Black Mount Heroic Mode Passing a basic deel. Black Mountain. Heroic Mode - Valley Pulling

The depths of the Black Mountain - the first part of the second adventure of Hearthstone. It's no secret that the reward for the passage of the adventure of the Black Mountain is a unique shirt of cards - so it was in the adventure of the curse of Naxramas. We describe you the shortest way to achieve the goal.

KOREN Khovovar (sullen admance)

Koren Khusovar is the first boss of the adventure of the Black Mountain. The power of the hero of this boss - a lot of Mala! - allowed a permission to call for one being to myself and the enemy completely free. In the heroic mode of the game, this ability could not remain unchanged - now the root calls on 2 creatures yourself and one thing - you. This ability, as in the usual game mode, is completely free and automatically used at the beginning of each boss.

Deck of rooter root in the heroic mode of the game

  • Inner rage X1.
  • Execution x1
  • Vichr X1.
  • Sukkub X1.
  • Take them! x2
  • Old Khmelevar X1.
  • Black Iron Dwarf X2
  • Potashka X1.
  • E.T.C. x1
  • Gloomy frequenter x2.
  • Sinister blacksmith x1
  • Alcacy Mercenary X2.
  • [Heavy fist OGR] x2
  • Dreaf-raised x1
  • Baron Geddon X1.
  • [Hound subsoil] x2
  • County killer x2.
  • Hero Stormgrad X2.
  • [Combat Golem] x1
  • Power tank x2.

Strategy Games against Kryna Kryovovar in Heroic Mode

Tactics and strategy games in heroic mode against this boss is not much different from the tactics of the game in normal mode. The essence of the drawing of the deck remains the same - turn into it as many strong creatures as possible without ability battle crySince it will not work when the creature is drawing with the help of the Hero of the Boss. Add a certain amount of spell remove to the deck that will help you cope with the early onslaught of the opponent - be prepared for the fact that the sullen burning in a very short time will shut down our entire table with strong creatures, to cope with which it will be a very and very difficult task.

It is also desirable to include in your deck both copies of a mental technician card - they will help you to reduce the advantage that gives it to the skin. Do not forget about an experienced hunter.

So, let's summarize: Leave in your starting hand only removing spells (exceptions make up a mental technician and an experienced hunter), the rest of the creature are in a deck, targeting the Koren to call them with the help of Hero's strength. However, even if you do everything right, we cannot guarantee you a victory - in this confrontation there will be a lot to depend on good luck. So, if the boss in the first time will already lie two power tank, the match will be best restarted.

Cheap Druid Rod against Keywords: Heroic

The priest deck against Korena Kryudovar in heroic mode

The deck of the robber against the rootier root in the heroic mode

Shaman's deck against Kryna Kryoudar in heroic mode

Black Iron Arena (judge gloomy)

The second boss of the depths of the Black Mountain and the whole adventure as a whole, as you remember is the judge of the gloomy. The mocking crowd - the power of the hero allows the boss to call on the battlefield of the viewer 1/1 with the ability provocation. In the heroic game mode, this ability will chef, which guarantees its use of the judge at the beginning of each of his stroke. The deck of the judge did not change, it also fully consists of legendary cards.

Deck judge gloomyman

  • Talnos X1
  • Keeper history Cho x1
  • Millhouse Manashtorm X1.
  • King Mukla X1.
  • Mehmaster Zamäkalets X1.
  • Fogen X1.
  • Stalag X1.
  • Vol'jin X1.
  • Cairn bloody hoof x1
  • Emperor Taurissan X1.
  • Gelbin Maggakrut X1.
  • Cruster X1.
  • Illidan rage storm x1
  • Mexna X1.
  • Silvana windy x1
  • Monster X1.
  • Toshli x1
  • Baron Geddon X1.
  • Dr. Boom X1.
  • Fire Leviathan X1.
  • Al'akir X1.
  • Grumble X1.
  • Energorez-4000 x1
  • Old crochecher slow down x1
  • Alekstrase X1.
  • Nosdorm X1.
  • Onyx X1.
  • Forcetral X1.

