Watch the passage of the game The Evil WitHin 2

It is not safe to wander through the streets of Union even during the day, not to mention the night walks, so it is always worth knowing where the next asylum is located, where you can translate the spirit, restore health and drink a cup of hot coffee, in order to bring the nerves in order.

Asylums are peculiar checkpoints in which you can relax a little, and also stock up with ammunition and equipment. These premises can be used as the main points for the study of new locations, that is, it is from here that it is worth performing their harshs in the uncharted territories, and then return to them again to replenish the supplies and restoring lives. Each shelter can provide you with the following options and advantages:

  • Coffee machine - a cup of coffee can restore your life scale to a maximum. However, you will have to wait a bit before you can use it again (there must be about 15-20 minutes).
  • Terminal for saving is saved at any convenient moment.
  • Mirror - makes it possible to return to Sebastian's office or visit the nurse Tatiana (Tatiana) to buy improvements or ordinary conversation with a cute girl.
  • Drawers with suggestions - you can find them here only when playing an easy difficulty level. They contain the details of weapons, ammunition and other useful things.

In some refuge, you can also find collectible items in the form of files and residual memories, but they do not always appear when you first visit these buildings. Sometimes they arise here only after passing a certain story mission or perform a specific task. Below is a list and location of all shelters in The Evil Within 2.

Residential area

Refuge O'Nila

You are hardly passing by him, since it is part of the main plot. Chat with O'Neal to get a few tips on finding useful items, including crossbow. Then pamper the cartridges and parts of the weapons lying in the shelter. This place will be your second home when passing the third chapter.

Northern refuge

You will need to run an electric bolt in the fuse block to open the door to the garage and enter the new shelter. You immediately attack the operative "Mebius", so be prepared for the battle. You can also find the residual memories here and talk to Kidman. In addition, there is an input leading to the "Network". This asylum will basically become a convenient point for you to create saves.

City Hall

Hoffman shelter

It can be found at the bottom of the location. Here you will be able to find a slide, two residual memories and two files. Some of the items appear immediately, while others occur after a certain period of time.

Business district

Mail Plus

This shelter is located in the north of the district in the upper right corner of the location. Try to find a bag with high-quality parts of the weapon here, since they are not very often found. You can also find the residual memory and a few harpoon bolts here.

Syxax refuge

It is located almost a quest for this area. After completing the secondary Missy "Again in touch", you can find a pistol with a silencer, which will lie inside the orange container "Mebius".


Asylum Torres

It is located in the outback of the reserve - you are unlikely to miss it. It has a terminal connected to the "Network". You can also find the freezing bolts and the Torres diary.

The Evil WitHin was a truly difficult game to do not speak about it. She treated any players equally cruelly, if they were newcomers in the genre or veterans. The second part of this franchise, The Evil WitHin 2, in much the difference between his older brother, and in the good sense of the word, but it is still incredibly difficult. In this guide by The Evil Within 2, we will share with you several tips and prompts that will help you get comfortable in this not the easiest game.

Be always on guard!

Yes, rather strange advice, given that The Evil Within 2 and so is the horrors about survival. Players and so need to be aware of this, right? The thing is that the game will constantly adjust to you all sorts of surprises. Outlines from opponents, a variety of traps, unexpected scene transitions, dishonest conditions for survival and the like - all this is present in The Evil Within 2.

Try to calculate in my head absolutely any opportunity, since the setting of this game just implies it. See some Lut in the distance and already at all pairs are rushing to him? It is better for you to stop and how to explore the surrounding Lut atmosphere: Are there any opponents, traps or dangers? Sometimes, Lout can lie in the prominent place just so that you tried to pick it up.

Also, constantly analyze the situation around yourself when moving around the world. The Evil Within 2 acquired an open world with dynamic opponents, which from time to time will appear in various sections of the world. It should not be broken head to flee allegedly a quiet streets, otherwise you can quickly start regret it. In general, you need to be extremely careful in the Stem world, as you never know how the conditions of the game can change.

Tell matches "no!"

If you are a veteran of the first part of this unusual franchise, then you remember how opponents always needed to be tagged with matches. Yes, it was a rather fascinating mechanic, but after some time after the acquaintance with her it becomes clear that it is incredibly comicing and in general the game even fruits the game.

In The Evil Within 2, everything has changed and there are no more mechanics with matches. All right! There is no longer any need to try to set fire to the enemy during the battle, since when applied to it a sufficient number of damage - death. It is enough to shoot a monster and he drove into oblivion. Yes, on the one hand, it facilitates the game, but on the other, it removes the unnecessary micromegement, which all Donimal.

However, it is not necessary to think that the opponents no longer have the need to achieve. Some of the enemies simply may lose balance and fall on the ground. However, the dead enemies can still be distinguished from those who are simply stunned. Always check if someone was killed or no, otherwise I'm sad about it in a few seconds.

You can not only shoot

Again, we return to the first part of this franchise. Players in The Evil Within know that it was absolutely useless to shoot for some other parts of the body. The enemies performed in the role of sponges and put them a significant damage could only be shot in the head or what was left of it. However, even shooting about two or three times, the murder was not guaranteed.

In The Evil Within 2, everything changed, since the shooting in parts of the body quite makes sense. The opponents can be killed by shooting them into the torso a couple of three times. Therefore, if you understand that you can not disappear from the enemies through Hadshot, you can calmly fill in their torso and limbs. However, in the game there will also be opponents who have certain weak points, so that there will have to go well.

The enemies became much more movable

In The Evil WitHin 2, your opponents have become much more movable. In the first part, all sorts of zombies could lazily shy away from your shots, but in the second part they became fast and incredibly agile. Yes, so much that it is very difficult close to get, especially with semi-automatic weapons. Always try to maintain at least some minimum distance between yourself and enemies.

Most opponents in The Evil Within 2 will attack you mainly in the near battle, in which they will definitely repay the former Castellanos detective (only if they are not small). Fortunately, there is a huge amount of funds in the game with which you can increase the distance between you and opponents, for example, the most ordinary shotgun or special bolts for the agony crossbow.

Study of the Open World

Compared with the first part, which was almost constantly linear, The Evil Within 2, surprisingly many players, acquired the most real open world. The game has become much richer: now you have the opportunity to perform additional missions, a map of the world has been scattered around the world, dynamically emerging opponents and much more.

To get the maximum pleasure from The Evil WitHin 2, we recommend that you do not focus on the main missions, as the optional content is much stronger to the game. Searches every corner, find Lout, secrets and just unusual places. Will be quite diligent and get more points, parts for improving weapons, weapons themselves, etc. The Evil Within 2 gives you a complete freedom of action in Unreal Town Union.

The complexity of the original The Evil Within

During the exit of the original The Evil Within, the players were divided into two camps: players, approving the complexity of the game, and players who scolded the game and developers for being constantly looking to look at the boot screen. The Evil Within 2 became easier than his older brother because of the total processing of the gameplay, which, of course, went only to benefit. The infinite feeling disappointing when the death of the main character is now much weaker than in the previous part.

However, some players still liked the high complexity of the original game. What to do in this case? The developers were not confused and all were provided for: during the choice of complexity, you can choose the complexity of the "nightmare", which will allow you to feel the very flour of The Evil WitHin. If you are one of the most hardcore players who are accustomed to conquer "mountain peaks", then feel free to choose the complexity of the "nightmare".

If you decide to go through The Evil Within 2 on the nightmare, then get ready for a fairly strong test. What is changing? Well, if on previous difficulties you could survive and without the selection of all resources, then there is such a luxury on a nightly difficulty. Resources will constantly be little and they will constantly be lacking on Kraft. The same applies to ammunition, which will be very limited. Well, of course, the balance of damage and health will be changed.

However, if you want an ultimative complexity that truly makes you sweat, then you need to pass the Evil Within 2 once to open access to "classical complexity". So, deciding to play the second part of this horror for survival on classical difficulty, you need to know a few features about it.

First, your game will no longer carry out the automatic saving of the gameplay. Secondly, you will have the opportunity to manually save the game, but only a limited number of times. Thirdly, you will take away the ability to pump Sebastian and to improve weapons. So if you want a real test, you can find it in classical difficulty for The Evil Within 2.

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The Evil WitHin 2 (2017). Walkthrough

\u003e The Evil WITHIN 2. Passage of the game (2)

  • general information .
  • Passing episodes :
    Chapter 1. In the hollow.
    Chapter 2. Something went wrong.
    Chapter 3. Resonance.
    Chapter 4. Behind the scenes.
    Chapter 5. Waiting.
    Chapter 6. On the hunt.
    Chapter 7. Thirst for art.
    Chapter 8. Premiere.
    Chapter 9. New evil.
    Chapter 10. Initially hidden.
    Chapter 11. Reunion.
    Chapter 12. Dumpless abyss.
    Chapter 13. Firm.
    Chapter 14. Burning Altar.
    Chapter 15. End of this World.
    Chapter 16. Purgatory.
    Chapter 17. Exit.

