Petri dish is better than. How to grow bacteria cultures in a petri dish. Mouse control in the game Agario

Initially, Petri Dish was conceived as a parody of the latter. None of the developers could have imagined that a simple flash game would have such a huge army of fans, which is ready to spend long hours for this exciting entertainment.

How did this game become so popular? There are three secrets:

  • Simplicity of everything: from gameplay to graphics,
  • A wide range of game modes (more than 20),
  • Availability on all types of devices that can be connected to the Internet.

You don't need anything to play Petri Dish: no downloads, no registration. You just click on the "start" icon and immediately find yourself in the game.


Before you start, you need to select a server and a game mode. To get comfortable, we recommend starting with the standard one. The choice of server depends on your location and time zone. The one that is closer to you has more players. If you are not confident in your abilities, go to a server on another continent. There will be fewer people there, because while you are awake, they sleep.

The focus of the game is on a small bacteria in a Petri dish with a closed lid. Germs of other participants scurry around. Everyone's goal is to become the biggest player on the server. To do this, you need to feed and develop the contents of your cup. In fact, the whole game is also a copy of a giant Petri vessel from a biological laboratory. Virtual cells of players are born, develop and die in it.

For yours to live the longest, it needs to be fed. Use the food scattered on the map and smaller participants for this.

But keep in mind: the larger your bacteria gets, the slower it moves. Others can catch up and devour her.

Use the following buttons to control the Petri Dish game:

  • Mouse - move around the map,
  • Space - dividing bacteria into two parts. The effect lasts 30 seconds,
  • W - depending on the game version, feed bacteria or shoot at enemies,
  • Esc - enter the menu,
  • E - display the compass,
  • P - press pause.

When you're comfortable with the standard map, try playing other modes.

Our TOP 5 game versions:

  1. TEAM - a mode of collective struggle of three units: red, green, blue. You can eat everyone except your teammates.
  2. ARENA is a single player game in which each participant has only one life. All cards (except the first) are reduced in size. If there are not enough real participants to start the game, the server adds aggressive bots to the location.
  3. CRAZY FFA is the craziest Petri Dish mode ever. Everything is turned upside down here. While in normal play the W key helps you gain mass, in CRAZY FFA it, on the contrary, reduces your weight.
  4. ZOMBIE is the most difficult passage. Before the start of the game, one of the participants is assigned as a zombie. He tries to enslave as many bacterial cells as possible by simply touching them. The cells are fighting back. Whoever finds the "Hero" booster will be able to eat the zombies.
  5. DEATHMATCH - Petri dish mode, in which it is impossible to eat another participant. But you can shoot him with the W button. The rating of the players is determined by the number of victims.

In order to start gaining mass, you need to devour other players on one side and befriend a few of them on the other. Meetings and even parties can be arranged in the Petri Dish. You can team up with several players, work out a common strategy and make your way to the top of the food chain.

Someone is constantly present in the game, gatherings are arranged, streamers appear, various competitions from the administration, and so on. Skins are maximally tailored for clients, and their choice is simply huge. There is no cheating, hidden fees or bots in the game. All cheating players are instantly recorded and blocked by the administration.

The game begins with the fact that we choose the map on which your hero will be born, and the mode in which you are ready to play. The more people on the map, the more difficult it is to play, the less - the easier. As for the modes, these are HardCore, MegaSplit, FFA and others. After you have chosen a mode, read its rules (they are located on the right). Different cards also differ in the limits and amount of food, so you also need to deal with the card from the very beginning.

There are a lot of buttons involved in the Petri Dish, although in order to understand what needs to be pressed first and what you can wait with, you need to understand which processes are paramount and which ones are less important. One of the most important processes is the division of the player into parts in the event of a collision with a large and dangerous enemy. Space is responsible for the separation. Feeding and shooting are controlled by the same button - W. Sometimes the game is paused (button F) when the danger of being eaten by another player is too great. The V button, for example, is responsible for firing a virus. The compass is turned on and off with the E key, the full screen is turned on with F11, and you can exit the menu with the Escape key.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is quite simple - to teach any gamer to work, both in a team and individually. Interaction is actively practiced in the game, both between players and between the latter and the administration.

In addition, the game trains your reaction and decision-making speed. If you have not been able to think globally and build a line of survival and advancement in the game until now, now you will gradually master it! All the processes practiced by the game are very relevant for real life too!

The vastness of the Internet boasts hundreds of games that have become wildly popular with a huge number of users. But no other game can boast such mega popularity that the game "Petri Dish" has gained in a few weeks. Also, you may have heard about it under the name "Petri Disch". This game has become almost a cult and has gained millions of fans all over the world. The game gained some of its popularity thanks to its simple rules and free access. After all, you do not need to download anything, but just go into the game, select a mode and press start. So, let's take a closer look at a couple - three rules. Your character will be a small bacterium that wants to find its place in the agar medium. You will be surrounded by dozens and sometimes hundreds of bacteria - players. As long as your bacterium is tiny, you must feed it with plankton, which is on the map in abundance. As soon as your baby gets a little stronger, you can start a real full-fledged hunt for other bacteria. You can absorb enemy bacteria that are two to two and a half times smaller than yours. As you eat other bacteria, you will get bigger. There is a ranking in the right corner of the screen, which places the players as the bacteria grow. The more your mass, the higher your rating. But it is worth remembering that gaining mass will lead to a loss of speed. Your bacteria will become large and slow, but even in this position, you will be able to attack and eat competitors by dividing in two. Sometimes this trick can save your bacteria. When you divide the bacterium into two parts, then both halves become faster and this makes it possible to quickly retreat from the enemy. After bifurcation, the bacterium is drained within thirty seconds. If one of the halves was eaten by enemies, then you can still continue the game with the remaining part of the bacteria. Also, you can shoot viruses and thereby speed up or use various tactics. Now let's talk about a few more Petri Dish tricks. Thorns - viruses are scattered around the entire perimeter of the map. As long as you are tiny, then you have nothing to fear. You can even hide behind a thorn to avoid being swallowed up. But if you have already gained a noticeable mass, then a collision with a thorn will backfire. Your bacteria will scatter into many crumbs and you will have to try to prevent your opponents from taking advantage of your sad situation. Just as Petri Dish, or if you prefer Petri Disch, is designed as a multiplayer browser game, there are many benefits to be found here. You can take on the help of friends and master the team game. You can use in-game chat to discuss your tactics and strategies. Many gamers even have their own team skins, which allows you to instantly recognize your comrades in arms. Also, there are many modes in the game, which you can familiarize yourself with below. Have a good game!

4.4380459398253 (Game ratings 3091)

Description of game modes:

  • ClanHouse- this section contains Clan Houses - servers belonging to clans. Clans manage their servers themselves, can choose FFA or Experimental mode for themselves, can close their server with a password.
  • FFA- Basic mode. Eat food to grow and eat other players. Green viruses will break you into several parts. This mode features the largest number of servers, including giant servers with 300, 400 and 700 slots! Enough space for everyone! The size of the food on the servers is different, from 1 to 3. On the server Siberia, the size of the food is random. The size of one ball in the game is limited to 22500 mass units.
  • TEAM- Fight between three teams: green, red and blue. You can choose your color before playing. It is impossible to change the name and team during the game. In our version, the players of their team do not interfere with each other's passage.
  • ARENA- In arenas, everyone is for himself and everyone has only 1 life. If you lose, wait for the end of the round and join a new party. But if you have already won - so that's it, congratulations! In this mode, there is one oversized (4K) card - this is the first card, and all other cards are small (2.5K). If the required number of players is not reached before the start of the round, the server will add evil and aggressive bots to the game! Attention! In this mode, team play is prohibited, agreed in advance!
  • CRAZY FFA- This is a wacky and crazy take on the classic FFA mode. On these servers, the mass that you shoot through the W does not feed, but takes away the weight from the opponents! All players start with 400 mass.
  • ZOMBIE- One of the hardest modes in the Petri Dish. At the beginning of the round, one zombie is selected. The task of zombies is to enslave as many people as possible by touching them. The task of people is to win this battle. There are boosters on the map that will help in this game - "Hero" (only a person can get it), which makes it possible to eat zombies or recover from infection (until it finally becomes a zombie), and the "Brain" booster - giving zombies super speed. If the zombie eats the "Hero" booster, he will die. It is recommended to play in this mode either without skins or with simple render turned off, otherwise it will be difficult for you to distinguish zombie teams from people.
  • DEATHMATCH- In this mode, it is impossible to eat another player. You can only shoot him using your W cartridges. And viruses are not afraid of you here - now they are your protection from bullets. The top-10 rating is calculated by the number of enemy balls killed (frags). All players start with 700 mass. In this mode, you can split into a maximum of 4 parts.
  • Black hole- This mode is like FFA, only here you need to feed a black hole to be in the top! You can feed either with a space or through W. You cannot die - the points burn out. FIXED is a server where the Black Hole stands still. MOVING is the server where it moves.
Game controls:
  • Mouse - movement
  • Space bar - split
  • W key - feed or shoot
  • Esc key - menu
  • E key - enable / disable the compass
  • E key - pause

Agario Petri Dish is a clone game that has become a classic in io games during its lifetime. Her story is to grow her bacterial cell to an unbeatable size!

