Deus Ex: Manuals and Passage. Passage of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution Deus Ex Human Revolution Passing LCA

The last Deus EX () took from the role-playing game a liberal behavioral gameplay scheme, and from shooters - a magnificent action-architecture, shooting drive and ... bosses. These mainly modified people are the only ones in the game that can not get around. But even if you strive to earn a killer for the bloodless passage of the game, do not be discouraged - the murder of bosses will not affect it.

All of the villains (except for the final), which have to be killed, took part in the very first attack on Saref Industries, as a result of which Adam Jenson became the bold winner of the coolest implants. In essence, each bossfight is an act of fair revenge. Nevertheless, we do not know who all these people, mercenaries they or soldiers, the adepts of the illuminates or random bandits from the streets.

Lawrence Barrett.

The first and, perhaps, the most difficult boss in the game for one simple reason - it appears in the mission at the factory F.E.M.A. Almost at the very beginning of the game, when the player still does not really have implants and not improved weapons. Therefore, in order not to get into the unpleasant situation, it is better to stock grenades in advance and painkillers.
Barrett is armed with a very powerful machine gun embedded directly in hand, as well as grenades that are very clever and risen. The best tactic is to throw it with grenades and, using confusion, shoot it from a shotgun or revolver. Then, without losing time to jump into the shelter. If you have managed to buy the implant "Typhoon", now the most successful case is to try it in business.

If you want to diversify the bossfight, then pay attention to the arena on which the fight occurs. Here are enough explosive barrels and cylinders that can be thrown into Barrett. Also scattered cartridges that can be assembled. For the victory, get a killer "Bull".

Elena Fedorova

Lady Boss - Elena Fedorova - appears at the very moment when you reveal the mystery of the Eliza Kassan. On the way to her "residence" you will not have to hear about how cruel and unceremonia with enemies. Yes, and during the fight, Cassan will tell you about the hard childhood of a little Elena, about how merciless fate.
Most of all in this boss confusing its disguise system, its algorithm is not revealed immediately. Therefore, in the first seconds, the battle is better to listen carefully what the Kassan says - she is interested in being quickly dealt with Fedorova, therefore will be happy to prompt moments when the masking falls. Steps Elena are also visible on the water, the layer of which is covered with the entire floor of the arena. The main thing is not to stand still - she runs very quickly and monstrously makes the machine guns from its machine guns. And in no case, do not try to fight her in hand-to-hand, avoid collisions in every way. This is deadly.

The easiest way to defeat Fedorov with the help of an EMP pomegranate, which deprive her disguise energy (use neatly, electromagnetic impulse and your implants), and weapons are more powerful - a revolver with explosive improvement and a pumped assault rifle will fit well. Pomegranates, by the way, cause short-term discharges from the walls that hurt with electricity (do not forget that you run by ankle in water).
For the victory, get a kommersant "Bogomol".

Jaron Nir.

This is the same dude who grabbed Jason on the wall at the very beginning of the game. It is time to pay.
The bossfight itself may not be so difficult if you were mistaken by the silent hint and did not go to the blade prosthesis to put a new chip. If you still set the new chip, then the malicious CEO from Tai Yun Medical will prescribe to the cherished button and your entire HUD will go crazy. In such conditions, it is much more difficult to fight.

Dzharon is pretty freely shoots plasma, but very skillfully uses grenades. Gas grenades are likely to give you the implant of a closed respiratory system to this point should already stand. But the fragmentation grenades can be very unpleasant. It is important to monitor its movements, avoid meeting with grenades and dodge from slow plasma. The main rule of this bossfit is to keep a distance and make a cigar of a crucible in combination with grenades.

For the victory, get a kite's achievement.

Project Chiron

Strange, but the final boss Deus Ex: Human Revolution is not some kind of giant Mahina, but a symbiotic positron computer that uses three inaccine girls as a core. It is the Hiron system that is the most watery scene when "God on the rope" should appear in order to solve all the deep problems of the drama. This is the easiest boss in the game.
Computer is trying to control Zhao Yun Ryu - the most nasty CEO from Tai Yun Medical. True, it turns out it does not matter. Your task is to deal with the kernel of Hiron. Otherwise, how to kill three unfortunate girls, it is impossible to do it. The situation is complicated by the fact that automatic turrets are moving around, and at the death of any of the men's girls, complementary doors open and produce zombied people.

Tourly takes place first. This is done with the help of a rocket or plasma. You can also search the terminal in the center, the hacking of which simply turns off the turret. After three brains are destroyed, shield Zhao should be poured. At this time, the arena in sectors cover the electric discharge (just stay away from the floor), and protective drones are rolled out of special doors (they are taken out of two accounts).
When the shield breaks, Zhao dies, and we enjoy all possible endings (if, of course, at the level managed to talk to all the necessary NPCs).
For the victory, get a fortune "end".

Well, everything that learned the experienced way, told.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution So Different Game that you can go in several ways. You can go to the room and simply shoot everyone, you can overcome valuable information and place people, and you can act quietly and imperceptibly in the style of Sam Fisher. The last way we will use in the passage of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, as it is the most interesting.

After the entrance video, we speak Megan and go after it. As soon as we arrive at the place, the attack will begin on the office. We need to penetrate the basement and find out what's the matter. We descend on the elevator, we go on the corridor to the first large hall. From the door on top there are 2 enemy. We are imperceptible to neutralize them and go on. We fall into the next room with other enemies, we are stuck past them, hiding behind the boxes and racks. Then the cat scene will be attacked on us ...

We look at the roller, talk to everyone in the office, get acquainted with our environment. Then climb the second floor to help the technique repair the device, in the conversation, select "ignore". Now we go to our boss on the helicopter platform, while the flight is chosen "non-mercy".

Our first task will be stripping factory from terrorists and the liberation of the hostages. We speak with the special forces commander and pass inside. Stun the first enemy, the body drag in a dark angle. In the next room there will be three more enemies. As soon as they start to disperse, one by one neutralize them and hide the corpses.

We go further along the corridor, open the door, jump into the ventilation and go to the office space. Neutralize two enemies, then go to the staircase and jump into ventilation again, substituting the boxes under the hatch. To go further, you need to hack the system. Make it easily, if it does not work, you can take training. All locks are the same on the principle of hacking.

Next will be another crowd of terrorists. We are waiting until they finish tremble and stun one one. Hide body and go on. In the corner of the corridor there will be a camcorder, it can be easily bypass, not falling under the corner of its review. We go further, to the right of the staircase will be a chest of garbage, removing the ventilation passage. At the exit, we will be waiting for the only patrol.

Stunning it, go to the elevator and rise above. Cutting a camera, pass in the doorway and watch the video. Now our task is to neutralize the separatist leader. We climb the stairs, pass two enemies and go into the opening on the left. On the map we pass to the place of holding the hostages, watch the video.


The situation can be completed in different ways, but the most painless is always to choose the answer "to sympathize". The hostage is saved, now we return to the helicopter and complete the mission. In our office, we go to the parable, then go to the charter. It is necessary to penetrate the police station and inspect the body. The fastest way - in a conversation with a long-time friend at the rack, choose the answer to "forgive", but you can and secretly get into the morgue, receiving a thousand-other glasses. For this, we do not fall into the eyes of colleagues and crawl through the pipes and channels.

We look at the body, get the chip and speak with a chayer. He asks us to visit us a hospital for people with implants. We go to the clinic, we speak with the doctor and return to the office. Now we need to turn off the supply line in slums. We go to the building on which the antennas are located.

We climb the stairs on the side, we go on the balconies and go into the window opening. We are waiting until the enemies are divided and stun them. We go further, slip by patrol, as well as past mines that will be a little further. We are chosen on the roof, come to the antenna and deactivate it.


We return to our helicopter, follow the instructions and go to the park. We go to the building, hiding behind drawers and furniture, we go to the left door. We go along the corridor, stunning enemies and hiding their bodies in secluded places. We pass by the surveillance camera and get into the elevator. Go down immediately go to the right, neutralize the enemy and go further.

There will be two patrol at the exit. Neutralize them and climb up the stairs. We go along the corridors until we get to the first boss. To defeat it, you need a powerful weapon, but also do not forget about the environment. When the boss will be prepared to jump on you, get up near various barrels and transformers and watch the fireworks. Well, from pulses you can simply hide behind the columns.

We return to the helicopter, in our office we speak with the parable, we go to the boss and respond to the point of "justification". We go to the helicopter and go to Shanghai. At the entrance to the building will be the guards will stand, so we will not go to go. We turn right in the passage and go to the end. We open the door, waiting for the enemies and quietly neutralize them. We are going on the elevator, then we reach the computer, from which you need to steal the information. Now we go to the party in the place of the hive, for the entrance to us will require money. Of course, we are not greedy, but let's try to find another way. To the left of the entrance there is a sewer mine, which can go to the club. In the building, we speak with the bartender and go to the second floor to the boss, choose "Attention" in a conversation. Next, we learn the location of the hacker and come back.

We meet with Van Bruggen, then go to the hotel. You need to steal the skip from one of the employees. We climb on the balcony, jump into another room and take a card. Cat scene will begin, after it you need to clean the building, after which it is necessary to get out of it. Let's go down the mine, then go along the corridor, not forgetting about mines and traps.


If you have a special ability, you can cut off the turret, if not, then just go around it. Then neutralize all enemies and go to the next task. We go to the building, we will ask us to save the chipping scientist. We tear into the door to the right and twist the valve until you stop, go into the room, speak with scientists.

We go further, pass by the cameras in the server, and then you get to the elevator. The next room will be enemies. It is necessary to neutralize them without raising anxiety. Cut the electricity and go on. Pritchard will come to contact and will advise not particularly waving the weapon, which we will follow.

We will not be missed in the workshop, but the ventilation mine will be right on the right, at the exit of which two posts are on duty. We rise up, again we are not allowed. We hate the console, turn off the turret and cameras and go through the mine. We go out, neutralize all enemies and go to the elevator, trying not to attract attention.

The battleship can be circumvented on the right, because it is difficult to cope with it, and we do not need an excessive waste of ammunition. Bypassing the cameras, we move on and get to the Chinese. Need to leave the building. Neutralizing enemies, we climb into the mine and go to the elevator. Deactivating robots and sit down in a helicopter.

We speak with a charter and go to the task. We enter the hall, says with a taggart, choosing a "conflict" branch, we go to Sandoval. Climbing the stairs, neutralize enemies, hide the body. Move the boxes, go further. Wasting Soladat, neutralize Ma and find Sandoval. In a conversation with him, you choose the branch of "Mercy". Return to the helicopter and complete the task.
After the cat scene, we go to the right by corridors. We descend on the elevator, we get a task to visit the local clinic. After that, we go further on the sewage, cutting up the enemies standing at the exit, we move on, in general, neutralizing enemies and not forgetting to hide the corpses.

We find Tonga, talk, then go to the seaport. On the port area, be careful. Everywhere cameras, robots and patrol. We move on the other side, we climb upstairs, we are stuck past the enemies and install explosives, and then we carry out the legs. We watch the video.


We choose out, go to the street, listen to the conversation. After that, neutralize both govarov, go further, we climb the window. We go further, after the cleaning procedure is heading to the main hall. Eliminate all the enemies, looking for a room with a hostage. Let's save the girl, then go to search for the remaining prisoners.

The first is sitting on the third floor, near the laboratory man. The second is sitting in the basement, to get to which you can, descending down on the elevator. Now our task is to save Megan. We leave the building, silently understand with all the enemies, not forgetting to hide the body. We go along the street. Robots can be turned off with a grenade, it is extremely difficult to get around them. We go to the server room, load the virus into the database, speak with the parable.

We go further and fall on the boss. To destroy it, throw off with grenades and use grenade launchers. Also, do not forget to use the environments to combat it. After the victory, we go to Megan, then go to the helicopter platform and complete the mission.

After the cat scene, we go along the electric water, we climb into the office on the pipe and go further on the building. We find a room with a control panel, turn off the electricity, go to the elevator at the top. We rise further, we meet Darrou, communicating with him choose "criticism". You need to go further, but here you will meet very unusual enemies.

Imagine for a second that you play a zombie game. And what is the main thing? No, of course, to survive by itself, but most importantly - do not let yourself madness. In the near battle, they are very dangerous. Now the case is left for small: breaking forward through the crowd of psychos, we save our boss and get on the final enemy.

Zhao is not very dangerous. To destroy it, you need to activate 3 charges in the room, and then finish the villain itself. After its destruction, we go further, and then we will expect several buttons. From how you select the depends on the end of the game. I recommend to preserve and try all the options. The right things say Adam Jensen in these endings.


The estimated complexity of achievements: 6/10

Offline: 49 (1000)

Online: 0

Presuming time to receive 1000 points: 25 - 35 hours (depends on skills and partly from good luck)

The minimum number of passes: 1 (I recommend 2-3)

Achievements that can be accidentally skipped: there is

Is the complexity affect the achievements?: yes

All achievements: unknown


In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, you play Adam Jensen, Safety Specialist One of America's largest biotechnology companies. But when an attack is performed on the company, in which scientists kill, your business will change a little. While scientists commit success to improving atlets, soldiers and spies, turning them into supersturs, someone is very carefully working to direct the evolution of humanity on a special path. You will have to find out who and why it does it, but it will also put the choice in front of you, which will solve the fate of mankind.

Before starting passing:

First, you must decide how you want to go to the game.

If you are going to play for achievements, then you will need to do the following:

  • Play the difficulty "Real Deus Ex (Give Me Deus Ex)".
  • Never lift the alarm.
  • Do not kill anyone.
  • Collect all 29 e-books.
  • Complete all additional tasks and get achievements associated with them.

If you want to go through the game more than once, which will make life easier for you, then you can split the achievements in half. For example, you can go through the game first, without raising anxiety and not killing anyone on difficulty "Tell Me A Story)". Then go through the game for the second time on the complexity "Real Deus Ex (Give Me Deus EX)", as well as collect all the electronic books and achieve other achievements that you may have missed the first passage. As a result, you will solve you how much to spend on DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION.

During passage, try to hack as many items as possible and cut down as few enemies as possible (use the non-measurated near attack if you want to get the achievement of Pacifist). Save before the end of the game, where you will appear before you. You will need to reboot 3 times to see all the endings.


In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, additional quests and side missions are waiting for you, and the game usually rewards for their achievements for their completion, as well as performing certain goals in them. Unfortunately, these additional quests and achievements associated with them can be missed and need to be completed before you go to Detroit or Hansha. But if you follow the instructions from Hyde, then you probably do not miss anything about the achievement associated with additional quests.

Collectible items:

The game has 29 unique electronic books that are associated with the achievement of "DoctorTe / Doctor of Science" and spread all over the world Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Collecting them gives on bonus 200 points of experience (scientist) and, of course, 50G for collecting everyone. In the prompt of this achievement, you will find an excellent video guide by their location.


You earn PRSIS's glasses upon receipt of a certain number of experience points and the use of Praxis kits. Praxis is used to improve Adam Implants throughout the game. And, of course, you do not want to spend Praxis for useless things? Below is a list of improvements to which Praxis is worth spending.


If you think that Modified Adam Jensen can jump from any height without damage, then you are mistaken. Its limit without damage is only a few meters. Using the landing system "ICAR", you can jump from any height and not get damage. This ability is particularly useful when discovering additional ways and is also needed if you are going to find all the electronic books, as one of the books in Tai Yun Medical will require this ability. I would have acquired this ability as soon as I would hit Hansha.

Hacking: Capture (Hacking: Capture)

You start the game from the first level of hacking, which allows you to hack devices with the same level. If you have an Explosive Mission Pack, which went to a special edition of the game (or you can purchase it in the Marketplace for 320 Microsoft Points), then this skill can be not improved, since you will have a device of Vlomba that hacks devices with 5 levels, and It will help you to open secretive paths and find e-books. If you do not have this addition, then improve it when you have an extra Praxis.

Returnal breathing implant (Implantted Rebreather)

This is an auxiliary implant that can go through the rooms with poisonous gas. If you feel that you need it, you feel free to take it.

Dermal Armor

It is really useful skill for the complexity "Give Me Deus Ex". It reduces the amount of damage, which is useful when shooting during the battle and battle with the boss.

Move / Lift Heavy Objects (Move / Lift Heavy Objects)

This is a very useful ability and should be your first or second improvement that it costs to buy. Transfer vending machines and garbage tanks, and you will surely find a ventilation passage for them, which will facilitate your stealth passage.

Converter Energy "Sharif 8 "(Sarif Series 8 ENERGY CONVERTER)

Get additional power units and accelerate energy recharging when you have Praxis. They help the passage very well with stealth, and helps longer in masking mode. This allows you to go through a large protected area, remaining unnoticed. You can also deal with a large number of srawl, but remember that only one power unit is restored automatically, and for recharging the rest you need to use energy bars.


