What poured the floor from coins. How to make a floor of coins. Conducting preparatory work

In childhood, we were all passionate about the collection of trivia in piggy banks. So, we tried to fulfill their nettle dreams of large purchases, new toys and sweets. However, years are going, and over time, the piggy bank went dust to the Andesol Chiffiraer.

Have you accumulated a huge number of copper coins? We have an amazing DIY project! How do you think to lay out the floor as a mosaic? It may seem very laborious, but believe me, the result will surpass all your expectations!

Before work, you should sleep well, then work with a penny will not seem so tedious to you.

Step one:

First you need to free the room from furniture and household appliances. It is also necessary to dismantle the existing floor covering. After that, you can shoot the measurements from the room to dig the required amount of materials.

Step two:

Take the floor processing. It must be subjected to intense grinding, to remove bugs and roughness. If there are faults and depressions, they must be melted with concrete solution.

Step Three:

The surface must be perfectly clean. Get rid of large dust, dirt and garbage. And then, with the help of detergent and alcohol, proceed to degreasing.

While the gender dries, you can proceed to sorting coins - separate dull and dirty copper, from shiny. Boring? And no one said that it would be easy!

Step Fourth:

Now is the time to go to the construction store. There you need to purchase several packs of self-adhesive fiberglass. Tiles are of different sizes, but most often 50x50 and 100x100 cm.

Pitch Fifth:

Now be patient, and proceed to sticking coins on tiles. Well follow the desired side, the drawing must be uniform. Laying the row is better behind, leveling a penny with a long line.

Step Six:

When sticking the tiles with coins, you can place them on the floor. Do not forget to fit the sizes and make marking. Fiberglass perfectly cuts into a knife or scissors.

Step seventh:

Using epoxy resin, you need to connect tiles with floor. Tarnish the entire surface thoroughly, and press well for several minutes, especially in the corners. Now you can take a break, as the drying will take about six hours.

Step eighth:

And so, it's time to work again! Mix in a bucket of cement with water, and with the help of a rubber spatula, lick all the slots and irregularities. Do not regret the solution, most importantly, so that all gaps between the coins are filled.

Step ninth:

Wait 72 hours, until complete cement drying. Now you need to protect our creation from water exposure and possible damage.

To do this, mix a two-component epoxy sealant and a UV blocker, and with the help of a whole, rubber spatula cover the floor with a mixture.

Another three days ... and that's it! You can enjoy the result! Now your room has acquired a shade of luxury and greatness. Such a DIY project can be greatly surprised by friends, and in general, imagine how nice walk "for money" and feel a millionaire.

If you want to surprise your guests with wealth lying right under your feet, you can do it with the help of conventional coins. Recently, it became fashionable to lay out the floor. The occupation is quite simple, but painstaking.

If you have a lot of kopecks on the antlesole, you can lay out any surface. When they are not enough, you can ask for friends and friends a trifle that came out of the turnover. Quite often, people keep her at home, explaining what sorry to throw.

If these two options are not suitable for you, the coins can be found for small money at different auctions. As a result, it turns out incredibly which will be originality. Some real estate owners believe that this interior decoration allows you to fill the house with a special "monetary aura".

Algorithm of work

If you decide to lay out the floor of the coins with your own hands, the photo of the result is better to consider more carefully. This will make it possible to understand how the surface looks ultimately.

The process goes to several stages. At the first one must prepare the surface and calculate the desired amount of material. The next step will be the search for coins and their preparation for work. The main stage is the laying of money and further fixing the floor covering.

Preparation of the surface and counting the number of coins

A rather important stage of laying is the preparation of the surface. The room is released from furniture items, the old coating is dismantled. Coins are usually fitted on a concrete tie. Roughness and irregularities can be aligned with a solution by filling out the gap.

The surface is cleaned of dirt, garbage and dust, degreases with detergents. The base is left until complete drying. Meanwhile, you can begin to calculate the little things. A penny should be spread in a checker order, however, it is necessary to determine how much it is necessary to cover the entire surface. In order to understand how much material is needed, you must take a cardboard sheet of a square form with a side of 100 cm. It is placed on a flat surface and start to lay out coins on it. Each penny will be burned with a pencil so that the ranks do not come down.

A certain amount of coins will be on the filled sheet, the number of which you have to count. A little more difficult to work if you plan to use money that have different sizes. Some homemade masters use a chaotic location. The prepared gender is measured, its area is calculated. The number of square meters must be multiplied by the number of coins in one square.

Additionally about the preparation of the draft floor: waterproofing and reinforcement

Before laying out the floor of the coins, prepare the surface well. When the apartment is not on the first floor, it is recommended to supplement the base of the waterproofing layer. To do this, you can use runneroid. To increase the adhesion solution with a stove, you can apply universal primer. It is dried within 4 hours. If the floor surface absorbs moisture well, then the application of the primer should be carried out in two layers, otherwise it may adversely affect the result.

The floor laid out by coins will serve longer if you prepare the base correctly. As a waterproofing layer, you can also use a floating concrete screed. For this purpose, an ordinary polyethylene film is used. A road grid with square cells with sides of 100 x 100 mm or 150 x 150 mm is performing as a shrewing reinforcement. The recommended diameter of the rods is 5 mm.

Features Filling Solid Equipment

If you need to fill with a multi-level screed in one room, provide a height difference using at the highest place of the floor layer of the screed must be more than 2 cm. If you decrease this indicator, the material is cracking, and if you increase to 8 cm and more, then get an unnecessarily load on overlapping or foundation.

Before posting the floor from coins, we recommend to align the surface. The concrete brand M-300 or higher is best used as a solution. You can add decorative coating with warm above them should be at least 3 cm. This is necessary to ensure the strength and uniform distribution of heat.

Before making the floor of the coins with their own hands, you can lay a screed for semi-dry technology. At the same time, water is used 3 times less. When the cement is shown, water will almost not play the role, so you should not worry about the quality of the screed.

Preparation of material for work and its laying

Before repair, many real estate owners are asked about how to make floors from coins. If you also turned out to be among them and have already decided on the number of material, then after its search you need to wash the trifle, clean it and dry so that the floor sparkle. It is convenient to use toothpaste and soap for this. The latter is the most versatile and less aggressive agent. You can use a tool for cleaning silver coins.

To laying the floor from coins with their own hands, you can attract the whole family. In the process, it is important not to be captivated and carefully monitor the quality of the work performed. It is recommended to act from the center of the room to the edges. Adhesion is pre-applied to the surface. You can use fiberglass to fit coins treated with glue on one side.

If you decide to use fiberglass, mount the floor with separate squares, from which you need to remove the protective film before laying. It is necessary to act from the wall that is farther from the entrance door.

Fixing coating

If you want to lay out the floor of the coins, the photo from our article will help you to inspire and decide on the ornament. Moreover, you will understand how to act and from which side to start. After the base base is completely covered, it is poured with a glue solution, which reliably fix the fragile design.

As soon as the composition is driving, it is possible to mix epoxy sealant with a UV blocker and apply a mixture to the surface. It will fill all the gaps between coins and fiberglass. Up to complete drying, it is categorically impossible to walk on the floor. To complete drying can take up to three days.

Using the technology of decorative bulk floors

You can paint the floors with a penny using 3D technology. Such compositions are suitable for filling any items based on. Instead of coins, you can use shells, stones and other elements. You can combine them with pebbles and sand. This approach allows to reduce the amount of trivia used, and the installation process will become much simpler.

If you use the filling floor technique, then the fixation of the coins will not be required - they will be filled with transparent and durable polymer composition. If you want to lay out the floor of the coins in this way, the base is carefully prepared. The floor is equalized, degreased, the surface is covered with primer. It is best to use "concrete contact", which contributes to a good clutch of material with concrete.

Application of layer and release of bubbles

The next step will be the applying of the main layer, which is covered with a transparent polymer mixture. It can be made independently by kneading the composition of the drill with a special nozzle.

Having laid out the floor of the coins and the bay of its transparent bulk coating, you will need to handle the base of the aeration needle roller, which will help to eliminate the formed inside the bubbles. For their careful removal will take about half an hour. The surface is then covered with a foil or film that will provide a layer of strength. When the polymerization process is completed, apply protective varnish.