5. Waiting

Union, City Hall

On the way to the mayor's office on the left in the gazebo scraps of memories (9/24).

To the right of the dead agent we find pouchs for syringes.

In the center approach the goal of the mayor's office, take the photo - the document (17/40).

Boss: Guardian

On the square in front of the mayoria, a multi-headed girl with a saw will be attached to us. Now we are fulfilled and we will be able to disgrace it. Boss can be killed, but you can immediately run past him.

On the square on the right there is a flammable barrel, and the left is a puddle with a flammable, we blame them near the boss. Side fences have separate rooms, we can temporarily hide from the monster, but only a few seconds. For victory we will get 5000 gel.

The main entrance to the municipality is closed, so on the left side we blame the car, we go to the black inlet. On the basement make their way inside the building.

We meet the Harrison agent, will explain to us how to turn on the stabilizer, and die.

Near Harrison on the table. Document (18/40).

We go through empty rooms, climb the second floor.

In the room we will see a picture with a woman, and next place to shoot. On the left, we take a rose and a necklace from the table, put them on a mannequin and in a vase in front of the camera. Mannequin turn forward so that everything corresponds to the picture. We approach the camera, put the focus in the middle position and take a picture. The scenery in the background will turn into a real corridor, pass there.

At the end of the corridor, the inscription from the photographer so that we appreciate the masterpieces. We inspect the pictures, the image of Lily will appear.

In this corridor on the table we will find a document (19/40).

According to the corridors, we get to the show room, in it the document (20/40).

We fall into the hall, where the monsters killed by us are exhibited near the door of the note - the document (21/40).

Get to the hall with a radiator, launch its recovery. At this moment the photographer appears, slows down and seems to be, his name is Stefano Valentini. He leaves us alive, but satisfies his monster.

Boss: Obscura

This is the four body with a camera instead of the head. Before restarting the emitter, 90 seconds remain, but the monster is able to stop the time outbreaks. We must distract him to the installation continue to work. It is necessary to shoot exactly in the camera lens on the head, it is better to use discontinuous bolts. When the time expires, the monster will die, and the room will turn from the museum to ordinary mayor.

Union, City Hall

In the city hall on the 2nd floor. We leave the hall, where there was a boss, right in front of us wearing the first floor, to the left of it we enter the door, we read the report on the office desk - the document (22/40).

We are chosen outside through the front door. We look at the sky, the gigantic eye lens moved to the next island. We associate with about "Neil, he will tell how to get there.

6. On the hunt

Network: Transition Tunnels - Western

We return to the shelter, go to the network, the tunnel was restored there. On the left we look at two rooms, we collect resources, find pouch (pistols). Right pass through the cable channel.

"Network": production facilities

We descend on the staircase. In the lower corridors on the walls, incomprehensible movable white gel. It is becoming more and more.

On the way we will find a room with a film projector and a slide (4/11).

A monster will appear in the Great Hall of White Gel, quickly run past him on the right side.

Hoffman refuge

We look at the monitor with video surveillance cameras, after that we will meet with Agent Yukiko Hoffman. We are discussing how to better neutralize the maniac.

There are refuge 1 red gel.

In the tracking room on the table we will find a document (23/40).

We use a free computer, in it document (24/40).

7. Thirst for art

From the asylum climb the business district through the post office.

At the exit from the mail there is a deceased military - scraps of memories (10/24).


The nearest building to the mail is a warehouse. It is locked on the key. I will find the key a little later in the southern alley. When we return here, we will take inside from Case long-life shotgun.

Between mail and theater there is a coffee shop. Log in Inside, it is impossible, but you can climb the roof, there is a locked chest.


Judging by the signal, the photographer is in the theater, inspect the entrance to it. It is impossible to go there, the path is blocked by two pictures. On the location, we must find the depicted sculptures and destroy them.

From the cliff near the theater you can go to the northern alley. There are 2 slow strong enemy. At the end of the aller pouch (shotgun).


The next building is gas station. About her several monsters.

In the backyard of refueling there is a bunch of burned bodies, about them we make scanning, we find scraps of memories (11/24). After that, the boss will appear from the bodies - multi-headed guard. It is better to retreat south, there you can find and blow up barrels with flammable, so as not to spend a lot of cartridges.

A train

There are two cars on the edge of the eastern cliff. Inside, nothing interesting, except for two monsters-dogs.

Roadside diner

Nearby you can find pouch (sniper rifle), We are looking for a communicator.

Inside the diner inspect the corpse of the owner, listen scraps of memories (12/24). The building will be locked, the girl's ghost will appear inside. We run past it in the emerging corridor at the exit.

Let's get to the hospital with couches in a circle. We go into a few doors, we will always go back to this room. To find the right way, you need to look in the mirror, there is one of the doors highlighted, in it and enter it. Let's get into the night version of the room where the ghost will fly. We are imperceptible from her we look into the mirror, we find the right door.

Returning to the diner, we select Slide (5/11).

Extra. Task: there is outside

To the west of the diner there is a big courtyard behind the fence, we pass there through the southern gate. Inside the Black Agent shoots from the crowd obsessed, help him. At the corners of the territory, cartridges are scattered, there are whole three barrels with flammable, we use them to burn the crowd. There will be 2 waves of enemies.

When we can cope with the enemies, we enter asylum of the sims. This agent is a programmer, it offers another task - enable the server in the "network" basement. In return, he unlocks all locked chests, they are all 3 at the level.

Extra. Task: again in touch

We return to the cellars, the second time there will be no white gel. Activate your computer, and the chests will immediately become available:

1 near the computer, inside 8 rounds and 50 parts.

2 on the roof of the coffee shop, inside 10 cartridges and 35 parts.

3 in the shelter of SIM, inside 75 parts and pistol with silencer.

Personal bar devil

In the bar on the far table, the Barmen Diary - Document (25/40).

In the bar we find the first picture of the photographer, we get inside it. To enter the hall with sculpture, you need a key. We pass behind him on the direct corridor, and we return by side premises, where several ordinary enemies. All you can kill imperceptibly.

Inside the hall a lot of electric stretch marks. We go on the right side, come to the statue from behind, destroy it.

South Alley

In the South Lane, we find a dead military - scraps of memories (13/24). He has in his pockets key from warehouse. But as soon as we examine this body, another multi-headed guard will appear nearby. There is also a barrel for its rapid destruction.

Hotel "Resident"

In the late building in the south we rose to the second floor, we find the second picture of the photographer. First you need to get the key, and then it is imperceptible to pass by obscura, it is useless to kill it. Inside the hall we pass by electric stretch marks, we go along the left side, closer to the center.

Chapter 1. In the Hollow

As such an introductory cat-scene is practically no. You immediately throw in the gameplay. At the beginning of the game you will see a burning house in front of you. Run forward using the standard keys W, S, A, D. Try to open the door - the interaction key E. Go through the right and inspect the glass sliding door - Sebastian must automatically break it.

Inside the house, move across the kitchen and left. Open the door on the left and climb up the stairs. Take a look into the children's room - the door to it is rushed with different color pictures. See a long cat-scene - apparently, this is an entrance video.

After diving in Stem, move forward to different appearing objects. In the end, go to the table and take the radio. So you will contact the kidman and see the office - the main safe zone in which you can communicate with the partner. After some explanations, the second chapter will begin.

Chapter 2. Something went wrong

Go to the information board on the right and examine it by reading detailed data on each of the five missing member of the Mebius group:

  • Commander of the group William Baker.
  • Miles Harrison, battle interactions.
  • Liam O'Neill, technical support.
  • Julian Sykes, Stm programmer.
  • Yuciko Hoffman, psychoanalysis.

Next, explore some more photos and on the board and leave the office. On the table on the right sits a black cat. Come to her and take the lying nearby slide. You can view such slides and discuss what you saw with Kidman. So do - interact with the projector near the Black Cat (where you found slide).

Get off the chair, pick up a jar green gelwhich will indicate the same cat. Go to the end of the room and interact with the terminal to the right of the mirror. Such terminals allow you to maintain game progress. Use the mirror to leave this place.

After the cat scene, go ahead through the door, climb the steps and go to the picture of the door hanging on the wall. Wrap - you should have the same door. Opening it, go along the corridor. You can turn on the flashlight - click on the V key. Enter the last door to the left and see the room with a biker who received a bullet in the forehead. This memory is constantly repeated. You can enter the cube and explore the Baker, but in fact it is not necessary. You can also look through the camera.