The most useful improvement from all. Modify it as quickly as possible so that its action lasted as long as possible. You can easily go through the whole group of enemies, and they will not notice you. Perhaps the best and most useful improvement in the game.

Typhoon Explosive System (Typhoon Explosive System)

This auxiliary implant and easier with him with bosses. If you have 2 Praxis points and you have problems with the boss, then this implant is for you.

Social Enhancer

It is necessary to achieve "Ladies Man / Ladies", when you get to Hans for the second time. In fact, not very useful if you, of course, do not want to open unique options for dialogs.


Thousand in Deus Ex: Human Revolution should not cause you difficulties if you approach the passage with properly. I hope after reading this guide, the achievements in the game will seem to you less frightening. I went to the game 6 times and did not regret not about a second spent in her. I hope that you divide my love for her.

Trooper / Bosz 50

Go through Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Just go through the game at any difficulty level and the achievement will open.

Legend / Legend 100

Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution at the highest level of complexity.

As with the previous achievement, you need to go through the game, but on the complexity "Real DEUS EX (Give Me Deus Ex)".

Deus Ex Machina. 50

Open all the endings that can be found in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

There are 4 endings in the game. You can save at the end of the game (after the victory over the final boss) and after each roller, download saving to select other endings. You must find Taggart and Sharif at the last level in Panchaema and talk to them, otherwise you will not be able to choose all 4 endings.

Pacifist / pacifist 100

Pass Deus Ex: Human Revolution, without killing anyone's own (bosses are not considered).

The achievement is not as complex as it sounds in the description, but there are several points to which you need to pay attention during the passage of the game.

The achievement also does not affect: the murder of bosses, the destruction of robots and turrets, as well as the entry of the fatal dose of morphine in an additional quest "Old Families".

Foxiest of the Hounds / Prosyr 100

Go through Deus Ex: Human Revolution, never activating the alarm.

This is an achievement in which you must be confident that they did not make mistakes when they tried to hide from detection. First of all, I advise you to easily keep in order to care your heart from impact. Keep every time you pass one of the dangerous zones, before hacking, etc.

Also to obtain this achievement you can help some improvements in implants. Most of them are listed in the guidebook above. The main assistant for you will be a disguise system. With her and quick reloading of power units, you can quickly bypass the danger zone. The main thing to use the disguise on time.

Things that can adversely affect this achievement:

  • Never make enemies, turrets and cameras hostile to you. If it happened, then download the last save. If suspicious or alarmed above the map is written, then everything is in order.
  • Hacking turret, do not use it against enemies. If she starts to kill them, the enemies will raise anxiety.
  • When you stun someone, hide the body. Otherwise, it will notice the protection or cameras that will raise the alarm.
  • Personal before hacking something. If you spend all hacking attempts, anxiety is activated.
  • On some locations, you will meet the enemies that are already automatically hostile to you, but do not worry so conceived by the plot. The enemies did not see you, but they know that you are somewhere nearby. You need to get around this location in quiet, and everything will be fine.

Old School Gamer / Pixel Hunting 10

You found all hidden items in the office Megan. Too much free time?

As soon as you start a new game, you will find yourself in Megan's office. You need to find the following things:

  • Electronic book with information about patient x;
  • Toy racing machine;
  • Book Being More Effective;
  • Old photo;
  • Computer Megan (read all letters);
  • Newspaper.

Video guide you can see.

Doctorte / Doctor Science

Read all 29 different "books of experience" for one passing game.

These are collectible items that you will find in the game. Below is the video guide for the location of all electronic books:

Up the Ante! / Rates grow! 15

Improve any weapon for the first time.

See "Gun Nut / Psycho-Militarist."

Gun Nut / Psycho-Military 20

Fully improve one weapon.

During the passage of the game, you can find and buy weapons modifications that will improve it. Fully modify the weapon to get this achievement. In the "Equipment" menu (button) You can learn more about what improvements you can use on a specific weapon. Select the weapon in the Equipment menu and clickand then select Explore and press again. A complete description appears, which is written about the ability to establish certain modifications. The easiest way to do this achievement on the tranquilizer rifle.

First Hack / First Hacking 5

Successfully perform your first hacking.

See "hax0r1!"

Hax0r1! 15

Successfully hack at least 50 devices for one passing game.

This achievement will open up the game, if you successfully crack everything you see. You can preserve before hacking if you have problems with them. After unsuccessful attempts, you can boot and try again.

FIRST TAKEDOWN / first neutralization 5

Perform the first neutralization. Civilians are not considered, so more coughing with them.

See "Opportunist / Opportist".

Opportunist / Opportist 15

Perform 50 neutralization for one passage of the game (civilians are not considered).

Perform 50 deadly or not deadly neutralization for one passage of the game (civilians are not considered) to open this achievement.

Not deadly neutralization occurs when you are standing next to the enemy and click, and fatal when you clamp.

Consciousness Is Over-Rated / Consciousness - this is superfluous. 15

Choose at least 100 enemies for one passing game.

To obtain, it is possible not only not only deadly neutralization, but also cut down enemies using gas grenades, paralyzing pistol and tranquilizer rifle. To learn, you cut the enemy or killed, then go to it and there should be a ZZZ icon, not the icon with a skull.

TRANSHUMANIST / Opportunity Limit 5

Fully improve any implant for the first time.

Purchase all improvements in one of the implants on your choice. You can see a list of all improvements below. It is worth noting that some of them are 2 points Praxis.

Skull modifications:

  • Social corrector
  • Radar system "Pathfinder"
  • Infolink
  • Monitor secrecy
  • Hacking: Capture
  • Blossom analysis unit
  • Hacking: Strengthening
  • Hacking: secrecy

Torso modifications:

  • Health Control System "Guard RX"
  • Energy Converter "Sharif 8"
  • Implant return breathing
  • The explosive system "Typhoon"

Hand modifications:

  • Cyberprothesis of hand
  • Stabilizer tar.

Eye modifications:

  • Supervice
  • Eye Prosthetic

Spin modifications:

  • Reflex amplifier
  • Landing system "ICAR"

Skin modifications:

  • Skin Pension
  • Masking system

Foot modifications:

  • Cyberposthez legs

The easiest way to improve the radar, as it requires only 1 Praxis. I advise you to preserve before that, as the radar is not very useful compared to other implants.

Lesser Evil / Less Evil 10

Observe the problem of Karella.

At the beginning of the game after returning to headquarters Sharif Industries, you can talk to Carlla and learn about his problem. You have to stop the turnover of the party stolen drug and talk to the Carlla again to get this achievement. He will also give you a modification of weapons for completing the task.

Video guide you can see.

Motherly Ties / Mother's Care 10

Allow doubts of a combustible mother.

After you leave the headquarters of Sharif Industries and get to the Streets of Detroit, you will immediately meet Mrs. Reed, which will beg you to help learn the truth about Megan's death. This is a rather long additional quest and one of the first.

First of all, you need to convince Wayne Haas to allow you to get into the morgue in the police station. If you do not do it, then the entire police will be hostile to you and will turn your life into hell. After convincing it, you will also get the achievement of "The Desk Job / Office Work".

Hack a 16-level safe in the garage next to the site, and read all electronic books with evidence, and take the bracelet. It is better to leave him if you want to get the achievement of "Sentimental Value / Sentimentality", as finished quest.

Cloak & Daggers / Cloak and Dagger 10

Observe a man in the shade.

On one of Detroit's streets, you will find a black prostitute, which is actually a policeman working under cover. Find her mono on the street between your home and police station. Talk to her, and she will offer you a mission.

You must fulfill several tasks to prove the guilt of Jack O "Mally. You will have to act as a person about" Malloi and set up two gangs against each other to start wars a gang. However, this can be prevented.

At the end of the mission, during a conversation with about "Millie, he will offer you a bribe. Please accept it and you will get the achievement of" The Take / Bribe. "

Rotten Business / Dumping Case 10

Help a representative of the oldest profession to restore order.

When you get to Hans, go to the Honghua Hotel. Climb on the 4th floor and in one of the rooms you will meet a woman and a man who argue about the implant. Talk to a woman to get this quest.

In the first mission you will need to save her girlfriend, in which, according to her, they want to force implants forcibly. It holds 3 members of the gang in the garage in one of the alleys. Eliminate opponents, then open the garage and talk to Ning. She will thank you and run away from the city. Return to Mei and get a reward.

In the second mission, she will ask to get rid of Diamon Crane by killing him or putting drugs to him to be arrested. Get to his apartment and cut it off. He will be alone. Do not use weapons, but only hand-to-hand complete neutralization. Pull out his body from the apartment and reset from the roof so that everything looks like suicide and you will get for this the achievement "The Fall / Flying". Return to Mei and get a long-awaited achievement and reward.

Tip: Best to be preserved before the second task, because if you kill the Diamon of Courage, dropping from the roof, then you will lose the achievement of "Pacifist / pacifist". During the conversation with May, it is necessary to ask another way to get rid of the chant. She will give you drugs that you can put him in the apartment. First we pass the mission in the first way and get the achievement of "The Fall / Flying", and then load saving and pass the second way.

Bar Tab / Barman 10

Help Bartender Hives with accounts.

In the hive in Shanghai after talking with Tong, talk to Barman Bobby Bao on the first floor. He will tell about the Broker named Jaya, who did not pay the bills and disappeared. You need to find it. To do this, you have to hack 3 devices located on the roofs of several houses in the city to find out its location. As soon as you find her, she will explain that she was deceived, and she does not want to pay them for the implant.

There are two outputs:

  1. You can pay 5,000 loans Bobby Bao, and he promises her not to touch. For this you will get the achievement of "Guardian Angel / Guardian Angel."
  2. Cut it out and pull out the implant from it.

Both options will open this achievement, but the first option is definitely better, as you get another achievement.

Personally, I first preserved, then I paid the debt for it and got the achievement of "Guardian Angel / Guardian Angel." Then uploaded the last saving, cut it out and took the implant. So I saved 5000 credits.

Video guide you can see.

Shanghai Justice / Shanghai Justice 5

We will have to play a detective, but justice should be carried out.

During the passage of the main tasks in Shanghai, Malik will ask you about help. Her girlfriend was killed, and she wants to commit justice.

When you get to the apartment of the suspect, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Baseball bat is the door.
  • Email letters - find in the computer in the bedroom. It will need to hack.
  • Answering machine - next to the bed in the bedroom.
  • Broken clock - in the bedroom next to the cabinet.

Now you have enough evidence to blame Hong. Go to the hive to the second floor. He will sit alone. You must choose the following answer options: Falted, drunk, vintage watch, pregnant, Lamb / Belltauer. You will get the achievement of "Super Sleuth / Superbank."

SMASH THE STATE / Down Government 10

Help the officer Nicolaus solve the problem.

You will receive this quest after exit a conference room in Detroit when you get there for the second time. Nicholas is afraid that the police department can blow up.

Your task is to find his location of the terrorist (it was in my sewage), cut it off or kill it. And then neutralize the bomb. Use the code "0000" to negotiate it and get the achievement of "Lucky Guess / Guess". Return to Niki and get this achievement and reward.

Video guide you can see.

Acquaintances Forgotten / Old Familiar 10

Follow the Sadchada evils and get to the truth.

When you first return to Detroit after discovering the FEMA warehouse in Highland Park, you will need to convince David Sharif to tell you the truth (see "Yes Boss / Yes, the boss"). After talking, return to your office, and read 3 new emails that came to your computer. After return to the charter and continue the main plot.

When you get to Detroit for the second time and the final times, the paradicard will contact you when you are near the conference room and an additional quest will begin. It will not appear if you have not read 3 letters during the first arrival in Detroit.

When you get to the apartment of Brandon Redford, you will find it dying in the bathroom. Continue to give him morphine, and then try to leave. He will ask you to stay and introduce a lethal dose of morphine. For this you will get the achievement of Kevorkian Complex / Kevorkyan Syndrome.

We continue the quest and go to the garage, there we find a photo in the safe and five emails in the computer.

Finish the last stage of the quest and get achievement.

Corporate Warfare / Corporate Wars 10

Protect customer interests, making not too aggressive seizure.

You will contact a person who, in connection with spoilers, I will not call when you will be located in the Youhzai area. You will be asked to stop the terrorist group and return the chip with the data. Make sure they did not kill anyone, so use a stunning weapon.

Return and make sure you have a skill social corrector. Talk to her and try to learn the truth using Pheromones before giving chip. So you will also get the achievement of "Ladies MAN / Ladies".

Talion a.d. / Talion principle 10

Fight a warrior-priest in more often urban jungle.

To get this achievement, you need to go to the Lamb clinic at the second arrival in Hans after the parable is contacted. Talk to the doctor to the left of the counter, and he will ask you to find the escaped officer. If you have made the achievement of "Corporate Warfare / Corporate Wars", where there were terrorists there, there is a hatch that leads to the sewer where the one you need is hiding.

Talk to him if you want to avoid the battle and Lengte Dr. or convince him that he did everything right. Achievement will open.

Secret achievements

Ghost / Ghost 15

You sneak through a dangerous area, without giving yourself anything.

Just arouse through a dangerous zone without raising any alarm or, being discovered to get a bonus Ghost.

The easiest way to do in the first mission at the factory Sharif Industries. As soon as you descend from two stairs, you will meet the enemy, which you want to cut out. After the loader, you will see a wooden box that you need to put next to the boxes on the left. We climb on these boxes to the container and then we climb the roof. Further before you there will be an obstacle in the form of electricity. To the right of you will be a wooden box, which can be moved, and find the ventilation passage behind it. We pass through it and cut down the chopper. We go further and climb into ventilation. Achievement will open.

Video guide you can see.

Unforeseen consequence / unforeseen consequences 15

You convinced Zika Sanders let go of the hostage.

When you encounter Zikom Sanders, you will need to take the right solutions at a dialogue to make him let go of the hostage. Remember that incorrect answers can cost the life of the hostage. You can save before starting the dialogue so that you can replay if you are not satisfied with the result or want to learn about other corners of the events.

The correct answers in the dialogue: try to free the Josie, the reason, to sympathize, the reason.

Video guide you can see.

Balls / Balls 5

Like to play with a ball, eh?

When you pass by the residential quarter in Detroit, you will find a basketball court with a ball. To get this achievement, you need to throw a ball into the ring.

It is easiest to do this by building a staircase from garbage boxes and barrels in front of the ring.

Video guide you can see.

The Desk Job / Office Work 15

You persuaded Wayne Haas to skip you into the morgue.

As soon as you get to the police station, you will meet your old familiar Wayne Haas, whom you will need to persuade to pass into the morgue. Personally, I chose at the dialogue with him only to forgive.

Video guide you can see.

Sentimental Value / Sentimentality 10

You left the bracelet Megan. The hardest to let go, right?

During the quest "Mother's Care" leave a bracelet to yourself. When you find a garage with 4 electronic books, there will be another safe with 3 levels of protection. Hack it to get the fifth e-book and bracelet. When you speak at the end of the quest with Mother Megan, do not give a bracelet. This choice does not affect the achievement of "Motherly Ties / Mother's Care."

The Take / Brib 10

The greed of someone will destroy. You took dirty money about "Mally and allowed him to leave.

At the end of the quest "Cloak and Dagger" before you will be able to arrest about "Malloi or allow him to leave and get a bribe. Choose a bribe to get this achievement.

The Bull / Bull 25

You defeated Lawrence Barrett, an elite fighter of the secret squad of mercenaries.

You will get this achievement after the murder of Lawrence Barrett.

You will meet with him at the end of the level on the FEMA secret base. The easiest way to kill him using explosives. Personally, I used C4.

YES BOSS / Yes, boss 15

You argued with your chief David Sharif.

This achievement can be discovered by returning to Sharif Industries after the battle with the first boss. First, talk to the paradise, and then with guests. And only after David Sharif.

I learned that the dialogues could change over time, so it is better to continue before this conversation. If he replaces the topic and you will follow the linear dialogues, then it will restore you and you will not get this achievement. This achievement partly depends on good luck and intuition.

Video guide you can see.

Attention! You will not be able to perform the aforementioned quests and get achievements for them after flying away from Detroit for the first time.

The Fall / Flight 10

You sent Diamon Courage on the journey of the whole life.

You must make the death of Damon Chane look like suicide. See the achievement of "Rotten Business / Awesome Cause" to find out how to get this achievement.

Darker Shades / Dark Shadows 15

You were able to convince the bartender to skip you to Tonga Si Honggu.

On the second floor of the hive you need to convince the bartender to skip you to Tonga Si Honggu. Before talking with him, it is better to continue.

Achievement can be skipped depending on the route. For example, I snuck into the bar through the sewer and lamented in ventilation next to the guard in the basement. After that, I saw a catshzen in which I learned about the location. I did not have to talk to the bartender, so beware of the ventilation in the ulle.

The right answers in the dialogue: focus on, insist, focus on.

Video guide you can see.

Guardian Angel / Guardian Angel


You paid on the accounts of poor Jaya. How it is on your side ... Human.

You must pay a debt of 5,000 credits in the mission, which Barmen from the hive received. See the achievement of "Bar Tab / Bartender" to find out how to get this achievement.

Super Sleuth / Superbank

You famously coped with Lee Gon.

You need to choose the right to choose all the answers in the dialogue with whether. See the achievement of Shanghai Justice / Shanghai Justice, to find out how to get this achievement.

Attention! You will not be able to fulfill the aforementioned quests and get achievements for them after flying out of Hans for the first time.

The Mantis / Bogomol 25

You won Elena Fedorov, an elite fighter of the secret detachment of mercenaries.

You will get this achievement after the murder of Elena Fedorova at the headquarters of the Peak channel in Montreal.

If you fight with her (this is the most difficult and only one with which you will have problems). At the very beginning of the battle, run forward, wrap and throw a grenade into it. It stuns her for 10 seconds. You can shoot it, use explosives and typhoon. If you have a lot of energy, it is best to use it.

The Throwdown / Shock 15

You convinced the dexterous policy of Bill Taggart to reveal the truth to the people.

You need to enter a code 0000 in Quest "Down Government" to discharge the bomb. See the achievement of "Smash The State / Down of the Government" to find out how to get this achievement.

Video guide you can see.


You discarded Dr. Isaiah Sandoval from suicide.

After you talk to Taggart, you will need to talk to Isaiah. Isaiah can be found on its secret database in the sewage. As soon as you pass protection and bombs, you will be saved before entering the door.

You will face Isaiah, who will want to commit suicide for his crimes, and he pulls out a weapon to do it. Your task is to convince him that he did not do it. Correct answers in dialogue: cruel mercy, cruel mercy, sympathize.

Video guide you can see.


You have completed the last will of the dying.

You must put a fatal dose of morphine in Brandon Redford. See the achievement of "Acquaintances Forgotten / Old Families" to find out how to get this achievement.

Attention! You will not be able to perform the aforementioned quests and get achievements for them, after flying away from Detroit for the second time.

Good Soul / Good Soul 15

In spite of everything, you managed to save the life of Farida.

This achievement is quite complicated for those who embrace the achievement of "Pacifist / pacifist", but still it is possible. Video guide you can see.

Or you can preserve in advance, and deal with the enemies using all the means that you have. If you have a sniper, you can sit down at the beginning of the level and shoot enemies from there. As soon as the robot appears, then run to it and use typhoon or EMP grenades.

Ladies MAN / Ladies 10

You convinced Maryao to tell about the Mysterious project "Hiron".

Attention! You will not be able to perform the aforementioned quests and get achievements for them, after flying out of Hans for the second time.

Hangar 18 / Hangar 18 10

You found and read the secret message. Now you know too much ...

When you see that four scientists get into the helicopter, turn right and move the box, followed by a tunnel with a 5-level computer.

Hack it or use the device for hacking from Explosive Mission Pack. Read the letter and achievement will open.

Video guide you can see.

The Snake / Snake 25

You won Dzharon Namira, the commander of the elite squad "Belltauer".

You will get this achievement after the murder of Dzharon Namira. Do not change the biochip during the second arrival in Hansha. If you have an Explosive Mission Pack, then you have a grenade launcher that will be incredibly useful. With accurate shots from it, it will be possible to get rid of 5 seconds. He also dies very quickly with 2-3 blows by the Typhoon system.

Well, the easiest way you can see in this video.


You pointed to Milliona Hugh Darrow on inconsistencies in its logic.

Locking your way through the Panhechus, you will meet in one of the spacious halls of the tower of Hugh Darrow. Before you meet him, it is better to continue. Right answers in the dialog: suggest, criticize, contact, contact.

Video guide you can see.

The End / End 25

You won Jungu Jungu and destroyed the Hiron project.

This achievement cannot be skipped, and it will open after the game is completed.

In order to get Jao, it is not necessary to press buttons on girls. You can dial on the security panel in the center of the hall code 2012. And then sit down near the glass next to Jao and wait until it breaks up, and then put it in it with a firearm. True, for this method you need to pump protection against electricity.

The D Project / Project D 15

You will not be able to get this achievement by selecting titles in the main game menu. You need to go through the game and watch the credits to the end.

Kirill Shietsev

Street wars

Nearby future. More precisely, the 2050s. As the world of Cyberpunk relies, we are met by the gloomy world of omnipotent corporations, global networks and implants. There are rumors about the secret societies seeking to world domination. However, rumors of rumors, and the plague of the new century, she also a virus "Gray Death", raging in all major cities. The sales government has a vaccine, but it gets only influential and rich. The poor rebellious and attack troops and government agencies. In response, punitive shares are carried out with the help of elite forces, the military of the World Military Organization United Nation Antiterrorist Coalition (UNATCO). Something like an unforgettable GDI from C & C, at first glance. Rely on the power of the latest weapons and on packed in the titanium armor of semi-children. In all spontaneous speeches against the authorities, militants from the terrorist organization NEW Secessionist Front (NSF) are trying to take part. It's like the Brotherhood NOD. Main feature - secrecy and suddenness. Battle is on equal. Unatco has a lot of money and perfect technologies, and terrorists have enlisted the support of the population and are well conspired.

Our hero, JC Denton, is the top of all nanotechnology. He is super-child, each molecule of which is fully improved by electronics. The best anti-terrorist UNATCO agent, superior brother Paul Denton "and, which was improved by similar, but earlier and undeveloped, scientific technologies. There are two more relative to the strong agent (Anna Navarre and Güntter Hermann), who were also mechanically improved, turning into a walking pile of metal. However, you are a more perfect and modern operative of the organization. This is in theory. And in practice there will have a lot to work to prove it. You will have to face secret organizations, fighting constant conspiractions, remaining in the ignorance do you all do everything correctly or on the contrary Harm. Secret labs of bacteriological weapons, underground military complexes, underwater bases, dimly lit dirty cities quarters. Just remember that any goal can be achieved different. You can go through the corpses (then get a doom` and shooter), but you can not kill in battle one person and easily win at the expense of various tricks and tricks (something like "thief "). You can communicate with all the characters and listen to their conversations for hours. You can read all newspapers and bulk books, in an attempt to expect more information. You can hack each computer and read mail. Of course, there is a mission framework, but in this framework you can all. Almost all. Almost everything, as in the real RPG. So, the game begins at the foot of the Statue of Freedom ...


Since the hero is simply skillfully created with the help of nanotechnology cyborg, then it is not prohibited to use the extensible and impossible abilities for an ordinary person. Initially, it is only lighting, but then 9 more supemen will be added to it. All of them are in special cannistrachs, then mean flasks, which, with the help of any medical robot, are installed in a certain part of the hero's body. Each canister has two abilities to choose from: if you choose one of them, the second will forever be closed for you. Therefore, make a choice carefully. Abilities can be four levels of development, improve them with another type of canister. By the way, do not forget that the use of all your abilities takes a certain amount of bioenergy. If you look at the ability of both spellings, then bioenergy is mana. You can restore such "mana" using a repair robot or a portable battery that restores one fourth of your maximum stock of energy. Remember that from EMP grenade and enemy lightning bioenergy decreases and even completely depleted!

Environmental Resistance- This ability reduces harm from various natural hazards like electricity, gases and radiation. Similarly, by the action with the Hazmat Suit Space.

Aqualung"The better developed, the more time under water can be held a hero. Similarly by action with the skill swimming.

Microfibral Muscle- allows you to raise very heavy items, like large iron boxes. The stronger the hero, the greatest weight he can raise.

Combat Strength- Increases damage applied by melee weapons: knives, lows, swords, sticks.

Ballistic Protection."Thanks to this ability, the hero can easier to carry attack by bullets and cutting weapons. The hero gets noticeably less damage, but he still does not become immortal.

Emp Shield.- A special shield that protects your bioenergy stock from sucking by electronic fields and EMP grenades.

Run Silent.- During the run, a lot of noise is published, so if there are opponents nearby, they will definitely hear you. Therefore, moving silently, it turns out to be crazy or running with this device.

Speed \u200b\u200bEnhancement- Cool and used ability, as it gives three effects at once. Higher jump, less damage for falling and higher running speed. It is useful if you need to quickly shift from enemies. You can also jump somewhere without the help of a small box.

Energy Shield.- allows you to get less damage from the energy weapon, such as a plasma rifle, and from flamethrough. Not very often used types of weapons, but very dangerous if the enemies are there.

Regeneration.- Regeneration, that is, the gradual restoration of the health lost in the battles. A very useful thing, since you will not depend so much from the aidhechki and the number of medical robots. Plus, with the help of a repair robot, it will be possible to fully cure. Bring as quickly as possible up to level 2 to cure 15 lives per second, and not by 5. On the 3rd will be 25, and on the fourth - at once 40 lives.

Aggressive Defense System- The activation of the ability allows you to blow up rockets flying in you and pomegranates right in the air, at some distance to the hero. Useful thing against enemies with GEP-guns. Effectively.

Spy Drone.- Inside the hero's body, a special little metal bee, "Dron", which you manage to explore the terrain and explore suspicious rooms where you do not want to see without prior preparation. Pressing the mouse at the time of control causes an EMP explosion, which is similar in action with similar grenades. Unfortunately, Drone is slow and a lot of energy is spent on its use.

Targeting.- A special system is embedded in the eyes of the agent, which allows you to scan the enemy, turned out to "fly" in the sight. In addition to increasing the accuracy of weapons with a developed ability, information is also issued on the state of the health of the body parts of the victim and its armament. With the fourth level of development, a small screen is issued, similar to an optical sight.

Vision Enhancement.- the inclusion of infrared light is not very useful, but with the development of ability to third and above the level allows you to watch throughwalls!

Cloak- Invisibility for all living creatures. Mechanical still see you with the help of a radar. He spends a huge amount of bioenergy, so it makes sense to develop it to reduce the costs of "mana".

Radar Transparency.- In essence, the same as CLOAK, but only invisibility applies exclusively on mechanical creation. Live creatures are still seen.

Power Recirculator.- The use of other abilities, with this activated, spends less bioenergy. The higher the developed, the more savings.

Synthetic Heart.- Unusual ability, which (in the activated state) increases the level of all other abilities. For effect requires development.


All weapons have their weak and strengths. Try to take into account when selecting the tactics of the destruction of the enemy. The same flamethrower or shotgun is effective in the near distance, but the rocket rifle and sniper - on the far. But here there are differences. It is better to use it better against several nearby enemies, and a shotgun - against one or two. Sniperka still can be useful in disassembling face to face if you have a good reaction, but the explosion from the rocket one hundred percent will come and the hero, if the hero is in the opponent in two steps away from you.

Arms characteristics

There are more than five of them, but only the following five can be improved using special boxes, which are enough for a single increase in the characteristics of the weapon selected in inventory.

Accuracy.. The higher it is, the more quickly the weapons are guided. That is, the faster the cross of the sight is narrowed, and therefore, the less the deviation of the bullet from the target. Also reduces the oscillation of the optical sight, even reducing it to not at the accuracy of 95% and higher. The accuracy decreases with the deterioration of the health of one or both hands of the hero. The indicator is critized for long-range weapons and battle at the middle distance. When shooting at the emphasis, the accuracy is no longer so important.

Recoil. Return. What she is less, the smaller the flies will be shifted at each new shot. Important for weapons from which it is necessary to shoot several times to destroy one enemy. Therefore, it almost does not matter for flamethrough, rocket rifle, sniper.

RELOAD.. The speed of recharging the weapons after the cartridges ended in it. It is important for weapons that quickly "eating" charges and which is not killing from one hit. The less the capacity of the horn is also more important.

Clip. Horn capacity weapon. The higher it is, the more cartridges or charges can be used in weapons until the next recharge. It is important for a weapon that is very "eating" cartridges.

Range.. Shot range. There are two types: maximum range and efficient range. Improving only the second one. The higher the indicator, the farther the weapons can shoot. Improvement of the indicator is important for weapons with a small range, for example for crossbow or flamethrower.

Boxes with improved weapons can also give the following three "beams". They can approach specific weapons, and may not. So, the optical sight can not be suspended on the flamethrower and, moreover, the muffler.


LASER SIGHT.- Laser scope. It is found incredibly rarely and is a red point, which turns out to be in the place where the future shot will have. It can be used with an optical sight, and maybe - without it.

Scope.- optical sight. Allows you exactly in the head of the enemy to fill it with one hit. Used if the enemy is far away. In the near distance, really do without it. At low weapon accuracy goes from side to side, making it difficult to aim. Initially, sniper has.

SilenceR.- Silencer. Unlike two upper improvements, it acts automatically and constantly. With it, the sound of the shot is muffled, turning into a click. Thus, you can silently kill enemies with shots in the head, not attracting the attention of their comrades nearby. Crossbow initially Beshum.

Middle Boy Weapon

Melee's weapons are designed rather not to kill the enemy, but to break the wooden boxes with things (stick) and stunning enemy (shocker). Destroy the enemy with cold-weapons of melee difficult is not easy. Requires skill and desire to sneak up to the enemy. This type of weapon causes a small damage, which is compensated by high speed. As a rule, it occupy one cell in inventory and do not spend charges or cartridges.

Knife, sword - Serve to kill the enemy. It is advisable to aim in the throat and attack the soda, remaining unnoticed to the first strike.

Stick (Baton) - Unlike acute weapons, the victim is stunning. Otherwise the same.

Schocher (Riot Prod) - Electrically stunches the enemy with one or two blows. He spends the "charges", the number of which is limited. Without recharge can be used four times. It is advisable to go to the body and strike a shock - in this case more efficiently, that is, it can dump the enemy at a time. More resistant enemies like agents require several shots.

Peppergun (Peppergun) - primitive means of temporary neutralization of enemies. While they are a clutch eyes, they can be stunned or killed. Gas grenade acts more effectively, and "charges" come across very rarely.


Something average between melee weapons and guns. Fortunately, it takes little space in the inventory (one cell) and, unfortunately, they are distinguished by a small slaughter force. Cartridges are found very often, but they are spent fast enough. The best use of pistols - shooting head. If aim in the body, they do not justify themselves.

Normal - Standard gun, useful at the beginning of the game, but then converting into a means of shooting lonely and weak enemies in order to save cartridges. Good use is to shoot a lonely watch phone, if there are no enemies nearby. In the near battle with machine gunners will lead to death (yours, not them). Too large pauses between shots and only six cartridges in the clip. And recharge is even very strange.

Silent(Stealth) - Full sucks in theory, but in practice it turned out to be a good thing because of the very high speed of firing and quick recharging. Very often used for the rapid and silent destruction of one or two enemies. It is necessary to get a couple of times in the head or release almost all ten shots into the body.

Crossbow - Cool things, thanks to his silentness and great slaughter strength. One hit in the head of the usual Darth usually leads to death. Darta-tranquilizers (green) stun the enemy about ten seconds after entering. That is, use the tactics "shot, hidden, returned to search the body." Lighting darts are not very useful thanks to the lantern embedded in your body. Not the biggest shot range.

PS20 - Disposable laser gun. A weak thing, but it is very tidy. Or waste immediately or throw away so that it does not occupy a place in the inventory.


The most common weapon used. The cartridges come across relatively often, and the killer power is high. It is occupied in inventory more space than pistols (three or four cells), but still not so much as a heavy weapon. Snippers and assault shotgun are sufficient for any shootout. The first is used at the distance, the second - how the enemies will come closer.

Friction - gets in the very first mission. Effective only in the near battle (in which the enemy will also smear and slow down), slowly shoots and recharges for a long time. Ideal against one enemy with a weak weapon. If the opponents are two, then it is best to switch to faster weapons right away, otherwise died. As soon as you find an assault shotgun, immediately throw off the edge.

Storm shotgun - Just a cool thing, the most successful weapon for the melee, if you forget about the bulky flamethrower. Very quickly shoots and has a decent margin of cartridges in the clip. When tagging, shooting from this weapon is quite realistic to put up to three or four car gunners. Great thing. In addition to ordinary cartridges, there is also Sabot. Madly good against mechanics and only against her. Several hits on the armored robot may well destroy it.

Assault rifle - Madly uncomfortable weapons, however, it is worth it with him. First, it comes across a lot of cartridges. Secondly, in the near battle without much trouble, one or two soldiers with pistols can be fascinated. If enemies are greater, then they are launching the hero until it reloads. Suitable for firing on medium distances, but in this case you will have to increase the accuracy with the help of special improvements. The cartridges are spent very quickly and complete stock (300 ammunition) enough for ten and fifteen enemies, no more. Fortunately, in addition to ordinary cartridges can shoot and special discontinuous. They are as powerful as LAM explosives, but they can be easily found more often and is also more convenient.

