Agrikola tactics games. New edition of the board game "Agrikola. There is a man, baba, hut, forks and shovel. What to do next

(Lat. - Agriculture) - This is the Board about the hard farm weekdays, invented by Uwe Rosenberg, German Irrodel, known for these games as Bohnanza., Mamma Mia!, Le Harve. And, of course, herself Agricola..

The game tells about the life of European farmers of the XVII century and proposes to take on the management of a small family who owns the land block. Starting with a couple living in a two-room wooden house, in the game of the game, players will have to pinch the fields and sow them with vegetables and grain, build pens for pets and breed cattle, add new rooms to the hut and plan her brick, and after - a stone All kinds of beneficial tools, fishing, harvesting wood, mining clay and even make children. And, most importantly, between all this, do not forget about the nutrition of your family.

B. Agricola. You can play up to 5 people (the rules are also provided for the solo option). The duration of the batch varies depending on the number of participants and is determined by the formula "Number of players x 30 minutes". So, the party together lasts about an hour, and the game is five of two and a half hours.

Inside the box with the game hides a whole wealth:

  • 5 farms players;
  • 3 game fields with the cells deposited on them (one of them - with the "family" option on the circulation);
  • field of major improvements;
  • cards:
    • 169 yellow classes;
    • 139 orange cards of small improvements;
    • 10 red maps of large improvements;
    • 14 blue rounds of rounds;
    • 16 green cards;
    • 5 brown beggar cards;
    • 5 card memo;
    • 3 cards with name deck (deck E, deck I, deck k);
  • wooden chips:
    • 5 sets of players of players of five colors (blue, green, red, white, purple), consisting of 5 disks - family members, 4 kelves and 15 fences;
    • 33 round dark brown chips of a tree;
    • 27 round light brown clay chips;
    • 15 round white cane chips;
    • 18 round black chips of stone;
    • 27 round yellow grain chips;
    • 18 round orange chips of vegetables;
    • 21 Sheep chips (white cubes);
    • 18 pigs (black cubes);
    • 15 chips of cows (brown cubes);
    • the first player's chip;
  • other:
    • 33 brown / gray tiles of fields / stone rooms;
    • 24 brown / orange tiles of wooden / clay rooms;
    • 36 yellow food tokens with the advantage of "1";
    • 9 faith-faithware (for food, resources or animals);
    • 3 round tokens (with the image "Guest" on the back);
    • notepad with sheets for calculating points;
    • rules of the game.

As you can see, in the game a whole bunch of components. Here both game fields, and three hundred cards, personal fields of the players themselves, about two hundred wooden chips of resources and animals, and even any cardboard tiles. Only the list of components already configures on the thoughts that we have a difficult game.

Indeed, it does not apply to the number of light games that can be decomposed for the first time in life and immediately sit down to play. Here this number will not pass - you must first carefully examine the rules, understand what is what, and only then get to the game. On the other hand, Agricola. Does not apply to "Monsters" games with a high threshold of entry, requiring considerable effort and temporary training. If at the table at least someone knows the rules, to teach the game of newcomers will not be difficult. And, although certainly the first batch will be losing, master AgrikolaYou can understand the rules to understand the principles of game moves and points counting from the first time.

In addition, the developers provide for two options for the game - the usual and lightweight "family", from which it is necessary to start acquaintance with the veil. In the "family" version, game cards are not used, which allows players to focus on basic play effects, understand their meaning and learning all aspects of the game. And only, having wonted three or four "family" parties, you can go to a complete option where there are classes and minor improvements, allowing you to play more efficiently and make many new or additional actions.

Separately, it should be noted that the game maps are, in fact, the only components where the in-game text is used. In addition to them, on the game field, the names of actions are still applied, but they are all equipped with explanatory drawings. So, even having an unclealized version Agricola., you can successfully play the "family" option with people absolutely not in English.

Party B. Agricola. It begins with the fact that playing fields are laid out in the center of the table, and his personal farm is placed before each player. Two wooden rooms are laid out on it, and there are two family members (round wooden discs). The first player who is given to the corresponding token is defined by lot. He also receives 2 meals, and all other players are three.

