Children's games in the campaign for schoolchildren. Games on the bus, on a walk, on a hike, outdoor games. Outdoor game: "Rod with a broom!"

Contests for a hike

Today we have not just a walk, but a little entertainment. And if this entertainment means we need contests, riddles and of course a good mood, maximum energy and fun, and of course your smiles! Let's start by splitting into two teams.

Let's start our entertainment with sports tasks! Each task is fixed by a point, each team remember the number of their points.

Task 1. "Chain"

Running in a chain (first 1 participant runs, then takes the second by the hand and runs already together, then three, etc., until the whole team is in the chain)

Task 2. "Tourist riddles"

Here are my riddles. At the whistle, each participant runs and takes one card. Reads the riddle and signs the riddle, puts aside the guesser, returns to the team and passes the baton to the next participant. All riddles on one topic - "Tourists, tourism." We will check your answers later. If you do not know the answer, take another riddle, and put this one back to the unsolved ones. The riddles are the same for both teams.

Tourist riddles:

He is with you and with me

Walked forest stitches,

A friend walking behind

On belts with fasteners.


And from the wind and from the heat, from the rain will cover you

And how sweet it is to sleep in it

What is it?


Both in the taiga and in the ocean

He will find any way.

Fits in your pocket

And leads us along


He is very necessary on the trip,

he is very friendly with fires

Can you cook soup in it?

Boil fragrant tea


Helped us at the halt,
Soup cooked, baked potatoes,
It's good for hiking
Don't take it with you. (Bonfire)

He is with you and with me
Walked forest stitches
A friend walking behind
On belts with fasteners. (Backpack)

    Who walks the night and walks the day

Not knowing what laziness is? (Clock)

She leaned over the river
Deftly deftly contrived:
Traded the worm
For a big perch.
(Fishing rod)

Not alive, but walking

Not moving, but leading. (Road)

It will lie all over in the palm of your hand.

Not a clock, but an arrow.

It will come in handy on the road

You can't get lost anywhere with him.

Task 3. "Tangerine halves"

Running in pairs with a tangerine in the middle (participants press against each other, holding the ball with their stomachs)

Task 4. “Running in one shirt” (“... in one skirt”)

Running in shorts. Run in pairs in shorts. Then take it off and give it to another pair. It is advisable to run the relay twice. Adrenaline will jump out.

Task 5. "Short Legs"

The participants of the game will need to run with an empty plastic bottle sandwiched between their knees.

Task 6. Conductor - trainer

Let frogs, cows, dogs, cats, pigs, ducks, bees, sheep and so on appear on your holiday.

They will have to perform a birthday song to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You".First, each sings a line. The conductor points with a baton, and...

Kwa-kva-kva-kva woof-woof

Oink-oink-oink-oink meow-meow

Quack-quack-quack-quack ju-ju-ju

Mu-mu-mu-mu beee-beee….

And now all together!

Choose who you will play as.









Task 7 "Coals"

Each team is given an item (each participant). He must carry it to his fire. The coal is hot, which means we lightly throw it up during the movement and return to the team at a run.

Task 8 "Ball"

We carry the ball on the head, on the nose.

Task 9. "Granny-Hedgehogs"

Each team is given a broom stick. We sit on a branch and “Fly” to the finish line and back, passes the broom to the next one.

Task 10. Riddles (children guess, adults help in case of difficulty).

What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat)
What mother's chicks do not know her? (Cuckoos)
Should a bear lie down in a den thin or fat? (Bold, as fat warms him during hibernation)
What animals can be said to be "out of their skin"? (about snakes)
Where do crayfish hibernate? (In minks near the shore)
Does the tree grow in winter? (Not)
Where is the sunflower looking? (In the sun)
Why can't you touch eggs in a bird's nest? (Because then the bird will leave the nest)
Which trees turn red in autumn? (Rowan, aspen, maple)
What birds have "nurseries"? (At the penguins. The chicks cling to each other and keep warm. There are up to a thousand penguins in such a nursery.)

For each guessed riddle - a point for the team.

Task 11 "Pass the ball"

The team stands as close as possible to a friend, legs wider than shoulders, they pass the ball between the legs, the latter stands at the beginning of the column. Who quickly?

Task 12 "Roll the ball"

The same, only through the top!

The game "Musical questions and answers"

One team takes out a card with a question, and must remember a fragment of a song in which there is such a question word. And the other must remember the right song to answer this command. Then we change.


Where? (Where does childhood go?)

Where? (Where are you, my black-browed, where? Where do wizards live?)

Who? (Who invented you, star country?)