Sniper rifle - If you can hang the silencer and a laser sight, as well as spend all the improvements in it, you will simply get a BFG and an atomic blow in one bottle. At the beginning, take care of the cartridges and use only bringing the accuracy of up to 90-95%. One enemy hitting the head almost always means one finished corpse. Very high shooting range. Weapons for instant and unpunished destruction of any number of soldiers in distant distances. Not bad has proven itself on medium distances. If you have a good reaction, you can also apply in my neighbor. The main thing is to quickly aim in the head ...

By the way, if you are not sure that you will get into the enemy from sniper, do not shoot. Loss of a gap of several cartridges for her is very unpleasant, even if the gangster was destroyed. Try to spend all the enhanced accuracy of the accuracy (Accuracy) exactly on the spike.

ATTENTION! At the Master level in the guns, you can destroy such things as eye chambers, automatic guns, alarm systems from sniper. Remember this.

Heavy weapons

It usually takes just a break of places in the inventory, usually these are eight cells. Maximum you can carry two such things, provided that refuse the mass of useful things and devices like armor, garnet and rifles. Heavy weapons are quite efficient and not ledmed, unlike guns and pistols. Naturally, the speed of running / walk hero is very slow down. Ammunition (cartridges) are rare enough, as well as the weighing of this kind.

Flamethrower. It is enough to fry at least for a second of any enemy soldier to destroy it. It is not necessary to aim, to be afraid of the return fire - too, since the burning opponents do not shoot. Little charges and a small shooting range, this is what limits the use of flamethrough. Useful thing if you find a place for it in inventory.

Laser rifle. Quickly shoots, every hit catching big damage. High firing and low return. However, the cartridges come across quite rarely. In the near battle to use uncomfortable. In the distant, too, as shell flies for some time, and the enemy may have time to get away from him. Purpose - battle on medium distances. It is not bad to use against mechanical robots. Uncomfortable weapons.

Rachenitsa (GEP). With this thing, the enemy can always be treated with a rocket-other. Designed to shoot once, and then recharge. In principle, and one shot is enough to destroy most enemies. Rockets are quite often, so they do not save them. Fuck only an explosive wave that can hurt you. Excellent remedy against robots and locked doors. It can be used independently. Best weapon from the section of heavy weapons.

Law. - This is a disposable grenade launcher. I advise you to always take with you so that if you do not kill the enemy, so as to embroider a locked door. Although save the layster.


All grenades explode in about two seconds, after they were thrown and reached the surface. Occupy one cell in inventory. Can be attached to the walls, in this case they act as mines. It is worth the enemy to approach the wall closer as they explode. For you, fortunately, your grenades do not react.

Scramble "Pomegranate, which is temporarily, but rinsing the brains with a robot in the scope of her explosion, so he ceases to be your enemy, but looking for the nearest robot and starts to fall from all stems. Not for a very long time, but the thing is useful.

LAM. - Explosives, the most common and most silent of the grenade. Almost probably kill any enemy and knocked any door. However, people at the sight of it lying on the floor are beginning to be sealed from the zone of the alleged explosion, so in battle it is not very useful.

Emp - causes a wave of electro-magnetic ripple, acting as a means against any enemy electronics, which is successfully neutralized. Displays the alarm panel, eye chambers, laser fields and automatic guns. May calm down and robot, if you successfully get. Harmless to the health of ordinary people, however, they steal bioenergy. If there will be any other grenade in the explosion field of this grenade, it will be neutralized. That is, it will be possible to approach and calmly pick it up, without fearing the explosion.

GAS. - The cloud of green gas makes you coughing and wipe the eyes of all the enemy soldiers in it. While they are inactive, no one bothers carefully to do in the head of each of them in a small hole, even from the most ordinary pistol.


Ballistic Armor.- Special armor protecting from a large part of the damage caused by bullets. It acts sufficiently enough to last exactly one shootout.

THERMOPTIC CAMO. - Armor, which not for a long time makes the hero invisible for living beings, and for robots.

Rebreather.- Some time under water, the hero can breathe from this device. It is useful if the far swim is required, and oxygen can suddenly end.

Tech Goggles.- allow you to better consider everything that happens. Not very helpful.

Binoculars- Full crap. Although it allows you to consider distant items and people at a great distance, but takes place in the inventory. It is best to consider remote things with a sniper sight.

Hazmat Suit.- In this Skafandre, the hero gets less damage from all natural hazards like radiation, fire, toxins, electricity and EMP fields.

Multitool.- Allows you to crack various electronic objects. Somehow: Computers, guns, alarm. The higher the ELECTRONICS skill, the fewer the multitilities are required for hacking each object. Fixed up to 20 pieces.

LockPick.- The same as for the multitole, but only hacks the doors, non-electronic locks and drawers. Fixed up to 20 pieces.

Aid kit- Restores lost health. And it makes it instantly, in any second battle. You can treat "generally", and you can heal a specific part of the body. Apparently, the most necessary than the rest of the body. Fixed up to 15 pieces. Effective when MEDICINE skills on trained.

Food, water and alcohol. While cigarettes take health, all food and drinks are restored mainly in two units. Sachet with soy meal treats five sitpposts.

Fire extinguisher- Can perform various functions: for a few seconds, immobilize the enemy and cut the laser fields for a very short time. You can also put out the flame on yourself.

Cigarettes- Reduce health, but some craftsmen use them smoke to neutralize the laser beam for a very short time.

Pouring the hero's skills remember that at least mission up to 7-8-oh can leave Computers, Electronics, LockPicking at the Trained level. However, a higher value in Electronics and LockPicking to allow in the second half of the game to spend significantly less multitoles and launders (respectively) for each bold object. The level Advanced in Computers (not at all costs above) will teach the hero to reprogram the automatic guns. So, do not pay attention to the logins and passwords of computers. Any of them is elementary cracking, even if your computers skill is at the TRAINED level. In any case, you will have a minimum of ten seconds to turn off all guns and cameras. To fully read the mail, it will not work: here you can either hack computer several times, if you quickly read in English, or find and enter a password with a login. There is another option - just remove a picture with an unread letter using a screensuit program (for example, Hypersnap - and quietly read the text already in the screenshot. Swimming can not be developed at all. Medicine I advise you to lift to trained, yes there and leave: so you will treat 60 glasses of health with a first-aid kit, and not 30. Environmental Training I did not develop, also did not improve Explosives. Pomegranates already work exactly as they should work. It turns out that all of your choice is reduced, for the most part, to the fact that of the four weapons directions to develop: heavy, guns, pistols or low-tech weapons. In the passage of the game you can do only by guns or guns, occasionally applying heavy. However, only heavy and low-tech weapons will not be able to do.

Any explosive will destroy laser fields without causing an alarm. In the same way, you can remove eye chambers and automatic guns. Most doors can also be blown up. However, why waste the charges of weapons or LAM? If you have the opportunity, then put a box next to the door with TNT, go away and shoot a gun once. Voila! By the way, you can only throw a box with TNT to the ground only if you sat down. If you throw it standing, then not to avoid instant detonation from contact with the floor and the subsequent (very fast) explosion. Save the locks and multitulas. Always try to open the locked door with the key (and suddenly it will fit?!), And then wake up. The same with multitulas. First, look in the records, do you have a code, and then open. Sometimes it is useful to blow up very strong doors to which two or three bars are consumed. Doors, boxes and all objects that have a force of 25% and less can be divided by a conventional crossbow. Let the dart on the door, take it and repeat the procedure. So you will not even spend a single Darth! By the way, strong doors from 50% and below can be contlected using the shot of a sniper rifle at the master and (sometimes) - Advanced. In the same way, actually destroy the cameras.

If you found a new character, with whom the hero starts to communicate, then after the end of the first conversation, be sure to contact him again. Again and again. As long as it is impossible to start new conversations. Always talk with neutral and friendly people in bars, on the streets, etc. There is a chance to learn some useful code or buy things. Explore levels. Look for secret places where you can find useful things, as well as get the points "for research."

The guards sometimes clearly distorts a certain line of behavior. Some of them, despite the hurricane fire on your part, will definitely run to the nearest alarm. The overwhelming majority of enemies will also start running away if serious injuries are injured. These guys need to catch up and kill in hand-to-hand. If not far from the enemy there is a signaling console, then, most likely he will run to her. In this case, either quickly remove the opponent from sniper, or Bates the shocker in the near distance. By the way, the best weapon, in the initial pores, for the melee and (always) for the broadcasting of the boxes is a stick, Baton. Throw away the found knives and lomies to not clog the inventory.

Robots are not burdened with excessive intelligence, like other mechanisms. Behind them, they can safely run in the desired side. Robots are different that they have no hearing, so they notice only those things that see themselves immediately in front of them. Destroy the robot is best with explosive weapons like Lam, Law, GEP. However, Sabot-cartridges of shotgun and explosive cartridges for assault rifle will be perfectly perfectly. You can also "disable" a robot EMP explosion of garnet or "redo" using scramble grenades. Agents, that is, the people in black (man in black), when they are killed, explode, forever destroying all ammunition and things with them. The best way is not to give an agent to explode - it is stunning it with several shocker blows.

Use the reconnaissance drone caused by SPY DRONE specials, to turn off its EMP blows, cameras, and enemy guns. You can also determine the mines installed on the walls. By the way, if you become before the locked door and put a drone, it can be already right outside the door! Using the Specials of Microfibre Muscle, you can lift heavy boxes not only in order to find something new for them, but also to block them narrow corridors for which the attack may begin.

Always shoot in the head. However, if you go out of the assault rifle, then send a queue in the chest, still returning immediately raise the sight to the head. Hand wound seriously reduce the accuracy that is very dangerous for snipers. Try during the shootout of your allies with enemies somewhere to hide. So, at least, avoid spending cartridges and do not get a bullet in ... uh ... in the head. Moreover, if you kill the "good" soldier, then his cartridges can also be taken into his pocket. Razely waste findable improvements. Or in sniper, or in a shotgun, or in crossbow, or a gun. Heavy weapons usually possesses sufficient power to do without its improvement.

The next moment. Always do everything quietly. In unfamiliar areas, move in squatting, and do not run. Try to hide in the shade and use silent weapons. It would be nice to pull out the body, if there is an opportunity. Never carry into a room with several soldiers, Pala from all stems. Most likely, the hero simply seeks a couple of bullets to the head and safely flip seconds of seconds after the attack. In already known areas, move the run. Of course, it creates a lot of noise, but if you need a silent move, you can run "Clear" for some time. By the way, it is no slower easy walking. Ways to stay unnoticed when the enemy looks into your direction: stand very far, is in the shade, hide (sit down) for the shelter. Eye to meet enemies in an open field and open a hurricane fire from all the trunks is the best way to die (if you are not playing a light difficulty level, of course). The correct commondeos agent first comes at the box or in a dark corner, and then it will start silently "fold" silently or cut opponents. Opponents who do not know about your presence are harder than what is ready for your attack in advance. Try to sneak. It is always easier to fill out standing on the site of patrol than its same, but running and fireing you fire.

Standing very close to the barrels burning on the urban streets is dangerous for life. Rather - for the legs. They begin to burn out gradually, and their condition is slowly worsening.

There are two ways to get money. It is to find a green plastic credit card and hack banking machine. You can buy things only from conversation with characters. Typically, three different things are offered for sale.

How best to plant items from inventory on the buttons? Here is my corporate alignment. To "1" let a stick, on "2" - a shocker, and with "3" on "7" all gradually sharper weapons: a gun, crossbow, shotgun, machine, sniper. To "8", let the launders, on the "9" - multitool. Well, on "0" there will always be keys.


Simple Soldier Unatco, Policeman, NSF Terrorist.

They are the same weak in battle and their coolness depends very much on weapons. The soldiers seem to run more from side to side, but it does not help them very much. One shot in the head of the pistol very often solves all the questions. True, it happens and direct hitting the face of sniper does not kill, but it's just not lucky. See the fight with the infantry in advance what they are armed: they immediately keep the gun or automatic.

Soldier MJ12., fighter of the Chinese army. Dress in a dark and green uniform, respectively. Usually it is not bad armed, right up to flamethrower and rocket rifles. More biased than ordinary infantrymen. They know how to crawl, that is, in every way to move around the battlefield, not forgetting to water the hero of lead. The part is squatting, which is very unpleasant. Try to put these guys quickly.

Man in black. Still known as an Agent. As soon as you see these guys, you will immediately understand someone. Many people's lives of any soldier, sometimes it takes a couple of hits in the head of sniper. Well own weapons, shooting apt. Having obtained a mortal wound, do not fall on the floor, and explode, causing damage to all those located nearby. If they do not kill them, but stun with the same shocker (four or five blows will be required), the body will not explode, which means it will be possible to remove the grenade-other and ammunition from the body.

Commando. A person who as a result of scientific experiments was turned into a killer car. Fat black armor combined with heavy weapons. In the far distance, a GEP cannon is used, that is, a rocket rifle, and close to the machine gun near the machine gun. Almost do not feel shots from the plasma rifle and resist the flamethous flame. It is best to kill with explosive weapons or several ingress machines / shotgun in the face. With the developed skill in the guns of these guys, it is realistic to kill one hit in the head. To the same time it will be silent death. If you are developed at the maximum of Aggresive Defence System, then turn it on and run away from Commondo away. They will kill the explosions of their own missiles, while you will be safe.

Battle robot. There are three types: small, medium and giant. All robots are quite dangerous even for a steep hero, but fortunately there are less frequently nechanical opponents. You can kill the robot with explosive weapon or grenade. You can also neutralize with EMP grenades. There is an option to kill with Sabot-cartridges in a shotgun, they are specifically designed to combat the enemy's technique. Pay attention to the fact that robots have no hearing, and there is only vision!

Robot spider. Little iron bug that shoots electrical zippers. Lightning valid only on medium distances, so it is not dangerous from afar. But if it works closer ... Each lightning does not only harm health, but also takes bioenergy, which is very dangerous! An explosive weapon kills these creatures is dangerous, as you can damage yourself. Therefore, it is desirable to use Sabot-cartridges from a shotgun. With a developed skill, there are enough two hits.

Lizard. Spits with acid and enough living. Try to destroy immediately or on the far distance. Sniper and shotgun just for this suitable, as well as heavy weapons. Against the acid helps Hazmat Suit and the ability of Environmental Protection.

Monster. A huge beast on four paws. Quickly runs and bites behind my feet: if you get to the hero, then he is most likely a corpse. It has a huge reserve of health, but fortunately killed from one hit by something with something. There is also a small monster: it is not hazardous.

Alien. White man with a huge head and big round eyes. It is rare and not very dangerous. Slaves radiation clouds, but dies from one correctly from sniper due to lack of survivability. Against radiation helps Hazmat Suit and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION.


At the very beginning, you need to distribute 5000 points to the training of the quality characteristics required. I advise you to bring to Trained WEAPONS level: Rifle, Weapons: Pistol, Computers, Lockpicking. There will be 500 "free" glasses: while they do not waste them. As soon as you accumulate more experience, bring the Electronics specialization to trained.

In the course of passage, you will often have to return to already known maps (for example, on the UNATCO base). For eachnewly visiting in boxes, on the shelves, in storerooms and in all other places of this type will appear new Thousands. In the same bunker, near the base, with each new mission, it will be necessary for something useful.

Last Note. Each problem of the mission can be found two or three types of its execution. And you can get to go to goal in various ways (through the main door, through the ventilation hatch, the window, on the roof or, let's say, through an inconspicuous gate of the back of the house), and solve this goal in completely different ways. For example, enter the previously found code into the computer, hack it; blow up the door, open it with the same key shot from the killed a couple of minutes ago; Go to another passage protected by laser rays. Which, by the way, is actually neutralized by one of the many methods like ordinary or EMP grenades, a rocket from weapons, a fire extinguisher, a pepper canister, a cigarette. You can generally put boxes on each other next to the laser and, using the height, jump from them through the rays. Or generally propellet under one rays and jump the following. So, all the ways to perform one or another task are so numerous and very original that it is not possible to bring them in passage. Therefore, the easiest (compared to other) will usually indicate a way to solve the goal of the mission. Sometimes, however, alternatives will be indicated.

I developed skills in guns (for sniper and shotgun) and guns (crossbow) to Master, and everyone else left on Trained or did not develop at all. Moreover, no problems with the passage even at the highest level of difficulty had at all.

First Mission: Statue of Freedom

At the very beginning, the hero is planted for docks. There are some useful things, including in boxes (find a launder). Go forward a little further and in a conversation with my brother choose one of three types of weapons: Gep rifle rifle, sniper or crossbow. Crossets you will soon receive, and the GEP takes a lot of space and is also really required only in later missions, which else to live and live. Go down the ladder next to the water and from the rod from the rod, which is under the docks, take the battery and multitool. As soon as they leave the docks, on the left, discover the boxes, jump into a small one, and from it - on the big one. Take a small and put it on the big box on which you are. Again with a small box, pick up the second large box. There you will get a gas grenade. Go down and down the side of a large box will find a locked door: if you spend the launder on it, you will find a medical robot inside. This piece of iron can hardly cure the hero.

Now step east, trying to save the cartridges and stun a soldier with a shocker. On the way you will find another multitool, and then go to a dark glade. She is guarded by a couple of talkative terrorists. Step north, in the bunker. Inside him, climb up the stairs for the multityl. Press the button and hack the computer to turn off the lightning. For them, two improvements are found: laser guidance and sleeve. In the west of the bunker, there is a whole mountain of boxes - you can climb the statue in them to avoid disassembling from her entrance and on the first floor. However, I advise you to continue the path from the bunker to the north-west. Skid the TNT explosive box and find the fisherman's house. Buy Darta and Cartridges for sniper from the old woman, and then speak with a man to fulfill an additional task in the mission. Standing back to the entrance to the house, a little ahead and to the left will see the railing, enclosing the docks from the ocean. Take off under the railing and dive down. Hack the door to the door in the hold and dial. Now turn on the lantern and swim inside the ship. There are three boxes, Bates first, grab the contents and dial behind the fresh air. Repeat the procedure two more times and get a shotgun plus two improvements: recharging speeds and accuracy. Return to the exit from docks, on the way, capturing a box with explosives.

Go along the track to the West, and then south. Periodically leave the box and kill the guard. As soon as the message will come about the robot guard, hide and track down the iron creation. When it goes out, put the box on the path of its route and hide again. At that moment, when the robot goes to explosives, take a shot on her pistol. Now destroy the living guards and in the central barn hack the box to get cartridges for sniper and money. In the east there will be an entrance to the statue of freedom. Quickly run along the northern wall to the computer at the door and hack it. Disable "eyes" and open the doors. In the box next to the launder. So far, do not enter the statue inside, and explore the area in the south to neutralize still living terrorists. A little forth on the road and on the left there will be a base of your allies. Open the shed by typing the code 0451. Inside Do not forget to take the first-aid kit from the top cabinet. Hacnuv comp, Open the hatch next to the barn and get an EMP grenade inside it. Return to the statue and try to quickly cut down the guard inside until he raised the alarm. Passage to the left, which is protected by laser beams with alarm, will explosive LAM. In the corners of the hall there are also a box with a first-aid kit and a banking machine (top line - 230023, Lower - 4558). In the corner of the passage to the left there will be a ventilation grille. Use the passage (turn on the lighting!) And, by passing the first room to the left, pick up the multitool. The next room will show another first aid kit and laser. Return to the first room and Bates by something along the locked door. A security guard will come running to the sound, who is heating the castle. Neutralize it and in the room next to get another explosive. In the hall with the guard and the eye, it is necessary to quickly run to the computer at the opposite wall and hack it to open the door and cut out the "peephole". From the table Take the improvement of the accuracy.

Next, speak with the captive agent and go out in the entrance hall of the Statue of Freedom. You can give him a gun, and you can refuse. Climb on the second floor, take a launder from the box, and then climb the stairs yet upstairs, until it stops. Destroy both guards and try to neutralize and take all three gas grenades that are installed on the wall of each of the three passes. In this difficult case, the maintenance and recovery of the game will help. Climb on the floor above and neutralize another couple of terrorists: you can use a gas grenade. From the balcony, take the laser and go further up. Take the Canner of Specials and speak with the leader of the bandits. A soldier will appear, and you can leave. There is an option to stun the bandit and / or soldier (in the latter take the assault rifle). Go outside and go to the base of the allies. Her doors meet the brother and come inside. Once (after checking fingerprints) to the main office start its study. You need to find chapter - Menderley. While ignore the locked doors on the sides of the entrance, and descend on the third floor. Find a medical center and with the help of a medical robot, set care. Watch out the room of the head of the warehouse (it will give a silent gun) and take either the launder or multitool. It remains to still detect the room of the main computer, who led conversations with the hero during the mission. As soon as you enter the room, immediately turn 90 degrees to the right and click forward, viewing the floor. Opening the outdoor hatch to get an improvement from there - an optical sight and the key from the office. Open the door by entering into the computer code 2001. Before leaving, take the food from the table.

Return to the menderley chief and report on readiness to task. Note: If, in the course of execution, the task you stunned or killed a soldier from the leader of bandits, then the chef is obligatory about this. Also on this database there is a female toilet: if you put there, menderley will also be dissatisfied. Get out of the room and open the keys of the door of the door on the sides. There is an improvement in the accuracy, lock and multitool. Get out of the database and run to the docks where you started the mission. "Use" a boat and get into the next episode.

Second mission: on the streets of New York

If you break the box with you and enter the code 9183 in the computer, then open the secret passage. However, it is desirable from the very beginning of the mission to immediately run behind the allied. Wait until she feeds all enemies, and only then go to one-story building. You already know the password to the computer - 666, but with the child it would be nice to talk and treat food for 50 points. Go down and minim the first pass to the left. Hack the door and explode safe. It will be a canister of extensibility. Cut the computer to perform operation with doors, as well as hack the panel and disconnect the guns. Go ahead and in the room with a box and eye quickly kill the soldier and a flametery, which will fit next. On the left there will be a room with drawers and purpose of task: Cannis with a vaccine. Go ahead and destroy several soldiers to, in the end, go out through a secret passage to the point of starting stage.

Run now northeast and observe from a safe distance for a shootout. Next, from the conversation with Anna, take the EMP grenade and go to the entrance to the subway. From afar, shoot the gangsters that they hide for the boxes. If hard, then you can throw a gas grenade. Next go down and wrap the corner. Relay the terrorists, but do not fit close to the blue rays! Take the box and put it on the point where the beam is coming. Now close the point with a beam in another wall. Pass free! Note: There is another option to combat terrorists who captured the subway. Just find a small house with a ventilation hatch near the subway. Rabby inside and pass to the station protected by the enemy. From several ventilation grids, shoot terrorists and exit. The third option, the most "angry", shoot in the explosive box. The subsequent Armageddon will kill all hostages (there will be no penalties for it) and terrorists, and at the same time removes the rays. So, the enemies are destroyed, and one of them will be flamethrower. Take this weapon, it will come in handy later. Speak with former hostages if they survived, open the train door and go.

Right at the exit from the subway there will be a sunroof sewage. Remember its location. Now immediately go to the northeast and set up two robbers. In thanks for the feat, find out the password: Underworld. By the way, in this and subsequent battles, try to use flamethrower. So you will save the cartridges to ordinary weapons, plus with a light heart throw a flamethrower (occupying so much a lot of space in the inventory!) When fuel will end with it. Watch out on the ground. In the west of the exit from the subway there will be a building with red neon advertising at the entrance. This is the Bar "Underworld Bar". To the West there will be a dead end with a loud and beauty. Kill the peasant and go to the bar. Talk to the whole local population there. Buy two beers from Barmensh and speak with the pilot at the rack. One of the girls will say Password: BloodShot, and the other will call the code number to the entrance to the warehouse (3316). Now go out. The exit will have two cash registers: shackled both, but before that, remove the money from the account 947761, PIN 2867.

Drain on the streets. You will find Free Clinic and Ton Hotel, as well as a warehouse that has a fierce shootout of the police and gangsters. First, go to FREE CLINIC. Inside break locked glass doors, hitting them several times with a stick. Establish a special care and treated. Speak with everyone and go without buying paid treatment. However, you can intervene in the conversation of the doctor and the patient to choose the first answer. So you will be able for a pitiful 180 credits to buy a first-aid kit and then the second-third-tenth. Now go to the Ton Hotel. Just come in not in the main doors, but go around the building and find the fire staircase. Put the iron box next to it and climb up - and the window. Click on the picture and enter the password 4321. The bookcase will open next to, take a lot of useful things from there. Get out of the room and see two terrorists behind the back. Kill it silently kill both or stun the shocker, having raised not to give the bandit time to kill the hostages. From the second floor of the hotel, remove the terrorist shooting shot, hidden next to the clerk on the first floor. At the latter, take the key from the locked door on the second floor. Get out of the hotel.

Return to the entrance to the subway and find two steps away from it somewhere down. Press the button, and the hero will say the password (BloodShot). Come in and on the left of the blue lasers hack a multityl comp. Go forward and speak with smuggler. How to get the key, refuse shopping and climb the stairs to the top. Enter the password that is located on the wall by the bed (432) and take all the clients, including the invisible armor. Go out to the street and open the sewer hatch key, which is located next to the entrance to the subway. Follow under the first red laser beam, then jump over the second. Close the stairs upstairs and wait until the alarm is over, collecting all the useful things from the corpses. Immediately the assault rifle will be revealed. Jump down so as not to touch the ladder. Hack the box and enter the code - 2167. In the corridor, we climb under the rays, so as not to hurt them and enter the same code to open the door (the same code is useful here several times). Gently run past the "eye" and hack the computer, hiding behind the drawer. Disable all three cameras and open all the doors.

Next, go up the stairs to the top to be in a huge hall with a chemical pool below. Kill the guard and from the room on the left take the utility. The wall, next to which you ended up, rising the stairs, there will be a computer. Hack it and "Turn the Bridge". Go straight and go down the stairs from the opposite wall down. Immediately, please feed the soldier, go ahead and at the next door you will see a long corridor with a water canal on the left. In the center of the pipe, the canal there is a fuel for flamethrough. In the next room immediately go down the stairs, but stand up so that the sides were the wall. The guards will begin to run, which are very convenient to fill fire. By killing everyone, return to the top and hack the computer to turn off the entire electronics and open the doors. Explore the room to find a scientist. Send it home: If you destroyed all the soldiers, then do not follow him. Hack a computer at the door next to the staircase and get to the warehouse. In addition to the heap of useful things there is also a disposable rocket launcher. Take her and go out on the street. Return to Smuggler and it will sell my products at a much cheaper price.

It remains the last not yet research building: the one who had the most busy shootout between NFS and Unatco. This is a warehouse called Osgood & Sons Imports. The door is locked, do not waste the layster on it, and just go along the wall slightly right and see a small window hidden behind the garbage tank and box. Chill the glass and show yourself inside. Open the locked door: it will be a module for improving the extensibility. Next, do not descend below the stairs to the basement with the red laser rays - it is absolutely no need! Just leave the western part of the building through one of the doors. On the way, hack the box, it can be found flamethrower in it. Be sure to take: you can even throw the assault rifle or shotgun. Next, already on the street, put a small box to the big and pick up. Jump on the other side of the fence and neutralize the LAM attached to the wall. Climb on the ladder on the span above and, slightly looking around, notice that there is a mass of barrels behind the next fence. Sick on them, and a global explosion will occur. Jump off the stairs on the other side of the fence and go ahead. To the left of you will be a staircase leading up (we denote it: the staircase "A"). Minute her and go along a long dark pass. On the way, neutralize two LAM explosives, which hang on the wall on the left. Outdoor locality, cook flamethrower. Quickly fry all three terrorists, and then dogs. One of the enemies will be LAM, so they must be destroyed extremely quickly.

Next, aim is the corpses for the sake of the key to the locked door. But do not open it, but go to the left and go around the building. As soon as you will see a ladder leading to the door from the opposite side, step there. Multiple sticks stick the door and hakite computer. Turn off the cooling - and the reactor will explode. Now attract the attention of terrorists and bounce into the street, becoming the side from the door and prepared flamethrower. Flight a five-six person. All of them are preferably quick to burn. After work, you can throw away flamethrough if you think that he takes a lot of space. Explore the first floor on which the destroyed generator is located. Find the entrance to the basement and, breaking through the rays (avoid the cameras!), Lay the room with a computer and two "weapons" boxes (inside the LAM couple). Cap the computer panel on the nodded from the computer and turn off all the chambers. Next, I advise you to blow up the safe in a computer, to get a new extensibility module. Take the key, it will come in handy to open a locked door to another storage with a launder and pistol cartridges.

Rise now to the upper floors: living opponents should no longer be. You can already finish the mission (and skip a good replenishment of cartridges to spiker). To do this, you need to climb the roof and sit down in the helicopter. Upstairs you will meet a friendly agent Herman, if it turns around the passage, then just attack it and run by, on the roof .. However, I advise you to return to the stairs "A". So, on the stairs, climb upstairs and immediately on the left wall of the square shed, rise to its roof. Quickly kill the soldier, so as not to give him the opportunity to throw an explosive in you and take it from the corpse. From above, kill a couple of enemies within sight and descend back down, breaking the boxes with cartridges. Break down the window glass and go through the house to another glass. Go down and jump onto the roof of the building below. Now it remains to move towards the building in which the generator was located. On the roof, which is easy to climb on the long staircase at the wall, you are waiting for a helicopter.

On the basis of Unatco re-high all the caches and rooms (do this in every mission!), And then set the specialists in the medical room. The owner of the warehouse will also raise the improvement of the accuracy, two multitula and (if you have little killed) cartridges to the assault rifle. After communicating with the main boss, Manderley, go out and go to the helicopter again.

Third Mission: Dungeons and Airport

Once in the city, immediately run to the entrance to the subway. But still do not come, but quietly and peacefully in one of the houses find a little man who will say the password (6653), if you know the secret word - underworld. In the subway, come to the telephone booth and enter the password in the computer. In the new area, examine the entire abandoned metro station. In one of the corners there will be a drug dealer, and in the northern part - some Charlie. He will ask to enter the room in the north of him. True, the input is littered with boards, which are necessary to destroy with LAM. Climb on the second floor and speak with the leader of the terrorists. Either pay him 750, or agree to task. By choosing a second option, return to the drug dealer and, not starting a conversation, just give a volley to him in the head of something powerful. Take from the zyme drug bodies and go to the men's toilet, which is here, on the first floor of the station. Inside will be Lenny, give him a "fool" and take LAM. Next, go back to the leader of the crime on the second floor and get another packaging of explosives. Now you can enter "ugly." Cut the head to the leader, and then slap and two of his guards nearby. From the leader you can remove another (third!) One package LAM. It remains to quickly go down to the first floor according to the nearest staircase - so you do not have to fight the rest of the shpay.

Return to the door, which Charlie spoke, and discharge the block with one explosive. Come inside, quickly minute the pipe with steam and twist both valves. Return to the customer of the job and recognize the password (5482). To use it go to a female toilet and be able to find a computer under the washbasin. Enter the password and run into the passage, which will open. Once in the new location, immediately run right, that is, south. On the way, shoot terrorists and come to the southernmost wall. On the right there will be half a room with drawers. Move them down and down on the wall, click on the button. A secret passage to the NFS commander office opens. Listen to him, and then finish off in order to take cartridges from the body. Also grab the key and other usefulness and walk along the corridor to the north. Open the door to the male toilet, there will be a passage to the next part of the dungeons. So, take from the hole in the wall on the left grenade EMP. It is possible to cut the laser rays at the passage of the left. You can also go to the passage on the right. However, it will take advantage to hack a shield next to the steam jets and turn the valve to protect the path from the hot gas. Next will be a corridor with several eyes and a security guard. From the latter's body you need to take a key for the door. Next, the path will be broken down with red laser rays. Destroy them with a shooter TNT from a safe distance. Click on the wall button on the left, and the bridge will be pulled out.

Jump onto the platform above the pool and quickly jump over to the next one. No less quickly jump on the other side, to the exit from the area with the pool. Follow the darkened corridor and wrap the corner. Stop! EMP pomegranate is attached on the wall on the left. It must be neutralized and, then, go further. Another test remained - to the two combat robots, patrolling the corridor. Use either EMP grenades, or try unnoticed by. I strongly recommend choosing a second option for what to go into the dark hole in the wall on the left, as soon as both robot turn the back. Next, overwhelm on another hole near the opposite wall. From it will be fine with a tunnel through another hole and run to the exit. If the robots did not notice this maneuver, then everything is fine. However, if they seen you, try to hide and sit down to hide and sit for a few minutes. Next will have to deal with alive opponents. Opening the door, quickly and imperceptibly run to the left. Open the door to the toilet on the first floor and stun the guard. It takes the key and return to the door. Now run away from it and immediately rise to the second floor. The key will suit the two doors: you need the one that leads to a room with a computer. Hack the computer on the wall and disconnect all the "eyes". Ufff ... You can already sigh freely. Quietly destroy the enemy and go into a dark room with a helicopter. Try quietly "remove" or stun patrol, and then take up for two guards at the exit marked with a red inscription EXIT. Climb the elevator upstairs.

Next, the case of technology. Opening the door, immediately run to the southwest (in the northeast there will be a helicopter platform), to the accumulation of boxes. Among them, rushed south, avoiding meetings with robots. Slightly reaching the wall, turn to the left: there will be a van from a truck and a house (boathouse) with a lonely flamethmeter. Take the key and in the water to break the box with cartridges for a shotgun. Coming out of the building, quickly return to the accumulation of boxes, and go until you stop south. On the left there will be a pair of guards, which can be silent in turn to stun the shocker. Next, move to the east. Open the keys with a red light bulb and press the button. The gate will open, you need to enter the house. Silently kill the soldier standing near the entrance until he raised his alarm. Directly opposite the door is a tire for Darts: you can take three shells for the crossbow. To the left of the tire will be a dead end. In fact, there is a button by clicking which you can open a passage. In a secret place will be a mass of ammunition, key and even LAW. Climb the second floor and unfix the door to the bedroom. It makes sense to hack all three boxes, if there is a reserve of messengers: in one you will find Darta, in another - multitool and battery, and in the third - Lam. Exit the bedroom and type the code on the computer (5914). The door will open, and you will get to the mini-airport. Buy the goods from the mechanic in a bright jumpsuit and come in a ladder inside the aircraft. Go to the basement, where you will find a canister with a vaccine. Enter the 9905 code into the mechanism with the Kanish system, to get it. Next, go back to the main floor of the aircraft and hack double locked doors. Speak with Lebedev, NFS leader, and cook weapons. Now Agent Anna will appear and will need to destroy your interlocutor. You can kill Lebedev (Anna will be glad) or do nothing, but only to talk to the leader of the terrorists (then Anna herself will shoot a little man). The third option is the most interesting: destroy Anna personally and normally communicate with Lebedev. With an eye on the eye, so to speak.

Get out of a closed hangar with an airplane. On the way, you have already met angular tower, at the doors of which the eyes hung and a couple of automatic guns. So, in the nearest such tower there is a pair of multitilities. Go to Boathouse, in the north in the north will be cartridges. Go along the wall in the direction of the helicopter area: the next tower contains a GEP-rifle. Well, in the last tower there is an improvement for weapons. By the way, in the south-east of the helicopter platform, a warehouse with damaged electrical equipment will be discovered. Here you can find cartridges, EMP grenades and improving weapons to an additional sleeve. Return to the helipad and fly back to the base. Talk to everyone and collect all things. Do not forget to establish specials in the medical department. Talk to the chief and go to the helicopter.


Fourth Mission: Former Friends and New Allies

You were in the already familiar area of \u200b\u200bthe region. That is why it becomes easier to navigate. So descend from the roof on the second floor and climb the window into the brother's room. Do not forget to climb into a secret place and get a canister to improve costs. Next, go down to the first floor and talk to the owner of the hotel. As soon as he asked to borrow a gun, agree. Wait half a minute and the gangster will come. Put it with a shocker or shot in the head and take your weapon from the corpse. Go outside, and there go to the entrance to the subway. Go to visit Smuggler: it can buy a couple of improving weapons and fuel to flamethrower. You can climb into the sewer, the entrance to which is not only at the subway, but also next to the staircase, which leads to a brother's dwelling. Get not only glasses in the amount of 60 units, but also you will find cartridges for sniper. Exactly opposite the entrance to the subway now the gate was opened, which lead to the next part of the district. Go forward and go inside a large warehouse. Climb on the third floor and find the room with a computer. To clear the neighboring room from a poisonous gas you need in this room to find the button on the wall and click it to turn on the ventilation. In a poison cleaned, find the computer and hack it. Open the door and disconnect your eyes. Go down to the first floor and not far from the stairs, near the locked gates, see the hatch open with your efforts. Go down. Hack the door to the left of you or explode it with weapons / LAM. In the next room on the left, hack the computer and open all the doors, turning the eyes.

In the next room there are three boxes with TNT explosives. For one of the three doors (the one that leads to the north) will be a corridor with cannons and laser rays. I advise you to take an explosive box, put it next to the nearest rays and from afar to blow up. Repeat the procedure at the second row of rays using the second TNT box from the nearest room. In the following room, simply take one explosive box of several in the corner and take it into a room with a locked door and a wardrobe with things. Put the box between the door (it leads from the dungeon) and the cabinet, explode. From the box, take all things and read the message inside it and on it. Return to a room with multiple TNT boxes and blew one of them next to the barrels of poisoned gases and the locked door. After a toxic-green cloud dispels, take the things and leave the dungeon.

Go to the warehouse again and get up from the floor to the floor until you go to the roof. Here go to the building and hack your computer on the table. Sequentially click on four options and the door will open to the next room. Hack the second, standing there, computer and "Pass the message". Your allies, Unatco soldiers, will start attacking you! Quietly kill the enemies couple nearby, but do not leave the roof. Go to the northern side of it and jump down, on the roof at the bottom, turning on the Speed \u200b\u200bEnhancement (if any). Gently put a couple of soldiers located downstairs, and jump onto the second roof below. Quietly descend on the stairs to the ground. Carefully leave the area and go to the Ton Hotel. Climb on the second floor and go to my brother. After the conversation, the assault on the entire hotel will begin. At the exit from the room, throw a gas grenade and destroy three "people in black" and soldiers. Kill the sniper balcony and throw down (do not stick out, and throw sitting!) More Troika Gas Pomegranate. Rise and from the balcony to shoot the soldiers below. It is best to approach this sniper and a silent pistol. After the destruction, go to my brother, which is at the stairs, and see how it disappears. Run out of the hotel and let yourself kill the first oncoming soldier.

Mission Five: Prison Escape

You are in the camera at the secret venture of the secret organization Majesty 12. After Anna arrival (if she is still alive), a message from a certain grant will appear, which will open the camera door so that the hero can spin on it. On the right there will be a table with a guard sitting behind him. Hide the box by taking a stick from it, and see how the guard goes somewhere. Spice the box (inside the shocker) and quickly run to the enemy. Stun him, and immediately return to the camera, until the gun has ingled you with lead. Enter the code in the computers in both cells (4679). Crow from a medical robot, take two bars and a one-time laser from the body. In another chamber, the prisoner is alive and can even join you. I advise you to order him to stay, as there will be no help from him in battle.

Run out of the room and in the corridor, go to the south (in the direction of the warehouse Armory). In the north, by the way, there will be a command post (Command Center). So, you will find yourself in the hall with several boxes and the top tier, on which the Sniper soldier patrols. I advise you to hide behind the boxes and stun as a soldier's shocker that patrols the first floor. Make it imperceptibly, and the body hide. Go along the wall on the right and take multitool from one of the boxes. Passing the room from the north to south, you will go to the corridor with the steps. It patrols two combat robots, with whom it is better not to get involved. From the steps, go straight and on the left will see the door you need to open with the help of a burglary of a computer. Quickly kill the soldier inside and immediately rise to the second floor. Disconnect the camera with the computer on the wall and collect all things. Password to a container with a plasma rifle - 5239. Decide yourself, you need such a mahina or not. Go down to the first floor, there also collect all-all-all things. Hacking a computer, turn off both robots-guards outside.

Leave the warehouse and run to the north, through the room with the top tier and to the entrance to the compartment with prison cameras. From here, go to the north, to the command item. Try quickly (or slowly, but quietly) eliminate all the protection and dogs. Inside crack the computer to turn off all eyes-cameras. Go to laboratories, the entrance to them is right next to the exit to the prison compartment. The doctor who came to meet the new code - 0199. Pass a little further, and the left will be a laboratory with cells. Gently put two guards and try to stun the agent. In the room hack your computer and use options. Coming out of the computer, press the left from the door as quickly as possible. It will close cells with lizards spurred acid. If someone from these animals will get out - destroy. Next, take a new extensibility from the container and immediately install it at a medical robot. Get out of the laboratory (do not forget to take two images from the tables) and go to the next medical compartment. There will have to deal with several more enemy machine gunners. Do not forget to neutralize and secretaries. Enter the code (0199) and talk with my brother. Or look at the body, if you could not save it. Go to the command item and find the door that leads on to the north. Enter the code received from the grandfather (1125) and get to the UNATCO base. Next, look at all the rooms. In the medical premises, take a new workplace and immediately install it. The Zavevsklad can take absolutely all objects. Next, talk to the hacker, he will give the key from the door if you have already managed to kill Anna. If not, you will have to do it. You can kill her weapons, and you can say the code phrase. It consists of two parts: the first is in the computer Anna, and the second is at the Chef Merderley. Send from the Shanon Administrator a couple of grenades, if there is a finance. However, I would advise not to spend money on them, too expensive. Neutralize the chef and leave the database. Sit down to the helicopter and go on a trip.

Mission Six: China

You find yourself on the helicopter base of the enemy. Go straight, that is, south and in the floor near the locked gate will find a vent hatch. Open and climb inside. Rotate to the West immediately, wrap over the corner and turn to the West again as soon as you see the passage to the left. Dial the code 99871 on your computer or hack it by multitool. Slide from tunnels to the surface. Now you can climb the roof of the base on a long wooden ladder to destroy two soldiers, one of which has a GEP-gun. However, if you do not need it, then the roof is better not to visit. So, find the passage on the side, which leads to the iron staircase. If you go upstairs, you will come to Flight Control, but while go down. Thanks to the poisonous gas, five of the six infantry enemy are dead. Concove the living and search rooms. In the locked drawer near the kitchen there will be a gas grenade. On the second tier, with cabinets, there will also be useful things. Open the first box from the staircase and hack the third box in the course of the movement. So you will find the desired keys. Go now to Flight Control. Dispi the door that will be left from the entrance, and click on the button with the WEAPONS LOCK inscription. Get down to the helicopter and see how he will bring the rocket door. I advise you to throw a grenade into one of the robots SCRAMBLE, to break through the remains of the door and quickly sits in the elevator until the gun killed. The elevator will take you to China's Street.

So, on the right (in the east) from you there is a police station. Before you go to it in the dark outdoor structure at its walls of the boxes and find the mobile panel at the bottom of the wall. It will lead to a room with several useful things and will give a password (911) to enter the police station. Enter the code and immediately stun the first policeman. Go to the next room and enter with the second. Collect all things, and then enter the code (87342) in the computer to open the hatch in the floor. Go down, grab everything and read the information. Select to the surface and deal in the setting. If you go to the north, you will find the Lucky Monkey bar and the Versalife laboratory. If you go to the west, you will come to Tonnochi Road. Go to the East to find the base of the Light Way Clan and the guard at the entrance to which you need to talk. It turns out that it is required to find one actress (Maggie Chow), which is associated with the disappearance of the legendary sword. If you go either east, you will find Canal Road. Go to Tonnochi Road, on the way you will pass by the Waterway Area. You can find a fisherman and find out a valuable info, and you can find an old ship, on which a certain girl for pathetic loans will sell as many as three improvements for weapons. So, in the Tonnochi Road area, the only attraction is a luxury hotel in which the required actress settled. Exactly opposite the entrance to the hotel will be a bit hidden elevator, which can be climbed to the roof of the stairs. On the way you will meet the locked door - this is a black helicopter pilot apartment. On the roof you can get a sniper rifle and shells to her.

Come to the hotel. There are several options to get to visit the actress. The simplest thing is to sit on the elevator and go up. The most risky - hack a local computer. With it, you can open a gate for the hotel. The wicket will be a staircase to the elevator, which can be taught up, if you type the code 1709 on the computer. You can fall into the roof of the glass in the roof of the actress (by the way, the alarm will immediately turn on!). The third method is the most sophisticated. Enter the code 3444 in the computer for the second elevator, climb on the dark and destroyed floor. From there, hack the wicket and neutralize the red rays. So, if you raise anxiety in the actress's room, then a secret move will immediately open and from there several infantrymen will run out. One of them will be with a plasma rifle! By interrupting them, go inside and hacking a computer in a room with a legendary sword, take yourself this artifact. Go to Lucky Monkey Bar. Inside him, go along the corridor to the disco. On the way, by the way, you will see the gylass closed with glass. On the disco, go up to the second floor and behind the bar you find the passage in the wall. Communicate with the leader of the Red Arrow clan. How the conversation will end with him, the enemy special forces will attack the club. With him, the gangsters will understand without you. One Commando in the corridor, however, is best to lure on the allies. During the shootout, you can smash the grocery store glass to get there several hundred loans. Most likely, in this case it will be necessary to kill the police nearby.

Return to the street and speak with the guard at the Clan Base of the Light Path. He will give a password to the door next to him (1997). Enter it, come inside and in a large room on the wall Enter the password to the local computer. The passage to the next part of the Logov Bandits will open. Click on the button on the wall on the left and meet the desired little man, nicknamed Tracer Tong. After talking, go straight and then left, in a large room. Stand in the center, in the circle and look at the operation. After it, speak again with the tracer "Ohm and start searching the premises nearby. Find a medical field, as well as a room with armament, in which there are grenades to the assault rifle. After reading the room from the extra things, go out. Do not forget to take the key to the apartment Pilot.

Go to Versalife headquarters and enter the code 06288 to pass. Climb on the third floor and find a man in a jacket. He promises to communicate an important password for 2,000 credits. If you want, pay. The second option to find out the code: hack your computer and just make yourself a fake pass. The third option is to quietly eliminate the peasant (make silent weapons and without witnesses!) And talk to a single programmer on the third floor. In gratitude, get 150 points and the same password (6512). Enter it in the computer at the elevator, which is also on the third floor, and you can go on it. You will find yourself in the hall with a huge hand - the symbol of Majestic 12. There will be two passages behind it. Go to the one that is left and explore it. If you start hacking the locks, you will have to fight. By examining everything you can, it is really possible to find that through the ventilation move from the toilet you can get into a whole network of climbing and passes. However, it's an amateur. Return to the hall with your hand and go now to another door. Climb on top floor and take the key there. Also hack the computer to turn off the camera and open the outdoor hatch in the hall with a huge hand. Get down there, down. There are three areas: the first laboratory - with the desired disk, the second is a hall with experimental beings, and the third laboratory contains canisters with carens. On the way from the first laboratory, a barracks with several soldiers will also be publicized, but they have nothing particularly valuable.

Hack the computer in the third laboratory and unlock all the doors by turning off the radiation. Take care and immediately install them. In the second laboratory, you can take the key and immediately disappear by spray acids of lizards. These creatures can independently fill up a couple of guards. So, go to the first laboratory, wake up the computer there and get the required information. Quickly return to the hall with your hand, where you kill enemies or run from them to the elevator. Climb the elevator and rush to the exit. On the street, walk to Tracer Tong "y, there we will cure and listen to instructions to go to the temple in two steps away from its base. After talking two glasses from Tong" and it turns out that it is necessary to find a special virus all the same Versalife Corporation. Go to Canal Road, open the door with the code 55655 and take a multitouch plus flamethrower. Jump into the hole to find into the pond. Select the pipes in LAZ and read the passage info (768). Go down and left. A message will come from the grandfather with the following task: destroy the reactor of a special machine using a password 525. We use to the LAZ on the right and enter in the computer code 768. The door will open in the red tunnel. Get to the end and click. Rises a glass path, allowing you to go on.

Find a computer, hack it. Turning off the electronics, at the same time lift the glass path back. Under it there will be a staircase in the next area. Disconnect the blue lasers or hacking a computer or an EMP grenade. You can still clean two drawers, but it's an amateur. Hack a computer (or enter a username: MChow password: Damocles), download the virus and open the door to the mechanism. Go to the tunnel on the side and go down the stairs down. Go down on one floor, to the canister with specials. Get down and treat a medical robot. As you find yourself at the mechanism that at the very bottom, the actress itself will mark towards meet. If you did not kill her earlier, of course. Prove to her that the usual pistol is much more dangerous than the steady sword and find the computer nearby. Enter the code 525. Colorful explosions will begin, while they go, quickly jump into the passage at the bottom, more precisely - under the mechanism. From a poisonous liquid quickly jump into a well with clean water. Enjoy the tunnel, take a crossbow with paralyzing darts from the dead swimmer. Whip the mutant and follow the paths on. You will find yourself in your already familiar place. Select to land, and visit the apartment of the pilot on Tonnochi Road. Take the cartridges and go to Tracer Tong. After talking with him (if your brother is alive, you will see it too!) Get out of fresh air and sit down in a black helicopter.

Mission Seventh: Farewell to New York

Caution! The streets patrol the reinforced police troops and UNATCO soldiers, so try to kill them silently, and it is better not to get involved in battle at all. Go down from the roof of the building along the fire stairs to the brother's apartment. There, take things from a secret place and choose through the window back into the street. Go down and go to the door near that leads to Underworld Tavern. Inside Speak with the Harley informant. After communicating with this subject, tie a conversation with a soldier at a bar counter. Promise him to find out what is happening on the sea military base by choosing the first answer. Go out through the door through which you entered. You will see that next is FREE CLINIC. You can go there and kill the spy reporter, but it is optional. Go to the warehouse, Osgood and Sons Imports, through which you made your way to the reactor. Find in the corner of this burnt up the man of the Stanton Dowd and communicate with it. Next there are options. If you go to Smuggler, then, most likely, you will have to make it pretty. It is useful or heavy artillery, or patience and sniper rifle. You can use the ability of invisibility. Try not to fight with Majesty 12 troops. They go to the crowd and have nothing to take with them as a trophy. SMUGGLER you will find five LAM at a penny price of 3,500 credits. If there is money, buy. However, the campaign is associated with risk. In any case, return to the roof of the building and fly away.

Mission Eighth: Sea base

The pilot falls out you on the desert playground and says that there is a grille next to, which will lead you to the inlet to the base. Further, if you talked with a soldier in Underworld Bar in the previous mission, the fighters at the gate will give the key and will be able to sleep. Otherwise you have to kill them. Or to build a ladder from garbage tanks and climb. Or find the entrance to the Lases system at the goal. On the territory of the base, local guards will be not very friendly, immediately opening fire upon your appearance. Immediately open the doors into two trucks on the right and take the cartridges and the first aid kit. Next is the entrance to the warehouse, near the fighter walks with a grenade LAM. Kill it quietly and take a dangerous toy. Going to the warehouse, immediately turn into the room on the left and take the key there. Hack the doors and take another key. Finally, hack the computers and turn off the "eyes". Exit the room and on the ladder immediately climb upstairs. Spread the boxes and take the cartridges from them. Open the door the door is not far away and cut down the guard on the bridge. You will find yourself in the second warehouse. Jump down and carefully (not attracting the attention of robots!) Move the room next to the goal. Inside, climb the stairs and take things. Law you will be very useful. Return down and press all buttons: they will heat three bunkers nearby. Come to the nearest bunker with multiple TNT boxes. They can be put in the center of the warehouse. In the farthest bunker there will be a robot, destroy it with a grenade launcher. A robot will go from the gate, you can kill it with an explosion of TNT or Sabot-cartridges shotgun. Collect the contents of bunkers and go out on fresh air. You will see two small buildings. Go to the one that right by entering the code 2249 or breaking the window. Inside, collect things and recharge bioenergy. Open the door of another building and inside the key and the magazine, the picture of which will be included in your computer.

Go to a warehouse with bunkers and jumping on their roofs to take up. Jump down to the barrels and put more barrels from the locked gate. Slightly joke, and a huge robot will appear. At this point, and explode barrels from a safe distance. Pass on the street, and the entrance will be directly inserted into the sea terminal. Enter the Password Password 0909 and go. Complete the shower on the left and the guardian soldier to reach the docks and the giant cargo supercoil. Hack the computer at the raised ladder, and it goes down. You can jump into the water and float the ship on the other side to climb it there, but it is inconvenient. So, being on the ship, immediately use the staircase leading up. So you will find yourself inside, in the cabins. Load the sailors with guns and explore the premises. Take the flask with ambrosia and find the safe with the canister improvement. Searches for other places, go up the stairs to the top. There are three rooms with names at the door: Sickbay, Electronics (electronics), Armory (weapon). First visit Sickbay, that is, a medical compartment. Take the key there, find out the code 9753 to the engineering bridge and cure. Open the ventilation hatch in the room and enjoy it directly. You will be indoors with electronics. Restore bioenergy and find out the code 83353. It remains to visit the gun, entering the door to the door 71324 in the computer. Grab everything valuable and exit. Climb another floor above to find the captain's cabin. Find another key to the bottom deck, and take two more than thousands of loans. Go down to down to the stop and open the door key.

You will be in a large hall with a lot of pipes and boxes. Under the stairs is the post of three car guns. It is desirable to kill them, throwing a gas grenade, or something serious. In the northwestern corner, close to the cluster of the barrels, there is the first hatch (Tri-Weld Seam), which is required to blow up using LAM or such as explosive cartridges from the assault rifle. In the center of the hall, enter 9753 in the computer to omit the bridge. Climb the stairs and pass the room to the room. Choose the glass and pipes follow the southwest corner of the hall. There, remove the boxes and throw the LAM on top of the second hatch. So, it is required to blow up another three more hatch. Next, go through the post of dead car gunners and follow the east and north on the tunnel, until it turns into the east again. Here you will find technique and robot. Take the multitool and the key next. Come to the room with electrical discharges, and to the right of the door, destroy the spinning robot-spider guarding the first panel that you need to hack. Raise the ventilation grid on the floor next and follow the laase until we drank the laser. If it is touched, then another robot spider will be discovered. Behind the laser will be the second panel that must be hacked. Get out and see that electricity is disabled. Find in the room, on the right wall, hatch and explode it. Next, go up the stairs to the iron tier and open the door, typing on the computer code 83353. You need a door that is located on the far side from the entrance to the room in which you have turned off electricity.

Go down the stairs to the helipad. Carefully finish off the guards, and one of them will have the key to lockers that are inside the building nearby. In the corner of the left of the entrance will be the penultimate, the fourth hatch that is required to blow up. Get out of the area and return to the iron tier in the room with electricity to enter the other door this time. Go south and then east and get into the room with working turbines. Kill the guard and locate the button next to the computer. Hack a computer and "Expand the current" on the ship. Jump on one of the turbines, and then on the second to try to jump to the platform with a medical box. This is a secret area with several useful things. In addition to the cartridges, you will find a canister of specials (already have such a thing) and a GEP gun. Return to the room with pistons and blew the last hatch. A series of explosions will begin, leave the ship the way that you fell on it. Once at the docks come to the western part of them. Close the stairs near and follow the room with a computer. Hack it and pass through the door, which will lead to a sparkling tunnel with electricity and two spiders. How to kill their Sabot-cartridges from a shotgun, open the door on the opposite side to find another couple of robots. Climb the stairs upstairs and climb into the LAZ. Hit the grille or shoot it from the crossbow to go to the helicopter. You will arrive back to New York, or rather on the cemetery of this glorious city. Click the gate button and the caretaker will be released. Concederate it and find the crypt directly to the left of the gate. Inside Speak with the little man and take all useful things from tombs nearby. In the locked safe near one of them there will be a canister to improve costs. Get out of fresh air and destroy several soldiers. Run into the house of the Cemetery's caretaker and throw a grenade into the first room, which is with bookshelves. Run out and quickly sit down in a helicopter until you have shot new opponents.

Mission ninth: Searches in Paris

(Note: Local police will not attack you until you do something illegal such as hacking the door. I advise them quietly and alive to stun.)

Your first task is to go down to the ground. It will turn out to be in two ways. The first: you can use the elevator by entering the password 4003. The second: just jump on the tiers of an empty elevator mines until you see the passage in the wall. Climb the stairs stairs and shake a strange woman. It will say password to the sewer door: 0001. You need to help her cope with mutants: an additional task will appear to kill four lizards. Native shelves in a woman's room to find a battery, and then go down until you reach the door to the sewer. Take the Hazmat Suit nearby and enter the 0001 code. The spacecraft will come in handy, since the area will begin the area of \u200b\u200bstrong radiation. Use the cost of regeneration or Environmental Protection, if there are such. Job along the left wall and wrap in the passage. It is already safe here: charge bioenergy and descend the stairs into the sewer. Kill four lizards that are nearby from each other and come back to the woman. Tell her about the victory and return to the sewer. Get to the corpses of lizards and go now to the end. Climb the stairs and open the hatch above your head.

Get care carefully. Three Commando patrol the street: Try to put them on, or get ready to hide behind drawers and barrels. I preferred to closely lay each sniper bullet in the head. If you fight open, turn on the AgressivW Defence System, since the enemies are used not only automatic, but GEP cannons. At one of the dead Commondo, take the key for the catacomb. The door to them is located in the northeast corner. Open it with the key, but do not go. Find the system number 14 to the South-West and enter inside. On the top floor hack the closet and take the values. Also take the battery from the shelf. Hack the computer and disconnect everything by opening the door. Go down and collect things in the basement. Recharge bioenergy and take LAW. Get out and descend to the subway, the entrance to which is found outside, not far away. Talk to the weapon trader to the left of the entrance and go further. Destroy the robot shot from Law to then finish off the live guards. Caution! One will be LAM, and the other is flamethrower. Collure a medical robot and collect supplies. Return to the merchant and buy an improvement to the weapon that is three times cheaper than before. You can buy LAM. By the way, you can remove some money from the banking machine by entering 2221969 and the dullbill password.

Get out of the Metro Building, and on the contrary there will be an entrance to the catacombs. Take from the room at the ladder map of the dungeons. It is accurate enough, so see more often to better navigate. So, go down the steps down and run forward until you warn you about enemy soldiers. Need a gas grenade on the wall at the passage and finish off three soldiers that the terrain patrols. Further on the corridor and again get a voice message (carefully, a flamethrower!). Next, finish off Commando and enjoy the wall with the launder. Click on the brick discover from the wall, on which this latter lay. Then click on the brick on the wall on the left. Going to the secret area, speak with the leader of the organization silhouette. He will give the key and asked to save the two of his associates, which keeps the number three in the bunker. Get out of the bunker area and open the door key. Go ahead, Kill Commondo and look into the bunker number two. The homeless can buy a first-aid kit or sleeping darts. Next, go to the north, there to break the boxes with ammunition and neutralize explosives on the wall nearby. The passage further to the north is closed ... Return a little back and go to the west, to the bunker number three. See more often on the map. How to get to the bunker, stun the first patrol to pick it up with LAM. Next, you will find red laser rays, expand 180 degrees and climb the stairs upstairs. Bring the iron grid - the robot will repair the mechanism with electricity. Restore bioenergy and assemble things. Take one box with TNT and come down with him on the stairs back to the rays. Put the box and blew it up to destroy the lasers. Go further and enjoy yourself in the bunker itself. Kill Commondo, then (if the skill in the guns is developed on the master), destroy the camera sniper. Destroy the soldiers and the survivors will run to the alarm console. At this point, and kill them with a shot in the head. Next, open the door to the bunker itself, and both prisoners run out. You go to the hall with columns to destroy the agent, a woman in black. Take a sniper and a sewage key from her table. Get out of the bunker and return to the chapter of the silhouette. Talking to him, go back to the bunker three, but now do not turn to it, but go further to the west, open the door and follow the tunnels.

Get out through an open hatch nearby and run in the nearest dark corner in the south. From there, inspect the terrain. Include invisibility and run inside booths in the north. From there, remove the commondo sniper and shoot the guards when they appear at the entrance. After the battle, hack the computer and turn off the robots. Destroy another Commando and the rest of the security. Go south, along the Eastern Wall. On the right there will be alley with lonely passersby. Talk to him and remove the door next. She leads to the club. So far, do not go there, and go back to the south. Clear the inclined track in the apartment and take the credit card on the second floor. Go out into the street and if you go south, then the left will be the door with green backlight. Hack it down (stun a policeman!) And there is a whole warehouse of weapons, along with improvements and plasma rifle. Right next will be the hotel. On the first floor, find the gangster with the bodyguard and agree on the bakery robbery. On the second floor, take the key from the garbage tank and discover one of the numbers. You will find a battery and credit card. Go out and go to the west, you will find a bun. Switch the glass if you are not afraid of alarm and open the ventilation panel. Find useful things and six pieces of drugs. Take their bandit to the hotel to get 300 credits. Next to the bakery there is a store, hack the door and find the banking machine. Enter the following codes to get money. The number in brackets is the number of loans on the account. 1) 005133, Salem008 (200) 2) 004418, Morbus13 (100), 002639, Aramis01 (150), 001506, Naga066 (300).

Return to the entrance to the club, which is located next to the hotel. Bring the door and find the door with the computer. This is a warehouse to get to it enter the code 1966. Speak with the public in the club. Buy the batteries sitting in the corner, at a price of 250 per piece. Follow them more. Next, rise to the second floor and speak with a young girl sitting at the table. Go outside by the way that I got into the club. Speak with a woman again and get into the helicopter.

You will find yourself at a huge mansion. Will go around it and on the back side, scatter a stick board, tanned input. Find the staircase that leads to the second floor. Pass a little further, and when your fellow traveler will say that the key is the key, take it. Open the door key further along the move. Click on the picture in the bedroom to get another key. Go down from the second floor to the first and find the staircase that leads to the wine cellar. Inside find the candelabr on the wall and use it. A secret pass will open, which you need to go, breaking the boards. Hack the computer to open access to the canister of specials in a room with a computer. Take LAW and other weapons. Hack the computer itself and "Send a message." Get out of the house: From the back of its door, walk straight through the labyrinth. It is quite small, but Commondo will meet, which must be put. The labyrinth will enter a family crypt. You go there.

Mission Tenth: Team Cathedral

Appearing in the sewage, immediately select outwards. Put one of the boxes next to the big, and climb on it to climb the window. Spread the glass and pick up the board to the second floor. Find the key from the mirror from the wicket. Go down and remove the wicket. Carefully move forward, as it will begin meetings with enemies. Use LAW on the robot. After some time, the subway station will be left from you while you ignore it. Go further and enjoy your bridge over the water. If you want to sail for a very long time, you can dive. However, I advise just go ahead and go to a small courtyard. Roll to the left and hide in a dark corner. Climb along the wall strictly ahead and when a voice message comes to you, look to the left. On this grill, you can climb up what you will do. Slide the window on the roof and fall down. Take the key under one of the books and go down the stairs nearby. Kill two Commando: one can endure with a sniper, and the second is to shoot from the corner from the shotgun. Seaflight rooms to find a lot of utility. Return to the library and explore this tier. Kill the sniper standing at the window and find a bridge that leads to the next tower. Caution! Initially, it will be necessary to lay both snipers, and one more, which costs from them nearby. Come to the tower and descend to two spans down. Go to the passage in the north and go down the gray staircase. Open the door, typing on the computer 1942, and turn off the red rays. Hack the computer to cut down the electronics and collect utility. With a small box, you can climb big and find a battery and improving weapons there. Next, go out and go on. Climb in the span, and in the east will pass to the computer room. However, do not rush to go there, and better climb even higher to find and destroy the woman in black. Take all things and go back to the door leading to the computer room. Enter the password 0022 and break the box outside the door. There will be a fire extinguisher, take it: it will come in handy if you are settled. Go down the stairs into the room with a computer, but very slowly. To the left of the ladder is the agent Gunter. Try to not notice you and did not start the conversation. That is, it should be visible not entirely. Palf into it LAW and it is no longer an enemy. Defeat the enemy and naked comp. Swipe the operation and exit. On the way, you can talk with the image of the main enemy. Get out of the castle and go to the entrance to the subway. Below use the robot to restore energy and go down to the train. Agree that a person takes you to his chief. Once at a new place, begin to explore it. You need to find a room with a computer and chief. The chef will give the task to go to the base belonging to him. Agree and Khakayte Comp in order to open access to the canister with specials. In the room behind the computer there is a locked door. Enter code 8001 to open it. Take the key and go to the bathroom on the first floor. Made the mirror and open the entrance to the new area. Job with a frozen man. After the conversation, go back to the point where you appeared and open the door next. Here is the helicopter platform. However, do not rush to the helicopter! Just kill or stun the mechanic, and then climb ... The helicopter will go to a new mission.

Mission Eleventh: Scientific Complex

Having landed you on the roof of the house, the helicopter will fly away. Collect all weapons from the dead and go down the stairs down. Quickly destroy your eyes and then hack the computer. Pass on and, opening the next door, get ready to destroy the birds of infantry facing two. You will go to the corridor with two more fighters and one person in black. You can throw a gas grenade and shoot everyone, and you can push the trolley with the TNT drawer in their direction to blow it away. The door on the left is locked (let's call it "door 1"). If you go old to the left, then you will find the computer in which you want to enter the code 5868. Take a hole in the hole under the computer and find the key from the pantry. Bring the wardrobe with valuable things or hack it. If you climb the stairs, then you will fall on the second floor of the complex, but it is for nothing to you. Return to the exit and already go to the right. Write in the room with the "eye" and double doors on the left leading to the central outlet from the complex. However, while passing forward to open the storage room found earlier with the key. Inside there will be explosive cartridges for an assault rifle, plus the doctor will give an EMP grenade. Next, go back to the exit from the complex and destroy both Commondo, that stand with your back. Sniper pool + enemy heads \u003d instant death, as you have already managed to notice. Do not come to the eyes of enemy robots! Next immediately go to the left and wrap the corner. Go straight and bunk the nose into the second computer, which you want to enter the code 5868. Caution! On the fuel tower there are two fighters, one of which is a sniper.

Return to the entrance to the main scientific complex and you will see two sufficiently large buildings from it. The one left is the parking of robots (Security). Click on the input button and inside knock on two buttons to activate both iron defenders. These guys are strong enough to deal with all the offenders. You can provide them with the destruction of all the remaining enemies. Now come in the second large structure. In general, communicate with civilians and search everything. You will find a lot of good things. When you finish a search, climb the stairs up to take sniper and cartridges to it. Next go down and go along the corridor. It will be necessary to destroy two spiders, make it either from a shotgun or explosive cartridges of the assault rifle. EMP grenades will be consolidated. The door on the left (hack it) leads to a flooded area in which you can find an improvement in the costumes and the key to the engineering room. However, swim here for a long time will only work if you have the appropriate abilities or there is aqualang. So, pass by the door, and right in front of you will be entrance to the engineering room. Hack this door and drive through the radiation zone. Jump immediately as only a dangerous place will end. Kill a spider robot located at the bottom and go down the stairs. Disconnect the rays, or go through them and destroy the gun at the end of the corridor. On the remote, click on the figure 3 and return to the top. Go through the bridge to the other side, destroy the spider's robot and the body of the scientist take the key. Open the door and go up, in the already familiar area, on the second floor. Unlock the key locked up to that door and in the new area, go down the stairs down. Speak with everyone in the team center and restore bioenergy at the repair robot. Complete into the room with discharges of electricity and at the right wall, try on the company. Hack it to turn off all the zippers on the first floor. Now click on the button in the center of the floor to omit the elevator. On it, and go up to the second tier. Also hack multitules computer to remove electricity, and hakite computer. Enter the only option and return to the command center. Listen to a new task. Get out of the complex on fresh air and go to the north, to the road from the area. After talking with Tong "Oh, sit on the helicopter. Go ahead and meet two vagrants. They can buy improvements for weapons, which is very nice. The same homeless will give a keys from sewage. Next to the start point there is a small construction, open it with the door with new key. Appearing at the top, immediately prepare any silent weapon. Preferably sniper. In this task, in no case cannot give the enemy to raise the alarm! Slide out of the asylum and quickly eliminate the infantry. See the building with encircling shutters? Come in addition and roll into the passage to the left. Then go to the half-walled room once again on the left. In the corner there will be a stove with a pipe leading to the ventilation hatch. Put a wooden box next to the stuffing and pick up the hatch. Climb the roof and gently jump onto the roof of the structure in the south. In this house and contain a hostage. Carefully jump into the hatch and immediately shoot in a person in black to then translate fire on a soldier. It would also be nice to throw a gas grenade into enemies until they noticed you. A hostage will sit in a small room. Order her to stay in place, and you yourself destroy a couple of commondo, walking nearby. Tell the hostage to get out and go along with her south, to the helicopter. In a small building there is a sum of money. Fly.

Mission twelve: underwater center

Try to avoid the first robot on the road and run towards the gigantic structure. On the way, destroy the soldiers and find a small barn. Hack the door to pick up the supplies and from the niche in the wall to pull out two keys. That column, which is located near the barn, contains the door. Open it with the key and go upstairs. Step on the flight spans on tops until you find a bridge guarded by the infantryman. Kill the comrade and turn right. In the laboratory you will see the water pool: enter the code 1223. In the water, immediately wrap in the passage of the left and swim in the hole. Domach you quickly enough, the air should be enough. Dump in a new area and step forward. Sleep silently remove the soldiers on the top tier, squatting on the threshold of the room with scientists. Also expect that a person in black may appear from the passage to the left. Speak with scientists to get a map. Now go from the room with scientists a little back, south. Go down the stairs, kill the infantryman and go down again. Passing a little along the corridor, see a hall with two cannons and a soldier. Destroy the enemy, leaving the cannons alone, and open the hatch. It will take on the iron bridge from the flamethroughs. Open the second hatch that leads the next building. Defend a security guard and descend on the elevator down. Job forward and hidey, fastened for the long (from the entrance) side of the iron box. Scoach the computer right above your head and disconnect all the chambers. Complete along the corridor into the hall with scientists and quietly put a shocker of a lonely guard. Hack the computer nearby and disconnect the camera. Also open the doors. Climb the second floor and destroy both soldiers. Next, you will find a repair shop with two mini-submarines. Take the one that does not reinforce at the moment.

Name the corpses and take the contents of the stairs of the stairs. Climb upstairs and then even on the floor above. If you want, look into the room with a disabled camera and get a plasma rifle from the pool. I would advise you to rise even higher, to the very top. In the hall immediately destroy the automatic gun in the center and hakite the computer to disable the cameras. Open the door to the left, and right in front of you will be well locked the door. To get the key for her, you will have to destroy the gun in the passage to the left and take the thing in the dead infantryman. On the crushed stock, stock up batteries and hack the door opposite. There will also be a warehouse, but only richer. So, open the door and kill a couple of lizards. Go down the stairs and kill another lizard in the flooded area. Left from the stairs will be the door. Enter the code 5690 in the computer. Over the next door, skip past the electrical outbreaks and get into a large hall, with different digital and drilling equipment. From the entrance, go forward and roll into the door to the right. Kill the big monster with one explosive cartridge or grenade and take an improvement to the weapon plus the key from the table. Get out and walk straight. Seeing the door, hack her. Through the two doors in the next corridor there will be small rooms with cabinets. In one of them (in the room with lizard) there is an improvement in weapons. Go down the stairs down and hack the door nearby if you want to get ordinary and invisible armor. Repeat two rooms again and go to the elevator. Go down on it down and explode laser rays. If you touch them, then a huge cloud of spiders robots will appear. Go along the corridor ahead and go out into a giant room with a rather big spider robot. Kill the reptile, it is not very harmful.

Calling the elevator to the left of the entrance, will fall into the radiation area with multitulas and the launder. Calling the same elevator, to the right of the entrance, you will find several lizards guarding batteries. Next, from the main hall, go ahead to a large elevator. Before it rises to it upstairs, jump into the water. From the body floating in the center of the pool, take the canister to improve the extensibility. Close the elevator and destroy the two automatic guns on the sides. Watch the computer to lower the bridge into the room with a computer. Once there, hakite it and "patch the information". Get out and return back, that way, how walked. Before the hall with drilling equipment stop! You will meet a cyborg shooting from a plasma gun. Two or three hits with something with something explosive and you are a winner. However, it is possible and run by. In the flooded water of the region will meet divers. Another will meet later, on the way to the miniber. Getting to her, sit down and return to the main enemy base. Go out to the bridge, where the flamethought stood and go inside another complex. Rise the stairs to its very top and sit on the helicopter. If you saved the doctor's daughter in the previous mission, you will get a canister to improve costs.

You are near the nuclear center captured by the enemy. Immediately kill the soldier's sniper on the tower, otherwise he will finish you! Right in front of you the gate, but they are locked. Therefore, go around while the center's fence and quietly kill dogs from a silent pistol. How to see standing a little loosely from the fence a small building, come in. Kill three soldiers inside using a gas bomb or a tricky battle tactics. Take the key from the gate of the center and money. Climb on the second floor and you can get on the board right into the center, bypassing the fence. Top quickly kill several soldiers and if there is an opportunity - two robots. In three houses there is nothing interesting, except for a small reserve of cartridges and a repair robot. You need a barn, a heated metal grid. Blind or hack the door and descend the stairs to the bottom. Open the door with 8456, repeat the procedure several times. You will not yet be allowed to Missile Silo, you will have to go around the passage. Destroy laser fields, and then commondo next. Close to the second floor and get ready to kill or stun three people in black. After neutralization, click the Abort Launch button, and then hack the computer to "redirect the rocket." Now go to Missile Silo. Before you there will be a dark corridor, on the other hand, several Commands and people will appear at once in black. You can palpate in them a pair of explosive cartridges or rockets, and you can simply raise the cover of the outdoor hatch, which is located at the very beginning of the tunnel. In any case, sit on the elevator and go to the fourth floor to recharge bioenergy. Now go to the second floor and quickly kill a person on the crane while he did not have time to throw a grenade. Drive on the sixth floor and climb the stairs upstairs. The helicopter will take you to the next task.

Mission Thirteenth: The winner takes everything!

Immediately destroy the sniper on the tower in front of you. Turn off and go to the shed. If you hack it, you will find a box with LAW behind the gun. However, if sorry for bars, and you have enough explosive weapons, it is better not to enter inside. Go to the door of the sniper tower and get a map of the area. You need to get into the bunker. There are two relatively convenient ways of passing.

1) There is a small structure in the northeast part of it, labeled as COMM Building. Inside, take the key from the tower and come back to it. Two robots can be ignored. Inside the tower to neutralize manually or Emp-grenade, both LAM explosives on the staircase and descend down. Take the supplies from the boxes and go up to the very top of the tower. There is a dead sniper. Hack a computer next to it and open the gate. Get out of the tower and go smooth to the north. Passing the huge gate, right there hack the computer on the left to turn off the camera. The terrain patrol two robots, if there is a scramble pomegranate, then use it. On the fork, turn right and find yourself in the machine room. Take the supplies in the grooves on the sides of the entrance and restore bioenergy. With the help of the TNT drawer, blew up the door of the structure on the left and press inside the remote control. Next, go back to the fork and go to another passage. Go down the elevator down and find the body of the mechanic with two batteries under the elevator. Now open the doors to the bunker.

2) There is another way. Go to the big hangar in the north-western part of the region, near which the second of the robots is spinning. Get off in a half-walled gate and get ready to destroy two Commando, with rocket rifles, and a person in black. Happened? Close the board on the roof of the room, take the key from the pantry. Jump down, in the room on the second tier, where there is a peaceful soldier and repair robot. You can also get into this room. You can also hack the door on the second tier or jumping into a broken window. After communication, return to the Earth and if there is a desire to get a flamethrower and supplies to it, then hack the door opposite the large tank with water, which is in the corner. Hack a small door at the bottom of the tank itself and throw in the opening of a grenade or something explosive, aiming in the fan. After his blades are destroyed by an explosion, jump down and find yourself in water. Left will be the passage leading to the laser field. Bring it with an EMP grenade or hack a computer nearby. Go down the stairs down and get into the bunker. Do not forget to take batteries under the elevator nearby.

So you are in the bunker. Go for the gate and destroy the eyes in the next room, it will be left. Dehydrate EMP grenade lasers. As soon as the generator is exploded to the right, listen to the message from a friendly little man through the terminal of communication at the generator. From here, step into the passage in the north, as you will see the left door, open it using code 8946. To the left of the door there will be a niche with a dead scientist, open it using code 0169. Take the thing, including the key from the three and canister of improving the extensibility. Get out and step further along the corridor. As you will see the left of another door, you can ignore it, or you can enter the code 8946 to kill a woman in black. Come forward and see an extensive room with decent protection. Remove the soldier away, and Commondo will run to you. Lack into the corridor and kill. Next, go back to the output to the hall and from sniper remove the soldier standing on the tap on the left. Another commando remained and the case can be considered done. It remains to open the door leading in the sector 3, the key and click on the button in the elevator. Two infantry and man will come in black: get ready to meet them. Next, go down on the elevator and find yourself in the new area. The communication terminal will appear TONG, which will give your computer a new image from the area of \u200b\u200bthe area.

1) Left from you is a greenish pond with columns. You can get into it through the tunnel nearby. Break into the center, avoiding lizards, and take the key and code number to the reactor - 2001. However, if you already know the code, then it is not necessary to descend. And the key is suitable for the building near the output: the door can be hacked, and attract the guard that herself hesitates the path. Be careful! Destroy the monster and remove the patrol with a gep-gun from afar. Go down the stairs down and enter the code to the reactor, 2001.

2) The second path is more interesting. Climb the stairs to the left of the entrance, which next to the pond. By bridges, go to the open door. Place the soldiers and climb upstairs. On the way you will meet the door to Aquinas Hub, but until you can open it. At the very top, put a person in black and hack the computer to open the door to the reactor and access the canister with improved costume. Having dropped through a small ladder, kill the sniper and take the cartridges. If you rise to the roof of the building, you will learn the code from the box with explosives (4225).

So, go to the reactor. Minute two huge tanks on the sides and climb the ladder to lonely mechanics. It will say the code for Aquinas Hub (1038). Exit the reactor and try to pass two aliens. Open the door to Aquinas and are treated with a slowdown. Go down the stairs down and from here you will see two ways. Right down the iron bridges plus left, along the steps up. You have left. Kill Commondo in the corridor and in the next room (Aquinas Control) restore bioenergy by the robot. You can hack the computer next to the door to find the cartridges. Climb the elevator on the third floor and approach the supercomputer. After communicating with it, descend on the elevator to the second floor. Next will be a shootout between two Commando and two robots friendly. If you want, help your own. Next, leave the corridor to the bridges leading down. Place both aliens and descend to Niza to take the fourth bunker map, which is at the body next to the radioactive greenish barrels. Find the passage to the corridor lit by the red light and go down the stairs. How to see the door with the computer, then get ready for a meeting with a soldier. Enter in Comp 4225 to find a rocket and three drawers with TNT. See below, on Earth, walks a huge spider robot? Throw into it on top of a box with explosives. If you got, then he is a corpse. Go down to the ground and go to the locked gate. On the side there will be a door with a computer, if you hack, then get the cartridges. The gate will open by opening access to the body with a body.

At the next room there will be a room with several bodies in cryogenic chambers. Nearby will be written names and year of birth, as well as additional information. One of the chambers is empty - you were born in it, by the way. So, the door in the corner will fly away, so try to be away from the explosion site. Go to the corridor on the left and hack the computer. Turn off the radiation, and follow the door and cut out the camera. Go through the room with an aliens couple to get into the bunker four. Here you will meet the main opponent in the electrical protective sphere. After talking with him, destroy two automatic guns. Next, save. From this place you have a choice between three different ending games. They are determined depending on your actions.

I. Merge with supercomputer. So, turn to the passage to the left and follow the right. The road will display you to the locked door with the Aquinas Router sign. Hack it (or enter the code 6765) and inside press two on the side of the computer. Access to the computer itself will open. Hacake it and select the only available option. Get out of the area and go to Aquinas Control, where you rise to the third floor, to the supercomputer. So you merge with him to one whole and get complete power over the world.

II. Destruction supercomputer. Seeing the electric sphere and destroying both guns go to the passage in the south. Use the staircase to get to the metallic elevator. He will take you to the bottom. Now or quickly destroy creatures the best weapon, or include invisibility, or run away. Find in the north-western corner of the floor entrance to COOLANT B13. Enter in the computer code 2242 to open the door. Kill Commondo inside, as well as a couple of infantry. Click on the button on the remote and exit. Now leave the area and run to the reactor to which you walked to find out the code to Aquinas Hub. Remember you passed past two tanks shrouded in greenish smoke and guarded by a couple of aliens? Now you need to descend to the bottom of each of the tanks to click on both buttons. You will be strongly disturbing radiation, so enable Regeneration and Environmental Protection specials. You can also spend all the remaining first aid kits. Having done the case, get out up and go to the mechanics nearby. In his cabin, click on the first button on the wall, which will raise the lid of the second button. Press the second and third, kill the mechanic, and then press the button on the remote control. Thus, a global network will be destroyed, and the world will instill a new stone century without global systems and supercorporations.

III. Independent power over the world. The most complex ending. To get it, you will have to sweat a little. So, the level is a three-storey complex. On the top floor there is an energy sphere of the main villain. You will withstand various enemies, which cannot be killed completely, as they are re-produced by the engine-shaped machines in the form of blue cabins. On each of the three floors there is one such machine: it can be turned off by hitting the hall "UC Control" on each floor. On the upper floor you need only to turn left of the energy sphere and you immediately referred to the door of such a hall. Remove it with explosives and rotate the switch inside. Now destroying all creatures on the top floor, you get rid of them once and forever. Return to the sphere and go to the passage in the south. Rise the stairs upstairs, but do not use the elevator, and go along the corridor and go down the steps to find the first bluish flask. Enter into its computer code (7243) to disable. Destroy the two robots that appeared near and go to a small elevator. Do not use them, and jump onto the roof in the corner, on which a dead scientist lies. You are on the middle floor. Go down on the inclined plane to the West and see the second hall with UC Control. Bring the door and disconnect the second car. Observe the aliens and in the center of the level will find the second flask with code 7243. Now find the shed in the southeastern corner of the Shed's floor with the radioactive danger icon. Disconnect the third flask inside, and on the passage side, go down to the bottom floor. Immediately kill the monsters with powerful explosive weapons, and superpatrons will come to the assault rifle. Just in the northwest corner, there, next to COOLANT B13, is the last UC Control. Destroy the door and disconnect the final machine. In the center of the level, find the last flask and code 7243. Close it. In the northeast corner, open the door by entering the code 6765, run past the electricity and rise on the elevator upstairs. Right next will be the door to the Aquinas Router room (but you do not need it) and the open cabin Infusion Control. You in this cabin. Click on the button on the remote and see the ending. The world was headed by the secret organization Illumati, with your help to achieve well-being and prosperity of all mankind.