Universe eve online. Character skills (skills) in EVE Online dumped all skills in Yves online

As in any MMORPG, your development on the expanses of the new edge depends directly from obtaining new knowledge and learning character. If you do not have suitable skills, a certain range of ships, modules and capabilities will not be available to you.

But what skills and skills Download and download? - We will try to answer this question in this article. Here will be presented information beneficial more for beginners than for experienced players.

We will look at both the general aspects of pumping and some individual moments.

General Information: EVE Online Skills

In order to properly conduct their activities in outer space, the pilot must be examined by the necessary. This will open you not only new opportunities, but simply will increase efficiency. For example, you need more accuracy in shooting, so find the relevant skilla And begin to pump them. You can take up the study of the rapidly studied skills, because the study of serious skills can take the year.

Often heard that you can just get behind the carcal ship and, it is possible that even a veteran of the game will be equal to you. This is a controversial judgment, but there is a part of the truth. After all, if your forces are equalized, then let you have only 10 million SP, and it has all 100 million, it will not create a special advantage. But the point is that it will simply use the power of more ships and modules, so it will be difficult to resist him.

In order to create a truly effective help at the expense of skills, it will have to spend a lot of time for their study. If you calculate the time spent on the development of each skill to a maximum, then it can come out about twenty years of constantly turned on pumping. It turns out that the older the character, the more experience and skills will have.

It is over, losing SP (if that SP is Skill Points) you cannot, for some exceptions, naturally. An exception is the use of extractors (devices that pumped your skills points into a separate container - injectors) and the destruction of the strategic cruiser, which takes one level of Skilla.

After the book is read, the skill is added to the study queue. The required number SP determines the rank of the studied Sailla. It is also called a temporary workout multiplier. And the speed with which SP will accrue you determines your attribute.

The required amount of SP along with the usual temporary factor will be the following:

  • First level - 250;
  • Second level - 1414;
  • Third level - 8000;
  • Fourth level - 45255;
  • Fifth level - 25

Complex moments should not be here. For example, you need to study the fourth level navigation skill. 8000 SP will have immediately, and you will be left to dial only 37255.

In the case when Silela has a multiplier over 1x, the amount of SP, which is necessary for the transition to the next level multiplies this figure. Example: Evasive Maneuvering skill is studied with a multiplier to 2, so you need to get not 250, and 500 SP to completely close the first level. For the second, 2828 SP will need, and all other levels are studied in the same spirit. The most complex is on multipliers suitable for 10 and higher. The same titanium requires the accumulation of 4096000 SP, because its multiplier is on 16.

Characteristics and attributes affecting skills

Gameplay games EVE Online. It has only five attributes, or characteristics:

  • Perception (perception);
  • Intellect (Intelligence);
  • Will Power (Willpower);
  • Charisma;
  • Memory (Memory).

Due to the development of these indicators, the speed of mastering the skills is growing. More another role they do not have. Since the game in EVE needs the right time to take time, you need to know how to optimize the effectiveness of attributes for pumping skills. At the beginning you are issued 20 points for each attribute.

For each skill, its primary and pile secondary characteristic is characteristic. There is also a formula for calculating the time you can spend on studying a particular skill:

(the desired number of sp - Sp in stock) / (primary characteristic + (secondary characteristic / 2))

If you are applied in the calculation of the study time attributes, then save for many hours. For accounts, Omega is given about 29-30 SP per minute. (This is 1740-1800 per hour). Alpha accounts will receive only half of total - 15 SP per minute.

Attributes are associated with a certain activity. Below we will present a list of groups of skills and suitable attributes

  • Armor: Intelligence (primary) and memory (secondary);
  • Corporation Management: Memory and Charisma;
  • : Memory and perception;
  • Electronic systems: intelligence and memory;
  • Engineering: intelligence and memory / perception and willpower;
  • Fleet support: charisma and willpower;
  • Artillery: perception and power of will;
  • Rockets: perception and power of will;
  • Navigation: intelligence and perception / intelligence and memory;
  • Connection of neurothery: intelligence and memory / charisma and willpower;
  • Planetary interaction: intelligence and memory / charisma and intelligence;
  • Production: Memory and Intellect / Intellect and Memory;
  • Processing resources: memory and intelligence / intelligence and memory;
  • Riga: intelligence and memory;
  • Scanning: intelligence and memory;
  • Science: Intellect and Memory / Memory and Charisma;
  • Shields: intelligence and memory;
  • Social: charisma and intelligence;
  • Craft management: the perception and power of will (initial) / power of will and perception;
  • Structure Management: Memory and Will / Memory and Charism;
  • Subsystems: intelligence and memory / perception and power of will;
  • Note: intelligence and memory;
  • Trade: charisma and memory / power of Will and Charisma / Charisma and the power of will.

But if you want to explain all the attributes more general language, the following will be released:

Perception, the power of the will is needed in battle. Through them, you will use the best aircraft and artillery.

Intellect, memory - for industrial affairs, but will be useful for fighting.

Charisma - for lovers to bargain and for bonuses.

For convenience, the Evemoon software can be used for convenience. It creates a plan for a whole year where you can add any number of characteristics. The program calculates all this and issues the most profitable development strategy.

Layout and skills in the game

When the game throws you into a huge and dangerous space, you can hardly predict your development plan for the next week or a month. To do this, fly and get comfortable for a while; Then in your head there is already a full-fledged picture of who you want to become in the New Eden Universe.

Over time, when your skills will be made to higher levels, you will notice one strange phenomenon: with each new levial \u200b\u200byou will have little bonuses, but the development of new levels will be extremely slow. For example, the skill "Surgical Strike". It gives a player a 3% bonus to DPS. It is good, even very, but his multiplier is 4X. You will be able to master the 1st Level Skilla very quickly, without using additional amplifiers (Remaps, boosters, implications); 40 min. And you already own the first level of skill. But the transition from the 4th to the 5th level without using amplifiers will take about 25 days! At the same time, your bonus will be all ... 3%. So this fictional world is arranged.

Therefore, the "young" player will best draw his skills up to 3 or 4th levels, and then try to increase to the 5th. And when choosing skills, you should always give an advantage to important skills. For example, navigation skills are very important: they have a small multiplier, they interact with all your ships. Such a skill should be pumped up to the 50th level and do not dramatically with it.

But there are a number of skills that are in the status of passing. About them should not be forgotten. When you fly, for example, to, then you will need such skills like Minmatar Frigate completely, Mechanics completely, Power Grid Management is completely, but Spaceship Command is only before the third level. Approximately this is how planning is planning. This is not a completely pleasant process and very often difficult, but boosters and implants - the pleasure is not cheap, and Remaps can only be used once or twice a year.

Accelerators pumping

If you have tried to get SP in very large quantities in a short time, then the easiest way to use implants. You have only 5 slots that are Augmentations, that is, in the Enhancement section. This improvement will allow you to add a bonus to +5. There are more powerful, but for them you need our own skills, no matter how strange it sounds. When the capsule is destroyed, your implants are also destroyed.

Implants for adding 1-3 are not so expensive, and Level Cybernetics can already require knowing the first, but still the time framework of study becomes less. In some storylines, you can give the implant as a reward. Therefore, if you prefer to pass missions, you will definitely get some starting implants completely without fee.

Plus use in high training speed. You will be able to reduce the development of new skill levels for two months, if you correctly configure the implant. Minus implants - high price and still losing it.

Remap. With this feature, you can transfer points from one attribute to another. For example, you do not need charisma and glasses from this attribute you overflow to the power of the will. Here you will not be able to get something from nothing. For anyone will have to donate something.

But I would like to note that such an enterprise is better to apply, having gained some experience. It is very dangerous to use it, carefully without paying. After all, the use of remap is possible once or two per year. But not everything is so bad: the game offers two or three uses so that there is not one attempt to learn them to use.

When you start the game for anyone you will need the following skills:

  • Navigation (attributes: intelligence / perception);
  • Electronics, Engineering, Mechanics (Attributes: Intelligence / Memory);
  • Ship management (attributes: perception / willpower).

For beginners who think additional skills can come in handy:

  • Artillery, Rockets (Attributes: Perception / Will Power);
  • Drones (attributes: memory / perception);

For ministers of mining and industrialists:

  • Processing of mined resources, industry, science (attributes: intelligence / memory).

And the triggers naturally need trade (attributes: charisma / willpower).

Based on all this, you can understand what focus when you get your remaps. Here you have to think and all right to plan, because attempts are quite a bit.

Boosters. Speaking by the usual language, this is a temporary bonus for all the characteristics of your pilot. They are heard on different gaming events, as well as when making a starting set of the game. But here it is worth understanding that the booster, obtained on the IMIsions, will in the system of a limited amount of time (usually after the end of this event); After that, it will be useless.

On this, our guide to pumping in approached the end. We tried to reveal the overall picture and indicate the most important points that need to be remembered when the game passages. Perhaps the process of pumping may seem tedious and long (such a game ...), but it is worth it. But if you wish to raise your skills much faster, pay, and other accelerators, you can contact our site. We are ready to offer you our services and deliver goods quickly and safely. In addition, we have the most competitive prices. We have much safer and cheaper from us than in-game markets or stock exchanges. In addition, we can offer a number of pumping services. We are ready to make your game much easier and faster. Write and place an order.

Available several hundred skills to explore. Examine to the maximum all available skills is almost impossible, as the old one is being studied, many new ones will be added. Our guide will help determine what skills to download.

In total, they are divided into several major groups:

  • Skills associated with pumping ship protection;
  • Tool equipment. Here are all skills responsible for damage for a different type of weapon;
  • Learning and scanning of space;
  • Engineering. This includes everything related;
  • Corporation Management. This type of skills is required for

It lists only the main part of the skill groups from a large set available to the player. Therefore, it is so important to decide in what direction to pump out to achieve the desired result faster.

Study skills

In order to start learning skills, you need to have an appropriate book. Only standard skills do not require books. The first books of skills are given for the passage of entrance missions. Then the books can be purchased on the market where you can find almost any skill.

To explore the selected skill, you need to study on the book. Depending on the level of the skill, learning may take several minutes or a few days, and even a month. In addition to buying books, you can find them, scanning space. However, in this case, a low chance that you get the book of the right skill and level.

What skills to download

All the development of the player can be divided into combat pumping and not combat. For players who wish to participate in PVP and PVE battles, you should download the battle skills. For those who prefer a peaceful game, without battles, there is a large selection of non-combat skills. These skills are important to download players who want to engage in trade or research of space. Deciding with the direction, each player decides for itself, what skills are more useful for him.

Options skills

All skills are divided into two parameters: level and complexity. There may be 5 times the levels of each next level lasts 5 times longer than the previous one. The complexity parameter acts as a multiplier of the study of skill. Accordingly, the higher the level and complexity, the longer it is to wait for his pumping and the better the performance it gives.

Influence of skills

Skills important aspect of the game that affects all directions of player's activities. The presence of a large number of skills in the game allows them to influence such directions as a corporation or a combat fleet. Certain skills also affect what

In the second part of the Hyde of Exploration in Eve Online, we will talk about ships and skills. The material is prepared together with the guys from our corporation - The Eastern Cartel, as well as the use of English-speaking sources. Let's start with the ships.

1. Ships for exploit in EVE Online

1.1 Fregates T1.

The most affordable ships for the exploration are frigates T1: IMicus. , Magnate. , Heron , Probe . They have small bonuses for scanning and hacking containers. The advantages include low skills and low cost requirements. By cons can be attributed to the fact that they cannot be delivered by Covert Ops Cloaking Device II. This is a key module for exploit in Loosek, zeros and W-Space. It provides invisibility during the warp, and also does not impose restrictions on the usual flight. Without it, you will be easy prey for Campers on Gates in Loosek and those who want to catch you in the WX.

However, with pumped skills and straight hands, these frigates pose a threat to other ships of the same class. Let's say, the darless iMicus has a rather roomy hangar for drones (for eight pieces) and is able to control four. Look at my Sokorp on such a ship disassembled Stels-Bomber Manticore, and before that I rigged heron. True, he is a PVP fan on the frigates, so the case is special here.

Therefore, the recommendation is simple: fly on them in Haysek to get initial experience. Of course, no one forbets you to fly in Losuska and climb into worms, but be prepared for the fact that you will catch lovers of easy prey.

1.2 Freges T2 (Covert OPS)

More advanced versions of explorar frigates -, Anathema. , Cheetah , Helios. . In addition to stronger bonuses on the scan, they can carry Covert Ops Cloaking Device II. This qualitatively changes the process of moving along the dangerous sectors of space. With the carpet, you can be booked, remaining invisible. It makes the ship almost elusive. Also, Clock does not affect the usual movement speed, unlike other similar modules. This is a big plus if you are welded on a date or relic, and containers are located at a distance of 60-70km and more. In addition, Fregates T2 have bonuses to combat capabilities. The advantages include the fact that the frigates T2 relative to inexpensive. Case with body kit will cost you in 25-30kk. This money is fought back for one successful departure.

The disadvantages include to run the skills for a long time. Requirements: racial frigates and Electronic Upgrades in V, which takes up in the amount of about three weeks. In addition, for the passage of combat anomalies and protected dates and archaeological sites, they are not at all suitable. Enough a pair of loyal frigates to turn your ship in trash.

1.3 Fractional ships

Fractional ships for exploit include ships from the Sisters of EVE fraction: Frigate Astero., cruiser and baattlship Nestor. They have bonuses on scanning and hacking. The advantages include low requirements for minimal skills and the ability to carry carpet. Often, newcomers choose these ships, because they can quickly sit down on them, and not wait for three weeks until the skills needed for T2-frigates.

At the beginning of the game, your character has a certain set of skills. In order to explore new skills in Eve Online, you will need to purchase textbook And download it to the brain of your character. Textbooks are usually purchased in the galactic market, both at the positions of non-chairs and living pilots. You can also get them as a reward for the implementation of the mission, get in the depths of outer space or purchase awards in the store.

Sign up to EVE Online and get ready for a new breakthrough in the gaming capabilities of the 21st century. Nothing like setting will not leave you indifferent.

What skills are better to download at the beginning of the game?

What skills are better to download at the beginning of the game? It depends on what you are going to do in the world of EVE online. If you want to become a real specialist in small and maneuverable ships, then you must first of all study the skills that are connected with the guns of small calibers and with the Fregat vehicles. If you want to try yourself in the field of production, you will definitely use the skills from the production of production branch.

Maybe you want to try everything at once, without a specific narrow specialization in EVE Online. What to swing in this case? Then you have to study a large number of skills, but instead of developing them to the maximum level, you can stay on third or fourth - This will allow you to master a large number of skills during the time that could be needed to study only a few to the fifth level.

If I leave the game - will the skill stay stop?

No, you will continue to study the skill, regardless of whether you are currently in the game or not. There is only one requirement - your account must be active at the moment. However, you still need to manage the study of the skills - if your character graduates from learning all skills in the queue, then you will need to go to the game and choose new skills to explore.

What is the queue of study of skills?

A queue of study of skills allows you to ask a sequence and put a few skills to study at the same time - each next will begin to be studied immediately after the end of the study of the previous one. However, this queue is limited to the 24-hour period. This means that the most recent skill may require an arbitrarily much time to study, but it should begin to be studied within 24 hours from the current list position.

In EVE Online, each activity is closely tied to the abilities that are available to the pilot. Their pumping occupies real time, and the higher you plan your development, the more efforts have to invest in the character pumping. The ability to manage a variety of ships, extraction of useful resources from space objects, the use of available modules - all this you have to comprehend by studying skills.

In total, there are several hundred (400, to speak more precisely) different abilities. For the study of absolutely all pilot, a few decades of real-time will need, so that it is possible to achieve the ceiling of development in this space-sandbox only units. Of course, you can use such an object at any time as Skill Injector, which will give a certain amount of free joint venture, which can then be spread over the necessary skills. But this requires serious financial investments, which is not suitable for everyone.

All skills in Evee Online are divided into certain areas:

  • Armor (Armor) - responsible for the "hardness" of your space vessel;
  • Rockets, machine guns, lasers and so on (Gunnery, Missiles) - regulate the amount of damage applied when using a specific type of weapon;
  • Scanning (Scanning) - Definition of the ability to scan the area for the detection of valuable resources and lute;
  • Drones (DRONES) - allows you to take cybernetic devices to the ship, protecting the ship from the enemy attacks;
  • ELECTRONIC Systems - use of modules for countering scanning and other electrical devices of the enemy ships;
  • Engineering (Engineering) - improvement of CPU, kapa and other vehicle elements;
  • Corporation Management Management (Corporation Management) - adds the ability to create and manage game communities called the corporation.
  • This is not the entire list of available types of abilities that can learn absolutely every player. However, it should be remembered that first of all you should spend time for pumping in Eve Online by the direction that is relevant to you currently. Want to start to start fighting other players? Are you planning to engage in trading or asteroids? Then choose the necessary skills and take care of not too useful specifically for your character.

    A little about attributes

    In EVE Online, there is a system of attributes - skills responsible for the speed of studying skills divided by certain characteristics. Total Attributes Five: Intellect, Will Power, Memory, Charism and Perception. Optimization of these elements will allow you to quickly distribute the game (and real) time to study the desired skills.

    Each new player defaults to each attribute 20 points are given. A certain skill has a primary and secondary attribute, and the number of points of each of them directly affects the rate of study of the ability. Calculate the time that we need to achieve the desired value of the ability, on the following formula:

    (SP (necessary) - SP (available) / (primary attribute + (secondary attribute / 2))

    Each omega-clone per hour receives approximately 30 SPs, while alpha clones can only count on half of this - 15 joint ventures. Accordingly, if you want to become a professional pilot, then I don't even dream about the free "Eve", you will have to turn your "alpha" in Omhega, buying a plex. And the faster you do it, the sooner you can explore all the necessary abilities.

    So, all existing attributes can be divided into three groups that are suitable for players of different activities:

  • PVP lovers will need the maximum number of points to pour due to the will and perception (the operational study of the abilities responsible for the right to pilot the combat vessel and use combat modules);
  • Drones and production workers should give all the forces to intelligence and memory (drones will be able to apply more damage, and the production of valuable materials will take less time than usual);
  • Scanners and lovers to trade between sectors must keep Harizmu attributes on the leading positions (will make it possible to earn a positive reputation in the NPS faster and "knock out" large prices for goods).
  • Ivmon is a useful tool that will allow you to calculate the development plan for your character for a year ahead. If you missed the joint venture incorrectly, you can change them with implants (it can also be specified in the Ivmon).

    EVE Online has a lot of opportunities to speed up the development of the character. For example, Skill Injector and implants, you can use a variety of boosters that give a temporary bonus to all attributes. This will allow for a while to reduce the number of hours required to study abilities. But all this, as well as PLEX purchase, requires certain financial investments. So each player must decide for himself whether he wishes quickly and without much effort (with serious financial costs) to become a thunderstorm of space or better save the budget and achieve the desired time.