Fich What is. Fich: What is it? Excursion to the world of IT-slang what is written in the dictionary

It is no secret that many great discoveries are made thanks to a successful accident. This also applies to the gaming industry. A number of unique features of the gaming process and gameplay decisions have been born thanks to a failure or error. Recall at least the outstanding bust of Lara Croft - the result of typosus when digitizing the character of the heroine.

The game Silent Hill For the first PlayStation, it was very unstable, because of this, the developers reduced the drawing range, the bay is all fog. This fog made Horror even mysterious and atmospheric. Initially, there was a bug with the opportunity to kill their own accomplices in Dota..

On some other successful mistakes remembered in his twitter by the author of the game Quest of dungeons. David Amador.

Errors that were transformed in particular.
Initially, the first GTA police should have been chasing criminals. And the testers were considered boring. Later, the bug happened, which made the artificial intelligence of police ride more recklessly and constantly chase the player. The developers brought this part to mind, and the game completely changed.

While working on Onimusha.the Capcom team noticed a bug in combat physics. The enemies could be thrown into the air, quickly attacking them so that they would hang over the earth. It did not fit into the concept of the game, so the ability to tested in Resident Evil 4., but in the end we just created a new project, Devil May Cry..

IN Team Fortress 1. (fashion for QuakeIt was a crash, in which the name of the player was displayed in the wrong color, which looked as if he was in the opposite team. It is easy to corrected, but the developers decided to create a spy class based on deception and sabotage.

Space Invaders. It was created when microcomputers were too slow for games. Tomokhiro Nisikado noticed that the game was accelerated as the aliens died and disappeared from the screen. But at the same time the difficulty increased. This side effect has become a characteristic feature of the project.

Fiche (eng. feature. - Feature, unusual property, "chip") - slang designation of any unusual signs of any phenomenon. "Fishes" can act unusual program opportunities, special functions, something that attracts special attention. From IT-slang, the term partly moved into normal life - unusual features of technology (for example, household), interesting design objects, non-standard functions are also often called "features". Sometimes the word "Fich" in speech is replaced by a consonant "chip". Blogs and posts dedicated to the Ficoms are called their studies. The winged expression of neologism is common: "This is not a bug, but a feature."

Famous examples of Fich

In the gaming industry

  • In the game Starcraft from Blizzard, a mistake was attended by a mistake - Yunitzergovtalisk began to move aside during the attack, although it was supposed to maintain immobility. However, this lack of liberty was recognized by luck, as Mutalisk, being a living being, looked much more natural, attacking in motion. In Starcraft 2, this bug has become features.
  • In the game StarShip Titanic the main features is an unusual system of dialogue. The player introduces his question to another character, the system analyzes keywords and wording, after which it selects the most appropriate answer option.
  • In the Earth 2150 Fixi Series Games is the units designer, where combat units are collected by a player from different parts - an engine, guns, shield generators and other devices are installed on the housing. The editor varied very much from the series to the series.
  • The main features of the Dune series have always performed worms - enormous creatures living in the thicker of sand capable of destroying a small army, and they do not care.
  • The main features of MicrosoftOffice 2007 became an absolutely new interface, radically different from the standard of the Microsoft standard. This feature has already begun to borrow some companies - for example, AutoCAD 2009 has a similar interface.
  • At the same Microsoft, in the Windows Vista OS, among the main features, Aero and DirectX 10 interface were performed. And the first was based on the second. DirectX 10 promised the root breakthrough in the field of computer graphics, but hopes did not justify.

Connected concepts

Fichekat (from English Feature Cut.) - Pruning Fich. The removal of the feature, which are overference, for example, overworking the gameplay, or, in the case of software, not to present the need (rack used functions).

Killer-Fich (from English. Killer-Feature. - A murderer feature) - a certain feature or trait of a software product that highlights it against the background of competitors.


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fiche - South., Number of synonyms: 14 Supplement (40) nonsense (177) Option (1) ... Dictionary of synonyms

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Many people wandering through the unburses of the World Wide Web, stumble upon the incomprehensible word "feature." What is it and why you can meet him even in the most distant corners of the Internet?

File and Bugges - Eternal guests in the world IT

The Word itself is borrowed from the English language. Translated "Feature" means "characteristic feature", "distinctive feature". Thus, the feature is a slang name of those signs that distinguish this object from the rest.

So it has developed historically that most often this word is used in the party of IT specialists - programmers, vestists, web designers. It can be said that this concept goes hand in hand with a bug.

The term "bug" also came to us from the English language, in which "BUG" translates as an insect, bug. The history of his occurrence is interesting in itself: many years ago, during testing the next computing machine, scientists discovered in it a moth stucking among the contacts of the electromechanical relay. A stupid insect, of course, was seized, and then placed in a special technical diary with the asscription "The first real case when the beetle was found."

Even up to this point, the term "bug" was used to designate diverse problems in electrical equipment. And after that, all the programmers of the planet began to call so errors that manifest themselves during the program execution. As a rule, the cause of the bug is not some serious logical error, but a small defects, for example, a random view in the code.

So all the same feathers or bug?

Now that you know what is a feature and bug, you will independently be a feature between these concepts. It happens that the found bugs, that is, unforeseen errors are issued for a feature included in the software or work site specifically. From here and went joking phrase, having flipped in the entire Internet: "This is not a bug, this is a feature!".

Of course, do not forget (no matter how cool "neither the feature seemed) that it was first of all a mistake. Therefore, the bug is still better corrected - at least in order to prevent the appearance of river in the security system.