Go to the room on the left, where, apparently, showed photographs. On the table lying photo of William Baker (documents 01/40). In the next room there are racks - take a look at the scratched floor about one of them. Sebastian will come to the conclusion that it was moving - interact with the rack. Go ahead along the corridor, at the bottom answer the phone call (the phone is hidden in the niche), but besides the sinister laughter, do not hear anything.

Climb on the second floor and try to open the door with glass inserts - you will see a poor woman who can not help. Make, cling to the left Ctrl, and arouse under the grille on the left. On a small table, the right wall lies unusual Letter (Documents 02/40).

Climb on the third floor, go through the room with red curtains and use the door. You will see how an unknown maniac kills a man, and his death turns into the same energy cube, and the event is constantly repeated.

Hold the "space" to hide behind the sofa, and move to the left side. Going to the corner, click on the A key again to get around it. Depending on the direction of coverage, you will see the "left" arrows, "right", "forward." Press the appropriate A, - and W keys.

When the maniac goes through the door, from where you came from, then use the following, after watching the murdered. You will again find yourself at the same staircase that before, but this time everything looks more gloomy. Go to the corridor to the right, where the corpse is lying and his legs are visible. Suddenly someone will drag the body inside. Open the door closed, jump over the fallen table and the picture in front, using the key combination W and E, and then take away from a small table in the left corner photo of another victim (documents 03/40).

Climb the second floor and go through the door, followed by a woman before. Go ahead, on the balcony, while you will not see a huge energy styrelo with several corpses. You can explore it by interacting with the rebirth plate. Enter the elevator to the left, which must open after study, and click on the button to go down to the bottom.

Follow through the hole on the left, for what will need to be touched. Go to the sign on the wall, blame and go to the camera on the footboard, after which you turn again and see the door. Opening it, you will see a person with a camera. Having come to themselves, go to the mirror to which the photo is attached. Take it, then meet with a monster.

Cut the boxes, and then run away from the monster along the corridor. Hold the left shift and run along the corridor, rubbing boxes. When you close the door, you will need to find a way out as soon as possible. And it is located in the far left corner, if you stand back to the door. There is a staircase near the wall, above which there is an open air duct. Interact with a staircase to get inside the pipe.

Lock the pipe until you see the hole - jump down. Next, re-run away from the monster, and when he caught you, then press several times on E. In the end, you will open the opponent in a safe house. Here you will learn about the function of automatic health regeneration. Health will be recovered only if you do not get damage, but only to certain risks on the scale.

Open the door, go to the table ahead and take your own first Syringe. To use it, you need to hold the mouse wheel and click the E key. But this is relevant now, since you have one subject. Also, to assign any "consumables" to hotkeys, clamp the mouse wheel, select the object on A and D, and then click the key from "1" to "0" to set the hot key for this item.

Before going out to the street, look into the next room, living room, and take off the table diary in an abandoned house (documents 04/40).

Now go out of the house. At this point, two important automatic events will occur - Sebastian will detect pistol (He received the knife after he stuck him in a huge monster) and examines the burnt photo of the Castellanos family (Documents 05/40).

Go down the street, inspect the corpse in the car, after which Sebastian will automatically follow in the house for a woman. Get it, shooting from a gun - Helm PCM for sight and shoot right in the head. Go to the forge, where the deceased guy sits, and from the wall to the right of the first-aid kit, get the syringe with the medicine. Climb on the second floor and find a jar poroha. Like the grass you can detect on the street, powder is used for the crafting of objects (cartridges).

Get out of the house and go to the left. We break down several wooden boxes by pressing the attack lcm with a knife. Of these, various items fall out. Go on the road until you see how two members of the Stem group run away from monsters. One of them can be saved, and he hides inside the house. Make and hide behind the machine.

When the monster leaves, then follow the left through the bushes, collecting grass. Surride to the enemy from behind and kill it by clicking on the F key, do the same with the opponent knocking on the door. On the way, you can pick up the bottles, choose one in the inventory and throw in the side to distract the attention of enemies. From each killed opponent also flows out a green gel - do not forget to collect it.

Go inside the house, follow the left and go down the steps to get into the next shelter. See the cat-scene, in which you will get acquainted with Liam O'Neal.

Chapter 3. Resonance

Talk to Liam and take the additional task "Unusual Signal". We describe it below. Also Liam celebrates a white marker on your map where BTR is located. There you will find the Crushing Crossp.

We look at this place. Coffee machine allows you to fill up health, and completely free. Just drink a cup of coffee when you are in a safe place. In boxes with supplies, you can find cartridges and medicines - these boxes are replenished over time, so come back to the shelter always when there is such an opportunity.

On the workshop you can make various items - cartridges, ammunition for weapons and medicines, as well as improved weapons. For the first, ingredients are needed (powder, grass, etc.), and for the second - spare parts for weapons that you will find in this shelter. You can even order the first improvement for the pistol.

Get out of asylum and in the corridor will see a nurse Tatiana, familiar in the first part. Follow it, in the mirror to move to the Castellanos office. Sit on the wheelchair, which will take you to the hospital. Here you can buy improvements using a green gel.

Note: Included in the system of improvement in Castellanos and weapons is that you can't choose a green gel and buy everything that you want (even consistently). Some stronger improvements and upgrades are separated from the main branch "locks". To unlock the locks, you will need either parts of high quality, or a red gel - to improve weapons or purchasing Castellanosa upgrades, respectively.

Go out and the main character will automatically get your device. Turn it while the back of the R key does not appear on the screen. So you will save the target in the plot. To hide or get a communicator, use the G key.

Go on the road and enter the White Church. Having understood with the reborn priest and other enemies, go for an altar with a corpse and on the floor, find a statuette with the key.

If you go on the way to the right of the church and minimize it (where it goes, because the path is directly leading to the park), then after 50 meters right on the asphalt you can find the corpse with the first pouchwhich increases the amount of portable cartridges for guns from 20 to 26.

Opposite Asylum Liam, to the left of the church, there is a building with large doors - this is the tourist center "Union". Near him, five meters, on the bench figurine with a key. Enter the inside of it and on the edge of the rack ahead to come back booklet "Welcome to Union" (Documents 6/40). The door to the basement is so far closed, but soon she will come in handy.

Get out and stand up to the entrance to the tourist center. In the alley on the left there is a staircase leading to the roof of another building - raise there first on the steps, and then - on the fire stairs. Upstairs, deal with the enemy and have a modest two corpse of soldiers - you will find on one of them "Communicator Journal: Spare Parts" (documents 7/40).

Here, the edge of the roof is a faulty sniper rifle. Take it.

Additional task "Unusual signal"

It is time to do the passage of this quest, but in parallel with this we will describe the location of some of the necessary things. Move on the green marker, and then in the right place, get the communicator and face dark silhouettes of perfume. When you are next to them, a hint appears that you need to hold the R key. So make - you will get a scribe of memories (2/24).

It will not be completed on this quest - you will need to check two more places with resonance. But for starters, pay attention to the trains of the leader of this place. Go to the long-round train and enter the inside of it. Follow through the wagons, killing opponents, and at the end, find the corpse of the girl, where one more resonance point is located (it will appear on your map at rapprochement). Come, get the communicator and look at scraps of memories (2/24). Also near the corpse of the girl lying your first red gel.

Go out and go along the green resonant "spot" that will lead you inside the car service. On the porch of the house, located opposite the open entry in the workshop, find a statuette with the key. Do not hurry to enter the car repair shop.

Go around it on the left to discover the door in the mesh fence. Shot into the chain and go to the closed territory. Jump over the fence, look around and go to the guy's corpse near the machine with the signaling turned on. Take a gun with a laser pointer - you have to kill the enemy, and after picking a gun.

Enter the inside of the auto repair shop and go to the far room. Activate the memoil to the communicator to get scraps of memories (3/24), which is also necessary on a side quest.

Activate electricity with a shield that saw in memories. To do this, click on the second and fourth tumbler on the left right (the sequence of unimportant). Be careful because there is a "white walker" in the next room (so I call white-color dead - they are much stronger than ordinary). Be careful, such enemies can not be killed by a hidden method. Raise the nearest car, get enough and descend through the hatch to the basement. Pass a little further and left, where there will be a corpse. Activate the communicator that will allow you to detect the next scribe of memories (4/24).

Start and scroll through the tunnel done. You will find yourself in the corridor, where to the left and right there are doors. The door on the left is closed on the code terminal, but the corpse is lying ahead, searching which, you will get a unique map. No, this card will not open the door automatically, but will help you choose the code. Take a look at the locked door and remember the letter and two digits after it. I have it, for example, were B-34.

