Tetris game creator. Who Invented Tetris? Russian "Tetris" - a fluke

For ten years, the author of "Tetris" Alexey Pajitnov did not receive a penny for a brilliant game. The money flowed into the state budget and into the accounts of American companies. Why did the development turn out to be unprofitable for the creator?

Pajitnov could do nothing to change the situation. However, the scientist continued to fight. The confrontation ended in 1996 when Alexei took over as co-founder of Tetris.

How did the life of a scientist change after the creation of the famous game and why did he not make money on the popular invention? Factrum imbued with the serious problems of a frivolous puzzle.

Russian Tetris is a fluke

Alexey Pajitnov did not develop the game purposefully. An ordinary engineer of the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences checked the power of the new Soviet computer - "Elektronik 60". The tests were carried out using the program. During the test, text characters popped up on the display, which quickly filled the free space. Pajitnov deleted the "spent" lines. Then he came up with the idea of ​​a brilliant puzzle.

Alexey's four-block figures were inspired by the game Pentomino Puzzle. True, the elements in the puzzle consisted of five cubes. And this was a significant drawback of the game: computers of that time could not cope with information processing. The Soviet engineer dealt with the problem masterly.

He reduced the number of blocks to four. In addition, unlike the Pentomino Puzzle, the figures only fell down. From that moment on, the puzzle began to spread like a virus. The first players were Pajitnov's colleagues. A couple of weeks later, the puzzle left the walls of the Academy of Sciences. They started talking about "Tetris" in the USSR.

A few months later, comrade Pajitnova transferred the puzzle to the IBM PC (American personal computers). The game became interested in the United States, it became clear that the puzzle is a source of huge profits. However, Alexey Pajitnov saw profit only ten years later. The Soviet Union did not immediately realize the uniqueness of the game, the puzzle was almost appropriated by American companies.

The history of Tetris: the fight for rights

In the USSR, they woke up only after the number of players exceeded a million. Microsoft Corporation and Spectrum Holobyte have made good money on someone else's idea, releasing their own versions of "Tetris" on the world market. The lack of a patent and license made the appropriation of the idea legal.

The Academy of Sciences noticed the puzzle in time. However, the financial position of Alexei Pazhitnov has not changed. The direct buyer - Robert Stein, owner of Andromeda - interacted directly with Electronorgtechnika. The real inventor of Tetris didn't seem to exist. The patent, which was finally issued in the USSR, also belonged to the state.

The first profit of the game creator

Pajitnov officially worked for the Academy of Sciences, which meant that all developments belonged to the state. For the appropriation of the results of intellectual labor, the engineer received a job and a salary. By the way, in an interview, Pajitnov admitted that the conditions at the Academy were specific. In the offices, designed for five people, sometimes 18 engineers worked.

The creator of "Tetris" received the first profit from his idea in 1996. After emigrating to the United States in 1991, Pajitnov began obtaining a license for the game and creating the Tetris company. The income was now partly funded by the real puzzle developer. In 1996 Pajitnov began his career at Microsoft and in his first year created a set of logic games called Pandora’s Box. The puzzles brought the developer a good profit.

All or almost all great things are created by chance. Further, this accident (sooner or later) becomes a world property and changes the lives of many people.

Tetris is one such accident. A simple logic puzzle written in 1985 by Aleksey Pazhitnov, an employee of the Computing Center at the USSR Academy of Sciences for himself and his colleagues, gained worldwide fame in a short time, provoked a major scandal, a series of legal proceedings and, ultimately, remained in history as the most popular computer the game of all time.

Tempest in a glass

The idea of ​​Tetris was born to Alexey Pazhitnov in 1984 after meeting the American mathematician Solomon Golomb with a puzzle Pentomino Puzzle... The essence of this puzzle was quite simple and painfully familiar to any contemporary: from several figures it was necessary to assemble one large one. Alexey decided to make a computer version of the pentomino.

Pajitnov not only took the idea, but also supplemented it - in his game, collecting figures in a glass was to be done in real time, and the figures themselves consisted of five elements (from the Greek “ penta"- five) and during the fall they had to rotate around their own center of gravity. But the computers of the Computing Center were unable to do this - the electronic pentomino simply did not have enough resources. Then Alexey decides to reduce the number of blocks that made up the falling figures to four. So from pentamino it turned out tetrimino (from the Greek. " t etra" - four). Alexey calls the new game Tetris - from the words “ tetrimino" and " tennis».

Pajitnov wrote the first version of the game quickly, based on seven figures, which later became the standard set of Tetris. In that version, not even graphic images of figures fell into the glass, but their text counterparts, in which the squares were composed of opening and closing brackets. This was done not because of a good life, but forcedly: the computer "Electronics-60", on which Tetris was created, did not even have a monitor, but a display that could display only letters and numbers (no graphics!) And only 24 lines of 80 characters in each.

The very same Pentomino Puzzle.

“For several months it was such an incomprehensible job, which in fact was not even visible: something was changing on the screen, Lesha sniffs, Lesha walks there, smokes a huge number of cigarettes ...- recalls Mikhail Kulagin, one of the employees of the Computing Center. - And suddenly he invited us to watch the game. And he says: here, guys, look, it turns out like this. The famous glass appeared on the screen, into which some figures were falling. To be honest, I didn't even understand at once what the point was ... "

The first version of Tetris was created in the popular Pascal language at that time and looked rather primitive. But the game worked, and how it worked! Such a simple idea, when the tetrimino figures fall, and the filled rows disappear, and subsequently gave amazing results.

Eight months later Pajitnov decided to port the game to PC. At that time, this was a big problem, because the networks were still dead, and there were no compatible media (that is, in order to exchange data between different computers, it was necessary to look for special disks that read the format at the physical level). Alexey himself had no experience of working on a PC, so for porting the game he attracted a sixteen-year-old schoolboy Vadim Gerasimov, who in the Computing Center was known as a young genius and everyone ran to him for advice.

The transfer of the game to the PC took only three or four days, several more days were spent on debugging the timer, adjusting the work with the screen, and the like. But this was only the beginning, then Alexei and Vadim spent about half a year tinkering with making Tetris colored, adding a table of records (they used a ready-made program for displaying it on the screen, written by Dmitry Pavlovsky, Pajitnov's colleague) and a security system so that then prove their authorship (any software in the USSR was distributed free of charge, and they saw nothing wrong with that). It took a lot of effort to add support for different types of displays (!). Now it sounds ridiculous, but then there were no uniform standards and the game had to be adapted for each display, and this greatly spoiled the code. All this took six months, but not because of the large amount of work, but because both Alexei and Vadim had their own affairs and they were engaged in Tetris only from time to time.

Much later, Mikhail Potemkin, also an employee of the Computing Center, made his contribution to Tetris. He ported the game to the next version of the Electronica computer and was the first to add automatic garbage loading (this is when you start a game and the glass is already half full).