Strategy game against judge gloomy in the heroic mode of the game

Initially, it may seem that this boss remained virtually no changes compared to the usual mode of the game (the cost of his hero's strength on one crystal mana can not be taken to account). However, so it will only seem first. The judge begins the game with the already existing four mana crystals, and he also received an increase in his health in the form of fifteen reservation units. With these changes, it will be necessary to reckon - fast Agro deck here will not be relevant here.

Now you have to drastically change the strategy of your game and collect powerful and reliable control of a deck with a large number of spells of mass and individual cleaning. Try to instantly destroy every creature that the gloomy will dare to play, not forgetting at the same time to put their minions. You can breathe freely if only when the health of the second bass adventure black mountain drops to 0.

Cheap mage deck against judge gloomy in heroic mode

Druid deck against judge gloomy in heroic mode

Frying magician against judge gloomy in heroic mode

Cheap deck of a robber against judge gloomy in heroic mode

Emperor Taurissan

The power of the hero of the last boss of the wing of the depths of the Black Mountain - the power of the fire lord. It is identical to the ability of this boss in the usual game mode and allows you to apply 30 damage units in just two mana crystals. However, as in the usual mode, access to its ability to Taurissan will receive only after the death of his wife - Moira Bronzemed.

Taurissana's deck

  • Fiery demon x2.
  • Leprogne X2.
  • [Fire secli] x2
  • Treasure collector X2.
  • Unstable Vurdalak X2.
  • Flame heart x4.
  • Radier gang of demons x2
  • Topor thrower x2.
  • Black Iron X2
  • Death bite x2.
  • Roganisch x2.
  • Black Iron Tile H2
  • Fire elemental x2.
  • Wave Fire X2.

Strategy game against Emperor Taurissan in heroic mode

To withstand the Emperor Taurissan in the heroic mode of the game turns out to be many times harder than in the usual one. The emperor, as expected, will begin the game with the called Moira bronzebodge on the table, but now its attack / protection indicators will be 3/1. In this regard, your game can end after the death of one unstable goddalak or a rog-off, as well as after the response of the death bite of death. Taurissan himself will kill his beloved, and guilty, as always, you will be to blame. Consequently, Priest and Paladin are those two classes that are able to somehow protect the boss's spouse from the rapid actions of her husband. Or deliberate who will figure it out.

Then, as in the usual mode of the game you could have been treated with Moira Bronzem, in the heroic mode of such options it will not be available. First you need to somehow increase your wife's health, and then it is then constantly restored. Map word power: The shield is perfect for the task. There is another card that will play at Moira Bronzeburod even better than the previous one is a crazy alchemist. It is not enough that he will raise the indicators of the chosen target up to three indicators, it will also reduce the amount of damage applied to you (after all 3 in the face every move is very painful).

In no case do not include your deck of creatures with the ability provocation! Moira thoughtlessly kills your tount, and Taurissan will be long and cruel to you revenge. Although no - not long.

Mechanical Yeti is another card, whose choice is to refrain. Summer wheezing of this minion can stick in the hand of your opponent a part of the flywheel time. Taurissan will not miss the chance to take advantage of the opportunity and will immediately return his spouse to his hand. After that he will shoot you. By the way, playing a hunter and turning on a frosty trap in a deck, you can pereparind how it will raise the same effect.

If you decide to play for the Paladin, be sure to turn on your deck such cards as the seal of kings, the peacemaker of Aldor and humility. You can apply the first spell on the boss's wife, and then reduce the indicator of its attack to one with the last two cards. You can also apply divine shields on Moira Bronzemod - one such shield is guaranteed to protect it at least one move.

Cheap priest deck against Emperor Taurissan in heroic mode

Budget deck of warrior against Emperor Taurissan in heroic mode

It consists of 17 bosses, each of which turns out to be a very dangerous opponent in heroic mode. Gmbox hurries to help: we will tell you what decks will help them cope with them. Note that because of the notorious "random", even with the most expensive legendary cards, each boss can take away a lot of attempts; An approximate time of passing one wing will be from an hour to two. Go!

The first wing - "The depths of the Black Mountain"

"Moose Grooming"

In heroic mode Korean Kryovovar At the beginning of each of each of his stroke, it takes three random creatures on the table (two of your decks, one from yours). Tactics against it are simple: you need to make a deck so that only the most powerful minions from your collection are in it, and without the abilities of the class " battle cry"(They do not work when laying out the card directly from the deck). Also, do not forget about cheap spells that will help cope with the obstacles of the opponent - for example, about the Druid " Near nature" After that, it will be necessary only a little good luck. And if the root in the first move will give two from his deck " Power tank", It will be easier to start a battle again.

Black Iron Arena

In heroic mode Judge glooming owns stronger maps, starts the match with four crystals of mana and every move calls for help to help " Spectator of black glage"- Creature 1/1 with" provocation" It can be relatively easy to overcome the magician, which specializes in survival and freezing of minion minion. One of the most important cards will be " Mental technician", Which will help you drag to your side a couple of powerful enemy creatures (if lucky). It must be said that the factor of luck here plays a more important role than in the first battle, and you will probably have to play against the gloomy not one and not twice.

On the left - the optimal deck for victory on the black iron arena, right - the deck, almost completely composed of the basic cards ("mental technician", alas, is extremely necessary - you will have to spend 200 units of dust on its creation). In both cases, the magician is used - a very strong class, which in this battle shows all its power.

(Click on the dashed line)

Emperor Taurissan

Expected most complex and "random" boss from the first three. In the heroic mode of Taurissan's wife Moira Bronzebodgor It has 3/1 characteristics and may die from any spit to its side; At the same time, the emperor himself uses cards like " Rogani», « Death bite"And" Unstable Vurdalak" Close from the attacks of the enemy cards with the "provocation" will not be released - then Moira attacks them, and after her death, the emperor will kill you with his Hero's ability (30 damage for two mana (!), Only if the wife of Taurissan died). You have to sick! The most important card in this battle will be " Mad Alchemist"With the help of which the characteristics of the Moir must be swapped in some places in the second move - to keep it alive with the characteristics of 1/3 will be at least somehow possible. If the "insane alchemist" did not come to your hand in the first or second go, it is better to start first. Naturally, for the treatment of Moyra will have to be used in this battle of the priest - other classes beat Taurissan much more difficult. You will also need a lot of cards for healing yourself, the destruction of the enemy creatures and is necessarily! - two "Lone"to "Rogbash" and "Unstable goddalaks" Damage did not apply to all creatures on the field.

On the left - the optimal deck for the victory over Taurissan, to the right - a deck, almost completely composed of basic cards (without two copies of the "insane alchemist" just can not do anything). Note that in the first case, a combo from " Inland fire"And" Divine spirit"- With a good coincidence, it will help you win quickly and beautiful.

(Click on the dashed line)

Second wing - "Fiery subsoil"


In heroic mode Garr. It has 45 units of health and begins a battle with a family of 0/5 minions " Fireman"But at death they apply three damage at once for each similar minion, who deceased during the current stroke. Yes, this means that if they break up all at once, then your hero will receive 147 damage - perhaps it is perhaps the Jain secret called " Ice block" But the magician here it makes no sense - it is much easier to pacify the elemental by the priest. This will especially help " Circle of healing», « Nondy», « Light Naaru», « Cleric Northmery"And" Mass dispersion"(!). The best start - on the first go, you post on the table "Clear", and on the second play "Circle of Healing" and get a full hand of cards, which will make the further part of the battle of the equipment.

On the left - the optimal deck for victory over Garrome, to the right - a deck, almost completely composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)

Baron Geddon

Desperately complex and incredibly "random" boss - much more complicated anyone else in the first two wings " Black Mountain" In heroic mode Geddon It has 50 health units and 50 units of armor, and every time you could not spend all his mana on your go, he will apply your hero on 10 units of damage with the ability " Mane ignition" Also adds the complexity of the already mocking boss " Live bomb"- If you can not get rid of this debuff on your minion (you can somehow kill him, you can put a little) until the next boss, he will explode and applies to all of your creatures and the hero of the same 10 units of damage.