Why? (Why, why do we all want, brothers?)


Except himself hikes and walks in nature for children no less important place is occupied games. They help bring teams together, relieve tension in a tourist group, cheer up children and just have a great time.

All outdoor games for kids can be classified according to season or active and developing. Today we bring to your attention the best and proven games.

Winter Games

Active game "Snowballs"

These traditionally include "Snowballs". An exciting game with the construction of fortresses, and laying stocks of "bombs" will become exciting activity for children of all ages.

Snowballs You can play in teams and alone. The boys love this game the most. They enthusiastically not only prepare for it, setting up ambushes and preparing "enemy raids", but also stocking up on the lion's share of snow shells.

The girls are also not far behind and often take either the role of partisans and reconnaissance, or stand up for operational replenishment of snow shells.

Sleigh race

A team game (2-3 people), in which one of them gets into a "team", someone sits in a sled. The task is to be the first to pass the track to the finish line without losing the team's players.

Angry Birds

Shells in winter can be replaced with snowballs. The principle of the game is the same as in the original version of the game: knock down the whole structure with a minimum number of blows. You can play in turn or as a team, discussing and trying on the flight path and creating a unique snow projectile (you can insert branches into it, make it heavier or, conversely, make the projectile minimal in size).

Summer Games

Summer games are no less interesting than winter ones. In the summer, yes autumn with a minimum amount of clothing and the possibility of additional use of water, you can play a huge number of games. Primary games or senior schools become more varied and fun.

Trap for a bear

This game requires minimal preparation:

  • A bag stuffed with leaves and straw;
  • A rope, the length of which should be enough to pull it between the trees;
  • Sticks of 20-30 cm, which you first collect in the forest.

Preparation for the game is that you pull the rope between the trees, hang a bag full of leaves on the rope in the middle. Sticks were thrown under the bag, 20 pieces.

The task is that the host pushes the bag away with his hand, and the player must collect the maximum number of sticks from under the bag in a certain time. The winner is the one with the most branches. This game can be included in the general relay race for children in a hike in nature.

"Camp Builder"

In this game, two teams gather a camp for speed. To do this, they will need: a tent, sleeping bags, an awning, ropes, pegs, a bowler hat.

The task is to equip the camp in 30 minutes. 4-10 people play. If there are a lot of children, then there should be more tasks for arranging the camp, let them collect firewood, bring water and prepare a fire pit, for example.

The team that builds the highest quality camp in the shortest time wins.


Classic game for all time, capable of teaching anyone how to use a compass and a map. The only addition, you can improve the game, by equipping the "intermediate points" with technical innovations, so the information coming from the passage of the "points" by the teams will be the most accurate. You can also add items quest: set an additional task at each point, the passage of which will indicate that “the height is taken” or “the point is captured”. The winner is the team that arrives first for the last task.

Camping songs for children

What is a trip without songs. They allow the whole team to relax in the evening by the fire, create a warm and favorable environment. To classical songs accompanying more than one generation tourists include:

  • Bulat Okudzhava "Pass";
  • Oleg Mityaev "The bend of the yellow guitar";
  • Vladimir Vysotsky "Rock Climber", "Song of a Friend";
  • Songs from the film "Mary Poppins": "Wind of Change", "Half a year of bad weather";
  • Songs from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians": "A ray of the golden sun", "There is nothing better in the world."

Camping competitions for children

Except games and songs for children of course, all kinds of contests. They must be prepared in advance. As options you can do:

  • Riddles contest;
  • poetry competition. About the time of the year, for example, in which you went, the children emotionally and visually tell poems. They can walk around an impromptu stage and show the breadth of the forest, the beauty of the trees, and so on.
  • Fairy tale competition. Each participant invents a fairy tale himself and tells it from an impromptu stage.
  • Drawing competition. Prepare in advance albums and paints with water. You can divide into groups of participants or everyone will act for himself. Drawing from nature will be not only interesting, but also informative. Even those who do not hold the brush very well will notice amazing nuances in objects of inanimate and animate nature.

Alevtina Dmitrivna, labor teacher, 18 years of experience

If you think that children change over time, as a teacher with experience, I can definitely say - no. After all, it is not children that change, but the world in which they live, our attitudes and expectations from children. If you look at them and see in them only snarling kids who know nothing about life, they will grow up like that, and if you treat them like a true teacher and friend, then they will open their soul to you and become real people!