Tetris was distributed on the 5.25-inch floppy disks that were gaining popularity at that time by banal copying from friends. In two weeks, the game spread throughout Moscow, and then throughout the USSR. The success was phenomenal. The game was completely free, Pajitnov did not even think about how to derive any benefit from it: the Computing Center had the rights to Tetris (as well as to any program written within its walls), so Alexey would soon be in prison than behind a computer keyboard. The sale of such things was already in the competence of the state.

For the cordon

The first foreigners who got acquainted with Tetris were Budapest citizens from the Institute for Problems of Cybernetics, with whom the Computing Center collaborated (this happened in 1986). They liked the game and quickly ported it to their computer. Commodore 64, manufactured by the company Commodore International from August 1982, and on Apple 2, the first mass-produced computer Apple computer since 1977. Just at this time, Robert Stein, a Hungarian of English descent, the owner of a British company, was visiting the Institute. Andromeda Software, engaged in software development. Stein was well versed in games, so when he saw Tetris, he immediately decided to buy the rights to it. Robert contacted Pajitnov, agreed to purchase the rights, without naming, however, any specific numbers, received the initial "go-ahead" and promised to send a formal agreement within a couple of days. But because of the Iron Curtain, the correspondence dragged on for many weeks.

Robert Stein.

Meanwhile, Stein, realizing what money can be made on Tetris, is all impatient and, unable to bear it and having absolutely no official rights to do so, offers the game to his partners from the British company Mirrorsoft... They doubted the attractiveness of the game, but sent it for an alternative trial to their American colleagues from Spectrum Holobyte... The Americans immediately saw what a huge potential lies in Tetris, and reported to the UK that they needed to get the rights to sell this wonderful game as soon as possible. The result was a contract between Andromeda Software and Mirrorsoft for only £ 3,000 and 7-15% (depending on the number of copies sold) of the sales profit. Alexey did not even know about all this.

Stein had to somehow legalize the whole thing, and in the winter of 1985 he went to Moscow with the firm intention of concluding a contract with the real owners of the rights to the game. However, such things as official negotiations with foreigners and the conclusion of agreements with foreign companies were no longer dealt with by the employees of the Computing Center, but by government agencies, in this case - people from the top of the Academy of Sciences. And these people were not interested in Stein's proposal - either the amount seemed small, or they simply reacted to him with distrust. The Hungarian had to leave with nothing.

Meanwhile, the Americans from Spectrum Holobyte did not even suspect that neither they nor anyone other than Pajitnov actually owned the rights to Tetris. The Cold War between the USSR and the United States is still in full swing, every Russian product, even if at first glance unremarkable, immediately arouses the interest of the Americans. What can we say about such an unusual game as Tetris. The PR division of Spectrum Holobyte does not sleep and reshapes the game's appearance in accordance with the most common American stereotypes: they add communist sketches, portraits of famous Russians, and play Russian folk songs like Kalinka-Malinka and Eh, uhnem as musical accompaniment. Only the game mechanics remain intact. In general, Tetris is turning into a full-fledged commercial product before our eyes, which must have both a developer and a publisher who has the appropriate rights.

It was already 1987, in America and Britain Spectrum Holobyte was already in full swing preparing a PC version of Tetris, and Stein still did not have the rights to the game, that is, the release was, in fact, illegal. Stein couldn’t get the license, and at the same time he didn’t know how to tell his colleagues from Europe and the United States that the launch of the game should be postponed. In the end, he did nothing and said nothing to anyone.

In 1988, the western PC version of Tetris was released.

The first commercial version of Tetris from Mirrorsoft.

For three persons

In the West, Tetris became popular even faster than in the USSR. The game is sold in decent numbers, it has been awarded several prestigious awards by the American Software Developers Association: "Best Entertainment Program", "Best Dynamic and Strategy Program", "Best Original Game Development", "Best Consumer Software". Prior to that, no game had been able to achieve such recognition. It was a great success. There was even a story that Tetris was specially developed by the KGB in order to paralyze the Western economy: everyone who had computers in the office played it all day long.

Hank Rogers.

Meanwhile, Alexey left the Computing Center and moved to the organization "Electronorgtechnika"(or simply ELORG), which was assigned to the Academy of Sciences and which now had to defend international rights to Tetris.

At this time, Stein was piled on from all sides: the Russians demanded to resolve the situation that had gotten out of control, and Robert's compatriots, especially when Tetris became such a popular game in the West, began to delve into the details. The ubiquitous journalists from the CBS television and radio company go out to Alexey Pazhitnov and interview him. Stein had no choice but to sign the unfortunate contract on the terms of the Russians.

It would seem that, " hurray, finally!", but it was not there. Nikolay Belikov, an employee of ELORG, who had to defend the rights to Tetris, recalled: “When I read the contract with Andromeda Software, I felt bad. This agreement stated that the first payment was due within three months. The agreement was signed on May 10, 1988, and it was already October. After that I started thinking about what to do with this contract and how to get Andromeda Software to pay money. "

Abroad, the British Mirrorsoft, already convinced of the promise of Tetris, asks Stein to purchase the rights to the console and arcade versions from the Russians, and in the meantime sells (without permission) the rights to the arcade version of the game of the American company Atari, which, in turn, immediately resold them to the Japanese SEGA, at that time one of the largest gaming companies in the world.

Andromeda Software represented by Stein, who sent telexes to ELORG with a request to start negotiations on a new license agreement, received an unambiguous answer: first, fulfill the conditions of the first agreement, only after that we will start negotiations on the next contact.

Just at this time, Tetris is being released in Japan on a PC and a game console. Famicom(NES) from Nintendo and eventually disperses in more than two million copies (!).

Tetris was noticed by the president of the American division of Nintendo Minoru Arakawa. At one of the exhibitions, he accidentally saw Tetris and was eager to acquire the rights to its console version. Having found out that the rights at the moment belong to Atari (which was sincerely sure of this, since it believed that it had honestly bought the corresponding rights from Mirrorsoft), Arakawa gets a little upset: Atari and Nintendo at that time were bitter competitors, who were endlessly suing each other with a friend. However, another lucky break brings him to Hank Rogers, the owner of a small Japanese firm. Bullet Proof Software, to which the American Spectrum Holobyte sold the rights to sell the PC version of Tetris in the Japanese market. The rest of the rights at the time were with Atari, but Rogers was able to secure the rights to the console version of the game for the Japanese market. At this very moment, he meets Arakawa. Nintendo desperately needed the rights to the console version of the game, and was not interested in the price, since the launch of a portable set-top box was on the nose Game boy, the success of which in the case of acquiring Tetris would be even more predictable.

Rogers first negotiates with Stein, but realizing that something is wrong here, he traces the entire chain and goes straight to Moscow, where he immediately goes. Stein also does not just sit there and decides to personally meet with representatives of "Electronorgtechnika" for a one-to-one conversation. At the same time, Kevin Maxwell, the son of media mogul Robert Maxwell, who owned Mirrorsoft and Spectrum Holobyte, is also leaving for Moscow.

On February 21, 1989, Nikolai Belikov received a call from the protocol department and was informed that a foreigner from Japan had arrived to him, his name is Hank Rogers and this is a violation of the regime that existed at that time - such meetings had to be agreed in advance and provided information to the protocol department (that per person, what will be discussed, what is the purpose of the negotiations, etc.). Hank had to come back the next day.

On February 22, Nikolai will have a meeting with three people at once who need the same thing - the rights to Tetris. He didn't want any of them to meet each other, so he carefully thought out the schedule of meetings.

Hank Rogers was the first to come to Belikov's office. Here is what Nikolai Belikov told about this meeting: “As soon as we sat down at the table with Mr. Rogers, he immediately took out a game console and said:“ Mr. Belikov, I am selling your product very successfully. ” I answered him: “ELORG did not give anyone the right to release Tetris on game consoles. The only company that has been assigned any rights is Andromeda Software, and they only cover the PC version. You are illegally selling what does not belong to you. " Rogers, of course, was shocked. In the end, he said, “I just didn't know ... Excuse me, I want to work with you, I have very good connections with Nintendo, the world's largest gaming company. She has 70% of the market. " I offered only one solution - a purely bureaucratic move: "Mr. Rogers, please write everything on paper." Hank said “okay,” and I immediately sent him out - Robert Stein was about to come, and I didn't want them to meet. "

Then Robert Stein comes to ELORG. Belikov says to him: "Mr. Stein, tell me honestly, what is this document called?" He answers: "Agreement." I say that this is not an agreement, but a set of some irresponsible phrases, according to which one side transferred the rights, and the other side does not fulfill them, does not compensate for the right to use these rights. " As a result, this meeting was also postponed to the next day.

« By the time Kevin Maxwell arrived, I already knew that he was the son of Robert Maxwell, a very powerful man, one of the richest in the world,- Belikov continues, - so of course I was very tense. I asked, "Mr. Kevin Maxwell, where does Mirrorsoft get the rights to sell tetris on game consoles?" And then Maxwell suddenly said: “This is a pirated version. We have no rights. " I asked, "Are you interested in getting the rights to the game console version?" Maxwell: "Yes, of course." I say: "When can you give an offer?" "I need to go back to the UK and I will send our proposal very quickly."

Alexey Pazhitnov was most interested in Hank Rogers and his proposal. Kevin Maxwell was too difficult a man, looked down on everyone, and it was repulsive. Thus, Stein got only the rights to the arcade version of the game (and even exorbitant prices). Hank soon returned with Nintendo's representatives, and on March 21, 1989, they were given all rights to the game console version of Tetris. Maxwell Jr., left with nothing, realized that the positions of Mirrorsoft and Atari were under threat, and complained to his father. Robert Maxwell accused Belikov of breaking off trade relations between Britain and the USSR by his actions. Everyone needed to act quickly and decisively.

On March 23, Belikov received a telex (something like a fax, which ours did not have at that time) from Kevin Maxwell, in which he said that Nikolai had made a number of mistakes and that the issue would be raised during President Gorbachev's visit to England. In short, the telex was full of threats, and serious ones. Then Belikov received a call from the person who was preparing Gorbachev's visit and urged him to immediately fly to London, kneel in front of Robert Maxwell and beg him not to say a word to Gorbachev, because otherwise, if he says even one word, then Belikova “ just won't».

Nikolai, like any normal person who would find himself in such a situation, became simply scared. But he was lucky: it was 1989, the time of the big perestroika, so nothing happened. If it had been 1988, the story would have been different, Nikolai is sure of that.

In June 1989, all of this controversy spilled over into a lawsuit between Atari and Nintendo. Belikov also had to take part in it from "Electronorgtekhnika" on the side of Nintendo. Before leaving, Nikolai was invited to the State Committee on Computer Engineering and Informatics, where they said that if the trial is lost, a special commission will be created, which will consider the question of how much “ million American dollars lost by the Soviet state from your ill-considered actions».

In the end, the court ruled that Mirrorsoft did not own any rights, and therefore, the contract with Atari was invalid - hundreds of thousands of cartridges were sent to the warehouse. When Hank told Nicholas that they won, and took him to ride around San Francisco with the receiver turned on at full volume, while violating all conceivable traffic rules, then only after a while a sense of reality began to return to him - now he could calmly return home without fear.

Tetris has become one of the most popular games of all time. The Game Boy, with which the game was sold, not least thanks to Tetris, in the first few years sold more than 30 million copies, and about 15 million cartridges with the game themselves were sold. Subsequently, the Game Boy became one of the most successful consoles in the entire history of electronic entertainment. Directly Tetris brought Nintendo about $ 2-3 billion (if you take into account all ports, versions and license fees). For twenty years, the game (including official statistics, electronic devices and illegal sales) has sold a fantastic circulation, which is estimated at about a quarter of a billion copies. Probably no other title in the world has achieved such popularity. And even get closer. And it's not a fact that it will ever succeed.

Unfortunately, Alexei himself did not receive any money from Tetris until 1996 - at first, the state had the rights to play in the person of ELORG, and after the collapse of the Union in 1991, ELORG himself inherited them, which Belikov then reorganized into a private company. They could not even pay a good bonus to Alexei, because this money had to be coordinated with the leadership of the Academy of Sciences.

After tetris

In this whole story, the fate of Alexei Pazhitnov was not easy, but interesting. After all these scandals around Tetris, Alexey understands that you can make quite real money on games, and a lot of it. In 1989, he and his old friend Vladimir Pokhilko (the psychologist who first saw the potential of Tetris) and new friend Hank Rogers created the studio AnimaTek, where he was engaged in the development of logic games and artificial intelligence. At first, things were going pretty well. The studio completed a couple of large orders and took part in the development of more than three hundred games (some of its developments were used in Age of empires and Final fantasy tactics). But in the late 80s - early 90s, everyone in the USSR had no time for games, and in 1991 Alexey moved to San Francisco, where the headquarters of AnimaTek was opened. Vladimir Pokhilko was appointed managing director of the studio.

However, in the United States, the fate of AnimaTek is also not easy: the company produces several good, innovative animation games, but they never get recognition. A couple more 3D modeling programs come out from under the pen of AnimaTek, after which it closes.

In 1993 Pajitnov and his family moved to the United States, in which he was helped by Hank Rogers, with whom they entered into an agreement for the joint management of the rights to Tetris after 1995, when ELORG expired and they would have to transfer to Alexey.

In February 1995, between Nintendo, ELORG and Hank Rogers, who specifically creates a new company in Hawaii Blue Planet Software, negotiations begin about the further fate of the rights to Tetris. All three sides were slightly perplexed, as no one thought the game would remain popular for such a long time. Nintendo gains the exclusive right to sell Tetris worldwide for three years on all of its platforms. In the Japanese market, this right is reserved for Blue Planet Software.

The following year Pajitnov and Rogers founded The Tetris Company, which is created specifically for the consolidation of rights to Tetris and the solution of licensing issues. Sony gets the right to sell the game on Playstation in Japan, Hasbro- in the USA.

In 2002, Rogers creates Blue lava wireless tasked with developing mobile versions. Tetris is fast becoming the most widely used mobile phone game.

Three years later, in 2005, finally, the last negotiations took place between Blue Planet Software and ELORG about the transfer of all other rights to Tetris. In January, Alexey and Hank re-establish a new company, now Tetris Holding Company, for which all rights to Tetris are finally assigned. Rogers sells Blue Lava Wireless for $ 137 million to mobile giant in April Jamdat, and it, in turn, soon buys Electronic Arts and assigns the rights to all mobile versions of Tetris to its unit EA Mobile Games.

Rogers' company is currently working on innovative new mechanics (without changing the fundamentals) for Tetris, which should keep the game interesting for years to come.

Our person

As for Alexei himself, after 1991 almost nothing was heard about him. In life, Pajitnov is a kind, simple, canonically Russian peasant; not at all pretentious, even when he says that his inventions were always ahead of their time. Our call found him at home in Seattle.

[Gambling addiction] Good morning, Alexey. It is, however, already late evening here. Straight to the point. To be honest, it is not completely clear to us who contributed what to Tetris. The fact is that on his website Vadim Gerasimov wrote rather strange things (he himself never got in touch with us). According to him, you once asked him to sign a certain paper, according to which: 1) his participation was limited only to porting the game to a PC (although this was, apparently, exactly what happened); 2) he gave you the right to conduct all Tetris cases; 3) refused any reward in his favor. So what does all this mean?

[Pajitnov] Yes, there was something like that. In 1989, I put Tetris in a computer game competition, which was held by the district committee of the Komsomol of the city of Zelenograd, and I probably needed this piece of paper in order to confirm the authorship. At the competition, the game, by the way, took second place ...

Ah, I seem to understand what this is about. In the late 80s, an article was published in some of the newspapers, from which it followed that Vadim had created Tetris from beginning to end. Well, you know, how it usually happens: a journalist came to the Computing Center, asked who was the most interesting here, and they pointed him to Vadim - like a schoolboy, and academics run to consult him. The journalist was delighted and dashed off an article without even bothering to figure out what and how. Of course, I did not engage in any refutations, but I just had to stake out my priority and I asked Vadim to write a paper stating that he participated in the conversion, but had nothing to do with the creation of the game itself. In fact, it was so, because porting is a purely technical work, and the concept itself was invented by me. Ultimately, this piece of paper was never needed (Western partners took my word for it), except for me and Vadim no one even saw it.

It is a pity, of course, that Vadim did not get anything, although, they say, the Computing Center nevertheless presented him with a computer.

[Gambling addiction] Since when did you start receiving income from Tetris? Since 1996, when ELORG's rights to it expired?

[Pajitnov] Yes, since 1996. The Computing Center itself could not pay me anything with all the desire - by the time the game gained recognition in the West and began to bring money, I already worked at ELORG. But I have no regrets, I was ready for this. Back in 1986, I transferred the rights to the Computing Center so that it could license the game for Western companies through ELORG. ELORG was the only organization in the USSR that had the right to sell software abroad.

[Gambling addiction] Do you know how much ELORG earned on Tetris?

[Pajitnov] I find it difficult to give exact numbers, but most of the money, probably, was made from the Game Boy. The game was sold in the same box with the Game Boy, and it was a very popular console and there were very large circulations there. If my memory serves me, from each copy ELORG received either $ 0.5, or $ 0.25.

On the other hand, a lot of money was spent on legal costs (there were constantly proceedings) and the pursuit of pirates.

[Gambling] So the Game Boy owes much of its popularity to Tetris?

[Pajitnov] And Tetris "Game Boy". They were simply created for each other - however, they were created randomly and independently.

You'd better ask someone from ELORG about money issues, if, of course, this organization is still alive. Fortunately, I had no access to their papers.

[Gambling addiction] We contacted them, but they never got in touch. By the way, it would be interesting to trace the history of the circulation of rights to Tetris. Soon after the creation of the game, you transferred the rights to it to the Computing Center, and from there they passed to ELORG. In 1991, when the Union collapsed, Belikov privatized ELORG and registered the rights to himself. In 1996, their rights expired, but even after that, the litigation with them continued for a very long time. Only in 2005 did ELORG finally cease to have anything to do with Tetris. Is that correct?

[Pajitnov] In general, yes. I personally tried not to interfere in all these proceedings, so I don’t know the details. In 1996, we first tried to fight with ELORG, but then we decided to break the rights in half, although this was not quite my decision. In business, it's always better to negotiate.

[Gambling Addiction] Almost nothing is known about what you were doing in the early 90s. Tell us?

[Pajitnov] Oh, it was an interesting time. The results of my work during that period were not very noticeable, but I was very busy. I have done some puzzles ( Hatris, Wordtris, Breakthru! and others), then took up a three-dimensional simulator of the aquarium El-Fish but this project was ahead of its time, as is almost everything I do. Nowadays, three-dimensional aquariums are taken for granted, but then, in 1993, it was something on the verge of fantasy. El-Fish turned out to be so resource-intensive that even on a computer with a 386 processor, it barely moved, and as a result, no one really bought it. Although, most likely, it is not only about the system requirements: you could run your own fish in this aquarium, and most people got them pretty ugly and because of this, interest in El-Fish was quickly lost.

Then I made more levels for some games, but I don't remember which ones.

[Gambling addiction] It would be interesting to know about the period of your work at Microsoft (1996-2005). Did you go there more for money or were you attracted by the opportunities of this company?

[Pajitnov] And for money too. The company in which I worked before reoriented from games to 3D technologies, and I left there, and I had to somehow earn money. Then I approached Microsoft with a proposal to create a site with a paid subscription, where small puzzles would be laid out every day (future MSN Games). They liked this idea, and they took me. I was working on this project for two years, but at that time it was not very popular - the Internet was still in its infancy and online puzzles were, of course, not a priority for users. It's now that casual games have eaten everyone's bald head, and then it was too early to do this.

I really liked Microsoft. While settling there, I honestly did not know what to expect. I knew that I could get a decent salary, I knew that the working conditions were good, but that was all. All the rest of my knowledge was at the level of stereotypes invented by programmers. They all scold Microsoft products, but they do it because they have to use them, because no one has produced anything comparable in scale and quality. Yes, there are a lot of mistakes in them and this is annoying, but there is nothing better anyway.

Microsoft is organized very rationally, mostly smart people work there, so the atmosphere is excellent. This was especially felt at first. Of course, there is also a bureaucracy there, but after the Soviet Union, the entire American bureaucracy is generally ugh.

For the first three years, the work went very quickly and efficiently. During this time I made two games, but then I started Pandora's Box and things slowed down a little. It was a very original project in many respects, it took me (how not to lie!) Two and a half years. "Pandora's Box" included about 350 puzzles, while in total I made one and a half thousand - so that there was plenty to choose from. The games there were original, and in general it was a very big job. But she was again ahead of her time, although she recaptured expenses and gained some popularity. While in Moscow, I saw at Gorbushka three different editions of Pandora’s Box from three different pirate companies (!).

And then I started to stagnate due to the fact that Microsoft came up with the idea of ​​making an Xbox. They also pushed me hard, and I myself did not mind getting involved, because the project was promising. But somewhere in the middle, Microsoft rebuilt its marketing strategy: they decided not to make a "universal" console, but for such hardcore players - primarily young people. We decided absolutely correctly, I think, but two of my three projects were immediately canceled because of this - puzzles are still not very interesting for teenagers.

[Gambling] In what year did Microsoft start the Xbox project? In 1999?

[Pajitnov] Yes, about a year before the premiere. After they overhauled their marketing strategy, I was not having my best period. Well, you know, it's a shame when you think over a project and suddenly - rrraz! - and it is canceled. The hardest and most interesting stage is when you start working on the concept. At this moment, you love what you do the most, and the cancellation of the project is especially painful.

But in general, cancellation is a normal practice. Somehow we counted with colleagues, it turned out that only 15% of games get to release. I have more efficiency (22-25%) than I am incredibly proud of.

When the Xbox didn't work out for me, I was asked to move to another group that was engaged in small puzzles published on the Internet. This is just my part, so I immediately accepted the offer. As part of this group, I made Hexic and a few more games, but then I felt tired, and two years ago I quit Microsoft.

[Gambling Addiction] The Xbox 360 online service includes, among other things, Live Arcade, which sells casual and retro games. Did you participate in its development in any way or was all your participation limited to Hexic HD?

[Pajitnov] No, I did not participate in any way. Even Hexic hd already done without me. Of course, they showed it to me, but I did not take a direct part in this project. Although now I'm working on a new version; we, however, have not yet decided what it will be called - Hexic 2 or Hexic 360... Coming out this summer.

[Gambling addiction] Have you ever participated in the development of "big" games? Well, there, action games, RPGs ...

[Pajitnov] I don't like action games, neither do RPGs. At the stage of discussing the concept, I took part a little, we even released one such game, but I don’t like to remember it. It was called Ice & Fire, released in 1994 for PC and PlayStation, but failed miserably. It's very long and dreary to make such games, I don't like it. How can I tell you ... it's not god knows what, I can do it, but no better or worse than any other designer. But the puzzles are mine, I am well versed in them.

[Gambling] By the way, recently there have been a lot of puzzles based on rhythm and music. Are you planning to do something along these lines?

[Pajitnov] We somehow worked on such a project. Ooooooo dreary thing, very heavy. You see, it is difficult to conceptualize something there, it should be done by musically sensitive, gifted people. And I am not. I was passively involved in the development of one such project, but it was suspended.

In general, I participated in a lot of things, but it was only useful when I was engaged in puzzles ( laughs). Now word games are still very popular, but I will never do them either - I just don't like it. My element is abstract games with colors and shapes.

[Gambling addiction] Do you follow the events in Russia, the state of the Russian gaming industry?

[Pajitnov] Earlier I followed closely, now it is somehow less. I stopped following her at the moment when such a tight, good market was formed. Small but reliable. Three or four years ago, I was told that any game in Russian and on a Russian theme can be sold, albeit in a small, but sufficient circulation. Even in spite of the penny prices, you can live.

[Gambling addiction] Now things have become more complicated. Prices for games are growing, but the quality of Russian projects remains unsatisfactory and the players are annoyed.

[Pajitnov] Now there is a rather difficult entry of Russia into the world market. The same thing happened in Japan at one time. In the 80s, Japan was worse than today's China, they generally did not know about rights and the like. But then everything got better somehow.

The first period is especially painful, but sooner or later everything will settle down. Everyone benefits from order and the absence of piracy, because it greatly improves the quality of local games.

[Gambling addiction] Not going to return to Russia?

[Pajitnov] And I visit Russia very often. I spent four months in Moscow last year. I have two projects in Russia, puzzles from the Kronstadt company WildSnak e... I once picked up some of their Microsoft games, then I made a couple of projects with them. After I left Microsoft, they asked for help - so I did. There is nothing special for me to do now. However, for the sake of this, it is not necessary to travel to Russia - Skype and ICQ are enough.

[Gambling] Do you mainly live in Seattle? Why we ask: your company-Tetris Holding-she's in Hawaii.

[Pajitnov] Yes, in Seattle. I also go to Hawaii, four or five times a year. There is a purely commercial enterprise, it is engaged in licensing and approval of ready-made versions of Tetris for all platforms, I have nothing special to do there. When things are piling up, I come.

[Gambling addiction] Do you have the very first versions of Tetris, back in the 80s? Surely there are versions that no one has seen except you and a few other people.

[Pajitnov] Something has survived in Hawaii, we have a museum there. But overall, the answer is more likely no than yes. I have a box with old Tetrises lying around somewhere, but they are all on 3.5- and 5.25-inch floppy disks. Drives for 3.5 '' floppy disks can still be found, for 5.25 '' - only in landfills or in museums. After all, there must be a separate person who would make sure that everything was in working order and keep live DOS on the computer. There is no such person, so everything disappears into oblivion. Where is the road to him.

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Who Invented Tetris?

Human !! but seriously
You will practically not find such an inhabitant of the Earth, except perhaps in the tribes of inner Africa, who would not play Tetris at least once in his life. But not everyone knows that its inventor is the pride of Russia, a former employee of the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences Alexei Pazhitnov. It was 1985, the beginning of "perestroika", and young scientists languished in laboratories with boredom. A lot later came out of it, for example, Evgeny Veselov was already at that time working on the multi-window text editor E-9, which was later renamed "Lexicon".

And Alexey Pazhitnov specialized in artificial intelligence and speech recognition. The latter required the creation and solution of various kinds of puzzles. The most favorite Pajitnov puzzle was the classic - Pentomino Puzzl. In it, from various elements consisting of five squares, it was necessary to create shapes.

Inspired by Pentomino, Pajitnov also initially developed a computer puzzle in which, under the influence of gravity, similar five-squares changed their position. But then the capabilities of computers were such that the task had to be simplified - there were four squares (hence Tetris), and the figures made up of them only fell down.

A record short time passed - only two weeks, and all of Moscow was already crazy about Tetris. Colleagues contributed to the transfer of the game to the IBM PC, which was possible in the conditions of such an advanced office as the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Tetris got behind the Iron Curtain thanks to the Hungarian brothers in the socialist camp, who created the Apple II and Commondore 64 platforms for it.

The history of patenting, licensing, and getting Tetris to the West is dark and confusing. According to one version, a certain Robert Stein, the head of the British company Andromeda, was the first to try to acquire the rights to the game from Alexei Pazhitnov himself. In parallel, nimble companies Microsoft and Spectrum Holobyte released the first foreign versions of Tetris to the market. The game has captured the attention of millions. Stein contributed to the showing of Pajitnov on the CBS television channel, where it turned out that the author of the super popular computer game did not receive a dime for his invention. Western audiences were extremely perplexed, and the Soviet authorities finally realized that it was possible to make money from the falling squares, and connected the enterprising Robert Stein with the foreign trade association "Electronorgtechnika". This did not prevent them from further distributing the rights to replicate Tetris separately, and they never had any agreement with Pajitnov.

But the author of the hit puzzle has an excellent reputation. He founded the company Anima Tek, which was soon invited to cooperate with Microsoft itself. In 1991 Pajitnov moved to the United States and finally created the Tetris company, after which part of the proceeds from the release of the game flowed into the pocket of its author.

Since 1996, Alexey Pajitnov officially began working for Bill Gates. Moreover, on the Microsoft product, created with his participation, there is a special note that there is a share of the labor of “the very person who invented Tetris.


Tetris can rightfully be called a game played by children and adults. A simple, at first glance, puzzle fascinates from the first minute, and it is almost impossible to tear yourself away from sorting unpretentious figures. Everyone plays Tetris, but few people know the history of its appearance.

The uniqueness of Tetris is that there is no plot, no characters, no plot or art in this game. All that is are figures consisting of four blocks, for this, in fact, Tetris got its name (tetra is four in translation from Greek). In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Tetris gained worldwide fame. This game was released for all imaginable devices - for Nintendo consoles and computers, if desired, the game can be installed on modern mobile phones.

Tetris was invented by Russian computer engineer Alexei Pajitnov when he was working at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow. To test the new software on the Electronics 60 computer, he came up with a program that became the prototype of Tetris. At first, combinations of four letters appeared on the screen, but they filled the screen very quickly, and the engineer realized that, filling the row completely, they should disappear.

Gradually, Tetris became the game that we are used to seeing today. Talking about the concept of the game to The Guardian, Alexey Pajitnov admitted: “There were no scores and difficulty levels in the game. But I started to play and could not stop. " The engineer showed the game code to his friends, among whom was Vadim Gerasimov, who adapted it to a computer.

The game instantly became popular. In just two years, it flew around the entire Soviet Union, and they also began to talk about it in the West. There were written versions for the Commodore 64 and Apple II. The first commercial company to take an interest in releasing the game was the British company Andromeda. Now it is difficult to understand how the British managed to sell it to Spectrum HoloByte, which has already released a paid version of the game, without having the copyright for the game. The release of the game had the effect of a bombshell: users willingly bought the game, and the company “owner” of the rights began to sell the fictitious license. Abroad, many businessmen have already made a fortune in this game, and Alexey Pajitnov did not receive a dime.

Pajitnov could not get a patent for the game, because he created it while working at the Academy of Sciences. He6 transferred the rights to the game for 10 years to the USSR. The Elorg organization was created, which became the copyright holder of the state license for Tetris. The license, already formalized by law, was bought by the giant Nintendo. True, this again did not bring Pajitnov any benefit.

Alexey Pajitnov was able to regain the rights to the game only 12 years after its invention. He co-founded Tetris in 1996. Finally, he began to receive the royalties due to him, and already in 2005 he began to cooperate with Microsoft.

Tetris is still in business, now engineers have the ability to legally defend their copyrights. When Apple launched the Tris game in 2009, Alexey Pajitnov filed a complaint on behalf of his company. And after all, he finally had every right to do so. After all, it was he who created the game Tetris, the name of which combines the Greek root "tetra" and the name of Alexei's favorite game - tennis.

Tetris is such a popular game that it seems like it will soon conquer the real world. Confirmation of this can be seen in!

All conflicts have a cumulative effect. In addition, over time, the details are forgotten, only feelings remain: betrayal, mistrust, dissatisfaction, sadness, loneliness.

Learn to discuss everything, even the smallest misunderstandings, immediately after they occur - in a calm atmosphere, without yelling or insults.

2. Talk if anger and irritation have not subsided yet

As we said, you need to give yourself time to cool down. It's okay to talk about what happened after a while. If emotions get the better of you, there is a risk only to aggravate the situation and take the quarrel to a new level (even more difficult, of course).

3. Trying to ameliorate the conflict with sex

A very insidious way that looks beautiful only in the movies, but in reality it only makes it worse. Firstly, this method leaves the problem at the same point, the partner's resentment does not disappear, and the understatement will corrode your relationship for a long time. And secondly, sex subsequently runs the risk of becoming a less enjoyable activity, causing associations with quarrels, resentments and negative emotions.

4. Engage in "settling scores"

About the phrase "I agree, I was wrong, but you ..." must be forgotten once and for all.

Pointing out your partner's shortcomings, and at the same time listing everything that brings (or brought) discomfort for a long time in order to look better against her background is an extremely unfortunate technique.

You can and even need to express your dissatisfaction, but on time. It is worth learning to discuss issues in your daily life as they arise, without conflict and in a polite manner. Now is not the time to recall past grievances.

5. Gnaw yourself (long and painful)

To admit that he was wrong - yes, to drive and think only about this - no. Inner torment can play a cruel joke on you.

First, there may be a feeling that you have already “suffered enough”, so it seems as if you don’t need to apologize (in fact, not).

Secondly, during the torment, anger and irritation can flare up with renewed vigor, and the conflict will resume.

Thirdly, it often happens that the offender is so upset because of his intemperance that the partner has to console him: "Well, I will forgive you, it's okay."

In fact, this situation is pure manipulation. Of course, it is pleasant for the aggressor himself, but it is destructive for the relationship. Agree, the injured party should still receive comfort and compensation (and in this case it is not you).

The ways

A great way to make up is to cook a romantic dinner for your spouse and say how much you love her, ask for forgiveness

If there is a quarrel in your family and the only thing on your mind is “I want to make up”, then you should choose the method that will be successful in your particular case.

  1. The right thing to do. If your wife has a positive attitude towards surprises, then you can invite musicians who will give a small concert right in front of your windows. Fireworks can be launched in the night sky to honor her.
  2. Give your spouse a romantic dinner where you apologize. If you can cook it with your own hands, you will please your beloved even more.
  3. You can find a way to reconciliation, finally, by doing what your wife has been asking for a long time. For example, to make repairs that have been promised for a long time. Or buy the slow cooker she has dreamed of for so long.
  4. If the wife likes stuffed animals, you can come to put up with a big teddy bear. I would definitely melt at the sight of such a gift.

If the spouse does not speak

If the wife does not want to listen to anything and does not talk, send a courier to her with a large bouquet of flowers and a note with apologies and words of love

Let's look at ways how to make peace with your beloved wife if she is silent and does not make contact.

  1. You can write a letter. It will be especially pleasant to receive a romantic message that contains a poem, catchphrases. You don't need to think about what to write so that your wife can definitely forgive. Just convey your feelings, ask for forgiveness, you can list the reasons why you love her so much. Do not skimp on compliments, on sincere words.
  2. You can ask for forgiveness via SMS or write a message on a social network. The main thing is that the right words are chosen and be sure to ask to be forgiven.
  3. Some men hook up children. So you can ask the child to come up and ask his mother to forgive his father.
  4. You can order a bouquet of flowers, not forgetting to attach there a note with words of love and a request for forgiveness. Have a courier deliver them to wherever your wife will be - home or work.