How to play

The main task of the Agario Cup is to grow the largest bacteria. To do this, you need to absorb colored dots - food. She appears all over the map. To absorb food in large quantities, you can divide your bacterium into two or more smaller cells. This will allow you to collect food from a larger area.

The main difficulty in Agario Petri is the other players. The point is that every large bacterium can eat a smaller one. It turns out that by splitting up, you become more vulnerable to other players. In turn, hunting for other bacteria can generate more mass than gathering food.

Another artifact that can be found is green spiked circles. When you play Agario Petri, be careful with them! When such a circle is absorbed, your cell will spontaneously be blown apart into many small fragments. They will then gather and merge again into one cell, but if there is a large enemy nearby, it can seriously harm you.

To maximize your development, use several tactics at once. At first, do not engage in battles and collect mass, dividing into dozens of smaller cells. As Agario says, playing with a cup is better than a spoon. Then, having matured, you can wander in two or three huge cells and divide only when you need to attack the enemy.

Initially, we warn you that registration here is simplified to the point of impossibility. On the official website of Agar io, you will need one thing - to enter a nickname in the column. Come up with a unique name, and go. If you want to remain incognito, ignore this line. It is up to you to choose the server you want to play on. If you got here for the first time, choose the one with fewer rivals. Observe the number of gamers on the right side of the name of the region. There are eight regions in total. Dividing it into sectors, fans of the game Agario even invented cheats (codes) and mods for this option.

Mouse control in the game Agario

Starting the game of Agario, you move the cursor in front of your personal circle, and he obediently follows you along the Petri dish. Do not make sudden movements in the direction of large brothers. They can eat the poor thing. To grow, eat the small colored balls scattered around the map. This will help the glutton gain weight and gain strength. When that happens, start hunting your victims. They will be the molecules of other users, smaller than your ward. They are much more nutritious than plankton crumbs. With good nutrition, your baby will grow and then there will be a problem with agility. The big giants in the Agario game are very difficult to move. But there are a couple more options for moving around the area.


Make the game more dynamic, increase movement speed, escape from pursuers, reduce damage from predators - all this is the space bar. By pressing once, the molecule will turn into two equal smaller ones. If you do this again, four of them will appear. The smaller the overall size of your own elements, the higher the speed. It is regularly used to chase small but fidgety molecules. It is not recommended to use it too often. The division does not work all the time, about a minute. And then all the parts will come together into a single whole. The ability to break yourself apart when ambushed helps a lot. Having scattered yourself, there is a chance to leave with partial losses. Then the Agar io game will continue, and your round timber will be able to continue playing Agario and gain mass again.

The secret revealed to advanced specialists is the cultivation of bloodthirsty viruses. Seven presses of W in the direction of the green bush, feed it and you can use it as a weapon, crush the giant enemy into separate pieces, and absorb.

If cornered, you can save yourself by separating a certain amount of cargo from your volume. This is an extremely indispensable property for the formation of alliances. Feeding someone else's bacillus, you earn a friendly disposition, and you will not be touched. By the way, there is a great opportunity to play Agario as a team. In playing with a friend, there is the prospect of being fed while losing weight. It is permissible to tactically lure into a trap. You shoot with a mass, and wait for the naive round Agario to swim up to eat. You attack and eat it.

Agario balls caused a real sensation. Naturally, a Russian-language clone of the Agar io game was soon developed. Check out the original and different copies of the amusing world of circles. In a similar Russian version called the Petri Dish, the principles are the same. The battlefield is the Petri Disch dish. Here, the newborn bacillus seeks to survive among the hulks and grow. Agario's game in the ranking of the most popular. Launch the Agar io game and appreciate all its merits.

The rules will become clearer if you watch the video on YouTube. We especially advise you to pay attention to the Ivangai, Frost and Teranita channels. In addition to the rules of the Agario game, the guys talk about many tricks: how to make a skin on your own, play Agar io on the same server with another, and what steps to take if the toy does not work.

It is impossible to download a torrent of the Petri Disch game on a computer, like Agar io. On a PC, the game is only available online without downloading, and for free and without long registration. With phones and tablets, the situation is different. For Android (Android) and iOS (Ayios) there are applications with the Agario game. Vk (Vkontakte) also has a similar toy - The Hunger Games with the same pictures and photos for skins and rules.