Ekaterina, daughter Arina (10 years old), son Alexei (15 years old)

From the very first year in the garden, I have been a member of the parent committees of children. Now I am with my daughter in the committee. This is a completely conscious decision. I do not have a pedagogical education, but I am happy to help teachers and accompany our students everywhere. children. On trips to theaters, museums, exhibitions and nature. We help teachers arrange contests and hold "Zarnitsy". I see how children (my and their friends) grow up, I see that such people bring them closer and make their life brighter and more comfortable. After all, no one canceled the transitional age, but if at this time the child still does not have a friendly environment at school, then this period will be the most acute. Therefore, I am always ready to help and take the most direct part.


About what h I eat to take the children on a hike written many manuals and scientific papers. Your task is to make not only a trip to nature, but also an interesting and exciting activity that can distract children from boring learning lessons at school. Such trips should stimulate the desire to explore the world around us and distract children from gadgets and computer games. Through competent preparation scenarios of a hike in the forest for children you can achieve some success. Your children will remember these wonderful days with joy and warmth.

Photo and video: free Internet sources

Dulenin S.N. physical culture teacher

KSU "Secondary School No. 35"

Outdoor games on a camping trip

The proposed games, without requiring complex equipment and special playgrounds, help the teacher to form in children the ability to correctly assess time intervals, determine the distance, develop a quick reaction, observation and organization, provide active recreation and help to increase the emotional mood of young tourists. The rules of the games may vary depending on the conditions.

Circulation The children walk along the steam path at a calm pace.

At the signal of the leader, the last pair accelerates their pace, trying to overtake the guys in front and stand at the head of the formation. The game continues until all pairs have completed the task. The game can also be played when the guys are walking in single file. If the column is stretched, it is allowed to run ahead of it.

Walkers - The start line is marked on the ground, the finish landmark is outlined. At the signal, everyone starts walking, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who, without violating the rules (without going on a run), reached the finish line first.

Who is more observant! - The guys get the task: a certain segment of the path to go silently, carefully look around, trying to see and remember everything. The most observant wins - the one who managed to remember the most details, details.

How many steps!- The children are invited to choose a tree and try to determine by eye how many steps to it. The distance is then measured in steps. The winner is the one who called the closest to the correct number of steps.

Volleyball- A rope is stretched between trees at a height of 2 m. The ball is a balloon or an inflatable ball, to which a little water is added. This makes it a little heavier, and the direction of the ball's flight due to the moving center of gravity becomes unexpected for the players. The ball is bounced as in a normal game of volleyball. Everyone tries to transfer it to the side of rivals. Don't let the ball fall on your side.

"Throw in the basket" . A basket for mushrooms is hung from a tree branch and swayed. The players stand at a distance of 4 meters from the basket and throw any small objects into it: one is pebbles, the other is acorns, the third is cones, etc. When the basket stops swinging, the game stops. The contents of the basket are counted and the winner is the one who manages to throw in more items.

"Pebbles". The players sit on the ground in a circle, each with five pebbles. The children complete the following tasks:

    Take five pebbles in your hand, toss one, quickly put the rest on the ground and have time to catch the tossed pebble with the same hand.

    Throw three pebbles in your hand and catch them, taking the remaining two from the ground first.

    Throw four pebbles and catch, after taking one.

    There are five stones in the hand. Hold one with your thumb, toss and catch the rest, after placing the fifth pebble on the ground.

    Throw five pebbles up and catch them.

The one who completes the most tasks correctly wins.

"Look and Remember" . The guys are divided into two teams and sit with their backs to each other. In 5-7 minutes, they must remember in detail everything that they see in front of them. Then the teams change places and ask each other questions about what they saw. The team with the greatest observation wins.

"Be back on time!" . The leader lines up the guys in a line, then invites them to disperse and return exactly 5 minutes later. On the clock, he notes the time each player took to get back in line and announces the results. The game is repeated 2-3 times. You can do otherwise: give everyone a note that says how many minutes later he should return.

"Invisibles". Children sit in a circle, in the center of which is a blindfolded driver. The one of the players whom the leader points to begins to carefully approach the driver. The driver, having heard a rustle or steps, must indicate with his hand the direction from where these sounds come from. If from the very first time he points out the right direction, the unlucky "invisible" will have to change it. If not, the movement to the driver continues. The winner is the one who managed to get close to the driver and touch his shoulder.

"Pull in a circle." A ball is placed on the backpack. 5-6 people, holding hands, stand in a circle around the backpack. With the help of various movements, without disengaging the hands, everyone tries to force the partner to knock down the kneading with any part of the body. The hitter is out of the game.