In general, there will be tight. Most likely, on Geddon, you spend at least an hour, and every move will torture. We will have to carefully weigh your chances (will it be able to spend the whole man, if ..?) And make ineffective steps (for example, to kill their cards of their own minions - just to not die by pressing the button to "finish the move").

You need to play a warlock - only he can take enough cards from his deck to be enough to somehow cope with the "inflammation of mana." More precisely - you have to play a warlock with a deck filled demonamiSince all of them is very well complemented by each other, and their cost varies from 1 mana to 9. and yes, very much needed " Alekstraza"(Well even allowed to use it at all) - one-time reduction in Headdon's health from 50 to 15 points will help very much.

On the left - the optimal deck for victory over Geddon, to the right - a deck, fully composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)

Majord Eklakutus / Ragnaross Lord of Fire

Surprisingly a simple boss, if you know what you are doing, and at least a little luck. The battle consists of two phases: in the first one you need to win Majordom Ekzekutus (30 units of health, 15 reservation units, for 2 units of mana can call for nothing noticeable creatures with 3/3 characteristics), and in the second - after the death of the Eckeutus - Rotanosa (30 units of health, 30 bodies, for 2 mana twice (!) Inflicts 8 damage to the random character of the enemy).

The main boss snag is that he uses cards in a huge number Fire Giant"- In his deck, their at least six pieces. You just need to play, knowing that it is impossible to lower the level of health of the Executus and Ragnaros below 20 points so that they do not flood the table with these giants.

For this boss, the Boss is perfect for Paladin - this class easily fills its half of the playing field with small, but numerous creatures, and is able to cause unexpectedly a large number of damage in one move. Main cards here - " Call in Boy», « Print kings», « Blessing of power», « Emperor Taurissan», « Kel'tuzad"And, of course," Tyrion Fordring».

On the left - the optimal deck for victory over Eklakuts and Ragnasaros, to the right - a deck, fully composed of free maps.

(Click on the dashed line)

Third wing - "Peak of the Black Mountain"

Leader Omokk

The first boss of the Third Wing of the Black Mountain turned out to be pretty light. In the heroic mode, his ability destroys the enemy's random being and is applied automatically at the beginning of each turn. Counter such a simple mechanics simply - use many small creatures whose loss will not be tragedy. The best class for victory over this boss - Paladin, who is very helpful cards " Call in Boy"(Calls on your side of the field of three minions with the characteristics 1/1) and" Divine mercy"(It will help not stay without cards in your hand, because everything will be played immediately). On the creatures of Omokka attention can almost not pay, attack the boss itself from the first moves.

Left - Optimal deck for victory over Omokk. On the right - a deck, almost completely composed of free cards (three cards are taken from the "Curse of Naxramas", and they already have to be - buying the "black mountain" of the first sense).

(Click on the dashed line)

General Dracissat

Another divanctively complicated boss, for victory over which will have to replay the battle and hope for the fact that the necessary cards will come in hand. His passive ability " Gaze"Makes the value of all creatures and spells equal to 1 mana unit, but at the same time limits you with one played card for the course. In normal mode Dracissat It plays according to the rules and is also limited to one card, but in the heroic mode, 2 units of mana at its disposal. Moreover, his deck almost completely consists of powerful spells to kill your creatures and legendary minions. In general, you will have to make a deck so that every card in it is as weighty as possible and in the theory able to carry two in the card grave two, or even three opponent cards. We recommend using a paladin - it " Tyrion Fordring"And" Tvent"In this battle is very good. The best start battle will be " Alekstraza"- so Drakissat immediately drops from 50 units of health up to 15 units. Following it, it would be nice to play Silvanan Veproktlu" or " Kel "Tuzada».