Agree, the real decoration of the interior can be the floor laid out of coins. If you want to achieve a positive result, it is better to use a fiberglass mesh as a basis for mounting. It will simplify the process and will allow the whole family to use in work. This approach eliminates the shift of kopecks by negligence. Remember that at the first stage it will be important to prepare the surface by making it perfectly smooth. Otherwise, even the smallest errors will be noticeable.


If the coins were not enough, they can be used to make the decor that can be decorate. For example, you can lay out the original panel on the wall or decorate the coins of the worktop.

Warm floor, soft carpet and even the original homemade applique of thin tree cuts under legs - these are ideas for creating a unique and impressive house design.

But all these ideas do not compare with a creative designer solution, which is more like a mooring of piggy banks than on the finishing material - the floor of the coins.

The coin floor is understandable at first glance. But it is possible to put such a coating at home only using materials and tools:

  • adhesive base - waterproof silicone glue with adhesive gun.
  • rule or roulette.
  • pencil, chalk, pebbles (for sketching conditional squares).

So that the covered looked as if the coins under the floor were covered with glass, it is necessary after their laying to fasten with several layers of transparent varnish (glossy) video. In addition to these tools, it is worth the patience and the present field from the money to appear in the house. In order to create an original drawing, an ornament, you can lay gold and silver coins in a certain sequence.

This coating is suitable for any room - be something a bedroom, a kitchen or even a toilet. Optionally, it is possible to arrange coins with coins or some areas, thus creating visual mats.

How to make a coin floor covering with your own hands

In the construction hypermarkets and on specialized rinks it is unrealistic to find the coined floor-covered, as it is possible to make it only with your own hands.

For this, it is not necessary to be an artist, designer or a repair moter. It is enough to have a lot of free time, fantasy and bag of coins photo (silver, gold, copper) are suitable.

And so, first need to get rid of the old coating. If it was wooden, without a concrete substrate, you will have to make a screed. In cases where the floor has long been aligned with concrete, you can immediately start work.

To make it easier, you need to follow step by step instructions:

  1. Remove the floor from garbage and polish uneven surfaces (if any).
  2. Fill the floor to smooth squares of the photo (you can do, but so coins can go unevenly in relation to each other).
  3. If it turned out to be constructed by coins of different sizes and colors, then all of them need to be disassembled in several boxes, sort.
  4. Mustoke hands and eyes with rubber gloves and glasses. Those who have the body is sharply sensitive to chemicals, it is better to wear a protective mask.
  5. When all this is done, you can begin to glue coins to the base using a glue gun in a predetermined sequence or improvise. So that the materials (money and the base of the floor) glued better, you need to apply glue on both surfaces.
  6. When everything until the last coin is in the composition of the floor covering, you need to cover this beauty by several layers of varnish (the second, the third layer is delivered after complete drying of the previous one).
  7. If the design provides a plinth - in completion you need to attach them.

You can put coins alternately by rows or creating a geometric pattern - circles, squares, triangles. If you place the floor on the conditional squares, put in the center of each large, and then on the spiral to lay the iron money smaller, then an interesting picture may be. In the same way, squares, diamonds, triangles are stacked. Moving from one wall to another, you can alternate several colors (gold, silver).

Each person is different, so creating a unique field of silver coins (gold, bronze) can be in different layouts, combining different sizes, colors and forms of iron money. Thanks to a competent combination, you can visually expand the space or hide the shortcomings of the room.

Where to get coins for floor laying

Money is an opportunity to buy yourself food, clothes and use other benefits invented by humanity. They have their value - one is large, others are smaller. In almost every country there is their own money currency and coins, the cost of which is also different. Before making the floor from coins, you can explore the monetary units of different countries of the world, to know their possible forms and costs.

On the shape of the coin can be round (Russia, France, Taiwan and many other countries), hexagon (20, 50 pence of England) and even in the form of a flower with the image of Palm (Iraqi coin in 5 phils). The cheapest coins that are ideal for the decoration of the floor are those who have been lying around the corners without the cause. It can be both Soviet coins of recent decades and modern, in the most small face value.

If there were no homes of such cash equivalents, then you can search for relatives familiar or buy in the flea market. Who does not want to be smaller, he can easily contact the bank and exchange a bag of little things for the incarnation of ideas in life.


Metal coins were initially manufactured in such a way to maintain an unchanged view as long as possible. Therefore, they do not break, do not bend and do not black (like cheap Chinese alloys). Having created a floor of the coins in the house, you can not worry about the special rules of care. As it is contaminated, it must be vacuuming and washed slightly moistened with a cloth. When the lacquer covered will fool a little or cover with insignificant scratches, and the money floor is still not tired, then you can refresh the coinwaters of another layer of varnish.

An understandable step-by-step instruction will help in the laying of the coin floor, even those who independently can stick the dutched wallpaper block. When complying with all rules, accounting for advice, you can achieve an incredible result - small children and adults, coming to the house, will try to collect coins from the floor, without understanding, the monetary painting is just a creative coating idea.

All family members, even children can create such beauty. For the younger generation, such an occupation can be not only a pleasant pastime, but also creative training.

It all started with a large piggy bank. There was time, the coins were copied. There was no need for the need. At one moment the idea came, and why not do something interesting with them. Since I love all kinds of interesting things, ideas and solutions decided to make the floor from coins with your own hands. Why not? To finish the room (small room) it took a whole bucket of coins! And the same coins!

For sticking used pistol glue with interchangeable cartridges. Glue on silicone basis. The main thing in this matter is the first row. The smaller it will be laid out - the better the whole work will turn out, since everything goes on the rolling alone. Much depends on the beginning.

From different colors of coins you can make patterns. All this is quite fascinating.

In the course of work, repeatedly attracted to the work of our children.

Gradually, hag by step the whole room was filled with a shiny copper surface of coins.

In the slit, between coins pour epoxy resin (transparent). At the end, cover the floor to polishing coins. Do not be afraid, such a floor to serve for a very long time, since if there is a smooth surface, the weight is evenly distributed throughout the plane.

But actually how the whole thing looks from the side. In general, all guests are surprised when they get to visit us. And it is not amazing! Thanks for attention.

What can I buy on a trifle in our time? The boxes of matches and that can no longer buy, but when collecting coins together, you can think about really big projects.
For example, do you know what you can do floor from coins ?

Of course, such a floor will be from the original series and, but you can really make the floor of the coins in your home. It's not so difficult, but it takes time, so carefully read the instructions and go through these nine steps to make the floor of the coins.

1. Clean the path for coins

Before starting laying coins on the floor, you must first remove the coating throughout the room. After that, you can start measuring the room and determining the number of materials that you need for this wonderful project.

2. Separate floor

After the basic coating is removed, it is necessary to align the floor, condeste the protrusions and pits. The floor should be even if you find cracked and emptiness, fill them with cement.

3. Wash Pol

Part of the work is made, and can be proceeded. It is necessary to completely get rid of all dirt, dust and fat. Use a soft detergent for degreasing and rinse the floor thoroughly. Dry floor. When the floor is ready to start sorting coins. Although it can be a rather boring lesson, you can simply mix them.

4. Cut fiberglass

For the next step you will have to cut squares self-adhesive fiberglass of the same size. Since the floor you measured before, you easily determine how many squares will need.

5. Decay coins on fiberglass

This part is satisfied with light, but also takes a lot of time. You will need to place all coins on fiberglass squares.

6. Form template

Then, with the help of chalk, draw on the floor of the room in a checker order mesh for squares.

7. Laying tiles on the floor

Start better from the back of the room and move on the marked chalk lines. Then place the tile with coins on the floor and press firmly. Continue to do the same with all tiles.

8. Pour the solution and water on the floor of the coins

After all the tiles are laid, you need to mix the solution and water in the bucket, and pour into the floor with coins. This will make it possible to fill all the slots on the floor between coins.

9. Last stroke

The floor of the coin should stand 72 hours, and then mix epoxy sealant with a UV blocker, and pour the coating of the tile and all the seams. Let him dry and enjoy your new floor from coins!