So, we are laid down: next to each player is a small field, on which his farm and family members are located, and in the center of the table there is one large field divided into a variety of small cell fields. It is on these actions that the players focuses. The moves are made here as follows: Starting from the first player, all participants in the game take turns take one of their family members from their farm and expose it to one of the actions specified on the playing field. After that, the effect of the selected action immediately is played, and the right move goes to the next player, who also exposes on one of the actions of a member of his family. When all players use all their people, the next move begins.

So what do you have to do in the course of the party? Here is a brief list of actions that everyone will have to make each farmer:

  • mining wood, clay, stone, reed, grain, vegetables and food;
  • build new rooms;
  • make children;
  • rebuild the wooden house in the clay and then in the stone;
  • pinch fields;
  • squate the dirty fields with grain and (or) vegetables;
  • erect fences and chlev for livestock;
  • dilute sheep, pigs and cows.

Unprepared player familiarity with "Agrikolova" can scare. A joke is so much different actions, and from the very first turning about a dozen. Try to choose among them the most profitable. There, after all, the eyes are running out, and the newcomer to figure out is very difficult to disassemble.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. All actions can be divided into two groups: mining resources and resource consumption. All "collective" cells fall into the first group: get a tree, get clay, get food, get millet, dreamed the field, make animals. The second group includes actions that allow us to transform previously obtained resources into anything useful in the household. For example, with the help of "Build Fences" Action, you can build out of the existing tree for livestock, the "Build Rooms" cell allows you to enlarge the living area, you can put the previously mined millet on the previously diverted bed.

Actually, production (more precisely, production) and resource consumption is the cornerstone, which is built by the whole game. But you should not think that everything is simple, they say, howled the tree, built a hut, got meals and live in chocolate. There are quite a few resources in the game, and there are more ways to use them even more. And, most importantly, there is always something missing. Oils in the fire adds a rule by which each action can be used only once into the move, so the player is constantly forced to get up in front of a difficult choice.

In general, the game is very good to understand what a deficit is. No matter how much you played to her, the lack of something will be felt. At first, you will feel the shortage of food, then the tree, after - clay, then - animals, in the end, moves. And this is normal.

The party always lasts exactly 14 moves, and during this time players must maximize their economy. At the end of the game for each aspect of the development of the farm, victorious glasses are accrued. Moreover, players are obliged to pay attention to all areas, since otherwise they will be fined. It turns out that for 14 moves, each player must "squeeze the maximum" of the opportunities provided to him and most effectively use its people for the development of the farm. But the serenely develop will not work not only because of the constant lack of resources and competition with other players. The fact is that the game regularly comes "yields" - the time when you need to feed your people, passing in the game bank for 2 meals for each family member. Food shortage is cruel punishable with penalty glasses, so it is very unprofitable. Therefore, players should not only develop the economy, but also regularly produce food, providing food to feed.

After several parties, you will understand that there are two main sources of food in the game: animal breeding or grain cultivation. In the first case, you build potions and chlev, raw sheep and pigs, build a simple hearth or spacious kitchen and frift meat. In the second - mining grain, pinch the beds, build a slab and bake bread. But these are only the basic options for food mining, along with which you have to open many more ways.

All families live in natural economy, which means that everyone works only on himself and hope only for themselves. There is no direct interaction or confrontation between players here. It is impossible to change resources, directly harming the enemy - too. Maximum what can be done is to take some action in which your opponents need, or make the necessary resources from them from under the nose. In general, it is possible to seriously pump the enemy with great difficulty. True and the opposite - to play someone can not, so in "Agrikola"you will never encounter a "family in a row" when the couple is in love with each other or someone from the players frankly "pulls out" the other.

However, this is by no means a multiplayer solitaire. Let competition and interaction between the players here are implicit, but it is. And only "battles for actions" here at least debug. Remember the word "deficit"? When playing, there is always a competition for clay and a stone together, when three players are going at the table - the cane is going on the weight of gold, the competition for "reproduction" is sharply.

It is very important that there are practically no accidents in the game. Each move players becomes available one new action, but they always come out in a more or less predictable order. There are still maps of classes and minor improvements, but when playing with them, you can use the "Draft" option, saving from unsuccessful (or, on the contrary, especially successful) distributions.

Another plus - in "Agrikola" No savory and downtime. The basis for the game of the mechanics of "Exhibitions" allows players to do with each other to do "micro-moves". In fact, the actions are performed all the time and without stopping. Pauses are, but they are connected exclusively with a nervous experience - where to put their farmer, what action to choose.

What do we have in the end? Rich on a complete set and high-quality game, equally well adapted for the game alone, together, threesome, four of them and fist. Two options for rules: family and usual. Dynamic moves, significant solutions, tangible competition, disliked on each other. Such games appear no more than once in five, or even ten years.

In conclusion I will give a brief summary of the game Agricola.:

  • 2008 - International Gamers Award;
  • 2008 - Spiel de Jahres;
  • 2008 - BoardGamegeek Golden Geek;
  • 2009 - game of the year at

In general, this game has about two dozen awards. Do you think little? Then you still have a fact: From 2008 to 2009, this game occupied 1 place in the general top of the tank on BoardGameGeek and only in 2010 lost it to the following leader ( Puerto Rico.), Following the second position.

Actually, at this place you must finish reading and urgently run for "Agrikolova" In the store, because by you pass one of the most the best on the world of board games. Believe me, it is worth meeting with it. Neglect such an opportunity is a crime.

Agrikola / Agricola.

Welcome to the agricultural paradise. This is a game for those who are not indifferent to farming and for lovers of a good strategy. "Agrikola / Agrisola" not in vain is considered one of the best strategic games of the world and takes up the top lines of the ratings for several years. "Agrikola / Agrisola" This is a whole world, immersing in which, at all, I do not want to go back to reality.

Do not like the topic of agriculture? Wait! Do not leave! Even the most revealing skeptics, playing in this game, take a hat in front of it.

Agrick is not the largest box, but it is subject to the banding with the components to the game that give her pleasant severity.

We look at what is inside. Huge stack of cards (360), more than 300 components of wood: players figurines, resources, animals. More than 50 cells of the game field, 5 farm yards, 3 boards for action game, notepad for counting points. All components of excellent quality are made of wood or good dense cardboard. Art is designed in one style.

Now the word about the game.

17th century. Plague, raging at this time, finally defeated. Everywhere reigns a launch. People need to create a new world. The peasants are rebuilt and build at home, the lands plow the lands, diverge the cattle. Raising fertility increases. Life, finally, is gradually begins to enter the same direction.

From this the game begins. Each player is a farmer family consisting of two people. You need to build a farm and to expand it as much as possible and landscaping. You have 2 rooms in the hut and a great desire to become the richest farm in the district.

Age: from 12 years;

Duration of the game: 90-180 minutes;

Number of players: 1-5;

Approximate cost: Removed from production.

Rules of the board game "Agrikola / Agrisola".

A young couple acquires a hut out of two rooms and a plot. Every day they perform actions to improve their possessions.

What can be done?

1)Plow the fields, sow them.

During the crop - collect Vintage.

2)To breed animals.

In the game 3 types of livestock - sheep, pig, cow. In order to breed your cattle, you need to buy a couple of animals, then in the range of the rating, get another animal. Animals need a place to accommodate - build plenty and chlev.

3)To study.

To do this, use cards "Occupation". Applying an occupation, get additional advantages in the game. For these purposes in the game there are "Simple improvement" and " Special improvement ". These actions help make life on a farm more comfortable, for example, you can build a hearth or oven, then hunger and begging you are not threatened.

4)Expansion of the house and its restructuring.

Each young family wants strong, big, beautiful house. Your farmers are no exception. Adjust new rooms, fold the walls of the hut with clay or stone (at the end of the game more expensive at home bring more points).

5)Adjustment in the family.

When an excessive room appears in the house, it is possible to give birth to a new family member, which in the next round will be able to help you in the farm.

In the game 14 rounds. Each round consists of stages:

1) Start of Round.

Each time a card from the stack of rounds of rounds is drawn. The map is placed on the playing field. Rounds indicate how new action can be made or what new resources appeared. For example, a stage of adding a family opens only on the 5th round, and the stone can be obtained in general closer to the middle of the game.

2) replenishment of resources.

New resources are put on the playing field if the resources were not taken by players in past rounds, then new resources (cells with a hand-drawn cart) are added to some of them. There are resources that remain unchanged (for example, cell 1 grain).

3)Working hours.

Each family member (Racing) is a worker. One worker can make one action for the course. Therefore, it makes sense as quickly as possible to raise another employee. Born rhodas - a full-fledged worker, he can make another action. More parents - you can make more actions. More Affairs can do. But do not forget that all employees will have to feed. But about this later.


When all players make their actions and chips of workers ends, workers return home - placing chips in housing.

5) at the end of the round there is Harvesting. All who grows something in the fields, get harvest.

6)Favoride family. All workers need food. Every parent requires 2 food chips. If in the family a newborn, then it is laid 1 chip of food. But in the next round, it will already be considered a full-fledged family member, and eat accordingly, as well as they.

Here it begins the fun. No food for food?Get the map Begging. One missing food chip matches one begging card. It is impossible to get rid of them and when counting points they strongly spoil the result of your game.

7) Breeding animals.

If you have enough cattle pens, you can get on one animal of the rating from each type of animals.

9) End of the game.

As soon as the 14th round is completed, the game ends. Getting notepad and points are calculated.


He played this game twice and every time, it seems that the game just started, only your farm began to develop how the end of the game comes. You think, well, you could add some more rounds. But in fact, the game for it is designed. For a limited number of moves, you need to minimize your farm as much as possible to earn the points. Those. It turns out that every turn is very important and it is not necessary to waste it in vain. Look carefully your classes and improvements. What exactly do you need to enter into your game? What will be useful, and what's wrong with the move? Try to lead the main line of your strategy, but do not forget about the rest. For the absence of something, a very large number of points are removed. Huge importance is added in the family. The more you have workers, the more actions you can commit, the more chances you have to win. But then everything clings one thing for another as a large mechanism. Need workers. To do this, you must first build a room for each new family member. For the construction of the room you need a tree and reed, and to feed the whole family food. Therefore, it also needs to be bothering. The head goes around when you start thinking how to do everything and dial the maximum number of points.

Important note: For victory you need to have everything on your farm. At least at least. In the absence of something, they remove severe glasses.


"Agrikola / Agrisola" Refers to games of the middle level of complexity, so the first few parties are familiarized. But as soon as the rules are absorbed, a fierce struggle is tied between players for winning. Due to the limited number of rounds, every step of the employee is valued by the weight of gold. Made an incorrect action, the victory also becomes further a step. Because of the huge number of cards, the game is not bored for a long time. The game has a simplified, family option. Soon the company Lookout Games. Plans to issue a new edition of Agrikola. You can read more about it on our portal: new


  • Mastering the game - 75 points
  • Mechanics game - 99 Points
  • Plot and atmosphere - 85 points
  • Convenience to play - 60 Points
  • Quality and design - 99 points
  • Received fun - 87 points

TOTAL - 85 points

In September 2016 it came out new edition of the board game Agrikola. This is an updated and improved version of the most popular desktop strategy in the world about the life of the farmers of the XVII century. New agricultural will be interesting not only to lovers of complex strategies, but also a family audience. In this version of the game, the rules are fully rewritten. Now they have become short, understandable, with plenty of illustrations. Also, all the wooden components are made in the form of figures, the illustrations on the maps became brighter, new tablets appeared for additional options for the game.

The board game Agrikola (Agricola), appearing in 2007, blew up the game world. She collected a whole bunch of international prizes and retained for a long time. first place in the main world ranking of the best board games According to visitors to the popular world portal (, still remaining in the top three! Her creator became Uwe Rosenberg, famous for the game Bonanza. These games are pronounced entertainment, and Uwe Rosenberg always dreamed of creating complex strategic games with an abundance of parts, whole worlds in boxes - exactly such a game became agricola (Agricola).

The word "Agricola" means "farmer" "You have to become a farmer and ensure that the original piece of earth and a two-room hut turn into a real thriving farm is a big house, rich yields, fatty herds of pets ... There is a growing family, and it is necessary to take care of its feed. All actions in this game are made in extracting and rational allocation of resources (for example, producing a tree, you can build a pen for livestock or an additional room) - all areas need to develop. Thus, almost everything in this game depends on your ability to reasonably use the available resources at the right time.

Table game

From 1 to 4

Party time
From 90 minutes

The complexity of the game

Madly popular, incredibly fascinating board game Agrikola (Agricola) confidently enters the list of the best board games of the twenty-first century. Her creator - Uwe Rosenberg invented and developed not one dozen stunning board games, including the world-famous game "Bohnanza".

Created for 3 months, Agrikola, which translated "landpaste", instantly conquered hundreds of thousands of lovers to spend the evening, grating vegetables and watching livestock. The game collected many prizes, got a variety of rewards for the originality of the plot and beautiful design and is still the favorite of many ratings.

Thoughtful to the smallest details, the game tolerates us at the very end of the 17th century, while just retreated the plague and markedly the rustic village population with enthusiasm took up the restoration and development of abandoned lands. Agrikola gives the player to try on the role of a young European farmer, to check whether he can turn a small plot of land and a small house into a thriving estate with fattyphs, herds of animals and full grain gutters.

Gorricola Board Rules

At the beginning, each player receives at his disposal a small land, a modest hut and a young, while a childless family, which is to be full of work and worries rural life. At least an action and happens more than 300 years ago, rural life flows according to the same laws as now - except, instead of the tractor will have to use a plow.

A small family grows, the complexity and volume of work are constantly increasing, the farm structure is complicated. You need to take care of the scottle, and about arable land, not to forget to put all the economic buildings and residential premises in order, for which you will need to get the necessary resources, as well as buy cattle and seeds.

The ability to correctly distribute the duties between family members, reasonably and harmoniously develop at once all spheres will simultaneously help the player to defeat rivals.

Game process

Under the lid of this beautiful box, the whole world is waiting for you - game fields, tokens, 360 cards and many wooden figures depicting animals and resources.

  • The game begins with the fact that the players are distributed on 7 employment cards (for example, a bullhead, hanging, a wood-trader) and cards with which small improvements of the economy can be made. Naturally, all players receive different cards, because employment cards 166, and improvements 146. Such an abundance of options makes each separate game unique and unpredictable.
  • In the process of the game for any progress in the development of the farm, glasses are accrued, and the winner is the one who has them more.
  • Animal growth, an increase in food reserves, home improvement and the number of cultivated land - all these actions will bring additional points to players. But if the family is starving, animals are not sufficient, and the earth is idle, the penalty points are accrued.
  • The game is divided into fourteen rounds, in each of which the player sends members of the Farmer's family to various works, and new works are gradually added, it is necessary to compete with other players for the right to send their character to a certain type of work, because each type of activity can have every kind of round Only one employee. Thus, the competition arising between the players increases the glow of passions in this rural idyll.
  • The player must remember that for reproduction, animals need a place and a couple, people should not be starved, and the fields are idle.
  • In this game world, it is impossible to act NamAum to achieve the desired result, the moves must be thought out and have a clear development strategy.
  • It is very important to understand when it is necessary to put into turn, and when and to press valuable resources, follow the actions of other players and take their plans in your strategy.
  • This unusual game can be played in this unusual game, in the "Solo" mode, and with friends using the usual passage mode. Young players will like the "Family" version of the rules, the most simple and understandable, available to novice fans of board games.
  • In total, the number of players varies from one to five, and the estimated game time is about half an hour on the player.

Fascinating and unusual, the game does not allow to relax, keeps in continuous tension and teaches strategically thinking. It can be played with children, on a friendly party or family holiday. Interestingly, a draw is possible in the game - if, according to the results of the fourteenth round, several players scored the same number of glasses, however, nothing prevents players to play another, decisive round.

So, we wish your farm prosperity, and you have a good mood and good luck.

With the onset of the summer season, hundreds of people take the hoes, shovels, carefully remove the seedlings of the young dill with the windowsill and go to the city to taste the charms of rustic life. With the first roosters, these brave wrestlers with colorado beetles are bought in a personal earthenman put on, trying to grow ripe tribe on the beds. To rested in this way about ten o'clock, happy and satisfied workers of six acres return to their country house, so that, hugging the pig, calmly sleep under the sounds of the cicade ... Today on a pink sofa - a farmland Ring game of Agrikola.

Of course, it is impossible to cope with a miniature farm alone, so relatives and family members are connected to rest in nature, which are glad to provide special assistance. By the end of the season, the trouser will accelerate on the beds, among whose shoots are happily running out the broods of flickering piglets. And on the central square of collective gardening, contests are held on the largest root plant. Using the mutants presented on the fresh dung and presented on the court jury will die only a person with strong nerves. But the view of the potato magnitude with watermelon, you will agree, anything fascinates.

I want to please those who are deprived of land and deprived of the opportunity to feel all the delights of agricultural recreation. Instead of six acres you can buy a small but sweaty box, and with your head to plunge into an exciting garden-garden world.

The weight of the game will allow the cabbage to plant - a small rectangular box will withdraw the hand of a kilogram for three. Inside the tank to the very top is filled with components: playing fields, decks of cards, wooden chips, stacks of tiles and allowance to novice landpash.

Before you - brief rules of the game displayed on the opposite sides of individual players' tablets. Study attentively these pictures, use them during the game, will not be able to ...

All events occur on the opposite side of the cardboard. Land plots are printed here, special fields of events are posted, there are places for cards. Therefore, to take a look at the memo, you have to turn the cardboard, and, thus, to delete from the face of the earth, all your householdery together with buildings. Incomprehensible logic of designers ...

I want to draw attention to the fact that "Agrikola" implies two modes: family and advanced (you can also play solo). In the review, I will talk about the family version with which I recommend you to start your agricultural path. The family option is marked with a special white symbol on a blue background (the right upper field in the photo).

The game has many cards that are designed to diversify the gameplay. Large half is used in advanced version of the game.

Each peasant should strive for enlightenment, and 166 classes will help him that will enable certain skills (advanced version of the game). Who does not work, he goes together: 8 cards are distributed between the starving aginusers and take away prize glasses at the end of the game. 5 Memo (at the maximum number of players) contain a list of basic events and the principle of the calculation of victorious glasses.

136 simple improvements (advanced game) will enhance the efficiency of agricultural land and bring victory points at the end of the game. 10 Special Improvements (Family Game) will facilitate the life of farmers, the victory challengers need to earn at least one card to implement their dreams. Otherwise, leadership can be forgotten ...

In the game 6 stages, and 14 special cards denote the actions that will be available to players. I recommend to get acquainted with this deck before the game, it will significantly increase the chances of winning.

16 Green Cards are used depending on the number of players. These cards are similar in meaning the stages of the stages and introduce various actions into the game. Bilateral cards, one side is used in the family version (top row), inverse - in advanced (lower row). The number in the upper left corner indicates the number of players in which this action is used.

32 bilateral square tiles symbolize arable land; Stone, wooden and clay houses. Multiplers 3.4 and 5 are used to streamline resource reserves in a personal reserve, 36 meal markers will help feed the family, and 3 rounded the arrival and brave farmer symbolize the arrival of expensive guests.

Five landowners with their families may attend happiness and create an exemplary economy to all envy. Family members are represented by discs (5 each color), each family belongs to 4 xleva and 15 hedges of its color. Yellow cylinder will give the first player.

18 pigs, 21 sheep and 15 cows are ready to join the succeeding family and will gladly find their own second home on players' tablets. In the disk world, the resources are also discs (so that farmers did not hurt): 15 white cane tokens, 27 brown clay and yellow grain, 18 black stones and orange vegetables, 33 Wood rounds.

Somewhere there, in the bowels of the box, a notebook was lost for records in which it is convenient to count points.

Morning on the Agrink Court.

If you are a city resident and for the first time replaced the office hammer on the collective farm sickle, then choose a family version of the game.

Opponents replenish your personal stock with family disks, hedges and gestures of their color. Each player receives individual six hectares and places their garbage two-room dwelling on them, chisced with boards. The happy father of the family and his faithful companion enter the country palace, having received a card - a memo in the management of the economy. The first player takes the cylinder of yellow color and two foods, the rest - three foods.

Maps of special improvements are placed on the tablet in accordance with the pictures. To save space, you can not use cardboard, but lay out cards in a row.

In the center of the table, there are 3 special cards of rounds (the left left module is located in the required side up). Sort the blue cards of the rounds in the increasing order of the rounds and put a stack of a shirt close up, nearby - cards of beggars.

Depending on the number of players, telect green cards and place them arbitrarily on the tablet with the necessary side up (I chose a family option and an example for three players). All small disks of resources, animal figures and tiles form a general reserve.

With the first roosters.

Each round begins with the fact that the field is placed by the image of a new map of the blue deck. Cards are placed by speakers (there are tips on the field). Thus, the field appears a new action available to players.

Then, in all locations marked by the arroders, the disks of resources and animal figures are laid out (the number is indicated in locations). I draw your attention to the fact that adding resources each round occurs, and they can accumulate (there is no restrictions on the quantity).

On this preparation for the current round is completed.

The first walks the owner of the yellow cylinder. It places one family member disk from a personal field into any location of the choice and immediately performs the specified action. Then the next player comes to the game and so on clockwise until everyone is expressed by their employees on the field. Only one disk can be placed in one location!

I draw your attention to the fact that the action is performed immediately, so in the photos of red and blue discs were to immediately pick up the reed and wood in your personal reserve (they can be used in the current round).

After performing actions, players take all their wards back to the house. Then, if the "harvest collection" has not arrived (noted at the bottom of the last four columns), the new round of the game begins. The game ends after the 14th round: the final harvest fee and the final calculation of the glasses occurs.

So, you received the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe jurisdiction of the agricultural economy, now look closely on actions that make up the basis of the gameplay.

As you remember, one family member can perform one action. Therefore, the number of workers must be increased (fruit and multiply). This is done with the help of "adding in the family." Another disk is added to the location (the only location where 2 discs can be at the same time), and at the end of the newborn round it is necessary to place in one of the rooms.

Alas, only one employee can live in the same room, so do not forget to build additional compartments in your barn. This can be done with the action of the "room". Wooden living space costs 4 trees (on the walls) and 2 reeds (on the roof). Resources are spent from personal stock, and the new tile must necessarily adjoin the previous horizontal or vertically.

Comfort is necessary to all, so the dwelling can be rebuilt, but it is necessary to upgrade all rooms at once (the discrimination of relatives is unacceptable). Improvement with plywood buildings to the clay bungalow costs 1 clay for each room (it is necessary to deceive her walls), as well as " one reed at all, sir"From now on, you can add to the building only corresponding to the type of room. Want" Chambers of Belobenny "- please pay the stone for the room and again" one reed ... ".

The house is fine, but you need to feed your round-hearted family with something. To do this, we build pens for livestock and land in passing. With the Earth, everything is simple - for one action one plot was pounded (put the tile) and then until the end of the game, you can sow anything on it, including watermelons (removed from the tablet, the developed field cannot be removed). Subsequent tiles of Pashni are placed in such a way that they come into contact with the previous ones.

Pans are needed for livestock. For one action, you can build as many directions (standard: one tree is one board). There is a prerequisite: the pen must be completed fully (the boards should stand it from all sides). At the same time, the edges of the field, arable land and the borders are not. But you can use previously built pens.

One cell in the pen can accommodate two animals, animals can be located in one pitch. In addition, one animal can be kept in the house (nice to have a personal hryunder).

Khlev (a small wooden house) is placed on a free cell of the playing field (or in the pen) and allows you to contain one animal (outside the pen), or enlarge twice the livestock in the pen (you can keep not 2 individuals in the square, but four).

In the "harvest" phase, all plowed and snowy fields bring a crop that can be used as a meal (remove one disk from the pashnya to the reserve). Then you need to feed the family, handing each conid for two tokens with the mission (born in the current round - one by one). If someone does not have enough food, the player receives a card "begging", and this shameful stamp remains with him until the end of the game, taking three victory points. You can use special improvement cards (if you have) for more efficient use of the crop.

Next - one pair of the same animals of each type brings the range in the form of one individual, which is necessary or placed on the playing field to the edge or into free hlev, or immediately reset to the reserve if the conditions do not allow. It does not matter whether parents and the rating will be contained in one square (pitch) or not.

On the psyche of Pashnya.

Work as a sower is not easy, but very simple. From the alone grain abandoned in the Earth, two more, taken from the stock, immediately grows. The trouser, unfortunately, this increment does not give and brings only one disk. Grain can be exchanged for food tokens in a ratio of 1: 1. But there is a better option ...

Take advantage of a special improvement and get a lot of delicious and useful food. For example, a brick oven, built of clay and stone, processes one grain disc in five food tokens. That is, the effectiveness of the collected crop of grain increases five times! You can process animals, clay, firewood, and so on. In a word, feed your wards of a soybean product, the composition of which they better not know ... In addition, each improvement brings victorious glasses on the map at the end of the game.

At the end of the 14th round, the game ends, and it is time to sum up. Let's start with the fact that each unauthorized square of the gaming space takes one point. The same thing happens when you have less than two plowed fields, there are no contaminants at all, there are no grains and vegetables in the barn, and Mor twisted all the cattle (it is strange that you yourself are still alive). The better the farm you are, the more winning points get in accordance with the table. The degree of comfort of your dwelling also has its price.

Do not forget to add victory points for various cards earned by you during the party, as well as the subtraction of "Shame's glasses" for begging. The final result will reveal the most successful agriter, which becomes the chairman of the Board of the agricultural partnership.

In the evening, on the agronic zavaling.

In the review, I only briefly mentioned the main points of the family game. Locations set, and list the property of each in the review is not possible. But there is another option "advanced" farming, implying the use of many cards and additional locations ...

The game won many awards, and she got them right. Agrikola is an interesting and deep development game, superbly decorated in the "farm" style. During the party, the feeling is created that you really develop your farm, plow the fields, divor the animals ... There is no accident site here, so each action needs to be thought out, and every incorrect step has consequences. The more your family, the wider the possibilities, but the food will need more. And to obtain food, it is necessary to effectively develop animal husbandry and agriculture. In a word - microeconomics.

There are several features from "Agrikola".

I will start with the fact that the party ends too unexpectedly. Only you developed, just felt the taste of life, and had already come the 14th round and the final calculation. Plans were ambitious, but never managed to implement them ... I also strongly recommend playing with newcomers in the family version of the game without using additional cards.

Once upon a time I first sat down to play with experienced players for advanced rules and after that he hated the game. It seemed to me that the random would rule the ball, and the rivals won only at the expense of cards. Only by the end of the party I figured out "what's what", but it was too late ...

After the year, I again took up the farm, but on family rules and ... loved the game. And still I play with friends and family precisely for these rules, I do not regret at all, and the game gives me and the surrounding pleasure. Therefore, if you do not want to beat off the familiar desire to sit behind the game table - Play with them a couple of parties in the family version. And then think - do you need supplements ...

Separately, I note the quality of the fields of this publication - they are perfectly straight. I remember the "Agrikol Sopgia" of the first release, which I seen from a friend. Momoving himself with bridges above the stormy river, the individual fields were bent so hard, which is still a little bit, and they could turn into a tunnel. It was impossible to cut the cardboard, therefore the soil of land was put on erosion, and the animals quietly bursted to the edge of the field, customized by the headboards. Following it, a hut was rushing with gilnts from emotions ...

I did not find anything like this in indescribable enthusiasm in my box, so you can safely stop your choice in favor of localization. Moreover, in the "domestic" version of animal cubes replaced with figures - a nice bonus ...