Left - Optimal deck for victory over Dracissate. Right - deck, fully composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)

Rend Chernukhov

A little less complicated than Dracissate, but still quite a formid final wing boss. The ability of the black tube changes after each use, and in heroic mode can call for a) three 2/2 dragons; b) two 2/2 orcs with the ability " Defender"; c) one 5/4 of the draconide; d) 8/8 dragon. This allows the black tub from the first moves to capture control over the field, and until the very end of the battle will have to be defended by all ways. There is a good hunter - his " Explosive trap"In combination with" Mad scientist"The ranks of the enemy beings are significantly dealt, and powerful" Team "Take!""And" Pull the dogs"Let's have time to kill the black tube before he kills you. Replay the battle, however, will still have to do quite a long time.

Left - Optimal deck for victory over a black man. Right - deck, fully composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)

The fourth wing - "Lorid Wing Darkness"


First boss of the penultimate wing " Black Mountain"It turned out to be a weakness even in heroic mode. Yes, here he begins the fight with " Determined egg»0/3 On its half of the field, and the dragon is hatched from such an egg with 7/7 characteristics. But calmly take possession of the field and almost any fast deck is capable of making it easily with these eggs. In general, use a conventional warlock with its inexpensive " zoo"There should be no problems.

On the left is the optimal deck for victory over a polemmer. Right - deck, fully composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)


Vallandaz In the heroic mode, each move makes both heroes take three cards from the deck and receives an additional crystal mana. It is easy to calculate that without treatment and additional tricks to the tenth you will be dead by default. You have to be sick and use a special version of the so-called Mill Druid, which specializes in burning opponent cards and a quick drawing of a heap of cards from his hand. Will help " Proximity to nature», « Rustic growth"And" Dar of nature", And you should make the final jerk using a double" Wild Reva"And numerous small minions, which were prepared in advance. Note, the battle is not simple, and it will have to replay it several times at least because of bad luck with the initial hand.

On the left - the optimal deck for victory over the valestrasse. Right - deck, fully composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)


In the heroic mode, malicious cards ChromaggusWith which he is every move of the stitching your hand, there are 3 mana and more stronger - for example, they treat it every course of 6 points of health. But it is quite simple to deal with it, if you use the deck of a Druid, presented below. If you are lucky, the chromagus will very quickly end cards, and those spells that he filled your hand will not help him, but your creatures (for example, the Twilight Dragon) will only benefit them. Very favorable in this battle is the bunch of "Kel" Tuzad "t" Silvanana Vetroktaya "- with their help you can easily set control over the field, and the path to victory will be laid reliable.

Left - Optimal deck for victory over chromaggus. Right - deck, almost completely composed of free maps.

(Click on the dashed line)

Lord Viktor Nafari

Easternally complicated at first view of the boss. In heroic mode Nafarian It receives 30 units of health and 50 units of armor, as well as from the second move has 10 units of mana and simply throws you with powerful creatures. Moreover, Ragnaros It will help you in this battle just once, in the third move by adding one of his free cards to your hand, after which the nefarian will not carefully noted that in heroic mode "it will not pass." In general, I do not reject here on Ragnasaros, you will have to fee yourself. You can erupt at some good luck, if you use another option (only much slower) Mill Druid. Your task in this battle is to make that the best nefarian maps are burned, and in his hand he has only useless class spells like " Ukus" Before the middle of the game you have to live with the help " Insurance», « Rochetles Roca"And" Mental technique", And then apply heavy artillery in the form of" Volcanic ancient», « Malornna"And" Chromaggus».

On the left is the optimal deck for victory over the nefarium. Right - deck, almost completely composed of free maps.

(Click on the dashed line)

Fifth wing - "Secret Laboratory"

Omnitron protective system

In the heroic mode, Omnitron has 30 units of health and 15 reservation units, and its strength of the hero causes robots much faster - on the first, second, fourth and sixth go. The first robot gives you and your opponent 2 units of spells, the second at the beginning of each move " Omnitron"Deals all beings 1 unit of damage, the third makes all spells cheaper at 3 mana units, and the second causes 2 units of damage for each played map. We are interested in the third robot - " Electron" The best deck in this battle is the magician of the magician who froze the opponents and survives exactly until the moment when laying out on the table " Archmagon Antonidas" from " Student of magician"And for one move thumps the boss free" Fireballs" A little good luck is useful, but the victory must come already on the first time attempt.

On the left is the optimal deck for the victory over the "Omnitron", right - the deck, fully composed of free maps.

(Click on the dashed line)


The most complex wing boss. Maloriac May in the first go called three "aberrations" with 3/3 characteristics (in heroic mode, it not only changes in places the health and attacks of all beings, but also improves its minions by + 2 / + 2) and the ability " Jerk" If he did it, it will be easier to surrender and start again - to continue the battle with 21 units of health already in the second move will be insanely hard. An excellent deck against Maloriak will be the deck of a robber - it " Backstab», « Oven"And" Cleaning»Allow at least somehow remove the enemy creatures from the table, and" Sprint"Saves, when you will inevitably end the cards. The main "work" will do " Fiery giants"In combination with" Siny's intercession" In addition, Maloriak enjoys secrets against which they will play great " Mystics Kesana" Attempts to kill this boss can leave a lot, but do not despair - it will be easier.

On the left is the optimal deck for victory over Maloriak, to the right - a deck, almost completely composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)


The complexity of this boss is that it is guaranteed to get an "acid slimgy" from the deck at the right moment - you have to rely on luck. In the heroic mode, you do not give a single special card to destroy weapons Atrahedwhich receives +1 to the attack indicator after each card you played, so you have to play very carefully. It is best to try to cope with it with a priest deck based on synergies " Power Words: Shield», « Divine spirit», « Selected orders"And" Inland fire" Do not rush to play all the maps in a row, get ready for the turning goal of the battle when you play all the above and immediately after that destroy the arms of the atramed. Up to this point, protect with powerful creatures with the ability Provocation» — « Lord of death», « Schlotza Saint "Gin"And" Sleeping mucus».

On the left - the optimal deck for victory over the arroth, to the right - a deck, almost completely composed of free cards.

(Click on the dashed line)


In heroic mode Nafarian gets 30 units of health and 30 units of armor, and when a player copes with his armor, calls instead of himself Oniquia With 30 units of health and begins to apply gradually increasing damage every course. With onxia and its clawed paws, we do not want anywhere, so we use the priest's deck with the same synergy as in the case of arrhythm. The best option for the development of events - you somehow live up to 8 strokes with a couple of creatures on the table (one of them is simply obliged to be, and then post " Kel "Tuzada", After which we are waiting for combo maps into the hand. You may have to wait for a long time, but in the end, the nefarian will die of everything from one strike, and at the same time you can celebrate victory over all heroic bosses " Black Mountain"And admire the new shirt for your cards. Congratulations!

On the left - the optimal deck for victory over the nefarian, to the right - a deck, almost completely composed of free maps.

(Click on the dashed line)

In the previous article, we wrote, and now the fourth wing is the time - Lori Wing Darkness. In this article, we also picked up the most appropriate deeps for the heroic regime of the Black Mountain. You can also use these decks for normal mode. Read the description of the fourth wing bosses in this.

1. Heroic regime - a brightness of an indomitable.


  • In the heroic mode at the brightness of 30 hp and 15 armor.
  • He starts fighting on the table.
  • The main goal in this match does not give eggs to hatch, otherwise it will come out of the eggs much more dangerous mob.
  • Cheap creatures will help you cope with eggs.
  • It makes sense to add attending cards to your deck.
  • The brightness has a thirst for blood in a deck, so we are trying to clean the table as we can, and the eggs are first and foremost or death is waiting for you.

List of decks for passing in heroic mode - brightness indomitable:

Paladin deck: Warlock deck:

The priest deck:

2. Heroic regime - volastrasse vicious.


  • In heroic mode, Vallestraza 30 HP and 15 armor.
  • This match will be a very high rate due to the Hero's ability. Every move we will pull 3 cards.
  • Consider that fatigue will begin to chat on the 7th course if the valestrasse will not use - proximity to nature.
  • Easy to defeat Vallastras, if you arrange a Mill on the contrary. That is, we take a mall deck and kill in his style.
  • Also effective against valestrazes will be a deck with very cheap creatures, since we can exhibit many creatures and the table will be under our control.

List of decks for passing in heroic mode - volastase vicious:

Hunter's deck: Druid deck:

3. Heroic regime - chromaggus.


  • In the heroic mode at Chromaggus 60 HP, and there is no armor.
  • Every turn will be in hand one of the Magic Dragons Maps.
  • The first five cards will be in such a sequence: ,. But after that, the cards will come across random order.
  • It will be very strong if you play a lot of spells. Silence will be a good choice and try to kill this mob as quickly as possible.
  • But it is better to select Silence cards for twilight dragons, Chromaggus loves to play them with the characteristics of approximately 4/8.
  • Chromaggus can be easily used by using Kombo Kel'Tuzad + Tauta.
  • Alekstrace will also be good if you can live to 9 mana.

List of decks for passing in heroic mode - Chromaggus:

Druid deck: priest deck:

4. Heroic regime - Lord Viktor Nahra.


  • Lord Viktor Nahramy in the heroic mode turns into a dragon on his first move and has 30 hp and 50 armor.
  • Unlike the usual regime, Ragnaros will give us just one random card at the start of the party.
  • The boss will have 10 mana since his second progress, because of this, he will be able to quickly capture the advantage. So removers in this match key cards.
  • Do not forget that the power of the Hero of the Nahramy copies a random class spell, so be prepared for the worst options.

Good day!

The passage of the first quarter of the Black Mountain in a heroic complex, but an exciting adventure.

First boss root Kryovovar

Board Council

Very easy to go well with a flaw deck, but this is not the only possible option. The main rule of the compilation of this deck is as follows: we take 4 giants 8 8, add as much severe creatures as possible (preferably without combat carts), add imperial cobra, experienced hunters (to control the number of enemy creatures), if you have not yet gotten, then Just add two combat goals.

Tips on tactics

Try to get an experienced hunter, imperial cobra, clockwork. Commemorated the creatures, try to change one of your creatures to two opponents. Beware of scuffle!

Second boss supreme judge gloomy

Tips on the deck

The easiest of this boss of the pursuit of the magician. Due to its ability, you can get rid of the enemy minions, just because of the keeper of the Cho history you can cross each other spells.

Tips on tactics

Try to get the unstable portal, mirror copies, reflected entity. Your opponent will put the keeper of Cho history, and you can endlessly use an unstable portal and reflected entity. Soon, you will float your table by legens.

Third Boss Emperor Taurissan

Tips on the deck:

For passing, I chose the priest, as it can increase the health of creatures and heal them. In a deck, you must add two insane alchemists, two word strength: shield, two inner fire. The rest of your discretion

Tips on tactics:

Try to get alchemist in the starting hand, the word strength: shield, inner fire. I collected a deck based on the well and maximally enhance it. By any ways, try to protect the emperor's wife, if you get it on your half of the table, then the emperor will kill her and accuse you in everything if she gets a little that the emperor will kill you if she returns to him in his hand, the emperor will kill you. In general, he does not really like when you forbid her to beat you in the face.

That's all. If someone has more options for passing bosses, then write them in the comments.

That was the first wing of the long-awaited adventure in Hearthstone "Black Mountain" - the depths of the Black Mountain. This is very good news, but you have already managed to pass the first bosses? And I do not mean in the usual mode, there and the newcomer will easily cope. Yes, yes, I mean the heroic mode. Those who are interested in passing the heroic regime most likely watched Stream Trumpa and how it passed this not easy mode. But he passed just the same mega dear decks, and what to do players who do not have so much dust and cool cards?

Today I will present you the basic decks from Tommy J, yes it is the guy who made the basic decks on the passage of the heroic regime of Naxramas. And now he has already managed to fight all three bosses of the first quarter: Korean Kryovovar, Judge glooming and Emperor Taurissanwith its base decks. Below you can see all his decks + video passing the heroic mode of the Black Mountain.

Koren Hoodovar:

Judge glooming: