Star Wars Forces of Corruption Passage. Passage of Star Wars Empire At War for the insurgent alliance. On the wreckage "Star Death"

You are on the game Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption, created in the Strategy / Supplement genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game released Petroglyph Games studio. Found We have the passage of the game Star Wars: Empire At War - Forces of Corruption will help solve the in-game problems faster and get tips for complex moments. Also to the game Star Wars: Empire At War - Forces of Corruption codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who loves to receive free bonuses.

Star Wars: Empire At War - Forces of Corruption in Russia Localled company 1C, but it does not cancel the need for a crack, because sometimes errors show themselves in the course of the game, and the original version is always better converted. Yes, and the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You will play alone by passing every stage without any help.

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Star Wars: Empire At War has become one of the best games about the "Star Wars" universe. But the addition surpassed her head. It did not just add a new race, her style of warfare is fundamentally different from what the rivals are already familiar to us from the troops of the Empire and the rebels. And while they come together for control over the planets, the third force buys and fighters, abducts and pirates. Are you not ready for honest battles? The criminal empire of Taiber Zanna is waiting for you!

Let's start with the fact that nothing remains without attention. Almost all parts of the game were somehow closed, changed. No, the basic rules remained exactly the same - the battle in space, the fight on the surface, the captures of the planets and mining of money. But after numerous additions, a lot to learn is now extremely difficult. Although we will start with the new faction in the game - Syndicate - and tell me who are these, and whom and how they eat.


Syndicate, of course, also not to capture the entire galaxy, taking it under its control. But he prefers to rule the "shadow" life of the planets, corrupting their power. And the enemy sees that there is a shadow business on the planets, but sometimes it is more expensive to stop this activity. After all, in order to corrupt the planet, the syndicate is required to invest 1000 coins in the "vulture" (and do something else depending on the types of corruption), and for the return of the planet to the legality, it is already required for a third thousand money, and not every hero is able to make this is. For example, the rebels by the restoration of the law on the planet is engaged in iodine, and the imperials are Palpatin (although they are not alone in this matter). However, not always the hero can be removed from affairs and send the order. So you have to watch yellow clouds of lawlessness around the planets with a feeling of hopelessness. True, when moving the planet from hand to hand, some types of corruption (those depending on officials, such as intimidation, abduction, bribing) disappear on their own.

It is interesting: Although the campaign to seize the galaxy and assumes that everyone is fighting against everyone, but the main opponent of the syndicate is an empire. Therefore, to fight the empire is more difficult than anyone, there are two opponents against her against her.

Syndicate does not deal with such nonsense as research technology. He buys the necessary technologies in the black market. That is, another element has been added to the technological development cycle: the empire explores, the rebels steal from her, and the "shapes" buy the necessary in the black market from those and others. The main thing is to hold an appropriate corruption campaign against both sides, after which the Tiber Zan, Urai Feng or Silver can go for technologies to "suppliers." By the way, this trick gives some advantage of syndicate in the early stages: its plants can immediately build any technique. Only use the abilities that should be attached to this technique itself will not work.


What are the shares on the involvement of the planet in the criminal network? We simply send the "vulture" syndicate produced at the Palace, and he spends some action on the planet, after which it disappears forever. In total, no more than three different shares can be made on each planet, and once putting the planet to a particular crime path, it is possible to change the direction only after the law is restored there again. Note that the stocks we choose not from the entire list, the set for each planet is hard fixed. But if the introduction of corruption on the planet requires a hero or troops, then they are unique to each planet. So, on one of the action can only be made by TIBERS ZAN, and on the other it should be carried out by the Urai Feng.

It is important: Only "Vulture" flies per share. The hero is "pulling out" for his mission with a completely any planet and returns to it, as soon as everything is over. At the same time, the hero will not die if it is killed during the mission, - he did not come back to his native planet. But the troops required for the task remain on the planet where it passed.

Intimidation. This is a combat action implied by the ground battle, so the money and the hero of the syndicate are required. You just need to get to the intimidated, and then on the planet will be blocked the action of its special features to the end of the game. Although this is the initial mission, but without at least one acting intimidation it is impossible to carry out any racket.

It is interesting: Although for the missions of the "second level" and it is necessary at least one action "first level", but for some missions, a greater number of acts are required, although not more than three.

Piracy. Also a combat action, but already in space. So - again money and hero. Linkors We are unlikely to receive this task, but the cruiser is easily. It is necessary to destroy something, and then the goal will be achieved. At the same time, we can build a new type of ship (the model is borrowed, of course, at the enemy vessel). If the enemy chases his squadron through this planet, then we will receive money for the passage. And with the trade there will be some Navar. Piracy gives the course to such missions as the "black market" and "slavery."

Abduction. In terms of its characteristics, it looks like intimidation, only you need to break through to the stolen, and there it will take the shuttle. At the same time, we get some amount of money (usually just return spent). However, without kidnapping there is no bribery.

Racket. If you have somewhere in at least one intimidation, then you can begin to apply the Racket. Even for him, assault detachments of mercenaries and money for operation are needed. At the same time, the influx of money into a syndicate is increasing, regardless of whether its planet or someone else's. In addition, when destroying enemy troops on these planets, you will receive "interest for destruction."

Bribe. Requires active abduction and money to hold a mission, sometimes troops. As a result, we receive information about the state of affairs on the planet (the movement of fleets around it), as well as during the attack of the planet forces of the syndicate, it will not have garrison troops (and in the cosmic battle against the empire, there will be no fighters against the empire). Also, the presence of at least one bribe makes it possible to create anywhere "fifth column".

Black market. If a piracy flourishes somewhere and you have money for an operation, you can spend this action. After the opening of the Black Market, the hero can fly to the planet with the intention to buy a new technology (five from the empire and rebels). In different markets there may be different prices for the same technology. At the same time, there are no other benefits from him, and this is the form of corruption, which just followed later to another.

Slavery. At least one existing piracy, troops and money for the operation are necessary. But after that, when conflicts on the planet, the local population will choose your side (or beat both fighting if both sides are your opponents). In addition, in all your barracks it will be possible to make a militia from the population of these planets. Immediately notice that slaves for which only one piracy is enough - Nicess assistants. But those for which at least three acting piracy need often have very interesting special abilities.

"Fifth column". Requires at least one successful bribery, money and troops. The local population in all conflicts will fight for us. But if someone guess to remove this form of corruption, then an uprising will occur, after which the planet will become neutral, and all buildings on the planet will be destroyed.

Another plus from corrupt - Fleets of syndicate can slip through these planets without a battle, only by paying local officials. So it is possible and in some deep rear of the enemy, slowly go out. The main thing is to have money on the passage. Also, with any form of corruption, you can observe the base plan on the planet and learn about all troops on Earth and in space.

Syndicata buildings

In the main game, we were not given too much to entertain construction. The main buildings were installed in advance and not subject to revision. However, the syndicate and here managed to distinguish between, receiving several original buildings. First, the Syndicade is clearly from the breed of zenithovers that they themselves do not fly and others do not give. Therefore, they love to build a muffler of antigravitators, and then enemy fast ships barely crawl over the battlefield.

The second difference was two types of guns. The first is shooting throughout, while completely ignoring shields. The second shoots torpedoes, and very far, but do not shoot for flying purposes. But for this, all additional buildings cost the syndicate is extremely expensive.

With space, too, the plasma cannon is also built on earth, like everyone else, but at the third-level space station. What sharply increases the possibility of survival of the station.


Cosmos - a place where the smallest number of changes occurred. The first of them - the rebels and empire can build repair stations on satellites and restore their ships. The syndicate, instead, can put a distinction of distant interference, which will interfere with the enemy rocket light.

The second is the introduction of an avant-garde (he is on earth, but there is much less effect). The meaning is that only one pre-assigned ship appears in the space, and everyone else is called by the list. The main benefit from this is that earlier, the shutters with the landing, which occupied the place of more useful ships, was easily thrown into the battle, and there was no sense from them. An additional application is to put in the avant-garde of the smart hero, which the jerk will be at the enemy base and will cause linear ships on the spot, which would fly from the start point for a few more minutes. Surprise!


Updates in the imperials were not so little. The main injections occurred in the lists of fighters and heroes, there is not a single new vehicle of the middle class. Here are their complete list.

Tie-interceptor. Superior version of TIE fighter, superior to it in all components. It is believed that he is superior to standard rebel fighters in all respects. In the detachment, as in the predecessors, - 7 units. Actually, they replace TIE fighters on all ships, except for "peacemaker."

Tie-phantom. Superior version of TIE scout. Have a hypervigator (can travel between systems), and also equipped with shield and masking generators. At the same time, only one of the generators can be included, but the main purpose of "phantoms" is that they are unnoticed between the enemy systems and conduct intelligence. In the link only three phantom. At the "Maglet" General Roma Roma Phantoms replace bombers.

Tie-defenders. These are unknown earlier fighters-bombers. That is, they can solve both the tasks of fighters (although three for such purposes is not enough), but are mainly dealing with problems with the help of bombing. In addition to ordinary weapons, "Defenders" can translate a protective field into a weapon feeding, increasing the power. Another weapon is an ion gun that shoots the shields or for a while displays enemy ships. Excellent remedy for enemy battleships and space stations.

"Star of Death II." According to the characteristics - the same as the first. Just the first is already destroyed and not subject to restoration. Of course, it works only in campaign mode.

"Executioner". The only representative of the superlinkor class. Naturally, only available in campaigns. This ship has as many as three points of power shields, that is, destroying one of them, you still do not deprive this battleship battlefield. His main ability (except for the usual capture of enemy ships by a power beam) - constant production of new fighters (it is only necessary to constantly press the call button), only 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 6 interceptors and 1 defender. Everything is forcibly caused, unlike other battleships, on which new replace the dead. Although it is without this weapon - countless. Among other things, Darth Vader himself flies on this ship.

"Hammer". Another ship is only from the campaign. Flagship Linner Roma Fish. On it, this admiral produces dark Jedi. Usually, I do not fight with anyone, although the "peacemaker" corresponds to the set of weapons, and on the armor - the "destroyer". Such an auxiliary ship.

"ADMONITOR". The flagship of Grand Admiral Toune, the only ship available not only in the campaign. On armor and the set of weapons are not different from the "destroyer." However, the verges closest to the "admonitor" make a greater damage to the enemy. And the Grand Admiral himself can briefly apply the ability at which his battleship shoots one goal, while its rapidity and damage from hits doubles.

Insurrection! Of the disparate islets of resistance throughout the galaxy, a group of freedom fighters arose, which formed the insurrection alliance and challenged the military power of the Galactic Empire.
The main weapon of the rebels is a sedental and strategy. The rebels found where the prototypes of the new X-Wing fighter model are stored and planned a brave raid to capture them.
The disaster fleet of the rebels, at the head of which is the captain Rem Antilles on his specially finalized flagship "broken heart", is preparing for an attack ...

Mission 1. Diversion.

In the first mission for the alliance at your disposal there will be four ordinary Corvette and one modified corvette with the hero of the antilles and the unique ability to relax the fire of the enemy. You need to destroy the six cosmic docks of the Empire. The secret is very simple - shoot warehouses, and they will explode, and after them and docks. Resistance in this mission is extremely weak, so we cope without effort.

Mission 2. Applied hacking.

The alliance decided to paint the Empire with the new X-Wing fighters, but the planet of the freesia is surrounded by touch satellites that do not allow to perform intelligible. To fulfill the plan, it is necessary to break through to a weakly protected imperial communication station on Weiland and register the rebel ships as imperial. Collect troops and accompany R2D2 and C3PO to the communication station on Weyland, R2D2 will be able to connect and reprogram the imperial data network. After disembarking troops, divide them into three groups: one will guard the disembarking point, the other two placed to the east and west of the communication station to which R2D2 connects. It is necessary to hold out for a while, while our robot is engaged in hacking, after which it is to conduct it to the landing point.

Mission 3. hijackers.

Operation on the hijacking prototypes of new fighters X-Wing models can be started. Alliance managed to gain several experienced pilots, which distinguish prototypes of fighters from the planet freesia to the rebel base. You need to form a percussion ground grouping, deliver pilots on freesy and sobat fighters. To fulfill this task, you need to collect a lot of troops and desirable to leave Y-Wing bombers in orbit. Must survive at least one pilot.
Locked on the planet, we leave several units to protect the point of disembarking and pilots. Large part we send to the northwest card. We destroy the turbo gas protection generator, we return, take the pilots to X-Wing fighters. After the seizure of fighters, we destroy the guns along with them with the help of the main group of troops, and the cannons in the center of the map - using bombers. The path is clear!

Mission 4. Salvation from Kessel.

Many scientists "Inkom" were behind the grille due to the fault of the imprerse, after the rebel raid on the freesia. Under the convoy of prisoners transported to Kessel, the planet known to the cortex mines. Around Kessel asteroid fields, so the shutters with prisoners will move slowly and without maintenance of large ships - this is the possibility of freeing scientists. It is necessary with the help of ion gun Y-Wing to neutralize the shutters and pick up the prisoners on the Corvette "Broken Heart".
To successfully perform this task, you need to take at least six links of Y-Wing bombers. Fighters and Corvette let them understand with enemy ships, and the bomber ordered to neutral the shutters, which will fly by two groups of three units. After neutralizing the shuttle, we order the Corvette "Broken Heart" to take care of them and pick up prisoners.

Mission 5. Expropriation of technologies.

To check the rumors about the new super reservation of the Empire, the leaders of the rebel alliance decide to send R2D2 and C3PO to explore. Droids have to collect information and intercept imperial negotiations. Move R2D2 and C3PO to a cell for special operations to the imperial planet. After theft of technology, the mission will end, but it is better to continue to do this until technology is terminated.

Mission 6. Liberation.

The empire is concerned about the shoots of prisons of Cashiak. The hero is a single frees the wooks from captivity and helps them fight the workers of the empire. We have to land the ground grouping on the stuff and help the loneliness save as much as possible WOO. It is very helpful to take on this task artillery, as the prisons are very strong structures, and the bombers in orbit will not interfere. We destroy prisons and imperial forces, while the solo must survive.

Mission 7. Auction.

Mont Motma involuntarily put on a map of the fate of the Alliance, contacting the representatives of the criminal world. One of the pirates was able to obtain data on the location of the rebel bases and their agent network. This data should not get into the hands of the Empire. It is necessary to form a fleet and escort Antilles on Atzerry and save data. First, we destroy the imperial heavy ships, then fly to the interdictor-AM, the pirate will be there. Shot a pirate ship and send a "broken heart" to it and only after the capture of the data we need to shoot the remaining imperial ships.

Mission 8. Rescue "Millennial Falcon".

Khan Solo, it seems, in the Vlip. His ship is caught by the attractive ray of the imperial "destroyer." Most likely, imperials want to search the ship for the presence of smuggling. In exchange for salvo salvo will not refuse to help the Alliance. You need to send the fleet to Corellia and save Hana Solo. It is enough to take 5-7 squadrons of bombers and several squadrons of fighters, give them a task to attack the generator of the attractive beam, which holds the Khan Solo ship. After the destruction of this generator, the Millennium Falcon will be free.

Mission 9. Needle in a haystack.

The rebels managed to find out the location of one of the secret scientific bases of Grand Moff Tarkina. Now it is necessary to mined information about the superorary of the empire. This station has good defense, so Khan Solo instructed to throw the electromagnetic bomb to the container intended for the base of Tarkin. Everything needs to be done without too much noise. It is necessary to deliver Khan Solo to the imperial cargo warehouse in the asteroid field of Verpesso, find the desired cargo container and throw a bomb to it. We will send the "millennial falcon" to the versesso system, flying containers marked on a green map, we find the right and put the bomb. Solo fighters will cope without difficulty, but from other ships will have to run away. Do not forget to use the unique ability of the "millennial falcon" - for a while it becomes invulnerable.

Mission 10. Loan time.

The container with the bomb is delivered. It's time to arrange a raid and capture the data on the superorary of the empire. The bomb will explode immediately after entering the rebel fleet to the system, which will provide us with time to search the station. Our task is to accompany the "broken heart" on the corurala and protect the shutters until the boarding commands are looking for information. The fleet will need large. All imperial ships are already in the system, but they gradually come to life and attack the shutters. Your task is not to destroy them, but it is better to destroy the imperial ships even at a distance from the shuttle.

Mission 11. Not concent!

Mont Motmime Again, the services of Khan Solo and Chubakki were required. This time their mission is in a well-protected imperial city. It is necessary to find the drawings stolen by imperials. With these drawings, Mont-Kalamari will open on the side of the Alliance. Khan and Chui must find drawings and sobat the ship to fly away from the planet. Before performing this mission, strengthen your planets - build the station of the last possible level, leave several ships in orbits, because the Empire will start the attack on your position.
The main thing is to bring Khan and Chui to the place where you can build a therapeutic station, then capture the technique using the ability of Chii. After capturing AT-AT, destroy the generator and go beyond the drawings.

Mission 12. Defense of Mon-Kalamari.

The empire plans to capture the planet Mont-Kalamari. Heavy battles are coming. The empire gathered a big fleet and we have to defeat him before he reaches his goal. If you defeat the enemy in several battles and prevent the capture of Mont-Kalamari, the mission will be performed. The author of this passage was enough victory in two battles in the orbits of the planets on the way to the goal of the imperials.

Mission 13. Last battle.

The star of death is imperial weapon capable of one shot to destroy the whole planet, functions. Alderaan is destroyed by this terrible weapon. The fleet of the rebels is too weak for the attack of the star of death in the forehead, but a well-thought-out strategy of the leaders of the alliance and the courage of the pilots of red links and Luke Skywalker is the only chance for the rebels. You need to attack the star of death and the fleet of support with the participation of red link. It is enough to win all the deaths of the death star accompaniment, and if the red link will destroy, the mission and campaign for the alliance will be hung.

Star Wars: Empire At War has become one of the best games about the "Star Wars" universe. But the addition surpassed her head. It did not just add a new race, her style of warfare is fundamentally different from what the rivals are already familiar to us from the troops of the Empire and the rebels. And while they come together for control over the planets, the third force buys and fighters, abducts and pirates. Are you not ready for honest battles? The criminal empire of Taiber Zanna is waiting for you!

Let's start with the fact that nothing remains without attention. Almost all parts of the game were somehow closed, changed. No, the basic rules remained exactly the same - the battle in space, the fight on the surface, the captures of the planets and mining of money. But after numerous additions, a lot to learn is now extremely difficult. Although we will start with the new faction in the game - Syndicate - and tell me who are these, and whom and how they eat.


Syndicate, of course, also not to capture the entire galaxy, taking it under its control. But he prefers to rule the "shadow" life of the planets, corrupting their power. And the enemy sees that there is a shadow business on the planets, but sometimes it is more expensive to stop this activity. After all, in order to corrupt the planet, the syndicate is required to invest 1000 coins in the "vulture" (and do something else depending on the types of corruption), and for the return of the planet to the legality, it is already required for a third thousand money, and not every hero is able to make this is. For example, the rebels by the restoration of the law on the planet is engaged in iodine, and the imperials are Palpatin (although they are not alone in this matter). However, not always the hero can be removed from affairs and send the order. So you have to watch yellow clouds of lawlessness around the planets with a feeling of hopelessness. True, when moving the planet from hand to hand, some types of corruption (those depending on officials, such as intimidation, abduction, bribing) disappear on their own.

It is interesting: Although the campaign to seize the galaxy and assumes that everyone is fighting against everyone, but the main opponent of the syndicate is an empire. Therefore, to fight the empire is more difficult than anyone, there are two opponents against her against her.

Syndicate does not deal with such nonsense as research technology. He buys the necessary technologies in the black market. That is, another element has been added to the technological development cycle: the empire explores, the rebels steal from her, and the "shapes" buy the necessary in the black market from those and others. The main thing is to hold an appropriate corruption campaign against both sides, after which the Tiber Zan, Urai Feng or Silver can go for technologies to "suppliers." By the way, this trick gives some advantage of syndicate in the early stages: its plants can immediately build any technique. Only use the abilities that should be attached to this technique itself will not work.


What are the shares on the involvement of the planet in the criminal network? We simply send the "vulture" syndicate produced at the Palace, and he spends some action on the planet, after which it disappears forever. In total, no more than three different shares can be made on each planet, and once putting the planet to a particular crime path, it is possible to change the direction only after the law is restored there again. Note that the stocks we choose not from the entire list, the set for each planet is hard fixed. But if the introduction of corruption on the planet requires a hero or troops, then they are unique to each planet. So, on one of the action can only be made by TIBERS ZAN, and on the other it should be carried out by the Urai Feng.

It is important: Only "Vulture" flies per share. The hero is "pulling out" for his mission with a completely any planet and returns to it, as soon as everything is over. At the same time, the hero will not die if it is killed during the mission, - he did not come back to his native planet. But the troops required for the task remain on the planet where it passed.

Intimidation. This is a combat action implied by the ground battle, so the money and the hero of the syndicate are required. You just need to get to the intimidated, and then on the planet will be blocked the action of its special features to the end of the game. Although this is the initial mission, but without at least one acting intimidation it is impossible to carry out any racket.

It is interesting: Although for the missions of the "second level" and it is necessary at least one action "first level", but for some missions, a greater number of acts are required, although not more than three.

Piracy. Also a combat action, but already in space. So - again money and hero. Linkors We are unlikely to receive this task, but the cruiser is easily. It is necessary to destroy something, and then the goal will be achieved. At the same time, we can build a new type of ship (the model is borrowed, of course, at the enemy vessel). If the enemy chases his squadron through this planet, then we will receive money for the passage. And with the trade there will be some Navar. Piracy gives the course to such missions as the "black market" and "slavery."

Abduction. In terms of its characteristics, it looks like intimidation, only you need to break through to the stolen, and there it will take the shuttle. At the same time, we get some amount of money (usually just return spent). However, without kidnapping there is no bribery.

Racket. If you have somewhere in at least one intimidation, then you can begin to apply the Racket. Even for him, assault detachments of mercenaries and money for operation are needed. At the same time, the influx of money into a syndicate is increasing, regardless of whether its planet or someone else's. In addition, when destroying enemy troops on these planets, you will receive "interest for destruction."

Bribe. Requires active abduction and money to hold a mission, sometimes troops. As a result, we receive information about the state of affairs on the planet (the movement of fleets around it), as well as during the attack of the planet forces of the syndicate, it will not have garrison troops (and in the cosmic battle against the empire, there will be no fighters against the empire). Also, the presence of at least one bribe makes it possible to create anywhere "fifth column".

Black market. If a piracy flourishes somewhere and you have money for an operation, you can spend this action. After the opening of the Black Market, the hero can fly to the planet with the intention to buy a new technology (five from the empire and rebels). In different markets there may be different prices for the same technology. At the same time, there are no other benefits from him, and this is the form of corruption, which just followed later to another.

Slavery. At least one existing piracy, troops and money for the operation are necessary. But after that, when conflicts on the planet, the local population will choose your side (or beat both fighting if both sides are your opponents). In addition, in all your barracks it will be possible to make a militia from the population of these planets. Immediately notice that slaves for which only one piracy is enough - Nicess assistants. But those for which at least three acting piracy need often have very interesting special abilities.

"Fifth column". Requires at least one successful bribery, money and troops. The local population in all conflicts will fight for us. But if someone guess to remove this form of corruption, then an uprising will occur, after which the planet will become neutral, and all buildings on the planet will be destroyed.

Another plus from corrupt - Fleets of syndicate can slip through these planets without a battle, only by paying local officials. So it is possible and in some deep rear of the enemy, slowly go out. The main thing is to have money on the passage. Also, with any form of corruption, you can observe the base plan on the planet and learn about all troops on Earth and in space.

Syndicata buildings

In the main game, we were not given too much to entertain construction. The main buildings were installed in advance and not subject to revision. However, the syndicate and here managed to distinguish between, receiving several original buildings. First, the Syndicade is clearly from the breed of zenithovers that they themselves do not fly and others do not give. Therefore, they love to build a muffler of antigravitators, and then enemy fast ships barely crawl over the battlefield.

The second difference was two types of guns. The first is shooting throughout, while completely ignoring shields. The second shoots torpedoes, and very far, but do not shoot for flying purposes. But for this, all additional buildings cost the syndicate is extremely expensive.

With space, too, the plasma cannon is also built on earth, like everyone else, but at the third-level space station. What sharply increases the possibility of survival of the station.


Cosmos - a place where the smallest number of changes occurred. The first of them - the rebels and empire can build repair stations on satellites and restore their ships. The syndicate, instead, can put a distinction of distant interference, which will interfere with the enemy rocket light.

The second is the introduction of an avant-garde (he is on earth, but there is much less effect). The meaning is that only one pre-assigned ship appears in the space, and everyone else is called by the list. The main benefit from this is that earlier, the shutters with the landing, which occupied the place of more useful ships, was easily thrown into the battle, and there was no sense from them. An additional application is to put in the avant-garde of the smart hero, which the jerk will be at the enemy base and will cause linear ships on the spot, which would fly from the start point for a few more minutes. Surprise!


Updates in the imperials were not so little. The main injections occurred in the lists of fighters and heroes, there is not a single new vehicle of the middle class. Here are their complete list.

Tie-interceptor. Superior version of TIE fighter, superior to it in all components. It is believed that he is superior to standard rebel fighters in all respects. In the detachment, as in the predecessors, - 7 units. Actually, they replace TIE fighters on all ships, except for "peacemaker."

Tie-phantom. Superior version of TIE scout. Have a hypervigator (can travel between systems), and also equipped with shield and masking generators. At the same time, only one of the generators can be included, but the main purpose of "phantoms" is that they are unnoticed between the enemy systems and conduct intelligence. In the link only three phantom. At the "Maglet" General Roma Roma Phantoms replace bombers.

Tie-defenders. These are unknown earlier fighters-bombers. That is, they can solve both the tasks of fighters (although three for such purposes is not enough), but are mainly dealing with problems with the help of bombing. In addition to ordinary weapons, "Defenders" can translate a protective field into a weapon feeding, increasing the power. Another weapon is an ion gun that shoots the shields or for a while displays enemy ships. Excellent remedy for enemy battleships and space stations.

"Star of Death II." According to the characteristics - the same as the first. Just the first is already destroyed and not subject to restoration. Of course, it works only in campaign mode.

"Executioner". The only representative of the superlinkor class. Naturally, only available in campaigns. This ship has as many as three points of power shields, that is, destroying one of them, you still do not deprive this battleship battlefield. His main ability (except for the usual capture of enemy ships by a power beam) - constant production of new fighters (it is only necessary to constantly press the call button), only 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 6 interceptors and 1 defender. Everything is forcibly caused, unlike other battleships, on which new replace the dead. Although it is without this weapon - countless. Among other things, Darth Vader himself flies on this ship.

"Hammer". Another ship is only from the campaign. Flagship Linner Roma Fish. On it, this admiral produces dark Jedi. Usually, I do not fight with anyone, although the "peacemaker" corresponds to the set of weapons, and on the armor - the "destroyer". Such an auxiliary ship.

"ADMONITOR". The flagship of Grand Admiral Toune, the only ship available not only in the campaign. On armor and the set of weapons are not different from the "destroyer." However, the verges closest to the "admonitor" make a greater damage to the enemy. And the Grand Admiral himself can briefly apply the ability at which his battleship shoots one goal, while its rapidity and damage from hits doubles.


The rebels received even less than the empire. But there is still something.

In-wing. Improved bombers. Only three in the link, but at each there are already three torpedoes (and on ordinary one). Another advantage over simple bombers is that in-wings can fold the wings and sharply accelerate, due to which they can slip off the zone of the zenith fire and is guaranteed to hit the station or the enemy lincora.

MS-30C. Speed \u200b\u200bhunter for enemy lincars class cruiser. On his nose, he has two batteries of proton torpedoes, which he shoots a volley. He's worse with minor ships, since the shooting is conducted by fan and not all torpedoes fall into the goal. To protect against fighters, the battery of light lasers and the ability of "release of cluster bombs" are used (the bomb ring is thrown around, which explode, destroying everything that treated). An exceptionally useful and functional thing, especially in the second row.

Robber squadron. Luke left the fleet, and this division was formed from new pilots. 6 powerful fighters who know how to fold wings and fly faster. Also for a while they can increase the rate of fire and damage applied in battle. The best (and the only) agent against the "Star of Death II". Of course, the heroes.


These fighters today are newcomers in the arena of interstellar battles, so they have the greatest addition in the family. Although the total number of ships they are clearly less than that of other parties. But we will not forget about piracy in which the syndicate can borrow other people's models. So...

"Star Gaduka". A good maneuverable fighter for which you can explore technology that reduces the damage from the enemy laser rays (which will increase its survival even more). With any old fighters copes very easily. With new ones - on equal. As an additional ability, the mines are thrown out, which only act against fighters or destroyers. But, if you successfully release them during the cosmic battle, the loss of the enemy can be very high. In the link - 5 fighters.

"Skipray". Standard bomber. It differs from quite the initial fact that he has two torpedoes at once. Armament is located in a separate rotating turreka, which slightly increases the chances of fighters. I know how to put radar interference, while the enemy is difficult to discover your troops on the radar. In the link - three bombers.

"Crusader". At first glance, a typical destroyer designed to combat enemy fighters. However, he has an excellent permanent ability of missile defense. This ship will shoot all the rockets flying personally into him and just past him. Therefore, fighters can cope with it even more difficult than with ships of a similar class, - you can only take cruisers.

"Interceptor IV". This ship came from the main game, being upgraded. It is an auxiliary ship to combat the unfinished enemy destroyers. It is better not to release it on it, since with a good shield armor is still weak. In a word, it is not a mandatory fighter in the squadron. From weapons there are two batteries of turbolyzer and mine rockets on the nose. The "branded" difference - for a while, the missile battery passes into the continuous shooting mode and the rockets are flowing.

"Revenge". A heavy cruiser who is considered a hunter for ships of a similar class. However, due to the presence of 2 batteries of automatic guns, it is well opposed to fighters with the destroyers (there are also 2 batteries of turbolyzer against the latter), because the cannons ignore all shields. However, with an excellent armor, he has no power shields at all, so it is better not to get involved with lincars - they will damn and not notice. From the abilities there is a disguise, when using the cruiser invisible until it shoots (it is very useful when battleships crawled on the battlefield), and self-destruction (when it really dies, it turns on the masking, it takes a closer look. Very useful ship, which should be in any fleet.

"Aggressor". A battleship that prefers to destroy the enemy battleships. In addition to 2 batteries of turbolyzer, armed with two specialists. The first embarcates shields and spoils electronics. The second causes a huge damage, killing rocket ships in place and demolishing the towers in cruisers from one hit. It has a "volumetric" effect, so all fighters and bombers who are in the place of contact are killed. It is recommended to shoot him in the hangars, for someone is always spinning around them. The fighters with bombers are completely defenseless, there must be a cover. Specials - self-destruction, like "Vesti". May support ground operations with its fire.

"Kedalbe". A kind of auxiliary battleship, which, due to its weapons (2 automatic guns, 4 batteries of turbolazer and 2 ion guns) is universal, but at the same time he has no strong places. The most organically combined with "aggressors", which covers from every annoying little things, accelerating it with powerful volley. Able to steal the energy of enemy power shields, reinforcing its weapons systems. The rebels breaks the ability to recharge the shield.

"Merciless". Flagship Taiper Zanna. This is the reinforced version of the "aggressor", shields and armor he has more powerful. It is characterized by the following abilities: Masking and enhances the first special, which can even break through several enemy ships with one shock. Otherwise, this is all the same "aggressor", that is, to leave it one is not recommended.

"Fang Hounds." And this is a personal shipbuilder. He loves to hunt light cruisers and bombers, with the destroyers and fighters things are worse, but this boat will easily leave them due to excellent speed and maneuverability. As a fellowship, radar interferences, hiding our troops from opponent's views.

"IG-2000". The robot with the name IG-88 flies on this ship. Very fast heavy fighter, which is remarkably straightened with enemy fighters. It is valuable by the cost of "interference in systems", when it reduces the accuracy of the fire of the surrounding ships, pumps the energy of their shields and blocks the extensibility.

Earth at the foot

But on Earth, unlike space, a number of rather significant changes have appeared. The first of them is Mobile Defense Platforms. They are created by each of the parties in their main building, after which they are sent to the desired point. There they unfold and then stand in this place before the destruction or end of the mission (but you can sell the contents of the platform). Each party has its own platform set.

Bunkers appeared, each of which can be shoved in 5 infantrymen. True, it should be built first.

Each party received military transport. I can not say that they are definitely always useful, but sometimes with them with their ability to transport infantry in the holds of the infantry. By the way, they can transport and unnewned mists.

Some abilities are now used in automatic mode. That is, they do not need to use them.

There were areas of landscape with characteristic features. So, in the forest, only the infantry can pass, and the lava reduces the amount of living of those who are pierced. Water slows movement. From heights defending can continue to shoot at attacking.

An orbital bombardment appeared. If the fraction has a battle in the orbit (syndicate - only "aggressor"), then the enemy on the ground can be fired from its guns.

In the campaign there was such a useful thing as a map of the base, where you can move the buildings, forming a more successful combat order. But in individual missions there were advanced platforms for the construction of factories. Two of them, the mountain-grinding plant (increases the income) and the Hutta Palace (produces swamp glisers, light treasures and Scythians), can build any side. Another building is unique for each builder. The syndicate builds the muffler of antigravitators, the Alliance - the satellite terminal (allows for a short time to open the parts of the map), the Empire is a magnetic-pulse gun (gun shooting at a certain distance and disabling enemy techniques). I can not say that at least something out of this is indispensable, but sometimes it is useful.


The empire received many heroes in space, so it will have to do with old men on Earth. But it appeared interesting specimens of other troops.

Dark warrior, Project I. In the campaign, like all the other dark warriors, is made only on the "Mold". In the detachment of three pieces. These fighters are intended only for hand-to-hand combat, but they can reflect the shots targets aimed at them in their hands. Move not very quickly, which is compensated by the ability of Sprint, allowing to run one and a half times faster. However, especially the fastest opponents will still be faster. As fighters are rather mediocre, therefore I do not recommend application.

It is important: Dark warriors - droids, not people. Therefore, they will be revealed, but not treated.

Dark warrior, project II. Two fighters of this unit are armed with light guns and perfectly shoot both by infantry and easy technique. If you do not throw them to the forefront, then your money is justified. Specials - a missile satisfaction that transfers these warriors to a given position. When you fly - do not shoot. Frequently used as scouts.

Dark warrior, project III. In the detachment only one warrior. It can simply be able to shoot, but can strengthen and open fire by seismic equipment that cause damage in the area (infantry will not last). Like the previous version - can fly. Not very useful because of a small amount.

Assassins Nogli. For some reason, to build killers and smugglers of the empire is no longer permitted (Baga), but in the campaign when capturing the planet Honoghr they will have such fighters. At the same time, their effectiveness has increased so much that the assassins can kill not only secondary heroes, but also conventional (except for the leaders of fractions, such as iodine or TIBER SNN). In terrestrial battles, these are three people who kill one infantry to each shot (and shoot very far). When they begin to beat, they include disguise. Heroes are perfectly killed (especially if those at least a little distract).

"Juggernaut". Transportation for infantry, which possesses several machine guns and a system of missile defense destroying the rockets directed to it. It is often useful in a defensive war when she covers troops from rockets flying in them.

"Lancet". Now the empire can fly. For this, she has a detachment of aircraft on anti-brevitators. They gently engage and slow down their goals, turn off the electronics on the tanks, and they are not moving anywhere. At the same time, the life of the sufferers reduce. Lasers go against enemy glisers. Perfectly work against shock enemy heroes. In the detachment of three pieces, and it is an extremely powerful weapon.

Imperials, they can generate EM fields (deflect enemy rockets), shoot from seismic grenade launcher and deploy a touch knot, which is still able and shoot with energy weapons.


But the rebels are just the opposite - some solid heroes.

Gallofrey. Transport for infantry from the rebels. His advantage over others is that he can fly. That is, it is nippled by the folds of the relief, it turns out through any obstacles. On board there is a light laser - can deliver a little bit of trouble with the enemy.

Mobile defensive platforms. The rebels learned how to make a mobile shield generator (all troops are covered with a power shield), a repair station or a raw-powered laser cannon.

Luke Skywalker. By destroying the "Death Star", Luke was finally leaving the pilots in the Jedi and now uses the power to be hampered from the fire of the opponent blaster. It became - against him you need to let any handapacks or shooters rockets. I know how to throw your sword on the boomeranga manner. Finally, the ability of the "Cloak of Power" makes the hatch invisible. Medium fighter universal.

Iodine. And this master loves to enjoy the "attack of power", while he jumps like a ball and with a mad speed rubs the enemy on the nurses. During the action of "Attacks", you can easily choke a couple of infantry detachments, and the heroes will not last. Using the ability of the "Oco force" enters the trans and temporarily opens the card. Behind the sim follow the bombardment of the enemy from long-range weapons. A very strong hero, in the presence of which many problems are solved on the map.

Garm Bel Iblis. Drives on a huge tank called "Gargantua". If the opponent has no anti-tank agents, while it is called, it can be surrendered. For this is a terrible lover to press. And not only some kind of infantry, but also lightweight technique, for example, the same AT-ST. It is impossible to destroy only what is above it or flies. Crossing power from shields, can produce a powerful explosion around yourself. However, the range of this ability is small, and at this time the enemy often causes damage to the "Gargantua". Therefore, I do not recommend using. Better just shoot all of his six guns and ride across the enemy, and do not engage in nonsense with explosions. Can also carry infantry. If you enter it in a timely manner - brings victory. If the enemy has time to get together with the forces - destroy this hero themselves.


Syndicate Again in the role of newcomers, so they have the largest troops for this time. By the way, the feature of the syndicate troops is that they have a lot of weapons that ignore the power shields.

Assault detachment of mercenaries. Includes three detachments of three people. Armed by blasters, which can later be improved to disintegrators. In this case, they become a big threat to all living and mechanical. There may be stimulants that will speed them up and increase damage, but they will greatly damage the health of these soldiers.

The platoon of mercenaries. Also 3 detachment, but already 4 fighters. Shot from grenade launchers, that is, they can shoot a canopy and through obstacles. In addition, they are able to lay contactless mines that greatly reduce the life of the enemy infantry. Well, all the same stimulation. Excellent fighters in defense against the infant infantry.

Droid destroyer. The tricky machine that quickly moves, but at the same time rolls the shields. When the droid rises to the desired point, the shields turn again, and then it is difficult to destroy. Armed with two types of weapons - blaster (causes great damage) and ion gun (destroys shields) to be changed manually. Very beneficial in terms of long-term protective structures. And it is better to drive them separately, in order not to move with the speed of the crowd. In the detachment three cars.

Stealth transport F9-TZ. Invisible transportation on antigravitators (can pass over water or swamp). This ability is not permanent, but connected. Shootless does not know how.

Mobile missile complex MAL. Heavy artillery, three pieces in the detachment. May shoot, not "unfolding", but it is better to install it on position, then shoot will be further and more powerful. It can change the weapon to carbonite rockets, which also slowly slow down the enemy. Carbonite firing one thing, and ordinary - whole packs at a time.

Self-propelled pulse gun MZ-8. Detachment of four self-propellas. Slow and weakly protected, but perfectly destroy enemy buildings and technique from somewhere from the second line. Well suited for hacking enemy defense, if there is someone to cover. Specials - self-destruction with a large radius of the explosion. But will you have time to apply it?

Storm tank "Kanderos". Powerful wagon tank. Basic combat unit of syndicate. Fast and powerful weapons. It is experiencing some problems with infantry, since it is embroils it one by one, but with the technique spreads to excellent. Remarkably shoots for air targets. Specials - causes fire on himself, distracting it from any more important goals (acts only on armored vehicles, turret and droids), while shooting terribly smeared. In the division - three cars.

"Night sisters." Militants from the planet Datomir. Come to the battle on the monsters-ranks and die with them. Very effective against buildings and major equipment (a trifle, most likely, will simply run away). Beasts under the control of "sisters" discern everything that will get under heavy paw. Against the infantry there is the ability of "small outflow of life", while "captures" to two infantry units or technology, of which life is suused (and it is restored). In the division of only one "sister", but several "sisters" on the ranks - a completely terrible force.

"Vornskr". A detachment of three predators, which perfectly feel the power and track and snangle the Jedi and Sitchov. Plus, they see the invisible. Therefore, if the enemy got carried away by heroes, remind him that everything can even change.

Evok trainer. In the campaign we get it only if we grab the planet of the Evoks into slavery. In the detachment on one trainer, which drags a bag with euro with him. As soon as the trainer sees the enemy, he produces a dynamite with a dynamite, and that wander to the enemy. The effects of the explosion are usually terrifying. Several trainers produce a strong effect. We just need not to forget to cover them.

"Vulture". A secondary hero, which usually spreads corruption. On Earth, this is a regular shooter with high rapidity. In addition, knows how to throw explosives in the enemy, after which you press the explosion button (the "vulture" itself press the wrong button does not like). So the heavy technique is very afraid of them, and the infantry is very respectful. In the galaxy can also destroy enemy structures.

Mobile defensive platforms. Includes Mobile Lean Director (rejects missiles), rocket turret (can shoot both by aviation) and cage with yalasamiri (they create a radius in which the force is completely blocked).

Tyber Zann. The leader and the most powerful of the heroes. The most characteristic ability for it is bribery. Everyone who sees, he immediately offers money, and they are moving on his side. At the same time, it can easily exceed the limit of troops. There are also amenable to such an influence of droids and heroes. The second skill is invisible, so on the battlefield it is so easy and you will not find it. Weapons - a shotgun, from which he easily scratches entire units with one shot. As a hero is very strong. The main thing is to turn off the automatic bribe, in order not to buy any nonsense, and buy strong fighters manually.

Urai hairdryer. Just like Zann, knows how to disguise. Walking in hand and knows how to regenerate life. Characteristic fertility is the ability to paralyze infantry troops at some radius from themselves. A quite a pretty hero that wins most of the hand-hand-handicrafts (due to what is treated).

Silver. The leader of the clan "Night Sisters". Like other night sisters, uses the outflow of life. But herself does not go to Rancore, but he calls him, and he runs separately. Rancore is obtained smaller size, and health is worse, but it is better to spread with infantry and not worse than other Rankers copes with turbors. This ability is recharged only after the rank will kill. Silver herself fights energy whip.

IG-88. A droid killer who shoots a sniper rifle with portions of poison gas, and this is rather some kind of infection that traverad all the detachments coming into contact with the affected. On his own, it also acts. Specials - radioactive infection, when the enemy hit this area, it quickly loses life. By virtue of these abilities, it is extremely effective in defense. In a galactic scale, it is able to break the "Star of Death", however, after that, too comes out of the game.

Bossk. Another hired killer, which in ground battle watering enemies from the flamethrough (and even gets even technique). Vdal shoots either from Blaster or plasma grenades (cause damage by region and work for some time). As a hero is so-so. But in a galactic scale can kill the heroes of the enemy.


The objectives of the syndicate are very simple - to corrupt all the planets and make the entire galaxy by one giant syndicate. Cool? And who is exchanged for trifles? True, the mission is often so simple and short that you just have a divide ...

1. Prison

In fact, this is not the first mission. For a truly first task takes place in the training campaign. There, during several missions, we work for Jabba Hatta, then you kidnap the artifact from him and give it to the Uray Fenu, and we ourselves go to prison (so I highly recommend passing a learning campaign).

As a result, Jabba Hatt sends hired murderers, and it is necessary to arrange a riot in prison. It is necessary to destroy the guards and cut off the control panels, having to help other prisoners. As a result, we get to the "millennial falcon", where Urai Feng flew after us, and leave the prison.

2. The "vultures" are necessary.

Send from prison, we got the task to recruit the "vulture". We have a palace, so we just buy this minor hero.

3. Task "Vulture"

As if we did not pass a training campaign! It is necessary to send a fresh "vulture" to Honogr and intimidate the local government.

4. Second task "Vulture"

Since one intimidation has already succeeded, we must turn the task on the racket on the Šolet, which will also bring us some money.

5. Piracy on Mandalor

Corruption extends to the Galaxy. Now we must poured on Mandalor, for which we get "Tartan" from the imperial forces.

6. On the wreckage "Star Death"

On Javin-4, the battle occurred, in which the "Star of Death" was destroyed. However, before its death, imperial officers had to throw out capsules with data. Therefore, Zann goes there together with the fleet to search the capsules. Unfortunately, this planet is quite far from us, so you have to either clean the planets on the way to it, or to corrupt them. Do not bother on the fleet, because there we will have a big battle immediately with the rebels, imperials and the syndicate faction hostile. To simplify life in one place (if you pass the map clockwise), you can bribe 4 "Tartan", which will be in battle with the rebels, and we will only have to finish the survivors. On the other side of the map hostile syndicade attack us, but you can not get a fight and leave, let them fight with the rebels. As soon as we find all 4 capsules - the mission will end.

7. Black market works

After the previous mission, Jabba Hatt will suit the bombardment of our native planet, and in order to revenge, troops are required. Therefore, we need to make a mission to organize a black market in Quat.

8. Intelligence Taiper

And now on the same quota, it is necessary to purchase at least one technology with a tiber-in-law (but better all three). You can at the same time to arrange a black market from the rebels and redeem their technology. At the same time, "Crusader" will appear in our fleet.

9. Corruption on Saleki

It's time to revenge Jabbe. To do this, it is necessary to corrupt his native planet. It is best to spend the racket on it. Not only we get the money, so we will receive them for the destruction of enemy technique.

10. Sabotage on Saleki

It is still too early to plan on this planet, so we first send the "vulture" there. He must have a sabotage, destroying the power field.

11. Communication failure

And now finally it is time to revenge. We collect a detachment led by the Urai hairdryer and send it on the Saleki. It is quite simple to destroy the defenders, but the leader itself is not there. But we learn that Jabba went to Haipori.

12. Ghosts of the past

On Haipori found the Robot Factory Times of the Clone War. So now we collect the army under the command of Taiper Zanna (however, you should not forget about the Urai of the Fenal) and land it there. The plant operates in the system of auto protection, and in some places robots are constantly restored. Sometimes we come across the consoles. If you blow up, then the gate will be closed behind your back, and the robots will remain behind them, reducing the army by fighting with us. We must get to the main console, where the URIA hair dryer will turn off the protection of robots. After that, Bossk will appear, which can be smoked. However, it turns out that it was a setup and now Jabba will capture a defenseless plant. So the hairdryer should run to the spare console and set up robots for us. We beat back the first attack, the hair dryer runs to the console, and we move to the site on which Jabba is planted. And then we grab the control points (so that Jabba could not land his troops) and leave them under the protection of robots. After that, we get the opportunity to build on each planet of the robots factory.

13. Stripping the track

The empire is too successfully using the scanner on Datomira, and we must prevent this. We arrange corruption there, after which we destroy the scanner itself.

14. Dark Ally

And now the continuation on the same Datomir. We must land there Taiper Zanna and Urai Fen. On the planet there are "sisters", which can tell something about the artifacts kidnapped by Jabb. But "sisters" while sitting in prison, and first we must get to them.

We go to the East, not touching the path of Rancors. In the end, we get to the defensive complex. However, if you turn north there, you can get around this complex and go there, where less defenders are a bunch of equipment. On the map there are a bunch of barrels with a flammable, undermining which, you can burn enemy infantry. As a result, we open a prison, from where we get three sisters and a bunch of other useful people.

However, the liberated "sisters" are weak and say that we need to free Sli, which one is capable of studying the artifact. If you plant "sisters" on rackers, the destruction of enemy fortifications will be very simple. You can go to the south and destroy the mines, for each of which will be paid 6000. Now you can hack the gate. True, after that, the ruler of the planet will begin to cause reinforcements from the space, but for termination it is necessary to undermine three station stations. One of them will be on the way to the goal, the second immediately behind them, and it will be protected by one at-AT (bribe), and nearby three more such cars, perfectly drawn. The path to prison guards a bunch of guns, but you can adjust AT-AT to the generator and destroy it, de-energized guns, after which it will be extremely simple to reach prison.

Silver agrees to help us, but in exchange for the death of the ruler of the planet. On the way to it, neutralize a couple of AT-AT and destroy the third station station, as well as another generator. Remove the ruler itself will be easy.

But after this mission, wait a couple of visits of imperial fleets on Mau and Honoghr. Only then it is worth passing to further actions.

15. Shash in a cloud city

Silver deciphered the artifact and told that there is nothing good in it. Therefore, it was decided to sell his empire. However, for the help of us, we are asked to fly on the cane and bring a portion of Gaza Tibanne from there. The problem is that this is the favorite Planet Darth Vader and the problems with him are not needed. But Tyber Zann decides to blame the blame on the abduction on the customer of the gas.

To download the gas, we have 5 robots that go to compressors on one side. At this time, our fighters guard robots, not allowing them to destroy. Then we need to hack 4 control points where we carry out the data substitution. It is necessary to fit the Holy Fen's Urai, and it reprograms computers on points. Darth Vader himself arrives before visiting the last point. It is worth capturing at-ST and run it in a circle, and let Lord Sitchov chasing them, and "vultures" at this time will destroy the rest of the Sith. It remains only IG-88 to hack the server, and after that everyone can be removed to the point of retreat. We will receive several new classes of ships for this mission. And at the same time - a few more fleets of messenger from the Empire.

16. Huddling on the hook

We are also reduced with imperials and offer to give them an artifact in the orbit of the planet carids. Before the mission, the third piracy is best. We build a fleet from cruisers and go there. Naturally, this is a trap, and we are already waiting for a big army of the empire. In the course of a series of surprises on both sides, the Tyber Zann receives its flagship ship. However, this is not the last surprise - the BOSSK steals the artifact and runs on the flagship of the empire, which is soon hidden in hyperspace. We can only destroy the entire remaining fleet of the Empire and leave. We are waiting again to visit the imperials.

17. Pursuit of artifact

Zann everything recalls about the bunker, in which a bunch of treasures. However, this requires a personal key of the emperor. Fortunately, the emperor himself collects strength to fight the rebels elsewhere, so we are almost safe to sit on the coruscant.

Here the heroes are divided. Zann must destroy monitors from which the security is observing all what is happening. It comes from one monitor to another, destroying or luring the attack aircraft. In the end, he will meet with the adepts of power. It is important to first destroy the container with the buoy, where they run to be treated. And then you can easily kill adepts and cut off the security systems.

Now the time of Silver comes, which felt the artifact and goes for him. Killing on the path of the imperials, it will be taks artifact, but on the way back will have to fight off the adepts of power. Therefore, on the way to the artifact, it will not be very superfluous on the site of enemy guns. Under the end, she will get to the closed door, and here will come into the game URAY hair dryer.

Fenu need to destroy the power cables, what the adepts interfere. Just try not to collect around yourself the crowd, and then the hair dryer will easily get to the desired point.

Finally, all the characters are going together and begin to make their way towards the transport worker. But then the protection system is activated, and the dark soldiers of the third project are attacked. Not far from the safety room you can deploy mists (the anti-missile will be especially useful). By reflecting the attack of dark warriors, turn off the security system and go back to the transport worker, about which we encounter Sith. Here we allocate three more moans, and you can put a couple of rocket and one "against power." Then Sitx will not be able to teleport, and we are easily destroyed. Get to the exit and fly away.

18. New emperor weapons

After the battle of the empire with the Alliance, the emperor died. Tyber Zann decides to fly to Kuatt and there under the skeins to capture the Eclipse Empire ship. We form a fleet and send it there.

However, a war between the impersers and the rebels is already underway on Kuatte. We conclude a temporary union with the Alliance, and they themselves are trying to hold the landing shuttle to the "Eclipse". But first it is worth destroying all the repair bases of the empire so that they cannot be cleaned, and then out of order one of the bases. With the rest of the two rebels and they will cope.

However, after capturing the "Eclipse", the rebels begin to consider us enemies. The main thing here is to destroy the "millennial falcon", which was the leader of the rebels. However, as soon as the rebels surrender, we break the laser on the "eclipse" and suits Darth Vader with its superlinkor. We must hold out for a while, then the laser is still repaired and we will destroy the remaining opponents.

However, history does not end. Given the fact that Silry got, having studied the artifact - we will have an inevitable continuation. Coming the darkest side of power?

As soon as the trainer sees the enemy, he produces a dynamite with a dynamite, and that wander to the enemy. The effects of the explosion are usually terrifying. Several trainers produce a strong effect. We just need not to forget to cover them.

A secondary hero, which usually spreads corruption. On Earth, this is a regular shooter with high rapidity. In addition, it knows how to throw an explosive in the enemy, after which you press the explosion button (you can not press the button itself). So the heavy technique is very afraid of them, and the infantry is very respectful. In the galaxy can also destroy enemy structures.

Mobile defensive platforms. Includes Mobile Lean Director (rejects missiles), rocket turret (can shoot both by aviation) and cage with yalasamiri (they create a radius in which the force is completely blocked).

Tyber Zann. The leader and the most powerful of the heroes. The most characteristic ability for it is bribery. Everyone who sees, he immediately offers money, and they are moving on his side. At the same time, it can easily exceed the limit of troops. There are also amenable to such an influence of droids and heroes. The second skill is invisible, so on the battlefield it is so easy and you will not find it. Weapons - a shotgun, from which he easily scratches entire units with one shot. As a hero is very strong. The main thing is to turn off the automatic bribe, in order not to buy any nonsense, and buy strong fighters manually.

Urai hairdryer. Just like Zann, knows how to disguise. Walking in hand and knows how to regenerate life. Characteristic fertility is the ability to paralyze infantry troops at some radius from themselves. A quite a pretty hero that wins most of the hand-hand-handicrafts (due to what is treated).

Silver. Clan leader. Like other night sisters, uses the outflow of life. But herself does not go to Rancore, but he calls him, and he runs separately. Rancore is obtained smaller size, and health is worse, but it is better to spread with infantry and not worse than other Rankers copes with turbors. This ability is recharged only after the rank will kill. Silver herself fights energy whip.

IG-88. A droid killer who shoots a sniper rifle with portions of poison gas, and this is rather some kind of infection that traverad all the detachments coming into contact with the affected. On his own, it also acts. Specials - radioactive infection, when the enemy hit this area, it quickly loses life. By virtue of these abilities, it is extremely effective in defense. In a galactic scale, it is able to break, however, after that, too, comes out of the game.

Bossk. Another hired killer, which in ground battle watering enemies from the flamethrough (and even gets even technique). Vdal shoots either from Blaster or plasma grenades (cause damage by region and work for some time). As a hero is so-so. But in a galactic scale can kill the heroes of the enemy.


The objectives of the syndicate are very simple - to corrupt all the planets and make the entire galaxy by one giant syndicate. Cool? And who is exchanged for trifles? True, the mission is often so simple and short that you just have a divide ...

In fact, this is not the first mission. For a truly first task takes place in the training campaign. There, during several missions, we work for Jabba Hatta, then you kidnap the artifact from him and give it to the Uray Fenu, and we ourselves go to prison (so I highly recommend passing a learning campaign).

As a result, Jabba Hatt sends hired murderers, and it is necessary to arrange a riot in prison. It is necessary to destroy the guards and cut off the control panels, having to help other prisoners. As a result, we get to, at which Urai Feng flew after us, and leave the prison.

2. Needed

Send from prison, we got the task to recruit. We have a palace, so we just buy this minor hero.

3. Task

As if we did not pass a training campaign! It is necessary to send the freshly mounted Honogr and intimidate the local government.

4. Second task

Since one intimidation has already succeeded, we must turn the task on the racket on the Šolet, which will also bring us some money.

5. Piracy on Mandalor

Corruption extends to the Galaxy. Now we must poured on Mandalor, for which we get from the imperial forces.

6. On the wreckage

On Yavin-4, a battle occurred in which was destroyed. However, before its death, imperial officers had to throw out capsules with data. Therefore, Zann goes there together with the fleet to search the capsules. Unfortunately, this planet is quite far from us, so you have to either clean the planets on the way to it, or to corrupt them. Do not bother on the fleet, because there we will have a big battle immediately with the rebels, imperials and the syndicate faction hostile. To simplify life in one place (if you pass the map clockwise), you can bribe 4, which will be in battle with the rebels, and we will only have to finish the survivors. On the other side of the map hostile syndicade attack us, but you can not get a fight and leave, let them fight with the rebels. As soon as we find all 4 capsules - the mission will end.

7. Black market works

After the previous mission, Jabba Hatt will suit the bombardment of our native planet, and in order to revenge, troops are required. Therefore, we need to make a mission to organize a black market in Quat.

8. Intelligence Taiper

And now on the same quota, it is necessary to purchase at least one technology with a tiber-in-law (but better all three). You can at the same time to arrange a black market from the rebels and redeem their technology. At the same time, in our fleet will appear.

9. Corruption on Saleki

It's time to revenge Jabbe. To do this, it is necessary to corrupt his native planet. It is best to spend the racket on it. Not only we get the money, so we will receive them for the destruction of enemy technique.

10. Sabotage on Saleki

Stand on this planet is still too early, so we first send there. He must have a sabotage, destroying the power field.

11. Communication failure

And now finally it is time to revenge. We collect a detachment led by the Urai hairdryer and send it on the Saleki. It is quite simple to destroy the defenders, but the leader itself is not there. But we learn that Jabba went to Haipori.

12. Ghosts of the past

On Haipori found the Robot Factory Times of the Clone War. So now we collect the army under the command of Taiper Zanna (however, you should not forget about the Urai of the Fenal) and land it there. The plant operates in the system of auto protection, and in some places robots are constantly restored. Sometimes we come across the consoles. If you blow up, then the gate will be closed behind your back, and the robots will remain behind them, reducing the army by fighting with us. We must get to the main console, where the URIA hair dryer will turn off the protection of robots. After that, Bossk will appear, which can be smoked. However, it turns out that it was a setup and now Jabba will capture a defenseless plant. So the hairdryer should run to the spare console and set up robots for us. We beat back the first attack, the hair dryer runs to the console, and we move to the site on which Jabba is planted. And then we grab the control points (so that Jabba could not land his troops) and leave them under the protection of robots. After that, we get the opportunity to build on each planet of the robots factory.

13. Stripping the track

The empire is too successfully using the scanner on Datomira, and we must prevent this. We arrange corruption there, after which we destroy the scanner itself.

14. Dark Ally

And now the continuation on the same Datomir. We must land there Taiper Zanna and Urai Fen. On the planet are located, which can tell something about the artifacts kidnapped by Jabb. But while they are sitting in prison, and first we must get to them.

We go to the East, not touching the path of Rancors. In the end, we get to the defensive complex. However, if you turn north there, you can get around this complex and go there, where less defenders are a bunch of equipment. On the map there are a bunch of barrels with a flammable, undermining which, you can burn enemy infantry. As a result, we open a prison, where we get three and a bunch of other useful people.

However, freed weaks and say that we need to release Sli, which one is capable of studying the artifact. If you put on raccards, the destruction of enemy fortifications will be very simple. You can go to the south and destroy the mines, for each of which will be paid 6000. Now you can hack the gate. True, after that, the ruler of the planet will begin to cause reinforcements from the space, but for termination it is necessary to undermine three station stations. One of them will be on the way to the goal, the second immediately behind them, and it will be protected by one at-AT (bribe), and nearby three more such cars, perfectly drawn. The path to prison guards a bunch of guns, but you can adjust AT-AT to the generator and destroy it, de-energized guns, after which it will be extremely simple to reach prison.

Silver agrees to help us, but in exchange for the death of the ruler of the planet. On the way to it, neutralize a couple of AT-AT and destroy the third station station, as well as another generator. Remove the ruler itself will be easy.

But after this mission, wait a couple of visits of imperial fleets on Mau and Honoghr. Only then it is worth passing to further actions.

15. Shash in a cloud city

Silver deciphered the artifact and told that there is nothing good in it. Therefore, it was decided to sell his empire. However, for the help of us, we are asked to fly on the cane and bring a portion of Gaza Tibanne from there.