Semey, 2014-2015 academic year

The collection of team games will come in handy not only on a hike, but also in a tourist camp. They can be used with a small, and, conversely, with a significant number of participants (if suddenly several classes went on a hike). The participation of children in a common game will immediately solve many educational problems, create an atmosphere of fun and improvisation.

Ali Baba

Everyone who wants to play this game is divided into two teams. Each team lines up in a line facing the opponent. The distance between the teams is at least 5 m. Then a dialogue occurs:

1st team. Ali Baba!

2nd team. What is the servant about?

1st team. Fifth, tenth such and such here (they call the name of the one they need).

After that, everyone in the first team join hands. And the player from the second team, the one whose name was called, must run up and, on the first attempt, break through the row of the first team anywhere. If he succeeds, he takes into his team one of those through whom he broke through. And if he failed to break the chain of players, then he himself goes to the opposing team.

The team that manages to collect all the players wins.

Cossack robbers

The classic team game, the great-grandmother of all military sports games. For this game, the more players, the better.

Everyone who is going to play determines the boundaries of the territory on which the game will take place, and are divided into two approximately equal teams - Cossacks and robbers. Teams choose their decals. Cossacks, for example, can play with armbands or similar caps, and robbers can tie bandanas or ribbons around their heads.

Now you can start the game. The robbers run to hide. Along the way, they draw arrows and leave other marks, which are intended not so much to show where they ran, but to confuse their pursuers, knock them off the trail.

Meanwhile, the Cossacks are choosing and preparing a place for a prison in which they will imprison the captured robbers. The dimensions of the prison must be such that all the robbers can fit in it. The border of the prison is either outlined with a line, or marked with sticks or stones.

When the prison is ready, it's time to catch the robbers. This is not at all an easy matter, because the robber must not only be seen, but also tarnished. If the Cossack manages to touch the robber, he must immediately stop. Taking the prisoner by the hand, he is led into the dungeon. You can’t break out, but if the Cossack himself releases the robber’s hand, he can run away. Gradually, several robbers fall into the dungeon.

But not everything is so simple. A robber who is being taken to prison can be rescued by his comrades. To do this, they need to sneak up on the Cossack escort and stain him. In this case, the Cossack must release the prisoner and has no right to pursue the fleeing robbers. However, everything can end differently. After all, if the Cossack was the first to tarnish the robber-rescuer, then he will take two to prison at once.

The robbers who got into the dungeon can leave it only in one case - if one of the comrades not caught touches them with their hand. Therefore, the Cossacks always leave several sentries near the dungeon.

Rescuing a robber from a dungeon is a very difficult and dangerous business. After all, the most that a prisoner who has noticed an approaching comrade can do is to approach the borders of the prison (but not cross them). And the guards can move as they please.

Therefore, usually a whole group of robbers is sent to free the prisoners: some distract the guard, while others stain the prisoners.

The game is played either until all the robbers are captured, or, which happens much more often, until it is time for the Cossacks and robbers to go home.

Wolves and bears

A team game of catch-up, in which the most important quality is not speed, but self-control, quick wit and good reaction.

All participants in the game are divided into two teams. The first team is wolves, and the second team is bears.

On the ground or on asphalt, 4 lines are marked: 2 starting (ambushes) and 2 finishing (houses).

Animals take places along the starting line facing each other. The sole of one foot of each competitor must be in the neutral zone.

The host (the oldest or just an experienced player), without warning anyone, chooses one of the teams and says loudly: “One, two, three ... Wolves!” (or: "Bears!").

The players of the named team rush in pursuit, while the others run away towards the house. Anyone who has crossed the finish line can feel safe - it is no longer possible to stain him. And those who have been tarnished are out of the game. Thus ends the first con. The rest take their places in the ambush, and the game begins again.

The game continues as long as there is at least one player in each team. If no one can be stained for a long time, the game ends. The team with the most players left wins.

The sea is worried ... Once

The host for the duration of the game becomes the master of the sea. He loudly says: “The sea is worried, once!” All participants run around. "The sea is worried, two!" - says the leader. Participants, moving, begin to portray someone or something related to the sea: a whale, a seagull, a sailboat, a jellyfish, etc. “The sea is worried, three! .. Marine figure, freeze on the spot!” All players freeze in poses depicting the selected figures.

The leader goes around the participants and chooses the most expressive figure, the author of which becomes the new leader.

The game is repeated from the beginning. But this time, the facilitator can set the theme for the creation of the figures, saying, for example: “The figure ... of an octopus, freeze on the spot!”

Each next presenter comes up with more and more images for the figures, which can be animals, birds, plants, fairy-tale characters, heroes of myths and cartoons, representatives of different professions, popular artists, etc.

Sparrows and crows

This game can be played by 6-12 players. The more participants, the more interesting the game. And for the game you will need two types of items, such as cubes and balls.

The participants of the game line up on the court in a column one by one at a step distance from each other. They are divided into two teams, counting on the first or second. On the right side of the column, cubes are laid out in a line, on the left - balls. There should be half as many objects on each side as there are players.

The game begins with the fact that everyone, at the command of the host, performs different exercises: “hands up”, “hands to the sides”, “sit down”, etc. Then the leader pronounces one of the words loudly in syllables: “sparrows” or “ravens”. If he says “V-ro-ny”, then on the syllable “ny”, all the players rush to the cubes and try to capture them. If the leader says: “Vo-ro-bee!”, Then with the syllable “bee”, everyone rushes to the balls. Each player who captures an item earns their team one point. Usually spend 7 rounds of the game. After that, the points are calculated and the winner is determined.


The participants of the game stand in a circle. Some hold sports equipment in their hands (balls or flying saucers, or even better, both). The number of sports equipment depends on the number of players. If the participants are from 2 to 6, 2 projectiles are enough, if there are more than 6 participants, the number of projectiles can be increased to 3. The participants begin to simultaneously throw the ball and plate to each other in one direction. They always throw it to the closest friend. If he hesitated, the partner must wait.

Badgers, or hide-and-seek vice versa

This is probably the most fun version of hide and seek.

Players play out which of them will be the badger, as well as the order in which they go hunting. Then everyone turns away, closes their eyes and counts to 24, while the badger hides.

After that, the first hunter goes in search of him (the rest should turn away at this time). If the badger is not found within the specified time (for example, 1 minute), then the player returns to the hunters. And he can't talk.

But if a badger is found, the hunter, instead of driving him out of the hole, hides himself with him! A minute later, the second hunter goes to look for the badger, then the third, and so on. I must say that by the end of the game in the hole is quite crowded. And the most difficult thing for everyone is not to burst out laughing and not give out their shelter to the hunters.

Camping games and competitions are a very important part of children's recreation. They give a large portion of physical activity, so necessary for normal development, give a good mood and energize. Children experience real joy from their small sports victories and achievements.

Bear trap:
A crossbar is fixed between two trees, and a bag stuffed with dry leaves or straw is hung on a rope. Wooden chocks are installed on the ground. And the bear must push the bag away and at the same time grab the maximum number of chocks before the bag returns to its original position. Each trophy is worth one point. Well, the winner is the one who, with an equal number of attempts, will score the most points.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get:
Any number of participants can participate in this fun: First of all, the driver is selected, he becomes his back to the players. A few meters from it (about ten ti), a line is drawn along which all participants stand. The driver pronounces the words: “You will drive more quietly” and turns around sharply, trying to notice the one who has moved forward. The task of all players is to have time to move forward until the driver turns around. If the driver notices the movement, then he sends the player back behind the line. The ultimate goal of all players is to touch the shoulder of the driver.

Back to back:
This game is the real pair competition. All players are divided into pairs and stand with their backs to each other, holding hands, and on the “march” command, they run, back to back to the finish line and then come back. It turns out that in one direction each player runs normally, and in the other direction he backs away.

Get stone:
To play, you need a rope of 2-3 meters and two small stones. There are two players in the competition. They take different ends of the rope and diverge to the sides, pulling it. Further, at the same distance from each, a small stone is placed, and on a signal, each of the players tries to pull the opponent and reach for his stone.

A spear:
For this game, you will need a small ring, rubber or metal, you can make a spear from improvised materials, about one meter long, the spear should easily pass into the ring. Next, the ring is hung on a tree on a thread along a length of about half a meter. The task of the participants is to pass quickly at the ring and pierce it on the first try with a spear. Those who missed leave the game, and those who pierced the target repeat everything until the most accurate player is revealed among them.

With chalk on the pavement or a stick on the ground, markings are made similar to the classics. The marking can be any in shape, but the interline gaps should not exceed the step length. Previously, the participants look at the markup and memorize it, and then go through it blindfolded without stepping on the line. You can pre-train and go through the markup a couple of times with your eyes open. If the participants are adults, you can complicate the game by pulling threads or ropes between the trees and hanging bells on them, which will signal the leaning participants about their mistakes.

Load for two:
In this game, participants are divided into pairs. Each pair of participants receives a small board with a flag attached to it, and two meter rails. The task of all pairs, moving synchronously, is to bring a plank to the finish line on extended sticks.