Interact with the code terminal - the same card with a table and numeric values \u200b\u200bshould appear to the right of it. Find the desired column according to the letter (for example, I was interested in the second left the column with numbers), and then select the sequence of numbers opposite the desired numbers. At the intersection of B and "3", I had a number 76, and at the intersection of B and "4" - 96. As a result, the code combination is 7696. Enter it and take the contents of the arsenal. In the box will be an explosive bolt for crossbow. Arbelt himself should be found on the Marketer of the BTR, which has become available after communication with Liam.

Go to the room on the contrary, collect useful items, kill enemies and lift the load on the loader. So you can push the trolley and release the output out. By the way, in one of the rooms you will need to find the best details that open inaccessible branches in the upgrade of weapons.

Get out and opposite the car repair shop, to the right of the house, on the porch of which they found a statuette, see the garage. Go for it (you can and inside to collect LUT), after which you catch the resonant signal. Take the Communicator in the hands and see that the signal leads inside the house nearby. Enter this house, follow the distance and take the Women's diary from the table (Documents 08/40). Suddenly, the picture will change, it will become cold - come back and some kind of ghost will attack you.

Avoiding the ghost, look around. There is a door with a code lock, but you need a map. Find another door nearby, go through it and roll up the door to the right. Through this chamber, we will only move to the next, using a hole in the wall, and get a key card from the couch. Return back, run to the door and open it with the card. Soon you will return to reality (if you can say so). A new subject will appear on the same table - slide.

Get out of the house and note that a huge two-story estate is located across the road. But you are not interested in it, and the house that is located on the left. When converging with this house, the communicator will work. Remove it and check the source of the resonance. Enter the house, go through the white door in a narrow corridor to get into the garage. On the garage from the side to the left of the car Take a request for a survey (9/40).

So a new nightmare will begin, in the course of which you will find yourself in different rooms. In the bedroom, take a survey report (top - 10/40 documents), which was watched by the Phantom of the doctor. Continue to study the nightmare until you find yourself in the hospital "Mayak". Take the slide lying on the wheelchair ahead, and then go inside and inspect the person on the chair. Returning to reality, take the Carpoon Bolt from the Breast of the Dead Guy.

Easter. To the right of the high building, which I paid your attention is a downhill. On the roof of this house there is still a zombie with a fiery bottle. Climb on the roof on boards leading from a wooden barn nearby. On the edge of the roof lies a unique weapon - this is a reference to one of the games of Bethesda. Guess what!

As for the two-story mansion, there is a yellow staircase on the side - climb upstairs, go through the balcony. In any case, you will attaint a cord that activates the slowdown - kill the monster running on you. At the end of the balcony there will be a corpse and a box, inside which lies with a sacker for a shotgun.

Get out and run through the second resonance signal, which was selected after the first on the side quest. Here log in to the house, go to the long room, killing enemies, and use the communicator to catch the scraps of memories (5/24). Go through the door, find the hatch behind the boxes and go down. Here is a computer - use it holding E to get to the Arsenal "Network".

Here move around the rooms, killing enemies until you find yourself in a dead end. There are two doors here - the left can be opened if you shoot the electric bolt into the shield side. Since such a bolt is not yet (and indeed this door simply leads back to a shorter route, so it is pointless to open it), then open the right door. To do this, align two waves so that they coincide according to amplitude and frequency. Inside you can find a new weapon - a shotgun. Collect the rest, and then return to Union.

When you activated both resonant points across the quest, then another pointing to the tourist center will appear. For now you can go and update your weapons and Castellanosa. Go inside the tourist center and come to the far door - it must automatically open. Go down and run the communicator to activate scraps of Memories 6/24). Browse it to the end, then take from the table in the right corner tERner Communicator Journal (Documents - 11/40).

After you find this magazine, all the dead employees of Mebius will be marked on the map, which you can find certain ammunition. Try to go out, but you take pictures of the same stranger. Go forward, kill opponents and choose freedom.

Go to Liam to the shelter and tell about what you saw to get a reward and complete a side quest. If you move from the corner, where it is a BTR, up on the map, then you will pass by the company on cargo transportation on the right and the auto repair shop (we have already been here).

Eastercale. First look at the fenced area where the company is a cargo transportation. By killing enemies, inspect several trailers and inside one of them (far from the entrance) will find mysterious mechanism - Squeeze to another game publisher.

Next in the north there will be another intersection. Diagonal ahead of the right is a marker, indicating another shelter on the location. You are interested in the house ahead. Getting inside it is impossible, about behind him there is a garage, inside which lie details for sniper rifles. Finding them (and the rifle, which was written earlier), you can repair the weapon on the workbench or even through the inventory.

Go to the doors of the new asylum, shoot the electric bolt into the shield to raise the garage gate. Kill the monster inside, and then use the Communicator to see scraps of memories (7/24).

Go to the shelter through the door to the left and on one of the tables, next to the supplies box, find report 00122: recruitment (documents 12/40). Inside a bowl for weapons lies smoke bolt., innovation for the crossbow "Guardian".

Follow the marker, which points to the diner "pit-stop". By the way, not far from the diner, in front of the field with the enemies and next to the pointer, on the bench figurine with a key.

You will have to fight with several opponents, including one new one. This monster, if noticeing you, will immediately begin to scream, attracting the attention of all the allies around him. I would recommend to kill it from the distance, with the help of a sniper rifle.

Near the Snatcher, turn on the communicator and decrypt the signal to get closer to the ghost lily. Enter the inside, go to the far door and try to open it - everything is in vain. Nearby there is a hole, but you have to push the tumb. Sense inside, look around and pick up from the floor doll Lili.

Get out, go around the diner and find the window that leads from the far back. Inspect the garbage container to find traces of Lily. So you will get a new marker on the map. Go in his direction, but you will not have time to move away from the diner, new enemies will appear. Beware of their attacks from the skill. Get to the marker, activate the communicator and go in the footsteps of your daughter. Periodically you need to interact with objects lying on Earth - they will be highlighted. Repeat the same actions near the company for shipping, which is a little further auto repair shop.

Sebastian will come to the conclusion that Lily ran to warehouses. Go to the territory and inspect the door - you need to submit electricity. Pay attention to the wire that leads just to the desired shield. Go out containers, break the chain and kill monsters. Here, use the shield - switch the switch to submit energy. Open the warehouse by twitching behind his gate. Go inside and read the wooden board, blocking the path further (the door is closed).

Interact with her so that Castellanos broke the board. Go to the left wall, just in case, run the chain so that you can use the doors. Climb upstairs and go to the far room to collect Lout. Return down and go along the left wall. Misses to get under the racks, kill the enemy and climb on the yellow stairs upstairs.

Enter the first place to the left, where the workbench is. On the shelves on the left lies report 00654: Branch of the nucleus (Documents 13/40). Take a look at the next room and raise the peaceful doll. See the cat-scene, choose the outside and overload all the opponents that appeared. Now you need to return to O'Nelu, but if you cleared the location, you will be waiting for a surprise - enemies will appear on it! Returning to Liam, talk to him and get a gas mask.

In the second asylum, that in the north, near the "pit stop", you could see the same computer that led you to the Arsenal Network. But it was impossible to get access to it, but now it's time - you will learn a password from Liam and get a gas mask. The latter will need to move the tunnel leading to the B2 output and the location point to the location with the mayoria.

Chapter 4. Behind the Kulisami

After you get from Liam gas mask, learn about the new goal - you need to get to the northern refuge, in which you have already managed to visit, and use the computer to enter the "Network". This computer is password protected, but Liam will call it to you. You can talk more with Liam to learn a little more information.

From now on, a Tir in the hospital is available to you. To do this, use the mirror to move to the Cabinet Sebastian, and then pay attention to the white door that appears. Go through it and shoot in a dash. After that, you will be offered two tests - the first allows you to simply shoot on targets, picking up glasses, how much time. There are no awards. But the chain shooting, the second mode, will allow you to get a certain award. Here you must shoot different targets that are adjacent to each other, which will lead to an explosion of several. Shoot on the sandy hour to increase the time. Do not shoot squares with "crossbars". So you not only reduce the scored points, but also reduce the remaining time. The award is issued depending on the scored points. You can not get twice the same award. Thus, if you brought 100,000 points from the first time, it does not make sense to participate in the dash.

Move around the marker to the North refuge, enter inside and talk to Kidman. At the entrance to the shelter should be report 00122 (documents 14/40). Next, use the computer to move to the "Network" control department. Get out of the room and go along the corridor ahead. You can hit the vending machine to the left twice to get a gel. Complete the room on the right and use the computer on the table, near the corpse. So you get e-mail "Yunion Growth" (Documents 15/40).

Go to the balcony and go down, because here all doors are locked. On the contrary there is a yellow staircase - climb on it, open the door and in the room on the corpse of the "Mebius" soldier poss for the Crossput "Guardian". Get out back, go down and go to the door with the screen. Use the communicator, then adjust the two waves, as they did the wound when passing the side quest of the third chapter. A disconnection of the blocking system will begin - monsters will begin to appear on the three locked doors behind (two below and one). Mark them all - there is no other way out.

Inspect the opening rooms, and then go through the door with the monitor. Get to the tunnels, lower the chop to drain the water, and then move down the stairs. Select on the side and climb up. You can use another chop to lower the bridge. But generally go through two doors. Before the last Sebastian puts on a gas mask. You will play with a first-person view.

Enemies here are a bit, but you can use only an ax or knife. Be careful! Get to the white door with an electronic lock. It will be necessary to go on the wires. Follow the first development and turn to the left, in the dark tunnel. Use a flashlight to consider statuette with keystanding on barrel.

Spice and take the key, then move along the wires to the far room. There will be an electrical panel with four togglers. Each toggle switch adds certain amounts of light bulbs. It should be done so that their total amount is no less and no more than ten. I had the first, second and fourth tumbler. Return back to the previously locked door, open it and climb the stairs upstairs. Sebastian will remove the gas mask.

Rising upstairs, learn the computer standing on the table on the left. In it you will find e-mail "Extension and Data" (Documents 16/40). Get out and run forward along the corridor. You can climb the steps to the right to find the supplies. Go through the white door ahead, go to the corpse and use the communicator to view scraps of memories (8/24). Return to the entrance door of this room and on the right side of it, find the entrance to the ventilation tunnel. Move through the air ducts forward until you find yourself on the other side of the cliff. Enter the room and use the computer to move from the "network" to that part of Juno, where the mayor's rank is.

You can use the coffee machine, the conservation terminal and the mirror, near which the red gel should lie. Close up, get the communicator and check the resonance point. The map should appear the green mark of the neighboring building. Selecting outwards, go forward towards the city hall to see that very stranger. So the next chapter will begin.

Chapter 5. Waiting

Go to a gazebo on the left side, which is marked with a green marker, and use the Communicator to view scraps of memories (9/24). Get to the parcel to the city hall, which is barbed wire, and inspect the corpse. To the head of the soldier nailed photo of Sebastian Castellanosa (documents 17/40). Go ahead and find yourself in the yard. Suddenly, the corpses will appear from the corpses with several heads of girls, caring circular saw.

You will have to kill the enemy. On locations there are three points with a stretched wire - if you touch it, then the mode of slow motion photography is activated. Lubricate the boss there, turn around and shoot it, while he slowly moves to you. You can also just force the boss to swing and hit - drop and shoot two or three times out of the gun or more powerful. Of course, ideally you need to use a pumped shotgun or explosive bolts. After the victory, collect the dropped gel (5000 units), as well as the rest of the LUT. Then sign in to the building of the city hall.

Go to the wounded fighter, he tells about the emitter and will give you communicator Harrison. Go through the door ahead. You can go left and right to collect supplies, and you can immediately go ahead, in a large hall with slow murder. Go through the door to the left, turn to the left and at the very end, find the stairs leading up. Climb on the second floor and go for the curtain. Drain - on the wall on the left hangs a picture that is a hint. Under the picture in the vase there are red roses. Take them.

Look to the right and in the left corner on the Tumba, find part of the dummy with the necklace. Take a necklace, hang it on a mannequin in a blue dress, and then turn it towards the camera. Also insert roses into a white vase on the side of the mannequin, then use the camera. Focus the image using W and S, and then take a picture by clicking on E. Exit approximation to Q and, if everything is done correctly, the picture behind the mannequin will turn into a real corridor.

When you follow the corridor ahead to the picture in the frame with the inscription "Rate the masterpiece", then pay attention to the last coffee table on the left. Lying on it article in "Krimson Post" (documents 18/40). Now inspect the pictures hanging on the side walls, and then wrap and see that a new one appeared on the wall. Inspect the picture with the image of Lily, run to the end of the corridor, wrap and see that the door opened on the side. Go through it, go to the door picture and listen to the words of the maniac.

After that, you must turn around and see the open door. On the table in the far room, find a photograph of the dead officer "Mebius" (documents 19/40). Try to get to the photographer, and then descend down the stairs and go to the stool with a mannequin head. After that, when you find yourself in a room with a lot of frozen people, go to the door and take from the table to the left of it note (documents 20/40).

Go to the room with the emitter and activate it by conventional interaction. See the cat-scene in which you will get to know Stefano. It will appear, it is impossible to kill a monster, but you can temporarily stun. Periodically, the obscura will take pictures of the emitter, which will lead to its temporary disconnection. You must stretch until the end of the countdown. If the tie stopped the time, then track down it, apply a few shots until the countdown is started again. After the obscura timer will disappear.

Go out through the same door, go to the opening ahead. When you are on the balcony of the second floor, then roll up the door to the left to get into the room. On the table lying report 00213: Union Socium Management (21/40 Documents). Go down, go to the hall, where there was a slow motion of the murder of one of the members of Mebius. Ahead will open a new passage, and immediately after him you will see the Tumba with statuette with key. Go to the right, go through several rooms and indoors with bookcases on the table. Lay one more report 00977: structural disorders (documents 22/40). Get out of the city hall and talk with your partners, after which the next chapter will begin.

Chapter 6. On the hunt

Leaving the mayor's courtyard, go to the left and find the "Mebius soldier" pipes to pick up peat for syringes. Return back to the computer, which will move you to the "Network". Get out of the room and see how the gate opens. Go ahead by opening two doors on the left side (one of them is on the code lock using amplitude and frequency). Behind the far door on the left side is the corpse on which you will find piste for gun.

Go along the corridor on the side, kill enemies and go down to the bottom. You will find yourself in the corridors filled with some eggs. Wake up to the room with monitors. Sebastian will automatically stop to view the memories. After that, do not forget to pick up slidelying on the edge of the table.

Move on, avoid the monster running away from it by corridors. In the end, you have to shoot it from the gun. After that, if you return back, you will find that the monster disappeared. When you are in front of the door with a red symbol, denoting asylum, do not rush - open the door near the code lock and the screen on which you need to combine two waves. Indoors on the table lies report 00532: Branch of the nucleus (documents 23/40). Enter the room with a network "Network" and watch the cat-scene.

After communicating with Hoffman, be sure to interact with the computer nearby to save e-mail "Candidates for the role of the core" (Documents 24/40). Move through the computer to the area with the theater.

Exit the cabinet and immediately use the communicator to move scraps of memories (10/24). Go out, go to the left and try to open the warehouse (separate building). Required key. Go to the gas station and inspect the burning bodies. Here you can apply the communicator and view scraps of memories (11/24). After that, the very monster will appear from several bodies - kill it, acting as usual, but this time without the possibility of slowing down. It will be necessary to put much more shells than the previous time!

Now go to the snack barbell a little further, closer to the train, and find the corpse on the chair in the distant room. Use a communicator that will allow you to see scraps of memories (12/24). After that, try to get out of the cafe, but hear music. It comes from the musical machine in the far corner. Come to him how the same woman from nightmares will suddenly attack. Go ahead and see how a woman is selected from the mirror. Relieze through any door. Surely you will return there, and maybe in such a room.

Exit through any door to return to the first. So, you must choose the right routes, but for this will have to look in the mirror. Go to the mirror and see which of the four doors glows. If in the mirror it is a near door to the door to the left, then wrap and go through the near door to the way (where did you come from), but on the right. The same applies to the case if the door is not near the opening, but through one - just change the parties from left to right and right left.

Also enclose in the second place with a mirror, but this time everything will be complicated by a witch moving along the location. When selecting the right door, you can go ahead and eventually return to the same snackborn. After all these nightmares in his hand, a dead man sitting on a chair will appear slide. Do not forget to pick it up, because for watching everyone in the Castellanosa Cat Cabinet will bring a gift (green gel).

Going through the main entrance of the diner, turn to her angle to the left side to find the dead body on the porch sofa for sniper rifle. Go across the road from the diner and along the street, find the devil's personal bar. Enter the inside and from the long-distance table to take barman Diary (Documents 25/40). You need to your left on the map from the diner to find a closed fence area where shots and screams about help. Go inside the territory by opening the gate, close to a dark-skinned soldier on an inverted truck to start an additional quest "there, outside."

Additional quest "There, outside"

Obschery with two groups of zombied people, then talk to a man. He will suggest follow him in the shelter. Collect lyout, and then do it. Inspire with Says, after which you get a new task from it.

Before completing it, go out and go to the right, through the gate that led you to the territory. Follow the street on the right side, turn over the corner and in the alley should see the blue boxes, followed by a white witch. Killing her, jump over the boxes and from the corpse of the "Mebius" soldier pouch for shotgun.

Follow the marker indicated on the map that at the bottom of the location. You need a street where garbage truck is. Kill enemies, turn into the lane on the right and use the communicator near the girl's corpse. So you will see another scraps of memories (13/24). Name it to pick up the key from the very warehouse at the beginning of the location.

Returning to the warehouse, be prepared to fight with the same monster consisting of parts of the body of other people. Kill the monster, run to the warehouse and collect everything that is here. From the box get new long-life shotgun. The same striving aunt will appear - hide from it in the corner, but before you need to try to open the door. As the aunt approached, you will get off and return to the reality of the STEM.

Additional quest "Again in touch"

Here you need to return to the "Network" and move across Marker. Enter the room and interact with the computer to enable the server. See the box on the side of it? Now he will be open, and you will be able to use the ammunition located inside. Go back to the Sayx to Union and report on the task. Open the container located in the same shelter to get a new supplies. pistol with silencer.

Go to the alert to the theater, but you will see that the way is blocked by two pictures. If you have already studied the location, you should have seen these pictures - one in the devil's personal bar, and the other in the hotel "Resident". One way or another, the desired markers will appear on the map, and the communicator will point to the resonance points. A new chapter starts.

Chapter 7. Thirst for Art

For a start, go to the devil's personal bar. Go to the long room and interact with the picture in the corridor with a bag on the head. You will be transferred to another reality. The door is locked on the key, you need to find it. Wrap and run into the end of the corridor, listening to the words of the Creator along the way. Take the key from the sliced \u200b\u200bhand, and then return back, bypassing the obstacles to the left and right and killing opponents. Approaching the lattice, open it with a small key. Stretching will appear. Made and move to the right, bypassing the stretch, while you see an affordable passage to the left, to the mannequin. Approaching, interacting with a mannequin from the back. The first work is destroyed!

Go to the hotel "Resident", climb the second tier and interact with the picture. Here you again need to open the grille, for which you need to find a small key. Go to the far left premises, avoiding frosted - monster with a camera instead of the head. Take the key. Now you need to distract the monster and neutralize it, being in the long part of the corridors. After that, run to the grille and raise it. I recommend to shoot with an electric bolt into the obscura, then immediately lift the grid. Open the door, get on and operate past the next stretch marks, sneak to the mannequin and deploy it. The path to the theater is free! Return to the theater and enter the building inside the building.

Chapter 8. Premiere

Enter the theater and go to the top tier. Do not hurry to go to the theater hall, where there are chairs for the audience. Find the creation of Stefano that on the second tier, use the communicator and find it off scraps of memories (14/24). See a long cat-scene, then chasing Stefano.

Suddenly the area collapses into several parts, and you will need to get ahead, avoiding the gaze of a huge eye. When the eye goes right, then follow him, hiding in shelters. After that, wait when the eye leaves back, and follow below. So repeat at several points, after which leave the location. Get down the stairs, go along the corridor and open the door to see the next cat-scene. The battle with Stefano will begin here.

How to defeat Stefano?

After the harassment of Stefano around Union, you will finally be able to fight with him. This is a relatively simple battle. You just need to get used to its main movements and attacks, and then you can defeat it without any problems. In this battle it is desirable to use electric bolts to temporarily stun the boss. If there is nothing else, then use the gun and shotgun. For the arena, additional ammunition is scattered - consider it.

At the first stage of the battle, Stefano will move in phase jumps (teleportation), and this is four times in a row, changing positions. Do not bother yourself and do not try to get into the boss at such moments - it is an empty waste of cartridges. And even after final teleportation, shoot no more than once from the shotgun or two times out of the gun. As soon as he is teleported for the last time, it will try to reach you and attack the knife. First, apply, and after you shoot once. Sometimes he will throw his knife into your side, but it is easy to evaporate from this attack, after which it will be possible to even shoot in the boss.

Stefano will also try to lure you into your trap associated with the camera - a slowdown in time. Whenever you see how he lifts his camera, run away from its visibility zone until you hear that the shutter went out. Wrap and again make an accurate shot. After several accurate hits, the second stage of battle will begin.

At this stage, Stefano will teleport even more, and to do it chaotic. Behind will appear a huge eye lens. Choose one side of the room in which you want to settle down, and stay there. I chose the right side (if you look from Sebastian to the eye), because there, as it seemed to me, it is easiest to fall from huge tentacles. Essentially, tactics practically does not change. Wait for the completion of the teleportation Stephano, and then make a shot. From time to time it will shout loudly and try to catch up with you, moving in a straight line. Here you need not to run away, but to turn around and shoot on the boss, trying to knock him down. If he caught you, then destructive blows with a knife, taking a large stock of HP. But still you can avoid them, making a jerk left or right. After evasion, you can also shoot in the opponent.

Stefano will sometimes try to remove you on the camera. You will see Orange Cubes in the arena. When contacting with them an explosion will occur, so just do not approach there and, ultimately, they will disappear. This is all the battle with Stefano. Just stay in motion and avoid the enemy's knife and his throws in the near battle. Soon he will be destroyed!

Watch the cat-scene with the participation of Lily and worlds, at the end of which a huge monster will appear.

Chapter 9. New Evil

Follow the ritual altar forward to the ritual altar, which will move you to a completely different place. Go through the door, descend down the steps down and find yourself in a room with four chairs for torture. Collect Lout and move further. When go down the steps, turn on them to the right to find a small loophole, leading to a secret room with supplies. Having collected everything, go back and continue the way.

Go down to the basement, where there is a locked grille and a mechanism with a missing handle. The basement is filled with the chambers of the conclusion, which are locked by default. I recommend to first inspect each camera and shoot from the pistol of all monsters (one exact shot to the head). It is done for the reason that after you take the right lever, all cameras will open. All singing opponents with whole heads are alive, so better them immediately and kill. In one of the left wing chambers, if you look at the locked door, leading further, there is a statuette with a key. Do not forget to pick it up after everything goes here.

Go to the cameras in the right wing and around the last, slightly further, remove the handle from some device. All cameras will open. Collect the lout from the killed enemies and go to another mechanism to which the handle must be attached. But do not rush. To the right there is a lattice leading in a separate room. There is a table on which the first page "obey freedom" (documents 26/40). There is also a table and bench - on the bench lies with a peason for the Crusto Crosska.

Now lift the grille using the handle. There are several cameras in this corridor. You are interested in the second camera on the right. Enter there and kill the lying soldier "Mebius", because he is alive. To the left of it in the wall there is a passage. Made and enjoy there to use the communicator in another camera and find the scraps of memories (15/24).

A similar story with the second chamber on the left. It is open by default - go there, destroy the boxes and see the passage leading to the next room with the corpse and pistol cartridges. The corpse of the door is actually a living zombie, so kill him in advance with an exact shot in the head.

After a series of various visions and nightmares, you will find yourself indoors with burning zombies. Load them, and then go to the wall with a burning sign. Soon there will be a passage here, and you can take advantage of the mirror to buy improvements for Sebastian, as well as open lockers. Go to a huge room with metal plates and channels on them. The way forward blocks the grille - you need to open it.

Climb on any of two yellow stairs and see four valves. Turn the left left valve to set the plate closest to the lattice. Make it easier simple - rotate the plate toward the lattice. But in general, it is best to first set up the second left to the right lever so that the left plate is combined with its channels with extreme two outlets.

Next, turn the central part so that a wider channel coincides with the upper (at least, it has been directed to the lattice). After turn the left valve to flip the far plate (near the grid) so that the narrow part is pointing towards the grid. Finally, turn the extreme right valve so that the channels of the right plate coincide with the channels of the right edge. Below the screenshot that points to the final picture.

Now go down and go ahead to get acquainted with the father of theodor. See the cat scene.

Chapter 10. Initially hidden

Get acquainted with Esmirald Torres, but before destroying all mutants. First they will go in front, then - behind, after - from all sides, and at the end, there will be several creeping creatures. When everyone is destroyed, Esmirald will be held in the nearby room. Go behind her and talk about different topics.

Now you need to just follow the partner, helping it in everything. Soon you will see the enemy with flamethrower. He will leave, but instead there will be several ordinary fiery opponents. Here I would recommend to shoot all the exact shots from the sniper rifle (in the head), but if there are no shells, you will have to act in what is in stock. One way or another, you will have to get through almost all opponents to come to the tree with the red flag and go down to the shelter. Talk to Torres and Kidman, after which the new chapter will begin.

Chapter 11. Reunion

Find a shelter torres Diary (Documents 27/40)Lying on the table. By the way, from the information in the diary you can understand that exactly the Torres prompted to take part in the Operation on Salvation Lily. Inside the box located in the shelter, you will find the first cryobolt. Please note that in the conversation, Kidman will tell about some gift left in the Castellanos office. In the next room there is a mirror - Move to the office and go to the office of the detective, where the information board hangs. Right under it you will find slide.

Use the computer to return to the "Network". Native a room, take capacitorwhich is useful to create shells for flamethrough. Get out and see a big gate. Interact with electrical shield on the side and switch all the sinks, because in the amount they give 10 burning lamps.

You will find that the Father Theodore has already managed to visit here. Immediately turn the left, where the burned corpse is located. Near the door is a red cabinet with candles - lying on it slide.

Enter the room on the right, where the corpse of the "Mebius soldier" with the syringe is lying. There is a trolley that can be moved to access the box with supplies. Go to Xoffman asylum, but the girl here will not find. But you can see scraps of memories (16/24)To find out that Hoffman went to the other end of the laboratory, into the forbidden zone. Be sure to learn the computer to get file "Record Hoffman" (documents 28/40). Go to the forbidden zone, the corpse of the "Mebius" soldier will be behind the corridor peat for shotgun..

Go down on the elevator down. Ahead of safety turnstiles and two dead guard. On the left through the window is visible a computer and a room with a mirror. There you have time to visit, but now, right through the window you can interact with the computer to get file "Security Protocols" (21/40 Documents). Complete the laboratory with flasks, go ahead and see another one scraps of memories (17/24). You will find out that you can go through the door only in the presence of a cerebral chip. It would be necessary to find him!

Stand up to the door for which you need a cerebral chip. Go for shirms to the left, where the corpse is on the catal. Will be attached to the wall report "Integration Failure in STEM" (Documents 30/40). Drain in the hall and see the door, the side of which is the electrical shield. It can be discovered if you shoot with an electric bolt here. Let's do it a little later. In the meantime, roll up from the door to the left and discover the staircase leading up. Do not rush to climb! Go left the ladder to find a small door leading to the morgue. Sign in there and roll up to the long room on the left. On the catal, find report "Failure Study" (documents 31/40).

Now open the same gate by shooting an electric bolt into the shield. Run forward on the tunnel and enter the room to the right. Interact with the computer to get file "Purchase Observation" (Documents 32/40).

Soon there will be a silent. Try to return the same way, but the incomprehensible woman will attack you. Avoid it, hiding behind the poles and couch. First, try to go right, but the woman will transfer the whole pillar, blocking you the way. Go left. Here you can even run to pull down the steps. But that's not all. Difficulties will begin below. You will have to change the direction of movement at times to get out of the trap and do not get to the witch's eyes. If you are not particularly worried about death, I would advise to run, where the eyes look, because in case of death you will be able to go there, where the witch last moved objects - and it's closer to the exit!

Run ahead along the corridor and in the lobby with a wheelchair Turn the right to find around the corner on the table survey Report (BOTH - Documents 33/40). Now move to the left part of the hall to find on the bank letter from the police chief (documents 34/40). In the end, Castellanos will finish off the part of himself, remaining in the Stem after the "lighthouse". You will automatically get a new old revolver. Also do not forget to pick up a computer from the table slide.

Now go back and raise up the steps upstairs. Killing enemies, go to Laboratory number 3. Go to the far room, where an unknown man is on the operating table. Interact with a computer in the left far corner to get file "Case with Agent" (Documents 35/40). Now on the same floor, go to the laboratory number 2. Use the Communicator to view scraps of memories (18/24). Name the body of the "Mebius" soldier to take peat for syringes.

Go to the laboratory number 3, which is on the second tier, and go to the room where the person is lying on the operating table. Inspect the hanging signs - there will be various code combinations. Try to enter each of them on the terminal located in the legs of the dead man. Sooner or later the code will work, and the device will pull the cerebral chip from the head of the employee. Take it down, go down and go through the same door. In my case, the code was 0128. Try, maybe you will have the same.

Get to Laboratory # 4, where you meet Yukiko and Liam. The latter will have to destroy - a few exact shots in the head of the sniper rifle will help you with this. Do not forget to periodically use the switches that run the fire extinguishing system. In addition, you can explode cylinders with nitrogen. After the victory and conversation with Yukico, pick failure flamethrowerlying near Liam.

Enter the Laboratory number 4 and apply the Communicator to view scraps of memories (19/24). Drain and go forward along the corridor, in a room with a device that Liam asked to blow up. After a moment, Torres will appear. But do not rush. Go up the device and destroy statuette with key. After that, talk to Torres to all topics, and then order her to undermine the device.

Chapter 12. Dumpless Dusty

You will find yourself in an unknown place where Teodor was tightened. Go to the light source, turn right and come to another to pick up piste for gun. Next will need to move around the location, killing opponents. I recommend first killing enemies, and after turning the lever at the gate. The next location is replete with monsters - you need to get to the stairs leading down. Go down and see a long cat scene.

Note. When you see a burning statue, then go to her and take away from the altar second page "Submit freedom" (documents 36/40).

Once in the house, leave the bedroom and enter the room Lily. Take slidelying on the shelves on the left. In the room near the stairs leading down, find the mysterious symbol. This is another eastercale.

Go down, go to the kitchen and select off the table letter from Mira.

Chapter 13. Solidnya

After conversation with Yukico take storm riflelying near Dead Esmyrada. By the way, you will know why Torres decided to help you in salvation Lily. Go to the computer nearby, Syx will contact you and an additional quest will begin.

Side Quest "Last Step"

Get out and see the enemy with flamethrower. It is important for you to kill him, because after death one of the two missing units will fall out of it. Also go towards the theater, but turn to the left of it. Go down to the break and climb the parking lot on the left. You can use the communicator to make it easier to move the point of resonance. Complete to the corpse of the dead soldier "Mebiusa", aimed at his body and take pouch for sniper rifle. By the way, it is next to the shelter of SIPS.

Go to it, talk to a man who will indicate to the computer. Interact with him to move to the experimental sublevel. Kill enemies in the corridor, and then move through the air duct into the nearby room. Kill opponents, get to the electric shield and do everything that usually do. In my case, it was necessary to omit the first, second and fourth tumbler. Go to the door to the laboratory, and when it is inside, then Sebastian will automatically contact Says. After the cat scene and the disappearance of the sims, go to the room with a capsule (bathroom) and take off the stand slide. From the box in the left corner pull out double shotgun.

ATTENTION! If you followed our passage, then we gathered ten slides, but one more left. To get it, go back to Sebastian's office and look at each slide, be sure to discuss it with Kidman. As soon as this is done, go around the black cat, which will show the location of the last, eleventh slide.

By the way, on the location in the Union several opponents with flamethroughs - kill one more, take the part and through the handicraft manufacturer in the inventory, make another new weapon - flamethrower.

Also in the laboratory with a capsule you can read the reserve output report from STEM. Thus, it is still unknown, whether to get out of Syx.

After performing this side task, go to the Sayx shelter and find on the table. sayx letter (documents 37/40).

Return to the street. In the alley with the garbage truck, that the right of the personal bar of the devil, the corpse of the soldier with handset for assault rifle. Another one you can find on the corpse, lying behind the hotel "Resident". Also do not forget to visit the personal Bar of Devil to the corridor where there was a picture Stefano, to find statuette with key. Enter the inside of the hotel "Resident", after which Sebastian will contact Hoffman. After conversation with Hoffman, do not rush and look around. On the table opposite the fireplace lies diary Hoffman (documents 38/40).

Eastercale. Pass over the administrator rack and find mysterious circle. Think in what game could you see such?

When will be ready, please tell Hoffman about it. Go back the girl, periodically killing opponents. Pay attention to the containers that fall under the protective sphere, and in time replenish the ammunition. At Hoffman itself, it will be possible to take a little cartridges from the belt. In the end, you will overcome the fiery wall.

Chapter 14. Burning Altar

Go forward, collecting various resources, climb along the steps and you must take away from the altar scripture of Teodora I (Documents 39/40). Open the door ahead, from here you can go left or right. First go to the right, in the room with a mirror, and on the table, find the last handset for assault rifle. Go now to the left and find yourself in the hall with suspended burning cells. Fire opponents will appear, which you, fortunately, you can shoot.

Next, you need to pay attention to two available passages. In any case, they are connected to each other. First, go there where the pipes are visible with fire. Approach the grid for which the fire is visible, and go down the steps to the right of it. Ensure opponents behind bars, and after pulling the lever. After a time, the lattice will rise. Native a room, and then return to the top, because the second lattice should be climbed.

Go to another doorway, follow the corridor to the right (in the corridor there will be a liquid nitrogen cylinder) and find the same lever in the room at the wall (it's not so easy to see it). Pull out for it. You will see how the gates you need. Follow them and down the steps upstairs. Turn the valve to turn off the fire, and then pass slightly above the steps. Enter the room on the left, and take ahead from the table scripture of Teodora II (Documents 40/40).

Climb above and shoot in a small lever at the top to turn off the fiery pipes. You must remember this mechanic on the first part of the game. Move along the right wall to detect the door. When approaching it and attempt to open the enemies on you - kill them. Behind the door on the table lies the penultimate pouch for shotgun.

Next, we will only move through a few fiery barriers, kill monsters and go to theodore on the elevator. Rising, do not hurry! Open the communicator, use the staircase in the long part of the room to go down to the blood pool. Here you will find scraps of memories (20/24).

See the cat scene, after the end of which you have to remember all the monsters, whom they saw in the first part.

To begin with, run away from a psycho with a chainsaw, then watch the video, at the end of which come to him and pereproat. Click the E key several times. Next three times kill the butcher with the safe instead of the head. After three deaths, the cat scene will be launched, and another gadet crawls from the safe. It can be simply shooting, or to lure into the fire - to solve you. After that, see the cat scene.

Chapter 15. End of this World

Go through the door to see what happened to the world. Here you just need to pursue the world, killing ordinary monsters and one loud. It is advisable for him to shoot red spots in the center of the body.

Go forward on the snow-covered area and near the post use the communicator to listen scraps of memories (21/24). Go to the right and near the other pillar listen more scraps of memories (22/24). After that, move to the right, to a high building to view the next scraps of memories (23/24). Close to the side of the house, look at one more scraps of memories (24/24) And follow up where the cat scene will start.

There will begin a battle with peace, which will turn into a real monster. In fact, everything is quite simple (theoretically). First you must shoot in the abdomen, where the glowing organ is seen. After he explodes, destroy one of the hands of the world. This hand grab Sebastian, but it will be enough for you to shoot it several times in her luminous part of the pistol. After that, destroy the second hand, and then apply a few exact shots in the head. All this time it will be possible to replenish the supplies, destroying frozen opponents and killing spiders.

Chapter 16. Exit

This chapter is all much easier. It is necessary to get to the house and climb to the second floor, in the orphanage lily. In parallel, you will have to manage Kidman, which should destroy several "Mebius" soldiers. Otherwise, the last chapter of the game is a long cat-scene.

From October 13, on sale the second part of one of the most interesting horror games of recent years - The Evil WitHin. The first part came out in 2014 and deserved, along with good sales numbers, flattering criticism reviews. The disgusting men explain that it is generally so, and called five major issues worth setting to myself Before you get acquainted with the new game from the creator of Resident Evil, legendary with Indzy Miki. And be careful - ahead of the mass of spoilers!

For those who missed everything, it is worth remembering the basic scene lines of The Evil Within, the benefit of them there is not alone and not two. Sebastian Castellanos detectives (the main character), Julie Kidman and Joseph Oda arrive at the challenge to the mental hospital "Mayak", where traces of the bloody slaughter are found. Very quickly Sebastian will be separated from their friends and it turns out somewhere in the hospital basements, surrounded by slices of meat and blood rivers, as well as inhuman species with rods with Tesakov.

After some time, the heroes are locked in reality created by the sick imagination of Manyak-Psychopath, from which they eventually manage to get out (although not everyone, and perhaps for a while).

The story of The Evil Within 2 begins three years after the events of the first part, when Julie Kidman finds Sebastian to offer him again to connect his mind to the SEC system, this time - to save his daughter Lily, who was thought, died many years ago . Sebastian, of course, agrees - and turns out to be immersed in the idyllic reality of a small child, transformed into a real blood pressure, besides, supplemented with its own post-traumatic experiences. Now he will not only get to get out of here with his daughter in his arms, but also to keep his consciousness safe and preservation - that it will be a very difficult task.

But, like any multi-layer game, The Evil Within left behind many questions, the answers to which I would like to learn from the sequel. Here they are.

Question 1. What happened to the ruler at the end of the original game?

Ruben Victoriano (more known as Ruvik) is the main villain in the first part of The Evil Within, and it is he who comes up with the life of Castellanosus for most of the game, as well as his partner Julie Kidman in additions. But, as it becomes clear as it turns out, no less (and maybe a large) danger represents "Mebius" - an organization facing the creation of the SEC system and all related experiments.

In the final stage of the first part of Sebastian, who returned to the real world, he managed, walking outside, notice something strange: Leslie, a boy suffering from catatonia, goes beyond the gate of the hospital "Mayak" - and no one as if noticing his escape. However, after a moment, the image disappears, and the question arises: whether the ruver managed to do what he sought - to move his consciousness to a new body, which will allow him to exist in the physical world, or it only wondered Sebastian, and in fact Still in STEM?

This question, however, causes the following, even more global - but just below. Be that as it may, the fate of the roll at the end of The Evil Within remains uncertain, and the subsequent DLC only fix this uncertainty. The new part must shed light for the future of one of the most sinister characters of this new franchise.

Question 2. What happened to Julie Kidman?

Detective Kidman is one of the most mysterious characters The Evil Within. At first it looks just like an ordinary novice, frightening every rustle, however, as the events develop (and especially after the release of two thematic DLCs) it becomes clear that Kidman, firstly, a very peculiar "dark horse", and, secondly, That its influence on the misadventures of Sebastian in Stem is much more than one could expect, judging by the main storyline.

In addition, it was Kidman that is the very person who in the second part convinces Sebastian that his daughter is still alive, and for the sake of her, he again needs to connect to the STEM, going to the nightmare, which he sought to avoid three years. Most likely, Sebastian will once again encounter Kidman (or its projection), and more than once, but it is not quite clear, on whose side it will be in the end.

Question 3. What is Mebius?

One of the main issues that gets up in front of the player when he finishes both the original game and additions to it. Although the "Mebius" in The Evil Within said very much (especially in DLC concerning Julie Kidman), the meaningful information is to be carefully filtered.

Of the more or less reliable, it is primarily known that this organization is behind the development of the STEM project, and hence both the horrors that occur with the main characters throughout the game. But the motives of the action "Mebius" remain a mystery, even despite the hints scattered here and there.

For example, so far an open question, who stands at the head of this structure. Or, even more importantly, the ultimate goal of the organization remains to the end, is the ultimate goal of the organization - do they really want to achieve domination over the world with the help of control over consciousness through stem technology? Or maybe they strive for some secret knowledge that can be kept in a collective unconscious? Or want to bring humanity to a new level of development, using control over consciousness as a tool of universal enlightenment (of course, under its own sensitive manual)?

Question 4. Is Joseph Oda?

Although the detective Oda did not receive himself, unlike Julie Kidman, a separate DLC set, it remains a noticeable secondary character, present in both the main game and in the mentioned add-ons. It would be strange that in such a well-thought-out game as The Evil Within, with its detailed characters, the focus is on only two protagonists, and the third is added to an even account.

The consequentce has an episode that gives a transparent hint that Joseph is still alive. At a certain point, you can observe the heartbeat of three people connected to the STEM, which indicates the preservation of life in them is Sebastian, Julie, and, in fact, Joseph. It is logical to assume that in the new game (or, more likely, in additions to it), we learn noticeably more about the best friend of the Castellanos detective.

Question 5. Where is Sebastian?

One of the most impressive scene chips The Evil Within, which the script is very competently played - this is the splitness of the reality created by the STEM, which allows you to generate all new and new layers of mysteries, the answers to which will generate all new questions.

If you speak short, then the machine intended for penetration into the human subconscious (and to manage it) is arranged in such a way that even if two people, being in it, are present in the same place - each of them is in their own reality not related to the reality of another.

In other words, in The Evil Within, it is often impossible to be definitely confident that your friend is really your friend connected to the system, and not a mental projection of your friend, taken from your own (under) consciousness. These minds, of course, are forced to ask a fundamental question: whether Sebastian and Kidman are located in one (genuine) reality, or this is a parallel universe created by someone (for example, a contractor or "mebius") as a separate experiment (by analogy With the plot of DLC The Executioneer, for example)?

There is also a space for a curious conspiracy theory - that if the ruver is actually thinksWhat got out, while "Mebius" reached him, only moving his consciousness into a higher-order design? The same can be said about Sebastian and Julie - perhaps the very idea with suddenly the living daughter of our detective is nothing but a grandiose deception designed to force the right person to go in the right direction? Maybe the sequel will clarify this question, and maybe not.

After all, in The Evil Within, everything can not be what it seems.

The Evil WitHin 2 for sale from October 13, 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows.