
  • Matched yellow - 14000.

When you upgrade an item to the maximum level, you will be able to use fusion. This function allows you to transfer an item to another stage of rarity - you will have to ensure the merging of two items of the previous rarity.

  • To combine items, you need to have two pieces of the same type, rarity and maximum level.
  • You can fuse weapons of the same type - pistol and pistol, sword and sword.
  • You can fuse two talismans that occupy the same slot - giving DPS or HP, etc.
  • You can combine two glyphs that are of the same type.
  • They will tell you about this in the training system, but you will very quickly forget all the information.

Open the fusion window (FUSION, not the upgrade), place the desired item that you want to use as a base (that is, eventually get it, but of a higher rarity), on the left side. On the right side you need to place another item of the same rarity and the same type, which will be, as it were, disposed of. Click on Fuse.

Let's say you put two level 20 green swords each in the fusion window in different slots. As a result, you will receive one sword of blue rarity of the first level. When merging, the ordering system mentioned above is important - the statistics of the new item will be based on the one that was placed in the left slot of the merge window. Everything is simple here.

Item quality (Faded, Luminous and Radiant for talismans and MK I, Mk II and Mk III for weapons) and parameters (healing, DPS, etc.) are always taken from the left item. Therefore, make sure that you perform the operation correctly.

Here's some information for your reference:

  • Fusion of two level 20 green items of the same type results in one level 1 blue item.
  • Fusion of one level 20 green item and Catalyst results in one level 1 blue item.
  • Merging two level 25 blue items of the same type results in one level 1 purple item.
  • Fusion of one level 25 blue item and Catalyst results in one level 1 purple item.
  • Merging two level 30 purple items of the same type results in one level 1 yellow item.
  • Fusion of one level 30 purple item and Catalyst results in one level 1 yellow item.
  • Merging two level 35 yellow items of the same type results in one level 1 red item.
  • Fusion of one level 35 yellow item and Catalyst results in one level 1 red item.

The information below demonstrates how item levels change when you merge two and increase in rarity. There is no normal way to change the quality of an item. When its quality drops, it remains that way forever! It is impossible to turn a talisman with the Luminous quality into a talisman with the Radiant quality.

When merging, the quality of the item on the left will cover the quality of the item in the right slot. But if there is no free way to improve the quality of items, then it is worth noting that there is one, but it is paid - for aurum. For this in-game currency you can buy the catalyst mentioned above, which will improve the quality of the product to the maximum. This is one of the options for using aurum.

Please note - just because a low quality weapon was received does not mean that it is useless. You can use it as a resource for an upgrade, or you can improve it already. Remember that fusion requires two max level items, which means you will have a lot of items to upgrade your gear.

To get a blue item, you need two level 20 green items, but if you want to get a purple weapon, you will end up needing two blue ones, which means four green items. Don't forget that upgrading items costs more and more as their rarity increases. But the cost of higher quality items also goes up! And if you plan to scrap them for an upgrade, then what’s the point of upgrading a high-quality item?

I finally completed Secret World Legends! That is, it’s not that I passed it, because MMOs, in principle, cannot be passed. But at least I reached the end of the storyline made by the developers so far. So now I finally know at least part of the plot background of The Secret World, which was once hidden to me by the price tag on the DLC.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Let's go back to the beginning

For those who do not quite understand what was discussed above, I will explain. What the detractors of The Secret World have been talking about for so long (essentially since the release) has come true! The game has switched to the Free2Play model.

More precisely, The Secret World itself is as it was and remains buy-and-play. Its servers are still running. But now it has a little sister, Secret World Legends, which is free to play.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Both games use the same engine. And in general everything else. It’s just that in SWL they changed some gameplay elements, as well as the locations and quests that use these elements. Therefore, if you want to learn about the plot, the world and the atomsphere - those things that the developers put at the forefront, read about them in my review of the original game. And here I’ll just look at the very changes that were made to make the “Secret World” more accessible and friendly to casual players.

Combat System

Yes, we tried, of course, to attract newcomers. The old combat could really cause misunderstandings among them. Previously, weak attacks generated a certain “resource” for each weapon, and strong attacks, accordingly, consumed it (and in different ways). Now, the “resource” is essentially ordinary energy, which is restored over time, and all attacks simply waste it (except for the weakest).

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

But they also gave something to the hardcore fans. All elemental attacks now generate heat or cool. And for maximum efficiency, you need to ensure that the temperature is optimal. But this is only for elementalism. Chaos magic simply accumulates a “critical charge” that fires randomly. And a shotgun, for example, needs to be reloaded after six shots, at the same time choosing the bonus that will be in the new cartridges. Thus, now all nine types of weapons differ much more than before.

The number of attacks was also reduced - from eight to six. I know that in words the difference is small, but now they have all been conveniently placed on the keyboard right above WASD. Plus area attacks now default to where the crosshair is pointing. And I strongly welcome this innovation. Otherwise, fiddling with the mouse, clicking on a number of icons, is really problematic in battle.

Leveling up

But the new development system is not at all impressive. Standard skill tree. And not even a tree - three straight sticks for each type of weapon. Once you unlock all three lines of development, you can “buy” a bonus to all characteristics with skill points. And among passive skills and in general there are almost as many items “+ so much permanent to statistics” as there are passives themselves.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

I basically understand why this was done. Previously, the only way to increase stats was by equipping better equipment, which could only be obtained in higher level zones by killing powerful monsters and completing difficult quests. Well, or buy a new thing at auction for crazy pax (pax is the game currency). And even with the necessary equipment, it was still necessary to choose the optimal “deck” of attacks and passive abilities.

Now, if you don’t have enough skill, just grind and sooner or later you will improve your defense, attack and everything else. And finally take down the desired boss. And searching for the best “build” is now optional.

On the other hand, they have now upgraded the equipment itself. This is a big plus, considering that previously unnecessary junk accumulated through the roof and I didn’t even really want to sell it - everything was worth pennies, and it was a long way to run to the dealers. And it was sad to part with a favorite sword or grimoire when items of a new level of quality appeared.

The developers killed two birds with one stone - unnecessary items are now “remelted” into “experience” for needed items. And once an item reaches the highest level, it can be fused with another high-level artifact and get an even cooler item.

Game world and history

Yes, yes, I said that the game world and plot have not changed. Almost. A tutorial was added to the very beginning of the game. That is, there are now two of them. The first takes place in a dream - the same one where earlier the two [spoiler] warned you about the coming upheavals. Now the dream is going through three missions in order - combat, investigation and stealth. And everything, from controls to weapon features, is now thoroughly explained by the “architect of dreams.” By the way, warnings from mysterious figures remain - you just hear their voices from time to time.

The second tutorial was and remains a vision telling about the background. And now it not only helps to consolidate the skills acquired in the first, but also teaches in more detail how to use the second weapon.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

By the way, about weapons. Now you will choose it before the start of the game. Along with the faction and appearance of your alter ego. You're used to classes, aren't you? Now in the “Secret World” all players are divided into classes. Joke. A class is just the two weapons initially unlocked, plus the uniform you are given when you join your faction. If they don’t suit you, accumulate some ability points and “buy” other weapons - and that’s it.

In addition to classes, levels also appeared in the game. Also a fiction by and large - your abilities are simply summed up. But during the course of story missions, sometimes there is a task to reach a certain level. As you understand, this is again a feature for casuals - so that they don’t accidentally get ahead of themselves and get upset that they are being killed all the time.

But what disappointed me was the simplification of a couple of missions in the “Scorched Desert”. My favorite sabotage game, where it was necessary to stop waves of sectarians using a stationary grenade launcher and planted explosive charges, has now been made into a regular action game, without any use of improvised means. And they also provided the task of identifying Aten’s followers by pointing at them with the emote accuse - now you just need to click on them. I don’t know if they did this on purpose or if there were some technical problems. But it's still a pity.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

But the masochistic mission, where the encrypted message was not saved anywhere and had to be rewritten manually, was never corrected!

But Agartha has changed for the better. Previously, the branches of the World Tree were deserted and deserted, except for hollow portals and strolling automata. Now the Hollow Earth has become a real hub, with shops, mission terminals and attractions.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Inside a particularly large trunk, one of the NPC “bees” even organized a disco.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

The “springboards,” which have become the main way to move between branches, are undoubtedly more convenient than the “accelerators” from TSW, which were triggered every other time.

Last, but by no means least, is the elimination of all paid DLC. True, not all of them were abolished equally. "Last Train to Cairo" and "Dreams of Killing" became part of the main story. Missions from "Side Stories" and "Call of the Nameless" are now simply free. “The Disappearance of Tyler Freeborn” seems to have disappeared altogether.

Free Cheese?

How to say? Obviously, the developers do not feed on air. The game also includes cosmetic items and additional amenities, such as +50% running speed or increased inventory, which are purchased with Aurum, the local premium currency.

And currency, accordingly, must be bought for real... Or not for real! There is an exchange auction right in the interface where you can exchange Marks of Favor - another local currency that you receive for daily tasks - for the same Aurum. The course is completely free, so players themselves decide who is willing to sell surplus gold bars at what price. Of course, MoF is also needed - to improve items and some other actions. But this is a question of priorities.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Lootbox with a human face. I mean with cosmetic items. In general, these containers appeared in The Secret World a couple of years ago. They didn’t bother anyone - you could easily do without opening them and simply sell them cheap.

As I said, I completed the main storyline. This did not require any financial investment. True, I had to grind, but very moderately (for that same +50% to running speed). Aurum, however, has risen in price since then. But don’t forget about the variety of tasks - grinding in the “Secret World” (no matter TSW or SWL) is not the same as grinding in SW:TOR.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

So if you've been wanting to experience one of the most unique, atmospheric, and story-driven MMOs out there, but the price tag has previously held you back, Sercet World Legends is a great opportunity. Yes, I still feel like a fan of The Secret World and consider it one of the best action adventure games.

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Secret World Legends: Legend of Free Cheese

Happy Old New Year!

Each weapon in Secret Wolrd Legends revolves around a unique combat mechanic. True mastery of each weapon is the result of a proper understanding of their specialty and application. And today in our Secret World Legends guide we will talk about the best weapons, focusing on each one separately.

Spirit Blade - smashing swords in SWL

Every time you hit with a sword, you have a 50% chance to generate Chi. When you accumulate 5 Chi, you will have 5 seconds to consume it and you will be able to use the special ability Spirit Blade. It has a very useful effect, giving extra damage based on your Combat Power.

The duration of Spirit Blade's effect can be increased by using Chi repeatedly (1 Chi for 0.5 seconds, 2 Chi for 1 second, 3 for 2 seconds, 4 for 4, and 5 for 6 seconds). If for some reason you are unable to cast Spirit Blade within 5 seconds of gaining 5 Chi, the Chi will begin to be consumed automatically, giving you a heal over time effect that lasts 3 seconds and heals you for 7% of your health points.

The Rage ability is a hammer for real men in Secret World Legends

You can build up rage by attacking with Hammer and taking damage. The Hammer meter can be filled twice. The first time you fill it, it's 50 rage, the second time it's 100. All Hammer Power attacks consume Rage, and give unique attack bonuses that greatly increase damage.

Primal Wrath (Fist Weapon) – attacking melee in Secret World Legends

You can store up to 100 rage when attacking and healing with fist weapons. Each empty bead on the Rage scale represents 100 Rage. 6 Balls on each side of the large central ball - shows filled rage.

Once you have accumulated 60 rage, you can use either of the two abilities of Primal Wrath. Casting these abilities will replace all of your abilities with a new set of them that are more powerful, and you will be able to use the new abilities for as long as the rage is not spent. That is, you can have from 3 to 5 seconds with new abilities, depending on your rage.

Blood Offering (Blood Magic) – is it easy to be a magician in Secret World Legends

Using your abilities in this case moves the Corruption or Martyrdom gauge to the left when you receive Corruption, and to the right when you receive Martyrdom.

While on the Corruption side, you deal increased damage, but also deal it to yourself when attacking. While on Martyrdom's side, you heal your target while also taking damage on yourself. Each side reduces the effectiveness of the opposing style of magic. Both sides of the spectrum have 3 important thresholds - the 1st after 10 points, the 2nd after 60 and the third after 90 points.

The health cost for the cast is dealt as a percentage of your HP, 1.5% above the first threshold, 3 inflicted by the character during the suppression of the second and 6% of the third. Normal blood magic abilities only deal 33% of the damage dealt to self.

0 to 25: Your Blood Magic abilities deal normal damage and healing;

From 25 to 50: Your Blood Magic or Healing damage is increased by 15.6%. Incoming healings are reduced by 20%;

From 50 to 75: Your Blood Magic or Healing damage is increased by 32.7%. Incoming healings are reduced by 50%;

75 to 100: Your Blood Magic or Healing damage is increased by 53.4%. Incoming healing is reduced by 95%.

Chaos Mage in Secret World Legends

Whenever you deal damage with chaos magic, you create 2 to 4 paradoxes. Your affinity with Chaos Theory allows you to gain a 30% chance of dealing damage divided by 8. After generating 8 paradoxes, random powerful events will occur that will cause damage. These can be black holes (they give a positive buff to the enemy, minor, but if you kill him under such a buff, you will receive much more powerful versions of these buffs for you and your team), ruptures (damage and stun of enemies) or the appearance of doubles (your version from other universes, which has 3 abilities with an AOE effect (their damage depends on your Combat Power).

Thermotics (Elementalism) – elementalist in Secret World Legends

When you cast an ability, you add heat to your gauge, which moves to the right. If you cast cold abilities, it moves to the left. A description of cooling or heating is in the description of each ability.

This scale is divided into 100 units and has 3 important thresholds:

0 to 25: Your Elemental abilities deal normal damage;

From 25 to 50: Damage increased by 8.7%;

From 50 to 75: Damage increases by 17.4%;

75 to 100: Cast damage increases by 34.8%.