The path of reconciliation

It is necessary to restore relations after a quarrel only when you calm down and can think clearly.

Step 1 - take your time to put up

Each person needs a different amount of time to "recover" after a conflict. While your opponent is on edge, it is useless to try to discuss with him the reason for the quarrel. Even if you admit that you are wrong and he agrees with it, seething emotions will prevail, and the conflict will escalate with renewed vigor. To prevent this, wait until the "heat of passions" subside, and then calmly tell your loved one that you want to talk. If the conflict was serious, then reconciliation is best moved from home to a public place. In this case, a change of scenery will be beneficial.

Step 2 - don't insist on being right

Do not get hung up on the details of the conflict, do not find out who is right and who is wrong. From your point of view, you will always be right, even if you are not. Try to focus on understanding the feelings of the person with whom you fell out. The loved one is offended just like you, and also believes that he is right.

Step 3 - put yourself in the other person's shoes

When trying to make up after a fight, let your opponent know that you understand his feelings and would feel the same in his place. Focus on his grudge. Do not be afraid to admit out loud that you are guilty of something in front of your loved one. Try to start reconciliation by saying, "Sorry to upset you." During the conversation, try not to use the conjunction "but". This can ruin all your initiative.

Step 4 - do not be offended by a loved one for his reaction

Sometimes it happens that you apologized to him for your words or deeds that caused the conflict, and he replied that you really did wrong. This reaction of your partner can make you angry and provoke a new fight. Pull yourself together, take a deep breath and nod your head in response. The main goal of reconciliation is to take responsibility for making the other person feel bad about you.

Know when to shut up

Men don't like to be interrupted. Sometimes it is better to listen to a man and do as he wants, because he is the head of the family. If you do not reckon with him, you will not have a family.

Do not criticize your loved one in front of relatives, girlfriends, acquaintances. This hurts painfully on pride and leads the couple to parting. Even if you have grievances against your husband, express them personally and in a calm tone.

Learn to forgive his mistakes

There are no perfect people. If you sincerely want to improve relations with your husband, you will have to understand him and forgive him for mistakes and misunderstandings. When you treat your spouse with understanding, you will see reciprocity on his part.

Remember that by constantly reminding your spouse of his mistakes, you are not giving him an incentive to get better. Instead, you alienate him from yourself and destroy the family.

Don't jump to conclusions

Often women are disappointed in a companion and think that it is better to break off the relationship. There is no need to rush to make a decision. It is not a fact that the next marriage will be better. Perhaps it will not exist at all.

Don't ask for immediate decisions

If your marriage is on the brink of ruin, do not shift all responsibility for the relationship onto your spouse. Don't rush him into making a decision. There is a chance that he will want to leave the family where it is easier. Then he will repent, but the relationship will be destroyed. Give yourself and your spouse time to calm down and figure out how to move on.

Don't deny reality

If the couple has problems, don't try to run away from them or shut up. Instead, face the complexities and make a decision to deal with them. Think about how good it will be if you hand in hand overcome all the differences.

Sometimes troubles only strengthen the marriage, so you shouldn't be afraid of them. If you want to understand how to improve family relationships, remember why you are together, how strong your love is. Realize that you don't care about obstacles if you overcome them together.

If I'm to blame

If you understand that you yourself are to blame for the conflict, you will have to change tactics. Letting the situation take its course is unacceptable, otherwise even a small quarrel can lead to discord in the family. Mutual reproaches and grievances accumulate, so over time, the conflict will become more difficult to resolve.

Romantic evening with the transition to an erotic continuation

The signal for reconciliation on your part will be the preparation of a delicious dinner with romantic overtones. Children for the sake of such a moment can be taken to their grandmother. Write an SMS with a hint that you are really waiting for your loved one to return from work. Before he comes, put yourself in order and dress up. Play soft music that you both love. Light candles to create an atmosphere of romance and tenderness.

This is a proven method to calm down after a fight that will not leave a man indifferent. He will be glad that you decided to leave the conflict behind, and will forget about his resentment. You will have a great evening together that will benefit your relationship.

A pleasant surprise

If you don't know how to make peace with your husband after a major quarrel, present him with a gift that will delight him. The present does not need to be expensive

It is important that it evokes positive emotions. It could be a T-shirt with the logo of his favorite computer game or tickets to a concert of a band he likes.

Let your spouse understand that you are ready to make up, he is not indifferent to you. It will be better if, in addition to the gift, you apologize so that there is no trace of the unpleasant aftertaste after the quarrel.

You hurt him badly

If you hurt your man badly, forget about self-esteem. In this case, you need to know exactly how to make peace with your husband, even if he does not make contact.

It is important here not only to apologize, but also to explain that you realized your mistake, quarreled with him because of nervous tension and will not allow this in the future. Explain that you think he is the best man, and that everything that happens is temporary difficulties that you can easily solve together.

You can ask your spouse what he is not comfortable with in your behavior. Then he will make contact and tell you how he would like to see you. If a woman is to blame, she should be ready to calmly accept criticism from him. Say that you will listen to his wishes and try to make them come true. A delicious dinner and a woman's affection will be a good addition to an apology.

My husband has long wanted to part with you

If it came to divorce, and your spouse felt the argument was a good reason to end the relationship, it will be more difficult to return love. Think about how the man behaved in the last days. Perhaps he allowed himself to spend the night away from home, showed coldness and irritation towards you. All this gives reason to wonder if another woman is the cause of your quarrels.

There is an effective way to make peace with your husband after a violent quarrel. When your spouse intends to divorce, talk to him. Although there are few chances to keep him, they are still there. Make a promise that you will listen to your spouse's demands and try to be the ideal woman for him.

Do not go too far in apologies. If your husband laughs at you openly or is disdainful of trying to talk, let him go. It may be time for you to think about the relationship separately from each other, or to open yourself up to a new love.

How to make peace with your husband after a violent quarrel

There are no married couples whom disagreements, scandals and quarrels would bypass. But the wife has the wisdom to understand that strong emotions can offend, and forgiveness must be asked for peace in the house.

It would be correct to avoid a situation where each of the spouses is waiting for the initiative to make peace from the other. In order to properly reconcile with her husband, the wife needs to be able to admit her mistakes and talk about them.

A woman should be able to admit her guilt and get rid of the eternal desire to be right. Stereotypes, pride, excessive resentment and aggression create conflict situations and quarrels.

Tips on how to make peace with your husband if he does not make contact

Even if the spouse is very offended and does not want to talk, the problem can be solved by the wife by deciding to apologize first.

Follow the advice of a psychologist on how to easily avoid a protracted quarrel and quickly make peace with your husband:

Words of apology are given to some individuals very difficult, nevertheless, these are effective words, sometimes it is enough to say even only them (provided that you are sincere) and admit your guilt or mistake.

Remember romance, put a note in a folder with documents, write an SMS, bake a cake with the words "Let's live together", women's imagination has no limit.

Don't be silent. A heart-to-heart conversation is worth weighing, it will either completely resolve your disagreement, or pull out those pitfalls that you should forget about. But in any case, it is necessary to talk about the problem. Your partner is not a telepath, therefore, all your thoughts, experiences and desires must be voiced. But be as tactful as possible.

Let the quarrel cool down, do not make decisions "hot hand", do not make sudden decisions and do not succumb to resentment and all kinds of emotions.

How to make peace with your husband if it comes to divorce

Divorce as an extreme measure of resolving contradictions in marriage can be a mistake if both rushed to extremes.

Life is full of tough problems in the family: inattention to each other, misunderstanding, betrayal, major quarrel, financial factor, etc. These reasons can aggravate the precarious position of marital relations, but should not be an obstacle if the wife herself wants to save the marriage

These reasons can aggravate the precarious situation in the marital relationship, but should not be an obstacle if the wife herself wants to save the marriage.

  • Make an informed decision to keep the marriage going.
  • Try to find your fault in the ongoing everyday difficulties.
  • Treat your partner's wishes with the utmost respect.
  • Ask someone close to you for help.
  • Find out the true cause of the conflict. Quite often, quarrels between spouses occur over sheer trifles. However, sometimes behind these trifles other, significant, problems are hidden. For example, a wife is jealous of her husband for his work colleague, but does not speak about it directly, but finds fault with him because he scattered socks in the bedroom. Naturally, in this situation, the real cause of the conflict is not socks, but jealousy. Therefore, try to get to the bottom of your conflict and think about how to solve it. If you hide the reason for the quarrels with your husband, even from yourself, your quarrels will never end and it will be more difficult to return a good relationship over time.
  • Don't stoop to insults. No matter how angry and offended you are with your spouse, never go into insults. Remember that any quarrel is temporary. You will make up, but harsh words will remain in your memory and will imperceptibly worsen your relationship. In addition, mutual insults will not help resolve the conflict, but will only distance you from reconciliation, so behave with dignity even in a fit of anger.
  • Learn to apologize. Some women are never the first to go to reconciliation, even if they understand that they themselves are to blame for the quarrel. Their pride does not allow them to admit their guilt and apologize. This is wrong, because your husband is the closest person to you, so there is nothing humiliating in approaching him and asking for forgiveness.
  • Let the man cool down. Do not try to reconcile with your husband when he is in a state of intense emotional excitement. Wait until the man calms down and only then approach him with a conversation and attempts to improve relations. Or maybe you don’t have to do anything - the husband will cool down and he will want to talk. Often there are situations when, after a quarrel, the husband does not spend the night at home, but returns the next morning and goes first to reconciliation. Some men, in anger, may even take off their wedding ring to show their wife how offended they are. All this is a manifestation of emotions.
  • Treat your husband to pleasure. If you have already apologized, but the final reconciliation has not yet happened, try to appease your spouse with something. For example, cook him a delicious dinner or give him a gift. This will show the man that you are ready to work hard for him and your relationship. Having understood this, a man will more easily forgive an offense. However, this method is appropriate only if a preliminary conversation between you has already taken place, but your husband has not forgiven you yet. If he doesn't want to talk to you at all, then such methods will not help.
  • Never threaten divorce. Some women love to manipulate their husbands in this way and threaten to file for divorce every time they quarrel. If you really value your family, never start a conversation about divorce, because at one point the spouse may agree to your attack and the matter will really come to a divorce.
  • Don't drag other people into the fight. The conflict between husband and wife is a matter that concerns only the two of them. Don't ask someone else to reconcile you, such as your mom, mother-in-law, kids, or girlfriend. This can only make your husband angry. The ideal option is not to tell anyone at all that you had a fight with your spouse.

Reconciliation by photography

For the ritual, you will need a photograph in which a person is depicted alone, a green cloth (tablecloth, scarf) and a candle bought in a church. Lay the table, put on the tablecloth in the middle the image of the person with whom you want to quickly make peace. Light a candle, take it with your right hand and, looking at the photo, move over it against the movement of the clock hand. During the manipulations, read the words of the conspiracy nine times:

After that, leave the candle next to the photo. When it burns out, wrap the remaining cinder together with the photo in a green tablecloth. Put it in a place where no one accidentally finds it.


In order not to bring the matter to scandals, psychologists give advice on how to avoid quarrels in a relationship:

  • communicate: talk to each other daily so that there are no unexplored spots on the map of your relationship;
  • spend leisure time together: go out of town, go to the cinema, visit exhibitions, make a common circle of acquaintances - there will be no energy or time left for quarrels;
  • study each other, ask questions about what they like and vice versa - this should be done throughout life;
  • do not hesitate to show love for each other, give gifts and compliments more often;
  • be honest, even if the truth is unpleasant;
  • when a serious problem is brewing, it is better to seek help from a third party (the best option is a psychologist).

Step by step instructions for everyone

To improve relations after a quarrel, you need to build the right line of behavior. If you immediately behave in the wrong way, you can completely ruin everything. Psychologists advise taking several steps towards reconciliation.

Step 1. Don't run away

Even after a serious quarrel, do not run away from the person, even though at that moment you can literally hate him. The maximum that is allowed to be done is to go to another room. Otherwise, leaving can be regarded as a point in the relationship.

Step 2. Calm down after an argument

There are a lot of techniques on how to calm down. For example, drink some water or do some simple breathing exercises. Or open a window and breathe in the fresh air deeply.

Step 3. Ask for forgiveness

Apologize for being guilty, for shouting, misunderstanding your opponent, behaving inappropriately, offended. There is always something to ask for forgiveness. Only this must be done sincerely. And then, regardless of the answer, smile.

Step 4. Distance yourself

Only after that it will be appropriate to leave if you do not live together (but after having explained that you really need it), or to do chores around the house (by offering help to your opponent). Do not return to the topic of the quarrel. Take a break from several hours to 3 days to calm down and objectively assess the situation.

Step 5. Rebuild a good relationship

At this stage, it's time to appease the person with whom the quarrel occurred, especially if you are to blame. The ways of reconciliation will be discussed below.

Step 6. Solve the problem to the end

After reconciliation, have a frank but calm conversation and discuss the cornerstone that caused the quarrel. Try to find a compromise, make concessions. The voice should be soft, reassure the interlocutor, think over your arguments in advance so as not to inadvertently offend him. And most importantly, keep yourself in control. If you feel that conflict is flaring up again, stop the discussion and pause again.

Many skip the last point, fearing to return to a sore subject lest a new scandal erupt. This error then goes sideways: the problem, along with the remaining resentment, does not disappear anywhere, but grows like a snowball. And the next time she can ruin the relationship. Therefore, in a timely manner, solve all the difficulties due to which conflict situations occur with loved ones.